Delaware Senate Journal
DELAWARE LEGISLATIVE LIBRARY LEGISLATIVE HALL DOVER, DE 19903 STATE OF DELAWARE Journal ofthe STATE SENATE Session ofthe 141 st General Assembly Convened Tuesday, January 09, 2001 Dover, Delaware 2001-2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS Membership ii Committee Membership iii Rules of the Senate iv- xii Senate Staff xiii -xiv Legislative Days First Session xv Second Session xvi Daily Senate Action 1- 353 Index Senate Bills 354- 375 Senate Resolutions 376 Senate Concurrent Resolutions 377 - 378 Senate Joint Resolutions 379-380 Senate Citations 381 - 421 House Bills 422 - 440 House Concurrent Resolutions 441 - 443 House Joint Resolutions 444 Governor's Nominations for Appointment 445-450 Index of Senate Legislation by Subject 451 - 462 Topics and Issues (Not related to Specific Legislation) 463 MEMBERSHIP MEMBERS - DELA WARE STATE SENATE 141ST GENERAL ASSEMBLY Lt. Governor John C. Camey, Jr., President of the Senate Senator Thomas B. Sharp, President Pro Tempore DISTRICT SENATOR I st Harris B. McDowell, III - 2311 Baynard Boulevard, Wilmington, 19802 2nd Margaret Rose Henry - Elliott Run, 110 West 21 st Street, Wilmington, 19802 3rd Robert I. Marshall - 601 South duPont Street, Wilmington, 19805 4th Dallas Winslow - 4629 Talley Hill Lane, Wilmington, 19803 5th Catherine L. Cloutier - 2404 Heather Road East, Wilmington, 19803 6th Liane McD. Sorenson - 417 Snuff Mill Hill, Hockessin, 19707 ?1h Patricia M. Blevins - 209 Linden A venue, Elsmere, Wilmington, 19805 8th David P. Sokola - 24 Beech Hill Drive, Newark, 19711 9th Thomas B. Sharp - 2226 E. Huntington Drive, Wilmington, 19808 10th Steven H. Amick - 449 West Chestnut Hill Road, Newark, 19713 I Ith Anthony J. DeLuca - 27 Trevett Drive, Newark, 19702 Ith Dorinda A.
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