ttMtsjjrtr bg lllp|l» Sttiboriig.


To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN and SONS, Ltd., 29, Breams Buildings, Fetter Lane, B.C., and 54, St. Mary Street, Cardiff; or

H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE (Scottish Branch), 23, Forth Street, Edinburgh ; or

. E. PONSONBY, Ltd., 116, Grafton Street, Dublin ; or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America, the Continent of Europe and Abroad of T. FISHER UNWIN, London, W.C. (The prices in brackets are those at which the hooks are obtainable, post free, by Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men, in the manner prescribed by the Regulations.)

ABYSSINIA. Expedition to. 2 vols, and maps. 1870. Half Mor., £5 5* Cloth, £4 4s. AFRICA. Continent of. Geology of. Notes on. 1906. 3s. (2s. id.) AMHARIO LANGUAGE. Short Manual of the. With Vocabulary. 1909. 5». (3s. 6£) ANIMAL MANAGEMENT. 1908. Is. Gd. (1*. 4d) ARABIC GRAMMAR. Two parls. 1887. (Sold to Officers only.') 10*. (10s. 6d) ARMOURERS. Instructions for, in the care, repair, browning, &c, of Small Arms, Machine Guns, " Parapet" Carriages, and for the care of Bicycles. 1912. Is. Gd. (U. id.) Ditto. Amendments. Aug. 1912. Id. (Id.) ARMY ACCOUNTS. (Reprinted from The Akmy Review, January, 1914.) 3d. (3d.) ARMY LIST. The Quarterly. Each 15*. (10s. Gd.) ARMY LIST. Monthly. Each Is. Gd. (Is. id.) ARMY CIRCULARS AND ARMY ORDERS issued before Dec. 31, 1892, which are still in force and required for reference. Reprint of May, 1896. 3d. (3d.) ARMY ORDERS. Monthly. Each 3d. (3d.) ARMY ORDERS. Covers for. 9d. (9d.) ARMY Pay, Appointment. Promotion, and Non-Effeotive Pay. Royal Warrant. 1913. 1*. (lid.) ARMY ALLOWANCES Regulations. 1910. Is. (lOd.) (Under revision) ARMY ENTRANCE Regulations :— R.M. Academy. Admission to, from April 1, 1912. Id. (Id.) ( Under revision) R.M. College. Ditto. Id. (Id.) (Under revision) Militia and Imperial Yeomanry. Officers of. 1907. Id. (Id)

(B 10664) Wt. 8342—776 11000 7/14 HAS — — — — —

MILITARY BOOKS, published by Authority—continued.

(As to prices in brackets, see top of page 2.)

Army Entrance Regulations continued. Special Reserve of Officers, Malta Militia, Bermuda Militia, Channel Islands Militia, and . Officers of the. 1912. Id. (Id.) (Under revision) University Candidates. 1912. Id. (Id.) (Under revision) Military Forces of the Self-governing Dominions and Grown Colonies. Officers nf the. 1912. Id. (Id.) ( Under revision) Warrant Officers and N.C.O. of the Regular Army. Combatant Com- missions as Second Lieutenants. 1914. Provisional. Id. (Id.)

Commission Medical Corps ; Special Reserve Territor al Foi ce See also ; ; ; Veterinary Corps. ARMY REVIEW. Quarterly. Commencing July 1911. Is. (Is.) ARMY SERVICE CORPS:— Regimenlal Standing Orders. 1911. 6d. (6d); Amendments. Id. (id.) Memorandum No. 25. Id. (Id.) Training. Part I. 9d (8d) Ditto. Part II. Supplies. 1909. Is. 3d (Is. 2d.) Ditto. Part III. Transport. 9d. (9d.) Ditto. Part IV. Mechanical Transport. Is. Ad. (Is. 2d.) Ditto. Amendments, July 1914, to Parts I. and III. (In the press) ARTIFICERS. Mill' a-y. Handbook. 9th edition. 1910. Is. (lit*) Ditto. Amendments. 1912; May 1914. Each. Id. (Id.) ARTILLERY AT THE PICA.Ri>Y MANOEUVRES IN 1910. Translated from the French. 2s. 6d. (2s.) ARTILLERY. Royal:— Officers' Mess Management. (See Ordnance College.) Practice. Instructions Garrison. Coast Defences. Seawards. 1914-15. 3d. (3d) Garrison. Siege and Movable Armament. 1914. 3d. (3d.) Horse, Field, and Heavy. 1914 6d (bd.) Standing Orders for Brigade of Mounted Artillei y. Id. (Id.) Lieut. -Colonel's Command, R.G. A. (Coast and Siege). Id. (Id.) Training

Field. 1914. . (/» flu G arrison Vol. I. 1910. 6d. (6d.) (Under revision); Amendments. Feb. 1911, Feb. 1912. Each Id. (Id.) Vol. II. (Siege). 1911. 9d. (8d.) Vol. III. 1911. Is. (lid.); Amendments. Feb. 1912. Id. (Id.) ARTILLERY COLLEGE. Reports upon the 14th to 18th Senior Classes. Each Is. (9d) (See also Ordnance College.) ARTILLERY. FIELD. The Tactics of. (Von Schell.) Translated. 1900. Is. (10*) ARTILLERY INSTRUMENTS Handbook of. 1914. (In the pros) ARTILLEKY MUSEUM in the Rotunda, Woolwich. Official Catal .gue, 1906. (Sold at the Rotunda. Price Is. 6d.) ARTILLERY AND RIFLE RANGES ACT, 1885, and MILITARY LANDS ACT, 1892. Byelaws under:—

Aldeburgh, 1896 ; Ash ( Camp), 1887; Finborough, 1901 ; Hythe,

• 1894 ; Inchkeith Battery, 1896 ; Kingbornness, 1896 ; Landguard, 1887

Lydd—Dungeness, 1895; Middlewick, 1890 ; Millbrook, 1888; Orchard

Portman, 1896 ; Scarborough, 1902 ; Straps Gate, 1886; Shooburyness,

1895; Southwold, 1896 ; Stren sail, 1900 ; Wash, 1891; Whiteh.weu Battery (Cumberland). 1896; each Id. (Id) Purfieet, 1911. Is. (9d) Salisbury Plain, 1900. id (4*)

3 MILITARY BOOKS, published ly Authority—continued.


BALLOONING. Military. Manual of . Parti. 1905. Is. (9d)

BARRACKS. Care of . Instruction in. 1901. 9d (7d) BASHFORTH CHRONOGRAPH. Experiments with, to determine tho resistance of the air to the motion of projectiles. Report on. 1870. Is. (9d) BAYONET FIGHTING. Instruction in. Id. (Id) BAYONET FIGHTING FOR COMPETITIONS. Instruction in. Id (Id.) BICYCLES. Military. Handbook on. 1911. Id. (Id.) BRITISH MINOR EXPEDITIONS, 1746 to 1814. 1884. 2s. Gd (Is. Ud.) CADET LIST and CADET UNITS. (See Territorial Force.) CAMEL CORPS TRAINING. Provisional. 1913. 8d. (Id.) CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Reconnaissance Survey of the, 1903-19 1. Report on the. Is. 6d (Is. Id) CAVALERIE. Translated from the French of Captain Loir. (In the press) CAVALRY OF THE LINE. PEACE ORGANIZATION OF THE; and Arrangements for Mobilization consequent on the establishment of Cavalry Dep6ts. (Special A.O., July 19, 1909). Id. (Id) CAVALRY SCHOOL, NETHERAVON. Standing Orders. 1911. Id. (id) CAVALRY TRAINING. 1912. Is. (lOd); Amendments, Feb.. 1014. Id. (Id.)

CEREMONIAL. 1912. Sd. (4d.) ; Amendments, June 1914 (In the press). CHEMISTRY. PRACTICAL. Quantitative and Qualitative. A Course of. 5s. (3a. 8d.) CHEMISTS OF THE RESEARCH DEPARTMENT. Rules and Regulations. Id. (Id.) CHIROPODY Manual, id. (2d.) CIVIL EMPLOYMENT FOR EX-SOLDIERS. Guide to. 1913. 2d. (id.) CIVIL EMPLOYMENT Regulations. 1913. Id. (Id.) CIVIL POWER. DUTIES IN AID OF THE. Special A.O., Dec. 17. 1903. (Amendments to "King's Regulations," and to " Manual of Military Law "). Id (Id.) CLOTHING AND KECESSARIES (including Materials). Prcod Vocabulary of. 1913. 1s. (lid.); Amendments, July, Oct. 1913; Jan., April 1914. Each Id (Id) CLOTHING Regulations:— Part I. Regular Fori es (excluding the Special Reserve). 1914. 6d (6d); Part II. Special Reserve. 19 14. id. (3d); Pan 111. Mobilization, Field Service, and Demobilization. 1908. 3d (3d) (Under revision); Amendments to Parts I., 11.. and III. Nov. 1909; April, Oct. 1910; March, April. Sept., Nov. 1911; Feb., May, July, Sept. 1912; April, July 1913. Each Id (Id); Amendments to Parts I. and II. Feb. 1913. Id (Id) CLUBS. Regulation. Exercises for the. 1863. (Reprinted 1887.) 3d (3

(As to prices in brackets, see top of page 2.)

COMMANDS, Military, and Staff in the , reorganization of. (Special A.O., Jan. 6, 1905, with alterations to date. Issued with Special A.O., Nov. 11, 1907.) 3d. (3d.) COMMISSION IN H.M. REGULAR ARMY (from 1st April, 1912).

Short guide to the various ways of obtaining a ; &c, &c. April 1912. 2d (2d.) (See also Army Entrance; Medical Corps; Special Reserve; Territorial Force; Veterinary Corps.) (Under revision) CONVEYANCE OF TROOPS AND ISSUE OF TRAVELLING WARRANTS. Instructions. 1910. 2d. (2d.) COOKING:. Military Manual. 6d (5d) COURSES OF INSTRUCTION, 1914-15. 2d. (2d.) Ditto, at Practice Camps, 1914. Id. (Id.) CREWS OF WAR DEPARTMENT VESSELS AND BOATS AT HOME STATIONS. Regulations for the Appointment, Pay, and Promotion of. 1911. 2d (2d) CTGLIST TRAINING. Provisional. L914 (In the press)

DIVISION ORDERS. Extracts from. 1880. 2s. 6d (1*. 9d) DRAINAGE MANUAL. 1907. 2s. 6d (2*.) DRAWING PLATES. Military:—

Attack of Dufor's Countermines or 2nd plate of Mines ; Carnot's First

System ; Detached Forts ; Concealed Defences, 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Printing

Plate, A, B, O, &c. ; Detail Plate, No. 1 ; Do. No. 2 ; Neighbourhood of

Woolwich ; Village and Surrounding Ground. Each 2d (2d) Attack of Fortress—Preliminary Operations; Do., Distant Attack; Do., Close Attack; Neighbourhood of Metz. Each 3d (3d) Woods and Villages. 6 plates. Each 6d (5d) Neighbourhood of Woolwich. Southern Side. 1*. 6d (Is. Id)

DRESS REGULATIONS. 1911. 2*. 6d (2s.); Amendments, March, Aug.

1912. Each Id (Id) ; Aug. 1913. 2d (2d.) DRUM AND FLUTE DUTY for the Infantry, with Instructions for the Training of Drummers and Flautists. 1887. 2s. (Is. 6d) DYNAMICS. Notes on. (See Ordnance College.) EGYPT. BRITISH FORCE IN. Standing Orders. 1912. If. (lOd) EGYPT. CAMPAIGN OF 1882 IN. Military History. With case of Maps. Condensed Edition. 1908. 3s. 6d (2s. 8d)

ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATIONS. FIXED. Instructions as to. 1912. 4d (4d) ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. Text Book for use of the Cadets at the R.M. Academy. 1911. 2*. 6d (2s.) ELECTRICITY. Notes on. 1911. Is. 3d (Is. Id) ELECTRIC LIGHT APPARATUS. DEFENCE. Instructions for the Working of. 1911. Id (Id)

ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Military. Vol.1. Is. (lid); Vol.11. Is. 6d. (Is. 4d); Vol. III. is. (lid.)

