Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante

Adventure Camp Curacao & forming experiential learning Vacation Bootcamp Curacao discipline, leadership & teamwork

preventive program for youth with ADHD, authism, behavioural problems and learning disabilities

Fundashon Futuro Briante

Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante Seroe Grandi 114-a, Banda Ariba, Curacao Telephone: (599 9) 521. 2036 – (599 9) 738. 0480 Fax (599 9) 738. 0480 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.adhdcampcuracao.com / www.futurobriante.com

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Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante

Table of contents


About us------4-5

Individual Guidance and Training 2007- 2012------6

Forming Experiential Learning – Adventure camp Curacao------7

Forming Experiential Learning – an outdoor classroom------8

The objective of forming experiental learning------9

Explanation program forming experiental learning------10-12

Parental Bootcamp – pedagogical program for parents------13

The execution of the program 2012------14

The activities------15

The mission------16

The target group------17


Organogram of the organization------19

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Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante Forword

The youth is the future of each community. With our programs we invest in the youth of our island. We are also aware of the fact that we cannot prepare healthy youngsters if their family members are not involved in the program. Therefore our programs are directed on all parts of the system, the youth and it’s family members. The objective is to create better relationship and communication in the household. A healthy household means healthy men and women for our community.

From the very first moment we started with the program in 2011, it was noticeable that the family members have to take part in the program, where we are forming and educating. The family is the principal stone of a community. It is the place where the human being firstly gets it’s forming and education.

Without involving the surrounding of the participants it is impossible to reach the goals in their fullest potential. We realized, if we wanted to give the participants the assistance they really deserve to succeed in all areas of their lives, the participation of their family members is imperative. The family is like a “training center” where the human being is trained to become a healthy member of it’s society. It is a necessity to also invest in the family. The positive results of the investment can then be seen in the household, neighbourhood, school, work-station and our community.

The family is the founder of the human being. It is responsible for creating the identity, personality and dignity of the human being to go for life’s challenges. The family creates co- responsible, dynamic, creative and active men and women for it’s community. Parents are the first educator of their child and should therefore be trained and guided to be able to guarantee a healthy and safe environment for their child.

The family is the “place” of the initiation of the existence of a human being. The place where he opens itself to life and social existence. Authority, stability and healthy family relations forms the foundation for liberty, security and brotherhood in a society.

It is in the family that a child learns about norms and values, to fear God and to make good use of it’s liberty. Family life is the initiation of living together in the society. When looking closely at your community you can tell which type of families you have in your society. The family continues to be the place of the implication of sinsere affection. It is like a strong desire for personal acknowledgement. It secures the stability required in ones life.

To contribute to healthy households in our community our programs have been expanded with the “Parental Bootcamp”, a pedagogical camping for parents where they can acquire the necessary skills and insights to become a succesfull “training center”.

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Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante About us

Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante is an organization directed on the offering of professional assistance to children, youth, adults and families who are encountering difficulties in the education or social development. It often concerns behavioural problems, emotional disorders, autistic disorders, learning disabilities and/or intellectual limitations.

Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante was founded in 2006 with the objective to give social education to high-risk youth staying in residential institutes on the island. Presently the project has been expanded with preventive programs for self-bodied and forming trainings, individual guidance programs and/or group directed guidance programs in primary education, special primary education, secondary education and labour directed education.

Pedagogical support programs for parents in the form of individual and/or group directed giudance programs (particularly teenage mothers), support programs for school teachers, trainings for adults in residential organizations, after care assistance, a forming experiential learning program for the youth (Adventure Camp Curacao), a special program for the youth to acquire discipline, leadership and teamwork (Vacation Bootcamp Curacao) and a pedago- gical camping for parents (Parental Bootcamp) also form an important part of the activities of the organization today.

Assistance can be offered in various ways. When offering assistance we do our utmost to meet with the necessity of the client. Most of the times we notice the limitation of helping oneself and the possibility of handling adequately with certain situations are insufficient or burned out. The guidance offered can give new insights, courage and the strength to carry on. It can be a turning point in the situation one is experiencing, a change or improvement of circumstances. The assistance is offered in small-scale group team or individual. The assistance can be specifically directed to help the youngster at school or at home.

