Prepared on Behalf of the Southeastern Public Service Authority of Virginia and the Local Governments of the Southeastern Virginia Region:

City of Chesapeake

City of Franklin

Isle of Wight County

City of Norfolk

City of Portsmouth

Town of Smithfield

Southampton County

City of Suffolk

City of Virginia Beach

Prepared by the Staff of the Planning District Commission

Adopted by Southeastern Public Service Authority of Virginia ______

Adopted by Hampton Roads Planning District Commission ______i


The Regional Solid Waste Management Plan for Southeastern Virginia 2017-2040, in accordance with the legislative and regulatory mandates governing solid waste management (SWM) established by the Commonwealth of Virginia, constitutes the most current Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP) for the Southeastern Virginia Region. The SWMP describes the Southeastern Virginia Region’s integrated strategy for the management of solid waste generated within the Region to the year 2040. The SWMP is organized to emphasize how the Region is working to accomplish all of its goals, objectives, strategies and actions in accordance with the SWM hierarchy as set forth in the Commonwealth’s regulations, with emphasis - in descending order of preference - for SWM as follows:

• source reduction; • reuse; • recycling; • resource recovery (waste-to-energy); • incineration; and • landfilling.

The Southeastern Virginia Region has designed its future SWM system around the following strategic goals:

• Become a Region of citizens whose actions reflect an ethic of resource conservation and waste minimization. • Develop and maintain a secure, cost-effective, environmentally sound and resource-efficient SWM program. • Establish SWM strategies as high on the SWM hierarchy as possible.

The Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HPRDC) staff, working with the Local Governments that comprise the Southeastern Virginia Region, the Southeastern Public Service Authority (SPSA) and stakeholders throughout the Region and its SWM system, reviewed current waste activities and programs. After projecting the potential waste generation through the year 2040, the HRPDC staff analyzed the current system and future needs to discover gaps in waste management. The HRPDC staff identified the following significant gaps:

• need to develop a long-term strategy for increased source reduction to reduce the increasing amount of waste generated in the Region • need to develop a long-term strategy for increased reuse to reduce the increasing amount of waste generated in the Region • need to develop a long-term strategy for increased recycling to reduce the burden on waste disposal in the Region • need to develop a long-term strategy for resource recovery (waste-to-energy) to make best use of landfilling and disposal facilities in the Region ii

• need to evaluate landfilling, disposal and/or out-of-region transport requirements for the disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW), construction and demolition debris (CDD), organic, vegetative and yard waste, and special wastes throughout the Region

The HRPDC staff developed SWMP objectives that will close the gaps between its current SWM system and that required in the future. These actions include the following:

• Increase public outreach and education. The Region will work to have shared message to communicate the various elements of the Region’s SWM system through a strong communications program. Public outreach and education efforts will be aimed at increasing participation in source reduction, reuse, and recycling activities. • Increase business recycling. By pursuing more innovative approaches, the Southeastern Virginia Region can dramatically increase the business recycling rate and overall regional recycling rate. • Expand recyclables collected at multifamily residences. By encouraging managers of multi-tenant residences to offer collection of the same range of recyclable materials provided to residents who receive municipal collection services, the Region will increase the residential recycling rate and simplify and standardize its shared regional recycling message. • Continue using the current disposal systems for MSW and CDD waste. In accordance with current adopted use and support agreements, the Region’s Local Governments prefer to continue the use of the SPSA Regional Landfill in Suffolk for the disposal of Region-generated MSW. The City of Virginia Beach will supplement its MSW disposal needs with the use of its Landfill and Resource and Recovery Facility. The Region prefers to continue to use the variety of private CDD facilities in the Region for the disposal of Region- generated CDD waste. The City of Portsmouth will supplement its CDD disposal needs with the use of its Landfill. • Develop a Region-wide strategy for reuse, recycling and disposal of organic, vegetative and yard waste, building upon current private contractual operations which exist with several Local Governments in the Region and several Local Government-operated programs. • Develop a Region-wide strategy for reuse, recycling, disposal and/or out-of-region transport of special wastes, including the establishment of an operational household hazardous waste (HHW) collection program in each Local Government. • Establish a Region-wide strategy for establishment of a shared HHW collection program to more effectively divert hazardous waste from entering the normal waste stream.

Table ES-1 outlines the Region’s objectives and strategic vision for its integrated SWM system to the year 2040. These strategies address the gaps identified in the Region’s MSW system. All SWM facilities constructed or operated in the Region must be in accordance with the contents of this SWMP.


Table ES-1. Southeastern Virginia Region Objectives and Strategic Vision, 2017


Figures ES-1, ES-2, ES-3, ES-4 and ES-5 illustrate the projected range of MSW, Recycling, CDD, organic, vegetative and yard waste, and special wastes, respectively, in the Region’s SWM system over the next 23 years and the projected ranges of waste generation, recycling, and disposal needed after implementing the Region’s future SWM system.

Figure ES-1. Projected MSW Demand for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040


Figure ES-2. Projected Recycling Demand for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040


Figure ES-3. Projected CDD Demand for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040


Figure ES-4. Projected Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Demand for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Source: iv

Figure ES-5. Projected Special Wastes Demand for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040


This SWMP was approved by the HRPDC Board and the SPSA Board of Directors of the Southeastern Virginia Region for submission to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).

Changes to this SWMP will occur through the process DEQ has outlined in the Solid Waste Management Planning Regulations (9VAC20-130-175). Major amendments include any addition, deletion, or cessation of operation of any solid waste facility; any increase in landfill capacity; any change that moves toward implementation of a waste management strategy that is lower in the waste management hierarchy; and any change to membership in the approved area. Minor amendments include any change that moves toward implementation of a waste management strategy that is higher in the waste management hierarchy and any nonsubstantive administrative change such as a change in name. All amendments will be submitted directly to DEQ for approval; major amendments require public participation, including a public hearing.

Solid waste planning is a continuous process and HRPDC staff in coordination with the Local Governments of the Southeastern Virginia Region, SPSA and other stakeholders in the Region will continually evaluate the need to update and modify the SWMP throughout the planning period. The roles of the HRPDC, Local Governments, SPSA and private parties in solid waste planning, management and operations are unique for the Commonwealth in that the structure of the SWM planning unit establishes a shared arrangement between these parties for meeting State legislative and regulatory requirements. The procedures and processes for future updates to the SWMP, as well as consistency determinations for new SWM facilities developed in the Region, will be coordinated by HRPDC staff through the askHRgreen Committee structure. v


Executive Summary

Pages i-iv

Draft Plan Table of Contents

Pages v-x


Page 1

Chapter 1

Introduction and Background

Pages 2- 9

Chapter 2

Projections and Waste Quantities

Pages 10-34


Chapter 3

Solid Waste Management Hierarchy

Pages 35-39

Chapter 4

Southeastern Virginia Solid Waste Management Goals

Pages 40-45

Chapter 5

Southeastern Virginia Solid Waste Management System Overview

Pages 46-71

Chapter 6

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)

Pages 72-110

Chapter 7


Pages 111-134


Chapter 8

Construction and Demolition Debris (CDD)

Pages 135-145

Chapter 9

Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste

Pages 146-160

Chapter 10

Special Wastes

Pages 161-182

Chapter 11

Litter Control

Pages 183-185

Chapter 12

Future SWM System Waste Quantities

Pages 186-191


Chapter 13

Funding Arrangements and Options

Pages 192-194

Chapter 14

Public Participation and Outreach Programs

Pages 195-202

Chapter 15

Solid Waste Management Plan Actions and Implementation Plan

Pages 203-213


Page 214

Appendix A

List of Figures

Pages 215-218


Appendix B

List of Tables

Pages 219-222

Appendix C

Acronyms and Definitions

Page 223-226

Appendix D


Pages 227-239

Appendix E

Recycling Markets

Pages 240-241

Appendix F

Source Reduction and Reuse Best Practices

Pages 242-245


Appendix G

DEQ Permitted Solid Waste Management Facilities in Southeastern Virginia

Pages 246-317

Appendix H

Development of MSW Projections

Pages 318-320

Appendix I

Resolutions of Plan Approval

Pages 321-322

Appendix J


Page 323-325 1


Chapter 1 Introduction and Background

Introduction and Background


This solid waste management plan (SWMP) describes the Southeastern Virginia Region’s integrated strategy for the management of solid waste generated within the Region from 2017 to 2040.


The SWMP for the Southeastern Virginia Region has been developed to fulfill the legislative mandate of the Commonwealth of Virginia that each locality or designated region has adopted and is implementing a strategy for management of solid waste in a manner as set forth in State legislation and regulations.


The scope of the SWMP for the Southeastern Virginia Region is inclusive of all solid waste as defined in State legislation and regulations for its generation, collection, source reduction, reuse, recycling, resource recovery (waste to energy), and incineration and landfilling.

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

The Code of Virginia Title 10.1, Chapter 14 establishes the Virginia Waste Management Act and assigns primary authority for its implementation to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). DEQ is authorized to develop state waste management plans, assist in the development and implementation of local and regional waste management plans, and promulgate regulations to protect public health, natural resources and the environment for the release or imminent threat of release of waste.

The Virginia Administrative Code Title 9, Agency 20, Chapter 130 establishes Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Regulations to meet this legislative mandate. Section 9VAC20-130-40 of the regulations states the following:

“The purpose of these regulations is to;

1. Establish minimum requirements for solid waste management planning and recycling for protection of the public health, public safety, the environment, and natural resources throughout the Commonwealth; promote local and regional planning that provides for environmentally sound and compatible solid waste management with the most effective and efficient use of available resources;

2. Establish procedures and rules for designation of regional boundaries for solid waste management plans; 3

3. Establish state, local government, regional or area served by the plan responsible for meeting and maintaining the minimum recycling rates;

4. Establish the requirement in compliance with the Virginia Waste Management Act, §§ 10.1-1411 and 10.1-1408.1 D 1 (vi) of the Code of Virginia, for withholding issuance of permits for solid waste management facility; and

5. Provide for reasonable variance and exemptions.”1

The regulations apply to all designated solid waste planning units and permitted solid waste facilities within a solid waste planning unit. The Southeastern Virginia Region is the solid waste planning unit for the nine Local Governments that comprise the Region addressed in this Plan. The Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC) is the designated as the solid waste planning agency for the Southeastern Virginia Region. Accordingly, HRPDC is coordinating the development of the SWMP for the Local Governments in the Southeastern Virginia Region. The Southeastern Public Service Authority (SPSA) is the designated regional solid waste management agency for the Region.2


The laws of Virginia mandate the development and adoption of a SWMP by all local governments in the Commonwealth. To facilitate regional coordination of solid waste services, rather than develop an individual plan for each local government, the law allows local governments within a designated region to develop one plan for the region. Under state solid waste planning regulations, no permit for a new sanitary landfill, incinerator, or waste-to-energy facility or for an expansion of an existing sanitary landfill, incinerator, or waste-to-energy facility will be issued until the solid waste planning unit within which the facility is located has developed a SWMP that has been approved by DEQ. Regulations governing the development and submittal of solid waste management plans are provided in 9 VAC 20-130-10 et seq.

In addition, the approved SWMP must be considered in the permitting process in three ways. First, DEQ must review a proposed solid waste management facility for its consistency with the SWMP. Second, permit applicants must certify that sufficient disposal capacity will be available to allow Local Governments in the Region to comply with the SWMP. Finally, DEQ may impose permit conditions to allow local governments to contract and reserve disposal capacity in the new facility in accordance with the SWMP.

The SWMP must address six policy areas specified in state law. These six policy areas include:

1. Source Reduction

2. Reuse

3. Recycling

4. Resource Recovery (Waste to Energy) 4

5. Incineration

6. Landfilling

The plan must give preference to lower numbered policy areas over higher numbered policy areas. These policy areas are based upon the widely accepted waste management hierarchy, originally conceived by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and embodied in the Virginia Solid Waste Management Regulations. Figure 1-1 illustrates this hierarchy.

Figure 1-1. Solid Waste Management Hierarchy

Sources: 2011 Regional Solid Waste Management Plan for Southeastern Virginia and SCS Engineers

The hierarchy encourages local governments to develop policies that rank the most environmentally sound strategies for management of solid waste:

• First, Reduce and Reuse – Efforts to prevent the creation of waste should precede other waste management options that deal with the waste after it is generated, as in recycling. The underlying thought is that solid waste that is not produced does not require management.

• Second, Recycle and Compost – This level includes recycling and composting. These techniques have the potential to divert large amounts of waste from disposal and turn them into valuable products. Through these techniques, waste materials can potentially go through several cycles of use, conserving raw materials and energy in the process. 5

• Third, Recover Energy – This level of the hierarchy also uses waste as a resource, but essentially the material can only be used once. The highest use becomes energy production.

• Finally, Dispose – After the first levels of the hierarchy are maximized, there may be residual solid waste left to manage. This material must be disposed of in an environmentally safe manner, through incineration or landfilling at a permitted facility.

In addition to addressing these policy areas, the plan must provide an integrated waste management strategy with objectives and an implementation plan. The plan must also address achieving the established minimum recycling rate, funding, strategies for public education and public involvement, and public-private partnerships.

The strategies of the SWMP must be supported by descriptions and analysis of urban development, population, transportation system condition, and waste generation estimates in the planning area. Further, the plan must develop future estimates of waste generation and present how the region anticipates meeting future solid waste needs. This plan addresses all of the regulatory requirements established by the Commonwealth and serves as the SWMP for the Local Governments of Southeastern Virginia.

Regional Agreements

The Southeastern Virginia Region has adopted a range of agreements to implement a regional solid waste management program. The agreements address specifics including waste collection, transport, landfilling, recycling, energy recovery, and fiscal responsibilities. SPSA serves as the administrator of these regional agreements. These agreements are referenced in Appendix D of the Plan.

Local Government Ordinances

Each of the nine Local Governments which comprise the Southeastern Virginia Region has adopted its own local ordinances regarding the management of solid waste, in accordance with State enabling authority. These ordinances are referenced in Appendix D of the Plan.

Solid Waste Management Planning in Southeastern Virginia: Role & History of the Southeastern Public Service Authority (SPSA) and the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC)

Southeastern Virginia has a long history of cooperation and innovation in solid waste management. Beginning in the early 1970s, the Region's six cities, two counties and eight towns recognized the need to develop alternative solid waste management approaches. A regional study process was instituted under the auspices of the Southeastern Virginia Planning District Commission (SVPDC) to examine technological and institutional approaches to management of the Region’s solid waste. This effort culminated in the identification of a regional waste-to-energy project as a viable solution to this issue and the establishment of SPSA as the entity to implement the proposed regional system. Startup of the regional system occurred in 1985 with development of the Suffolk Regional Landfill. The Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) and Waste to Energy (WTE) 6

Facility began operation in 1988 as part of SPSA’s waste-to-energy system. The search for additional solid waste management options preceded the startup date and has continued to the present day.

Concurrent with the creation of a regional solid waste management system, the two regional agencies and the nine member Local Governments examined other aspects of the regional solid waste management issue and developed approaches to dealing with its various aspects. Studies have been undertaken and regional programs implemented in the areas of hazardous waste management and recycling. The Local Governments have instituted innovations in the collection system (e.g. automated collection), have undertaken components of the Region’s recycling program, and have implemented measures to better control environmental contaminants, such as landfill gas and leachate, at their own disposal facilities.

In 1989, the Virginia General Assembly enacted legislation requiring that local governments, or regional agencies on behalf of the local governments, prepare solid waste management plans. These plans were to focus on how the local government or region would achieve recycling goals. Regulations to implement this legislation and to outline common procedures for preparation of these plans were developed by the Virginia Department of Waste Management (VDWM). They were promulgated and became effective on May 15, 1990.

The SVPDC and SPSA acted jointly in March 1990, in accordance with these regulations, to recommend that the boundaries of the Southeastern Virginia Planning District should be designated as the solid waste planning region unit; that the SVPDC should be responsible for developing the SWMP; and that SPSA should be designated as the Region’s solid waste management agency and charged with implementation of the regional SWMP. The VDWM formally concurred with these recommendations on February 20, 1991. Following the creation of the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC) by the merger of the Southeastern Virginia and Peninsula Planning District Commissions in 1990, the HRPDC became the agency responsible for preparing the SWMP for the Southeastern Virginia Region. In addition, the VDWM no longer exists and the authority for administering the solid waste management regulations now rests with DEQ.

In 1991, the HRPDC, in cooperation with SPSA and its member Local Governments completed the Regional SWMP for Southeastern Virginia, which was approved by the VDWM. On August 1, 2001, the regulations were amended to require that solid waste management plans be developed or amended to conform to new plan requirements. To comply with the amended regulations, the regional SWMP was revised and adopted by the HRPDC and SPSA in 2005. At that time, it was understood that SPSA accepted responsibility for making future updates to the regional SWMP as needed. However, in March 2010, the Local Governments designated the HRPDC as the regional solid waste planning agency while SPSA remains the regional solid waste management agency for the Southeastern Virginia Region. This revised SWMP has been prepared by the HRPDC in cooperation with SPSA and the Region’s Local Governments to meet the requirements of the Virginia "Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Regulations" (9 VAC § 20-130-10 et seq.). It builds upon the previous solid waste management planning efforts in Southeastern Virginia and establishes a framework by which the Region can meet the state-mandated planning requirements and recycling goals as well as the long-term waste management needs of the Region.


Plan Development Approach

The Southeastern Virginia Region is using this comprehensive SWMP both to satisfy the VDEQ regulatory requirements and as a strategic planning tool. This plan lays the groundwork for solid waste source reduction, reuse, recycling, collection, transfer, and disposal initiatives in the Region for the planning period extending from plan adoption in 2018 to 2040. It establishes goals, objectives, strategies and actions for the operational and financial management of the Region’s SWM system.

Plan Adoption and Amendment Process

The SWMP has been developed and adopted in accordance with legislative and regulatory requirements set forth by the Commonwealth of Virginia and implemented by DEQ. Chapter 14 of the Plan outlines public participation and outreach programs related to Plan amendment procedures that have been adopted by the Southeastern Virginia Region.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Actions of the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan

Within the regional SWMP, implementation initiatives are arranged in a series of goals, objectives, strategies and actions. These are organized in a hierarchical manner, with goals being broadest in scope to actions being most specific and linked to the Implementation Plan section of the Plan as described in Chapter 15. For the purposes of this Plan, these types of implementation initiatives are defined as follows:

Goals - observable and measurable end results having one or more objectives to be achieved within a more or less fixed timeframe.3

Objectives - specific results that a system aims to achieve within a time frame and with available resources.3

Strategies - methods or plans chosen to bring about a desired future, such as achievement of a goal or solution to a problem.3

Actions - steps that must be taken, or activities that must be performed well, for a strategy to succeed.3

Plan Organization

The Plan was developed by first evaluating the Region’s current SWM activities and its future waste projections to identify future waste management needs over the SWMP planning period. SWM actions for the planning period were then selected that address future waste management needs and meet the following primary goals:

- become a Region of citizens whose actions reflect an ethic of resource conservation and waste minimization - develop and maintain a secure, cost-effective, environmentally sound and resource-efficient SWM program - establish SWM strategies as high on the SWM hierarchy as possible


The Plan is organized as follows:

Chapter 2 (Projections and Waste Quantities) describes the Region’s current waste stream characteristics, estimates of waste quantities and material types, and projections of the waste stream from 2017 to 2040. The chapter also examines pertinent demographic data, including population, urban concentration, households, and employment, and regional characteristics, including climate, geology, and traffic conditions, that may influence waste collection, waste disposal, and type of materials disposed of over the planning period.

Chapter 3 (Solid Waste Management Hierarchy) describes the SWM hierarchy (defined in the Virginia Solid Waste Management Regulations) and discusses the consideration of the hierarchy in developing this SWMP.

Chapter 4 (Southeastern Virginia Solid Waste Management Goals) presents the overall goals of the Region’s SWM program and discusses the manner by which the SWMP actions will accomplish these goals.

Chapter 5 (Southeastern Virginia Solid Waste Management System Overview) presents an overview of the Region’s current SWM system, including organizational structure and funding strategies.

Chapter 6 (Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)) describes the current SWM activities for solid waste in the Region’s Local Governments, organized using the SWM waste hierarchy. It uses the SWM hierarchy as the framework for determining how to bridge the gaps between the current SWM activities and the strategies needed to manage the Region’s MSW in the future. The chapter presents the Region’s SWMP actions for MSW over the planning period from 2017 to 2040.

Chapter 7 (Recycling) describes the current regional SWM activities, anticipated gaps in waste management, and SWMP actions for construction recycling over the planning period from 2017 to 2040.

Chapter 8 (Construction and Demolition Debris (CDD)) describes the current regional SWM activities, anticipated gaps in waste management, and SWMP actions for construction demolition debris (CDD) over the planning period from 2017 to 2040.

Chapter 9 (Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste) describes the current regional SWM activities, anticipated gaps in waste management, and SWMP actions for vegetative and yard waste over the planning period from 2017 to 2040.

Chapter 10 (Special Wastes) describes the current regional SWM activities, anticipated gaps in waste management, and SWMP actions for special wastes over the planning period from 2017 to 2040.

Chapter 11 (Litter Control) describes the current regional litter control programs, anticipated gaps in waste management, and SWMP actions for litter control programs over the planning period from 2017 to 2040. 9

Chapter 12 (Future SWM System Waste Quantities) presents the future waste quantities projections for the Region’s SWM system after implementation of the SWMP actions over the planning period from 2017 to 2040.

Chapter 13 (Funding Arrangements and Options) describes the Region’s plan for funding its SWM system over the planning period from 2017 to 2040. It discusses potential modifications to the current funding structure to support the SWMP actions over the planning period from 2017 to 2040.

Chapter 14 (Public Participation and Outreach Programs) discusses public participation in development of this SWMP, including both citizen and private-sector involvement, the consideration of public/private partnerships, and the public education and outreach strategies to execute the future vision of the SWM system.

Chapter 15 (Solid Waste Management Plan Actions and Implementation Plan) presents the Region’s integrated actions planned for the SWM system over the planning period, organized from most to least preferred using the SWM hierarchy. The chapter also describes the Region’s plan for the implementation of its SWMP actions over the planning period from 2017 to 2040.

A collection of appendices to the Plan include a variety of data and supporting information relative to the Plan document.


1 9VAC20-130-40. Purpose of Regulations at

2 The Town of Smithfield is a full member of HRPDC, but is not a member of SPSA. Isle of Wight County in which the Town of Smithfield is located is a member of SPSA and represents both the Town and County on the SPSA Board.

3 Definitions derived from 10

Chapter 2 Projections and Waste Quantities

Description of the Region’s Current Solid Waste Stream and Projections from 2017 to 2040

This chapter presents a description of the Southeastern Virginia Region’s current waste stream characteristics, estimates of waste quantities and material types, and projections of the waste stream from 2017 to 2040. The chapter also examines the pertinent demographic data, including population, urban concentration, households, and employment, and regional characteristics, including climate, geology, and traffic conditions, that may influence waste collection, waste disposal, and type of materials disposed of from 2017 to 2040.

Description of Plan Service Area: Region Characteristics

The Southeastern Virginia Region as described in this Plan consists of nine Local Governments with a total land area of nearly 2,000 square miles and a population of approximately 1,193,014 in 2016. The Region consists of the six independent cities of Chesapeake, Franklin, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk and Virginia Beach, the two counties of Isle of Wight and Southampton and the Town of Smithfield. These nine Local Governments in the Southeastern Virginia Region are members of the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC). Additional Local Governments covered by this Plan are the seven towns within Isle of Wight and Southampton Counties, including the following: Windsor in Isle of Wight County and Branchville, Boykins, Capron, Courtland, Ivor and Newsoms in Southampton County. Collectively, the eight cities and counties and the additional eight towns comprise the Southeastern Virginia Region covered by this Plan. The Southeastern Virginia Region is bordered to the north by the , Hampton Roads harbor, and the Chesapeake Bay; to the east by the Atlantic Ocean; to the south by the State of North Carolina and the five counties of Currituck, Camden, Gates, Hertford and Northampton, and to the west by the Meherrin River and the three Virginia counties of Surry, Sussex and Greensville.

With the exception of Franklin and Southampton County, the Southeastern Virginia Region Local Governments are a part of the Virginia Beach- Norfolk-Newport News Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). With the addition of Surry County, the Southeastern Virginia Region constitutes the southern portion of the larger HRPDC. HRPDC includes independent cities and counties in the Peninsula and Middle Peninsula areas of Virginia as well, for a total of 17 local governments – ten independent cities, six counties, and one town. HRPDC serves as the Southeastern Virginia Region’s solid waste management planning organization. Solid waste management planning for the Peninsula and Middle Peninsula areas of the HRPDC are managed by the Public Service Authority and the City of Newport News. Solid waste management planning for the Surry County area of the HRPDC is managed by the Central Virginia Waste Management Authority in partnership with the Crater and Richmond Regional Planning District Commissions. The Southeastern Public Service Authority (SPSA) is the regional solid waste management operational organization for the six independent cities and two counties of the Southeastern Virginia Region.


Figure 2-1 illustrates the Southeastern Virginia Region, the MSA, the HRPDC, and the SPSA service area.

Figure 2-1. Map of Southeastern Virginia Region, MSA, HRPDC and SPSA Service Area

Source: HRPDC 12

Description of Plan Service Area: Geographic Conditions

The Southeastern Virginia Region is located in the coastal plain province of Virginia. This area is characterized by flat to slightly undulating topography, beaches and deciduous and coniferous forests. The Region is blessed with numerous waterways and tidal and freshwater wetlands, including the Blackwater, Elizabeth, Lynnhaven, Meherrin, Nansemond, North Landing, Nottoway, and Pagan Rivers, the Great Dismal Swamp, Back Bay, the Intracoastal Waterway and countless creeks.

Description of Plan Service Area: Transportation Conditions

The location and topography of the Region makes its transportation system unique. Due to the vast number of waterways in the Region, bridges and tunnels are vital components of the surface transportation system. Five major bridges and tunnels serve major geographic areas of the Region: the U.S. Route 13 Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, the I-264 , the I-64 Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel (HRBT), the U.S. Route 58 Midtown Tunnel, and the I-664 Monitor-Merrimac Memorial Bridge Tunnel (MMMBT). Other major bridges in the Region include the I- 264 Berkley Bridge, the I-64 High Rise Bridge, the U.S. Route 17 and the U.S. Route 17 Veterans Bridge. These bridges and tunnels are significant traffic congestion points. The major interstates in the Region consist of I-64 and I-664, which collectively serve as the Hampton Roads Beltway for the Region; I-264 connecting Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Norfolk and Virginia Beach from west to east; I-464 connecting the cities of Chesapeake and Norfolk; and I-564 connecting I-64 to Naval Station Norfolk. Other expressways in the region include Virginia Route 168 (Chesapeake Expressway), U.S. Route 58 (Martin Luther King Freeway), U.S. Routes 13, 58 and 460 (Suffolk Bypass) and Virginia Route 164 (Western Freeway). Significant U.S. Routes in the Region include U.S. Routes 13, 17, 58, 60 and 460. Figure 2-2 illustrates this primary transportation system.

Transportation congestion is a major issue in the Region. The collection, transfer and disposal of solid waste make extensive use of the road transportation network. Transportation to and from the Region is controlled in large part by the various tunnels and bridges that connect to the west and north. The HRPDC and the HRTPO has focused much effort over the last several years to facilitate approaches to solving the Region’s most vexing transportation problems, and these problems are not easy to resolve. According to studies conducted by the HRPDC and the HRTPO, travel growth has outpaced roadway capacity improvements throughout the Region. The I-64 HRBT, the I-664 MMMBT, the I-264 Downtown Tunnel, the U.S. Route 58 Midtown Tunnel and the I-64 High Rise Bridge are major system constraints, and congestion is routinely 13

Figure 2-2. Hampton Roads Primary Roadways Transportation System

Source: HRPDC 14 evident on all the Region’s interstates and primary routes, affecting the movement of people, goods and services. The constraints imposed by the Region’s roadway network affect the planning, siting, implementation and operation of the Region’s solid waste system in the following ways:

• Collection Efficiency - Solid waste is collected by public and private operations in the Region. Traffic congestion affects the efficiency of these collection operations. Travel time from collection routes to transfer stations, the SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill, or ultimate locations such as the existing Wheelabrator Refuse Derived Fuel and Waste to Energy Facility (RDF WTE Facility) or the Tidewater Fibre Corporation (TFC) Recycling Facility are extended during congestion periods, which means that the per day collection rate of each collection vehicle is reduced, more collection vehicles are needed to service collection routes and overall operational costs are increased.

• Collection and Transfer Scheduling - Collection routes and transfer station operations are routinely scheduled to avoid peak congestion periods; however, this is not always practical, and these operations are negatively affected during congestion periods.

• Location of Facilities - The Region’s current solid waste system is transportation intensive. The Region’s transfer stations, landfills, recycling facilities and RDF WTE facilities are the primary delivery points for solid waste disposal involving a significant number of collection and transfer vehicles. The capacity of the Region’s road networks to and from these facilities and any future facilities is an important consideration.

All solid waste in the Region is collected and transferred by public or private collection vehicles and equipment. Currently, no solid waste is transported to or from the Region by rail or barge, although previous proposals for barging in out-of-state waste have been considered, but ultimately rejected for various political reasons.

Population Employment and Household Projections

Projections about population growth, regional employment, and number of households can help define what kinds and amounts of waste the Region will generate. A brief summary of projections for these key planning variables is presented here.

Population and Population Forecasts

In 2016, the Southeastern Virginia Region had an estimated total population of 1,193,014. In 2016, the largest city in the Region was Virginia Beach with over 38 percent of the population. Norfolk is the second most populated jurisdiction and has the highest population density in the Region. Population change since 2010 is shown in Table 2-1. Overall, the Region has experienced growth from 2010 to2017. However, some Local Governments experienced a decline in population during this period.


Table 2-1. Southeastern Virginia Region Population by Local Government, CY 2010 – CY 2016 Year

Local 2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Growth Government Census (2010– 2016) Chesapeake 222,209 222,761 225,898 228,210 232,977 235,638 238,283 240,485 8.22% Franklin 8,582 8,586 8,680 8,839 8,655 8,560 8,535 8,597 0.17% Isle of Wight County 35,270 35,412 35,457 36,180 36,462 36,172 36,438 37,074 5.11% Norfolk 242,803 242,956 243,985 245,803 246,392 246,394 247,189 247,087 1.76% Portsmouth 95,535 95,388 96,368 97,450 96,871 96,802 96,874 96,179 0.67% Smithfield * * * * * * * * * Southampton County 18,570 18,593 18,714 18,678 18,872 18,783 18,551 18,242 -1.79% Suffolk 84,585 85,166 85,692 86,463 87,831 89,586 90,426 91,722 8.44% Virginia Beach 437,994 438,207 441,246 447,489 449,628 451,672 453,500 453,628 3.57%

Total 1,145,548 1,147,069 1,156,040 1,169,112 1,177,688 1,183,607 1,189,796 1,193,014 4.14% Sources: 2010 Census - U.S. Census Bureau and 2010-2017 Estimates Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, Demographics & Workforce Group, January 30, 2017 Note: *Smithfield data included in figures for Isle of Wight County

From 2016 to 2040, the Region is expected to grow by approximately 21 percent to total more than 1,445,300 people. This equates to an average annual growth rate of 0.88% or approximately 10,512 people per year. Long-term population trends for each jurisdiction are shown in Figure 2-3. Individually, the projected growth rate for each jurisdiction is provided in Table 2-2 and illustrated in Figure 2-3. Figure 2-4 illustrates the proportion of regional population for each Local Government in the Region. Suffolk and Isle of Wight County are projected to experience the greatest percentage increase in total population during the planning period. The population growth rate is significant for planning purposes since the amount of waste generated increases as population increases.


Table 2-2. Southeastern Virginia Region Population and Projected Growth by Local Government, CY 1970 – CY 2040 Census Year Projection Year

Local 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 Average Annual Government Census Census Census Census Census Population Population Population Growth Rate Projection Projection Projection Projection (2010-2040) Chesapeake 89,580 114,486 151,976 199,184 222,209 249,513 280,173 314,600 1.2% Franklin 6,880 7,308 7,864 8,346 8,582 9,265 10,003 10,800 0.8% Isle of Wight County 18,285 21,603 25,053 29,728 35,270 42,749 51,813 62,800 1.9% Norfolk 307,951 266,979 261,229 234,403 242,803 246,220 249,686 253,200 0.1% Portsmouth 110,963 104,577 103,907 100,565 95,535 96,415 97,304 98,200 0.1% Smithfield ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Southampton County 18,582 18,731 17,550 17,482 18,570 20,641 22,942 25,500 1.1% Suffolk 45,024* 47,621 52,141 63,677 84,585 109,339 141,337 182,700 2.6% Virginia Beach 172,106 262,199 393,069 425,257 437,994 456,993 476,817 497,500 0.4% Total 769,371 843,504 979,789 1,078,642 1,145,548 1,237,832 1,330,075 1,445,300 0.8% Sources: 1970-2010 Census - U.S. Census Bureau, 2030-2040 Population Projection - HRPDC Notes: *Suffolk City merged with Suffolk City and Nansemond City on 1-1-1974; population figure equals Suffolk City and Nansemond County 1970 Census data. Nansemond County and the incorporated towns of Holland and Whaleyville became Nansemond City on 1-1-1972. **Smithfield data included in figures for Isle of Wight County


Figure 2-3. Projected Population Growth Trends by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Government, CY 1970 – CY 2040




300,000 Population 200,000


0 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020* 2030* 2040*

Chesapeake Franklin Isle of Wight County Norfolk Portsmouth Southampton County Suffolk Virginia Beach

Source: HRPDC Note: *Projected


Figure 2-4. Percentage of Total Population, 2016

Chesapeake Franklin Isle of Wight County Norfolk Portsmouth Southampton County Suffolk Virginia Beach

Sources: 2010 Census - U.S. Census Bureau and 2010-2017 Estimates Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, Demographics & Workforce Group, January 30, 2017 Note: Smithfield data included in figures for Isle of Wight County 19

Employment and Employment Forecasts

Economic forecasts by the HRPDC indicate expected future economic growth and development for the Southeastern Virginia Region. Table 2-3 illustrates historical employment by Local Government for the Region from 2009 through 2015. Table 2-4 illustrates that employment is expected to increase at an average annual rate of about 0.9 percent through 2040, resulting in an overall increase of just over 29.8 percent, which reflects the growth of job opportunities. Employment is projected to increase in each Local Government. Isle of Wight County is projected to experience the greatest growth in employment followed by Southampton County and Suffolk. Employment is an important forecasting variable because growth reflects an increase in economic activity, which in turn leads to increased consumption and waste generation.

Table 2-3. Southeastern Virginia Region Employment by Local Government, CY 2009 – CY 2015 Year

Local 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Growth Government (2009– 2015) Chesapeake 122,147 121,687 122,141 122,670 123,568 124,465 127,190 4.1% Franklin 11,319 11,032 10,963 11,288 11,132 11,144 11,607 2.5% Isle of Wight County 15,416 14,230 13,785 14,176 14,809 15,227 15,599 1.1% Norfolk 215,627 210,988 210,595 207,238 206,814 207,979 211,869 -1.7% Portsmouth 57,273 57,413 58,090 58,611 59,625 59,975 60,795 6.1% Smithfield * * * * * * * * Southampton County ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Suffolk 34,927 34,747 35,218 37,121 37,382 37,967 39,549 13.2% Virginia Beach 244,042 240,506 242,088 244,240 247,285 250,585 254,958 4.4% Total 700,751 690,603 692,880 695,344 700,615 707,342 721,767 3.0% Sources: Bureau of Economic Analysis and HRPDC Notes: *Smithfield data included in figures for Isle of Wight County, **Southampton County data included in figures for Franklin


Table 2-4. Southeastern Virginia Region Employment and Projections by Local Government, CY 1970 – CY 2040 Year

Local 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 Percent Average Government Projection Projection Projection Growth Annual Projection Change (2010- Projection 2040) (2010 – 2040)

Chesapeake 22,566 32,288 62,605 102,765 122,265 135,656 150,515 167,000 36.6% 1.0% Franklin 3,397 4,091 4,685 5,560 6,182 6,874 7,644 8,500 37.5% 1.1% Isle of Wight County 9,301 11,880 12,133 16,134 15,347 19,400 24,523 31,000 102.0% 2.4% Norfolk 211,278 230,199 259,481 225,319 210,037 217,801 225,852 234,200 11.5% 0.4% Portsmouth 48,087 53,996 58,979 52,831 57,414 61,452 65,774 70,400 22.6% 0.7% Smithfield * * * * * * * * * * Southampton County 6,124 5,927 5,461 6,026 5,454 6,828 8,547 10,700 96.2% 2.3% Suffolk 18,055 19,692 20,660 26,273 33,914 41,668 51,195 62,900 85.5% 2.1% Virginia Beach 66,246 111,607 187,249 236,446 240,070 261,901 285,718 311,700 29.8% 0.9% Total 385,054 469,680 611,253 671,354 690,683 751,580 819,768 896,400 29.8% 0.9% Sources: 1970-2010 – Bureau of Economic Analysis and 2020-2040 Projection HRPDC Note: *Smithfield data included in figures for Isle of Wight County

Households and Households Forecasts

The number of households in the Region is expected to increase by about 27.6 percent through 2040 at an average annual rate of 0.8 percent. Table 2-5 illustrates the growth in households in the Southeastern Virginia Region from 2006-2010 through 2011-2015. While Table 2-5 illustrates that the largest expansion in households occurred in Chesapeake and Smithfield, Table 2-6 illustrates that the largest expansion in households is projected to occur in Suffolk and Isle of Wight County. Generally, each home, regardless of the number of residents, contributes a certain amount of waste such as junk mail and organic, vegetative and yard waste. As the trend for smaller household sizes continues, this equates to additional overall solid waste generation as well. 21

Table 2-5. Southeastern Virginia Region Households by Local Government, CY 2010 – CY 2015 Year

Local 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 2010- 2011- Growth Government 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (2006-2010 – 2011-2015) Chesapeake 78,778 78,898 79,380 79,421 80,388 81,518 3.5% Franklin 3,524 3,472 3,532 3,551 3,580 3,453 -2.0% Isle of Wight County 13,553 13,528 13,585 13,560 13,519 13,769 1.6% Norfolk 85,061 85,076 85,247 85,557 86,397 87,045 2.3% Portsmouth 37,325 36,899 36,788 36,690 36,764 36,757 -1.5% Smithfield 3,139 3,205 3,228 3,260 3,200 3,247 3.4% Southampton County 6,571 6,618 6,532 6,708 6,654 6,682 1.7% Suffolk 30,126 30,305 30,502 30,492 30,798 30,990 2.9% Virginia Beach 163,944 164,041 164,226 164,944 165,296 166,242 1.4% Total 422,021 422,042 423,020 424,183 426,696 429,703 1.8% Sources: American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates (Table DP03) and HRPDC


Table 2-6. Southeastern Virginia Region Households & Projections by Local Government, CY 1970 – CY 2040 Year

Locality 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 Percent Average Projection Projection Projection Growth Annual Projection Change (2010- Projection 2040) (2010 – 2040)

Chesapeake 25,178 36,362 52,024 69,900 79,574 89,783 101,303 114,300 43.6% 1.2% Franklin 2,113 2,591 3,011 3,384 3,530 3,828 4,150 4,500 27.5% 0.8% Isle of Wight County 5,028 7,050 9,031 11,319 13,718 16,689 20,303 24,700 80.1% 2.0% Norfolk 86,607 74,955 79,518 86,210 86,485 88,125 89,797 91,500 5.8% 0.2% Portsmouth 34,470 36,796 38,706 38,170 37,324 37,777 38,236 38,700 3.7% 0.1% Smithfield * * * * * * * * * * Southampton County 4,915 5,774 6,004 6,279 6,719 7,541 8,464 9,500 41.4% 1.2% Suffolk 13,116 15,726 18,518 23,283 30,868 40,125 52,158 67,800 119.6% 2.7% Virginia Beach 45,085 85,097 135,365 154,455 165,089 172,764 180,795 189,200 14.6% 0.5% Total 216,512 264,351 342,177 393,000 423,307 456,632 495,206 540,200 27.6% 0.8% Sources: 1970-2010 – U.S. Census Bureau and 2020-2040 Projection - HRPDC Note: *Smithfield data included in figures for Isle of Wight County

Urban Concentrations

Within the Region, urban development is largely concentrated within the Hampton Roads Beltway formed by the loop of I-64 and I-664 and to the area east of the beltway north and south of I-264. Thus, the majority of urban development is concentrated in the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth and in northern Virginia Beach and Chesapeake. This area contains more than 75% of the Region’s population and also the vast majority of the Region’s employment centers.


Composition of Solid Waste

Solid waste in the Southeastern Virginia Region is comprised of five predominant waste streams. These are:

• Municipal solid waste (MSW) – waste that is collected primarily by Local Government operations in the Region, as well as commercial generated waste that is collected primarily by private contractors in the Region. This waste stream includes single family residential, multifamily, condominium and apartment generated waste, along with waste generated by the commercial business and service sectors. It is generally not considered to include manufacturing or industrial generated waste, which is collected exclusively by private contractors. These materials are primarily transported to the Wheelabrator Portsmouth RDF facility for electric and steam power generation, with ash byproducts transported for disposal at the SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill. Chapter 6 of the Plan addresses MSW. • Recyclables – waste that is separated and collected for reuse in the Region as raw materials in the manufacture of new products. This waste stream is generated and collected in much the same manner as MSW, with the exception that Local Governments in the Region privately contract for recycling services. Materials collected are primarily transported to privately owned and operated recycling facilities which segregate these materials for bulk sales and transport to manufacturing facilities located outside of the Region. Chapter 7 of the Plan addresses recycling. • Construction and Demolition Debris (CDD) – waste that is primarily collected by private contractors involved in the construction industry. This waste stream is primarily diverted to landfills located in the Region; however, and increasing volume of certain components of CDD are recycled into construction materials components such as asphalt and aggregate for new concrete, as well as separated into ferrous and nonferrous metals. Unlike construction and demolition waste, debris waste is primarily characterized by materials derived from land clearing operations. Debris waste is often included with organic, vegetative and yard waste. Chapter 8 of the Plan addresses CDD. • Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste – waste that is generated primarily from both residential and commercial sources in the Region as a result of landscape maintenance, food service and agricultural operations. This waste stream has several unique characteristics including its seasonal variation linked to the growing cycle, and the fact that then waste stream volume is also closely linked to cleanup resulting from natural hazards such as hurricanes. This waste stream is collected by Local Government operations in the Region, as well as by private contractors, particularly in relationship to site development and other land clearing operations. Chapter 9 of the Plan addresses organic, vegetative and yard waste. • Special Wastes - waste that is collected primarily by Local Government operations in the Region by means of special waste drop- off locations or events, as well as waste that is primarily collected by private specialized contractors in the Region for special commercial sectors. Special Wastes are separated into several major categories, including: • Household Hazardous Wastes (HHW) derived from chemical products including pesticides, fertilizers, solvents, paints and petroleum products 24

• Regulated Medical Wastes (RMW) derived from health service industries • Other Wastes including used tires; white goods; friable asbestos; petroleum contaminated soil; incineration combustion/ash; mining and dredged material waste; spill residues; used oil, oil filters and antifreeze, batteries, marine debris, industrial sludge, septage, agricultural wastes; waste dirt and street sweepings; and dead animals

Special wastes are typically either separated into categories for bulk processing, reprocessing or disposal in specialized facilities, with the primary goal of keeping them separated from the other forms of the Region’s waste materials noted above. Chapter 10 of the Plan addresses special wastes.

