Font List Opentype Classics Collection ACDEFG Catalog Name Opentype File Name

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Font List Opentype Classics Collection ACDEFG Catalog Name Opentype File Name Font List OpenType Classics Collection ACDEFG Catalog Name OpenType File Name 77.1. AachenNeue Helvetica® by Linotype 76 Bold Italic AachenCom-Bold.ttfHelveticaNeueLTPro-BdIt.otf 78.2. ArnoldNeue Helvetica® Boecklin™ 85 Regular Heavy ArnoldBoecklinLTPro.otfHelveticaNeueLTPro-Hv.otf 79.3. Banco™Neue Helvetica® by Linotype 86 Heavy Heavy Italic ITCBancoCom-Heavy.ttfHelveticaNeueLTPro-HvIt.otf 80.4. BauerNeue Helvetica®Bodoni® Roman 95 Black BauerBodoniStd-Roman.otfHelveticaNeueLTPro-Blk.otf 81.5. BauerNeue Helvetica®Bodoni® Italic 96 Black Italic BauerBodoniStd-Italic.otfHelveticaNeueLTPro-BlkIt.otf 82.6. BauerHelvetica® Bodoni® Inserat Bold Roman BauerBodoniStd-Bold.otfHelveticaInseratLTPro.otf 83.7. BauerKuenstler Bodoni® Script® Bold Medium Italic BauerBodoniStd-BoldItalic.otfKuenstlerScriptCom-Medium.ttf 84.8. BauerKuenstler Bodoni® Script® Black #2 Bold BauerBodoniStd-Black.otfKuenstlerScriptCom-2Bold.ttf 85.9. BauerKuenstler Bodoni® Script® Black Black Italic BauerBodoniStd-BlackItalic.otfKuenstlerScriptCom-Black.ttf 10.86. BauerITC Officina® Bodoni® Sans Bold Book Condensed BauerBodoniStd-BoldCond.otfOfficinaSansITCPro-Book.otf 11.87. BauerITC Officina® Bodoni® Sans Black Book Condensed Italic BauerBodoniStd-BlackCond.otfOfficinaSansITCPro-BookIt.otf 12.88. PMNITC Officina® Caecilia® Sans 45 LightBold CaeciliaCom-45Light.ttfOfficinaSansITCPro-Bold.otf 13.89. PMNITC Officina® Caecilia® Sans 46 LightBold Italic CaeciliaCom-46LightItalic.ttfOfficinaSansITCPro-BoldIt.otf 14.90. PMNOptima® Caecilia® Roman 55 Roman CaeciliaCom-55Roman.ttfOptimaLTStd.otf 15.91. PMNOptima® Caecilia® Italic 56 Italic CaeciliaCom-56Italic.ttfOptimaLTStd-Italic.otf 16.92. PMNOptima® Caecilia® Bold 75 Bold CaeciliaCom-75Bold.ttfOptimaLTStd-Bold.otf 17.93. PMNOptima® Caecilia® Bold Italic 76 Bold Italic CaeciliaCom-76BoldItalic.ttfOptimaLTStd-BoldItalic.otf 18.94. PMNPresent® Caecilia® Roman 85 Heavy CaeciliaCom-85Heavy.ttfPresentCom-Roman.ttf 19.95. PMNRevue™ Caecilia® Regular 86 Heavy Italic CaeciliaCom-86HeavyItalic.ttfRevueStd.otf 20.96. LinotypeRotis® Sans Centennial® Serif 45 Light 45 Light CentennialLTStd-Light.otfRotisSansSerifPro-Light.otf 21.97. LinotypeRotis® Sans Centennial® Serif 55 Roman 46 Light Italic CentennialLTStd-LightItalic.otfRotisSansSerifPro.otf 22.98. LinotypeRotis® Sans Centennial® Serif 56 Italic 55 Roman CentennialLTStd-Roman.otfRotisSansSerifPro-Italic.otf 23.99. LinotypeRotis® Sans Centennial® Serif 65 Bold 56 Italic CentennialLTStd-Italic.otfRotisSansSerifPro-Bold.otf 100.24. LinotypeITC Souvenir® Centennial® Light 75 Bold CentennialLTStd-Bold.otfSouvenirStd-Light.otf 101.25. LinotypeITC Souvenir® Centennial® Light Italic 76 Bold Italic CentennialLTStd-BoldItalic.otfSouvenirStd-LightItalic.otf 102.26. LinotypeITC Souvenir® Centennial® Demi 95 Black CentennialLTStd-Black.otfSouvenirStd-Demi.otf 103.27. LinotypeITC Souvenir® Centennial® Demi Italic 96 Black Italic CentennialLTStd-BlackItalic.otfSouvenirStd-DemiItalic.otf 104.28. Charme™Times® Roman Roman CharmeCom.ttfTimesLTStd-Roman.otf 105.29. CooperTimes® ItalicBlack™ Regular CooperBlackLTPro.otfTimesLTStd-Italic.otf 106.30. CooperTimes® BoldBlack™ Italic CooperBlackLTPro-Italic.otfTimesLTStd-Bold.otf 107.31. FetteTimes® Fraktur™ Bold Italic Regular FetteFrakturLTPro.otfTimesLTStd-BoldItalic.otf 108.32. Flyer™Univers® Black 45 Light Condensed FlyerLTPro-BlackCondensed.otfUniversLTPro-45Light.otf 109.33. Flyer™Univers® Extra 45 Light Black Oblique Condensed FlyerLTPro-BlackXCondensed.otfUniversLTPro-45LightOblique.otf 110.34. Freestyle™Univers® 55 Script Roman by ITC Regular FreestyleScriptCom-Regular.ttfUniversLTPro-55Roman.otf 111.35. Frutiger®Univers® 5545 ObliqueLight FrutigerLTPro-Light.otfUniversLTPro-55Oblique.otf 112.36. Frutiger®Univers® 6546 BoldLight Italic FrutigerLTPro-LightItalic.otfUniversLTPro-65Bold.otf 113.37. Frutiger®Univers® 6555 BoldRoman Oblique FrutigerLTPro-Roman.otfUniversLTPro-65BoldOblique.otf 114.38. Frutiger®Univers® 7556 BlackItalic FrutigerLTPro-Italic.otfUniversLTPro-75Black.otf 115.39. Frutiger®Univers® 7565 BlackBold Oblique FrutigerLTPro-Bold.otfUniversLTPro-75BlackOblique.otf 116.40. Frutiger®University™ 66 BoldRoman Italic by ITC Regular FrutigerLTPro-BoldItalic.otfUniversityCom-Roman.ttf 117.41. Frutiger®Wilhelm Klingspor75 Black Gotisch™ Roman FrutigerLTPro-Black.otfWilhelmKlingsporGotischCom.ttf 118.42. Frutiger®Border Font 76 S2000™Black Italic 1515-9 FrutigerLTPro-BlackItalic.otfBorderPiStd-15159.otf 119.43. Frutiger®Linotype® 95 Decoration Ultra Black Pi #1 FrutigerLTPro-UltraBlack.otfDecorationPiLTStd-1.otf 120.44. Futura®Linotype® Light Decoration Pi #2 FuturaLTPro-Light.otfDecorationPiLTStd-2.otf 121.45. Futura®Linotype Light EEC PiOblique Regular FuturaLTPro-LightOblique.otfEEC-Pi.ttf 122.46. Futura®Linotype® Book European Pi 1 FuturaLTPro-Book.otfEuropeanPiStd-1.otf 123.47. Futura®Linotype® Book European Oblique Pi 2 FuturaLTPro-BookOblique.otfEuropeanPiStd-2.otf 124.48. Futura®Linotype® Medium European Pi 3 FuturaLTPro-Medium.otfEuropeanPiStd-3.otf 125.49. Futura®Linotype® Medium European Oblique Pi 4 FuturaLTPro-MediumOblique.otfEuropeanPiStd-4.otf 50. Futura® Bold FuturaLTPro-Bold.otf 51. Futura® Bold Oblique FuturaLTPro-BoldOblique.otf 52. Futura® Extra Bold FuturaLTPro-XBold.otf 53. Futura® Extra Bold Oblique FuturaLTPro-XBoldOblique.otf 54. Futura® Heavy FuturaLTPro-Heavy.otf 55. Futura® Heavy Oblique FuturaLTPro-HeavyOblique.otf 56. Stempel Garamond™ Roman StempelGaramondLTPro-Roman.otf 57. Stempel Garamond™ Italic StempelGaramondLTPro-Italic.otf 58. Stempel Garamond™ Bold StempelGaramondLTPro-Bold.otf 59. Stempel Garamond™ Bold Italic StempelGaramondLTPro-BoldIt.otf 60. Gill Sans® Light GillSansMTPro-Light.otf 61. Gill Sans® Light Italic GillSansMTPro-LightItalic.otf 62. Gill Sans® Roman GillSansMTPro-Medium.otf 63. Gill Sans® Italic GillSansMTPro-MediumItalic.otf 64. Gill Sans® Bold GillSansMTPro-Bold.otf 65. Gill Sans® Bold Italic GillSansMTPro-BoldItalic.otf 66. Neue Helvetica® 25 Ultra Light HelveticaNeueLTPro-UltLt.otf 67. Neue Helvetica® 26 Ultra Light Italic HelveticaNeueLTPro-UltLtIt.otf 68. Neue Helvetica® 35 Thin HelveticaNeueLTPro-Th.otf 69. Neue Helvetica® 36 Thin Italic HelveticaNeueLTPro-ThIt.otf 70. Neue Helvetica® 45 Light HelveticaNeueLTPro-Lt.otf 71. Neue Helvetica® 46 Light Italic HelveticaNeueLTPro-LtIt.otf 