The individual and/or group directed giudance programs for the youth are executed with the cooperation of YudaboYu, Centre for psychiatry for children and youth (drs. Karen Hermans, children and youth psychiatrist). The guidance programs are initiated with the composition of an assistance plan. The cooperation of YudaboYu (drs. K. Hermans) consist of the analysis of the problem situation and advice with regard to the proper approach of the problem/need for implementation at home as well as school. The pedagogical support program for the parents and school teachers are also given in cooperation with t the children and youth psychiatrist, drs. Karen Hermans.

Forming trainings and individual guidance programs for high-risk youth, young adults and adults are structural activities of Fundashon Futuro Briante. The parents are also considered for support in the education of their children.

With the (professional) intervention the following areas are stimulated and fortified, social emotional development, personal development, knowledge and insight, communication and social skills, moral development and self-bodied.

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Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante

Positive developments !!

In 2011 the foundation expanded it’s activities with the forming experiential learning program “Adventure Camp Curacao”, an outdoor classroom , for youth with ADHD, authistic disorders and learning disabilities between the age category of 5 – 15 years.

In 2012 the activities were again expanded with the “Vacation Bootcamp” for the youth and the “Parental Bootcamp” a camping for parents to acquire the necessary skill and insights to educate their children responsibly.

The “Vacation Bootcamp” is an intervention of three days (voortraject) and the activities are directed to reinforce discipline, leadership and teamwork under the youth. The program is of military nature and is supervised by soldiers, ex-soldiers and member of the VKC with numerous years of experience from Curacao and the Netherlands. After the three days the youngster will automatically enrol in the program Adventure Camp Curacao.

The project focuses on developing self-respect, self-confidence, social skills, problem- solving techniques, positive mentality, emotional management, a willingness to attempt new challenges and the motivation which comes through successful goal orientation.

The students of the primary education and special primary education (f.e. students with intellectual limitations (LVB) and/or students with severe pedagogical problems (ZMOK) and/or student with (severe) learning disabilities (MLK en ZMLK) and/or students with learning and pedagogical problems (LOM) are firstly considered for the program.

“Adventure Camp Curacao“ is an adventure based competition directed program for youth with ADHD, authistic disorders, learning disabilities, intellectual limitations (LVB) and behavioural problems. The age category is between 5 - 15 years and the emphasis is placed on developing new competition on behalf of an optimal participation in the society.

With the project the youngster is taken out of home twice a year during the school vacation, with the permission of the parents, and will stay with us for a short period of time (7 to 8 days) to participate with the program. If necessary and with the advice of a psychologist or psychiatrist the youngster can continue with the program till 15 years of age.

On behalf of a professional execution of the program an agreement of cooperation has been signed with Yuda bo Yu (drs. Karen Hermans, chlidren and youth psychiatrist (centre for psychiatry for children and youth).

The projects of Fundashon Futuro Briante are considered a form of social cultural youth work. The objective of the program is to prevent violence and crime under youth with an intellectual limitation with the purpose of a “non-violence ” society

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Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante

Individual Guidance and Training 2007–2012

The projects of Fundashon Futuro Briante since 2007 up till today consisted of several individual guidance programs and/or group directed programs in special primary education, secondary education and labour directed education and trainings for the youth, young-adults and adults in judicial / residential institutes.

Fundashon Futuro Briante has been giving preventive trainings on a daily basis since 2007 in several residential institutions and various schools of the Roman Catholic School Board and Public Education namely John F. Kennedy (LOM) School, Broeder Rigobertus (MLK) School, Kolegio San Hose, VSBO St. Paulus, AGO St. Paulus, Skol drs. Nellie Winkel (LOM), Skol Marieta Alberto (ZMLK/MLK) and M C Piar (MLK) School.

Stichting Opvangtehuis Brasami, Gouvernements Opvoedingsgesticht G.O.G. Open and Closed Section, Stichting Gezinsvoogdij Instelling Curacao G.V.I. and Stichting Reclassering Curacao.

When children encounter problems at home, Fundashon Futuro Briante, offers several method of assistance. Parents can receive assistance and guidance at home directed on the education of their children. Solutions are looked for together with the parents. We also offer pedagogical trainings to parents. The children can be guided individually or can follow short- time group trainings. As a rule the assistance offered is for children and youngsters between the age of 6 and 24 years and their respective parents.

