03 List of Members

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03 List of Members SENIOR OFFICE BEARERS VISITOR His Excellency The Governor of Victoria, Professor David de Krester, AO MBBS Melb. MD Monash. FRACP FAA FTSE. CHANCELLOR The Hon Justice Alex Chernov, BCom Melb. LLB(Hons) Melb.Appointe d to Council 1 January 1992. Elected DeputyChancello r 8Marc h2004 .Electe dChancello r 10 January2009 . DEPUTY CHANCELLORS Ms Rosa Storelli, Bed Ade CAE GradDipStudWelf Hawthorn MEducStud Monash MACE FACEA AFA1M. Appointed 1 January 2001. Re-appointed 1 January 2005. Elected DeputyChancello r1 January2007 ;re-electe d 1 January2009 . TheHon .Justic eSusa nCrenna n ACB AMel bLL B SydPostGradDi pMelb . Elected June 2009. VICE-CHANCELLOR AND PRINCIPAL Professor Glyn Conrad Davis, AC BA NSWPh DANU .Appointe d 10 January2005 . DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR / PROVOST Professor John Dewar BCL MA Oxon. PhD Griff. Appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Relations) 6 April 2009.Appointe d Provost 28 September2009 . DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLORS Professor Peter David Rathjen BSc Hons Adel DPhil Oxon Appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) 1 May 2008. Professor Susan Leigh Elliott, MB BS Melb. MD Melb. FRACP. Appointed Acting Provost 15 July 2009. Appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) 28 September 2009. Professor Warren Arthur Bebbington, MA Queens (NY) MPhil MMus PhD CUNY. Appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor (University Relations) 1Januar y 2006. Appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global Relations) 1Jun e 2008. Appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor (University Affairs) 28 September 2009. PRO-VICE-CHANCELLORS Professor Geoffrey Wayne Stevens, BE RM1TPh DMelb . FIChemE FAusIMM FTSE CEng. Appointed 1 January2007 . Professor Ron Slocombe, MVSc PhD Mich. ACVP. Appointed 1 January 2009. PRO-VICE-CHANCELLOR (TEACHING AND LEARNING) Philippa Eleanor Pattison, BSc Melb. PhD Melb. FASSA. Appointed 28 September 2009. PRO-VICE-CHANCELLOR (GRADUATE RESEARCH) Professor Richard Anthony Strugnell, BSc PhD Monash FASM. Appointed 10 December 2007. PRO-VICE-CHANCELLOR (RESEARCH) Professor Lyn Yates, BA Melb Dip Ed Melb MA Melb MEd Bristol PhD La Trobe. Appointed 2007. PRO-VICE-CHANCELLOR (RESEARCH PARTNERSHIPS) Professor James McCluskey, BMedSc MB BS MD W.Aust. FRACP FRCPA. Appointed 28 September 2009. PRO-VICE-CHANCELLOR (RESEARCH COLLABORATIONS) Professor Liz Sonenberg, BBSc Monash PhD Monash. Appointed 28 September 2009. SENIOR VICE-PRINCIPAL Ray Ian Arthur Marshman, BA(Hons) Melb. LLB ANU. Appointed 5 March 2001. Previously appointed Vice-Principal (Administration) 1 March 1999. HEAD OF UNIVERSITY SERVICES Elizabeth Bare\ BA Melb. DipLib NWGDipBusAdm Swinburne. Appointed 7Apri l 2003. ACADEMIC REGISTRAR Gillian Luck, BBus USQMPubPo l Griffith DipCompDir AJCD. Appointed 1 January 2006. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Allan Tait, BSocSc Birm. ACA AICEW Appointed 28 September 2009. CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER Patrick Freeland-Small, BA Monash GDipAppPsych Monash. Appointed 20 March 2006. GENERAL COUNSEL Christopher Penman, LLB Syd. LLM Lond. GDipNatRes Melb. Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria. Appointed 4 August 2003. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, HUMAN RESOURCES Nigel Waugh, BA Syd. GDipIR/HRM Canberra EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, PROPERTY & CAMPUS SERVICES Chris White, Appointed 1 February 2008. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, RESEARCH David Cookson, Appointed 1Decembe r 2007. UNIVERSITY SECRETARY Janet White BSc Lond Appointed August 2007 MEMBERS OF COUNCIL Chancellor THE HON. MR ALEX CHERNOV, AO QC BCom Melb. LLB Melb. Appointed to Council 1 January 1992. Elected Deputy Chancellor 8 March 2004. Re-elected 1 January 2008. Elected Chancellor 10Januar y 2009 to 31 December 2010. Vice-Chancellor PROFESSOR GLYN CONRAD DAVIS,A C BANS WPh DANU . Appointed 10 January2005 . President ofth e Academic Board PROFESSOR GEOFFREY WAYNE STEVENS, BE RMIT PhD Melb. FIChemE FAusIMM FTSE CEng. Elected 1 January 2009. One Person appointed byth e Ministerfo r Education Term expiring 31 December 2010 Professor Peter Dawkins, BSc Hons Loughborough MSc Econ Lond PhD Loughborough Appointed 18 February 2008 Sixperson s appointed by the Governor-in-Council Term expiring 31 December 2009 DR MEREDITH DOIG, BA MEdStud Monash PhD RMIT DipEd Melb. GDipMgt RMIT. Appointed 23 October 2001. Re-appointed 6 March 2007. MR ROBERT JOHANSON, BA LLM MBA Appointed 6 March 2007. Term expiring 31 December 2010 MS ELIZABETH ALEXANDER, AM BCom Melb FAICD FCA FCPA Appointed 2 October 2004, Re-appointed 1 January 2005, Re-appointed 15Apri l 2008 JUDGE IRENE ELIZABETH LAWSON, LLB Melb Appointed 23 October 2001. Re-appointed 16 February 2005. Re-appointed 15 April 2008. Term expiring 31 December 2011 Justice Susan Crennan, AC BA Melb. LLB Syd. PGDip Arts Melb. Appointed 5 May 2009. Mr Anthony Peake, BBus RMITFCA . Appointed 