Sue Bendle: Tel 020 8583 4967 e-mail: and Area Committee 17 August 2006

References: P/2006/1143 00133/69-75/P8 Address: 69-75, Boston Manor Road, Brentford Ward: (Brentford Ward) Proposal: Renewal of planning permission reference number 00133/69-75/P7 for the erection of a three storey office building with associated parking within existing car park Drawing numbers: PL-001, PL-002, PL-003A, PL-004, PL-005 Received: 10/04/06 Date received: 10 April 2006

This item was deferred at the Isleworth and Brentford Area Committee on 8 June 2006 to allow for further consideration of the impact of the proposed building on neighbouring residential properties.

1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 The proposal is for the renewal of planning permission reference number 00133/69- 75/P7 for the erection of a three-storey office building with associated parking within existing car park. Amendments are now proposed to the upper floor fenestration. The proposed offices would not appear out of character with the existing development or result in harm to the setting of the listed building. No harm to neighbour’s living conditions would result. . Approval is recommended.

2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 This is an L-shaped site to the rear of 69-75, Boston Manor Road, a grade II listed building used as offices. The site currently forms part of the car park to this building.

2.2 To the rear of the site is the Our Lady and St. John’s RC Primary School. A two-storey modern office building to the rear of No. 77, Boston Manor Road and residential development in Manor Vale abuts the northern boundary.

2.3 To the south is a two-storey office building, Maycrete House to the rear of No.67, Boston Manor Road and between this building and the M4 viaduct is the Thames Valley University development currently taking place on the former Paragon Works site.

3.0 HISTORY 3.1 00133/69-75/P5 Conversion and extension of buildings and use as offices Approved 29/10/71

3.2 00133/69-75/P6 Erection of refuse store building Approved 15/08/72

3.3 00133/69-75/P7 Erection of a three storey office building with associated parking within existing car park Approved 25/07/01 subject to Section 106 Agreement requiring contribution to traffic management measures 4.0 DETAILS 4.1 The proposal is for the renewal of the planning permission granted in 2001 for the erection of a three-storey building comprising offices with associated parking. The proposed building would be L-shaped to follow the shape of the boundary to the rear.

4.2 The proposed building would be 22m wide at the front stepping back to 11.5 m wide to the rear. It would be 22.4m deep. To the rear on the ground floor six parking spaces would be provided with the upper floors of the building cantilevered above. The ground floor would comprise an entrance lobby with atrium, 89.4m² offices, w.c’s (including disabled facilities), lift, and stairs. The fenestration to the atrium area on the upper floors is now proposed to be reduced in size following the deferral of the application at the meeting of the Isleworth and Brentford area Committee in June 2006.

4.3 The two upper floors would comprise 247.8m² offices with lift, w.c’s and balcony across the atrium area. A 62.2m² plant room would be provided in the northwest corner of the building under a raised pyramidal roof feature.

4.4 The building would be constructed in yellow multistock facing brickwork with reconstituted stone banding and support columns to the ground floor parking area to the rear. It would have a hipped pitched clay tile roof to match the existing building.

4.5 Apart from the six parking spaces on the ground floor under the rear of the building, four parking spaces will be provided adjacent to the rear boundary and a further 29 spaces laid out in the centre of the site to be shared by both buildings. Eight cycle parking spaces would also be provided. Access would be as existing adjacent to the northern side of the listed building. The remaining site would be landscaped with triangular tree planter zones created adjacent to the eastern and southern boundaries.

4.6 A Section 106 Agreement requiring a financial contribution towards traffic management measures was originally entered into and will require variation in respect of the renewed application.

5.0 CONSULTATIONS 5.1 26 neighbouring residents and businesses were notified on 21 April 2006. The application was also advertised as affecting the setting of a listed building.

The development will increase traffic The development would reduce the number noise of parking spaces from 44 to 39, thereby reducing traffic noise

The development would result in See paragraph 7.5 overshadowing, overlooking and loss of light and privacy to adjoining residential properties

Noise and disturbance to the local Conditions limiting hours of construction area during the construction period would be imposed will result

6.0 POLICY 6.1 Unitary Development Plan IMP.1.1 Integrating Patterns of Land Use and the Provision of Transport IMP.1.2 The Re-Use and Recycling of Urban Land and Buildings IMP 3.1 Brentford Regeneration Area. IMP. 4 2 Great West Road IMP 5.1 High Quality building and urban design IMP.6.1 Planning Obligations ENV-B.1.1 All New Development. ENV-B.1.8 Access and facilities for people with disabilities ENV-B.2.5 Development affecting the setting of a listed building E.1.1 Location of Employment E.1.2 Location for B1 use E.2.3 Improvement of Employment Sites E.2.4 Improvement of Employment Premises sites T.1.2 The Movement Implications of Development T.1.4 Car and Cycle Parking and Servicing for Development T.2.2 Pedestrian Safety and Security

6.2 Plan Policy 2A.1 Sustainability criteria Policy 2A.7 Strategic Employment Locations Policy 6A.4 Priorities in planning obligations Policy 3C.1 Integrating transport and development Policy 3B.1 Developing London’s economy Policy 3C.1 Integrating transport and development Policy 3C.2 Matching development to transport capacity Policy 4B.1 Design principles for a compact city Policy 4.B.10 London’s built heritage Policy 4.B.11 Heritage conservation Policy 4B.3 Maximising the potential of sites Policy 4B.4 Enhancing the quality of the public realm Policy 4B.6 Sustainable design and construction Policy 4B.7 Respect local context and communities

6.3 One of the key priorities of the Local Development Scheme for the Borough, that will replace the UDP, is to produce new planning guidance on future development in Brentford (the Brentford Area Action Plan (BAAP). The BAAP has been informed in part by the Brentford Regeneration Framework, a study undertaken by the Council in conjunction with West London Business.

