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Van Den Berg 1..453 Transforming for Europe : the reshaping of national bureaucracies in a system of multi-level governance Berg, C.F. van den Citation Berg, C. F. van den. (2011, January 20). Transforming for Europe : the reshaping of national bureaucracies in a system of multi-level governance. LUP Dissertations. Leiden University Press, Amsterdam/Leiden. Retrieved from Version: Not Applicable (or Unknown) Licence agreement concerning inclusion of License: doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden Downloaded from: Note: To cite this publication please use the final published version (if applicable). T r a n s f o r m i n g for E u r o p e The reshaping of naonal bureaucracies in a system of mul-level governance Cover design: Maedium, Utrecht Layout: The DocWorkers, Almere ISBN 978 90 8728 120 5 NUR 780 © C.F. van den Berg / Leiden University Press 2011 All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the written per- mission of both the copywright owner and the author of the book. PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden, op gezag van Rector Magnificus P.F. van der Heijden, volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties te verdedigen op donderdag 20 januari 2011 klokke 16:15 uur door Caspar Floris van den Berg geboren te Angerlo in 1980 Promotiecommissie: Promotor: Prof. Dr. Th.A.J. Toonen (Universiteit Leiden) Co-promotor: Dr. F.M. van der Meer (Universiteit Leiden) Overige leden: Prof. dr. E.C. Page (London School of Economics and Political Science) Prof. dr. J. de Vries (Universiteit Leiden) Dr. Ph. Bezès (Université Panthéon – Assas, Centre d’Études et de Recherches des Sciences Administratives et Politiques) Table of Contents Preface 7 1 Shifts in governance in western europe 9 1.1 Multi-level governance, national civil service systems and EU integration 9 1.2 Relevance and objectives 13 1.3 The organisation of this study 14 2 Europeanisation and multi-level governance 15 2.1 Multi-level governance 16 2.2 Europeanisation 24 2.3 Conclusion 33 3 Civil service systems 37 3.1 Analytical approaches to civil service systems 37 3.2 Organisational design 43 3.3 Personnel system 45 3.4 The civil service as an institution in the wider governance system 49 3.5 Political-administrative relations 64 3.6 Civil service systems: A conclusion 79 4 The EU’s differential impact on national political-administrative systems 83 4.1 Understanding differential change based on “families of systems” 84 4.2 Understanding differential change based on unique characteristics 90 4.3 The singularity of national ’s 105 4.4 Conclusion 108 5 Methods 111 5.1 The method of rational verstehen 111 5.3 Data collection 122 5.3 Concluding remarks 126 6 Bureaucracy and multi-level governance: a multi-tiered approach 129 6 TRANSFORMING FOR EUROPE 7 France 137 7.1 The political-administrative system 137 7.2 The size and organisation of the civil service 146 7.3 A Weberian bureaucratic staff? 153 7.4 Containing the potential for official dominance 171 7.5 Political-administrative relations 192 7.6 Conclusion 197 8 Britain 201 8.1 The political-administrative system 201 8.2 The size and organisation of the civil service 209 8.3 A Weberian Bureaucratic Staff? 214 8.4 Containing the potential for official dominance 228 8.5 Political-administrative relations 253 8.6 Conclusion 260 9 The Netherlands 265 9.1 The political-administrative system 265 9.2 The size and organisation of the civil service 271 9.3 A Weberian bureaucratic staff? 278 9.4 Containing the potential for official dominance 299 9.5 Political-administrative relations 330 9.6 Conclusion 344 10 Comparative analysis 349 10.1 The size and organisation of the civil service 350 10.2 A Weberian bureaucratic staff? 353 10.3 Containing the potential for official dominance 357 10.4 Political-administrative relations 366 10.5 Concluding remarks 370 11 Conclusions: customised europeanisation 371 11.1 The state within a system of MLG 372 11.2 National civil service systems within a system of MLG 376 11.3 European integration as a converging force? 