16 Pages Price 40,000 Rials 1.00 EURO 4.00 AED 39th year No.13529 Saturday NOVEMBER 16, 2019 Aban 25, 1398 Rabi’ Al awwal 18, 1441 Daesh relocating able to add Iran’s Beiranvand Iranian cultural to Afghanistan 20,000 SWUs in nominated for the AFC festival opens in 2 a month 2 Player of the Year 15 Bratislava 16

Govt. starts gasoline rationing, raises fuel prices – The Iranian government of the Planning and Budget Organiza- started on Friday rationing of subsidized tion, said on Thursday that proceeds gasoline and increased fuel prices as it from the price hikes would be used to plans to use the revenue for supporting fund additional subsidies for 18 million underprivileged families. underprivileged families, or about 60 Mohammad Baqer Nobakht, head million people. 5

See page 2 Iran seeks unity in the region, Rouhani tells Islamic unity forum Elimination TEHRAN — President Hassan Rouhani He highlighted great importance to fol- said on Friday that Iran seeks “brother- lowing the Prophet to counter aggressions hood” and “unity” in the region and that of the United States, the Zionist regime of the Islamic Republic does not seek to Israel and regional reactionary countries. invade any country or act like an empire. The Prophet brought a modern civiliza- “The main privilege for us is following tion for the world with his miracles of the of Israel the Prophet. We do not seek to conquer Book, wisdom, ethics and politics, he said. any land or be like an empire. What we Elsewhere, Rouhani said, “Our influ- want in the region is brotherhood and ence in the region is not because of our unity,” he told participants at the Islamic military and scientific capabilities and doesn’t mean Unity Conference. our strategic geographical status. 2 Lebanon’s Safadi emerges as PM choice Constitutionally required parliamentary Safadi, a business tycoon and political consultations to name a prime minister will mainstay, represented his native Tripoli removing Jews be held Monday, after which Mohammad in Parliament from 2000 till 2018. Safadi will be designated, caretaker Foreign He was also a Cabinet minister contin- Minister Gebran Bassil told MTV Friday. uously from 2005 until 2014, holding the ‘Elimination of Israel Parliamentary “consultations are sup- Finance, Economy and Trade, and Public posed to start Monday, after which Safadi Works and Transportation portfolios. will be named [premier]. Otherwise, we The last government collapsed on Oct. 29 means throwing out thugs will go stay [in negotiations] awaiting the amid mass protests demanding the removal

agreement on a prime minister to name,” of the entire political class. Protesters have like Netanyahu’ Bassil said. reacted negatively to news that Safadi would The Free Patriotic Movement, which be named prime minister. Taking to the Bassil heads, along with the Future Move- streets since Oct. 17, protesters have been khamenei.ir ment, the Amal Movement and Hezbollah demanding the formation of a technocratic agreed Thursday night on naming Safadi. government instead. 13 EDITORIAL The Islamic Republic has been promoting unity for forty years: Marzieh Hashemi PERSPECTIVE Mohammad Ghaderi TEHRAN — Press TV anchor Marzieh Hashemi What’s the significance of the Interna- promised to us and there’s no way that we Hanif Ghaffari Tehran Times editor-in-chief says the number of Islamic unity conferences held tional Islamic Unity Conference and how can can be defeated. The defeat will only come Head of the Tehran Times @ghaderi62 by the Islamic Republic of Iran demonstrates this event promote unity between Sunni and if we allow others to divide us. Whether it’s Politics Desk that Iran has been stressing the importance of Shia Muslims? dealing with ethnicities or nationalities, we unity from the very beginning. A: I think the International Islamic Unity know that as Muslims we must be above that When the U.S. “We have enemies who are trying to say that Conference is very important and of course and that Islam is our priority. Inshallah we Consequences of the Iran is a divisive entity, but the facts speak way we’ve been seeing it take place for years now. will be able to be even more united and In- smells out oil in beyond that and what Iran is doing,” she told the It is important that we continue to stress that shallah we will have the ultimate victory. Trump coup in Bolivia Tehran Times on the sidelines of the International sense of commonness between the Sunnis Some countries say Iran is a divisive enti- Lebanon: New Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran on Thursday. and the Shias and that Islam is what’s im- ty that divides Muslims by following sectarian he recent US government coup in Bo- destination for oil Ms. Hashemi, who converted to Islam in the portant. We have to make sure that we’re policies. What’s your thought? livia will have severe consequences for aftermath of the Islamic Revolution, also said the strong and that we’re united and that we A: What we have seen in the forty-year his- TWashington and its allies. This coup will most important way to overcome Islamophobia stand together, especially during these times tory of the Islamic Republic, from the Islamic not only weaken socialism and anti-imperial- robbery in Western countries is through person-to-person that the enemies are trying to divide us. If Revolution on, is the opposite of that. We have ism in Central America and South America, contact between Muslims and non-Muslims. we stand together, with the population that seen policies coming out of Iran that definitely but will also strengthen the opposition of the review of the protests and political The transcript of the interview is presented below: we have in our Islamic Ummah, victory is encourage unity. 3 United States in Latin America. upheavals in Lebanon coupled with The presence of White House opponents Aa pretension by officials in Wash- in the governments of Venezuela, Cuba and ington that the U.S. is concerned about Donald A. Brown receives 2019 UNESCO Avicenna Prize for Ethics in Science Nicaragua has led White House officials to the situation in Lebanon send important officially name them the “Triangle of Evil” The Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azou- compelling argument that limiting carbon attended by Ambassador Ahmad Jalali, Perma- messages. and to refrain from any direct confrontation lay, on Friday awarded the 2019 edition of the emissions and mitigating climate change is nent Delegate of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Developments in Lebanon appear to with these governments and their people. UNESCO Avicenna Prize for Ethics in Science to the ethical imperative of our time resonates UNESCO whose country initiated the establish- have entered a new phase, especially as Trump’s continued effort to overthrow Professor Donald A. Brown, Scholar in Residence widely in the current discourse on climate ment of the Prize in 2003. the Lebanese Energy and Water Minister Maduro’s government in Caracas is an for Sustainability Ethics and Law at Widener change. The UNESCO Avicenna Prize is named after Neda Boustani has announced the start of indication of this fact. However, the recent University Commonwealth Law School (USA). An independent international jury, com- the renowned 11th century physician and phi- drilling the country’s first oil well in the victory of Bolivia’s Evo Morales and the This year’s Avicenna Prize, its 5th edition, was posed of three members of UNESCO’s World losopher of Persian origin known in Europe as waters off the coast of Beirut later this year. victory of Fernandez, an anti-American dedicated to the ethics of the environment. Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowl- Avicenna (980-1038). A healer and humanist, The oil well is to be drilled in the Medi- left-wing candidate in Argentina’s general Professor Brown is a world-renowned expert edge and Technology (COMEST), unanimously Avicenna developed an exemplary holistic ap- terranean 30 kilometers from the Lebanese election, shocked the White House. . These in environmental science and more specifically recommended the laureate for his sound scien- proach that captures the essence of ethics in capital in the north. About a year and a half were indicative of Trump’s total failure in the international climate change ethics move- tific contribution to the ethics of science and science and has thus come to serve as a source ago, Lebanon awarded its first offshore to deal with anti-imperialist currents in ment. His book Climate Change Ethics: Navi- technology, particularly the ethics of climate of inspiration for the promotion of this concern, gas and oil exploration and production Latin America. The US president, who gating the Perfect Moral Storm (2013) provides change and environmental sustainability, his which is of central importance to UNESCO. It agreements to a consortium of France’s has been contemplating the collapse of an influential analysis of why ethical principles unique qualities as a scientist, environmental rewards the activities of individuals or groups Total, Italy’s Eni and Russia’s Novatek the Cuban, Venezuelan and Nicaraguan have been neglected and how to include them lawyer, climate change educator, activist and in the field of ethics in science with the gold for two blocks out of ten. governments since his inauguration, has in the climate change conversation. opinion-leader, and his lifetime commitment Avicenna Medal, a certificate, and the sum of Ten oil blocks have been identified in not only achieved this goal but has wit- He has sought to ensure that applied ethics to, and outstanding impact on the ethics of $50,000 as well as a one-week academic visit the coastal waters of Lebanon with an nessed the spread of American opposition is central to climate change policy develop- climate change science and policy-making. to the donor country. area about 18,000 km2. in other countries. He did a stupid act and ment both nationally and internationally. His Held at UNESCO, the Award Ceremony was (Source: unesco.org) The Americans, who have shown that designed and executed a coup in Bolivia. the smell of oil drives them to the oil-rich The President of the United States countries, these days pretend that they knows very well how expensive his recent are really concerned about the situation move to Bolivia will be for Washington, yet in Lebanon and its people. Mike Pompeo, Voice actor Trump has shown that he always makes the U.S. secretary of state, has recently the worst decisions at the White House! claimed that “the Iraqi and Lebanese peo- Anti-imperialist currents are rooted ple want their countries back” from Iran. in Latin America. Leaders such as Castro, The pretension of concern by the U.S. Reza Abdi Che Guevara, Ortega, Hugo Chavez and over the situation in Lebanon, in the light of Morales have maintained anti-imperialism Boustani’s announcement, has led various through their actions over the years and Lebanese groups, especially Hezbollah, decades and past decades. to feel the danger very well. Hezbollah dies at 88 Undoubtedly, American fascism will Executive Council Deputy Chief Sheikh TEHRAN — Voice actor Reza Abdi, who not eventually open up to the citizens of Ali Da’mush has warned that the U.S. and was mostly famous for playing roles in the the countries in the region. In the very near its allies are seeking to undermine the po- popular radio comedy programs “Friday future, institutionalized socialism in Bolivia litical system in Lebanon and restructure Morning with You” and “Iranian Friday”, will overturn American fascism and end the it in their own favor. The U.S. wants a died at a Tehran hospital on Thursday. He life of this deterrent, dangerous Western government comes to power which would was at 88. thinking.It must be remembered that today be under its own control and implement He was suffering from several diseas- the confrontation with US domination is Washington’s plans. For example, it wants es of old age, the state-run Iranian radio not limited to countries such as Venezuela, Lebanon agree to demarcation of borders announced. Cuba and Nicaragua and anti-American based on Israel’s wishes, grant projects Abdi began his professional career as an currents are intensely active in countries for oil and gas extractions to U.S. com- actor in plays at theaters in Lalezar, which such as Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina panies, permanently house the displaced and Bolivia. Trump’s recent move in Bo-

File photo was considered as Iran’s Broadway during Palestinian people, and target the axis of the 1950s and 1960s. 16 livia will further awaken these currents resistance and its missile power. 13 to Washington and its allies. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y POLITICS NOVEMBER 16, 2019

Diplomat calls UN human Leader: Elimination of Israel rights resolution against Iran purely politicized, counter-productive doesn’t mean removing Jews POLITICAL TEHRAN — A UN General Assembly resolu- desktion against Iran for its human rights record POLITICAL TEHRAN – The Leader are the real owner of that land embark on is politically motivated and counter-productive, Iran’s deputy deskof the Islamic Revolution electing their own government and expelling ambassador to the UN said on Thursday. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Friday that some thugs including Netanyahu.” “We continue to view this resolution as a purely politicized “elimination of Israel does not mean the “It will certainly happen. For instance, Bal- and counter-productive move. It has no bearing on the actual elimination of the Jewish people,” rather it kan states managed to receive independence cause of human rights,” Es’haq Al-e Habib said in a statement. means that all Palestinians, including Jews, after 60 years and the nations (who had been In its third committee, the assembly approved a resolution Christians and Muslims, drive some thugs like forced to leave their land) returned to their of human rights against Iran. Benyamin Netanyahu out of their homeland. countries,” Ayatollah Khamenei promised. Following is full text of Al-e Habib’s statement published “Elimination of Israel is meant the entire Touching upon the importance of unity by IRNA: Christian, Muslim and Jewish Palestinians among Muslims, the Leader said, “The Islamic This session is simply another occasion in which the subject decide their own fate and expel some thugs Republic of Iran believes in the necessity of of human rights is being exploited, by the countries which cannot including (Benyamin) Netanyahu out (of their uniting the Islamic Ummah.” care less about it. This is simply another episode of a pattern that motherland),” Ayatollah Khamenei told an “Unity enjoys some stages. The lowest level further exposes dishonesty and hypocrisy on the part of certain international Islamic unity conference in of unity among different tribes and religions players with the darkest human rights records. Tehran. can be refusing to attack each other. The upper One may suggest that the genocide of the First Nations in Leader of the Islamic Revolution has previ- stage of unity is being united against a common Canada is something of the past and let bygones be bygones. ously suggested a referendum in the occupied enemy,” Ayatollah Khamenei added. However, observing among other things, the current despair of territories to end more than 70 years of conflict The Leader further said, “If Islamic coun- the indigenous people in particular indigenous women in Canada in the Palestinian lands. tries had managed to resort to (even) the lowest or the ongoing unconditional support of Canada to the Israeli “We provide support for the Palestinian level of unity, there would not have been this apartheid in Palestine do not let the bygones be bygones. How people. We are not anti-Semitic. Jews are living nothing to do with them. It means elimination He added, “Elimination of the Zionist huge amount of tragedies in the Islamic world. does Canada reconcile its contradictory behaviors? It cannot in our country (Iran) under the highest level of the imposed regime and government.” regime is meant that the Palestinians who Palestinian issue in now the greatest disaster go both ways. How can a supporter of apartheid in Palestine of safety,” the Leader emphasized. in the Islamic world.” pose itself as a human rights defender in Iran? It only exposes a Addressing the participants attended by the The International Islamic unity conference typical case of hypocrisy. The fact is that behind nice gestures, president, parliament speaker and Judiciary “Unity enjoys some stages. The lowest kicked off in Tehran on Thursday. President little have changed. No amount of gentle double talks may conceal chief, ambassadors of Islamic nations, and level of unity among different tribes Hassan Rouhani delivered the opening speech. the racism, inconsistency and hypocrisy that is so deeply rooted Sunni and Shia scholars, the Leader said, “In and religions can be refusing to attack He emphasized the need to unify the Islamic in Canada’s political system. the late Imam Khomeini’s speeches and also world. other speeches by the senior Iranian officials, each other. The upper stage of unity is The conference, held annually, marks the elimination of the Israeli government has re- being united against a common enemy,” birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad peatedly been mentioned. However, this is not (PBUH). 350 personalities from 93 countries meant elimination of Jewish people. We have Ayatollah Khamenei notes. in attendance.

Salehi says Iran able to add 20,000 SWUs in a month POLITICAL TEHRAN — Ali Akbar but we added about 3,000… and I insist that olation of their commitments. deskSalehi, director of the Atom- we are able to increase this capacity to over Iran started injecting uranium gas into ic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), said on 20,000 SWUs in a month,” stated Salehi, a 1,044 centrifuges at the Fordow nuclear site Thursday that his organization can add 20,000 nuclear physicist. on November 6. It was done at the presence SWUs (Separative Work Unit) in a month to In an open reference to the U.S. abrogation of inspectors from the International Atomic increase its nuclear enrichment capacity. of the nuclear pact and Iran’s response, Salehi Energy Agency (IAEA). Iran has started to gradually reduce its said, “The other side is now a loser in the face of On May 8, exactly one year after the U.S. Iran has expressed its willingness, time and again, for a commitments to the 2015 nuclear deal in a political challenge that it has created, and now abandoned the deal, Tehran said its “strategic meaningful dialogue on human rights with all interested parties. response to the U.S. which abandoned the it is seeking an exit route from this deadlock.” patience” is over and began to partially reduce These honest proposals were largely fell on deaf ears. Instead, landmark deal in May 2018 and reinstituted Iran has repeatedly said if the European par- its commitments to the agreement at bi-monthly we continue to face intimidation and coercion. Trust and di- sanctions. ties to the nuclear deal shield its economy from intervals. alogue cannot be built on the basis of lies, intimidation and So far, the AEOI has taken four steps to cut the U.S. sanctions it will reverse its decisions. In the first stage, Iran announced that it hypocrisy. However, the outcry over the situation of human back commitments in accordance to paragraph Under the nuclear agreement, officially will not limit its stockpile of the nuclear fuel But since European parties missed the dead- rights in Iran in general, and the above-mentioned resolution 36 of the JCPOA which “allows one side, under called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Ac- to 300 kilograms allowed under the deal. On line, on July 7 Iran announced that it has started in particular, essentially bear all these trademarks. certain circumstances, to stop complying with tion (JCPOA) Iran agreed to put limits on its that date (May 8) Iran’s Supreme National enriching uranium to a higher purity than the Meanwhile, it should sound alarming that the faulty assump- the deal if the other side is out of compliance.” nuclear program in exchange for termination Security Council (SNSC) said if the remaining 3.67%, thereby starting the second step. tion which holds that “coercion” works, continues making its Talking on radio, Salehi said Iran had about of economic and financial sanctions. parties to the JCPOA, especially Europeans, Again, as Europe missed the second 60-day way into the United Nations’ human rights mechanisms. This 6,000 operational SWUs but it has added 3,000 Salehi said the Europeans are aware that devise a mechanism to protect Iran from the deadline, Iran moved to take the third step, is the exact conviction behind draft resolution L.27 that the in a short time. Iran will not remain silent if they continue to sanctions’ effect in the two-month deadline it removing a ban on nuclear research and de- Committee is going to act upon. This is the mindset that views “Previously, we had about 6,000 SWUs remain passive in the face of sanctions in vi- will reverse its decision. velopment (R&D). human rights as just another means to ensure submission. Main proponents of the resolution L.27 stood time and again in the history against other nations; however, their battles were never for the promotion of democracy or the protection of human rights. Rather they went to wars to secure their unhindered Iran holds exhibition on new nuclear achievements access to other nations’ territories and resources; they waged POLITICAL TEHRAN – The Atomic Making the public opinion aware of The exhibition will be open from 8:30 a.m. sanctions against a company which produces cruel wars around the world to make other nations succumb deskEnergy Organization the privileges of indigenized knowledge of till 12:00 at noon and will be reopened from radio medicine,” Kamalvandi told a group of and relinquish their dreams for democracy and human rights. of Iran (AEOI) plans to open an exhibition nuclear industry, rapid comprehensive access 14:00 p.m. till 17:00 p.m. each day. elites in Tehran at the time. The Iranians’ quest for human rights and longing for democ- on Saturday, November 16, on new nuclear of academicians to a summary of the latest In mid-October, AEOI spokesman Behrouz He said that if Iran had not enjoyed the racy too has consistently been assaulted by precisely the chief achievements in the central city of Saveh. achievements of the country in nuclear industry, Kamalvandi said that Washington, in an capability to produce radio medicine, one proponents of the resolution; those who have conveniently and The exhibition, hosted by the Saveh energy removing any ambiguity in the country’s nuclear inhuman move, imposed sanctions against million patients would have been in trouble now. repeatedly weaponized the human rights issue against Iranians. institute, will last till November 20. activities from safety and environmental point the Iranian companies which produce radio “There is nothing more inhuman than It should be expressive enough that my people, especially The event is intended to display nuclear of views, strengthening self-confidence and medicine for cancer patients. sanctioning the patients with acute health the most vulnerable among them, are currently struggling with industry’s peripheral applications including national pride are among objectives of the “The Americans had said that they would not problems and cancer patients,” Kamalvandi the full-fledged economic terrorism that is waged by the major in medical and agricultural fields. exhibition. sanction food and drugs but they have imposed regretted. campaigner--and indeed arm-twister--for the resolution L.27, namely, the Government of the United States, which deliber- ately targets civilians and violates their basic human rights. As such, nothing will appear more farcical than observing those Commander: Time ticking for foreign forces to leave region who have orchestrated this genocidal economic war against civilians in Iran shed crocodile tears for their human rights; TEHRAN (FNA) — Iranian Army Commander Major Gen- Middle East had put energy security and peace in serious those who are cowardly inflict pain and death on the patients, eral Abdolrahim Mousavi underlined the need for foreign danger, adding that trans-regional forces should leave the children, the poor and the refugees. forces to leave the region, saying that the regional states are region if they were honestly concerned about security. Notwithstanding the above, Iranians never give up their crav- able to establish security through cooperation. “The presence of foreign forces can be dangerous for ing for democracy and human rights. These values have proven “We need an interregional security and not false coalitions. the region, international waters, as well as the security of to be indispensable for upholding our legitimacy and ensuring It is time to drive foreign forces out of the region,” General shipping lines and energy, but our path is to create unity and our national security. In fact, within a few months Iranians Mousavi said in Tehran on Thursday. coordination with regional countries,” President Rouhani said. will once again exercise their right to democratically decide “The security in the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Calling upon those who claim to be worried about se- their future by casting votes in the 11th national Parliamentary Gulf region can only be achieved through cooperation of curity in the Middle East, Rouhani said, “If they are telling election. The Government also remains steadfast in staying the Persian Gulf littoral states,” he added. the truth, they’d better not turn the region into a stage of true to its promise to the people for the further protection and “Developments in recent years have shown that foreign arms race … if they are after (establishing) security, they’d promotion of human rights. The continued implementation powers cannot be reliable for regional countries,” General better get out of the region.” of the provisions of the Charter of Citizen Rights introduced Mousavi said. Rouhani went on criticizing Washington for its destruc- by President Rouhani to ensure the enhanced promotion of Elsewhere, he maintained that Iran has obtained self-suf- of any possible future conflict”. tive role in the region, saying, wherever Americans set foot, human rights in the country the reform of the law on narcotic ficiency in developing various kinds of military equipment, In relevant remarks in September, Iranian President they increased insecurity, as it was proved in cases of Af- drugs that has substantially decreased the overall number of adding that “the Islamic Republic of Iran will be the victor Hassan Rouhani said that foreign military presence in the ghanistan and Iraq. death penalty sentences; and the adoption of a law granting citizenship to children born to Iranian mothers with foreign spouses, are but a few recent and noticeable examples that reflect such commitment. Daesh relocating to Afghanistan, Zarif says Just last Friday, 8 November, Iran presented its national report for the third cycle of the UPR in Geneva. Overwhelming By staff and agency India Today TV in an exclusive interview published on Thursday. Commenting on the United States’ role in reducing regional majority of more than one hundred countries that interacted Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said He said there are reports of IS operatives carrying out tension, he said, “The U.S. won’t come to our rescue. We have with the Iranian delegation, recognized and welcomed the that the Islamic State, also called Daesh, is relocating its base operations in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan from its bases in to help ourselves.” outstanding human rights achievements in the country. Un- from Syria and Iraq to Afghanistan. Afghanistan. President Hassan Rouhani said in August, “The regional like the proponents of the resolution, Iran continues to call “The revival of IS the source of common concern between “These [reports] are serious developments. We are routinely countries can maintain security through unity, solidarity and for dialogue and mutual respect and understanding. Unlike India, Iran and Pakistan. The terror outfit is moving its base engaging with our Indian friends over relocation of IS and the dialogue. Undoubtedly, the United States’ claims and actions them, Iran unambiguously advocates for multilateralism and from Syria and Iraq to Afghanistan. There are territories within threat emanating from the move. We are also in touch with will bring them [regional countries] no benefits. The regional international law. We have extended our hands to cooperate Afghanistan that are of great concern for everyone. The threat Pakistan, Russia and China. This [fight against terrorism] is countries have always been and will be “brothers” and division with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. is not faced by just one country, but the entire region,” he told an issue that can unite all of us,” Zarif said. only serves the enemies’ interests.” Several thematic Special Rapporteurs are finalizing their plans to visit Iran. However, we continue to view this resolution as a purely politicized and counter-productive move. It has no bearing Iran seeks unity in the region, Rouhani tells Islamic unity forum on the actual cause of human rights. No amount of smear campaign or pressure and intimidation campaign to collect 1 Our influence is because of the Is- the people in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain and ence, marking the birth anniversary of Prophet Ayatollah Mohsen Araki, secretary-general of vote for this resolution would change the obvious fact that lamic Revolution’s influence and invitation of the Yemen feel close relation with Iran, because they Mohammad (PBUH), kicked off in Tehran on the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools this text has nothing to do with the cause of the human rights. Islamic Revolution which has attracted hearts.” are attracted to the great message of the Islamic Thursday. of Thought, along with 250 Sunni clerics from In view of the above, I earnestly call on all delegations to “We believe in a revolution for which the peo- Revolution which is on the path of the Prophet,” Over 350 elites and figures from 93 countries Iran are attending the forum. deny the proponents of double standards, intimidation and ple made sacrifices. This revolution has been to he said. are participating in the conference. It opened on The conference is being hosted by the World coercion another opportunity to abuse human rights. realize Islam and the Prophet’s moralities. Today, The 33rd International Islamic Unity Confer- Thursday and will last until Saturday. Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y NOVEMBER 16, 2019 IRAN IN FOCUS 3 Sunni scholar: The overall policy of Leader pardons over 3,500 Iran is to boost the Sunni-Shia unity prisoners on prophet birthday POLITICAL TEHRAN — In a decree issued on Thursday, deskLeader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Intl. Islamic Unity Conference starts in Tehran Ali Khamenei pardoned or commuted sentences of a sum of POLITICAL TEHRAN — The In- Alhamdulillah (praise be to God), our country 3,552 prisoners on the occasion of the birth anniversary of deskternational Islamic is very secure.” the holy prophet of Islam Mohammad (PBUH). Unity Conference kicked off in Tehran on Jamal Jafari, another Sunni scholar from Thursday, with President Hassan Rouhani Sanandaj, Kurdistan province, told the Tehran delivering the opening remarks aimed to Times that the International Islamic Unity unify the Islamic world. Conference is necessary for Muslims. The conference marks the birth anniversary “Such events benefit all branches of Is- of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). lam and are a source of blessings for the Named “Ummah Unity in Defending the Islamic Ummah. It is necessary that such al-Aqsa Mosque,” this year’s event is scheduled conferences are held each year to create to end on November 16, with 350 personalities unity,” he said. from 93 countries in attendance. Mr. Jafari said as a Kurd and a Sunni – both The International Islamic Unity Con- of whom are minorities in Iran – he rejects ference is held in Iran annually in an effort any claim that the Islamic Republic does to lay the ground for unity and solidarity not tolerate religious and ethnic minorities. among Muslims and provide solutions for “Those countries that do not want to see their problems. the dignity of the Islamic Iran create obsta- It gathers Shia and Sunni scholars from cles and try to find fault with the Islamic The decree came upon a request by Judiciary Chief Ebra- all over the world. Many Iranian Shia and Republic,” the scholar said. him Raeisi. Sunni scholars also attend the event. “The fact that the Islamic Republic has 3,552 inmates had been convicted by courts of common “All Muslims of the world are brothers,” so many enemies attests to its grandeur. It pleas, the Islamic Revolution tribunals, the Judicial Organ- Saeed Babaki, a Sunni cleric from Gonbad-e would have been more surprising if the Islamic ization of the Armed Forces and the State Discretionary Kavus, Golestan province, told the Tehran Republic didn’t have any enemies,” he added. Punishment Organization. Times on the sidelines of the conference. Mr. Jafari said he has attended the con- Ayatollah Khamenei regularly issues such approvals on “Shias and Sunnis are brothers and they ference six times, maintaining that the event various celebratory occasions. should strive for more unity so that the Islamic is a bedrock to “strengthen our ties with our world would progress,” he said. “The fact that the Islamic Republic has Muslim brothers from other countries.” He added that the event creates empathy so many enemies attests to its grandeur. “We tell them (Muslims from other coun- Emami Kashani calls for between Sunnis and Shias of all countries It would have been more surprising if tries) about the unity that exists between and creates more unity among Muslims Sunnis and Shias in Iran. They are unaware keeping vigilance against throughout the world. “As a result, the re- the Islamic Republic didn’t have any of many things. When they come here and ligion of Islam would thrive.” enemies,” Kurdish and Sunni scholar see the closeness and empathy that exists software plots Asked to respond to certain Western coun- between Sunni and Shia brothers, they would tries’ claim that the Islamic Republic creates Jamal Jafari notes. reach the conclusion that Islam’s enemies are POLITICAL TEHRAN — As the foes are unable to harm divisions among Muslims in the region by lying and the enemies of the Islamic Republic deskIran militarily, it is necessary that the Iranians following sectarian policies, he said, “I totally “The general policy of the system is to Babaki emphasized. spread falsehoods,” he said. be more united and vigilant in the face of the enemies’ software disagree with this notion. The Islamic Re- boost the Sunni-Shia unity, and the Islamic He also praised the security of the Is- “We hold very friendly meetings with our plot, Tehran Friday prayers leader Ayatollah Mohammad public promotes unity between Sunnis and Republic does not distinguish between fol- lamic Republic, saying, “Iran, in terms of friends who come from other countries,” he Emami Kashani told worshipers in Tehran. Shias and it is not after creating divisions.” lowers of the two branches of Islam,” Mr. its security, is the best country in the region. added. “The enemy is not capable of countering us militarily, but they can embark on infiltrating in our decision-making centers via the sharp weapon of influence,” the senior cleric explained. Salami: Enemy’s aircraft carriers won’t be safe anymore as IRGC He further said, “When the enemy is talking to the rulers in the Arab countries it is clear that being Shiite or Sunni has succeeds to install missiles on speedboats no meaning for them, who are only after waging war against the entire Islamic world.” POLITICAL TEHRAN — Chief of the Islamic “We currently possess precision-guided missiles,” enemy’s slightest mistake. Pointing to the enemies’ plot to undermine unity in the deskRevolution Guards Corps (IRGC) the general said, adding, “Only experts can under- The IRGC Aerospace unit is the force that downed Islamic world, the Friday prayers leader said, “Iran has never has warned the enemy that their aircraft carriers will stand the difficulty of turning ballistic missiles into an American RQ-4 Global Hawk drone on June 20 over said that ‘the Jewish race should not exist’, instead, we believe no longer be safe in the region as the IRGC succeeds precision-guided ones.” the Strait of Hormuz after it violated Iranian airspace. that the Zionists are neither Jew nor Christian, but they are to install ballistic missiles on speedboats. Salami further said such progress, which have made Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Aerospace anti-God, anti-human and anti-values.” “With the successful installation of ballistic missiles Iran the biggest missile power in the region, are the unit, said back then that the drone had received warn- Kashani went on to say that the arrogant powers only on the speedboats, the enemy’s aircraft carriers will results of the selfless efforts of Iranian experts. ings for four times before being shot down. care about their own interests. “It does not care about any no longer be safe in any spot,” Major General Hossein He also pointed to the great achievements made “Those who guided the drone received the warnings religion, sect, Shiite, Sunni or Jew, but it cares only about Salami said on Thursday, Mehr reported. by the IRGC’s Aerospace unit, saying that the but did not care. Given that the drone breached Iran’s its own interests.” He added that while this is a pleasant fact for the country’s reinforced defense, missile and drone airspace, the aerospace unit of the Islamic Revolution The remarks by Ayatollah Kashani come as Iran is hosting Muslim world, it will be a painful one for the enemies. capabilities will give the harshest response to Guards Corps shot it down,” Hajizadeh said. the international Islamic unity conference.