6.4 The Council completed the first stage of consultation on issues and options in preparation of the Brentford Area Action Plan as part of the Local Development Framework in July 2005. Preferred options were then identified for the next stage in the consultation process which ended on 7th March 2006 following a six-week consultation period. 7.0 PLANNING ISSUES

Principles of renewal 7.1 In considering an application for renewal it is proper for the authority to consider the broader planning implications, in particular the development plan and any other material considerations. At the time of the original approval, the application was considered in respect of the following key issues: • Impact on any neighbouring occupiers • Affect of the proposal on the setting of the listed building; • Impact on surrounding highway network

The Development plan

7.2 Members of the Brentford and Isleworth Area Committee approved the outline scheme on 16 January 2001 subject to a Section 106 Agreement which was finalised on 25 July 2001. In terms of the renewal application, it must be determined in accordance with the approved Development Plan. Whilst the development plan has been the subject of review and modification from its first adopted status in 1996 with the adoption in December 2003 of the current UDP, the principles of development of this site is still acceptable.

7.3 The London Plan has now been adopted and is a part of the Development Plan. The principles are similar to those enshrined within the UDP.

Impact on neighbouring occupiers

7.4 UDP policy E.2.1 would normally allow permission for offices to be granted, in appropriate locations, provided they meet certain criteria. The policy states that the development should not result in a significant loss of amenity to immediate neighbours or the area in general resulting from the nature of the proposed business, the amount of traffic generated or the servicing arrangements. The scale and design of the proposed development should be compatible with the surrounding area.

7.5 The proposed office building is to be positioned north east of the existing office building which fronts Boston Manor Road. The site is bounded to the north by residential properties along Manor Vale. However, it is not considered that these properties will suffer any loss of amenity, loss of privacy or overlooking as the building would be positioned a distance of 28 m from their rear boundaries. The fenestration to the upper floors in the elevation facing north has now been amended to reduce the area of glazing. There is also a distance of 35m between the proposed building and the primary school to the north east and no significant loss of privacy or overlooking would result.

7.6 Immediately to the north is the existing Maycrete House two-storey office building and the Thames Valley University development that is currently under construction. The latter buildings range from 17 to 12 storey for the residential/academic blocks next to the M4 and Boston Manor Road and 12 storey to 8 storey and 4 storey for the academic/residential blocks on the remainder of the site. Whilst Maycrete House is only 6m from the boundary, the new building is set back and there is a sufficient distance to prevent loss of amenity.

Affect on the setting of the listed building

Policy ENV-B.2.5 states that the Council will have special regard to the desirability of preserving the setting of a listed building in considering whether to grant planning permission by appropriate controls over proposals including design, scale, height, massing and alignment and use of appropriate materials.

7.7 The proposed office building is considered to be of a size and scale which reflects the original Grade II listed building. It is subordinate to the main office building and cannot be seen from the public highway. The height does not exceed that of the existing building and matches the building heights of the surrounding area.

7.8 The building has been designed to match the detailed design characteristics of the listed building with external elevations to match the colour and type of existing materials. A similar terracotta coloured soldier course brickwork and red clay roofing tile is proposed. The windows also have a similar proportion to the existing with reconstituted stone banding, parapet copings and railings. The balcony of the main building has also been replicated on the proposed elevation facing the car park.

7.9 The overall design is therefore considered to be acceptable and would not adversely affect the setting of the listed building.

Access and parking

7.10 To meet the Council’s parking requirements for the existing and proposed office floor space, a total of 49 spaces would be required. The site can only accommodate 39 spaces. However, these are maximum standards, and in the light of local public transport provision it is considered that the parking provision is acceptable. Boston Manor Road is a main bus route and there is also an underground station within walking distance. A Green Travel Plan would be required by condition. Eight cycle parking spaces would be provided.

Deed of Variation

A Deed of Variation of the original Section 106 Agreement will be required which effectively alters the dates and planning application references for the renewed application.


7.39 National guidance, the London Plan and UDP policies require the best use of urban land and in particular the reuse of previously developed land. The proposed building, because of its height and density would not constitute an over development of the site and would not appear out of character with the surrounding residential area or result in harm to the setting of the listed building. The fenestration to the upper floors in the flank elevations has now been reduced and there would be no harm to the living conditions of adjoining residents through loss of daylight/sunlight and privacy.


8.1 Conditions would be imposed to ensure that the buildings would be accessible for people with disabilities including disabled parking facilities.



The proposed offices would not appear out of character with the existing development or result in harm to the setting of the listed building and is acceptable in traffic terms. The development is therefore in accordance with Adopted Unitary Development Plan policies ENV B.1.1 (New Development), ENV-B.2.5 (Development affecting the setting of a listed building) and T.1.4 (Car and Cycle Parking and Servicing Facilities for Developments).

Conditions and Reasons

1. A1A Time Limit REASON: A1AR 2. B4 Materials-samples

B4R 3. B5 Detailed applications REASON: B5R 4. J2 Access for Disabled People REASON: J2R

5. G3 Parking ( Pl-003) REASON: G3R

6. C29 Hours of Construction: Monday to Friday 8.00am to 6.00pm, Saturday 9.00am to 1.00pm only REASON; C29R

7. C34 Illumination, mud and dust on Construction Sites REASON: C34R

8. E1 Landscaping and Lighting, including additional landscaping REASON: E1R

9. E2 Landscape works implementation REASON: E2R

10. E5 Boundary Treatment REASON: E5R

11. E15 Tree Planting REASON: E15R

12. Before the development is commenced details of a Green Travel Plan shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall not be occupied until the Green Travel Plan has been implemented in accordance with those details.