ENCOUNTER. THE BATTLE OF. By Hans von Kiesling. Part I. Practical. Trauslatod. 1*. Gd (Is. 3d.)

ENGINEER SERVICES Regulations. Peace:— Part I. 1910. Is (lOd) Part II. 1911. Technical Treatises. 9d (7d)

ENGINEER TRAINING. 1912. 6d (6d) ; Amendments, Jan. 1913. Id (Id) 6 ; ;

MILITARY BOORS, published by Authority—continued.

(As to prices in brackets, see top of page 2.)

ENGINEERING. Field. Manual of. 1911. {Reprinted 1913.) 9d (9d) ENGINEERING. Military :— Parti. Field Defences. 1908. Is. 6d. (Is. 3d.) Part II. Attack and Defence of Fortresses. 1910. (Out ofprint) Part Ilia. General Principles and Materials. 1913. Is. (11a.) Part IV. Mining and Demolitions. 1910. Is. (Hd) Part V. Miscellaneous. 1914. {In the press) Part VI. Military Railways. 1898. (Out of print)

EQUIPMENT. INFANTRY. Pattern 1908 Web. 1913. 2d. (2d) EQUIPMENT Regulations :— Parti. 1912. 1*. (lid) Part 2. Details-

Sees. I. Infantry. (Regular Army.) Xm. Bridging Train. (Regular

1913. 6d. (bd) j la. Mounted In- Army.) 1912. 2d. (2d.); Xn. Field fantry. 1912. 6d. (bd); II. Cavalry. Squadron. (Regular Army.) 1914.

(Regular Army.) 1914. 3d. (3d.); 2d. (2d.) ; Xla. Horse Artil- III. Army Service Corps. (Regular lery. Q.F. 13-pr. 1913. 9d. Army). 1913. 6d. (bd); IV.,IVa., (8d,); Xlb. Field Artillery. Q.F. • and 1V6. Army Ordnance Corps. 18-pr. (Regular Army.) 1914. 9d. Army Pay Corps. Army Veterinary (8d.); XIc. Field Artillery. B.L. Corps. (Regular Army.) 1911. 2d. 5-in. Howitzer. 1908. 9d. (Id.); (2d.); V. . XIc. Field Artillery. Q.F. 4-5-in. (Regu?ar Army). 1914. 2d. (2d.); Howitzer. (Regular Army.) 1913. VI. -IX. R.M. Academy; R.M. 9d. (8d); Xld. Reserve Brigades

and Staff Colleges ; Garrison with Q.F. 18-pr. Equipment, Horse Staff and Schools of Instruc- and Field Artillery, Staff and Dep61s,

tion ; Military Prisons, Detention Riding Establishment, School of Barracks and Military Provost Gunnery (Horse and Field), and Staff Corps. (Regular Army.). Mounted Band. (Regular Army.) 1914 2d. (2d.); Xa. Engineer. 1914. 6d. (6d.); Xle. Mountain Peace and War. General. Fortress, Battery and Ammunition Column Survey, Railwav, and Dep6t Units. (10-pr. B.L.) Mule Transport." (Regular Army.) 1912. 2d. (3d); (Regular Army.) 1912. 9d. (7d.); Xb. Field Troop. (Regular Army.) Xlla. Royal Garrison Artillery. 1912. 2d. (2d); Xc. Field Com- (Regular Army.) 1910. 2s. 6d. pany. (Regular Army.) 1914. 2d. (2s. 2d)-, XII6. Royal Garrison (2d); Xd. Signal Company with Artillery, Siege Artillery, Movable Division. (Regular Army. ) 1912. 2d. Armament, and Machine Guns in (2d.); Xe. Signal Company (Wire- Armaments. 1913. Is. (lOd.) less). (Regular Army,) 1912. 2d. XIIc. Heavy Artillery. B.L. 60-pr.

(2d.) ; X/. Signal Company (Air- (Regular Army. ) 1913. 9d. (8d.); line). (Regular Army.) 1912. 2d. XIV. Cavalry School, Netheravon. (2d.); Xff. Signal Company (Cable). (Regular Army.) 1914. 2d. (2d.) ^Regular ArmyJ 1912. 2d. (2d.); XVI. Special Reserve. 1913. 4d. XA. Signal Squadron. (Regular (4d); XVII. Officers Training Army.) 1912. 2d. (2d); Xj. Signal Corps. 1912. 3d. (3d); Practice Troop with Cavalry Brigade. (Regu- Batteries and Drill Guns (Fixed lar Army.) 1912. 2d. (2d.); X*. Mountings) of the Royal Garrison Signal Troop with a Cavalry Brigade Artillery. (Part 2, Secns. Xlla. (not allotted to a Cavalry Division). and XVI., and Part 3.) 1909.

(Regular Army.) 1914. 2d. (2d.); Is. 6d. (Is. 2d.) ; Amendments to XI Signal Company (South Africa). ditto. March 1911. Id (Id) (Regular Army.) 1912. 2d. (2d.) — )—

MILITARY BOOKS, published by Authority—continued.

(As to prices in brackets, see top of page S.)

Equipment Regulations continued. Part 3. Territorial Force. 1914. 6d. (6d.) Ditto. Details: Sec. IX. Artillery. 1912. Is. (9d.) Ditto. Amendments, April 1912; Feb. 1911. Each Id. {Id.) Sec. X. Engineer. 1912. 3d. (3d) Amendments to Parts 1 and 2. Jan., Feb., April, May, Aug., Sept.,

Dec. 1907 ; Mar. 1908; July 1909. Each Id. (Id.) Amendments to Part 2. Oct. (two issues), Nov. (two issues) 1910; June, Sept. 1911; Feb., April 1914. Each Id. (id.) Amendments to Parts 1, 2, and 3. Aug. iy08; April 1909; Jan., May, Arg., Dec 1910; April, Aug. 1911; Nov. 1913. Each Id. (Id.)

Amendments to Parts 1, 2, and 3. Oct. 1909; Feb. 1912 ; Mar., July 1913; April 1914. Each 2d. (2d.) Amendments to Parts 2 and 3. Jan. 1909 Sept. 1912. Each Id. (Id.) ESTABLISHMENTS :— ; Peace. Part II. Territorial Force. 1913-14. 4d. (4d.) (Under revision) Ditto. Ditto. Changes in. Nov. 1913. Id. (Id.) Ditto. Part III. Departmental and Miscellaneous Regular Establishments and Instructional Institutions. 1913-14. 2d. (2d.) Ditto. Part IV. Headquarters Establishments. Home, Colonies and India. 1913-14. 3d. f3d.) Ditto. Part V. Establishment of Commands Abroad and Summaries of the Military Forces of the Crown. 1913-14. 2d. (2d.) War. Part I. Expeditionary Force. 1914. 8d. (84.) Ditto. Part II. Territorial Force. 1911. 8d. (7d.) (Under revision) Ditto. Part V. Reserve, Dep6t, and other Regimeut:il Units maintained at Home after Mobilization. (Provisional.) 4d. (5d) (Under revision) EXAMINATION PAPERS. Military:— Qualifying Certificates. Sept. 1905, March 1906, Sept. 1909, March, Sept.

1910, March, Sept. 1911 ; March 1912. Each 6d. (bd)

Entrance: 1, R.M. Academy ; 2, R.M. College. Nov.-Dec. 1905, June-July, Nov.-Dec. 1906, June-July, Nov.-Dec. 1907, June-July, Nov.-Dec. 1908. June-July, Nov.-Dec. 1910, June July, Nov.-Dec. 1911. Each Is. (lOd.) Entrance: R.M. Academy, R.M. College, Qualifying Test for Commissions. Supplementary First Appointments in the Royal Marines. June-July 1912. Is. (lid.)

Entrance : R.M. Academy, R.M. College, Qualifying Test for Commisfion.s Supplementary First Appointments in the Royal Marines. Appoint- ments in the Indian Police Force. Appointments in the Police Force of the Straits Settlements. Oadctships in the Royal Navy (Special Entry). June^July 1913. Is. (lid.) Entrance: R.M. Academy, R.M. College, Qualifying Test for Commissions.

Nov. 1912 ; Nov.-Dec. 1913. Each Is. (lid.) Freehand Drawing at the Army Entrance Examination of Nov. 1913. Speci- men Question Papers to illustrate the kind of questions that will bo set in. 6d. (5d. R.M. Academy, Fourth Class; and R.M. College, Fourth, Third, and Second Divisions. July, Dec. 1904, June 1905. Each Is. R.M. Academy, Fourth Class; and R.M. College, Senior Division. Dec. 1905, June, Dec. 1906, July, Dec. 1907. Each Is. Staff College. Admission. Ang. 1907, Aug. 1909, July 1911, June-July 1912, June-July 1913. Each Is. (6d.) Regular Forces, Canadian Permanent Forces, Special Reserve of Officers, Territorial Force, and Colonial Military Forces. May, Nov. 1906, May, Nov. 1908. Each Is. (lid.) Ditto. May 1909. 9d. (8d.) 7 — —

MILITARY BOOKS, published by Authority—continued.

(As to prices in brackets, see top of page 2.)

Examination Papers. Military continued.

Officers for Promotion. Dec. 1912 ; May, Dec. 1913. Each \s. (tid.) Militia, Imperial Yeomanry, and University Candidates. Mar., Sept. 1904, Sept. 1905, Oct. 1906, Eacb Is. Special Reserve, Militia, Territorial Force, and University Candidates.

Oct. 1911: March. Oct 1912 ; March, Oct 1913. Each Is. (Gd.) Officers' Training Corps: Cadets of the Senior Division. Certificate A. Dec. 1908. 6d. (5d.) Cadets of the Junior and Senior Divisions. Certificates A and R. Spring of 1909, Nov. 1909, Nov. 1910, May, Nov. 1911, March, Nov. "1912, March. Nov. 1913, March 1914. Each 6d. (Gd.)

• Foreigrj Languages. Modern. Oct. 1896; July, Oct. 1906; July 1908; April, July 1909; Jan., June, Oct. 1910; Jan., June, Oct. 1911; June

1912 ; June 1913. Each Is. (Gd.)

EXPLOSIVES. Service. Treatise on. 1907. Is. 6d. (Is. 2jL) FIELD SERVICE. Manual for:— Artillery. Field. Brigade. Q.F. 18-pr. 1908. 3d. (3c/.) (Under revision) Ditto. Ditto. (Howitzer) Brigade. 5-inch B.L. 1908. 3d. (3d.) Ditto. Heavy (B.L. 60-pr.) Battery and Ammunition Columu. Expe- ditionary Force. 1910. 3d. (3d.) Ditto. Horse. Brigade, 13-pr. Q.F. l'JOS. 3d. (3d.) Ditto. Ditto. Appendix to. K.H.A. Battery ard Mounted Brigade Ammunition Column. Id. (Id.) Cavalry Regiment. Fxpeditionary Force. 1913. 3d. (3d.) (Under revision) Engineers. Balloon Company. Expeditionary Force. 1910. '6a. (3d.) Ditto. Biidg'ng Train. Expeditionary Force. 1910. 3d. (3d.) Ditto. Field Company. Expeditionary Force. 1910. 3d. (3d.) (Under revision) Ditto. Field Troop. Expeditionary Force. 1910. 3d. (3d.) Ditto. Works Company. Expeditionary Force. 1910. 3d. (3d.) Headquarters Units. Expeditionary Force. 1911. 3d. (3d.) Irfuntry Battalion. Expeditionary Force. 1913. 3d. (3d.) (Under revision) Infa itry (Mounted) Battalion. Expeditionary Force. 19i3. 3d. (3d.) Medical Service. Army. Expeditionary Force. 1913. 3d. (3d.) (Under revision) Signal Service. Signal Company (Air-Line). Expeditionary Force. 1913. 3d. (3d.) Ditto. Ditto. (Cable). Expeditionary Force. 1913. 3d. (3d.) Ditto. Ditto. (with Division). Expeditionary Forcei 1913. 3d. (3d.) Ditto. Ditto. (Lines of Communication). Expeditionary Force. 1914. 3d. (3d.)

