Kessedhek rag Henwyn Tyller ha Arwodhyow Place-name and Signage Panel

Dydh / Date: 19 mis Gortheren, 2015 / 19 July 2015, 10am. Le / Venue: Stevel/Room 2N:06, Lys Kernow / County Hall, Truru / .


1. Diharasow / Apologies

2. Kovnotyansow / Minutes

3. Materow ow sordya / Matters arising

4. Materow Ughella / Strategic Issues  Highways – A30 Temple  Council – Planning  Mapping

5. Arwodhow yn stret / Street signs  Outstanding translations

6. Henwyn leow / Place names a) Rol Henwyn Tyller – Pluwvadern

7. Towlennow a) Taves an Tir - Rol Henwyn Tyller – Pluwvadern b) Nansledan / Tregurra Valley c) Withiel

8. Negys aral / Any Other Business

9. Dydh an kuntelles nessa / Date of Next Meeting – TBA

Paperow a vern / Background papers  Kovnotyansow kuntelles a veu synsys 16/06/2015 Minutes of the meeting held 16/06/2015 – Previously circulated  Rol Henwyn Stret Gesys – Update to be circulated.

Ober A-dheu / Future Work  Finish Parishes  Towlen Taves an Tir - Resrudh  Complete names on OS 1:250,000 map.



Kovnotyansow an kuntelles synsys: dy’Gwener 17 mis Gortheren 2015 th Draft Minutes of the meeting held: Friday 17 July 2015

Present: N Meek (Chair), R Lyon, L Jenkin

In attendance: P Hodge, S Rogerson

No. Item Action

1. Diharesow / Apologies

J. Edmondson, K. George, J. Holmes

2. Kovnotyansow / Minutes

The minutes of the meeting on Friday 19th June 2015 were read and agreed.

3. Materow ow sordya / Matters arising

Reskadinnick (Camborne) = Reskadenek

This place-name had previously been translated as

. This decision was based on the 1284 form

, which was now believed to have been

wrongly attributed; agreed that it would be listed under


The first element was corrected to ‘ford’. The 1510 form’s element could have been heathland. Rosewarne was identified as a (‘ford’) name. If it were a personal name, would be more likely for a settlement.

The panel agreed the revised translation – Reskadenek. It includes the elements ‘ford’ + obscure; possibly a personal name + ‘abounding in’. Ruskedenack Vean [historic name] = Reskadenek Vian

Roskedinick Mill [historic name] = Melin Roskasedhek

Reskajeage (Camborne) = Roskajek

This place-name includes the elements ‘hill-spur’ +

possibly personal name.

Reskajeage Downs = Ros Kajek Trewidden = Trewedn (unchanged)

A place-name - was identified during the meeting, which showed pre-occlusion. Rose Vale (Penzance) = Stras an Ros

The name comes from TA (Bond 2009). Bosullow Lane End = Penn an Vownder Boschiwolow

Trehyllys = Penn an Vownder Boschiwolow Tristrams Cottages = Penntiow Trystan

There was a debate whether the Brythonic/Cornish form should be used. Chappie = Chipy (cinfirmed) NM ACTION: The etymology of Poltair should have been , not . Poltair (St Austell) = Polltir

Roundabouts There was a discussion on the terminology for roundabouts on road signage. Both and were considered, but the panel agreed that was more accurate.

Kettle’s Bottom (Sennen) = Jybm There was a consensus among the panel to change the spelling from to .

4. Materow Ughella / Strategic Issues

a. Highways England – A30 Temple

The work with Highways England to include bilingual junction during the duelling work was ongoing. It was still unsure whether the work would be adopted.

b. - Planning

N Meek would be giving a talk to both Cornwall Council and private sector developers. N Meek would also be meeting with the Duchy (during the w/c 20/07) and had requested pictures of the signage they have

2 selected at Nansledan.

c. Mapping

L Jenkin had discussed the possibility of an interactive Taves an Tir map with Tom Goskar. Suggestions included an online map with selectable layers and a mobile app. There was a discussion around creating a map with the expertise within the signage panel featuring the main settlements. Future projects could include separate maps of the ‘konteth’ regions within Cornwall. A 12-figure grid reference was considered an ideal measurement for use on a mapping database.