MSW Waste Generation Activities and Waste Stream Material Types

The Southeastern Virginia Region does not collect waste characterization data; the best estimates of the Region’s MSW stream composition are the national solid waste composition data in the 2016 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) biennial survey report Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: 2014 Tables and Figures Assessing Trends in Material Generation, Recycling, Composting, Combustion with Energy Recovery and Landfilling in the United States.

Table 2-7 includes the waste composition characterization from this study. Table 2-7 also illustrates the changing composition of MSW. As an example of this changing composition, the MSW stream’s food waste component has been increasing over the last five reported years (14.2 compared with 14.9 percent), while the paper component has been decreasing (28.4 compared with 26.5 percent).


Table 2-7. Estimated Southeastern Virginia Region Waste Stream Composition, 1970 - 2014 Percent of Total Generation Materials 1970 1980 1990 2000 2005 2008 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA EPA Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean Materials Paper and 36.6 36.4 34.9 36.0 33.4 30.7 28.4 28.0 27.2 26.9 26.5 Paperboard Glass 10.5 10.0 6.3 5.2 4.9 4.8 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.5 4.4 Metals Ferrous Metals 10.2 8.3 6.1 5.8 6.0 6.3 6.7 6.6 6.7 6.9 6.8 Aluminum 0.7 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 Other Nonferrous 0.6 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Metals Total Metals 11.4 10.2 7.9 7.8 8.0 8.4 8.9 8.8 8.9 9.1 9.0 Plastics 2.4 4.5 8.2 10.5 11.6 12.0 12.5 12.7 12.7 12.8 12.9 Rubber and Leather 2.5 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.0 3.2 3.3 3.2 Textiles 1.7 1.7 2.8 3.9 4.5 5.0 5.3 5.2 5.8 6.0 6.3 Wood 3.1 4.6 5.9 5.6 5.8 6.1 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.2 6.2 Other 0.6 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.7 Total Materials in 68.8 71.8 70.3 73.4 72.9 71.9 70.9 70.5 70.5 70.5 70.3 Products Other Wastes 2 Food Waste 10.6 8.6 11.5 12.6 13.0 13.6 14.2 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.9 Yard Trimmings 19.2 18.1 16.8 12.5 12.6 13.0 13.3 13.5 13.5 13.4 13.3 Miscellaneous 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Inorganic Wastes Total Other Wastes 31.2 28.2 29.7 26.6 27.1 28.1 29.1 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.7 Total MSW 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Generated Source: 2014 Tables and Figures Assessing Trends in Material Generation, Recycling, Composting, Combustion with Energy Recovery and Landfilling in the United States, December 20161


MSW Waste Residential and Commercial Waste Percentages

Based on SPSA waste generation data for 20__, __ percent of the MSW stream is generated by residential sources and ___ percent is generated by commercial sources, including businesses, institutions and industries. Table 2-8 illustrates that wastes generated by these sources have similar components:

Table 2-8.


These statistics correlate well with national waste percentages; for example, the national EPA survey estimates that in 2000, the breakdown of MSW generation was 55 to 65 percent from residential sources and 35 to 45 percent from commercial sources.

MSW Waste Generation Rates

The HRPDC compiled data from the Region’s Local Governments and from the SPSA scale records and recycling reports to determine the Regional MSW per capita generation rate for each year. This data is illustrated in Table 2-9. The HRPDC calculated the total waste generation by adding the local government waste disposed and recycling totals for each year. The average Southeastern Virginia Region waste generation over the last seven years is 5.15 pounds per capita per day (PCD).


Table 2-9. Southeastern Virginia Region MSW Generation Rates, FY 2010 – FY 2016

Fiscal Year Waste Generated (1,000 tons)* Estimated Population Waste Generation Rate (tons/person/year)

2010 1,128 1,145,548 0.98 2011 1,173 1,156,040 1.01 2012 1,185 1,169,112 1.01 2013 1,121 1,177,688 0.95 2014 1,084 1,183,607 0.92 2015 1,016 1,189,796 0.85 2016 1,013 1,193,014 0.85 2010 – 2016 Average 1,103 1,173,544 0.94 Sources: HRPDC and SPSA Note: *waste generation is estimated as all waste in the region does not flow through SPSA, includes waste disposed and materials recycled

Future MSW Needs


While the Region has programs in place and facilities are available for management of the current waste stream, the quantity of waste generated in the Region will change with time. This means that the Region’s programs will be required to change in response. To provide the Region with an understanding of these projected changes, it was necessary to document current waste generation and project future waste generation.

Residential MSW

The 2005 Regional Solid Waste Management Plan estimated solid waste generation in the Region ranged from 1.09 tons/person/year (for SPSA disposed waste) to 1.68 tons/person/year for “Total Waste,” (i.e., waste disposed at both SPSA and private facilities). It was further assumed that the waste generation rates would remain constant during the planning period. HRPDC has re-evaluated waste generation within the Region and has developed a new waste generation rate based on 2009 data. For the purposes of this analysis, residential waste generation is defined as the sum of tons of solid waste disposed and recycled either through SPSA or municipal programs. 28

Waste disposal tonnages for the SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill, the Virginia Beach Landfill and Resource Recovery Center No. 2, and the City of Portsmouth construction, and demolition debris (CDD) Landfill are provided in Figure ___ for the years 2005 through 2009. Similarly, recycling quantities for both SPSA operated programs and City of Virginia Beach programs are provided in Figure ___ for the years 2005 through 2009. The combined disposal and recycling tonnages are provided in Figure __, which represents waste generation for the SPSA service area. The tonnages represented in the figures do not include waste or recyclables that are generated within the Southeastern Virginia Region, but disposed or otherwise managed by the private sector outside of the Region.

Waste generation rates were then developed by dividing the total waste generated (Figure __) with population projections for the Region’s Local Governments (see Table 2-2). The resultant waste generation rates are provided in Table __. The waste generation rate calculated for 2009 is higher than the rate used to estimate waste generation in the 2005 RSWMP.

The 2009 estimated waste generation rate was combined with population projections for the Region to provide an estimate of waste generation for the 20-year planning period. By the end of the planning period, the SPSA Region will generate nearly 1.6 million tons of municipal solid waste:

2011: 1,345,700 tons

2020: 1,457,400 tons

2030: 1,592,500 tons

Waste generation estimates are presented graphically in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5.


Commercial Solid Waste

Commercial solid waste is managed by private industry waste haulers and recycling organizations. HRPDC staff have attempted to obtain actual waste collection data from these organizations and DEQ but has determined that this information is not available. Therefore, the development of the commercial waste disposal estimates for the Region is based on a number of other factors. 29

It is important to note that commercial waste is waste derived from businesses, shopping centers, government buildings, schools, colleges, hospitals, retirement homes, other institutions, restaurants, office buildings, and a variety of other sources. Commercial waste also includes multi-family waste because it is generally collected by the commercial rather than the municipal sector.

Business-Generated Waste

As part of a waste characterization study conducted in 1999, the State of California developed waste disposal rates for 39 business categories. The premise behind the study was that each business type has its own disposal rate - restaurants dispose different amounts of waste than offices for example. The study also assumes that the larger the business (i.e., the more employees), the more waste that is disposed. Therefore, each business of a certain type (e.g., restaurants) disposes of similar wastes at similar rates (per employee), regardless of the location of the business.

Table 2-13 contains the waste disposal rates for several business types based on North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) classification. While the California study developed waste disposal rates for several different types of manufacturers or NAICS subgroups (e.g., food/kindred, apparel/textile, furniture/fixtures) employment data were not available for each subgroup, so an average waste disposal rate was used for manufacturing and retail establishments. The waste disposal rates were combined with employment data obtained from the Virginia Employment Commission for the associated NAICS groups. Each jurisdiction’s employment data and waste disposal data are provided in Table 2- 13.

Table 2-13.


In total, the Region’s businesses dispose of an estimated 583,600 tons of waste annually. When combined with reported recycling for the commercial sector (396,900 tons recycled in 2009 minus 35,500 tons recycled through SPSA/municipal programs), estimated business waste generation is estimated at 945,000 tons annually or 1.96 tons/employee (assuming approximately 483,000 employees) using Virginia Employment Commission 2010 employment estimates.

Using HRPDC employment estimate, along with 1.96 tons per employee, results in an estimated 1.4 million tons of business waste generated annually.


Multi-family Residential Waste

As discussed earlier, the Local Governments in the Region collect solid waste from single-family residences; commercial haulers collect from multi-family residences. The quantity of multi-family waste was estimated based on the number of multi-family units. This information was obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau and is provided in Table 2-14.

Table 2-14.


Table 2-14 also presents the quantity of waste generated by multi-family units within the Region. The multi-family waste generation rate of 0.71 tons/unit/year was based on generation rates used by other jurisdictions. In total, multi-family units generated an estimated 55,700 tons annually.

Total Commercial Waste

The Region’s businesses and multi-family residences generate an estimated 639,300 tons of waste annually. In 2009, commercial haulers delivered 560,530 tons of waste to the SPSA system. Therefore, an estimated 78,790 tons of commercial waste is disposed outside of the SPSA service area.

Projections of commercial solid waste collected for disposal, recovered through recycling, and generation were estimated through the year 2040 using employment projections provided in Table 3 and household projections provided in Table 2-4. It was assumed that the per employee waste generation rate, the current ratio of housing types, and multi-family waste generation rates would remain the same. Projections are displayed graphically below in Figure 2-? and Figure 2-?.

Total MSW

Estimates for residential, business, and multi-family waste generation were combined to estimate total waste generation for the Region through 2034. Results are presented below in Figure 2-6. By the end of the planning period, the SPSA Region will generate nearly 3.3 million tons of solid waste:

2010: 2,804,600 tons

2020: 3,024,500 tons 31

2030: 3,269,800 tons

2040: ____ tons

Figure 2-6.


Solid Waste Generation Projections

The Plan establishes solid waste generation projections for the period from 2020 to 2040. The method, sources of information, forecasts, generation rate


For each major solid waste category, HRPDC established a per capita generation rate on the basis of available historical records of waste generation and disposal. HRPDC then used the generation rates in conjunction with the Region’s population projections to estimate waste volumes for the 23-year planning period. HRPDC adjusted these generation rates over the planning period in response to projected impacts of urbanization, intensity of construction activity, economic growth, and recycling trends.

HRPDC established generation factors by adding total annual Region-wide waste disposed and total Region-wide waste recycled in each waste category, and dividing by the Region’s population for the year under consideration. HRPDC also evaluated the historical generation rate trends to determine generation rates to be used over the 23-year planning period. All waste and recycling projections throughout this chapter assume the continuation of the Region’s current waste management practices and conditions, unless otherwise stated.

Sources of Information

Quantities of the Southeastern Virginia Region’s MSW accepted for disposal at the SPSA Regional Landfill in Suffolk are maintained by SPSA. HRPDC used records maintained by SPSA and the City of Virginia Beach, which operates its own landfill, to determine annual quantities for the Region.

MSW Generation Forecasts

HRPDC based waste generation projections on the predicted per capita MSW generation rate and population projections for the planning period. In addition, employment projections were used to predict commercial waste generation. 32

Southeastern Virginia Region Waste Generation Rate

Based upon the average of the past five years, the MSW generation rate for the Southeastern Virginia Region is 5.15 PCD. HRPDC examined actual per capita waste generation data from 2010 through 2016 (Table 2-9) to determine trends. Recent scale records show a generation rate of 5.37 PCD in 2010, decreasing to 4.66 PCD in 2016. This represents an average annual decrease in the Region’s MSW generation rate of approximately 2.75 percent.

Regional Versus Virginia and National Per Capita Generation Data

The MSW generation rate in the Southeastern Virginia Region is in line with national and Virginia generation rate estimates. Nationally, the MSW generation rate has remained constant at 4.51 PCD in 1990, 2000 and 2010.5 Within the Commonwealth, DEQ has estimated an MSW generation rate of 5.8 PCD for the Commonwealth for 1990, 2000 and 2010.6

MSW Projections

From the differing trends and estimates of MSW generation in the Southeastern Virginia Region, the HRPDC has developed four alternative MSW projections to address the probable range of variance in the future generation rates. Table 2-15 presents a summary of the projections of MSW generation and disposal for these four alternatives over the next 23 years. Appendix H includes a more detailed discussion of the development of the Region’s MSW projections.

Table 2-15. MSW Alternative Generation and Disposal Projections for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 - CY 2040 2020 2030 2040 Alternative Generation Disposal Generation Disposal Generation Disposal 1: MSW Generation in the Region Remains Constant 2: MSW Generation in the Region Increases at 1 Percent


3: MSW Generation in the Region Remains Constant; Estimates Calculated Separately for Residential and Commercial Sectors 4: MSW Generation Increases at 1 Percent; Estimates Calculated Separately for Residential and Commercial Sectors Average of Alternatives 1, 2, 3 and 4 Source: HRPDC

Footnotes: 1 Generation before materials recycling, composting, combustion with energy recovery, or landfilling. Does not include construction & demolition debris (CDD), industrial process wastes, or certain other wastes. Details may not add to totals due to rounding.

2 Includes electrolytes in batteries and fluff pulp, feces and urine in disposable diapers

3 9VAC20-120-140. Characteristics of Regulated Medical Waste at

4 Report available at 102952-963





Chapter 3 Solid Waste Management Hierarchy

Solid Waste Management Hierarchy

This chapter describes the solid waste management (SWM) hierarchy, defined in the Virginia Solid Waste Management Regulations, and discusses the consideration of the hierarchy in developing the Region’s Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP).

Consideration of the Solid Waste Management Hierarchy

The Virginia Solid Waste Management Regulations, 9VAC20-130-140, require that local governments consider the SWM hierarchy defined in 9VAC20-130-30 in developing its SWMP. The hierarchy establishes preference to SWM alternatives in the following order of priority: source reduction, reuse, recycling, resource recovery, incineration, and landfilling. Figure 3-1 presents an illustration of the desired hierarchy.

Figure 3-1. Solid Waste Management Hierarchy

Sources: 2011 Regional Solid Waste Management Plan for Southeastern Virginia and SCS Engineers

The Southeastern Virginia Region has developed its fully integrated solid waste management plan to consider and address all components of the hierarchy defined in 9VAC20-130-30, plus collection and transfer services. 36

The Region’s goal is to establish SWM strategies as high on the hierarchy as possible. Because no one method can manage all solid waste generated in the Region, the Southeastern Virginia Region uses an integrated waste management system, where all components of the waste management hierarchy are necessary to deal with the amount of waste generated within the Region.

Diversion (Source Reduction, Reuse and Recycling)

Diversion of solid waste from entering the solid waste stream is the most effective manner to reduce sold waste management activities and costs. Diversion can occur through 3 primary means – source reduction, reuse and recycling. Source reduction is the most preferred option, but often is difficult to achieve at a regional level, inasmuch as most manufacturing and packaging activities are undertaken at a national or international scale. Reuse is the second preferred option, and local and regional programs to accomplish reuse can be implemented but typically require much upfront design and intensive public participation efforts. Recycling is the next preferred option. Since the adoption of the last SWMP for the Southeastern Virginia Region, Local Governments have worked with the private sector to greatly expand their efforts and activities and thereby have increased both volume and participation in recycling initiatives.

Source Reduction and Reuse

Source reduction is the preferred method of waste management since it prevents the generation of waste in the first place. EPA defines source reduction as the design, manufacture, purchase or use of materials to reduce their quantity or toxicity before they reach the waste stream.1 It includes minimizing the production of wastes during any step in the creation or use of a product. For example, source reduction includes backyard composting of yard trimmings because this method of management keeps these wastes out of the waste stream.

Reuse follows source reduction as the next step in the SWM hierarchy. Items normally discarded as waste - such as appliances, furniture, and office supplies (binders, file folders, etc.) - can be reused as originally intended or as new products. Reusing items by repairing them, donating them to charity and community groups, or selling them also reduces waste. Reusing, when possible, is preferable to recycling because the item does not need to be reprocessed before it can be used again.

Both source reduction and reuse decrease resource use, protecting the environment. Source reduction and reuse also reduce the dependency on traditional methods of waste management, such as landfilling, which often face capacity and regulatory restrictions and incur high environmental and economic costs.

Recycling and Composting

Recycling - including composting of collected yard waste - is the process by which materials otherwise destined for disposal are collected, processed and remanufactured for use as a raw material or finished product. Recycling and composting follows source reduction and reuse in the SWM hierarchy. Recycling and composting can reduce the depletion of landfill space, save energy and natural resources, provide useful 37

products, and provide economic benefits. There are extensive private recycling and several composting operations in the Southeastern Virginia Region, These operations process compost or recycled materials under contracts with local governments in the Region, as well as recycled or composted materials for private businesses and as part of special contracts.

Disposal (Resource Recovery (waste-to-energy), Incineration, and Landfilling)

Disposal management methods, including resource recovery (or waste-to-energy), incineration, and landfilling are near the bottom of the hierarchy.

Resource Recovery (waste-to-energy)

Resource Recovery (waste-to-energy) is the process by which materials otherwise destined for disposal are collected, processed, and converted into a fuel source for generation of electric or steam energy. Resource recovery is preferred to landfilling since the method reduces the bulk of municipal solid waste (MSW) and can provide the added benefit of energy production for consumption by a particular user or sold for use in the electrical grid. Resource recovery follows recycling and composting in the SWM hierarchy. Just as recycling and composting, resource recovery can reduce the depletion of landfill space, save energy and natural resources, provide useful products, and provide economic benefits. The Southeastern Virginia Region has been involved in resource recovery (waste-to energy) since 1988. The Southeastern Public Service Authority developed what is now known as the Wheelabrator Portsmouth Energy Facility to generate steam power for the Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth, Virginia. As part of its debt restructuring strategy, SPSA sold the facility to Wheelabrator Corporation in 2010. The Wheelabrator Portsmouth Energy Facility processes both municipal and commercial solid waste


Incineration is the process by which materials otherwise destined for disposal are collected, processed, and burned to reduce both volume and weight. Incineration is preferred to direct landfilling since the method reduces the bulk of MSW, but offers no other direct benefits. The byproduct of incineration is the generation of fly ash which must itself be either disposed of as solid waste in a landfill, although increasingly efforts are being made to reuse the byproduct as a raw material in the production of inert products such as concrete block. Incineration follows resource recovery in the SWM hierarchy. Just as recycling, composting and resource recovery, incineration can reduce the depletion of landfill space, thereby helping to save energy and natural resources, but has dubious economic benefits and if not properly disposed of can generate adverse environmental impacts. Incineration is not currently deployed as a SWM strategy within the Southeastern Virginia Region by private entities, or by Local Governments or SPSA. Private individuals within the Region who are located in more rural areas do, however, rely on incineration as a means of managing vegetative and yard waste,



Landfilling is the process of disposing of solid waste materials. Landfilling follows incineration in the SWM hierarchy. It is the least preferred disposal method because of its inherent depletion of landfill space, loss of potential energy and natural resources – including land - and a broader range of potential adviser environmental impacts. Landfills require considerable engineering expertise and best practices booth during design and management to help ensure that appropriate groundwater protection from landfill leachate is achieved and maintained. Other adverse effects, including poetical vermin or other vector problems, require engineering expertise and best practices both during design and management to help ensure adequate and effective landfill cover if deployed on a daily basis. Long term monitoring of both leachate and methane generation are required to ensure public health and safety are protected. The Southeastern Virginia Region has a number of landfill operations – some of which are private facilities and specialized for receiving construction and demolition debris (CDD) only, whereas other facilities are designed to accept MSW. SPSA operated the Suffolk Regional Landfill as the largest repository for MSW in the Region. Methane generated at the landfill is collected and sold as a fuel source by a contractor for SPSA, thereby helping to reduce environmental impacts and achieve some resource recovery from the landfill operation.

Collection and Transfer

Though not technically part of the SWM hierarchy, the collection and transfer of solid waste is integrated into the overall operation and management of the various solid waste options comprising the hierarchy. Collection involves the transport of solid waste from its source to either a (1) facility for ultimate processing or disposition of the waste on the SWM hierarchy, or a (2) transfer facility for assemblage into more efficient quantities for further transport for ultimate disposition of the solid waste. Transfer involves facilities that are strategically located to accept and segregate waste materials for temporary storage and ultimate processing or disposition of the waste on the SWM hierarchy. In the Southeastern Virginia Region, most of the collection and transfer of MSW is handled by vehicles either owned or operated directly by local governments, or by SPSA. Most solid waste generated by commercial entities is collected and transported by vehicles owned and operated directly by private businesses.


Collection is the process of picking up solid waste from a generator – private of commercial. Collection typically involves disposal by a solid waste generator into a container that can be mechanically maneuvered by a specialized vehicle for pick up and transporting the waste. For private residences, these containers are typically large 96, 64, 35 or 32 gallon wheeled bins. Commercial operations usually deploy dumpsters of various sizes and configurations for pick up. 39


Transfer is the process of temporarily stockpiling solid waste for later transport for ultimate processing or disposal. The majority of transfer facilities are those operated either by Local Governments in the Southeastern Virginia Region or by SPSA. These facilities vary in complexity, based upon the volume of materials stockpiled, or the extent that stockpiled materials are segregated for further disposition – such as those for recycling, CDD disposal, incineration or landfilling. Though not as extensive in number, most private recycling and composting operations serve as a form of transfer facility inasmuch as they stockpile various materials for recycling or reuse until such time as volumes are economically viable for transport to a facility where the recycled materials can be processed for reuse.


1 Philip O’Leary and Patrick Walsh, Decision-Makers’ Guide to Solid Waste Management, Volume II, EPA530-R-95-023, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, August 1995 40

Chapter 4 Southeastern Virginia Solid Waste Management Goals

This chapter presents the goals for the Southeastern Virginia Region in developing its future solid waste management (SWM) program and discusses the manner by which the SWMP actions accomplish these goals for the planning period of 2017 to 2040.

Goals for Solid Waste Management within the Southeastern Virginia Region

The primary goals for the Region’s future SWM program are to:

- become a region of citizens whose actions reflect an ethic of resource conservation and waste minimization;

- develop and maintain a secure, cost-effective, environmentally sound and resource-efficient SWM program; and

- establish SWM strategies as high on the Commonwealth’s SWM hierarchy as possible

Manner in Which the Goals are Accomplished

As was noted in Chapter 1, the Goals of this Plan are accomplished through a series of objectives, strategies and actions. These are organized in a hierarchical manner, with goals being broadest in scope to actions being most specific and linked to the Implementation Plan section of the Plan as described in Chapter 15. For the purposes of this Plan, these types of implementation initiatives are defined as follows:

Goals - observable and measurable end results having one or more objectives to be achieved within a more or less fixed timeframe.1

Objectives - specific results that a system aims to achieve within a time frame and with available resources.1

Strategies - methods or plans chosen to bring about a desired future, such as achievement of a goal or solution to a problem.1

Actions - steps that must be taken, or activities that must be performed well, for a strategy to succeed.1

Goal 1: Ethic of Resource Conservation and Waste Minimization

The Southeastern Virginia Region is selecting SWMP actions that maximize source reduction and reuse in order to minimize waste generation, as well as increase recycling opportunities in order to minimize waste disposal requirements. 41

The Southeastern Virginia Region, following the SWM hierarchy, considers source reduction followed by reuse and recycling as the preferred methods of waste management. Both source reduction and reuse help reduce waste disposal and handling requirements, reducing costs and decreasing resource use. Recycling appropriate materials helps reduce the environmental effects of waste disposal, produces revenue, reduces SWM system costs, and saves energy and natural resources. Table 4-1 presents how the Region’s SWMP objectives and strategies will help accomplish this SWM goal.

Table 4-1. Manner in Which Goal 1 is Accomplished Goal 1: Become a region of citizens whose actions reflect an ethic of resource conservation and waste minimization Objective Strategies 1.1 Educate members of the Southeastern Virginia Region about the value of natural • Expand public education programs that encourage residents, students, workers, and resources and the benefits of reducing consumption and adopting sustainable visitors to value natural resources and to practice resource conservation through practices source reduction, reuse and recycling • Look for multiple outcome opportunities (water quality improvement, solid waste management efficiencies, closed facilities reuse as open space or redevelopment sites) • Encourage co-location of new and renovated facilities to promote cost savings and better land use 1.2 Reduce the total quantities of waste generated in the Southeastern Virginia • Reduce per capita waste generation over the SWMP planning period from current Region, regardless of population or employment growth 0.92 tons to 0.75 tons over the SWMP planning period • Expand and develop a regional program to address vegetative and yard waste collection and reuse • Consider strategies that are responsive to demographic changes being experienced in the Region (aging populations, smaller and increased numbers of households) 1.3 Increase source reduction, reuse, and recycling at Southeastern Virginia Regional • Reduce waste generated by businesses and institutions over the SWMP planning businesses and institutions period through increased emphasis on and access to reuse and recycling • Increase recycling rate for the entire Region from current 30.8% to 35.0% over the SWMP planning period • Encourage greater attention at source separation to reduce contamination of recycled materials 1.4 Create a model of resource efficiency, providing leadership by example • Promote best practices by federal, regional and local governments and the private sector to reduce solid waste generation, increase reuse and optimize recycling opportunities 1.5 Reduce the volume of litter generated and materials illegally • Increase enforcement actions and educate the public about the problems related to dumped in the Southeastern Virginia Region over the SWMP planning period litter and illegal dumping, including waterway pollution, reductions in property values, increased property maintenance costs, and public health-related issues Sources: Derived by HRPDC from 2017 Local Government Interviews and from City of Falls Church Solid Waste Management Plan


Goal 2: Secure, Cost-effective, Environmentally Sound and Resource-Efficient SWM Program

The Southeastern Virginia Region is selecting SWMP actions that promote an efficient, economical, and environmentally sound SWM program. The Region’s primary objectives for the future of its SWM system are to minimize the quantities of waste requiring disposal through source reduction, reuse and recycling and to use the most economically viable and environmentally acceptable waste disposal methods available. Table 4-2 presents how the Region’s SWMP actions will help accomplish this SWM goal.

Table 4-2. Manner in Which Goal 2 is Accomplished Goal 2: Develop and maintain a secure, cost-effective, environmentally sound and resource-efficient SWM program Objective Strategies 2.1 Maintain a private-public infrastructure network that supports reuse, repair and • Increase the range of materials collected for reuse and recycling recycling • Increase the convenience and accessibility of reuse and recycling programs in the Southeastern Virginia Region • Implement legal and regulatory requirements that promote maximum source reduction and recycling of materials • Encourage a region-wide uniform approach to container labeling and container colors to increase overall awareness of source separation for refuse, recycling, and organic, vegetative and yard debris 2.2 Ensure the safe and efficient disposal of discarded materials that cannot be • Strengthen the Southeastern Virginia Region’s recycling and disposal agreements reused, repaired or recycled with private contractors and explore agreements with alternative disposal facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region and beyond 2.3 Highlight the role of the private sector in addressing solid waste management in • Look for multiple outcome opportunities (water quality and stormwater the Region and its potential for increased positive impact on the local economy management improvement, solid waste management efficiencies, closed facilities reuse as open space or redevelopment sites) • Encourage co-location of new and renovated facilities to promote cost savings and better land use • Promote the expansion and relocation of private sector businesses to collect recyclable materials and their reuse in new manufacturing processes located in the Region 2.4 Revisit local land use and site design plans, policies and ordinances to better • Amend requirements to promote and encourage more reuse and recycling, address solid waste management issues particularly in multifamily residential, commercial and mixed-use developments • Revisit or enact requirements to promote resiliency and sea level rise protection for solid waste management facilities through relocation of existing facilities or siting of new facilities Sources: Derived by HRPDC from 2017 Local Government Interviews and from City of Falls Church Solid Waste Management Plan


Goal 3: Establish Strategies High on the SWM Hierarchy

The Southeastern Virginia Region is committed to selecting SWM strategies and actions as high on the SWM hierarchy set forth in the Commonwealth’s regulations as this approach will (1) best meet regulatory requirements while additionally (2) reduce long-term costs to the Region’s Local Governments and their residents. Table 4-3 presents how the Region’s SWMP actions will help accomplish this SWM goal.

Table 4-3. Manner in Which Goal 3 is Accomplished Goal 3: Establish SWM strategies as high on the Commonwealth’s SWM hierarchy as possible Objective Strategies 3.1 Recognize the partnership roles played by federal, regional, local and private • Promote cooperation and coordination between federal, regional, local and private entities in the Region regarding solid waste entities for information exchange • Promote and encourage potential efficiencies derived from shared approaches to contacts and procurement of services and equipment • Look for multiple outcome opportunities (water quality improvement, solid waste management efficiencies, closed facilities reuse as open space or redevelopment sites) • Encourage co-location of new and renovated facilities to promote cost savings and better land use • Consider the viability of agreements addressing reuse, recycling and waste disposal with local governments and regions adjoining the Southeastern Virginia Region 3.2 Develop closer working relationships with federal and state partners • Expand coordination and cooperation with the federal agencies in the region, particularly with Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security agencies (Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy) 3.3 Develop and incentivize actions that promote source reduction, reuse and • Increase funding for HR Green and related programs from current levels to a base recycling on a regional scale level of $1.00 per capita per regional resident per year over the SWMP planning period • Implement an annual regional awards program to recognize individuals, private businesses, government agencies and others that have made a significant contribution towards improving the Region’s solid waste management practices, programs or policies Sources: Derived by HRPDC from 2017 Local Government Interviews

Other Related Goals and Objectives

Each of the partners in solid waste management in the Southeastern Virginia Region have adopted or endorsed various plans and policies establishing long-term, management and operational goals, objectives and strategies that relate to their roles in providing services to the Region. The goals, objectives and strategies set forth in this Plan have been developed in an effort to be aligned with the current goals of each of these partners. The partners include the following: 44


Department of Defense

Department of Homeland Security


Department of Environmental Quality


Southeastern Public Service Authority

Hampton Roads Planning District Commission

Hampton Roads Sanitation District Commission

Local Government



Isle of Wight County




Southampton County

Suffolk 45

Virginia Beach


Civic Organizations

Environmental Organizations

Hampton Roads Business Community

Nonprofit Organizations


1 Definitions derived from 46

Chapter 5 Southeastern Virginia Region Solid Waste Management System Overview

Southeastern Virginia Region Solid Waste Management System Overview

This chapter presents an overview of the Southeastern Virginia Region’s current solid waste management (SWM) system, including organizational structure, solid waste system flow, and facilities and other assets.

System Organization

The Region’s SWM system is organized in four principal levels of administration and operations – state government, regional, local government, and private. The Southeastern Public Service Authority (SPSA) serves as the Region’s principal administrator and operations manager for the public components of a regional MSW system. The local governments which comprise Southeastern Virginia each administer and operate the public components of the local government’s individual and distinct MSW systems. Private businesses round out the three levels of the regional MSW system, and provide both contracted and specialized services to SPSA, the Region’s Local Governments, and to private businesses and individuals in the Region. Specifics about each of the levels are described in more detail in this chapter.

Southeastern Virginia Region System Flow

Figure 5-1 diagrams the flow of MSW, recycling, CDD, organic, vegetative and yard waste, and special wastes generated in the Region. Management of these wastes is described in further detail in Chapters 6 through 10 of this SWMP.

Figure 5-1. Flow of MSW, Recycling, CDD, Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste, and Special Wastes Generated in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2017

Source: HRPDC

Facilities and Other Assets

State Government







Figure 5-2. SPSA Solid Waste Management Facilities

Sources: HRPDC and SPSA


Rolling Stock

Resource Recovery (Waste-to-Energy)

Current Conditions

The RDF WTE Facility processes 2,000 tons of the Region’s waste per day. Approximately 600,000 tons of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF), which is more than 50 percent of the total waste stream, was produced and used in the Facility. This process allowed steam and electricity to be produced in an environmentally sound manner. SPSA sold the RDF Plant to Wheelabrator in April 2010 and has signed a contract to continue to deliver waste until 2018. This contract with SPSA can be extended for an additional 10-year term; however, SPSA (and its member Local Governments), must make a decision regarding extending the agreement with Wheelabrator by December 31, 2014.


The RDF WTE Facility is a key component of the Region’s waste management infrastructure. It is anticipated that Wheelabrator will operate its RDF WTE Facility into the foreseeable future. The facility has the capacity to dispose of a significant portion of the Region’s municipal, commercial, and industrial solid waste. It is uncertain at this time what the intentions of the Region’s member Local Governments are with respect to utilization of the Wheelabrator RDF WTE Facility beyond the current contract term agreed to by SPSA. If the contract with SPSA is not renewed pursuant to the service agreement SPSA currently has with Wheelabrator, the individual municipalities may negotiate their own contracts with Wheelabrator or seek other disposal methods.


Current Conditions

Currently permitted and constructed Cells at the Regional Landfill are numbered I through VI. With the addition of Cell VI in 2006, the life of the Regional Landfill was thought to be extended to 2012-2014, with approximately 8.9 million additional cubic yards of disposal capacity. However, current projections indicate that Cell VI will have a site life beyond 2018. A planned seventh cell (Cell VII) has recently (June 2010) been permitted. The long-term plans for the continued utilization of the Regional Landfill are currently being evaluated by SPSA and the member Local 50

Governments in light of the significantly reduced tonnage being disposed at the landfill as a result of the sale of the RDF WTE Facility to Wheelabrator in 2010.


Landfills will be needed to provide for the disposal of MSW, CDD, industrial waste, sludges, and ash residue generated in the Region. The quantities of these waste streams that will require landfilling will depend on how much waste is recycled, incinerated, or otherwise processed.

Given current technology, landfills will remain a necessary and important component of waste management for disposal of non-processible waste and ash. Therefore, the Region may be required to maintain landfill disposal capacity within the Region or secure disposal capacity elsewhere.

Under the conditions of the sale of the RDF WTE Facility, Wheelabrator transports and disposes of all non-processible waste at one of its landfills located in Virginia, and the ash residue is disposed of at SPSA’s Regional Landfill or Virginia Beach’s Landfill No. 2. This has resulted in a significant reduction of solid waste being disposed at the Regional Landfill, which has extended the remaining useful life of the facility. The Virginia Beach Landfill No. 2 can be used for ash disposal through 2015 through the current ash agreement with SPSA. Between newly permitted Cell VII at the Regional Landfill, the Virginia Beach Landfill No. 2, and landfills owned by the private sector, there is sufficient disposal capacity available during the 20-year planning period.

Suffolk Regional Landfill


Figure 5-3. SPSA Suffolk Regional Sanitary Landfill

Source: SPSA


Transfer Stations

SPSA indicates that all nine of the transfer stations are in operation and are generally operating within their design capacities. Table 5-1 summarizes the design capacity of each station and most recent annual waste quantities reported.

Table 5-1. SPSA Transfer Stations Design Capacity and Annual Waste Quantities, FY 2016 - 2017 Transfer Station Design Capacity FY 2016 – 2017 Daily Average (Tons per Day) Waste Quantities (tons/day)* Boykins 50 662 5 Chesapeake 500 137,053 479 Franklin 150 21,070 74 Isle of Wight 150 19,737 69 Ivor 30 595 4 Landstown 1,500 163,630 572 Norfolk 1,300 196,339 687 Oceana 500 76,298 267 Suffolk 1,300 70,607 247 Source: SPSA Note: *Daily average is based on 5.5 days per week or 286 operating days per year

Table 5-2 summarizes the operations of each of the stations form FY 2011 – FY 2012 to FY 2015 – FY -2016. For most of this time period, the totals for the entire SPSA transfer station system remained fairly constant. 53

Table 5-2. SPSA Transfer Stations Tonnages Received and Source, FY 2011 – 2012 to FY 2015 – 2016 Transfer Station Waste Type FY 2011 – FY 2012 FY 2012 – FY 2013 FY 2013 – FY 2014 FY 2014 – FY 2015 FY 2015 – FY 2016 Boykins* Chesapeake Municipal 80,992 80,831 84,004 83,311 85,953 Navy 1 1 0 0 32 Commercial 64,412 56,054 58,732 57,719 49,653 Subtotal 145,405 136,886 142,736 141,030 135,638 Franklin Municipal 13,283 11,535 11,796 12,129 12,516 Commercial 9,121 8,430 9,164 10,545 9,244 Subtotal 22,404 19,965 20,960 22,674 21,760 Isle of Wight Municipal 16,919 16,908 16,959 15,796 16,198 Commercial 6,936 5,748 6,465 6,434 7,732 Subtotal 23,855 22,656 23,424 22,230 23,930 Ivor* Landstown Municipal 102,443 100,596 96,868 100,849 101,492 Navy 1,717 1,748 1,480 1,884 1,712 Commercial 82,453 74,221 71,120 74,233 59,822 Subtotal 186,613 176,565 169,468 176,966 163,026 Norfolk Municipal 77,489 75,990 70,238 72,430 77,930 Navy 15,394 15,471 13,965 13,792 14,479 Commercial 130,626 127,820 131,254 131,985 103,566 Subtotal 223,509 219,281 215,457 218,208 195,975 Oceana Municipal 30,695 27,738 27,593 26,178 26,211 Navy 2,908 2,583 2,502 2,372 2,359 Commercial 68,178 63,508 58,587 55,411 46,166 Subtotal 101,781 93,829 88,682 83,961 74,736 Suffolk Municipal 47,213 43,310 41,943 44,568 47,870 Navy 208 67 47 6 38 Commercial 21,427 18,973 19,997 20,500 17,192 Subtotal 68,848 62,350 61,988 65,075 65,100 Totals 772,415 731,532 722,715 730,144 680,165 Source: SPSA FY 2017 – FY 2018 Proposed Operating & Capital Budgets Note: Data Not Available for Boykins and Ivor Transfer Stations


In its Annual Survey and Report (as of April 1, 2010), RW Beck described the condition of the SPSA transfer stations as well as needed repairs. Below is a summary from the Survey and Report of their observations.


Boykins Transfer Station - The Boykins Transfer Station is similar to the Ivor facility. Waste quantities were not tracked separately in FY 2010 but the station generally accepts less than 1,000 tons of waste per year. The facility has a design capacity of 50 tons per day. The land that the facility sits on is leased by SPSA from John Evert Bryant. The Authority plans to replace the steel hopper over the compactor in 2012.

Figure 5-4. SPSA Boykins Transfer Station

Source: SPSA


Figure 5-5. SPSA Boykins Transfer Station

Open Top Compactor Open Top 40 Yard 40 Yard Container Container

Source: SPSA


Chesapeake Transfer Station - The Chesapeake Transfer Station operates with one hopper for transfer trailer loading. Approximately 127,883 tons were received in FY 2010. The facility has a design capacity of 500 tons per day, and has been at its design capacity since 2002. The 4.75 acres that the facility sits on is leased from the City of Chesapeake by SPSA. According to the facility supervisor, the Authority has made the following capital improvements in recent years; trailer pad installations, tipping floor resurfacing (inside and partially outside), in-bound scale replaced (the out-bound scale was replaced in 2003), roof repairs and coating, lighting improvements including new light poles and hopper refurbishment. The Authority is planning to make repairs to the trailer parking area pavement as well as make storm water drainage improvements within the next fiscal year. The facility recently replaced a loader and sweeper. An excavator is due to be replaced in 2011.


Figure 5-6. SPSA Chesapeake Transfer Station

Source: SPSA

Figure 5-7. SPSA Chesapeake Transfer Station

Tipping Floor 70’ wide x 65’ deep x 14’ high

Source: SPSA



Franklin Transfer Station - The Franklin Transfer Station is operated by three personnel. The facility design does not include a building enclosure. The Station received 21,393 tons of waste in FY 2010. The facility has a design capacity of 150 tons per day. The land that the facility sits on is owned by SPSA. The Station is maintained in good condition. The tipping floor was recently resurfaced. Cleaning and repainting of the steel hopper and frame are needed to minimize corrosion. SPSA staff are currently improving site drainage by filling and grading low spots between the entrance and exit roadways. The front-end loader is scheduled to be replaced in 2014. No other major capital improvements are anticipated in the near future.

Figure 5-8. SPSA Franklin Transfer Station

Source: SPSA


Figure 5-9. SPSA Franklin Transfer Station

Tipping Floor 66’ wide x 35’ deep x 9’ high

Source: SPSA

Isle of Wight

Isle of Wight Transfer Station - The Isle of Wight Transfer Station uses a front-end loader to lift waste into transfer vehicles. The Station received 27,162 tons of waste in FY 2010. The facility has a design capacity of 150 tons per day. The 6.1 acres that the facility sits on is leased by SPSA from the County. The Authority is preparing to bid out repairs to the station’s tipping floor and pushwall by the spring of 2011. A new front-end loader is scheduled to be delivered to the station in February 2011.


Figure 5-10. SPSA Isle of Wight Transfer Station

Source: SPSA

Figure 5-11. SPSA Isle of Wight Transfer Station

Tipping Floor 69’ wide x 40’ deep x 14’ high

Source: SPSA



Ivor Transfer Station - The Ivor Transfer Station is primarily used for self-hauled disposal although Southampton County collection vehicles are also permitted to use the facility. Waste quantities were not tracked separately in FY 2010 but the station generally accepts less than 1,000 tons of waste per year. The facility has a design capacity of 30 tons per day. The 1.5 acres that the facility sits on is leased by SPSA from Charles and Kathleen Clark. The Authority plans to construct a potable water well and leachate holding tank to contain drippings from the waste compactor. The improvements are scheduled to be completed by the end of 2011.

Figure 5-12. SPSA Ivor Transfer Station

Source: SPSA


Figure 5-13. SPSA Ivor Transfer Station

Single 40 Yard Compactor Container

Source: SPSA


Landstown Transfer Station - The Landstown Transfer Station is one of the two largest facilities based on design capacity of the stations in the SPSA system. The Landstown station contains three hoppers for waste loading. The Station received 213,975 tons of waste in FY 2010, making it the busiest facility in the SPSA network during that period. The facility has a design capacity of 1,500 tons per day. The 11.5 acres that the facility is built on is owned by the City of Virginia Beach and is leased by SPSA. The facility is maintained in good condition. Recent improvements include sprinkler system upgrades, a new water supply well, new slide-up exit door, up-grades to lighting, pavement patching, new hose reels, new sky lights and vent fans, new AC units and new stacking walls. Other than general maintenance, improvements planned for subsequent years include resurfacing the entire tipping floor as well as some repairs to the hoppers. In addition, an excavator is due to be replaced.


