Bulletin Published Qu.4Ktekly

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Bulletin Published Qu.4Ktekly BULLETIN PUBLISHED QU.4KTEKLY March, 1992 No. 1 THE WINTER BIRD COUNT FOR 1991 Max (:. Thompson The winter bird count of 1991 will eo down in KOS history as the vear with the largest number of counts ever taken in the state. A record 42 counts were made, 43 it' yo; count one that did not conform to the guidelines. There were only 582 participants but a near record 150 species werr seen. Some species were recorded only during the count week and if they had been put into the counts, there would have been a new record. The highest number ever recorded was 152 in 1990. The highest number of species observed was shared by Ernporia and Manhattan with 83 species each. This could very well be called the "vear of the gull". There were eight species seen, including two gulls new to the count. There were two probable California Gulls seen, one on the Udall-Winfield count and one at the Wilson Reservoir count. There was one probable Black-legged Kittiwake seen at Olathe. Gulls are notoriously hard to identify and sightings without specimens are always open to question. A Pomarine Jaeger seen at Junction City was a first winter count record. Another new species seen on the 1991 count were the five Trumpeter Swans at Webster Reservoir. Unfortunately, four of the five were later shot and killed by persons unknown. Another I'rumpeter Swan was reported from Sawyer. While there were no real surprises in the waterfowl counted, there were some surpris- ing numbers. Blue-winged Teal were present with 18 at Garden City and 400 at Parsons. This species normally winters well to the south of Kansas. Common Goldeneyes were present in record numbers at Wilson Keservoir with 2,500 being counted. The Oldsquaw was recorded at both Webster and at Wilson Reservoirs. Hawks and falcons were recorded in good numbers both species and number wise. A record 343 Bald Eagles were observed and 124 Ferrugirlous Hawks. All of the Kansas falcons except the Gyrfalcon were seen. One Greater Roadrunner was seen at Sawyer, a bird that is infrequent on wintercounts. A big surprise was the number of Pileated Woodpeckers observed. While Pileateds have generally been extending their range in Kansas, in 1991 they seem to have literally exploded. A record 32 were counted generally south of a line extending from Wintield northeast to 1,awrence. However, the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker seems to be in a general decline. The Carolina Wren is still on the rebound with 313 recorded. A House Wren at Wichita was one of very few ever recorded on a count. Golden-crowned Kinglets were not as common as in previous winters. The Eastern Bluebird has made a phenomenal comeback. A record 1,087 were counted with the Parsons count providing 279 of the total. A Varied 'l'hrush was seen at (,arden City but not on the day of the count. Although the northern species did not put in much of an appearance this year, one species that has been verified as remaining further north than usual was a Chipping Sparrow at a feeder in Garden City. 1t was like the Varied l'hrush, not seen on the count dav. However, it was photographed and comparisons with specimens leaves little doubt of its identification. This is the first verified winter record. Finches that frequently occur in large numbers were not present in any numbers at all. Lapland Longspurs accounted for- only 7.204 of the total birds seen. It is not uncom- mon in some winters to see trn times that number in one flock. Purple Finches were uncommon but their absence was more than made up by House Finches with a record 4,058 seen in the state. In 1990,557( of the counts had House Finches and in 1991,67'%. Pine Siskins were notable by their absence with a total of 362 observed. The weather was generally very pleasant on most counts with daily high temperatures on all counts above the freezing level. Water was generally open. Snow cover was nonexistent. This extremely warm weather undoubtedly helped keep a lot of the winter finches and sparrows further north than usual. The editor has chosen to go back to ;I tabular form in listing the species with a total numbel- of each species seen tabulated in the last column. Comments on this new feature are welcorne. Arkansas City. 37" OZ'N, 97" 02'W. Center intersection U.S. 77 and Arkansas River. Habitat coverage: upland deciduous forest 9%, riparian forest 29%, cultivated fields I l%, oldfields and kncerows 26%, grasslands ti%#,residential areas 12%, lakes and rivers 7%.21 December 1991, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., 34" to 37°F; wind NW, 1-5 m.p.h., waters open. Fourteen observers in 4-6 parties. 