CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E854 HON
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E854 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 1, 2003 100,000 persons in urban areas and 35.4 per In addition to developing sustained partner- supplied the besieged city with food and fuel 100,000 in suburban areas. With such a dis- ships with patients to manage improving their for almost a year, costing the lives of 68 Allied parity in quality of care between those with ac- health, Kerr has maintained and required a servicemen and 9 Germans. Attacks on U.S. cess to medical care and those without, Con- high level of expectations for health care prac- aircraft in the month of May included one in gress must act to expand the use of telehealth titioners serving minority populations in low-in- 1955, in which 2 Chinese Communist soldiers technology before preventable illnesses be- come neighborhoods throughout St. Louis. were shot down over international waters, an come life-threatening diseases. Setting high standards and goals for PHC, she attack on U.S. reconnaissance aircraft over The Medicare Telehealth Validation Act pro- continues to work with the board on strategic the U.S.S.R. (1954), and over international vides $40 million for development of telehealth planning decisions that will reduce health dis- waters near the Kamchatka Peninsula (1953), networks for rural communities. These net- parities within St. Louis. shoot-downs over East Germany (1953, 1960, works enable underserved populations access Mr. Speaker, it is with great privilege that I 1964), and by North Koreans (1963, 1974). to the same diagnostic and consultative care recognize Betty Jean Kerr today before Con- U.S. military officers assassinated in May in- that urban residents have come to expect. gress. This dynamic woman strongly believes cluded 2 in Iran (1975) and one in El Salvador These networks link health care professionals that every citizen has the right to a long and (1983). An attack in May 1967 by North Kore- in their offices to patients and colleagues from healthy life. In addition to her steadfast com- ans on a U.S. Army barracks left 2 Americans across the street or from across the globe. mitment to guaranteeing accessible primary dead and 17 wounded. Two separate terrorist In addition to providing critical medical con- care and preventative health care services, attacks in May 1972 by the Red Army Faction sultation to underserved and rural constitu- Kerr has a vision of expanding the number of in West Germany left 4 U.S. soldiers dead and ents, this legislation provides telehealth tech- health care center locations throughout the St. 18 wounded. A terrorist attack in San Juan, nology to inpatient services, increases the cat- Louis community. It is with great honor that I Puerto Rico, in May 1982 killed one crewman egories of eligible participants to increase ac- ask my colleagues to join me in honoring and wounded 3 others from the U.S.S. Pensa- cess to telehealth technologies, and it seeks Betty Jean Kerr. cola (LSD–38). Casualties at sea in May in- to reduce the barriers for access to telehealth f cluded the entire crew of 99 aboard the U.S. technologies by increasing multi-state licens- nuclear submarine Scorpion, which was lost at ing. Moreover, this legislation will expand MAY 1ST ANNUAL DAY OF OB- sea in 1968. May 1954 saw the U.S.S. Store and Forward technology and revolu- SERVANCE FOR COMMEMO- Bennington (CV–20) damaged by an explosion tionize radiology. X-rays and slides can be RATING OUR VICTORY IN THE and fire in the Atlantic, killing 103 and injuring shared with specialists quickly and confiden- COLD WAR 201. In May of 1981, an EA6B Prowler tially. Diagnosis and treatment will be better, crashed during landing aboard the carrier faster, and less expensive. HON. DENNIS MOORE U.S.S. Nimitz (CVA–68) in the Atlantic, with 14 I am a firm believer that preventative medi- OF KANSAS killed and 48 injured. In May 1987, 37 sailors cine is the best medicine. I encourage my col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES aboard the U.S.S. Stark were killed and 21 leagues to join me in supporting this important Thursday, May 1, 2003 wounded by an Iraqi Exocet missile. In May legislation. 