Rhododendron Society Notes Volume I.I 1916

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Rhododendron Society Notes Volume I.I 1916 • VoL I., No. I., 1916. t!tbt l\bobobtnbron &octttp �tt�. REPRINTED BY THE PACIFIC RHODODENDRON SOCIETY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TO THIS ONLINE EDITION The three volumes of Rhododendron Society Notes issued between 1917 and 1931 in fifteen parts could not have been published online without the generosity of others. The Rhododendron, Camellia & Magnolia Group extend their thanks to the descendants of the contributing authors, and others who are now responsible for the copyright, for permitting those words to be reproduced in this format. In particular, we are indebted to Fred Whitney, the last remaining officer of the Pacific Rhododendron Society which produced and published the facsimile edition in 1976, who has so graciously allowed it to be scanned to create the current version. This material is made freely available for research purposes only. Copyright in the text remains with the authors and further copying or reuse from this work is expressly prohibited. RHODODENDRON, CAMELLIA & MAGNOLIA GROUP 2017 THE PACIFIC RHODODENDRON SOCIETY "Dedicated to the Hobbiest and Home G9rdeners .. Foreword The Pacific Rhododendron Society has reprint.ed the Rhododendron Notes in an effort to further theknowledge of the Genus Rhododendron by those enthusiasts with an avid interest in the history, exploration and biographical sketches contained herein. The Rhododendron Notes are offered to the end that the reader may more easily understand the progress encouraged by those who contributed the wealth of information contained in these volumes, thereby making clear our understanding of the Genus Rhododendron today. The Societywishes to gratefully acknowledgethe efforts on our behalf by the following persons and organizations: Dr. R. Shaw, Curator and M.V. Mathew, Librarian of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Scotland, for providing the missing numbers; Lord Aberconway and John Cowell, Secretary of the Royal Horticultural Society, for certain photocopies and other considerations, Sir Giles Loder and Sir Edmund de Rothchild for their esteemed counsel, and to Thomas V. Donnelly our printer. Our greatest appreciation to Dan E. Mayers of Lorien, Wadhurst, England for providing the originals and the in­ spiration. Without his assista�ce this project would never have become a reality. The Pacific Rhododendron Society 1978 All ritfhtsreserved No partof this publicationmay be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, incluCWIB photocopying, recording or by any in­ formation storage and retrieval system, witlwut permission in writing from the Publisher. The Pacific Rhododendron Society 9025 Waverly Drive S.W. Tacoma, Washington 98499 Printed in the United States of America. 1"1Jt BIJobobenbron 6otietp J'lotr•. "' MEMBERS' NOTES FOR THE YEAR 1916. INDEX. PAGE. 2. RHODODENDRON CAUCASICUM, REPORT UPON, nY G. \\'. E. J.oDER i\ND J. C. WILLIAl\lS. 14. RHODODENDRON CAUCASICUM, HYBRIDS OF, BY SIR EDMUND Lomrn, Bart. 16. BORDE HILL, RHODODENDRONS AT, HY J.IF.UT.-COLONEL STEPHENSON CLARKE, C.B. 18. EAST BERGHOLT, PROVISION OF SHELTER AT, BY CHARLES EtEY. 21. HOOKER, SIR j, D., PORTRAITS OF, ETC., BY CHARLES ELEY. 22. HYBRIDIZATION, FAILURE$ AT, BY SIR EDMUND LODER, Bart. 23. LAIIELLYN, RHODODENDRONS AT, BY E. J. P. MAGOR. 25. LOGAN, WIGTOWNSHIRE, RHODODENDRONS AT, B'\' KENNETH McDOU.\LL. 27. CASTLE KENNEDY, WIGTOWNSHIRE, RHODODENDRONS AT, BY Tm� RT. HoN. SIR HERBERT MAXWELL, Bart. 29. MoNREITH, WIGTOWNSHIRE, RHODODENDRONS AT, BY THE RT. Ho:-:. SIR HERBERT MAXWELL, Bart. 31. RHODODENDRON ARBOREUM AND ITS CULTURE, BY LIF.l"l',·COlnJ.�Nl>ER J. G. MILLAIS. 35, RIVERHILL, SEVENOAKS, RHODODENDRONS AT, BY LIEUT.-(OLONEL J. M. ROGERS. 36. RosTREVOR HOUSE, Co. DOWN, RHODODENDRONS AT, BY LI.EUT.-COLONEL Ross K.C.B. SIR JonN oF BLADENseuRc, 39. CHINESE RHODODENDRONS IN CORNWALL, BY P. D. 'WILLIAMS. 1 ll I.. No. I.. 1916. REPORT UPON RHODODENDRON CAUCASICUM AND ITS HYBRIDS. It will be remembered that at a meeting of the Rhododendron Society, held on October12th, 1916, it was decided that a small Committee should beappointed to enquire as to the known forms of pure Rhododendron caucasicum species ; and secondly, as to what hybrids of interest have been raised, and why the work was given up. Messrs.J. C. Williams and G.W. E. Loder consented to report upon the species, and Sir Edmund Loder agreed to deal with the hybrids. With regard to Rhododendron caucasicum, attention is naturally drawn to this species and to its hybrids, by the Rhododendron which perhaps gives pleasure to the greatest number of people of all the countless Rhododendron species and hybrids, namely, Rh. Nobleanum. Readers of gardening books and papers, and visitors to gardens in the different parts of the country, will have been struck by the evidence that R.caucasicum flowers early in the year, and