Figure 5-14. SPSA Landstown Transfer Station

Source: SPSA

Figure 5-15. SPSA Landstown Transfer Station

Tipping Floor

145’ wide x 135’ deep x 19’ high Source: SPSA


Norfolk Transfer Station - The Norfolk Transfer Station with a design capacity of 1,300 tons per day, was the second busiest station in the SPSA network with 209,769 tons of waste received. Current waste volumes handled at the facility are from 800 to 1,000 tons per day. The capability of loading three trailers at a time (similar to the Landstown Station) is incorporated into the facility design. The 6.2 acres that the facility sits on is owned by SPSA. The facility accepts waste from Local Government and private haulers Monday through Friday and a half-day on Saturday. 63

Norfolk residents only may dispose of waste from noon on Saturday or Sunday to 4:00 pm free of charge. The station is generally in an acceptable state of repair with recent major capital repairs including two thirds of the tipping floor resurfacing and replacement of the in-bound scales. Several lights have also been added to the interior of the building. Pending repairs include hopper refurbishment (in first half 2011), resurfacing of the remaining one third of the tipping floor (by the end of summer 2011) and storm water drainage improvements. Some repairs will also be made to the tipping floor push walls. The Authority plans to replace the out-bound scale and repair sections of the damaged/rusted building siding and pressure wash and paint the siding. The Authority also plans to replace one loader within the next year. The facility received an excavator from the recycling facility when SPSA stopped this service over a year ago.

Figure 5-16. SPSA Norfolk Transfer Station

Source: SPSA


Figure 5-17. SPSA Norfolk Transfer Station

Tipping Floor 147’ wide x 80’ deep x 18’ high

Source: SPSA


Oceana Transfer Station - The Oceana Transfer Station has one hopper for transfer trailer loading. It received 85,954 tons of waste in FY 2010. The facility has a design capacity of 500 tons per day. The 6.9 acres that the facility sits on is leased from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) by SPSA. Replacement of the entire transfer station building above the concrete slab were completed in April 2011. In addition, the hopper will be refurbished and the tipping floor will be resurfaced, along with new lighting and plumbing which will be installed. The scalehouse roof has recently been replaced. The Authority intends to resurface the asphalt pavement at the facility entrance in the next few years. The facility recently received a new Volvo loader and power sweeper.


Figure 5-18. SPSA Oceana Transfer Station

Source: SPSA

Figure 5-19. SPSA Oceana Transfer Station

Tipping Floor 76’ wide x 55’ deep x 15’ high

Source: SPSA



Suffolk Transfer Station - The Suffolk Transfer Station is located at the SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill and was originally intended to allow diversion of waste from the facility to the RDF WTE Facility. Operation of the facility began in April 2005 with a 500-ton per day design capacity and two hoppers. The facility currently handles an estimated 100 to 450 tons per day (depending on the day of the week). The facility has a design capacity of 1,300 tons per day. Approximately 67,457 tons were received at the Station in FY 2010. The land that the facility sits on is owned by SPSA. The facility is maintained in good condition with no major capital improvements planned in the near future. However, during SCS’ site visit on January 20, 2011, it was noted that the tipping floor was worn near the building entrance. The supervisor stated that the remainder of the floor (which was not visible at the time of the visit) was in better condition.

Figure 5-20. SPSA Suffolk Transfer Station

Source: SPSA


Figure 5-21. SPSA Suffolk Transfer Station

Tipping Floor 121’ wide x 76’ deep x 13’ high Source: SPSA

Local Government



Isle of Wight County


Portsmouth 68

Figure 5-22. City of Portsmouth Craney Island Landfill

Source: City of Portsmouth, 2013


Southampton County


Virginia Beach


WTE/Wheelabrator Technologies, Inc.


Waste Management

Waste Industries

Bay Disposal




John W Holland

Crowder & White

Carrolton Metals

Butler Paper

RFP Recycling


J C Holland


Gray & Sons


Franklin Disposal & Recycling 72

Chapter 6 Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)


Solid waste generated in the Southeastern Virginia Region is managed through a combination of services and service providers. Generally, municipal solid waste is collected by Local Governments and private haulers and is taken to either a SPSA transfer station or to Wheelabrator’s RDF WTE Facility (Portsmouth). The collection of MSW from single-family homes has remained the responsibility of the Local Governments. Each Local Government handles its collection systems differently, although almost all are on a weekly/automated system. Some Local Governments also serve multi-family residences and small commercial businesses.

SPSA recently made the decision to discontinue curbside and drop-off recycling services; therefore, the cities and counties are now providing these services directly. SPSA continues to operate regional programs for white goods recycling (including Freon extraction), household hazardous waste, tire processing, used oil collection, and battery recycling

Source Reduction

As defined by the Virginia Solid Waste Management Regulations, source reduction, also known as waste prevention or pollution prevention, “means any action that reduces or eliminates the generation of waste at the source, usually within a process. Source reduction measures include process modifications, feedstock substitutions, improvements in feedstock purity, improvements in housekeeping and management practices, increases in the efficiency of machinery, and recycling within a process. Source reduction minimizes the material that must be managed by waste disposal or nondisposal options by creating less waste. “Source reduction” is also called “waste prevention,” “waste minimization,” or “waste reduction.”

In short, source reduction is the elimination of waste before it is created. It involves the design, manufacture, purchase or use of materials and products to reduce the amount or toxicity of what is thrown away. In short, source Reduction means stopping waste before it happens.


The Virginia Solid Waste Management Regulations define reuse as “the process of separating a given solid waste material from the waste stream and using it, without processing or changing its form, other than size reduction, for the same or another end use.”1 Examples of reuse include salvaging materials from the waste stream so that they can be repurposed, such as items donated to thrift stores, or setting aside materials that can be repurposed at a solid waste facility, such as salvaged paint or lumber. There is a robust market in Southeastern Virginia for the reuse of many materials. 73


As defined by HR Green, recycling is the process that allows waste to be reused as the base material for new products. The first step in the recycling process is the collection of recyclable materials from consumers who need to dispose of waste materials. In Southeastern Virginia, consumers may have access to a variety of services including residential curbside recycling, residential drop-off recycling centers, plastic bag recycling and scrap metal recycling. These services make it convenient to divert waste materials away from landfills and into the recycling stream. This reduces Local Government disposal costs and allows waste to have a second life as a new product.

Recycling collection in Southeastern Virginia is accomplished through these programs:

Residential Curbside Recycling Programs

Residents collect those materials accepted by their Local Government’s recycling program in a container for storage until pickup. Much like typical trash collection, the recycling container is set out at the curb on designated days for pickup by a hauler. Curbside recycling is the easy and convenient way for consumers to divert waste into a recycling program, but may not be offered in every community or to every household in a community. Materials accepted by curbside recycling differ by Local Government.

Residential Drop-off Recycling Centers

Residents transport recyclable items to a central location for collection. Drop-off recycling centers are often used by Local Governments with no curbside recycling program. However, even if a Local Government offers curbside recycling, it probably has drop-off locations as well. Drop-off recycling centers may serve as a means for collecting materials not accepted in the curbside recycling program and often provide a means of recycling for households not covered by the curbside program (i.e. apartments, condominiums, etc.). Examples of materials accepted at drop-off centers and not in curbside containers include household hazardous waste, batteries, yard waste and electronics. The materials that are accepted differ based on Local Government contracts and recycling programs.

Recycling Events

Local Governments throughout the Region host a number of recycling events specific to electronics, household hazardous waste and document shredding.

Plastic Bag Recycling

Drop-off locations for plastic bag recycling are located in area grocery stores and other businesses. 74

Collection and Transfer (Waste Flow)

In the Southeastern Virginia Region, solid waste is collected by a variety of means and transported directly to a solid waste management facility for either direct disposal or further processing. Each of the Local Governments in the Region either directly provides or contracts for collection or transfer services. Transfer services are provided in the Region primarily by SPSA for Local Governments for solid waste that is not recyclable. Recycled materials are primarily collected and then transferred for processing by private contractors.

Local Government Collection

Each of the Region’s Local Governments provides a wide range of MSW collection services to its citizens. Table 6-1 provides a synopsis of fiscal year 2010 tonnages and the relative contributions of the Region’s Local Governments to the total collected waste within the Region. These disposal quantities are illustrated in Figure 6-1. Local Government quantities have decreased over the past few years and were down approximately 15 percent from fiscal year 2007 to fiscal year 2010. Table 6-2 describes the projected Local Government collected solid waste in the Region for 2020, 2030 and 2040. These projections are illustrated in Figure 6-2. Table 6-3 provides a summary of collection services provided by each Southeastern Virginia Local Government.


Table 6-1. Local Government Collected Solid Waste in the Southeastern Virginia Region, FY 2010 - FY 2017 Municipal Tonnage Average Average Local Government Tonnage Percentage FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 per of Total Household (FY 2017) (FY 2017)

Chesapeake 99,969 92,935 93,963 91,757 91,182 92,072 94,981 90,926 1.05 23.4 Franklin 4,596 3,840 3,795 2,533 2,462 2,524 2,592 2,690 0.72 0.7 Isle of Wight County 18,676 17,395 17,464 17,411 17,254 16,070 16,513 15,180 0.96 3.9 Norfolk 77,874 71,141 67,662 63,953 60,416 62,296 66,240 64,680 0.74 16.7 Portsmouth 44,057 39,729 40,005 43,334 31,572 28,439 29,089 30,023 0.80 7.7 Smithfield * * * * * * * * * * Southampton County 9,263 7,957 8,187 7,791 8,207 8,107 8,385 8,593 1.18 2.2 Suffolk 46,607 42,703 42,571 41,582 37,881 43,339 40,770 45,645 1.22 11.8 Virginia Beach 180,134 133,066 137,624 134,007 130,349 133,304 134,285 130,645 0.77 33.6 Total 481,176 408,766 411,271 402,368 379,143 386,151 392,855 388,382 0.87 100.0 Source: SPSA Solid Waste Quantities Reports Notes: Tonnage per household calculated using data from Table 2-4, *Smithfield data included in figures for Isle of Wight County


Figure 6-1. Local Government Collected Solid Waste in the Southeastern Virginia Region, FY 2010 – FY 2017




300000 Virginia Beach Suffok

250000 Southampton County


200000 Norfolk Isle of Wight County 150000 Franklin Chesapeake Sources: SPSA Solid Waste 100000 Quantities Reports


0 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 77

Table 6-2. Projected Local Government Collected Solid Waste for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040 Municipal Tonnage

Local Government CY 2020 CY 2030 CY 2040 Average Tonnage per Average Percentage of Household Total (CY 2040) (CY 2040)

Chesapeake Franklin Isle of Wight County Norfolk Portsmouth Smithfield Southampton County Suffolk Virginia Beach Total Source:

Figure 6-2. Projected Local Government Collected Solid Waste for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 202 – CY 2040

Source: 78

Table 6-3. Solid Waste Services Provided by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Governments, 2017 Local Government Service Chesapeake Franklin Isle of Norfolk Portsmouth Smithfield Southampt Suffolk Virginia Beach Wight on County County

Solid Waste Provides Provides Provides Provides Provides Provides Operates Provides Provides Residential weekly weekly weekly weekly weekly weekly 14 manned weekly weekly Collection automated automated automated automated automated automated sites for automated automated collection of collection of collection collection of collection collection residents collection collection of 96, 64 and 35 90 gallon for 90 gallon to self-haul of 96 95 gallon gallon black residents containers waste gallon black burgundy containers requesting containers automated containers service for single roll carts for for single through family single family, family homes franchise homes. duplex and for fee, townhomes. operates 8 manned sites for residents to self-haul waste 79

Solid Waste Not provided Provides for Not Provides for Provides for Provides Not Provides Not provided Commercial small provided commercial commercial weekly provided twice Collection commercial users in users in automated weekly generators Central Downtown collection for collections Business Business businesses to those District (CBD) District that generate businesses an option of Monday- approximate that are every day Saturday volume of eligible in service or refuse as a the once-a-week, typical Downtown provides residential Business weekly unit Overlay service for District commercial users outside the CBD

Vegetative Provides Provides Provides Provides Provides Provides Operates Provides 12 Provides and Yard weekly weekly containers weekly weekly weekly 16 annual bulk weekly Waste manual automated for manual manual debris unmanned refuse manual Collection collection collection of residents collection collection collection on sites for collections collection using clear 90 gallon to self-haul using clear using clear a call-in residents (up to 8 cu using clear plastic bags green waste to 8 plastic bags, plastic bags basis; limit of to self-haul yds); plastic bags or and weekly containers manned tied bundles 10 bags or waste additional stacked grapple sites or a personal bundles and collections collection of 30-gallon shall not for a fee large stacked container exceed 35 tree limbs pounds in weight; limbs/ bundles shall not exceed 3 inches in 80


Recyclables Provides Provides Provides Provides Provides Provides Provides Provides every Collection every other weekly every other every other every other every other every other other week week automated week week week week week automated automated collection of automated automated automated automated automated collection of collection of 95 gallon collection of collection of collection collection collection 95 gallon blue 96, 64 or 35 blue 95 gallon 96 gallon of 18 of 96 containers for gallon blue containers blue blue gallon bin gallon blue single family containers containers containers for containers homes, for single for single for single Boykins, for single duplexes and family homes family homes family Branchville, family townhomes and small homes Capron, homes businesses; Courtland service Ivor, available up Newsoms to 5-days per and Sedley week for residents; commercial operates 6 users in mini Central transfer Business stations to District (CBD) self-haul waste 81

Special Offers two Special spring Offers bulk Provides bulk Services 24/7 drop-off and waste collection on locations for Christmas container demand recyclable collections rental for during material fee for normally large scheduled Operates a quantities collection Convenience days Center where residential Landfill and household Resource hazardous Recovery waste (HHW) Center is open is accepted 6 5 days a week days a week for residents

Four recycling drop off sites available to residents

Yard debris roll off container available for larger accumulations of yard debris, by request and for additional fee

Source: Compiled by HRPDC Staff from Local Interviews, 2017



Chesapeake’s Department of Public Works, Division of Waste Management collects residential solid waste once per week from over 65,000 households using automated vehicles. Collected waste is primarily delivered to either the RDF WTE Facility or the SPSA Chesapeake Transfer Station located just off Greenbrier Parkway. The City supplies the residents with standard 96-gallon solid waste containers. Also available upon request is a smaller, 64-gallon container or 35-gallon container.

Chesapeake residents are able to dispose of waste at the Chesapeake Transfer Station or any other SPSA facility at no charge. Yard waste (clear bags or bundles) and bulk waste are collected weekly from residents as well. No requests are necessary for pickup of yard waste, but the City does require that requests to schedule bulk waste collection be received one week prior to the day of collection. Yard waste is delivered to Waterway Materials or the Holland Landfill, bulk waste is delivered to SPSA or to the Holland Landfill.

Residents are responsible for properly disposing of their own building debris and are directed to SPSA transfer stations and the Suffolk Regional Landfill.

Chesapeake also collects waste from a limited number of small commercial establishments (fewer than 400) that are able to deposit all waste into two or three cans. The City does not intend to expand this service to additional establishments.

The City of Chesapeake delivered 99,969 tons of MSW to SPSA during fiscal year 2010.


The City of Franklin’s Department of Public Works offers collection for 3,000 residential and small commercial generators, with weekly solid waste and yard waste collection. Special collections of bulk waste are offered upon request once a month. Each of the customers is given a black 90-gallon solid waste receptacle and a green 90-gallon cart for yard waste. Bulk yard waste is also collected upon request. Yard waste collected is delivered to a City-owned farm where it is processed. All other wastes are taken to the SPSA Franklin transfer station. The City of Franklin delivered 4,596 tons of MSW to SPSA during fiscal year 2010.

Isle of Wight County

The County operates eight convenience centers to handle solid waste, most of which are open seven days a week. A SPSA transfer station within the County is also available for waste disposal.

If requested, curbside collection is provided to Isle of Wight County residents for a fee by a franchised commercial hauler. The Towns of Smithfield and Windsor also each provide curbside pickup for residents through an agreement with a private hauler. 83

Smithfield provides weekly pickup of both residential refuse and yard debris. The yard debris pickup is on an on-call basis. The Town provides one container for each resident and extra containers may be rented from the hauler for a monthly fee. The Town does provide collection from businesses and commercial premises whose trash, garbage and/or refuse closely approximates the volume, composition and nature of trash, garbage and/or refuse generated by typical residential units.

The County delivered 18,676 tons of MSW to SPSA during fiscal year 2010. Approximately 600 tons of yard waste is delivered to the convenience centers, which is transported to a composting facility near Waverly, Virginia.


The Waste Management Division of the Department of Public Works collects approximately 95,000 tons of refuse, bulk waste, and yard waste annually from 61,000 households and businesses within the City. The City issues 90-gallon containers to residents of single-family homes, and curbside collection is provided once weekly by automated collection vehicles. Collection of bulk wastes is handled on the same designated day, when requested at least 24 hours in advance. In addition, yard wastes, in amounts up to 20 clear plastic bags (up to 3 cubic yards if scheduled), can also be collected at this time for recycling.

Waste collection in Norfolk’s central business district takes place each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening. In addition, the City collects recyclables such as paper and cardboard each Tuesday and Thursday evening. Businesses outside the central business district receive waste collection weekly.

During fiscal year 2010, the City of Norfolk delivered 77,874 tons of MSW tons of yard waste to SPSA via the Norfolk Transfer Station.


The City of Portsmouth’s Department of Public Utilities collects MSW from approximately 33,000 households each week using 95-gallon containers. During fiscal year 2010, the City of Portsmouth delivered 44,057 tons of MSW to the RDF WTE Facility. Bulk waste collection services are also provided and material is transported to either the City’s Craney Island Landfill or to the private RDS recycling facility. Vegetative and yard waste collection services are provided as well, and material is taken to the City of Portsmouth’s landfill at Craney Island.



Southampton County

In addition to the Franklin Transfer Station, SPSA operates two other stations within Southampton County at Ivor and Boykins. The County offers to the residents of Southampton County fourteen mini-transfer stations. The waste collected from these mini-transfer stations is then delivered to the larger sites, where it is collected by SPSA. Southampton County residents may dispose of waste at any other SPSA facility free of charge. During fiscal year 2010, the County delivered 9,263 tons of MSW to SPSA.


The City of Suffolk Department of Public Works provides weekly residential refuse collection for all single-family homes within the City (approximately 32,000) using 90 gallon containers and automated collection vehicles. The City also provides collection services to approximately 200 businesses. Bulk and yard waste are also collected by the City. The City delivers collected waste directly to the Suffolk Regional Landfill or the Suffolk Transfer Station. During fiscal year 2010, 46,607 tons of MSW were delivered to SPSA.

Virginia Beach

Virginia Beach provides 95-gallon solid waste containers and weekly, automated curbside collection for approximately 150,000 households within the City. Curbside bulk pickup is available to households by special request. Each request must be received 24 hours prior to the regularly scheduled collection day. Yard waste is also collected from residences on the collection day. Bulk waste is delivered to the SPSA transfer stations and the majority of yard waste is transported to a private handling facility near Waverly, Virginia. Some yard waste is transported to the City’s Landfill and Resource Recovery Center where it is mulched for use on City properties. During fiscal year 2010, 80,134 tons were delivered to SPSA.

The Virginia Beach Landfill and Resource Recovery Center is a 300-acre facility located in the Kempsville area of the City near the I-64 Hampton Roads Beltway. Waste generated within the City by Virginia Beach residents can be delivered in privately owned vehicles to the Virginia Beach Landfill and Resource Recovery Center free of charge. However, most the waste received at the facility is ash from the Wheelabrator Technologies, Inc.’s RDF WTE Facility. The facility currently accepts ash at a rate of approximately 200,000 tons per year.

The City operates a landfill gas recovery plant at the Virginia Beach Landfill and Resource Recovery Facility in cooperation with a private firm, Ingenco. According to Ingenco, the facility annually produces landfill gas equivalent in energy to approximately 1.5 million gallons of fuel oil. The plant harnesses the landfill-produced methane gas for energy production, and provides the City with royalty payments annually.


Private Collection

Private firms perform a significant function in the Region with regard to waste collection and disposal. While the SPSA member Local Governments are the primary collectors of MSW from single-family residents (with the exception of the more rural areas in Southampton County and Isle of Wight County), private firms are the primary collectors of MSW from multi-family, commercial, and industrial establishments. Commercially collected MSW is delivered by the private firms to either the Wheelabrator RDF WTE Facility, a SPSA Transfer Station or an out-of- Region disposal facility. Of the waste that is delivered to the SPSA Transfer Stations, processible waste is delivered to the RDF WTE Facility by SPSA for a fee. Non-processible waste is loaded onto Wheelabrator trailers for eventual disposal at Waste Management’s Bethel or Atlantic Waste Landfills (Waste Management is the parent company of Wheelabrator). Wheelabrator maintains contracts with the private haulers. Firms that play a significant role in the collection of MSW in the Region include Waste Management, Waste Industries, Republic Services, and Bay Disposal.

Commercial Waste Receipts

During fiscal year 2009, SPSA’s commercial customers delivered 560,531 tons of waste into the system. This amount includes 35,930 tons of CDD waste, 35,050 tons of Navy waste, 8,109 tons of out of Region waste, and 22,033 tons of proprietary waste.2 Historically, quantities of commercial waste have been decreasing due to expiration of contracts, an increase in tipping fees for CDD waste, and a Board decision to cease accepting out of Region waste in late 2008. A historical summary of commercial wastes received by SPSA is provided in Table 6-4.

Table 6-4. SPSA Commercial Waste Receipts, FY 2010 - FY 2017

Tons Received

Category FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017

Commercial 452,652 512,614 505,506 496,781 502,803 578,182 567,416 466,420 CDD 30,951 29,005 14,797 9,770 9,014 10,066 11,486 14,252 Navy 28,780 27,940 27,774 25,179 23,613 25,357 24,725 19,414 Out of Area 2,862 1,723 2,306 1,169 1,280 1,173 1,612 1,650 Proprietary 14,511 11,082 7,335 9,136 13,2221 15,387 13,819 13,256 Total 529,756 582,364 557,718 542,035 549,931 630,165 619,058 514,992 Source: SPSA Solid Waste Quantities Report


Flow Control

When SPSA was formed, its organization and facilities were sized and began operations under the assumption that all MSW generated in its service area would be delivered to SPSA facilities. Since SPSA’s formation, the Commonwealth of Virginia has allowed several large landfills to be constructed in largely rural areas of eastern Virginia.

With the adoption by the U.S. Supreme Court of the Carbone decision in 1994, neither states nor local governments could effectively control the flow of waste across political boundaries. In order to internalize cash flows, the operators of the large private landfills began hauling waste generated from within the SPSA service area to their own landfills, sometimes as much as 100 miles away. Because the SPSA system was developed and sized to accept all of the Region’s waste, the loss of a significant portion of the waste stream has had a significant negative financial impact on SPSA and its member Local Governments. The Use and Support Contracts which called for member Local Governments to deliver all or substantially all of their solid waste to SPSA were effectively amended by this decision to include only that waste which is collected by the member Local Governments or controlled by them through contracts. The SPSA system was built under the assumption that SPSA members could control the flow of both residential and commercial solid waste generated within their borders and that adequate waste flows would create sufficient revenues to finance construction and maintenance of the system. In 1994, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled (Carbone case) that flow control was unconstitutional. After this decision, SPSA’s commercial waste flows significantly decreased. In an attempt to regain lost waste flows, SPSA negotiated contracts with private haulers, both in and outside of the Region, which included a reduced tipping fee.

In 2007, the Court clarified its decision (United Haulers case) to allow local governments to direct waste to a publicly-owned facility. As a result, Chesapeake, Franklin, Isle of Wight County, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Southampton County passed ordinances requiring delivery of waste generated within their jurisdictions to SPSA facilities beginning in January 2009; however, Suffolk and Virginia Beach did not. The decline in commercial waste deliveries, and the resulting negative revenue impact to SPSA led to a financial crisis culminating in the sale of the RDF WTE Facility to Wheelabrator in April 2010. This has significantly reduced SPSA’s debt service, stabilized its financial condition, and reduced tipping fees.

Solid Waste Transfer

As defined by Wikipedia, solid waste transfer is a process whereby a station, building or processing site is utilized for the temporary deposition of waste. Transfer stations are often used as places where local waste collection vehicles will deposit their waste cargo prior to loading into larger vehicles. These larger vehicles will transport the waste to the end point of disposal in an incinerator, landfill, or hazardous waste facility, or for recycling. Transfer stations are sometimes co-located with material recovery facilities and with localized mechanical biological treatment systems to remove recyclable items from the waste stream.


SPSA Transfer Stations

SPSA currently operates nine transfer stations that received 753,593 tons of waste in fiscal year 2010. Figure 6-3 shows the location of each facility. Figure 6-4 illustrates the relative proportion of solid waste managed by each transfer station. In fiscal year 2017, the Norfolk Transfer Station accepted the greatest percentage of waste followed by the Landstown and Chesapeake Transfer Stations (see Figure 6-4). A summary of each transfer station throughput from FY 2010 - FY 2017 is provided in Table 6-5.


Figure 6-3. SPSA Transfer Stations Location Map

Source: HRPDC 89

Figure 6-4. Relative Proportion of Waste Transferred by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Government, FY 2016 - 2017




Isle of Wight






Source: SPSA Solid Waste Quantities Report Note: Ivor and Boykins Stations Transfer < 1% of Waste


Table 6-5. SPSA Transfer Station Solid Waste Totals, FY 2010 - FY 2017

Tons Received

SPSA Design Transfer Capacity Station (tons per day FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017

Boykins 50 (1) 302 644 652 643 618 664 662 Chesapeake 500 127,883 146,621 145,405 136,885 142,736 141,030 135,637 137,053 Franklin 150 21,393 21,000 21,722 19,290 20,284 21,962 21,016 21,070

Isle of Wight 150 27,161 25,254 23,240 22,028 22,840 21,699 23,368 19,737 Ivor 50 (1) 300 653 652 616 624 642 595 Landstown 1,500 213,976 198,042 186,613 176,565 169,469 176,966 163,026 163,630 Norfolk 1,300 209,769 214,934 223,509 219,281 215,456 214,046 195,975 196,339 Oceana 500 85,954 85,579 101,781 93,829 88,681 83,961 74,736 76,298 Suffolk 1,300 67,457 69,825 68,848 62,350 61,988 65,074 65,101 70,607 Total 5,500 753,593 761,856 772,415 731,532 722,713 725,980 680,165 685,991 Source: SPSA Solid Waste Quantities Report Note: (1) Boykins and Ivor waste quantities not reported separately in FY 2010

A brief description of each transfer station is provided below:

• Boykins Transfer Station - The Boykins Transfer Station is similar to the Ivor facility. Its design capacity is 50 tons per day. Waste quantities were not tracked separately in fiscal year 2010 but the station generally accepts less than 1,000 tons of waste per year.

• Chesapeake Transfer Station - The Chesapeake Transfer Station operates with one hopper for transfer trailer loading and has been designed to handle up to 500 tons per average day. In fiscal year 2010, the station accepted approximately 128,000 tons of waste.

• Franklin Transfer Station - The Franklin Transfer Station is located approximately 2 miles west of Franklin and primarily serves the City of Franklin and portions of Southampton and Isle of Wight counties. The facility is designed to handle up to 150 tons per day and is operated by three personnel, including a full time driver to assist with drop and hook. In fiscal year 2010, the station accepted 21,393 tons of waste. 91

• Isle of Wight Transfer Station - The Isle of Wight Transfer Station uses a front-end loader to lift waste into transfer vehicles and is designed to manage 150 tons per day. In fiscal year 2010, the station accepted 27,161 tons of waste.

• Ivor Transfer Station - The Ivor Transfer Station is primarily used for self-hauled disposal and is designed to handle 50 tons per day. Southampton County collection vehicles are also permitted to use the facility. Waste quantities were not tracked separately in fiscal year 2010 but the station generally accepts less than 1,000 tons of waste per year.

• Landstown Transfer Station - The Landstown Transfer Station is one of the largest facilities based on design capacity (1,300 tons per day) of the solid waste management system stations. The facility contains three hoppers for loading, similar to the Norfolk Transfer Station and operates 24 hours per day. In fiscal year 2010, the station accepted approximately 214,000 tons of waste.

• Norfolk Transfer Station - The Norfolk Transfer Station with a design capacity of 1,300 tons per day, is one of the two busiest stations in the solid waste system. The capability of loading three trailers at a time is incorporated into the facility design. The facility accepts waste Monday through Friday and a half-day (in the mornings) on Saturday. In addition, the City contracts with SPSA to keep the facility open in the afternoons (12:00 to 4:00) on Saturdays and Sundays to accept waste from Norfolk residents only. In fiscal year 2010, the station accepted approximately 210,000 tons of waste.

• Oceana Transfer Station - The Oceana Transfer Station has one hopper for transfer trailer loading and is designed to receive 500 tons per day. In fiscal year 2010, the station accepted approximately 86,000 tons of waste.

• Suffolk Transfer Station - The Suffolk Transfer Station is located at the Suffolk Regional Landfill to allow diversion of waste from the facility to the RDF WTE Facility. Operation of the facility began in April 2005. In fiscal year 2010, the station accepted 67,457 tons of waste.

Private Transfer Stations

There are no known proposed or permitted privately owned transfer stations in the Region.

Solid Waste Disposal

Described in the following section are the solid waste disposal assets located in the Region including the SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill, the Virginia Beach Landfill and Resource Recovery Facility, the Wheelabrator RDF WTE Facility, and other private disposal facilities.


Regional Facilities

Wheelabrator RDF WTE Facility


The Wheelabrator RDF WTE Facility, located in Portsmouth opened in June 1987. The facility processes Local Government and commercial solid waste into fuel, shredding the wastes and removing metals. The fuel is burned in lieu of coal at the adjacent Power Plant to produce steam and electricity.

Solid waste is delivered to the RDF WTE Facility and dumped onto the enclosed tipping floor, which is roughly four acres in size. Front-end loaders push the waste toward the initial conveyor belts, while pulling out non-processible materials such as mattresses, lumber, tires and other bulky items. Hazardous wastes are also pulled out of the waste to be processed. Those items that are not processed are sent to a landfill for recycling and/or landfilling.

The waste placed on the conveyors is taken through a series of shredders, trommels, and sorting machines. The waste is broken down into smaller pieces that pass through magnetic separators in order to remove ferrous metals. Stations are positioned along the conveyor for teams of pickers who pull out large sticks or other non-processible objects prior to the waste being transported to the Power Plant. The result is small particles of solid waste that are in a more acceptable fuel form. These are sent by conveyor to the adjacent Power Plant that fuels the Norfolk Naval Shipyard.

The Wheelabrator RDF WTE Facility was designed to process 2,000 tons of waste per day, and originally projected to divert just over 450,000 tons of material per year from the Suffolk Regional Landfill. During fiscal year 2010, 562,296 tons of waste was delivered by SPSA to the RDF WTE Facility in order to be processed into fuel for the Navy. Ferrous metals are removed from the combustor ash produced from the RDF WTE Facility. During fiscal year 2009, 124,431 tons of ash were disposed at the SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill.


Ownership and Contractual Arrangements

In late 2007, SPSA advertised that it would entertain proposals from qualified interested parties for the sale of the RDF WTE Facility. In April 2010, the facility was sold to Wheelabrator Technologies. Under the terms of the sale, Wheelabrator accepts and processes SPSA member community solid waste at the RDF WTE Facility until January 24, 2018; this term can be extended by SPSA for an additional ten years. Due to the transfer of the RDF WTE Facility to Wheelabrator, the flow of waste in the system has changed significantly. Overviews of MSW flows both prior to and after the sale are provided in Figure 6-5 and Figure 6-6, respectively. The current MSW flow structure is illustrated in Figure 6-7.

As part of the sale agreement, SPSA must deliver 500,000 tons of waste and agrees to dispose of ash from the facility. SPSA pays Wheelabrator to process waste; in turn, Wheelabrator credits SPSA with:

• ten percent of steam energy revenues

• a hauling fee for transporting commercial waste from the transfer stations to the RDF WTE Facility

• a loading fee for loading non-processible waste and diverted waste into trailers

The non-processible waste, which historically has been disposed of in the SPSA Regional Landfill, is now being taken by Wheelabrator to landfills that are located outside of the SPSA service area (see Figure 6-9).


Figure 6-5. Flow of MSW in Southeastern Virginia Prior to 2010

Sources: 2011 Regional Solid Waste Management Plan for Southeastern Virginia and SCS Engineers


Figure 6-6. Flow of MSW in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2010 - 2015

Sources: 2011 Regional Solid Waste Management Plan for Southeastern Virginia and SCS Engineers


Figure 6-7. Flow of MSW in the Southeastern Virginia Region, Post 2015

Source: HRPDC


SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill

The SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill is located on 833 acres within Suffolk near the intersection of U.S. Routes 13/58/460 and the U.S. Routes 58/460 Bypass. SPSA began disposing of waste in the SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill in January 1985. Of the 833 acres, 188 acres are currently permitted and constructed landfill area (Cells I through VI), and Cell VII was permitted in June 2011. With the recent agreement between SPSA and Wheelabrator, the facility hours have been reduced to Tuesday through Friday; 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill is closed Saturday through Monday, and on some holidays (on most non-Monday holidays it is open only in the morning). Residents and businesses can bring their non-hazardous and commercial waste, including CDD, bulky and approved industrial process to the facility during these hours.

The SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill now receives waste primarily only from residents and businesses that bring their waste directly to the facility. Ash from the RDF WTE Facility ceased being placed in the facility in May 2010, although it is possible that ash will be disposed of in the facility Landfill from time to time. However, the facility may receive waste from SPSA members and/or Wheelabrator if the RDF WTE Facility cannot accept it due to equipment malfunction. The most recent Airspace Management Report (by HDR Engineers, January 2011) indicates that the facility is currently receiving an average of 772 tons per day. During the period from January to December 2010 approximately 241,000 were disposed in the facility. Leachate is pumped directly to the Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) for treatment.

The SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill was originally designed to contain four disposal cells (Cells I through IV), which have recently undergone the closure process. The capacity of Cells I through IV is 12,200,000 cubic yards (9,400,000 tons). In 1998, Cell V opened and provided the facility with an additional 6,100,000 cubic yards (4,700,000 tons) of capacity, extending the life of the facility through 2005. With the addition of Cell V, a final height of 205 feet above mean sea level can be achieved. A sixth landfill cell (Cell VI) opened in May 2006. Located to the west of Cell V, Cell VI has a capacity of 8,900,000 cubic yards (6,800,000 tons).

The total permitted capacity (Cells I through VI) of the SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill is 27,200,000 cubic yards (20,900,000 tons) with approximately 5,400,000 cubic yards of capacity still remaining in Cells V and VI as of January 2011. With the decreased waste volume being disposed of in the facility the existing capacity is expected to be expended in November 2028 (see Figure 6-8).


Figure 6-8. Life of Site Estimate Through Cell VI – SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill

16,000,000 April 2027

14,000,000 Nov. 2030 Nov. 2028 12,000,000






0 2000 2004 2006 2008 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 2027 2029 2031 2033

Cells V & VI: Permitted Capacity Cells V & VI: Actual Disposal Cells V & VI: 10% less Current Rate Cells V & VI: Current Rate Cells V & VI: 10% greater Current Rate

Source: HDR, 2010

In November 2010, an agreement became effective between SPSA and Suffolk Energy Partners, LLC (SEP) that conveyed exclusive rights for all the landfill gas (LFG) at the SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill to SEP for capture and beneficial reuse. SEP had held the rights to the LFG under a previous agreement and owns and operates the LFG recovery system that consists of recovery wells and flare. In addition, SEP owns and operates an electrical power plant at the facility that generates electrical power for sale to Dominion Virginia Power. SEP is currently in the process of constructing a facility at the BASF Plant on Wilroy Road in Suffolk, located approximately 2.3 miles from the SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill, that will supply LFG to the Plant for direct use (via an existing pipeline constructed in 2001) in its manufacturing process. It is 99

understood that under the new agreement, in return for giving up the rights to the LFG, SPSA receives 30 percent of revenues from sales of recovered gas and 20 percent of revenues received from sales of electricity generated from the recovered gas. SPSA estimates that in FY2012 revenues from this agreement will be approximately $550,000.


Estimated Site Life

Expansion Potential

Virginia Beach Landfill and Resource Recovery Center

The Virginia Beach Landfill and Resource Recovery Center (formerly known as Landfill Number 2 or Mount Trashmore 2) is a 300-acre facility in the western portion of the City. The current landfill area footprint is 104 acres. Waste generated within the City by Virginia Beach residents can be delivered in privately owned vehicles to the facility free of charge.

Pursuant to the terms of the Ash Disposal Agreement between SPSA and the City, SPSA is required to pay the operating costs of the facility in return for the option to dispose of up to 300,000 tons per year of ash from the RDF WTE Facility. SPSA had not been exercising this option but started to dispose of at least a portion of the ash generated at the RDF WTE Facility in the facility starting in 2009, and since the sale of the RDF WTE Facility to Wheelabrator SPSA has been using the facility exclusively for the disposal of ash residue. The facility is currently accepting ash from the RDF WTE Facility at a rate of approximately 200,000 tons per year.



According to the Updated Topographic Survey and Capacity Evaluation for the Virginia Beach Landfill and Resource Recovery Center (Malcolm Pirnie, July 2, 2007), the estimated remaining disposal capacity for currently permitted areas (Phases 1, 2A and 4) of the facility was 4.13 million cubic yards (or approximately 2.7 million tons assuming a waste density of 1,300 pounds per cubic yard).

Estimated Site Life

The City has concluded that as currently permitted, the Virginia Beach Landfill and Resource Recovery Center provides sufficient capacity to dispose of its own solid waste through 2022 (Malcolm Pirnie, 2007), assuming a waste escalation rate of 2 percent. This life of site estimate also assumes that the facility will accept all City MSW after its contract with SPSA expires in 2018, which may or may not be the case. The City currently is evaluating options for optimizing the utilization of the City’s property for solid waste management and disposal, as well as other options for managing various elements of the City’s solid waste stream.

Expansion Potential

The City has identified several expansion alternatives within its current property and onto adjacent properties not owned by the City which could provide up to 43.8 million cubic yards of disposal capacity (28.5 million tons at an effective density of 1,300 pounds per cubic yard). This additional disposal capacity could serve the City’s disposal needs well beyond the 30-year planning horizon of this study.

The July 2, 2007 Malcolm Pirnie capacity evaluation also contained the estimated disposal capacity for currently unpermitted areas (Phases 2B and 3, site of the former SPSA compost facility). According to the report, this area could accommodate as much as 8.1 million cubic yards (equivalent to approximately 5.3 million tons) of waste. The facility’s Borrow Area/Pond 2 located adjacent to and within the facility’s north property boundary represents approximately 9 million cubic yards of airspace (equivalent to 5.9 million ton of capacity). However, if the areas stated were developed, it is estimated that the life of the facility could be extended to 2035 (again, assuming a 2 percent waste escalation rate and that the facility will accept all City MSW after its contract with SPSA expires in 2018).

The evaluation states that all of the projected airspace/disposal capacity estimates are contingent on successfully permitting these areas and as such are speculative inasmuch as their utilization is dependent on regulatory approvals. The City estimates that they would need to invest between $50.3 to $74 million, which is equivalent to $8.5 to $13.3 per ton on a lifecycle basis, to purchase additional properties and implement “primary measures” to abate and/or mitigate potential nuisance impacts to achieve this expansion potential (Malcolm Pirnie, 2008). Secondary measures may also be considered to further mitigate nuisance impacts, with additional costs of $2.6 to $4.8 per ton. (Note: Current effective densities measured by the City of Virginia Beach have averaged 900 pounds per cubic yard, compared to the 1,300 pounds per cubic yard assumed herein for discussion purposes. There are reasons specific to the City’s current operations that explain the relatively low in-place densities. Also, this in-place density differs from what SPSA’s current operational in-place density of 1,540 pounds per cubic yard is.) 101

Recent studies conducted by Malcolm Pirnie (Final Interim Report Preliminary Assessment of Urban Landfill Development, City of Virginia Beach Landfill No. 2, June 2008) state that “existing and projected future urban encroachment represents significant potential constraints and limitations to facility development and operations.” The study concluded that measures could be taken to effectively abate and/or mitigate potential nuisance impacts on surrounding land use.

Portsmouth Craney Island Landfill

Portsmouth owns and operates a permitted (permit No. SWP041) construction, demolition and debris (CDD) landfill. The facility is in the northern portion of the City and is known as the Craney Island Landfill. The facility accepts CDD generated within the City only. It is reported that the City currently disposes of approximately 50,000 tons of waste in the facility per year.


The City reports that the facility had a remaining capacity of 3,250,000 cubic yards, or 878,000 tons as of 2008.

Estimated Site Life

As reported by the City, approximately 50 percent of the designed air space of the facility is available. The life expectancy of the facility is 40 years assuming the City’s current rate of disposal.

Expansion Potential

The City has no plans at this time to expand the facility.

Private Landfills

There are several privately-owned disposal facilities that have the potential for accepting the Region’s solid waste. All of these facilities are outside the Region. A large majority of the Region’s waste that does not go to the RDF WTE Facility is currently being disposed in Waste Management’s Bethel and Atlantic Waste Disposal Landfills.


Figure 6-9 shows the locations of most of the private disposal facilities with the approximate distance from the approximate center of the Southeastern Virginia Region (intersection of I-264 and I-64).


Figure 6-9. Private Landfill Facilities in Eastern Virginia

Sources: 2011 Regional Solid Waste Management Plan for Southeastern Virginia and SCS Engineers 103


As shown in Table 6-6, not all the private disposal facilities in eastern Virginia will have sufficient capacity needed to accommodate the Region’s waste flow through the planning period. The facilities in Eastern Virginia with the greatest long term (total projected) capacity are the Atlantic Waste Disposal - Sussex County Landfill, the Bethel Landfill, the Cumberland Landfill, the Maplewood Recycling and Disposal Landfill, and the Middle Peninsula Landfill.

Table 6-6 summarizes the reported estimated total remaining permitted capacity, remaining reported permitted life, total projected remaining capacity and total projected life of each facility as of the end of 2016. As indicated, the total remaining permitted capacity and life of each facility were obtained from VDEQ’s published annual report on solid waste management in Virginia (for calendar year 2016). The data in VDEQ’s report was provided by the facility owners, and represents their estimate of the currently permitted and potential future capacity of their facilities. These numbers are highly dependent on state and local regulatory conditions at the time future expansion areas are permitted and constructed.