The Islamic Republic has been promoting unity for forty years: Marzieh Hashemi Pakistan: Lift of economic 1 If we go back to the time of Imam Isalmophobia and anti-Muslim bigot- the goal of the hegemonic powers is to Khomeini at the beginning of the Revolu- ry are currently very prevalent in Western try to portray Islam in a negative way. sanctions to make Iran an tion and what happened right after that, societies. How can such conferences help But interestingly, what’s happening in we see that actually the Israeli embassy resolve those issues and promote more so many places is that people who have economic power under the time of the Shah was given to nuanced views of Islam and Muslims? relationships with Muslims – whether as the Palestinians after the Revolution. We A: I think by bringing Muslims together neighbors or colleagues – see that the reality ISLAMABAD— Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan expressed know that the Palestinians are not Shia, from all over the world, we realize we’re is something else. They see that Muslims hope for direct talks between Tehran and Washington and said so it is not about Shia or Sunni, it is about not alone and we are a very very large are not what they’re portrayed to be. So, that if the sanctions are lifted, Iran would have the potential to what is right as well as fighting against community. When we’re dealing with these I think it’s this person-to-person contact become a real economic power in the region, IRNA reported. oppression. And I think the Islamic Repub- countries – these Western countries – it is that is actually changing that perception, Speaking at the closing session of a two-day seminar “Peace lic has proven itself time and time again important to note how we carry ourselves and we as Muslims are changing it. For and Development in South Asia, the Middle East and Central that it is definitely not trying to divide the as Muslims. We have to have that Akhlagh example, in the United States and in other Asia” organized by Islamabad Political Research Institute, Ummah, but it is bringing it together. We (ethics), that personality that we learned places, at the end of the day we’ve had Imran Khan added “Pakistan is doing its best to make sure have enemies who are trying to say that from Rasoul Allah Hazrat Muhammad more and more people convert to Islam, that there is no conflict in our neighborhood.” Iran is a divisive entity, but the facts speak (PBUH), and I think that attracts peo- in spite of the peak of Islamophobia that way beyond that and what Iran is doing, ple. With people in the West, of course, followed 9/11. for example this conference right now. If Iran was promoting division, then why “We know that the Palestinians are not would it continue to encourage unity? And I believe this is the 33rd conference, so it’s Shia, so it is not about Shia or Sunni, it not new. This demonstrates that from the is about what is right as well as fighting very beginning, Iran has been stressing the importance of unity. Again, it’s with against oppression,” Marzieh Hashemi unity that we will have the ultimate victory. tells the Tehran Times. Assad lauds Iran’s support for Syria, says war ends only when terrorism annihilated (Press TV) — President Bashar al-Assad has hailed Iran’s Elsewhere in his remarks, President Assad emphasized “Iran is our neighbor and helped us on many occasions,” unwavering support for his country’s fight against enemies’ that the resistance front’s commitment to unchangeable he said. plots to fuel insecurity and instability in Syria and the en- principles is one of the most important factors behind its He noted that President Trump had asked him to talk with tire region, saying that the war will end only through the power in the campaign against terrorism. Iranian leaders trying to promote dialogue between Iranians eradication of terrorism. “The fight waged by us and our friends against the ex- and Americans and I hope it works out. President Assad made the remarks in a meeting with cessive demands of the West and colonialist countries will He stressed that Pakistan could benefit from Iran’s eco- an Iranian parliamentary delegation, headed by Chairman continue until the annihilation of their mercenaries,” the nomic potential if sanctions are lifted and relations between of the Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Syrian president added. Tehran and Washington are improved. Committee Mojtaba Zonnour, in Damascus on Thursday. Iran, Syria fighting common enemy: Iranian MP Imran Khan also pointed to his recent mediation initia- “They are trying to pretend that it is possible to end The senior Iranian parliamentarian, for his part, said tive to help improve Iran-Saudi relations, adding that Saudi the war through the constitutional committee. It is not Tehran and Damascus enjoy deep-rooted relations and Arabia is our friend, and besides the friendly country, the true,” he said. are fighting against a common enemy. Islamic Republic of Iran is Pakistan’s neighbor, which has “The war did not break out because of differences over Zonnour added that Iran and Syria are on the frontline always been with us in difficult times. the constitution, but it started when terrorism began to of the fight against the occupying regime of Israel, saying, Pakistan continues its efforts to improve relations between kill and destroy,” the Syrian president added, emphasizing “Iran will strongly defend the interests of its own and those the two friendly nations to ensure that no conflict in the region Top MP Mojtaba Zonnour talking to President Assad that eradication of terrorism is the only thing that can of its allies in the region.” and its neighborhood, says Imran Khan. terminate the war. said reforming the country’s constitution is the first step He said Tehran welcomes the expansion of trade and The key recommendations of the two-day Peace and Devel- Representatives of the Syrian government and opposition toward the beginning of a political process that will lead economic exchanges with Damascus, stressing the impor- opment Conference participants were drawn up at the end of met earlier this month to discuss a future constitution, to UN-supervised elections under UN Resolution 2254. tance of further strengthening of inclusive cooperation in the meeting and read in the presence of the Pakistani Prime part of plans for a political settlement to end eight and Back in September, United Nations Secretary General the economic sector in order to help Iranian companies Minister, one of which was to urge the Pakistan government a half years of war. Antonio Guterres said an agreement had been reached reconstruct Syria’s infrastructure. to continue playing a role in helping to resume negotiations The members of the constitutional committee, which between the government of Syria and the so-called Syrian Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said in February between Iran and Saudi Arabia. took almost two years of consultations to be formed, are Negotiation Commission – an umbrella opposition group that the Islamic Republic is ready to help Syria with its They called on the Pakistani government, in particular tasked with reforming the Arab country’s constitution before supported by Saudi Arabia, on “a credible, balanced and reconstruction plans and restore stability to the war-rav- Imran Khan, to warn the United States and other Western it is put to the vote of the Syrian people. inclusive constitutional committee.” aged country. nations that any hostility and de-escalation in the Persian Speaking at a news conference at the end of the first “It will be facilitated by the United Nations in Geneva,” “The Islamic Republic of Iran, just like in the past, will Gulf would not only harm the countries of the region but round of the constitutional committee on November 8, Guterres told reporters, adding that it would be convened stand by the Syrian nation and government,” Rouhani said also the international community would not suffer from its United Nations Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen in the coming weeks. in a meeting with his Syrian counterpart in Tehran. severe consequences. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 4 ECONOMY NOVEMBER 16, 2019

STOCK MARKET Iran’s 7-month non-oil TEDPIX 307094.1 IFX 3932.45 Sources: tse.ir, Ifb.ir exports at $24.5b ECONOMY TEHRAN — Iran ex- mentioned goal would be realized before CURRENCIES deskported 80 million tons the Iranian calendar year of 1400 (which USD 42,000 rials of non-oil commodities worth $24.5 billion starts in March 2021), saying that the In- EUR 46,216 rials during the first seven months of the current stitute for Trade Studies and Research and Iranian calendar year (March 21-October also Trade Promotion Organization (TPO) GBP 53,933 rials 22), registering a 17-percent rise in terms are currently developing detailed plans to of weight, IRIB reported. achieve this goal. AED 11,437 rials According to Deputy Industry Minister Increasing non-oil exports to the neigh- Source: cbi.ir Hossein Modares Khiabani, in terms of value boring countries is one of the major plans that the figure fell 11 percent in comparison to Iranian government is pursuing in the current the last year’s same time span. Iranian calendar year (began on March 21). The official noted that the government Iran shares border with fifteen countries, COMMODITIES has allocated 870 billion rials (about $20.7 namely the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Tur- million) of facilities to be used as incentives key, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, Oman, Brent $61.97/b for the country’s exporters in the current Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kuwait, Qatar, WTI $56.67/b Iranian calendar year (ends on March 19, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Bahrain, and Saudi 2020), adding that such incentives could Arabia. OPEC Basket $62.48/b boost the country’s non-oil exports. Based on the data published by TPO, the Back in August, Khiabani had said his value of trade with the neighboring countries Gold $1,466.70/oz ministry was planning to increase the value stood at over $36.5 billion in the past Irani- Silver $$16.92/oz of Iran’s non-oil exports to its 15 neighbors of our neighboring countries’ needs, which 15 countries which is at least $1 trillion an- an calendar year. That is about 41 percent up to $50 billion. would amount to more than $50 billion a nually,” he said. of the country’s total non-oil trade in the Platinium $883.35/oz “Our goal is to be able to meet five percent year considering the total imports of all the The official expressed hope that the mentioned time span. Sources: oilprice.com, Moneymetals.com TCCIMA inks trilateral co-op MOU in China 2,000 km of roads to be ECONOMY TEHRAN – Tehran Chamber of Com- economic cooperation, the share of Iran in China’s foreign inaugurated in rural areas deskmerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture investment is significantly low. (TCCIMA) signed a trilateral memorandum of understand Khansari also mentioned China’s one belt one road by March 2020 (MOU) with China Chamber of International Commerce scheme, saying that China could provide the information (CCOIC) and the Iranian Chamber of Commerce in the in this regard with Iranian private sector so that Iranian ECONOMY TEHRAN – Iranian Transport and Urban North China region of Beijing on Wednesday. companies would be able to benefit from China’s investment deskDevelopment Minister Mohammad Eslami As reported by the portal of TCCIMA, the MOU was in this program. said 2,000 kilometers of roads are going to be inaugurated in signed during a meeting between an Iranian trade delega- He further underlined renovation of Iran’s shipping fleet, the rural regions by the end of the current Iranian calendar year tion dispatched by TCCIMA and representatives of CCOIC holding joint international exhibitions and development (March 19, 2020). and the Iranian Chamber of Commerce in the North China of infrastructure in Iran, especially in the field of road con- According to Eslami under- region on Wednesday. struction and signaling of the country’s railways as some privileged villages will be the The event was attended by TCCIMA Head Masoud Khan- of the areas for mutual cooperation. priority in this program, IRIB sari, Head of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce in the North Further in the meeting, representative of CCOIC expressed reported on Thursday. China region of Beijing Hassan Tavana and CCOIC head. the Chinese private sector’s eagerness for investment in “Currently, 3,500 kilometers In the meeting, Khansari mentioned positive relations Iran’s market, saying the Chinese private sector “has no of rural roads are under con- between the two countries and called for further investment problem or limitation in regard to cooperation with Iran.” struction across the country of of Chinese firms in Iran. “China’s state-owned companies mostly invest in trans- TCCIMA Head Masoud Khansari (L), Head of the Iranian which 2000 kilometers will be Mentioning the Asian country’s $2.2 trillion investment portation projects like construction of roads and ports, while Chamber of Commerce in the North China region of Beijing inaugurated before next year,” in other countries, the TCCIMA head noted that considering the private-sector companies invest in a wide range of areas Hassan Tavana (R) and CCOIC head (middle) signed MOU he said. Iran and China’s great potentials and capacities for mutual including the electronics and mineral industries,” he said. documents in Beijing on Wednesday. A map of underprivileged villages has also been prepared and the first priority will be to build roads for those villages with more than 50 households TEDPIX rises 71% since March and then those with above 20 ECONOMY TEHRAN — TEDPIX, ket’s index has risen 281,593 points or 81 ter (OTC) exchange market, known as Iran past year, as it gained more than 100% to families, he said. deskthe main index of Tehran percent since the year start. Fara Bourse, has experienced a noticeable stand at 2,258 points on March 19, 2019. The official noted that rural roads have their own technical Stock Exchange (TSE) has risen 71 percent While lagging the parallel markets of positive performance during the first half, Also, the value of trades at Iran Mercan- characteristics and construction of such roads is a prerequisite since the beginning of current Iranian cal- foreign currency, gold coin, and real estate as its main index IFX gained 78 percent tile Exchange (IME) rose 52 percent in the for development of the country’s villages and prevention of mi- endar year (March 21), Mehr news agency behind, Iran’s stock market hit a new record during the mentioned period of time. past calendar year from its previous year. gration to cities. reported on Friday citing the data released during the first half of the current Iranian It seems that these markets will preserve In addition, in a move to tackle the U.S. Development of rural roads is being executed based on a spe- by Iran’s Securities and Exchange Organ- calendar year (March 21-September 22), their positive performances also during sanctions on the country’s oil exports, Iran En- cific plan and the transport ministry has tried to pay especial ization (SEO). as TEDPIX closed at an all-time high of the second half of the year indicating that ergy Exchange (IRENEX) held seven rounds attention to construction of such roads so that all people in the The SEO’s data show that TEDPIX has 302,103 points. some huge liquidity is moving toward the of offering crude oil during the past year. country would have access to the proper transportation. gained 126,435 points to 307,094 since the It is while the index had stood at 178,000 stock market. The power of this liquidity Applying new financial instruments in beginning of this year. points at the end of the previous calendar will probably bring new records for this Iranian capital market was another achieve- As reported, 632.178 billion securities year. market in the second half. ments of the exchange markets during the Germany avoids technical worth 2.178 quadrillion rials (about $51.8 Experiencing a growth of 74 percent dur- Meanwhile, based on the released re- past year, as Tehran Stock Exchange offi- billion) have been traded through 55.7 million ing the first six months of the present year, ports and data, Iran’s exchange markets cially launched “futures” in mid-December recession, eurozone GDP deals during the mentioned period of time. TSE witnessed its best performance since witnessed fruitful performances and results 2018 for more risk management and IME projected to rise 0.5% in 2020 The provided data also indicate that the the Iranian calendar year of 1382 (March in the past Iranian calendar year 1397 (ended launched “option” in early March 2019 in first market’s index has increased 88,829 2003-March 2004). on March 20, 2019). an approach to diversify financing methods Germany has narrowly avoided a recession, with the latest figures points or 66 percent and the second mar- Also as reported, Iran’s over-the-coun- IFX touched a new record high in the for agricultural products. released Thursday showing the country’s economy grew by 0.1% in the third quarter. As per finance.yahoo.com, economists estimate that growth domestic product in the eurozone will grow by only 0.5% in 2020. China’s economy continues to slow on Japan’s economy decelerates sharply In Spain, the latest quarterly GDP growth figure is 0.4% weak investment and demand amid trade tensions quarter-over-quarter; in the Netherlands, 0.4%; in the U.K., 0.3%; in France, 0.3%; and in Italy, 0.1%. The engines of China’s economy are splut- Japan’s economy slowed sharply in the The second estimate of third-quarter eurozone GDP as a tering, with exports falling, factory output third quarter as overall exports continued whole was unchanged from the first, and it showed the region’s slowing, investment growth at a record low to fall amid trade tensions and a shopping economy expanding by 0.2% quarter-over-quarter, Andrew and consumption coming off the boil. splurge before a sales tax increase ran down Kenningham, the chief Europe economist at Capital Economics, According to bnnbloomberg.ca, the soft stockpiles of goods. said in a note. data underscored the need for a phase-one As per hellenicshippingnews.com, the “Eurostat has not yet published an expenditure breakdown, trade deal with the U.S. to put a floor under deceleration comes as Prime Minister Shinzo so the focus today has been on the national GDP figures for business confidence. Even as the economy Abe mulls the size of an economic stim- Q3 released by Germany, the Netherlands and Portugal.” the has lost steam, the government and central ulus package aimed at shielding Japan’s economist said. bank have refrained from dumping stimulus economy from the global slowdown and The Dutch economy has continued to grow at a decent pace, into the economy, preferring to make smaller the impact of the tax hike. Abe may also posting a third successive quarterly expansion of 0.4%. adjustments to try and boost growth without need to consider the implications of Tokyo’s Portugal seems to be succumbing to the wider European a massive expansion in debt. the lowest level since 2016. The continued trade spat with Seoul, as a steep decline in mand amid the U.S.-China trade war, the downturn, as its growth rate slowed from an upwardly revised “Momentum for slowdown is not yet stability in spending by state-owned firms’ Korean tourist numbers dragged on the tensions with Korea and natural disasters 0.6% in the second quarter to only half that pace in the third. over,” said Julia Wang, an economist at is preventing an even stronger drop in the economy. such as Typhoon Hagibis. Those factors put Employment in the eurozone increased by only 0.1% in the HSBC Holdings Plc. in Hong Kong. “Giv- headline data. Gross domestic product grew at an an- growth in a vulnerable spot, given concerns third quarter, Kenningham said. en the slowdown is so sharp, it is going to The manufacturing sector nualized pace of 0.2% in the three months over a cooling of consumer spending after This, along with declining wage inflation, is likely to cause impact maybe the labor market at some point Investment in the property market is one through September from the previous the tax hike. household spending growth to lose further momentum next next year, and you are going to see further bright spot, with spending by the manufac- quarter, the Cabinet Office said Thursday, While an influential member of Abe’s year, contributing to a deceleration in domestic demand, he said. weakness in domestic demand.” turing sector barely above the record low stuttering from revised growth of 1.8% in ruling party has said government spending On November 11, the UK Office for National Statistics released Many Asian stock markets fell to session recorded in September. Infrastructure the April-June period. Economists had of more than 6 trillion yen ($55 billion) is data that showed the UK economy is growing at its slowest lows after the readings. Yet, the yuan remains investment growth continued to bounce forecast a 0.9% expansion. needed, the size and timing of the measures annual rate in almost a decade. slightly stronger for the day and government along around four percent as it has all year. Stronger business investment combined have yet to be announced. The UK’s year-over-year growth in the three-month period bonds have shed some of this week’s gain. “I’m quite concerned with property invest- with robust consumer spending before last Slide in markets ended in September slowed from 1.3% to 1%, according to the ONS. China’s Ministry of Commerce spokesman ment, the only stable element in fixed-asset month’s tax hike helped prop up growth, Fiscal measures will likely reduce the “We know uncertainty is a killer for the economy. UK growth Gao Feng on Thursday said removing existing investment now,” according to Xue Zhou, though rush demand was weaker than expect- need for the Bank of Japan to add stimulus, was the slowest in a decade and that was in August. Germany has tariffs is an important condition for any deal analyst at Mizuho Securities Asia Ltd in Hong ed. The softer jump in consumer spending barring a major deterioration of economic only narrowly avoided a recession, but it’s not out of the woods and that China is willing to address core Kong. “Monetary policy needs to be more before the tax increase suggests an expected data or a slide in markets, though specula- just yet. Now the effects of uncertainty have become reality,” concerns with the U.S. to create conditions supportive on economic growth and there contraction in the economy in the current tion rumbles on that the BOJ will lower its said Kerstin Braun, president of the UK-based Stenn Group. for reaching a phase-one deal. should be more cuts to banks’ reserve ratios quarter will be smaller than feared. negative rate by January. The smaller jump Companies are dealing with the consequences of a global Chinese and some U.S. officials last to help smaller banks.” “Given today’s data, I think fiscal spend- in quarterly spending will also reassure the economic meltdown, Braun said: “margins are squeezed, output week said they agreed to roll back some While the challenges facing the economy ing of 3 trillion yen ($28 billion) would be central bank, which has flagged the impact is down and balance sheets are weak.” tariffs if there is a phase-one deal. But the shouldn’t be underestimated, the overall sufficient for an economic package to keep of the tax hike as a concern. The eurozone economy has been slowing, but economic optimism was quickly damped as President momentum hasn’t changed, according to the economy going,” said Takashi Shiono, The gain in private consumption was indicators have stopped sliding, as seen in the slight beat in Donald Trump said that he hasn’t agreed National Bureau of Statistics spokeswoman economist at Credit Suisse Group AG. If less than a quarter the size of the bump German GDP results, said Olivier Konzeoue, FX sales trader to anything. The trade war has lasted more Liu Aihua, who spoke in Beijing after the the package turns out to be 4 trillion yen that came before the last sales tax hike at Saxo Markets. than a year and hurt the global economy. data was released. or more, that would likely prompt econ- in 2014. That suggests Japan’s econo- “More than data, headline risk is driving markets today, Any re-escalation would further hit investor Signaling increasing concern about omists to revise up their forecasts for the my will suffer less damage from the tax translating in a risk-off tone following Trump’s latest tweets.” sentiment. the level of investment, the government economy, he added. hike than five years ago, when a boom in U.S.-China trade talks are being closely monitored, as is The investment data shows how cautious announced a reduction in capital require- Abe ordered the stimulus measures last consumption was followed by a bust that the UK general election and its associated future implications private companies have become, with their ments for some infrastructure projects on week as Japan’s economy shows sign of triggered a 7.3% economic contraction in for Bexit, he said. spending in the first 10 months of the year at Wednesday. losing momentum, hit by soft global de- the following quarter. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y NOVEMBER 16,16, 20192019 ANALYSISENERGY & INTERVIEW 5

