SEE the Berkshire Jewish Voice Programs Take Place Mondays and Thursdays at 10:45 A.M

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SEE the Berkshire Jewish Voice Programs Take Place Mondays and Thursdays at 10:45 A.M Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Pittsfield, MA Berkshire Permit No. 19 JEWISHA publication of the Jewish Federation of the Berkshires, serving V the Berkshires and surrounding ICE NY, CT and VT Vol. 23, No. 6 Av/Elul 5775 July 17 to September 3, 2015 World-Famous Maccabeats to Engaging With Israel Headline the Federation’s Berkshire Residents Travel on Missions Summer Concert to Work, Learn, and Connect A cappella group to bring their harmonic song stylings to Lenox for a special all-ages performance Visiting Israel as part of an organized group with a specific purpose – to volunteer, to fundraise, to participate in cross-cultural exchanges – is a particularly enriching way to engage Israel’s culture, people, and society, as well as a way to meet like- minded Diaspora Jews from around the world. This issue of the BJV features the first of an ongoing series of special sections called “Engaging With Israel,” in which we tell the stories of some of the many members of our Jewish community who are participating in these types of outreach programs in the Holy Land. In this issue, a Brandeis professor describes his research on the power of Taglit-Birthright Israel, we report on a group founded in LENOX – On Sunday, August 2, the anniversary, with proceeds to benefit the Berkshires that is bridging cultural divides through music, and also share the Jewish Federation of the Berkshires the Jewish Agency for Israel’s Fund for experiences of diehard Berkshire bicyclists who each year ride in Israel to raise presents the Maccabeats, whose tune- Victims of Terror. funds for a children’s hospital. Above, Taglit participant Yonaton Kaufman reaches out to touch Fifth Century ful a cappella harmonies and inventive Who Are The Maccabeats? compositions have made them one of Jerusalem while visiting the Old City in June. The historical market scene mural is the most popular live acts in Jewish Often travelling with little more than located off the Davidson Center, in front of Tanners/Bursky Gate. entertainment, as well as internet the shirts on their backs and the ties Please see page 26 for “Engaging With Israel.” If you have this kind of Israel sensations whose songs have attracted on their necks, the Maccabeats have experience to relate, we want to share it with the community. Drop us an email at tens of millions of online viewers. The entertained and inspired hundreds of [email protected], and tell us about what you’re up to. performance begins at 7 p.m. and will audiences worldwide. Using nothing take place at the Duffin Theater, on more than the unadulterated human the campus of Lenox Memorial High voice, a clean-cut presentation, and a School. little Jewish humor, this unique group The concert celebrates the Jewish of singers is able to connect with fans Stateless: Documentary Federation of the Berkshires’ 75th MACCABEATS, continued on page 5 Chronicles Soviet Jews’ Journey Knosh & Knowledge: to Freedom in the USA “Anti-Semitism in France from At 2 p.m. on Sunday, August 30, the Jewish Federation of the Berk- the Dreyfus Affair to the Present,” shires, in collaboration with the Berkshire Immigrant Center, will with Steven J. Rubin on August 28 present a community screening of the film Stateless at the Berkshire GREAT BARRINGTON – On Friday, The first Museum in Pittsfield. This documen- August 28, the Jewish Federation of Jews arrived tary chronicles the experiences of the Berkshires in collaboration with on the shores Jews who emigrated from Eastern Hevreh of Southern Berkshire will host of southern Europe to the United States during Steven J. Rubin, professor emeritus of France with the tumultuous breakup of the for- international studies and former dean the Romans mer Soviet Union in the late 1980s of the College of Arts and Sciences in the sec- and early 1990s, and who ended up at Adelphi University, as he speaks ond century in limbo as their immigration status about “Anti-Semitism in France from B.C.E. and was being determined by the powers the Dreyfus Affair to the Present.” This have been a that be. Knosh & Knowledge program begins at presence ever The screening is part of the Feder- Hevreh at 10:45 a.m. ation’s 75th anniversary celebration since. Their Steven J. Rubin long history and also commemorates the 25th is marked by anniversary of the resettlement of Inside endurance and accomplishment, but Soviet Jews to the Berkshires. Fol- lowing the film, attendees are invited Annual Meeting .......................................3 it is also replete with expulsions, pogroms, deportations, and ongoing to a panel discussion with local Your Federation Presents .....................5-17 anti-Semitism. Last winter’s shootings community members and émigrés reform instituted by Mikhail Gor- at