Table 6-6. Out of Region MSW (Sanitary) Landfill Facilities Total Remaining Total Projected Permitted Capacity Landfilled in 2016* Expected Permitted Remaining Total Projected Facility Name as of 12/2016* (Tons) Life* (Years) Capacity** (Tons) Life** (Years) Atlantic Waste Disposal Inc. (Sussex County - Waste Management) 47,158,750.50 1,004,672.58 75.60 66,440,000.00 50.00 Brunswick Waste Management Facility, LLC (Brunswick County - Brunswick County) 10,295,671.00 165,425.26 168.00 75,000,000.00 50.00 Charles City County Landfill (Charles City County - Waste Management) 13,437,414.00 523,365.19 53.50 40,700,000.00 85.00 King and Queen Sanitary Landfill (King and Queen County – Republic Services, Inc.) 9,500,000.00 510,107.24 26.00 10,750,000.00 21.90 King George Sanitary Landfill & Recycling Center (King George County - Waste Management) 7,548,696.00 1,303,285.07 29.90 23,900,000.00 20.00 Maplewood Recycling & Waste Disposal (Amelia County - Waste Management) 16,569,601.00 937,856.15 148.00 32,600,000.00 81.00 Middle Peninsula Landfill & Recycling Facility (Gloucester County - Waste Management) 14,144,853.00 478,609.99 54.30 18,800,000.00 90.00 Old Dominion Landfill (Richmond – Republic Services, Inc.) 957,864.50 786,786.96 2.00 7,500,000 11.50 Shoosmith Sanitary Landfill 21,100.000.00 1,022,625.00 32.00 NA NA 105

(Chesterfield County - Shoosmith Construction, Inc.) USA Waste of Virginia Landfills - Bethel (Hampton - Waste Management) 23,523,548.00 576,820.04 89.00 44,000,000.00 106.00 Sources: *Solid Waste Managed in Virginia During Calendar Year 2016 (VDEQ, June 2017), **Facility Interviews 2008 Note: NA – Data Not Available or Applicable

Expansion Potential

Data on the expansion potential for the private landfills adjoining the Region was not available.

Haul Distance

Table 6-7 shows the hauling distance from the SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill, the SPSA Transportation Facility, and each of the nine SPSA Transfer Stations in the Region to the SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill, the Wheelabrator Portsmouth RDF Facility, and each out-of-Region private waste disposal facility in eastern Virginia.


Table 6-7. Potential Out-of-Region Long Haul Transportation Distances from SPSA Facilities SWM Facility SPSA Facility Boykins Chesapeake Franklin Isle of Ivor Landstown Norfolk Oceana SPSA Suffolk SPSA Transfer Transfer Transfer Wight Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Transportation Transfer Suffolk Station Station Station Transfer Station Station Station Station Facility Station Regional Station Landfill SPSA Suffolk 44 20 30 25 25 27 17 29 13 0 0 Regional Landfill - Suffolk Wheelabrator 58 10 45 32 38 18 7 21 0 14 14 Portsmouth RDF Facility - Portsmouth Atlantic Waste 45 65 42 34 21 73 63 68 59 46 46 Disposal, Inc. - Sussex County Brunswick 52 100 53 76 64 107 98 109 94 81 81 Waste Management

Facility, LLC – Brunswick Way) County Charles City 76 88 72 64 52 89 78 89 87 85 85 County Landfill - Charles City (One County King & Queen 117 81 109 71 85 82 71 82 80 78 78 Sanitary

Landfill - King and Queen Miles County King George 153 142 146 140 127 144 133 144 142 152 152 Sanitary

Landfill & In Recycling Center - King George Distance County 107

Maplewood 107 132 104 101 89 139 129 137 125 117 117 Recycling & Waste Disposal - Amelia County Middle 109 68 96 58 72 70 59 70 68 65 65 Peninsula

Landfill & Recycling Facility - Gloucester (One Way) (One County

Old Dominion 83 98 77 72 60 99 88 100 98 95 95 Landfill - Miles Richmond

Shoosmith 71 97 67 65 53 104 94 106 90 77 77 Sanitary Landfill - Chesterfield Distance In County USA Waste of 73 32 60 23 36 34 23 28 31 29 29 Virginia Landfills - Bethel - Hampton Sources: Solid Waste Managed in Virginia During Calendar Year 2016 (VDEQ, June 2017), 2011 Regional Solid Waste Management Plan for Southeastern Virginia (HRPDC and SCS Engineers)

Rail Access

Several of the out-of-Region landfills listed in Figure 6-10 and Table 6-6 have rail access and transfer capabilities for servicing Maryland, New York, and other out-of-state communities (Atlantic Waste Disposal, Sussex County; Brunswick Waste Management Facility; and WM King George).

Survey of Solid Waste Disposal Sites

The Virginia Regulations for Solid Waste Management require that all known solid waste disposal sites (closed, inactive, and active) in the Region be documented and recorded. The inventory for these sites in the Region is provided in Appendix G. 108


MSW Source Reduction and Reuse SWMP Actions

− Improve public outreach and education to promote source reduction and reuse

− Evaluate the feasibility of implementing a Pay-As-You-Throw collection system

− Work with HRPDC to lead efforts for establishment of a materials exchange

− Work with HRPDC to lead efforts for establishment of resource exchange programs in the Region

− Monitor and publicize waste generation

− Implement internal source reduction and reuse programs at Local Government facilities and schools within the Region

− Promote surplus food distribution programs

MSW Recycling SWMP Actions

− Promote public/private recycling programs

− Improve public outreach and education to promote recycling

− Evaluate the feasibility of implementing a Pay-As-You-Throw collection system

− Increase business recycling by reducing recycling thresholds

− Encourage increased MSW recycling at Local Government facilities and schools within the Region

− Revise regulations to enhance recycling to:

- Expand recyclables collected at multifamily residences

- Expand recycling requirements for electronic wastes

− Consider implementation of single-stream curbside collection system for recyclables 109

− Provide tools to promote increased recycling

− Establish a recycling rate goal

− Work with HRPDC to lead efforts for establishment of a regional food waste composting facility

MSW Collection SWMP Actions

− Maintain Local Government refuse collection within the Region

− Implement a Pay-As-You-Throw collection system

− Expand collection of electronic wastes

− Promote use of special fuels, filters, and special vehicles for collection

MSW Transfer (Waste Flow) SWMP Actions

− Continue using the current transfer system

MSW Disposal SWMP Actions

− Continue using the current disposal system as the preferred alternative

− Establish agreements with other jurisdictions outside of the Region for alternative disposal


1 Virginia Administrative Code, Title 9, Agency 20, Chapter 130, 9VAC20-130-10 at 110

2 Proprietary Waste includes off-specification and out-of-date consumer products, office records and other waste material which requires assured destruction


Chapter 7 Recycling


Recycling constitutes the third preferred option on the Commonwealth’s Solid Waste Management Hierarchy. Recycling helps accomplish the next two higher tiers on hierarchy as well – reuse and source reduction. The Southeastern Virginia Region has consistently achieved the recycling targets established by the Solid Waste Management Regulations. The following chapter provides an overview of current public and private recycling programs, data on quantities collected and projected generation, education initiatives, reuse opportunities, materials recovery facilities (MRFs), and markets for recycling and reuse.

Virginia Requirements for Solid Waste Management Recycling

The Virginia Waste Management Act established recycling rates for communities. The established rates were: 10 percent by 1991, 15 percent by 1993, and 25 percent by 1995. Each county, city, town, or regional authority was required by the legislation to establish recycling programs that would meet these goals.

Legislation introduced in 2006 provided for a two-tiered recycling mandate: 15 percent or 25 percent. The recycling rate that must be achieved by a community is dependent upon two factors: population density and unemployment rates. Localities or regions (called Solid Waste Planning Units or SWPUs) with population densities less than 100 persons per square mile or with an unemployment rate 50 percent higher than the statewide average are required to meet the 15 percent mandated recycling level, all others are required to continue to meet the 25 percent recycling mandated level. The Southeastern Virginia Region is required to meet the 25 percent target.

The regulations for solid waste management plans require that the plan describe how the mandated recycling rate will be met or exceeded. Additionally, Section 9VAC 20-130-165 D requires that every city, county, town, or SWPU submit the data and calculations to document the recycling rate for the preceding calendar year to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). In the Southeastern Virginia Region, the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC) performs this function.

Virginia uses the following formula for calculating the recycling rate:

Recycling Rate = (PRMs + Credits) ÷ (PRMs + Credits + MSW Disposed)


"Principal recyclable materials (PRMs)" means paper, metal, plastic, glass, commingled yard waste, wood, textiles, tires, used oil, used oil filters, used antifreeze, batteries, electronics, or material as may be approved by the Director of DEQ. 112

"Municipal solid waste (MSW)" means waste that is normally composed of residential, commercial, and institutional solid waste and residues derived from the combustion of these wastes. MSW generated equals the sum of PRMs recycled and MSW disposed. (MSW disposed equals the amount of MSW delivered to landfills, transfer stations, incineration and waste-to-energy facilities). "Residential waste" means any waste material, including garbage, trash and refuse, derived from households. Households include single and multiple residences, hotels and motels, bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, campgrounds, picnic grounds and day-use recreation areas. Residential wastes do not include sanitary waste in septic tanks (septage) that is regulated by other state agencies. "Commercial waste" means all solid waste generated by establishments engaged in business operations other than manufacturing or construction. This category includes, but is not limited to, solid waste resulting from the operation of stores, markets, office buildings, restaurants and shopping centers. "Institutional waste" means all solid waste emanating from institutions such as hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, and public or private schools. It can include regulated medical waste from health care facilities and research facilities that must be managed as a regulated medical waste.

Credits may be added to the recycling formula, provided that the aggregate of the credits does not exceed five percentage points of the annual municipal solid waste recycling rate achieved for each solid waste planning unit:

• A credit of one ton for each ton of any non-municipal solid waste material that is recycled (e.g., industrial waste, construction and demolition debris). • A credit of one ton for each ton of any solid waste material that is reused. • A credit of one ton for each ton of recycling residue disposed in a landfill. "Recycling residue" means the (i) nonmetallic substances, including but not limited to plastic, rubber, and insulation, which remain after a shredder has separated for purposes of recycling the ferrous and nonferrous metal from a motor vehicle, appliance, or other discarded metallic item, and (ii) organic waste remaining after removal of metals, glass, plastics and paper which are to be recycled as part of a resource recovery process for municipal solid waste resulting in the production of a refuse derived fuel. • A credit of two percentage points of the minimum recycling rate mandated for the solid waste planning unit for a source reduction program that is implemented within the solid waste planning unit. "Source reduction" means any action that reduces or eliminates the generation of waste at the source, usually within a process. Source reduction measures include process modifications, feedstock substitutions, improvements in feedstock purity, improvements in housekeeping and management practices, increases in the efficiency of machinery, and recycling within a process. Source reduction minimizes the material that must be managed by waste disposal or nondisposal options by creating less waste. "Source reduction" is also called "waste prevention," "waste minimization," or "waste reduction." • A credit of one ton for each inoperable vehicle for which a locality receives reimbursement from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles under §46.2-1407 of the Code of Virginia. 113

If the SWPU’s annual recycling rate falls below the minimum rate, the SWPU is required to submit a recycling action plan (RAP), or its approved solid waste management plan may be revoked. The RAP must identify specific elements of the recycling program that will be changed or improved in order for the SWPU to reach its recycling rate. The RAP requires both a commitment by the SWPU to provide resources necessary to improve its program, as well as a timeline for achieving the program elements. The RAP must be adopted by the administrative governmental board(s) for all localities covered by the Solid Waste Management Plan, and then approved by DEQ. Regular reporting on the progress made on the RAP elements is required.

In the Southeastern Virginia Region, recyclables are managed by a variety of parties, including the Southeastern Public Service Authority (SPSA). Local Governments, and private commercial businesses. Figure 7-1 illustrates these management processes.

Figure 7-1. Management of Recyclables by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Governments

Source: HRPDC


Recycling Programs

The following sections provide an overview of the various public and private recycling programs that currently operate in the Southeastern Virginia Region.

Regional and Local Government Recycling Programs

Recycling in the Region consists primarily of curbside recycling and drop-off locations:

Southeastern Public Service Authority (SPSA)

Recycling programs offered by SPSA include the following:

• Ferrous Metal Processing Plant. Metal collected at the RDF WTE Facility and at the drop-off facilities is brought to this Plant for processing. (Propane tanks are collected as well and handled through a contract with a local distributor.) Ferrous metals, such as steel food and paint cans, scrap metal, and compressed gas tanks are processed into small nuggets at the Bi-Metals Recycling Facility at the Suffolk Regional Landfill. These nuggets are then sold to steel mills and processed into new steel.

• White Goods Recycling Facilities. Refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioning units, and other large household appliances are collected from residents free of charge at the Suffolk Regional Landfill. Local contractors prepare the appliances for recycling by removing and collecting freon for proper disposal. The scrap metal from the appliances is then recycled. In fiscal year 2010, the SPSA white goods program recycled over 1.9 Million pounds of scrap steel and aluminum. In September 2010, Virginia Beach implemented its own white goods recycling program at Virginia Beach Landfill No. 2.

• Tire Shredder. Tires are shredded at the Tire Processing Facility located at the Suffolk Regional Landfill. The shredded tires are used for drainage projects, pipe bedding and alternate daily cover ADC). SPSA reports that approximately 400,000 tires are shredded per year.

• Used Oil Collection Sites. Most SPSA facilities have containers to collect motor oil from residents free of charge. Used oil is cleaned of particles and processed into new oil and fuels. The oil collected by SPSA is recycled through a contract with a private vendor.


Chesapeake contracts for its curbside recycling services. The service is provided on an every-other week schedule using a 96-gallon container. With the implementation of curbside collection, the City eliminated use of drop-off facilities. Recyclable materials include aluminum cans and foil, #1 and #2 plastic bottles and containers, glass jars and bottles, tin and steel cans, mixed paper (newspaper, office, junk mail, telephone books, catalogs/magazines), cardboard and paper bags, boxboard (e.g., cereal boxes, paper towel rolls). 115


Curbside recycling in Franklin is provided through a contract with a private firm (All Virginia Environmental Solutions). The service provider uses an automated, single-stream system using 95-gallon carts. Items that are recyclable are, aluminum cans, cardboard, paper (office, newspaper, junk mail, catalogs, glass (clear, green and brown), metal cans, newspaper, office paper and plastics #1 through #7.

Isle of Wight County Isle of Wight County operates eight, single-stream drop-off recycling facilities at the County convenience centers (Camptown, Carroll Bridge, Carrsville, Crocker’s, Jones Creek, Stave Mill, Walters and Wrenn’s Mill). Materials accepted at the centers include paper (newspaper, office, magazines and telephone books, junk mail), cardboard, paperboard (cereal boxes, shoe boxes), milk and juice cartons, plastic bottles and containers (#1 through #7), glass, tin and steel cans, aluminum (cans, foil, pie plates). Additional containers are available for plastic bags, electronics, scrap metal, appliances, cooking oil, motor oil, yard waste. Residents of Smithfield receive bi-weekly curbside collection of recyclable materials through a private contractor.


Norfolk provides curbside collection of recyclable goods on a bi-weekly basis to 58,200 single-family homes. Each residence is provided a 90- gallon recycling container for participation in the curbside program. Citizens also have two drop-off facilities located in the City for recycling; a third site is scheduled to open soon. Office paper and cardboard are collected from Norfolk schools and other City buildings.


Portsmouth discontinued its curbside recycling program and provides residents the opportunity to recycle at seven local drop-off sites located throughout the City. The bins accept comingled materials.


Southampton County

Southampton County offers recycling services through drop-off facilities as well as single-stream curbside collection (in some areas of the County) through a contract with a private firm (All Virginia Environmental Solutions). The County is in the process of providing containers for 116

recycling at 11 convenience centers and transfer stations. Recyclables collected include paper, cans (aluminum, steel, tin), glass, plastic bottles and tubs, cardboard, and paperboard.


Suffolk currently offers recycling services through 13 drop-off locations. Materials accepted include aluminum cans, plastic bottles (#1 and #2), cardboard, mixed papers, steel/tin cans and glass bottles. Suffolk currently has a franchise agreement for a private hauler for curbside collection, but must have 2,500 homeowners sign up for service for it to become effective. The cost for this service is $12 per month.

Virginia Beach

Virginia Beach contracts for its own recycling program through Tidewater Fibre Corporation (TFC) and provides containers to all residents who receive curbside waste collection from the City. Automated recycling pickup is provided on an every-other-week basis. In addition, four drop-off facilities are also located throughout the City.


A summary of the Southeastern Virginia Local Government recycling programs is provided in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1. Southeastern Virginia Local Government Recycling Programs, 2017 Materials Recycled Service Plastics Other Materials Local Curbside Dropoff #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 Mixed Corrugated Glass Metal Other Government Paper Cardboard/ Cans Paperboard Chesapeake X X X X X X X Aluminum Foil Franklin X X X X X X X X X X X X Isle of Wight X X X X X X X X X X X X Plastic Bags, Electronics, County Scrap Metal, Appliances, Motor Oil, Cooking Oil, Aluminum Foil/Plates Norfolk X X X X X X X X Aluminum Foil Portsmouth X X X X X X X X X X X X Smithfield X X X X X X X X Southampton X X X X X X X X X X X X Motor Oil County Suffolk X X X X X X X X Virginia X X X X X X X X X X X X X Household Batteries, Beach Aluminum Foil Source: Derived by HRPDC from 2017 Local Government Interviews


A summary of the Region’s permitted recycling facilities is provided in Table 7-2.

Table 7-2. Permitted Recycling Facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2017

Facility Name Local Government Type Operator


A summary of recycling opportunities for various materials is provided in Table 7-3.

Table 7-3.


Private Recycling Programs Private businesses provide additional recycling opportunities in the Region for residents and businesses. Many examples are provided below.1 Although most recycling businesses accept one or two materials, many accept a range of common recyclable materials. In addition to the opportunities listed here, many large businesses, such as Walmart, have branches in the Region likely have their own recycling programs to back-haul their recyclables to central locations.

The quantities of materials recycled through private recyclers is typically not tracked in a comprehensive fashion by the Region. Quantities of recycling by firms are tracked.


Commercial Recycling Collection

Both TFC and Bay Disposal offer fee-based recycling opportunities to commercial businesses located in the Region. Collection programs generally are offered for paper, corrugated cardboard, plastic containers, aluminum cans, steel/tin cans, and glass. Butler Paper Recycling and Atlantic Paper Stock provide office and institutional recycling for paper commodities.

Private Material-Specific Drop-Off Locations

Several businesses in the Region specialize in recycling a few material types as described below.


Collection of computers, monitors, laptops, and televisions, telephones, game consoles, and small appliances is provided by Goodwill, Best Buy, and Signs by Tomorrow. Generally, electronics recycling, with the exception of monitors, is free; however, some retailers will provide incentives for users of their electronics recycling programs.


The past decade has seen swift growth in the manufacture and sale of consumer electronic products. Advances in technology have led to better, smaller, cheaper products. Industry analysts give every indication that the trend toward rapid introduction of new electronic products will continue.

As the production and use of electronic products continues to grow, the challenge of recovery and disposal is becoming significant. Computer monitors and older TV picture tubes contain an average of four pounds of lead and require special handling at the end of their lives. In addition to lead, electronics can contain chromium, cadmium, mercury, beryllium, nickel, zinc, and brominated flame retardants (EPA). Another serious concern associated with end-of-life management is the export of electronic scrap to developing countries that may lack adequate worker safety and environmental standards.

While end-of-life electronics (end-of-life electronic products are either obsolete for their intended purpose or no longer useful by the current user and lacks any significant market value as an operational unit. Definition used by the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. currently comprise only a small amount of the municipal waste stream, that percentage is expected to grow dramatically in the next few years (estimated to be 1.2% of waste generated in 2006 per EPA, 2006). The average life span of a personal computer is currently about 2-3 years. Electronics that break often are not repaired due to the relatively low price of replacement equipment. When the equipment breaks or becomes obsolete, it is commonly discarded. 120

SPSA accepts cell phones for recycling through its Household Hazardous Waste Collection facilities. SPSA does not have an established program for the collection and recycling/disposal of computers and other electronics at this time and relies on other programs and vendors to provide this service. Electronics recycling services should be provided to the Region through its solid waste management system.

Household Battery, Ink Toner Cartridge and Cell Phone Collection

Several locations within the Region collect ink toner cartridges, cell phones and household batteries. Some retailers, such as Target, collect all three. Only cell phones are collected at most wireless retailers. Retailers that accept NiCad/rechargeable batteries include Batteries Plus, Best Buy, and Home Depot. Ink toner cartridges are accepted at recycling programs operated by Best Buy and OfficeMax.


Several metal recyclers are located in the Region that will accept both ferrous and nonferrous metals, including aluminum, brass, and copper. These recyclers include Dubin metals, Guterman Iron and Metal, Surplus Recycling, U-Cycle Recycling, Virginia Beach Salvage Exchange, and Wise Recycling. Some will pay a fee for certain metals.

Car Batteries and Used Motor Oil

Car batteries and used motor oil are accepted at Advanced Auto Parts, Firestone, Interstate, Jiffy Lube, Pep Boys, and Treadquarters

Compact Fluorescent Lights

Used compact fluorescent lights (CFL) are accepted by Home Depot and Lowes.

Plastic Bags

Plastic bags (#2 and #4 plastics) are accepted at a variety of grocery stores and retailers including Farm Fresh, Food Lion, JC Penney, Lowe’s Sam’s Club, Target, and Walmart.

Asphalt, Concrete and Brick

These three materials are accepted by Waterway. Concrete is accepted by Vulcan materials.


Waste Cooking Oil Virginia Beach SPCA accepts used vegetable oil to fuel its Neuter Scooter mobile clinic.

Textiles Goodwill stores generally recycle textiles that are not of high enough quality to be resold in the stores.

Recycling and Composting

For information concerning recycling and composting in the Region, please refer to Chapter 9 of the Plan.

Business Recycling

There is a continued need to provide information to businesses to encourage recycling as their actions contribute to the overall recycling rate in the Region.

• Recruit and provide technical assistance to large businesses in the Region to increase recycling. The purpose of providing technical assistance is to set up new recycling programs in larger businesses and work with the haulers or recyclers to efficiently implement these new programs. After a business is recruited, it would receive a waste audit and at least one on-site visit. During the on-site visit, the program staff person would develop waste reduction and recycling recommendations.

• Develop a business recognition program for recycling, composting, and waste reduction for exemplary waste reduction, composting, and recycling activities.

Historic Recycling Rates

Beginning with calendar year 2001, Virginia required that all SWPUs submit annual recycling rate reports. The state uses these reports to establish a statewide recycling rate. A comparison of the statewide recycling rate and the recycling rate achieved by the Southeastern Virginia Region since 2001 is provided in Figure 7-2. The Region has consistently exceeded the state’s requirement of 25 percent; although recycling rates are dropping with time and are below the state’s average. In calendar year 2008, the Region achieved a recycling rate of 28.9 percent; down from 37.5 percent in calendar year 2007. This decline could be due to lower reporting participation and the closure of yard waste and mulching facilities. Recycling rates somewhat rebounded in 2009. 122

A summary of recycling quantities reported for calendar years 2006 through 2016 is presented in Table 7-4. This data shows a general decline in recycled quantities for most materials. Most notable is the decline in Ferrous/Tin/Steel. This decline is primarily due to the fact that several private recyclers did not respond to the survey request.

Table 7-4. Recyclables Collection Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2006 -2016 Recycled Materials Calendar Year (Tons) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Metals Aluminum 7,409.39 8,263.64 18,427.87 1,738.31 Appliances 5,000.00 3,526.00 38.00 1,323.77 Auto Bodies* 0.00 617.20 219.51 112.00 Ferrous/Tin/Steel 222,427.24 126,371.60 151,085.46 18,331.06 Non-Ferrous 4,678.99 6,301.10 5,747.86 1,509.49 Sub-Total 239,515.62 145,079.54 175,518.70 23,014.83 Paper Cardboard 35,008.74 34,371.79 83,711.40 25,837.57 Comingled Paper/Plastic 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,206.24 Newsprint 18,063.00 16,746.19 7,156.00 3,019.50 Office/Computer 8,170.74 6,814.95 4,240.59 295.00 Other 28,338.18 29,244.50 23,167.64 30,414.56 Sub-Total 89,580.66 87,177.43 118,275.63 60,772.87 Plastic Bottles 2,869.00 2,790.63 1,127.51 1,216.16 Mixed Plastic 0.00 0.00 226.62 35,793.78 Scrap Plastic 181.66 811.63 1,228.80 1,466.34 Sub-Total 3,050.66 3,602.26 2,582.93 38,476.28 Arboreal Large Tree Stumps 0.00 15,050.00 12,460.00 1.00 Tree Debris 32,680.00 0.00 11.84 0.00 Yard Waste 42,516.58 29,604.32 12,703.14 35,038.81 Sub-Total 75,196.58 44,654.32 25,174.98 35,039.81 123

Miscellaneous Antifreeze 31.22 346.91 1,194.01 334.44 Asphalt 40,325.81 59,321.00 100,524.00 86,277.81 Batteries 5,508.69 2,689.39 2,157.12 2,129.11 Cloth/Textiles 2,074.00 2,379.21 2,665.00 0.00 Concrete 176.52 10,004.00 19,074.00 30,061.00 Construction Rubble 7,459.14 60,432.00 27,388.00 10,686.34 Cooking Grease 9.55 944.50 0.00 0.00 Electric Motors/Transformers 178.10 0.00 0.53 0.00 Electronics 1.51 1.11 76.47 76.36 Fluorescent Light Bulbs 0.20 1.56 0.12 2.42 Glass Containers 2,376.00 2,323.92 663.13 613.15 Other 0.00 68.04 10,116.12 3,251.32 Photo Cameras 0.06 0.04 17.16 0.00 Photo Film 0.11 1.40 23.48 0.91 Sand Blast Grit 3,175.72 30,230.00 3,981.00 3,707.84 Solvents 0.01 36.81 156.79 25.55 Sludge 0.00 0.00 7,144.58 12,389.43 Tires 680.82 6,823.00 5,894.16 4,519.05 Toner Cartridges 2.52 3.00 0.00 0.00 Used Oil 26,237.95 3,023.61 2,684.79 7,467.10 Used Oil Filters 18.88 150.20 726.87 148.10 Wood Chips 100.00 18.50 4.00 420.32 Sub-Total 88,356.81 178,798.19 184,491.31 163,435.63 Total 495,700.33 459,311.74 506,043.55 320,739.42 Sources: HRPDC and SPSA

Recycling Quantities 124

SPSA has historically provided recycling services for the Region. SPSA self-performed recycling collections in several member jurisdictions and delivered collected materials to a private vendor (Tidewater Fibre Corporation). TFC provided sorting, bailing, marketing and transportation (to markets) services. A summary of materials collected through SPSA’s curbside and drop-off programs is provided in Table 7-5.

Table 7-5. Recycling Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2010 – CY 2017 Recycling Quantities (Tons)

Local Government Average Average CY 2010 CY 2011 CY 2012 CY 2013 CY 2014 CY 2015 CY 2016 CY 2017 Tonnage Percentage per of Total Household Chesapeake Franklin Isle of Wight County Norfolk Portsmouth Smithfield Southampton County Suffolk Virginia Beach Total Source: SPSA Solid Waste Quantities Reports Note: Tonnage per household calculated using data from Table 2-5.

Through the Virginia Beach curbside and drop-off recycling program, an additional 27,855 tons of recyclable materials were recovered during calendar year 2009. The combination of SPSA and Virginia Beach programs resulted in 62,289 tons of residential material being collected. However, as mentioned earlier, SPSA has discontinued recycling services (curbside and drop-off) and provision of recycling services has transitioned to the cities and counties.

Recycling Generation Projections




For each major solid waste category, HRPDC established a per capita generation rate on the basis of available historical records of waste generation and disposal. HRPDC then used the generation rates in conjunction with the Region’s population projections to estimate waste volumes for the 23-year planning period. HRPDC adjusted these generation rates over the planning period in response to projected impacts of urbanization, intensity of construction activity, economic growth, and recycling trends.

HRPDC established generation factors by adding total annual Region-wide waste disposed and total Region-wide waste recycled in each waste category, and dividing by the Region’s population for the year under consideration. HRPDC also evaluated the historical generation rate trends to determine generation rates to be used over the 23-year planning period. All waste and recycling projections throughout this chapter assume the continuation of the Region’s current waste management practices and conditions, unless otherwise stated.

Sources of Information

Quantities of the Southeastern Virginia Region’s recyclables accepted for disposal at the SPSA Regional Landfill in Suffolk are maintained by SPSA. HRPDC used records maintained by SPSA and the City of Virginia Beach, which operated its own landfill, to determine annual recycling quantities, including yard waste, for the Region.

MSW Generation Forecasts

HRPDC based waste generation projections on the predicted per capita recycling generation rate and population projections for the planning period. In addition, employment projections were used to predict commercial waste generation, as discussed later in this section. For projections of recycling quantities, HRPDC forecasted its overall, residential, and commercial recycling rates to remain at their three-year averages. Therefore, HRPDC projects that the overall recycling rate will remain at 51.9 percent, the residential recycling rate will remain at 55.5 percent, and the commercial recycling rate will remain at 48.9 percent.


Southeastern Virginia Region Waste Generation Rate

Based upon the average of the past three years, the waste generation rate for the Southeastern Virginia Region is 7.10 PCD. HRPDC examined actual per capita waste generation data from 2010 through 2017 (Table 2-6) to determine trends. Recent scale records show a generation rate of 7.05 PCD in 2001, increasing to 7.16 PCD in 2002. This represents an annual increase in the Region’s recyclables generation rate of approximately 2 percent.

Regional Versus Virginia and National Per Capita Generation Data

The recyclables generation rate in the Southeastern Virginia Region is in line with national and Virginia generation rate estimates. Nationally, the recyclables generation rate has remained constant at 4.51 PCD in 1990, 2000 and 2010. Within the Commonwealth, DEQ has estimated a recyclables generation rate of 5.8 PCD for the Commonwealth for 1990, 2000 and 2010.

Recyclables Projections

From the differing trends and estimates of recyclables generation in the Southeastern Virginia Region, the HRPDC has developed four alternative recyclables projections to address the probable range of variance in the future generation rates. Table 7-6 presents a summary of the projections of recyclables generation for these four alternatives over the next 23 years. Table 7-7 provides a summary of the averages of projections of recyclables generation by local government. Appendix H includes a more detailed discussion of the development of the Region’s recyclables projections.


Table 7-6. Projected Recyclables Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 - CY 2040 2020 2030 2040 Alternative Generation Disposal Generation Disposal Generation Disposal 1: Recyclables Generation in the Region Remains Constant 2: Recyclables Generation in the Region Increases at 1 Percent 3: Recyclables Generation in the Region Remains Constant; Estimates Calculated Separately for Residential and Commercial Sectors 4: Recyclable Generation Increases at 1 Percent; Estimates Calculated Separately for Residential and Commercial Sectors Average of Alternatives 1, 2, 3 and 4 Source: HRPDC


Table 7-7. Projected Recyclables Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2020 – CY 2040 Recycling Quantities (Tons)

Local Government CY 2020 CY 2030 CY 2040 Average Tonnage per Average Percentage Household of Total

Chesapeake Franklin Isle of Wight County Norfolk Portsmouth Smithfield Southampton County Suffolk Virginia Beach Total Source: Recycling Education

HRPDC and the individual localities continue to bring awareness of its programs to the public that are both local and regional in scope. Educational initiatives to encourage recycling are currently underway both at the local and regional level. These educational initiatives will be continued and expanded, based on need and availability of funding and staff resources, to ensure that the citizens and businesses in the SPSA localities are aware of available recycling programs and the benefits of recycling.


askHRgreen promotes litter prevention, recycling, community beautification and environmental awareness in the 16 cities and counties that make up the Hampton Roads region. The program is managed by the HRPDC and closely coordinates with other regional environmental education programs. The program’s website ( contains information on residential recycling, business recycling and buying recycled goods.



Chesapeake has curbside recycling information, including “how to” videos for the new curbside collection program available on its website at The City recently implemented “Recycling Perks,” a program that rewards residents for participation in the recycling program. The City’s website states that “Recycling Perks are designed to help residents save money and provide discounts on entertainment or leisure activities. Rewards are offered by local businesses to reward residents for recycling.”


Recycling information for Franklin is included in the City’s newsletter City Clips, which is available online at:

Isle of Wight County

Information regarding recycling in Isle of Wight County is available on the County’s website at. waste/recycling-program/.


The Norfolk Environmental Commission website ( contains information for Norfolk residents regarding household hazardous waste, recycling, and adopt a spot. Additional recycling information is available on the City’s website at


Information regarding recycling in Portsmouth is available on the City’s website at


Information regarding recycling in Smithfield is available on the Town’s website at


Suffolk recycling information is provided on the City’s website at


Virginia Beach

Virginia Beach recycling information is available on the City’s website at waste-management/Pages/default.aspx. The Waste Management division also uses social media (Facebook) to disseminate updated recycling information. Virginia Beach recently acquired an official recycling mascot to attend local events. The mascot represents the city’s “Catch the Wave--Recycle” logo.

Both the Local Geovernemnts and the HRPDC 9through askHRgreen) provide information to the public on waste disposal issues, including litter control, recycling, and household hazardous waste. In addition, through the HRPDC, information is provided to the public on a variety of other environmental issues. This information is provided in the form of media coverage, advertising, fact sheets, brochures, educational materials, and “give-aways.” For example, HRPDC recently (June 2011) hosted “Plastic Bag Forgiveness Day,” on which those who brought in five or more plastic bags received free items including a reusable tote bag. These programs will be continued.

Reuse Opportunities

Various organizations offer reuse opportunities for clothing and household items including Goodwill, Salvation Army, and Habitat for Humanity (reusable building materials).

Material Recovery Facilities

The 2014 VDEQ database lists 16 permitted material recovery facilities (MRFs) in the Southeastern Virginia Region. Table 7-8 lists the known active and proposed MRFs in the Southeastern Virginia Region.

Table 7-8. Permitted Material Recovery Facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2017 Facility Facility (Local Government - Operator) Type Capacity as of 12/2016 (Tons) B&H Sales Corporation (Norfolk - B&H Sales Corporation) Bay Disposal, Inc. Norfolk MRF (Norfolk - Bay Disposal & Recycling, Inc.) Clearfield MMG, Inc. – Chesapeake (Chesapeake - Clearfield MMG, Inc.) Clearfield MMG, Inc. – Suffolk (Suffolk - Clearfield MMG, Inc.) Recycling Center MRF (Chesapeake - Elizabeth 131

River Recycling) Recycling and Disposal Solutions of Virginia (RDS) (Portsmouth - Recycling & Disposal Solutions of Virginia) Select Recycling Waste Services, Inc. (Chesapeake - Select Recycling Waste Services, Inc.) SPSA – Suffolk Regional Landfill (Suffolk - SPSA) TFC Recycling (Chesapeake - TFC Recycling) United Disposal Incorporated (Norfolk - United Disposal Incorporated) U.S. Navy – Norfolk Naval Shipyard (Portsmouth - U.S. Navy) Waste Industries, LLC (Chesapeake - Waste Industries, LLC) Source: Solid Waste Managed in Virginia During Calendar Year 2016 (VDEQ June 2017) Markets for Recycling and Reuse

Currently, all of the municipalities rely on the private sector for processing and marketing of collected recyclables. Collected materials are sold to a variety of end markets; the municipalities have no control over marketing decisions or prices paid. The municipalities can affect recycling markets, however, by:

• Using economic development mechanisms to attract business that manufacture recycled products or assist current businesses with methods to use recycled materials. By doing this, the Region will help close the loop for recycling and can create markets for their collected materials.

• Creating viable, long-term markets for recovered materials. Generally, markets for recyclables are driven by demand for the end-products manufactured from recovered materials. The Region can encourage procurement of products made with recycled content.


Currently there is only one significant facility in the Region that is capable of processing materials collected from various recycling programs. At the time the 2005 SWMP was written, SPSA was the primary provider of recycling collection services in the Region, with the exception of Virginia Beach. As an alternative, SPSA considered the construction and operation of a competing MRF. However, SPSA has discontinued recycling services and the member jurisdictions have taken over the responsibility for collection of recyclables. Processing of recyclables is currently a private sector function (see Figure 7-1). Bay Disposal is currently investigating the feasibility of establishing a MRF in Hampton that could have the capacity to handle recycling material collected in the Region.

Recycling Needs


Evaluation and Monitoring

Regional recycling programs currently are in transition as SPSA transfers recycling responsibilities to the local jurisdictions. The cities and counties have taken over implementation of curbside and drop-off programs. There will need to be a coordinated effort to evaluate the status of individual recycling programs. The evaluation should address the following:

• Evaluation of what is and isn’t marketable and identify opportunities to develop markets for recycled materials.

• Progress toward recycling goals.

• Assessment of public outreach and education programs.

• Assessment of recycling collection and marketing programs.

• Establish an accurate assessment of the Region’s recycling rate.

• Identify gaps and needs in recycling programs.

Recycling Data Collection

The recycling rate has decreased over the past few years due to a lack of cooperation in recycling reporting; however, the contribution of private recycling efforts is an important component to the Region’s recycling rate. Currently, a letter and survey are mailed by HRPDC to a limited number of commercial establishments. The following represent possible improvements to the data collection effort:

• DEQ also has developed a template for gathering recycling information that HRPDC may find useful.

• HRPDC should create a system that is easy to use for commercial establishments to report recyclables. Montgomery County, Maryland, for example, has a reporting module on their website. This reporting system self-populates their recycling database and makes compilation of the data easier. Businesses can also report recycling quantities through the mail or fax via a form that can be downloaded from their website.

• HRPDC should target businesses that are likely to generate recycling quantities that are NOT collected through a licensed (reporting) waste collector. For example, Montgomery County develops a list of SIC codes to target each year. Each year, a different business sector is targeted to establish contact: book stores for book/paper recycling, HVAC contractors for scrap metal, grocery stores for baled cardboard, restaurants for composted food waste, etc. Each year there are several businesses identified that generate significant quantities of recyclables that are not captured through facility or waste collector reporting. Businesses that typically produce large quantities of recyclables include:

- Landscaping and Tree Service Companies 133

- Auto dealerships

- Large grocery chains (Food Lion, Farm Fresh, Harris Teeter, etc.)

- Property management companies (generally, they establish recycling programs at large office buildings/complexes with multiple tenants)

- Large retail establishments (Kohl’s, Wal-Mart, Target). Please note that Virginia DEQ placed recycling information for Walmart on its website.

• HRPDC should maintain enough staff to process submitted recycling information. Montgomery County, Maryland has multiple people on staff that process recycling information submitted by the commercial sector. In addition to verifying their understanding of submitted information, they track the generator of recyclable material, the collector of each recyclable material type, and the ultimate disposal location of the recyclable material. This helps to ensure they do not double count materials.

• Lastly, HRPDC should be prepared to contact non-responsive establishments. As a last resort, most of the municipalities have enacted recycling reporting ordinances that have penalties for non-compliance.

Recycling Source Reduction and Reuse SWMP Actions

Recycling SWMP Actions

− Promote public-private recycling programs

− Improve public outreach and education to promote recycling

− Increase business recycling by reducing recycling thresholds

− Implement a Pay-As-You-Throw collection system

− Encourage increased CDD recycling

− Continue current yard waste recycling system; contract with composting facilities for dedicated capacity

− Encourage increased MSW recycling at Local Government facilities and schools in the Region

− Revise regulations to enhance recycling:

- Continue current yard waste recycling system; contract with composting facilities foe dedicated capacity 134

- Expand recyclables collected at multifamily residences

- Expand recycling requirements for electronic wastes

− Consider implementation of single-stream curbside collection system for recyclables

− Participate in regional promotion of CDD recycling

− Provide tools to promote increased recycling

− Establish a recycling rate goal

− Promote establishment of a regional food waste composting facility

Recycling Collection SWMP Actions

Recycling Transfer (Waste Flow) SWMP Actions

Recycling Disposal SWMP Actions


1 Discussion of specific commercial recycling programs in this section should not be construed as a recommendation or endorsement by the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission. The commercial recycling programs discussed here may not represent and exhaustive listing of all programs available in the Region as some businesses may have reduced or expanded the types of materials they accept.


Chapter 8 Construction and Demolition Debris (CDD)

Construction and Demolition Debris (CDD)

CDD consists of waste generated during construction, renovation, and demolition projects. The often bulky, heavy materials that make up CDD include wood, concrete, steel, brick, asphalt, gypsum, and plastic. CDD also includes salvaged building components such as doors, windows, and plumbing fixtures. Every time a building, road, or bridge is constructed, remodeled, or demolished, these materials are generated.

In addition, large volumes of CDD waste materials are generated during major storm events such as tropical storms and hurricanes. Historically, the Region has experienced such storm events and has been forced to manage the resulting debris. The Region must plan and prepare for the management of large influxes of CDD in addition to the volumes of CDD waste that are generated as a result of normal construction and demolition activities in the Region.

In 2003, EPA estimated that the per capita generation of building-related CDD materials was 3.2 pounds per person per day. This estimate was based on a series of calculations to estimate residential construction debris nonresidential construction debris, residential demolition debris, nonresidential demolition debris, and renovation/remodeling debris. EPA further estimated that 52 percent of CDD is disposed (i.e., 48 percent is recovered). In 1996, this per capita rate was estimated to be 2.8 pounds per person per day.

While not every person generates CDD materials personally, population growth increases the need for buildings and infrastructure to support that growth. Since little recovery of CDD appears to occur in the Region and construction activity has declined, an average CDD disposal rate was used based on disposal studies conducted in California; King County, Washington; and Wisconsin.

Figure8-1 provides an overview of the management of CDD within the Region. Figure 8-2 illustrates the CDD quantities reported by Local Governments in the Region form FY 2010 to FY 2017. Projected CDD generation in the Region by Local Government is summarized in Figure 8-3 using a disposal average of 2.1 tons/person/year (1.16 pounds/person/day).

Figure 8-1. Management of CDD by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Governments


Figure 8-2. CDD Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, FY 2010- FY 2017 136


Figure 8-3. Projected CDD Generation for Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2020 – CFY 2040 160,000 140,000 120,000 Franklin 100,000 Southampton 80,000 Isle of Wight 60,000 Portsmouth 40,000 Suffolk Waste Generated (tons) Generated Waste 20,000 Norfolk 0 Chesapeake Virginia Beach 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Fiscal Year

Source: HRPDC

The majority of CDD handled and disposed of in the Region is collected by the private sector. The active permitted private CDD only disposal facilities in the Region are shown in Table 8-1.


