West Sussex Bio City
WEST SUSSEX BIO CITY Bio City Development Company Pre‐Feasibility Study November, 2010 1 DISCLAIMER This study was prepared by BCDco after discussion with the parties, as part of consulting services provided under the project outline agreed by the parties. Representations, warranties and liability are regulated by the BCDco standard terms of business only and are limited to BCDco. In particular, the study neither obliges nor otherwise legally binds the members and/or partners of BCDco. BCDco has carried out this study in accordance with generally accepted professional techniques and good industry practices. BCDco has observed sound management practices and methods. However, neither BCDco nor any person acting on behalf of BCDco makes any warranty or representation whatsoever, express or implied, with respect to the use of any information, method, process, conclusion, result or similar item disclosed in this document, including fitness for a particular purpose. In particular, although BCDco has made best efforts to verify the correctness, accuracy, reliability, completeness, usefulness, timeliness, legality and otherwise of the data, information, processes and methods used in the study, BCDco disclaims any respective warranty, representation and/or liability. In addition, neither BCDco nor any person acting on behalf of BCDco assumes responsibility for any damages or other liability whatsoever, including any consequential damages, resulting from the use of this study or any information or recommendation contained herein. Therefore, BCDco will not be liable for any claims or lawsuits from any third parties arising from the use of and/or reliance on this study and its recommendations. This study is not intended as an offer, or a solicitation of an offer, to buy or to sell any services, specific products or investments.
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