Eastern U.S.-Canada Boundary Line Drawn by World Court

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Eastern U.S.-Canada Boundary Line Drawn by World Court NOAAINMFS Developments States had argued that it was entitled to a boundary line that retained all of Georges Bank. Canada had asked for a line dividing the Bank virtually in half, leaving all of the northeastern Eastern U.S.-Canada Boundary segment under its control. The World Line Drawn by World Court Court, in essence, split the difference, setting a line that cut Georges Bank about midway between the two claims. According to the National A compromise North Atlantic vessels from both sides to return to Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad­ boundary line, dividing Georges Bank their respective sides of the new ministration, which has jurisdiction and its resources between the United boundary (see map). over fisheries out to 200 miles off the States of America and Canada, has The heart of the issue, which has U.S. coast, including the Georges been drawn by the World Court in been a source of dispute since 1976 Bank area, the new boundary will The Hague, Netherlands. The new when both Canada and the United make management of Atlantic boundary between New England and States extended their eastern bound­ fisheries, including cod and haddock, Nova Scotia gives part of the Bank to aries, was control of an area of be­ very complex, and will require close Canada for the first time. The issue tween l3,OOO and 18,000 square consultation with all interested par­ was settled on 12 October 1984 and nautical miles that included the north­ ties. High seas rights pertaining to the the decision was enforced as of mid­ eastern half of Georges Bank, one of area, such as freedom of navigation, night, 26 October 1984. Both Canada the world's richest fishing grounds. are not affected. and the United States had agreed to a The area may also contain oil and The Court, at the request of 14-day grace period to allow fishing natural gas reserves. The United Canada and the United States, established a Special Chamber of five judges to hear the case, and had con­ sidered extensive written and oral sub­ missions presented by both sides dur­ ing the previous 2 years. Members of the Chamber included: Judge Rober­ to Ago of Italy, President of the UNITED Chamber; Judge Andre Gros of STATES France; Judge Herman Mosler of the Federal Republic of Germany; Judge Stephen Schwebel of the United States; and Judge ad hoc Maxwell Cohen of Canada. Gulf of Maine Symposium Honors NEFC -', ; B :.~ .. " Gloucester Laboratory In honor of the 25th anniversary of the National Marine Fisheries Service's Gloucester Laboratory of the Northeast Fisheries Center, a Georges I-day "International Symposium on Bank Fisheries Technology" has been .' p '.~ Boundary turning points scheduled in conjunction with the 30th Atlantic Fisheries Technological A 44°11' 12"N-67°16'46"W Conference 25-29 August 1985. B 42°53'14"N-67°44'35"W The Conference will be held at the C 42°31 '08"N-67°28'05"W ATLANTIC D 40 0 27'05"N-65°41 '59"W Copley Plaza Hotel in Boston, Mass., OCEAN and is chaired by Ron Lundstrom. D SOfalhOrns Keynote speaker for the Symposium 4lJ'N will be Jack Connell, Director of the United Kingdom's Torry Research 46(4),1984 81 Station. In addition, a program has and the gear marking and venting re­ The schemes also involved been assembled which features some quirements will not affect most monitoring of u.S. patrols to prevent of the world's foremost fishery lobstermen because they are already at-sea boardings of vessels that did technologists and the Symposium will required in many of the states. The not have observers assigned. Patrol be an excellent opportunity to ex­ American Lobster FMP was prepared craft location and movement infor­ amine the state of the art in the field by the New England Fishery Manage­ mation was sent by code to fishing of fisheries technology. ment Council, and is intended to im­ vessels to allow movement away from The entire program of the 30th plement the Federal share of the patrol vessels. When vessels without AFTC has been in preparation, as coastwide lobster management pro­ observers were boarded, catch well, with the first call for papers be­ gram for this valuable fishery. underlogging violations were often ing sent out in early March. The sec­ found. ond and final call for papers was to be Beginning in 1984, U.S. observer issued in early June, with an abstract Misleading Reports Given coverage was increased to nearly submission deadline of 1 July 1985. A by Japanese Fish Groups 100%. That has eliminated the effects final mailing, 1 month prior to the of some of the tactics that had been conference, will include the final pro­ The National Marine Fisheries used. The level of foreign fishing off gram and registration and hotel infor­ Service announced at the North Alaska was significantly reduced in mation. Pacific Fishery Management Council 1984 and in part stems from increased meeting in Anchorage last fall that levels of observer coverage. documents seized from Japanese