Table 8-1. Permitted CDD and Industrial Landfills in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2017 Expected Remaining Facility Permitted Facility Type Capacity as of Landfilled in Life 12/2016 (Tons) 2016 (Tons) (Years) Centerville Turnpike CDD Landfill (Virginia Beach - Hampton Roads Recovery Center, LLC) CDD 4,337,028.00 316,744.60 15.60 City of Portsmouth Craney Island Landfill (Portsmouth - Portsmouth) CDD 1,951,061.40 35,158.90 108 Higgerson Buchanan, Inc. (Chesapeake - Higgerson Buchanan, Inc.) CDD 5,400.00 8,000.00 2.00 International Paper Landfill No. 2 (Isle of Wight County - International Paper) Industrial 1,828,567.50 83,355.00 69.00 John C Holland Enterprises Inc. (Suffolk - John C Holland Enterprises, Inc.) Industrial 880,237.50 61,830.00 18.00 Source: Solid Waste Managed in Virginia During Calendar Year 2016 (VDEQ June 2017)

There are two active CDD-only disposal facilities in the Region with capacity that extend well into the current study planning period (through 2047). The City of Portsmouth’s Craney Island Landfill is intended for disposal of City produced CDD material only. The Hampton Roads Recovery Center LLC’s Centerville Landfill has a reported capacity of 5,400,000 tons (as of July 2015) with 13 years of life (VDEQ, June 2015) and is anticipated to be the only active CDD only disposal facility for the foreseeable future in the Region. Higgerson-Buchanan Inc.’s Landfill has very little permitted capacity remaining and it is reported that the facility has at least temporarily stopped accepting waste. However, it is possible that an expansion may be permitted and constructed in the near future.

Warren Thrasher’s Elbow Road Farm CDD Landfill on Centerville Turnpike in Chesapeake has a permitted expansion, although there are no plans to construct the expansion area, according to the site owner (personnel communication with facility owner, Warren Thrasher). The expansion has a reported capacity of approximately 1.6 million cubic yards with an estimated life of 13 years (assuming a waste disposal rate of 125,000 cubic yards per year). The expansion area would cover a total area of 20.7 acres (15.3 acres plus 5.3 acres of piggyback). 138

Landfills that are permitted for other types of waste (either MSW or Industrial) may also accept CDD, although a CDD only disposal facility would most likely have a lower tipping fee, and therefore disposal of CDD in a MSW or Industrial landfill may not be considered cost effective since CDD waste would be replacing MSW or Industrial waste air space. Non-CDD only permitted landfills that may accept CDD waste include SPSA’s Suffolk Regional Landfill (MSW) as noted above, the City of Virginia Beach’s Landfill and Resource Recovery Center (MSW) and the John C. Holland Enterprises’ Landfill (Industrial). According to the VDEQ (Solid Waste Managed in Virginia During Calendar Year 2009), the John C. Holland Enterprises’ Landfill has over 12 million tons of capacity with an reported remaining life of more than 50 years, which extends through the study planning period.

Active and permitted Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) that recycle and otherwise handle CDD in the Region are Waste Industries’ Facility on Cook Boulevard in Chesapeake, Bay Disposal and Disposal, Inc.’s Facility on Springfield Avenue in Norfolk, Waterway Marine Terminal Inc.’s Facility on Precon Drive in Chesapeake, United Disposal Inc.’s Facility on Wellman Street in Norfolk and Meeks Disposal Corporation’s Facility on Cavalier Boulevard in Chesapeake.

According to VDEQ records, Waterways Recycling processes approximately 50,000 tons of CDD material annually (calendar year 2007 data), at least some of it from out of the Region. According to the facility manager, the facility has the capacity to handle up to 700,000 tons annually, with a recycling rate of 92 percent. The remaining 8 percent of the material is disposed of most likely in the Centerville Turnpike CDD Landfill.

The International Paper – Franklin Mill Industrial Waste Landfill was previously considered a “captive” industrial landfill. As the Franklin Mill has been repurposed, separate corporations will be operating facilities within the Mill. International Paper intends for businesses operation on the Mill site and generating similar wastes to dispose of that waste in the International Paper Industrial Waste Landfill. There is no intent to accept wastes from other locations and activities.

“East Coast Gutterman, LLC proposes to operate a material recovery facility for CDD in Chesapeake. This facility will have an initial design capacity of 200 tons/day.” The facility will accept, sort, and process construction and demolition debris (CDD) waste consisting primarily of steel, wood, shingles, sheetrock, concrete, and the like for recycling. The facility will include a concrete crushing operation. Recycled concrete and brick will be temporarily stockpiled on-site. Residual waste from the processing operation will be transferred from the facility to a permitted landfill or transfer station. The design capacity of the facility is 200 tons per day.

Bay Disposal, Inc. proposes to operate a material recovery facility in the Town of Smithfield. The facility will accept, sort, and process municipal solid waste (MSW), construction and demolition debris (CDD), and recyclables. The design capacity of the facility is 400 tons per day.

Table 8-2 provides a summary of CDD generation quantities reported in the Region by Local Government from CY 2010 to CY 2017. Table 8-3 summarizes projected CDD Generation Quantities for the Region from CY 2020 to CY 2040. Table 8-4 summarizes average projected CDD quantities generation for the Region by Local Government from CY 2020 to CY 2040. 139

Table 8-2. CDD Generation Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2010 – CY 2017 CDD Generation Quantities (Tons)

Local Government Average Average CY 2010 CY 2011 CY 2012 CY 2013 CY 2014 CY 2015 CY 2016 CY 2017 Tonnage per Percentage Household of Total Chesapeake Franklin Isle of Wight County Norfolk Portsmouth Smithfield Southampton County Suffolk Virginia Beach Total Source:


Table 8-3. Projected CDD Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 - CY 2040 2020 2030 2040 Alternative Generation Disposal Generation Disposal Generation Disposal 1: CDD Generation in the Region Remains Constant 2: CDD Generation in the Region Increases at 1 Percent 3: CDD Generation in the Region Remains Constant; Estimates Calculated Separately for Residential and Commercial Sectors 4: CDD Generation Increases at 1 Percent; Estimates Calculated Separately for Residential and Commercial Sectors Average of Alternatives 1, 2, 3 and 4 Source: HRPDC


Table 8-4. Projected CDD Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2020 – CY 2040 CDD Generation Quantities (Tons)

Local Government CY 2020 CY 2030 CY 2040 Average Tonnage per Average Percentage of Household Total

Chesapeake Franklin Isle of Wight County Norfolk Portsmouth Smithfield Southampton County Suffolk Virginia Beach Total Source:

Source Reduction



Collection and Transfer (Waste Flow)

Disposal 142

Construction and Demolition Debris (CDD) Waste Generation Activities and Waste Stream Material Types

Construction/Demolition/Debris (CDD) constitutes a major portion of the Region’s solid waste stream. As defined by the Virginia Solid Waste Management Regulations, CDD includes the following:

Construction Waste - Solid waste produced or generated during construction, remodeling, or repair of pavements, houses, commercial buildings, and other structures. Construction wastes include lumber, wire, sheetrock, broken brick, shingles, glass, pipes, concrete, paving materials, and metal and plastics if the metal or plastics are part of the materials of construction or empty containers for such materials. Paints, coatings, solvents, asbestos, any liquid, compressed gases or semi-liquids, and garbage are not construction wastes.

Demolition Waste - Solid waste produced by the destruction of structures and their foundations, which includes the same materials as construction wastes.

Debris Waste - Wastes resulting from land clearing operations. Debris wastes include stumps, wood, brush, soil, and road spoils.

CDD Waste Residential and Commercial Waste Percentages

CDD Waste Generation Rates

CDD Generation Projections



For each major solid waste category, HRPDC established a per capita generation rate on the basis of available historical records of waste generation and disposal. HRPDC then used the generation rates in conjunction with the Region’s population projections to estimate waste 143

volumes for the 23-year planning period. HRPDC adjusted these generation rates over the planning period in response to projected impacts of urbanization, intensity of construction activity, economic growth, and recycling trends.

HRPDC established generation factors by adding total annual Region-wide waste disposed and total Region-wide waste recycled in each waste category, and dividing by the Region’s population for the year under consideration. HRPDC also evaluated the historical generation rate trends to determine generation rates to be used over the 23-year planning period. All waste and recycling projections throughout this chapter assume the continuation of the Region’s current waste management practices and conditions, unless otherwise stated.

Sources of Information

For CDD, HRPDC used SPSA and Local Government (where available) per capita generation estimates. Southeastern Virginia Region CDD generation data were obtained from reports published by DEQ on annual tonnages accepted by CDD landfills in conjunction with interviews with Local Government solid waste management personnel. Solid waste management personnel estimated historical waste tonnage accepted and the percentage of waste receipts originating in their respective communities.

CDD Generation Forecasts

HRPDC based waste generation projections on the predicted per capita CDD generation rate and population projections for the planning period. In addition, employment projections were used to predict commercial waste generation, as discussed later in this section.

Southeastern Virginia Region Waste Generation Rate

Based upon the average of the past three years, the waste generation rate for the Southeastern Virginia Region is 7.10 PCD. HRPDC examined actual per capita waste generation data from 2010 through 2017 (Table 2-6) to determine trends. Recent scale records show a generation rate of 7.05 PCD in 2001, increasing to 7.16 PCD in 2002. This represents an annual increase in the Region’s MSW generation rate of approximately 2 percent.

Regional Versus Virginia and National Per Capita Generation Data

The CDD generation rate in the Southeastern Virginia Region is in line with national and Virginia generation rate estimates. Nationally, the MSW generation rate has remained constant at 4.51 PCD in 1990, 2000 and 2010. Within the Commonwealth, DEQ has estimated an MSW generation rate of 5.8 PCD for the Commonwealth for 1990, 2000 and 2010.

MSW Projections

From the differing trends and estimates of CDD generation in the Southeastern Virginia Region, the HRPDC has developed four alternative MSW projections to address the probable range of variance in the future generation rates. Table 8-? presents a summary of the projections of MSW 144

generation and disposal for these four alternatives over the next 23 years. Appendix H includes a more detailed discussion of the development of the Region’s CDD projections.


CDD Source Reduction and Reuse SWMP Actions

− Improve public outreach and education to promote source reduction and reuse

− Implement City source reduction and reuse programs at Local Government facilities and schools in the Region

− Monitor and publicize waste generation

CDD Recycling SWMP Actions

− Promote public-private recycling programs

− Improve public outreach and education to promote recycling

− Encourage increased CDD recycling

− Participate in regional promotion of CDD recycling

CDD Collection SWMP Actions

− Promote use of special fuels, filters, and special vehicles for collection

− Implement a collection and disposal strategy for natural and manmade disasters

CDD Transfer (Waste Flow) SWMP Actions

− Continue using the current transfer system 145

CDD Disposal SWMP Actions

− Continue using current disposal system as the preferred alternative

− Establish agreements with other jurisdictions outside of the Region for alternative disposal


Chapter 9 Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste

Vegetative and Yard Waste

Household chores such as raking leaves, mowing grass and trimming trees and shrubs generate the majority of vegetative and yard waste, which has accounted for approximately 20 percent of solid waste collected in the Region (from SPSA Yard Waste Recycling flyer). The RW Beck Annual Survey and Report (as of February 29, 2008) stated that SPSA received 73,497 tons of vegetative and yard waste during the FY ending June 30, 2007. This was a small decrease from the previous year. The following is a summary of current vegetative and yard waste collection/handling activities.

Local Government Collection

The majority of vegetative and yard waste generated in the Region is currently collected by the Local Governments in the Region:

• Chesapeake - Leaves, trimmings and grass clippings are picked up with regular collections when placed at curbside. The City requires vegetative and yard waste, leaves and grass clippings to be placed in clear plastic bags. The material currently is delivered to Waterway Materials or the Holland Landfill.

• Franklin - Each customer is provided a green 90-gallon cart for vegetative and yard waste collection. Collected vegetative and yard waste is delivered to a City-owned farm where it is processed.

• Isle of Wight County - Approximately 600 tons of vegetative and yard waste is delivered to the convenience centers, which is transported to a composting facility in Waverly, Virginia.

• Norfolk - The City collects vegetative and yard wastes, in amounts up to 20 clear plastic bags (up to 3 cubic yards if scheduled). The City disposes of some vegetative and yard waste along with bulk items with a private vendor but the majority of vegetative and yard waste is transported to a composting facility in Waverly, Virginia.

• Portsmouth - The City provides vegetative and yard waste collection services; material is taken to the City of Portsmouth’s landfill at Craney Island.

• Southampton County - The County does not offer curb side vegetative and yard waste collection. Vegetative and yard waste is delivered by citizens to the mini-transfer stations operated by the County. Woody debris is grinded by a private vendor.

• Suffolk - The City collects vegetative and yard waste from single-family homes. Collected material is sent directly to the Suffolk Regional Landfill or the Suffolk Transfer Station.


• Virginia Beach - The City collects vegetative and yard waste from residences on a weekly schedule. Most vegetative and yard waste collected is currently transported to a private composting facility in Waverly for beneficial reuse. Some vegetative and yard waste is mulched at the City’s Landfill and Resource Recovery Center and used to landscape City properties.

Table 9-1. Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Services Provided by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Governments, 2017 Local Government Service Chesapeake Franklin Isle of Norfolk Portsmouth Smithfield Southampton Suffolk Virginia Wight County Beach County

Collection We pick up yard Residents yard waste currently All bulk items Services and debris in clear plastic are must be do not are collected Requirements bags (no more 35 provided placed in collect in a single gallon bags) once a a 90 clear plastic organics vehicle. We week with the gallon bags. Tree or do not have following limitations: container branches, vegetative strong data on for yard tree limbs, waste what January – October: 30 waste parts of separate percentages bag limit which we trees, from the are vegetative pick up bushes, normal versus other November/December: once a shrubbery waste bulk items. 50 bag limit week. We and cuttings, stream Customers are pick up or clippings allowed 12 No bagged or loose two 4’ x and the like, curbside “free” dirt, rock or mulch 4’ x4’ which collection collections of piles of cannot be on an on bulk waste Tree limbs and limbs and placed in call basis. annually (up branches must be twigs per receptacles All leaves to 8 cu yds). scheduled for bulk week. We or refuse and yard Beyond that waste pick-up with also pick bags as waste are there is a fee. the following up all required placed in Additionally, limitations: leaves no shall be cut bags and the City rents matter into lengths tied. a small 4’ wide by 4’ high by what the of between Cuttings, dumpster for


6’ long size of four feet and tree convenience the pile six feet and branches sake. Again, Tree Limbs: No larger and they stacked and other this is for bulk than 6” in diameter do not neatly at yard materials of have to curbside in a waste not all types. Do not accept be pile not to placed in contracted bagged exceed eight bags shall landscaping waste but must feet by ten be tied in be feet by eight a bundle separated feet in and shall from the height. Tree not limbs. parts greater exceed 60 than 18 inches in inches in length. diameter will Limbs not be shall not picked up by exceed 3 the city and inches in will be the diameter. responsibility There of the home shall be a owner or limit of 10 tenant for bags or disposal bundles of yard debris per customer. Such bags or bundles shall not exceed 35 pounds


Disposition of Waste is delivered to Once yard waste is Landfilled All solid waste Material Hampton Roads collected disposed of is currently Once Recovery Center the debris at the City taken to Collected (HRRC) or JC Holland is taken owned CDD SPSA’s Suffolk for recycling to Green landfill Transfer Waste Station. It is Recycling handled at the (a local discretion of company) the station for a fee manager from of $3.25 that point per cubic forward. yard. Some is landfilled and some is taken to Wheelabrator.

Percentage of Don’t know This is while 0% Unknown – Material unknown. materials are likely zero. Recycled into Once we not mulched Mulch or dump the or Compost debris at composted, Green larger tree Waste limbs are Recycling ground prior it to disposal in becomes the landfill their property.

Availability of Unknown Unknown N/A N/A No Final Product to Public for Once debris is


Free or Sale disposed at Green Waste Recycling it becomes their property

Collection In- collection is handled Collection all collection Outside Collection is House or by with in house staff is and disposal Contractor done by City Contractor handled of yard staff. Disposal processing is handled in house waste in is handled by through two third and handled by SPSA staff. party contracts disposal the City (Hampton Road is Recovery Center and handled JC Holland) under contract.

Plans for No Not at discussions No Yes – we have Changes to this time. are occurring been Process in at staff level evaluating Foreseeable however, no several Future plans are in different place at this options for time how we intend to deal with all bulk items in the upcoming year. The uncertainty at SPSA has been


a challenge and we have not finalized our plans yet but would expect to make use of some private disposal options, depending on where SPSA comes down on this.

Source: Compiled by HRPDC Staff from Local Interviews, 2017

Previous SPSA Vegetative and Yard Waste Management Initiatives

SPSA has operated facilities where vegetative and yard waste collected by member communities was handled, mulched and composted. The end product of this activity had been a source of revenue for SPSA through the sales of mulch and compost (marketed as Nature’s Blend). In 2005, SPSA operations conducted at the Suffolk Regional Landfill and the Virginia Beach Landfill and Resource Recovery Center were consolidated on a section of the Virginia Beach Landfill and Resource Recovery Center known as Phases 2B and 3. However, this facility was closed in 2007 to address neighbor complaints of excess odors from the facility. No new regional initiatives have been implemented since the Virginia Beach Landfill and Resource Recovery Center facility was closed for vegetative and yard waste, although several Southeastern Virginia localities are in the process of implementing programs to beneficially reuse the organic, vegetative and yard waste that they collect. Figure 9-1 illustrates current vegetative and yard waste management in the Region. Figure 9-2 illustrates organic, vegetative and yard waste generation quantities reported in the Region by Local Government from FY 2010 to FY 2017. Figure 9-3 summarizes projected organic, vegetative and yard waste generation quantities for the Region from CY 2020 to CY 2040. Table 9-1 is a listing of permitted organic, vegetative and yard waste facilities in the Region.


Figure 9-1. Management of Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Government, 2017

Source: HRPDC


Figure 9-2. Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, FY 2010 – FY 2017


Figure 9-3. Projected Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040


Table 9-1: Permitted Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2017


Table 9-2 summarizes organic, vegetative and yard waste generation quantities reported in the Region by Local Government from CY 2010 to CY 2017. Table 9-3 summarizes projected organic, vegetative and yard waste generation quantities for the Region from CY 2020 to CY 2040. Table 9-4 lists projected organic, vegetative and yard waste generation quantities for the Region by Local Government from CY 2010 to CY 2040.


Table 9-2. Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2010 – CY 2017 Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Quantities (Tons)

Local Government Average Average CY CY 2011 CY 2012 CY 2013 CY 2014 CY 2015 CY 2016 CY 2017 Tonnage Percentage 2010 per of Total Household Chesapeake Franklin Isle of Wight County Norfolk Portsmouth Smithfield Southampton County Suffolk Virginia Beach Total Source:

Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Projections

From the differing trends and estimates of MSW generation in the Southeastern Virginia Region, the HRPDC has developed four alternative Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste projections to address the probable range of variance in the future generation rates. Table 9-3 presents a summary of the projections of Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste generation and disposal for these four alternatives over the next 23 years. Appendix H includes a more detailed discussion of the development of the Region’s Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste projections.


Table 9-3. Projected Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 - CY 2040 2020 2030 2040 Alternative Generation Disposal Generation Disposal Generation Disposal 1: Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation in the Region Remains Constant 2: Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation in the Region Increases at 1 Percent 3: Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation in the Region Remains Constant; Estimates Calculated Separately for Residential and Commercial Sectors 4: Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Increases at 1 Percent; Estimates Calculated Separately for Residential and Commercial Sectors Average of Alternatives 1, 2, 3 and 4


Source: HRPDC

Table 9-4. Projected Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2010 – CY 2040 Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Quantities (Tons)

Local Government CY 2020 CY 2030 CY 2040 Average Tonnage per Average Percentage of Household Total

Chesapeake Franklin Isle of Wight County Norfolk Portsmouth Smithfield Southampton County Suffolk Virginia Beach Total Source:

Private Sector Vegetative and Yard Waste Management

Waterways Recycling, LLC is located in Chesapeake and operates out of Waterway Marine Terminal. Though the facility is capable of processing and recycling the full range of construction, demolition and debris (CDD) materials, the facility is slightly more geared to convert wood-based debris into processed wood. A significant portion of their recycled product customer base pre-orders and utilizes its wood chips.

Vegetative and Yard Waste Management Summary

As stated previously, the Region does not currently have a facility dedicated to the handling and processing of vegetative and yard waste, although several member communities are in the process of implementing programs to beneficially reuse the vegetative and yard waste that they collect.


Source Reduction



Collection and Transfer (Waste Flow)


Current Composting Conditions

Most of the vegetative and yard waste in the Region currently is being landfilled although some communities (including Isle of Wight County and the Cities of Norfolk and Virginia Beach) have at least some portion of the vegetative and yard waste they collect transported to a composting facility near Waverly, Virginia (McGill Environmental Systems Inc.). Collection systems are in place throughout most of the Region to collect vegetative and yard waste separately. It can be readily processed and recycled for beneficial use either as compost, wood chips, soil amendment, or other beneficial uses.

Composting Needs

The Region has had difficulty with its vegetative and yard waste management program. A comprehensive regional processing facility was constructed by SPSA in 2005 at Virginia Beach’s Landfill and Resource Recovery Center, but was closed in 2007 following opposition from surrounding residents and the City of Virginia Beach after persistent nuisance complaints and public health concerns. A regional facility may be appropriate for the urban areas within the Region (Chesapeake, Norfolk, Suffolk, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach), but an alternative approach may be appropriate for the more rural areas (City of Franklin and Isle of Wight and Southampton Counties).

Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Activities and Waste Stream Material Types

Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Residential and Commercial Waste Percentages


Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Rates

Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Projections



For each major solid waste category, HRPDC established a per capita generation rate on the basis of available historical records of waste generation and disposal. HRPDC then used the generation rates in conjunction with the Region’s population projections to estimate waste volumes for the 23-year planning period. HRPDC adjusted these generation rates over the planning period in response to projected impacts of urbanization, intensity of construction activity, economic growth, and recycling trends.

HRPDC established generation factors by adding total annual Region-wide waste disposed and total Region-wide waste recycled in each waste category, and dividing by the Region’s population for the year under consideration. HRPDC also evaluated the historical generation rate trends to determine generation rates to be used over the 23-year planning period. All waste and recycling projections throughout this chapter assume the continuation of the Region’s current waste management practices and conditions, unless otherwise stated.

Sources of Information

Quantities of the Southeastern Virginia Region’s Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste accepted for disposal at the SPSA Regional Landfill in Suffolk are maintained by SPSA. HRPDC used records maintained by SPSA and the City of Virginia Beach, which operated its own landfill, to determine annual recycling quantities, including yard waste, for the Region.

For Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste, HRPDC used SPSA and Local Government (where available) per capita generation estimates. Southeastern Virginia Region CDD generation data were obtained from reports published by DEQ on annual tonnages accepted by CDD landfills in conjunction with interviews with Local Government solid waste management personnel. Solid waste management personnel estimated historical waste tonnage accepted and the percentage of waste receipts originating in their respective communities.


Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Forecasts

HRPDC based waste generation projections on the predicted per capita Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste generation rate and population projections for the planning period. In addition, employment projections were used to predict commercial waste generation, as discussed later in this section.

Southeastern Virginia Region Waste Generation Rate

Based upon the average of the past three years, the waste generation rate for the Southeastern Virginia Region is 7.10 PCD. HRPDC examined actual per capita waste generation data from 2010 through 2017 (Table 2-6) to determine trends. Recent scale records show a generation rate of 7.05 PCD in 2001, increasing to 7.16 PCD in 2002. This represents an annual increase in the Region’s MSW generation rate of approximately 2 percent.

Regional Versus Virginia and National Per Capita Generation Data

The Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste generation rate in the Southeastern Virginia Region is in line with national and Virginia generation rate estimates. Nationally, the Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste generation rate has remained constant at 4.51 PCD in 1990, 2000 and 2010. Within the Commonwealth, DEQ has estimated an MSW generation rate of 5.8 PCD for the Commonwealth for 1990, 2000 and 2010.


Vegetative and Yard Waste Source Reduction and Reuse SWMP Actions

− Improve public outreach and education to promote source reduction and reuse

− Implement source reduction and reuse programs

− Provide tools to promote increased source reduction and reuse

− Monitor and publicize waste generation

Vegetative and Yard Waste Recycling SWMP Actions

− Improve public outreach and education to promote recycling


− Continue current yard waste recycling system; contract with composting facilities for dedicated capacity

Vegetative and Yard Waste Collection SWMP Actions

− Continue current vegetative and yard waste collection system, including vacuumed leaf collection

− Promote use of special fuels, filters, and special vehicles for collection

− Implement a collection and disposal strategy for natural disasters

Vegetative and Yard Waste Transfer (Waste Flow) SWMP Actions

− Continue using the current transfer system

− Maintain leaf mulch programs at the Local Government and SPSA transfer yard or alternative location

Vegetative and Yard Waste Disposal SWMP Actions

− Continue using current disposal system as the preferred alternative

− Establish agreements with other jurisdictions outside of the Region for alternative disposal


Chapter 10 Special Wastes

Special Wastes

This section includes discussions of various waste types generated in the Region that are categorized, processed, handled, or otherwise addressed separately or differently than the wastes that are addressed in the other sections of this plan. The following information describes in more detail the most prevalent types of these special wastes handled throughout the Region.

Special wastes are components of the Region’s solid waste stream that have unique collection, disposal, or recycling requirements, in part due to their unique characteristics and resulting from special federal or state regulations to safeguard public health or the environment. Special wastes include household hazardous wastes (HHW), regulated medical wastes (RMW), household hazardous wastes (HHW), used tires, used oil and antifreeze, used batteries, sludge, septage and mining wastes, agricultural wastes, and spill residues.

Special wastes generated by commercial activities are regulated and must be disposed of properly. Residents generate HHW at their homes, including aerosols, pesticides, oil based paints, and other hazardous materials. Hospitals, clinics, and physician’s offices generate RMW. Households, auto shops, and the Region’s Local Government’s motor pools generate used tires, used oil, antifreeze, and used batteries.

Hazardous Wastes

The EPA establishes criteria for the identification and classification of hazardous wastes and sets requirements for their proper management. In the Southeastern Virginia Region, private companies collect, transport and dispose hazardous wastes generated in the Region. These wastes are disposed in certified facilities to prevent the release of hazardous constituents to the environment.

Businesses in the Region that generate more than 220 pounds or 27 gallons of commercial hazardous waste per month are categorized as hazardous waste generators and must abide by EPA and federal Department of Transportation (DOT) hazardous waste regulations. These regulations include specific requirements for the transport, storage, and disposal of commercial hazardous waste; hazardous waste generators typically contract with permitted disposal companies for collection.

Figure 10-1. Management of HHW by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Governments, 2017


Household Hazardous Wastes (HHW) 162

Household cleaners, pesticides and fertilizers, fuels, paints, batteries, and pool chemicals that would otherwise go into the SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill are diverted from the waste stream through the SPSA Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection program. SPSA operates five HHW collection facilities. Virginia Beach has assumed responsibility for the HHW facility operation at the City’s Landfill and Resource Recovery Center. The City of Norfolk also operates a household hazardous waste facility; but has temporarily suspended its collection of household hazardous waste, pending site improvements. Table 10-1 lists the permitted HHW facilities in the Region. Table 10-2 provides a breakdown of the HHW quantities collected at the SPSA facilities in fiscal year 2010 through fiscal year 2016. Table 10-3 summarizes projected HHW generation quantities for the Region by Local Government from CY 2020 to CY 2040.

Table 10-1. Permitted HHW Facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2017

Facility Name Local Government Type Operator

Source: Table 10-2. Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region, FY 2010 - FY 2016 Quantity Waste Profile Units FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Paint Related Gallons 1,540 4,565 1,650 1,650 1,045 880 660 Materials High Btu (Waste Gallons 1,540 3,575 1,595 1,595 1,430 1,650 1,650 fuel/solvents) Low Btu (Waste oil/oily Gallons 1,485 990 275 330 385 330 110 water) Detergents/Cleaners Gallons 1,045 495 330 0 330 1,320 385 Pesticide Liquids Gallons 6,960 4,510 1,245 2,365 1,100 2,420 2,035 Inorganic Acids Gallons 990 1,870 344 440 275 385 275 Base Liquids Gallons 1,056 165 110 55 165 385 220 Oxidizers Gallons NR Antifreeze Gallons 1,433 5,559 1,421 1,624 2,086 2,298 1,460 Wet Cell Batteries* Each 950 225 350 243 695 390 307 Propane Cylinders* Each 3,574 1,248 605 1,201 8664 568 576 Pesticide Solids Pounds 4,505 22,200 3,800 12,800 18,400 8,800 6,750 Base Solids Pounds 880 800 400 0 0 110 55 163

Dry Cell Batteries** Pounds 12,600 2,400 800 700 1,225 1,100 700 Aerosol Cans Pounds 855 1,870 1,100 800 705 600 6 Mercury Pounds 825 125 180 0 0 456 584 Reactive (Calcium Pounds 5 10 50 0 0 0 1 Carbide) Oil Gallons 26,903 19,449 9,546 8,533 8,941 11,250 6,954 Solvents Gallons 1,954 653 200 139 0 0 Other Cylinders* Each 4,884 4,912 2,256 1,236 700 1,125 Cooking Oil Gallons 0 0 0 1,100 860 980 555 Total Liquid Gallons 42,952 43,132 17,169 17,892 16,756 21,898 14,304 Total Solid Pounds 24,470 33,705 7,480 16,050 24,530 14,916 11,246 Source: SPSA Notes: NR = not reported, *totals do not include waste measured as “each”, **dry cell battery weight is based on approximately 700 pounds per 55 gallon drum


Table 10-3. Projected HHW Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2020 – CY 2040 HHW Generation Quantities (Tons)

Local Government CY 2020 CY 2030 CY 2040 Average Tonnage per Average Percentage of Household Total

Chesapeake Franklin Isle of Wight County Norfolk Portsmouth Smithfield Southampton County Suffolk Virginia Beach Total Source:

Figure 10-2. Active HHW Facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2017


Figure 10-3. HHW Disposal Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, FY 2010 – FY 2017


Figure 10-4. Projected HHW Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2020 – CY 2040 165


Regulated Medical Waste (RMW)

Virginia's medical waste management regulations have established standards for the storage, transportation and treatment of medical waste. Regulated medical waste may be stored, steam sterilized, incinerated or treated by an acceptable alternative mechanism in a permitted facility. The private sector is the primary supplier of Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) collection, treatment and disposal in the Region. There are two active RMW stream sterilizers in the Region. Each of the permitted facilities (two units) are operated by ODU in Norfolk. There are currently no permitted RMW incinerators or transfer stations in the Region. Table 10-4 lists the permitted RMW facilities in the Region. Table 10-5 summarizes RMW collection quantities reported in the Region by Local Government from CY 2010 to CY 2017. Table 10-6 shows the average projected RMW generation quantities for the Region by Local Government from CY 2020 to CY 2040.

The purpose of medical waste regulations is to establish standards and procedures in order to protect public health and safety, and to protect the environment and natural resources. Under current permitting requirements, those facilities that handle and process wastes on site, (such as hospitals and college labs) and do not accept wastes from other institutions or businesses, are not required to obtain a permit or report quantities. They are however, required to maintain proper handling procedures and standards for the protection of public safety and health, and the environment.


Table 10-4. Permitted Regulated Medical Waste Facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2017

Facility Name Local Government Type Operator

American Suffolk Storage Facility AEG Environmental Group American Suffolk RMW Transfer Facility American Transportation Transportation Systems Transfer Systems, LLC Station (proposed) Old Dominion Norfolk Steam Sterilizer ODU University Biology (Unit 2) Building MWT Old Dominion Norfolk Steam Sterilizer ODU University Technology (Unit 1) Building MWT Sources: 2011 Regional Solid Waste Management Plan for Southeastern Virginia and SCS Engineers


Table 10-5. Regulated Medical Waste Collection Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2010 – CY 2017 RMW Generation Quantities (Tons)

Local Government Average Average CY CY 2011 CY 2012 CY 2013 CY 2014 CY 2015 CY 2016 CY 2017 Tonnage Percentage 2010 per of Total Household Chesapeake Franklin Isle of Wight County Norfolk Portsmouth Smithfield Southampton County Suffolk Virginia Beach Total Source:


Table 10-6. Projected Regulated Medical Waste Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2020 – CY 2040 RM Generation Quantities (Tons)

Local Government CY 2020 CY 2030 CY 2040 Average Tonnage per Average Percentage of Household Total

Chesapeake Franklin Isle of Wight County Norfolk Portsmouth Smithfield Southampton County Suffolk Virginia Beach Total Source:

Figure 10-5. Management of Regulated Medical Waste by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Governments, 2017


Figure 10-6. Active Regulated Medical Waste Facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2017



Figure 10-7. Regulated Medical Waste Disposal Quantities Reported for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2010 – CY 2017


Figure 10-8. Projected Regulated Medical Waste Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2020 – CY 2040


Used Tires

Virginia bans the land disposal of used tires. In addition, the General Assembly enacted a 50¢-per-tire tax (Section 58.1-641 of the Code of Virginia) and directed VDEQ to develop and implement a plan (Section 10.1-1422 of the Code of Virginia) for the transportation and management of all waste tires generated within the state. Virginia temporarily raised the tax to $1 per tire between July 2003 and July 2006. The revenues are placed in the Waste Tire Trust Fund.

Used tires collected in the Southeastern Virginia Region are recycled for use for civil engineering projects, as a fuel source, and in recycled products, primarily outside of the Region. Tire use in civil engineering projects includes landfill daily cover, landfill drainage media, landfill improvements, septic drain fields, golf course drainage, and roadway base. As a fuel source, chipped or shredded tires are used in some waste- to-energy facilities, electricity-generating facilities, pulp and paper mills, and cement kilns. The recycled product uses include mats, highway noise walls, pavement sealers, playground surfaces, brake pads, blasting mats, eco-blocks, and arena footings.

Used Tires Waste Generation Activities

Used Tires Waste Stream Material Types


Used Tires Residential and Commercial Waste Percentages

Used Tires Waste Generation Rates

White Goods

Friable Asbestos

Petroleum Contaminated Soil

Incineration Combustion/Ash

Mining and Dredged Material Waste

Spill Residues

Used Oil and Antifreeze

Used oil and antifreeze generated in the Southeastern Virginia Region are currently accepted at no charge at Local Government drop-off centers, as well as by private collection firms and recycling firms that service auto shops and motor pools. 171

Used Oil and Antifreeze Waste Generation Activities

Used Oil and Antifreeze Waste Stream Material Types

Used Oil and Antifreeze Residential and Commercial Waste Percentages

Used Oil and Antifreeze Waste Generation Rates

SPSA compiles data from all of these collection sources annually (Table 2-8). SPSA and the Region’s Local Governments do not maintain separate used oil and antifreeze data for Southeastern Virginia Region residents. Therefore, HRPDC is using DEQ average data for the Commonwealth to develop used oil and antifreeze per capita generation estimates.

Table 2-8.


Used Batteries

Used automotive batteries are accepted by battery retailers and at both SPSA and Local Government citizen transfer station locations. SPSA and Local Government transfer stations accept button, rechargeable (NiCad), mercury, and lithium batteries. Residents within the Region may also take button batteries to ______and NiCad batteries to ______. While both alkaline and carbon zinc household batteries may be disposed of with MSW, residents are encouraged to segregate these form the MSW waste stream.

NiCad batteries could present a significant challenge if they continue to be disposed as waste in the future. There is the potential for increased amounts of cadmium to be released as the material is either incinerated or landfilled. See _____ for recommendations concerning battery recycling.

Used Batteries Waste Generation Activities 172

Used Batteries Waste Stream Material Types

Used Batteries Residential and Commercial Waste Percentages

Used Batteries Waste Generation Rates

The Southeastern Virginia Region does not maintain separate battery collection data for its residents. Therefore, HRPDC is using data generated from Local Governments in the Region to develop per capita generation estimates for used batteries. Table 2-8 includes data for the batteries managed by the Region’s recycling programs.

Marine Debris

Industrial Sludge

Industrial sludge is generated by a variety of businesses and industries in the Southeastern Virginia Region. The following major producers have, in the past, reported the volumes of sludge produced and the disposal methods.

• Smithfield Foods reported that it produces 62 wet tons of wet solids per day, 4 to 5 days per week. The waste is reportedly sent to the BFI Landfill in Lawrenceville.

• City of Norfolk Moore’s Bridges Water Treatment Plant generates 1,100 tons per month of sludge from the water treatment process which is disposed of in the SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill.

• City of Norfolk 37th Street Water Treatment Plant sludge is piped directly to the solids handling section at HRSD’s VIP wastewater treatment plant near ODU. 173

SCS has not obtained information on current total industrial sludge volumes or disposal methods. SPSA received 5,890 tons of sludge from Norfolk in FY10 (from SPSA records). Several private companies in Southeastern Virginia collect, handle, and dispose of industrial sludge. These companies include Clean Harbors, IMS, Petro hem and Marplot. Little information is available on the volumes of sludge handled. Clean Harbors has estimated in the past that they handled approximately 50 tons of sludge per month that is disposed of locally through incineration at the RDF WTE Facility. An additional unknown volume is disposed of at facilities outside of Hampton Roads.


Sludge, Septage and Mining Wastes

Sludge, Septage and Mining Wastes Waste Generation Activities

Sludge, Septage and Mining Wastes Waste Stream Material Types

Sludge, Septage and Mining Wastes Residential and Commercial Waste Percentages

Sludge, Septage and Mining Wastes Waste Generation Rates

Agricultural Wastes

Agricultural wastes are by-products of farming and ranching that include crop harvesting waste and manure. According to the 2007 Census of Agriculture, the number of farms in the Region is decreasing:

• Chesapeake - Land in farms is down 16 percent from 2002 (61,087 acres to 51,124 acres). Of the acreage in farms, 85 percent is cropland.

• Isle of Wight County - Acreage of farms is down 15 percent from 2002 to 2007 (86,521 acres to 73,461 acres). Approximately 70 percent is cropland and 23 percent is woodland. 174

• Southampton County - Approximately 168,700 acres of farmland existed in 2002. This decreased to approximately 161,650 acres in 2007 (a 4 percent decrease). Of the remaining farmland, 56 percent is cropland and 36 percent in woodland.

• Suffolk - Since 2002, both the number of farms and acreage in farmland increased 26 percent and 1 percent, respectively. The amount of land in farms in 2007 was approximately 71,400 acres. Of this, 75 percent was cropland and 16 percent was woodland.

• Virginia Beach - The amount of land in farms has decreased 6 percent (28,380 acres in 2002 to 26,670 acres in 2007). Of this acreage, 81 percent is cropland.

A rural waste characterization study conducted for Washington State Department of Ecology attempted to quantify and characterize the types of waste disposed, recycled, or reused for four agricultural groups (field crops, orchards, vegetables, and livestock). The study found that less than 1% of the waste generated by these agricultural groups was landfilled. The primary means of handling waste generated by agriculture was through beneficial use, such as replenishment of soil nutrients.

Agricultural Wastes Waste Generation Activities

Agricultural Wastes Waste Stream Material Types

Agricultural Wastes Residential and Commercial Waste Percentages

Agricultural Wastes Waste Generation Rates

Waste Dirt and Street Sweepings

Dead Animals


Source Reduction



Collection and Transfer (Waste Flow)


Special Wastes SWMP Actions

− Continue using the current special wastes management system

− Establish a HHW collection program in the Southeastern Virginia Region

− Promote public/private recycling programs to increase special wastes recycling, including NiCad battery recycling

− Improve public outreach and education

Special Wastes Source Reduction and Reuse SWMP Actions

Special Wastes Recycling SWMP Actions

Special Wastes Collection SWMP Actions 176

Special Wastes Transfer (Waste Flow) SWMP Actions

− Continue using the current transfer system

Special Wastes Disposal SWMP Actions

− Continue using current disposal system as the preferred alternative

− Establish agreements with other jurisdictions outside of the Region for alternative disposal

Hazardous Wastes

Waste Generation Activities

Waste Stream Material Types

Residential and Commercial Waste Percentages

Waste Generation Rates

Regulated Medical Waste (RMW)

RMW is primarily generated by medical facilities. A solid waste is considered an RMW if it meets the following criteria defined by the VDEQ in 9VAC20-120-140 of the Virginia Regulations: 177

“Any solid waste, as defined in this chapter is a regulated medical waste if it is suspected by the health care professional in charge of being capable of producing an infectious disease in humans. A solid waste shall be considered to be capable of producing an infectious disease if it has been or is likely to have been contaminated by an organism likely to be pathogenic to healthy humans, such organism is not routinely and freely available in the community, and if such organism has a significant probability of being present in sufficient quantities and with sufficient virulence to transmit disease. If the exact cause of a patient’s illness is unknown, but the health care professional in charge suspects a contagious disease is the cause, the likelihood of pathogen transmission shall be assessed based on the pathogen suspected of being the cause of the illness.”1

RMW Waste Generation Activities

RMW Waste Stream Material Types

Examples of RMW include human blood, body fluids or items contaminated with these fluids, organs, body parts, needles and syringes (sharps), bedding materials, and bandages. Home-generated medical waste is not regulated and may be disposed of with other MSW.

RMW Residential and Commercial Waste Percentages

RMW Waste Generation Rates

Virginia’s RMW management regulations set standards for the storage, transportation, and treatment of RMW. It must be either stored, steam sterilized, incinerated, or treated by an acceptable alternative mechanism in an acceptable facility. Innovative treatment technology may be allowed if the effectiveness of the treatment can be demonstrated.

In some cases, transportation of RMW by medical personnel requires no prior certification to VDEQ. However, commercial operators must file a certification that their businesses satisfy VDEQ’s requirements before they can accept infectious material for transport. In all cases, the transportation of RMW is subject to the provisions in 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 171 through 178.

Household Hazardous Wastes (HHW) 178

VDEQ defines HHW as any household waste material that would be classified as a hazardous waste (in accordance with 9VAC 20-60) if it came from a business.4 Households generate many types of HHW during daily activities. Generally, a substance is considered hazardous if it can catch fire, react or explode when mixed with other substances, or is corrosive or toxic. Hazardous substances are more specifically defined as follows:

Corrosive - A chemical, or its vapors, that can cause deterioration or irreversible alteration in body tissues at the site of contact and deteriorate or wear away the surface of a material.

Flammable - A substance that can be ignited under almost all temperature conditions.

Irritant - A substance that causes soreness or inflammation of the skin, eyes, mucous membranes, or respiratory system.

Toxic - A substance that may cause injury or death upon ingestion, absorption, or inhalation.

The most common types of HHW generated in the Region are:

HHW Waste Generation Activities

HHW Waste Stream Material Types

HHW Residential and Commercial Waste Percentages

HHW Waste Generation Rates

Spill Residues

Spill Residues Waste Generation Activities


Spill Residues Waste Stream Material Types

Spill Residues Residential and Commercial Waste Percentages

Spill Residues Waste Generation Rates

Special Waste Projections

Special Wastes Generation Projections



For each major solid waste category, HRPDC established a per capita generation rate on the basis of available historical records of waste generation and disposal. HRPDC then used the generation rates in conjunction with the Region’s population projections to estimate waste volumes for the 23-year planning period. HRPDC adjusted these generation rates over the planning period in response to projected impacts of urbanization, intensity of construction activity, economic growth, and recycling trends.