FIELD SERVICE POCKET BOOK 1913. Is. (lid.) Ditto. Amendments. Set 1, April 1914. Id. (Id.); Set 2, April 1914. 2d. (2d.) FIELD SERVIOB REGULATIONS:—

Part I. Operations. 1909. (Reprinted, with Amendments, 1912). 1*. (lOd.) Ditto. Amendments, Fob. 1914. Id. (Id.) Part II. Organization and Administration. 1909. [Reprinted, with Amendments, 1913]. Is. (lOd.) Ditto. Amendments, Feb. 1914. Id. (Id.)

8 — —

MILITARY BOOKS, published by Authority—continued.

(As to prices in brackets, see top of page 2.) FINANCIAL INSTRUCTIONS IN RELATION TO ABMY

ACCOUNTS. 1910. 6d. (bd.) (Under revision) ; Amendments, April 1913. Id. (Id.); Appendix II. Payment of Units proceeding to or from India as Ordinary Reliefs at Indian expense. 1912. Id. (Id) FLYING CORPS. ROYAL. Training Manual :— Part I. Provisional. (In the press) Tart II. Military Wing. Provisional. 1914. (In the press) FOREIGN LANGOAGliS. STUDY OF. Regulations. 1913 2d. (2dL) FORTIFICATION. PERMANENT. For the Imperial Military Training Establishments and for the Instruction of Officers of all Arms of the Austro- Hungarian Army. 7th Edition. Translated. 4s. (2s. lie?.) FRANCO-GERMAN WAR, 1870-71. Translated from the German Official Account. Five Vole. £6 lis. 6(1 Also separately, in Volumes in cloth, Sections in paper covers, and Plans unmounted:— First Part—History of the War to the Downfall of the Empire Vol. 1 (Secns. 1 to 5). Outbreak of Hostilities to Battle of Gravelotte. £1 6s. (Out of print) Vol. 2.(Secns. 6 to 9). Battle of Gravelotte to Downfall of the Empire. £1 2s. (Out ofprint) Second Part—History of the War against the Republic Vol. 1 (Secns. 10 lo 13). Investment of Paris to Re-occupation of Orleans by the Germans. £1 6s. (18.;. 6d.) Vol. 2 (Secns. 14 to 18). Events in Northern from end of Nov. In North-west from beginning of Dec. Siege of Paris from com- mencement of Dec. to the Armistice. Operations in the south-east from middle of Nov. to middle of Jan. £1 6s. (19s.) VoL 3 (Secns. 19 and 20). Events in South-east France from middle of Jan. to Termination of Hostilities. Rearward Communications. The Armisticp. Homeward March and Occupation. Retrospect. -£i lis. I'd. (£1 2s. Gd.) Section. 1. Events in July. Plan. 3s. (2s. 2d,) 2. Events to Eve of Battles of Wdrth and Spicheren. 3rd edition. 3s. (Out ofprint) 3. Battles of Worth aud Spicheren. 3rd edition. 5s. (Out ofprint} 4. Advance of Third Army to the Moselle, &c. edition.

(As to .prices in brackets, see top of page 2.)

Franco-German War—continued. Section. 16. Proceedings of Second Army from commencement of 1871 until the Armistice. 3*. 6d. (2s. 8d.) 17. Proceedings of First Army from commencement of 1871 until the Armistice. 3*. (2s. 3d.) 18. Occurrences on South-eastern Theatre of War up to middle of Jan. 1871. Events before Paris from commencement of 1871 to the Armistice. 8*. (Gs.) 19. Occurrences on South-eastern Theatre of War from middle of January, 1871. Proceedings in rear of German Army and in Coast Provinces from Nov., 1870 until the Armistice. 13*. 6d (9s. 8d)

20. Genera) Ketrospect of War from beginning of Sept. , 1870 to Cessation of Hostilitier. Armistice and Peace Preliminaries. Return of German Army aid Peace of Frankfort. The Occupation. The Telegraph, Post, Supply of Ammunition, Commissariat, Hospital Service, Divine Service, Military Justice, Eecruitment, and Home Garrisons. Results. 5s. (3s. 9d) Analytical Index. 1*. 6<£ (Is. Id.) Plans— 4. Battle of Colombey-Nouilly. 3d (3d.) 5a. Battle of Vionville—Mars la Tour. Position of Contending Forces at Noon. 3d. (3d.) 6b. Battle of Vionville— Mars la Tour. Position of Contending Forces from 4 to 5 p.m. 3d. (3d.) 9a. Battle of Sedan. Position of Contending Forces towards Noon. 3d. (3d.) 9b. Battle of Sedan. Position of the Germans in the afternoon shortly before the end of the struggle. 3d. (3d.) (See also Siege Operations.)

GERMAN ARMY. Cavalry. Drill Begulations. 1909. 3d. (3d.) Ditto. Field Service Begulations. 1908. la. (lOd.) Ditto. Foot Artillery. Drill Regulations. Part IV. The Fight. 1909. 3d. (3d.) Ditto. Manoeuvres Regulations. 1908. 3d. (3d.) . The Campaign of 1866 in. With 22 Plans in portfolio. 1872. (Reprinted 1907). 6s. (4s. lOd.) Ditto. Moltke's Projects for. Is. (lOd.)

GUNS. Drill for. (And see GUNS. Handbooks for):— 60-pr. B.L. 1912. Id. (Id.) 18-pr. Q.F. 1912. Id. (Id) (Under revision) 15-pr. B.L.O. 1912. (Reprinted; with Amendments to 1st April, 1914.) Id. (Id.) 15-pr. Q.F. 1912. Id. (Id) 13-pr. Q.F. 1912. Id. (Id) 12-pr. 12-cwt. Q.F. Land Service. 1914. Id. (Id) 10-pr. B.L. 1914. Id. (Id.) 9-2-inch B.L. Mark IX., on Mark IV. Mounting. Land Service. 1914. Id. (Id) A B 9-2-inch B.L. "C" Mark IX., on Marks V . and V . Mountings. Land Service. 1914. Id. (Id.) T 9-2-inch B.L Marks X.. X ., and X*., on Mark V. Mounting. Land Service. 1914. Id. (Id/) 6-inch B.L. Marks VII. and VII*. Land Service. 1914. Id (Id.) 6-inch B.L. Howitzer. 1912. Id. (Id.)

10 —

MILITARY BOOKS, published by Authority—continued.

(As to prices in brackets, see top of page 2.)

GTTNS. Drill for continued. 6-inch Q.F. Land Service. 1914 Id (Id.) 6-inch B.L. Howitzer. 1912. Id. Id 4-7-inch Q.F. Fixed Armament. Land Service. 1914. Id (Id) 4-7-inch Q.F., on Travelling Carriages. 1914. (In the press) 4-inch Q.F. Land Service. 1914. Id (Id) 2-95 inch QF. 1914. Id (Id)

GUNS. Handbooks for. (And see O-TJNS. Drill for):— 60-pr. B.L. Land Service. 1913. Is. 6d (1.9. 3d) 18-pr. Q.F. Land Service. 1913. Is. (lOd) 16-pr. B.L.C. Marks 1., II., II.*, and IV., with Mark I. Carriage, and Marks I., la., lb., and Ic, Limbers and Wagons. Land Service, 1912. Is. (lOd) 15-pr. Q.F. Land Service. 1914. (In the press) 13-pr. Q.F. Land Service. 1913. Is. 3d (Is.) 12-pr. B.L. of 6 cwt. Marks I. to IV. and IVa. and Carriages Marks 1.* I.»*, and II. Horse Artillery. 1905. Is. (lid) 10-pr. Jointed B.L. Mule Equipment. 1914. (In thepress) 9-45-inch B.L. Howitzer. 1906. 9d (7d) v 9-2-inch B.L. Mark IX., "0" Mark IX., and Marks X., X ., and XV Land Service. 1912. Is. (lid) 8-inch R.M.L. Howitzer of 70 cwt. Movable Armament and Armament of Works. Land Service. 1901. 2s. (is. 6d) 6-inch B.L. and B.L.C. Guns, Mountings, &o. 1904. Is. 6d (Is. 4d) 6-inch B.L. Marks VII. and VII". Land Service. 191L 9d (8d) 6-inch B.L. Howitzer, 30 cwt. Marks I. and I.* 1912. Is. (lOd) 6-inch Q.F. Land Service. 1903. Is. (lOd) 6-inch "B'' Q. F. Land Service. 1911. Is. (lOd) 5-4-inch B.L. Howitzer. Mark. L 1902. Is. 6d (Is. 2d) 5-inch B.L. Marks I.—V. 1904. 9d (9d) 5-inch B.L. Marks IV.— V. Land Servioe. 1903 Is. 6d. (Is. 2d) 6-inch B.L. Howitzer. 1909. 9d (9d) 4-7-inch Q.F. Fixed Armaments. Land Service. 1904. Is. (lid) 4-7-inch Q.F.B.. on Travelling Carriages. Land Service. 1910 9d (9d) 4-5-inch Q.F. Howitzer. Land Service. 1914. Is. 3d (Is. Id) 2-95-inch QF. Mule Equipment and Man Transport Equipment. 1914. 2*. (Is. 6d) •803-inch and -303-inch Converted Maxim Machine (Magazine Kifle Chamber), on Carriages, M.G., Infantry, Parapet; Tripod and Cone Mountings. 1911. 9d (8d) 0'303-inch Nordenfelt 3-barrel and Gardner 2-bairel converted fron 0-4-inch and 0-45-inch M.H. Chamber, Magazine Rifle Chamber, on Carriages, 1900. 9d (8d)


Horse Guards ; 17th Dragoons (Lancers). Each 5s. (3s. 7d) Dragoon Guards, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th. Each 4s. (3s.) Dragoons, 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 14th, and 16th. Each 4s. (3s.) Ditto. 12th, and 13th. Each 3s. (2s. 3d) Marine Corps. 3s. (2s. 2d) Foot, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 34th, 36th, 39th, 46th, 53rd, 67th, 71st, 72nd, 73rd, 74th, 86th, 87th, and 92nd. Each 4s. (3s.) Do. 14th, 56th, 61st, 70th, and 88th. Each 3s. (2s. 3d)

11 — —

MILj TARY BOOKS, published by Authority—continued.

(As to prices in brackets, see top of page 2.) HISTORIES, SHORT, OF THE TERRITORIAL REGIMENTS OF THE BRITISH ARMY. 67 numbers, each Id In one volume, 5a. Ditto. The Scots Guards. Id. (Id.) Ditto. The 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons. Id. (Id)

Ditto. Revised Editions. Id. (Id.) each : Alexandra, Princess of Wales's The Northamptonshire Regiment. Own (Yorkshire Regiment). Tho Oxfordshire and Buckingham- The Bedfordshire Regiment. shire Light Iufaur.rv. The Black Watch (Royal High- The Prince Albert's (Somersetshiio landers). Light Infantry). The Oameronians (Scottish Rifles). The Prince of Wales's Leinster The Cheshire Regiment. Regiment (Royal Canadians). The Duke of Wellington's West The Princess Charlotte of Wales's

Riding Regimeut. (The Royal Berkshire Reg-inieni >. The Durham Light Infantry. The Princess Louise's Argyll and The East Lancashire Regiment. Sutherland Highlanders. The . The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. The Hampshire Regiment. The Royal Sussex Regimeut. The Highland Light Infantry. The Royal Warwickshire Regiment. The Kind's Own Yorkshire Light The Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Infantry. The Suffolk Regimeut. The . HOSPITAIiS. MILITARY FAMILIES'. Nursing Staff Regulation.-, Dec., 1909. Id. (Id.) HOSTILITIES WITHOTTT DECLARATION OF WAR FROM 1700 TO 1870. 2s. (Is. 7d.) HYGIENE. ELEMENTARY MILITARY. Manual of. 1912. 6d((»d) INDIAN EMPIRE. OUR. A Short Review and some Hints for the use of Soldiers proceeding to India. 6d. ((id.) INFANTRY BATTALION. Training of an, under" the 4-company organi- zation. Preliminary Instructions. Id. (Id.)

