Natural History Note Cleaner Mites: Sanitary Mutualism in the Miniature Ecosystem of Neotropical Bee Nests

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Natural History Note Cleaner Mites: Sanitary Mutualism in the Miniature Ecosystem of Neotropical Bee Nests vol. 173, no. 6 the american naturalist june 2009 ൴ Natural History Note Cleaner Mites: Sanitary Mutualism in the Miniature Ecosystem of Neotropical Bee Nests Natalia B. Biani,1,* Ulrich G. Mueller,1 and William T. Wcislo2 1. Section of Integrative Biology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712; 2. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 0843- 03092, Balboa, Republic of Panama Submitted September 16, 2008; Accepted January 28, 2009; Electronically published April 16, 2009 Online enhancement: appendix. has not been rigorously demonstrated (Flechtmann and abstract: Cleaning symbioses represent classic models of mutu- Camargo 1974). Parasitic mites associated with the wasp alism, and some bee mites are thought to perform cleaning services for their hosts in exchange for suitable environments for reproduc- Allodynerus delphinalis act as “bodyguards” and defend tion and dispersal. These mutual benefits, however, have not been juvenile wasps from attacks by a hymenopteran parasitoid rigorously demonstrated. We tested the sanitary role of bee mites by (Okabe and Makino 2008). Another example of mutualism correlating mite loads with fungal contamination in natural nests of is mites associated with burying beetles. These mites re- Megalopta genalis and Megalopta ecuadoria and by experimentally duce the number of fly larvae that compete with the beetles manipulating mite loads in artificial cells with developing brood. for food, and a lower number of flies on the carcasses Field observations revealed significant correlations between the pres- ence of mites and the absence of fungi inside the brood cells, as well increases beetle fitness (Wilson 1983; Wilson and Knol- as between the absence of mites and increased bee mortality. Likewise, lenberg 1987). This symbiosis, however, fluctuates between experimental brood cells with mites have fewer fungal colonies than commensalism and mutualism over time. Here, we ex- do cells without mites. Field observations and experimental manip- perimentally demonstrate that an association between bees ulations, therefore, provide clear evidence of the sanitary effect of and mites is a cleaning mutualism, adding to only a hand- mites in nests of Megalopta bees. This bee-mite association constitutes ful of documented examples of this kind of association. one of the few examples of terrestrial cleaning mutualisms. Nests of Hymenoptera (ants, bees, wasps) are prone to Keywords: acari, bee, cleaning mutualism, Megalopta genalis, Mega- attack by microorganisms (Schmid-Hempel 1998). As a lopta ecuadoria, symbiosis. result, many species have evolved behavioral and chemical traits to protect their brood and food. Examples include Philanthus wasps wrapping food with postpharyngeal Introduction gland secretions that reduce the amount of mold growing Cleaning symbioses represent classic models of mutualism on the paralyzed prey (Herzner and Strohm 2007); wood (Becker and Grutter 2004; O¨ stlund-Nilsson et al. 2005) in ants furnishing nests with plant resins, rich in secondary which individuals of one species obtain food by removing compounds (Chapuisat et al. 2007); and fungus-growing external parasites from those of another species. However, ants producing metapleural gland secretions that decrease most examples are aquatic and restricted to fishes and the amount of pathogenic fungi in the fungus garden (Fer- shrimps (Becker and Grutter 2005). A commonly cited na´ndez-Marı´n et al. 2006). Some species have evolved sym- example of a terrestrial cleaning symbiosis involves birds biotic relationships with other organisms that function to that glean ectoparasites from large mammals, but empirical protect themselves from parasitic attack, such as the an- tests have shown that this relationship is more complicated tibiotic-producing bacteria associated with the beewolf and may not always be mutually beneficial (Weeks 2000). Philanthus triangulum (Kaltenpoth et al. 2005) or with Mites associated with some stingless bees (Trigona)are fungus-growing ants (Currie et al. 1999; Mueller et al. thought to decrease larval mortality due to fungi, but this 2005). Both solitary and social bees construct brood cells * Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected]. within their nests (Michener 1974; Wcislo 2000), which create distinctive microenvironments (sensu Odling-Smee Am. Nat. 2009. Vol. 173, pp. 841–847. ᭧ 2009 by The University of Chicago. 0003-0147/2009/17306-50742$15.00. All rights reserved. et al. 2003). Each cell is a miniature ecosystem, and the DOI: 10.1086/598497 stored food sustains not only the development of the bee 842 The American Naturalist brood but also an extensive array of commensal and par- ican Naturalist). A preliminary identification of the tri- asitic organisms, such as other arthropods, fungi, bacteria, tonymphs (i.e., the penultimate mite stage before adult- and nematodes. Mites are one of the more common ar- hood) collected from Megalopta nests places them in the thropod symbionts that live inside nests of bees, ants, and genus Laelaspoides (Mesostigmata; H. Komplen, personal wasps (Arachnida: Acari; Eickwort 1990, 1993). communication), which is known to be obligate bee mites Bee-mite associations encompass a broad spectrum of associated with other closely related halictid genera, Au- interspecific interactions. Some mites are parasites; some gochlorella and Caenaugochlora (Eickwort 1966, 1979). are predators on other arthropods, including other mites; and others are hypothesized to be mutualists. One kind of mutualism may involve the cleaning services of mites Material and Methods by suppressing or curbing fungal growth within nests; Nests Collection and Field Surveys hosts, in exchange, provide a suitable environment for mite reproduction, as well as an effective dispersal service (mites Nests were collected in Soberanı´a National Park, Barro ride on the dorsal part of the bee’s metasoma or meso- Colorado Natural Monument, San Lorenzo Protected soma; Ordway 1964; Eickwort 1979). The associated san- Area, and Bocas del Toro