Govt. starts gasoline OPEC cuts U.S. oil output growth forecast rationing, raises By David Hodari The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) By Saeed Sobhani lowered By Brett its oil Wilkins production growth forecast for non-cartel coun- tries for 2020 on Thursday, citing a downward adjustment to its fuel prices forecast for the U.S. In its closely-scrutinized monthly oil market report, OPEC cut its 2020 non-OPEC production growth estimate by 34,000 1 According to a statement pub- fuel prices in the world and the country has barrels a day to 2.17 million barrels a day. lished by National Iranian Oil Products been fighting rampant fuel smuggling to OPEC’s cut was relatively small but the move chimes with recent Distribution Company, the price for a liter neighboring countries. remarks from OPEC secretary-general Mohammed Barkindo, in of regular gasoline was increased to 15,000 In one of its latest reports dubbed “World which he cited slowing growth in U.S. output as being part of the rials (nearly 35 cents at the official rate of Energy Outlook 2018”, the International cartel’s and its allies’ considerations regarding ongoing production 42,000 rials per dollar) from 10,000 rials Energy Agency (IEA) put Iran on top of the cuts. OPEC and its allies are due to meet next month in Vienna. and the monthly ration for each passenger list of the world’s countries for energy sub- The downward adjustment to non-OPEC supply growth came car was set at 60 liters. Additional purchases sidies. That means Iran holds the first place “mainly due to the U.S., which was revised down by 33,000 bar- would cost 30,000 rials per liter. among the world’s countries in terms of the rels a day to now show growth of 1.5 million barrels a day for the Due to heavy subsidies and devaluation amount of subsidies which is allocated to year,” OPEC said in its report. of its currency, Iran has one of the cheapest energy consumption. The sharp rise of U.S. shale oil and gas has combined in recent months with sagging economic data and the continuing U.S.-Chi- na trade war to worry oil investors about the prospect of glutted inventories and falling demand. Iran to host 2nd meeting of ECO energy, petchem consortium in 2020 Non-OPEC supply

ENERGY TEHRAN — Iran Chamber of As reported, as the head of Iranian delegation attending deskCommerce, Industries, Mines and the event, Deputy Head of ICCIMA Mohammadreza Agriculture (ICCIMA) is going to host the second meeting Karbasi presented the country’s trade capacities and of Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)’s Public capabilities in a variety of areas, especially focusing and Private Sector Energy and Petrochemical Consortium on transportation and transit. and Companies in 2020 to strengthen energy trade Highlighting the importance of developing interregional among ECO members. investment, he emphasized the establishment and The decision was made during the 27th executive development of joint industrial investment areas in committee meeting of ECO Chamber of Commerce the ECO region. and Industry, which was hosted by the Federation of He mentioned cooperation of Iran and Azerbaijan Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) in joint production of automobiles as an example for in Karachi on Thursday, the portal of ICCIMA reported. such positive activities. The event was attended by representatives of the Karachi is also hosting a meeting of board of directors chambers of commerce and industry of nine member of Islamic chamber of commerce during November 15-16. Some of the uncertainties facing non-OPEC supply in 2020, countries including Iran, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Deputy Head ICCIMA Mohammadreza Karbasi (middle) Tehran was also the host for the first meeting of ECO OPEC said, were a “continuation of investment discipline by U.S. Kyrgyz Republic, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, delivers speech at the 27th executive committee meeting Public and Private Sector Energy and Petrochemical independent companies, pipeline constraints in Canada, (and) Pakistan and Tajikistan wherein a wide range of economic of ECO Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Karachi Consortium and Companies which was held in August drilling and completion activity levels in the U.S.,” although the issues were discussed. on Thursday. 2016. U.S. is still expected to be by far the biggest driver of oil supply growth in the coming year. The cartel’s report left world economic growth forecasts and oil demand growth forecasts for 2019 and 2020 unchanged, after the cartel downgraded its 2019 demand estimate four times in Oil rises amid optimism over OPEC supply cuts, hopes on U.S.-China trade the five months before November. Oil prices gained on Friday after OPEC’s West Texas Intermediate crude was up said. “If you push prices higher it is going stockpiles, something that would often But, risk to oil prices remains “toward the downside, especially forecast for oil demand next year fueled 21 cents, or 0.4%, at $56.98 a barrel, after to hurt everyone and even if it doesn’t, it’s lead investors to sell. with underlying trade-related issue,” OPEC added. hopes that the producer group and allies falling 0.6% in the previous session. only going to play into the U.S. producers’ Crude production rose by 200,000 bpd In addition, hedge funds and other money managers were more will maintain supply cuts when they meet The rosy mood came after the Organi- hands.” to a weekly record of 12.8 million bpd, the concerned about the outlook for crude oil prices in October than to discuss policy on output next month. zation of the Petroleum Exporting Coun- OPEC+ on Jan. 1 this year cut output EIA said in its weekly report. they were in September, OPEC said. Oil markets were rocked in As per reuters.com, optimism that the tries (OPEC) said on Thursday it expected by 1.2 million barrels per day (bpd), and in U.S. crude inventories grew last week by September by attacks on crucial Saudi oil processing facilities United States and China may soon sign an demand for its oil to fall in 2020. July, renewed the pact until March 2020. 2.2 million barrels, the Energy Information at Abqaiq and Khurais knocking out 5% of global oil supply and agreement to end their trade war helped Many analysts said that supports the OPEC said demand for its crude would Administration said, exceeding the 1.649 prompting historic daily price rises. support prices after White House econom- view among markets that there is a clear average 29.58 million bpd next year, 1.12 million-barrel rise forecast by analysts in Those gains quickly dissipated, though, and Saudi production ic adviser Larry Kudlow said a deal was case for the group and other producers like million bpd less than in 2019. That points to a Reuters poll. swung higher in October, climbing by 1.174 million barrels a day, “getting close”, citing what he called very Russia - collectively known as ‘OPEC+’ - to a 2020 surplus of about 70,000 bpd, which The U.S. shale industry plans anoth- after plunging by 660,000 barrels a day the previous month. constructive discussions with Beijing. maintain limits on production that were is less than indicated in previous reports. er spending freeze next year and a sharp Production changes for other OPEC nations were relatively Brent crude futures were up 19 cents, introduced to cope with a supply glut. In the United States, production slowdown in production growth, as prolific small, with Ecuadorean and Iraqi production falling by 80,000 or 0.3%, at $62.47 a barrel by 0759 GMT, “There’s no reason to extend the cuts, we keeps rising, and last week, there was a oil and natural gas output has pressured and 44,000 barrels a day respectively in October. having dropped 9 cents on Thursday. all know the economies are softening,” he bigger-than-expected increase in U.S. prices and squeezed profits. Ecuador halted crude sales Ecuador reportedly halted crude sales in October due to mass protests interfering with operations at several oil fields. Iraq, which is facing its own protests, agreed to work harder to comply with previously agreed OPEC+ production cuts back Foreign investors eye further wind power plant projects in Turkey at the cartel’s September technical meeting. Foreign investors and experts emphasized the profound The “investors who carry out projects in different Changes in supply from other members were small, although development of the Turkish wind power sector, which areas of the wind power sector in Turkey can easily Congolese production rose by 61,000 barrels a day. has attracted significant amounts of foreign investment communicate their problems or recommendations to OPEC and its allies are due to meet next month, and while in the last decade. the government officials,” he remarked. Brent crude is down 13% over the past six months, there has been As per dailysabah.com, the total installed capacity of European Wind Energy Association (WindEurope) no clear line from the producers in question as to whether they Turkey’s 262 wind farms, both licensed and unlicensed, CEO Giles Dickson remarked that Turkey’s onshore will move to deepen or extend cuts. has surpassed 7,600 megawatts (MW) and represents wind power projects were successful. “Turkey has The price of Brent crude, the global benchmark, has risen an 8% share of total installed capacity. The country carefully designed the legal framework on the wind 3.4% so far in November and U.S. crude futures have climbed ranks sixth in Europe and 12th in the world in wind energy sector. Those investors who want to participate nearly 5%, with broader markets buoyed by cautious hopes that installed capacity. The country’s installed capacity in Turkey’s first offshore wind farm project are waiting Washington and Beijing will soon sign a ‘Phase One’ trade deal. in wind energy was 19 MW in 2002, it was increased for the release of the legal framework,” Dickson said On Thursday, Brent fell 0.1% to $62.28 a barrel on the Intercon- to 364 MW in 2008, and indicated that a predictable market is key in the tinental Exchange and U.S. crude futures dropped 0.6% to $56.77 German-based wind power equipment manufacturer renewable energy industry. a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The drops came Nordex CEO Jose Luis Blanco Dieguez stressed that see a new support scheme for investors and we are Dickson underscored that Turkey has great potential after government inventory figures showed U.S. stockpiles rose the Turkish wind power market encourages local and looking forward to the new program,” Dieguez said, for offshore wind farm projects. A recent report by the more than expected during the week ended Nov. 8 and domestic foreign investors in a statement to Anadolu Agency noting that Turkey’s efforts to decarbonize electricity World Bank revealed that Turkey can generate 70 GW supply hit a fresh record of 12.8 million barrels a day. (AA) Thursday. generation has yielded fruitful results. from offshore plants. Investors from Denmark, which Elsewhere, OPEC cited the sanctioning of two subsidiaries of capacity in offshore wind farms in the China’s Cosco — one of the largest shippers in the world — as more نوبت اولThe “government successfully conveys the message The Nordex CEO further emphasized that Turkey has the highest regarding how it attaches importance to the development has learned a lot from the mistakes of the European world, have been cooperating with Turkish officials to than doubling dirty spot freight rates month-on-month in October. N.I.S.O.C of renewable energy. At the end of this year, we will wind power market. design a project for Turkey’s first offshore wind farm. (Source: wsj.com)

Mediterranean LNG at two-year low versus NWE amid hefty supply Second Announcement 1398.5008 LNG delivered into the Mediterranean has cargoes into an already congested Spanish Wednesday’s regas reached over 71 mil- NATIONAL IRANIAN SOUTH OILFIELDS COMPANY AHVAZ-IRAN fallen to a two-year low versus Northwest market, given how strong storage volumes lion cu m with Enagas, the Spanish grid N.I.S.O.C European, weighed on by a surplus of sup- were in tank at terminals. operator, expecting daily volumes to cross TENDER NO. : 01-31-9780008 ply into key regions like Spain alongside Outside weak demand, additional pres- the 80 million cu m/day mark during the NATIONAL IRANIAN SOUTH OILFIELDS COMPANY AHVAZ-IRAN TENDER NO. : 01-31-9780008 pressure from Spanish PVB/Dutch TTF sure on the market has come from rain be- second half of the month. National Iranian South Oilfields Company(NISOC) intends to purchase the following goods gas hub spreads. ing forecast, which will boost hydro power Similarly, natural gas imports from Al- National Iranian South Oilfields Company(NISOC) intends to purchase the following goods According to spglobal.com, the S&P production. geria remained robust, with sources citing Global Platts Med Marker was assessed Few other gas outlets the lack of flexibility to lower the flows due Items Material Description Quantity at $4.558/MMBtu Wednesday, a 5 cents/ At the same time, terminal capacity to contact obligations. Imports reached 46.9 MMBtu discount to the DES NWE price. remained well stocked, with few other gas million cu m Wednesday, the highest since It was the first time the Mediterranean outlets from the Iberian Peninsula except January, according to Platts Analytics. PARTS FOR “ BROWN BOVERI-SULZER” GAS TURBINES TYPE NS70SERIAL NOS . 328 NO market, which typically trades at a premium the connection with southern France, which Spain started to export gas to France 33 7001/7006 AND 7007/8 REF. BROWN BOVERI- SULZER TURBOMACHINERY LTD to Northwest Europe, has been at a discount has been sending gas into the PEG market. early November, the first time since 2018, since February and was the biggest discount In a bid to catch an attractive spread in with flows running at about 3.4 million cu Vendors who intend to participate in aforesaid tenders are requested to send their “ Intention to participate” letter since December 2017. Eurogas curves, Atlantic traders sold forward m/day. However, the flows flipped again via Fax to the following number along with their resume according to Qualitative Assessment Form no. 1, available at: The fall in value versus Northwest Eu- numerous cargoes late in the third quar- this week with France sending around 5 WWW.nisoc.ir , not later than 14 days after the second announcement, otherwise, their requests for participation in the rope has come amid strong LNG supply and ter to capture more attractive prices in Q4, million cu m both Monday and Tuesday. .tender will be disregarded robust pipeline flows from Algeria. leaving terminals across Europe currently “(Too much gas in Spain) is the rationale The applicants should have relevant background in supplying the required goods and capability to provide and submit A London-based LNG trader said bids busy with arrivals. behind that. CCGT demand is the key for FOREIGN PURCHASING DEPARTMENT for December delivery into Spain were likely An Iberia-based LNG trader said it would us. According to meteorological forecasts, .a bid bond of 3,934 EURO or 507 ,470,020 RIAL, in favor of NISOC to be around a 50 cents/MMBtu discount make more sense for sellers to market cargoes wind will be lower in the coming days,” a Tender documents including Bldg.the materials No. 104,thorough Material technical Procurement specifications and Management Qualitative Assessment Complex Forms can be to TTF, but he had not heard any firm bids. into the UK amid a premium in the NBP Spanish gas trader said. accessed via: WWW.nisoc.ir-material procurement management tab There has been talk of deals as low as market over TTF. Wind power output was set to decline ONLY ACCEPTABLE DELIVERY TERM ISKouy D.D.P. NISOC’S-e-Fadaeian WAREHOUSE, Islam AGHAJARI.IRAN (New Site), PAYMENTAhvaz, TERMIran IS C.O.D. SUBSE- TTF minus 70 cents/MMBtu into Spain last The Platts PVB month-ahead contract to a high/low range of 11.55/6.2 GW Friday QUENT TO NISOC’ S MATERIAL APPROVAL NO ADVANCE PAYMENT WILL BE PAID week, with market participants unable to say stood at a 0.8 cent/MMBtu discount to TTF from 13.4/11.4 GW Thursday, according Tel. No.: 061 341 24644Fax No.: 061 3445 7437 whether that was repeatable or just certain Wednesday, having been at a 4.1 cents/ to REE data. FOREIGN PURCHASING DEPARTMENT players with specific positions optimizing MMBtu discount on November 8. Gas-for-power demand started to pick Bldg. No. 104, Material Public Procurement Relations WWW.shana.ir Management www.nisoc.ir Complex http://iets.mporg.ir their portfolio. LNG regasification volumes have contin- up this week (Week 46), rising above 33 Kouy-e-Fadaeian Islam (New Site), Ahvaz, Iran روابط عمومی 7437 شرکت ملی3445 مناطق061 نفت :.No خیز Fax جنوب The “market (Spain) seems pressured ued increasing into November, coming out million cu m both Wednesday and Tues- Tel. No.: 061 341 24644 more,” the trader said. at 56.1 million cu m/day so far this month, day. However, the November average of Public Relations www.shana.ir www.nisoc.ir Another London-based LNG trader up 14% on October, S&P Global Platts An- 21 million cu m was still 39% below Oc- تهران تایمز : نوبت اول 22/8/98 نوبت دوم 25/8/98تهران تایمز : نوبت اول 22/8/98 نوبت دوم questioned the rationale behind bringing alytics data showed. tober’s figure. 98/8/25

