By Delegates Rowan, Cowles, Butler, Eldridge, Ferro, Fluharty, 3 Hamrick, Hartman, Kelly, Longstreth, Manchin, J
2015R2634 1 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 44 2 (By Delegates Rowan, Cowles, Butler, Eldridge, Ferro, Fluharty, 3 Hamrick, Hartman, Kelly, Longstreth, Manchin, J. Nelson, Rohrbach, 4 Romine, Skinner, Sponaugle, Trecost, B. White, H. White and Zatezalo) 5 6 Requesting the Division of Highways to name the section of County Route 45/20, known as 7 Coldstream Road, beginning at a point, latitude 39.336997, longitude -78.494499 and ending 8 a point, latitude 39.349509, longitude -78.511901, along the North River, Hiett Run and 9 Maple Run, in Hampshire County, the "North River Mills Historic Trace." 10 WHEREAS, The North River Mills Historic Trace memorializes the rich history of one of 11 Hampshire County's oldest communities which is associated with several noteworthy individuals. 12 These include: 13 George Washington who surveyed land for Thomas Parker beside the proposed Trace and 14 who later traveled along part of the Trace while commanding the forts of the Virginia frontier during 15 the French and Indian War; 16 Dr. James Craik, George Washington's friend and personal physician and surgeon of the 17 Virginia Regiment during the French and Indian War, who was granted the spring tract on both sides 18 of the Great Wagon Road part of which was along the Trace; 19 Ensign Rees Pritchard, descendant of Welsh ancestors who came to America to make a home 20 for themselves and their extended family. Rees Pritchard at one time owned most of the land along 21 the Trace; 22 Gustavus Croston was a soldier in the American Revolution who served at Valley Forge and 23 after his first enlistment expired signed up "for and during the War." In other words he committed 1 2015R2634 1 to serve until the war was won.
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