394 11.4 European integration and the national bureaucracy: Strategic Europeanisation or incurable hollowing out? 397 Appendix: Questionnaire 401 Notes 413 References 417 Samenvatting 437 Acknowledgements 451 Curriculum Vitae 453 Preface The day I picked to sit down and write this preface, is the day Max Kohn- stamm passed away. Max Kohnstamm (1914 – 2010) was a civil servant for the Dutch government and in that capacity a member of the Dutch dele- gation taking part in the negotiations which led to the creation of the Eur- opean Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). Today Kohnstamm is remem- bered for his role as vice-president of the Comité d’Action pour les États- Unis d’Europe and for having served as the first president of the European University Institute in Florence, but most of all as one of The Netherlands’ most ardent advocates of European unity and European political integra- tion. Kohnstamm saw the construction of the European Union as a specta- cular undertaking. His message was that even if the EU is slow, imperfect, popularly unpopular, democratically contested or operationally divided, its contribution to the security and prosperity of Europeans has been unprece- dented, and priceless. While Kohnstamm’s message is likely to be true, and while its value is probably understressed in many current debates, from an analytical point of view it raises far more questions than it answers. “How did it happen?” “Who made it happen?”“How have other developments interfered and in- teracted with the construction of the EU?”“What has it meant for the way political and societal challenges are addressed in Europe?”“And what has it meant for the institutions, actors and processes put in place to meet those challenges?” It is to the understanding of this family of questions that the present study wants to make a contribution. If Max Kohnstamm’s message concerning the value of European inte- gration may sound outlandish in today’s political climate, the following statement will seem to come from a distant solar system: that we as citi- zens owe a significant share of our health, wealth, security and freedom to the work civil servants do to that end. Just as likely to be true as Kohn- stamm’s message, and probably just as understressed in many current de- bates, too. Yet in much the same way, this statement does not lead us very far in analytical terms either. Rather, the following questions have tradi- tionally puzzled students in the field of Public Administration: “What is the civil service and what are civil servants?”; “What is their potential, what are their means, their limits, what are their duties, their contract with the world of politics, and with society?” It is the purpose of this compara- 8 TRANSFORMING FOR EUROPE tive exploration to align these two tribes of questions and thus to find an- swers that help to better understand sometimes hidden developments in our increasingly multi-level system of governance. It is demonstrated that a traditional bureaucratic governmental apparatus, populated by a bureaucratic administrative staff, is in some respects under- mined by increasing multi-level governance, while in other respects the re- verse seems true: civil service systems are becoming more bureaucratic (in the Weberian, value-free sense of the word) as governance becomes more multi-level. The civil service has become more fragmented and specialised, organisations have become subject to regulatory regimes or contractual supervision rather than hierarchical command. In terms of personnel sys- tems, permanence of appointmen, career arrangements and substantive ex- pertise have lost part of their importance while ideas of cross-sectoral mo- bility, political-strategic action and negotiation skills have moved to the fore. While some individual civil servants may have moved out of neutral anonymity into the limelight, at the aggregate level, the scope for domi- nance by civil servants has decreased as influence is increasingly shared with other state and non-state actors at various territorial levels. In relation to their ministers, the roles of civil servants have also increasingly specia- lised: while some top civil servants (politically appointed or not) clearly function as personal confidants to ministers, others have specialized in ad- vanced bureau management or have developed into policy leaders. It is argued that while the EU is not a single direct source to any of these developments, its presence and reinforcing character is felt in most of them, be it through national civil servants’ participation in shaping the EU and its policies, decisions of the European Court of Justice, new methods of governing implicit in EU legislation, or the spread of ideas about public sector reform through transnational civil service interaction. While for- merly sharp cross-national differences do have lessened, the ingrained na- tional state structures and administrative cultures so far seem to prevent the convergence of national civil service systems into a single European ad- ministrative model. 1 SHIFTS IN GOVERNANCE IN WESTERN EUROPE 1.1 Multi-level governance, national civil service systems and EU integration The acceleration of change in societal, economic and political life over the past three decades has by no means left the governance of Western Eur- opean societies untouched. Of course, public governance1, regardless of period or place, is never a static given; rather, it is a process in motion.

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