INFANTRY TRAINING. 1911. Is. (10d.) ( Under revision) ; Amend- ments, Aug. 1913. Id. (Id) INSTITUTES. Garrison and Regimental. Rules for the Managementof. 1912. Id.

INTELLIGENCE DUTIES IN THE FIELD. Regns. for. 1904. 2d. (2d.) ITALIAN CAVALRY TRAINING REGULATIONS. 1911. Train- ing for Marches, Tactics'of Minor Units, and Training of Patrols. Trans- lated. 4d. (3d.) JAMAICA. Standing Orders. 1912. Is. (9d) JERSEY. ROYAL MILITTA OF THE ISLAND OF. Regulations. 1914. With the Jersey Militia Law, 1905. Is. 3d. (Is.) KING'S REGULATIONS AMD ORDE&S FOR THE ARMY. 1912. Is. 6d. (Is. 4d.) (Under revision) KIT PLATES :— Artillery. Royal 1. Horse and Field. Kit in Barrack Room. 1912. 2d. (2d.) 2. Ditto. Kit laid out for Inspection. 1903. 2d. (2d.) ( Under revision) 6. Garrison. Kit laid out for Inspection. 1909. 2d (2d) 10. Ditto. Kit in Barrack Room. 1909. 2d. (2d) Cavalry. 1891. Id (Id)


1806 [Crown Copyright Reserved.




LONDON: MINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OP HIS MAJESTY"S STATIONERY OFFICB By HARRISON and SONS, 45-47, St. Martin's Lake, W.C., Pbinters in Ordinary to His Majesty.

To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN and SONS, Ltd., 29, Breams Buildings, Fetteb Lane, B.C., and

M, St. Mary Street, Cardiff ; or

II.M. STATIONERY OFFICE (Scottish Branch), 23, Forth Street, Edinburgh ; or

E. PONSONBY, Ltd., 116, Grafton Stbeet, Dublin j or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America, the Continent of Europe and Abroad of T. FISHER UNWIN, London, W.C.

Price Ninepence P.13 (B10664) Wt. 8342—776 11,000 6/14 H & S 283 The following Trumpet and Bugle Sounds are to be strictly adhered to on all occasions, and no others used in His Majesty's Service. General Officers

Commanding may, at their discretion, order all or any of the Peace Calls to be used on Active Service.

War Office, 18th May, 1914.

A 2 — -



Household Cavalry and Cavalry of the Line ...... 11-21 and Royal Malta Artillery 22-25

Royal Engineers ...... 26

Foot Guards and Infantry of the Line ; West India Regiment, King's African Rifles, West African Regiment, and Mounted Infantry ...... 26-52

Royal Marines ...... 53

Army Service Corps ...... 54

Royal Army Medical Corps ...... 54

Army Ordnance Corps ...... 54


I. Field Calls for Mounted Corps-

No. 1. ... 00 2. Alarm 55

3. Forward, or Advance ... 56 4. Walk 56

5. Trot , 56 6. Gallop 56 7. March 57 8. Halt 57 9. Annul, or As You Were 57 —

Part 2. —Bugle-Field Calls—continued. PAGE I. —Field Calls for Mounted Corps continued.

No. 10. Troops Half-Right — 57

„ 11. Troops Half-Left ... 58

„ 12. Form Line ... 58 „ 13. Retire, or Troops Right (or Lfft) About Wheel, or (for Artillery) Sub-sections Right About Wheel 58

„ 14. Squadron Columns ...... 50

„ 15. Pursue ...... 59

„ 16. Rally, or Close 59

„ 17. Mass GO

„ 18. 60

„ 19. March at Ease, or Sit at Ease ...... 60

„ 20. Stand to your Horses ... 61 „ 21. Mount 61 „ 22. Dismount 61

„ 28. Fours, or Sections About ...... 61 „ 24. Front 62

„ 25. Troop Column ... 62

,, 26. Column of Troops ... 62 „ 27. Head of Column change direction Half-Right 62 „ 28. Head of Column change direction Half- Left 63

„ 29. Squadron Leaders— Right ...... 63

...... 6.'? ,, 30. Squadron Leaders—Left

„ 31. Continue, or Commence Firing ...... 64

„ 32. Stand Fast, or Cease Firing ... .,. ... 64

„ 33. Draw, or Return Swords ...... 64

„ 34. Carry Swords, or Lances ...... 65

„ 35. Slope Swords, or Sling Lances ...... 65

„ 36. Trail Lances ...... 65

„ 37. Prepare to Mount, or Dismount ...... 65 ———— —


Part 2. Bugle-Field Calls—continued. PAGE I. —Field Calls for Mounted Corps continued.

No. 38. Execute Orders Received 66 „ 39. Brigade Calls— (a) Household Brigade C6

(b) First Brigade ... 66

(c) Second Brigade 66

(d) Third Brigade ... 67

(e) Fourth Brigade 67

(/) Fifth Brigade ... 67

II. Bugle-Field Calls for Infantry and Mounted Infantry—

No. 40. Continue, or Commence Firing ...... 68

„ 41. Stand Fast, or Cease Fire ...... 68

„ 42. Execute Orders Received ...... 68

III. Bugle-Field Calls for Dismounted Corps—

No. 43. Charge (Bugle and Drum) ...... 69 „ 44. Alarm 69


I. Trumpet Calls for Household Cavalry, Cavalry of the Line, Royal xArtillery, Royal Englneers (Mounted), and Army Service Corps in Camp

and Quarters— •

No. 45. Officers ... 70 „ 46. Squadron Serjeant-Majors 70

„ 47. Squadron Quartermaster-Serjeants ... 71 „ 48. Serjeants 71 — —

Part 3. Routine Calls—continued. PAGE I.—Trumpet Calls for Household Cavalry, &c. continued.

No. 49. All Non-Coramissioned Officers ... ,.. 71 „ 50. Orderly Serjeants, or Orderly Non-Com- missioned Officers in Royal Artillery, Royal Engineers, and Army Service Corps ... 71 „ 51. Orderly Corporals 72

„ 52. Band ...... 72 „ 53. Boot and Saddle 72-73 „ 54. Trumpeters 73 „ 55. Turn Out 73 „ 56. General Parade 74

„ 57. Markers ... 74 „ 58. Dismiss, or No Parade 75 „ 59. Stables 75

„ 60. Watering Order ... 76 „ 61. Feed 76 „ 62. Hay Up, or Litter Down 77

„ 63. Orderly Room ...... 77

„ 64. Parade for Guard or Piquet ...... 77

„ 65. Orders ...... 78 „ 66. Fatigue 78 „ 67. Defaulters 78 „ 68. Rides 79

„ 69. Rations , 79

., 70. Forage 79 „ 71. School 80 „ 72. Post Call 80 „ 73. Sick 80

„ 74. Alarm (for Troops to turn out under Arms) ,,. 81

„ 75. Fire Alarm ,.. 81

„ 76. Officers Dress for Dinner ,,. 81

„ 77. Mess ,. 82 — — —


Part 3. Routine Calls—continued. PAGE I. —Trumpet Calls for Household Cavalry, &c. continued.

No. 78. Flourish wh^n Marching Past (for Mounted Parade only) 83

„ 79. Salutes (a) Royalty, or Viceroy ...... 83-84

„ 80. Salutes—(J) Field Marshal, or General ... 84 „ 81. Salutes—(c) Lieutenant-General, or Major- general ...... 85 „ 82. Salutes (d) Brigadier-General, Inspecting Field Officer, or Salute for Guard ... 85 „ 83. 8G-87

... ., 84. Retreat at (for Artillery only) 88 „ 85. Watch Setting (1st Post) 89-90

„ 86. Watch Setting (2nd Post) ' 91-92 „ 87. Lights Out 92

„ 88. Brigade Calls— (a) Household Brigade 92

(b) First Brigade 93

(c) Second Brigade ...... 93 (d) Third Brigade 93

(e) Fourth Brigade 93

(/) Fifth Brigade 93

II. Bugle Calls for Infaniry and Mounted Infantry in Camp and Quarters—

No. 89. Officers 94 „ 90. Company Serjpant-Majors and Colour-Ser- jeants of Infantry 94

„ 91. Company Quartermaster - Serjeants of In- fantry and R.A.M. Corps 95 95 „ 92. All Non-Commissioned Officers „ 93. Orderly Serjeants 96 „ 94. Orderly Corporals 96 „ 95. Band 96 — —


Part 3. Routine Calls—continued. PAGE II. —Bugle Calls for Infantry, &c. continued.

No. 96. Drummers or Buglers ...... 90

„ 1)7. Signallers 97 „ 98. Pioneers 97 „ 99. Cyclists 97 „ 100. Double 97 „ 101. Orders 98 „ 102. Orderly Room 98

„ 103. Post Call 99

„ 104. Warning for Parade ...... 99 „ 105. Quarter ("all (before Parade) 100 „ 100. Fall In 100

„ 107. Dismiss, or No Parade ...... 100 „ 108. Recruits' Parade, or Rides ...... 100 „ 109. Watering Order (M.I.) 101 „ 110. Stables (M.I.) 101 „ 111. Feed (M.I.) 102 „ 112. Hay Up, or Litter Down (M.I.) 102

„ 113. Forage (M.I.) , ... 102 „ 114. Parade for Guard 103

„ 115. Fatigue 103 „ 116. Defaulters 103 „ 117. Sick 104 „ 118. School 104 „ 119. Rations 104 „ 120. Parade for Piquet 104

,, 121. Alarm (for Troops to turn out under Arms) 104

„ 122. Fire Alarm 105 „ 123. Officers Dress for Dinner 105 „ 124. Officers' Dinner 105

„ 1.25. Serjeants' Dinner ...... 106 —


Part 3.— Routine Calls—continued. PAGE II. — Bugle Calls for Infantry, &c. continued.

No. 126. Men's Meal (1st Call) 106 „ 127. Men's Meal (2nd Call) 106 „ 128. Salute for Guard 106 „ 129. Reveille 107-8 „ 130. Rouse 108

,, 131. Retreat 109 „ 132. (1st Post) 110 „ 133. Tattoo () 111-12 „ 134. Lights Out 112


I. General Instructions 113-120 II. Exercises for the Bugle 121-137 III. Exercises for the Trumpet 138-155 11 Part L] Regimental Calia





m— 108 Maelzel'a Metronome,


A A A ^ , O Trumpet ppP8 t * ^^^e^h 2nd Life Guards.

J* = 108. PH=E Bugle

/TN a Trumpet I s^e^^ 3e^EE£ 12 Part 1. Rkoimkwtal Calls

Royal Horse Guards.

= 108.

Bugle feEfeES

1 ^^ I I

Trumpet 3*5$ &?


In Dragoon Guards.

J-76 O Bugle ^SEfmm

Trumpet f iVfovp f 13 Parti.] Regimbntat, Cam.ii.

5kd Dragoon Guard*. 0-76. o Bugle S^S

Trumpet M ir^CT^ 4th Dragoon Guards.

J*-108. O Bugle £ £SS


5th Dragoon Guards.

J-76. Os Bugle

Trumpet E P^^ 14 Parti.] REGIMENTAL l/ALT.R.

6th Dragoon Guards.


Bugle ri i—lJ I ll —i— i F'fPi ri i r — sfc

Trumpet ig^^^^SJ 3

7th Dragoon Guariw.

i « = 108. O 3" Bugle ±^px ?c=p: ^^


Trumpet 4 m ^E~ j • «~^-«

1st Dragoons.

J- 108. 5P Bugle ?^^ f

Trumpet : s -sn- a- # -•- 15 Parti.] Regimental Calls.

2nd Dragoons.

#• = 108 Bogle fi=* "Sll^^ o Trumpet fi

& 1 I iJ£pi 8kd Hussars.

•'-108. y Bugle a -F-^ r - » *=£3 :t: o : Trumpet :5

4th Hussars.

J— 108. f*\ f*± p *p *±*- Bugle mm m Jm


v«/ P !

16 Parti.] RltOI MENTAL Cam,*.


-108. a Bugle rrr rfr^ :•-•— ± 11


6th Dragoon*.

