Minutes of the Regular Meeting He Ld on June 30, 1971, at 8 :00 P
,j ,.11.,, , , 609. Board of Education ·. r , Nutley, New, J er s.ey September. 29, 1971 ·- -'~E-~Regular M eeting of the Bo.a.rd of Education of th e .Town of Nutley, New Jersey, was held in the .Boar.cl Room, 149 Chestnut Street , on W.ednesday , . September 29, . 197.1, at 8:00 p . m., with Mr. Edward J. Lenihan , President, presiding. ROLL CALL: l ~ Other members pr .e_s~nt a,t .roll .ca ll weye; : Mrs; John Pedd ieson, Mr. Carl A . Ohlson , Mr. John E. Clayton, Mrs . Thomas E. Jaworek, Mrs .. ·.Edward M .. Popadick .and Mr . Walter :Linds .trom. Citizen .s' as follows : Absent & excused : Franl< Cocchiola . & Frank Tangorra. Gerard Curran Student . 69 ..Woodland .Avenue Manhattan CQJ.lege, . Bronx Maywood, New Jersey . George Fisher Student 246 Tirnperpoint Road · Manhattan College , Bronx Islip, New York Miss Mary Davies St~nt . 2 1 Laurel Place . Pat ·er son . State : r . Miss Barbara Ahmuthy . .Student 5 15 Sixth Street Pater son State Lyndhur ·st, New Jersey r M.r-s. J.ohn Saars Student 60 Hillside Avenue Jersey City State .. , Mr-. John Saars. Citizen -- 60 Hillside Avenue Mrs . Kathl:.een Semple Citizen : . 155 Lakesid e Drive Thomas .Plinio . Jaycees 11 Montclair A venue John Kirick Jaycees 43 Stanley Avenue M INUTES: Copies of t he Minutes of the Regular Meeting he ld on June 30, 1971, at 8 :00 p. m., .·b eing . in th e hands .. of each qiembe ·r, reading of same was dispensed. Mrs. P.eddieson moved tp.at the minutes of the Regular Meeting be accepted, seconded as amend ed by Mrs.
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