Family Business Sustainability and Growth
FAME Family Business Sustainability and Growth Module 4 Transition Issues Romana PASZKOWSKA Cracow UniversityBrian JON of Economics,ES, PhD Poland Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom Jan BrzozowskiDavid DEVINS and Hanny Kelm LeedsNicholas Beckett University, CHANDLE UnitedR, KingdomPhD BudaCracowpest BUniversityusiness Sch ofo Economicsol, Hungary Andrea MADARASI-SZIRMAI Sára Csillag, Péter Csizmadia,BudapestJános BusinessP Annaál NÉ METH,School,Laura Hungary Hidegh PhD and Ágnes Szászvári Budapest Business School Budapest KrisztinaBusines NÉMETHs School, Hungary Budapest Business School, Hungary Marek NickSZA RBeechUCKI, PhD Cracow DobrosławaLeedsUnive rBeckettsity WIKTOR-MACH of E Universityconomics, Poland Cracow University of Economics, Poland Jan BRZOZOWSKI, PhD Cracow University of Economics, Poland Kraków,Kraków, 20182018 Leeds, 2017 ERASMUS+ KA2 Strategic Partnership 2016-1-HU01-KA203-022930 FAME-Family Business Sustainability and Growth This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Content Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Module Objectives ............................................................................................................................
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