108. O *—#— Bugle £ P £^ I o Trumpet jfi^f^UB ~-P=F

7th Hussars.

J = 108. /T\ 2 :p=£ ^ i & :d: Trumpet J^e^ee ^ — I h * 1 h


Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

8th Hussars.

«. = 108. • »_PL iptxzi — '.-^aJ, at

- Bug ]© -i— 1 1—

o ~£$Eh. Trumpet • fctz ^1—•— —I—•—- •-«-•-• 1

9th Lancers.

d=76. ft- -j HS-t: Bugle -p^--t 1 9 P^ es> -P—

r\ Trumpet BE3EE3EES 7X3 1 m _ -•——i—•- -o>- -m-

10th Hussars.

d = 76. 9- O Bugle pS=^ &^P^: iH— o Trumpet -• ' —•—J—^S ~ ! \-9? * ? 18 PartL] Regimental Calls.

11th Hussars.

= 108. o H*^£ ?±*-i Bugle fc=b ttm=t= *fc m

V- o

i Trumpet t± i it #-»-J-»r»- jH j V.

12th Lancers.

I © = 108. o a= Bugle BB=£=

-TN ^= Tximpot ± :q-fc

LMth Hussars.

108. -^

Trumpet ?rRT~n^ i i i i f H-J ft3 1 °iii — —

19 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

14th Hussars.

= 108. 3 3 »3___0

I— Ft — "^- Bugle 5^3 pc±q —I—1- ; •-• -•^•- A^&: t=.fz q= zt^Ui^izJ: o- s 3 3 o Trumpet S4ESEER ^^ -o- H—(- -©>- M—#- "" r ^1 # 15th Hussars.

J =108. o Bugle F=^ ±

On Trumpet 2 z£: -h r* g-

16th Lancers.

I # = 108 ^Ft-pe Bugle ^=?i? -0-t-H—!—J— I—•— I—I ^J,—-b

J S Trumpet d-d^H- W-=r—_i_n 1-01 -

b 2 20 Part l.j Regimental Calls.

17tb Lancers. O-W- O

Jngl© 1

**l *^ •"*!

r\ Trumpet z^J=^ax±3[^p^ -•-•-•-••+ -•-•-•-•-4; -«-•-•-•-+ -•-

18th Hussars.

= 108.

Bugle — S^ *=$:-

Trumpet l Wr -JlfcJiK$

19tii Hussars.


__ . | i — i —i i zjbz: Bugle He

Trumpet 5EESE5EHE ^ZZ*I* -o>- ^sriM 21 Part L] Regimental Calls.

20th Russars.

i = 108.

Fugle 1SE3EE ^ m^- i=_u

Trumpet : % ^ s^

2 1st Lancers.

J=76. S » _ Bugle Eg

Trumpet SES3

Cavalry Depot.

(=108. rs


. O__ O Trumpet s —

22 Part L] Regimeiwal Calls.



R.H.A. Regimental Call.

= 108.

Bugle _—J ' -— —< i —•— m i—•-•

Trumpet •-€-4-44- - -1 jrj, I • « ^ • fp l 4 H 1 u •-w-i \ — 1 m-m- m m "}Jm i -4-

"When two or more Brigades R.H.A. are quartered together, each will affix " " one or more G's to the R.H.A. Regimental Call to distinguish 1st, 2nd, &c, Brigade.



-pifzij: BugJe ^HSS o Trumpet —i- SSI 23 Part 1.] Regimental Calls. ROYAL ARTILLERY. R.A. Regimental Call

(=108. j 1 Bucrle es ^gmmm

n 3 [— !—-— 3 Q Trumpet




When two or more Brigades R.F.A. are quartered together, each will affix one or more " G's " to the R.F.A. Call to distinguish 1st, 2nd, 4c, Brigade. RIDING ESTABLISHMENT. ©--108. O


o Trumpet i^=s £=: i

Part L] Regimental Calls.


= 103. o

Eu-jr)e #4V4—I [±± taf-v o 1—£3- Trumpet zE^::33- —I—i— 0-O-0-9- -•-•- d b£±f • Of -©-©df -«- --!-©-

WJien two or more Companies R.Gr.A. are stationed together, each will adlx one or more " Gr's " to the ll.U-.A. Call for distinction.


[ = 108. r\ :a-^-|3-^-p=r- Bugle -•-• ^ 4- •- o-F-L—pp-—U-j— O > Trumpet. v- n ^a I Shi !-•——•-+

When two or more Batteries are quartered together, each will affix one or more " Gr's " to the Mountain Artillery Call to distinguish the 1st, 2nd, c.c, BatterieB. — —

25 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.


©=108. »o


S-l i gji^io: 1 L (—

Busrle 1 •-! ; I U_- J—EtELmmti — ——-—j —

/O Trumpet •- >- -4r—o m-m-m— -9—J-9- P^3l

When two or more Companies are quartered together, each will affix one or more " G's ". to the Local Companies Cull to distinguish the 1st, 2nd, &c, Couipanics.


J = 108. % ___CL Bug-le w=w ^T% •- • - 1 1 -ba-k -i i i

Trumpet it f"^"-i ?3: w± ^m t* J —

26 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.


Regimental Call.

= 108 Maelzel's Metronome.

P» , Bugi* P -o-

Trumpet $= -o- -=?: a» INFANTRY.

Grenadier Guards. FOOT GUARDS.

gj = 108 Maelzel's Metronome. r 3 lst Batt. £ E

SE£=± -i i

«. = 108.

2nd Batt. ir:^

= 108. EiEiizz E£z:pzzp— 3rd Batt. pzfbza-Ji [ pd

1 i * £—uo«i r i i— — —

27 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.


108. (Ot 1st Batt. *-> n-ik ^sp1 ! 1- •--•- -I 0-\ Wm ^=>z H-FH

« -108.

2nd Batt. / :p=p:pi^T* =pr*

i i i«"- I- l P I 8F Hi

^=108. «2 3rd Batt. ?sfe-•-•-• -•-•-•-•- f^

Scots Guards.

X J- 108.

1st Batt. T21 *=s = 108. X 3 2nd Batt. r2: o>- !±=fc— r-•— 1- 3

28 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

Irish Guards.

J«-108. =rV 1st Batt. w=w -5—v-


«• =106 Maelzel's Metronome. ^BBgg^Bpi 2nd Brigade. O b±rkj—t—hi TT3Z J3L =f£t 4-iH-t-i 1 tj tS

INFANTRY OF THE LINE. When more than one Battalion use the same Regimental Call, the " G's " pre- fixed for distinction in that laid down for the Battalions need only be sounded when two or more of the Battalions happen to be stationed together.

Royal Scots.

C • = 108 Maelzel's Metronoma.

1st Batt. —P-g- j=P 0H---g-h -H—— tr ==108

2nd Batt. 29

Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

Rotal West Sueret.

= 108. q^ 1st Bait. 5 ( [± < -f±3= L/ 4 o o

2nd Batt. 111111 —i L..U.J 1— 1 -

East Kent.

J =108. n 1st Batt SEE

i = 108.

2nd Batt. ::-p: KJ

Royal Lancaster.

J =108.

9r =sr=T 1st Batt. m T3~ * oo» 2nd Batt. 3H=£=f^^t- i±: £2 ±=p — —u— —I

30 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

Northumberland Fusiliers.

J«=108. rr\

1st Batt. zfrz:Eoczpr-y P' ?= i w- i h— i i—p— —t:

•5 =-108.

~~ZH— ft 2nd Batt. :p=pLpzp=B

1 - 1 •-(- SeS -I—9 — — i= rr Royal Warwickshire.

J» =108. p^p-p^-p- sr—zzp=p P-ft 1st Batt. r: —P+--Pn tt oo •">

2nd Batt. 553 \p\p c_r r'g"^%b \- 3?J i j— iiffii

Royal Fusiliers. J =108. sq lst Batt. ®± ffroa OO "**^h S33EBE5 2nd Batt. ± SB^KSP /->r\r>

- 3z: . p m -p -p: 3rd Batt. !£- f

4th Batt. §u^mm^m —l


Part 1.] Regimental Calls.


J- =108.

JNM4 .-*-„-£. -*—P- Batt. E^| 1st BE^Ekgq^g|r-gyg

= 108.

2nd Batt t%— —<—b—C-*4 u=rjp BgfejgMhflal


= 1 108.

1st Batt. ^zpqzp^t.^ j— ?a VJ

J. 108.

2nd Batt. — 1 1 •-! ±A^-m rrt-i— 1— :-r±h ^gg


«. =108. r - if5 1st Batt -P—tSt--^!U— t •—=—•-


-ft 2nd Batt. 1E± iz=iB±z^: —

32 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.


=108. rs Ttt 1st Batt. e=be^ £s t rszzz^ 1 KJ oo jSF pzHtftqip: .eii 2nd Batt. ^e Prf-


J- = 108.

?3- 1st Batt. #-

i 1 r fc|E=ZB== :p>: tod Batt. rfU-Vf-±=l & P=£ H-t—— —F—g=t=

Somerset L. I.


-£>- 1st BaLt. fUL^Zt^ l> 4^-h V*

, O O ? - fi _Jz:_q _q_q_n _p_^—±_ p _p 2nd Batt.

i!fc rr , li— -j 5—U*^ « o !


Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

West Yorkshire.

= 108.

1st Batt. ^2^35 hm tfc m r> o a=F=|E 3EHE[ES *• 2nd Batt. £*=*=* ^H

!ast Yorkshire. «'. =108. o S: =5= *=^=P=T 1st Batt. a—«~ '— o

2nd Batt FH3ES5Ef= •—


1 = 108.

1st Batt. IjE==» S rfTi

= 1 108.

2nd Batt. ^-c- g#SEg ;ehe 34 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

Leicestershire. 0-108.

lat Batt. EBbi -I & O- -fcStS: I

= 108.

tad Batt. 1 hffr- ! EEiS^ES \ L— i i

Rotal Irish. J =108. r\

lat Batt. ;e5 iPZMIlCllFJzpji : •- A+ -i— si L_^ T^J = 108. 2nd Batt. Bi§^ Yorkshire.

= 108. o>

1st Batt.

*nd Batt.

Lancashire Fusiliers. J= 108. / 1st Batt - g— -_—jy P— £3" oo -,<=V 2nd Batt. zpzrjo s B»- H s s— • w

35 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

Royal Scots Fusiliers. J=103. O azfc §L 1st Batt

r\r\ Oi

2nd Batt. Hl^ :fco±- a


J. 108. CflIZZ 1st Batt. H 1 L

©•=108. r\

2nd Batt. -g-g- £5i --H F^Hj-— --l-«-«-f- i

Royal Welsh Fusiliers,

J =108. 1st Batt. *±= SsEg o o

2nd Batt. 2: H 1- fi=z::=rpz^a: ^4?—•— kss-+ c 2 1 —


Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

South Wales Borderers.

J=108. 1st Batt. m

r\ r\

2nd Batt. T3T- lAzzIzzfc: :zz p.

King's Owk Scottish Borderers.


.1st Batt,

'2nd Batt.

Scottish Rifles.

= 108.

1st Batt. T=*=

- = 108.

2nd Bai t. :p-=P--i I —— •


Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. J =108.

1st Batt. ^E ±. :t=^-££=- l =t^ o I£_. 2nd Batt. i-?-!-r- :..:«rtfadz^r &

Gloucestershi re. J" -108.

'— W=fz=9T l»t Batt. I S£J J -108. O

Jnd Batt. iq^bpzzpipzrizzp: ^ fcizt—B±j—t-

Worcestershire. =108. O

1st Batt. *3E =p=Ezi^zpi=r|-p—

I *fe t± -•-i——Q^--»— —

i i i # = 108.

2nd Batt. P3^P=P

= 120.

p—k—-j 3rd Batt :#.=^: &±=p-t=£ t-r—rfcr

= 108. -f: zpj— 4th Batt. ^=& ""H-F— *- fr — i

38 Part 1.1 Regimental Call3.

East Lancashire.

= 1 108.