the Hyper Cacher (Kosher supermar- who will talk about their experienc- Local News ...........................................19-24 bachev that led to the end of the ket) in Paris, reports of mass French es. Participating will include Naomi Cold War. At that time the USSR Culture & Arts .......................................25 emigration, and the urging of Israel’s Schwartz, Alla Zernitskaya, and was home to the largest population prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu Margie Metzger. Engaging with Israel ........................26-28 of Jews in Europe. Under pressure for French Jews to “come home,” have The film opens in the late 1980s, with the onset of perestroika, the STATELESS, continued on page 6 policy of economic and governmental KNOSH & KNOWLEDGE, continued on page 6 Page 2 Berkshire Jewish Voice • July 17 to September 3, 2015 In My View New People, New Places, yet Still At Home in the Berkshires Super Sunday Chair Recalls Warm Welcomes and Inspiring Visits to Local Congregations By Marcie Greenfield-Simons Before agreeing to chair the 2015 Super with different prayer practices understanding that study and celebration can be Sunday campaign, I naturally wanted to know shared. what would be involved. Executive Director A week later, Dara and I headed to Congregation Beth Israel in North Adams. I Dara Kaufman outlined several responsibilities, am embarrassed to admit this was my inaugural visit to CBI since they’ve moved which included visiting each of the congrega- to their new home more than twelve years ago. I was awestruck. Walking into the tions in Berkshire County to speak about the sanctuary with the floor-to-ceiling windows looking out on a magnificent moun- Federation. tain view, it was hard to imagine a space that could do more to inspire appreci- Of all the tasks in the job description, that ation of the beauty of creation. It is a hidden gem. That evening the congrega- was the one that drew me in. For years I had tion came together for a learner’s service and Shabbat dinner – good food, good hoped and planned to visit the various syna- company, and a community committed to lifelong learning and growth. It was our gogues in my own backyard, but for one reason good fortune to be there! or another, had never taken the time to do so. I This was followed by another special Kabbalat Shabbat one week later at am a creature of habit, and being a very happy Congregation Ahavath Sholom in Great Barrington. The first thing I noticed was congregant of Knesset Israel, that is where I Spiritual Leader Barbara Cohen greeting each person at the synagogue door with find myself week after week. The opportunity to a warm hug as if she was welcoming a family member into her home. And that’s travel from North County to South County and what it felt like – family, as each person present asked about others who have share Shabbat experiences with new people in been away or under the weather or out of commission. This spiritual gathering new places was very appealing. And so, I accepted Dara’s invitation and eagerly with beautiful music and intention, set in a historic building that exudes comfort, anticipated my visits. helped me welcome the Shabbat Queen. The next morning I didn’t have to travel For four weeks between mid-April and mid-May, I participated in Shabbat far – just down the road to Congregation Knesset Israel, my spiritual home under services at six congregations. What a pleasure! My first visit was to Temple Anshe the extraordinary leadership of Rabbi David Weiner. I am grateful for a rabbi who Amunim in Pittsfield where I was welcomed into their warm intergenerational challenges us to be a warmer, more welcoming, lifelong-learning congregation. circle in the synagogue chapel. After I shared some words about Federation and Two nights before Super Sunday, I made my final pilgrimage of the season to Super Sunday, the younger crowd adjourned to a special service for families with attend Shabbat services at Hevreh. The specialness of the evening was enhanced young children while the rest of us greeted Shabbat and heard several lovely by a moving teacher recognition ceremony. The appreciation the students and poems commemorating Israel’s independence, which had been observed the day their parents have for school leader Rabbi Jodie Gordon and her team of many before. Rabbi Josh Breindel made sure to invite all who were comfortable to par- devoted, compassionate, and inspiring educators was palpable. Teachers do holy ticipate. work, and clearly the folks at Hevreh know that. The next morning, I was off to the Berkshire Minyan, which runs a traditional Am I glad I accepted Dara’s invitation? You bet I am – to be reminded of what egalitarian service in the library of Hevreh of Southern Berkshire. The knowledge a blessing it is to live in the Jewish Berkshires, a creative, diverse, and vibrant and ruach (spirit) of the service was inspiring.
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