I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 6 INTERNATIONAL NOVEMBER 16, 2019 Casualties of war: Military veterans have American activist: U.S. Presence in Syria never justified become America’s walking wounded TEHRAN (FNA) — Luljeta Subasic, political activist, says unlike Iran and Russia, the US was never invited by By John W. Whitehead their parents and teachers.” Damascus to maintain Syria’s security. Frankly, based on how well my per- In an exclusive interview with FNA, Luljeta Subasic cast ANTIWAR — War drives the American sonality and my military service in the US doubt on the intention of Donald Trump, the US President, police state.The military-industrial com- Armed Forces fit with this description of of pulling out the US troops from Syria, saying, “This is plex is the world’s largest employer.War “oppositional defiance disorder,” I’m sure not the first time that Trump has stated that it’s time to sustains our way of life while killing us there’s a file somewhere with my name come back home […] every single war in the Middle East at the same time. As Pulitzer Prize-win- on it.That the government is using the waged by the US and its allies ever since 9/11 has still not ning war correspondent and author Chris charge of mental illness as the means by come to a complete end.” Hedges observes: which to immobilize (and disarm) these Luljeta Subasic is a New York-based political activist War is like a poison. And just as a veterans is diabolical. With one stroke who travelled to Syria during and after the war. The focus cancer patient must at times ingest a of a magistrate’s pen, these veterans are of her writings is the Middle East, especially Syria and poison to fight off a disease, so there are being declared mentally ill, locked away Yemen.Below is the full text of the interview: times in a society when we must ingest against their will, and stripped of their Trump claimed that he intends to pull US forces out the poison of war to survive. But what constitutional rights. of Syria, saying “it is time to come back home.” Do you we must understand is that just as the If it were just being classified as “an- believe the US forces’ presence in Syria was justifiable disease can kill us, so can the poison. If tigovernment,” that would be one thing. from the beginning? we don’t understand what war is, how it Unfortunately, anyone with a military A: The presence of US forces in Syria has never been perverts us, how it corrupts us, how it background and training is also now justified, nor will it ever be. The US-led coalition has been dehumanizes us, how it ultimately invites being viewed as a heightened security on the ground in Syria, illegally, with no invitation from us to our own self-annihilation, then we threat by police who are trained to shoot Damascus, nor with any mandate from the UN Security can become the victim of war itself. first and ask questions later.Feeding this Council. Because Syria is a sovereign nation, Syria has the War also entertains us with its carnage, perception of veterans as ticking time right to protect and defend itself from foreign invaders, its killing fields, its thrills and chills and bombs in need of intervention, the Justice which include any forces that have not been invited to bloodied battles set to music and memo- has gone extremely quiet about Opera- of the regime. Department launched a pilot program Syria. Contrary to the beliefs of many, the presence of rialized in books, on television, in video tion Vigilant Eagle.Where there’s smoke, Sound familiar? in 2012 aimed at training SWAT teams Russia and Iran, for example, is justified because they games, and in superhero films and block- there’s bound to be fire. This age-old practice by which despotic to deal with confrontations involving were invited. Many misunderstandings and lies promoted buster Hollywood movies financed in part And the government’s efforts to target regimes eliminate their critics or potential highly trained and often heavily armed by mainstream media news sources would be shot down by the military. military veterans whose views may be adversaries by declaring them mentally combat veterans. immediately if the majority of Westerners knew these Americans are fed a steady diet of pro- perceived as “anti-government” make ill and locking them up in psychiatric The result? simple facts. war propaganda that keeps them content clear that something is afoot. wards for extended periods of time is a Police encounters with military vet- to wave flags with patriotic fervor and In recent years, military servicemen and common practice in present-day China. erans often escalate very quickly into an less inclined to look too closely at the women have found themselves increasing- What is particularly unnerving, howev- explosive and deadly situation, especial- mounting body counts, the ruined lives, ly targeted for surveillance, censorship, er, is how this practice of eliminating or ly when SWAT teams are involved.For the ravaged countries, the blowback arising threatened with incarceration or involun- undermining potential critics, including example, Jose Guerena, a Marine who from ill-advised targeted-drone killings tary commitment, labeled as extremists military veterans, is happening with in- served in two tours in Iraq, was killed and bombing campaigns in foreign lands, and/or mentally ill, and stripped of their creasing frequency in the United States. after an Arizona SWAT team kicked open or the transformation of our own home- Second Amendment rights. Remember, the National Defense Au- the door of his home during a mistaken land into a warzone. An important point to consider, how- thorization Act (NDAA) opened the door drug raid and opened fire. Thinking his Nowhere is this double-edged irony ever, is that under the guise of mental for the government to detain as a threat home was being invaded by criminals, more apparent than during military hol- health treatment and with the complic- to national security anyone viewed as a Guerena told his wife and child to hide idays, when we get treated to a generous ity of government psychiatrists and law troublemaker. According to government in a closet, grabbed a gun and waited in serving of praise and grandstanding by enforcement officials, these veterans are guidelines for identifying domestic extrem- the hallway to confront the intruders. politicians, corporations and others with increasingly being portrayed as threats to ists – a word used interchangeably with He never fired his weapon. In fact, the similarly self-serving motives eager to national security.In light of the govern- terrorists – technically, anyone exercising safety was still on his gun when he was go on record as being pro-military.Yet ment’s efforts to lay the groundwork to their First Amendment rights in order killed. The SWAT officers, however, not war is a grisly business, a horror of epic weaponize the public’s biomedical data and to criticize the government qualifies.It as restrained, fired 70 rounds of ammu- Time and time again, we have seen the US, at the behest proportions. predict who might pose a threat to public doesn’t take much anymore to be flagged nition at Guerena – 23 of those bullets of its two biggest allies in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia and In terms of human carnage alone, war’s safety based on mental health sensor data as potentially antigovernment in a govern- made contact. Apart from his military the illegitimate Zionist entity of Israel, ignore any and all devastation is staggering. For example, it is (a convenient means by which to penalize ment database somewhere – Main Core, background, Guerena had had no prior international law, and without facing any consequences, estimated that approximately 231 million certain “unacceptable” social behaviors), for example – that identifies and tracks criminal record, and the police found to simply just do as it pleases. people died worldwide during the wars encounters with the police could get even individuals who aren’t inclined to march nothing illegal in his home. This is not the first time that Trump has stated that “it’s of the 20th century. This figure does not more deadly, especially if those involved in lockstep to the government’s dictates. John Edward Chesney, a 62-year-old time to come back home,” the question is, does he really take into account the walking wounded have a mental illness or disability coupled In fact, as the Washington Post re- Vietnam veteran, was killed by a SWAT mean it this time? We do not have any reference point to – both physically and psychologically – with a military background. ports, communities are being mapped team allegedly responding to a call that measure this statement against since every single war in who “survive” war.Many of those who Incredibly, as part of a proposal being and residents assigned a color-coded the Army veteran was standing in his San the Middle East waged by the US and its allies ever since have served in the military are among considered by the Trump Administration, threat score – green, yellow or red – so Diego apartment window waving what 9/11 has still not come to a complete end. America’s walking wounded. a new government agency HARPA (a police are forewarned about a person’s looked like a semi-automatic rifle. SWAT Trump has said Despite the fact that the U.S. boasts healthcare counterpart to the Pentagon’s potential inclination to be a troublemaker officers locked down Chesney’s street, supporting the Kurdish The presence more than 20 million veterans who have research and development arm DARPA) depending on whether they’ve had a career took up positions around his home, and militants has been “too of US forces in served in World War II through the pres- will take the lead in identifying and tar- in the military, posted a comment per- fired 12 rounds into Chesney’s apartment costly”. Why do you think ent day, the plight of veterans today has geting “signs” of mental illness or violent ceived as threatening on Facebook, suffer window. It turned out that the gun Chesney the US measures everything, Syria has never become America’s badge of shame, with inclinations among the populace by using from a particular medical condition, or reportedly pointed at police from three including war, against costs been justified, large numbers of veterans impoverished, artificial intelligence to collect data from know someone who knows someone who stories up was a “realistic-looking mock and revenues? unemployed, traumatized mentally and Apple Watches, Fitbits, Amazon Echo and might have committed a crime. assault rifle.” A: Because Trump is first nor will it ever physically, struggling with depression, Google Home.These tactics are not really The case of Brandon Raub is a prime Ramon Hooks’ encounter with a Hou- and foremost a businessman, be. The US- suicide, and marital stress, homeless, new.Many times throughout history in example of Operation Vigilant Eagle in ston SWAT team did not end as tragically, of course he will make such led coalition subjected to sub-par treatment at clinics totalitarian regimes, such governments action. but it very easily could have. Hooks, a a statement. Let’s keep in and hospitals, and left to molder while have declared dissidents mentally ill and Raub, a 26-year-old decorated Marine, 25-year-old Iraq war veteran, was using mind that whenever the has been on their paperwork piles up within Veterans unfit for society as a means of disempow- actually found himself interrogated by an air rifle gun for target practice outside joke of the Pentagon getting the ground in Administration offices.According to a re- ering them. government agents about his views on when a Homeland Security Agent, allegedly audited happens, nothing is Syria, illegally, cent report by the Department of Veterans As Pulitzer Prize-winning author Anne government corruption, arrested with no house shopping in the area, reported him ever found, ever. Trillions Affairs, at least 60,000 veterans died by Applebaum observes in Gulag: A Histo- warning, labeled mentally ill for subscrib- as an active shooter. It wasn’t long before upon trillions of US taxpayer with no suicide between 2008 and 2017. ry: “The exile of prisoners to a distant ing to so-called “conspiratorial” views the quiet neighborhood was transformed dollars go unaccounted for, invitation from On average, 6,000 veterans kill them- place, where they can ‘pay their debt to about the government, detained against into a war zone, with dozens of cop cars, every single time, in the name selves every year, and the numbers are on society,’ make themselves useful, and not his will in a psych ward for standing by an armored vehicle and heavily armed of waging war across the globe Damascus, the rise.As Brené Brown, research professor contaminate others with their ideas or his views, and isolated from his family, police. Hooks was arrested, his air rifle to promote the bogus ideals nor with any at the University of Houston, observed, their criminal acts, is a practice as old as friends and attorneys. pellets and toy gun confiscated, and charges of “freedom and democracy.” mandate “For soldiers serving in Afghanistan and civilization itself. The rulers of ancient On August 16, 2012, a swarm of local filed against him for “criminal mischief.” Throughout history, we Iraq, coming home is more lethal than Rome and Greece sent their dissidents off police, Secret Service and FBI agents ar- Given the government’s increasing have seen the US use and from the being in combat.” to distant colonies. Socrates chose death rived at Raub’s Virginia home, asking to view of veterans as potential domestic abuse of Kurdish militants UN Security Unfortunately, it’s the US government over the torment of exile from Athens. speak with him about posts he had made terrorists, it makes one think twice about to their own sick advantage, that poses the greater threat to America’s The poet Ovid was exiled to a fetid port on his Facebook page made up of song government programs encouraging vet- never following through Council. military veterans, especially if they are on the Black Sea.” lyrics, political opinions and dialogue used erans to include a veterans designation on their promises to the among that portion of the population that For example, government officials in a political thriller virtual card game. on their drivers’ licenses and ID cards. separatist Kurdish militants. If I were a separatist Kurdish exercises their First Amendment right to in the Cold War-era Soviet Union often Among the posts cited as troublesome Hailed by politicians as a way to “make militant helping the US to secure its interests, namely, speak out against government wrongdoing. used psychiatric hospitals as prisons in were lyrics to a song by a rap group and it easier for military veterans to access the theft of Syrian oil for the benefit of the illegitimate Consider: we raise our young people on order to isolate political prisoners from Raub’s views, shared increasingly by a discounts from retailers, restaurants, Zionist entity of Israel, I would be alarmed, and I would a steady diet of militarism and war, sell the rest of society, discredit their ideas, number of Americans, that the 9/11 ter- hotels and vendors across the state,” it maybe even come to the conclusion that Trump must have them on the idea that defending freedom and break them physically and mentally rorist attacks were an inside job. will also make it that much easier for found a more cost effective way to implement the same abroad by serving in the military is their through the use of electric shocks, drugs After a brief conversation and with- the government to identify and target goals, but under a different strategy. People must be able patriotic duty, then when they return home, and various medical procedures.Insisting out providing any explanation, levying veterans who dare to challenge the sta- to fully understand the war economy of the US and also bruised and battle-scarred and committed that “ideas about a struggle for truth and any charges against Raub or reading him tus quo.After all, no one is spared in a analyze the history of its patterns in using certain ethnic to defending their freedoms at home, we justice are formed by personalities with a his rights, Raub was then handcuffed and police state. groups to achieve its greater goals in order to be able to often treat them like criminals merely for paranoid structure,” the psychiatric com- transported to police headquarters, then to Eventually, as I make clear in my grasp such concepts. exercising those rights they risked their munity actually went so far as to provide a medical center, where he was held against book Battlefield America: The War on Considering that there has been no advancement lives to defend. the government with a diagnosis suitable his will due to alleged concerns that his the American People, we all suffer the in talks with either North Korea, or Iran, do you find The government even has a name for for locking up such freedom-oriented ac- Facebook posts were “terrorist in nature.” same fate. returning forces home from Syria related to the 2020 US its war on America’s veterans: Operation tivists.In addition to declaring political Outraged onlookers filmed the arrest It stands to reason that if the govern- Presidential election? Vigilant Eagle.As first reported by the dissidents mentally unsound, Russian of- and posted the footage to YouTube, where ment can’t be bothered to abide by its A: Both North Korea and Iran have correctly rejected Wall Street Journal, this Department ficials also made use of an administrative it quickly went viral. Meanwhile, in a constitutional mandate to respect the talks with the US in order to help maintain world peace, in of Homeland Security (DHS) program process for dealing with individuals who kangaroo court hearing that turned a deaf citizenry’s rights – whether it’s the right my honest opinion. On the international stage, a belligerent tracks military veterans returning from were considered a bad influence on others ear to Raub’s explanations about the fact to be free from government surveillance bully and barking maniac that cannot be reasoned with Iraq and Afghanistan and characterizes or troublemakers. that his Facebook posts were being read and censorship, the right to due process is best ignored. them as extremists and potential domes- Author George Kennan describes a out of context, Raub was sentenced to and fair hearings, the right to be free from The notion of troops returning home is always a crowd tic terrorist threats because they may be process in which: up to 30 days’ further confinement in a roadside strip searches and militarized pleaser to the majority of Americans who either have no “disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering The obnoxious person may not be guilty psychiatric ward. police, or the right to peacefully assemble idea about the realities of the illegal, illegitimate wars waged from the psychological effects of war.” of any crime . . . but if, in the opinion of “denotes that the person exhibits and protest and exercise our right to free by the US, or, for the more awakened ones, do not want the Coupled with the DHS’ dual reports the local authorities, his presence in a ‘symptoms’ such as the questioning of speech – then why should anyone expect US waging these war crimes in their names. We have seen on Rightwing and Leftwing “Extremism,” particular place is “prejudicial to pub- authority, the refusal to follow directions, the government to treat our nation’s vet- examples recently of politicians on both the Republican and which broadly define extremists as in- lic order” or “incompatible with public stubbornness, the unwillingness to go erans with respect and dignity? Democrat sides denouncing Trump for wanting to withdraw dividuals, military veterans and groups tranquility,” he may be arrested without along with the crowd, and the practice of Here’s a suggestion: if you really want troops from Syria. These politicians do not represent the “that are mainly antigovernment, reject- warrant, may be held from two weeks to disobeying or ignoring orders. Persons to do something to show your respect and majority of Americans, so whether they realize it or not, ing federal authority in favor of state or two years in prison, and may then be re- may also receive such a label if they are appreciation for the nation’s veterans, why they will not sway the average American citizen with their local authority, or rejecting government moved by force to any other place within considered free thinkers, nonconform- not skip the parades and the flag-waving disgusting warmongering agendas. For the Americans that authority entirely,” these tactics bode ill the limits of the empire and there be put ists, or individuals who are suspicious of and instead go exercise your rights – the will vote in the upcoming elections, Trump knows that it is for anyone seen as opposing the govern- under police surveillance for a period of large, centralized government… At one freedoms that those veterans swore to the average citizen who will re-elect him in the next election, ment.Yet the government is not merely from one to ten years. Administrative time the accepted protocol among men- protect – by pushing back against the not these politicians, so in a way, whether Trump means targeting individuals who are voicing their exile – which required no trial and no tal health professionals was to reserve government’s tyranny.It’s time the rest it or not, his statement on bringing the troops home is a discontent so much as it is taking aim at sentencing procedure – was an ideal the diagnosis of oppositional defiance of the nation did its part to safeguard the maneuver for the 2020 election. It may even be a slightly individuals trained in military warfare. punishment not only for troublemakers disorder for children or adolescents who freedoms we too often take for granted. redeeming value if he keeps his word this time. Don’t be fooled by the fact that the DHS as such, but also for political opponents exhibited uncontrollable defiance toward Freedom is not free. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y NOVEMBER 16, 2019 ANALYSIS & INTERVIEW 7 Endless crises in NATO By Saeed Sobhani On Sunday, O’Brien echoed soundbites and tweets, U.S. activity within of Yalta until its annexation by Moscow Trump’s frequent complaint that NATO has actually been increasing in re- in 2014. More than 13,000 people have TEHRAN — NATO is spending turbulent the U.S. pays about twice as much cent years.”Militarily, actually, NATO is been killed in the conflict, with another days. The positions of the French President, as other NATO member nations who estab- stronger today than it was when Trump 30,000 wounded and almost 1.5 million the American President and the German lished a 2 percent defense spending target took office,” Rasmussen explained. This is driven from their homes.Ukraine’s Pres- Chancellor on how to deal with the cri- in 2014 -- but few have managed to hit partially thanks to “very active” American ident Volodymyr Zelensky was elected in ses in NATO are inconsistent. NATO, on that mark. And while O’Brien did chastise involvement in strengthening defense of a landslide in April, and his party have the other hand, is facing difficult crises Turkey, a NATO member, for recently NATO’s eastern flank, prompted by Pu- since swept to a majority in the national that cannot be overcome. Here’s a look purchasing Russian defense weapons, he tin’s annexation of Crimea and support parliament—the first time in Ukrainian at some of the current situation among made it clear that it was the unfair defense of separatist militias in eastern Ukraine history that a single party has achieved NATO members: spending rift that was most damning to from 2014. such a feat. Trump describes Turkish disappoint- the alliance’s future. The Pentagon has been a driving force in Zelensky has said he is keen to end ment in French NATO statement “NATO is an important alliance to us, establishing four rapid response battalions the fighting, though has maintained his U.S. President Donald Trump said but I think the cracks that have formed in based in Eastern Europe, which would desire to bring the restive eastern Donbass on Wednesday that Turkey and others in the alliance are because we have mem- be tasked with blunting the advancing region of the country and Crimea back the international community were very bers of the alliance that aren’t paying their Russian spear in the event of war. The under Kiev’s control. Despite a ceasefire, disappointed in a French statement about fair share. That aren’t spending money on Air Force has also been investing in the firing and deaths continue along the front the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, defense,” O’Brien told Face the Nation. region, to ensure U.S. aircraft are ready line.Earlier this month, a prisoner swap at a White House meeting flanked by U.S. Trump is set to host NATO Secretary to engage in the defense of its allies. between Russia and Ukraine raised hopes senators and Turkish President Tayyip General Jens Stoltenberg in Washington Trump’s big gripe has been “burden that a new period of dialogue might give Erdogan.French President Emmanuel this week to “discuss the NATO allies’ pro- sharing”—the suggestion that the U.S. is way to progress towards peace, though Macron recently said that NATO was gress on increasing defense spending and carrying too much of the cost of NATO’s Moscow has repeatedly failed to fulfil its experiencing “brain death,” citing a lack ensuring more equitable burden-sharing.” collective defense. The U.S. is by far the commitments under the Minsk Protocol of coordination and U.S. unpredictability Trump’s often conflicting public opinions of the NATO countries that are spending Rasmussen, who led the transatlantic biggest contributor to the alliance’s mili- peace plan.Rasmussen suggested that the under Trump. He also expressed doubt of NATO hit a crisis point earlier this year their 2 percent on national defense, we alliance from 2009 to 2014, also said tary budget, though experts have pointed new administration has every chance of about the U.S.-led alliance’s security maxim after it was reported that he suggested spend over 4 percent, they’re doing the that NATO is more militarily robust than out that the president’s claims of being making progress. However, he warned that an attack on one ally would be treated withdrawing the U.S. from NATO altogeth- right things,” O’Brien continued. “But when Trump came into office, despite the “ripped off” are—at best—exaggerated. that Zelensky and his team must “avoid as an attack on all. er. The move was seen by critics as one to there are a bunch of countries including president’s public skepticism regarding As soon as he came into office, the naivety when it comes to Russia.” “I think (Erdogan), I think I can say appease Russian President Vladimir Putin. Germany and others that aren’t paying their the Cold War coalition. president began pummeling his NATO “Putin loves to play games,” he added, this, because other people know it, and In July 2018, Trump said the U.S will fair share. It’s not right for the American On the sidelines of the annual Yalta allies with demands to spend more, even “and if a new administration is too eager many other people feel the same way, they “not be taken advantage of” by NATO allies taxpayer to have to defend these countries European Strategy meeting—organized reportedly threatening to withdraw from to reach short-term gains at the expense were very disappointed and he was very and said Europe gets a lot more from the that don’t want to defend themselves.” by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation—in the alliance if they did not. of the long-term strategy, they might be disappointed in the statement made by alliance than the U.S. O’Brien said $100 billion has been Kiev, Ukraine, Rasmussen told Newsweek The result, in Trump’s telling at least, caught in a trap.” France having to do with commitment Trump’s tenuous stance toward NATO spent on new NATO defense spending that Trump’s derision of NATO has been was a marked rise in contributions. But “They have got the prisoner exchange, and NATO,” Trump said. prompted French President Emmanuel since Trump took office in January 2017. “damaging” and “politically weakening” as observers and fellow leaders—for ex- that’s a good step,” Rasmussen reflected. “I think that bothered the president Macron to tell The Economist this week And he again rebuked Face the Nation host for NATO, which this year celebrated its ample French President Emmanuel Ma- “But I don’t think they should consider very much and I don’t think he was very that NATO is suffering a “brain death” Margaret Brennan’s question of whether 70th birthday. cron—pointed out, the 29 nations already it a major long-term Russian willingness happy about it, and a lot of other people because of a lack of American support and or not Turkey was the country chipping Trump’s criticism is “not only a pity agreed in 2014 to up military spending to actually stop the destabilization of feel that way too.” resolve to stay together. Macron placed away at the alliance. but it’s dangerous, in my opinion,” Ras- to 2 percent of GDP by 2024. eastern Ukraine,” he suggested, adding Trump did not clarify who else he was doubt on the U.S.-led alliance’s security “Turkey is a member of NATO. Turkey mussen warned.Article 5 of the NATO Regardless, Rasmussen said Trump can that the question of Crimea is an even referring to felt the same way. agreement that an attack on one nation plays a very import geo-political role for charter is the cornerstone of the alliance. take some credit for the spending boost. bigger one. AS Newsweek reported,U.S. Nation- would be viewed as an attack on all member our friends in Europe, for ourselves...Los- The article means that “an attack against “While his predecessors have said the “I think they should be open-eyed in al Security Adviser Robert O’Brien said countries. Macron’s negative outlook on ing Turkey as an ally is something that one Ally is considered as an attack against same—both Obama and George W. Bush, their approach to Putin and to Russia,” Germany and other NATO countries “not NATO’s future prompted German Foreign is not good for Europe or for the United all Allies” in Europe or North America. I have cooperated with both of them—I he warned. “I think the only way to en- paying their fair share” in defense has hurt Minister Heiko Maas to warn France or States.In her weekly video podcast, Ger- This presents a united and potent front think we should give Trump the credit sure stability in eastern Ukraine and to the alliance more than Turkey’s recent any other dissenting allies of undermin- man Chancellor Angela Merkel reiterated against any would-be aggressor. that he has really raised his voice,” he create peace is to deploy a UN-mandated incursion into Syria. ing NATO. that NATO is a central foundation of the “When an American president raises explained. peacekeeping force with a robust man- O’Brien, who replaced John Bolton in “It would be a mistake if we under- country’s defenses and urged other Euro- doubts publicly about the credibility of “His rhetoric has been so harsh that no date to also control the real international September as President Donald Trump’s mined NATO. Without the United States, pean countries to step up responsibilities Article 5 and his commitment to Article 5, one in Europe is in doubt that Europeans border between Ukraine and Russia, to national security adviser, responded to neither Germany nor Europe will be able in upholding the security alliance. She it might tempt Putin and others to test our should carry a big part of the burden.” control the influx of Russian personnel infighting among NATO allies including to effectively protect themselves,” Maas said Germany is helping to create new resolve,” Rasmussen warned. The president Only six NATO nations have so far suc- and military equipment.” France and Germany, saying the U.S. is still wrote in a column published online by Der aircraft, battle tanks and weapon systems. has committed to honoring the article, but ceeded in reaching the 2 percent threshold. Putin sent his troops across the bor- committed to the 29-member, 70-year- Spiegel magazine.O’Brien did condemn Donald Trump’s NATO attacks are only after publicly questioning its value Nonetheless, Rasmussen noted that the der after pro-European protesters forced old North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Turkey’s attacks against Syrian Kurds last ‘Dangerous’ in the case of a relatively small country alliance has another five years to get there. pro-Kremlin President Viktor Yanukovych O’Brien’s “fair share” criticism of Germany month and said “there no place in NATO” Also News Week reported that The like Montenegro.Article 5 has only been “We are on the right track and by the end from office and from the country. The Rus- comes amid widening cracks and public for Russian military purchases after Tur- former secretary general of NATO has triggered once in NATO history—by the of this year, I would estimate that eight sian invasion was Moscow’s response to sniping about imbalance between NATO key bought an S-400 anti-aircraft missile warned that President Donald Trump’s U.S. following the 9/11 attacks. NATO out of the 29 allies live up to the 2 percent the imminent loss of Ukraine as a buffer countries.O’Brien and other NATO lead- defense system from the Kremlin. But he public criticism of the alliance risks danger- allies duly threw their weight behind target,” he said. against Europe and NATO. A valuable ers say they hope to rectify such issues continued complaining specifically about ously undermining the bloc, and encour- the subsequent invasion of Afghanistan. The ongoing war with Russia loomed strategic piece on the geopolitical chess- during next week’s Heads of State and the defense spending gap.”The United aging adversaries like Russian President While diplomats, analysts and journal- large over the YES meeting proceedings, board could not be simply allowed to drift Government summit in London. States taxpayer and the taxpayer of eight Putin to test its unity.But Anders Fogh ists have fretted over Trump’s pugnacious which was held in the Crimean resort city away from Russia. 13

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PRIVATE PARKING LOT Jahan Hotel (Exelsior) – Rahimzade Alley – Taleqani Crossroads – Valiasr St. Tell: 66476855 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y NONEMBER 16, 2019 SCIENCE 9

China completes crucial landing test Apollo 12 anniversary marks for first Mars mission in 2020 first U.S. return to the Moon China on Thursday successfully completed a The same Long March 5 rocket is meant The 50-year anniversary of the Apollo 12 launch is reviving crucial landing test in northern Hebei province to deliver the Chang’e-5 probe to the moon memories of how the United States made its first return ahead of a historic unmanned exploration by the end of 2019 or early next year to bring to the Moon. mission to Mars next year. back samples of lunar rocks. During a time when NASA is striving to return again to China is on track to launch its Mars The Chang’e-4 probe successfully the Moon, Apollo 12 recalls the historic achievements of mission, Zhang Kejian, head of the China touched down on the far side of the moon 1969. The second Moon mission launched at 11:22 a.m. National Space Administration, said on in January this year, a historic first and major from Kennedy Space Center, Fla., on Nov. 14, 1969, four Thursday, speaking to foreign diplomats achievement for China’s space program. months after Apollo 11. and the media before the test. China made its first lunar landing in 2013. The Mars lander underwent a hovering- China expects to complete a modular space and-obstacle avoidance test at a sprawling station around 2022, around the time when site in Huailai, northwest of Beijing. The site NASA is said to start building a new space was littered with small mounds of rocks to station laboratory to orbit the moon, as a simulate the uneven terrain on Mars which the pit stop for missions to other parts of the lander would have to navigate on its descent solar system. to the planet’s surface. In 2003, China became the third nation to “In 2016, China officially began the Mars put a man in space with its own rocket after exploration mission work, and currently all of the former Soviet Union and the United States. the different development work is progressing Since then, it has been racing to catch smoothly,” Zhang said. up with Russia and the United States and “The hovering-and-obstacle avoidance test become a major space power by 2030. for the Mars lander being carried out today “China is currently actively planning makes up a crucial part of the development and preparing a number of major space process. As scheduled, China’s first Mars programs including a Mars sample return exploration mission will take place in 2020.” mission, asteroid exploration missions and China has developed the powerful Long The journey through space will take about of the Mars exploration program. many more lunar missions,” the head of the March 5 rocket to transport the probe to seven months, while landing will take seven The landing will be the toughest and most space administration said. Mars in 2020. minutes, said Zhang Rongqiao, chief architect challenging stage, he said. (Source: Reuters)