HRPDC established generation factors by adding total annual Region-wide waste disposed and total Region-wide waste recycled in each waste category, and dividing by the Region’s population for the year under consideration. HRPDC also evaluated the historical generation rate trends to determine generation rates to be used over the 23-year planning period. All waste and recycling projections throughout this chapter assume the continuation of the Region’s current waste management practices and conditions, unless otherwise stated.

Sources of Information

Quantities of the Southeastern Virginia Region’s Special Wastes accepted for disposal at the SPSA Regional Landfill in Suffolk are maintained by SPSA. HRPDC used records maintained by SPSA and the City of Virginia Beach, which operated its own landfill, to determine annual recycling quantities, including yard waste, for the Region. 180

For Special Wastes, HRPDC used SPSA and Local Government (where available) per capita generation estimates. Southeastern Virginia Region Special Wastes generation data were obtained from reports published by DEQ on annual tonnages accepted by Special Wastes landfills in conjunction with interviews with Local Government solid waste management personnel. Solid waste management personnel estimated historical waste tonnage accepted and the percentage of waste receipts originating in their respective communities.

For special wastes, HRPDC used SPSA per capita generation estimates. SPSA used its data to determine annual recycling quantities for tires, used oil, antifreeze, and batteries for the Region. Annual quantities of HHW collected by the Region were obtained from records maintained by SPSA and Local Governments. No data were available for RMW generation and disposal in the Southeastern Virginia Region; accordingly HRPDC projected RMW from statewide data collected by DEQ and included in the report Solid Waste Managed in Virginia during Calendar Year 2016.2

Data regarding wastewater treatment sludge generated by the Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) sewage treatment plants in the Southeastern Virginia Region were obtained from HRSD. The Region also generates minimal reportable septage, agricultural wastes, mining wastes, and spill residues. HRPDC does not expect the annual generation quantities of these wastes to increase. Accordingly, waste projections for these special wastes are not included in this SWMP.

MSW Generation Forecasts

HRPDC based waste generation projections on the predicted per capita Special Wastes generation rate and population projections for the planning period. In addition, employment projections were used to predict commercial waste generation, as discussed later in this section.

Southeastern Virginia Region Waste Generation Rate

Based upon the average of the past three years, the Special Wastes generation rate for the Southeastern Virginia Region is 7.10 PCD. HRPDC examined actual per capita waste generation data from 2010 through 2017 (Table 2-6) to determine trends. Recent scale records show a generation rate of 7.05 PCD in 2001, increasing to 7.16 PCD in 2002. This represents an annual increase in the Region’s Special Wastes generation rate of approximately 2 percent.

Regional versus Virginia and National Per Capita Generation Data

The Special Wastes generation rate in the Southeastern Virginia Region is in line with national and Virginia generation rate estimates. Nationally, the MSW generation rate has remained constant at 4.51 PCD in 1990, 2000 and 2010. Within the Commonwealth, DEQ has estimated a Special Wastes generation rate of 5.8 PCD for the Commonwealth for 1990, 2000 and 2010.

Special Wastes Projections 181

From the differing trends and estimates of Special Wastes generation in the Southeastern Virginia Region, the HRPDC has developed four alternative Special Wastes projections to address the probable range of variance in the future generation rates. Table 10-? Presents a summary of the projections of Special Wastes generation and disposal for these four alternatives over the next 23 years. Appendix H includes a more detailed discussion of the development of the Region’s Special Wastes projections.

Table 10-7. Projected Special Wastes Alternatives Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 - CY 2040 2020 2030 2040 Alternative Generation Disposal Generation Disposal Generation Disposal 1: Special Wastes Generation in the Region Remains Constant 2: Special Wastes Generation in the Region Increases at 1 Percent 3: Special Wastes Generation in the Region Remains Constant; Estimates Calculated Separately for Residential and Commercial Sectors 4: Special Wastes Generation Increases at 1 Percent; Estimates Calculated Separately for Residential and Commercial Sectors Average of Alternatives 1, 2, 3 182

and 4 Source: HRPDC


1 Virginia Administrative Code, Title 9, Agency 20, Chapter 140 9VAC20-140-10 at

2 Report available for review at 20-102952-963 183

Chapter 11 Litter Control

Litter Control

The Region’s Local Governments all participate in the Clean Community Program of the Commonwealth. They utilize state grants, when available, together with local funding, other grants and private initiatives in operating their local litter control and related educational programs. The Virginia Beach Clean Community Commission is now a City Council appointed commission with administrative support from Public Works, Waste Management Division. Programs and events include; adopt a spot, storm drain marker, Clean the Bay Day and support for Earth Day. The eight cities and counties that are members of SPSA also participate with SPSA, the Virginia Peninsulas Public Service Authority and their Local Government counterparts on the Peninsula in HR CLEAN, which is the regional litter control and recycling education program. It operates through the HRPDC. Among the initiatives undertaken by HR CLEAN is an effort to develop an educational program for members of the law enforcement community and judicial system about littering, its control, and the need for more stringent enforcement of anti-littering statutes.

The Cities of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Suffolk are member affiliates of the Keep America Beautiful (KAB) program. Each affiliate provides opportunities to the public in areas of education, beautification, and litter control programs. To be an affiliate of KAB, minimum standards and reporting are required. One of the programs being offered to volunteers is the Great American Clean-up where citizens participate in litter clean-ups in their neighborhoods and public areas. The Great American Cleanup takes place annually from March through May.

In addition to the KAB programs, the Local Governments in Southeastern Virginia support and participate in clean-up activities supported by private organizations, such as the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Lynnhaven River Now, Riverkeepers and other private foundations. They also support and participate in the various “Adopt” programs, which operate under the auspices of the Virginia Departments of Conservation and Recreation and Transportation. They also participate in the various Stewardship programs, which are sponsored by the Governor and the Secretary of Natural Resources.

Examples of these cooperative programs include:

• The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) promotes volunteer opportunities throughout the Region. Along with local coordinators, CBF organizes clean up events not only on the Bay, but at nearby rivers, waterways, under bridges, and the oceanfront.

• Each Local Government has the opportunity to participate in the annual "Clean the Bay Day," which takes place the second Saturday of June in Norfolk, Chesapeake, Gloucester, Newport News, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, and Virginia Beach. Most of the waste collected is put into the waste stream while a small percent might be recycled.

• Similar “Adopt” programs operate under a state umbrella, but are administered locally. The Adopt-A-Highway Program, the first of such “adoption” efforts, is an anti-litter and roadside enhancement campaign intended to promote pride and local ownership in our 184

beautiful state. It allows individuals and organized groups of citizens and/or businesses to work in partnership with the Commonwealth by "adopting" a section of state highway and agreeing to help take care of it. This program offers organizations a way to contribute to their community and state, as well as generate publicity for their efforts. A number of Local Governments and private organizations also participate in the Adopt-A-Waterway Program, which is facilitated by the Department of Conservation and Recreation. Due to the overwhelming success of these efforts, HR CLEAN promotes Adopt Hampton Roads as a way to encourage involvement in Adopt-A-Spot and Adopt-A-Waterway programs. These efforts have flourished throughout the Region.

• In several instances, the Sheriffs in Hampton Roads Local Governments utilize inmate labor to clean up areas of highways throughout the Region.

Additionally, in an effort to curb litter and non-point source pollution, each Local Government requires citizens to secure waste set out for collection.

Current Programs

Future Programs

Litter Control SWMP Actions

− Maintain the current litter control program

− Increase effectiveness of street sweeping

− Increase efforts to prevent illegal dumping

Litter Control Source Reduction and Reuse SWMP Actions

Litter Control Recycling SWMP Actions


Litter Control Collection SWMP Actions

Litter Control Transfer (Waste Flow) SWMP Actions

Litter Control Disposal SWMP Actions 186

Chapter 12 Future SWM System Waste Quantities

Waste Projections after Implementation of SWMP Actions

This chapter presents the projections of waste quantities for the Region’s solid waste management (SWM) system from 2017 to 2040. These projections reflect the implementation of the SWMP actions and, therefore, are different from the SWM system projections in Chapter 2.

Generation Projections

The impacts of source reduction and reuse actions in the SWMP are reflected in solid waste generation projections. However, the Region does not project source reduction and reuse quantities; calculating quantities of solid waste that are reduced prior to entering the waste stream is problematic. Therefore, the projections in Chapter 2 are the Region’s most accurate estimates of solid waste generation in the Southeastern Virginia Region from 2017 to 2040.

Table 2-___ of Chapter 2 shows the four alternative projections of MSW generated in the Region over the next 20 years. Tables 2-___ and 2-___ present the Region’s two alternative projections of Region-wide generated CDD. The Region projects that yard waste generation quantities will remain at current levels (3,111 tons per year) throughout the SWMP planning period. Special wastes projections are presented in Table 2-___. Table 12-1 and Figure 12-1 show the generation projections for MSW, CDD, organic, vegetative and yard waste, and special wastes. Note that organic, vegetative and yard waste and some special wastes (i.e., used oil, used antifreeze, tires, and batteries) are also components of MSW.

Table 12-1. Projected MSW, CDD, Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste, and Special Wastes Generation for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020- CY 2040


Figure 12-1. Projected MSW, CDD, Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste, and Special Wastes Generation for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020- CY 2040



Recycling Projections

Implementing the recycling SWMP actions (discussed in Chapter 7) will increase the annual quantities of MSW and CDD recycled in the Region. These increases are in addition to the recycling projections in Chapter 7, which assume the continuation of current recycling activities. The Region does not project SWMP recycling actions to significantly impact organic, vegetative and yard waste and special waste recycling quantities.

Table 12-2 and Figure 12-2 show the recycling projections for MSW, CDD, yard wastes and special wastes. The calculation of the SWMP recycling projections is described below for each waste type.

Table 12-2. Projected MSW, CDD, Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste, and Special Wastes Generation for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020- CY 2040


Figure 12-2.


Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Generation Projections

The Region projects that the full implementation of the SWMP recycling actions will increase the overall regional MSW recycling rate to ___ percent over the SWMP planning period.

The Region projects the MSW recycling rate will increase gradually over the next 15 years; the increase in recycling will be in concert with the implementation of the SWMP recycling actions. Table 12-3 shows the Region’s projections for impacts of the SWMP actions on the residential and overall recycling rate in the Region.

Table 12-3.

Source: 188

The Region projects that improvements to curbside and business recycling will drive the future MSW recycling increases. Much of the recycling increases are expected to be achieved through: (1) expanding recyclables collected curbside at residences and multifamily buildings; (2) implementing a Pay-As-You-Throw collection system; and (3) increasing business recycling by reducing recycling thresholds.

Construction Demolition Debris (CDD) Generation Projections

If CDD disposal capacity concerns increase and CDD recycling is economically viable, the Region will encourage increased CDD recycling locally and regionally.

The Region projects that the full implementation of the SWMP recycling actions will increase the overall regional CDD recycling rate to 10 percent within 10 years and 20 percent within 20 years. The Region projects the CDD recycling rate will increase gradually over the next 20 years; the increase in recycling will be in concert with the implementation of the SWMP recycling actions.

Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Projections

The Region does not project SWMP recycling actions to impact yard waste recycling quantities. Yard waste recycling projections are the same as the yard waste generation projections presented in Table 12-4.

Table 12-4.


Special Wastes Generation Projections

Special waste recyclables include used oil, used antifreeze, tires, and batteries. The Region does not project SWMP recycling actions to impact special waste recycling quantities. Special waste recycling projections are the same as the special waste generation projections presented in Table 12-5.

Table 12-5.



Collection and Transfer (Waste Flow) Capacity Projections


As the Region continues to grow, improvements and upgrades will be required at the transfer stations to continue to meet the needs of the Region in the most cost-effective manner. The HRPDC is conducting a study in 2010-2011 to evaluate solid waste management options from 2010 to 2018 and beyond. A part of the study includes an assessment of the condition of the existing transfer stations and what should be done to maintain these facilities so they can serve the Region into the foreseeable future. Other future study efforts may include evaluation of transfer station replacements and location of new transfer stations as the need arises.

Criteria for Transfer Station Improvements

The transfer stations are aging; however, the service levels must be maintained or improved as the population grows and the facilities reach their physical and functional limits. The following can be indicators that a transfer station is in need of upgrading:

• Time spent by customers on site becomes excessive.

• Facility hours are no longer meeting customer needs.

• The transfer station is experiencing difficulty in accommodating all vehicle and tonnage throughput during peak hours.

• The transfer station is experiencing damage due to changes in collection vehicle design.

• Traffic impacts on local streets are increasing.

• Environmental standards are not being met.

As the facilities age and the needs for solid waste services change, the transfer system may require upgrades to maintain operational efficiency. The Region will also have to decide the final disposition of the transfer stations after the use and support agreements between SPSA and the member jurisdictions expire in 2018.

Expanded Transfer Station Capacity

A general rule for evaluating the need for collection vehicle transfer is based on hauling distance. Although cost-effectiveness will vary, transfer stations generally become economically viable when the one-way hauling distance to the disposal facility is greater than 15 to 20 miles. 190

However, it should be noted that transportation conditions (i.e., traffic, road quality, size of vehicles used and collection routing) will impact the benefit of direct-haul versus consolidating refuse at a transfer station.

In rural areas, transfer stations also provide increased convenience for residential and non-residential self haulers, who might otherwise have to travel long distances to reach a disposal site. Increased convenience helps reduce the amount of illegal dumping, illegal burning, and other inappropriate forms of disposal.

SPSA currently operates a transfer station network. Two possible reasons for adding an additional transfer station include:

• Economic growth in outlying areas of the Region, particularly western Chesapeake, western Portsmouth and northern Suffolk and the southern sections of Chesapeake and Virginia Beach, may cause the waste stream to grow to a point where another transfer station may become feasible or desirable. Drive times would be significantly reduced and convenience for residents would be greatly improved.

• There also may be a need to build an additional transfer station in urban areas particularly if existing stations are being over utilized and any upgrades are not feasible.

• Relocation of an existing transfer station to better conform to existing or planned land uses within a jurisdiction. For example, the City of Virginia Beach is considering options for replacement of the Landstown Transfer Station because its current location is in an area that has an expanding educational land use, and the City would like the existing Landstown transfer station property to be used for different purposes.

The benefits of building a new transfer station must be weighed against the costs of adding new facilities. SPSA maintains the existing transfer stations which may require periodic upgrades.

SPSA could evaluate the long-term need for additional transfer stations based on the following:

• Projected population growth and growth patterns.

• Availability of suitable sites.

• Remaining capacity of existing transfer stations.

• Customer usage of existing transfer stations.

• Convenience and accessibility for the Region’s residents.

• Effect on transfer system costs.

• Land uses. 191

Sufficient time should be allowed for construction of new transfer stations as warranted.

Disposal Capacity Projections

Capacity Projections

Source Reduction Capacity Projections

Reuse Capacity Projections

Recycling Capacity Projections and Meeting 25% Recycling Rate Target 192

Chapter 13 Funding Arrangements and Options


SPSA currently establishes the tip fee each year to fund its operations. The tip fee is based on the municipally collected waste delivered to SPSA’s facilities, and is based on the use and support agreements that each community has with SPSA. The cities of Suffolk and Virginia Beach have unique agreements with SPSA since they host landfills in the Region. Suffolk pays no tipping fees through 2018 and the City of Virginia Beach has a set tip fee schedule through December 31, 2015, after which it pays the same tip fee as the other SPSA member jurisdictions, with the exception of Suffolk. The tip fee accounts for unique agreements with the City of Suffolk, Virginia Beach, commercial haulers, and Wheelabrator. Each member then calculates what their respective charges will be for their residential customers and distributes those charges through their respective ad valorem tax systems or dedicated waste management fees. The current approach only covers the residential customers that receive municipal collection services. Commercial customers pay the tip fee directly to SPSA through their collection contractors.

The following section provides an overview of the budgets and funding mechanisms established by the Local Governments of Southeastern Virginia to pay for management of solid waste. The solid waste management services offered by each community were discussed earlier in Chapter 5 of the Plan.


The Waste Management Division of the Public Works Department provides refuse collection services for over 60,000 residences in the City. Over 100,000 tons of refuse is collected annually. The City allocates monies from the General Fund to cover the costs of this service. The FY 2009-2010 budget totals $31,009,559 ($8,904,439 for solid waste collection and $22,105,120 for solid waste disposal and recycling). Beginning July 1, 2009, Chesapeake residents who have City trash collection pay $3 per month per household for collection, disposal and recycling. This is to offset the increased SPSA disposal costs and pay for enhanced recycling, which has been requested by citizens for several years. The City Council approved the fee through January 1, 2011. The cost of personnel and equipment associated with trash pickup will continue to be paid from the General Fund.


The City uses General Fund revenues to pay for the costs of solid waste collection and disposal. Revenues to the General Fund (FY 2010-2011) include charges for solid waste collection in the amount of $765,746. These charges are paid by homeowners and businesses on the monthly utility bill and are currently $32.00 per month for a single-family home or $30.00 per month for a business using one container. The City’s current budget for solid waste management is $1,539,746.


Isle of Wight County

The County uses its General Fund to pay for refuse collection and disposal services. For FY 2010, the County has budgeted $770,646 for refuse collection and $3,450,000 for refuse disposal and recycling.


The Waste Management Division collects approximately 120,000 tons of refuse annually from 75,000 residences and businesses. The City charges a daily rate of $0.55 for single-family homes (approximately $16.68/month), which is included in the Hampton Roads Utility Billing Service statement. The daily rate for businesses in the Central Business District is $3.01 per container. The City uses the General Fund to pay for services. The FY 2010 approved budget includes $25,702,745 for waste collection and $221,398 for clean community recycling.


The City charges a refuse collection fee of $33.36 per month per dwelling unit on the public utilities bill. The City has established a separate Waste Management Fund as a revenue stream to pay for the costs of service. The FY 2017 adopted operating budget includes revenues and expenditures of $12,368,477 (of which $___ are charges for service).


The Town uses its General Fund to pay for curbside collection and recycling services. For FY 2018, the Town has budgeted $220,000 for refuse and $133,000 for recycling. To control costs, refuse is collected once per week, and recycling is collected once every other week. The Town does not currently charge a fee for these services.

Southampton County

Southampton County uses the General Fund to cover costs for refuse collection and disposal services. The County’s approved 2007-2008 budget included $677,555 for waste removal and $1,152,860 for refuse disposal.


The City uses General Fund revenues to pay for the costs of solid waste collection and disposal. The City’s budget for refuse collection for FY 2010 totals $3,771,566. The City is implementing a fee of $18.50 per month per household starting July 1, 2011.


Virginia Beach

The City collects more than 200,000 tons of waste and 35,000 tons of recyclables (through a contract with Tidewater Fibre Corporation) per year. The City’s operations are funded through the General Fund with FY 2010 budgets totaling $11,500,842 for waste collection, $20,384,355 for waste disposal, and $5,325,351 for recycling.

Private 195

Chapter 14 Public Participation and Outreach Programs

Public Participation

SPSA offers an outlet for the public, both citizens and businesses, to give suggestions, make requests and comments on its website, In addition, SPSA offers the public an opportunity to speak to the Board of Directors at the monthly Board meetings held in the Regional Board Room at 723 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake, VA 23320. These meetings, which are normally held on the fourth Wednesday of every month, are open to the public. The public may also participate in programs such as HRCLEAN which is sponsored by the HRPDC. The HRPDC also offers the public opportunities to speak at their Quarterly Commission meetings.

Solid Waste Management Plan Public Notice and Hearing

SPSA provided for public participation during the development of the original RSWMP. Public participation procedures include publication of a public notice announcing the availability of the revised RSWMP and commencement of a 30-day comment period and the person to be contacted with comments. The HRPDC will conduct a public meeting before the finalization of this Plan.

Public Education

Educational programs are ongoing throughout the Region, and both SPSA and the Local Governments continue to educate the public on the need for proper waste management and disposal practices. This is done through a variety of means, including a detailed SPSA website, classroom presentations, SPSA facility tours and print pieces such as brochures and informative booklets, and media spots. SPSA and the individual localities provide and participate in a variety of educational programs throughout the member Local Governments and the Hampton Roads region. Programs include the following:

•SPSA Programs: SPSA continues to offer limited educational materials on its website.

•Local Programs: Most Local Governments in Southeastern Virginia have Clean Community offices that provide educational information to the public about their specific community, as well as an array of volunteer opportunities. Some of these opportunities include Clean the Bay Day, Adopt-a-Spot, Keep America Beautiful projects, and many more. Most Clean Community offices have program information and contact lists available through the host Local Government’s website.

Since the Local Governments have taken the responsibility for collection of recyclables, information on recycling is available on the host Local Government’s websites. 196

•Regional Programs: HR CLEAN, the recycling and litter prevention education program of the HRPDC, is a regional coalition of local and regional Clean Community, recycling, and environmental education coordinators who promote litter prevention, recycling, community beautification, and general environmental awareness through educational projects designed to reach all sectors of all regional jurisdictions.

Developing the Plan

HRPDC conducted interviews with all of the Local Governments in the Southeastern Virginia Region represented in the Plan. The results of these interviews were utilized to develop the draft document and to formulate Plan goals, objectives, strategies and actions.

Presentation of the Draft Plan

HRPDC will preview the draft Plan on its website. At the same time HRPDC will solicit public comments through a comment period. Simultaneously, HRPDC will schedule and hold a public meeting to solicit comments and feedback from all interested parties. HRPDC will additionally hold a series of information briefings to regional groups to solicit comments and feedback on the draft Plan. The collected input will be utilized to address revisions to the draft Plan. A revised draft Plan will then be posted to the HRPDC website for public comment prior to consideration by the SPSA and HRPDC boards for adoption.

Plan Adoption

SPSA and HRPDC will schedule adoption of the revised draft Plan at their regularly scheduled meetings once final revisions to the draft Plan have been completed. Upon its adoption, HRPDC will forward the adopted Plan to DEQ for final review and approval. Once DEQ approval has been received, the adopted Plan will become the official SWMP for the Southeastern Virginia Region.

Future Public Participation

As amendments to the adopted and approved Plan become necessary due to changes in conditions necessitated by either the Local Governments of the Region, or as a result of new initiatives proposed by the private sector, a Plan amendment process has been developed and will be adhered to, thus ensuring ample opportunity for public participation in the process. The procedures to govern this process are outlined below in this chapter.

Regional Solid Waste Management Plan (RSWMP) Amendment Procedures

HRPDC adopted the following procedures for interested parties to request an amendment to the approved RSWMP, and for HRPDC staff to review and process such requests. To initiate an amendment to the RSWMP, a completed application form which can be obtained from the HRPDC) with supporting documentation, must be submitted. The application will be reviewed for completeness and evaluated based on the 197

justification of need for the proposed amendment. The HRPDC must approve all major and most minor amendments to the RSWMP prior to its submittal to the VDEQ. (Minor amendments described in Section 11.1.B.1 and 2 below require such approval.)

Types of Amendments to the RSWMP

Virginia’s Solid Waste Planning Regulations allow for two types of amendments to approved solid waste management plans. They are classified as major or minor amendments.

A. Section 9 VAC 20-130-175.A.1 of defines major amendments as:

1. Any addition, deletion, or cessation of operation of any solid waste disposal facility;

2. Any increase in landfill capacity;

3. Any change that moves toward implementation of a waste management strategy that is lower in the waste management hierarchy;

4. Action plan(s), including an action plan to address a planning unit’s recycling rate that has fallen below the statutory minimum; and

5. Any change to membership in the approved area.

B. Section 9 VAC 20-130-175.A.2 defines minor amendments as:

1. Any addition, deletion, or cessation or operation of any facility that is not a solid waste disposal facility;

2. Any change that moves toward implementation of a waste management strategy that is higher in the waste management hierarchy; or

3. Any non-substantive administrative change, such as a change in name.

RSWMP Amendment Procedures

A. To request an amendment to the RSWMP, an applicant shall:

1. Submit a completed application and supporting documentation to the HRPDC for the desired amendment.

2. Pay out of pocket expenses associated with its application such as advertisement of public notice. 198

B. HRPDC response to an application to amend the RSWMP shall include:

1. Within fifteen (15) days of receipt, HRPDC will acknowledge receipt of the application to amend the RSWMP.

2. Within thirty (30) days of receipt, HRPDC will evaluate the application for completeness. A letter acknowledging a complete application will be sent to the applicant.

3. If needed, a request for additional information will be sent to the applicant, who will have thirty (30) days to submit the additional information, or the request to amend the RSWMP will be denied.

4. Within ninety (90) days of receipt of a complete application, HRPDC staff will review and evaluate the justification of need for the proposed facility. This review may include discussions with the applicant, Local Government officials, members of SPSA and HRPDC staff and permitting staff at VDEQ.

5. The approved RSWMP will be the primary instrument used to evaluate the need for the requested amendment.

6. If the conclusion of the evaluation is that the requested amendment is consistent with the intent of the RSWMP and in the best interest of the planning Region, HRPDC staff will draft appropriate amendments to the text of the approved RSWMP to accommodate the amendment request.

C. Public Participation

1. Public participation is required for all major RSWMP amendments and minor amendments described above.

2. HRPCD Staff will arrange for publication of a required public notice describing the proposed amendment, the commencement of a public comment period (30 days, at minimum), and date, time and location of a required public hearing.

3. Publication of the public notice will occur not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the scheduled hearing.

4. HRPDC staff will arrange for and conduct a public hearing not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the end of the public comment period, nor less that fifteen (15) days following the publication of notice of said hearing. The public hearing will most likely be part of a normally scheduled SPSA and/or HRPDC Board of Directors meeting. 199

5. HRPDC staff will ensure the text of the proposed amendment is available for review during the public comment period. The proposed amendment will be placed on HRPDC’s website at Hard copies of the amendment will also be provided upon written request.

D. VDEQ Approval

1. Following the public comment period, HRPDC staff will forward the revised RSWMP to VDEQ. Minor amendments will be submitted to VDEQ for informational purposes. Major amendments will be submitted to VDEQ for its approval.

2. In either case, VDEQ must acknowledge receipt of and/or approve the amendment prior to HRPDC finalizing the amended RSWMP.

3. Amending the RSWMP does not remove the requirement for the applicant to obtain necessary environmental permits to construct and operate the solid waste facility in accordance with local and state regulations.

4. In the event a requested amendment is deemed to not be in keeping with the strategy outlined in the RSWMP or Solid Waste Planning Regulations, HRPDC will so advise the VDEQ, and the applicant.

Guidance for Demonstrating Need of a New or Expanded SWM Facility

Each application requesting amendment to the RSWMP to include a new facility not detailed in the Plan shall be accompanied by a demonstration of need for the facility in the planning Region, which shall be of the form and content as the HRPDC may prescribe. It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide reasonable and detailed information sufficient for this determination. Sources of data and information used to demonstrate need shall be cited.

A. The demonstration of need shall be specific as to the types of waste and/or recyclable materials to be managed and shall include, but not be limited to:

1. Documentation of the available capacity at existing facilities in the planning Region to be served by the facility;

2. Documentation of the current volume of waste/recyclables generated in the Region to be served by the facility and the volume of waste/recyclables reasonably expected to be generated in the area to be served over the next 20 years; and

3. A description of additional factors, such as physical limitations on the transportation of materials or the existence of additional capacity outside the Region to be served which may satisfied the projected need. 200

B. The following factors will be considered in evaluating the need for the proposed facility:

1. An approximate service area for the proposed facility which takes into account the economics of collection, processing, transportation, treatment, storage and/or disposal;

2. The quantity of waste/recyclables generated within the planning area suitable for treatment, processing, storage and/or disposal at the proposed facility;

3. The design capacity of existing facilities located within the planning area; and

4. The extent to which the proposed facility is needed to replace other facilities, if the need for a proposed facility cannot be established under the above paragraphs.

C. If it is determined that a proposed facility is inconsistent with or contradictory to the above paragraphs or otherwise set forth in the RSWMP, the application to amend the RSWMP will be denied.

Public Private Partnerships

A broad range of issues will influence the configuration of the regional solid waste system in the future. The economic dynamics of solid waste management are difficult to predict. Public/private partnerships may offer cost effective and efficient solutions to specific solid waste management problems in the future. SPSA continues to develop and explore opportunities and ideas for joint ventures. Among the many current partnerships are the metals recovery and recycling with the firm Bi-Metals, and automotive battery recovery and recycling with local business Battery Outlet. Other partnership examples are the previously discussed Landfill Gas-to-Energy Plant at the SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill and the methane recovery plant at Virginia Beach Landfill and Resource Recovery Center. Through its relationship with Suffolk Energy Partners, SPSA is able to process landfill gas for use by either Dominion Virginia Power or BASF. The City of Virginia Beach has partnered with Ingenco in its efforts in this arena.

Contracts between the Local Governments and SPSA, as well as between Wheelabrator Technologies, Inc. and private waste haulers, are and will continue to be important to the waste management programs offered throughout the Region. The current agreements between SPSA and its eight member Local Governments will expire in the year 2018. Efforts are already underway to promote continued and strengthened commitment of area Local Governments to SPSA, and to ensure the future viability of the agency.


Existing Role of the Private Sector

The private sector currently plays a significant role in handling and disposing solid waste generated within the SPSA localities. The existing role of both the public and private sector is explained in Section 2.0. The continued mix of public sector and private sector involvement will be needed to insure that the waste management needs of are met in an efficient manner. For the several components of the solid waste stream the division of responsibility between SPSA, the localities, and the private sector is as follows:

Municipal Waste

Recyclable Materials: Tidewater Fibre collects residential recyclables under contract to several member jurisdictions including Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Suffolk, and Portsmouth. Norfolk collects the recyclables and delivers the collected materials to Tidewater Fibre. Virginia Environmental Systems provides services to Franklin, Isle of Wight County, and Southampton County.

Municipal Solid Waste: Municipal solid waste currently is collected by the localities and delivered to SPSA. This waste stream is segregated into processible or non-processible waste. Processible waste is transferred by SPSA to the RDF WTE Facility. Non-Processible waste is transported by Wheelabrator to other disposal facilities. This arrangement is governed by the service agreement between Wheelabrator and SPSA, and is effective through January 2018. In the event the RDF WTE Facility is not operational, waste is either diverted to the Suffolk Regional Landfill or to other disposal facilities pursuant to the agreement between SPSA and Wheelabrator. Both the operation of the RDF WTE Facility and final disposal of non-processible waste is managed by a private firm. After 2018, new contractual and operational arrangements will be in place governing the management of municipal solid waste, and may include maintaining the existing disposal arrangements, or developing new ones.

Other Recyclable Materials: Other recyclable materials such as yard waste, white goods, and metals from ash residue generated from the RDF WTE Facility are handled, in part, by private firms (e.g., Bi-Metals Corporation at the RDF WTE Facility, McGill Environmental for yard waste for Isle of Wight, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach).

Other Wastes

Construction and Demolition Debris: The bulk of CDD handled and disposed of within the SPSA localities is processed by the private sector.

Household Hazardous waste is collected by SPSA. Disposal is handled by a private contractor.

Special Wastes: Several types of special wastes, including motor vehicle tires, waste oil and batteries are collected and processed by SPSA. These materials are also collected and processed by the private sector. Other types of special wastes, including stumps and land clearing debris, are for the most part processed as part of the CDD waste stream by the private sector. Septage and sludge are handled by a combination of SPSA, Hampton Roads Sanitation District, and a wide range of private companies. 202

Petroleum-Contaminated Materials: Opened August 20, 1999, Soilex specializes in the treatment and recycling of petroleum-contaminated materials and receives the majority of the Region's waste materials that come from oil spills and other emergency response actions. This facility will allow SPSA to receive larger volumes of materials that, once treated, may be used in other beneficial ways at the landfill. What the partnership means to SPSA is additional material to cover landfilled waste that SPSA does not need to pay for and avoided fuel and transportation costs.

Methane Gas: In November 2010, an agreement between SPSA and Suffolk Energy Partners, LLC (SEP) was made that conveyed exclusive rights for all the landfill gas (LFG) at the Suffolk Regional Landfill to SEP for capture and beneficial reuse. SEP had held the rights to the LFG under a previous agreement and owns and operates the LFG recovery system that consists of recovery wells and flare. In addition, SEP owns and operates an electrical power plant at the Suffolk Regional Landfill that generates electrical power for sale to Dominion Virginia Power. SEP is currently in the process of constructing a facility at the BASF Plant on Wilroy Road in Suffolk, approximately 2.3 miles from the Suffolk Regional Landfill that will supply LFG to the Plant for direct use (via an existing pipeline constructed in 2001) in its manufacturing process. It is understood that under the new agreement, in return for giving up the rights to the LFG, SPSA receives 30 percent of revenues from sales of recovered gas and 20 percent of revenues received from sales of electricity generated from the recovered gas. SPSA estimates that in FY2012 revenues from this agreement will be approximately $550,000. The City of Virginia Beach has also partnered with Ingenco to use landfill gas as a fuel to generate power to sale to the electrical grid during peak usage times.

Potential Future Role of the Private Sector: Municipal Solid Waste

The nature of the future role of the private sector in handling and processing municipal solid waste generated within the SPSA localities has changed over the past several years and will be determined by a combination of economic factors and political decisions made at the local and regional level. Under the existing contractual structure between the localities and SPSA, the division of responsibility between SPSA and the localities will remain relatively static until 2018. The existing contracts between the localities and SPSA will expire in 2018, as will the contract between SPSA and Wheelabrator. If the contracts are not renegotiated between SPSA and the localities, disposal of solid waste could become a function of the private sector. 203

Chapter 15 Solid Waste Management Plan Actions and Implementation Plan

Solid Waste Management Plan Actions and Implementation Plan

Section 9VAC20-130-90. B. indicates that “multi-jurisdictional plans developed in fulfillment of the requirements of this chapter must be adopted under authority of the Regional Cooperation Act (Chapter 42, (Section 15.2-4200, et. seq.) of Title 15.2 of the Code of Virginia), the Virginia Water and Waste Authorities Act (Chapter 51, (Section 15.2-5100, et. seq.) of Title 15.2 of the Code of Virginia), the provisions of the Code of Virginia governing joint exercise of powers by political subdivisions (Section 15.2-1300), or other authority as applicable.”1 Action by Southeastern Public Service Authority (SPSA) originally in 2004 to adopt the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan for Southeastern Virginia, in accordance with its plan approval procedures, satisfied this requirement.

SPSA was designated the regional solid waste planning agency for Southeastern Virginia Region by action of the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) in 2004. This action followed formal requests by the sixteen cities, counties and towns in Southeastern Virginia that SPSA be designated as the regional solid waste planning agency. However, in March 2010, the Local Governments designated the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC) as the regional planning agency while SPSA remains the regional solid waste management agency at least until January 2018.

Implementation Plan

Previous versions of the SWMP provided a timeline for the development of several new facilities for the solid waste system. The following provides an overview of the alternatives that were considered and an update on the Region’s progress in implementing these alternatives as well as new initiatives being considered. In addition, the HRPDC sponsored a study in 2008 which evaluated institutional, organizational, technology, and disposal options for managing waste in the Region after 2018, when the use and support agreements between the SPSA Region members expire.2 HRPDC has recently authorized an update of this study that will incorporate recent changes to the Region’s solid waste management system (most notably the sale of the RDF WTE facility to Wheelabrator). The results of this study are scheduled to be available in spring 2011.

An Implementation Plan has three major elements: (1) specific tasks: what will be done and by whom, (2) time horizon: when will it be done, and (3) resource allocation: what specific funds are available for specific activities. An implementation plan is also called an action program.3

Waste Management Hierarchy

In accordance with the Virginia Solid Waste Management Regulations, the Region’s SWMP must consider and address all components of the solid waste hierarchy. The solid waste hierarchy ranks methods of managing solid waste from most preferred to least preferred: 204

DEQ has adopted a hierarchical approach to the management of solid waste. The hierarchy establishes the framework for solid waste management and includes the following components:

• Source Reduction

• Reuse

• Recycling

• Resource Recovery (Waste-to-Energy)

• Incineration

• Landfilling

SPSA and its member localities, as well as the HRPDC, continue to examine various alternatives for the management of solid waste in Southeastern Virginia. Historically SPSA has focused its efforts on disposal of the Region’s solid waste and on alternative approaches to increasing participation in the disposal programs offered to the Region. The nine member local governments continue to focus on improvements to the local solid waste collection and recycling systems as well. This section of the Plan summarizes the hierarchical approach to Integrated Waste Management envisioned by the Commonwealth and federal agencies and outlines the alternatives being considered.

Source Reduction and Reuse

Source reduction and reuse is are the top two highest priorities in strategies to manage materials in the waste stream. Source reduction is defined by the Virginia regulations as “any action that reduces or eliminates the generation of waste at the source, usually within a process. Source reduction measures include process modifications, feedstock substitutions, improvements in feedstock purity, improvements in housekeeping and management practices, increases in the efficiency of machinery, and recycling within a process. Source reduction minimizes the material that must be managed by waste disposal or nondisposal options by creating less waste. "Source reduction" is also called "waste prevention," "waste minimization," or "waste reduction.”4 Reuse is defined by the Virginia regulations as “the process of separating a given solid waste material from the waste stream and using it, without processing or changing its form, other than size reduction, for the same or another end use.”4

Source reduction and reuse are strategies that often occur in tandem, thereby creating opportunities for greater efficiencies in solid waste management. Such efficiencies often have other “spinoff” benefits, such as helping reduce or minimize water quality and air quality impacts, creating social benefits such as increasing employment opportunities within the community, and can creating opportunities for new private businesses to develop that specialize in practices associated with source reduction or reuse. 205

Source Reduction

The Virginia Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Regulations (9VAC20-130-10) define source reduction as “any action that reduces or eliminates the generation of waste at the source, usually within a process. Source reduction measures include process modifications, feedstock substitutions, improvements in feedstock purity, improvements in housekeeping and management practices, increases in the efficiency of machinery and recycling within a process.”5

Source reduction, as an approach to solid waste management, has been applied primarily to industrial and hazardous wastes. It reduces the amount of waste requiring disposal, thus prolonging the life of existing waste disposal alternatives. However, it does not eliminate the need for other disposal options.

The primary responsibility of local and regional agencies in source reduction must be in the area of public education and creation of a spirit of stewardship on the part of the citizens, both individual and corporate, due to the fact that packaging of items is out of the control of SPSA, HRPDC and local retailers. Each Local Government entity in the Region can practice source reduction, to some degree, through its buying practices. Source reduction is directly under the control of private individuals and businesses.


Reuse generally assumes the reuse of a material in a manner identical to its original use and is not significantly different from recycling or source reduction. Therefore, it is considered in this Plan as synonymous with source reduction. Refilling of returnable drink containers is an example of reuse. As with source reduction, the primary responsibility of local and regional agencies is in the area of public education.


• Continue Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection program: SPSA continues to operate a regional HHW collection program through five collection facilities. One facility (at the Suffolk Regional Landfill) is open on a full-time basis; the remaining four are open based on a monthly recurring schedule. The City of Virginia Beach has recently opened its own HHW drop-off facility at its Landfill No. 2, and the City of Norfolk also plans to begin operation of HHW facilities to serve their residents. These programs support other environmental programs such as the Hampton Roads Regional Stormwater Management Program which is built on a series of cooperative initiatives such as illicit discharge detection and elimination.

• Consider Implementation of a Regional Waste/Material Exchange: As discussed earlier, one company’s disposal problem may be another’s valuable resources. HRPDC can assess options for implementing a regional waste/material exchange for use by businesses and/or residents. 206

Recycling and Composting

Recycling is the third highest priority in strategies to manage materials in the waste stream. Recycling is defined by the Virginia regulations as “the process of separating a given waste material from the waste stream and processing it so that it may be used again as raw material for a product which may or may not be similar to the original product.”6 Processing old newspapers to produce “new” paper and composting or mulching of yard wastes are examples of recycling.

Recycling reduces the amount of solid waste that requires disposal. It also reduces reliance on the use of virgin materials in manufacturing. Concurrently, recycling can further enhance the increased public awareness of solid waste management issues by involving the public directly in waste management.


• Evaluate Materials Recovery Facility: Currently there is only one significant Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) in the Region that is capable of processing materials collected from various recycling programs. At the time the 2005 SWMP was written, SPSA was the primary provider of recycling collection services in the Region, with the exception of Virginia Beach. As an alternative, SPSA considered the construction and operation of a competing MRF. However, SPSA has discontinued recycling services and the member jurisdictions have taken over the responsibility for collection of recyclables. Figure 15-1 illustrates that a SPSA-operated MRF is no longer a consideration for the Region and processing of recyclables will continue to remain a private sector function.

Figure 15-1.


Table 15-1. Implementation Actions Matrix MSW Recycling CDD Vegetative Special Litter and Yard Wastes Control Waste Action


Source: HRPDC


• Yard waste facility: SPSA has operated facilities where yard waste collected by member jurisdictions was handled, mulched and composed. Yard waste was transported by SPSA from member collection points to the yard waste management facility at the Virginia Beach Landfill No. 2. However, this facility was closed in 2007 to address neighbor complaints of excess odors from the facility. The Region does not currently have a facility dedicated to the handling and processing yard waste. Although the SPSA’s regional yard waste management facility located at Virginia Beach’s Landfill No. 2 was abandoned after it encountered operational challenges with odors, the development of a regional facility should be considered in the future if the SPSA member jurisdictions decide to cooperate in whole or in part their after use and support agreement with SPSA expire in 2018. However, in the interim, the member jurisdictions continue to evaluate options for utilization of their yard waste for beneficial purposes rather than disposing in a landfill.

• Consider implementation of a Web-Based Recycling Reporting System: While this option will not increase recycling, it will facilitate easier, more accurate reporting of collected quantities.

Resource Recovery (Waste-to-Energy)

According to Virginia’s Solid Waste Planning Regulations, resource recovery entails a comprehensive “solid waste management system which provides for collection, separation, recycling and recovery of energy or solid wastes, including disposal of non-recoverable waste residues.”7 Combustible items are burned as a fuel to produce steam and/or electricity. Noncombustible items, including the ash from the combustibles, must be disposed of in some other fashion, such as landfill or Alternative Daily Cover (ADC). Recyclable materials, typically glass, ferrous metals and aluminum, are recycled following separation. Recycling and source reduction programs may enhance the effectiveness of the combustion alternatives.


• Operation of RDF WTE Facility: As mentioned earlier, the sale of the RDF WTE Facility and subsequent transfer of non-processible waste to a private landfill located outside of the SPSA Region has will be the primary disposal method in the Region at least through 2018, and likely beyond that time. Long-term planning for future disposal will still be pursued by the Region members, either cooperatively or independently after 2018. Use of the RDF WTE Facility will still be an available option after 2018.