5. Arwodhow yn stret / Street signs

Belgravia Street (Penzance) = Stret Belgravia

Bokenna Close (Dobwalls, Liskeard) = Kew Boskennow

The historical forms of Bokenna (St Cleer) showed only one instance of , whereas the other eleven forms identified all included . Due to the this meant that the original translation of kenow ‘puppy’ was incorrect.

Gover 1948 identified cynnow / was identified at Tregenna, St Veep.

Gover 1948 showed Ceneu/Cenau at Boskenna, Tregenna and Tregedna and was considered to mean ‘glorious hound’. ACTION: Scan a copy of the 1948 Gover personal names list for the SR signage panel. The historical forms from 1327 - (for Bokenna) and (for Pellagenna) may have been the same recorder. was considered to be an anomalous form. Place-name translations Bokenna (St Cleer) = Boskennow Bokenna Cross = Krowsfordh Boskennow Bokenna Wood = Koos Mengleudh Boskennow (This place-name had lost the element ‘quarry’ from the 1889 form; this was reintroduced with .) Pellagenna (St Cleer) = Pellagennow The adjective in front of the noun would cause a mutation. The found in the 1201 form may stand for . Padel shows as the only name.

3 was a suggested term for a ‘rounded hill of something’ or a ‘ball of something’. Little Pellagenna = Pellagennow Vyghan Boskenna (St Burian) = Boskenow The panel were happy that the derivation of this place-name was cenew ‘puppy’. Boskenna Cliff = Als Boskenow Boskenna Cross = Krows Boskenow Cedar Woods (St Austell) = Koos Seder This location was a field historically, not a wood. Filtrick Lane (Piece, Carnkie) = Bownder Fyltryk Agreement that the name was obscure; therefore the 1530 place-name form was selected. Hocking’s Green (Liskeard) = Glas Hokkyn There was uncertainty whether the word had an English/French origin. The panel decided to re-spell it into Cornish. Liggars Drive (Dobwalls) = Rosva Losgardh Containing the elements ‘grey’ and , which in this instance was ‘ridge’. There was a discussion whether <- th>/<-dh> would best represent this term; the panel decided that <-dh> was more accurate and avoided confusion with ‘yard’. was agreed as a compound word for ‘long ridge’. The French jardin for ‘small enclosure’ could be linked to ‘yard’. Higher Liggars Wood = Koos Losgardh Wartha Lower Liggars Wood = Koos Losgardh Woles Liggars Wood = Koos Losgardh Stoney Lane (Polgooth) = Bownder Veynek The Pathway Fields (Hayle) = Parkow an Trolergh Using could be interpreted as ‘two fields’. West Corner (Carnon Downs) = Kornel West

6. Henwyn leow / Place names

a. Rol Henwyn Tyller - Pluwvadern

Landithy = Lanndythi There was a suggestion that Lanndithy could be St Day, although the panel agreed that it was an obscure

4 personal name. Landithy Hall = Hel Lanndythi Landithy Pond = Poll Lanndythi Lower Landithy = Lanndythi Woles Leskinnick = Leskeunek Consisting of the elements ‘plant’ + keunek ‘green (herbal) reed bed’ Leskinnick House = Chi Leskeunek Penzance Market Cross, The = Krows an Varghas There was a suggestion that the stone was dedicated to King Rigas. Tregoddick {lost} = Tregudek The second element may have been ‘hidden’, although the panel agreed that it was obscure. The 1297 form Tregudek was used in the translation. Tremenhere = Tremenhir The translation reflects the fact that this place-name had resisted mutation. Criglow (Trewern) = Krugelow Believed to be the collective form ‘elms’. Hall Gre = Hal Gre Agreed translation again reflects the missing mutation. Trenogan (Nr. Trewern) = Trenoghen

8. Negys aral / Any Other Business


9. Dydh an kuntelles nessa / Date of next meeting

Friday 21st August, 10am, 2N:06, NCH