Besides the historic second Moon landing — on Nov. Hologram-like device animates objects using ultrasound waves 19 — Apollo 12 is known for surviving two lightning strikes It may not rival the technology found in a galaxy far, far were added by vibrating the polystyrene bead as it hares moments after liftoff and for sticking a “pinpoint landing” away, but everyone has to start somewhere. Researchers in around. The vibrations can be tuned to produce soundwaves on the Moon with little manual piloting. Sussex have built a device that displays 3D animated objects across the entire range of human hearing, creating, for Ike Rigell, a former chief engineer and launch director that can talk and interact with onlookers. example, crisp and clear speech. Another trick makes the for NASA, remembers the moment Apollo 12 began its A demonstration of the display showed a butterfly flapping display tactile by manipulating the ultrasonic field to create ascent into a cloudy, rain-swept sky. its wings, a countdown spelled out by numbers hanging in a virtual “button” in mid-air. “After liftoff, lightning struck around 30 seconds into the air, and a rotating, multicolored planet Earth. Beyond The prototype uses a single bead and can create images the flight, and the telemetry and the instruments went interactive digital signs and animations, scientists want to inside a 10cm-wide cube of air. But future displays could use haywire — none of it made sense,” Rigell, now 96, told use it to visualize and even feel data. more powerful transducers to make larger animations, and While the images are similar, the device is not the employ multiple beads at once. Subramanian said existing UPI. “There had been some discussion about weather, sort of holographic projector that allowed a shimmering computer software can be used to ensure the tiny beads do but not much concern. That was when we learned never Princess Leia to enlist Obi-Wan Kenobi’s help in Star Wars. not crash into one another, although choreographing the to launch near an anvil cloud in a storm.” Instead, it uses a 3D field of ultrasound waves to levitate illumination of multiple beads mid-air is another problem. Apollo 12 landed on the Moon Nov. 24, 950 miles from a polystyrene bead and whip it around at high speed to If the technology can be improved, it could transform 3D where Apollo 11 had landed. The new site had been chosen trace shapes in the air. sound coming from it too,” he said. printing by building objects from tiny droplets of different so that astronauts could walk to the remains of the Surveyor The 2mm-wide bead moves so fast, at speeds approaching Ryuji Hirayama, who helped build the display, said it materials that are levitated and dropped into place. III spacecraft that had landed in 1967 in the vast Oceanus 20mph that it traces out the shape of an object in less than had been a long-term dream to make such a device. But Euan Freeman at the University of Glasgow said the Procellarum, or Ocean of Storms. one-tenth of a second. At such a speed, the brain doesn’t see he sees the “multimodal acoustic trap display” as a step technology showed the potential for displays in the future. Sticking that landing site closely gave NASA confidence to the moving bead, only the completed shape it creates. The towards more sophisticated systems. “I believe that in the “With this technology, you could reach out and feel the digital select future landing points in rough terrain of great scientific colors are added by LEDs built into the display that shine future, such displays will allow us to interact with our family images shown in the display,” he said. interest, according to an account from the Smithsonian light on the bead as it zips around. and friends as if they are close by, so you can see, touch “The interesting thing about the tactile content is that it’s National Air and Space Museum. Because the images are created in 3D space, they can be and hear them,” he said. created using ultrasound waves. Unlike the simple vibrations The Apollo 12 astronauts were Charles “Pete” Conrad, viewed from any angle. And by careful control of the ultrasonic The images are created between two horizontal plates that most people are familiar with through smartphones or games Jr., the commander, and Alan L. Bean, lunar module pilot, field, the scientists can make objects speak, or add sound consoles, the ultrasound waves move through the air to create are studded with small ultrasonic transducers. These create both of whom walked on the Moon. Richard F. Gordon effects and musical accompaniments to the animated images. an inaudible 3D sound field that contains a tiny pocket of precise patterns against your hands. This allows multimedia was the command module pilot. All three have since died, Further manipulation of the sound field enables users to low pressure air that traps the polystyrene bead. Move the experiences where the objects you feel are just as rich and Bean most recently, in May 2018. interact with the objects and even feel them in their hands. pocket around, by tweaking the output of the transducers, dynamic as the objects you see in the display.” Sriram Subramanian, a researcher on the team, said and the bead moves with it. Julie Williamson, also at Glasgow, said levitating displays “Apollo 11 was primarily to just show we could do it, that besides digital signs, the display could be used for new The most basic version of the display creates 3D colour are a first step towards truly interactive 3D displays. “I and then we kept advancing and finally put a Moon buggy forms of visual entertainment. “Let’s say you want to create animations, but writing in the journal Nature, the scientists imagine a future where 3D displays can create experiences up there and other things,” said Rigell, who still lives in a Harry Potter experience. You could put your hand out to describe how they improved the display to produce sounds that are indistinguishable from the physical objects they Florida just miles from the space center. cast a spell and as you move your hand you could see and and tactile responses to people reaching out to the image. are simulating,” she said. “I marvel at the success of Apollo more now than I did feel a glowing ball growing in your palm, and we could have Speech and other sounds, such as a musical accompaniment, (Source: The Guardian) then. It was designed with 1960 technology; it was moving parts, stepping switches and inverters,” he said. Another former engineer at the space center, Jim Ogle, said returning to the Moon was an important statement, Specific neurons that map memories now identified in the human brain although the mission always was overshadowed by Apollo 11. An important aspect of human memory is our corresponded to their behavior while Qasim, Jacobs’ PhD student and lead author “The second mission was not as hyped, of course, but it ability to conjure specific moments from the performing a virtual-reality (VR) object- of the study. was still significant,” said Ogle, 82, who also lives on the vast array of experiences that have occurred location memory task. The researchers But the researchers also noticed that other Space Coast. “It showed landing on the Moon the first time in any given setting. For example, if asked identified “memory-trace cells” whose neurons only activated in locations relevant wasn’t a fluke, and we did it again, and several more times.” to recommend a tourist itinerary for a city activity was spatially tuned to the location to the memory the patient was recalling on Ogle was a contractor working for defense and aerospace you have visited many times, your brain where subjects remembered encountering that trial -- whenever patients were instructed contractor McDonnell-Douglas at the time. He also recalls somehow enables you to selectively recall specific objects. The study is published today to target a different memory for recall, these the lightning strike upon liftoff. and distinguish specific memories from your in Nature Neuroscience. neurons changed their activity to match the “It was a very overcast morning,” Ogle said. “They counted different trips to provide an answer. “We found these memory-trace neurons new target’s remembered location. What down and lifted off, and everyone was so excited. But a few Studies have shown that declarative primarily in the entorhinal cortex (EC), especially excited Jacobs and Qasim is that seconds later, here comes a lightning strike. It was totally memory -- the kind of memory you can which is one of the first regions of the brain they could actually decode the specific memory visible to everybody.” consciously recall like your home address affected by the onset of Alzheimer ‘s disease,” a patient was targeting based on the activity With Apollo 11, the United States had won the Cold War or your mother’s name -- relies on healthy says Joshua Jacobs, associate professor of these neurons. medial temporal lobe structures in the brain, of biomedical engineering, who directed The researchers designed experiments as “Our study demonstrates that neurons in space race against the Soviet Union, which diminished including the hippocampus and entorhinal the study. “Because the activity of these engaging and immersive VR computer games the human brain track the experiences we are some of the urgency the nation felt, Ogle said. cortex (EC). These regions are also important neurons is closely related to what a person and the bedridden patients used laptops and willfully recalling, and can change their activity “There were a lot of pink slips handed out immediately for spatial cognition, demonstrated by the is trying to remember, it is possible that handheld controllers to move through virtual patterns to differentiate between memories. after Apollo 11 was accomplished,” Ogle said. “The Vietnam Nobel-Prize-winning discovery of “place cells” their activity is disrupted by diseases like environments. In performing the task, subjects They’re just like the pins on your Google map that War was actually the reason. The Moon program was and “grid cells” in these regions -- neurons Alzheimer’s, leading to memory deficits. first navigated through the environment to mark the locations you remember for important competing for dollars, and the tremendous support we’d that activate to represent specific locations Our findings should open up new lines of learn the locations of four unique objects. events,” Qasim says. “This discovery might had didn’t last for long.” in the environment during navigation (akin investigation into how neural activity in Then the researchers removed the objects provide a potential mechanism for our ability to On Apollo 12, astronauts brought back pieces of the to a GPS). However, it has not been clear if or the entorhinal cortex and medial temporal and asked patients to move through the selectively call upon different experiences from Surveyor spacecraft, which were studied for the impact how this “spatial map” in the brain relates to a lobe helps us target past events for recall, environment and mark the location of one the past and highlights how these memories of exposure to the lunar environment for more than 30 person’s memory of events at those locations, and more generally how space and memory specific object on each trial. may influence our brain’s spatial map.” months. and how neuronal activity in these regions overlap in the brain.” The team measured the activity of Jacobs and Qasim plan next to look NASA also studied lightning and its impact on launches, enables us to target a particular memory for The team was able to measure the activity for evidence that these neurons represent neurons as the patients moved through the Rigell recalled. retrieval among related experiences. of single neurons by taking advantage of a environment and marked their memory memories in non-spatial contexts to better “Kennedy Space Center went into an aggressive program A team led by neuroengineers at Columbia rare opportunity: invasively recording from targets. Initially, they identified purely characterize their role in memory function. to evaluate the weather impact on launches, and trying to Engineering has found the first evidence that the brains of 19 neurosurgical patients at spatially tuned neurons similar to “place “We know now that neurons care about where individual neurons in the human brain target several hospitals, including the Columbia cells” that always activated when patients our memories occur and now we want to see understand lightning,” Rigell said. “The lightning towers specific memories during recall. They studied University Irving Medical Center. The patients moved through specific locations, regardless of if these neurons care about other features of that surround launch pads today are a result of that.” recordings in neurosurgical patients who had drug-resistant epilepsy and so had the subjects’ memory target. “These neurons those memories, like when they occurred, Apollo 12 set the stage for the star-crossed Apollo 13 had electrodes implanted in their brains and already had recording electrodes implanted seemed only to care about the person’s spatial what occurred, and so on,” Qasim notes. mission, which suffered a malfunction and explosion on examined how the patients’ brain signals in their brains for their clinical treatment. location, like a pure GPS,” says Salman E. (Source: Science Daily) the way to the Moon and had to turn back. Rigell recalls NASA legend Rocco Petrone cautioning him and other engineers to never get complacent about Boeing received ‘unnecessary’ contract boost for astronaut capsule, watchdog says a rocket. “He told us, that rocket out there today doesn’t know that previous rockets were a success,” Rigell said. Boeing’s multibillion dollar contract to build U.S. astronaut additional seats from Russia’s space agency, which the United NASA also justified the additional expense to Rigell has since written a memoir published by Koehler capsules received an “unnecessary” extension from NASA, a States has been reliant on since the 2011 retirement of its ensure Boeing “continued as a second commercial crew Books about his time in the Pacific during World War II watchdog report said on Thursday, the latest management space shuttle program. provider,” the report said. Boeing was not immediately and his career at NASA. He will speak at an event marking blunders in the agency’s program to restart domestic Boeing and Elon Musk’s SpaceX have received nearly $7 available for comment. Apollo 12 on Nov. 23 at the American Space Museum in human spaceflight. billion combined since 2014 from NASA to develop separate In a response to the inspector general’s report, NASA Titusville, Fla. NASA agreed to pay Boeing Co (BA.N) a $287 million capsule systems designed to end U.S. reliance on Russia’s “strongly” disagreed with the report’s findings that it Another legacy of Apollo 12 still is orbiting the Earth premium for “additional flexibilities” to accelerate production Soyuz rocket for astronaut flights to the International Space overpaid Boeing, though it did agree the “complex and occasionally, according to NASA. Due to incorrect data of the company’s Starliner crew vehicle and avoid an 18-month Station. The program has been set back years by testing extensive” negotiations with the aerospace company could gap in flights to the International Space Station. NASA’s mishaps at both providers. have resulted in a lower price. in trajectory commands, the agency says the third-stage inspector general called it an “unreasonable” boost to Boeing’s NASA justified the additional funds to avoid a gap in “However, this is an opinion, three years after the fact booster missed a perfect sun-centered orbit and sometimes fixed-priced $4.2 billion dollar contract. space station operations. But SpaceX, the other provider, and there is no evidence to support the conclusion that returns to Earth orbit. It was mistaken for an asteroid at Instead, the inspector general said the space agency “was not provided an opportunity to propose a solution, even Boeing would have agreed to lower prices,” the agency one point and is now referred to by astronomers as object could have saved $144 million by making “simple changes” though the company previously offered shorter production said in a letter to the inspector general. J002E3. to Starliner’s planned launch schedule, including buying lead times than Boeing,” the report said. (Source: Reuters) (SOURCE: UPI) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 10 HERITAGE & TOURISM NOVEMBER 16, 2019

Garmsar hosts festival of Iran, Italy to mark 60 years of nomadic lifestyle, crafts and arts

TOURISM TEHRAN — Tribespeople from eleven Iranian deskprovinces came together in Garmsar to showcase collaboration in cultural heritage their nomadic lifestyle, handicrafts and arts in a festival, which was held in the central Iranian city on Thursday and Friday. HERITAGE TEHRAN — Iran and It- deskaly will mark 60 years of collaboration in the fields of cultural heritage and archaeology in a conference, which will be held on Sunday at the National Museum of Iran in downtown Tehran. Amongst invitees to the event are Iran’s tourism minister Ali-Asghar Mounesan, Italian Ambassador to Iran Giuseppe Perrone and tens of cultural heritage experts, archaeolo- gists, restorers, and media personnel, IRIB reported on Thursday. Organized by Iran’s Research Institute of Cultural Heritage & Tourism, the conference is aimed to discuss four main areas of Irani- an cultural heritage, namely; archaeological findings relative to prehistorical times, the Tens of stalls and Siah-Chadors (“vast traditional black tents”) ones that is liked with Achaemenid-era, ones were set up for the event that also highlighted travel destinations, linked to Parthian and Sassanid times, and local cuisine and souvenirs, live workshops and performances the field of conservation. amongst other programs. An Iranian and an Italian expert, who Nature lovers sometimes opt to live with a tribal or rural have previously collaborated in each of the family for a while or enjoy an independent stay, assisting them aforementioned fields, will deliver lectures with day-to-day works in order to feel their lifestyle, routines, during the conference, the report said. traditions, arts and culture. On the same day, an archaeological exhi- Garmsar is located about 95 kilometers southeast of Tehran, bition dedicated to the 60th year of partner- lying on the edge of Dasht-e Kavir, Iran’s largest desert. ship will be inaugurated at the museum. The exhibit will be running through December 1. From the early 20th century on, ac- cording to Encyclopedia Iranica, Italians Sudan looks to pyramids participated in the scholarly investigation to attract tourism, of ancient Iranian history and culture, most notably Ugo Monneret de Villard, but Ita- People visit the monumental Gate of All Nations in the UNESCO-registered Persepolis, Fars province, southern Iran. hard currency ly’s direct involvement in field archeology in Iran dates from relatively recent times. vations in the region of Sistan; the Center for institutions also established field research an-Anatolian Studies (a branch of the Na- The first agreement between the Iranian Conservation carried out especially significant projects in various regions of Iran. In 1976 tional Research Council [Consiglio Nazionale Portuguese architect Tania Monteiro and her husband are Archeological Services and the Institute for research at Persepolis and . the University of Turin participated in a delle Ricerche]) conducted surface surveys, almost alone as they tour Sudan’s pyramids, a world-class the Middle and Far East (Istituto Italiano Conservation and restoration work at joint program with the University Muse- directed by P. E. Pecorella and M. Salvini, in attraction long neglected by the world. per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, IsMEO, Persepolis began in 1964. In 1965 it came um of Pennsylvania and the Iranian Center the Urmia and Usnaviye plains, as well as in “People are really, really nice, always very welcoming,” q.v.) was reached only in 1959. Under its under the guidance of the conservation ex- for Archeological Research, known as the the area between Lake Urmia and the Zagros Monteiro said on a recent visit to Meroe, an ancient city on the learned and dynamic director, Giuseppe pert Giuseppe Tilia, who worked with his Hesar Restudy Project; it was undertaken Mountains in Iranian Azerbaijan. east bank of the River Nile about 200 km (125 miles) northeast Tucci (q.v.), IsMEO had already started wife, A. B. Pettersson-Tilia, on all aspects out of a need to study this fundamental site, An important highlight of Italian archeo- of the capital Khartoum. archeological research in Pakistan (1956) of preliminary site research, as well as on uncovered in the region of Damgan during logical work in Iran lies in the area of paleo- Sudan has more - though smaller - pyramids than Egypt, but and Afghanistan (1957). restoration. the 1930s, more thoroughly. botanical research, which formed part of the attracted only about 700,000 tourists in 2018 compared to some Since 1960 the Center for Archeological Italian archeology in Iran is not limited to From 1976 to 1978 Italian researchers studies in Sistan and later at Tepe Yahya, Tepe 10 million in its northern neighbor. Excavation has organized large-scale exca- IsMEO, for from the mid-1970s other Italian from the Institute of Mycenaean and Aege- Hesar, Qal’a-ye Esma’il Aqa, and Tepe Gijlar. Conflicts and crises under veteran ruler Omar al-Bashir, a tough visa regime and a lack of roads and decent hotels outside Khartoum have made Sudan an unlikely tourist destination. But Bashir lost power in April, and the new civilian tran- Iran promoting tourism, traditions and arts at Ankara exhibit sition government is easing visa rules to attract more visitors Public screening of documentaries and ited Turkey in August, making the Islamic with their hard currency to places such as the Royal Pyramids videos on Iran’s travel destinations, holding Republic the main source of foreign arrivals of Meroe. A film crew was shooting a promotional video for handicrafts and souvenir exhibits and live in the neighboring country. a travel agency in Khartoum. rug-weaving workshops are amongst activ- Latest data released by the Turkish Statis- Like the Egyptians, the Nubian Kush dynasty that ruled in ities of Iran’s stall, which covers 15 square tical Institute show 276,000 Iranian tourists the area some 2,500 years ago buried members of the royal meters in area, Mehr reported. visited Turkey in August to register a 45% family in pyramid tombs. Organized by ATIS Fairs, the four-day increase compared with the similar month (Source: Reuters) exhibit will come to an end on Novem- of last year, Eghtesad Online reported. ber 17 at the ATO Congresium Fair and Iran seeks balanced tourist flow Congress Center with total area of 10,000 with Turkey ROUND THE GLOBE square meters. Head of the Association of Iranian Travel “Firstly this fair aims to bring regional, Agents earlier in February emphasized the Old Havana and its national and international tourism sector need to attain a balance in tourist flow rates representatives together in order to meet between the two neighbors. fortification system the retail needs of the current potential; in “Iran intends to reach a balance with TOURISM TEHRAN — Iranian the ancient land at the 4th Travelexpo the upcoming years we aim this event to Turkey in the movement of tourist flow,” Founded about 1519 on Cuba’s north-western shore, Old Ha- deskexhibitors, tour oper- Ankara (locally named “Turizm ve Seyahat be an international event specializing in Hormatollah Rafiei said in a meeting with vana has maintained a remarkable unity of character through ators, artists and craftspeople are pro- Fuari”, which is currently underway at specific topics,” organizers say. Firuz Baglikaya, the head of the Association its adherence to its original urban layout. moting tourism, traditions and arts of the Turkish capital city. A total of 276,000 Iranian nationals vis- of Travel Agencies of Turkey. Urban plazas surrounded by many buildings of outstanding architectural merit and narrow streets lined with more popular or traditional styles permeate the historic center of the city. New train tour launched to Iranian desert TOURISM TEHRAN — Iran’s Raja Rail Transporta- and Abouzeidabad desert on their itinerary, desktion Company has launched a new weekly Assari explained. train tour to the central Iranian desert and its neighboring Sightseers will reach Tehran at around 10:00 p.m. the historical and natural attractions, Mehr reported. same day, the official added. Passengers start their journey at 6:20 a.m. local time on Many travelers opt to pass on their journeys Thursdays from Tehran railway station, said Reza Assari, between Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz and Yazd, because this an official with the company. delightful oasis city on the edge of the Dasht-e Kavir, is They are divided into two groups after the train reaches one of Iran’s most alluring destinations. the oasis city of Kashan; one will visit Nushabad under- Kashan not only boasts a cluster of architectural wonders, ground city, Kashan Jameh Mosque, a Seljuk-era mina- an atmospheric covered bazaar and a well-ornamented ret and the nearby Abouzeidabad desert, while the other garden, but it also offers some of central Iran’s best bou- group will visit Kashan’s historic houses, UNESCO-tagged tique and traditional hotels.

Its overall sense of architectural, historical and environ- Extinct giant ape directly linked to the living orangutan mental continuity makes it the most impressive historical city center in the Caribbean and one of the most notable in Researchers have succeeded in recon- author of the study. of animal species that went extinct too the American continent as a whole. structing the evolutionary relationship ‘Primates are relatively close to hu- far away in time for their DNA to survive With the establishment and development of the fleet system between a two million year old giant pri- mans, evolutionary speaking. With this till now. In this study, we can even con- in the Spanish West Indies, Havana in the second half of the mate and the living orangutan. It is the study, we show that we can use protein clude that the lineages of orangutan and 16th century became the largest port in the region, and in the first time genetic material this old has been sequencing to retrieve ancient genetic Gigantopithecus split up about 12 million 18th century developed the most complete dockyard in the retrieved from a fossil in a subtropical area. information from primates living in years ago’, says Enrico Cappellini. New World, both of which necessitated military protection. This allows the researchers to accurately subtropical areas even when the fossil Sequencing protein remains two million The extensive network of defensive installations that was reconstruct animal, including human, is two million years old. Until now, it has years old was made possible by stretching created between the 16th and 19thcenturies includes some evolutionary processes way beyond the only been possible to retrieve genetic to its limits the technology at the base of of the oldest and largest stone fortifications now standing limits known today. information from up to 10,000-year- proteomic discovery: mass spectrome- in the Americas. By using ancient protein sequenc- old fossils in warm, humid areas. This try. State of the art mass spectrometers Old Havana, which is defined by the extent of the former ing, researchers have retrieved genetic is interesting, because ancient remains and the top palaeoproteomics expertise city walls, has maintained the pattern of the early urban information from a 1.9 million year old of the supposed ancestors of our species, Modern-day orangutan (stock image). needed to get the best out of such sophis- setting with its five large plazas, each with its own architec- extinct, giant primate that used to live in Homo sapiens, are also mainly found in ticated instrumentation are key resources tural character: Plaza de Armas, Plaza Vieja, Plaza de San a subtropical area in southern China. The subtropical areas, particularly for the covering a much larger portion of the deriving from the decade-long strategic Francisco, Plaza del Cristo and Plaza de la Catedral. Around genetic information allows the researchers early part of human evolution. This means entire human evolution. collaboration with Jesper Velgaard Olsen, these plazas are many outstanding buildings, including the to uncover the evolutionary position of that we can potentially retrieve similar Analyzing ancient dental enamel pro- Professor at Novo Nordisk Foundation Iglesia Catedral de La Habana, Antiguo Convento de San Gigantopithecus blacki, a three-meter tall information on the evolutionary line teins using mass spectrometry-based Center for Protein Research and co-author Francisco de As?s, Palacio del Segundo Cabo and Palacio and may be up to 600 kg heavy primate, leading to humans’, says Frido Welker. proteomics on this study. de los Capitanes Generales. revealing the orangutan as its closest, Today, scientists know that the hu- In a recent study, also published on The mystery of Gigantopithecus Interspersed with this mix of baroque and neoclassical living relative. man and the chimpanzee lineages split Nature, Enrico Cappellini, Associate Pro- The fossil evidence attributed to Gi- style monuments is a homogeneous ensemble of private It is the first time that genetic mate- around seven or eight million years ago. fessor at the Globe Institute and senior gantopithecus was initially discovered in houses with arcades, balconies, wrought-iron gates and rial this old has been retrieved from a With the previous methodologies though, author on this study, initially demon- southern China in 1935, and it is currently internal courtyards –many of them evocatively time-worn. warm, humid environment. The study they could only retrieve human genetic strated, together with an international limited to just a few lower jaws and lots The complex system of fortifications that protected Havana, is published in the scientific journal Na- information not older than 400,000 years. team of colleagues, the massive potential of teeth. No complete skull and no other its port and its dockyard is comprised of the Fortaleza de ture, and the results are groundbreaking The new results show the possibility to of ancient protein sequencing. bone from the rest of the skeleton has been San Carlos de la Cabana–one of the largest colonial for- within the field of evolutionary biology, extend the genetic reconstruction of the ‘By sequencing proteins retrieved from found so far. As a result, there has been tresses in the Americas. according to Frido Welker, Postdoc at evolutionary relationships between our dental enamel about two million years a lot of speculation about the physical (Source: UNESCO) the Globe Institute at the Faculty of species and extinct ones further back in old, we showed it is possible to confidently appearance of this mysterious animal. Health and Medical Sciences and first time, at least up to two million years -- reconstruct the evolutionary relationships (Source: Science Daily) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y NOVEMBER 16, 2019 INTERNATIONAL 11

