John (Handsome Johnny) Roselli Part 9 of 12
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ICE H1 "FF*°"E° m ::nARsa' D0 HOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW V _.i _ _ i/*~._**' L~__** _._'* »- if -*- COF-IE5 MADE é . ix ./. ;{""j92 92; f ..,= . I 92 5 T kH»?§ See Cover Page B '/"i ,._ . ,r-»_¢. 5" 1 92 ,, ,-33¢ Z "allow-§l_ , 4°! _ . ' x7 _-II-I--1-i _" @~ 4 :»--AUG 141957---7 ----~L~-_~3'£.-Q3-_-~- ____% __ m___ _.___ _. ____ ___._ ____ _ ._...- _4 ____._i-.-4 .__.__..._.....i_ .H._i.k »-- -i *i1S§§=F-=- " law Dissemination ! __i"'__" T--92i__1-__7____ Record of Altucbad Racer] .'7_-'_-wwl-_; _ -kgvncy ' - Rt: "**A--"A . ucsl Rccd. ["1-""rf'I' "' F W *Fh" * - r :EP |F1 ;_."'. "' 92 '1"" 1*"_ 3I I LA 166-10h8 COPIES MADE: 92 ._ 3- Bureau 66-3200! - USA, Los Angeles Chibago - Charlotte - Las Yegas 66-868! - iami 66-R56! New York - Los Angeles 66-1038! The title of this report is being marked changed to include additional subjects as developed by investigation to date. P92 P! REFERENCE: Los Angeles airtel to the Bureau dated 3/2 _ p _ ADMINISTRATIVE " All leads in this case have been sot out by airtel or teletype and are not being restated under leads. In view 0? numerous references, y are not all being set out. A svwmary of information developed by the Federal Grand Jury will be obtained from AUSA DAVID R. NISSEN and furnished to the Bureau by letter as soon as it is obtained. The 0 rding this case was furnished bY ubs uentla, en-I ! LA 166-IONS II'II_-I_ ___ -I_ _-___%___.l.'92___A_i.I__Ji_4i .l92__9292 .I__-___j..I__._.l_i-I..- 'J.Tl1S CEISB 13 PIEbE1'lC1y I'¬C¬lV1T1g II-'l.LJ.lIlV¬3'51gd'BlVE.' time of six special agent s and additional agents are being / assigned when needed. K LEADS I ._.¢H1C!'i92G9» 9H5RI'9TE1E_»c,I:A§,cYF9$e» ?4lA!TI»i @116 NE?YORK Two copies of t his report are being furnished .L92J4. '1-92s_q J.llJ.92J1.ll|.<JU-LLIIIOJ. 11m-92Pn92-92n,vnv92l-is-.1-92n'| FHLFUDC19292-lwgu-urxtvpas since investigations have previously been conducted and it is anticipated that additional investigations will be requested as a result of Grand Jury hearings. i LOS ANGELES AT LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: W111 continue BO conduct logical ivéstige tion'énd*f¬§ort results of Federal Grand Jury= I cl /" iv '92._____ ./ _ 3* _ COVER PAGE FD-20-1 H:-v.3-3-59} ! 1 UNI .-_.D STATES DEPARTMENT OF JLMTICE FEDERAL aunenu OF INVESTIGATION cspym - 1USA, Los Angelg; 9"w"= B! Ou:LOS Angeles, California Date: FhHOneFe!: 166_1@h§ 5w",F",,: 166_320O Tm ' JOHN HOSELLI; / /1 9*#'/Wei 92 ~ §¬P';>=0 s I Character: INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION IN AID OF RACKETEERING ~ ' GAMBLING Synopsis: eived 75/ y use peep econd and third floors of the Friar's Club, Beverly Hills, California were able /! /D r:-omto ceive individualssignals a transmittingreceiver- on sa s ram " BEE attic above the peep hole. They reportedly . won considerable sums of money in playing gin rumm la from the ee oles /7CL are dividua sa ege een the peep holes and operating electronic transmitters, which signaled to the players what cards they should discard. Victims of this scheme were This 921O¢92Imel<;oniulnsnelw.-r l!Corn"nrdutlcns not |:o'92:1u='-ionsthe FBI I2 oi in H12 propertyof the FBI uni is ha-zed to 70'" QIQHCY11 and lts contents are no lo De dlstribuéed outside your aqrhcy LA 166-1038 if it could be games were transported sed with in AUSA, in erstate Los Angeles, conmo and , he stated constitute a violation shown that of Title proceeds18 Sectionfrom the gin 1952O rummy U 7/13/67, subpoenash the encention vere ofissuedJOHN ROSELLI* for the rec it ouldndividuals wit- AUSA ROSELLI vas not subooenaed irasmuch as believe it uou ld be beneficial to have | the halls ¥2 7 e FBI on each of the e 15 st enincividuals calling for their appearance Eetore Federal Grand Lo" n 6 7/2O/ 7 or beep_ above ole Sea ch conducted in attic second floor and been holes located over gaming tables in Main Game_._J 'l_.P92J_Room and over txo small poker room=_to the right 6110 LE1 U oz stage in the Friar s Club On 7/24/67, search of third floor conducted and peep holes located over PJVEI room and Ph 4-no Rnr. 1:- 14-as! J J! It XX}DO X X}QQ{XX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET lzytjzrnents,Pa8 e s! withheld entirelyindicated, at this where locationthis in the explain file.deietion. One or more of the following Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. 2 a D <b!<1> A! El d!! III b><v!<B> U J'!! El b! l! El/6 v> c> E1 l<! l! El hp! U RXZ! Bow! I211/@"/Kn! U l<!! &¢Le El<b><v><E> E1 k!! Q1125 Q[- Qggmmggp l<!! <i _i in E1 b><v><F! l<!! El o>><4! E1 bus! l<!! Ci E1 b!! El too! D El b!! L1 E1 E] Information pertainedonly to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. Information pertained only to a third party: Your name is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. These documents werereferred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. _i,,.,.,., Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency/ ies!. You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. U Page s! withheldfor the following reason s!:y H__ __ W6 For your information: __ _ _ / following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: XXXXXX JODCXXX_e 7_ _l_Qé-",Z,}00*"3- lg. !QODOQ{ DELETED PAGE S! X NO DUPLICATION FEE X FOR THIS PAGE X DOOO ' , 3 1 LA 166-1on8 EEEEIPS: AI LO§_ANGELES purpos FriarThis invest1gatfon hts been lnstltuted for the e of deternlnlng if anv lndlvzduels gembllng at the s Club, Bevewl¢ h;lls, Callfornle, have vlolated the Interstate Transportatlon 1n Aid of Racketeerlng Statut~ C in diursing lune Wh1Ch mere recezved as a resul of gambling or in the tran wortation 01 any lndlvldual to assist in the p&1t1C1pPt1O of gamblzné.