again late in the year, also by the wide area over which it is grown. They will probably have noticed the evidence in many places of .considerable work by hybridisers in former days, whilst in recent times it has been abandoned. The hybrids we know well from this cross all hold their own and rather more, and there is none of the harshness in colour which is so often the brand of the catawbiense crosses. The caucasicum species and many of its hybrids have a few very marked features common to most of them. In the first place, the very erect form of the seed truss, also the readiness with which most of them will strike from cuttings, compared with other large leaved varieties (an instance of which, with regard to Cunningham's white, is given by Mr. Watson, on page 72 of his book, in the " Present-Day Gardening" series). There is a strong tendency to produce a yellow strain in their colouring, of which there are many forms; and also the inclination, referred to above, to give flower in the autumn as well as in the spring. Further, the varieties which are apparently nearest to the true species, ripen their seed earlier than any other Rhododendron, in some cases the pod will burst in July. The following hybrids, not yet in commerce, have been raised by Messrs. Cunningham & Fraser :- CAUCASICUM X CAMPYL0CARPUM. CAUCASICUH X TH0MPS0NI. Cunningham's SULPHUR X CAMPYL0C.ARPUM. 2 Gtbe Bbobobrnbron 6odttp .flottt. So far as is known, these have not yet flowered. By the courtesy of their respective writers, to whom the thanks of the Society are due, it has been possible to attach to this report three letters from Professor Bayley Balfour, two from Mr. P. D. Williams, and an extract from a letter of Mr. E. H. Wilson's, all of which are of great interest. There is also included the results of a search of a num her of books in which references to Rh. caucasicum, its varieties and its hybrids, are to be found. They could, no doubt, be added to, As far as they go, they do not di�dose much information about the hybrids, which, as Mr. Bean points out (Vol. II., p. 349), are so numerous in gardens. G. W. E. LODER. January, 1917. J. C. WILLIAMS. Mr. W. J. Bean, in a letter to Mr. Eley dat<'cl 20th July, 1917, writes:­ " In the most interesting and valuable article on R. CAUCASICUM and its hybrids, I am afraid that I am made to appear as having considNed R. CAUCASlCUM and R. CIIRYSANTHUM to be varieties of one i-pccics. The fault no doubt is mine in not having made it sufficiently clear in my hook at the place cited, but, as a matter of fact, I have never f<.'R�mh•<l tlH'm as other than perfectly distinct species." See page 4, §3. The above note constitutes the· 011ly material difference between the so-called 1st and 2nd editions of Vol. I., Part I. of th<' Society's Notcs.-C. C. E. 3 tt:bt l\bobobtnbron 6ocittp J}otti. REFERENCE TO RHODODENDRON CAUCASICUM, BY VARIOUS AUTHORITIES, COLLATED BY G. W. E. I.ODER and J.C. WILLIAMS. RnouoDENDRON CAUCASJCUM, PALLAS. SYN. Ru. C.-\UCASEUl\l. Introduced in 1803. Plate in Pallas " FLORA ROSSICA," 31 (published 1784). Bot. Mag., 1145. Mr. W. J. Bean, in" TREES ,\ND SHRUBS HARDY IN THE BRITISH ISLES," Vol. II., p. 349, gives the following information :- RH. CAUCASICUll, 2 feet, flowers yellowish-white or with a pale lilac tinge, produced during June, and the following varieties .mrlhybrids are enumerated:- CHRYSANTHUM, PALLAS. There is a plate of this in Pallas" FLORA ROSSICA," No, 31. From Siberia and N .E. Asia, nearly allied to Rh. caucasicum, yellow flowers, and differs in its smaller leaves, quite smooth on both surfaces. Very unsatisfactory in cultivation, and never seen in flower by Mr. Bean. CAUCASICUM PJCTUM. " Nearly allied to" caucasicum. ' CuNNINGHA?.1'sWHITE, raised by James Cunningham, of Comely Bank, about 1830, between caucasicum and ponticum album. (Syn. caucasicum album.) l., NoBLEANUM (caucasicum x arboreum). Bot. Reg. 1820. PULCHERRIMUM (caucasicum X arboreum), Bot. Reg. 1820. , ROSA �IUNOI. " Very near caucasicum in leaf and habit." STRAMINEUM. Pale· yellow flowers. Bot. Mag,, 3422. SULPHUREUM (caucasicum x arboreum album). Raised at Cunningham a� Fraser's Nursery, Comely Bank, Edinburgh. VENUSTUM. Raised by Mr. W. Smith, of Norbiton, near Kingston, between caucasicum and arboreum. JACKSON!. "An identical plant," said to come from caucasicum crossed with Nobleanum, raise,l by Mr. Jackson, also of Kingston. (N.B.-Professor Bayley Balfour writes that there are twu Rhododendrons known as Jacksoni in gardens, and states that Rh. chrysanthum is quite a distinct species. See letter dated 8th November, 1916, attached.) Schneider, in Vol. II., p. 482 (published 1912), gives Flavidum, Regel, as a variety of caucasicum, and enumerates the following hybrids :- CAUCASICUY X CATAWBJENSE . .. CUNNINGHAM'S WHITE " (no parentage given). CAUCASICUM X PONTICUM=" CAUCASICUM HYBRIDUM." CAUCASICUM X ARBOREUM=l>ULCHERRIMUM and NOBLEANUM.
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