Ice Manual, 914
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[CV ^^^fl^^lfi^^Q^l^i ICE MANUAL, 914. BATTALION. NARY FORCE.) NOTE, Field Service Manuals are not the authority for the supply of war outfit of units, The details, laid down in latest Mobilization Store Tables, Equipment Regulations, Clothing Regulations, &c., will be followed. _ IORITY OF MAJKSTVS STA.TIONKKY h-eetlv or thrr.uKh any Bookseller, from BKKAMS BoiLJ>iios, PaTTEB LANK E.G., and STrtRr.T. OAKOJ!;-", or or ID BRANCH), 23, FORTH STREET, EDINBURGH ; LIU, GR/vrro.v STBKET, Dcm.rv ; 1445 in rho British Colonies and D^peu'lenc; s, i G7G7 . .< i tlio 'oMtinent of Europe and Abroad of 1914 c. 1 HBP ROBA Price Threepence^ MILITARY BOOKS ^utb0ritjr. LONDON: PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE By HARRISON AND SONS. 45-47, ST. MARTIN'S LANK, W.C., PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO His MA.I To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYXIAN AND SONS, LTD., 20, BHF.AMS BUILDINGS, FETTKR LAM , K.C., and 54, ST. MARY STRKET, CARDIFF; or UM. STATIONERY OFFICE (SCOTTISH BRANCH). :>:?. FORTH STRKET, EDINBURGH ; or K. PONSONBY, LTD., 116, GRAFTON STREET, Drm.ix -, or from the Agencies in the British Colonies ;unl IV; the United States of America flu- Continent of Kurope uml Abroad of T. FISHER L'XWIN, LONDON, W.C. (The prices in brackets are those at which the books are obtainable, post free, by Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men, in the manner prescribed by the Regulations.) ABYSSINIA. Expedition to. 2 vols. and maps. 1870. Half Mor., 6 5*. Cloth, 4 4*. AFRICA. Continent of. Geology of . Notes on. 1906. 3*. (2*. 4dL) AMHARIC LANGUAGE. Short Manual of the. With Vocabulary. 1909. 5*. ANIMAL MANAGEMENT. 1908. Is. 6d. (L?. 4<i) ( ARABIC GRAMMAR. Two parts. 1887. (Sold to Officers only.) 10s. (10*. 6c7.) ARMOURERS, Instructions for, in the care, repair, browning, Ac., of Small " Arms, Machine Guns, Parapet" Carriages, andfor thecaro of Bicycles. I'.il2. Is. 6d. (Is. 4(7.) Ditto. 1912 An-. 1914. Kuch Id. Amendments. Aug. ; (Id.) ARMY ACCOUNTS. (Reprinted from TIIK AUMV KHVIKW, January. 1014.) :)(/. (3(7.) ARMY CIRCULARS AND ARMY ORDERS issued before Deo. ;'.!, 1892, which are still in force and required for reference. Keprint of May, 1896. 3d. (3d.) ARMY ORDERS. Monthly. Each 3d. (3(7.) ARMY ORDERS. Covers for. 9d. (9d) ARMY ENTRANCE Regulations: R.M. Academy. Admission to, from April 1, 1912. Id. (Id.) (Un< R.M. College. Ditto. Id. (Id.) (Ui>> Militia and Imperial Yeomanry. Officers of. 1907. Id. (1<7.) Special Reserve of Officers, Malta Militia, Bermuda Militia, Channel Islands Militia, and Territorial Force. Officers of the. 1912. Id. (\d.) I Diversity Candidates. 1912. Id. (Id.) Wo,) Military Forces of the Self-governing Dominions and Orowi Officers of t 1 I X. ''.(. ,,| fche I, , -nl;,r '!!(! l.i' lltfll.'l.llts. J'.'ll. l'j'n\ \^'\ Mill. \il. (!</.') alto Medical Keserve Territuiial Commission; Corps; (Special ; Veterinary Corps. MILITARY BOOKS, published by Authority continued. (As to prices in brackets, see top of page 2.) ARMY LIST. The Quarterly (not issued in October, 1914). Each 15.?. (10*. 6d.) ARMY LIST. Monthly. Each Is. 6d. (Is. 4d.) (fame syspeaded temporarily, *ec next if a,*,.} PROMOTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, &c., since the publication of the Army List for Au.inist., 1914, which was n>m->r,tod to July 31, 1014. [Printed i'n consequence <>f the. temporary suspension of the Monthly Array List.'! W. (6d.) Ditto. ]'.>14. 6d. Sopt-iii!):T | Ditto.) (7(7.) ARMY PAY, Appointment, Promotion, and Non-Effective Pay. Royal Warrant. 1914. (In tit e press) ARMY ALLOWANCES Eegulations. 1914. 6d. ARMY REVIEW. Quarterly. Commencing July 1911. Is. (Up to July Is. Oct. 1914, ; 1914, lid.) ARMY SERVICE CORPS: Regimental Standing Orders. 1911. 60!. (6d.); Amendments. Id. (Id.) Memorandum No. 25. Id. (Id.) Training. Parti. 9d. (8d.) Ditto. Part II. Supplies. 1909. (Reprinted, 1914, with new Ap- pendix XII.) (In the press) Ditto. Part III. Transport. 9d. (9d,) Ditto. Part IV. Mechanical Transport. Is. 4d. (Is. 2d.) Ditto. Amendments, July 1914, to Parts I. and III. 3d. ARTIFICERS. Military. Handbook. 9th edition. 1910. 1*. Ditto. Amendments. 1912 1914. Each. Id ; May (Id) ARTILLERY AT THE PICARDY MANOEUVRES IN 1910. Translated from the French. 2s. 6d. (2*.) ARTILLERY. Royal: Officers' Mess Management. (See Ordnance College.) Practice. Instructions Garrison. Coast Defences. Seawards. 1914-15. 3 (3d.) Garrison. Siege and Movable Armament. 1914. 3d. (3d.) Horse, Field, and Heavy. 1914. 6d. (5d.) Standing Orders tor- Brigade of Mounted Artillery. Id. (Id) (In the />mw) Lieut. -Colonel's Command, "R.G.A. (Coast and Siege). Id. (Id.) Training- Field. 1914. 9d. (9d.) Garrison Vol. I. 1914. 6d. (6d.) Vol. II. (Siege). 1911. 9d. (8d.) Ditto. Amendments. Nov. 1914. 2d. (2d.) (In the press) Vol.111. 1911. 1*. (lid.); Amendments. Feb. 1912. Id. (Id.) ARTILLERY COLLEGE. Reports upon the 14th to 18th Senior Classes Each la. (9d.) (See also Ordnance College.) ARTILLERY.Y. FIELD. The Tactics of. (Von Schell.) Translated. 1900. Is. ARTILLERY INSTRUMENTS. Handbook of. 1914. Is. 6d. (Is. 4d.) ARTILLERY MUSEUM in the Rotunda, Woolwich. Official Catalogue, 1906. (Sold at the Rotunda. Price Is. 6d.) ARTILLERY AND RIFLE RANGES ACT, 1885, and MILITARY LANDS ACT, 1892. Byelaws under : 1896 1901 Aldeburgh, ; Ash (Aldershot Camp), 1887; Finborough, ; Hythe, 1894 Inchkeith 1896 1896 1887 ; Battery, ; Kinghornness, ; Landguard, ; 1890 Orchard Lydd Dungeness, 1895; Middlewick, ; Millbrook, 1888; 1896 1902 Portman, ; Scarborough, ; Scraps Gate, 1886; Shoeburyness, 1895; Southwold, 1896; Strensall, 1900; Wash, 1891; Whitebaven Battery (Cumberland), 1896; each Id. (Id.) MILITARY BOOKS, publisfad by Authority continued. (As to prices in brackets, see top of page 2.) Artillery and Rifle Ranges Act, &c. continued, Purtkvt.. ISilL. Is. (9d) Plain, 1900. 4d. ARTILLERYSalisbury STORE ACCOUNTS(-Id,) AND THE SUPERVISION OF K.cj.A. BUB-DISTRICTS, Notos on. 1914. U-. Or/.) ARTILLERY STORE ACCOUNTS AND THE(I CARE AND PRESERVATION OP Kgl' I I'M KNT OK ROYA1, ARTILLERY, HORSE, FIELD, AND HEAVY .BATTERIES. Notes on. June 1911. 6ci (5d,) ( I 'niter reriaimt) BALLOONING-. Military. Manual of. Parti. 1905. U (Oct) BA BRACKS. Care of . Instruction in. 1901. 9dL (7d.) FORTH CHRONOGRAPH. Experiments with, to determine the resistance of the air to the motion of projectiles. Report on. 1870. Is. (9d.) BAYONET FIGHTING. Instruction in. Id. (lei) BAYONET FIGHTING FOR COMPETITIONS. Instruction in. Id. (Id.) BERMUDA MILITIA ARTILLERY. Regulations, 1914. 9c/. (7d.) BIO*CLES. Military. Handbook on. 1911. Id. (Id.) BRITISH MINOR EXPEDITIONS, 1746 to 1814. 1884. 