DRAFT Fabian Way Innovation Corridor Masterplan Framework: Working Draft October 2015 Fabian Way Innovation Corridor Masterplan Framework: working draft DRAFT 2 Fabian Way Innovation Corridor Masterplan Framework: working draft DRAFT C ontents 1. Introduction 4 Vision and Objectives Contact Details 1.1 Overview 4.1 Vision To discuss a planning proposal with the relevant 1.2 Why is a Framework Needed? 4.2 Objectives Local Planning Authority, please contact: 1.3 Defining the Corridor Area 4.3 Precedents 2. Policy Context City & County of Swansea Council 5 Masterplan Framework 2.1 National Context Email:
[email protected] 5.1 Introducing the Masterplan 2.2 Regional Context 5.2 Movement Telephone: 01792 635701 2.3 Local Context 5.3 Land Uses 5.4 Place Making Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council 3. Analysis 3.1 Existing Land Uses 6 Implementation and Delivery Email:
[email protected] 3.2 Constraints 6.1 Material Planning Consideration Telephone: 01639 686726 3.3 History of the Area 6.2 Implementation 3.4 Economic Opportunities 6.3 Phasing 3.5 Urban Design Opportunities 6.4 Developer Contributions 3.6 Summary of Opportunities 6.5 Partnership Working 3.7 Summary of Constraints Fabian Way Innovation Corridor Masterplan Framework: working draft 3 DRAFT 1 Introduction economic and community functions. In at risk. Therefore, the Framework seeks to 1.1 Overview addition, the Framework seeks to capture, provide an integrated approach, maximise 1.1.1 This draft masterplan framework has as far as possible, all associated benefits in the benefits of each site and overcome site been produced jointly by the City and terms of third party research and constraints.