Province (Republic of Panama), itary benefits, however, have not been rigorously dem- during June–August 2005, December 2005–January 2006, onstrated until now (Flechtmann and Camargo 1974; see March–July 2006, and May–June 2007. Throughout these “Discussion”). This mutualism hypothesis makes two crit- field seasons, a total of 294 nests were collected, opened ical predictions. First, if cells contain mites, the incidence in the lab, and scanned under a light microscope for the of contaminant fungal growth should be lower compared presence of mites and fungi (39 nests were not included to that of cells without mites. Second, the bee brood should in this study because they were either abandoned or with- be healthier when mites are present in a cell, and brood out brood, leaving 255 nests for analysis). survivorship therefore should be higher if raised in the presence of mites, compared to a mite-free brood. We Experimental Brood Cell Procedures tested these two predictions by correlating natural mite loads with fungal contamination of cells in natural nests Nests were opened in the lab, and the contents of natural of Megalopta genalis and Megalopta ecuadoria and by ex- cells were transferred into artificial brood cells made of perimentally manipulating mite load in artificial cells with paraffin, cover slips, and modeling clay (fig. A3 in the developing brood. online edition of the American Naturalist). In order to empirically test the hypothesis that the presence of mites reduces fungal infection, we experimentally manipulated Overview of Bee-Mite Natural History the presence/absence of mites in artificial brood cells. Megalopta Smith 1853 is a Neotropical genus of halictid Mites were removed or added with a fine paintbrush, and bees (Moure and Hurd 1987) that exhibit a continuous all cells were opened and exposed for the same amount spectrum from solitary to social life cycles and forage un- of time, even in control cells (sham treatment). The paint- der dim light (Wcislo et al. 2004). Nests are usually con- brush was disinfected before each manipulation. Between structed in dead wood and consist of a single excavated seven and 10 tritonymphs were transferred to the artificial tunnel with individual cells made of chewed wood (fig. cells. No cells were experimentally inoculated with fungi, A1 in the online edition of the American Naturalist; see and we relied on natural rates of brood cell contamination. Sakagami and Michener 1962; Wcislo et al. 2004). Cells For the experimental manipulations, we collected 27 are provisioned with a mass formed from nectar and pol- nests that had mites and 23 nests that did not have mites. len. Following oviposition, the cell is sealed, and brood We then divided the group of nests with mites into two development from egg to adult eclosion takes about 35 experimental groups: one was used as a control (N p days. Fungi are common in bee nests, given the nutritious 10; sham opened but otherwise not manipulated), and the substrate available (Batra 1965; Batra et al. 1973; Inglis et other one had mites removed (N p 17 ). Similarly, the al. 1993; Hajek and Stleger 1994). group of nests that did not have mites was divided in two In Megalopta, a tight synchrony between bee and mite experimental groups: one was used as a control (N p ontogeny exists: each developmental stage (stadium) of 12; sham opened but otherwise not manipulated), and one the host bee is often associated with a specific mite stage had mites added (N p 11 ). One independent variable was (N. B. Biani and W. T. Wcislo, unpublished data). When the presence/absence of mites at the time of collecting. callow bees emerge, 91% of the mites are deutonymphs, The second critical, independent variable was the exper- the dispersal stage of certain mites (N. B. Biani, personal imentally controlled presence/absence of mites at the end observation; see fig. A2 in the online edition of the Amer- of the experiment. Cleaner Mites in Bee Nests 843 Figure 1: A, Frequency distribution of brood cells with or without mites (M) or fungi (F)inMegalopta genalis and Megalopta ecuadoria for all four field seasons (x2; one asterisk,;P ! .05 two asterisks,).InP ! .001 M.
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    RESEARCH ARTICLE Temperature stress induces mites to help their carrion beetle hosts by eliminating rival blowflies Syuan-Jyun Sun1,2*, Rebecca M Kilner1 1Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom; 2Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Abstract Ecological conditions are known to change the expression of mutualisms though the causal agents driving such changes remain poorly understood. Here we show that temperature stress modulates the harm threatened by a common enemy, and thereby induces a phoretic mite to become a protective mutualist. Our experiments focus on the interactions between the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides, an associated mite species Poecilochirus carabi and their common enemy, blowflies, when all three species reproduce on the same small vertebrate carrion. We show that mites compete with beetle larvae for food in the absence of blowflies, and reduce beetle reproductive success. However, when blowflies breed on the carrion too, mites enhance beetle reproductive success by eating blowfly eggs. High densities of mites are especially effective at promoting beetle reproductive success at higher and lower natural ranges in temperature, when blowfly larvae are more potent rivals for the limited resources on the carcass. Introduction Protective mutualisms among macro-organisms are both widespread and well-known (Clay, 2014; Palmer et al., 2015; Hopkins et al., 2017). They involve one species defending another species *For correspondence: from attack by a third party species, in exchange for some form of reward (Clay, 2014; [email protected] Palmer et al., 2015; Hopkins et al., 2017). Theoretical analyses predict that mutualisms like this can evolve when a commensal or mildly parasitic species, that lives in or upon its host, is induced to Competing interests: The become a protective mutualist upon exposure to an environmental stressor (Fellous and Salvaudon, authors declare that no 2009; Lively et al., 2005; Hopkins et al., 2017; Rafaluk-Mohr et al., 2018).
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