JANUARY 2021 EDITION Newsletter >THE E-NEWSLETTER FOR NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH SUPPORTERS IN SUFFOLK Welcome to the January edi�on of our newsle�er. Having put behind us a difficult year, we must start this new year with op�mism, and hope that as the vaccina�on programme gathers pace, we will all be in a be�er posi�on over the coming months. Although it is a new year, we know it will s�ll be just as challenging as the last, and therefore we rely on all our volunteers and coordinators to con�nue to follow the government restric�ons and guidance as we con�nue to support our communi�es. You are all key to our success as an organisa�on. So thank you. As always, please remember to check our “news” page on our website for updated news in between newsle�er edi�ons, and if you use social media, why not visit our Facebook page, follow us and give us a “like”. We hope you enjoy the newsle�er. The Executive Committee INSIDE THIS EDITION: NWN News PG 2 NWN Impact ReportPG 7 AVAST CyberWatch PG 9 Suffolk Crimestoppers PG 10 Suffolk Trading Standards PG 11 Action Fraud PG 12 Have you got a story you would like to share? Sharing your stories help give other schemes ideas that can help communi�es engage more. It’s not always about crime and policing - but it’s always about togetherness. With the Remembrance and Armis�ce days during November, did you arrange anything for your community or scheme? Let us know! Send us your story via email to the Suffolk Neighbourhood Watch Associa�on Comms team:
[email protected] JANUARY 2021 EDITION | PAGE1 Newsletter Suffolk Police & Crime Commissioner and Suffolk Constabulary: Council tax precept survey 2021/22 Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Tim Passmore has published his proposals for the policing element of the council tax precept for the next financial year.