In 2011 / 2012 of the primary education and special primary education, secondary education and labour directed education a total of approximately 1.150 students participated in the pro- gram and with regard to the program of residential organizations a total of approximately 80 clients (with special needs) participated in the program. The parents of the children have also attended various training-sessions in the past years.

Expansion method of work

Learning experience of the target group !! Only a small part of humanity can learn through “discussion”, still this is the most common method used in today’s assistance. With our youth it has been proven that learning goes much easier when they first get a chance to experience their challenges and obstacles in a safe environment. Outdoor work models offer a proper context for such learning experiences. By offering a learning experience in a safe but challenging setting the youngsters are motivated to acquire new competitions.

It is proved that youth with intellectual limitations can easily develop new competitions through experiential learning. This was clearly visible during the execution of our programs during the last five years. In view of the aforementioned our projects have been expanded with a preventive experiential learning program in the outdoor.

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Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante

Forming Experiential Learning –Adventure Camp Curacao

Experiential Learning !! Experiential learning is to do and try to experience that one’s behaviour has influence on his/her environment. Experiential learning is also being conscious of this effect. With regard hereto the youngster can decide to change his behaviour.

Consequently he will acquire new competitions to deal properly with the problem situation he encounters. There are several models (ways) of experiental learning such as recreational, forming and therapeutic.

Forming experiential learning !! Forming experiential learning is appropriate for youth with an intellectual limitation. With themes such as discipline, communication skills, team-work, social skills and anger management the youngster can develop new skills and insights on how to develop a positive attitude and mentality.

The expansion took place in 2011 with the start up of the preventive experiential learning program, the “Adventure Camp Curacao”. It is an adventure based program in the wilderness, an outdoor classroom for the youth.

October 2011 With the program of October 2011 a total of 60 youngsters of the various primary schools, special primary schools and secondary schools on the island participated in the program.

April 2012 With the program of April 2012 a total of 94 youngsters of the various primary schools, special primary schools from Curacao and participated with the program.

The results booked were for example the development of a responsible attitude at home as well as at school, the awakening of personal hygiene and skills such as self-worth, organiza- tional, self confidence, independence and the willingness to go for new challenges were clearly visible. These are small successes which can be enriched and improved with each new program.

With the programs of 2011 and 2012 we experienced that the peace and safety was just what the youngsters, which often come from chaotic situations, needed.

October 2012 For the program of October 2012 a total of 60 youngsters from the various (special) primairy schools on the island have already registered for the program.

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Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante

Forming experiential learning – an outdoor classroom

The project came to existence due to the fact that the youth with AD/HD, autistic disorder and learning disabilities considering their intellectual limitations and special needs can not participate in all programs and besides, there are not much structural activities for these kids.

It has been proven that youth with intellectual limitation can easily learn new skills through experiential learning. Individuals identified with AD/HD, autistic disorder and learning disabilities possess special talents and gifts. Forming experiential learning stimulates positive behavioural change and provides self insights for youth with an intellectual limitation.

“Adventure Camp Curacao“ is an adventure based and competition directed program in the outdoor for youth with ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder), autistic disorders, learning disabilities and behavioural problems. The age catagory is from 5 through 15 years and the emphasis is on developing new competitions. The program is preventive and is executed in the and .

These abilities can mean incredible success in adulthood, once these students negotiate the challenging obstacles of childhood, adolescence, and a traditional education system which is usually unable to respond to individual learning styles.

Through experiential learning, competition directed and very structural programs the young- sters are stimulated to concentrate on their strong qualities.

The program is based on the pedagogical model and vision of the psychologist Gerald Patterson, which stands for:

1. positive involvement, 2. positive confirmation, 3. solving problem together, 4. discipline (give structure and discipline) 5. monitoring.

The first two functions are support functions which encourage mainly the pro-social behaviour and the two last functions are control function which allows the problem behaviour to diminish or to prevent the existence of a problem behaviour.

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Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante The objective of forming experiential learning

The project is based on two fundamental principles. First, youth with AD/HD, autistic disorder and learning disabilities flourish when they are encouraged to focus on their strengths in an experiential setting.

The second principle acknowledges that success can be generalized by encouraging the students to develop and utilize strategies which enable them to compensate for those challenging characteristics of AD/HD, autistic disorder and learning disabilities. To this end, we strive to ensure success for each student across a wide range of experiences. Such success, in turn, builds essential self-esteem and self-confidence.

