And if you fear injustice, then marry one. A man that marries two women and does not deal justly with them will be resurrected with half of his body hangingIS POLYGAMY down. If you fear that you will fail FAIRto deal TO justly with the orphans, thenWOMEN? marry suitable women, two or three, or four, but if you fear that you will fail to be just, then marryAn analysis one. of Athe manpermission that for marries polygamy in Islam and its two womenrelationship and withdoes gender not equity deal justly with them will be resurrected with half of his body hanging down. If you fear that you will fail to deal justly Da„wah Institute of Nigeria with the Islamicorphans, Education Trustthen marry suitable women, two or three, or four, but if you fear injustice, then marry one. A man that marries two women and does not deal justly with them will be resurrected with half of BLANK (INNER FRONT COVER) 2 IS POLYGAMY FAIR TO WOMEN? 3 DIN PUBLICATIONS Module 101 Series 4 IS POLYGAMY FAIR TO WOMEN? An analysis of the permission for polygamy in Islam and its relationship with gender equity Da„wah Institute of Nigeria Islamic Education Trust 5 BLANK PAGE 6 ©Islamic Education Trust, 1430/2009 ISBN ………………………. All rights reserved: No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner except with written permission from the publisher. Da‟wah Institute of Nigeria Islamic Education Trust Headquarters PMB 229, Ilmi Avenue, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. Phone: +234-803-600-5535 Email:
[email protected] Website: 7 CONTENTS Foreword Acknowledgements Notes on Terminology and Transliteration Preface Part I: The Polyandry Argument 1.