ClangJIT: Enhancing C++ with Just-in-Time Compilation Hal Finkel David Poliakoff David F. Richards Lead, Compiler Technology and Lawrence Livermore National Lawrence Livermore National Programming Languages Laboratory Laboratory Leadership Computing Facility Livermore, CA, USA Livermore, CA, USA Argonne National Laboratory
[email protected] [email protected] Lemont, IL, USA
[email protected] ABSTRACT body of C++ code, but critically, defer the generation and optimiza- The C++ programming language is not only a keystone of the tion of template specializations until runtime using a relatively- high-performance-computing ecosystem but has proven to be a natural extension to the core C++ programming language. successful base for portable parallel-programming frameworks. As A significant design requirement for ClangJIT is that the runtime- is well known, C++ programmers use templates to specialize al- compilation process not explicitly access the file system - only gorithms, thus allowing the compiler to generate highly-efficient loading data from the running binary is permitted - which allows code for specific parameters, data structures, and so on. This capa- for deployment within environments where file-system access is bility has been limited to those specializations that can be identi- either unavailable or prohibitively expensive. In addition, this re- fied when the application is compiled, and in many critical cases, quirement maintains the redistributibility of the binaries using the compiling all potentially-relevant specializations is not practical. JIT-compilation features (i.e., they can run on systems where the ClangJIT provides a well-integrated C++ language extension allow- source code is unavailable). For example, on large HPC deploy- ing template-based specialization to occur during program execu- ments, especially on supercomputers with distributed file systems, tion.