BRICS ties vital in uncertain world China-Japan ties shouldn’t GLOBALTIMES — The BRICS Summit ended in be subject to US’ whims Brazil’s capital Brasilia. This year has been bad for By Zhu Feng the whole world. Negative impacts brought by the US-launched trade war against China have been Relations between China and Japan have seen an uptick since spreading. Some Western media outlets have cast the China-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Summit in Tokyo in doubt on the BRICS meeting, claiming that BRICS 2018.The two countries agreed in principle to Chinese President cooperation is declining.From our perspective, the Xi Jinping’s state visit to Japan next spring at the invitation of situation is exactly the opposite. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The exchange visits of the BRICS cooperation is groundbreaking. It has leaders come after years of fraught ties. provided a new angle for the five countries to re- Although China-Japan relations are on the way to recover recognize the world as well as themselves, and has from their lowest point, they still need time to reach a certain inspired them to explore their paths of participation stage where ties can be considered satisfactory. in international cooperation. In the past, developing Global politics and economy are passing through a flux un- countries had to go through the West to understand seen in a century: the fragmentation of the liberal international the world and go global. But BRICS cooperation has order, resurgence of trade unilateralism and protectionism, and reminded people that there is a huge world outside global climate change. the West. This has a far-reaching significance. Whether China and Japan as the second and third largest BRICS countries have generally suffered from economies in the world can strengthen cooperation and share an economic slowdown. So have most of the world. responsibilities in this new wave of “great changes” will have The long-term factors driving BRICS’ economic a significant impact on the well being of the people of the two growth have remained unchanged, and the dynamic countries and their national standing in the global power matrix. mechanisms of BRICS countries as emerging markets Bilateral economic and social ties have demonstrated un- have remained unchanged. Their influence in regions precedented vitality. As of 2018, bilateral trade had exceeded and the world has not diminished. They are still on $300 billion and the number of personnel exchanges had reached the frontline of world development and changes. almost 12 million.The two have gradually become indispensable Global governance is facing enormous challenges partners for the dynamism of the value chains of medium and brought about by protectionism. The US is the greatest high-end manufacturing and technological innovation. The trade war on China unilaterally launched by the Trump source, followed by the West. BRICS countries do mechanisms. BRICS countries should have more say trade balance, GDP per capita and foreign exchange administration has begun to significantly drag down the Japanese attach great importance to their ties with the US and in the future world. Will the world become fairer and reserve also look positive. Yes, BRICS has become economy. According to the Ministry of Finance of Japan, Japan’s other Western countries, but such relations can only more balanced? The group’s performance is crucial. too important to be ignored. goods trade recorded a deficit of 847.99 billion yen ($7.81 billion) provide limited dynamic augment. BRICS leverages strength of emerging South Africa plays a very strategic role in BRICS. for the first half of fiscal 2019 (April to September), marking the In particular, facing Washington which advocates markets It represents the African region. When the BRICS second consecutive half-year period in red.Today, China-Japan “America First,” BRICS countries cannot bind their By Godfrey Netswera Source:Global Times nations speak, they do not speak only for themselves. relations rest on interdependence. development with cooperation with the US, which is Published: 2019/11/14 21:43:40 They speak for the region in which they belong. South Relations have continued to warm since 2019. Tokyo is not unrealistic and even dangerous.BRICS is a group of Brazil is hosting the 11th BRICS summit in its capital Africa has good element of legitimacy within the willing to do US bidding in economy and trade, but continues to the world’s largest emerging markets. By expanding Brasilia for the third time, signifying the coming of African Union and within the continent to represent encourage Japanese enterprises to increase investment in Chi- cooperation, the five countries are increasing impetus age of an organization that brings together emerging the region. na. However, the structural constraints between the two Asian for each other’s development. It is a revolutionary economies playing a vital role in a globalized world. The inclusion of South Africa into BRICS will powers still exist. exploration, which not only brings specific benefits, The first time Brazil hosted the summit in 2010, definitely raise Africa’s voice in the world. If you The 2019 white paper issued by Japan’s Defense Ministry but also strengthens strategic initiatives for all BRICS Lula da Silva was the president; in 2014, it was under look at the loan terms that come from the NDB, other in September clearly defined China as the main security threat. countries. the leadership of president Dilma Rousseff. This countries in the region will be able to borrow with Moreover, the negative perception of China in Japan hasn’t BRICS members have differences in geographical year, Brazil is hosting BRICS under the presidency surety from the member country of that particular significantly diminished. According to a poll by the Japanese features, size and social governance. Some Westerners of Jair Bolsonaro. region. Let’s assume a country like Kenya or Zimbabwe think tank “Genron NPO” released on October 24, 44.8 percent believe these dissimilarities are stumbling blocks to Leadership in Brazil has changed hands thrice, wants to borrow from the NDB, it means that it has Japanese considered relations with China “bad,” with a 6-point cooperation. Their understanding of cooperation is prompting questions about its future BRICS to raise proposals to South Africa. This will advance rise from 2018.The improvement in ties requires more effort outdated. Just as the internet is changing economic membership. Many critics have raised questions about the general ideology behind development for the and adaptability. activities, globalization is changing conditions, methods why some nations like Brazil, India and South Africa small nations. and even the purpose of cooperation among countries. concentrate more on domestic leadership and economic The theme and focus of the 11th BRICS Summit, Past cooperation in the West was mostly driven by challenges than focus on issues in the grouping. Such “Economic growth for an innovative future,” is in geopolitics and then served geopolitical goals. But concerns seem to be fading over time as the world keeping with the times.The aggressive move in the BRICS’ greatest goal is development, offering the focuses on other imminent challenges like Brexit. realm of IR4 and innovations like 5th generation members unlimited space for cooperation. An important development was an earlier realization cellular networking technologies (5G) will continue to Development is the most appealing theme of by BRICS that establishing partnership institutions have disruptive influences on industries and economies. the contemporary era, and strengthening mutually was central to the sustenance of its agenda. The The new ecosystems under formation blur what we beneficial cooperation is an exploration with BRICS Bank (New Development Bank, or NDB) has know historically as national versus international inexhaustible driving forces. Despite their distance been operational since 2015. economies and economic role players. from each other, BRICS members hold a summit every The NDB today boasts a portfolio of 30 projects The need for cooperation in science, technology, year and develop an increasing number of cooperation worth $8 billion. These are highly innovative and innovation and digital economic cooperation projects, including the New Development Bank.In large scale developmental programs in the countries becomes the new normal.Important questions that First, China does not need to avoid structural differences and contrast, although the US proposed the Indo-Pacific of the Global South with a focus on infrastructure the BRICS formation has to unravel are: Where are disputes in relations with Japan. It is those differences that China Strategy, and meets with Japan, Australia and India and the green economy. These programs breathe these ecosystems emerging and what will be their should eliminate for better relations. After the Cold War, Japan annually, the “free and open Indo-Pacific” still sounds life into the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals implications on the Global South and the economies has a long history of strategic doubts about China. It will take some like an unrealistic slogan after more than two years, (SDGs) agenda.Countries of the Global South would of the BRICS formation itself? time to rebuild confidence and change their views of each other. as it is driven by US geopolitical needs. surely look toward these alternative development- How can learning and technological advancement, Second, though the security factor in relations cannot be BRICS should focus on two things: self-development friendly loans which offset historic perversions that policy and cooperation frameworks put the Global underestimated, the two countries can also set up a pattern of and cooperation. If the five members succeed both nearly crippled most economies of the “third world.” South in the position of a pioneer and a frontrunner “coopetition.” ways, the world will be changed. It seems BRICS Many more cooperative institutions like the BRICS in digital economic development? Recognizing that China-Japan relations are one of the most has made a good start in both development and credit system, Academic Forum and university We can hope that the 11th BRICS summit will complex and sensitive among major countries, doing away with a cooperation. New ideas have already been formed. As cooperation programs are operational or in the grapple with these challenges efficiently and heads of mindset of “problem-based perspective” when dealing with ties long as BRICS countries are persistent and determined, pipeline. states will offer guidance that will enable the economic and giving due respect and understanding each other should be the group’s influence will certainly be on the rise. With just over 3 billion people and counting, BRICS and innovation space to thrive and position member the “attitude toward Japan” China needs to re-establish. It is hoped that BRICS will open up more areas of accounts for 40 percent of the global population. nations as well as countries of the Global South in Last but not the least, Beijing and Tokyo need to build up stra- cooperation and form more long-term cooperation Other important indicators like life expectancy, an advantageous position. tegic confidence and determination in improving ties. Although affected by US-Japan relations, China’s ties with Japan should not be forever subject to Washington’s whims as long as Beijing skillfully handles relations with Tokyo. It will not be wise for China to expect a sudden spurt in ties, but Macron’s ‘brain-dead’ label for NATO points at growing there is a need for making a real difference in its Japan strategy. chasm between Europe and U.S. U.S. needs to answer China’s By Sun Keqin difficult subject. Furthermore, faced with new concerns over technology non-traditional security threats, such Recently, French President Emmanuel By Hu Weijia Macron rubbed European leaders the as terrorism and refugee crises, many wrong way by calling NATO brain-dead, people have proposed to reform NATO, Chinese telecom giant Huawei is the focal point for the ongoing further aggravating the trans-Atlan- enabling it to effectively combat these trade row between China and the US. If the US side wants to end tic rift that has often seen the US and new challenges. While the EU empha- the trade war as soon as possible, Washington should immedi- Europe at loggerheads. His comments sizes the threat perception from the ately issue licenses allowing US companies to resume supplies were published by The Economist which response to the crises faced by bloc to the Chinese giant. also quoted the young French leader members, Washington needs the or- As Globaltimes reported, to ease US concerns that Huawei may as saying “America is turning its back ganization to toe the line in terms of spy for Beijing and share user data with the Chinese government, on the European project.” its global strategy, such as NATO’s Huawei Technologies USA Chief Security Officer Andy Purdy said As Globaltimes reported, European presence in Afghanistan and Iraq. earlier this week that testing mechanisms can be put in place to leaders came out to reject Macron’s Additionally, the US has shifted ensure security, CNBC reported. Huawei’s efforts should be answered statements. German Chancellor An- its strategic focus to the Asia-Pacific by the US government, which claims to act as an advocate for a gela Merkel called his words “dras- region, and NATO’s strategic status fair and transparent environment for foreign companies. This is a tic.” Polish Prime Minister Mateusz from the perspective of Washington has testing time of the credibility and reliability of the US government. Morawiecki described the statements been eroded. Arguing that the military US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross was quoted by CNBC as “irresponsible.” alliance has cost Washington plenty as saying on November 3 that licenses for US companies to sell Based on how Macron has behaved of funds and energy, US President components to Huawei “are coming very shortly.” However, this since taking office, his comments on Donald Trump’s administration has It is not the first time that Macron interests of Brussels. is far from enough. The licenses should be issued immediately. NATO are not whimsical, revealing asked NATO allies to raise their defense has poured cold water on US-Europe Although the US and Europe are More importantly, Huawei needs to be removed from the “US his lack of trust for the US and NATO spending and take more responsibility. relations. In August 2018, Macron told allies and remain one in terms of the Entity List” of companies that are barred from buying US products. and strategic emphasis on building a These controversies reflect height- French diplomats and lawmakers in political values of democracy and free- The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that trade talks strong European Union (EU). ened tensions between Europe and a speech, “Europe can no longer rely dom, they differ on many other values. between China and the US have hit a bump over farm purchases. Since the demise of the Cold War, the US. Considering these US moves, on the United States for its security.” For example, the US has been promot- China can never make unilateral concessions. Any concessions by the US and Europe have all been for the Macron doubts whether NATO can Divergences between Europe and the US ing unilateralism and protectionism, the Chinese side in terms of farm purchases need to be met with NATO, which has been the linchpin of guarantee the security of EU members. are reflected in various domains such while Europe is all for multilateralism. similar steps by the US side in other areas such as high-technology trans-Atlantic ties. It is the foundation These European countries regard many as strategy, economy, values, global The two sides are also at odds over investment. Huawei is a test of Washington’s sincerity in giving of the Western alliance and a means by US actions as unreliable, especially governance, and geopolitics. global governance. Europe attaches im- fair treatment to China’s high-technology investment. which the US controls Europe. Without Trump’s decision to withdraw troops Against the backdrop of international portance to climate change issues as does The negotiations for a bilateral investment treaty (BIT) between NATO, the US and Europe may pull from Syria. unrest, Europe hopes to coordinate the entire world, but for the White House China and the US started in 2008 and significant progress had different ways. NATO still plays its In this context, Macron may intend with the US on many issues, in or- these days the boot is on the other foot. been made in 2013 when China agreed to conduct negotiations role in safeguarding the security of to criticize Washington by expressing der to maintain its superiority in the Washington’s withdrawal from the Paris on the basis of a “negative list” approach. However, the US is Europe and guarding against Russia discontent with NATO. His core idea is non-Western domain. However, since Agreement has become a leitmotif of its still far behind in terms of solving problems inhibiting Chinese after the Cold War. to build stronger, French-dominated taking office, Trump has been cranking recklessness on a subject that is on top companies, especially those in high-tech industries, when they However, the value which the military and independent European defense up nationalism and “America First.” of the European agenda. invest in the US. alliance brings with itself has always capabilities, in an attempt to develop The US is not only targeting emerging European countries also differ among Fair treatment of China’s technology investment in the US been questionable. The organization’s European military sovereignty. Build- powers, but also cracking the whip and themselves on how to deal with the US, remains a sticking point in China-US economic ties. The US can Eastward expansion has squeezed Rus- ing the EU into a strategic geopolitical slapping sanctions on its allies. For which has greatly influenced European no longer ignore China’s demands and must make a reasonable sia’s strategic space, triggering fresh power, he hopes to assure the bloc’s example, the US imposed tariffs on a diplomacy as a whole. The rift between response to China’s core concerns. Offering licenses that would acrimony with the Kremlin. And dealing interests and global status in times of record $7.5 billion worth of Europe- Europe and the US is evident and is wid- allow some US companies to supply goods to Huawei is something with the challenge has been the most great power competition. an products, which undermines the ening though the two sides are still allies. the US has to do. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 12 SOCIETY NOVEMBER 14, 2019

Climate change: do more now World Day of or risk catastrophe, warns energy agency The world’s existing climate policies will not be enough to end Remembrance the upward march of record energy emissions rising beyond 2040 without a “grand coalition” of governments and investors, according to the global energy watchdog. The International Energy Agency said carbon emissions from the global energy industry reached a new record in 2018 for Road despite progress in renewable energy in recent years. Traffic Victims Road traffic crashes are a major cause for giving recognition to the suffering of of death among all age groups and the road crash victims and the work of support leading cause of death for children and and rescue services. young adults aged 5–29 years. The risk of In 2008, remembrance services and dying in a road traffic crash is more than other related events were held in such 3 times higher in low-income countries countries as Argentina, Australia, Brazil, than in high-income countries. Brunei Darussalam, Canada, India, Japan, More than half of all road traffic deaths Mexico, Nigeria, the Philippines, South Af- are among vulnerable road users: pedestri- rica, Uganda and the United States, and ans, cyclists, and motorcyclists. Pedestrians, almost every country in Europe. cyclists, and riders of motorized 2- and A dedicated website was also launched The IEA expects the growth of renewables to accelerate over 3-wheelers and their passengers are col- to make the Day more widely known and the coming decades, but warned it would not be enough to put a lectively known as “vulnerable road users” to link countries through sharing common ceiling on the energy sector’s emissions before 2040. and account for half of all road traffic deaths objectives and the remembrance of people Dr Fatih Birol, the IEA’s executive director, said there was a around the world. A higher proportion of killed and injured in crashes. “deep disparity” between the aim to tackle the climate crisis by vulnerable road users die in low-income Life is not a car part curbing carbon emissions and the existing policies which had countries than in high-income countries. The theme is based on Pillar 3 of the allowed a “relentless upward march” for emissions. Since the adoption of the World Day of Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road The IEA’s latest figures estimate that carbon emissions are Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, pur- Safety – Safer vehicles. Notwithstanding on track to keep rising by 100m tonnes a year for at least another suant to General Assembly resolution 60/5, global efforts to the contrary, the type of 20 years under existing policy plans. the observance has spread to a growing road mobility that is in place throughout the This rate would be two-thirds slower than the emissions hikes number of countries on every continent. world still fosters an unbearable number recorded in previous decades, but would fall very far short of what The Day has become an important tool of deaths, serious injuries and illnesses is needed to achieve the goals of the Paris agreement. in global efforts to reduce road casualties. It every year, both as the immediate conse- “We will need to see great political will around the world,” offers an opportunity for drawing attention quence of road traffic crashes and through Birol said. “This is why I believe that the world needs to build a to the scale of emotional and economic air pollution. grand coalition encompassing governments, investors, compa- devastation caused by road crashes and (Source: UN) nies and everyone else who is genuinely committed to tackling climate change.” The IEA said it presented the modelling based on stated pol- icies to “hold up a mirror” to global governments to show the ‘Insect apocalypse’ poses risk to all life on Earth, conservationists warn consequences of their policies. The “unnoticed insect apocalypse” should set alarm gardens and parks, Goulson said. “There is potential “We think that governments’ current plans could bring us bells ringing, according to conservationists, who said for a huge network of insect-friendly habitats right to a catastrophic implications for the climate of this planet. In that without a halt there will be profound consequences across the country. Already a lot of people are buying order to be in line with the Paris targets there is a need for huge for humans and all life on Earth. into the idea that they can make their gardens more efforts in pushing energy efficiency, renewable energy and all A new report suggested half of all insects may have wildlife friendly by letting go of control a bit. There other clean energy technologies,” Birol added. been lost since 1970 as a result of the destruction of are also quite a lot of councils going pesticide free.” The record carbon emissions for 2018 are only marginally nature and heavy use of pesticides. The report said But he said: “The bigger challenge is farming – 70% below the levels forecast by the IEA almost 10 years ago despite 40% of the 1million known species of insect are facing of Britain is farmland. No matter how many gardens the quicker than expected rollout of wind and solar power. extinction. we make wildlife friendly, if 70% of the countryside Birol said the “disappointing” efforts towards better energy The analysis, written by one of the UK’s leading remains largely hostile to life, then we are not going efficiency and a boom in coal use in China had scuppered the ecologists, has a particular focus on the UK, whose to turn around insect decline.” momentum of clean-energy technologies. insects are the most studied in the world. It said 23 The report called for the introduction of binding Energy efficiency is one of the most important levers for pol- bee and wasp species have gone extinct in the last cen- targets for pesticide reduction in farming and for sup- icymakers to help reduce carbon emissions across the economy, tury, while the number of pesticide applications has exists suggests the rapid decline is a real phenomenon. port for farmers to reach them. This could be funded according to the IEA’s report, yet efforts to cut energy waste have approximately doubled in the last 25 years. It really worries me to hear people say we need more by a tax on the chemicals – Sweden has had such a fallen to record lows even as the climate crisis has climbed the UK butterflies that specialise in particular habitats long-term studies to be sure. That would be great, but levy since 1984, and France, Italy and Denmark now political agenda. have fallen 77% since the mid-1970s and generalists we can’t wait another 25 years before we do anything also have charges. Under the IEA’s sustainable development model, global carbon have declined 46%, the report said. There are also because it will be too late.” Virtually all farms could significantly cut their pesti- emissions from the energy sector should peak immediately and knock-on effects on other animals, such as the spotted Gary Mantle, chief executive of Wiltshire Wild- cide use while still producing as much food, according fall to 10 gigatonnes (or 10bn tonnes) by 2050. This would require flycatcher which only eats flying insects. Its populations life Trust, said: “This unnoticed apocalypse should to a 2017 study. The research also showed that chemical emissions in advanced economies to fall at an average of 5.6% have dropped by 93% since 1967. set alarms ringing. We have put at risk some of the treatments could be cut without affecting farm profits every year until 2050, and by 3.2% in developing economies. But conservationists said that insect populations can fundamental building blocks of life. But insects and on three-quarters of farms. (Source: The Guardian) be rescued, by introducing firm targets to cut pesticide other invertebrates can recover quickly if we stop killing Matt Shardlow, chief executive of the charity Bug- use and making urban parks and gardens more wildlife them and restore the habitats they require to thrive. life, said: “The very latest research shows that quality WORDS IN THE NEWS friendly. Scientists said insects are essential for all We all need to take action now in our gardens, parks, habitats [in the UK] are so isolated that most inverte- ecosystems, as pollinators, food for other creatures, farms, and places of work.” brate species are failing to move north to keep track US backs major NATO and recyclers of nutrients. The planet is at the start of a sixth mass extinction in with the climate envelope in which they can survive. “We can’t be sure, but in terms of numbers, we may its history, with huge losses already reported in larger Restoring networks of habitats for insects is now a expansion have lost 50% or more of our insects since 1970 – it animals that are easier to study. But insects are by far number one priority.” could be much more,” said Prof Dave Goulson, at the the most varied and abundant animals, outweighing Goulson said the UK’s departure from the European (March 27, 2002) University of Sussex, UK, who wrote the report for the humanity by 17 times. Union means large-scale change is possible: “Whatever An American Deputy Secretary of State, Richard Armitage, says Wildlife Trusts. “We just don’t know, which is scary. Insect population collapses have been reported people think of Brexit, there is this potential oppor- Washington would like to see NATO admit as many new members If we don’t stop the decline of our insects there will in Germany and Puerto Rico, and the first global tunity to completely revise our farming system.” He as possible and has urged the candidates to redouble their efforts. be profound consequences for all life on earth [and] scientific review, published in February, said wide- said giving funds for boosting nature and other public This report from Barnaby Mason: for human wellbeing.” spread declines threaten a “catastrophic collapse of goods, rather than simply owning land, was a really The aftermath of September 11th has increased the strategic Studies of insect populations over decades are scarce, nature’s ecosystems”. exciting possibility. importance of several areas of the world in Washington’s eyes, he said: “But the overwhelming weight of evidence that Insects can be helped to recover by “rewilding” urban (Source: The Guardian) and NATO’s south-eastern flank is one of them. Bulgaria and Romania were seen as lagging far behind other NATO candidates like the Baltic states and Slovenia; now they seem more plausible. Both countries seized the opportunity to show how useful they ENGLISH IN USE could be in President Bush’s war on terrorism. They have opened their air space and military bases to the Americans for operations in LEARN NEWS TRANSLATION Afghanistan, and the Romanians have sent peacekeeping troops to Kabul. The two countries argue that their membership would fill the hole in NATO between Hungary and Turkey, help stabilize the Iran Association of Social Workers اختصاص دو کرسی به ایران در فدراسیون Balkans and make it easier to protect oil pipelines. All this has not gone unnoticed. Richard Armitage praised the efforts of Bulgaria holds two seats in IFSW جهانی مددکاری اجتماعی .and Romania to help He said the Bush administration was looking for the widest possible Iran Association of Social Workers holds two seat in the International ســید حســن موســوی چلــک رئیــس انجمــن مــددکاری اجتماعــی ایــران بــا تاکیــد بــر expansion of NATO and encouraged them to sprint to the finishing Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) and has a great potential to line. But Mr Armitage also emphasized that no decision would be اینکــه ایــران قــادر اســت تــا الگــوی کشــورهای دیگــر در ایــن عرصــه باشــد از اختصــاص made until October, the month before the NATO summit in Prague. become a role model for other countries, the association’s head دو کرســی بــه ایــران در فدراســیون جهانــی مــددکاری اجتماعــی خبــر داد. .Words Seyed Hasan Mousavi Chalak has said aftermath: the effects of a bad event Mousavi Chalak who is also Asia Pacific Regional Representative موســوی چلــک کــه بــه عنــوان کمیســر اخــاق و عضــو هیئــت رئیســه فدراســیون ,strategic importance: if something has strategic importance جهانــی مــددکاری اجتماعــی در منطقــه آســیا و اقیانوســیه در فدراســیون جهانــی then that thing gives a country or an army a military advantage for the IFSW Global Committees and Ethics Committee went in Washington’s eyes: in the US government’s opinion or view on to say that social services know no boundaries and Iran is مــددکاری اجتماعــی انتخــاب شــده اســت همچنیــن گفــت: گســترش خدمــات flank:here - edge, border lagging far behind: if you lag behind something, then you are capable of and willing to share its first-hand experience and اجتماعــی نبایــد محــدود بــه مرزهــای جغرافیایــی باشــد، و ایــران قــادرو مایــل اســت .not moving or progressing as quickly as that thing achievements in this field تــا دســتاوردها و تجربیــات خــود در ایــن حــوزه را در جهــان ترویــج کنــد. plausible: an explanation that is plausible seems likely to be true or valid “60 years of social work in Iran” conference, held in Iran with seized the opportunity: if you seize the opportunity, then you وی در گفتوگــو بــا ایســنا گفــت: کنگــره بیــن المللــی» ۶۰ســال مــددکاری take advantage of the situation 8 countries attending the event, was a chance to set the scene اجتماعــی در ایــران« بــا ۸ کشــور ، منجــر بــه افزایــش تعامــات بیــن المللــی ایــران fill the hole:if you fill the hole, then you fill a gap in something for fostering international cooperation, ISNA quoted Mousavi stabilize: here - help prevent a future conflict in the area Chalak as saying on Sunday. در ایــن حــوزه شــده اســت. sprint to the finishing line: here - to put in as much effort as possible in trying to become a member of NATO, in the short period of time before the summit meeting in Prague (Source: BBC) PREFIX/SUFFIX PHRASAL VERB IDIOM Without “-burg, -burgh, -boro, -berg” Have somebody up Burden of proof Meaning: to form name of a city or town Meaning: to make someone go to a court of law Explanation: the necessity imposed by the law to earth no For example: Each year The City of Harrisburg because you think they have committed a crime prove that what one says is true. hosts almost 100 family-oriented events. For example: Last year he was had up for stealing For example: The burden of proof lies with the claimant. birth! his neighbor’s car. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y NOVEMBER 16, 2019 WORLD IN FOCUS 13 Iraq ‘will never be the same’ after protests: Endless crises in NATO

