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., Serving the State ~ The Weather University of Iowa IhRl fair ....., a" .,... Campus and llirllt. HlP ....,. T! I. ,.. PutlJ do• .,. " .. Iowa City Ql 1bIl. Frida,.. Eat. 1868 - AP leale'J Wir• • Wirephoto - f ive Cents Iowa City. Iowa. ThundQY. June 23. 1955 I e f • ( I 5 ... Fire Destroys Toronto Warehouse Stevens, Foe ~' ~el~a Resigns , 01 McCarthy, Af/ter Party : R~ft Quits Post • F WASHI GTON (JP -The S nate admlnl tered a 77-4 drubbmll (A»- ROME A Rightist minor Wed~.y to n. Jo eph McC.rthy (R-W ls.) and his Te olution Ity' in' his own Christian Demo WASHINGTON (IPI - Roben avert the crisis by reshuCtling Slevens quit IS Secretary o! to roree • d ew Ion of the Soviet 18 elUteJ at the rortbcomin Bi. c:rtlV' par y forced pro-Western T. his Center bloc-coalition Cabi lbe Army Wednesday, a y~ r Four conf r~nce. l'~mler Marlo Scelba to resign net, Scelba gave up trying to alter his televl cd row with Sen. In the m.neuvering and heated blckerinll that preceded the vote, w:lednesday and plunged Italy McC rthy Irled and fall d 10 call off I direct howdo n. The Demo i~to a governmental crisis. close rifts In his own Christian Jo ph Mc:Qarthy (a-wis.). Pr jdent El enhower cratic leadeNhlp blocked that I .The reslinaUon came just two Democrat party ranks. mlnuever and the result wa th mont!)s after Scelba made a tri PentafOJl pn ral coon el Wil He was obliged to notify Presi ber N , Brucker. onetime Repub overwhelmln, vote r buffln" umphal tOUI' ot the United Sta tes dent Giovanni Gronchl. member lican .overn~ , of Michl' n, to McCarthy. in which he was received by ot the Leftist branch of the The Senate roared down a mo President Eisenhower and hailed su~ed lIim . Christian D.mocrals. that his Stevens, who had Slid repeat lion by Sen. William Jtnncr (R by thousands of Italian..Ameri Cabinet could not continue In rnd.), friend of McCarthy, to edly ~ would t y in oWce a cans as a .tout friend of the U.S. oUice. Scelba had opposed the end the resolutlon blck to the BtUer Day - Communist-supported Gronchl's Forelan Relatlo Committee. H election last ApriL ba ed t kin, McCarthy It was a bitter day for the lit It tle Sicilian who has become Remain at Po ts c IIfli a "lIoftened down" substi tute. It reloaed to lei McCarthy "nown as Italy's leading post Following the usus I rou tine at war foe of communism. italian government crises. Gron wllhdr w the ol'llln.1. Alter lon, and futile efforts to chi asked Scelba and his minis And th WLscon in nator ters to remain al their posts wound up by tOl IOJ char, or while solu iion is sough t. IIldln' the Communi t. at those a who In.1ated on the howdown The President then scheduled \'010 which McCarthy him cit 'Bigger; BeHer a series of conferences with hid been demand In, as late as ,. [talil/n political leaders prepara lilt Monda . tory to askin, one of them to try Ud Te.m to form a new government. The administration, Senate Atom Bomb! Scelba's position suddeniy leaders of both parties and the weakened Tuesday night when rorei.n Relation. Committee CHICAGO (A") - Chicago area the Christian Democrat party di learned up .Imo t solidly l!Jaln t THI LO naEMA I hOWD IIhoueUed '1'1 nat s wall of nall1e In a $500.000 war~hou fire at9mlc scientists speculated rectorate declared In an official OD Toronto', wat rfront e rly Wedn ay 1I10rnln(. The bulldma" " 'ere paeked wUh kera or vere lh r lullon, whleh would have communique that It did not con Wednesday that the United table 011 and animal t..ed which ent nam le.pln, 200 fret In the air. '[be blu" wa LoPped fre. exp d the acllSC at the 5 n- sider his Cabinet reshutrJe an "readJn, 10 e. plo Ive materIa . tored ID Dearb, w.rehou e . I states has'a new, more powerful adequate means of reconstituting to last -ana 'c)leaper ~tomlc bomb. the Democratic coalition. First Summer 10wans'Vote Members ot the Atomic Scien In a final Cabinet mcetlni WA IflNGTON (It') - Iowa'. t).sts ot Chicago released a state Wednesday that la sted three two ltepuWIea" llenalor.. Bourke ment to that effect at a IUllcheon hours, Scelba and his mlni.sters ChlCago :Po/iceman Griticizes B. HlelleJlJOODf'r alld Tom M.r qh the UnivCI'5ity of Chicago made their decision. Session Play Un. voW willa. majorU, campus. Personal