'Total party-hours 40 (15 on foot, 25 by car). Total party-miles 293 (I6 on fi~ot,277 by car). Total 70 species (2 addi~ional subspecies), about 14,315 individuals. Wallace Champeny, Jack Dennett, Norma Dennett, Beverly DuGay, Rex Herndon, Kristen ,Jackson, Mike Lesan, Jean Roark, hliriarn Roark, Eddie Stegall, Savilla Stegall, Tammv Troutman, Donald Vannoy (compiler - 2458 Coolidge, Wichita, KS 67204)- Gerald Wiens. Baldwin. 38" 47'N, !)3" Ifi'W. Centerjunction U.S. 56 and US. 59. Habitat coverage not recorded. 21 December 1991, 6:OO a.m. to 5:lD p.m., 34" to 39°F; wind S, 5-10 m.p.h., waters mostly open; a.m. cloudy, p.ni. cloudy. 'Twenty observers in 7 parties and 3 obscrvers ;~tfeeders. 'l'otal party-hours 52 (10 on foot, 42 by car) plus 2.3 hrs owling and 8 hrs at fretlers. l'otal party-miles 438 (12 on foot, 426 by car) and 20 miles owling. Total 63 species (2 additional subspecies), about 7,762 individuals. Genny Agin. Richard Bean, Jan and Roger Boyd (compiler- Dept. of Biology, Baker University, Haldwin City. KS GG006), Hill Busl)y, Cal Cink, Tom Church, Ruth Fauhl, Faye Heckman, Chick Hood, Scott and l'ony Ikenberry, Katherine Kelley, Greg Kramos. David and Martin Pressgrove, Melba Roberts, Floyd Schmidt, Ruth Scott, Dawn Sharp, Phil Wedge, Joyce and Ron Wolf. Baxter Springs. 37" IO'N, 94" 50'W. (:enter Riverton. KS. Habitat coverage: riparian forest R5%, cultivated fields 20F, oldfields and kncerows 2057, lakes and rivers 576, shxmps 556, marsh 5%', upland deciduous firest 455, grasslands 396, residential areas 2%, coniferous stands 1%.31 December 199 I, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., 45" to 53°F; wind SF., 0-10 m.p.h., \c.aters open; cloudy in a.m.; clear in p.m. One observel- in 1 party. Total party-hours 10 (9 on foot, 1 by car). Total party-miles 60 (1 0 on toot, 50 by car). Total 57 species, about 15,677 individuals. J. I). Rising (compiler - Department of Zoology, University of Toronto. Toronto. ~iltario,Canada M5S ]XI). Byron Walker Wildlife Area. 37" 36'N, 98" l(i'W. Center headquarters of the Byron Walker Wildlife Area. Habitat coverage: riparian woodland 3570, cultivated fields 40%, grasslands 20%#,lakes and rivers 3%,,marshland 2%. 30 December 1991, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., 35" to 46°F; wind N, 0-3 rn.p.h., waters open; cloudy all day, foggy to 11 a.m. Seven o1)servers in 2 partics. Total party-hours 15 (6 on foot, 9 by car). Total party-miles 148 (6 on foot. 142 by car). Total 3 1 species (2 additional subspecies), about 14,647 individuals. Seen in arca during count period, but not on count day - Blue Jay. Wilma Hawkins, John Kostrler, Cecilia Monda. Jane Queal, Charles Shoemake, Byron Walker (compiler - 235 West Copeland, Kingman, KS 67068), June Walker. Camp Naish, Wyandotte Co. 39" 04'N. 94" 52%'. (:enter corner of sections 2 1, 22, 27 and 28, '1'1 1 S, R23F.. Habitat coverage: upland deciduous forest 40%, riparian forest 40%, oldfields 10%, grasslands 5%. lakes and rivers I%, swamp 3%, residential areas 3%,. 21 1)ecernber 1991, 6:40 a.m. to 5 p.m., 36" to 38°F: wind NW, 3 m.p.h., waters open; sky overcast. Six observers in 1 party. Total party-hours 80 (7 on foot, 1 by car) plus 1 hr owling. Total party-miles 10 (8 on foot, 2 by car) and 1 mile owling. Total 32 species, about 59 1 individuals. Ryan Ness, Alexis Powell, Rex Powell, Jim Roth, Stan Roth (compiler - Lawrence High School, 1901 Louisiana St., Lawrence KS 66046-2999), Nate Williams. Cedar Bluff Reservoir. 38" 47'N. 99" 46'W. Center middle of reservoir, 2 mi W of the dam. Habitat coverage: lakes and rivers 25%, riparian forest 25%, coniferous stands 20%, cultivated fields lo%, oldfields and fencerows lo%, grasslands 5%, marsh 5%. 21 December 1991, 7:45 a.m. to 4:35 p.m., 20" to 47°F; wind SW, 0-10 m.p.h., waters open; partly cloudy. Two observers & 1 party. Total party-hours 8.5 (3 on-foot, 5.5 by car). Total party-miles 109 (2 on foot, 107 by car). Total 51 species (2 additional sub- species), about 2,529 individuals. Mike Rader, Scott Seltman (compiler - R.R. 1, Box 36, Nekoma, KS 67559). Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Management Area. 38" 26'N to 38' 31'N, 98" 35'W to 98", 44'W. Not circular. Habitat coverage:. grasslands 40%, upland deciduous forest 3576, marsh 25%. 18 December 1991, 8:00 a.m. to 1:15 p.m., 20" to 40°F; wind SW, 5-15 m.p.h.
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