rte~l" ~~ ~~ e c -~ ~ ~ % ~ ~ ~,. ~l ~J~~l~_~d a ~i~l,~~ ~'"'a_. a~ ~✓ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ .: C~~i~.~~~ar-~d~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ - Y ~ _' S n Borough Solicitor's Department Phone: (01772) 535604 C~orfey Borough council Email:
[email protected] Town Hall Market Street Chorley Your ref: PR7 1 DP Our ref: LSG4/894.12356/AFR Date: 23 February 2021 Dear Sirs Lancashire County Council does not accept service by e-mail. RE: ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 194 LANCASHIRE BOUNTY COUNCIL (VARIOUS ROADS, VARIOUS LOCATIO[~1S, CHORLEY, PENDLE, PRESTON, SOUTH RlBBLE, WEST LANCASHIRE AND WYRE)(RE1/OCATIO[~S, 2fl11flPH, 3t~MPH, 4flt1111PH A►ND 5~IU~PH SPEED LIMITS, FEBRUARY 2020 (N01)) ORDEEi 2fI2* Further to my letter dated 15th December 2020 regarding the above proposal. This proposal is being modified as set out in the attached Public Notice and plan. Arrangements have been made for details of the proposal to be advertised on site and in the local press on 3r~ March 2021 (copy attached). Please note there is no requirement for you to hold these documents on deposit. Please see notice of modification for temporary alternative arrangements. Please let me have any comments your Council may have on this proposal before 30'" March 2021, so I can ensure that they are considered at the appropriate time. Yours faithfully ~~_~ ~ ^~, Amy Rose Paralegal P~eas~ q~~te cur full ref~re~~e n~r~t~er a~ ~fl c~rres~ac~~cl~nce Legal & bemocratic Services P O Box 78 0 .County Hall •Preston • PR1 8XJ DX,710928 PRESTON COUNTY MALL ~~ ~f~`~I~~ —~~_ i1~~C~I~~~A~°i~~ ~~~~ ~R~4FFIC ~iEGLJL~TI(~N ACT' ~~~4 LANKA i~-IlR~ COtJ(VT'Y C~U1~lCtt.