Experiential learning and competition directed education concentrates on reducing the problem behaviour and the learning of skills so that the youngster can fulfill his/her tasks which he/she encounters now and in the future in a proper manner. Program activities include a broad base of wilderness adventure experiences which empower the student to make healthy choices, learn more about themselves, overcome challenges, and relate lessons learned from these experiences to other aspects of their lives.

The program allows the participant many opportunities to discover and develop his or her own learning abilities. Each student will have a look on life as a series of challenges and opportunities, rather than a series of problems, just as the students will have a look at themselves as problem-solvers, rather than only part of the “problem”. The program offers specific strategies for increasing self-confidence, social skills and problem-solving techniques. Each activity is purposeful, success-oriented and allows the students a hands- on system to apply the specific strategies to increase their success.

The experiences and successes youngsters have as a result of such programs can give them the self-esteem, self-confidence and can-do attitude that traditional school programs cannot offer. In fact, excelling in other endeavors can give them the confidence to do much better in traditional school settings.

Our students have difficulty to deal in a positive manner with their emotions, especially their anger. As professionals we strive to not only teach on the cognitive, social. emotional and spiritual field and through group conversations, but we would like to introduce the above mentioned areas to our students through experiential learning and provide them with the necessary abilities and knowledge.

It has been proven that experiential learning is successful and gives positive results with our students. This is achieved through experiential education in a camping setting – an outdoor classroom. We are of the opinion that staying for a few days with our students outdoor is a unique opportunity for intensive guidance, coaching and to empower the following areas in their lives discover themselves and their strengths, learn to deal with problem situations and develop a positive mentality, deal in a positive manner with their emotions – especially their anger, social skills and a willingness to attempt new challenges.

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Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante Explanation program forming experiential learning

With the project the youngster is taken out of home twice a year with the permission of the parents and will stay with us for a short period of time (7 to 8 days) to participate in the program. If necessary, with the recommendation of a psychologist or child psychiatrist, the youngster can participate in the program till his/her 15 th year of age. The youngster is considered for the program if he/she is visiting special primary education or has an intellectual limitation.

The program is goal directed and very structured. To be able to monitor the behavioural pattern of the youngster, we will use an intake and basic profile, which are directed on giving structure, learning new skills and increase competitions. . For a successful execution of the program the pedagogical model and vision of the Psychologist Gerald Patterson is used, which constitues positive involvement, positive confirmation, solving problem together, discipline (give structure and discipline) and monitoring. We also apply the motivation and needs theory according to Abraham Maslow (the need for fullfillment of love, respect and appreciation) in our programs. People always wants to get “further”. Where that “further” exactly lies, is depending on the position already reached at that moment in life. Abraham Maslow took this idea and created his now famous hierarchy of needs.

For the intensive guidance of the participants we will make use of a rotation system – early duty – late duty – night duty. The teams work 24 hours. To be able to run the 2012 and 2013 programs succesfully we will work with a team of 15 social pedagogical workers, 1 qualified nurse and 1 psychiatrist in the early duty and 15 social pedagogical workers, 1 qualified nurse and 1 psychiatrist in the late duty and 4 social pedagogical workers and 1 qualified nurse for the night duty. Evaluation will be made on a daily basis with the employees as well as with the participants.

The presence of a qualified nurse is highly recommended in all duties because of the fact that a greater part of the participants are under treatment of a psychologist or psychiatrist and are using prescribed medication. Also some of our participants have certain syndromes which have to be attended specifically by a qualified nurse.

The social pedagogical worker has 5 youngsters under his/her supervision of which it is expected that he/she will carry out the following support tasks; motivate, observe, stimulate, give assistance, activate, inform and educate high-risk youngsters.

One of the conditions of enrolling in the program is that the participant is screened by YudaboYu (drs. Karen Hermans, children and youth psychiatrist – centre of children and youth psychiatry). On their recommendation the youngster can form part of the program.

To view pictures of the complete activity period you can visit the website www.adventurecampcuracao.com . A project report of the programs is also included.

