The Gattilusj of Lesbos (1355—1462). «Me Clara Caesar Donat Leebo Ac Mytilene, Caesar, Qui Graio Praesidet Iraperio'
The Gattilusj of Lesbos (1355—1462). «Me clara Caesar donat Leebo ac Mytilene, Caesar, qui Graio praesidet iraperio'. Corsi apud Folieta The Genoese occupation of Chios, Lesbos, and Phokaia by the families of Zaccaria and Cattaneo was not forgotten in the counting- houses of the Ligurian Republic. In 1346, two years after the capture of Smyrna, Chios once more passed under Genoese control, the two Foglie followed suite, and in 1355 the strife between John Cantacuzene and John V Palaiologos for the throne of Byzantium enabled a daring Genoese, Francesco Gattilusio, to found a dynasty in Lesbos, which gradually extended its branches to the islands of the Thracian sea and to the city of Ainos on the opposite mainland, and which lasted in the original seat for more than a Century. Disappointed in a previous attempt to recover his rights, the young Emperor John V was at this time living in retirement on the island of Tenedos, then a portion of the Greek Empire and from its position at the mouth of the Dardanelles both an excellent post of obserration and a good base for a descent upon Constantinople. During his so- journ there, a couple of Genoese galleys arrived, commanded by Fran- cesco Gattilusio, a wealthy freebooter, who had sailed from his native oity to onrvp rmt for himself, annidst the confusion of the Orient, a petty principality in the Thracian Chersonese, äs others of his compa- triots had twice done in Chios, äs the Venetian nobles had done in the Archipelago 150 years earlier. The Emperor found in this chance visi- tor an Instrument to effect his own restoration; the two men came to terms, and John V promised, that if Gattilusio would help him to recover his throne, he would bestow upon him the hand of his sister Maria — an honour similar to that conferred by Michael VIII upon Benedetto Zaccaria.
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