Addition of Agricultural Chemistry to Areas in Biological Sciences Offering the Ph

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Addition of Agricultural Chemistry to Areas in Biological Sciences Offering the Ph University of Rhode Island DigitalCommons@URI Faculty Senate Bills Faculty Senate 1967 Addition of Agricultural Chemistry to areas in Biological Sciences offering the Ph. D. Degree. 37th Report of Committee on Curricular Affairs -- Addendum Part II A University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of Rhode Island Faculty Senate, "Addition of Agricultural Chemistry to areas in Biological Sciences offering the Ph. D. Degree. 37th Report of Committee on Curricular Affairs -- Addendum Part II A" (1967). Faculty Senate Bills. Paper 70. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Faculty Senate at DigitalCommons@URI. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Senate Bills by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@URI. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FACULTY SENATE BILL Adopted by the Faculty Senate TO: President Francis H. Horn !~-=-~-------.J FROM: Chairman of the Faculty Senate I. The Attached BILL, titled Addi tion of Agricultural Chemistry t o areas in Biological Sciences offer ing the Ph. D. Degree. 37 th Report of Committee on Curr icular Af f airs-- Add endum Part II A is forwarded for your consideration. 2. The original and two copies for your use are included~ 3. This BILL was adopted by vote of the Faculty Senate on March 16, 19 67 (date) 4. After considering this bill, will you please indicate your approval or disapproval. Return the original or forward it to the Board of Trustees, completing the appropriate endorsement below. 5. In accordance with Section G, paragraph 2 of the Senate 1 s By-Laws, this b·i 11 \•Ji 11 become effective on Apr i 1 6 . 1967 (date), three weeks after Senate approval, unless: (1) specific dates for implementation are written into the bilt; (2) you return it disapproved; (3) you forward it to the Board of Trustees for their approval; or (4) the University Faculty petitions for a referendum. If the bill is forwarded to the Board of Trustees, it will not become effective until approved by the Board. \2-----::. (date) ~LChairman' ~JQl_"'- of theF_ ..!WJFaculty~;£ ~/s/Senate ENDORSEMENT 1. TO: Chairman of the Faculty Senate FROM: President of the University 1. Returned. · ~' \ ~, ~-... :t~,1- ?1'd..........· l' b(~. ' I ' ~J~~ . r•" . '-{ 'f I , (/fo) · tfiiA 2. Approved _________ Disapproved ~') ~, lr {tp-J.!J :,y.f/ 3. (If approved) In my opinion, transmittal to the Board of Trustees is ~ not necessary. ~~{...tJ~ Q~ L\ ----------~-----------------/s/ (date) President Form approved 11/65 (over) I ALTERNATE ENDORSEMENT 1. TO: Chairman of the Boatd _of Trustees.' FROM: The University President 1. Forwarded. 2. App ~o~e'cr. -·· " ~ i . ' (date) ; I -,_. l ) ' : -' ENDORSEMENT 2. TO: Chairman of the Faculty Senate FROM: Chairman of the Board of Trustees, via the University President. 