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Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante

With the competition directed program regarding camping activities we offer the youth a purpose-full, success-oriented, structural and high adventure program in the nature. Intellectual limitations also create social emotional problems. Children with autistic disorder or intellectual limitations should be offered very structural programs and guidance. The structure has to be at all times very clear, recognizable and supported by visual indications such as pictograms, colors, photos and written short and clear messages.

Emphasis is placed on developing self-respect, self-confidence, social skills, problem-solving techniques, positive mentality, emotional management, a willingness to attempt new challenges and the motivation which comes through successful goal orientation.

Some of the traits that make traditional school programs so difficult for kids with learning disabilities are the ones that make them shine at more non-traditional activities. Exuberance, spontaneity, a willingness to take a chance – these are things that stand a child so well in an adventure-based program in the nature.

The experiences and successes kids have as a result of such programs can give them the high self-esteem, self-confidence and can-do attitude that traditional school programs cannot offer. In fact, excelling in other endeavors can carry over to give them the confidence to do much better in traditional school settings. Such challenges are what the youth with intellectual limitations need to build up namely a positive self-image.

The outdoors provides an ideal classroom where relevant learning can occur and life skills can be taught. Program activities include a broad base of wilderness and adventure experiences which empower the student to make healthy choices, learn more about themselves, overcome challenges, and relate lessons learned from these experiences to other aspects of their lives.

The adventure activities include horse riding, mountain climbing, caving, cycling tour, canoe tournament, wildlife studies, fishery, creative horticulture therapy, water aerobics, sea kayaking, cooking in the wilderness, teambuilding, survival, sports, soccer tournament, search quest and much more. The preparation, coordination and execution of afore- mentioned activities are in cooperation with Stichting SEDREKO, Stichting Bootcamp and Antiano (the scouting organization on the island). The final execution takes place together with the social pedagogical workers.

Training Center & Bureau Nazorg Sabat B.V. is in charge of the preliminary stage, coordination, execution, evaluation and reporting of the activities of the foundation. For the execution of the projects Bootcamp / Adventure Camp Curacao and Parental Bootcamp the training center will work together with Scouting Antiano (Pater Brenneker Group), Stichting SEDREKO and Stichting Bootcamp (consisting of background militaries from Curacao and The Netherlands), a professional nutritionist and several schools of the R.K. Central Schoolboard and Public Education on Curacao and Bonaire.

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Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante

Students with serious emotional and behavioural problems and mental disorders are not considered for this program. They are referred to a youth psychiatrist for treatment before enrolling in the program.

Experiential learning activities allow each student many opportunities to discover and develop his or her own learning abilities. Each student will have a look on life as a series of challenges and opportunities, rather than a series of problems, just as the students will have a look at themselves as problem-solvers, rather than only part of the “problem”. The program offers specific strategies for increasing self-confidence, social skills and problem-solving techniques.

Prior to the course, we will work with the parents and teachers to identify three specific goals for the student to work on while participating in the program. Throughout the program we will work with the student to develop strategies for success in these key areas. Common goals include organization, creating positive peer relationships, increasing self-esteem, developing self-respect, interpersonal relations, anger management, etc.

Each activity is purposeful, success-oriented and allows the students a hands-on way of applying the specific strategies to increase their success. For example, when mountain climbing, we focus on identifying the goal, taking a small step approach to “the problem”, and assessing the success. This same approach not only applies to mountain climbing, but can also be applied to homework, taking tests, and a variety of other life situations.

The program offers the possibility to develop personal accountability by using natural and logical consequences for their actions, and involving the students in creating the group guidelines and result consequences if a guideline is broken.

With the program we strive to guarantee a wide range of purposeful, success-oriented, structural and high adventure program in the nature for all participants.

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Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante Parental Bootcamp – Pedagogical program for parents

The family is the founder of the human being. It is responsible for creating the identity, personality and dignity of the human being to go for life’s challenges.

The family is like a “training center” where the human being is trained to become a healthy member of it’s society. It is a necessity to also invest in the family. The positive results of the investment can then be seen in the household, neighbourhood, school, workstation and our community.

It is in the family that a child learns about norms and values, to fear God and to make good use of it’s liberty. Family life is the initiation of living together in the society. When looking closely at your community you can tell which type of families you have in your society. The family continues to be the place of the implication of sinsere affection. It is like a strong desire for personal acknowledgement. It secures the stability required in ones life.