1st Batt. T5- pzizprj? i±±3 • I—Hh-1-

/"-\ 1 = 108.

2nd Batt. ^^:=jj^=jiz!^=|=^rpzpjzz:|=p—pzpjE|^Ef]

East Surrey.

J = 108. ==F 1st Batt. •- •- 6"E™ S — t 1=108. O £t « E-f—P P u 2nd Batt. j—•—«—j |—•-

Duke of Cornwall's L. I.

= 76.

let Batt. [ 23=ZHIZT^ZZIZZjQI i=P=P^=p:

1 l~ L V_^_«_i_| 1 H -1 "I 1—P; —

« = 108.

-M 2nd Batt ^-iqz: _B=zirzp.~~p =P=P-

L i 3 —* i——— —

39 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

West Riding.

= 108.

1st Batt.

m- 4 i -i h- s


BS :t=r: 2nd Batt. w±±i -•-•- ^i


108. ^L#

1st Batt. w=$ H H 1 1 ' W£=± 1 CE3

2nd Batt. ±-*zJLJEfcfczfcj^Er!-EE-M-H--*4

Royal Sussex.

J =108.

1st Batt. P—^: :*—p: -•-i— i—^—•- e

2nd Batt. S4» • •— gjfej^j 1 *5

i I i —

40 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.


J' 108. —«— O let Batt « -F-l—firF-


2nd Batt. P^F^E tW^:_Tfi fjgjV *»^—•-•-•-•- t==u

South Staffordshire.

0=108. P- 1st Batt. S=dy *3EE*z :L=J=h—— u2

1=108. 1- ^- —'- -F A 2nd Batt. -5-H


». = 108. —Q-jt P-m f-«-. 1—^^ n 1st Batt. 2t±=pz|=p=pct=tprp=pz?cp=P= -F^P===H

8 "*=£: 2nd Batt. ^5 I :

41 Parti.] Regimental Calls.

South Lancashire.

I e'.=io8. 1st Batt. HE

:108. =fe •zzzt^zriizzri: 2nd Batt. =1


1st Batt.

r 2nd Batt f 1 k

Royai* Highlanders.

I «* = 108 g—W-p—yJZ JLZ^M 1st Batt.

-108. pi=p=:*— 2nd Batt. BE^T -I •-! •— •- S^H E 1 1

42 PartL] Regimental Calls.

Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire L. I.

I. -108. -9-535 #*-#- 1st Batt. El • — • — h^h

108. :p— 2nd Batt. fc5 p=j£=p: •JI-«- +::-f^r ESt^


J-108. r—*- 1st Batt. * :jo=:p - fr— t=t

2nd Batt. ^-^-W-B-^ -4-f—EESdEEEEEEl

Nottinghamshire and DERBrsmRE.

J -108. =qsr 1st Batt. £ ipz^cpqtr:^ =p=p= 53 :P=

i i i

J' -108. *7> o» Z#" *£-*,p -"1 ~ 2E5 — l» 1 2nd Batt. 1 ?

43 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

Loyal North Lancashire.


=£T 1st Batt. iEB3 ±=± ^F oo 2nd Batt. ^gg^gE=PE^tg_^


J = 108.

-*—=L 1st Batt, CTI

= 108. & P^ 2nd Batt. 2=pz=p—p: -k***- -&•*

Rotal Berkshire.


1st Batt. :ij=±zrrf_p—_-pi=f—|t—-_i— 2t—j—f=—r=—p—p—1_r—p—1=—f— 4^—


2nd Batt. =fe :p=*: tast p-n^i— ^^ [ 44 Part I.] Regimental Calls.

Rotal West Kent.

«-108. n—n-p 1st Batt 5EO= =pzz ^*=p =a=t -A-—0— h 1

r=i08. ifo^_ 2nd Batt. )H=i=

fiffr»fl 2nd Batt «: KIsB

Shropshire L. I.

• = 108. :~p~ 1st Batt. iE£& p: -j & 1 Ua

I 1 J—t==tr

« = 108. cl — —^: -s,— 3 2nd Batt. ^_< 45 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.



1st Batt. 3E : -h3^ 4=5= £^^E5Ez

= 108. o

2nd Batt =£ -* ^. h

J' -108. 3rd Batt 4=^===:

J = 108.

4th Batt. —P^= h% g < V 1^

King's Rotal Rifle Corps.

. = 108. # ^

1st Batt oo

2nd Batt. 5 =fct g; fe^f=|||E^1 __o_oo

3rd Batt. y=^ ^ -«—•- ffi o o o o 4th Batt. \ &£*£*±tthpfrfffrgp - —:


Part 1.] Regimental Calls.


J- 108. *^—± FT=f- 1st Batt. ' -t± jzfcft 4 \ ¥


2nd Batt. pTipzzp:



_*" ' — I I 1st Batt 53 ipzzzzprr: ^3 t=$r. ^S

108. <7\ ¥=£=* -^J zjzjz 2nd Batt. 5 t=f=pc ±.

North Staffordshire.

J. =108. =p=— ,-P-p-f r 1st Batt. 1 i—•' — \2—

©•=108. _. O-— =

-P 1 r r— .2| -L 2nd Batt. =& ^

47 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

York and Lancaster.


1st Batt. E=3?=p T^ £F: 1 \ ©•=108. O

2nd Batt. E5 fcqCM ±h ES^

Durham L. I.

0. =108. ~p~ »~p 1st Batt. firz^: =p: *=d -• —

0=76. :p=pc 2nd Batt, i CHI E 3=t

Highland L. I.

0= 76 ?*=^P- 1st Batt. * 5^3 S •L/

1 = 108.

2nd Batt feast 48 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

Seaforth Highlanders.


1st Batt. -S- A- —m— I •— i h~ [±'\ - — — 3^-

i ^ r : -i--

108. JE*=m 2nd Batt. •-- -| / ;S±=U

Gordon Highlanders.

J- =76.

1st Batt. I ffSf—d— ^ •- ^a — -Fr-rt-f— 4=

C-108. 2nd Batt. ^^3^ fc=a-

2nd Batt —

4!) Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

Xoyal Irish Rifles.

= 108.

1st Batt. )«fr-i-«- 9-—9-4 J-f.lT;i. l

e$ . - 108. 2nd Batt. JS|pg t: Royal Irish Fusiliers. J. =108. o 1st Batt. fc£Vl £u± -H--J—I h

-=108. ~ rn e 2nd Batt. A Am? EEEg3zztjttdzp==:pzp:—


J. -108.

1st Batt S3EB FHHt-^-i^ -nj* 108.

feF p-;—»— r — r— w-'—~— 2nd Batt. ^ — 50 A-art 1.] Keoimsntal Galls.

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.

0.=1O8. .^— «_

«_• 1 1st Batt. p |_ I J—

= d 76. MM* 30«>-PLtt: : 2nd Batt. 4-4+



1st Batt. !=!!=pEp: =£===*

108. r\

2nd Batt

Rjval Munster Fusiliers. J* =108. O O 1 Batt. itfPr 1st ££B

OO 0_0_ - _ * * P

3nd Batt. — 1 ^

51 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

Royal Dublin Fusjliees. J =108. 1st Batt. psp^^Spg /TVTn =^ 2nd Batt. ^ feiEB 4r-J-g- _± |l- & t Rifle Brigade.

= 108.

'—h- 1st Batt. gZ^gZJZZg J •- —L— V-— S3 h—— - • = 108. __m

2nd Batt. £=255: O- J^Mg- 3 _3 •3- K ^^ w~. 1-.-* *—P^Fh— 3rd Batt. td=Ms3 J- =108.

4th Batt. =P^ |EE& &B s West India Regiment.

=108. /-N

1st Batt. 3^ =*=t =?==£=fc£3=£

©'=108. 2nd Batt g^f^efE D 2 52 Part 1.] Regimental Calls.

King's Afhican Rifles.

# = 108. rs

1st Batt. EEB^EE \±: •— •- — •- Eg^E

2nd Batt. =t^iB

#-103. fa? *" ,i3=r=^i-p=n=r 3rd Batt. ^3"±=x--.


4th Batt.*

West African Regiment.

J»=108. e— fi

Mounted Infantry.

J- =108. S o> Parti.] Regimental Caccb.



• =108 Maelzel's Metronome.

:ix: &—W~~^*-.§: Bugle =8

On Trumpet zips: -•- -•--«- =^3^


1. Chatham Division.


. 3 . :cnj fc=*=

2. Portsmouth Division.

= 76. —r> $~r~r-j r, Irkf&S

3. Plymouth Division.

0=76. ^=g= ^Q 54 PartL] Rkgimektal Calt.8.


J- 1 108 Maeliel's Metronome.

:p=p: -7=5- Bng\*>

Trumpet :± S ±: 5


J • —108 Maeliel'u Metronome.

3 *-—1-^-4 -•—•-


J. > 106 Maeliel's Metronome. SEE P t*=*F 55

Part 2.] Field Calls.





No. 1. Charge.


-fr» ^a^-gj-p— gjl P —•-•-•—!— I—h~ t£t

No. 2. Alarm.

J' =76. — I ——


Part 2.] Fjeld Calls.

No. 3. Forward, or Advance.


• -.-. =1 Slgill^gi- t

No. 4. Walk.

J =108.

itl rpiz— pr* pzrp: =t=rri*

No. 5. Trot.

= 108.

i> •- 4-- i— -III' h- i ! 1 Err -ii —I—

No. 6. Gallop.

103. —rrp—rrp: —F i f r- zrpzpnpzrprpz: jEzrprsrs — — h i I nrt -_i— — i i —— i = • - ' :zt f?rrr=f=E: — ' t=fr !


Part 2.] Field Calls.

No. 7. March.

j£ ;q: EM t~

No. 8. Halt.

J =108. S ¥= E

No. 9. Annul, or As You Were.

J =108. =t=tC

1 E± n— 1 L:

(This Call is used to cancel any previous Order.)

No. 10. Troops Half-Right. (If repeated implies Troops Right Wheel.)

= 103.

T^: \


Part 2.] Field Calls.

No. 11. Troops Half-Left. (If repeated implies Troops Left Wheel.)

= 108. ± f 1 1=^

No. 12. Form Line.

a- =76.

R -4r—•— -9—m— - -O •- -o-

No. 13. Retire, or Troops Right (or Left) About Wheel, or (for Artillery) Sub-Sections Right About Wheel.


izEJip: zpzp: t=tz •- -I— -r— -b-H— f^t^?-. :±S: I


Part 2.] Field Calls.

No. 14. Squadron Columns. (If, in Column of Troops, this Call is

sounded preceded by one " C,'' it implies to the Right ; if preceded by two "Cs" it means to the Lekt.)

G=160. s bk t:

No. 15. Pursue.

= 108.

-M- P=£ :c>: : A

No. 16. Rally, or Close. (If followed by one " G " to the Right; if followed by two " G-s " to the Left.)


iS — 60

Part 2.] Field Calls.

No. 17. Mass. (If preceded by one "C" to the Right; if preceded] by two " Cs " to the Left.)


3Z=z=PE :o:n P-Ar—B-\-—m—

No. 18. Attention.

= 108.

Hefe^ -

No. 19. March at Ease, or Sit at Ease.

= 103.

:ii_«_. -i £ i— i "PXZ /- 1 •— —t— i -a- — m— ffl±fc — g ——


Part 2.] Field Calls.

So. 20. Stand to your Horses.


—»— —J- ~azpp~ p-jcp: rpzg^iirp: __'B_a_ pFR-H-b -i Tzzlz

No. 21. Mount.

= 76.

3~q~I~e SE -(-—•-•-

Nc. 22. Dismount.

= 108. H§BgScpc3 :bib

-;i| ; — -f

No. 23. Fours, or Sections A rout.

Jw 108.

:b: ^"_Ei3EE*—w. -i • 1—-i— b£ *^5-p- ^


Part 2.] Field Calls.

No. 24. Front.

= 108. :p=pz:p zr: -h-F-

No. 25. Tkoop Column.

J =160.

c^-«— -i •- 5M— J:: z

No. 26. Column of Troops.

