Popular Article Popular Kheti Volume -2, Issue-2 (April-June), 2014 Available online at www.popularkheti.info © 2014 popularkheti.info ISSN: 2321-0001 Genetically Modified Crops: Problems and Prospects M. A. Nishan College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala – 695522 Email:
[email protected] Humans have been genetically modifying crops since the advent of agriculture through crop hybridization and natural mutagenic principles. With the rapid advances in biotechnology, a number of genetically modified (GM) crops or transgenic crops carrying novel traits have been developed and released for commercial agriculture production. Controversy over genetically modified crops has been heating up as questions concerning genetically modified crops multiply. In this article some of the pros and cons of GM crops are discussed. Introduction Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) are defined as those organisms that contain a gene (s) or genetic constructs of interest that has been artificially inserted by molecular or recombinant DNA techniques (genetic engineering) instead of the natural or conventional methods. The GMO, thus, carries ‘transgene(s) which when integrated and expressed stably and properly, confer a new trait to the organism, which was not present earlier or enhance an already existing trait. The term Genetically-modified foods or GM foods is most commonly used to refer to foods produced from transgenic plants or animals (Gupta, 2011) Genetic Modification Genetic modification involves altering an organism's DNA. This can be done by altering an existing section of DNA, or by adding a new gene altogether. When a scientist genetically modifies a plant, they insert a foreign gene in the plant's own genes.