5 May 2009. Six persons appointed by the Council Term expiring 31 December 2010 MS ROSA STORELLI, BEd Adel.CAE GD\pStudWe\f Hawthorn MEdSt Monash. MACE FACEA AFAIM Appointed 1 January 2001. Re-appointed 1 January 2008. Re-elected Deputy Chancellor 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2010. MR MARTYN MYER, AO BEng Swinburne MEngSc Monash MScM MIT. Appointed 17 February 2009. Term expiring 31 December 2011 The Hon Mr David Ronald White, BCom Melb. BA Melb. MBA Melb. FCPA. Appointed 1Marc h 2000. Re-appointed 1 January 2009. Ms Eda Natalie Sandford Ritchie, GDipBus Monash AMusA. Appointed 13 September 2004. Re-appointed 1 January 2009. Term expiring 31 December 2012 Dr Virginia Mansour, MBBS Melb PhD Monash. Appointed 9 July 2007. Three persons elected by and from the staff of the University Representing the Professors: Term expiring 31 December 2009 PROFESSOR GLENN BOWES MB BS PhD FRACP GradCertMgmt. Elected 1 January 2008. Representing the Academic Staff Other than Professors: Term expiring 31 December 2009 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR MARK JOSHI, BA Oxon PhD MIT Elected 21 September 2005. Elected 1 January 2008. Representing Professional Staff Members: Term expiring 3 1 December 2010 MR MICHAEL FRANCIS COYLE, BA Melb Elected 1 January 2007. Re-elected 1 January 2009. Twoperson s elected by andfro m thestudent s enrolled at the University Terms expiring 31 December 2008 Ms TAMMI JONAS BA UCSD, BA Deakin, PG Dip Arts Melb Elected 1 January 2009 Ms ONAGH BISHOP Elected 1 January 2009 Secretary: The University Secretary COMMITTEES [Including Committees of Council and Committees of the Academic Board] The Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and Senior Vice-Principal are by statute ex officio members of all University bodies. The Deputy Vice-Chancellors may attend and speak at any meeting of a Council Committee and are members of all other bodies of the University. Their titles are not repeated in the following list of committees unless they attend as working members. Anumbe r of other ex officio members are expressed by title without name. The following persons hold these exoffici o positions during2008 . The Chancellor The Hon. A Chernov The Deputy Chancellors The Hon. Justice SCrenna n AC Ms R Storelli The Vice-Chancellor Professor GC Davis AC The Provost Professor J Dewar The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Relations) Professor S Elliott The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor P Rathjen The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (University Professor W Bebbington Affairs) The President of the Academic Board Professor G Stevens Vice-President of the Academic Board Professor R Slocombe Deputy Vice-President of the Academic Board Professor R Fincher Senior Vice-Principal Mr R IA Marshman Head of University Services Ms L Martin Executive Director (Student Services) and MrN Robinson Academic Registrar Chief Financial Officer Mr A Tait Executive Director (Human Resources) Mr N Waugh Chief Marketing Officer Mr P Freeland-Small Executive Director (Property & Campus Mr C White Services) Executive Director (Research) Mr D Cookson General Counsel Mr C Penman The President of UMSU Ms L Buckingham The President of University of Melbourne Ms S Beattie Postgraduate Association The University Secretary Ms J White COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL Membership as at I July 19V9 COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL 3.1- FINANCE COMMITTEE """Chairperson and two Vice-Chairpersons, all three to be • Ms E Alexander (Chair) external members of Council with financial expertise Mr R Johanson Hon. D White The Chancellor The Hon A Chernov The Vice-Chancellor Professor GC Davis AC The Chair of the Buildings and Estates Committee Mr R Johanson The President of the Academic Board ,Professo r G Stevens One member of Council ; Assoc Prof MJosh i One member with financial expertise nominated by the Mr DFor d Chairperson in consultation with the President of Convocation One member nominated by the Chairperson in consultation Vacant with President of UMSU One member nominated by the Chairperson in consultation Vacant with President of Melbourne Postgraduate Association **three additional members (who may or may not bea :M r B Brook member of Council) with expertise in financial management two vacancies or oversight, appointed by the Council Secretary Mr B Rossi 3.2 - LEGISLATION AND TRUSTS COMMITTEE The President of the Academic Board Professor G Stevens Senior Vice-Principal or nominee Mr C Penman (nominee) The University Secretary Ms J White Mr T Anning ** Four persons appointed by Council at least three of whom Mr M Coyle are Council members (Chairperson is appointed by Council Ms J Giles from the members appointed by Council) The Hon SCrenna n (Chair) One member nominated by the Committee of Convocation Mr J Meehan One member nominated by the chairperson, in consultation with the President of the Student Union or nominee (provided that the nominee isa student of the University and Ms
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