Strategy for Improving the Bond Rural Area + City Market

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Strategy for Improving the Bond Rural Area + City Market Strategy for improving the bond rural area + city market Dir. Julinda Dhame MUNICIPALITY OF TIRANA Muncipality of Tirana Strategy for improving the bond rural area + city market: At the entrance points of the capital, the Municipality of Tirana will set up special markets for the marketing of organic agricultural products at the weekend. The initiative which comes to the aid of the area's farmers, gives a hand to the local economy and sells Baldushk Fair their products. The market of Baldushk has already been recognized for many years as the most traditional area for sea turf growth and precisely for this reason, this market is located in this area. Your Logo or Name Here 2 The purpose of the organization is to strengthen the businesses in the area, to promote them jointly and to “New Bazaar” set up a development agenda for all businesses. Green market (Fruit- vegetables), mainly products The New Bazaar is a Tourism Improvement coming from the outskirts of Tirana. Otherwise, it is District (TID) organization that has more than 100 also called a social market, which mainly sells farmer local members in its area. products from surrounding areas or women who are head of households. Your Logo or Name Here 3 Agency for Consumer Protection ...sets a new standard in guaranteeing the quality and standard of food exercising controls every day, to stabilize prices and punish speculators. Your Logo or Name Here “Vera n’shesh” Vera n'Shesh - a celebration of the first 100 villages project promotes hostels and agrotourism! The event took place in greenery and grape vineyards, mini-fair with products of the zero mile zone. This fair includes all agri-food products and all the grape by-products. Your Logo or Name Here “Buka n’strajc” An initiative, which aims to promote healthy nutrition for children, was also joined by the Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, who served a group of children with organic food with local produce, appealing to parents to use as much vitamin and calorie foods as possible and as few ”Rrone për me products canned foods that promote obesity. gatue” Healthy and organic food for children; Non-Consumption of Uncontrolled Foods; Removal of different stereotypes with respect to pre-prepared food at home; Awareness that healthy lifestyle starts from healthy eating. Your Logo or Name Here 6 “Domate fest” Organic Economic Rural area products Development ....a fair of local products, where residents, as well as local restaurants and inns, presented their dishes with traditional foods between greenery and music. Your Logo or Name Here 7 Tirana Food Supply Systems URBAN FOOD DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS THE CITY IN TEN YEARS The markets would be located according Demographic growth in Tirana led to: to population density, urban expansion and They would be run privately, but the loss of productive land public sector would act as supervisor and monitor the services offered by the regional food balance is now negative. As markets. research has shown, Tirana is unable to feed itself. Suburban ‘informal’ areas would be legalized and become attractive locations to establish markets and slaughterhouses, also function as collecting points Your Logo or Name Here 8 Market Opportunity Municipality of Tirana target The municipality will continue to work to promote the production of domestic agricultural and livestock products and their consumption in the domestic market as a good way to develop the local economy. For this purpose, he also demanded that the citizens of Tirana intend to buy organic products in the Tirana areas as they only consume a healthy product but also help the economies of the surrounding areas. " Your Logo or Name Here 9 Thank You Municipality of Tirana ‘’Skanderbeg’’ square, Nr. 2, 1001 Tirana, Albania [email protected] .
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