The company is known under the Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; name of The Markfield Institute mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a Of Higher Education. The firm moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. first started 7 years ago and was Within two weeks of the novel's publication registered under 06471324 as its Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and reg. no.. This registered office of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its this company is located in offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no . You may visit them statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the at Ratby Lane, Markfield. The novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, making those things they lest the very foundations company is classified under the Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be of that pleasure in daily work which be claimed as NACe and SiC code 85422 - Post- banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the their birthright. Before they could clear the ground graduate level higher education. novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South for the new birth of art they must re- move that 2014-12-31 is the last time Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, system of luxury, and other changes would follow. company accounts were reported. Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in He questioned whether the well-to-do classes The Markfield Institute Of Higher banning the novel over the next few months. Peaceful could do that. The commerce they had become so Education has been operating in protests against the blasphemy of the novel were also held proud of was their master, and they were the field for seven years. in London, Bradford, Islamabad, Tehran, Bombay, New compelled to admit not that commerce was made The firm was registered as a York, Dhaka, Istanbul and Khartoum in this period; some of for man, but that man was made for commerce. charity on 2008-09-12. It is these turned violent as the protesters clashed with the They could only put luxury from them and live Islamic Foundation registered under charity number authorities, and these clashes resulted in numerous deaths simple and decent lives when they were free from The Islamic Foundation is Britain’s leading publisher of books 1125851. The geographic range of and hundreds of injuries. the slavery of capitalist commerce. He could written by Abdul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, the charity's area of benefit is On the 21st of October British Muslims handed over a conceive of nothing more likely to raise the a violent Islamist movement responsible for acts of genocide undefined. in practice, local. They petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to standard of life than the convincing of some during Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence. Lord Carlile, in work in Leicestershire. The Viking/Penguin calling for the withdrawal of the novel, the thousands of those who live by labour of the his government paper on preventing violent extremism, noted corporate trustees committee publishing company responded by stating that the offence necessity of supporting the claim that their work that Mawdudi was a key influence in the radicalisation of young features six members: Syed has been due to a "misreading of the book", and that any should be of itself pleasant to do. That most men's British Muslims. In one of his books, Islamic Law and Faiyazuddin Ahmad, Abdul Majid moves to cease publication of the novel would be "wholly work should be grievous to them was a mere Constitution, Mawdudi wrote that his ideal state would bear “a Chowdhury, Professor Khurshid inconsistent with our position as a serious publisher who monstrosity of these latter days, which must in the kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states.” Ahmad, Abdur Rashid Siddiqui believes in freedom of expression" (Letter and press long run bring ruin and confusion on the society In 2013, the former Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, and Farooq Murad, and others. As statement issued by Penguin reprinted in Ahsan and which allowed it. Then, again, he contended that Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was convicted by a war crimes for the charity's financial situation, Kidwai, Sacrilege versus Civility, Appendix 1, pp.318-20). nothing should be made by man's labour which tribunal for his role in the 1971 abduction and murder of 18 their best time was in 2011 when Two more events took place that have now come to was not worth making, or which must be made by Bangladeshi intellectuals. The Foundation’s current Chairman, their income was 961,911 pounds characterise the Muslim position in the Rushdie Affair. The labour degrading to the makers. The one thing to be Khurshid Ahmad – formerly the Vice President of Jamaat-e- and they spent 759,839 pounds. first of these was the symbolic burning of a copy of The done to bring about this social revolution was to Islami’s Pakistan branch – wrote in 2003 that the areas of The charity engages in training Satanic Verses by Muslims protesters in Bradford on the make people far and wide see that it was possible to Afghanistan controlled by the “refulgent and splendid” Taliban and education and training and 14th of January 1989. This event gave license to Western raise the standard of life. No one who was willing to “had become the cradle of justice and peace,” and further education. It works to the benefit critics to portray Muslims as barbaric and uncultured, as work should ever fear want of such employment as warned of the “implication of Europe’s being in the clasp of of all the people, the whole Rana Kabbani observes in A Letter to Christendom, the would earn for him all due necessaries of mind and Jews.” The following year, the Times of London reported that mankind. It tries to help the above event "matched the traditional Western image of them, Socialism and Art.— body. Those necessaries were a chance of capacity two Islamic Foundation trustees were included in the UN’s beneficiaries by providing specific making it easy to label them as primitive fanatics not for bis work by due education, decency of On Wednesday evening Mr. W. Morris, of London, gave a sanctions list of persons associated with the Taliban and al- services and providing various civilised enough to appreciate the value of free speech" surroundings, including good lodging, ample lecture in the Secular Hall on the above subject to a fairly Qaeda. services. If you would like to learn (Rana Kabbani, A Letter to Christendom, Virago, London: space, and general order and beauty. Houses large audience. — Mr. T. Wright occupied the chair, and something more about the 1989, pp. 8-9). The image of the burning book has come to should be well built and healthy, and there must be Another of the Islamic Foundation’s trustees is Abdullah Omar in introducing the lecturer said that he was more than a enterprise's activity, dial them on represent Islam's intolerance, and it is therefore significant abundant garden space in towns. Towns must not Nassief, formerly the Secretary-General of the Muslim World poet— he was a great worker and a great thinker on the the following number 01530 that two major studies of the Affair, Appignanesi and eat op the fields and natural features ot the country, League. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Muslim subject on which he was to lecture.— In the course of his 244922 or go to their website. If Maitland's The Rushdie File, and Ruthvan Malise's A and no one, for instance, should be allowed to cut address Mr. Morris first directed attention to the relative you would like to learn something Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam - the down trees for mere profit whose loss would spoil a positions of art and commerce, meaning by the latter more about the enterprise's title is itself revealing - have front covers that show burning landscape. The third necessity was leisure. The word the present system of competitive labour in the activity, mail them on the copies of The Satanic Verses. This event was followed by the market. He contended that whereas art used in early leisure workmen had a right to claim must be ample following e-mail days to hold supremacy over commerce, latterly to allow them full rest for mind and body. These [email protected] or go to commerce had come to be considered of great conditions could not be obtained under the present their website. gospel of capital, but who knew but that the time importance and art of very little. That he believed to be a The information regarding this might be near, and that those who were now living serious evil, for to his mind it meant that the world of specific company's staff members might see the beginning of that end which would modern civilisation, in its haste to gain a very inequitably suggests there are six directors: extinguish luxury and poverty, when the middle divided material prosperity, had suppressed popular art. Farooq Salman Murad, Abdul and lower classes should have melted into one In other words the greater part of the people bad no share Rashid Siddiqui, Zahid Ali Parvez class, living contentedly a simple and happy life ?— in art, which must, as things were now, be kept in the NATIONAL NEWS and 3 other members of the A short discussion followed.— The Chairman hands of a few rich or well- to-do people. In losing art he from the National Secular Society Management Board who might be proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Morris for his able contended that the people, who worked as hard as ever found within the Company Staff and instructive address, which was seconded by they did, had lost the natural solace of that labour— a section of our website who started the Rev. J. Page Hopps, who regarded Mr. Morris as solace which they once had and always should have. their careers within the company an angel who bad lost his way. He thought the Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Thus the work, some share of which should have been Michael Gerard’s on 2008-01-14. the helpful companion of every man, bad become such a theories expounded by him were entirely Anu’s feast burden, which every man if he could, would shake off. impracticable for this world, but notwithstanding A social evening & fund raiser. Come The mere bodily or material gain of the present system that he did not agree with him he seconded the vote and enjoy an Indian meal (vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Licensed bar. did not balance the loss of pleasure it had brought on the of thanks with much pleasure. — The motion was Entertainment by the Magic Prince. world, for the contrast between rich and poor was more carried unanimously, and the meeting then SNIPPETS Tickets: £10 (50 places only) Book on intensified, and they had in England the terrible terminated." (National Secular Society) 07989when the Church can afford to pay Bible Ingredients spectacle of two peoples — one civilised and the other from Gillian Lighton uncivilised. In the face of this be claimed that it was right Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 26 January 1884 and necessary that all men should have work to do which should be worth doing, be of itself pleasant to do, and which should be done under such conditions as would make it neither over-wearisome nor over- anxious. He did not consider that an exorbitant claim, but if conceded it would bring about a state of things as nearly as possible Leicester the reverse of the present. First the work should be worth doing. At present masses of men were occupied in making things which were embarrassing or superfluous to the daily life of a serious man, whilst others were SECULARIST engaged on things which were not merely useless but actively destructive and poisonous, but which Journal of the Leicester Secular Society commanded a good price in the market; and again there Autumn 2016 - no 73 was a great mass of labour merely wasted. All so engaged Serving Size 1 Book were slaves of what was called luxury. If they were to Developers submit plans for 43 student flats at the rear of the Secular Hall have popular art they must be done with that luxury, as Amount Per Serving art could not live beside it. As the people were forced into TOO TALL! % Daily Value Recipes from the National Secular Society built by effectively bricking up the window at the rear of the ball room. The L.S.S. Board has written to the Gush Bhumbra Council to object to the application, which can be viewed online. (continued overleaf)

Plans to build a block of flats next to the building by not attempting to mimic the Secular Hall have been unveiled. or conceal their true identity.” In other The plans are for the old Houstons words the three extra floors will be a photo: Leicester City Council Club at 2 Yeoman Street. This cheap and cheerful piece of modern building, which dates from the early architecture grafted onto an This picture from the 1970s, shows how Margaret’s Vestry Hall and the 20th century, shares a party wall with Edwardian building. Secular Hall were dwarfed by the the Secular Hall. The architects claim that the SECULAR HALL NEWS Leicester huge office block built c1972 by the 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 4 6 It is proposed to use the building for increased height would enhance the Scottish Life Assurance Company. C h a r t i s t L e a d e r SECULARIST 43 flats (25 x 1 bed, 17 x studio, 1 x 2 area and be in keeping with the N e x t E d i t i o n St Margaret's Vestry Hall was built in a n d P o e t bed) They are intended to be let to monstrous office block that already 1868 and designed by local architect Author of: students or young people. This will dwarfs the Secular Hall. James Bird. It was a listed building Britannia’s Sons, Though Slaves Ye Be The next copy deadline is Friday 29th January 2016. We involve adding three floors to the and despite the opposition of the welcome new articles, letters, jokes, poems, news, The third, fourth and fifth floors are existing building. built on top of the existing party wall Victorian Society it was demolished cartoons, etc. You can send via the Hall or email: in 1979. The high rise Vestry House The applicant is a Gani Property with the Secular Hall. At present a [email protected] flats now occupy the site. Service Ltd with an address in window at the rear of the Ballroom of Please include photos where you have them. Aim to This planning vandalism of the 1970s Balham. the Secular Hall looks out onto the write less than 700 words, although longer articles may is still being used by developers to be accepted if appropriate. Please ensure they are The architects claim that “these roof of no 2 Yeoman Street. It appears justify high rise over development in submitted well ahead of the deadline. upward extensions retain the dignity of that the extra storeys can only be 2016 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Inside: Brexit & Democracy, The Wealth of the CoE, the Gimson Chair Sunday evenings We still need some more help on Sunday evenings so that current volunteers can sometimes get the chance to talk to other members, take a break (or even retire!) In particular we need someone to be willing to make the tea and help stack the dishwasher at the end of meetings. This would be on an occasional basis. S E C U L A R W O R L D N E W S Lettings from the National Secular Society The company is known under the Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; name of The Markfield Institute mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a Of Higher Education. The firm moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. first started 7 years ago and was Within two weeks of the novel's publication registered under 06471324 as its Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and reg. no.. This registered office of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its this company is located in offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no Leicestershire. You may visit them statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the at Ratby Lane, Markfield. The novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, making those things they lest the very foundations company is classified under the Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be of that pleasure in daily work which be claimed as NACe and SiC code 85422 - Post- banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the their birthright. Before they could clear the ground graduate level higher education. novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South for the new birth of art they must re- move that 2014-12-31 is the last time Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, system of luxury, and other changes would follow. company accounts were reported. Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in He questioned whether the well-to-do classes The Markfield Institute Of Higher banning the novel over the next few months. Peaceful could do that. The commerce they had become so Education has been operating in protests against the blasphemy of the novel were also held proud of was their master, and they were the field for seven years. in London, Bradford, Islamabad, Tehran, Bombay, New compelled to admit not that commerce was made The firm was registered as a York, Dhaka, Istanbul and Khartoum in this period; some of for man, but that man was made for commerce. charity on 2008-09-12. It is these turned violent as the protesters clashed with the They could only put luxury from them and live Islamic Foundation registered under charity number authorities, and these clashes resulted in numerous deaths simple and decent lives when they were free from The Islamic Foundation is Britain’s leading publisher of books 1125851. The geographic range of and hundreds of injuries. the slavery of capitalist commerce. He could written by Abdul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, the charity's area of benefit is On the 21st of October British Muslims handed over a conceive of nothing more likely to raise the a violent Islamist movement responsible for acts of genocide undefined. in practice, local. They petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to standard of life than the convincing of some during Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence. Lord Carlile, in work in Leicestershire. The Viking/Penguin calling for the withdrawal of the novel, the thousands of those who live by labour of the his government paper on preventing violent extremism, noted corporate trustees committee publishing company responded by stating that the offence necessity of supporting the claim that their work that Mawdudi was a key influence in the radicalisation of young features six members: Syed has been due to a "misreading of the book", and that any should be of itself pleasant to do. That most men's British Muslims. In one of his books, Islamic Law and Faiyazuddin Ahmad, Abdul Majid moves to cease publication of the novel would be "wholly work should be grievous to them was a mere Constitution, Mawdudi wrote that his ideal state would bear “a Chowdhury, Professor Khurshid inconsistent with our position as a serious publisher who monstrosity of these latter days, which must in the kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states.” Ahmad, Abdur Rashid Siddiqui believes in freedom of expression" (Letter and press long run bring ruin and confusion on the society In 2013, the former Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, and Farooq Murad, and others. As statement issued by Penguin reprinted in Ahsan and which allowed it. Then, again, he contended that Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was convicted by a war crimes for the charity's financial situation, Kidwai, Sacrilege versus Civility, Appendix 1, pp.318-20). nothing should be made by man's labour which tribunal for his role in the 1971 abduction and murder of 18 their best time was in 2011 when Two more events took place that have now come to was not worth making, or which must be made by Bangladeshi intellectuals. The Foundation’s current Chairman, their income was 961,911 pounds characterise the Muslim position in the Rushdie Affair. The labour degrading to the makers. The one thing to be Khurshid Ahmad – formerly the Vice President of Jamaat-e- and they spent 759,839 pounds. first of these was the symbolic burning of a copy of The done to bring about this social revolution was to Islami’s Pakistan branch – wrote in 2003 that the areas of The charity engages in training Satanic Verses by Muslims protesters in Bradford on the make people far and wide see that it was possible to Afghanistan controlled by the “refulgent and splendid” Taliban and education and training and 14th of January 1989. This event gave license to Western raise the standard of life. No one who was willing to “had become the cradle of justice and peace,” and further education. It works to the benefit critics to portray Muslims as barbaric and uncultured, as work should ever fear want of such employment as warned of the “implication of Europe’s being in the clasp of of all the people, the whole Rana Kabbani observes in A Letter to Christendom, the would earn for him all due necessaries of mind and Jews.” The following year, the Times of London reported that mankind. It tries to help the above event "matched the traditional Western image of them, Socialism and Art.— body. Those necessaries were a chance of capacity two Islamic Foundation trustees were included in the UN’s beneficiaries by providing specific making it easy to label them as primitive fanatics not for bis work by due education, decency of On Wednesday evening Mr. W. Morris, of London, gave a sanctions list of persons associated with the Taliban and al- services and providing various civilised enough to appreciate the value of free speech" surroundings, including good lodging, ample lecture in the Secular Hall on the above subject to a fairly Qaeda. services. If you would like to learn (Rana Kabbani, A Letter to Christendom, Virago, London: space, and general order and beauty. Houses large audience. — Mr. T. Wright occupied the chair, and something more about the 1989, pp. 8-9). The image of the burning book has come to should be well built and healthy, and there must be Another of the Islamic Foundation’s trustees is Abdullah Omar in introducing the lecturer said that he was more than a enterprise's activity, dial them on represent Islam's intolerance, and it is therefore significant abundant garden space in towns. Towns must not Nassief, formerly the Secretary-General of the Muslim World poet— he was a great worker and a great thinker on the the following number 01530 that two major studies of the Affair, Appignanesi and eat op the fields and natural features ot the country, League. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Muslim subject on which he was to lecture.— In the course of his 244922 or go to their website. If Maitland's The Rushdie File, and Ruthvan Malise's A and no one, for instance, should be allowed to cut address Mr. Morris first directed attention to the relative you would like to learn something Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam - the down trees for mere profit whose loss would spoil a positions of art and commerce, meaning by the latter more about the enterprise's title is itself revealing - have front covers that show burning landscape. The third necessity was leisure. The word the present system of competitive labour in the activity, mail them on the copies of The Satanic Verses. This event was followed by the market. He contended that whereas art used in early leisure workmen had a right to claim must be ample following e-mail days to hold supremacy over commerce, latterly to allow them full rest for mind and body. These [email protected] or go to commerce had come to be considered of great conditions could not be obtained under the present their website. gospel of capital, but who knew but that the time importance and art of very little. That he believed to be a The information regarding this might be near, and that those who were now living serious evil, for to his mind it meant that the world of specific company's staff members might see the beginning of that end which would modern civilisation, in its haste to gain a very inequitably suggests there are six directors: extinguish luxury and poverty, when the middle divided material prosperity, had suppressed popular art. Farooq Salman Murad, Abdul and lower classes should have melted into one In other words the greater part of the people bad no share Rashid Siddiqui, Zahid Ali Parvez class, living contentedly a simple and happy life ?— in art, which must, as things were now, be kept in the NATIONAL NEWS and 3 other members of the A short discussion followed.— The Chairman hands of a few rich or well- to-do people. In losing art he from the National Secular Society Management Board who might be proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Morris for his able contended that the people, who worked as hard as ever found within the Company Staff and instructive address, which was seconded by they did, had lost the natural solace of that labour— a section of our website who started the Rev. J. Page Hopps, who regarded Mr. Morris as solace which they once had and always should have. their careers within the company an angel who bad lost his way. He thought the Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Thus the work, some share of which should have been Michael Gerard’s on 2008-01-14. the helpful companion of every man, bad become such a theories expounded by him were entirely Anu’s feast burden, which every man if he could, would shake off. impracticable for this world, but notwithstanding A social evening & fund raiser. Come The mere bodily or material gain of the present system that he did not agree with him he seconded the vote and enjoy an Indian meal (vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Licensed bar. did not balance the loss of pleasure it had brought on the of thanks with much pleasure. — The motion was Entertainment by the Magic Prince. world, for the contrast between rich and poor was more carried unanimously, and the meeting then SNIPPETS Tickets: £10 (50 places only) Book on intensified, and they had in England the terrible terminated." (National Secular Society) 07989when the Church can afford to pay Bible Ingredients spectacle of two peoples — one civilised and the other from Gillian Lighton uncivilised. In the face of this be claimed that it was right Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 26 January 1884 and necessary that all men should have work to do which should be worth doing, be of itself pleasant to do, and which should be done under such conditions as would make it neither over-wearisome nor over- anxious. He did not consider that an exorbitant claim, but if conceded W H AT ’ S O N it would bring about a state of things as nearly as possible at the the reverse of the present. First the work should be worth doing. At present masses of men were occupied in making things which were embarrassing or superfluous S e c u l a r H a l l to the daily life of a serious man, whilst others were engaged on things which were not merely useless but Sunday 18th September 6.30pm: Flute Concert actively destructive and poisonous, but which Ellie Lighton accompanied by Steven John Evans. Ellie returns to the commanded a good price in the market; and again there Secular Hall with a varied programme of Baroque, 20th Century French was a great mass of labour merely wasted. All so engaged and Celtic flute music. Admission: £5 members, £6 non-members Serving Size 1 Book were slaves of what was called luxury. If they were to Thurday 22nd September 6.30pm - Radical Leicester – a guided walk, have popular art they must be done with that luxury, as Cynthia Brown leads a visit to some significant buildings and sites linked Amount Per Serving art could not live beside it. As the people were forced into to protests & individuals involved in social & political reform. Light % Daily Value refreshments from 5.45pm. Sunday 25th September 6.30pm - Headstrong meeting. Bring any topic of your choosing for discussion in an informal setting. All welcome. Sunday 2nd October 6.30pm Tom Barclay – From Bottle Washer to Walk of Fame. Recipes The ballroom window Gillian Lighton. Although honoured on Leicester's 'Walk of Fame', few Leicester people know anything about Tom Barclay (1852-1933). This In 1911, 2 Yeoman Street was the from the National Secular Society talk will outline his life, his many & varied achievements and his factory of J. W. Williamson & Co. boot influence, then & now. manufacturers. It was built sometime Sunday 9th October 6.30pm after 1904 as it does not appear on the Hamish Whiteley hosts Two Minutes to Say Something. Ordinance Survey map of that year. Gush Bhumbra Come along and read your favourite short piece of writing. Last year’s The area which is currently a ground event was wonderful, let’s make it even better this year! level car park next to the NCP car Sunday 16th October 6.30pm park was once called Nelson Place. It Is Britain normalising xenophobia and the language of genocide? was filled with lock ups which were Ambrose Musiyiwa asks questions about the language used by some used in conjuction with the politicians and sections of the British media in talking and writing about Wholesale Fruit and Veg Market. The migrants. splendid market building was Sunday 23rd October 6.30pm demolished in the 1973 and replaced Boom Bust Boom (film) Monty Python’s Terry Jones explores why with the multi storey car park. economic crashes happen and what can be done to prevent them in future. Sunday 30th October 6.30pm Promoting Secular Values: a Story from Baghdad: Maytham Al-Hilo is the founder & chair of “To those who dare be rationalists” group in Iraq which aims to spread human rights and secular values. Their activities take place in the open air in Baghdad. Hear their story. SECULAR HALL NEWS Leicester Sunday 6th November 6.30pm, BHA Campaigning, Pavan Dhaliwal 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 4 6 heads the BHA’s Public Affairs team and is responsible for the BHA’s C h a r t i s t L e a d e r SECULARIST campaigns covering a wide range of policy areas. N e x t E d i t i o n a n d P o e t Sunday 13th November 6.30pm Political Skulduggery Author of: Deborah Levin asks what kept Charles Bradlaugh from taking his seat in Nelson Place at the back of the Secular Britannia’s Sons, Though Slaves Ye Be The next copy deadline is Friday 29th January 2016. We parliament, Atheism, Republicanism, Birth Control or something else Hall looking towards Vestry Street and welcome new articles, letters, jokes, poems, news, altogether? the Vestry Street Baths c1967. The cartoons, etc. You can send via the Hall or email: Sunday 20th November 3pm Secular Society AGM, (Members only). newly completed Cardinal Telephone [email protected] Society officers report back on the year. Motions & elections. Exchange can be seen in the distance. Please include photos where you have them. Aim to 6.30pm 'Dare to Be Free’ This is all now a private car park, write less than 700 words, although longer articles may A short play by Jane McNulty, performed by Bread and Roses. It is about be accepted if appropriate. Please ensure they are rather than a public road. (Ned Mary Quaile, (1911-1958), union organiser, examining her life and the submitted well ahead of the deadline. Newitt) VOLUNTEERS NEEDED lives of fast food workers. (open to all) Sunday evenings Leicester Secularist 2 We still need some more help on Sunday evenings so that current volunteers can sometimes get the chance to talk to other members, take a break (or even retire!) In particular we need someone to be willing to make the tea and help stack the dishwasher at the end of meetings. This would be on an occasional basis. S E C U L A R W O R L D N E W S Lettings from the National Secular Society The company is known under the Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; name of The Markfield Institute mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a Of Higher Education. The firm moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. first started 7 years ago and was Within two weeks of the novel's publication registered under 06471324 as its Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and reg. no.. This registered office of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its this company is located in offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no Leicestershire. You may visit them statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the at Ratby Lane, Markfield. The novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, making those things they lest the very foundations company is classified under the Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be of that pleasure in daily work which be claimed as NACe and SiC code 85422 - Post- banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the their birthright. Before they could clear the ground graduate level higher education. novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South for the new birth of art they must re- move that 2014-12-31 is the last time Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, system of luxury, and other changes would follow. company accounts were reported. Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in He questioned whether the well-to-do classes The Markfield Institute Of Higher banning the novel over the next few months. Peaceful could do that. The commerce they had become so Education has been operating in protests against the blasphemy of the novel were also held proud of was their master, and they were the field for seven years. in London, Bradford, Islamabad, Tehran, Bombay, New compelled to admit not that commerce was made The firm was registered as a York, Dhaka, Istanbul and Khartoum in this period; some of for man, but that man was made for commerce. charity on 2008-09-12. It is these turned violent as the protesters clashed with the They could only put luxury from them and live Islamic Foundation registered under charity number authorities, and these clashes resulted in numerous deaths simple and decent lives when they were free from The Islamic Foundation is Britain’s leading publisher of books 1125851. The geographic range of and hundreds of injuries. the slavery of capitalist commerce. He could written by Abdul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, the charity's area of benefit is On the 21st of October British Muslims handed over a conceive of nothing more likely to raise the a violent Islamist movement responsible for acts of genocide undefined. in practice, local. They petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to standard of life than the convincing of some during Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence. Lord Carlile, in work in Leicestershire. The Viking/Penguin calling for the withdrawal of the novel, the thousands of those who live by labour of the his government paper on preventing violent extremism, noted corporate trustees committee publishing company responded by stating that the offence necessity of supporting the claim that their work that Mawdudi was a key influence in the radicalisation of young features six members: Syed has been due to a "misreading of the book", and that any should be of itself pleasant to do. That most men's British Muslims. In one of his books, Islamic Law and Faiyazuddin Ahmad, Abdul Majid moves to cease publication of the novel would be "wholly work should be grievous to them was a mere Constitution, Mawdudi wrote that his ideal state would bear “a Chowdhury, Professor Khurshid inconsistent with our position as a serious publisher who monstrosity of these latter days, which must in the kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states.” Ahmad, Abdur Rashid Siddiqui believes in freedom of expression" (Letter and press long run bring ruin and confusion on the society In 2013, the former Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, and Farooq Murad, and others. As statement issued by Penguin reprinted in Ahsan and which allowed it. Then, again, he contended that Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was convicted by a war crimes for the charity's financial situation, Kidwai, Sacrilege versus Civility, Appendix 1, pp.318-20). nothing should be made by man's labour which tribunal for his role in the 1971 abduction and murder of 18 their best time was in 2011 when Two more events took place that have now come to was not worth making, or which must be made by Bangladeshi intellectuals. The Foundation’s current Chairman, their income was 961,911 pounds characterise the Muslim position in the Rushdie Affair. The labour degrading to the makers. The one thing to be Khurshid Ahmad – formerly the Vice President of Jamaat-e- and they spent 759,839 pounds. first of these was the symbolic burning of a copy of The done to bring about this social revolution was to Islami’s Pakistan branch – wrote in 2003 that the areas of The charity engages in training Satanic Verses by Muslims protesters in Bradford on the make people far and wide see that it was possible to Afghanistan controlled by the “refulgent and splendid” Taliban and education and training and 14th of January 1989. This event gave license to Western raise the standard of life. No one who was willing to “had become the cradle of justice and peace,” and further education. It works to the benefit critics to portray Muslims as barbaric and uncultured, as work should ever fear want of such employment as warned of the “implication of Europe’s being in the clasp of of all the people, the whole Rana Kabbani observes in A Letter to Christendom, the would earn for him all due necessaries of mind and Jews.” The following year, the Times of London reported that mankind. It tries to help the above event "matched the traditional Western image of them, Socialism and Art.— body. Those necessaries were a chance of capacity two Islamic Foundation trustees were included in the UN’s beneficiaries by providing specific making it easy to label them as primitive fanatics not for bis work by due education, decency of On Wednesday evening Mr. W. Morris, of London, gave a sanctions list of persons associated with the Taliban and al- services and providing various civilised enough to appreciate the value of free speech" surroundings, including good lodging, ample lecture in the Secular Hall on the above subject to a fairly Qaeda. services. If you would like to learn (Rana Kabbani, A Letter to Christendom, Virago, London: space, and general order and beauty. Houses large audience. — Mr. T. Wright occupied the chair, and something more about the 1989, pp. 8-9). The image of the burning book has come to should be well built and healthy, and there must be Another of the Islamic Foundation’s trustees is Abdullah Omar in introducing the lecturer said that he was more than a enterprise's activity, dial them on represent Islam's intolerance, and it is therefore significant abundant garden space in towns. Towns must not Nassief, formerly the Secretary-General of the Muslim World poet— he was a great worker and a great thinker on the the following number 01530 that two major studies of the Affair, Appignanesi and eat op the fields and natural features ot the country, League. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Muslim subject on which he was to lecture.— In the course of his 244922 or go to their website. If Maitland's The Rushdie File, and Ruthvan Malise's A and no one, for instance, should be allowed to cut address Mr. Morris first directed attention to the relative you would like to learn something Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam - the down trees for mere profit whose loss would spoil a positions of art and commerce, meaning by the latter more about the enterprise's title is itself revealing - have front covers that show burning landscape. The third necessity was leisure. The word the present system of competitive labour in the activity, mail them on the copies of The Satanic Verses. This event was followed by the market. He contended that whereas art used in early leisure workmen had a right to claim must be ample following e-mail days to hold supremacy over commerce, latterly to allow them full rest for mind and body. These [email protected] or go to commerce had come to be considered of great conditions could not be obtained under the present their website. gospel of capital, but who knew but that the time importance and art of very little. That he believed to be a The information regarding this might be near, and that those who were now living serious evil, for to his mind it meant that the world of specific company's staff members might see the beginning of that end which would modern civilisation, in its haste to gain a very inequitably suggests there are six directors: extinguish luxury and poverty, when the middle divided material prosperity, had suppressed popular art. Farooq Salman Murad, Abdul and lower classes should have melted into one In other words the greater part of the people bad no share Rashid Siddiqui, Zahid Ali Parvez class, living contentedly a simple and happy life ?— in art, which must, as things were now, be kept in the NATIONAL NEWS and 3 other members of the A short discussion followed.— The Chairman hands of a few rich or well- to-do people. In losing art he from the National Secular Society Management Board who might be proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Morris for his able contended that the people, who worked as hard as ever found within the Company Staff and instructive address, which was seconded by they did, had lost the natural solace of that labour— a section of our website who started the Rev. J. Page Hopps, who regarded Mr. Morris as solace which they once had and always should have. their careers within the company an angel who bad lost his way. He thought the Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Thus the work, some share of which should have been Michael Gerard’s on 2008-01-14. the helpful companion of every man, bad become such a theories expounded by him were entirely Anu’s feast burden, which every man if he could, would shake off. impracticable for this world, but notwithstanding A social evening & fund raiser. Come The mere bodily or material gain of the present system that he did not agree with him he seconded the vote and enjoy an Indian meal (vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Licensed bar. did not balance the loss of pleasure it had brought on the of thanks with much pleasure. — The motion was Entertainment by the Magic Prince. world, for the contrast between rich and poor was more carried unanimously, and the meeting then SNIPPETS Tickets: £10 (50 places only) Book on intensified, and they had in England the terrible terminated." (National Secular Society) 07989when the Church can afford to pay Bible Ingredients spectacle of two peoples — one civilised and the other from Gillian Lighton uncivilised. In the face of this be claimed that it was right Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 26 January 1884 and necessary that all men should have work to do which should be worth doing, be of itself pleasant to do, and which should be done under such conditions as would Compiled from the BHA & NSS reports make it neither over-wearisome nor over- anxious. He from the did not consider that an exorbitant claim, but if conceded it would bring about a state of things as nearly as possible Compulsory School Worship Outstrips Churchgoing editor the reverse of the present. First the work should be worth There are now more children being educated in state-funded Church of doing. At present masses of men were occupied in England schools, attending compulsory worship each day, than there are PUBLIC FUNDS making things which were embarrassing or superfluous people attending a CoE church each week. to the daily life of a serious man, whilst others were BOLSTER RELIGION New statistics show that for the first time, average engaged on things which were not merely useless but weekly church attendance has dropped below one million in England. In 48% of the population say they actively destructive and poisonous, but which contrast, Department for Education statistics show that 1,027,584 children have no religion and this figure is commanded a good price in the market; and again there were enrolled at Church of England schools in 2014, surpassing the figure for increasing every year. Despite the was a great mass of labour merely wasted. All so engaged Serving Size 1 Book weekly church attendance for the first time. CoE, ‘faith’ schools now account population drifting away from were slaves of what was called luxury. If they were to for over a third of all state-funded schools. religion, the church looks as if it is Amount Per Serving have popular art they must be done with that luxury, as using publicly funded schools to The law requires those pupils to % Daily Value art could not live beside it. As the people were forced into act as its pulpit. take part in a daily act of collective oversubscribed, religiously worship that is Anglican in nature. selective school. With around a million children in This is despite the continuing It even suggested that proximity to church schools it's becoming clear decline both of those attending an oversubscribed school was that as schools have become church each week and those who something that churches should academies, as a result of Recipes describe themselves as belonging to seek to ‘engineer’. The central government pressure, many are the Church of England. conclusion of this research was that coming under the control of from the National Secular Society Pew Jumping Retaining young people is essential. No religious organisations. 16% of all school places in England amount of evangelism among adults is However it is dressed up, it are subject to religious admission likely to compensate for the loss of appears that the churches are criteria, and both Church of people entering adulthood. The good using schools as a recruitment tool Gush Bhumbra England research and independent news: a churchgoer at 25 is likely to be a and as a means to filling their polling have revealed that a huge churchgoer at 75. pews in the face of dwindling number of parents are forced to NSS campaigns director Stephen congregations. attend church simply to get their Evans commented: Despite representing fewer and children into their local school – a "Separating school children on the basis fewer people, it is very worrying practice variously known as ‘pew- of their parents' faith is no way of that inch by inch, the faith groups jumping’, ‘prayers for places’, and building a cohesive society or preparing are tightening their grip on the ‘on your knees or pay the fees’. young people for life in modern Britain. education system. This has only been made possible by successive In 2014, various pieces of research Publicly funded 'faith schools' limit governments. published by the CoE’s Church choice for parents who do not want a Growth Research Programme religious education for their children, or The latest fillip to promoting found that church growth was do not share the faith of their local religion in state schools comes strongest in areas that had an school.” from Theresa May, who wants to remove the cap preventing new Sunday 27th November - Doors open 6.30pm faith schools selecting more than Leicester Entertainment by the Magic Prince 50% of their pupils on the basis of SECULAR HALL NEWS parental religion. 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 4 6 C h a r t i s t L e a d e r SECULARIST This is a direct result of lobbying a n d P o e t N e x t E d i t i o n from the Catholic Church, whose Author of: policy has been against any Britannia’s Sons, Though Slaves Ye Be The next copy deadline is Friday 29th January 2016. We requirement for Catholic pupils to welcome new articles, letters, jokes, poems, news, mix with those of other faiths and cartoons, etc. You can send via the Hall or email: no faith. [email protected] Far from wanting an integrated Please include photos where you have them. Aim to write less than 700 words, although longer articles may society, free from discrimination, Mrs May seems to want society to be accepted if appropriate. Please ensure they are You won’t regret making this your Sunday night out submitted well ahead of the deadline. be even more divided by religion VOLUNTEERS NEEDED LicensedAN bar. £10U . Booking’S essential. F PhoneE MikeA on 07989S 122917T and class. Sunday evenings Leicester Secularist 3 We still need some more help on Sunday evenings so that current volunteers can sometimes get the chance to talk to other members, take a break (or even retire!) In particular we need someone to be willing to make the tea and help stack the dishwasher at the end of meetings. This would be on an occasional basis. S E C U L A R W O R L D N E W S Lettings from the National Secular Society The company is known under the Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; name of The Markfield Institute mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a Of Higher Education. The firm moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. first started 7 years ago and was Within two weeks of the novel's publication registered under 06471324 as its Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and reg. no.. This registered office of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its this company is located in offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no Leicestershire. You may visit them statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the at Ratby Lane, Markfield. The novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, making those things they lest the very foundations company is classified under the Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be of that pleasure in daily work which be claimed as NACe and SiC code 85422 - Post- banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the their birthright. Before they could clear the ground graduate level higher education. novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South for the new birth of art they must re- move that 2014-12-31 is the last time Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, system of luxury, and other changes would follow. company accounts were reported. Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in He questioned whether the well-to-do classes The Markfield Institute Of Higher banning the novel over the next few months. Peaceful could do that. The commerce they had become so Education has been operating in protests against the blasphemy of the novel were also held proud of was their master, and they were the field for seven years. in London, Bradford, Islamabad, Tehran, Bombay, New compelled to admit not that commerce was made The firm was registered as a York, Dhaka, Istanbul and Khartoum in this period; some of for man, but that man was made for commerce. charity on 2008-09-12. It is these turned violent as the protesters clashed with the They could only put luxury from them and live Islamic Foundation registered under charity number authorities, and these clashes resulted in numerous deaths simple and decent lives when they were free from The Islamic Foundation is Britain’s leading publisher of books 1125851. The geographic range of and hundreds of injuries. the slavery of capitalist commerce. He could written by Abdul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, the charity's area of benefit is On the 21st of October British Muslims handed over a conceive of nothing more likely to raise the a violent Islamist movement responsible for acts of genocide undefined. in practice, local. They petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to standard of life than the convincing of some during Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence. Lord Carlile, in work in Leicestershire. The Viking/Penguin calling for the withdrawal of the novel, the thousands of those who live by labour of the his government paper on preventing violent extremism, noted corporate trustees committee publishing company responded by stating that the offence necessity of supporting the claim that their work that Mawdudi was a key influence in the radicalisation of young features six members: Syed has been due to a "misreading of the book", and that any should be of itself pleasant to do. That most men's British Muslims. In one of his books, Islamic Law and Faiyazuddin Ahmad, Abdul Majid moves to cease publication of the novel would be "wholly work should be grievous to them was a mere Constitution, Mawdudi wrote that his ideal state would bear “a Chowdhury, Professor Khurshid inconsistent with our position as a serious publisher who monstrosity of these latter days, which must in the kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states.” Ahmad, Abdur Rashid Siddiqui believes in freedom of expression" (Letter and press long run bring ruin and confusion on the society In 2013, the former Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, and Farooq Murad, and others. As statement issued by Penguin reprinted in Ahsan and which allowed it. Then, again, he contended that Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was convicted by a war crimes for the charity's financial situation, Kidwai, Sacrilege versus Civility, Appendix 1, pp.318-20). nothing should be made by man's labour which tribunal for his role in the 1971 abduction and murder of 18 their best time was in 2011 when Two more events took place that have now come to was not worth making, or which must be made by Bangladeshi intellectuals. The Foundation’s current Chairman, their income was 961,911 pounds characterise the Muslim position in the Rushdie Affair. The labour degrading to the makers. The one thing to be Khurshid Ahmad – formerly the Vice President of Jamaat-e- and they spent 759,839 pounds. first of these was the symbolic burning of a copy of The done to bring about this social revolution was to Islami’s Pakistan branch – wrote in 2003 that the areas of The charity engages in training Satanic Verses by Muslims protesters in Bradford on the make people far and wide see that it was possible to Afghanistan controlled by the “refulgent and splendid” Taliban and education and training and 14th of January 1989. This event gave license to Western raise the standard of life. No one who was willing to “had become the cradle of justice and peace,” and further education. It works to the benefit critics to portray Muslims as barbaric and uncultured, as work should ever fear want of such employment as warned of the “implication of Europe’s being in the clasp of of all the people, the whole Rana Kabbani observes in A Letter to Christendom, the would earn for him all due necessaries of mind and Jews.” The following year, the Times of London reported that mankind. It tries to help the above event "matched the traditional Western image of them, Socialism and Art.— body. Those necessaries were a chance of capacity two Islamic Foundation trustees were included in the UN’s beneficiaries by providing specific making it easy to label them as primitive fanatics not for bis work by due education, decency of On Wednesday evening Mr. W. Morris, of London, gave a sanctions list of persons associated with the Taliban and al- services and providing various civilised enough to appreciate the value of free speech" surroundings, including good lodging, ample lecture in the Secular Hall on the above subject to a fairly Qaeda. services. If you would like to learn (Rana Kabbani, A Letter to Christendom, Virago, London: space, and general order and beauty. Houses large audience. — Mr. T. Wright occupied the chair, and something more about the 1989, pp. 8-9). The image of the burning book has come to should be well built and healthy, and there must be Another of the Islamic Foundation’s trustees is Abdullah Omar in introducing the lecturer said that he was more than a enterprise's activity, dial them on represent Islam's intolerance, and it is therefore significant abundant garden space in towns. Towns must not Nassief, formerly the Secretary-General of the Muslim World poet— he was a great worker and a great thinker on the the following number 01530 that two major studies of the Affair, Appignanesi and eat op the fields and natural features ot the country, League. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Muslim subject on which he was to lecture.— In the course of his 244922 or go to their website. If Maitland's The Rushdie File, and Ruthvan Malise's A and no one, for instance, should be allowed to cut address Mr. Morris first directed attention to the relative you would like to learn something Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam - the down trees for mere profit whose loss would spoil a positions of art and commerce, meaning by the latter more about the enterprise's title is itself revealing - have front covers that show burning landscape. The third necessity was leisure. The word the present system of competitive labour in the activity, mail them on the copies of The Satanic Verses. This event was followed by the market. He contended that whereas art used in early leisure workmen had a right to claim must be ample following e-mail days to hold supremacy over commerce, latterly to allow them full rest for mind and body. These [email protected] or go to commerce had come to be considered of great conditions could not be obtained under the present their website. gospel of capital, but who knew but that the time importance and art of very little. That he believed to be a The information regarding this might be near, and that those who were now living serious evil, for to his mind it meant that the world of specific company's staff members might see the beginning of that end which would modern civilisation, in its haste to gain a very inequitably suggests there are six directors: extinguish luxury and poverty, when the middle divided material prosperity, had suppressed popular art. Farooq Salman Murad, Abdul and lower classes should have melted into one In other words the greater part of the people bad no share Rashid Siddiqui, Zahid Ali Parvez class, living contentedly a simple and happy life ?— in art, which must, as things were now, be kept in the NATIONAL NEWS and 3 other members of the A short discussion followed.— The Chairman hands of a few rich or well- to-do people. In losing art he from the National Secular Society Management Board who might be proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Morris for his able contended that the people, who worked as hard as ever found within the Company Staff and instructive address, which was seconded by they did, had lost the natural solace of that labour— a section of our website who started the Rev. J. Page Hopps, who regarded Mr. Morris as solace which they once had and always should have. their careers within the company an angel who bad lost his way. He thought the Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Thus the work, some share of which should have been Michael Gerard’s on 2008-01-14. the helpful companion of every man, bad become such a theories expounded by him were entirely Anu’s feast burden, which every man if he could, would shake off. impracticable for this world, but notwithstanding A social evening & fund raiser. Come The mere bodily or material gain of the present system that he did not agree with him he seconded the vote and enjoy an Indian meal (vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Licensed bar. did not balance the loss of pleasure it had brought on the of thanks with much pleasure. — The motion was Entertainment by the Magic Prince. world, for the contrast between rich and poor was more carried unanimously, and the meeting then SNIPPETS Tickets: £10 (50 places only) Book on intensified, and they had in England the terrible terminated." (National Secular Society) 07989when the Church can afford to pay Bible Ingredients spectacle of two peoples — one civilised and the other from Gillian Lighton uncivilised. In the face of this be claimed that it was right Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 26 January 1884 and necessary that all men should have work to do which should be worth doing, be of itself pleasant to do, and which should be done under such conditions as would make it neither over-wearisome nor over- anxious. He Threats to Freedom in Britain John Catt did not consider that an exorbitant claim, but if conceded it would bring about a state of things as nearly as possible the reverse of the present. First the work should be worth The Society had two related talks in July. The first, “Progressive” and of the “Left” more often supported doing. At present masses of men were occupied in where we once again welcomed Maryam Namizie to Islamists, who advocate death for apostasy, adultery and making things which were embarrassing or superfluous the Hall on 17th July 2016, was entitled “Apostasy, homosexuality, rather than oppose them. to the daily life of a serious man, whilst others were Blasphemy and Resistance to Islam” and provided an Safe Space for Free Speech? update on her campaigning for Iran Solidarity, One engaged on things which were not merely useless but Robbie highlighted that this was a problem particularly Law for All and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain. actively destructive and poisonous, but which with the younger generation and was particularly well The second was given by Robbie Travers, a 20-year-old commanded a good price in the market; and again there demonstrated by the concept of “safe space”. The term law student and commentator for the Gatestone Serving Size 1 Book was a great mass of labour merely wasted. All so engaged was originally introduced to indicate that a teacher, Institute (a non-partisan, not-for-profit international were slaves of what was called luxury. If they were to educational institution or student body does not tolerate policy council and think tank, dedicated to educating Amount Per Serving have popular art they must be done with that luxury, as anti-LGBT violence, harassment or hate speech, thereby the public about what the mainstream media fails to % Daily Value art could not live beside it. As the people were forced into creating a safe place for all LGBT students. However this report in promoting human rights and in particular became extended to refer to the protection of any freedom of expression). Both speakers highlighted the individuals who felt marginalized on a university campus current threats to freedom of expression in the UK. from being exposed to views that they would find Maryam has been experiencing limitations being upsetting. Such a rule makes robust free expression Recipes placed on her freedom to set out her point of view with impossible. the recent advocacy for “safe spaces” at universities. Some students involved in political discourse now refuse She expressed concern that particularly in some to listen to or engage with people of opposing points of from the National Secular Society universities many “liberals” and “socialists” now seem view on the basis that it violates their entitlement to “safe to regard anything that might be derogatory about space”. Some also argue that only LGBT people can be religion, in particular Islam, as unacceptable. She has regarded as qualified to discuss LGBT issues and only been labelled as a “race traitor” and “Islamaphobe”. Gush Bhumbra “black” people are qualified to discuss racism etc. Robbie Blasphemy believes that such ideas lead to “group think” and In December 2015 she gave a talk about blasphemy at stereotyping. the Goldsmiths University in London, sponsored by the Race Traitor university's Atheist, Secularist & Humanist society. Robbie put forward the hypothesis that young people are During her talk, members of the university's Islamic rebelling against the equalities and human rights agendas Society caused a disruption by heckling, switching off pursued by the post war generation. Instead they are her presentation and behaving in an intimidatory way. advocating rights for groups that they feel have been In response to the incident, the university's Feminist discriminated against in the past. This means that not all Society released a statement expressing support for the groups (and hence people) have the same rights. He Islamic Society, and condemning the Atheist, Secularist highlighted the issue of female genital mutilation (FGM). and Humanist Society for inviting "known This was now being labelled as female genital islamophobes" to speak at the university. circumcision and regarded as a norm for some Islamic Maryam emphasised that while the beliefs of groups. As such some of these “avant garde” groups individuals must be protected, organised religions maintain that it should be regarded as acceptable. Hence Leicester were often ideologies that could result in fascist one young lady, who had suffered FGM and opposed the SECULAR HALL NEWS societies if allowed to take power, and must be open to practice, was told to shut up and branded a “race traitor” 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 4 6 SECULARIST criticism and mockery. She was adamant that religions by a group of student “feminists”. C h a r t i s t L e a d e r must accept that apostasy and blasphemy are a n d P o e t N e x t E d i t i o n It was suggested that the current student generation has permitted behaviours and, while they may not be Author of: grown up in an era when there was no longer a folk Britannia’s Sons, Though Slaves Ye Be welcome, must be tolerated. The next copy deadline is Friday 29th January 2016. We memory of the horrors of the World Wars. Many students welcome new articles, letters, jokes, poems, news, Both Maryam and Robbie emphasised the need for no longer appreciate how essential it is to avoid cartoons, etc. You can send via the Hall or email: Muslims to be able to challenge the ultra orthodox stereotyping and that everyone must be entitled to their [email protected] conservative interpretations of Islam and that those human rights as individuals, together with equality before Please include photos where you have them. Aim to who supported progressive political views needed to the law. Robbie suggested that the older generation, write less than 700 words, although longer articles may support groups such as One Law for All, the Council of including our membership, needed to try and engage with be accepted if appropriate. Please ensure they are Ex-Muslims of Britain and British Muslims for Secular the younger generation through social media, even if they submitted well ahead of the deadline. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Democracy. However both highlighted the fact that felt uncomfortable with it, as advocates for liberty and people they might normally have regarded as human rights. Sunday evenings Leicester Secularist 4 We still need some more help on Sunday evenings so that current volunteers can sometimes get the chance to talk to other members, take a break (or even retire!) In particular we need someone to be willing to make the tea and help stack the dishwasher at the end of meetings. This would be on an occasional basis. S E C U L A R W O R L D N E W S Lettings from the National Secular Society The company is known under the Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; name of The Markfield Institute mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a Of Higher Education. The firm moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. first started 7 years ago and was Within two weeks of the novel's publication registered under 06471324 as its Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and reg. no.. This registered office of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its this company is located in offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no Leicestershire. You may visit them statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the at Ratby Lane, Markfield. The novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, making those things they lest the very foundations company is classified under the Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be of that pleasure in daily work which be claimed as NACe and SiC code 85422 - Post- banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the their birthright. Before they could clear the ground graduate level higher education. novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South for the new birth of art they must re- move that 2014-12-31 is the last time Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, system of luxury, and other changes would follow. company accounts were reported. Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in He questioned whether the well-to-do classes The Markfield Institute Of Higher banning the novel over the next few months. Peaceful could do that. The commerce they had become so Education has been operating in protests against the blasphemy of the novel were also held proud of was their master, and they were the field for seven years. in London, Bradford, Islamabad, Tehran, Bombay, New compelled to admit not that commerce was made The firm was registered as a York, Dhaka, Istanbul and Khartoum in this period; some of for man, but that man was made for commerce. charity on 2008-09-12. It is these turned violent as the protesters clashed with the They could only put luxury from them and live Islamic Foundation registered under charity number authorities, and these clashes resulted in numerous deaths simple and decent lives when they were free from The Islamic Foundation is Britain’s leading publisher of books 1125851. The geographic range of and hundreds of injuries. the slavery of capitalist commerce. He could written by Abdul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, the charity's area of benefit is On the 21st of October British Muslims handed over a conceive of nothing more likely to raise the a violent Islamist movement responsible for acts of genocide undefined. in practice, local. They petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to standard of life than the convincing of some during Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence. Lord Carlile, in work in Leicestershire. The Viking/Penguin calling for the withdrawal of the novel, the thousands of those who live by labour of the his government paper on preventing violent extremism, noted corporate trustees committee publishing company responded by stating that the offence necessity of supporting the claim that their work that Mawdudi was a key influence in the radicalisation of young features six members: Syed has been due to a "misreading of the book", and that any should be of itself pleasant to do. That most men's British Muslims. In one of his books, Islamic Law and Faiyazuddin Ahmad, Abdul Majid moves to cease publication of the novel would be "wholly work should be grievous to them was a mere Constitution, Mawdudi wrote that his ideal state would bear “a Chowdhury, Professor Khurshid inconsistent with our position as a serious publisher who monstrosity of these latter days, which must in the kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states.” Ahmad, Abdur Rashid Siddiqui believes in freedom of expression" (Letter and press long run bring ruin and confusion on the society In 2013, the former Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, and Farooq Murad, and others. As statement issued by Penguin reprinted in Ahsan and which allowed it. Then, again, he contended that Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was convicted by a war crimes for the charity's financial situation, Kidwai, Sacrilege versus Civility, Appendix 1, pp.318-20). nothing should be made by man's labour which tribunal for his role in the 1971 abduction and murder of 18 their best time was in 2011 when Two more events took place that have now come to was not worth making, or which must be made by Bangladeshi intellectuals. The Foundation’s current Chairman, their income was 961,911 pounds characterise the Muslim position in the Rushdie Affair. The labour degrading to the makers. The one thing to be Khurshid Ahmad – formerly the Vice President of Jamaat-e- and they spent 759,839 pounds. first of these was the symbolic burning of a copy of The done to bring about this social revolution was to Islami’s Pakistan branch – wrote in 2003 that the areas of The charity engages in training Satanic Verses by Muslims protesters in Bradford on the make people far and wide see that it was possible to Afghanistan controlled by the “refulgent and splendid” Taliban and education and training and 14th of January 1989. This event gave license to Western raise the standard of life. No one who was willing to “had become the cradle of justice and peace,” and further education. It works to the benefit critics to portray Muslims as barbaric and uncultured, as work should ever fear want of such employment as warned of the “implication of Europe’s being in the clasp of of all the people, the whole Rana Kabbani observes in A Letter to Christendom, the would earn for him all due necessaries of mind and Jews.” The following year, the Times of London reported that mankind. It tries to help the above event "matched the traditional Western image of them, Socialism and Art.— body. Those necessaries were a chance of capacity two Islamic Foundation trustees were included in the UN’s beneficiaries by providing specific making it easy to label them as primitive fanatics not for bis work by due education, decency of On Wednesday evening Mr. W. Morris, of London, gave a sanctions list of persons associated with the Taliban and al- services and providing various civilised enough to appreciate the value of free speech" surroundings, including good lodging, ample lecture in the Secular Hall on the above subject to a fairly Qaeda. services. If you would like to learn (Rana Kabbani, A Letter to Christendom, Virago, London: space, and general order and beauty. Houses large audience. — Mr. T. Wright occupied the chair, and something more about the 1989, pp. 8-9). The image of the burning book has come to should be well built and healthy, and there must be Another of the Islamic Foundation’s trustees is Abdullah Omar in introducing the lecturer said that he was more than a enterprise's activity, dial them on represent Islam's intolerance, and it is therefore significant abundant garden space in towns. Towns must not Nassief, formerly the Secretary-General of the Muslim World poet— he was a great worker and a great thinker on the the following number 01530 that two major studies of the Affair, Appignanesi and eat op the fields and natural features ot the country, League. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Muslim subject on which he was to lecture.— In the course of his 244922 or go to their website. If Maitland's The Rushdie File, and Ruthvan Malise's A and no one, for instance, should be allowed to cut address Mr. Morris first directed attention to the relative you would like to learn something Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam - the down trees for mere profit whose loss would spoil a positions of art and commerce, meaning by the latter more about the enterprise's title is itself revealing - have front covers that show burning landscape. The third necessity was leisure. The word the present system of competitive labour in the activity, mail them on the copies of The Satanic Verses. This event was followed by the market. He contended that whereas art used in early leisure workmen had a right to claim must be ample following e-mail days to hold supremacy over commerce, latterly to allow them full rest for mind and body. These [email protected] or go to commerce had come to be considered of great conditions could not be obtained under the present their website. gospel of capital, but who knew but that the time importance and art of very little. That he believed to be a The information regarding this might be near, and that those who were now living serious evil, for to his mind it meant that the world of specific company's staff members might see the beginning of that end which would modern civilisation, in its haste to gain a very inequitably suggests there are six directors: extinguish luxury and poverty, when the middle divided material prosperity, had suppressed popular art. Farooq Salman Murad, Abdul and lower classes should have melted into one In other words the greater part of the people bad no share Rashid Siddiqui, Zahid Ali Parvez class, living contentedly a simple and happy life ?— in art, which must, as things were now, be kept in the NATIONAL NEWS and 3 other members of the A short discussion followed.— The Chairman hands of a few rich or well- to-do people. In losing art he from the National Secular Society Management Board who might be proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Morris for his able contended that the people, who worked as hard as ever found within the Company Staff and instructive address, which was seconded by they did, had lost the natural solace of that labour— a section of our website who started the Rev. J. Page Hopps, who regarded Mr. Morris as solace which they once had and always should have. their careers within the company an angel who bad lost his way. He thought the Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Thus the work, some share of which should have been Michael Gerard’s on 2008-01-14. the helpful companion of every man, bad become such a theories expounded by him were entirely Anu’s feast burden, which every man if he could, would shake off. impracticable for this world, but notwithstanding A social evening & fund raiser. Come The mere bodily or material gain of the present system that he did not agree with him he seconded the vote and enjoy an Indian meal (vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Licensed bar. did not balance the loss of pleasure it had brought on the of thanks with much pleasure. — The motion was Entertainment by the Magic Prince. world, for the contrast between rich and poor was more carried unanimously, and the meeting then SNIPPETS Tickets: £10 (50 places only) Book on intensified, and they had in England the terrible terminated." (National Secular Society) 07989when the Church can afford to pay Bible Ingredients spectacle of two peoples — one civilised and the other from Gillian Lighton uncivilised. In the face of this be claimed that it was right Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 26 January 1884 and necessary that all men should have work to do which should be worth doing, be of itself pleasant to do, and which should be done under such conditions as would make it neither over-wearisome nor over- anxious. He Caroline Moles writes about Len Holden’s lecture did not consider that an exorbitant claim, but if conceded it would bring about a state of things as nearly as possible The Midlands Enclosure riots of 1607 the reverse of the present. First the work should be worth doing. At present masses of men were occupied in England had had 'enclosures' since medieval times. making things which were embarrassing or superfluous Enclosures described the activity of landlords who to the daily life of a serious man, whilst others were enclosed common land to make fields with fences, engaged on things which were not merely useless but usually for sheep runs. As a result the peasants were actively destructive and poisonous, but which thrown off the land and were unable to feed commanded a good price in the market; and again there themselves. was a great mass of labour merely wasted. All so engaged Interestingly, the area of the English Midlands was the Serving Size 1 Book were slaves of what was called luxury. If they were to last to be enclosed. There were widespread objections have popular art they must be done with that luxury, as and protests leading to riots. For example, in Amount Per Serving art could not live beside it. As the people were forced into Cotesbach, Leicestershire, near Lutterworth, 5,000 % Daily Value people with pitchforks and scythes, destroyed hedges, walls and ditches, though there was no harm done to people. The marxist historian, Ellen Meiksin Wood, saw Shakespeare’s Coriolanus and The Midland Revolt Recipes enclosures as the first sign of the industrialisation of “[The rich] ne’er cared for us agriculture to form agri-businesses. This is a yet: suffer us to famish, and their store-houses w i d e s p r e a d v i e w a m o n g h i s t o r i a n s . crammed with grain.” from the National Secular Society Unfortunately, enclosing land meant peasants were Shakespeare disguised the rioting Midlanders as the driven from the land and became unable to fend for Roman plebeians in his play Coriolanus. The play was their families and sometimes starved or had to beg for written, probably at Stratford upon Avon, in 1608. The Gush Bhumbra support from parishes. Sometimes they moved to the previous three years had seen steep hikes in the price of wheat and barley, famine, and food riots. towns and maybe were available for other work. Shakespeare adapted Plutarch’s Life of Coriolanus, Attitudes to the Enclosures varied among authorities, (c100 AD) and made it resemble the recent English some were sympathetic to the plight of the experience. dispossessed peasants. For example, Thomas More, in his book Utopia, said ' sheep do eat up men'. William during the religious festivals of Easter and Whitsun, Cecil, Lord Burghley, was also sympathetic. plans were made to protest. Why were there enclosures? Because landlords could In June 1607, 5,000 people, both men and women, met to get a lot of money for sheep wool and their meat and protest by smashing fences and digging up hedges. This there was a demand for these commodities. Princess is where the name Levellers came from, from 'levelling Diana's family, the Spencers, made their money from hedges and ditches and also aiming to level society. It wool. needs to be remembered that these 'riots' were against The particular story of Cotesbach, is an interesting one. property and did not harm people In 1596, a certain Sir Thomas Sherley bought the Around this time in the Midlands were many uprisings: Cotesbach estate. He was not local and hoped to profit in Hazelbech, Pytchley and Rushton in Northampton, from the land. Sir Thomas was a money lender and for example. So the local authorities and the King were SECULAR HALL NEWS Leicester chancer, he lost money in the financial crash of 1596 and getting very worried. After trouble in Newton, 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 4 6 then was accused of embezzlement. Sir Thomas Sherley Northamptonshire, the King tasked Sir Edward C h a r t i s t L e a d e r SECULARIST had sold the estate to someone named Quarles, a Montague to sort it out. Sir Edward used his own N e x t E d i t i o n a n d P o e t Londoner, who knew nothing about Cotesbach. The servants, who were likely to be loyal to him, and armed Author of: Crown took the lands of Cotesbach and Quarles had to them to put down the riot. This army charged and killed Britannia’s Sons, Though Slaves Ye Be The next copy deadline is Friday 29th January 2016. We fight to get them returned. When he did, he raised the about 50 peasants. The so-called ringleaders were welcome new articles, letters, jokes, poems, news, rents of the peasants, who then could not pay so cartoons, etc. You can send via the Hall or email: arrested and hanged and drawn and quartered as a Quarles enclosed the lands thereby evicting the warning to others. By 1620, fences and hedges, not the [email protected] inhabitants of about 45 villages. The peasants open field system and common land, was nearly Please include photos where you have them. Aim to petitioned magistrates and King James I, However, write less than 700 words, although longer articles may everywhere a fact of life. be accepted if appropriate. Please ensure they are local bigwigs, Sir Walter Hastings, Sir William Turpin I enjoyed this very well researched piece of local history. submitted well ahead of the deadline. and Sir Thomas Beaumont supported Quarles. This Len is a fluent, clear, interesting and well informed VOLUNTEERS NEEDED created serious disquiet in and around Cotesbach and presenter. Sunday evenings Leicester Secularist 5 We still need some more help on Sunday evenings so that current volunteers can sometimes get the chance to talk to other members, take a break (or even retire!) In particular we need someone to be willing to make the tea and help stack the dishwasher at the end of meetings. This would be on an occasional basis. S E C U L A R W O R L D N E W S Lettings from the National Secular Society The company is known under the Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; name of The Markfield Institute mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a Of Higher Education. The firm moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. first started 7 years ago and was Within two weeks of the novel's publication registered under 06471324 as its Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and reg. no.. This registered office of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its this company is located in offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no Leicestershire. You may visit them statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the at Ratby Lane, Markfield. The novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, making those things they lest the very foundations company is classified under the Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be of that pleasure in daily work which be claimed as NACe and SiC code 85422 - Post- banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the their birthright. Before they could clear the ground graduate level higher education. novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South for the new birth of art they must re- move that 2014-12-31 is the last time Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, system of luxury, and other changes would follow. company accounts were reported. Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in He questioned whether the well-to-do classes The Markfield Institute Of Higher banning the novel over the next few months. Peaceful could do that. The commerce they had become so Education has been operating in protests against the blasphemy of the novel were also held proud of was their master, and they were the field for seven years. in London, Bradford, Islamabad, Tehran, Bombay, New compelled to admit not that commerce was made The firm was registered as a York, Dhaka, Istanbul and Khartoum in this period; some of for man, but that man was made for commerce. charity on 2008-09-12. It is these turned violent as the protesters clashed with the They could only put luxury from them and live Islamic Foundation registered under charity number authorities, and these clashes resulted in numerous deaths simple and decent lives when they were free from The Islamic Foundation is Britain’s leading publisher of books 1125851. The geographic range of and hundreds of injuries. the slavery of capitalist commerce. He could written by Abdul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, the charity's area of benefit is On the 21st of October British Muslims handed over a conceive of nothing more likely to raise the a violent Islamist movement responsible for acts of genocide undefined. in practice, local. They petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to standard of life than the convincing of some during Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence. Lord Carlile, in work in Leicestershire. The Viking/Penguin calling for the withdrawal of the novel, the thousands of those who live by labour of the his government paper on preventing violent extremism, noted corporate trustees committee publishing company responded by stating that the offence necessity of supporting the claim that their work that Mawdudi was a key influence in the radicalisation of young features six members: Syed has been due to a "misreading of the book", and that any should be of itself pleasant to do. That most men's British Muslims. In one of his books, Islamic Law and Faiyazuddin Ahmad, Abdul Majid moves to cease publication of the novel would be "wholly work should be grievous to them was a mere Constitution, Mawdudi wrote that his ideal state would bear “a Chowdhury, Professor Khurshid inconsistent with our position as a serious publisher who monstrosity of these latter days, which must in the kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states.” Ahmad, Abdur Rashid Siddiqui believes in freedom of expression" (Letter and press long run bring ruin and confusion on the society In 2013, the former Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, and Farooq Murad, and others. As statement issued by Penguin reprinted in Ahsan and which allowed it. Then, again, he contended that Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was convicted by a war crimes for the charity's financial situation, Kidwai, Sacrilege versus Civility, Appendix 1, pp.318-20). nothing should be made by man's labour which tribunal for his role in the 1971 abduction and murder of 18 their best time was in 2011 when Two more events took place that have now come to was not worth making, or which must be made by Bangladeshi intellectuals. The Foundation’s current Chairman, their income was 961,911 pounds characterise the Muslim position in the Rushdie Affair. The labour degrading to the makers. The one thing to be Khurshid Ahmad – formerly the Vice President of Jamaat-e- and they spent 759,839 pounds. first of these was the symbolic burning of a copy of The done to bring about this social revolution was to Islami’s Pakistan branch – wrote in 2003 that the areas of The charity engages in training Satanic Verses by Muslims protesters in Bradford on the make people far and wide see that it was possible to Afghanistan controlled by the “refulgent and splendid” Taliban and education and training and 14th of January 1989. This event gave license to Western raise the standard of life. No one who was willing to “had become the cradle of justice and peace,” and further education. It works to the benefit critics to portray Muslims as barbaric and uncultured, as work should ever fear want of such employment as warned of the “implication of Europe’s being in the clasp of of all the people, the whole Rana Kabbani observes in A Letter to Christendom, the would earn for him all due necessaries of mind and Jews.” The following year, the Times of London reported that mankind. It tries to help the above event "matched the traditional Western image of them, Socialism and Art.— body. Those necessaries were a chance of capacity two Islamic Foundation trustees were included in the UN’s beneficiaries by providing specific making it easy to label them as primitive fanatics not for bis work by due education, decency of On Wednesday evening Mr. W. Morris, of London, gave a sanctions list of persons associated with the Taliban and al- services and providing various civilised enough to appreciate the value of free speech" surroundings, including good lodging, ample lecture in the Secular Hall on the above subject to a fairly Qaeda. services. If you would like to learn (Rana Kabbani, A Letter to Christendom, Virago, London: space, and general order and beauty. Houses large audience. — Mr. T. Wright occupied the chair, and something more about the 1989, pp. 8-9). The image of the burning book has come to should be well built and healthy, and there must be Another of the Islamic Foundation’s trustees is Abdullah Omar in introducing the lecturer said that he was more than a enterprise's activity, dial them on represent Islam's intolerance, and it is therefore significant abundant garden space in towns. Towns must not Nassief, formerly the Secretary-General of the Muslim World poet— he was a great worker and a great thinker on the the following number 01530 that two major studies of the Affair, Appignanesi and eat op the fields and natural features ot the country, League. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Muslim subject on which he was to lecture.— In the course of his 244922 or go to their website. If Maitland's The Rushdie File, and Ruthvan Malise's A and no one, for instance, should be allowed to cut address Mr. Morris first directed attention to the relative you would like to learn something Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam - the down trees for mere profit whose loss would spoil a positions of art and commerce, meaning by the latter more about the enterprise's title is itself revealing - have front covers that show burning landscape. The third necessity was leisure. The word the present system of competitive labour in the activity, mail them on the copies of The Satanic Verses. This event was followed by the market. He contended that whereas art used in early leisure workmen had a right to claim must be ample following e-mail days to hold supremacy over commerce, latterly to allow them full rest for mind and body. These [email protected] or go to commerce had come to be considered of great conditions could not be obtained under the present their website. gospel of capital, but who knew but that the time importance and art of very little. That he believed to be a The information regarding this might be near, and that those who were now living serious evil, for to his mind it meant that the world of specific company's staff members might see the beginning of that end which would modern civilisation, in its haste to gain a very inequitably suggests there are six directors: extinguish luxury and poverty, when the middle divided material prosperity, had suppressed popular art. Farooq Salman Murad, Abdul and lower classes should have melted into one In other words the greater part of the people bad no share Rashid Siddiqui, Zahid Ali Parvez class, living contentedly a simple and happy life ?— in art, which must, as things were now, be kept in the NATIONAL NEWS and 3 other members of the A short discussion followed.— The Chairman hands of a few rich or well- to-do people. In losing art he from the National Secular Society Management Board who might be proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Morris for his able contended that the people, who worked as hard as ever found within the Company Staff and instructive address, which was seconded by they did, had lost the natural solace of that labour— a section of our website who started the Rev. J. Page Hopps, who regarded Mr. Morris as solace which they once had and always should have. their careers within the company an angel who bad lost his way. He thought the Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Thus the work, some share of which should have been Michael Gerard’s on 2008-01-14. the helpful companion of every man, bad become such a theories expounded by him were entirely Anu’s feast burden, which every man if he could, would shake off. impracticable for this world, but notwithstanding A social evening & fund raiser. Come The mere bodily or material gain of the present system that he did not agree with him he seconded the vote and enjoy an Indian meal (vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Licensed bar. did not balance the loss of pleasure it had brought on the of thanks with much pleasure. — The motion was Entertainment by the Magic Prince. world, for the contrast between rich and poor was more carried unanimously, and the meeting then SNIPPETS Tickets: £10 (50 places only) Book on intensified, and they had in England the terrible terminated." (National Secular Society) 07989when the Church can afford to pay Bible Ingredients spectacle of two peoples — one civilised and the other from Gillian Lighton uncivilised. In the face of this be claimed that it was right Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 26 January 1884 and necessary that all men should have work to do which should be worth doing, be of itself pleasant to do, and which should be done under such conditions as would Ned Newitt make it neither over-wearisome nor over- anxious. He did not consider that an exorbitant claim, but if conceded it would bring about a state of things as nearly as possible the reverse of the present. First the work should be worth MEDIEVAL LEDECESTRE doing. At present masses of men were occupied in Laura Hadland, the senior curator at has been easy to excavate abandoned making things which were embarrassing or superfluous the museum, gave an excellent settlements covered over by natural to the daily life of a serious man, whilst others were overview of 500 years of medieval processes. engaged on things which were not merely useless but local history in 45 minutes. She made Historical Myths and Evidence the point that ownership of the town actively destructive and poisonous, but which In her talk, Laura argued that the use was passed down through a series of commanded a good price in the market; and again there of evidence is as important for nobles, mostly French, who never Serving Size 1 Book was a great mass of labour merely wasted. All so engaged historians as it is for other sciences. visited the place. The remoteness of were slaves of what was called luxury. If they were to She has a personal quest to find these lords gave space to the local Amount Per Serving have popular art they must be done with that luxury, as whether there is evidence to show A legless Wyverns are everywhere in Mayors and burgesses to establish a % Daily Value art could not live beside it. As the people were forced into whether Shakespeare actually Leicester architecture. It was originally a strong local government. performed at the Guildhall in Medieval heraldic crest of Thomas Life for ordinary people was nasty, Leicester. She made mention of King Crouchback, (Thomas of Lancaster) a brutish, and short. It was made Leir of Leicester, after whom Leir- powerful earl of five cities including worse by the plague and black death cestre is allegedy named, and who is Leicester, who lived in the early 14th Recipes of 1348-49. It was not helped when buried somewhere under the River century. the noble earls picked the wrong Soar (River Leire). Well, that’s the sides in conflicts causing the town to myth, but there is no hard evidence. from the National Secular Society be sieged and plundered. A third of The Myth of Simon De Montfort the population, engaged in servicing the monasteries, were thrown out of Another myth which was popular work when Henry 8th abolished the with local politicians in the early Gush Bhumbra monasteries. Along with disease, 20th century was that, thanks to Simon de Montfort, Leicester was this contributed to a fall in the town’s The cinquefoil (five leaves) is the emblem the cradle of democracy. (despite the population. of the Beaumont family, Norman Earls of fact that de Monfort never visited Stratigraphy of Rubbish Leicester from the 11th century which Leicester) The historian Marc Morris makes it one of the oldest floral emblems. The work of an archeologist in the argues that the idea that De Montfort City is complicated. Victorians founded parliamentary democracy digging out cellars may have is a popular myth which is very hard more likely to back him. Summoning destroyed some evidence and to dispel. knights to parliament was nothing elsewhere it lies buried under new. It is very hard to sustain the idea De Monfort’s Parliament of January buildings. Large numbers of people that Montfort was some kind of early 20th 1265 was not the first and it was produce large quantities of rubbish. social democrat because he extended not the first to call on wider members Kitchen waste, broken objects, and the role of these men. (he also of society than just the barons and similar material all need to be expelled the Jews from Leicester in the bishops. Morris also argues that disposed of. 1231) De Montfort had seized power it was also not the first to meet to the previous year by defeating his Leicester did not have organised discuss more than taxation. The SECULAR HALL NEWS brother-in-law, King Henry III, in Leicester waste disposal until the 1860s. Until Anglo-Saxon witan and the Norman 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 4 6 battle. According to Morris, without then people invariably buried their assemblies both dealt with wider C h a r t i s t L e a d e r SECULARIST any hereditary claim to authority, de waste in the garden or threw it out of issues of governance. a n d P o e t N e x t E d i t i o n Montfort was anxious to show that their windows. If their houses fell Gerrymandering Author of: support for his regime was broadly Britannia’s Sons, Though Slaves Ye Be The next copy deadline is Friday 29th January 2016. We down, owners would pick out what Equally, he argues, it cannot be held welcome new articles, letters, jokes, poems, news, they could re-use, stamp down the based. up as the start of a democratic cartoons, etc. You can send via the Hall or email: remains and rebuild on the old site. Parliament did eventually come to Parliament since de Montfort [email protected] All these centuries of accumulated Leicester in 1426, with the Parliament gerrymandered its composition. He Please include photos where you have them. Aim to rubbish has created a dense of Bats. It was so-called because only summoned those barons who write less than 700 words, although longer articles may stratigraphy containing artefacts members were not allowed to carry supported him. By contrast he be accepted if appropriate. Please ensure they are reflecting the everyday life of swords by the Duke of Gloucester, s u m m o n e d m o r e t h a n 1 0 0 submitted well ahead of the deadline. ordinary people. This contrasts with and so armed themselves with clubs, VOLUNTEERS NEEDED clergymen, knowing that they were the County, where in rural areas it or bats. The Parliament took place in the great hall of Leicester Castle. Sunday evenings Leicester Secularist 6 We still need some more help on Sunday evenings so that current volunteers can sometimes get the chance to talk to other members, take a break (or even retire!) In particular we need someone to be willing to make the tea and help stack the dishwasher at the end of meetings. This would be on an occasional basis. S E C U L A R W O R L D N E W S Lettings from the National Secular Society The company is known under the Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; name of The Markfield Institute mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a Of Higher Education. The firm moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. first started 7 years ago and was Within two weeks of the novel's publication registered under 06471324 as its Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and reg. no.. This registered office of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its this company is located in offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no Leicestershire. You may visit them statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the at Ratby Lane, Markfield. The novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, making those things they lest the very foundations company is classified under the Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be of that pleasure in daily work which be claimed as NACe and SiC code 85422 - Post- banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the their birthright. Before they could clear the ground graduate level higher education. novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South for the new birth of art they must re- move that 2014-12-31 is the last time Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, system of luxury, and other changes would follow. company accounts were reported. Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in He questioned whether the well-to-do classes The Markfield Institute Of Higher banning the novel over the next few months. Peaceful could do that. The commerce they had become so Education has been operating in protests against the blasphemy of the novel were also held proud of was their master, and they were the field for seven years. in London, Bradford, Islamabad, Tehran, Bombay, New compelled to admit not that commerce was made The firm was registered as a York, Dhaka, Istanbul and Khartoum in this period; some of for man, but that man was made for commerce. charity on 2008-09-12. It is these turned violent as the protesters clashed with the They could only put luxury from them and live Islamic Foundation registered under charity number authorities, and these clashes resulted in numerous deaths simple and decent lives when they were free from The Islamic Foundation is Britain’s leading publisher of books 1125851. The geographic range of and hundreds of injuries. the slavery of capitalist commerce. He could written by Abdul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, the charity's area of benefit is On the 21st of October British Muslims handed over a conceive of nothing more likely to raise the a violent Islamist movement responsible for acts of genocide undefined. in practice, local. They petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to standard of life than the convincing of some during Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence. Lord Carlile, in work in Leicestershire. The Viking/Penguin calling for the withdrawal of the novel, the thousands of those who live by labour of the his government paper on preventing violent extremism, noted corporate trustees committee publishing company responded by stating that the offence necessity of supporting the claim that their work that Mawdudi was a key influence in the radicalisation of young features six members: Syed has been due to a "misreading of the book", and that any should be of itself pleasant to do. That most men's British Muslims. In one of his books, Islamic Law and Faiyazuddin Ahmad, Abdul Majid moves to cease publication of the novel would be "wholly work should be grievous to them was a mere Constitution, Mawdudi wrote that his ideal state would bear “a Chowdhury, Professor Khurshid inconsistent with our position as a serious publisher who monstrosity of these latter days, which must in the kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states.” Ahmad, Abdur Rashid Siddiqui believes in freedom of expression" (Letter and press long run bring ruin and confusion on the society In 2013, the former Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, and Farooq Murad, and others. As statement issued by Penguin reprinted in Ahsan and which allowed it. Then, again, he contended that Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was convicted by a war crimes for the charity's financial situation, Kidwai, Sacrilege versus Civility, Appendix 1, pp.318-20). nothing should be made by man's labour which tribunal for his role in the 1971 abduction and murder of 18 their best time was in 2011 when Two more events took place that have now come to was not worth making, or which must be made by Bangladeshi intellectuals. The Foundation’s current Chairman, their income was 961,911 pounds characterise the Muslim position in the Rushdie Affair. The labour degrading to the makers. The one thing to be Khurshid Ahmad – formerly the Vice President of Jamaat-e- and they spent 759,839 pounds. first of these was the symbolic burning of a copy of The done to bring about this social revolution was to Islami’s Pakistan branch – wrote in 2003 that the areas of The charity engages in training Satanic Verses by Muslims protesters in Bradford on the make people far and wide see that it was possible to Afghanistan controlled by the “refulgent and splendid” Taliban and education and training and 14th of January 1989. This event gave license to Western raise the standard of life. No one who was willing to “had become the cradle of justice and peace,” and further education. It works to the benefit critics to portray Muslims as barbaric and uncultured, as work should ever fear want of such employment as warned of the “implication of Europe’s being in the clasp of of all the people, the whole Rana Kabbani observes in A Letter to Christendom, the would earn for him all due necessaries of mind and Jews.” The following year, the Times of London reported that mankind. It tries to help the above event "matched the traditional Western image of them, Socialism and Art.— body. Those necessaries were a chance of capacity two Islamic Foundation trustees were included in the UN’s beneficiaries by providing specific making it easy to label them as primitive fanatics not for bis work by due education, decency of On Wednesday evening Mr. W. Morris, of London, gave a sanctions list of persons associated with the Taliban and al- services and providing various civilised enough to appreciate the value of free speech" surroundings, including good lodging, ample lecture in the Secular Hall on the above subject to a fairly Qaeda. services. If you would like to learn (Rana Kabbani, A Letter to Christendom, Virago, London: space, and general order and beauty. Houses large audience. — Mr. T. Wright occupied the chair, and something more about the 1989, pp. 8-9). The image of the burning book has come to should be well built and healthy, and there must be Another of the Islamic Foundation’s trustees is Abdullah Omar in introducing the lecturer said that he was more than a enterprise's activity, dial them on represent Islam's intolerance, and it is therefore significant abundant garden space in towns. Towns must not Nassief, formerly the Secretary-General of the Muslim World poet— he was a great worker and a great thinker on the the following number 01530 that two major studies of the Affair, Appignanesi and eat op the fields and natural features ot the country, League. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Muslim subject on which he was to lecture.— In the course of his 244922 or go to their website. If Maitland's The Rushdie File, and Ruthvan Malise's A and no one, for instance, should be allowed to cut address Mr. Morris first directed attention to the relative you would like to learn something Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam - the down trees for mere profit whose loss would spoil a positions of art and commerce, meaning by the latter more about the enterprise's title is itself revealing - have front covers that show burning landscape. The third necessity was leisure. The word the present system of competitive labour in the activity, mail them on the copies of The Satanic Verses. This event was followed by the market. He contended that whereas art used in early leisure workmen had a right to claim must be ample following e-mail days to hold supremacy over commerce, latterly to allow them full rest for mind and body. These [email protected] or go to commerce had come to be considered of great conditions could not be obtained under the present their website. gospel of capital, but who knew but that the time importance and art of very little. That he believed to be a The information regarding this might be near, and that those who were now living serious evil, for to his mind it meant that the world of specific company's staff members might see the beginning of that end which would modern civilisation, in its haste to gain a very inequitably suggests there are six directors: extinguish luxury and poverty, when the middle divided material prosperity, had suppressed popular art. Farooq Salman Murad, Abdul and lower classes should have melted into one In other words the greater part of the people bad no share Rashid Siddiqui, Zahid Ali Parvez class, living contentedly a simple and happy life ?— in art, which must, as things were now, be kept in the NATIONAL NEWS and 3 other members of the A short discussion followed.— The Chairman hands of a few rich or well- to-do people. In losing art he from the National Secular Society Management Board who might be proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Morris for his able contended that the people, who worked as hard as ever found within the Company Staff and instructive address, which was seconded by they did, had lost the natural solace of that labour— a section of our website who started the Rev. J. Page Hopps, who regarded Mr. Morris as solace which they once had and always should have. their careers within the company an angel who bad lost his way. He thought the Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Thus the work, some share of which should have been Michael Gerard’s on 2008-01-14. the helpful companion of every man, bad become such a theories expounded by him were entirely Anu’s feast burden, which every man if he could, would shake off. impracticable for this world, but notwithstanding A social evening & fund raiser. Come The mere bodily or material gain of the present system that he did not agree with him he seconded the vote and enjoy an Indian meal (vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Licensed bar. did not balance the loss of pleasure it had brought on the of thanks with much pleasure. — The motion was Entertainment by the Magic Prince. world, for the contrast between rich and poor was more carried unanimously, and the meeting then SNIPPETS Tickets: £10 (50 places only) Book on intensified, and they had in England the terrible terminated." (National Secular Society) 07989when the Church can afford to pay Bible Ingredients spectacle of two peoples — one civilised and the other from Gillian Lighton uncivilised. In the face of this be claimed that it was right Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 26 January 1884 and necessary that all men should have work to do which should be worth doing, be of itself pleasant to do, and which should be done under such conditions as would make it neither over-wearisome nor over- anxious. He John Catt did not consider that an exorbitant claim, but if conceded it would bring about a state of things as nearly as possible The Transformation of St Pancras the reverse of the present. First the work should be worth doing. At present masses of men were occupied in Nigel Lowey filled a hole in our making things which were embarrassing or superfluous programme when he gave a talk on to the daily life of a serious man, whilst others were the "Transformation of St Pancras engaged on things which were not merely useless but (not a railway talk)". Bearing in mind actively destructive and poisonous, but which that the lack of advanced publicity, commanded a good price in the market; and again there the size of the audience attracted was was a great mass of labour merely wasted. All so engaged Serving Size 1 Book excellent, as was the talk. were slaves of what was called luxury. If they were to have popular art they must be done with that luxury, as His involvement with St. Pancras Amount Per Serving art could not live beside it. As the people were forced into began when he attended a heritage % Daily Value open day at the then derelict hotel/offices. He wrote an article about this that went into a publication circulated to local Recipes history groups. People then started asking him question about it and, although at the time not a real expert, from the National Secular Society he did his best to help. Over the years he became more and more involved so that now he is regarded as an photo: Wikimedia authority on the history and Gush Bhumbra development of the station and hotel new hotels such as the Savoy, custom Eurostar complex. rapidly declined and the hotel closed Nigel outlined the modernisation Competition in 1935. It was then used as offices. programme of both the station and Nigel took us through the A White Elephant hotel followed the work undertaken development of the station by the Following nationalisation British to allow the station to become the Midland Railway Company when it Rail regarded the hotel as a "white Eurostar terminus. The original needed access to London following elephant" and wanted to demolish it. design of the station train shed, disputes about the use of lines into They systematically stripped it of its completed in 1868 by the engineer Kings Cross owned by the Great furniture and fittings and painted William Henry Barlow, was very Northern Railway. The location was over the original decor. It was only radical and the largest single-span far from ideal and the enmity saved after campaigning by the structure built up to that time. The between the Directors of the two Victorian Society (which included roof had to be based on steel triangles companies was such that many John Betjeman as a high profile in order to prevent the forces decisions that could not be justified supporter) resulted in it being given involved pushing out the walls. commercially were taken, including Barlow came up with the radical a Grade 1 listing. SECULAR HALL NEWS Leicester the large size and ornamentation of Cleaning solution of putting the train tracks the Midland Grand Hotel, which above the lower girder of the triangle, 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 4 6 The building continued to be used as C h a r t i s t L e a d e r SECULARIST totally dwarfed the King's Cross maximising the use of space and rail offices, until the 1980s when it a n d P o e t N e x t E d i t i o n complex. allowing storage for beer barrels failed fire safety regulations and was Author of: Plumbing from Burton on Trent below. Britannia’s Sons, Though Slaves Ye Be The next copy deadline is Friday 29th January 2016. We shut down. However the exterior welcome new articles, letters, jokes, poems, news, Unfortunately the hotel was was restored and made structurally The restoration of both the hotel and cartoons, etc. You can send via the Hall or email: designed and built to prestigious sound at a cost of around £10 million train shed involved similar radical [email protected] standards but without any extensive in the 1990s. This involved the thinking and Nigel gave a synopsis of Please include photos where you have them. Aim to plumbing, which at the time was the cleaning of the brickwork which the work that had been undertaken to write less than 700 words, although longer articles may custom as washing was not made a spectacular improvement to turn St Pancras into what even the be accepted if appropriate. Please ensure they are considered to be necessary on a daily how the building was viewed. It was French will admit is the finest station submitted well ahead of the deadline. basis. With the arrival of running at this stage that Nigel arrived on a complex in the world. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED water and improved sanitation in heritage day. Sunday evenings Leicester Secularist 7 We still need some more help on Sunday evenings so that current volunteers can sometimes get the chance to talk to other members, take a break (or even retire!) In particular we need someone to be willing to make the tea and help stack the dishwasher at the end of meetings. This would be on an occasional basis. S E C U L A R W O R L D N E W S Lettings from the National Secular Society The company is known under the Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; name of The Markfield Institute mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a Of Higher Education. The firm moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. first started 7 years ago and was Within two weeks of the novel's publication registered under 06471324 as its Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and reg. no.. This registered office of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its this company is located in offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no Leicestershire. You may visit them statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the at Ratby Lane, Markfield. The novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, making those things they lest the very foundations company is classified under the Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be of that pleasure in daily work which be claimed as NACe and SiC code 85422 - Post- banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the their birthright. Before they could clear the ground graduate level higher education. novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South for the new birth of art they must re- move that 2014-12-31 is the last time Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, system of luxury, and other changes would follow. company accounts were reported. Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in He questioned whether the well-to-do classes The Markfield Institute Of Higher banning the novel over the next few months. Peaceful could do that. The commerce they had become so Education has been operating in protests against the blasphemy of the novel were also held proud of was their master, and they were the field for seven years. in London, Bradford, Islamabad, Tehran, Bombay, New compelled to admit not that commerce was made The firm was registered as a York, Dhaka, Istanbul and Khartoum in this period; some of for man, but that man was made for commerce. charity on 2008-09-12. It is these turned violent as the protesters clashed with the They could only put luxury from them and live Islamic Foundation registered under charity number authorities, and these clashes resulted in numerous deaths simple and decent lives when they were free from The Islamic Foundation is Britain’s leading publisher of books 1125851. The geographic range of and hundreds of injuries. the slavery of capitalist commerce. He could written by Abdul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, the charity's area of benefit is On the 21st of October British Muslims handed over a conceive of nothing more likely to raise the a violent Islamist movement responsible for acts of genocide undefined. in practice, local. They petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to standard of life than the convincing of some during Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence. Lord Carlile, in work in Leicestershire. The Viking/Penguin calling for the withdrawal of the novel, the thousands of those who live by labour of the his government paper on preventing violent extremism, noted corporate trustees committee publishing company responded by stating that the offence necessity of supporting the claim that their work that Mawdudi was a key influence in the radicalisation of young features six members: Syed has been due to a "misreading of the book", and that any should be of itself pleasant to do. That most men's British Muslims. In one of his books, Islamic Law and Faiyazuddin Ahmad, Abdul Majid moves to cease publication of the novel would be "wholly work should be grievous to them was a mere Constitution, Mawdudi wrote that his ideal state would bear “a Chowdhury, Professor Khurshid inconsistent with our position as a serious publisher who monstrosity of these latter days, which must in the kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states.” Ahmad, Abdur Rashid Siddiqui believes in freedom of expression" (Letter and press long run bring ruin and confusion on the society In 2013, the former Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, and Farooq Murad, and others. As statement issued by Penguin reprinted in Ahsan and which allowed it. Then, again, he contended that Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was convicted by a war crimes for the charity's financial situation, Kidwai, Sacrilege versus Civility, Appendix 1, pp.318-20). nothing should be made by man's labour which tribunal for his role in the 1971 abduction and murder of 18 their best time was in 2011 when Two more events took place that have now come to was not worth making, or which must be made by Bangladeshi intellectuals. The Foundation’s current Chairman, their income was 961,911 pounds characterise the Muslim position in the Rushdie Affair. The labour degrading to the makers. The one thing to be Khurshid Ahmad – formerly the Vice President of Jamaat-e- and they spent 759,839 pounds. first of these was the symbolic burning of a copy of The done to bring about this social revolution was to Islami’s Pakistan branch – wrote in 2003 that the areas of The charity engages in training Satanic Verses by Muslims protesters in Bradford on the make people far and wide see that it was possible to Afghanistan controlled by the “refulgent and splendid” Taliban and education and training and 14th of January 1989. This event gave license to Western raise the standard of life. No one who was willing to “had become the cradle of justice and peace,” and further education. It works to the benefit critics to portray Muslims as barbaric and uncultured, as work should ever fear want of such employment as warned of the “implication of Europe’s being in the clasp of of all the people, the whole Rana Kabbani observes in A Letter to Christendom, the would earn for him all due necessaries of mind and Jews.” The following year, the Times of London reported that mankind. It tries to help the above event "matched the traditional Western image of them, Socialism and Art.— body. Those necessaries were a chance of capacity two Islamic Foundation trustees were included in the UN’s beneficiaries by providing specific making it easy to label them as primitive fanatics not for bis work by due education, decency of On Wednesday evening Mr. W. Morris, of London, gave a sanctions list of persons associated with the Taliban and al- services and providing various civilised enough to appreciate the value of free speech" surroundings, including good lodging, ample lecture in the Secular Hall on the above subject to a fairly Qaeda. services. If you would like to learn (Rana Kabbani, A Letter to Christendom, Virago, London: space, and general order and beauty. Houses large audience. — Mr. T. Wright occupied the chair, and something more about the 1989, pp. 8-9). The image of the burning book has come to should be well built and healthy, and there must be Another of the Islamic Foundation’s trustees is Abdullah Omar in introducing the lecturer said that he was more than a enterprise's activity, dial them on represent Islam's intolerance, and it is therefore significant abundant garden space in towns. Towns must not Nassief, formerly the Secretary-General of the Muslim World poet— he was a great worker and a great thinker on the the following number 01530 that two major studies of the Affair, Appignanesi and eat op the fields and natural features ot the country, League. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Muslim subject on which he was to lecture.— In the course of his 244922 or go to their website. If Maitland's The Rushdie File, and Ruthvan Malise's A and no one, for instance, should be allowed to cut address Mr. Morris first directed attention to the relative you would like to learn something Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam - the down trees for mere profit whose loss would spoil a positions of art and commerce, meaning by the latter more about the enterprise's title is itself revealing - have front covers that show burning landscape. The third necessity was leisure. The word the present system of competitive labour in the activity, mail them on the copies of The Satanic Verses. This event was followed by the market. He contended that whereas art used in early leisure workmen had a right to claim must be ample following e-mail days to hold supremacy over commerce, latterly to allow them full rest for mind and body. These [email protected] or go to commerce had come to be considered of great conditions could not be obtained under the present their website. gospel of capital, but who knew but that the time importance and art of very little. That he believed to be a The information regarding this might be near, and that those who were now living serious evil, for to his mind it meant that the world of specific company's staff members might see the beginning of that end which would modern civilisation, in its haste to gain a very inequitably suggests there are six directors: extinguish luxury and poverty, when the middle divided material prosperity, had suppressed popular art. Farooq Salman Murad, Abdul and lower classes should have melted into one In other words the greater part of the people bad no share Rashid Siddiqui, Zahid Ali Parvez class, living contentedly a simple and happy life ?— in art, which must, as things were now, be kept in the NATIONAL NEWS and 3 other members of the A short discussion followed.— The Chairman hands of a few rich or well- to-do people. In losing art he from the National Secular Society Management Board who might be proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Morris for his able contended that the people, who worked as hard as ever found within the Company Staff and instructive address, which was seconded by they did, had lost the natural solace of that labour— a section of our website who started the Rev. J. Page Hopps, who regarded Mr. Morris as solace which they once had and always should have. their careers within the company an angel who bad lost his way. He thought the Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Thus the work, some share of which should have been Michael Gerard’s on 2008-01-14. the helpful companion of every man, bad become such a theories expounded by him were entirely Anu’s feast burden, which every man if he could, would shake off. impracticable for this world, but notwithstanding A social evening & fund raiser. Come The mere bodily or material gain of the present system that he did not agree with him he seconded the vote and enjoy an Indian meal (vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Licensed bar. did not balance the loss of pleasure it had brought on the of thanks with much pleasure. — The motion was Entertainment by the Magic Prince. world, for the contrast between rich and poor was more carried unanimously, and the meeting then SNIPPETS Tickets: £10 (50 places only) Book on intensified, and they had in England the terrible terminated." (National Secular Society) 07989when the Church can afford to pay Bible Ingredients spectacle of two peoples — one civilised and the other from Gillian Lighton uncivilised. In the face of this be claimed that it was right Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 26 January 1884 and necessary that all men should have work to do which should be worth doing, be of itself pleasant to do, and which should be done under such conditions as would Anthony Matthew make it neither over-wearisome nor over- anxious. He did not consider that an exorbitant claim, but if conceded it would bring about a state of things as nearly as possible BREXIT AND DEMOCRACY the reverse of the present. First the work should be worth doing. At present masses of men were occupied in making things which were embarrassing or superfluous The great majority of people in Britain are in favour to the daily life of a serious man, whilst others were of democracy and the great majority of people in engaged on things which were not merely useless but Britain are unclear what it is. We have universal actively destructive and poisonous, but which suffrage, we elect the House of Commons which commanded a good price in the market; and again there determines who is Prime Minister and forms a was a great mass of labour merely wasted. All so engaged government. We generally accept that decisions Serving Size 1 Book were slaves of what was called luxury. If they were to made by that government have democratic have popular art they must be done with that luxury, as legitimacy, whether or not we agree with them. Amount Per Serving art could not live beside it. As the people were forced into However, we have just had a referendum in which a % Daily Value majority of the electorate decided that Britain should leave the European Union while a majority of MPs, of leaving but any final decision will be made by the cabinet the cabinet and the Prime Minister herself believed as a whole. The government will claim to have gained the that Britain should remain. best terms that are possible but it would be reasonable that Recipes Principles when those are known there should be a further decision on whether Britain accepts them or decides we would be The Secular Society's principles are in support of better off not leaving after all. democracy but we had no policy on Britain's from the National Secular Society membership of the European Union, nor should we A Weak Bargaining Position have. Britain has no constitution worthy of the name to That might be reasonable but it may not be possible. The decide definitively which democratic voice has rules may not be explicit but the opinion in the EU Gush Bhumbra priority, nor did the Act creating the referendum make Commission is that once Britain has invoked Article 50 to its status absolutely clear. The purpose of the start the process of departure that is irrevocable. Hence we referendum was to make the europhobes shut up by will have signed a binding contract before negotiating the showing they were in a minority. It turned out that they terms, an extremely weak bargaining position. The only weren't - and even if they had been they would not reason why the EU should grant Britain any advantages have shut up. With that limited purpose there was no beyond those of any other country with no special proper study of the design or consequences of the agreement is the cost to itself. Indeed the EU may tolerate referendum. If it was only advisory then that was not at a degree of cost to itself in order to send a warning to any all obvious during the campaign. It is widely though political forces in Europe tempted to follow the British not universally agreed that morally and for political example. Hence in order to be able to negotiate reasonable pragmatism the referendum result binds the terms of exit, Britain should have it agreed before government, even if that is not watertight legally. If we invoking Article 50 that we will be free to withdraw the had a constitution it might declare that Parliament is application to leave if the terms are too severe. supreme but that would mean that it was not obliged to Despite that obvious tactical benefit, any hint that the follow the results of a referendum. Still, it might judge decision to leave is not final will enrage many diehard it wise to do so, wary of the electorate's possible wrath Brexiteers. It would certainly be unjustified to hold a at the next election. SECULAR HALL NEWS Leicester second referendum now, merely on the grounds that the 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 4 6 An Anomaly electorate has made the wrong decision. The situation C h a r t i s t L e a d e r SECULARIST would be quite different when the negotiations have N e x t E d i t i o n There is the further anomaly that Britain does not leave a n d P o e t the European Union automatically after the reached a conclusion and a picture of life outside the EU Author of: has become clearer. Then the recent referendum would be Britannia’s Sons, Though Slaves Ye Be The next copy deadline is Friday 29th January 2016. We referendum. The process has to be initiated by the seen as an expression of intention with the real decision to welcome new articles, letters, jokes, poems, news, government, which may not require a vote in the cartoons, etc. You can send via the Hall or email: House of Commons though that may be politically be made later. After all, not every separation leads to a [email protected] expedient. There then follows a negotiation with the divorce. Then the tension between representative democracy and referendums will recur. It may be argued Please include photos where you have them. Aim to EU on the terms of Britain's relationship after the write less than 700 words, although longer articles may withdrawal. Both the parliamentary vote and the that decisions with such far-reaching consequences are be accepted if appropriate. Please ensure they are negotiation require MPs and the government to carry not suited to referendums while on the other hand the submitted well ahead of the deadline. out a policy they mostly do not agree with. Ministers authority of one referendum could be overridden only by VOLUNTEERS NEEDED directly involved in negotiation were in favour of another – and that is likely to be the decisive point. Sunday evenings Leicester Secularist 8 We still need some more help on Sunday evenings so that current volunteers can sometimes get the chance to talk to other members, take a break (or even retire!) In particular we need someone to be willing to make the tea and help stack the dishwasher at the end of meetings. This would be on an occasional basis. S E C U L A R W O R L D N E W S Lettings from the National Secular Society The company is known under the Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; name of The Markfield Institute mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a Of Higher Education. The firm moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. first started 7 years ago and was Within two weeks of the novel's publication registered under 06471324 as its Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and reg. no.. This registered office of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its this company is located in offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no Leicestershire. You may visit them statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the at Ratby Lane, Markfield. The novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, making those things they lest the very foundations company is classified under the Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be of that pleasure in daily work which be claimed as NACe and SiC code 85422 - Post- banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the their birthright. Before they could clear the ground graduate level higher education. novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South for the new birth of art they must re- move that 2014-12-31 is the last time Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, system of luxury, and other changes would follow. company accounts were reported. Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in He questioned whether the well-to-do classes The Markfield Institute Of Higher banning the novel over the next few months. Peaceful could do that. The commerce they had become so Education has been operating in protests against the blasphemy of the novel were also held proud of was their master, and they were the field for seven years. in London, Bradford, Islamabad, Tehran, Bombay, New compelled to admit not that commerce was made The firm was registered as a York, Dhaka, Istanbul and Khartoum in this period; some of for man, but that man was made for commerce. charity on 2008-09-12. It is these turned violent as the protesters clashed with the They could only put luxury from them and live Islamic Foundation registered under charity number authorities, and these clashes resulted in numerous deaths simple and decent lives when they were free from The Islamic Foundation is Britain’s leading publisher of books 1125851. The geographic range of and hundreds of injuries. the slavery of capitalist commerce. He could written by Abdul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, the charity's area of benefit is On the 21st of October British Muslims handed over a conceive of nothing more likely to raise the a violent Islamist movement responsible for acts of genocide undefined. in practice, local. They petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to standard of life than the convincing of some during Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence. Lord Carlile, in work in Leicestershire. The Viking/Penguin calling for the withdrawal of the novel, the thousands of those who live by labour of the his government paper on preventing violent extremism, noted corporate trustees committee publishing company responded by stating that the offence necessity of supporting the claim that their work that Mawdudi was a key influence in the radicalisation of young features six members: Syed has been due to a "misreading of the book", and that any should be of itself pleasant to do. That most men's British Muslims. In one of his books, Islamic Law and Faiyazuddin Ahmad, Abdul Majid moves to cease publication of the novel would be "wholly work should be grievous to them was a mere Constitution, Mawdudi wrote that his ideal state would bear “a Chowdhury, Professor Khurshid inconsistent with our position as a serious publisher who monstrosity of these latter days, which must in the kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states.” Ahmad, Abdur Rashid Siddiqui believes in freedom of expression" (Letter and press long run bring ruin and confusion on the society In 2013, the former Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, and Farooq Murad, and others. As statement issued by Penguin reprinted in Ahsan and which allowed it. Then, again, he contended that Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was convicted by a war crimes for the charity's financial situation, Kidwai, Sacrilege versus Civility, Appendix 1, pp.318-20). nothing should be made by man's labour which tribunal for his role in the 1971 abduction and murder of 18 their best time was in 2011 when Two more events took place that have now come to was not worth making, or which must be made by Bangladeshi intellectuals. The Foundation’s current Chairman, their income was 961,911 pounds characterise the Muslim position in the Rushdie Affair. The labour degrading to the makers. The one thing to be Khurshid Ahmad – formerly the Vice President of Jamaat-e- and they spent 759,839 pounds. first of these was the symbolic burning of a copy of The done to bring about this social revolution was to Islami’s Pakistan branch – wrote in 2003 that the areas of The charity engages in training Satanic Verses by Muslims protesters in Bradford on the make people far and wide see that it was possible to Afghanistan controlled by the “refulgent and splendid” Taliban and education and training and 14th of January 1989. This event gave license to Western raise the standard of life. No one who was willing to “had become the cradle of justice and peace,” and further education. It works to the benefit critics to portray Muslims as barbaric and uncultured, as work should ever fear want of such employment as warned of the “implication of Europe’s being in the clasp of of all the people, the whole Rana Kabbani observes in A Letter to Christendom, the would earn for him all due necessaries of mind and Jews.” The following year, the Times of London reported that mankind. It tries to help the above event "matched the traditional Western image of them, Socialism and Art.— body. Those necessaries were a chance of capacity two Islamic Foundation trustees were included in the UN’s beneficiaries by providing specific making it easy to label them as primitive fanatics not for bis work by due education, decency of On Wednesday evening Mr. W. Morris, of London, gave a sanctions list of persons associated with the Taliban and al- services and providing various civilised enough to appreciate the value of free speech" surroundings, including good lodging, ample lecture in the Secular Hall on the above subject to a fairly Qaeda. services. If you would like to learn (Rana Kabbani, A Letter to Christendom, Virago, London: space, and general order and beauty. Houses large audience. — Mr. T. Wright occupied the chair, and something more about the 1989, pp. 8-9). The image of the burning book has come to should be well built and healthy, and there must be Another of the Islamic Foundation’s trustees is Abdullah Omar in introducing the lecturer said that he was more than a enterprise's activity, dial them on represent Islam's intolerance, and it is therefore significant abundant garden space in towns. Towns must not Nassief, formerly the Secretary-General of the Muslim World poet— he was a great worker and a great thinker on the the following number 01530 that two major studies of the Affair, Appignanesi and eat op the fields and natural features ot the country, League. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Muslim subject on which he was to lecture.— In the course of his 244922 or go to their website. If Maitland's The Rushdie File, and Ruthvan Malise's A and no one, for instance, should be allowed to cut address Mr. Morris first directed attention to the relative you would like to learn something Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam - the down trees for mere profit whose loss would spoil a positions of art and commerce, meaning by the latter more about the enterprise's title is itself revealing - have front covers that show burning landscape. The third necessity was leisure. The word the present system of competitive labour in the activity, mail them on the copies of The Satanic Verses. This event was followed by the market. He contended that whereas art used in early leisure workmen had a right to claim must be ample following e-mail days to hold supremacy over commerce, latterly to allow them full rest for mind and body. These [email protected] or go to commerce had come to be considered of great conditions could not be obtained under the present their website. gospel of capital, but who knew but that the time importance and art of very little. That he believed to be a The information regarding this might be near, and that those who were now living serious evil, for to his mind it meant that the world of specific company's staff members might see the beginning of that end which would modern civilisation, in its haste to gain a very inequitably suggests there are six directors: extinguish luxury and poverty, when the middle divided material prosperity, had suppressed popular art. Farooq Salman Murad, Abdul and lower classes should have melted into one In other words the greater part of the people bad no share Rashid Siddiqui, Zahid Ali Parvez class, living contentedly a simple and happy life ?— in art, which must, as things were now, be kept in the NATIONAL NEWS and 3 other members of the A short discussion followed.— The Chairman hands of a few rich or well- to-do people. In losing art he from the National Secular Society Management Board who might be proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Morris for his able contended that the people, who worked as hard as ever found within the Company Staff and instructive address, which was seconded by they did, had lost the natural solace of that labour— a section of our website who started the Rev. J. Page Hopps, who regarded Mr. Morris as solace which they once had and always should have. their careers within the company an angel who bad lost his way. He thought the Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Thus the work, some share of which should have been Michael Gerard’s on 2008-01-14. the helpful companion of every man, bad become such a theories expounded by him were entirely Anu’s feast burden, which every man if he could, would shake off. impracticable for this world, but notwithstanding A social evening & fund raiser. Come The mere bodily or material gain of the present system that he did not agree with him he seconded the vote and enjoy an Indian meal (vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Licensed bar. did not balance the loss of pleasure it had brought on the of thanks with much pleasure. — The motion was Entertainment by the Magic Prince. world, for the contrast between rich and poor was more carried unanimously, and the meeting then SNIPPETS Tickets: £10 (50 places only) Book on intensified, and they had in England the terrible terminated." (National Secular Society) 07989when the Church can afford to pay Bible Ingredients spectacle of two peoples — one civilised and the other from Gillian Lighton uncivilised. In the face of this be claimed that it was right Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 26 January 1884 and necessary that all men should have work to do which should be worth doing, be of itself pleasant to do, and which should be done under such conditions as would Andrew Copson - President of the International Ethical & Humanist Union (IHEU) make it neither over-wearisome nor over- anxious. He did not consider that an exorbitant claim, but if conceded it would bring about a state of things as nearly as possible Where does humanism stand at a time of crisis? the reverse of the present. First the work should be worth doing. At present masses of men were occupied in D e s p a i r, e v e n a p o c a l y p t i c making things which were embarrassing or superfluous pessimism, would be an easy to the daily life of a serious man, whilst others were response to the state of the world. engaged on things which were not merely useless but The news agenda globally is actively destructive and poisonous, but which d o m i n a t e d b y t e r r o r i s m . commanded a good price in the market; and again there Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan was a great mass of labour merely wasted. All so engaged and Syria are far and away the most Serving Size 1 Book were slaves of what was called luxury. If they were to targeted nations (in 2014, 78% of the have popular art they must be done with that luxury, as deaths and 57% of all terrorist Amount Per Serving art could not live beside it. As the people were forced into attacks occurred in these five % Daily Value countries, and they remained the top five "highest impact" countries in 2015). Bangladesh has regressed from relative safety into a frequent Recipes target in just a few years. Leading The Brandenburg Gate, Germany, illuminated in the colours of the French flag, European nations such as France following the November 2015 Paris terror attack. Both countries have seen and Germany have been targeted repeated terrorist atrocities since then. (Photo: Sandro Schroeder) from the National Secular Society repeatedly and grotesquely. It may make no difference to the dead how they were killed, but there is countries in Europe. In the massacre or the Nice atrocity, or s o m e t h i n g s o c a l c u l a t e d l y Philippines, we have just seen the Germany to stay positive after weeks Gush Bhumbra dehumanizing about attacks such as election of President Rodrigo of repeat attacks? Who could insist to the truck massacre in Nice that we "Digong" Duterte, who disparages South Sudan or Congo or Yemen or can only feel sickened, angry and the very concept of human rights, Iraq or Syria that we may be "short- despairing at such monstrosity. and who has even incited citizens to term pessimists but long-term While at the same time, many have murder as a form of vigilantism. optimists" as the well-worn phrase noted that the media attention and Russia maintains Putin's own brand goes? How do we tell ourselves we perhaps even the emotional impact of militating, supremacist populism. believe in building a better world, of terrorism seems to be declining, as In Turkey, President Erdogan's when merely preserving what we familiarity breeds fatigue. overreaching backlash against "coup have feels like a Herculean task? There is also a broad trend toward plotters", drawing in all potential D e s p i t e r e p e a t e d populism in many countries. By political opponents, represents a new mischaracterization by some critics, populism, we don't mean mere peak of anti-democratic, anti- the optimism of humanism has never popularity, of course. Populism is secularist and rights-violating been naive. We do not counter blind when courting popularity becomes oppression on the fringes of Europe. faith with blind hope, or replace an ideological goal in itself, through IHEU is politically neutral in the divine worship with human Leicester the advocacy of policies which over- sense of ordinary party political worship! Our humanism has long SECULAR HALL NEWS simplify the world. These policies campaigning; but for many championed rationality and reason, 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 4 6 usually also scapegoat and humanists the rise of Trump in the US and therefore skepticism and C h a r t i s t L e a d e r SECULARIST a n d P o e t N e x t E d i t i o n dehumanize some people, while to the extent that he exemplifies this realism, not least about humanity flattering others, as well as distorting new demagoguery, and the tremors itself. It would be wrong then to cite Author of: Britannia’s Sons, Though Slaves Ye Be The next copy deadline is Friday 29th January 2016. We truth, and making promises which of anti-EU sentiment reverberating crisis and terror as reasons to reject welcome new articles, letters, jokes, poems, news, are either vague ("I'll make you safe") across Europe to the extent that they that very humanism. cartoons, etc. You can send via the Hall or email: i n d i c a t e a r e t r e a t f r o m or the keeping of which would only But how does humanism, which we [email protected] internationalist ideals, are further spawn new evils ("We'll deport them understand as in some sense cause for alarm. Please include photos where you have them. Aim to all", "Our sole priority will be our optimistic about human potential, write less than 700 words, although longer articles may own country" and so on). How can humanists respond? Who conceive of itself during a period of be accepted if appropriate. Please ensure they are Populist nationalist parties and could tell France to stay in good global instability and threat? submitted well ahead of the deadline. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED candidates have appeared in many humour after the November Sunday evenings Leicester Secularist 9 We still need some more help on Sunday evenings so that current volunteers can sometimes get the chance to talk to other members, take a break (or even retire!) In particular we need someone to be willing to make the tea and help stack the dishwasher at the end of meetings. This would be on an occasional basis. S E C U L A R W O R L D N E W S Lettings from the National Secular Society The company is known under the Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; name of The Markfield Institute mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a Of Higher Education. The firm moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. first started 7 years ago and was Within two weeks of the novel's publication registered under 06471324 as its Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and reg. no.. This registered office of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its this company is located in offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no Leicestershire. You may visit them statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the at Ratby Lane, Markfield. The novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, making those things they lest the very foundations company is classified under the Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be of that pleasure in daily work which be claimed as NACe and SiC code 85422 - Post- banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the their birthright. Before they could clear the ground graduate level higher education. novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South for the new birth of art they must re- move that 2014-12-31 is the last time Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, system of luxury, and other changes would follow. company accounts were reported. Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in He questioned whether the well-to-do classes The Markfield Institute Of Higher banning the novel over the next few months. Peaceful could do that. The commerce they had become so Education has been operating in protests against the blasphemy of the novel were also held proud of was their master, and they were the field for seven years. in London, Bradford, Islamabad, Tehran, Bombay, New compelled to admit not that commerce was made The firm was registered as a York, Dhaka, Istanbul and Khartoum in this period; some of for man, but that man was made for commerce. charity on 2008-09-12. It is these turned violent as the protesters clashed with the They could only put luxury from them and live Islamic Foundation registered under charity number authorities, and these clashes resulted in numerous deaths simple and decent lives when they were free from The Islamic Foundation is Britain’s leading publisher of books 1125851. The geographic range of and hundreds of injuries. the slavery of capitalist commerce. He could written by Abdul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, the charity's area of benefit is On the 21st of October British Muslims handed over a conceive of nothing more likely to raise the a violent Islamist movement responsible for acts of genocide undefined. in practice, local. They petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to standard of life than the convincing of some during Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence. Lord Carlile, in work in Leicestershire. The Viking/Penguin calling for the withdrawal of the novel, the thousands of those who live by labour of the his government paper on preventing violent extremism, noted corporate trustees committee publishing company responded by stating that the offence necessity of supporting the claim that their work that Mawdudi was a key influence in the radicalisation of young features six members: Syed has been due to a "misreading of the book", and that any should be of itself pleasant to do. That most men's British Muslims. In one of his books, Islamic Law and Faiyazuddin Ahmad, Abdul Majid moves to cease publication of the novel would be "wholly work should be grievous to them was a mere Constitution, Mawdudi wrote that his ideal state would bear “a Chowdhury, Professor Khurshid inconsistent with our position as a serious publisher who monstrosity of these latter days, which must in the kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states.” Ahmad, Abdur Rashid Siddiqui believes in freedom of expression" (Letter and press long run bring ruin and confusion on the society In 2013, the former Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, and Farooq Murad, and others. As statement issued by Penguin reprinted in Ahsan and which allowed it. Then, again, he contended that Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was convicted by a war crimes for the charity's financial situation, Kidwai, Sacrilege versus Civility, Appendix 1, pp.318-20). nothing should be made by man's labour which tribunal for his role in the 1971 abduction and murder of 18 their best time was in 2011 when Two more events took place that have now come to was not worth making, or which must be made by Bangladeshi intellectuals. The Foundation’s current Chairman, their income was 961,911 pounds characterise the Muslim position in the Rushdie Affair. The labour degrading to the makers. The one thing to be Khurshid Ahmad – formerly the Vice President of Jamaat-e- and they spent 759,839 pounds. first of these was the symbolic burning of a copy of The done to bring about this social revolution was to Islami’s Pakistan branch – wrote in 2003 that the areas of The charity engages in training Satanic Verses by Muslims protesters in Bradford on the make people far and wide see that it was possible to Afghanistan controlled by the “refulgent and splendid” Taliban and education and training and 14th of January 1989. This event gave license to Western raise the standard of life. No one who was willing to “had become the cradle of justice and peace,” and further education. It works to the benefit critics to portray Muslims as barbaric and uncultured, as work should ever fear want of such employment as warned of the “implication of Europe’s being in the clasp of of all the people, the whole Rana Kabbani observes in A Letter to Christendom, the would earn for him all due necessaries of mind and Jews.” The following year, the Times of London reported that mankind. It tries to help the above event "matched the traditional Western image of them, Socialism and Art.— body. Those necessaries were a chance of capacity two Islamic Foundation trustees were included in the UN’s beneficiaries by providing specific making it easy to label them as primitive fanatics not for bis work by due education, decency of On Wednesday evening Mr. W. Morris, of London, gave a sanctions list of persons associated with the Taliban and al- services and providing various civilised enough to appreciate the value of free speech" surroundings, including good lodging, ample lecture in the Secular Hall on the above subject to a fairly Qaeda. services. If you would like to learn (Rana Kabbani, A Letter to Christendom, Virago, London: space, and general order and beauty. Houses large audience. — Mr. T. Wright occupied the chair, and something more about the 1989, pp. 8-9). The image of the burning book has come to should be well built and healthy, and there must be Another of the Islamic Foundation’s trustees is Abdullah Omar in introducing the lecturer said that he was more than a enterprise's activity, dial them on represent Islam's intolerance, and it is therefore significant abundant garden space in towns. Towns must not Nassief, formerly the Secretary-General of the Muslim World poet— he was a great worker and a great thinker on the the following number 01530 that two major studies of the Affair, Appignanesi and eat op the fields and natural features ot the country, League. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Muslim subject on which he was to lecture.— In the course of his 244922 or go to their website. If Maitland's The Rushdie File, and Ruthvan Malise's A and no one, for instance, should be allowed to cut address Mr. Morris first directed attention to the relative you would like to learn something Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam - the down trees for mere profit whose loss would spoil a positions of art and commerce, meaning by the latter more about the enterprise's title is itself revealing - have front covers that show burning landscape. The third necessity was leisure. The word the present system of competitive labour in the activity, mail them on the copies of The Satanic Verses. This event was followed by the market. He contended that whereas art used in early leisure workmen had a right to claim must be ample following e-mail days to hold supremacy over commerce, latterly to allow them full rest for mind and body. These [email protected] or go to commerce had come to be considered of great conditions could not be obtained under the present their website. gospel of capital, but who knew but that the time importance and art of very little. That he believed to be a The information regarding this might be near, and that those who were now living serious evil, for to his mind it meant that the world of specific company's staff members might see the beginning of that end which would modern civilisation, in its haste to gain a very inequitably suggests there are six directors: extinguish luxury and poverty, when the middle divided material prosperity, had suppressed popular art. Farooq Salman Murad, Abdul and lower classes should have melted into one In other words the greater part of the people bad no share Rashid Siddiqui, Zahid Ali Parvez class, living contentedly a simple and happy life ?— in art, which must, as things were now, be kept in the NATIONAL NEWS and 3 other members of the A short discussion followed.— The Chairman hands of a few rich or well- to-do people. In losing art he from the National Secular Society Management Board who might be proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Morris for his able contended that the people, who worked as hard as ever found within the Company Staff and instructive address, which was seconded by they did, had lost the natural solace of that labour— a section of our website who started the Rev. J. Page Hopps, who regarded Mr. Morris as solace which they once had and always should have. their careers within the company an angel who bad lost his way. He thought the Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Thus the work, some share of which should have been Michael Gerard’s on 2008-01-14. the helpful companion of every man, bad become such a theories expounded by him were entirely Anu’s feast burden, which every man if he could, would shake off. impracticable for this world, but notwithstanding A social evening & fund raiser. Come The mere bodily or material gain of the present system that he did not agree with him he seconded the vote and enjoy an Indian meal (vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Licensed bar. did not balance the loss of pleasure it had brought on the of thanks with much pleasure. — The motion was Entertainment by the Magic Prince. world, for the contrast between rich and poor was more carried unanimously, and the meeting then SNIPPETS Tickets: £10 (50 places only) Book on intensified, and they had in England the terrible terminated." (National Secular Society) 07989when the Church can afford to pay Bible Ingredients spectacle of two peoples — one civilised and the other from Gillian Lighton uncivilised. In the face of this be claimed that it was right Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 26 January 1884 and necessary that all men should have work to do which should be worth doing, be of itself pleasant to do, and which should be done under such conditions as would make it neither over-wearisome nor over- anxious. He Expert confirms that the: did not consider that an exorbitant claim, but if conceded it would bring about a state of things as nearly as possible Sydney Gimson Chair is also an Ernest Gimson Chair the reverse of the present. First the work should be worth doing. At present masses of men were occupied in Mary Greensted, the leading authority on Ernest making things which were embarrassing or superfluous Gimson, has confirmed that the chair pictured on the to the daily life of a serious man, whilst others were right is an early piece of Ernest Gimson’s work. The engaged on things which were not merely useless but chair has always been referred by Society members as actively destructive and poisonous, but which the Gimson chair. However it was thought that it was so commanded a good price in the market; and again there called because the longstanding president, Sydney was a great mass of labour merely wasted. All so engaged Gimson, used it at meetings. It turns out that it was Serving Size 1 Book were slaves of what was called luxury. If they were to designed by his brother Ernest, who was a pioneering have popular art they must be done with that luxury, as architect and designer. Amount Per Serving art could not live beside it. As the people were forced into Mary Greensted has been to see it and says it was the % Daily Value first piece of furniture exhibited by Gimson at the 1890 Arts & Crafts exhibition in London. It is a complex design and very different to his later chairs. It was made by J. Britnell. She is sure that it is the same chair referred Recipes to in a letter to Sydney Gimson dated 12.9.1890: 'I will keep the chair for you with pleasure. It is for one great fat man or two thin ones. Shall you like its being the natural from the National Secular Society colour of the wood? It is made of beech with an elm seat and yew tree sticks, the colour and graining are very lovely and not at all like Billson's table.' Gush Bhumbra The table mentioned in the letter is stored at the Secular Hall and was the speakers’ table in the Lecture Hall before it became a ballroom.