1. Forwarded. (date) ------------------------------~Is/ ' ( (Off ice) - -- - - -- ----- - - -- - -- -- -- - -- - - - - ENDORSEMENT '3. TO: Chairman of the Faculty Senate FROM: The University President 1. Forwarded from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. (date) ------------------------------~Is/President Original received and forwarded to the Secretary of the Senate and Registrar for filing in the Archives of the University. --~------~~~~~--~----~/5/ (dat~) Chairman of the Faculty Senate UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND Kingston, Rhode Island FACULTY SENATE CO~~ITTEE ON CURRICULAR AFFAIRS Addendu.'ll to Thirty-Seventh Report (in full) At an additional meeting on March 9t 1967, the Faculty Senate Committee on Curricular Affairs considered several matters pressing the deadline for approval of catalogue material. Some i terns 1vere passed contingent upon approval by the Graduate Council; these items and those reported in the Abbreviated 37th Report with similar contingencies were all considered and approved by the Graudate Council at its meeting March 10. Hence, all requests included in the Report (circulated) and its Addendum (herewith) have the approval of all pertinent agencies and are now presented to the Faculty Senate for information or confirmation. I. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION A. From the College of Agriculture (prerequisite changes) Hort. 6, Nursery Principles and Practice 24, Vegetable Crops 4.5, Landscape Constructions 53, 54, Woody Plants 173, Post-Harvest Physiology of Economic Crops 175, Nutrition of- Greenhouse and Ornamental Crops 276, Advanced· Mineral Nutrition of' Plants B. From the College of Arts and Sciences Dental Hygiene Curriculum for Associate Degree (minor rearrangement) Psych. 71, History · and Systems of Psychology (prerequisite change) Phys. Ed. 22M, Aquatics (number designation change) 23M, Foundations of Health (number designation change) 27M; 28M, Coaching of Track (deleted as a con­ sequence of approval of 62M, Coaching of Track and Field) 32W, Procedures -in Health Instruction (prerequisite change) 721ii, · First Aid (new number, given) Sociology 87, Juvenile Delinquency (ne,;v- time: Sem. II) 108, Seminar InCriminology (new time: Sem. I) 131, Sociology of Politics (ne.w time: Sem. II) c. From the College of' Business Administration (new titles, given) · · · . Management 9 '· Production . Management 157, Advanced Production Management 158, Advanced l>roduc'tion Management ·· D. From the .Coll,ege of' Engineering Ch. E. 11, Introduction to Chemical-En. ineering (Course descript~on . change ·. 25, Process Dy1;1.amics and Control (new time: Sem. II) 64, Industrial Reaction Kinetics (new time{ Sem. I) 225, Automatic Pr;ocess Control (new time: Sem. I} 238 (or Nu. E. 238} Nuclear I-1etallurgy .(new time: Sem. II) 243, Fluid Dynamics (new time: Sem. II) 274, Biochemical En ineering (new time: Sem. I) 284, or Nu. E. 28 . , NuC'I'eir Reactor Heat Transfer ne1v time: Sem. I 364~ Applied Reaction Kinetics. (new time: Sem. II) Nu. E. 238 and 284: See Ch. E. 2J8 and 284 f'or new time. 282 (or Ch. E. 282), Radio.l:ogical Health Physics . !prerequisite change) . 284 or Ch. E. 284), Nuclear Reactor Heat Transfer prerequisite change) 287 (or Ch. E. 287) ' . Nuclear Chemical Engineering (prerequisite . change) ··· · E. From the College o:f . Home ·Ecm:fomics Specification of' requirements in Group I - courses required of' all students (accommodation to the General Education Curriculum ) ' · . .· F. ·· N. 35, Experimental Food (description change) J6, Demonstration Method~ in Food and Equipment (description change) 41, Advanced Nutrition (description and prerequisite change) · 202, Advanced Experimental Foods (description and prerequisite change) F. From the College of' Pharmacy (prerequisite change) Pharm. Chern. 