Article Readings for Class Discussions
splash! That Flawless Formation / Intersectional Feminism in Modern Culture Resource Guide Saturday, April 30, 2016 Friend Hall, Room 108 Transcript Of Beyonce's 'Lemonade' Because The Words Are Just As Important As The Music 3 days ago Entertainment Remember how confused you felt after seeing the trailer for Lemonade? Well, if you watched Beyoncé's visual album on HBO, which combined film, art, and some incredible new songs, it may have left you just as perplexed. From diving off buildings to cheating allegations to wedding photos, the visuals, along with the poetic music, were topnotch. It left fans feeling #blessed, but also with tons of unanswered questions. Is Lemonade all about Jay Z? Is it about Beyoncé's parents? Did Jay Z cheat on her? Is everything OK? But perhaps the most powerful element to the album was Beyoncé's speaking parts throughout the songs and chapters, which features poetry by Warsan Shire, a SomaliBritish poet. More often than not, the words in Lemonade were eerie. What does it all mean? Beyoncé speaks slowly and distinctly against quiet backgrounds with crickets in the distance. "Anger" ends with the words "Why can't you see me? Everyone else can," while "Apathy" begins with, "So what are you gonna say at my funeral, now that you've killed me?" In the middle of "Resurrection," she says, "Why are you afraid of love? You think it's not possible for someone like you. But you are the love of my life." Deep stuff, am I right? So what else did Beyoncé say in Lemonade? Here it is, broken down by title: "Intuition" I tried to make a home out of you, but doors lead to trap doors, a stairway leads to nothing.
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