No. 27. Head of Column, or Heads of Columns, change direction Half-Right. (If repeated this Call implies Head of Column, or Heads of Columns, change direction to the Right.)

J* =108.

W=ZprW=jp=Z? ; •!_ |g=^i m& ::_p_ — ft— 63

Part 2.] Field Calls.

No. 28. Head of Column, or Heads of Columns, change direction Half-Left. (If repeated this Call implies Head of Column, or Heads of Columns, change direction to the Left.)

No. 29. Squadron Leaders—Right.

= 108.

No. 30. Squadron Leaders—Left.

= 108. —


Part 2.] Field Galls.

No. 31. Continue, or Commence Firing.

J -104. 3= •-•— 1-^p — m m —•---•— -• j

No. 32. Stand Fast, or Cease Firing.

= 76.

- y-^N- |— —^t^—-

No. 33. Draw, or Return Swords.

= 108. -Att&- ^rz^—^=zw- ^F—hi—i—i-—f—h=z

[_. »


Part 2.] Field Calls.

No. 34. Carry Swords, or Lances.

= 108.

:=fc3= 3 F : ^ g-1—• g—

No. 35. Slope Swords, or Sling Lances.

J =108.

:p=p: B fc«£p=fcp ^fe3i

No. 3fi. Trail Lances.

= 108.

No. 37. Prepare to Mount, or Dismount.

J =108.

.)i p p #:

-i i M=— i u =4= =t=: 66 Part 2.] Field Calls.

No. 38. Execute Orders Received.

J =120. r\

No. 39. Brigade Calls—

(a) Household Brigade.


#=120. r\ .Ji_^=^_^_ ipc=pqp=[Eip= -I F | ^^—

(6) First Brigade.

J- :108.

(c) Second Brigade.

J* =108. —


Part 2.] Field Calls.

No. 39. Brigade Calls—continued.

(d) Third Brigade.

• =103. /O ^v il._P_^.(ELZ 5 2- IF^- !- -F— F- fcttzi=|zdfct:

(e) Fourth Brigade.

(/) Fifth Brigade.

0. =108.

ijE^c^qiE^ppp [ ^ I It -i— m-\— I

e 2 9

Part 2.] Field Calls.


No. 40. Continue, or Commence Firing.

=104. S=|i&EE53EE

No. 41. Stand Fast, or Cease Fire.

= 76. r\ IC5ZZZZI T3~. -m-1— t^ffi m ---

No. 42. Execute Orders Received.


-^ * :e_^. pzzn: =P3^ u— — — —


Part 2.] Field Calls.


No. 43. Charge.

© = 152.

Busrleo" I ppEg

-r *t- Drum at* zpzzznezp: •pzpzprpi

i i i ^ 1— 5^3|-i——— -±de Si* u— 5*1

q-g-g-g-| g-g-g-g-| | ap=£ — — {--j»-j— b-fl

., cx-- ail^*:i:p:pz|~®izpz#: D. * | i " - — rg*— i~" —— —Hz ' 1 — i i Si*—uJ — i —'-J*-!^- s* s-

No. 44. Alarm.

a* =76. £-31 pr zrfiip: H-p;pTp ^wt^-w *-F-(--[--*-P -p— fcj2 —


Part 3.] Routine Calls.




No. 45. Officers.

q* =76 Maelzel's Metronome.

-F ! I — \-r-\- SEzpd^SESF— -•-•-9-{-Qi i±J!f^: -•—+—m m- • |j-

E3 ¥-—&-- — Ed :f-9-~m- -^i

The whole of the Call to be sounded wlien all the Officers are to be summoned ; the first half only (as far as *) when Squadron leaders alone are required.

No. 46. Squadron Serjeant-Majors.

= 76. n o o—\— o I 1- 71

Part 3.] Routine Cauls.

No. 47. Squadron Quartermaster-Serjeants.


1 1—

ziq^^3=fe-iS=^^=^.-•—!-• =

No. 48. Serjeants. d=76. O

f ztz3z:^rJzdr2z?z1zzhz^zBd=?zt=!^==li

No. 49. All Non-Commissioned Officers.

= 76. "©---—__^v==p==^: :==zzrzi3z^=zrzp:p:

No. 50. Orderly Serjeants, or Orderly N.C. Officers in Royal Artillery, Royal Engineers, and Army Service Corps.

= 108.

-H- •-O-9-0-0 — | | 9J

72 Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 51. Orderly Corporals.

J* =108.


No. 52. Band.

J = 108.

it =1 J— 1- -U -J .-J 1 •- — 1 — —I—d- ±=l :—-4— -a^. ^ ^

No. 53. Boot and Saddle.

= 108.

—i—| —i —I ;ii' -_j—|-©-«-d-d—— •-• z^ § r r i * -4

s L_ 5] -O 1-;—I- —I —


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 53. Boot and Saddle—continued. =1=

i§~5^S33:=3=3-; 1 •-* -•" -•"

—4 - - „' I- — 1 ^

No. 54. Trumpeters.

J =108.

:izzidzqz5^ :

i •-! hS npdij ^^i i, rp-toj^t- ^«- Ui— m "~J f -14- | | | | | I I -^T———1_ — 1 — —,_!_© p I j„ -LI——— TO—a—-4- -«--«- -•--••-•- > -•-. lXJj :s= On

i— 0-f_-©_ * .-d~

No. 55. Turn Out.


-Vr- SFW -$—0-0-C -—I -rf bfc3 1 \- — 9 (H i^H . E -9- -ft -C- r I d P


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 56. General Parade.

108. J-^,

H 1 1- 3£ esE^sia 1 -•—• *dEEHI

Quicker rj=7fi.

::r U"

O -«- -•- -•-•-•--•—I- -o-. -•-•--•- > -«--•-«- -«--«-• •-


- -^— : i — -i- h—^— --}: i — — i I F— ,— i '— :q-rra=ips; 9———— d- — d i—

No. 57. Markers.


1— _q_s|-P— : h-F =f i ^ j—-, j—' tttnz —— — — — f —i


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 58. Dismiss, or No Parade.

= 108. -q^tK i^^^itzzpz

No. 59. Stables.

J. =76. =£ =5Pqz: 3EZ«4EEjK 1 -MF 1 r •-•-••-• bfc :zj: -•-4-«- t=EEEE -•- -#••«-

:nzz : azzpzazpzp:

i i I l r-r i- — « — — __!——^__*_i_— H—j_zzpzpz|:

-A mzzzzzz -•-•-•- zzjzzzpzzzbpz — • p • i-P-p- zEr^SEEz^E

z^zqzzzizzpzzezffzpzez zpzzLqz

«--| 1 i -O i— i— ztzjzqzqzq: d -•-•--#"•- — j I — h

76 Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 60. Watering Ouder.

0=76. r\ zq—zzs; I-J--2—SI -- 1 \—\—i— IjCprpifEM: I- 4-9-4-4— i— u-j b~M— : ©-©:©-©-dl •- —

p - — i~-J - -+H 1- i —I i- -•—d-d -i———i--i-fli-i—

No. 61. Feed.


fa- _!><

m~4~\—©--H--© ••-•—•—©—•—'--I --«--H—I—i—l-ffl-- —#— I ©--J J- 9—I-C--H-© L -©- -fl-

I j .-JCh——R-—Pd— —-1— 1 1 —I- d o— • IS — -


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 62. Hay Up, or Litter Down.

I a =76- ^ zq= ^=SS3= hP^rJrd4H- -•- •- -9- -g-

•--•--»- -•- -•- -•-

No. 63. Orderly Room.


I - 1 --^ -% ' ' 1 — - — uj-H^h-P ^r\- H~Fa I I 1 — — 1 1- .A 1_)--« 1 — ——i r-- i 1 I——hH—— —— —l-r— ^— ±t 1 9—m—\-\ e—l_a_l L

:zpze:M=P M- U. 1 J j— —— j w-±m — -I— • •-••--€=*

No. 64. Parade for Guard or Piquet.

1 #=108.

1 1—3- -#-^-«-«H- U-_H _fl m—i_L. i^*. — I n — h-


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 65. Orders.

i m = 108.

T^^3 I — 1 ;a^^ — — l^™^™P^ (fl— r~'"^*"PI fcr 1-


—i i i -H—£9SS35eSE£3EI — ^=e- -•- -•--•-•

No. 66. Fatigue.


i -• 1 —^l— 1 — 1 -, i « •— — & —— • - -d—

atzfcl ! I •—•-•—•—• _1ri-^zzqv3: -i — — 1 m — —• —i

No. 67. Defaulters.

= 108.

- g - I I I — ~^£ ^— s i—

-•-• -•- -•—!- -•-


1 - 1 ( 1 -H 1 -• H J — -•—•- — — « i


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. C8. Rides.


:ij:q=q==q: *J o- -•-• -•- -0- -0- -•- -•- -e-

-•— i r~r-1——-^=—

l l " — ' — 1 — \-t -0 -=-• 1 H- -0- -0- -0-* -©>-

No. 69. Rations.

d = 76.

i i- i —, =t,—i- 3=53= Iif3»Z»Z^zf t±: -0-H-0- r * >--•--•- -0- -uu—

No. 70. Forage.

= 76.

-9r- E*a=s —0-h—H~0— - — i


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 71. School.



IZZJ —|Z~J!!^ 1 -d-i-i — —l—T L: r±=r o-

No. 72. Post Call.

I* =104. O

I i [ i— rtfcqsq ———e— —i — 1 1\- -•— —-j—'-• ==tg — • --it"*"* -ir

No. 73. Sick.

= 76. 3 ,,

E •-^-•—'- tj -«-• -•- -«- ~i—qr4— ^ -*-• r *

1 — H 1^^,- 1 1 —1 ^- •--— •--— — e— —i — •- —I — •—i— •- E3i — — — i — — — —i —


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 74. Alarm (for Troops to turn out under Arms).

I d-=76.

]~ X—C3_H_g:=j— — -d—H- 1!—H- -£- k \+0'» I- i » — -« — —-•- ^-^• 13 o- «- ®- -9- O

j Ij 1 J -,_ '- 1_ 1 —©-i_« 1—-H- -O — -9- -®- -«-* -#

No. 75. Fire Alarm.

0=108. zzpzpzpr qBltr itRzfct "* 1~~1 i'*-* ' ' •>• • • *•- — Qz I M * M

No. 76. Officers Deess for Dinner.

J =108. r\

i 1 0-\ © 1-0 Ii I I -£±r-m-J§-9-9— —— -}-«-©-©-©-«- ———i-W-iId -J- i &— 9—i-' Lm--+9 — I *-

—Q-—rn~—-,—^i— 2tz:ztz~zzzzz =H ' <— 0-0—1P— 1-9 — 1 I- 4U) —0~0-m— © H-© - r — , —1_^-0 9-\—| — I--©- is — -0-0—9—0- -0' • — — — —


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 77. Mess.

O- =76.

i— - FFH -i a -•—9-9- -» —\- =±|:— — g-g -j 9 ssi mm-9- -•- -•- -9- -•-

-«- -•- -•- -9-

zsT=FF^g -•—«—• L 9- -•—•—•-

:izzi=q~pd=:X:pE=p3E53S= - 1 ©-•-«-«- — • -I 9 \—9— •— ' *=fctt -l 9—

q=r '- -1~\ 1 £^ 1 1—-J I — -d- -# -§|- V -9- ~W I ^ j — - I i


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 78. Flourish when Marching Past (for Mounted Parade only).

= 76.

—:z=r^Z53^E -I 1 fv^l-^-. x 1 ) 1 1- 1 1 -€3- -•- -•- -•- -•- 3 -•- -i


3 — - I — —i —^L—j —^L——j—j - — I ^CZZ' —£ZZuZZ i i i— J- I —i i I— —e> T-h——i —— —— 1 —— h — -•- -«- -•- -•- -•- -m- 9- -•- -•- -•- -•-

—=i— — ~S~~i~t i- — j_dzz| —-i1_: tj -•- -•- — -q-

No. 79. Salutes— (a) Royaltv, or Viceroy.

J =108.