Parental Bootcamp – pedagogical program !!

The parents will stay with us for a period of five days. The program consists of adventure based activities, activities of military nature with the focus on discipline, leadership and teamwork in the household and a 4-days workshops given by drs. Karen Hermans, psychiatrist and mrs. G. Romer, family coach and counselor.

This form of program / guidance is directed to create a better relationship and communica- tion in the household. It is directed to reach a qualitative better relationship where there is room for the rights of each person and the art to cohabit. This is a very intensive process for all parts and requires the willingness to change. It is also a very nice process since by getting new insights and new skills one is able to accomplish more and handle situations differently.

Own will, own choice and one’s own responsibility are central. To separate acts and emotions, one can get better insight of what is actually happening and the reaction it brings forward. To focus on this one get more insight on action-reaction. To be (more) conscious of who you are and how you react and handle, one is more capable of reacting the way you want or to recognize which is correct or incorrect approach.

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Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante The execution of the program

For a professional and successful execution of the program the following co-workers are involved:

 two project coordinators in charge of the preparations, coordination, execution, evaluation and report of all programs.  one children and youth psychiatrist  one family coach and counselor  a multi-disciplinary team, existing of five social pedagogical workers**  one secretarial/ financial co-worker  fifteen social pedagogical workers for the early duty and fifteen social pedagogical workers for the late duty  four kitchen / cleaning personnel (facilities & food service)  one driver in charge of transport for the duration of the program  three qualified nurses in charge of the medical department for the early, late and night duty (health & wellness)  four co-workers in charge of the night duty (night watch)  one person in charge of fitness (sport, health & fitness) **  one professional nutrician in charge of the preparation of the menu **  Pater Paul Brenneker Group (member of Scouting Antiano) – adventure based activities  Stichting SEDREKO – adventure based activities  Stichting Bootcamp – activities of military nature  Criss Cross Cycling Tour  two persons in charge of the recording of the total program (photography & graphic design)  five persons in charge of the evaluation of the project (camp experience evaluation team) **  Public Education Department  Roman Catholic School Board  Divi Divi School (Vereniging Protestant Christelijk Onderwijs – VPCO)

** volunteers

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Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante The activities

Children !! The first three days of the camping for the children consist of activities of military nature. The remaining four days consist of adventure based activities such as horse riding, mountain climbing, caving, cycling tour, canoe, wildlife studies, fishery, creative horticulture therapy, water aerobics, sea kayaking, cooking in the wilderness, teambuilding, survival, sports, soccer tournament, search quest and much more.

Parents !! During the period of the camps workshops are organized for the parents and school teachers. The topic that is discussed is “Parenting with Love and Logic” . The gained knowledge and skills can be implemented at home as well as at school.

The organizations we work with on behalf of the program

The organizations we work with on behalf of the projects Bootcamp / Adventure Camp Curacao and the Parental Bootcamp are:

 Stichting Bootcamp Militaries, ex-militaries and members of VKC and the Police Corps of Curacao  Stichting SEDREKO  Pater Paul Brenneker Group (member of Scouting Antiano) The Curacao organization of Scout movement in charge with the organization and execution of the adventure based activities of the program.  Yuda bo Yu – Drs. K.M.E. Hermans – children and youth psychiatrist Centre for children and youth psychiatry In charge of the screening of the participants and advice in regard to the personal need of each participant of Curacao as well as of Bonaire.  Roman catholic Central School Board  Public Education Department (formerly DOS)  Divi Divi School (Vereniging Protestant Christelijk Onderwijs – VPCO)  Criss Cross Cycling Tour

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Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante The mission

The primary objectives of the program is:

 offering preventive programs to prevent violence and crime under the youth with intellectual limitations with the purpose to achieve a “ non-violence ” society.

 stimulating positive attitute change and self insight by making use of a more intensive and more integrated form of outdoor and adventure based work forms.

 giving youngsters the possibility to learn new competitions so that they can fulfill the tasks they are confronted with now and in the future in a proper manner. .  offering very structural activities in the outdoor to youngsters with ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder), autistic disorders, learning disabilities and behavioural problems.

 stimulating youngsters to develop self-respect, self-confidence, social skills, problem- solving techniques, positive mentality, emotional management, a willingness to attempt new challenges and the motivation which comes through successful goal orientation.

 giving youngsters the possibility to work on their independence while out of house. Independence is realized through trainings of self-discipline and social skills. With this goal in mind for example we involve the youngster when stipulating personal goals and the working out of group guidelines.

 providing the youngster with the necessary view, knowledge and skills to achieve the final goal social independence (self-bodied). Helping the youngster to overcome obstacles and to believe in his/her own expectations.

 helping the youngster to stipulate goals, to develop a feeling of responsibility, interpersonal skills and to develop the entrepreneur’s mindset.

 involving the youngster when executing the program, give them specific responsibilities and stimulate them to think critical.

