Few country newspapers have equalled the Border Watch, Mount Gambier, South Australia, for the excellence of its newspapers file room. When your editor visited, on 3 February 2003, the file room was not only spotless but well organised and comprehensive. Alan Hill, general manager at the time, is in the picture. AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER HISTORY GROUP NEWSLETTER ISSN 1443-4962 No. 87 May 2016 Publication details Compiled for the Australian Newspaper History Group by Rod Kirkpatrick, PO Box 8294 Mount Pleasant Qld 4740. Ph. +61-7-400 031 614. Email:
[email protected]/ Contributing editor and founder: Victor Isaacs, of Canberra, is at
[email protected]/ Back copies of the Newsletter and some ANHG publications can be viewed online at: http://www.amhd.info/anhg/index.php Deadline for the next Newsletter: 15 July 2016. Subscription details appear at end of Newsletter. [Number 1 appeared October 1999.] Ten issues had appeared by December 2000 and the Newsletter has since appeared five times a year. 1—Current Developments: National & Metropolitan Housekeeping: ANHG editor Rod Kirkpatrick is moving from Mackay to Brisbane on 23 April. Initially he will not have a fixed residential address. Mail will be forwarded from his Mount Pleasant (Mackay) PO Box to the appropriate postal address. His email address and Mobile phone number (see Page 1) will remain unchanged. 87.1.1 Fairfax Media slashes 120 editorial jobs in Sydney, Melbourne Fairfax Media journalists voted on 17 March to strike until 21 March, after the company told staff it was planning to slash 120 editorial jobs—about one-fifth of the 700 to 750 staff—across its Sydney and Melbourne newsrooms.