., Serving the State ~ The Weather University of Iowa IhRl fair ....., a" .,... Campus and llirllt. HlP ....,. T! I. ,.. PutlJ do• .,. " .. Iowa City Ql 1bIl. Frida,.. Eat. 1868 - AP leale'J Wir• • Wirephoto - f ive Cents Iowa City. Iowa. ThundQY. June 23. 1955 I e f • ( I 5 ... Fire Destroys Toronto Warehouse Stevens, Foe ~' ~el~a Resigns , 01 McCarthy, Af/ter Party : R~ft Quits Post • F WASHI GTON (JP -The S nate admlnl tered a 77-4 drubbmll (A»- ROME A Rightist minor­ Wed~.y to n. Jo eph McC.rthy (R-W ls.) and his Te olution Ity' in' his own Christian Demo­ WASHINGTON (IPI - Roben avert the crisis by reshuCtling Slevens quit IS Secretary o! to roree • d ew Ion of the Soviet 18 elUteJ at the rortbcomin Bi. c:rtlV' par y forced pro-Western T. his Center bloc-coalition Cabi­ lbe Army Wednesday, a y~ r Four conf r~nce. l'~mler Marlo Scelba to resign net, Scelba gave up trying to alter his televl cd row with Sen. In the m.neuvering and heated blckerinll that preceded the vote, w:lednesday and plunged Italy McC rthy Irled and fall d 10 call off I direct howdo n. The Demo­ i~to a governmental crisis. close rifts In his own Christian Jo ph Mc:Qarthy (a-wis.). Pr jdent El enhower n.med cratic leadeNhlp blocked that I .The reslinaUon came just two Democrat party ranks. mlnuever and the result wa th mont!)s after Scelba made a tri­ PentafOJl pn ral coon el Wil­ He was obliged to notify Presi­ ber N , Brucker. onetime Repub­ overwhelmln, vote r buffln" umphal tOUI' ot the United Sta tes dent Giovanni Gronchl. member lican .overn~ , of Michl' n, to McCarthy. in which he was received by ot the Leftist branch of the The Senate roared down a mo­ President Eisenhower and hailed su~ed lIim . Christian D.mocrals. that his Stevens, who had Slid repeat­ lion by Sen. William Jtnncr (R­ by thousands of Italian..Ameri­ Cabinet could not continue In rnd.), friend of McCarthy, to edly ~ would t y in oWce a cans as a .tout friend of the U.S. oUice. Scelba had opposed the end the resolutlon blck to the BtUer Day - Communist-supported Gronchl's Forelan Relatlo Committee. H election last ApriL ba ed t kin, wh.at McCarthy It was a bitter day for the lit­ It tle Sicilian who has become Remain at Po ts c IIfli a "lIoftened down" substi­ tute. It reloaed to lei McCarthy "nown as Italy's leading post­ Following the usus I rou tine at war foe of communism. italian government crises. Gron­ wllhdr w the ol'llln.1. Alter lon, and futile efforts to chi asked Scelba and his minis­ And th WLscon in nator ters to remain al their posts wound up by tOl IOJ char, or while solu iion is sough t. IIldln' the Communi t. at those a who In.1ated on the howdown The President then scheduled \'010 which McCarthy him cit 'Bigger; BeHer a series of conferences with hid been demand In, as late as ,. [talil/n political leaders prepara­ lilt Monda . tory to askin, one of them to try Ud Te.m to form a new government. The administration, Senate Atom Bomb! Scelba's position suddeniy leaders of both parties and the weakened Tuesday night when rorei.n Relation. Committee CHICAGO (A") - Chicago area the Christian Democrat party di­ learned up .Imo t solidly l!Jaln t THI LO naEMA I hOWD IIhoueUed '1'1 nat s wall of nall1e In a $500.000 war~hou fire at9mlc scientists speculated rectorate declared In an official OD Toronto', wat rfront e rly Wedn ay 1I10rnln(. The bulldma" " 'ere paeked wUh kera or vere­ lh r lullon, whleh would have communique that It did not con­ Wednesday that the United table 011 and animal t..ed which ent nam le.pln, 200 fret In the air. '[be blu" wa LoPped fre. exp d the acllSC at the 5 n- sider his Cabinet reshutrJe an "readJn, 10 e. plo Ive materIa . tored ID Dearb, w.rehou e . I states has'a new, more powerful adequate means of reconstituting to last -ana 'c)leaper ~tomlc bomb. the Democratic coalition. First Summer 10wans'Vote Members ot the Atomic Scien­ In a final Cabinet mcetlni WA IflNGTON (It') - Iowa'. t).sts ot Chicago released a state­ Wednesday that la sted three two ltepuWIea" llenalor.. Bourke ment to that effect at a IUllcheon hours, Scelba and his mlni.sters ChlCago :Po/iceman Griticizes B. HlelleJlJOODf'r alld Tom M.r­ qh the UnivCI'5ity of Chicago made their decision. Session Play Un. voW willa. I.be majorU, campus. Personal Trouble WeclDel", In &be 77 10 • ,.,11 • "Solentisls have sUllgested," His vice premier, Social Demo­ call vo&e ftJectl.... • r IOluUon crat Giuseppe Saragal. came out June 28-30 b n. JOIe" MeC.rI.b, ca· tl\e atatement said, "that the hy­ The Tough Cop on the Beat w... ). drogen bomb detonated in the ot the long session to make n Tpo Irst play of the liumm r )'Jeated statement. He accused Pacific In March of 1954 was ac­ The policeman on the b at mlY eulon, "Black Bluard," b. tually a new devlce-a hydro­ Rightist groups of the Christian lie th.t Ru sla be rCQulr d In ,en"uranium bcmb yielding Democrats of havln, m de I deal be thl! dlCfer 'nce between a ,oad Szafllt said. d nce ot a run.w.y boy [rom a Sherwood Collins. G, JuncUon advance to Ii!'U to tlke up the t/lousands of times the radio­ with Monarchist-Fascists to open citizen lmd a cop-killer, a Chi- Policemen I h 0 u I d can Ider .m.ll M dwe' m lown. The boy at.tu ot her European and le-d ttl fI to five h m uel. AcUV'itr produPl!<l by ~he atomic the crIsis. cego orr tola I a pollee of- .hill \IJ If !'ley /t. n teilit .~ the tOP-Ipv I ' homPs (esled ~In Nevada or by "The difficulty within the products or broken hom s nd who were d prllvln youn ler, BI. Four meetin, In G Mva. simple hydrosen bombs." Christian Democrat party," said fldals Wcdnesd y. crlme-br edin cnvlronment. h In Chlca 0 park. The flve were July II. Thul the r olutlon, In Saragat. "Is more personal than Captain William J . said. payin, p nnlles YOUna runaway play Is pa rt of CollinI' cfteet, would h.ve put the Sen­ The st.atement added that a political. boys for .uch depravity. Ite on record II opposln, any speech made at the University of spoke to the 19th annual "The police irc In a ood spot doctoral work In tate Unlver· "Smail minority groups within Short Course on Juvenile crlm to get b hInd Ibe sc n s .nd un­ Szarat said detention borne Itl' or JOWl Speech and Dra­ BI, Four can terence unle Mos­ Chicago June 3 ,by Dr. WllIard the Christian Democrats, In an cow ,ave Bueh con nt. F, Libby, member of the Atomic in his city. He Ii dlrector of a cover some or lh crlme-breed­ nd jalls were breeding ,rounds matic Art Dcpartm nl. attempt to checkmate their own Chicago pollc youth bureau. in, Influences or the commu­ tor erlme In Chlca,o. Senator after aenator protest­ Energy Commission, was "the party. are making use of the to­ It i. the slory of the rl,hl of ed that thl. would .. tie the Szarat said that the most dlf- nlty." Szarat said. "A child can learn a world of fll'llt major speech to give sut­ talitarian forces of both the Kansa rarmers to rna leT the handa" of the President and ~Ioh;nt information supporting ficult gan, leaders In his city are "And the new policeman i knowledll whlcb 'serves hlm a right and left." pralrl and Its du t storms. Ihow lack of confidence In him. this hypothesis." Since lhe end of the war there those who have had a "working- just a inter Sled In th kid who an entry Inlo the crlmlna! world In the end, only Mc<Airthy, Tb play will be directed by The scientists said Libby 'oS have been about a dozen Italian over by a IOU h cop." I apt to commit I crime 8J in In only 2. hour. In I d tention Jennet, .nd Senator. William sPl!ech indicated that "ordinary, government crises. During these, "It's a toulh Job to reduce thIs one who does." home," Szarat said. Pro!. Harold Crain, or the SUI Lan,er (R-N.D.) and Geor,e cheap uranium" was the major administrative functions contin­ hatred by Irying to convince Szarat clled a recent exampl "He can learn about rence., Dramallc Art D partment. Prot. Malone (R-Nev.) voted for the explOfiive content of the Pacific ue but no important new de­ th e youngsters that brutal po- ot this In Chlcaco: lan, emUaLlon, and bow to A S. Gillette, associate director resolution. Jlcemen are the exception," A policeman gained th conli- maxe contacts after he ,eta oul Forty-two Democrats and 35 'bOmb. ci.sion is taken. of the dramatic art laboratory, -------------------- ----------~------------------- that wlll neL him bigger hauls." Republicans voted "no." lL was Szarot said In city jailS the d I,ned the el Prof. Walter announced that four other De­ young offender mects experienc­ Dewey ot tb SUI Dramatic Art mocrats and three Republicans ed criminals and homo exual .
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