2s. Gd, (1*. lid.) CADET LIST and CADET UNITS. (See Territorial Force.) CAMEL CORPS TRAINING. Provisional. 1913. 8d. (7d.) CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Reconnaissance Survey of the, 190.1-1011. irt tin t!io. l.s-. Gd. (l.. Id.) CAVALERIE. Translated from the French of Captain Loir. (In the, ;>/< xs) CAVALRY OF THE LINE. PEACE ORGANIZATION OF THE; and Arrangements for Mobilization consequent on the establishment of < .'avalry Depots. (Special A.O., July 19, 1909). Id. (Id.) CAVALRY SCHOOL, NETHERAVGN. Standing Orders. 1911. Id, (2d.) CAVALRY TRAINING. 1912. (Reprinted, with Amendments, 1914.) 1*. (10(7.) (in the /'t*.<) CEREMONIAL. 1912. Bd. Provisional Juu,' 1914. (Ad.} ; Amcndmonts, Id (Id) CHEMISTRY. PRACTICAL. Quantitative and Qualitative. A Course of. .*. (3s. 8rf.) CHEMISTS OF THE RESEARCH DEPARTMENT. Rules and Regulations. Id. (Id.) CHIROPODY Manual. '2d. (2d) to. 2rf. CIVIL EMPLOYMENT FOR EX-SOLDIERS. Guide 1913. (-.V/.) CIVIL EMPLOYMENT Regulations. 1913. Id. (Id.) CIVIL PO WER. DUTIES IN AID OF THE. Special A.O., Dec. 17. 1908. ( Amendments to "King's Regulations," and to "Manual of Military Law "). Id. CIA) CLOTH ENG AND NECESSARIES (including Materials). Priced Vocabulary of. 1913. 1*. (He/.); Amendments, July, Oct. 1913; .Ian., April. July 1914. Each Id. (Id,) CLOTHING Regulations: I'art I. Rf.^ii la r Forces (excluding the Special Reserve). 1914. 6d. (Gd.) :: -serve. 1914. 3d, (3d.) Part III. Mobilization, Field Service, and Demobilization. 1908.3d, (.V.) Amendments to Parts I., II., and III. Nov. 1909; April, Oct. 1910; M:in-h, April, Sept., Nov. 1911; Feb., May, July, Sept. 1912; April, -luly ]'.il:J. l-lach Id. (Id.) CLUBS. Rftrulation. Exercises for the. 1863. (Reprinted 1887.) 3d. (3d,) COLCHESTER GARRISON. Standing Orders. 1913. 9d. (7d.) COMMAND. ALDERSHOT. Standing Orders. 1914. "2s. .'id. (l.. 9i/.) COMMAND. THE ART OF. By Colonel von Spoliu. Translated. Id. (Id,) OC/MMAND. WESTERN. Standing Ordort. Jan., 1910. 2d. (2i) MILITARY BOOKS, published by Authority continued. (As to prices in brackets, see top of pag-e 2.) COMMANDS, Military, and Staff in the United Kingdom. Reorganization of. (Special A.O., Jan. 6, 1905, with alterations to date. Issued with Special A.O., Nov. 11, 1907.) 3d. COMMISSION IN H.M. REGULAR ARMY (from 1st April, 1912). Short to the various of a guide ways obtaining ; &c., &c. April 1912. 2d. (2(7,) (See also Army Entrance; Medical Corps;' Special Eeeerve; Territorial Force; Veterinary Corps.) (Under revision) OMPANY TRAINING. Notes on. For the use of the Special Reserve, Territorial Force, and newlv-raised Units of the Regular Army. Sept. 1914. Id. CONVEYANCE(Ic7.) OP TROOPS AND ISSUE OF TRAVELLING WARRANTS. Instructions. 1910. 2d. (2d.) COOKING. Military Manual. 6d. (5d.) COURSES OP INSTRUCTION, 1914-15, 2d. (2d.) Ditto, at Practice Camps, 1914. Id. CREWS OF WAR DEPARTMENT(Id.)VESSELS AND BOATS AT HOME STATIONS. Regulations for the Appointment, Pay, and Promotion of. 1911. 2d. (2d.) CYCLIST TRAINING. Provisional. 1914. 3d. (3d.) DIVISION ORDERS. Extracts from. 1880. 2s. 6d. (If. 9d.) DRAINAGE MANUAL. 1907. 2*. 6d. (2*.) DRAWING PLATES. Military: Attack of Dufor's Countermines or 2nd of plate Mines ; Carnot's First System; Detached Forts; Concealed Defences, 1, 2, 3, 4; Printing Ac. Detail No. 1 Do. No. 2 Plate, A, B, C, ; Plate, ; ; Neighbourhood of Woolwich; Village and Surrounding Ground.