72. Neue Helvetica® 55 Roman HelveticaNeueLTPro-Roman.otf 73. Neue Helvetica® 56 Italic HelveticaNeueLTPro-It.otf 74. Neue Helvetica® 65 Medium HelveticaNeueLTPro-Md.otf 75. Neue Helvetica® 66 Medium Italic HelveticaNeueLTPro-MdIt.otf 76. Neue Helvetica® 75 Bold HelveticaNeueLTPro-Bd.otf Version: 03/2009 1 / 3 Font List OpenType Classics Collection ACDEFG Catalog Name OpenType File Name 77. Neue Helvetica® 76 Bold Italic HelveticaNeueLTPro-BdIt.otf 78. Neue Helvetica® 85 Heavy HelveticaNeueLTPro-Hv.otf 79. Neue Helvetica® 86 Heavy Italic HelveticaNeueLTPro-HvIt.otf 80. Neue Helvetica® 95 Black HelveticaNeueLTPro-Blk.otf 81. Neue Helvetica® 96 Black Italic HelveticaNeueLTPro-BlkIt.otf 82. Helvetica® Inserat Roman HelveticaInseratLTPro.otf 83. Kuenstler Script® Medium KuenstlerScriptCom-Medium.ttf 84. Kuenstler Script® #2 Bold KuenstlerScriptCom-2Bold.ttf 85. Kuenstler Script® Black KuenstlerScriptCom-Black.ttf 86. ITC Officina® Sans Book OfficinaSansITCPro-Book.otf 87. ITC Officina® Sans Book Italic OfficinaSansITCPro-BookIt.otf 88. ITC Officina® Sans Bold OfficinaSansITCPro-Bold.otf 89. ITC Officina® Sans Bold Italic OfficinaSansITCPro-BoldIt.otf 90. Optima® Roman OptimaLTStd.otf 91. Optima® Italic OptimaLTStd-Italic.otf 92. Optima® Bold OptimaLTStd-Bold.otf 93. Optima® Bold Italic OptimaLTStd-BoldItalic.otf 94. Present® Roman PresentCom-Roman.ttf 95. Revue™ Regular RevueStd.otf 96. Rotis® Sans Serif 45 Light RotisSansSerifPro-Light.otf 97. Rotis® Sans Serif 55 Roman RotisSansSerifPro.otf 98. Rotis® Sans Serif 56 Italic RotisSansSerifPro-Italic.otf 99. Rotis® Sans Serif 65 Bold RotisSansSerifPro-Bold.otf 100. ITC Souvenir® Light SouvenirStd-Light.otf 101. ITC Souvenir® Light Italic SouvenirStd-LightItalic.otf 102. ITC Souvenir® Demi SouvenirStd-Demi.otf 103. ITC Souvenir® Demi Italic SouvenirStd-DemiItalic.otf 104. Times® Roman TimesLTStd-Roman.otf 105. Times® Italic TimesLTStd-Italic.otf 106. Times® Bold TimesLTStd-Bold.otf 107. Times® Bold Italic TimesLTStd-BoldItalic.otf 108. Univers® 45 Light UniversLTPro-45Light.otf 109. Univers® 45 Light Oblique UniversLTPro-45LightOblique.otf 110. Univers® 55 Roman UniversLTPro-55Roman.otf 111. Univers® 55 Oblique UniversLTPro-55Oblique.otf 112. Univers® 65 Bold UniversLTPro-65Bold.otf 113. Univers® 65 Bold Oblique UniversLTPro-65BoldOblique.otf 114. Univers® 75 Black UniversLTPro-75Black.otf 115. Univers® 75 Black Oblique UniversLTPro-75BlackOblique.otf 116. University™ Roman by ITC Regular UniversityCom-Roman.ttf 117. Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch™ Roman WilhelmKlingsporGotischCom.ttf 118. Border Font S2000™ 1515-9 BorderPiStd-15159.otf 119. Linotype® Decoration Pi #1 DecorationPiLTStd-1.otf 120. Linotype® Decoration Pi #2 DecorationPiLTStd-2.otf 121. Linotype EEC Pi Regular EEC-Pi.ttf 122. Linotype® European Pi 1 EuropeanPiStd-1.otf 123. Linotype® European Pi 2 EuropeanPiStd-2.otf 124. Linotype® European Pi 3 EuropeanPiStd-3.otf 125. Linotype® European Pi 4 EuropeanPiStd-4.otf Version: 03/2009 2 / 3 Font List OpenType Classics Collection ACDEFG Contact — Kontakt — Contact Linotype GmbH Werner-Reimers-Straße 2–4 61352 Bad Homburg Germany Customer Support — Kundenbetreuung — Service de la clientèle Tel.: +49 (0)
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