

The iconic monarch butterfl y (Danaus plexippus) is one In May, we begin to see the Mexican monarch migrants of the most familiar and beloved in North America, return to the North. By early June, the females have famous for its spectacular annual migrations and bright deposited their eggs individually on milkweed leaves, colors that send a warning signal to predators. For many, and by midsummer, the striking yellow-black-and- our deep appreciation for monarchs stems from our fond white banded adorn most milkweed plants. childhood memories of observing them in the classroom. Eventually, the mature caterpillars attach themselves to Educators have long realized the value of bringing these the milkweed plant with threads, then transform into charismatic creatures into the classroom to let children a remarkable green-and-gold chrysalis. About six weeks witness, fi rsthand, the stunning transformation from after the egg was laid, an adult butterfl y emerges to butterfl y. Observing monarchs up close, as from the chrysalis. It will soon be part of a children, creates a strong and lasting connection with the new generation that will begin the butterfl y, and brings science into our lives in a personal way. species’ long journey back to The fantastic, abrupt change in form from to to Central Mexico for adult, known as complete metamorphosis, occurs in many the winter. insects, including fl ies, wasps, , moths, caddisfl ies, and others. The monarch, however, perfectly embodies this transformation, and continuously fascinates and mystifi es even those prone to stomping As the chrysalis on, cursing at, swatting at, or cracks open, the monarch slowly ignoring insects emerges with altogether. tiny, crumpled, wet wings.

From the outside, few changes are apparent until the final day, when the black, orange, and white wing patterns of the adults are visible through the chrysalis.

The transformation from pupa to THE adult takes about 9 to 15 days. Most of the physiological and morphological changes that produce an adult monarch actually begin in the larva (caterpillar). ROCESS The wings and other adult organs develop from tiny P clusters of cells already present in the larva, and by the OF METAMORPHOSIS time it pupates, the monarch has already begun the major

22 New York State Conservationist AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2020 Jessica Cancelliere is a Research Scientist in DEC’s Forest Health Diagnostic Lab in Delmar. Elizabeth Marshall lives in Rush, NY and regularly shares her photos with Conservationist magazine.

ETAMORPHOSIS About an hour after M emerging from its chrysalis, the monarch’s wings are full-sized, dry, and ready for flying.

The clings to the empty chrysalis shell as its heart pumps hemolymph through the body cavities, and the visibly begins to grow.

The body and wings begin to enlarge as hemolymph (insect blood) begins to pump through.

The transformation from changes to attain its adult form. a caterpillar into a majestic As it forms the pupa, the antennae, monarch is truly amazing, yet, proboscis, wings, and legs move to the ironically, the butterfl y’s lifespan is surface, just inside the exoskeleton. Inside the short, generally only about two to six chrysalis, the monarch’s mouth parts are reconstructed weeks. However, the last generation of from the leaf-chewing mouth parts of the caterpillar to the year (typically born in late summer) the nectar-sucking proboscis of the adult butterfl y. The do survive longer and often overwinter emerging butterfl y will have six legs instead of the eight it in California or Mexico. The main function of a female had as a caterpillar, and its eyes will grow larger to provide monarch is reproduction, and during its brief life, it will better vision for fi nding fl owers to feed from. Flight lay up to 300 eggs. Soon after, the eggs hatch and a new muscles will reorganize in the thorax, and reproductive metamorphosis will begin, leading to the next generation organs will also form. of these beloved butterfl ies.

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