Landfill disposal of solid waste is the most prevalent option in the United States. The Virginia Regulations define a landfill to include “a sanitary landfill, an industrial waste landfill, or a construction/demolition/debris (CDD) landfill.”8 Landfills for municipal solid waste presently are operated as sanitary landfills, involving daily cover of the waste, required use of liners, and leachate collection systems. Landfilling is required for management of solid wastes that do not lend themselves to any of the other management options. Of the Southeastern Virginia landfills currently permitted and in operation, three are publicly owned while the others are private CDD landfills. 209


• New transfer stations: In addition to the waste transfer facilities in the existing SPSA network, two additional facilities are proposed as a condition of the Special Use Permit (from the city of Suffolk) associated with the permitting of the proposed expansion of the Suffolk Regional Landfill (Cell VII). It is understood that the status of these facilities is uncertain pending further evaluation by SPSA and discussions with the City.

• Plan and permit Cell VII of regional landfill: SPSA currently is in the process of permitting Cell VII of the SPSA Suffolk Regional Landfill and has submitted a Part B application to DEQ. However, with the sale of the RDF WTE Facility to Wheelabrator, the need for this cell has been greatly reduced. The permitting of this cell; however, may provide backup disposal capacity to the Region in the event that the RDF WTE Facility is no longer in service (for whatever reason) or it is not the primary disposal facility selected by the SPSA member jurisdictions after 2018. However, SPSA and the member jurisdictions are evaluating the future of the Suffolk Regional Landfill.

• Begin planning for a new regional landfill: As mentioned above, the sale of the RDF WTE Facility and subsequent transfer of non-processible waste to a private landfill located outside of the SPSA Region has reduced the immediate need for a new regional landfill; however, long-term planning for future disposal will still be pursued by the Region members, either cooperatively or independently after 2018. Having a landfill located close to the member jurisdictions in the Region will be a significant factor in determining the long-term costs for solid waste management. (SCS, 2008)

• Evaluate new construction and demolition debris (CDD) landfill: The 2005 SWMP recommended the evaluation of various methods for managing CDD. However, the majority of CDD that is currently handled and disposed of in the Region is collected, recycled, and disposed by the private sector. The primary concern at the writing of the 2005 SWMP was providing an outlet for storm debris. Due to changes in the disposal of non-processible waste, and the recent permitting of a new private CDD landfill in the Region (Centerville Turnpike CDD Landfill), there appears to be sufficient capacity for the management of municipally collected CDD.

• Continue operation of the Virginia Beach Landfill No. 2: This landfill is owned by the City of Virginia Beach and continues to remain in operation. The landfill will continue to accept ash from the RDF WTE Facility until 2015. The City will make a decision about whether to continue accepting ash after 2015. The City is considering other long term options for the facility such as potential expansion.

Implementation of Actions

The timeline for implementation of most actions stated in the previous section is a subject of the study recently authorized by the HRPDC (update of the study originally performed in 2008). In addition, based on the study results, the SPSA member jurisdictions are expected to determine if SPSA will continue to be the designated regional solid waste management agency. As long as SPSA is the regional solid waste management agency, it will be involved in the development of the regional solid waste management plan. In March 2010, the jurisdictions 210

designated the HRPDC as the regional solid waste planning agency and the agency responsible for tracking and reporting on recycling activates in the Region. Key milestones are summarized below:

• Complete update to the 2018 and Beyond Study (April/May 2011)

• Make decision regarding the extension of the Wheelabrator service agreement (December 31, 2014). If the SPSA/Wheelabrator service agreement is not extended by the member jurisdictions, each community will need to plan for future disposal of its own solid waste, individually or corporately.

• Fate of the Suffolk Regional Landfill (2011 – 2018): The fate of the Suffolk Regional Landfill is currently under consideration; however, no definitive schedule has been set for a final decision. Options include keeping the facility operational, but under reduced operational conditions, moth-balling the facility indefinitely, closing the facility, or selling it to a private entity, either directly or through some form of a lease agreement. These options are being considered as a part of the update to the 2018 and Beyond Study schedule to be completed by the HRPDC in early 2011.

• Expiration of the ash disposal agreement with the City of Virginia Beach occurred on December 31, 2015. Since this date, the City of Virginia Beach has been required to pay the same tip fee as the other SPSA members (with the exception of Suffolk), and is no longer obligated to accept ash residue from the RDF WTE Facility. Wheelabrator is responsible for the disposal of ash residue and SPSA may accept it if the Suffolk Regional Landfill is open.

Source Reduction and Reuse SWMP Actions

− Improve public outreach and education to promote source reduction and reuse

− Implement a Pay-As-You-Throw collection system

− Establish a materials exchange

− Participate in establishment of regional resource exchange programs

− Monitor and publicize waste generation

− Implement internal source reduction and reuse programs at Local Government facilities and schools in the Region

− Provide tools to promote increased source reduction, reuse, and recycling

− Promote surplus food distribution programs 211

Recycling SWMP Actions

− Promote public-private recycling programs

− Improve public outreach and education to promote recycling

− Increase business recycling by reducing recycling thresholds

− Implement a Pay-As-You-Throw collection system

− Encourage increased CDD recycling

− Continue current yard waste recycling system; contract with composting facilities for dedicated capacity

− Encourage increased MSW recycling at Local Government facilities and schools in the Region

− Revise regulations to enhance recycling:

- Expand recyclables collected at multifamily residences

- Expand recycling requirements for electronic wastes

− Consider implementation of single-stream curbside collection system for recyclables

− Participate in regional promotion of CDD recycling

− Provide tools to promote increased recycling

− Establish a recycling rate goal

− Promote establishment of a regional food waste composting facility

Collection SWMP Actions

− Maintain Local Government refuse collection

− Continue current yard waste collection system, including vacuumed leaf collection

− Implement Pay-As-You-Throw collection system 212

− Expand collection of electronic wastes

− Continue using the current special wastes management system

− Establish an HHW collection program in the Southeastern Virginia Region

− Maintain the current litter control program

− Increase effectiveness of street sweeping

− Increase efforts to prevent illegal dumping

− Promote use of special fuels, filters, and special vehicles for collection

− Implement a collection and disposal strategy for emergencies

Transfer (Waste Flow) SWMP Actions

− Continue using the current transfer system

− Maintain leaf mulch programs at the Local Government and SPSA transfer Yard or alternative location

Disposal SWMP Actions

− Continue using the current disposal system as the preferred alternative

− Establish agreements with other jurisdictions for alternative disposal

Resource Recovery (Waste-to-Energy) SWMP Actions

− Continue using the current resource recovery system as the preferred alternative

− Establish agreements with other jurisdictions for alternative resource recovery as new technologies emerge


Incineration SWMP Actions

− Continue using the current incineration system as the preferred alternative

− Establish agreements with other jurisdictions for alternatives to incineration as new technologies emerge

Landfilling Actions

− Continue using the current landfilling system as the preferred alternative

− Establish agreements with other jurisdictions for alternative landfilling options


1 Multi-jurisdictional plans guidelines in Regulations at

2 SCS Engineers, Final Interim Report, Solid Waste Management for Southside Hampton Roads, Planning Horizon 2018-2047, Prepare for the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, Revised January 5, 2009

3 Derived from

4 Definitions of Regulations at

5 Definitions of Regulations at

6 Definitions of Regulations at

7 Definitions of Regulations at

8 Definitions of Regulations at 214



List of Figures

Figure ES-1 Projected MSW Demand for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Figure ES-2 Projected Recycling Demand for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Figure ES-3 Projected CDD Demand for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Figure ES-4 Projected Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Demand for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Figure ES-5 Projected Special Wastes Demand for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Figure 1-1 Solid Waste Management Hierarchy

Figure 2-1 Map of Southeastern Virginia Region, MSA, HRPDC and SPSA Service Area

Figure 2-2 Hampton Roads Primary Roadways Transportation System

Figure 2-3 Projected Population Growth Trends by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Government, CY 1970 – CY 2040

Figure 2-4 Percentage of Total Population, 2016

Figure 2-5

Figure 2-6

Figure 3-1 Solid Waste Management Hierarchy

Figure 5-1 Flow of MSW, Recycling, CDD, Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste, and Special Wastes Generated in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2017

Figure 5-2 SPSA Solid Waste Management Facilities

Figure 5-3 SPSA Suffolk Regional Sanitary Landfill

Figure 5-4 SPSA Boykins Transfer Station 216

Figure 5-5 SPSA Boykins Transfer Station

Figure 5-6 SPSA Chesapeake Transfer Station

Figure 5-7 SPSA Chesapeake Transfer Station

Figure 5-8 SPSA Franklin Transfer Station

Figure 5-9 SPSA Franklin Transfer Station

Figure 5-10 SPSA Isle of Wight Transfer Station

Figure 5-11 SPSA Isle of Wight Transfer Station

Figure 5-12 SPSA Ivor Transfer Station

Figure 5-13 SPSA Ivor Transfer Station

Figure 5-14 SPSA Landstown Transfer Station

Figure 5-15 SPSA Landstown Transfer Station

Figure 5-16 SPSA Norfolk Transfer Station

Figure 5-17 SPSA Norfolk Transfer Station

Figure 5-18 SPSA Oceana Transfer Station

Figure 5-19 SPSA Oceana Transfer Station

Figure 5-20 SPSA Suffolk Transfer Station

Figure 5-21 SPSA Suffolk Transfer Station

Figure 5-22 City of Portsmouth Craney Island Landfill

Figure 6-1 Local Government Collected Solid Waste in the Southeastern Virginia Region, FY 2010 – FY 2017

Figure 6-2 Projected Local Government Collected Solid Waste for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Figure 6-3 SPSA Transfer Stations Location Map 217

Figure 6-4 Relative Proportion of Waste Transferred by Local Government, FY 2016 - 2017

Figure 6-5 Flow of MSW in Southeastern Virginia Prior to 2010

Figure 6-6 Flow of MSW in the Southeastern Virginia, 2010 - 2015

Figure 6-7 Flow of MSW in the Southeastern Virginia Region, Post 2015

Figure 6-8 Life of Site Estimate Through Cell VI – SPSA Regional Landfill

Figure 6-9 Private Landfill Facilities in Eastern Virginia

Figure 7-1 Management of Recycling by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Governments

Figure 7-2 Recycling Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2010 – CY 2017

Figure 7-3 Projected Recycling Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Figure 8-1 Management of CDD by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Governments

Figure 8-2 CDD Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, FY 2010 – FY 2017

Figure 8-3 Projected CDD Generation for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Figure 9-1 Management of Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Governments, 2017

Figure 9-2 Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, FY 2010 – FY 2017

Figure 9-3 Projected Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Figure 10-1 Management of HHW by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Governments, 2017

Figure 10-2 HHW Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, FY 2010 – FY 2017 218

Figure 10-3 Projected HHW Generation for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, FY 2020 – FY 2040

Figure 10-4 Management of Medical Waste by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Governments

Figure 10-5 Medical Waste Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, FY 2010 – FY 2017

Figure 10-6 Projected Medical Waste Generation for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, FY 2020 – FY 2040

Figure 12-1 Projected MSW, CDD, Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste, and Special Wastes Generation for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Figure 12-2

Figure 15-1 Management of Recyclables by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Government 219


List of Tables

Table ES-1 Southeastern Virginia Region Objectives and Strategic Vision, 2017 Table 2-1 Southeastern Virginia Region Population by Local Government, CY 2010 – CY 2016 Table 2-2 Southeastern Virginia Region Population and Projected Growth by Local Government, CY 1970 – CY 2040 Table 2-3 Southeastern Virginia Region Employment by Local Government, CY 2009 – CY 2015 Table 2-4 Southeastern Virginia Region Employment and Projections by Local Government, CY 1970 – CY 2040 Table 2-5 Southeastern Virginia Region Households by Local Government, CY 2010 – CY 2015 Table 2-6 Southeastern Virginia Region Households & Projections by Local Government, CY 1970 – CY 2040 Table 2-7 Estimated Southeastern Virginia Region Waste Stream Composition, 1970 – 2014 Table 2-8 Table 2-9 Southeastern Virginia Region MSW Generation Rates, FY 2010 – FY 2016

Table 2-10

Table 2-11

Table 2-12

Table 2-13

Table 2-14

Table 2-15 MSW Alternative Generation and Disposal Projections for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040 Table 4-1 Manner in Which Goal 1 is Accomplished Table 4-2 Manner in Which Goal 2 is Accomplished 220

Table 4-3 Manner in Which Goal 3 is Accomplished Table 5-1 SPSA Transfer Stations Design Capacity and Annual Waste Quantities, FY 2016 – 2017 Table 5-2 SPSA Transfer Stations Tonnages Received and Source, FY 2011 – 2012 to FY 2015 – 2016

Table 6-1 Local Government Collected Solid Waste in the Southeastern Virginia Region, FY 2010 - FY 2017 Table 6-2 Projected Local Government Collected Solid Waste in the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040 Table 6-3 Solid Waste Services Provided by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Governments, 2017 Table 6-4 SPSA Commercial Waste Receipts, FY 2010 - FY 2017 Table 6-5 SPSA Transfer Station Solid Waste Totals, FY 2010 - FY 2017 Table 6-6 Out of Region MSW (Sanitary) Landfill Facilities Table 6-7 Potential Out-of-Region Long Haul Transportation Distances from SPSA Facilities

Table 7-1 Southeastern Virginia Local Government Recycling Programs, 2017

Table 7-2 Permitted Recycling Facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2017

Table 7-3 Recyclables Collection Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2006 – CY 2016

Table 7-4 Recyclables Collection Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2010 – CY 2017

Table 7- 5 Projected Recyclables Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Table 7- 6 Projected Recyclables Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Table 7-7 Permitted Material Recovery Facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2017

Table 8-1 Permitted CDD and Industrial Landfills in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2017

Table 8-2 CDD Generation Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, FY 2010 – FY 2017 221

Table 8-3 Projected CDD Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020- CY 2040

Table 8-4 Projected CDD Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Table 9-? Active Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2017

Table 9-1 Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Services Provided by Southeastern Virginia Region Local Governments, 2017

Table 9-2 Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2010 – CY 2017

Table 9-3 Projected Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020- CY 2040

Table 9-4 Projected Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Table 10-1 Permitted HHW Facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2017

Table 10-2 Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region, FY 2010 – FY 2017

Table 10-3 Projected HHW Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Table 10-4 Permitted Regulated Medical Waste Facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region, 2017 Table 10-5 Regulated Medical Waste Collection Quantities Reported in the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2010 – CY 2017 Table 10-6 Projected Regulated Medical Waste Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region by Local Government, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Table 10-7 Projected Special Wastes Alternatives Generation Quantities for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040 Table 12-1 Projected MSW, CDD, Organic, Vegetative and Yard Waste, and Special Wastes Generation for the Southeastern Virginia Region, CY 2020 – CY 2040 Table 12-2 Table 12-3 222

Table 12-4 Table 12-5 Table 15-1 Implementation Actions Matrix Table E-1 Local and National Recyclable Material Prices, September 2003 ($/ton) Table F-1 Resident and Consumer Source Reduction and Reuse Actions Table F-2 Business Source Reduction and Reuse Actions Table F-3 Manufacturer Source Reduction and Reuse Actions Table G-1 DEQ Permitted Solid Waste Management Facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region as of 2-3-2015 Table H-1 Southeastern Virginia Region Waste Generation Per Capita, CY 2020 – CY 2040 Table H-2 Alternative 1: MSW Generation in the Region Remains Constant, CY 2020 – CY 2040 Table H-3 Alternative 2: MSW Generation in the Region Increases at 1 Percent, CY 2020 – CY 2040 Table H-4 Alternative 3: MSW Generation in the Region Remains Constant; Estimates Calculated Separately for Residential and Commercial Sectors, CY 2020 – CY 2040 Table H-5 Alternative 4: MSW Generation Increases at 1 Percent; Estimates Calculated Separately for Residential and Commercial Sectors, CY 2020 – CY 2040 223


Acronyms and Definitions

ADC Alternative Daily Cover

AEG American Environmental Group

BASF German chemical company and the largest chemical producer in the world

BFI Browning-Ferris Industries

CBF Chesapeake Bay Foundation

CDD Construction Demolition and Debris

CFL Compact Florescent Light

CY Calendar Year

CY Cubic Yard

DEQ Department of Environmental Quality

EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

FY Fiscal Year

HDPE High Density Polyethylene

HDR Henningson, Durham and Richardson, Inc.

HHW Household Hazardous Waste

HR Hampton Roads

HRBT Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel

HRPDC Hampton Roads Planning District Commission 224

HRSD Hampton Roads Sanitation District

HRTPO Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization


JCHEI John C. Holland Enterprises Landfill

KAB Keep America Beautiful

LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

LFG Landfill Gas

LLC Limited Liability Corporation


MMMBT Monitor-Merrimac Memorial Bridge Tunnel

MRF Material Recovery Facility

MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area

MSW Municipal Solid Waste

MWT Microwave Tomography

NA Not Available

NAICS North American Industry Classification System

NR Not Reported

ODU Old Dominion University

PCD Pounds Per Capita Per Day

PET Polyethylene Terephthalate

PRM Principal Recyclable Material 225

RAP Recycling Action Plan

RDF Refuse Derived Fuel

RDS Recycling and Disposal Solutions

RMW Regulated Medical Waste

RSWMP Regional Solid Waste Management Plan for Southeastern Virginia

SEP Suffolk Energy Partners

SPCA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

SPSA Southeastern Public Service Authority

SVPDC Southeastern Virginia Planning District Commission

SWM Solid Waste Management

SWMP Solid Waste Management Plan

SWPU Solid Waste Planning Unit

TAZ Transportation Analysis Zone

TFC Tidewater Fibre Corporation

TFW Trash Free Waters

TV Television

UBC Used Beverage Can

USEPA U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

VAC Virginia Administrative Code

VDEQ Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

VDOT Virginia Department of Transportation 226

VDWM Virginia Department of Waste Management

WM Waste Management

WTE Waste to Energy 227





EPA Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: 2014 Fact Sheet

Trash Free Waters


NOAA Marine Debris Program

Commonwealth of Virginia


Request for Certification – DEQ Form SW-11


Solid Waste Managed in Virginia During Calendar Year 2016 102952-963

Virginia Marine Debris Reduction Plan

Local Governments


City Code Pertaining to Solid Waste

Comprehensive Plan

Environmental Improvement Council


City Code Pertaining to Recycling

City Code Pertaining to Solid Waste 229

Comprehensive Plan

Isle of Wight County

Comprehensive Plan zoning/download/Comprehensive%20Plan/Isle%20of%20Wight%20County%20Comprehensive%20Plan.pdf

County Code Pertaining to Solid Waste


City Code Pertaining to Solid Waste

General Plan

Norfolk Environmental Commission


City Code Pertaining to Solid Waste 230

Comprehensive Plan


Comprehensive Plan

Town Code Pertaining to Solid Waste

Southampton County

Comprehensive Plan

County Code Pertaining to Solid Waste


City Code Pertaining to Solid Waste

Comprehensive Plan


Virginia Beach

City Code Pertaining to Solid Waste

Clean Community Commission

Comprehensive Plan


Comprehensive Plan


HR Green

Home Page


2016 Regional Recycling Rate Reporting Survey 232

Final Report - Update to Solid Waste Management for Southside Hampton Roads Planning Horizon 2011-2047

HRPDC’s Application to amend the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan


Home Page

SPSA Environmental Policy

SPSA Financial Policies


SPSA Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act (PPEA) Guidelines

SPSA Residential Waste Disposal Guidelines for Norfolk Transfer Station

SPSA Residential Waste Disposal Guidelines for Other Locations

SPSA Annual Survey Report 233

Chesapeake Use & Support Agreement

Franklin Use & Support Agreement

Isle of Wight County Use & Support Agreement

Norfolk Use & Support Agreement

Portsmouth Use & Support Agreement

Southampton County Use & Support Agreement

Suffolk Use & Support Agreement

Suffolk Good Neighbor Host Agreement

Virginia Beach Use & Support Agreement



Atlantic Waste Disposal

Home Page

Bay Disposal, Inc.

Home Page

Brunswick Waste Management Facility

Home Page

Clearfield MMG, Inc.

Home Page

Elizabeth River Recycling

Home Page 235

Hampton Roads Recovery Center LLC

Home Page


Home Page

Recycling & Disposal Solutions MRF

Home Page

Republic Services

Home Page

Shoosmith Sanitary Landfill

Home Page

Suffolk Energy Partners, LLC 236

Home Page

Tidewater Fibre Corporation

Home Page


Tidewater Green Corporation MRF

Home Page

United Disposal

Home Page

Waste Industries, LLC

Home Page

Waste Management

Home Page

Waterway Material Corporation LLC

Home Page


Wheelabrator Technologies, Inc.

Home Page


Solid Waste Association of North America

Home Page


Clean Virginia Waterways

Home Page

Keep Virginia Beautiful

Home Page


Recycling Perks

Home Page

Virginia Recycling Association

Home Page 240


Recycling Markets

The economic viability of recycling depends on a number of factors, including the prices for recyclable materials. Table E-1 shows Southeastern Virginia and national market prices.

Table E-1. Local and National Recyclable Material Prices, September 2003 ($/ton) Material Southeastern Virginia National Metals Ferrous Used Steel Cans 90 No. 2 Bundles 76 Municipal Shredded 88 Shredded Auto Scrap 121 Nonferrous Aluminum UBCs 980 Auto Batteries 100 Plastics, Baled Clear PET 300 Green PET 280 Natural HDPE 260 Mixed HDPE 180 Mixed PET 220 Mixed HDPE and PET 60 Paper, Post-Consumer Corrugated 64 Newspaper 6 44 Newspaper 8 70 High-Grade Office 122 Colored Ledger 94 White Ledger 153 Computer Laser 166 Computer Laser-Free 178 241

Glass Clear 29 Green 9 Brown 17 Source: Recycling Manager, a service of American Metal Market, 2003.

The current recycling market (2003) places the highest value on office paper, white ledger paper, laser paper, aluminum used beverage cans (UBCs), and plastics, including PET and natural HDPE. Prices for glass, mixed HDPE and PET, corrugated cardboard, and newspaper #6 are relatively low. The market for recyclables is still developing. As more end products use recyclables as inputs, the viability of markets for recyclables will grow. In addition, viable markets for other recyclables may emerge during the Plan’s planning period. 242


Source Reduction and Reuse Best Practices

Tables F-1 through F-3 present potential source reduction and reuse best practices for consumers, businesses, and manufacturers.

Table F-1. Resident and Consumer Source Reduction and Reuse Actions Action Effect Reduce use. Attempt to use materials less and more efficiently. Reduces materials entering waste stream. Practice eco-shopping or smart shopping. Reduces packaging entering waste stream. Choose products that have less packaging and look for packaging that can be reused. Look for concentrates and powders, like juice mixes. Buy detergent refills or concentrates. Bring cloth bags when grocery shopping. Reduces the use of plastic and paper bags. Use cloth diapers. Lowers amount of waste disposable diapers contribute. Eliminate or minimize unnecessary mail. Reduces paper entering waste stream. Ask United States Postal Service (USPS) and bulk mailers to remove your address from their Lists. Add link and endorsement on the City website to a do-not-mail organization to reduce junk mail. Minimize the use of disposable cups, plates, etc. Use washable Reduces paper and plastic entering waste stream plates, cups, and silverware at home. Bring regular silverware and plastic plates and cups on picnics; bring them home to wash. Use longer-lasting products like LED or compact fluorescent light Increases efficiency and reduces costs in the long term. bulbs. Source: Derived by HRPDC from 2017 Local Government Interviews and from City of Falls Church Solid Waste Management Plan 243

Table F-2. Business Source Reduction and Reuse Actions Action Effect Purchasing and Procurement Buy in bulk and consider cooperative purchases with other Reduces price and packaging wastes businesses. Think “minimum impact” when ordering equipment or designing Reduces equipment contribution to waste stream. processes. Buy rechargeable batteries, fluorescent or sodium lights, plain paper faxes, reusable bank deposit bags, solar power, bulk containers, permanent plantings for landscaping, and mulching lawn mowers. Carefully calculate how much of a particular product is needed. Reduces storage requirements and excess waste. Buy durable and repairable products. Long warranties often Delays product entry into the waste stream. imply durability. Buy used equipment. Send usable discards to a reuse center. Reduces equipment entering waste stream. Select equipment with resource reduction features. Double-sided copies reduce paper use, and handcrank sharpeners Buy copiers and printers that produce double-sided copies and reduce materials needed for energy production. hand-crank (not electric) pencil sharpeners. Rent, lease, contract, or share equipment that is used Delays equipment contribution to waste stream. infrequently or needs costly maintenance. Includes floor buffers, lawn mowers, and snow blowers. Keep up with equipment maintenance and repair. Extends equipment’s useful life and reduces wear on environment. Calculate ownership cost before buying. Durable goods may be more expensive initially, but pay off in long run Review bid specifications. Change bids and contracts to be sure Encourages firms to reduce waste. that source reduction products are allowed and encouraged. Office Environment Upgrade computers with new cards and chips for as long as Lowers cost; reduces final number of computers possible. thrown away Develop a written source reduction policy and encourage Institutionalizes source reduction. business-wide reductions. Organize and integrate a protocol into organization culture— top management support is crucial to success in changing the habits and attitude of employees. Develop employee education programs on reducing waste. Disseminates source reduction thinking. 244

Ask employees for ideas on preventing waste; reward good ideas. Install hand driers in bathrooms. Reduces paper waste. Use computers to reduce paper use. Reduces paper waste. Send e-mails instead of letters, circulate one copy of memos and publications, and print double-sided copies. Incorporate reductions into many aspects of the office Reduces general office contribution to waste stream. environment. Use cloth towels, reusable air filters, refillable pens, erasable wall calendars, and refillable ink-jet print cartridges. Consider the toxicity of office products when ordering. Reduces harm to the environment. Use vegetable-based inks and unbleached paper, tack carpets instead of using volatile organic compound (VOC) adhesives, use lead-free paints, and do not use chemical degreasers for maintenance. Cut off junk mail. Add link and endorsement on the City website Reduces paper entering waste stream. to a do not-mail organization to reduce junk mail; ask USPS to stop junk mail. Source: Derived by HRPDC from 2017 Local Government Interviews and from City of Falls Church Solid Waste Management Plan 245

Table F-3. Manufacturer Source Reduction and Reuse Actions Action Effect Increase the useful life of product through durability and If products last longer, fewer need to be produced and thrown away. reparability. Provide outreach information. Increases awareness of source reduction. Help publicize the issue of source reduction and what consumers, residents, businesses, and manufacturers can do. Form public-private partnerships. Support source reduction in Organizes and expands source reduction. the community or provide needed services such as packaging reuse or waste exchange. Minimize packaging. Reduces packaging entering waste stream. Avoid over-packaging. Use packaging to reduce damage or spoilage to the product. Gives the product a longer life and reduces waste. Provide items in bulk. Encourages shoppers to buy in bulk. Make manufacturer/producer responsible for ultimate disposal Encourages producers to design products and packaging differently. of their products and packaging. Take responsibility for products and packaging by providing collection and disposal services. Reduce material use in product manufacture. Lowers costs. Use cleaner technology in production. Reduces pollution. Reduce toxicity of products and packaging. Lessens the detrimental environmental impacts of waste. Source: Derived by HRPDC from 2017 Local Government Interviews and from City of Falls Church Solid Waste Management Plan 246


DEQ Permitted Solid Waste Management Facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region

Table G-1 provides a listing of all permitted solid waste management facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region.

Table G-1. DEQ Permitted Solid Waste Management Facilities in the Southeastern Virginia Region as of 2-3-2015 CDD Landfills (SW) (4) Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): Centerville Turnpike CDD Landfill (SWP603) Unit Effective Date 7/16/2009 Facility Operation Effective Dat 7/16/2009

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Charles Plott City Telephone: (757) 420-0128 Unit Name: Centerville Turnpike CDD Landfill

Loc Address: 1613 Centerville Turnpike Virginia Beach VA 23464 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): Higgerson Buchanan Incorporated (SWP493) Unit Effective Date 1/2/1986 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/2/1986

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name: Burt Prestridge

Unit Name: Higgerson- Telephone: (757) 545-4665 Buchanan

Loc Address: 416 Dominion Blvd Chesapeake VA 23320 247

Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): Portsmouth City - Craney Island Landfill Unit Effective Date 1/5/1972 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/5/1972 (SWP041) Contact Name: Cheryl Hawkins City/County: Portsmouth City Telephone: (757) 686-2539 Unit Name: Portsmouth City - Craney Island Landfill

Loc Address: 4699 Hedgerow Ln Portsmouth VA 23703 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Not Constructed Facility Operation Status: Not Applicable Number): Tidewater Recyclable Products Unit Effective Date 3/31/1999 Facility Operation Effective Dat 3/31/1999 Incorporated (SWP596) Contact Name: City/County: Virginia Beach City Telephone:

Unit Name: CDD landfill

Loc Address: Centerville Turnpike North Virginia Beach VA 23456


Closed CDD Landfills (SW) (10) Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Art Ray Corporation Debris Landfill (SWP460) Unit Effective Date 8/4/1988 Facility Operation Effective Dat 8/4/1988

City/County: Suffolk City Contact Name:

Unit Name: Art Ray Telephone: Corporation Debris Landfill

Loc Address: Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Braithwaite Debris (SWP364) Unit Effective Date 1/19/2000 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/19/2000

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Robert Devich City Telephone: (757) 428-3302 Unit Name: Breathwaite Debris - 364

Loc Address: 524 Oceana Boulevard Virginia Beach VA 23454


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Braithwaite Debris (SWP368) Unit Effective Date 11/18/1982 Facility Operation Effective Dat 11/18/1982

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Robert Devich City Telephone: (757) 428-3302 Unit Name: Breathwaite Landfill - 368

Loc Address: 524 Oceana Boulevard Virginia Beach VA 23454 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Post-Closure Facility Operation Status: Post Closure Number): Campostella Landfill (SWP404) Unit Effective Date 8/2/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 8/2/2002

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: John White

Unit Name: Campostella Telephone: (757) 823-4000 Landfill

Loc Address: Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Elbow Road Farm CDD Landfill (SWP305) Unit Effective Date 11/1/2012 Facility Operation Effective Dat 11/1/2012

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name: Ted Franks

Unit Name: Elbow Road Farm Telephone: (757) 449-2102 CDD Landfill

Loc Address: 1000 Centerville Tpke Chesapeake VA 23320 250

Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): FEW Incorporated Debris Landfill (SWP330) Unit Effective Date 6/14/2007 Facility Operation Effective Dat 6/14/2007

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Warren Thrasher City Telephone: (757) 547-3900 Unit Name: Few Incorporated Debris Landfill

Loc Address: Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Gunter Debris Landfill (SWP384) Unit Effective Date 12/6/1996 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/6/1996

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Matt Gunter City Telephone: (757) 301-8802 Unit Name: Gunter CDD Landfill

Loc Address: Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Post-Closure Facility Operation Status: Post Closure Number): Indian Trails Debris Landfill (SWP451) Unit Effective Date 9/2/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 9/2/2004

City/County: Suffolk City Contact Name: Carl Januszkiewicz

Unit Name: Indian Trail Telephone: Disposal Facility

Loc Address: 2061 Lake Cahoon Rd Suffolk VA 23434


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): US Navy - Joint Expeditionary Base - Little Unit Effective Date 10/12/1982 Facility Operation Effective Dat 10/12/1982 Creek (SWP276) Contact Name: Cheryl Barnett City/County: Virginia Beach City Telephone:

Unit Name: US Navy - Little Creek Amphib Base CDD

Loc Address: 1450 Gator Blvd Virginia Beach VA 23521 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Williams Corporation Debris Landfill - Unit Effective Date 8/22/1994 Facility Operation Effective Dat 8/22/1994 VA Beach (SWP385) Contact Name: E Bowler City/County: Virginia Beach City Telephone: (757) 692-9090

Unit Name: Williams Corporation Debris Landfill - VA Beach

Loc Address: 925 South Military Hwy Virginia Beach VA 23464


Closed Industrial Landfills (SW) (11) Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Not Constructed Facility Operation Status: Not Applicable Number): A and R Logistics Incorporated (SWP176) Unit Effective Date 10/12/1982 Facility Operation Effective Dat 10/12/1982

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name:

Unit Name: American Hoechst Telephone: Co

Loc Address: 5100 Bainbridge Blvd Chesapeake VA 23320 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): DOC - Southampton Correctional Center (SWP011) Unit Effective Date 10/12/1982 Facility Operation Effective Dat 10/12/1982

Unit Name: Southampton Contact Name: William Davis Correctional Facility Telephone: (804) 674-3303 Loc Address: 14545 Old Belfield Rd Capron VA 23829 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Not Constructed Facility Operation Status: Not Applicable Number): Dominion - Chesapeake Energy Center Unit Effective Date 1/6/1986 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/6/1986 (SWP481) Contact Name: Bruce Sanders Unit Name: Dominion Virginia Power - Remote Ash LF Telephone: (757) 485-6731

Loc Address: 2701 Vepco St Chesapeake VA 23323


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Edwards Agricultural Landfill (SWP478) Unit Effective Date 10/10/1989 Facility Operation Effective Dat 10/10/1989

City/County: Isle of Wight Contact Name: County Telephone: Unit Name: Edwards Agricultural Landfill

Loc Address: Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): International Paper - Franklin Mill (SWP366) Unit Effective Date 10/21/1988 Facility Operation Effective Dat 10/21/1988

City/County: Isle of Wight Contact Name: Ray Moore County Telephone: (757) 569-5393 Unit Name: International Paper - Franklin Mill

Loc Address: 34040 Union Camp Dr Franklin VA 23851


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Smithfield Farmland (SWP238) Unit Effective Date 8/13/1985 Facility Operation Effective Dat 8/13/1985

City/County: Isle of Wight Contact Name: County Telephone: Unit Name: Gwaltney of Smithfield Ltd - Smithfield

Loc Address: 601 N Church St Smithfield VA 23430 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Solenis LLC (SWP063) Unit Effective Date 7/29/1977 Facility Operation Effective Dat 7/29/1977

City/County: Southampton Contact Name: Andrew Lucas County Telephone: (757) 562-312 Unit Name: Hercules Incorporated - Franklin Landfill

Loc Address: 27123 Shady Brook Trail Courtland VA 23837


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Post-Closure Facility Operation Status: Post Closure Number): US Navy - Naval Air Station - Oceana (SWP292) Unit Effective Date 1/1/1994 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/1/1994

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Crystal St. Clair-Canaii City Telephone: (757) 341-0400 Unit Name: US Navy - Naval Air Station - Oceana

Loc Address: Virginia Beach VA 23456 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): US Navy - Naval Station Norfolk (SWP286) Unit Effective Date 5/6/2012 Facility Operation Effective Dat 5/6/2012

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Cheryl Barnett

Unit Name: US Navy - Norfolk Telephone: Naval Base - CDD

Loc Address: 9900 Hampton Blvd Norfolk VA 23505 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): US Navy - Naval Station Norfolk (SWP311) Unit Effective Date 1/7/1983 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/7/1983

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Cheryl Barnett

Unit Name: US Navy - Norfolk Telephone: Naval Base Magazine

Loc Address: 9900 Hampton Blvd Norfolk VA 23505 256

Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): US Navy - Norfolk Naval Shipyard (SWP388) Unit Effective Date 6/30/1983 Facility Operation Effective Dat 6/30/1983

City/County: Portsmouth City Contact

Unit Name: US Navy - Norfolk Name: Charles Forbes Naval Shipyard CDD Telephone: (757) 396-3580 Loc Address: 2600 - 2700 Effingham St Portsmouth VA 23709 Closed Sanitary Landfills (SW) (13) Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Central Site- Southampton (SWP206) Unit Effective Date 2/26/1987 Facility Operation Effective Dat 2/26/1987

City/County: Southampton Contact Name: County Telephone: Unit Name: Southampton County of - Central Landfill

Loc Address:


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Chesapeake City - Civic Center (SWP154) Unit Effective Date 7/25/2001 Facility Operation Effective Dat 7/25/2001

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name:

Unit Name: Chesapeake City - Telephone: Civic Center Landfill

Loc Address: 112 Mann Dr Chesapeake VA 23320 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Post-Closure Facility Operation Status: Post Closure Number): Franklin City - Landfill (SWP012) Unit Effective Date 2/1/1995 Facility Operation Effective Dat 2/1/1995

City/County: Franklin Contact Name: Glenda Dodson - gone in

Unit Name: Franklin City of - Telephone: (757) 539-9373 Landfill

Loc Address: Franklin Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Post-Closure Facility Operation Status: Post Closure Number): Isle Of Wight County - Landfill (SWP087) Unit Effective Date 1/13/1997 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/13/1997

City/County: Isle of Wight Contact Name: Glenda Dodson - gone in County Telephone: (757) 539-9373 Unit Name: Isle of Wight County of - Landfill

Loc Address: 11213 Woody Acres Way Smithfield VA 23430 258

Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Smithfield Landfill- Cofer (SWP047) Unit Effective Date 1/7/1983 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/7/1983

City/County: Isle of Wight Contact Name: County Telephone: Unit Name: Smithfield Landfill - Cofer

Loc Address: Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Southampton County of - Landfill-Boykins Unit Effective Date 12/13/1982 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/13/1982 (SWP338) Contact Name: City/County: Southampton County Telephone:

Unit Name: Southampton County of - Boykins Landfill

Loc Address:


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Southampton County of - Landfill-Ivor #2 Unit Effective Date 5/24/1989 Facility Operation Effective Dat 5/24/1989 (SWP392) Contact Name: City/County: Southampton County Telephone:

Unit Name: Southampton County of - Ivor No 2 Landfill

Loc Address: Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Post-Closure Facility Operation Status: Post Closure Number): Suffolk City Landfill - Hosier Road (SWP310) Unit Effective Date 4/12/1995 Facility Operation Effective Dat 4/12/1995

City/County: Suffolk City Contact Name: Scott Whitehurst

Unit Name: Suffolk City of - Telephone: (757) 961-3582 Hozier Road Landfill

Loc Address: Hosier Road Suffolk VA 23434


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Post-Closure Facility Operation Status: Post Closure Number): US Navy - Naval Air Station - Oceana (SWP278) Unit Effective Date 1/1/1994 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/1/1994

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Crystal St. Clair-Canaii City Telephone: (757) 341-0400 Unit Name: US Navy - Naval Air Station – Oceana

Loc Address: Virginia Beach VA 23456 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Virginia Beach City - Landfill No 2 (SWP324) Unit Effective Date 6/30/1983 Facility Operation Effective Dat 6/30/1983

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Todd Tripp City Telephone: (757) 385-1981 Unit Name: Virginia Beach City - Landfill No 2 - 324

Loc Address: 1989 Jake Sears Rd Virginia Beach VA 23464


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Virginia Beach City - Landfill No 2 (SWP367) Unit Effective Date 2/13/1984 Facility Operation Effective Dat 2/13/1984

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Todd Tripp City Telephone: (757) 385-1981 Unit Name: Virginia Beach City - Landfill No 2 – 367

Loc Address: 1989 Jake Sears Rd Virginia Beach VA 23464 Compost Category I (0) Energy Recovery/Incineration Facility (SW) (4) Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): Portsmouth City of - Incinerator (SWP391) Unit Effective Date 5/30/1985 Facility Operation Effective Dat 5/30/1985

City/County: Portsmouth City Contact Name:

Unit Name: Portsmouth City of Telephone: - Incinerator

Loc Address:


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): Solenis LLC (SWP060 Unit Effective Date 5/6/1994 Facility Operation Effective Dat 5/6/1994 City/County: Southampton County Contact Name: Andrew Lucas

Unit Name: Hercules Telephone: (757) 562-3121 Incorporated - Franklin

Loc Address: 27123 Shady Brook Trail Courtland VA 23837 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): Wheelabrator Portsmouth Inc - Waste to Unit Effective Date 4/26/2005 Facility Operation Effective Dat 4/26/2005 Energy Fac (PBR500) Contact Name: Jeff Landrum City/County: Portsmouth City Telephone: (757) 393-3105 Unit Name: Wheelabrator Portsmouth Inc - Waste to Energy Fa

Loc Address: 3809 Elm Ave Portsmouth VA 23704


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Wheelabrator Portsmouth Inc - Waste to Unit Effective Date 4/26/2005 Facility Operation Effective Dat 4/26/2005 Energy Fac (SWP482) Contact Name: Jeff Landrum City/County: Portsmouth City Telephone: (757) 393-3105 Unit Name: SPSA - Incinerator

Loc Address: 3809 Elm Ave Portsmouth VA 2370 Industrial Landfill (SW) (3) Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): Dominion - Chesapeake Energy Center Unit Effective Date 7/27/1984 Facility Operation Effective Dat 7/27/1984 (SWP440) Contact Name: Bruce Sanders City/County: Chesapeake City Telephone: (757) 485-6731 Unit Name: Dominion Virginia Power - Ash Landfill

Loc Address: 2701 Vepco St Chesapeake VA 23323


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): International Paper LF No 2 - Isle of Wight Unit Effective Date 6/11/2007 Facility Operation Effective Dat 6/11/2007 (SWP504) Contact Name: Sheryl Raulston City/County: Isle of Wight County Telephone: (757) 569-4558

Unit Name: International Paper - Landfill No 2

Loc Address: SR 616 Franklin VA Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): John C Holland Enterprises, Inc (SWP280) Unit Effective Date 9/7/1979 Facility Operation Effective Dat 9/7/1979

City/County: Suffolk City Contact Name: Rhonda Holland

Unit Name: John C. Holland Telephone: (757) 488-5616 Landfill

Loc Address: 4801 Nansemond Pkwy Suffolk VA 23435


Inert Landfill (SW) (13) Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): APAC-VA Incorporated (SWP419) Unit Effective Date 4/4/1992 Facility Operation Effective Dat 4/4/1992

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: City Telephone: Unit Name: Apac-Virginia, Inc.