1975, after our involvement in Vietnam and f Mr. MOORE. Mr. Speaker, the Governors of Cambodia had ended, our troops had to res- DEDICATED TO PROVIDING QUAL- Kansas and Wisconsin have proclaimed May cue the U.S.S. Mayaguez and its crew from ITY HEALTH CARE—A TRIBUTE 1 as their annual day of observance for com- the Khmer Rouge, again at a cost of lives of TO BETTY JEAN KERR memorating our victory in the Cold War. our sailors and marines. And the list goes on. In a very real sense, the victory of the west- During the Cold War, over 40 U.S. aircraft HON. WM. LACY CLAY ern allies was also a victory for the oppressed were shot down, and others were lost during peoples of the Soviet bloc, and liberation for operational missions. Shooting incidents on OF MISSOURI the Russian people, who are now friends and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the ground, along the Iron Curtain in Europe allies of the United States. May 1 was the tra- and the Bamboo Curtain in Asia often made Thursday, May 1, 2003 ditional day of celebration for Communists the morning reports, but seldom the morning Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay worldwide, and displays of military might. It is papers. Our atomic veterans participated in a tribute to Betty Jean Kerr, as 2003 marks her fitting that May 1 now become a day of cele- large number of nuclear weapons tests; many 25th year of service as C.E.O. of People’s bration of liberty for free peoples everywhere, of them exposed to ionizing radiation, with Health Centers (PHC) in St. Louis. Kerr has and for remembrance of the sacrifices that tragic consequences in later life. been passionately devoted to providing quality made the downfall of Communism a reality. There were many successful missions. health care to the medically underserved and These state proclamations were in response Many long nights of faithful and vigilant serv- uninsured. Strongly believing that everyone to efforts by the Cold War Veterans Associa- ice, on the frontiers of freedom, on polar ice, deserves quality health care, Kerr has dedi- tion, which has its headquarters in the State of submerged, flying airborne alerts and recon- cated her tenure with PHC to ensuring that Kansas, and of which I am proud to be a naissance. Staying combat-ready in the Fulda primary care and prevention services are effi- member. Gap of Germany. Keeping watch on the Ko- ciently provided at these community health The Cold War was a long struggle, less dra- rean DMZ. Standing watch in stormy seas. centers, regardless of a patient’s socio- matic than traditional wars, which ended with Maintaining the defenses of the continental economic status. battles for cities, dropping of bombs, and for- United States. Constantly improving the com- Kerr’s extraordinary leadership is exempli- mal surrenders. The Cold War ended over a bat capability of the United States through re- fied by the strong foundation she has laid and period of several years, but as both President search and development. the recognized growth within PHC. PHC was George W. Bush and Secretary Donald Rums- So on May 1, I salute the brave men and a three-year-old free clinic with only one loca- feld said, ‘‘It was a war, and we won.’’ The women of our Armed Forces who served in tion when Kerr became CEO. Under her guid- resolute opposition to the Communist Empire the Cold War, and especially those who paid ance, she has been essentially instrumental in took many forms, and cost many lives of the ultimate price. We refuse to allow their making PHC a sprawling community of apart- American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and ma- bravery to go unheralded in the name of ‘‘po- ments for the elderly, housing for persons with rines. It will be years before the casualty count litical correctness.’’ We also salute the free- disabilities, social security services, primary is complete, but it is real, whether the losses dom fighters who stood up to tyranny on the health care, dental services, a pharmacy, af- were at sea, over Soviet or east European air- streets of Poland (1956, 1981), East Germany fordable homes, and small businesses. space, in shoot-downs over international wa- (1953), Czechoslovakia (1968), Hungary Kerr has been remarkably persistent in ters, or along the Korean demilitarized zone (1956), Romania (1989), and Afghanistan reaching beyond traditional methods of making (DMZ). (1979–88). Their victory and ours are com- quality health care services accessible to ev- May 1 is the anniversary of the shoot-down memorated on each May 1 from this year for- eryone. In an effort to provide increased ac- of Francis Gary Powers’ U–2 in 1960, and the ward. cess to health in conjunction with health cen- beginning of his captivity in the U.S.S.R. The I now ask our National Government and ter locations, she has created school-based month of May saw other losses, and some other state governors to proclaim this day of sites. Her staff is in all St. Louis Public middle small but shining victories. observance, with appropriate ceremonies and schools, three high schools, private schools, May was the month in 1949 that the Soviets recognition. I also ask President Bush to cre- and soon to be in the large school districts in ended their blockade of West Berlin, after the ate the Cold War Victory Medal by executive North County.