Trouble WeclDel", In &be 77 10 • ,.,11 • "Solentisls have sUllgested," His vice premier, Social Demo call vo&e ftJectl.... • r IOluUon crat Giuseppe Saragal. came out June 28-30 b n. JOIe" MeC.rI.b, ca· tl\e atatement said, "that the hy The Tough Cop on the Beat w... ). drogen bomb detonated in the ot the long session to make n Tpo Irst play of the liumm r )'Jeated statement. He accused Pacific In March of 1954 was ac The policeman on the b at mlY eulon, "Black Bluard," b. tually a new devlce-a hydro Rightist groups of the Christian lie th.t Ru sla be rCQulr d In ,en"uranium bcmb yielding Democrats of havln, m de I deal be thl! dlCfer 'nce between a ,oad Szafllt said. d nce ot a run.w.y boy [rom a Sherwood Collins. G, JuncUon advance to Ii!'U to tlke up the t/lousands of times the radio with Monarchist-Fascists to open citizen lmd a cop-killer, a Chi- Policemen I h 0 u I d can Ider .m.ll M dwe' m lown. The boy at.tu ot her European and le-d ttl fI to five h m uel. AcUV'itr produPl!<l by ~he atomic the crIsis. cego orr tola I a pollee of- .hill \IJ If !'ley /t. n teilit .~ the tOP-Ipv I ' homPs (esled ~In Nevada or by "The difficulty within the products or broken hom s nd who were d prllvln youn ler, BI. Four meetin, In G Mva. simple hydrosen bombs." Christian Democrat party," said fldals Wcdnesd y. crlme-br edin cnvlronment. h In Chlca 0 park. The flve were July II. Thul the r olutlon, In Saragat. "Is more personal than Captain William J . said. payin, p nnlles YOUna runaway play Is pa rt of CollinI' cfteet, would put the Sen The st.atement added that a political. boys for .uch depravity. Ite on record II opposln, any speech made at the University of spoke to the 19th annual "The police irc In a ood spot doctoral work In tate Unlver· "Smail minority groups within Short Course on Juvenile crlm to get b hInd Ibe sc n s .nd un Szarat said detention borne Itl' or JOWl Speech and Dra BI, Four can terence unle Mos Chicago June 3 ,by Dr. WllIard the Christian Democrats, In an cow ,ave Bueh con nt. F, Libby, member of the Atomic in his city. He Ii dlrector of a cover some or lh crlme-breed nd jalls were breeding ,rounds matic Art Dcpartm nl. attempt to checkmate their own Chicago pollc youth bureau. in, Influences or the commu tor erlme In Chlca,o. Senator after aenator protest Energy Commission, was "the party. are making use of the to It i. the slory of the rl,hl of ed that thl. would .. tie the Szarat said that the most dlf- nlty." Szarat said. "A child can learn a world of fll'llt major speech to give sut talitarian forces of both the Kansa rarmers to rna leT the handa" of the President and ~Ioh;nt information supporting ficult gan, leaders In his city are "And the new policeman i knowledll whlcb 'serves hlm a right and left." pralrl and Its du t storms. Ihow lack of confidence In him. this hypothesis." Since lhe end of the war there those who have had a "working- just a inter Sled In th kid who an entry Inlo the crlmlna! world In the end, only Mc<Airthy, Tb play will be directed by The scientists said Libby 'oS have been about a dozen Italian over by a IOU h cop." I apt to commit I crime 8J in In only 2. hour. In I d tention Jennet, .nd Senator. William sPl!ech indicated that "ordinary, government crises. During these, "It's a toulh Job to reduce thIs one who does." home," Szarat said. Pro!. Harold Crain, or the SUI Lan,er (R-N.D.) and Geor,e cheap uranium" was the major administrative functions contin hatred by Irying to convince Szarat clled a recent exampl "He can learn about rence., Dramallc Art D partment. Prot. Malone (R-Nev.) voted for the explOfiive content of the Pacific ue but no important new de th e youngsters that brutal po- ot this In Chlcaco: lan, emUaLlon, and bow to A S. Gillette, associate director resolution. Jlcemen are the exception," A policeman gained th conli- maxe contacts after he ,eta oul Forty-two Democrats and 35 'bOmb. ci.sion is taken. of the dramatic art laboratory, -------------------- ----------~------------------- that wlll neL him bigger hauls." Republicans voted "no." lL was Szarot said In city jailS the d I,ned the el Prof. Walter announced that four other De young offender mects experienc Dewey ot tb SUI Dramatic Art mocrats and three Republicans ed criminals and homo exual .