7 The country is now stuck somewhat in limbo. Grand Ayatollah Sistani Zelensky’s pro-European, pro-U.S., pro-NATO govern- ment is looking longingly westwards, but Crimea and the Iraq will be deeply marked by weeks of late, and Sistani appeared to do the same occupied Donbass remain wedged in the Russian orbit. demonstrations demanding sweeping re- on Friday. The Russian strategy produced mixed results. Those in form, its top Shia cleric said on Friday in “In response to the protesters’ demands, unoccupied Ukraine have been pushed towards Europe, some of his strongest remarks yet on the nothing notable has been achieved on the achieving “exactly the opposite” of what Moscow wanted, protest movement. ground so far,” he said. Rasmussen said. But Putin knows full well that NATO In his weekly sermon delivered by a Earlier this week, he met the United Na- and the European Union have no wish to import unsolved representative in the Shiite holy city of tions’ top official in Iraq to back its phased border disputes into their organizations. Karbala, Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani piled roadmap for tackling the crisis. “This is exactly the reason why he wants to keep the con- pressure on authorities to enact sweeping The plan calls for electoral reforms within flict simmering, a frozen conflict,” Rasmussen explained. reforms in response to the deadly demon- two weeks followed by constitutional amend- “In that respect, we should not see Ukraine as an isolated strations. ments and infrastructure legislation within event. You also have Georgia with the occupation of South “If those in power think that they can three months. Ossetia, you have Moldova with Transnistria, and I would evade the benefits of real reform by stalling Parliament received a draft of a new add to that also Nagorno-Karabakh between Azerbaijan and procrastination, they are delusional,” electoral law this week but has yet to begin and Armenia.” Sistani said. debating it. “All those simmering conflicts are elements in the same “What comes after these protests will On Friday, Sistani urged lawmakers to long-term Putin strategy to keep his neighbors weak, de- not be the same as before, and they should “work quickly to pass a fair electoral law that pendent on the Kremlin and prevent them from seeking be aware of that.” would restore people’s faith in the electoral a deeper relationship or even membership of NATO and Protests erupted on October 1 in an out- process”. the European Union,” Rasmussen reflected. pouring of anger over high unemployment “No one can give the government le- Both Ukraine and Georgia are still working towards and widespread corruption but have escalated gitimacy but the people... Passing a law achieving the criteria required for future NATO mem- into demands for root-and-branch reform that does not provide this opportunity calling their demands “legitimate.” honorable way” to seek change. bership. Predictably, Russia has responded by accusing of the political system. to voters would not be acceptable or NATO of provocation and threatening further con- Sistani, 89, cautiously backed the dem- But he has firmed up his backing in re- Demonstrators have brushed off govern- useful,” he said. cent days and on Friday called protests “the ment promises of reform as too little, too flict.Rasmussen dismissed Moscow’s protests. “It’s onstrators when they first took to the streets, (Source: AFP0) not NATO that is pushing for this enlargement, it’s Ukraine and it’s Georgia,” he said. “It’s for them to decide whether they will apply. And that’s according to what I consider a very basic principle, namely, that Israel bombs Gaza despite earlier Taliban shifted Western hostages as each and every country has an inherent right to decide ceasefire deal prisoner swap postponed: sources its alliance affiliation itself.” “I think the Kremlin should ask itself, ‘Why is it that all our neighbors are seeking—an improved relationship with Israel has launched airstrikes on the Gaza Hours later on Thursday morning, A plan to swap two Western hostages with The sources said they had heard about NATO? I think it’s more important to ask that question in Strip despite agreeing to an earlier cease- Islamic Jihad announced that Israel three Taliban prisoners has been postponed, the return of the prisoners to Bagram the Kremlin, [rather] than being hostile to their choice,” fire, arousing popular calls for continued had accepted its proposed ceasefire an Afghan government official told Reuters from Taliban prisoners in the jail and he added. Palestinian retaliatory strikes in response conditions, agreeing to halt targeted Friday, and Taliban sources said the group members of the Afghan security forces. Rasmussen acknowledged that the bloc must do more to the Israeli onslaught. assassinations and attacks on Pales- had moved the Westerners to a “new and The move had left the Taliban “astonished to face up to the Russian threat and global terrorism, espe- The Israeli military announced early on tinian protesters in the Gaza strip in safe place.” and hurt”, said one of the sources, who is cially to support smaller countries unable to build up and Friday that it had launched airstrikes tar- talks mediated by Egypt. Afghan president Ashraf Ghani said familiar with the details of the prisoner maintain the required forces.The alliance must also look geting positions affiliated to the Palestinian Israeli and Egyptian officials also Tuesday the government would release a exchange. to new regions to ensure collective security, Rasmussen Islamic Jihad resistance group. confirmed the ceasefire. Shortly later, leader of the Taliban’s Haqqani militant “The deal was we would free them believes, specifically Asia and the Arctic. Gaza’s Health Ministry reported that however, Israeli Foreign Minister Isra- faction and two other commanders in after our prisoners landed in Qatar,” “China is, of course, an overall challenge,” he told two injured citizens were being treated el Katz, rejected any change in Israeli exchange for two university professors, said the third source familiar with the Newsweek. “First and foremost, NATO is a transatlantic following the strike. policy against Gaza while speaking to American Kevin King and Australian swap. alliance, but I think we should remind ourselves that if a The strikes threaten to unravel a fragile Israel’s Army Radio. Timothy Weeks. He said the Taliban had immediately NATO ally—for instance the U.S.—is attacked by North ceasefire which put an end to two days of Targeted killings “will not cease”, he said, The deal is seen by the Afghan govern- shifted King and Weeks “to a new and safe Korea or China, then the question is will the U.S. request fighting after Israel launched two assassination adding that Israel’s “open-fire policy” regarding ment as a key move in securing direct talks place” Tuesday after the commanders failed assistance from its allies?” attempts targeting two senior Islamic Jihad protests at the Gaza border will not change. with the Taliban, which has hitherto refused to land in Doha, home to the Taliban’s Climate change is melting Arctic ice faster than most commanders, one in the Syrian capital of Family massacred, Palestinians urge to engage with what it calls an illegitimate political leadership. observers predicted. Aside from the disastrous ecological Damascus and another in Gaza on Tuesday. response “puppet” regime in Kabul. Taliban sources said they had no infor- consequences, this process also poses a strategic threat— While the strikes failed to kill Tel Aviv’s Israeli strikes on Gaza killed eight mem- But a diplomat said in Washing- mation why their prisoners had not been and opportunity—for NATO. intended target in Syria, strikes in Gaza led bers of the same family, five of whom were ton Wednesday the exchange had not flown to Doha, while spokesmen for the “We see how not only Russia, but also China are fo- to the death of Islamic Jihad commander children, shortly before Israel submitted taken place. An Afghan government Afghan government and the U.S. embassy cusing much more on the Arctic,” Rasmussen said. “And Baha Abu al-Ata, along with his wife. to a ceasefire on Thursday morning. official told Reuters on Friday it had in Kabul did not immediately respond to Article 5 covers all territory, also the NATO territory in the As a result of ensuing fighting, at least Israel’s military claimed the strike tar- been postponed, without elaborating requests for comment. Arctic—Canada, the U.S., Norway, Denmark, Iceland. So I 34 Palestinians, including eight children geted the father of the family, Rasmi Abu further. The Australian government has said think NATO should develop a reinforced Arctic strategy. and three women, were killed while another Malhous, for allegedly being affiliated with Three Taliban sources, including a Tuesday it will not provide a “running Russia is currently way out ahead of its European and 110 were also injured. Islamic Jihad. relative of prisoner Anas Haqqani, brother commentary” on the effort to release North American rivals in the Arctic. The Kremlin is in- Various Palestinian resistance groups, Relatives, neighbors and an Islam- of the leader of the Haqqani network, said Weeks. vesting heavily to expand and improve its forces in the far notably Islamic Jihad, responded by fir- ic Jihad spokesman, however, denied the commanders were due to be flown The Haqqani network has in recent years north. Moscow is creating units, renovating Cold War era ing reportedly more than 400 rockets into that Malhous belonged to the resist- to Qatar to be freed but were returned carried out large-scale militant attacks on bases and building new vessels to bolster its presence in Israel, paralyzing Tel Aviv and other vast ance group. to the jail in Bagram outside the Afghan Afghan civilians. It is believed to be based the region, which will soon offer lucrative new shipping parts of the country, leading to the closure “This is a war crime,” said neighbor Adan capital Kabul. in Pakistan and is part of the Taliban in routes and valuable natural resources. of business and roads. Abu Abdallah. “You are killing innocent “We spoke to them after they were pro- Afghanistan. For all the challenges, Rasmussen remains optimistic On Wednesday, Hamas officials warned children, sleeping at home,” he added. vided with new clothes and shifted out of King and Weeks were kidnapped in about the health of the transatlantic alliance. “It is the that it would join Islamic Jihad in repel- In another incident, a six-month Bagram jail,” the relative said, declining August 2016 from outside the American world’s strongest security organization,” he said. “NATO ling Israeli aggression if Tel Aviv failed to pregnant woman, identified as Iman Abu further identification due to the sensitivity University of Afghanistan in Kabul where will not only survive—it will flourish.” submit to a ceasefire. Tayyim, suffered a miscarriage in a severe of the issue. both worked as professors. “If airstrikes and aggression continue, anxiety attack after Israeli bombs landed “They told us that they were being They appeared in a hostage video a Hamas and the resistance groups will have near her home east of Khan Younis in taken to the plane and we expected year later looking disheveled and plead- to morally respond to and protect the Pales- southern Gaza, according to Palestinian them to land in Doha and when it ing U.S. President Donald Trump for When the U.S. smells out oil tinian people,” an unnamed Hamas official sources.(Source: didn’t happen for several hours, we their release. told the US-based Fox News channel. (Source :Press TV) got suspicious.” (Source: Reuters) in Lebanon: New destination for oil robbery

1 In addition to the United States, the Zionist regime Russia still has great deal of work to do in Syria’s Idlib: Putin is also happy with the unrest because Israel has disputes with Lebanon over common borders as well as oil and gas Russian President Vladimir Putin says Moscow feels that Syrian army soldiers struck the gatherings resources. Such an uprising provides the opportunity for it still has a lot of work to do in the last major bastion and fortifications of militants from the Jabhat Tel Aviv to plunder Lebanese natural resources. of foreign-backed militants and Takfiri terrorists in Fateh al-Sham Takfiri terrorist group, formerly The Zionist regime which is violating the Lebanese Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib. known as al-Nusra Front, with barrages of artil- land, airspace and territorial waters frequently will take “We still have a lot of work in the zone of Idlib, as lery rounds and rockets, killing and injuring a advantage of the protests in the country while Lebanese there is a large number of militants, who flee to other number of the terrorists. officials are doing their utmost to improve and calm the countries, including Libya by the way,” Putin told Several militants fled away towards their strong- situation. Consequently, the officials will not be able to reporters at the 11th summit of BRICS nations in the holds in the countryside of Maarat al-Numan pay attention to regional issues, which is a matter that Brazilian capital of Brasilia on Thursday. town, located 33 kilometers (20.52 miles) south Hezbollah has repeatedly warned about. He added Russia hopes the Geneva peace process of Idlib. Undoubtedly, one cannot have a positive view about for Syria would be successful. last week, United Nations Special Envoy for Syria sudden unrest in oil-rich countries in the Middle East “Yes, many objectives have been reached, but not Geir Pedersen said the opening round of talks aimed under the shadow of U.S. intervention. History has at all every objective. I really expect that during the at finding a political solution to the ongoing conflict shown that oil-rich countries have always suffered political process in Geneva, during work on amend- in Syria had been “better than expected”, with a new from domestic tensions and crises so that Western ments or a new constitution for Syria, we manage to round due to be held in Geneva later this month. powers, that usually lead the riots, can easily plunder mitigate the situation, establish good ties between the Speaking at a news conference at the end of the first their oil resources. government and the opposition, and reach decisive round of the Constitutional Committee on November In any case, it seems that after Syria, the U.S. has spec- general solutions which would appease the whole 8, Pedersen said, “I believe it has gone much better ified Lebanon as its next destination for oil robbery, and country and completely regain its territorial integrity,” than most people would have expected.” U.S. officials are expected to make specific comments on the Russian leader pointed out. He added that the committee discussed many key from the government, foreign-sponsored opposition the developments in the country in future days. The remarks on the same day that Syrian government issues, including Syria’s sovereignty, territorial in- and civil society addressed them with professionalism. forces managed to liberate the villages of al-Luaibdeh tegrity and fighting terrorism, without elaborating. “The next round of discussions will start on No- Gharbyia and Tal Khazna in Idlib province. The UN envoy noted that discussions were sometimes vember 25,” Pedersen added. Syria’s official news agency SANA reported “very painful” but said the delegates to the committee (Source: TASS) Lebanon’s Safadi emerges as PM choice War in Syria to end once terrorism defeated, not after constitution adopted: Assad ‘Parliamentary consultations Syrian President Assad said “some are led to al committee, whose goal will be to secure mixture of Kurds and others; the Americans northern Syria have officially told Monday, Safadi to be designated PM’ believe the settlement of the conflict depends a peaceful political settlement of the years- support the Kurdish groups and installed Damascus they are not ready to join on the work of the constitutional commit- long conflict in the Middle Eastern country, them in a leadership role in order to give the the government’s army, but would 1 Bassil said he expected the new government tee. The war in Syria did not start because was announced by UN Secretary-General impression that it is a Kurdish region and like to keep their weapons. formation process not to take long “because the main of disagreements around the Constitution, Antonio Guterres on 23 September. to create a conflict between the Kurds and “We are trying to convince these fighters political parties are certain of the need to quickly form the war in Syria began because terrorists President Assad said that Damascus the other groups in Syria. We remained in within the framework of Syrian-Russian co- a government that would get the country out of” the killed military, police and civilians, as well has kept in touch with Kurds throughout contact throughout the war with these groups, operation to join the Syrian Arab Army and current situation. as because they destroyed infrastructure. the conflict in Syria despite knowing of their despite our knowledge that some were being fight against the Turkish invaders, which is The last Cabinet, headed by Saad Hariri, was only By virtue of this, the war will end when ter- close ties to Washington. used and directed by the Americans; they the correct and proper way to restore the formed after 252 days of political wrangling. At the rorism is defeated”. “I would like to make it clear that this were armed and funded by the Americans lands whose loss they have caused in northern time, Bassil insisted on having a “blocking third,” or 11 Assad also said the Syrian government and region in the north and northeast of Syria and their public statements were dictated Syria. We have to keep trying and we’ll see ministers in the 30-member Cabinet that can scuttle the people of the Syrian Arab Republic will is an Arab-majority region; over 70 percent by them”, Assad said. how things progress in the next few weeks”, measures they find unacceptable. He did not mention in no way agree to a partition of the country. of its population are Arabs, not the other The president added that the Assad said. whether he would make the same demand this time. The establishment of the constitution- way around. The groups fighting there are a predominantly-Kurdish groups in (Source: Sputnik) (Source: Daily Star) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 14 WORLD SPORTS NOVEMBER 16, 2019

Manchester City’s appeal Roger Federer beats Novak Djokovic against financial probe thrown out at 2019 ATP Finals in London Manchester City’s attempt to halt a UEFA investigation into al- legations that the club breached financial fair play regulations has failed after its appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) Roger Federer moved into the ATP Finals would have predicted before the tournament. was thrown out on Friday. last four at the expense of Novak Djokovic When the draw was made last week, most CAS general secretary Matthieu Reeb told reporters that the with a scintillating win over his great rival expected their final round-robin match to Premier League champions’ appeal, made in June, had been judged at the O2 Arena. be a decider for who would top the group. inadmissible. Swiss third seed Federer, 38, won 6-4 6-3 Yet both players came into it fighting for UEFA had opened an investigation into City over potential breaches in a round-robin match which eliminates the survival after Thiem blasted them off the court of its break-even rule in March after German publication Der Spiegel Serb second seed from the season-ending to earn back-to-back wins which assured reported the club’s Abu Dhabi owners inflated sponsorship agree- tournament in London. the French Open finalist of a last-four spot ments to comply with requirements. Federer will meet top seed Rafael Nadal at the O2 Arena for the first time. In May, UEFA investigators referred the case to the Club Financial or Stefanos Tsitsipas in the last four. Federer was the one who produced a high- Control board’s judicial body for possible sanctions. Djokovic’s defeat also means Spain’s Na- quality performance at the crucial time, with City appealed in June against that decision, saying at the time dal is guaranteed to finish as the year-end Djokovic looking out of sorts and nursing that UEFA investigators had ignored “a comprehensive body of world number one. an elbow injury in the final stages. irrefutable evidence provided by Manchester City”. Nadal, 33, is far from certain of reaching Federer dropped just three points on his The club have said that the accusation of financial irregularities the last four himself, needing victory over serve in the first set, firing eight aces and “remains entirely false” and they are confident of a positive outcome. Greek sixth seed Tsitsipas on Friday to have winning all points behind his second serve, Financial Fair Play rules are intended to prevent clubs receiv- any chance. as even Djokovic’s famed defensive game ing unlimited amounts of money through rich owners and inflated However, if German seventh seed Alexan- could not cope with his accuracy. sponsorship deals. der Zverev beats Russian fourth seed Daniil While this victory will not completely make Clubs who have breached the rules can ultimately be barred from Medvedev then Nadal is out regardless of up for that bitter defeat at SW19, which denied European competition, but negotiated settlements are more common. his result. after clinching a victory which goes some think I served great, had great anticipation, him a 21st Grand Slam triumph, Federer’s Seven-times European champions AC Milan became the biggest If results do go his way then Nadal will way to avenging his defeat by Djokovic in clear game-plan and it worked great tonight - delight at avenging it was clear. club to be banned when they were barred from this season’s Europa top the Andre Agassi Group and face Federer an epic Wimbledon final in July. hopefully not for the last time against Novak.” Federer missed two championship points League for overspending. - who has finished second behind Austrian Asked what he did differently at the O2, Federer dominates battle for survival before going on to lose Wimbledon’s longest Reeb said the City appeal had been thrown out because the fifth seed Dominic Thiem in the Bjorn Borg Federer said: “I won match point, I guess. It Anticipation for the first meeting between singles final in a historic final-set tie-break, UEFA case had not run its course. “The UEFA decision was not Group - in Saturday’s semi-final. was so close at Wimbledon. It was a privilege the pair since that enthralling Wimbledon but ruthlessly took his first opportunity here final, there is still another stage before and a possible final decision Six-time champion Federer, who lost his to play that match, so many ups and downs. final was high as they met on the other side as Djokovic disintegrated. to be rendered,” he said. opening match to Thiem, jumped for joy “I couldn’t be more happy right now. I of the English capital in a situation which few (Source: BBC) He added that City could appeal again once UEFA had made its final decision. Separately, City were fined 370,000 Swiss Francs (£290,052) by France and goal-getters England join Chinese swimmer Sun, facing lengthy global soccer body FIFA in August for breaches of rules regarding the transfer of Under-18 players. Euro 2020 big guns ban, rejects dope test charge (Source: Reuters) La Liga plans to take game to Miami halted by court decision

La Liga’s hopes of staging Villarreal’s game with Atletico Madrid on Dec. 6 in Miami have ended after a local court declined a request to grant an injunction against the Spanish soccer federation (RFEF), who oppose playing the match abroad. The league’s organizing body filed a complaint against the RFEF last year over the latter’s refusal to authorize playing regular season matches outside Spain, claiming the RFEF did not have the author- ity to block the move. That complaint will be heard next February. “Madrid’s Mercantile Court No. 12 today decided not to grant interim measures to stage an official La Liga match in Miami in a case about the pending authorization from the Spanish Football Federation (RFEF),” said a statement from La Liga. “La Liga respects this decision, which does not prejudge the The Euro 2020 line-up began to take shape 1,000th game and with five goals in the Chinese swimming star Sun Yang, facing two and eight years for Sun, who served substance of the matter, which will be permanently settled in Feb- on Thursday after big-hitters France and first half I think we did that,” said Kane. a ban of up to eight years for missing an a doping suspension in 2014, for missing ruary 2020. Staging an official match abroad is part of a long-term England qualified for next year’s finals England displayed the firepower that out-of-competition test, told the Court the out-of-competition test. La Liga strategy for international growth.” alongside Turkey and the Czech Republic. will make them one of the favorites for of Arbitration for Sport on Friday that During the hearing, representatives of It is the second time the league has been unsuccessful in its bid World champions France reached the next year’s European Championship as testers were at fault by failing to identify the Swedish firm IDTM that has carried out to play regular season matches abroad, after Barcelona withdrew tournament without having to kick a ball they sealed top spot in Group A. themselves correctly. the doping tests on behalf of FINA since from plans to play a league game last January against Girona in thanks to Turkey sealing their own quali- Ronaldo eyes Portugal century Attending a one-day CAS public hearing the 1990s, said that the documentation Miami, citing a lack of support. fication after a goalless draw with Iceland Reigning European champions Por- in person in a bid to clear his name, Sun, supplied to Sun was standard and had been La Liga and the RFEF have been at loggerheads since the league in the day’s early match. tugal were made to wait for their place accused of using a hammer to smash a approved by swimming’s world governing signed a 15-year deal with US entertainment company Relevent in Chelsea outcast Olivier Giroud then despite Cristiano Ronaldo hitting his ninth vial containing his own blood sample, body. 2018, which included a commitment to play one regular season moved to within two international goals international hat-trick in a 6-0 thrashing maintained his innocence and said testers In 2018 alone, the letter of authority match in North America per year. of France great Michel Platini with a late of Lithuania in Faro. were unprofessional and ignored protocol. had been used to collect 3,200 test samples (Source: Goal) penalty that ensured a comeback win over Pizzi, Goncalo Paciencia and Bernardo “If they had been professional and had without complaint. a Moldova side ranked 175th in the world. Silva rounded off an easy win that keeps shown their identification, we would not be After being cleared by FINA, Sun was The scrappy victory at a chilly Stade de Portugal second in Group B behind already- here today,” Sun said in Chinese, translated able to compete in the World Championships Sterling backs Gomez amid France put Didier Deschamps’ side two qualified Ukraine and one point clear of court interpreters. in Gwangju, South Korea, in July, where England fans’ boos points ahead of Turkey at the top of Group third-placed Serbia, who beat Luxembourg “The officials were not even capable of he won two golds but became a focus of H ahead of their final match at Albania 3-2. proving their identity. How could I allow protests from rivals. at Wembley on Sunday. They will secure their spot at next year’s them to take my sample,” said the triple Australian Mack Horton refused to The celebratory mood was initially finals with a victory in Luxembourg on Olympic champion who is a national hero share the podium with Sun after coming England forward Raheem Sterling came to the defence of England dampened when Vadim Rata punished Sunday. in China. second to him in the 400m freestyle. Horton teammate Joe Gomez after some Three Lions supporters booed abject defending to give Moldova a shock Ronaldo has now scored 98 interna- Sun insisted that documents provided received an ovation from fellow swimmers the Liverpool player when he took the field during a 7-0 Euro 2020 ninth-minute lead. tional goals after a seventh-minute penalty, by the testers were invalid. at the athletes’ dining hall for his protest. qualifying win against Montenegro on Thursday. However Raphael Varane levelled for a superb curling effort midway through the “If a policeman came to your house Friday’s court proceedings have been Manchester City’s Sterling, who was dropped by England manager the hosts 10 minutes before break despite first half and a simple finish in the 65th in the middle of the night and says, moved from the CAS headquarters in Gareth Southgate after an altercation with Gomez in the canteen at furious protests from the Moldovan players minute, and the Juventus attacker will be ‘I’m a policeman, but I don’t have any Lausanne to Montreux to cope with high the national team’s St George’s Park training ground on Monday, and their coach, who were convinced Gir- hoping to become the second-ever player identification,’ how would you behave?” media interest and will for only the second accepted blame for the incident and said the fans that booed were oud had fouled goalkeeper Alexei Koselev to reach 100 this weekend. Sun said. time in the tribunal’s history be conducted in the wrong. in the build-up. The Netherlands and four-time world Sun, winner of 11 world titles, was cleared in public. Gomez and Sterling had squared up the day before during Liv- Harry Kane fired England into the Euros champions Germany will make add to an of wrongdoing in January by FINA, the The first hearing in public, in 1999, erpool’s 3-1 win over City at Anfield in a top-of-the-table Premier in style with a hat-trick that helped the 2018 already mouth-watering lineup on Saturday international swimming federation. also involved FINA, which had found Irish League clash. World Cup semi-finalists dismantle poor should they make it out of Group C. The body confirmed that he had used a swimmer Michelle Smith de Bruin guilty of Sterling watched England secure qualification for the Euro 2020 Montenegro 7-0 at Wembley. Ronald Koeman’s resurgent Dutch hammer to smash a vial containing his own doping. Smith requested an open hearing. finals from the stands, but took to social media after hearing some Kane struck his treble in the first half need just a draw at Northern Ireland on blood sample during the testing session in CAS ruled for FINA, finding that Smith fans target Gomez with booing. as Gareth Southgate’s side racked up five Saturday to guarantee a spot at their first September last year but agreed that testers had tried to dilute her urine sample with “To all the England fans, I wanted to leave things as it was but before the break in England’s 1000th match, international tournament since coming had failed to produce adequate identification alcohol. tonight I have to speak again: it was hard for me to see my team mate making light of the absence of Raheem third at the 2014 World Cup. or follow correct protocol. CAS said that a ruling on Sun’s case get booed for something that was my fault,” Sterling wrote on Twitter. Sterling, who was dropped by Southgate Joachim Loew’s Germany meanwhile Protests from rivals would not be issued on Friday following “Joe hasn’t done anything wrong and for me to see someone earlier in the week after an altercation with have to better the Northern Irish’s result The ruling outraged the World Anti- the one-day hearing but at a later date who keeps his head down and works hard, especially after a difficult teammate Joe Gomez. if they are to make the finals. Doping Agency (WADA) who took the following court deliberations. week for him, to be booed when he came on tonight was wrong. “We wanted to put on a show in our (Source: AFP) matter to CAS demanding a ban of between (Source: AFP) “I’ve taken full responsibility and accepted the consequence. I felt as though I had to say this.” (Source: Soccernet) VAR in the Premier League: Referees won’t change policy on pitchside monitors Juve in for Donnarumma? The Premier League has committed to improving sup- for clubs.” porter experience with VAR, but has resisted pressure to However, the Premier League has accepted that com- Juventus are reportedly planning to step up their interest in Milan use pitchside monitors unless an exceptional case arises. munication for supporters inside the stadia and watching goalkeeper Gianluigi Donnarumma, offering Merih Demiral or Both Premier League and PGMOL, the referees’ body, around the world is a major issue, and it plans to provide Daniele Rugani in exchange. committed to “improving the consistency of decisions, more precise information via screens inside grounds and to With 19 months left on Donnarumma’s current deal, reports speeding up processes and increasing communication to broadcasters to clearly state the offence that is being checked. yesterday claimed he was ready to ask for a pay rise at San Siro, fans” and said that VAR should be under constant review. A statement from the Football Supporters’ Associa- despite Milan preferring to spread his €6m salary over a longer However, there was no commitment to make any signifi- tion said: “We’ve made clear to the Premier League that period. cant change to VAR protocol for this season but research match-going fans have been left behind when it comes to That might open the door for Juve, with Gazzetta dello Sport will take place to canvas the views of fans and stakeholders. VAR use in stadiums and it needs to be urgently addressed. writing how sporting director Fabio Paratici is already laying the Representative of all 20 clubs met in central London on “We hope today’s announcement leads to an improve- foundations for a bid this summer. Thursday for the league’s regular meeting, and the four- ment for fans in the stadium and we’d also like better com- The newspaper adds they are willing to offer either Demiral or hour summit was dominated by VAR as refs’ chief Mike munication via PA systems and even pitchside advertising Rugani as part of a swap deal, the Bianconeri particularly aware Riley was quizzed. hoardings.” of their rivals’ interest in the Turk. Riley told the meeting that the accuracy of decisions on The Premier League is the only major league in Europe Wojciech Szczesny is presently first choice at Allianz Stadium key match-changing incidents had been improved from Controversially, pitchside monitors, which by IFAB to show the definitive clip or image for all overturned de- and is tied to the club until June 2021. 82% last season to 91%, but he accepted improvement protocol should be used by the match referee to review cisions with the ground. The average time to complete a Juve, who beat Milan 1-0 before the international break, con- is required and that “speed and consistency of decision- subjective decisions, have not been called into action once check is 33 seconds, and the average time for an overturn tinue their hunt for a ninth title in a row when they face Atalanta making are priority areas of work and will improve as the in 120 Premier League games. But calls for a change in is 75 seconds, with an average of 6.5 checks per game and on November 23. officials become more experienced with the technology policy have been rejected because “the pace and tempo an overturned decision once every 4.1 games. (Source: Football Italia) and protocols.” of Premier League football remains an important focus (Source: ESPN) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y NOVEMBER 16, 2019 SPORTS 15

Lackluster Iran suffer late Ex-Iran taekwondoka auctions his Olympic medal for Iran quake victims

SPORTS TEHRAN — Former Iran Olympic medal loss against Iraq desk winner Yousef Karami has put his medal up SPORTS TEHRAN — Iran national football for auction to raise money for the victims of earthquake. deskteam suffered a second successive A magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck Tark county in East loss in the 2022 World Cup qualification, losing to Azarbaijan province on Friday, which killed six people and in- Iraq 2-1 on Thursday. jured over 580 others. In the match held in neutral venue Amman, Mo- hanad Ali gave the Iraqi team the lead from the edge of the six-yard area in the 11th minute after the Iranian defenders failed to clear the ball. Iran midfielder Ahmad Nourollahi levelled the score with a well-taken goal in the 25th minute. Iraq started better the second half and put Team Melli under pressure and made some scoring chances. With nine minutes remaining, Iran went down to 10 men after captain received his second yellow card. Substitute Alaa Abbas found the back of Iran’s net with a header in the dying moments of the match and kept Iraq at the top of Group C with 10 points. Marc Wilmots’s team had lost to Bahrain 1-0 in mid-October. Earlier on the day, Bahrain were held to a goalless draw by Hong Kong in the group, but remained second with eight points, two points ahead of third-placed Iran. “More than 3,000 residential units have been destroyed that The eight group winners and four best runners-up need reconstruction and 1,500 must be repaired. will advance to the AFC Asian Cup China 2023 Finals The taekwondo practitioner claimed a bronze medal at the and the final round of qualifying for the FIFA World Olympic Games Athens 2004 in the 80kg weight category. Cup Qatar 2022. The next best 24 teams from the second round of the joint qualifiers will compete in a separate compe- tition for the remaining 12 slots in the 24-team AFC Iran win Junior World Asian Cup China 2023. Kabaddi C’ships

Iranian athletes win three more medals Captain Masoud Shojaei apologizes for MNA — Iranian boys’ team won the title of the first edition of at World Para Atheltics C’ships letting Iranian fans down Junior World Kabaddi Championships on Friday. Iran gained a commanding 42-22 victory over Kenya to keep the title at home. The Iranian team had defeated Thailand, Turkmenistan, and Malaysia in the group stage before overpowering Chinese Taipei and Bangladesh in quarterfinals and semifinals respectively. Pakistan and Bangladesh jointly received the bronze medal of this event. The competition was held from Nov. 11 to 15 with the partici- pation of 13 countries. India, a powerhouse in Kabaddi’s world, had not participated in this event.