SECULAR HALL NEWS Leicester 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 4 6 SECULARIST C h a r t i s t L e a d e r N e x t E d i t i o n a n d P o e t Author of: Britannia’s Sons, Though Slaves Ye Be The next copy deadline is Friday 29th January 2016. We welcome new articles, letters, jokes, poems, news, cartoons, etc. You can send via the Hall or email: [email protected] Please include photos where you have them. Aim to write less than 700 words, although longer articles may be accepted if appropriate. Please ensure they are submitted well ahead of the deadline. Above: Ernest’s letter. Right: Walter Crane’s design for the VOLUNTEERS NEEDED exhibition where the chair was exhibited Sunday evenings Leicester Secularist 10 We still need some more help on Sunday evenings so that current volunteers can sometimes get the chance to talk to other members, take a break (or even retire!) In particular we need someone to be willing to make the tea and help stack the dishwasher at the end of meetings. This would be on an occasional basis. S E C U L A R W O R L D N E W S Lettings from the National Secular Society The company is known under the Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; name of The Markfield Institute mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a Of Higher Education. The firm moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. first started 7 years ago and was Within two weeks of the novel's publication registered under 06471324 as its Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and reg. no.. This registered office of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its this company is located in offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no Leicestershire. You may visit them statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the at Ratby Lane, Markfield. The novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, making those things they lest the very foundations company is classified under the Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be of that pleasure in daily work which be claimed as NACe and SiC code 85422 - Post- banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the their birthright. Before they could clear the ground graduate level higher education. novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South for the new birth of art they must re- move that 2014-12-31 is the last time Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, system of luxury, and other changes would follow. company accounts were reported. Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in He questioned whether the well-to-do classes The Markfield Institute Of Higher banning the novel over the next few months. Peaceful could do that. The commerce they had become so Education has been operating in protests against the blasphemy of the novel were also held proud of was their master, and they were the field for seven years. in London, Bradford, Islamabad, Tehran, Bombay, New compelled to admit not that commerce was made The firm was registered as a York, Dhaka, Istanbul and Khartoum in this period; some of for man, but that man was made for commerce. charity on 2008-09-12. It is these turned violent as the protesters clashed with the They could only put luxury from them and live Islamic Foundation registered under charity number authorities, and these clashes resulted in numerous deaths simple and decent lives when they were free from The Islamic Foundation is Britain’s leading publisher of books 1125851. The geographic range of and hundreds of injuries. the slavery of capitalist commerce. He could written by Abdul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, the charity's area of benefit is On the 21st of October British Muslims handed over a conceive of nothing more likely to raise the a violent Islamist movement responsible for acts of genocide undefined. in practice, local. They petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to standard of life than the convincing of some during Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence. Lord Carlile, in work in Leicestershire. The Viking/Penguin calling for the withdrawal of the novel, the thousands of those who live by labour of the his government paper on preventing violent extremism, noted corporate trustees committee publishing company responded by stating that the offence necessity of supporting the claim that their work that Mawdudi was a key influence in the radicalisation of young features six members: Syed has been due to a "misreading of the book", and that any should be of itself pleasant to do. That most men's British Muslims. In one of his books, Islamic Law and Faiyazuddin Ahmad, Abdul Majid moves to cease publication of the novel would be "wholly work should be grievous to them was a mere Constitution, Mawdudi wrote that his ideal state would bear “a Chowdhury, Professor Khurshid inconsistent with our position as a serious publisher who monstrosity of these latter days, which must in the kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states.” Ahmad, Abdur Rashid Siddiqui believes in freedom of expression" (Letter and press long run bring ruin and confusion on the society In 2013, the former Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, and Farooq Murad, and others. As statement issued by Penguin reprinted in Ahsan and which allowed it. Then, again, he contended that Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was convicted by a war crimes for the charity's financial situation, Kidwai, Sacrilege versus Civility, Appendix 1, pp.318-20). nothing should be made by man's labour which tribunal for his role in the 1971 abduction and murder of 18 their best time was in 2011 when Two more events took place that have now come to was not worth making, or which must be made by Bangladeshi intellectuals. The Foundation’s current Chairman, their income was 961,911 pounds characterise the Muslim position in the Rushdie Affair. The labour degrading to the makers. The one thing to be Khurshid Ahmad – formerly the Vice President of Jamaat-e- and they spent 759,839 pounds. first of these was the symbolic burning of a copy of The done to bring about this social revolution was to Islami’s Pakistan branch – wrote in 2003 that the areas of The charity engages in training Satanic Verses by Muslims protesters in Bradford on the make people far and wide see that it was possible to Afghanistan controlled by the “refulgent and splendid” Taliban and education and training and 14th of January 1989. This event gave license to Western raise the standard of life. No one who was willing to “had become the cradle of justice and peace,” and further education. It works to the benefit critics to portray Muslims as barbaric and uncultured, as work should ever fear want of such employment as warned of the “implication of Europe’s being in the clasp of of all the people, the whole Rana Kabbani observes in A Letter to Christendom, the would earn for him all due necessaries of mind and Jews.” The following year, the Times of London reported that mankind. It tries to help the above event "matched the traditional Western image of them, Socialism and Art.— body. Those necessaries were a chance of capacity two Islamic Foundation trustees were included in the UN’s beneficiaries by providing specific making it easy to label them as primitive fanatics not for bis work by due education, decency of On Wednesday evening Mr. W. Morris, of London, gave a sanctions list of persons associated with the Taliban and al- services and providing various civilised enough to appreciate the value of free speech" surroundings, including good lodging, ample lecture in the Secular Hall on the above subject to a fairly Qaeda. services. If you would like to learn (Rana Kabbani, A Letter to Christendom, Virago, London: space, and general order and beauty. Houses large audience. — Mr. T. Wright occupied the chair, and something more about the 1989, pp. 8-9). The image of the burning book has come to should be well built and healthy, and there must be Another of the Islamic Foundation’s trustees is Abdullah Omar in introducing the lecturer said that he was more than a enterprise's activity, dial them on represent Islam's intolerance, and it is therefore significant abundant garden space in towns. Towns must not Nassief, formerly the Secretary-General of the Muslim World poet— he was a great worker and a great thinker on the the following number 01530 that two major studies of the Affair, Appignanesi and eat op the fields and natural features ot the country, League. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Muslim subject on which he was to lecture.— In the course of his 244922 or go to their website. If Maitland's The Rushdie File, and Ruthvan Malise's A and no one, for instance, should be allowed to cut address Mr. Morris first directed attention to the relative you would like to learn something Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam - the down trees for mere profit whose loss would spoil a positions of art and commerce, meaning by the latter more about the enterprise's title is itself revealing - have front covers that show burning landscape. The third necessity was leisure. The word the present system of competitive labour in the activity, mail them on the copies of The Satanic Verses. This event was followed by the market. He contended that whereas art used in early leisure workmen had a right to claim must be ample following e-mail days to hold supremacy over commerce, latterly to allow them full rest for mind and body. These [email protected] or go to commerce had come to be considered of great conditions could not be obtained under the present their website. gospel of capital, but who knew but that the time importance and art of very little. That he believed to be a The information regarding this might be near, and that those who were now living serious evil, for to his mind it meant that the world of specific company's staff members might see the beginning of that end which would modern civilisation, in its haste to gain a very inequitably suggests there are six directors: extinguish luxury and poverty, when the middle divided material prosperity, had suppressed popular art. Farooq Salman Murad, Abdul and lower classes should have melted into one In other words the greater part of the people bad no share Rashid Siddiqui, Zahid Ali Parvez class, living contentedly a simple and happy life ?— in art, which must, as things were now, be kept in the NATIONAL NEWS and 3 other members of the A short discussion followed.— The Chairman hands of a few rich or well- to-do people. In losing art he from the National Secular Society Management Board who might be proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Morris for his able contended that the people, who worked as hard as ever found within the Company Staff and instructive address, which was seconded by they did, had lost the natural solace of that labour— a section of our website who started the Rev. J. Page Hopps, who regarded Mr. Morris as solace which they once had and always should have. their careers within the company an angel who bad lost his way. He thought the Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Thus the work, some share of which should have been Michael Gerard’s on 2008-01-14. the helpful companion of every man, bad become such a theories expounded by him were entirely Anu’s feast burden, which every man if he could, would shake off. impracticable for this world, but notwithstanding A social evening & fund raiser. Come The mere bodily or material gain of the present system that he did not agree with him he seconded the vote and enjoy an Indian meal (vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Licensed bar. did not balance the loss of pleasure it had brought on the of thanks with much pleasure. — The motion was Entertainment by the Magic Prince. world, for the contrast between rich and poor was more carried unanimously, and the meeting then SNIPPETS Tickets: £10 (50 places only) Book on intensified, and they had in England the terrible terminated." (National Secular Society) 07989when the Church can afford to pay Bible Ingredients spectacle of two peoples — one civilised and the other from Gillian Lighton uncivilised. In the face of this be claimed that it was right Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 26 January 1884 and necessary that all men should have work to do which should be worth doing, be of itself pleasant to do, and which should be done under such conditions as would make it neither over-wearisome nor over- anxious. He Caroline Moles reviews did not consider that an exorbitant claim, but if conceded the film lent to the it would bring about a state of things as nearly as possible Secular Society by the reverse of the present. First the work should be worth Global Justice Now doing. At present masses of men were occupied in making things which were embarrassing or superfluous strength due to climate chaos. to the daily life of a serious man, whilst others were In her view, what we are witnessing is engaged on things which were not merely useless but the result of 3 decades of the actively destructive and poisonous, but which deregulation of the big corporations commanded a good price in the market; and again there [the Market], and what we are seeing was a great mass of labour merely wasted. All so engaged is a 'fossil fuel frenzy'. She then Serving Size 1 Book were slaves of what was called luxury. If they were to moved to Montana in the US, to meet have popular art they must be done with that luxury, as a couple rearing goats. They are Amount Per Serving art could not live beside it. As the people were forced into suffering from oil spills from local oil % Daily Value drilling, which is despoiling their land. It also risks effecting the As narrator of the film, Naomi Klein c o m p a n i e s t r e e s a r e j u s t Yellowstone Park which is nearby. India begins with the observation that in 'overburden', to be got rid of. Recipes the 17th. Century in England, The Cree Nation The next section looked at India and scientists were saying that the Earth Next, Naomi visited the indigenous the success of protests from local from the National Secular Society is a machine and humans are people. They are the Beaver Lake fishermen and their wives to the engineers who can control the earth. Cree Nation who have held Land building of a power station. However She went on to discuss the discovery Rights since 1876. The Cree think a map showed all the power stations of burning fossil fuels so that their that their rights have been taken due to cover India. If the Indian Gush Bhumbra power could be captured to provide from them and they have no-one to Government and big corporations go energy for running machines like fight on their side. Also, the Cree for growth, then India could end up steam engines. That meant that people view land very differently. full of power stations with little land people were able to control the For them, they are visitors on the for India's millions of peasants. This machine and not rely on the land, they don't own land, they share raises the question of where would uncertain power of water or wind. it and look after it for the future people grow their food, fish, get Tar Sands generations. water and have clean air to breathe? We live in a finite world with finite The film showed Fort McMurray in On film we follow a young woman, resources, with limits to water, soil, Alberta, Canada, before the recent the representative of the Cree people land, and trees to give us oxygen and fire which has devastated the town. trying to visit her ancestral graves. clean our air. Fort McMurray had grown big and But she was not allowed, because There is still hope fat due to exploiting the tar sands there had been a big tar spill. She was which provide large amounts of very upset. Naomi asked 'is growth the answer to poverty and our problems?' The bitumen which can be made into oil. In 2008, the Cree Nation decided on evidence appears to be that if we go Before the tar sands boom, the area doing a 'traditional Walk' in order to on exploiting the earth and burning was a sea of ancient trees, many unify themselves against the SECULAR HALL NEWS fossil fuels we will end up with a Leicester 1000s of years old. Now, it is an area desecration of their land. Naomi 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 4 6 climate crisis. Scientists agree that we of devastation visible from space. Klein commented that corporations C h a r t i s t L e a d e r SECULARIST need to keep global warming to The waste ponds stretch 100s of seem to view some areas of the earth a n d P o e t N e x t E d i t i o n under 2 degrees Celsius, which kilometres and the largest dam on as sacrifice zones, so that the rest of Author of: means we need to change our habits Britannia’s Sons, Though Slaves Ye Be The next copy deadline is Friday 29th January 2016. We earth holds back the waste. us can benefit. welcome new articles, letters, jokes, poems, news, Companies Shell Oil and Statoil are New York under threat quickly. On the positive side, China is cartoons, etc. You can send via the Hall or email: i n vo l ve d i n t h e t a r s a n d s . now the biggest producer of solar The film went on to look at New [email protected] The promise from these firms is that panels, Germany has invested York's devastating hurricane, Please include photos where you have them. Aim to the area can be brought back to its e x t e n s i v e l y i n g r e e n original state. Hurricane Sandy. It followed people alternatives,[solar, wind and write less than 700 words, although longer articles may trying to clean up afterwards. This SECULAR HALL be accepted if appropriate. Please ensure they are In Fort McMurray workers can earn water].People are much more aware was an exceptionally powerful and 6.30pm SUNDAY JULY 12th submitted well ahead of the deadline. small fortunes and then move on. It of 'climate change'. So, at the moment VOLUNTEERS NEEDED destructive storm. Naomi made the is a kind of gold rush and for the oil there is still hope. But we need to act point that storms are increasing in soon. Sunday evenings Leicester Secularist 11 We still need some more help on Sunday evenings so that current volunteers can sometimes get the chance to talk to other members, take a break (or even retire!) In particular we need someone to be willing to make the tea and help stack the dishwasher at the end of meetings. This would be on an occasional basis. S E C U L A R W O R L D N E W S Lettings from the National Secular Society The company is known under the Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; name of The Markfield Institute mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a Of Higher Education. The firm moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. first started 7 years ago and was Within two weeks of the novel's publication registered under 06471324 as its Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and reg. no.. This registered office of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its this company is located in offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no Leicestershire. You may visit them statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the at Ratby Lane, Markfield. The novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, making those things they lest the very foundations company is classified under the Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be of that pleasure in daily work which be claimed as NACe and SiC code 85422 - Post- banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the their birthright. Before they could clear the ground graduate level higher education. novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South for the new birth of art they must re- move that 2014-12-31 is the last time Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, system of luxury, and other changes would follow. company accounts were reported. Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in He questioned whether the well-to-do classes The Markfield Institute Of Higher banning the novel over the next few months. Peaceful could do that. The commerce they had become so Education has been operating in protests against the blasphemy of the novel were also held proud of was their master, and they were the field for seven years. in London, Bradford, Islamabad, Tehran, Bombay, New compelled to admit not that commerce was made The firm was registered as a York, Dhaka, Istanbul and Khartoum in this period; some of for man, but that man was made for commerce. charity on 2008-09-12. It is these turned violent as the protesters clashed with the They could only put luxury from them and live Islamic Foundation registered under charity number authorities, and these clashes resulted in numerous deaths simple and decent lives when they were free from The Islamic Foundation is Britain’s leading publisher of books 1125851. The geographic range of and hundreds of injuries. the slavery of capitalist commerce. He could written by Abdul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, the charity's area of benefit is On the 21st of October British Muslims handed over a conceive of nothing more likely to raise the a violent Islamist movement responsible for acts of genocide undefined. in practice, local. They petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to standard of life than the convincing of some during Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence. Lord Carlile, in work in Leicestershire. The Viking/Penguin calling for the withdrawal of the novel, the thousands of those who live by labour of the his government paper on preventing violent extremism, noted corporate trustees committee publishing company responded by stating that the offence necessity of supporting the claim that their work that Mawdudi was a key influence in the radicalisation of young features six members: Syed has been due to a "misreading of the book", and that any should be of itself pleasant to do. That most men's British Muslims. In one of his books, Islamic Law and Faiyazuddin Ahmad, Abdul Majid moves to cease publication of the novel would be "wholly work should be grievous to them was a mere Constitution, Mawdudi wrote that his ideal state would bear “a Chowdhury, Professor Khurshid inconsistent with our position as a serious publisher who monstrosity of these latter days, which must in the kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states.” Ahmad, Abdur Rashid Siddiqui believes in freedom of expression" (Letter and press long run bring ruin and confusion on the society In 2013, the former Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, and Farooq Murad, and others. As statement issued by Penguin reprinted in Ahsan and which allowed it. Then, again, he contended that Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was convicted by a war crimes for the charity's financial situation, Kidwai, Sacrilege versus Civility, Appendix 1, pp.318-20). nothing should be made by man's labour which tribunal for his role in the 1971 abduction and murder of 18 their best time was in 2011 when Two more events took place that have now come to was not worth making, or which must be made by Bangladeshi intellectuals. The Foundation’s current Chairman, their income was 961,911 pounds characterise the Muslim position in the Rushdie Affair. The labour degrading to the makers. The one thing to be Khurshid Ahmad – formerly the Vice President of Jamaat-e- and they spent 759,839 pounds. first of these was the symbolic burning of a copy of The done to bring about this social revolution was to Islami’s Pakistan branch – wrote in 2003 that the areas of The charity engages in training Satanic Verses by Muslims protesters in Bradford on the make people far and wide see that it was possible to Afghanistan controlled by the “refulgent and splendid” Taliban and education and training and 14th of January 1989. This event gave license to Western raise the standard of life. No one who was willing to “had become the cradle of justice and peace,” and further education. It works to the benefit critics to portray Muslims as barbaric and uncultured, as work should ever fear want of such employment as warned of the “implication of Europe’s being in the clasp of of all the people, the whole Rana Kabbani observes in A Letter to Christendom, the would earn for him all due necessaries of mind and Jews.” The following year, the Times of London reported that mankind. It tries to help the above event "matched the traditional Western image of them, Socialism and Art.— body. Those necessaries were a chance of capacity two Islamic Foundation trustees were included in the UN’s beneficiaries by providing specific making it easy to label them as primitive fanatics not for bis work by due education, decency of On Wednesday evening Mr. W. Morris, of London, gave a sanctions list of persons associated with the Taliban and al- services and providing various civilised enough to appreciate the value of free speech" surroundings, including good lodging, ample lecture in the Secular Hall on the above subject to a fairly Qaeda. services. If you would like to learn (Rana Kabbani, A Letter to Christendom, Virago, London: space, and general order and beauty. Houses large audience. — Mr. T. Wright occupied the chair, and something more about the 1989, pp. 8-9). The image of the burning book has come to should be well built and healthy, and there must be Another of the Islamic Foundation’s trustees is Abdullah Omar in introducing the lecturer said that he was more than a enterprise's activity, dial them on represent Islam's intolerance, and it is therefore significant abundant garden space in towns. Towns must not Nassief, formerly the Secretary-General of the Muslim World poet— he was a great worker and a great thinker on the the following number 01530 that two major studies of the Affair, Appignanesi and eat op the fields and natural features ot the country, League. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Muslim subject on which he was to lecture.— In the course of his 244922 or go to their website. If Maitland's The Rushdie File, and Ruthvan Malise's A and no one, for instance, should be allowed to cut address Mr. Morris first directed attention to the relative you would like to learn something Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam - the down trees for mere profit whose loss would spoil a positions of art and commerce, meaning by the latter more about the enterprise's title is itself revealing - have front covers that show burning landscape. The third necessity was leisure. The word the present system of competitive labour in the activity, mail them on the copies of The Satanic Verses. This event was followed by the market. He contended that whereas art used in early leisure workmen had a right to claim must be ample following e-mail days to hold supremacy over commerce, latterly to allow them full rest for mind and body. These [email protected] or go to commerce had come to be considered of great conditions could not be obtained under the present their website. gospel of capital, but who knew but that the time importance and art of very little. That he believed to be a The information regarding this might be near, and that those who were now living serious evil, for to his mind it meant that the world of specific company's staff members might see the beginning of that end which would modern civilisation, in its haste to gain a very inequitably suggests there are six directors: extinguish luxury and poverty, when the middle divided material prosperity, had suppressed popular art. Farooq Salman Murad, Abdul and lower classes should have melted into one In other words the greater part of the people bad no share Rashid Siddiqui, Zahid Ali Parvez class, living contentedly a simple and happy life ?— in art, which must, as things were now, be kept in the NATIONAL NEWS and 3 other members of the A short discussion followed.— The Chairman hands of a few rich or well- to-do people. In losing art he from the National Secular Society Management Board who might be proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Morris for his able contended that the people, who worked as hard as ever found within the Company Staff and instructive address, which was seconded by they did, had lost the natural solace of that labour— a section of our website who started the Rev. J. Page Hopps, who regarded Mr. Morris as solace which they once had and always should have. their careers within the company an angel who bad lost his way. He thought the Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Thus the work, some share of which should have been Michael Gerard’s on 2008-01-14. the helpful companion of every man, bad become such a theories expounded by him were entirely Anu’s feast burden, which every man if he could, would shake off. impracticable for this world, but notwithstanding A social evening & fund raiser. Come The mere bodily or material gain of the present system that he did not agree with him he seconded the vote and enjoy an Indian meal (vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Licensed bar. did not balance the loss of pleasure it had brought on the of thanks with much pleasure. — The motion was Entertainment by the Magic Prince. world, for the contrast between rich and poor was more carried unanimously, and the meeting then SNIPPETS Tickets: £10 (50 places only) Book on intensified, and they had in England the terrible terminated." (National Secular Society) 07989when the Church can afford to pay Bible Ingredients spectacle of two peoples — one civilised and the other from Gillian Lighton uncivilised. In the face of this be claimed that it was right Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 26 January 1884 and necessary that all men should have work to do which should be worth doing, be of itself pleasant to do, and which should be done under such conditions as would make it neither over-wearisome nor over- anxious. He As the Government lavishes more funds on Cathedrals did not consider that an exorbitant claim, but if conceded it would bring about a state of things as nearly as possible THE CHURCH PLEADS POVERTY & the reverse of the present. First the work should be worth doing. At present masses of men were occupied in HIDES WEALTH IN PLAIN SIGHT making things which were embarrassing or superfluous This article, by the editor, is based on the blog of Ed Moore, the treasurer to the daily life of a serious man, whilst others were of the National Secular Society. engaged on things which were not merely useless but actively destructive and poisonous, but which The National Secular Society has criticised the latest wave of taxpayer commanded a good price in the market; and again there funding for cathedrals, after the Department for Culture, Media and Sport was a great mass of labour merely wasted. All so engaged announced 39 grants totalling £14.5 million for repairs. The cash is the Serving Size 1 Book were slaves of what was called luxury. If they were to second phase of grants awarded by the Government's First World War have popular art they must be done with that luxury, as Centenary Cathedral Repairs Fund. Leicester Cathedral has been awarded a Amount Per Serving art could not live beside it. As the people were forced into £300,000 grant to repair stonework on the south side of the building. This is % Daily Value in addition to the £140,000 already received. Keith Porteous Wood, of the National Secular Society, commented: photo: Wikimedia

"A centenary of the First World War is clearly a meaningless asks the PCCs to pass money up. This is the 'Parish Share' pretext to spend public money on cathedrals, many of which are and the diocese calculates a figure based on what it Recipes extremely well funded. The Department for Culture Media and thinks a PCC can afford, based on the wealth of each Sport has pointedly not demonstrated that they have even parish. The diocese pressures the PCC to pay up and can shutdown any that fails to meet their target. Any money from the National Secular Society considered whether this work is essential and whether there are church funds available for it. In a period of such strain on the left over is kept by the parish and can be used locally to public purse this is irresponsible.” support church activities. Ed Moore, treasurer of the N.S.S., has attempted to Finally each diocese passes a share of their income to the Gush Bhumbra calculate the wealth of the Church of England, but found national church, again depending on how wealthy the that the CoE’s fragmented financial structure made the diocese is. The region retains funds over and above the calculation difficult. The following is his description how requested amount. the Church’s finances work. How Wealthy Is the Church of England? The Cof E Franchise To work this out, Ed Moore looked at the assets of Rather than a single organisation, the CoE closely component of this loose hierarchy. These are the assets of resembles a franchise, with separately owned and run the national bodies of the Church of England: companies joined by shared marketing and logistics The Corporation of Church House £27,000,000 agreements. The Archbishop's Council £49,282,000 The Church of England is divided into three main layers. The Church Commissioners £6,739,000,000 The national church bodies set policy, provide strategic The Church of England Pensions Board £1,260,000,000 management and deliver centralised services such as So that is £8,075,282,000 (yes, billion) to start with. pensions, investment management and payroll. The forty two dioceses have assets ranging in size from Below this is a management layer consisting of the just £8,524,000 at the Diocese in Europe through to diocesan companies. Each is assigned a region and given £401,000,000 at the Diocese of London. The Leicester SECULAR HALL NEWS Leicester control of all church organisations in that area. Currently Diocesan Board Of Finance has £74.1m worth of assets. 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 4 6 there are forty-two diocesan companies under two Combined the dioceses have a total of £4,317,503,000 C h a r t i s t L e a d e r SECULARIST supervisory areas, York and Canterbury, but this number N e x t E d i t i o n (not counting the Isle of Man whose figures remain a n d P o e t has changed over the years through mergers and splits. elusive). Author of: Britannia’s Sons, Though Slaves Ye Be The next copy deadline is Friday 29th January 2016. We Lastly under each diocese comes the Parochial Church Is the Church really as poor as it claims? welcome new articles, letters, jokes, poems, news, Councils (PCCs). Each council is a separate charitable To calculate the wealth of the 12,600 PCCs, Ed took a cartoons, etc. You can send via the Hall or email: company with control of one or more churches and a sample, averaged it and then multiplied it. He got an [email protected] remit to organise members at a local level. Currently there average of £837,012 per PCC and arrived at an Please include photos where you have them. Aim to are about 12,600 such councils. approximate total of £10,546,353,720 for all PCCs. write less than 700 words, although longer articles may The CoE is funded bottom-up. The PCCs persuade their Between the national church, the diocese and the be accepted if appropriate. Please ensure they are members to voluntarily 'gift' money and also raise funds average of the PCCs he ended up with a total wealth submitted well ahead of the deadline. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED via trading and investment activities. The Diocese then for the Church of England of £22,939,138,720. Sunday evenings Leicester Secularist 12 We still need some more help on Sunday evenings so that current volunteers can sometimes get the chance to talk to other members, take a break (or even retire!) In particular we need someone to be willing to make the tea and help stack the dishwasher at the end of meetings. This would be on an occasional basis. S E C U L A R W O R L D N E W S Lettings from the National Secular Society The company is known under the Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; name of The Markfield Institute mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a Of Higher Education. The firm moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. first started 7 years ago and was Within two weeks of the novel's publication registered under 06471324 as its Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and reg. no.. This registered office of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its this company is located in offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no Leicestershire. You may visit them statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the at Ratby Lane, Markfield. The novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, making those things they lest the very foundations company is classified under the Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be of that pleasure in daily work which be claimed as NACe and SiC code 85422 - Post- banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the their birthright. Before they could clear the ground graduate level higher education. novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South for the new birth of art they must re- move that 2014-12-31 is the last time Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, system of luxury, and other changes would follow. company accounts were reported. Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in He questioned whether the well-to-do classes The Markfield Institute Of Higher banning the novel over the next few months. Peaceful could do that. The commerce they had become so Education has been operating in protests against the blasphemy of the novel were also held proud of was their master, and they were the field for seven years. in London, Bradford, Islamabad, Tehran, Bombay, New compelled to admit not that commerce was made The firm was registered as a York, Dhaka, Istanbul and Khartoum in this period; some of for man, but that man was made for commerce. charity on 2008-09-12. It is these turned violent as the protesters clashed with the They could only put luxury from them and live Islamic Foundation registered under charity number authorities, and these clashes resulted in numerous deaths simple and decent lives when they were free from The Islamic Foundation is Britain’s leading publisher of books 1125851. The geographic range of and hundreds of injuries. the slavery of capitalist commerce. He could written by Abdul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, the charity's area of benefit is On the 21st of October British Muslims handed over a conceive of nothing more likely to raise the a violent Islamist movement responsible for acts of genocide undefined. in practice, local. They petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to standard of life than the convincing of some during Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence. Lord Carlile, in work in Leicestershire. The Viking/Penguin calling for the withdrawal of the novel, the thousands of those who live by labour of the his government paper on preventing violent extremism, noted corporate trustees committee publishing company responded by stating that the offence necessity of supporting the claim that their work that Mawdudi was a key influence in the radicalisation of young features six members: Syed has been due to a "misreading of the book", and that any should be of itself pleasant to do. That most men's British Muslims. In one of his books, Islamic Law and Faiyazuddin Ahmad, Abdul Majid moves to cease publication of the novel would be "wholly work should be grievous to them was a mere Constitution, Mawdudi wrote that his ideal state would bear “a Chowdhury, Professor Khurshid inconsistent with our position as a serious publisher who monstrosity of these latter days, which must in the kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states.” Ahmad, Abdur Rashid Siddiqui believes in freedom of expression" (Letter and press long run bring ruin and confusion on the society In 2013, the former Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, and Farooq Murad, and others. As statement issued by Penguin reprinted in Ahsan and which allowed it. Then, again, he contended that Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was convicted by a war crimes for the charity's financial situation, Kidwai, Sacrilege versus Civility, Appendix 1, pp.318-20). nothing should be made by man's labour which tribunal for his role in the 1971 abduction and murder of 18 their best time was in 2011 when Two more events took place that have now come to was not worth making, or which must be made by Bangladeshi intellectuals. The Foundation’s current Chairman, their income was 961,911 pounds characterise the Muslim position in the Rushdie Affair. The labour degrading to the makers. The one thing to be Khurshid Ahmad – formerly the Vice President of Jamaat-e- and they spent 759,839 pounds. first of these was the symbolic burning of a copy of The done to bring about this social revolution was to Islami’s Pakistan branch – wrote in 2003 that the areas of The charity engages in training Satanic Verses by Muslims protesters in Bradford on the make people far and wide see that it was possible to Afghanistan controlled by the “refulgent and splendid” Taliban and education and training and 14th of January 1989. This event gave license to Western raise the standard of life. No one who was willing to “had become the cradle of justice and peace,” and further education. It works to the benefit critics to portray Muslims as barbaric and uncultured, as work should ever fear want of such employment as warned of the “implication of Europe’s being in the clasp of of all the people, the whole Rana Kabbani observes in A Letter to Christendom, the would earn for him all due necessaries of mind and Jews.” The following year, the Times of London reported that mankind. It tries to help the above event "matched the traditional Western image of them, Socialism and Art.— body. Those necessaries were a chance of capacity two Islamic Foundation trustees were included in the UN’s beneficiaries by providing specific making it easy to label them as primitive fanatics not for bis work by due education, decency of On Wednesday evening Mr. W. Morris, of London, gave a sanctions list of persons associated with the Taliban and al- services and providing various civilised enough to appreciate the value of free speech" surroundings, including good lodging, ample lecture in the Secular Hall on the above subject to a fairly Qaeda. services. If you would like to learn (Rana Kabbani, A Letter to Christendom, Virago, London: space, and general order and beauty. Houses large audience. — Mr. T. Wright occupied the chair, and something more about the 1989, pp. 8-9). The image of the burning book has come to should be well built and healthy, and there must be Another of the Islamic Foundation’s trustees is Abdullah Omar in introducing the lecturer said that he was more than a enterprise's activity, dial them on represent Islam's intolerance, and it is therefore significant abundant garden space in towns. Towns must not Nassief, formerly the Secretary-General of the Muslim World poet— he was a great worker and a great thinker on the the following number 01530 that two major studies of the Affair, Appignanesi and eat op the fields and natural features ot the country, League. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Muslim subject on which he was to lecture.— In the course of his 244922 or go to their website. If Maitland's The Rushdie File, and Ruthvan Malise's A and no one, for instance, should be allowed to cut address Mr. Morris first directed attention to the relative you would like to learn something Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam - the down trees for mere profit whose loss would spoil a positions of art and commerce, meaning by the latter more about the enterprise's title is itself revealing - have front covers that show burning landscape. The third necessity was leisure. The word the present system of competitive labour in the activity, mail them on the copies of The Satanic Verses. This event was followed by the market. He contended that whereas art used in early leisure workmen had a right to claim must be ample following e-mail days to hold supremacy over commerce, latterly to allow them full rest for mind and body. These [email protected] or go to commerce had come to be considered of great conditions could not be obtained under the present their website. gospel of capital, but who knew but that the time importance and art of very little. That he believed to be a The information regarding this might be near, and that those who were now living serious evil, for to his mind it meant that the world of specific company's staff members might see the beginning of that end which would modern civilisation, in its haste to gain a very inequitably suggests there are six directors: extinguish luxury and poverty, when the middle divided material prosperity, had suppressed popular art. Farooq Salman Murad, Abdul and lower classes should have melted into one In other words the greater part of the people bad no share Rashid Siddiqui, Zahid Ali Parvez class, living contentedly a simple and happy life ?— in art, which must, as things were now, be kept in the NATIONAL NEWS and 3 other members of the A short discussion followed.— The Chairman hands of a few rich or well- to-do people. In losing art he from the National Secular Society Management Board who might be proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Morris for his able contended that the people, who worked as hard as ever found within the Company Staff and instructive address, which was seconded by they did, had lost the natural solace of that labour— a section of our website who started the Rev. J. Page Hopps, who regarded Mr. Morris as solace which they once had and always should have. their careers within the company an angel who bad lost his way. He thought the Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Thus the work, some share of which should have been Michael Gerard’s on 2008-01-14. the helpful companion of every man, bad become such a theories expounded by him were entirely Anu’s feast burden, which every man if he could, would shake off. impracticable for this world, but notwithstanding A social evening & fund raiser. Come The mere bodily or material gain of the present system that he did not agree with him he seconded the vote and enjoy an Indian meal (vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Licensed bar. did not balance the loss of pleasure it had brought on the of thanks with much pleasure. — The motion was Entertainment by the Magic Prince. world, for the contrast between rich and poor was more carried unanimously, and the meeting then SNIPPETS Tickets: £10 (50 places only) Book on intensified, and they had in England the terrible terminated." (National Secular Society) 07989when the Church can afford to pay Bible Ingredients spectacle of two peoples — one civilised and the other from Gillian Lighton uncivilised. In the face of this be claimed that it was right Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 26 January 1884 and necessary that all men should have work to do which should be worth doing, be of itself pleasant to do, and which should be done under such conditions as would make it neither over-wearisome nor over- anxious. He Cathedrals did not consider that an exorbitant claim, but if conceded L.SA.SS. BI oParLdE RAeSpoErt it would bring about a state of things as nearly as possible However, Ed says that it is hard to tell whether £22.9 Hamish Whiteley billion is the actual total. The problem is that each the reverse of the present. First the work should be worth The Secular Hall doing. At present masses of men were occupied in charity is a separate organisation and there is no single Scaffolding will be going up as work begins on the roof making things which were embarrassing or superfluous list available of just Church of England charities. He of the Secular Hall. This will renew flashing, tiles and to the daily life of a serious man, whilst others were was only able to come across new ones by luck. He pointing. A new roof light is also to be added to the stair engaged on things which were not merely useless but found that the Trust For London charity, which well. actively destructive and poisonous, but which manages the London Church Fund had assets of commanded a good price in the market; and again there £292,003,000. He was not sure whether to include it. New air bricks are being installed at the front of the was a great mass of labour merely wasted. All so engaged Then there are the cathedrals. Which brings us to back building to meet the safety requirements for air Serving Size 1 Book were slaves of what was called luxury. If they were to to our starting point. The total assets of all the supplied to the boiler. have popular art they must be done with that luxury, as cathedrals are £1.1billion, of which Leicester Cathedral 2017 Lecture Programme Amount Per Serving art could not live beside it. As the people were forced into has £2,785,444 . A Volunteer is being sought to help organise the future % Daily Value Hidden in Plain Sight lecture programme. If you are interested please contact Andrew Nunn, the of Southwalk cathedral, Gillian Lighton claims to be worried about its future, but the Diocese of Primary School Assemblies Southwark has assets of £231,000,000 and an income of A local school is seeking someone to talk about Recipes £21,447,000 in 2014. Surely he can use these funds? Alas Humanism to school assemblies. If you are interested no, despite being the 'mother please contact Anthony Matthew church' of Southwark it has no call on diocese funds. from the National Secular Society Darwin Day 2017 The cathedral has been placed in a separate charity Some guerilla action at the Clock Tower is being called the Southwark Cathedral charity, exempt from mooted. listing with the Charity Commission. Security Gush Bhumbra Does this charity have money? Yes it does; the treasure chest for Southwark Cathedral currently stands at Following an incident at the shop, video footage from £17,106,939, plus a further £430,913 in separate but the Hall’s CCTV has been supplied to the police. linked charitable funds. Andrew Nunn knows this Planning since he is a charity trustee and member of the finance It was agreed to oppose the planning application for 2 committee. Yeoman Street Can the Church afford to pay? You’re Niqabbed! With assets of more than £22 billion the Church of England would seem richer than many of us would The Leicestershire Chief Constable says he will have believed. Of course if you distribute this money consider letting police officers wear a face veil on across thousands of charities it can be hidden in plain duty. This was in response to a letter from the sight. If you move high maintenance properties into president of the Secular Society, Gush Bhumbra, to their own separate charities you can also request the police commissioner Lord Bach. government support pleading poverty. But is this the Gush wrote following a report that the West way a moral church should behave? Midlands Police are prepared to permit police Leicester officers to cover their faces as part of their normal SECULAR HALL NEWS uniform due to some perceived religious 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 4 6 C h a r t i s t L e a d e r SECULARIST observance N e x t E d i t i o n a n d P o e t Gush asked for confirmation that this will not Author of: happen in Leicestershire and that all officers will Britannia’s Sons, Though Slaves Ye Be The next copy deadline is Friday 29th January 2016. We be plainly recognisable with uncovered faces welcome new articles, letters, jokes, poems, news, cartoons, etc. You can send via the Hall or email: when carrying out their normal everyday duties.. [email protected] In 2009, the Leicestershire police incorporated the Please include photos where you have them. Aim to hijab into the police uniform for female officers on write less than 700 words, although longer articles may patrol in the hopes that more Muslim women will be accepted if appropriate. Please ensure they are apply to the force. The hijab is plain black and submitted well ahead of the deadline. made out of flame-retardant material and is worn VOLUNTEERS NEEDED below a standard police hat. Sunday evenings Leicester Secularist 13 We still need some more help on Sunday evenings so that current volunteers can sometimes get the chance to talk to other members, take a break (or even retire!) In particular we need someone to be willing to make the tea and help stack the dishwasher at the end of meetings. This would be on an occasional basis. S E C U L A R W O R L D N E W S Lettings from the National Secular Society The company is known under the Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; name of The Markfield Institute mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a Of Higher Education. The firm moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. first started 7 years ago and was Within two weeks of the novel's publication registered under 06471324 as its Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and reg. no.. This registered office of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its this company is located in offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no Leicestershire. You may visit them statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the at Ratby Lane, Markfield. The novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, making those things they lest the very foundations company is classified under the Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be of that pleasure in daily work which be claimed as NACe and SiC code 85422 - Post- banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the their birthright. Before they could clear the ground graduate level higher education. novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South for the new birth of art they must re- move that 2014-12-31 is the last time Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, system of luxury, and other changes would follow. company accounts were reported. Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in He questioned whether the well-to-do classes The Markfield Institute Of Higher banning the novel over the next few months. Peaceful could do that. The commerce they had become so Education has been operating in protests against the blasphemy of the novel were also held proud of was their master, and they were the field for seven years. in London, Bradford, Islamabad, Tehran, Bombay, New compelled to admit not that commerce was made The firm was registered as a York, Dhaka, Istanbul and Khartoum in this period; some of for man, but that man was made for commerce. charity on 2008-09-12. It is these turned violent as the protesters clashed with the They could only put luxury from them and live Islamic Foundation registered under charity number authorities, and these clashes resulted in numerous deaths simple and decent lives when they were free from The Islamic Foundation is Britain’s leading publisher of books 1125851. The geographic range of and hundreds of injuries. the slavery of capitalist commerce. He could written by Abdul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, the charity's area of benefit is On the 21st of October British Muslims handed over a conceive of nothing more likely to raise the a violent Islamist movement responsible for acts of genocide undefined. in practice, local. They petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to standard of life than the convincing of some during Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence. Lord Carlile, in work in Leicestershire. The Viking/Penguin calling for the withdrawal of the novel, the thousands of those who live by labour of the his government paper on preventing violent extremism, noted corporate trustees committee publishing company responded by stating that the offence necessity of supporting the claim that their work that Mawdudi was a key influence in the radicalisation of young features six members: Syed has been due to a "misreading of the book", and that any should be of itself pleasant to do. That most men's British Muslims. In one of his books, Islamic Law and Faiyazuddin Ahmad, Abdul Majid moves to cease publication of the novel would be "wholly work should be grievous to them was a mere Constitution, Mawdudi wrote that his ideal state would bear “a Chowdhury, Professor Khurshid inconsistent with our position as a serious publisher who monstrosity of these latter days, which must in the kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states.” Ahmad, Abdur Rashid Siddiqui believes in freedom of expression" (Letter and press long run bring ruin and confusion on the society In 2013, the former Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, and Farooq Murad, and others. As statement issued by Penguin reprinted in Ahsan and which allowed it. Then, again, he contended that Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was convicted by a war crimes for the charity's financial situation, Kidwai, Sacrilege versus Civility, Appendix 1, pp.318-20). nothing should be made by man's labour which tribunal for his role in the 1971 abduction and murder of 18 their best time was in 2011 when Two more events took place that have now come to was not worth making, or which must be made by Bangladeshi intellectuals. The Foundation’s current Chairman, their income was 961,911 pounds characterise the Muslim position in the Rushdie Affair. The labour degrading to the makers. The one thing to be Khurshid Ahmad – formerly the Vice President of Jamaat-e- and they spent 759,839 pounds. first of these was the symbolic burning of a copy of The done to bring about this social revolution was to Islami’s Pakistan branch – wrote in 2003 that the areas of The charity engages in training Satanic Verses by Muslims protesters in Bradford on the make people far and wide see that it was possible to Afghanistan controlled by the “refulgent and splendid” Taliban and education and training and 14th of January 1989. This event gave license to Western raise the standard of life. No one who was willing to “had become the cradle of justice and peace,” and further education. It works to the benefit critics to portray Muslims as barbaric and uncultured, as work should ever fear want of such employment as warned of the “implication of Europe’s being in the clasp of of all the people, the whole Rana Kabbani observes in A Letter to Christendom, the would earn for him all due necessaries of mind and Jews.” The following year, the Times of London reported that mankind. It tries to help the above event "matched the traditional Western image of them, Socialism and Art.— body. Those necessaries were a chance of capacity two Islamic Foundation trustees were included in the UN’s beneficiaries by providing specific making it easy to label them as primitive fanatics not for bis work by due education, decency of On Wednesday evening Mr. W. Morris, of London, gave a sanctions list of persons associated with the Taliban and al- services and providing various civilised enough to appreciate the value of free speech" surroundings, including good lodging, ample lecture in the Secular Hall on the above subject to a fairly Qaeda. services. If you would like to learn (Rana Kabbani, A Letter to Christendom, Virago, London: space, and general order and beauty. Houses large audience. — Mr. T. Wright occupied the chair, and something more about the 1989, pp. 8-9). The image of the burning book has come to should be well built and healthy, and there must be Another of the Islamic Foundation’s trustees is Abdullah Omar in introducing the lecturer said that he was more than a enterprise's activity, dial them on represent Islam's intolerance, and it is therefore significant abundant garden space in towns. Towns must not Nassief, formerly the Secretary-General of the Muslim World poet— he was a great worker and a great thinker on the the following number 01530 that two major studies of the Affair, Appignanesi and eat op the fields and natural features ot the country, League. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Muslim subject on which he was to lecture.— In the course of his 244922 or go to their website. If Maitland's The Rushdie File, and Ruthvan Malise's A and no one, for instance, should be allowed to cut address Mr. Morris first directed attention to the relative you would like to learn something Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam - the down trees for mere profit whose loss would spoil a positions of art and commerce, meaning by the latter more about the enterprise's title is itself revealing - have front covers that show burning landscape. The third necessity was leisure. The word the present system of competitive labour in the activity, mail them on the copies of The Satanic Verses. This event was followed by the market. He contended that whereas art used in early leisure workmen had a right to claim must be ample following e-mail days to hold supremacy over commerce, latterly to allow them full rest for mind and body. These [email protected] or go to commerce had come to be considered of great conditions could not be obtained under the present their website. gospel of capital, but who knew but that the time importance and art of very little. That he believed to be a The information regarding this might be near, and that those who were now living serious evil, for to his mind it meant that the world of specific company's staff members might see the beginning of that end which would modern civilisation, in its haste to gain a very inequitably suggests there are six directors: extinguish luxury and poverty, when the middle divided material prosperity, had suppressed popular art. Farooq Salman Murad, Abdul and lower classes should have melted into one In other words the greater part of the people bad no share Rashid Siddiqui, Zahid Ali Parvez class, living contentedly a simple and happy life ?— in art, which must, as things were now, be kept in the NATIONAL NEWS and 3 other members of the A short discussion followed.— The Chairman hands of a few rich or well- to-do people. In losing art he from the National Secular Society Management Board who might be proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Morris for his able contended that the people, who worked as hard as ever found within the Company Staff and instructive address, which was seconded by they did, had lost the natural solace of that labour— a section of our website who started the Rev. J. Page Hopps, who regarded Mr. Morris as solace which they once had and always should have. their careers within the company an angel who bad lost his way. He thought the Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Thus the work, some share of which should have been Michael Gerard’s on 2008-01-14. the helpful companion of every man, bad become such a theories expounded by him were entirely Anu’s feast burden, which every man if he could, would shake off. impracticable for this world, but notwithstanding A social evening & fund raiser. Come The mere bodily or material gain of the present system that he did not agree with him he seconded the vote and enjoy an Indian meal (vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Licensed bar. did not balance the loss of pleasure it had brought on the of thanks with much pleasure. — The motion was Entertainment by the Magic Prince. world, for the contrast between rich and poor was more carried unanimously, and the meeting then SNIPPETS Tickets: £10 (50 places only) Book on intensified, and they had in England the terrible terminated." (National Secular Society) 07989when the Church can afford to pay Bible Ingredients spectacle of two peoples — one civilised and the other from Gillian Lighton uncivilised. In the face of this be claimed that it was right Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 26 January 1884 and necessary that all men should have work to do which should be worth doing, be of itself pleasant to do, and which should be done under such conditions as would make it neither over-wearisome nor over- anxious. He John Catt did not consider that an exorbitant claim, but if conceded it would bring about a state of things as nearly as possible KINKY SEX AT THE SECULAR HALL the reverse of the present. First the work should be worth doing. At present masses of men were occupied in What School and Church won’t teach you making things which were embarrassing or superfluous to the daily life of a serious man, whilst others were John Pendal gave a very entertaining just a part of the spectrum of what, in engaged on things which were not merely useless but and thought-provoking talk on the final analysis, is rather weird actively destructive and poisonous, but which Sunday 10th July 2016. human behaviour. He pointed out commanded a good price in the market; and again there John is a gay comedian and an that much of this behaviour either was a great mass of labour merely wasted. All so engaged advocate for sexual liberty. He grew produces an endorphins rush (such Serving Size 1 Book were slaves of what was called luxury. If they were to up in a religious family that was part as that experienced from strong have popular art they must be done with that luxury, as of a strict Baptist Church which physical exercise such as running, Amount Per Serving art could not live beside it. As the people were forced into could not accept that homosexuality cycling or swimming) or an % Daily Value was anything more than a life choice. a d r e n a l i n r u s h c a u s e d b y When he declared that he was gay, undertaking what are perceived as but intended to remain celibate, he high risk behaviours, such as riding was still expelled from the Church. on a roller coaster or bungee Recipes jumping. Why do we regard slightly He gradually moved into the gay weird sex as being unacceptable community and found he had a while accepting running or bungee propensity for leather, becoming from the National Secular Society jumping as being perfectly normal? involved in that scene. He won the Why can indulging in sex outside Mr Hoist title in 2003, the prize being the normal range of behaviours be that he was sponsored to enter the considered a mental illness when Gush Bhumbra 25th annual International Mr other equally strange hobbies are Leather contest in Chicago in May not? 2003, which he also won. It turns out John Pendal that the contest is about finding the Criminalisation convictions were not overturned. The person most able to act as an John also highlighted how the law convictions were upheld by both the ambassador for those who like to discriminates against those who House of Lords and the European indulge in leather. John took the year wish to indulge in unorthodox sex. Court of Human Rights. The trust off work travelling to events full time In the early 1990's sixteen gay men now has the task of trying to change from July 2003 to June 2004, covering were prosecuted for private, the law. 100,000 miles and visiting 28 cities in consensual S/M play under the Safety the US, Europe and Canada, while "Offences Against the Person Act raising money for charities. 1861" (R v. Brown). None had Currently it is illegal in England, Consent required medical treatment and all Wales and Northern Ireland to believed that they were innocent as engage in any activities for sexual J o h n e m p h a s i s e d t h a t t h e they had consented throughout. pleasure which result in an injury sado/masochistic (S/M) scene was However, the judge decided that other than "transient or trifling". Even very much based on consent and he "sexual pleasure" was not a good a love-bite is technically illegal. This SECULAR HALL NEWS Leicester felt that this was an area that was not enough reason for people to be able means that S/M players are still at risk 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 4 6 sufficiently covered in what most SECULARIST to consent to an assault, and so he of arrest and prosecution. It restricts C h a r t i s t L e a d e r schools teach within sex education. a n d P o e t N e x t E d i t i o n wouldn't allow consent as a defence. S/M education (increasing the danger He put great emphasis on the need Author of: Consequently the men pleaded that people will injure themselves for everyone to understand that Britannia’s Sons, Though Slaves Ye Be The next copy deadline is Friday 29th January 2016. We guilty and were sentenced to up to during play) while making it difficult consent is always provisional, can be welcome new articles, letters, jokes, poems, news, four and a half years in prison. for S/M players to get medical revoked at any time and must always cartoons, etc. You can send via the Hall or email: attention if there is a problem. It also be respected. Many people The police investigation was called [email protected] enhances the prejudices against those (including just about all who "Operation Spanner" and a defence Please include photos where you have them. Aim to in the S/M community, driving the produce pornography) seem to fund was set up and trustees write less than 700 words, although longer articles may scene underground and making it regard initial consent as sufficient. appointed to what became the be accepted if appropriate. Please ensure they are h a r d e r f o r e s s e n t i a l s a f e t y submitted well ahead of the deadline. This is something we need to change. Spanner Trust. An appeal resulted in VOLUNTEERS NEEDED r e d u c e d s e n t e n c e s b u t t h e information (such as the difference The point was made that S/M sex is between S/M and abuse) to be Sunday evenings Leicester Secularist 14 We still need some more help on Sunday evenings so that current volunteers can sometimes get the chance to talk to other members, take a break (or even retire!) In particular we need someone to be willing to make the tea and help stack the dishwasher at the end of meetings. This would be on an occasional basis. S E C U L A R W O R L D N E W S Lettings from the National Secular Society The company is known under the Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; name of The Markfield Institute mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a Of Higher Education. The firm moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. first started 7 years ago and was Within two weeks of the novel's publication registered under 06471324 as its Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and reg. no.. This registered office of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its this company is located in offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no Leicestershire. You may visit them statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the at Ratby Lane, Markfield. The novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, making those things they lest the very foundations company is classified under the Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be of that pleasure in daily work which be claimed as NACe and SiC code 85422 - Post- banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the their birthright. Before they could clear the ground graduate level higher education. novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South for the new birth of art they must re- move that 2014-12-31 is the last time Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, system of luxury, and other changes would follow. company accounts were reported. Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in He questioned whether the well-to-do classes The Markfield Institute Of Higher banning the novel over the next few months. Peaceful could do that. The commerce they had become so Education has been operating in protests against the blasphemy of the novel were also held proud of was their master, and they were the field for seven years. in London, Bradford, Islamabad, Tehran, Bombay, New compelled to admit not that commerce was made The firm was registered as a York, Dhaka, Istanbul and Khartoum in this period; some of for man, but that man was made for commerce. charity on 2008-09-12. It is these turned violent as the protesters clashed with the They could only put luxury from them and live Islamic Foundation registered under charity number authorities, and these clashes resulted in numerous deaths simple and decent lives when they were free from The Islamic Foundation is Britain’s leading publisher of books 1125851. The geographic range of and hundreds of injuries. the slavery of capitalist commerce. He could written by Abdul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, the charity's area of benefit is On the 21st of October British Muslims handed over a conceive of nothing more likely to raise the a violent Islamist movement responsible for acts of genocide undefined. in practice, local. They petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to standard of life than the convincing of some during Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence. Lord Carlile, in work in Leicestershire. The Viking/Penguin calling for the withdrawal of the novel, the thousands of those who live by labour of the his government paper on preventing violent extremism, noted corporate trustees committee publishing company responded by stating that the offence necessity of supporting the claim that their work that Mawdudi was a key influence in the radicalisation of young features six members: Syed has been due to a "misreading of the book", and that any should be of itself pleasant to do. That most men's British Muslims. In one of his books, Islamic Law and Faiyazuddin Ahmad, Abdul Majid moves to cease publication of the novel would be "wholly work should be grievous to them was a mere Constitution, Mawdudi wrote that his ideal state would bear “a Chowdhury, Professor Khurshid inconsistent with our position as a serious publisher who monstrosity of these latter days, which must in the kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states.” Ahmad, Abdur Rashid Siddiqui believes in freedom of expression" (Letter and press long run bring ruin and confusion on the society In 2013, the former Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, and Farooq Murad, and others. As statement issued by Penguin reprinted in Ahsan and which allowed it. Then, again, he contended that Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was convicted by a war crimes for the charity's financial situation, Kidwai, Sacrilege versus Civility, Appendix 1, pp.318-20). nothing should be made by man's labour which tribunal for his role in the 1971 abduction and murder of 18 their best time was in 2011 when Two more events took place that have now come to was not worth making, or which must be made by Bangladeshi intellectuals. The Foundation’s current Chairman, their income was 961,911 pounds characterise the Muslim position in the Rushdie Affair. The labour degrading to the makers. The one thing to be Khurshid Ahmad – formerly the Vice President of Jamaat-e- and they spent 759,839 pounds. first of these was the symbolic burning of a copy of The done to bring about this social revolution was to Islami’s Pakistan branch – wrote in 2003 that the areas of The charity engages in training Satanic Verses by Muslims protesters in Bradford on the make people far and wide see that it was possible to Afghanistan controlled by the “refulgent and splendid” Taliban and education and training and 14th of January 1989. This event gave license to Western raise the standard of life. No one who was willing to “had become the cradle of justice and peace,” and further education. It works to the benefit critics to portray Muslims as barbaric and uncultured, as work should ever fear want of such employment as warned of the “implication of Europe’s being in the clasp of of all the people, the whole Rana Kabbani observes in A Letter to Christendom, the would earn for him all due necessaries of mind and Jews.” The following year, the Times of London reported that mankind. It tries to help the above event "matched the traditional Western image of them, Socialism and Art.— body. Those necessaries were a chance of capacity two Islamic Foundation trustees were included in the UN’s beneficiaries by providing specific making it easy to label them as primitive fanatics not for bis work by due education, decency of On Wednesday evening Mr. W. Morris, of London, gave a sanctions list of persons associated with the Taliban and al- services and providing various civilised enough to appreciate the value of free speech" surroundings, including good lodging, ample lecture in the Secular Hall on the above subject to a fairly Qaeda. services. If you would like to learn (Rana Kabbani, A Letter to Christendom, Virago, London: space, and general order and beauty. Houses large audience. — Mr. T. Wright occupied the chair, and something more about the 1989, pp. 8-9). The image of the burning book has come to should be well built and healthy, and there must be Another of the Islamic Foundation’s trustees is Abdullah Omar in introducing the lecturer said that he was more than a enterprise's activity, dial them on represent Islam's intolerance, and it is therefore significant abundant garden space in towns. Towns must not Nassief, formerly the Secretary-General of the Muslim World poet— he was a great worker and a great thinker on the the following number 01530 that two major studies of the Affair, Appignanesi and eat op the fields and natural features ot the country, League. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Muslim subject on which he was to lecture.— In the course of his 244922 or go to their website. If Maitland's The Rushdie File, and Ruthvan Malise's A and no one, for instance, should be allowed to cut address Mr. Morris first directed attention to the relative you would like to learn something Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam - the down trees for mere profit whose loss would spoil a positions of art and commerce, meaning by the latter more about the enterprise's title is itself revealing - have front covers that show burning landscape. The third necessity was leisure. The word the present system of competitive labour in the activity, mail them on the copies of The Satanic Verses. This event was followed by the market. He contended that whereas art used in early leisure workmen had a right to claim must be ample following e-mail days to hold supremacy over commerce, latterly to allow them full rest for mind and body. These [email protected] or go to commerce had come to be considered of great conditions could not be obtained under the present their website. gospel of capital, but who knew but that the time importance and art of very little. That he believed to be a The information regarding this might be near, and that those who were now living serious evil, for to his mind it meant that the world of specific company's staff members might see the beginning of that end which would modern civilisation, in its haste to gain a very inequitably suggests there are six directors: extinguish luxury and poverty, when the middle divided material prosperity, had suppressed popular art. Farooq Salman Murad, Abdul and lower classes should have melted into one In other words the greater part of the people bad no share Rashid Siddiqui, Zahid Ali Parvez class, living contentedly a simple and happy life ?— in art, which must, as things were now, be kept in the NATIONAL NEWS and 3 other members of the A short discussion followed.— The Chairman hands of a few rich or well- to-do people. In losing art he from the National Secular Society Management Board who might be proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Morris for his able contended that the people, who worked as hard as ever found within the Company Staff and instructive address, which was seconded by they did, had lost the natural solace of that labour— a section of our website who started the Rev. J. Page Hopps, who regarded Mr. Morris as solace which they once had and always should have. their careers within the company an angel who bad lost his way. He thought the Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Thus the work, some share of which should have been Michael Gerard’s on 2008-01-14. the helpful companion of every man, bad become such a theories expounded by him were entirely Anu’s feast burden, which every man if he could, would shake off. impracticable for this world, but notwithstanding A social evening & fund raiser. Come The mere bodily or material gain of the present system that he did not agree with him he seconded the vote and enjoy an Indian meal (vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Licensed bar. did not balance the loss of pleasure it had brought on the of thanks with much pleasure. — The motion was Entertainment by the Magic Prince. world, for the contrast between rich and poor was more carried unanimously, and the meeting then SNIPPETS Tickets: £10 (50 places only) Book on intensified, and they had in England the terrible terminated." (National Secular Society) 07989when the Church can afford to pay Bible Ingredients spectacle of two peoples — one civilised and the other from Gillian Lighton uncivilised. In the face of this be claimed that it was right Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 26 January 1884 and necessary that all men should have work to do which should be worth doing, be of itself pleasant to do, and which should be done under such conditions as would make it neither over-wearisome nor over- anxious. He continued from pare 14 Grant Denkinson did not consider that an exorbitant claim, but if conceded it would bring about a state of things as nearly as possible Purple Prose: Bisexuality in Britain disseminated widely. S/M activities the reverse of the present. First the work should be worth can also be used against people in doing. At present masses of men were occupied in You might think bisexuality was Kate Harrad noticed that there had custody court cases, or lead to making things which were embarrassing or superfluous pretty much normal by now. Alfred not been a mainstream U.K. book blackmail or the loss of jobs. to the daily life of a serious man, whilst others were Kinsey's work in 1940s and 50s about bisexuality and bisexuals for engaged on things which were not merely useless but In addition, bad laws spread from showed that many people fall on a over twenty years and thought actively destructive and poisonous, but which country to country. The Spanner spectrum rather than being there should be. She gathered a commanded a good price in the market; and again there verdict has been quoted in trials in at exclusively involved with people of group of us to write and collate was a great mass of labour merely wasted. All so engaged least three other countries as an the same or different sex. Fritz Klein words and some cartoons about all Serving Size 1 Book were slaves of what was called luxury. If they were to example of where a government can built on this work looking at aspects of contemporary bi life in have popular art they must be done with that luxury, as over-rule your right to consent. In multiple dimensions of identity, clear language. I worked with Juliet Amount Per Serving art could not live beside it. As the people were forced into America it was quoted during the attraction and behaviour. Modern Kemp on a chapter on non- % Daily Value Texas sodomy trial as evidence that it bisexual community organising has m o n o g a m i e s s i n c e va r i o u s was acceptable for a government to been going on since the early 1970's relationship shapes and agreements stop people having the kind of sex and is well established in U.K. with are supported within bi community they wanted - even if the sex was events such as the national whether monogamous, some form Recipes private, consensual and caused no gathering for bi people and our of open relationship or not being in harm. friends and allies "BiCon" going a r e l a t i o n s h i p a t a l l . Anomolies strong since 1984 (three times in We couldn't find a U.K. publisher from the National Secular Society Currently the law appears to be Leicester) and the family friendly willing to take on the book; some anomalous. In the court cases seen to social Big Bi Fun Day happening saying it was a niche market. We date there have been three different exclusively in Leicester for seven think there is a place for such a work types of verdicts: years. About half of young people so we successfully crowdfunded Gush Bhumbra professional publication by - For S/M play within a heterosexual recently surveyed in UK said they Thorntree Press in U.S.. We married couple, only the male identify as neither gay or straight. collaborated mainly online to get (active) partner was prosecuted and S t i l l w e g e t i n c r e a s i n g l y the personal stories and quotes, he was acquitted. The judge said that marginalised but still loud (and in discussion, poems, cartoons and a man branding a woman with a the case of CofE establishment even a little advice together and knife was "acceptable behaviour stamped) religious voices telling Kate edited it all together as a within marriage". some of us we are "wrong" for who coherent whole. For S/M play between an unmarried we love and who we fancy. Still we The book is called Purple Prose: heterosexual couple, only the male get the replication of tired Bisexuality in Britain. It was (active) partner was prosecuted and stereotypes rather than real bi lives published at the start of September he was found guilty. in all of their complexity. Still we get not just missed out but actively 2016 and is available on paper or For S/M play between gay men both erased by people who attempt to fit electronically via good bookshops the active and passive participants a fuzzy world into a couple of clear as they say, online or you could ask were prosecuted and ALL were boxes marked "gay" and "straight" your library to get you a copy to found guilty. The passive players Bi people as a group have some of read. By the time you read this we SECULAR HALL NEWS Leicester were prosecuted for "aiding and the worst wellbeing on various would have been at Leicester LGBT 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 4 6 abetting an assault against SECULARIST measures and that simply is not OK Pride with the book and at the time C h a r t i s t L e a d e r themselves"! a n d P o e t N e x t E d i t i o n and shows the effect of continuing of writing I am also planning a Bi John hopes that the Spanner Trust Visibility Day event at Leicester Author of: prejudice I think. Britannia’s Sons, Though Slaves Ye Be The next copy deadline is Friday 29th January 2016. We will be able to use the 1998 Human While many other media proliferate LGBT Centre on Friday 23rd welcome new articles, letters, jokes, poems, news, Rights Act to pursue a claim in the there is something special about a September from 12 noon to 2pm cartoons, etc. You can send via the Hall or email: High Court that the Spanner decision book I would say. A portable, with a writer and one of the [email protected] (R v Brown) is contrary to the Human private if you want, persistent, founders of the Bis of Colour group. Please include photos where you have them. Aim to Rights Act, thereby forcing a change accessible and shareable, good If you are interested in bisexuality, I write less than 700 words, although longer articles may in the law. To do that they will need sized collated collection of recommend reading Purple Prose, be accepted if appropriate. Please ensure they are claimants (people willing to come thoughts, experiences, narrative or but I would say that, wouldn't I? submitted well ahead of the deadline. forward and say they are at risk of VOLUNTEERS NEEDED the like. Grant Denkinson prosecution) and money. Sunday evenings Leicester Secularist 15 We still need some more help on Sunday evenings so that current volunteers can sometimes get the chance to talk to other members, take a break (or even retire!) In particular we need someone to be willing to make the tea and help stack the dishwasher at the end of meetings. This would be on an occasional basis. S E C U L A R W O R L D N E W S Lettings from the National Secular Society The company is known under the Thirty people have died because of The Satanic Verses; name of The Markfield Institute mainly protesters but also translators of the novel and a Of Higher Education. The firm moderate Imam in Belgium who spoke against the fatwa. first started 7 years ago and was Within two weeks of the novel's publication registered under 06471324 as its Viking/Penguin had received thousands of letters and reg. no.. This registered office of phone calls requesting the novel to be withdrawn due to its this company is located in offensive nature - which they chose to ignore, issuing no Leicestershire. You may visit them statements. On the ninth day after the publication of the at Ratby Lane, Markfield. The novel, on the 5th of October 1988, the Government of India, making those things they lest the very foundations company is classified under the Rushdie's country of birth, announced that it would be of that pleasure in daily work which be claimed as NACe and SiC code 85422 - Post- banned in that country - much to the author's dismay, as the their birthright. Before they could clear the ground graduate level higher education. novel is partly directed to it. Bangladesh, Sudan, South for the new birth of art they must re- move that 2014-12-31 is the last time Africa, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Thailand, Tanzania, Indonesia, system of luxury, and other changes would follow. company accounts were reported. Singapore and Venezuela followed India's example in He questioned whether the well-to-do classes The Markfield Institute Of Higher banning the novel over the next few months. Peaceful could do that. The commerce they had become so Education has been operating in protests against the blasphemy of the novel were also held proud of was their master, and they were the field for seven years. in London, Bradford, Islamabad, Tehran, Bombay, New compelled to admit not that commerce was made The firm was registered as a York, Dhaka, Istanbul and Khartoum in this period; some of for man, but that man was made for commerce. charity on 2008-09-12. It is these turned violent as the protesters clashed with the They could only put luxury from them and live Islamic Foundation registered under charity number authorities, and these clashes resulted in numerous deaths simple and decent lives when they were free from The Islamic Foundation is Britain’s leading publisher of books 1125851. The geographic range of and hundreds of injuries. the slavery of capitalist commerce. He could written by Abdul Ala Mawdudi, the founder of Jamaat-e-Islami, the charity's area of benefit is On the 21st of October British Muslims handed over a conceive of nothing more likely to raise the a violent Islamist movement responsible for acts of genocide undefined. in practice, local. They petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures to standard of life than the convincing of some during Bangladesh’s 1971 War of Independence. Lord Carlile, in work in Leicestershire. The Viking/Penguin calling for the withdrawal of the novel, the thousands of those who live by labour of the his government paper on preventing violent extremism, noted corporate trustees committee publishing company responded by stating that the offence necessity of supporting the claim that their work that Mawdudi was a key influence in the radicalisation of young features six members: Syed has been due to a "misreading of the book", and that any should be of itself pleasant to do. That most men's British Muslims. In one of his books, Islamic Law and Faiyazuddin Ahmad, Abdul Majid moves to cease publication of the novel would be "wholly work should be grievous to them was a mere Constitution, Mawdudi wrote that his ideal state would bear “a Chowdhury, Professor Khurshid inconsistent with our position as a serious publisher who monstrosity of these latter days, which must in the kind of resemblance to the fascist and communist states.” Ahmad, Abdur Rashid Siddiqui believes in freedom of expression" (Letter and press long run bring ruin and confusion on the society In 2013, the former Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Foundation, and Farooq Murad, and others. As statement issued by Penguin reprinted in Ahsan and which allowed it. Then, again, he contended that Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was convicted by a war crimes for the charity's financial situation, Kidwai, Sacrilege versus Civility, Appendix 1, pp.318-20). nothing should be made by man's labour which tribunal for his role in the 1971 abduction and murder of 18 their best time was in 2011 when Two more events took place that have now come to was not worth making, or which must be made by Bangladeshi intellectuals. The Foundation’s current Chairman, their income was 961,911 pounds characterise the Muslim position in the Rushdie Affair. The labour degrading to the makers. The one thing to be Khurshid Ahmad – formerly the Vice President of Jamaat-e- and they spent 759,839 pounds. first of these was the symbolic burning of a copy of The done to bring about this social revolution was to Islami’s Pakistan branch – wrote in 2003 that the areas of The charity engages in training Satanic Verses by Muslims protesters in Bradford on the make people far and wide see that it was possible to Afghanistan controlled by the “refulgent and splendid” Taliban and education and training and 14th of January 1989. This event gave license to Western raise the standard of life. No one who was willing to “had become the cradle of justice and peace,” and further education. It works to the benefit critics to portray Muslims as barbaric and uncultured, as work should ever fear want of such employment as warned of the “implication of Europe’s being in the clasp of of all the people, the whole Rana Kabbani observes in A Letter to Christendom, the would earn for him all due necessaries of mind and Jews.” The following year, the Times of London reported that mankind. It tries to help the above event "matched the traditional Western image of them, Socialism and Art.— body. Those necessaries were a chance of capacity two Islamic Foundation trustees were included in the UN’s beneficiaries by providing specific making it easy to label them as primitive fanatics not for bis work by due education, decency of On Wednesday evening Mr. W. Morris, of London, gave a sanctions list of persons associated with the Taliban and al- services and providing various civilised enough to appreciate the value of free speech" surroundings, including good lodging, ample lecture in the Secular Hall on the above subject to a fairly Qaeda. services. If you would like to learn (Rana Kabbani, A Letter to Christendom, Virago, London: space, and general order and beauty. Houses large audience. — Mr. T. Wright occupied the chair, and something more about the 1989, pp. 8-9). The image of the burning book has come to should be well built and healthy, and there must be Another of the Islamic Foundation’s trustees is Abdullah Omar in introducing the lecturer said that he was more than a enterprise's activity, dial them on represent Islam's intolerance, and it is therefore significant abundant garden space in towns. Towns must not Nassief, formerly the Secretary-General of the Muslim World poet— he was a great worker and a great thinker on the the following number 01530 that two major studies of the Affair, Appignanesi and eat op the fields and natural features ot the country, League. According to the Anti-Defamation League, the Muslim subject on which he was to lecture.— In the course of his 244922 or go to their website. If Maitland's The Rushdie File, and Ruthvan Malise's A and no one, for instance, should be allowed to cut address Mr. Morris first directed attention to the relative you would like to learn something Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Wrath of Islam - the down trees for mere profit whose loss would spoil a positions of art and commerce, meaning by the latter more about the enterprise's title is itself revealing - have front covers that show burning landscape. The third necessity was leisure. The word the present system of competitive labour in the activity, mail them on the copies of The Satanic Verses. This event was followed by the market. He contended that whereas art used in early leisure workmen had a right to claim must be ample following e-mail days to hold supremacy over commerce, latterly to allow them full rest for mind and body. These [email protected] or go to commerce had come to be considered of great conditions could not be obtained under the present their website. gospel of capital, but who knew but that the time importance and art of very little. That he believed to be a The information regarding this might be near, and that those who were now living serious evil, for to his mind it meant that the world of specific company's staff members might see the beginning of that end which would modern civilisation, in its haste to gain a very inequitably suggests there are six directors: extinguish luxury and poverty, when the middle divided material prosperity, had suppressed popular art. Farooq Salman Murad, Abdul and lower classes should have melted into one In other words the greater part of the people bad no share Rashid Siddiqui, Zahid Ali Parvez class, living contentedly a simple and happy life ?— in art, which must, as things were now, be kept in the NATIONAL NEWS and 3 other members of the A short discussion followed.— The Chairman hands of a few rich or well- to-do people. In losing art he from the National Secular Society Management Board who might be proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Morris for his able contended that the people, who worked as hard as ever found within the Company Staff and instructive address, which was seconded by they did, had lost the natural solace of that labour— a section of our website who started the Rev. J. Page Hopps, who regarded Mr. Morris as solace which they once had and always should have. their careers within the company an angel who bad lost his way. He thought the Sunday 27th November 6.30pm Thus the work, some share of which should have been Michael Gerard’s on 2008-01-14. the helpful companion of every man, bad become such a theories expounded by him were entirely Anu’s feast burden, which every man if he could, would shake off. impracticable for this world, but notwithstanding A social evening & fund raiser. Come The mere bodily or material gain of the present system that he did not agree with him he seconded the vote and enjoy an Indian meal (vegetarian and non-vegetarian). Licensed bar. did not balance the loss of pleasure it had brought on the of thanks with much pleasure. — The motion was Entertainment by the Magic Prince. world, for the contrast between rich and poor was more carried unanimously, and the meeting then SNIPPETS Tickets: £10 (50 places only) Book on intensified, and they had in England the terrible terminated." (National Secular Society) 07989when the Church can afford to pay Bible Ingredients spectacle of two peoples — one civilised and the other from Gillian Lighton uncivilised. In the face of this be claimed that it was right Leicester Chronicle - Saturday 26 January 1884 and necessary that all men should have work to do which should be worth doing, be of itself pleasant to do, and which should be done under such conditions as would make it neither over-wearisome nor over- anxious. He Secular Society Contacts Ancient Syrian did not consider that an exorbitant claim, but if conceded All can be reached by post via the poet attacked it would bring about a state of things as nearly as possible Hall address the reverse of the present. First the work should be worth President: Gush Bhumbra by Jihadists doing. At present masses of men were occupied in [email protected] Almost 1,000 years after his death, making things which were embarrassing or superfluous Chairperson: Anthony Matthew a statue of Abul Ala Al-Ma’arri to the daily life of a serious man, whilst others were [email protected] has been decapitated. Al-Ma’arri, engaged on things which were not merely useless but Membership Secretary/Treasurer (973-1057) was a remarkable blind actively destructive and poisonous, but which John Catt Arab poet and freethinker. Born in commanded a good price in the market; and again there Tel: 01509 211468 the Syrian city of Maʿarra, he was a great mass of labour merely wasted. All so engaged Serving Size 1 Book [email protected] studied in nearby Aleppo, then in were slaves of what was called luxury. If they were to Company Secretary: Tripoli and Antioch. Producing have popular art they must be done with that luxury, as Amount Per Serving Gillian Lighton popular poems in Baghdad. He art could not live beside it. As the people were forced into % Daily Value [email protected] wrote that: Hall bookings/maintenance ‘The inhabitants of the earth are of Mike Burden: two sorts: those with brains, but no Tel: 07722 782727 religion, and those with religion, but Recipes [email protected] no brains.’ Sculptor Fathi Muhammad in 1944 Events Coordinator: Gillian Lighton Al-Maʿarri taught that religion was with the statue of Abul Ala Al-Ma’arri Secularist Editor: Ned Newitt a "fable invented by the ancients", It is not suprising that Jihadists from from the National Secular Society [email protected] worthless except for those who the Al Nusra Front have attacked Library and archives exploit the credulous masses. statues of Abul Ala al-Maari across Gillian Lighton Do not suppose the statements of the northwestern Syria. In 2013, this [email protected] Gush Bhumbra prophets to be true; they are all armed group beheaded the bust of Keyholders: fabrications. Men lived comfortably the philosopher (shown above) in Mike Burden and Gillian Lighton till they came and spoiled life. The Maarat al-Nu’man, the town where Audio-visual kit sacred books are only such a set of he was born. Normally held by Mike Burden idle tales as any age could have and Pioneer indeed did actually produce. Leicester Secular Society Had our C19th Secularist forbears Registered Office: Beheaded k n o w n o f t h i s p i o n e e r o f Secular Hall, 75 Humberstone Gate, Al-Maʿarri criticized many of the Freethought, I am sure that would Leicester LE1 1WB dogmas of Islam and his religious have offered his bust a place on the Email: skepticism extended beyond Islam front of the Secular Hall. [email protected] towards Judaism and Christianity. Website: NN LSS is a company limited by guarantee religionswitch Disclaimer, Code of Conduct and Copyright SECULAR HALL NEWS Leicester The Leicester Secularist is a not-for-profit undertaking of Leicester Secular Society. 1 8 0 3 - 1 8 4 6 SECULARIST Please note that the views and proposals C h a r t i s t L e a d e r expressed in this journal are not necessarily should produce an annual a n d P o e t N e x t E d i t i o n those of the Editor or the Board of the Society, I hear on the news that switching statement to customers detailing Author of: and the Editor, the Society and its officers energy providers is to be made Britannia’s Sons, Though Slaves Ye Be The next copy deadline is Friday 29th January 2016. We accept no liability for views expressed. As the easier and switching banks is to be the number of confirmed divine welcome new articles, letters, jokes, poems, news, journal of a Freethought organisation any m a d e m o r e a t t r a c t i v e b y interventions and miracles as return cartoons, etc. You can send via the Hall or email: member’s views may be published subject to encouraging people to look at other on investment in prayer and the usual constraints of avoiding libel, opportunity cost of enjoyable sins [email protected] occasional editing to fit the space available and options and making switching Please include photos where you have them. Aim to intrinsic merit. easier. forgone. write less than 700 words, although longer articles may The contents may be reproduced at will unless I think it is high time we did the Some individuals may choose to go be accepted if appropriate. Please ensure they are the item is accompanied by a copyright symbol. same to make the market for "off grid" and provide their own submitted well ahead of the deadline. An acknowledgement of the source (for religions more competitive: Each spiritual power. original material) would be appreciated - with a VOLUNTEERS NEEDED link to the Society website. Grant Denkinson Sunday evenings Leicester Secularist 16 We still need some more help on Sunday evenings so that current volunteers can sometimes get the chance to talk to other members, take a break (or even retire!) In particular we need someone to be willing to make the tea and help stack the dishwasher at the end of meetings. This would be on an occasional basis. S E C U L A R W O R L D N E W S Lettings from the National Secular Society