Observers, however, cannot monitor fishing vessels indicate that organized the entire catch of a vessel that fishes American Lobster Size, measures had been used by Japanese continuously and opportunities to Gear Requirements Told fishing associations to frustrate U.S. bias observer catch estimates still ex­ observer programs and at-sea en­ ist. Effective 1 January 1985, federal forcement. The investigation results were pro­ regulations which implement the During fishing violations investiga­ vided to Department of State officials American Lobster Fishery Manage­ tions conducted for improper catch who asked the Japanese Government ment Plan (FMP) require that lobsters logging and reporting, Japanese lan­ to conduct an inquiry. While awaiting landed in whole form must have a guage documents were seized and that report, the North Pacific Fishery 3 minimum carapace length of 3 / 16 subsequently translated. Those Management Council and fishery inches, and gear must be appropriate­ documents indicate that the Japanese managers were studying possible ac­ ly marked and vented. Richard H. Longline and Gillnet Association and tions available to prevent recurrence Schaefer, Acting Northeast Regional the National Federation of Medium of such schemes. Director of the National Marine Trawlers used highly organized Fisheries Service, stated that these schemes to manipulate u.s. observer provisions apply to all lobster coverage on foreign vessels. The tac­ Gulf Reef Fish Fishery fishermen who are permitted to fish in tics included purposeful reductions in the fishery conservation zone (FCZ), catch and restricting fishing areas. Regulation Established either by his office or through an en­ U.S. observers are used to monitor Regulations to conserve and dorsement on a State lobster permit. foreign catch levels and composition. manage reef fish resources of the Gulf Lobster gear deployed in the FCZ The biased observer data may have of Mexico became effective on 8 or possessed by a person whose vessel allowed the foreign vessels to avoid November 1984, announced Jack T. is permitted to fish in the FCZ must payment of poundage fees and Brawner, Southeast Regional Direc­ be marked with the vessel's Federal resulted in improper estimates of fish tor, National Marine Fisheries Service fishery permit number, or the mark­ stocks by fishery managers. (NMFS). ings required by the vessel's homeport Fishery managers use observer The regulations implement the State. This gear must also include an catch estimates when coverage of each fishery management plan (FMP) for escape vent(s) in the parlor section of class of foreign vessel is 20 percent or reef fish resources prepared by the the trap. The vent may either be: 1) A more in a statistical area each week. Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management rectangular portal with an unob­ The schemes employed often Council under the Magnuson Fishery structed opening not less than 1 3/4 prevented achieving 20 percent Conservation and Management Act. inches (44.5 mm) by 6 inches (152.5 observer coverage so that foreign The regulations apply in the Gulf of mm); or 2) two circular portals with reported catch would be used. The Mexico portion of the fishery conser­ unobstructed openings not less than 2 documents infer that vessels without vation zone (FCZ), which generally 1/4 inches (57.2 mm) in diameter. observers aboard could fish includes all waters extending from 3 According to Schaefer, these pro­ unrestricted but report only assigned n.mi. off Alabama, Mississippi, and visions for the minimum carapace size quotas. Louisiana, and 9 n.mi. off Florida 82 Marine Fisheries Review (west coast) and Texas, to a distance per; and 3) persons fishing in the FCZ 8 May 1986. All red snapper of 200 n.mi. offshore. Species reg­ from headboats (generally vessels that harvested in the FCZ must be landed ulated under the FMP are snappers, carry seven or more persons who fish with the head and fins intact. Federal groupers, and sea basses. for a fee) are exempt from the civil penalties up to $25,000 may be The regulations establish a "stressed minimum size limit and incidental assessed for violation of these regula­ area" in the nearshore waters of the catch allowance for red snapper until tions. FCZ off Florida and Alabama and portions of Mississippi and Texas where reef fish resources are subjected to intensive fishing effort and where NEFC Increases Salmon Research some species, especially red snapper, The United States, Canada, and Atlantic salmon from the States, are overfished. In this area, the use of many European countries as far south Universities, and Federal Government fish traps and roller-rigged trawls is as Spain produce Atlantic salmon, met at the NEFC in Woods Hole, prohibited altogether, while power­ Salmo salar, which annually migrate Mass., to plan a detailed program of heads (a projectile-firing device used to the waters off West Greenland research for the National Marine by divers) may not be used to harvest where they remain from one to several Fisheries Service.
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