Chinese football at crossroads again after Lippi abruptly quits SPORTS TEHRAN — Iranian and bronze medal went to Syrian Mohamad desksportsmen claimed Mohamad with 46.01m. China are searching for a third coach this year after the three more medals at the Dubai 2019 World Mohammadreza Ahmadi seized a bronze SPORTS TEHRAN — Iran have always tried to make my people Para Athletics Championships. at the Men›s Shot Put F33 with a throw desknational football happy. I know that how important the football association accepted Marcello Lippi’s resignation Behzad Azizi won a gold medal at the of 11.09 meters. team captain Masoud Shojaei feels win is for the Iranian people. I have following the damaging loss to Syria in World Cup qualifying. Men›s Javelin Throw F13. Iran’s Mahdi Olad (Men’s Shot Put F11 - responsible for the loss against Iraq nothing to say. I am ashamed of what A clearly infuriated Lippi, the 71-year-old Italian World Azizi took the gold with a 65.04m effort. Gold), Hamed Amiri (Men’s Javelin Throw in the 2022 World Cup qualifier. I have done. I vow to stay strong and Cup winner, made a brief but angry appearance in front The silver medal was won by Spaniard F54 – Gold), Alireza Mokhtari (Men›s Shot Put Shojaei received his second yellow work harder.” of the media after the 2-1 defeat on Thursday in Dubai. Hector Cabrera Llacer with 64.89m and F53 – Silver), Mehran Nekouei Majd (Men›s card in the final minutes of the match The defeat means that Iran have “My pay is very high and I take all the blame. I am Pengkai Zhu snathed the bronze with a Shot Put F34 – Silver), Ali Mohammadyari for violent conduct and Team Melli now lost back-to-back matches in the quitting as China coach,” Xinhua news agency quoted throw of 59.31m. (Men›s Discus Throw F 56 – Silver), Hashem- suffered a bitter loss in added time World Cup Qualifiers having also lost him as saying. Amanollah Papi seized a silver at the Men›s iyeh Motaghian (Women’s Javelin F56- Sil- in Amman. to Bahrain 1-0 last month. “We could beat weaker opponents like Maldives and Javelin Throw F57 with a 47.80m effort. ver), Sajad Mohammadian (Men’s Shot Put “I apologize to the fans for letting Iraq are now top of Group C with Guam, but when we encountered stronger teams like the Brazilian thrower Cicero Valdiran Lins F42 – Bronze) and Mehdi Olad (Men’s Discus them down,” Shojaei said. “I have al- 10 points while Iran are third, four Philippines and Syria, we could not play our own football.” Nobre won the gold medal with 49.26m Throw F11 – Bronze) had won medals for Iran. ways tried my best for Team Melli. I points adrift of the Iraqis. Lippi then abruptly left the press conference, walking out before translators had even finished interpreting what he was saying. His second spell as China coach lasted only six matches. Cristiano Ronaldo: One player stands between him and history… Ali Daei Hours later, the Chinese Football Association (CFA) Cristiano Ronaldo is edging closer to the top of the all-time Daei averaged 0.73 goals per game across his 149 caps. “I won’t be disappointed because records are meant to said in a statement that it accepted Lippi’s resignation. international goals table after netting a hat-trick in Portugal’s Ronaldo’s rate is 0.6, having played 163 for Portugal. be broken. It will happen sooner or later: I am happy that “We are really sorry that the unsatisfactory results dis- thumping win over Lithuania on Thursday. But Daei is under no allusions that the Portuguese forward such a great player will surpass me. I really like him and appoint all Chinese fans,” the CFA said. That treble took the former Manchester United and Real will eventually overtake him in the rankings, and recently the way he moves in the field. Ronaldo is still in top form, “The CFA will seriously reflect, rebuild the team, and Madrid star to 98 international goals, and with Luxembourg said Ronaldo was ‘in the top three’ players of all time. I consider him in the top three ever. I can only wish him try our best in the following World Cup qualifiers.” up next on Sunday, a century of strikes is in his sights. Speaking to La Gazzetta dello Sport last month, Daei the best,” the ex-Iran forward added. Syria’s victory left them comfortably atop Group A in If achieved, the 34-year-old would become only the second said: “I am very proud of this world record as long as it “Ronaldo has made contribution to his country’s improve- qualifying for the Qatar 2022 World Cup. player in history to reach the 100 goals mark. lasts, and I think it’s the same for all the Iranian people. ment in the recent years while Lionel Messi failed to do that China are five points behind in second, only above the Out in front with a whopping 109 goals is Iran’s legendary They are happy with what I have achieved in my career. In with Argentina. This is why I think that he will break my record. Philippines on goal difference, putting their World Cup former striker, Ali Daei. fact, the record does not belong to me, but to all my people. (Source: Standard.co.uk) hopes in peril. It has been a turbulent year for Chinese football and Lippi’s resignation is another dent to the government’s Iran’s Beiranvand nominated for the AFC Player of the Year hopes of making the country a superpower in the sport. Persepolis FC and Islamic Republic of Iran – the most in the tournament’s history. He Ali Reza Beiranvand (Persepolis F.C. Go Oiwa (JPN) The former Juventus and Italy boss, who was broad- goalkeeper Ali Reza Beiranvand, Japan’s was also a figure of consistency for club Al and IRN) Chung Jung-yong (KOR) ly popular in China, reportedly earned 180 million yuan versatile defender Tomoaki Makino and AFC Saad where they reached the semi-finals of Tomoaki Makino (Urawa Red Diamonds AFC Member Association of the Year ($25 million) per year, making him one of the best-paid Asian Cup UAE 2019 star Akram Hassan the AFC Champions League. and JPN) (Inspiring) coaches in the world. Afif of Qatar lead the nominees for the AFC Li, the top scorer in the 2018 AFC Wom- Akram Hassan Afif (Al Saad and QAT) Football Federation Islamic Republic He first quit the post in January after taking China to Player of the Year – Men’s category at the en’s Asian Cup, was shortlisted for the AFC AFC Player of the Year (Women) of Iran the Asian Cup quarter-finals, where they lost 3-0 to Iran, AFC Annual Awards Hong Kong 2019. Player of the Year- Women’s award after Li Ying (Guangdong Huijun FC and CHN) Japan Football Association and his compatriot Fabio Cannavaro took over. Meanwhile at the event to be held at the guiding China PR to the Round of 16 in the Ashalata Devi Loitongbam (Sethu FC Korea Football Association But Cannavaro lasted only two matches -- both 1-0 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Cen- FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019. and IND) AFC Member Association of the Year defeats -- before saying that balancing the job with man- tre on December 2, China PR’s Li Ying, who She also featured prominently for her club (Olympique Lyonnais (Developing) aging Chinese Super League side Guangzhou Evergrande was part of the team in the FIFA Women’s Guangdong Huijun F.C, helping the newly and JPN) DPR Korea Football Association was too much. World Cup France 2019, Indian stalwart Loi- promoted side maintain their status in the AFC Asian International Player of the The Hong Kong Football Association LTD. That saw Lippi return in May with the aim of taking tongbam Ashalata Devi and Japan’s captain China Women’s Super League. Year Football Association of Singapore China to the World Cup. Saki Kumagai are the frontrunners for the Meanwhile, Devi has enjoyed an impres- (IRN) AFC Member Association of the Year China languish 69th in the FIFA world rankings and AFC Player of the Year – Women’s category. sive year by leading India to the Olympic Makoto Hasebe (JPN) (Aspiring) have reached the World Cup only once, in 2002, when Beiranvand is famously known for saving 2020 Qualifiers Round 2 and winning the Son Heung-min (KOR) Guam Football Association they left without a point or scoring a goal. Cristiano Ronaldo’s penalty at the 2018 2019 SAFF Championship title. The defender AFC Futsal Player of the Year Mongolian Football Federation Lippi, who began his first spell as China coach in Octo- FIFA World Cup Russia and he repeated was also instrumental in helping her club, Mahdi Javid (IRN) Yemen Football Association ber 2016, was accused earlier this month by local media the feat against Oman in the AFC Asian Cup Sethu FC, win the Indian Women’s League Tomoki Yoshikawa (JPN) AFC President Recognition Awards for of delivering “a slap in the face” to Chinese football, amid UAE 2019 to lead Iran to the semi-finals. crown. She was subsequently voted as the Yushi Sekiguchi (JPN) Grassroots Football (Inspiring) grumblings that he was not doing enough to justify his He has been an inspirational figure in goal Women’s Player of the Year for the 2018- AFC Youth Player of the Year (Women) Chinese Football Association hefty salary. for both club and country but outside the 2019 season in the country. Karly Roestbakken (AUS) Japan Football Association It came after the CFA announced that former Everton pitch, he remains a strong advocate for Kumagai has been a force in women’s Wang Linlin (CHN) Football Association of Malaysia midfielder Li Tie would temporarily take charge of the social responsibility. football after guiding Japan to the Round of Jun Endo (JPN) AFC President Recognition Awards for national side at the East Asian championships next month Makino’s commanding presence in the 16 in the FIFA Women’s World Cup France AFC Youth Player of the Year (Men) Grassroots Football (Developing) in South Korea, with Lippi opting to remain home in Italy. heart of the Urawa Red Diamonds have been 2019. She also helped Olympique Lyonnais Hiroki Abe (JPN) The Hong Kong Football Association LTD. The 42-year-old Li, who is coach of CSL side Wuhan one of the key reasons in helping his team to their fourth consecutive UEFA Women’s Lee Kang-in (KOR) All India Football Federation Zall, will now be in pole position to succeed Lippi. keep six clean sheets en-route to reaching Champions League title which led to her Doan Van Hau (VIE) Football Association of Singapore China have begun naturalizing foreign players, such as the 2019 AFC Champions League final. He nomination for this year’s BBC World Wom- AFC Coach of the Year (Women) AFC President Recognition Awards for the Brazilian forward Elkeson, but their squad remains was also integral in leading the Samurai Blue en’s Football of the Year award. Katayoun Khosrowyar (IRN) Grassroots Football (Aspiring) limited. to their fifth final of the AFC Asian Cup. The star-studded cast of nominees (in Asako Takakura (JPN) National Football Association of Brunei That lack of quality was the “core” problem, said Xinhua Afif is arguably Asia’s brightest prospect alphabetical order of MA) for the AFC Annual Nuengrutai Srathongvian (THA) Darussalam in a commentary, refusing to blame Lippi, who lifted the and he burst onto the scene at the AFC Asian Awards Hong Kong 2019 are: AFC Coach of the Year (Men) Guam Football Association 2006 World Cup with Cannavaro as his skipper. Cup UAE 2019 where he produced 10 assists AFC Player of the Year (Men) Tsuyoshi Otsuki (JPN) Palestine Football Association (Soruce: AFP) Prayer Times Noon:11:49 Evening: 17:15 Dawn: 4:16 (tomorrow) Sunrise: 6:42 (tomorrow) NOVEMBER 16, 2019 ART&CULTURE I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y www.tehrantimes.com Managing Director: Mohammad Shojaeian Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad Ghaderi Editorial Dept.: Fax: (+98 21) 88808214 — 88808895 [email protected] Iranian cultural festival Switchboard Operator: Tel: (+98 21) 43051000 Advertisements Dept.: Telefax: (+98 21) 43051450 Public Relations Office: Tel: (+98 21) 88805807 Subscription & Distribution Dept.: Tel: (+98 21) 43051603 www.eshterak.ir Distributor: Padideh Novin Co. Tel: 88911433 opens in Bratislava Webmaster: [email protected] Printed at: Jame Jam Bartar Borna - 44197737 ARTTEHRAN — deskAn Iranian Tehrantimes79 Tehrantimesdaily cultural festival opened in the Slovakian capital of Bratislava No. 18, Bimeh Alley, Nejatollahi St., Tehran, Iran on Thursday. P.o. Box: 14155-4843 The festival opened at the Hall Zip Code: 1599814713 of Mirrors of Primate’s Palace with a performance by Iran’s Orchestra of National Instruments, which was accompanied by conductor Ali-Akbar Qorbani and vocalist Mohammad Motamedi, Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance announced. Deputy Culture Minister for Artistic Affairs Seyyed Mojtaba GUIDE TO Hosseini along with a number of SPIRITUAL AWAKENING Iranian and Slovakian cultural officials attended the opening Enmity produces rancor and destruction. ceremony. Imam Ali (AS) As part of the festival programs, an exhibition of photos by Iranian photographers Afshin Bakhtiar and Babak Musavi is underway at the gallery of the WHAT’S IN ART GALLERIES University Library of Bratislava. Painting The festival will be running Iran’s Orchestra of National Instruments performs at the opening ceremony of the Iranian cultural festival in Bratislava Vista Gallery is hosting an ex- until December 1. on November 14, 2019. hibition of paintings by Tayyebeh Dejdoost. The exhibit titled “Inversion” runs until November 25 at the gallery Director Kamal Tabrizi receives Japanese government’s honor located at No. 11, 12th Alley, Mir ARTTEHRAN — Kamal Tabrizi, director of Japan and other countries and areas. Emad St. deskthe 2003 Iran-Japan joint production The Ministry of Foreign Affairs held the award ceremony An exhibition of paintings by “Carpet of the Wind”, was decorated with Japan’s Foreign for the Foreign Minister’s Commendations on July 23. This Mohsen Farahani is underway at Minister’s Commendation during a special ceremony at year, the commendations were awarded to 206 individuals Negar Gallery. the Embassy of Japan in Tehran on Thursday. and 63 groups. The exhibit named “Inverse” will run Tabrizi, 60, received the honor for his efforts in “promotion The certificates and commemorative gifts were until November 20 at the gallery lo- of cultural exchange through art between Japan and Iran,” presented through respective embassies of Japan to cated at 33 Delaram Alley, Roshanai the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan has announced those residing abroad. St. in the Qeitarieh neighborhood. on its website. Tabrizi is one of the most hardworking filmmakers in Paintings by Bita Mohabbati Referring to Tabrizi’s collaboration in other Japanese the country. His many thoughts and ideas have invariably are on display in an exhibition at film projects such as Takefumi Tsutsui’s movie “Hotel been influential in the Iranian cinema. CAMA – Contemporary and Modern New Moon”, Ambassador Mitsugu Saito expressed hope His distinct viewpoints on substantial issues such as Art Gallery. that Tabrizi makes further endeavors in making other the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war in films like “Leili Is with The exhibit entitled “Transition” joint projects. Me” and “Sheida” have become enticing topics for heated will be running until November 20 Tabrizi also said that he is happy to see that politicians discussions at many movie gatherings. at the gallery located at No. 44, 10th are noticing the exchange of experiences and thoughts “Carpet of the Wind” depicts the story of Makato, a Golestan, Pasdaran St. between the artists of the two countries. Kamal Tabrizi (L) and Japanese Ambassador Mitsugu Japanese carpet merchant, who travels to Iran to arrange A collection of paintings by Mehdi “The close cultural relations between the two nations date Saito hold Japan’s Foreign Minister’s Commendation the for the weaving of a special carpet. Ziraki is currently on view in an back many years and there still exist many commonalities Iranian filmmaker received at the Embassy of Japan in Nearly all of the film takes place in Isfahan, which itself exhibition at Saye Gallery. between the two countries,” Tabrizi said. Tehran on November 1, 2019. (ISNA/Majid Khahi) is a museum-like city. The exhibit named “Inside” will run He expressed his hope that relations would be reinforced individuals and groups with outstanding achievements “The Passage”, “On the Altar of Love”, “End of Childhood”, until November 20 at the gallery lo- and expanded in other areas between Iran and Japan. in international fields in order to acknowledge their “Maternal Love”, “Sly” and “We Are All Together” are among cated at 3 Aqakhani Alley, Omidvar Foreign Minister’s Commendations are awarded to contributions to the promotion of friendship between Tabrizi’s noteworthy credits. St. in the Niavaran neighborhood. Marina Varzi is showcasing her latest paintings in an exhibition at White Line Gallery. The exhibit named “Orsi” runs until Georgia hosts Iranian cultural days November 25 at the gallery, which CULTURE TEHRAN — An Iranian “Season of Narges” by Negar Azarbaijani, of the university to become more familiar can be found at 22 Parvin Alley, off deskcultural days event “Appendix” by Hossein Namazi and “Azar, with artistic and cultural aspects of Iran. Jam-e Jam St. off Vali-e Asr Ave. featuring a variety of art exhibitions, Shahdokht, Parviz and Others” by Behruz He also said that the Iranology An exhibition of paintings by musical performances and film screenings Afkhami were the three Iranian films that Department of the university in Fatemeh Joshaqani is underway was held last week at the Akaki Tsereteli were dubbed into Georgian and screened collaboration with the universities of at Atashzad Gallery. State University in the Georgian city of during the event. Iran can play a major role in educational The exhibit titled “Sense of Place” Kutaisi. Akaki Tsereteli, the rector of the State and academic exchanges between the two will run until November 20 at the An exhibition of typography by Iranian- University, Roland Kopaliani and Iran’s countries. gallery located at 3 North Abbaspur Georgian artist Helen Usuliyani was part cultural attaché, Hamid Mostafavi, were Mostafavi also pointed to the role of (Tavanir) St. near Vanak Sq. of the program for the cultural days, which the guests at the opening ceremony. culture in expanding relations between the A collection of paintings by was held from November 12 to 14, Iran’s In his brief words at the ceremony, two countries, and said that universities Homa Bazrafshan is on display in cultural office in Georgia announced in a Kopaliani called the program a good in Iran and Georgia can help strengthen Iranian musicians perform during Iranian an exhibition at Etemad Negarestan press release published on Friday. opportunity for the professors and students the academic ties. cultural days in the Georgian city of Kutaisi. Gallery. The exhibition will continue until December 3 at the gallery located at Negarestan Garden near Baha- Iranian, Azerbaijani cultural officials restan Square. Photo Shokuh Gallery is playing host to meet in Baku an exhibition of photos by Shaqa- CULTURE TEHRAN — The director of the Islamic Pointing to the Iranian cinema’s great successes at yeq Karimi. deskCulture and Relations Organization international events, Garayev expressed his country’s The exhibition will be running until (ICRO), Abuzar Ebrahimi-Torkaman, and the Minister readiness to collaborate in joint film projects with Iranian November 20 at the gallery that can of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan, Abulfas Garayev, cineastes. be found at 19 Amir Nuri Alley, North met in the Azerbaijani capital of Baku on Thursday. He also asked the ICRO to organize Iranian film and Salimi St. near Andarzgu Blvd. Ways to expand cultural relations were discussed during cultural weeks in Azerbaijan. Photos by Mahbubeh Karamali Azerbaijani Minister of Culture and Tourism, Abulfas Ga- the meeting, which was held on the sidelines of the 2nd Ebrahimi-Torkaman also held a meeting with Azerbaijani are on display in an exhibition at rayev, and ICRO director Abuzar Ebrahimi-Torkaman Baku Summit of World Religious Leaders that came to President Ilham Aliyev during the Baku summit on O Gallery. meet in Baku, Azerbaijan on November 14, 2019. an end on Friday. Wednesday. The exhibit titled “Break Time” will run until November 26 at the gallery located at 18 Shahin St., Rare portrait of teenage Mozart to be Netflix to change Nazi guard Sanai St. auctioned in Paris documentary after Polish complaint

PARIS (Reuters) — A rare portrait of WARSAW (Reuters) — Netflix said on Voice actor Reza Abdi dies Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Thursday it would make changes to maps Mozart will be sold by British auction in a documentary that showed German at 88 house Christie’s on Nov. 27 in Paris at Nazi death camps inside the borders of an estimated price of between 800,000 modern Poland, after Polish Prime Minister 1 He started a career in radio after the victory of the 1979 euros and 1.2 million euros ($882,000- Mateusz Morawiecki pressed the streaming Islamic Revolution. He was mostly famous for playing Amiz $1.32 million). and production company to act. Abdottama, a greedy businessman character in the popular radio The artwork, one of four portraits The maps in the documentary series “The program “Friday Morning with You”, which was aired for over painted during the composer’s lifetime Devil Next Door” were criticized by Morawiecki two decades after the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. and still part of a private collection, was earlier this week for implying that Poland ex- The program was no longer continued some years after the painted in 1770. It has been attributed Workers install a portrait due to be sold isted at that time as an independent nation death of its director, Manuchehr Nozari, in 2005. to Italian painter Giambettino Cignaroli. at auction by Christie’s on November 27 within its postwar borders and thus could share Abdi and his colleagues in the program launched “Iranian Convicted Nazi death camp guard John “It is one of the very rare paintings for which depicts composer Wolfgang Amadeus responsibility for the atrocities committed at Friday”, another entertaining program in which he played the Demjanjuk leaves a courtroom after which we know about the history since the Mozart as a teenager, painted in January the camps during World War Two. Amiz Abdottama character with the new name Abdol Business. his verdict in Munich on May 12, 2011. beginning,” Astrid Centner-d’Oultremont, 1770, and attributed to Veronese master “To avoid any misunderstanding, in the “Iranian Friday” also shut down after several years, after which (Reuters/Michael Dalder) head of the Old Masters department at Gaimbettino Cignaroli, in Paris, November coming days we will be adding text to some Abdi did not appear in any other radio performances. Christie’s Paris, told Reuters TV in an 12, 2019. (Reuters/Christian Hartmann) of the maps featured in the series,” Netflix Demjanjuk, a retired U.S. carworker convicted “I hope I can recover from the illness by God’s help and I can interview. said in a statement posted on Twitter. by a German court in 2011 of having been make listeners laugh again with ‘Iranian Friday’,” Abdi said in 2015 The oil-on-canvas portrait depicts a education, giving concerts all around the “This will make it clearer that the ex- a Nazi death camp guard during the war. after the premiere of “Meeting with Reza Abdi”, a documentary 13-year-old Mozart playing a harpsichord country. termination and concentration camps Morawiecki had asked for action in a that his colleagues made about him. in front of a score and wearing a white wig The portrait was ordered by Venetian in Poland were built and operated by the letter to Reed Hastings, the chief executive Abdi also played roles in director Mohammad Motavasselani’s and a red frock coat. receiver-general Pietro Lugiati some days German Nazi regime who invaded the of Netflix, dated Nov. 10 and published 1985 comedy movie “Mirza Noruz’ Shoes”, Abolhassan Davudi’s 1990 At the time of the painting, Mozart was after an organ concert Mozart performed country and occupied it from 1939-1945.” on the prime minister’s Facebook page drama “Magical Journey” and several other movies and TV series. traveling in Italy to continue his artistic in Verona in January 1770. The series chronicles the story of John on Monday.