DISCUSSION PAPERS IN DIPLOMACY The English School on Diplomacy Iver B. Neumann Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ ISSN 1569-2981 DISCUSSION PAPERS IN DIPLOMACY Editor: Spencer Mawby, University of Leicester Managing Editor: Jan Melissen, Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ Desk top publishing: Birgit Leiteritz Editorial Board Karin Aggestam, Lund University Geoff Berridge, University of Leicester Erik Goldstein, Boston University Donna Lee, University of Nottingham Paul Sharp, University of Minnesota, Duluth ABSTRACT Dominant schools of International Relations theorising such as neo-realism and neo- liberalism have bracketed the study of diplomacy in favour of abstract studies of the states system and the functioning of specific institutions such as the UN. Among the discipline’s research programmes, the English School specifically lists diplomacy as one of five broad institutions which constitute its chosen subject matter. This Discussion Paper details the School’s findings and concludes that interest in the subject appears to be declining. Two fairly recent studies by Der Derian and Reus- Smit, which are written at the margins of the school, seem to point the way forward by crossing key School insights and historical findings with more overriding general concerns in the social sciences. Diplomacy should be studied concretely, as a specific practice which is carried out by human beings acting inside a web of historically emergent norms and organisations. Inasmuch as these norms and organisations seem to be changing, so does diplomacy. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Iver B. Neumann, D.Phil. (
[email protected]) is on leave from his job as research professor at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs to work as a policy planner in the Norwegian Ministry of International Affairs.