43, 44, Organic Pharmaceuticals 48, Drug Assay 341, Detokication Mec~anisms - 2 - Pharmacognosy 132, Pharmaceutical Microscopy 134, Hormones and Glandular Substances 233, Medicinal Plants Pharmacology 343, Advanc~d Pharmacoloe:;x _and Techniques II. MATTERS REQUIRING CONFIRMATION OF THE FACULTY SENATE A. From the College of AJ~ricul ture 1. Authorize the addition of Agricultural Chemistry to the areas in Biological Sciences offering the Ph.D. degree. Supporting information: All general requirements, suc:Q.. as languages, residence etc., contained. in the "Stateme~t of Policies" of the Graduate School, University of Rhode Island, w:i.ll be adhered to. A particular program will be determined by the students committee in such a way as to best :fit the needs of the student. Programs will vary with the student's status as to assistantship, prior deg~ee credits, etc. Below are samples of programs in the Soil Chemistry and Food Biochemistry areas. IN SOIL CHEMISTRY* 1st Semester Crs. 2nd Semester Crs. Ag. Chern. 111 Soil Chern. 3 Ag. Chem~ 112 SoiL Biochem. 3 Biochem. 180-Gen'l. Bioch. 3 Phil. 152 Phil. o:f Science 3 Bact. 241-Phys. of Bact. 3 Biochem. 181-Gen'1. Bioch. 3 Ag. Chern. 291-Seminar l ;Ag. Chern. 292-Seminar 1 10 10 3rd Semester Crs. 4th Semester Crs. Bot. 245 Env. Pl .. Phys. 3 Chern. 216 Ion Exth. & G.L.c. 3 Chern. 217 Intro. Radio Tech.J Chern. 218 Anal. Abs. Meth. 3 Hort. 175 Plant Nutr. - 3 Rort. 2.76 Adv~ - Min. Nutr. 3 Ag. Chern. 121 Pest. Chern. 3 Ocean. 242 Petr. of Mar. Sed. 3 Ag. Chern. 291 Seminar Ag. Chern. 292 Seminar 12 12 5th Semester Crs. 6th Semester Crs. Stat. 111. Stat. Meth. in 3 Stat. 112 Stat. Meth. in 3 Res:earch Research Ag. Chern. 291 Seminar Ag. Chern. 292 Seminar­ Dissertation 12 Dissertation 12 15 15 - 3 - IN FOOD l3IOCHEJ\1ISTRY* 1st Semester Crs. 2nd Semester Crs. th Biocl:lem. 180 G'_nl. Bio_cb.. 3 3 Bact. 111 Food Microb~ol. 3 Ag. Chern. 131 Food Biochem. 3 Ag. Chern. 132 Food Biochem. 3 Ag. Chern. 121 Pest. Chern. 3 Phil. 152 Phil. of Science 3 Ag. Chern. 290 Seminar l Ag. Chern. 291 Seminar 1 10 13 3rd Semester Crs. 4th Semester Crs. Bact. 241 Phys. of Bact. 3 Ag. Chern. 152 Plant Biochem. 3 Biophya. -· 2 21 · -. · _ 3 Chern. 216 Ion Exch. & G.L.c. 3 A·. s. 144 An. Food Prod. · 3 Ag. ·Chern. 291 Seminar Ag·. Chern. _290 Seminar Dissertation 6 Dissertation ...L 15 12 5th sE!tnester 'Crs. 6th Semester Crs. Stat. lll Stat. Methods 3 Stat. 112 Stat. Methods in 3 in Research Research " . Ag. Chern. 291 Seminar Ag. Chern. 291 Seminar Biochem. 302 Enzymes 3 F&N 202 Adv. Exp. Foods 3 Dissertation 6 Diss·ertation 6 12 12 *It is expected that the thesis proposal and introductory and exploratory research will commence during the 1st year • • Gerontology; Add (ne1v): Psy6h. · 182, The psycho aspects of th ging proces Age changes in motiva on,, and fun ional effici The . psychopa ology of old age. · ec. 3) Psych. , Psych. 32 desirab Sem. I, 3 cr. The physio­ ng. The major social _mpact of si .ficant social trends. hi~ course, togei r with Psych gy 182, Aging and the Individual, cons utes a seque e in Gerontology (Lee. 3) :Prerequisite: c. 1; Soc. 79 esirable. - 4 - u'N'Jvi£RSITY OF RHODE ISLAND • KINGSTON, RHODE ISLAND 02881 ' Office of the President April 26, 1967 Professor William R~ Ferrante Chairman, Faculty Senate Wales Hall, Campus Dear Bill: This is to iildicate that after a very iilteresting, although somewhat stormy sessiP_N· ~ ~~tf.
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