Loc Address: Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Atlantic Aggregate Recyclers (SWP474) Unit Effective Date 3/1/1990 Facility Operation Effective Dat 3/1/1990

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name:

Unit Name: Atlantic Aggregate Telephone: Recyclers

Loc Address: 2501 South Military Highway Chesapeake VA 23324 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Bowler Landfill - Williams Corporation Unit Effective Date 7/25/1991 Facility Operation Effective Dat 7/25/1991 (SWP443) Contact Name: City/County: Chesapeake City Telephone: Unit Name: Bowler Lf-Williams Corp

Loc Address: 266

Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Brooks Pollock Inert Landfill (SWP380) Unit Effective Date 1/11/2001 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/11/2001

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: City Telephone: Unit Name: Brooks Pollock Inert Lf

Loc Address: Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Harold and Williams Development Company Unit Effective Date 10/9/1987 Facility Operation Effective Dat 10/9/1987 (SWP444) Contact Name: City/County: Virginia Beach City Telephone:

Unit Name: A E Harold Landfill

Loc Address: Sandpit Road Virginia Beach VA Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Lakeside Construction Landfill (SWP325) Unit Effective Date 2/5/1990 Facility Operation Effective Dat 2/5/1990

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: City Telephone: Unit Name: Lakeside Construction Lf

Loc Address: 267

Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Swinson's Auto Crush (SWP427) Unit Effective Date 7/16/1986 Facility Operation Effective Dat 7/16/1986

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name:

Unit Name: Swinson's Auto Telephone: Crush

Loc Address: Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Thomas Inert Landfill (SWP466) Unit Effective Date 5/27/1987 Facility Operation Effective Dat 5/27/1987

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name:

Unit Name: Thomas Inert Lf Telephone:

Loc Address: Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Titan Virginia Ready Mix LLC - Campostella Unit Effective Date 3/1/1990 Facility Operation Effective Dat 3/1/1990 (SWP437) Contact Name: City/County: Norfolk City Telephone: Unit Name: Titan Virginia Ready Mix LLC - Campostella

Loc Address: 2125 Kimball Terrace Norfolk VA 23501


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Turner Debris Landfill (SWP473) Unit Effective Date 4/4/1992 Facility Operation Effective Dat 4/4/1992

City/County: Isle of Wight Contact Name: County Telephone: Unit Name: Turner Debris Landfill – CDD

Loc Address: Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): United Chemical Corporation (SWP422) Unit Effective Date 5/22/1990 Facility Operation Effective Dat 5/22/1990

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name:

Unit Name: United Chemical Telephone: Corp

Loc Address: Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): US Navy - Naval Air Station - Oceana (SWP267) Unit Effective Date 1/1/1987 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/1/1987

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Cherryl Barnett City Telephone: Unit Name: US Navy - Naval Air Station - Oceana Cdd

Loc Address: Virginia Beach VA 23456


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): Virginia Beach Debris Landfill-Potters Rd Unit Effective Date 11/7/1990 Facility Operation Effective Dat 11/7/1990 (SWP418) Contact Name: City/County: Virginia Beach City Telephone:

Unit Name: Va Beach Debris Lf-Potters Rd

Loc Address: Materials Recovery Facility (SW) (28) Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): American Bio-Gas Recovery (SWP480) Unit Effective Date 3/6/1986 Facility Operation Effective Dat 3/6/1986

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: City Telephone: Unit Name: American Bio-Gas Recovery

Loc Address:


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): B&H Sales Corp (PBR567) Unit Effective Date 1/2/2013 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/2/2013

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Earl Coleman

Unit Name: B&H Sales Corp Telephone: (757) 489-4088

Loc Address: 2309 Hampton Blvd Norfolk VA 23517 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Under Construction Facility Operation Status: Under Construct Number): Bay Disposal Inc Norfolk MRF (PBR598) Unit Effective Date 9/10/2013 Facility Operation Effective Dat 9/10/2013

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name:

Unit Name: Bay Disposal Inc Telephone: Norfolk MRF

Loc Address: 687 Decker St Norfolk VA 23523 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): Bay Disposal Incorporated MRF (PBR504) Unit Effective Date 3/16/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 3/16/2004 City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Emmett Moore Unit Name: Bay Disposal Incorporated MRF Telephone: (757) 857-9700

Loc Address: 499 E Indian River Rd Norfolk VA 23523


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): BFI Waste Services LLC - Portable 61270 (PBR098) Facility Operation Effective Dat 10/24/2000 City/County: Chesapeake City Unit Effective Date 10/24/2000 Contact Name: Unit Name: Area Container Telephone: Services, Inc.

Loc Address: 2652 E Indian River Road Chesapeake VA 23325 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Not Constructed Facility Operation Status: Not Applicable Number): City of Portsmouth Tire Processing Facility Unit Effective Date 7/11/2011 Facility Operation Effective Dat 7/11/2011 (PBR535) Contact Name: Cheryl Hawkins City/County: Portsmouth City Telephone: (757) 393-8621 Unit Name: City of Portsmouth Tire Processing Facility

Loc Address: 2003 Frederick Blvd Portsmouth VA 23704 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): Clearfield MMG Inc - Chesapeake (PBR510) Unit Effective Date 7/28/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 7/28/2004

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name: Jack Ruffin

Unit Name: Clearfield MMG, Telephone: (757) 549-8448 Inc. - Chesapeake

Loc Address: 416 Dominion Blvd Chesapeake VA 23320 272

Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): Clearfield MMG Inc - Suffolk (PBR155) Unit Effective Date 7/22/1999 Facility Operation Effective Dat 7/22/1999

City/County: Suffolk City Unit Contact Name: Jack Ruffin

Name: Clearfield MMG, Inc. - Telephone: (757) 549-8448 Suffolk

Loc Address: 1 Bob Foeller Drive Suffolk VA 23434 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): Indian Trails Debris Landfill (PBR166) Unit Effective Date 2/23/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 2/23/2004

City/County: Suffolk City Contact Name: Carl Brown

Unit Name: Materials Recovery Telephone: (757) 539-1349 Facility

Loc Address: 2061 Lake Cahoon Rd Suffolk VA 23434 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): Meeks Disposal Corporation (PBR541) Unit Effective Date 12/21/2010 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/21/2010

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name: Danny Meeks

Unit Name: Meeks Disposal Telephone: (757) 485-7030 Corporation

Loc Address: 1328 Cavalier Blvd Chesapeake VA 23323


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Contact Facility Operation Status: Active Number): Military Highway Recycling Center MRF Unit Effective Date 5/7/2014 Facility Operation Effective Dat 5/7/2014 (PBR596) Name: James Warren City/County: Chesapeake City Telephone: (757) 646-9164 Unit Name: Military Highway Recycling Center MRF

Loc Address: 5300 West Military Hwy Chesapeake VA 23321 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): Opta Minerals Inc. (PBR117) Unit Effective Date 10/28/1997 Facility Operation Effective Dat 10/28/1997

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Benjamin Burns

Unit Name: Virginia Materials Telephone: (757) 620-1334 Inc - Norfolk

Loc Address: 3306 Peterson St Norfolk VA 23509


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): Recycling and Disposal Solutions of Virginia Unit Effective Date 7/20/2011 Facility Operation Effective Dat 7/20/2011 (RDS) (PBR558) Contact Name: Joseph Benedetto City/County: Portsmouth City Telephone: (757) 464-0086 Unit Name: Recycling and Disposal Solutions of Virginia (RDS)

Loc Address: Portsmouth VA 23704 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): Soilex Corporation - Virginia Beach (PBR075) Unit Effective Date 6/28/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 6/28/2004

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Jack Ruffin City Telephone: (757) 549-8448 Unit Name: Soilex Pcs Remediation Fac.

Loc Address: 5025 Southern Blvd. Virginia Beach VA 23462


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): SPSA - Former Refuse Derived Fuel Plant Unit Effective Date 4/26/2005 Facility Operation Effective Dat 4/26/2005 (SWP455) Contact Name: Jeff Landrum City/County: Portsmouth City Telephone: (757) 393-3105 Unit Name: SPSA Refuse Derived Fuel Plant 1

Loc Address: 4 Victory Blvd Portsmouth VA 23702 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): SPSA - Regional Landfill (PBR072) Unit Effective Date 11/21/1994 Facility Operation Effective Dat 11/21/1994

City/County: Suffolk City Contact Name: Charles Harrell

Unit Name: SPSA - Tire Telephone: (757) 393-3171 Processing Fac.

Loc Address: 1 Bob Foeller Drive Suffolk VA 23434 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): TFC Recycling (PBR568) Unit Effective Date 7/18/2011 Facility Operation Effective Dat 7/18/2011

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name: Ed Farmer

Unit Name: TFC Recycling Telephone: (757) 289-9604

Loc Address: 1958 Diamond Hill Rd Chesapeake VA 23324


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): Tidewater Green Corporation (PBR554) Unit Effective Date 4/5/2010 Facility Operation Effective Dat 4/5/2010

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name: James Warren

Unit Name: Tidewater Green Telephone: (757) 487-4736 Corporation

Loc Address: 1500 Steel St Chesapeake VA 23323 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): United Disposal Incorporated (PBR522) Unit Effective Date 9/16/2005 Facility Operation Effective Dat 9/16/2005

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Scott Spruill

Unit Name: United Disposal Telephone: (757) 557-6700 Wellman Street MRF

Loc Address: 161 Wellman St Norfolk VA 23502 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): US Navy - Craney Island - Fuel Terminal (PBR061) Unit Effective Date 3/12/2007 Facility Operation Effective Dat 3/12/2007

City/County: Portsmouth City Contact Name: Cherryl Barnett

Unit Name: US Navy - Craney Telephone: Island - BTC

Loc Address: 4501 Cedar Ln Portsmouth VA 23703


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): US Navy - Joint Expeditionary Base - Little Unit Effective Date Facility Operation Effective Dat Creek (PBR199) Contact Name: Cherryl Barnett City/County: Virginia Beach City Telephone:

Unit Name: US Navy - Little Creek Amphib Base – MRF

Loc Address: 1450 Gator Blvd Virginia Beach VA 23521 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): US Navy - Naval Station Norfolk (PBR109) Unit Effective Date 6/28/2000 Facility Operation Effective Dat 6/28/2000

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Cherryl Barnett

Unit Name: Norfolk Naval Telephone: Base, Waste Tire Processing Facility

Loc Address: 9900 Hampton Blvd Norfolk VA 23505


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): US Navy - Norfolk Naval Shipyard (PBR135) Unit Effective Date 8/10/1998 Facility Operation Effective Dat 8/10/1998

City/County: Portsmouth City Contact Name: Charles Forbes

Unit Name: Norfolk Naval Telephone: (757) 396-3580 Shipyard - Building 1460

Loc Address: 2600 - 2700 Effingham St Portsmouth VA 23709 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): US Navy - Norfolk Naval Shipyard (SWP416) Unit Effective Date 1/11/2001 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/11/2001

City/County: Portsmouth City Contact Name: Charles Forbes

Unit Name: Norfolk Naval Telephone: (757) 396-3580 Shipyard - Salvage Fuel

Loc Address: 2600 - 2700 Effingham St Portsmouth VA 23709 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Virginia Soil Reclamation (PBR057) Unit Effective Date 9/10/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 9/10/2004

City/County: Suffolk City Contact Name: Bill Hartsock

Unit Name: Virginia Soil Telephone: Reclamation

Loc Address: 279

Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): Waste Industries LLC (PBR077) Unit Effective Date 3/6/1995 Facility Operation Effective Dat 3/6/1995

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name: Rodney Rosebrough

Unit Name: Waste Industries Telephone: (757) 487-2220 LLC

Loc Address: 3821 Cook Blvd Chesapeake VA 23323 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Inactive Facility Operation Status: Inactive Number): Waterway Marine Terminal (PBR506) Unit Effective Date 2/7/2013 Facility Operation Effective Dat 2/7/2013

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name: Gene Hand

Unit Name: Waterway Marine Telephone: (757) 333-3427 Terminal

Loc Address: 1431 Precon Dr Chesapeake VA 23320


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): Wheelabrator Portsmouth Inc - Waste to Unit Effective Date 4/26/2005 Facility Operation Effective Dat 4/26/2005 Energy Fac (PBR500) Contact Name: Jeff Landrum City/County: Portsmouth City Telephone: (757) 393-3105 Unit Name: Wheelabrator Portsmouth Inc - Waste to Energy Fa

Loc Address: 3809 Elm Ave Portsmouth VA 23704 RMW Alternative Treatment (SW) (1) Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): US Navy - Naval Station Norfolk (PBR095) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Cheryl Barnett

Unit Name: US Navy - NNB Telephone: Envir & Prev Medicine Unit

Loc Address: 9900 Hampton Blvd Norfolk VA 23505


RMW Incinerator (SW) (6) Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Bon Secours - DePaul Medical Center Unit Effective Date 1/6/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/6/2004 (PBR322) Contact Name: City/County: Norfolk City Telephone: Unit Name: Bon Secours - DePaul Medical Center

Loc Address: 150 Kingsley Lane Norfolk VA 23505 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Portsmouth General Hospital (PBR345) Unit Effective Date 6/1/1999 Facility Operation Effective Dat 6/1/1999

City/County: Portsmouth City Contact Name:

Unit Name: Portsmouth Telephone: General Hospital

Loc Address: 850 Crawford Parkway Portsmouth VA 23704


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Sentara - Norfolk General Hospital (PBR313) Unit Effective Date 1/1/1996 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/1/1996

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name:

Unit Name: Sentara Norfolk Telephone: General Hospital

Loc Address: 600 Gresham Dr Norfolk VA 23507 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Smith & Williams Funeral Home (PBR406) Unit Effective Date 6/19/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 6/19/2002

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: City Telephone: Unit Name: Smith and Williams Funeral Home - Virginia Beach

Loc Address: 4889 Princess Anne Road Virginia Beach VA 23462


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Smith and Williams Funeral Home-Norfolk Unit Effective Date 6/19/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 6/19/2002 (PBR311) Contact Name: City/County: Norfolk City Telephone: Unit Name: Smith and Williams Funeral Home - Norfolk

Loc Address: Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): VA Beach General Hospital (PBR405) Unit Effective Date 1/1/1996 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/1/1996

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: City Telephone: Unit Name: VA Beach General Hospital

Loc Address: 1060 First Colonial Rd. Virginia Beach VA 23454


RMW Steam Sterilizer (SW) (17) Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): Bon Secours Maryview Medical Center Unit Effective Date 9/12/2011 Facility Operation Effective Dat 9/12/2011 (PBR172) Contact Name: Bryan Woods City/County: Portsmouth City Telephone: (757) 398-2390 Unit Name: Maryview Hospital

Loc Address: 3636 High Street Portsmouth VA 23703 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): DOC - Tidewater Correctional Unit 22 (PBR227) Unit Effective Date 1/6/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/6/2004

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name:

Unit Name: DOC - Tidewater Telephone: Correctional Unit 22 - Greenbrier

Loc Address: 201 Greenbrier Rd Chesapeake VA 23320


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Loftow, Ronald I., D.D.S. (PBR415) Unit Effective Date 1/6/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/6/2004

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: City Telephone: Unit Name: Loftow, Ronald I, DDS

Loc Address: Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): Luck Stone Berkley Plant (PBR114) Unit Effective Date 9/9/2005 Facility Operation Effective Dat 9/9/2005

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name:

Unit Name: American Waste Telephone: Industries Incorporated

Loc Address: 508 E Indian River Rd Norfolk VA 23523 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Luck Stone Berkley Plant (PBR324) Unit Effective Date 5/15/1997 Facility Operation Effective Dat 5/15/1997

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name:

Unit Name: American Waste Telephone: Industries Incorporated

Loc Address: 508 E Indian River Rd Norfolk VA 23523


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Norfolk City - Public Health Center (PBR317) Unit Effective Date 1/6/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/6/2004

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name:

Unit Name: Norfolk City of - Telephone: Public Health Center

Loc Address: 401 Colley Ave Norfolk VA 23507 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Norfolk City - Public Health Center (PBR318) Unit Effective Date 1/6/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/6/2004

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name:

Unit Name: Norfolk City - Telephone: Public Health Center

Loc Address: 401 Colley Ave Norfolk VA 23507 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): ODU (PBR157) Unit Effective Date 7/23/1999 Facility Operation Effective Dat 7/23/1999 City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Douglas Alexander Unit Name: ODU MWT - Biology Building - Unit 2 Telephone: (757) 683-4495

Loc Address: Hampton Blvd Norfolk VA 23529


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): ODU (PBR157) Unit Effective Date 7/23/1999 Facility Operation Effective Dat 7/23/1999 City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Douglas Alexander Unit Name: ODU MWT - Technology Building - Unit 1 Telephone: (757) 683-4495

Loc Address: Hampton Blvd Norfolk VA 23529 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): ODU (PBR316) Unit Effective Date 7/23/1999 Facility Operation Effective Dat 7/23/1999 City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Douglas Alexander Unit Name: Old Dominion University Telephone: (757) 683-4495

Loc Address: Hampton Blvd Norfolk VA 23529 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Prism Diagnostics and Development Corp. Unit Effective Date 1/6/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/6/2004 (PBR410) Contact Name: City/County: Virginia Beach City Telephone:

Unit Name: Prism Diagnostic and Development Corporation

Loc Address:


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): US Coast Guard Base - Portsmouth (PBR343) Unit Effective Date 1/6/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/6/2004

City/County: Portsmouth City Contact Name:

Unit Name: US Coast Guard - Telephone: Support Center - Portsmouth

Loc Address: 4000 Coast Guard Blvd Portsmouth VA 23703 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): US Navy - Naval Medical Center Portsmouth Unit Effective Date 12/21/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/21/2004 (PBR100) Contact Name: City/County: Portsmouth City Telephone: Unit Name: US Navy - Portsmouth Naval Hospital

Loc Address: 620 John Paul Jones Circle Portsmouth VA 23708


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): VA Beach Health District (PBR407) Unit Effective Date 1/6/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/6/2004

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: City Telephone: Unit Name: VA Beach Health District

Loc Address: 3432 Virginia Beach Blvd. Virginia Beach VA 23452 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Van Stralen, Kenneth M., Dds (PBR408) Unit Effective Date 1/6/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/6/2004

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: City Telephone: Unit Name: Van Stralen, Kenneth M, DDS

Loc Address:


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): VDOC - St Brides Correctional Center (PBR229) Unit Effective Date 1/6/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/6/2004

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name: William Davis

Unit Name: DOC - St Brides Telephone: (804) 674-3303 Correctional Center

Loc Address: 701 Sanderson Rd Chesapeake VA 23328 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): Virginia Department of Forensic Science - PMS Unit Effective Date 8/31/2010 Facility Operation Effective Dat 8/31/2010 (PBR511) Contact Name: Paul Brumund City/County: Norfolk City Telephone: (757) 683-2797 Unit Name: Norfolk City - Public Health - Laboratories Bureau

Loc Address: 830 Southampton Ave Suite 400 Norfolk VA 23510


RMW Storage Facility (SW) (29) Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): American Environmental Group (AEG) Unit Effective Date 8/21/2009 Facility Operation Effective Dat 8/21/2009 (PBR542) Contact Name: Todd Schaubach City/County: Suffolk City Telephone: (757) 488-4410 Unit Name: American Environmental Group (AEG)

Loc Address: 5474 Nansemond Pkwy Suffolk VA 23435 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): American Red Cross - Norfolk (PBR319) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002

City/County: Norfolk City Unit Contact Name: Name: American Red Cross - Norfolk Telephone:

Loc Address: Norfolk Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Bon Secours Maryview Medical Center Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002 (PBR347) Contact Name: Bryan Woods City/County: Portsmouth City Telephone: (757) 398-2390 Unit Name: Maryview Hospital

Loc Address: 3636 High Street Portsmouth VA 23703 292

Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): Chesapeake General Hospital (PBR230) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name:

Unit Name: Chesapeake Telephone: General Hospital

Loc Address: 736 N Battlefield Blvd Chesapeake VA 23320 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Children’s Hospital of the Kings Daughter Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002 (PBR321) Contact Name: City/County: Norfolk City Telephone: Unit Name: Children’s Hospital of Kings Daughters

Loc Address: 601 Children’s Ln Norfolk VA 23507 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): DOC - Capron Correctional Unit #20 (PBR393) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002

City/County: Southampton Contact Name: County Telephone: Unit Name: DOC - Capron Correctional Unit 20

Loc Address: 293

Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): DOC - Deerfield Correctional Center (PBR392) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002

City/County: Southampton Contact Name: County Telephone: Unit Name: DOC - Deerfield Correctional Center

Loc Address: 21360 Deerfield Dr Capron VA 23829 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): DOC - Southampton Correctional Center (PBR390) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002

City/County: Southampton Contact Name: William Davis County Telephone: (804) 674-3303 Unit Name: DOC - Southampton Correctional - Youthful Ctr

Loc Address: 14545 Old Belfield Rd Capron VA 23829


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): DOC - Southampton Correctional Center (PBR394) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2004 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2004

City/County: Southampton Contact Name: William Davis County Telephone: (804) 674-3303 Unit Name: DOC - Southampton Correctional Fac - Southside

Loc Address: 14545 Old Belfield Rd Capron VA 23829 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): HCMF Heritage Hall- VA Beach (PBR409) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: City Telephone: Unit Name: HCMF Heritage Hall - Virginia Beach

Loc Address:


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Louise Obici Memorial Hospital - North Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002 Main Street (PBR402) Contact Name: City/County: Suffolk City Telephone: Unit Name: Louise Obici Memorial Hospital

Loc Address: 1900 N Main St Suffolk VA 23434 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Portsmouth City of - Health Department (PBR344) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002

City/County: Portsmouth City Contact Name:

Unit Name: Portsmouth City of Telephone: - Health Department

Loc Address:


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Sentara Healthcare (PBR413) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: City Telephone: Unit Name: Sentara Bayside Hospital

Loc Address: 800 Independence Blvd Virginia Beach VA 23455 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Sentara Leigh Hospital (PBR314) Unit Effective Date 1/1/1996 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/1/1996

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name:

Unit Name: Sentara Leigh Telephone: Hospital

Loc Address: 830 Kempsville Road Norfolk VA 23502


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Southeastern Virginia Training Center Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002 (PBR228) Contact Name: City/County: Chesapeake City Telephone: Unit Name: Department of Mental Health SE VA Trng Ctr

Loc Address: Greenbrier Industrial Park Chesapeake VA 23320 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): Southside Reception and Classification Center Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002 (PBR391) Contact Name: City/County: Southampton County Telephone:

Unit Name: Southside Reception and Classification Center

Loc Address:


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): US Navy - Joint Expeditionary Base - Ft Story Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002 (PBR414) Contact Name: City/County: Virginia Beach City Telephone:

Unit Name: US Army - Fort Story

Loc Address: 300 Atlantic Ave Virginia Beach VA 23459 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): US Navy - Joint Expeditionary Base - Little Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002 Creek (PBR092) Contact Name: Cherryl Barnett City/County: Virginia Beach City Telephone:

Unit Name: US Navy - Little Creek Amphib Base - BMC

Loc Address: 1450 Gator Blvd Virginia Beach VA 23521


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): US Navy - Joint Expeditionary Base - Little Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002 Creek (PBR094) Contact Name: Cherryl Barnett City/County: Virginia Beach City Telephone:

Unit Name: US Navy - Little Creek Amphibious Base - BMC

Loc Address: 1450 Gator Blvd Virginia Beach VA 23521 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): US Navy - NAS - Oceana - Dam Neck Annex Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002 (PBR085) Contact Name: City/County: Virginia Beach City Telephone:

Unit Name: US Navy - FCTC Dam Neck

Loc Address: 1912 Regulus Ave Virginia Beach VA 23461


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): US Navy - NAS - Oceana - Dam Neck Annex Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002 (PBR411) Contact Name: City/County: Virginia Beach City Telephone:

Unit Name: US Navy - FCTC Dam Neck

Loc Address: 1912 Regulus Ave Virginia Beach VA 23461 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): US Navy - Naval Air Station - Oceana (PBR412) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Crystal St. Clair-Canaii City Telephone: (757) 341-0400 Unit Name: US Navy - Naval Air Station - Oceana BMC

Loc Address: Virginia Beach VA 23456


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): US Navy - Naval Medical Center Portsmouth Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002 (PBR342) Contact Name: City/County: Portsmouth City Telephone: Unit Name: US Navy - Portsmouth Naval Hospital

Loc Address: 620 John Paul Jones Circle Portsmouth VA 23708 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): US Navy - Naval Station Norfolk (PBR095) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Cherryl Barnett

Unit Name: US Navy - NNB Telephone: Envir & Prev Medicine Unit

Loc Address: 9900 Hampton Blvd Norfolk VA 23505


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): US Navy - Naval Station Norfolk (PBR315) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002

City/County: Norfolk City Unit Contact Name: Cherryl Barnett

Name: US Navy - Norfolk Naval Telephone: Base - BMC

Loc Address: 9900 Hampton Blvd Norfolk VA 23505 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): US Navy - Naval Station Norfolk (PBR320) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Cherryl Barnett

Unit Name: US Navy - Norfolk Telephone: (757) 444-3009 Naval Base Preventive Med

Loc Address: 9900 Hampton Blvd Norfolk VA 23505 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): US Navy - Naval Station Norfolk (PBR323) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Cherryl Barnett

Unit Name: US Navy - Norfolk Telephone: Naval Base - Drug Screening

Loc Address: 9900 Hampton Blvd Norfolk VA 23505


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): US Navy - Norfolk Naval Shipyard (PBR346) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002

City/County: Portsmouth City Contact Name: Charles Forbes

Unit Name: US Navy - Norfolk Telephone: (757) 396-3580 Naval Shipyard BMC

Loc Address: 2600 - 2700 Effingham St Portsmouth VA 23709 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): VDOJJ - Camp Washington (PBR284) Unit Effective Date 12/9/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/9/2002

City/County: Isle of Wight Contact Name: County Telephone: Unit Name: VDOJJ - Camp Washington - Nansemond 3

Loc Address: 4007 Burdette Rd Carrsville VA 23315


Sanitary Landfill (SW) (4) Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): SPSA - Regional Landfill (SWP417) Unit Effective Date 9/12/1983 Facility Operation Effective Dat 9/12/1983

City/County: Suffolk City Contact Name: Glenda Dodson - gone in

Unit Name: Cell V Telephone: (757) 539-9373

Loc Address: 1 Bob Foeller Drive Suffolk VA 23434 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): SPSA - Regional Landfill (SWP417) Unit Effective Date 9/12/1983 Facility Operation Effective Dat 9/12/1983

City/County: Suffolk City Contact Name: Glenda Dodson - gone in Unit Name: Cell VI Telephone: (757) 539-9373 Loc Address: 1 Bob Foeller Drive Suffolk VA 23434 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Post-Closure Facility Operation Status: Active Number): SPSA - Regional Landfill (SWP417) Unit Effective Date 9/21/2009 Facility Operation Effective Dat 9/12/1983

City/County: Suffolk City Contact Name: Glenda Dodson - gone in

Unit Name: Cells I-IV Telephone: (757) 539-9373

Loc Address: 1 Bob Foeller Drive Suffolk VA 23434


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): Virginia Beach City - Landfill No 2 (SWP398) Unit Effective Date 2/15/1983 Facility Operation Effective Dat 2/15/1983

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Todd Tripp City Telephone: (757) 385-1981 Unit Name: Virginia Beach City - Landfill No 2 - 398

Loc Address: 1989 Jake Sears Rd Virginia Beach VA 23464 Transfer Station (SW) (26) Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): Chambers Waste Systems of Virginia (PBR058) Unit Effective Date 10/16/1998 Facility Operation Effective Dat 10/16/1998

Unit Name: Chambers Norfolk Contact Name: Ts Telephone: Loc Address: 1371 Hanson Ave Norfolk VA 23504 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): Portsmouth City of - Trans Stn (SWP439) Unit Effective Date 10/1/1987 Facility Operation Effective Dat 10/1/1987

Unit Name: Portsmouth Trans Contact Name: Stn Telephone: Loc Address:


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): Safety Kleen Systems Incorporated - Unit Effective Date 5/23/2001 Facility Operation Effective Dat 5/23/2001 Chesapeake (PBR078) Contact Name: City/County: Chesapeake City Telephone: Unit Name: Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc. – Chesapeake

Loc Address: 4545 Bainbridge Blvd Chesapeake VA 23320 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): SPSA - Boykins Transfer (SWP484) Unit Effective Date 10/3/1985 Facility Operation Effective Dat 10/3/1985

City/County: Southampton Contact Name: Scott Whitehurst County Telephone: (757) 961-3582 Unit Name: SPSA-Boykins Trans Stn

Loc Address: Boykins VA 23827 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): SPSA - Chesapeake Transfer (PBR194) Unit Effective Date 1/13/2003 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/13/2003

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name: Scott Whitehurst

Unit Name: SPSA - Chesapeake Telephone: (757) 961-3582 Transfer Station

Loc Address: 901 Hollowell Ln Chesapeake VA 23320 307

Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): SPSA - Chesapeake Transfer (SWP425) Unit Effective Date 1/13/2003 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/13/2003

City/County: Chesapeake City Contact Name: Glenda Dodson - gone in

Unit Name: SPSA - Chesapeake Telephone: (757) 539-9373 Transfer Station

Loc Address: 901 Hollowell Ln Chesapeake VA 23320 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): SPSA - Franklin Transfer Station (PBR192) Unit Effective Date 1/29/2003 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/29/2003

City/County: Franklin City Contact Name: Glenda Dodson - gone in

Unit Name: SPSA - Franklin Telephone: (757) 539-9373 Transfer Station

Loc Address: 30521 General Thomas Hwy Franklin VA 23851 U


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): SPSA - Franklin Transfer Station (SWP438) Unit Effective Date 1/29/2003 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/29/2003

City/County: Franklin City Contact Name: Glenda Dodson - gone in

Unit Name: SPSA - Franklin Telephone: (757) 539-9373 Transfer Station

Loc Address: 30521 General Thomas Hwy Franklin VA 23851 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): SPSA - Isle Of Wight Transfer Station (PBR193) Unit Effective Date 1/29/2003 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/29/2003

City/County: Isle of Wight Contact Name: Glenda Dodson - gone in County Telephone: (757) 539-9373 Unit Name: SPSA - Isle of Wight Transfer Station

Loc Address: 13191 Foursquare Rd


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): SPSA - Isle Of Wight Transfer Station (SWP494) Unit Effective Date 1/29/2003 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/29/2003

City/County: Isle of Wight Contact Name: Scott Whitehurst County Telephone: (757) 961-3582 Unit Name: SPSA - Isle Of Wight Transfer Station

Loc Address: 13191 Foursquare Rd Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Contact Facility Operation Status: Active Number): SPSA - Ivor Transfer Station (SWP539) Unit Effective Date 5/21/1992 Facility Operation Effective Dat 5/21/1992

City/County: Southampton Name: Scott Whitehurst County Telephone: (757) 961-3582 Unit Name: SPSA-Ivor Transfer Station

Loc Address: Ivor VA 23866


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): SPSA - Landstown Transfer (PBR191) Unit Effective Date 1/13/2003 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/13/2003

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Scott Whitehurst City Telephone: (757) 961-3582 Unit Name: SPSA - Landstown Transfer Station

Loc Address: 1825 Concert Dr Virginia Beach VA 23456 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): SPSA - Landstown Transfer (SWP537) Unit Effective Date 1/13/2003 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/13/2003

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Scott Whitehurst Telephone: (757) 961-3582 City

Unit Name: SPSA-Landstown Trans Station

Loc Address: 1825 Concert Dr Virginia Beach VA 23456


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): SPSA - Norfolk Transfer Station (PBR195) Unit Effective Date 1/29/2003 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/29/2003

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Scott Whitehurst

Unit Name: SPSA - Norfolk Telephone: (757) 961-3582 Transfer Station

Loc Address: 3136 Woodland Ave Norfolk VA Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): SPSA - Norfolk Transfer Station (SWP421) Unit Effective Date 1/29/2003 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/29/2003

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Scott Whitehurst

Unit Name: SPSA - Norfolk Telephone: (757) 961-3582 Transfer Station

Loc Address: 3136 Woodland Ave Norfolk VA


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): SPSA - Oceana Transfer Station (PBR190) Unit Effective Date 12/20/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/20/2002

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Glenda Dodson - gone in City Telephone: (757) 539-9373 Unit Name: SPSA - Oceana Transfer Station

Loc Address: 2025 Virginia Beach VA 23462 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Closed Facility Operation Status: Closed Number): SPSA - Oceana Transfer Station (SWP396) Unit Effective Date 12/20/2002 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/20/2002

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Glenda Dodson - gone in City Telephone: (757) 539-9373 Unit Name: SPSA - Oceana Transfer Station

Loc Address: 2025 Virginia Beach Boulevard Virginia Beach VA 23462


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Active Facility Operation Status: Active Number): SPSA - Regional Landfill (PBR518) Unit Effective Date 4/1/2005 Facility Operation Effective Dat 4/1/2005

City/County: Suffolk City Contact Name: Glenda Dodson - gone in

Unit Name: Suffolk Transfer Telephone: (757) 539-9373 Station

Loc Address: 1 Bob Foeller Drive Suffolk VA 23434 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): US Navy - Joint Expeditionary Base - Little Unit Effective Date 4/1/1994 Facility Operation Effective Dat 4/1/1994 Creek (SWP395) Contact Name: Cherryl Barnett Telephone: City/County: Virginia Beach City

Unit Name: US Navy - Little Creek Amphib Base - Transfer Sta

Loc Address: 1450 Gator Blvd Virginia Beach VA 23521


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): US Navy - Joint Expeditionary Base - Little Unit Effective Date 12/11/1998 Facility Operation Effective Dat 12/11/1998 Creek (SWP541) Contact Name: Cherryl Barnett City/County: Virginia Beach City Telephone:

Unit Name: US Navy - Little Creek Amphib Base - Transfer Sta

Loc Address: 1450 Gator Blvd Virginia Beach VA 23521 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): US Navy - Naval Station Norfolk (SWP408) Unit Effective Date 5/23/1997 Facility Operation Effective Dat 5/23/1997

City/County: Norfolk City Contact Name: Cherryl Barnett

Unit Name: US Navy - Norfolk Telephone: Naval Base - Salvage Fuel

Loc Address: 9900 Hampton Blvd Norfolk VA 23505


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): US Navy - Norfolk Naval Shipyard (SWP483) Unit Effective Date 8/10/1998 Facility Operation Effective Dat 8/10/1998

City/County: Portsmouth City Contact Name: Charles Forbes

Unit Name: Norfolk Naval Telephone: (757) 396-3580 Shipyd Trans Stn

Loc Address: 2600 - 2700 Effingham St Portsmouth VA 23709 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): Good Earth Horticulture Incorporated Unit Effective Date 2/9/2007 Facility Operation Effective Dat 2/9/2007 (PBR076) Contact Name: Guenter Burkhardt City/County: Suffolk City Telephone: (716) 684-8111 Unit Name: Pioneer Southern Inc.

Loc Address: 310 Kenyon Rd Suffolk VA 23434


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): SPSA - Consolidated Yard Waste Facility (PBR519) Unit Effective Date 1/15/2008 Facility Operation Effective Dat 1/15/2008

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: City Telephone: Unit Name: Consolidated Yard Waste Facility

Loc Address: 1991 Jake Sears Rd Virginia Beach VA 23464 Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): SPSA - Regional Landfill (PBR133) Unit Effective Date 11/10/2005 Facility Operation Effective Dat 11/10/2005

City/County: Suffolk City Contact Name: Scott Whitehurst

Unit Name: SPSA - YWCF - Telephone: (757) 961-3582 Regional Landfill

Loc Address: 1 Bob Foeller Drive Suffolk VA 23434


Facility Name (Permit Unit Status: Clean Closed Facility Operation Status: Clean Closed Number): SPSA - Virginia Beach YWCF (PBR024) Unit Effective Date 7/18/2006 Facility Operation Effective Dat 7/18/2006

City/County: Virginia Beach Contact Name: Glenda Dodson - gone in City Telephone: (757) 539-9373 Unit Name: SPSA - Virginia Beach YWCF

Loc Address: 1989 Jake Sears Road Virginia Beach VA Source: DEQ data at


APPENDIX H Development of MSW Projections

MSW Generation Forecasts

The Southeastern Virginia Region based its MSW generation projections on the predicted per capita MSW generation rate and population projections for the planning period from 2017 to 2040. In addition, employment projections were used to predict commercial waste generation, as discussed later in this appendix. For projections of recycling quantities, overall, residential, and commercial recycling rates are forecast to remain at their three-year averages. Therefore, the overall recycling rate is forecast to remain at 51.9 percent, the residential recycling rate will remain at 55.5 percent, and the commercial recycling rate will remain at 48.9 percent.

Actual Regional per Capita Generation Data

Actual per capita waste generation data from ____ through ____ (Table H-1) was examined to determine trends. Recent scale records show a generation rate of 7.05 pounds per capita per day (PCD) in ____, increasing to 7.16 PCD in ____. This represents an annual increase in regional MSW generation of approximately __ percent.

Table H-1. Southeastern Virginia Region Waste Generation Per Capita, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Source: HRPDC

Regional and National Per Capita Generation Data

The MSW generation rate in the Southeastern Virginia Region is higher than national and regional generation rate estimates. Nationally, the MSW generation rate has remained constant at 4.51 PCD in both ____ and ____. Regionally, the HRPDC and the SPSA estimated an MSW generation rate of 5.8 PCD for the Southeastern Virginia Region.

Alternative MSW Projections

From the differing trends and estimates of MSW generation in the Region, Commonwealth, and nation, alternative MSW projections were developed to address the probable range of variance in the future generation rates.

Alternative 1: MSW Generation in the Region Remains Constant 319

Alternative 1 is a conservative alternative that assumes the current regional waste generation rate of 7.10 PCD will not increase throughout the planning period. This alternative reflects the assumption that regional waste generation will follow the zero-growth trend of national MSW generation rates over the past 10 years. MSW projections for this alternative were calculated by multiplying the average MSW generation rate of 7.10 PCD by the regional population estimates from ____ to ____. Table H-2 shows the MSW projections from 2020 to 2040 for this alternative.

Table H-2. Alternative 1: MSW Generation in the Region Remains Constant, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Source: HRPDC

Alternative 2: MSW Generation in the Region Increases at 1 Percent

Alternative 2 assumes that the current Southeastern Virginia Region MSW generation rate of 7.10 PCD will likely increase throughout the planning period, but at a lower rate of 1 percent. The Region’s per capita waste generation rate has increased approximately __ percent per year from ____ through ____. This increase was observed in a period of high economic growth; with a projected lower economic growth rate over the SWMP planning period, the Region does not expect the generation rate to increase at __ percent. Therefore, a 1 percent per year increase was selected as the high-end generation rate increase scenario for MSW projections. For Alternative 2, the MSW projections were calculated by first increasing the average MSW generation rate by 1 percent each year and then multiplying the MSW generation rate by the regional population estimates for the corresponding year. Table H-3 shows the MSW projections from 2020 to 2040 for this alternative. This alternative returns an approximate __ percent higher MSW generation rate by the year 2040 than Alternative 1.

Table H-3. Alternative 2: MSW Generation in the Region Increases at 1 Percent, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Source: HRPDC


Alternative 3: MSW Generation in the Region Remains Constant; Estimates Calculated Separately for Residential and Commercial Sectors

Alternative 3 includes separate estimates for the residential and commercial sectors. For the residential sector, MSW projections are calculated similarly to Alternative 1, with a constant generation rate and using population estimates. However, commercial waste generation is more closely related to regional employment than the total population, so employment data rather than population data was utilized to calculate MSW projections for the commercial sector. Regional employment is projected to increase at a lesser rate than the population, so this alternative generates lower estimates than Alternative 1. Table H-4 shows the MSW projections from 2020 to 2040 for Alternative 3.

Table H-4. Alternative 3: MSW Generation in the Region Remains Constant; Estimates Calculated Separately for Residential and Commercial Sectors, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Source: HRPDC

Alternative 4: MSW Generation Increases at 1 Percent; Estimates Calculated Separately for Residential and Commercial Sectors

Like Alternative 3, Alternative 4 includes separate estimates for the residential and commercial sectors. For the residential sector, MSW projections were calculated similarly to Alternative 2, with a 1 percent per year increase in the generation rate and using population estimates. Employment data was used rather than population data to calculate MSW projections for the commercial sector. Regional employment is projected to increase at a lesser rate than the population, so this alternative generates lower estimates than Alternative 2. Table H-5 shows the MSW projections from 2020 to 2040 for Alternative 4.

Table H-5. Alternative 4: MSW Generation Increases at 1 Percent; Estimates Calculated Separately for Residential and Commercial Sectors, CY 2020 – CY 2040

Source: HRPDC

Note that each of these projections assume the continuation of the Region’s current management practices and conditions. New programs implemented by the Region over the SWMP planning period may result in lower actual MSW generation amounts than these projections. 321


Resolutions of Plan Approval or Endorsements

Southeastern Virginia Region Local Governments

City of Chesapeake

City of Franklin

Isle of Wight County

City of Norfolk

City of Portsmouth

Southampton County

Town of Smithfield

City of Suffolk

City of Virginia Beach

Other Local Governments

Town of Branchville

Town of Boykins

Town of Capron

Town of Courtland

Town of Ivor


Town of Newsoms

Town of Windsor

Regional Bodies

Hampton Roads Planning District Commission

Southeastern Public Service Authority of Virginia

Commonwealth of Virginia

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality




The following individuals and groups participated in the development of the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan for Southeastern Virginia 2017 – 2040:

Ralph Anderson, Jr. - Isle of Wight Solid Waste Manager

John C. Barnes, Jr. - Virginia Beach Waste Management Administrator

Clay Bernick – HRPDC Contract Regional Planner

Richard Broad - Norfolk Public Works Director

Shelly Brooks – Portsmouth Fiscal Support Specialist II

Virginia Butler – DEQ Guidance and Regulatory Coordinator

Keith Cannady – HRPDC Deputy Executive Director

Blanche Christian – SPSA Administrative Coordinator

Prina Chudasama - DEQ Program Coordinator Division of Land Protection and Revitalization

James Clary – HRPDC Senior Economist

Karen P. Cookson - Norfolk Waste Management Division Assistant Superintendent

Bob Crum - HRPDC Executive Director

Katie Cullipher – HRPDC Principal Environmental Education

Lin Darden - Franklin General Services Superintendent

Liesl R. DeVary - SPSA Acting Executive Director 324

Michael Etheridge – Norfolk Waste Management Superintendent

Sonja Eubank - Smithfield Public Works Office/Accreditation Manager

Greg Grootendorst – HRPDC Chief Economist

L.J. Hansen - Suffolk Assistant Public Works Director

Geralyn Harrell – SPSA Financial Support and Scalehouse Administrator

HRPDC HR Green Committee

HRPDC Regional Environmental Committee

Androse Jefferson – Norfolk Assistant Waste Management Superintendent

Theresa Jennings - Chesapeake Waste Management Administrator

Michael W. Johnson - Southampton County Administrator

Sara Kidd – HRPDC Senior Regional Planner

Maggie Magruder - Local Resident

Eric J. Martin - Chesapeake Public Works Director

R. Randy Martin - Franklin City Manager

J. Rax-McBride - HRPDC Former Principal Regional Planner

Eric T. Nielsen, Jr. - Suffolk Public Works Director

Russ Pace – Franklin Public Works Director

Kristi Rines - Virginia Beach Recycling Coordinator

Rogard Ross - Local Resident

Toney Saunders - SPSA Transfer Stations and Transportation Superintendent

Donna Sayegh - Local Resident 325

Kenny Sims – Windsor Maintenance Supervisor

SPSA Solid Waste Management Plan Committee

Michael R. Stallings, Jr. - Windsor Town Manager

Peter M. Stephenson - Smithfield Town Manager

Henry P. Strickland - SPSA Landfill Superintendent

Amos Taylor – Portsmouth Sanitation Superintendent

Rowland L. “Bucky” Taylor - SPSA Former Executive Director

Alvin Thorne – Portsmouth Acting Waste Management Manager

Erin K. Trimyer - Portsmouth Public Utilities Director

Chris Vaigneur - HRPDC Assistant General Services Manager

H. Taylor Williams, IV - Franklin City Attorney

Melinda Woodruff – DEQ Tidewater Regional Office Land Protection Manager