United States Patent Office
2,987,440 United States Patent Office Patented June 6, 1961 2 2,987,440 hitherto known had, in the non-crystalline state at room NJECTABLE HORMONE PREPARATIONS temperature, in practically all cases, the consistency of Karl Junkmann, Berlin, Josef Kathol, Berlin-Charlotten viscid resins or lacquers, whereas the melts produced ac burg, and Hans Richter, Berlin-Steglitz, Germany, as cording to the present invention, on cooling, crystallize signors to Schering A.G., Berlin, Germany, a corpora s only slowly and have the consistency of fluid oils. tion of Germany It was also in no way to be expected that it is possible No Drawing. Filed Mar. 17, 1958, Ser. No. 721,646 to produce physiologically effective hormone derivatives 2 Claims. (Cl. 167-65) with such low melting point. Their application, by means of a simple injection, constitutes an essential simplifica This invention relates to an injectable preparation com 10 tion, as compared with implantation, in the setting up of prising steroid hormones and/or non-steroid hormones comparatively large hormone depots in the organism. having the activity of such steroid hormones and more Further additions may be advantageously made in order particularly to an injectable preparation of a high con to dilute the hormone preparation so as to effect better centration in such steroid hormones and/or non-steroid dosage, since in setting up depots of less than about 100 hormones, said preparation being adapted to produce, on 5 mg., usually too great a proportion of an undesirable injection, a hormone depot of prolonged activity, and to hormone preparation remains behind in the injection a method of making such preparation.
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