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Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante

The target group

The target group of the foundation consists of high risk youth between the ages of 6 to 24 years:

• youngster from the special primary education; • youngster from the primary education; • youngster with ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder); • youngster with autistic disorders; • youngsters with learning disabilities; • youngsters with behavioural problems; • youngsters with behavioral disorder; • youngster with social emotional problems; • youngsters with intellectual limitations (LVB); • youngster who need to learn new competitions on behalf of an optimal participation in the community.

Children with severe problems – with severe mental disorder do not come into consideration for the program.

Application !! Application for participants from Curacao is done through school, after-school childcare, assistance organizations, medical specialist, psychologists, psychiatrist and parents. Application for Bonaire is done by INOVA (drs. Stephen Ebicilio, clinical neuro psychologist).

Een mens met een ervaring is niet meer afhankelijk van een mens met een mening | 17

Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante The conclusion

To bring changes in the life of children, youth and families combined efforts are required. Your support is necessary to achieve the objectives of the project. Without the participation and contribution of supporters, sponsors and organizations in the area of education and health care, the project cannot be realized.

Camp is important for healthy child development, and involvement in the camp experience contributes to five major outcomes in children. Research shows that camp enables significant growth in confidence and self-esteem, relationship and friendship skills, and independence and responsibility.

Only a small part of humanity can learn through “discussion”, still this is the most common method used in today’s assistance. With our youth it has been proven that learning goes much easier when they first get a chance to experience their challenges and obstacles in a safe environment. Outdoor activities offer a proper context for such learning experiences. By offering a learning experience in a safe but challenging setting the youngsters are motivated to acquire new competitions.

‘The outdoor-effect’ Earlier experiences with outdoor activities leaded to very positive reactions of the participants as well as the trainers. We then can spreak of ‘the Outdoor-effect’: the open, positive and eager to learn atmosphere is visible after an outdoor activity. On the basis of these experiences the necessity arose to utilize in an optimal way the potential of the forming experiental learning with outdoor activities on a more integrated manner and to make these activities form a structural part of the guidance program of the organization.

The program provides an environment with appropriate boundaries, structure and expectations, and hands-on learning opportunities — and of course expertiential learning is an outdoor classroom with numerous learning possibilities – it can be seen as the setting of building blocks for a successful life.

The project experiental learning stimulates the youngster to experience (the do-phase), to reflect (the look-back phase), abstract conceptualization (the translate-phase) and active experimentation (the choice-phase). Do, look back, translate to real life and make a choice whether to work on a new attitude is a cycle process. Group discussions are a very important part of an experiential learning program.

The program together with a proper guidance program, structure and necessary funds, a positive development of the youngster can be guaranteed. The final result shall be prevention of violence and crime under the youth with the purpose of a “ non-violence ” society.

Curaçao, June 2012.

Een mens met een ervaring is niet meer afhankelijk van een mens met een mening | 18

Pilot project Forming Experiential Learning for high risk youth of Curacao 2012 / 2013 2012 / 2013 Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante

Organogram Fundashon Futuro Briante Training Center & Bureau Nazorg Sabat B.V.

Fundashon Skol di Arte i Kultura Futuro Briante Board members: President, Treasurer Secretary

System Guidance Forming Experiential Individual guidance Parent Coaching Learning Programs: Small-scale groups Pedagogical Trainings Adventure Camp (youth) trainings Parents Bootcamp (youth) (especially teener mothers) Parental Bootcamp

Training Center & Bureau Nazorg Sabat B.V. Coordination - Execution Evaluation - Reporting Personnel - Administration

Een mens met een ervaring is niet meer afhankelijk van een mens met een mening | 19