"_•- _c. -#k-#-jHP-J- -•--•-•--•--«•- >* -#-#-

1 — ^ -1- "j -I— 1— — i I I- -H——— ^ i jfflnlfil

: -^ (-j-- =1 i —' — — ^S-^-^H —j-^=3 —iR-L ! — ._{ U— _j 1 1 j_ ,_— — > p —LLJ — _j 1 _ 9'___j__j_l_. -•- —-• — F 2 , i _

84 Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 79. Salutes—continued.

(a) Royalty, or Viceroy—continued.

i U- S=5=3-^ =1=1=1 —c—L -•- -•- 0- -9 4h'«m>

1^-* " I I I =1 ;— d _i ^— H :i^=E —1-— —


I I • 1 J— 1 -0__j__j. — — — I— — j —-i— — ' I 1 « 1 1—H— I— EE*= — \-i -•- -9- -•- -•- -©- -9- -•-

No. 80. Salutes.

(6) Field Marshal, or General.

J =108.

^3* 3=tztt==iz^zz3=Hz=E •- -•- -•- -•- -#- -•- -•-

: 1 r;g -

i i =4^ -d ——— -9-9- -•--•-«-•- -•- •- -•- -•- -•- -•

'- . s— j ~-3=:1- jrqd=jE=t- -I— |1§EE?I1 -•- -9- -9- 9. +. -0- _e ! ; —— d • —

85 Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 81. Salutes.

(c) Lieutenant-General, or Major-General.

J ' = 108.

:ir: j^j^^j^=pqEy^

t i )-- j*> i -#-£—•—- i ——p— — —i— -•- -•--#- -9-

""•v =F -0 — © 1_ «—i—•- « _q 4-^l-4==P^«5Kqc

I I , 1 1 1 i 1 — f— «—•-•— 9— —.! «--•- -•-

"~! -•—•-•-•— 3—3— 33-1==)=3-^-l:•— 4(1)- ^l— i

No. 82. Salutes.

(c£) Brigadier-General, Inspecting Field Officer, or Salute for Guard.

J* =108.


1 i i— =te ; f— -H—h— ——— ^-d— -i———

- 1 "," 1 > "~ ' r \ I — ! — n ^.,__, o + I

86 Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 83. Reveille.

J =116. A :j3 zzqrilzpxjdEq: :p>: Si



—•r^""!- :=q=H=

I i •—•-• •- —1-« •- « -•-•— •- -I UbJ— — «— — — -• •—I

A _A_A. d1—~1— 3E =np»zprpzp.7zi; •- ' ffl-o o>— e^-*— 1 — — — £=-•= ^ :


: 3_l-J-41 J - 1 — 1- i—SE^Sh; -i-d^v -•-• l —I — I h —o — •


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 83. Reveille— continued.

-9- A A A -j nifzeF — — I-— 1— —— q

. --— | —Ummmr 9 \ — iS-L •-* -«- 3 =1=3— tJt ~c^~ x^".

:zq-- =tt= 3 i J^h—i — — c- -©- -®- -®- -«- -• -•- -•- -•- -•- -•-a^-< • • • • ~a~

K-H 1 1 — -•— ——m i-—mc—«-s•-#—m—a«—a L_ • • • • -


F- 1 -H- :e i - •---• \— — i—— — — II -•-—h—-•-

Sloi * JLUL

- 1—

Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 84. Retreat at Sunset (for Artillery only).

G = 76. /rs

—-•—d-i_fl•- m 1 —3 —3 - =? • --•-• B o

i =4=^= Ei . ^jfjtl . F^-j^.ilJ: i i r i—•— | i -I—1»——i—^--m-m—J—\— 9-\-4>—i———RH- !-•— m-> m—A— 1 •—•-•—!—h-L -o—I- -©-*-#-


i --!--•- -«- -4- ——I- —\--\- ~1- -— -+- —I- —I- -9- -•- -•- -•-

—=— -—I- i I I | • ±- =t^= —— \--i- 1 e 9 --3 — — —o—1 o—I- __|. _J_ .0- _«|- _|- _^_

o r\ :^--^±-fc 1- SSI•-•- m -9- -9^.-4- -ft -p-

1 1 « « 1 1- •HH m^=\ —9 r™H"f — ._(__—1- L. - - - - — 1 9 9 .9. _«- w #49- -9- — — — •


Part 3 •] Routine Calls.

No. 85. Watch Setting- (1st Post).

1 = 108.

H—q: I I I -1-^ 1 1 —» 1 — — ' 1 V-i 1 1 a—- m — a a a

A 4^—^fe^

u-i (_^_.-__«_^. . 9-9-9- — — ff o- 1— if

3H3=qH-:&F -•—9 •—•-•-• — L- -<=? ^~- -•-•- =1=4 -•--•

-9- -•--•- !- -9- 9 9 -9--A-9- , -9—I- « « • •— -G>- r — k 3

90 Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 85. Watch Setting (1st Post) continued.

3=3#5z| zzrzzszszzjzqzzzqzzzzq •—& •ot ;r

:ilEqz1r*ziEiFE5=b#i*^=qiq=P^ zzzzzzzzzz

^ 1 ^^._ _zzzj_q \-u-i- -«--•—i-——i —i —i- '^

— I I I ) — r=q-L_j ! zrzqzzqzzt: z^z:i1z=j^zz^z=jzqzizz1^zz1z:z:Jzizz. -9- -9- &- -«- -9- ~9~ ~9~ er • • • *

Slower. [\ f\ f\ tzzzzjzzz zzz^zzqzzzqzzz: -4 —5—i— : —i— n—i — -d -9-. |—• €^— M=n=3zzpzrt ^zzzjz^zziz> — — fj -i— tJ-

iz^izzzzjzzz: zzzzc -O— —9 €»

1 — t


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 86. Watch Setting (2nd Post).

= 108.

A A A A ^nzz3=^=^=qz^yE^z:^-n=^-b -•- -•- —1- -•- -•- -•- -4- . — -#- -4- =•=' —J- .


SE^ii 1—4— : =: m —i —£d—— —«-i 3 t a? e- -•- -•- •—I- -•- -«--#- —I- -•- -•—i—i—i- ~0~ 4. -*-+

r— i ' ] i ',- ' v4y ' ' ; i ti-h- — — i 1 i — -F-- -•--•--©--«--«- Ry -•--•—)--•- . -«—!--•-.-•- -4- -•- ..-•--•- • Mr • %" • • "# • • •

f-_-_ =T —— r- ^ 1- t/ -4- ffe^. C^ "*" I I — o — E


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 86. Watch Setting (2nd Post) continued.


• • ! I 1 -•--• -•- -•- -•- -•- -•- -•- -• . , — 1— —h Ht .

_A __A

-••—)- -•- f- fj -9—-m- . -•--•- — -•- -•

Slower. f\ A A

—I — "Ni — H- -«— -•——•—& -m-r-^-*—&—

No. 87. Lights Out. o> /O

—'- O—

No. 88. Brigade Calls— (a) Household Brigade.



~1- f"<" =S==5=^= -d - -m — ^: 1 ^F— 1 3- I —


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 88. Brigade Calls—continued.

(b) First Brigade.

J* =108.

:pzz -=i fegEEEEEESi -»-i- I L

(c) Second Brigade.

(c?) Third Brigade.

J- =103.

~): zp=i=p==j:

(e) Fourth Brigade.


o o o_o —-—__ ^—v.


(/) Fifth Brigade.


_aij 1 . m— a — P


Part 3.] Routine Calt.s.


No. 89. Officers.

#=*^—17^ pL M^rl^Pi- fiE^^s^JE^ggg^fE

Bit. r\ ^_P» _£.

»^"^— i

No. 90. Company- Serjeant-Majors and Colour-Serjeants of X Infantry. d«=76.

~p P

— — i i— =tzti — *=*= —— m a—o 1- Ph. pcrz

< S^lL -r 1-- V — : —^ b


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 91. Company Quartekmaster-Serjeaxts of Infantry and Royal Army Medical Corps.

6* =76. X

=rV :jS=5^|=P^=pi=s=?=P=I=3! W. 1 SB ===}=z^=q -• •-

O O :p=fi--p :_q—f-_a, :q: £31, t==f=

o. 92. All Non-Commissioned Officers.

On O On

a = : 3-5 =1— i— P~ — P—P-H 1 -I—* ±=t=*—I b—

^EESEx igzzip—W=r-—W- -p— =i- -9 • —


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

'1 No. 93. Okderly Serjeants. ^jta Uo iO ouJCiua J- =76.

-JL 035 ^-P-nJ-i •—•-•- - —^4\j\ i

A i., > UO W&MJtua No. 94. Orderly Corporals.

f*=i= b- :3-T-F- -| - -•— ° jjEHzg- — h-r-r ! • jEFFFM

No. 95. Band.

No 96. Drummers, or Buglers.

J =108. -*-.-* aiLisi: ft ; # j p_

1 - ' -j 9 1 P l — i . a.Mfc.4wMTi \— >-4r — — &— —r ur» -i -i - —


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 97. Signallers. % J •=108. 2;


-•-•--•-kJ-J'-M -•—•-•--«-©-•-•-i Hi J ri j 1 - -iii - id

No. 99. Cyclists. U (^j^t^tLt; u*

= 108. k P_L r=F=Ptz#=p=t =*=£=== 5s;

No. 100. Double.

J =108.

r^—^t^Fff 1- i 1_^ __ I I— —— I —— f — H


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 101. Orders. £ 0=76. -£5=F 17""- :o: $=& —^ •— F

|i i . 1_i- '— 1 1 rpiIZZZZZZpi _p \ ——w—— h———M 9—9- \— m^-* H -i m— | ±=EFE£=Ri=£i£r o T^^ETm- _o_j ~

' i

No. 102. Orderly Room.

J =108.

^r~ -\ P 1 1 — — 1 \— —P— ^H— 3 h — I I « v — ~ I— — 9-9— {- -^ m ©—m j— •—.j — 1 j jj "^^f-

:pzp=p=s: t= P^ ' >-L»U LuJ—

:q: zp: *m - M f— ^ zfczj:: — — jr ' F


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 103. Post Call.

= 104. ; J- ^- WZM -— i>-m :o: ^S^E^.& 5& m-h-- a

No. 104. Warning for Parade.

i^=^3=?^Et-p=t=r=p i


1 -I — 1 1 1 r- 0—&-l-e- 9 —L _L

I i I h n"* i —•— i- 1 1 -P— —[-— —— —i— F — ——i—

-•- -•-• •-•- -«-

i raezzrjK: :^5: -| F— F— _p=pzzj-p=p=|

G 2 — I " P

100 Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 105. Quarter Call (before Parade).

Si I y^ «=i08.

g p 8— -t-P F — - r — ^j I

No. 106. Fall In.

J =108. -4 jL—A. P—W—|_r:_p_p_p: - i I— rpzrpip: [— i &i— — —— :p=p: P=p: zt^^u= =F=P=P==[ ^=*=fS=

No. 107. Dismiss, or No Parade.

J =108. r-\ r>

p:p:^f:p^|:p:p:p:u^^Fp:e:p:^:p:pz:|:^^t:up:q :b H3=i! y- £

No. 108. Recruits' Parade, or Rides.


4^—• I — M H —— — I


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 109. Watering Order (Mounted Infantry).

J = 108.


I i •- j^-zz U-Ar——U_'—— ^s4:_a

— :z#zp:*:#z«ij3: -F-M 1-pnnvp-^- ;qz! I f^yp-*-—•--! i— •-M— -I l-H— — '—i i '- I— k«*» i g— i Eg-t=n— —j— '-u—-— —

No. 110. Stables (Mounted Infantry).

:pzz*:*epprzizp— iSzzzizzztznizi: =pw zzfzzz^;

f?-f- :#:®ji:ez BzEJzJ?= zezzp:p:g:rizfi-pzez|zizj:|i;iriizb tjEEE :pzi?zzzzzzf

#- ZqZZZZZZZIZpZBIB^ipZTZ*izzzzzzzizpz

rpzzzup: I i I 1——— _l—o e-0 « zzzEzzzt= t=±=£

ipjcp: zpnicpcpipE :zbzp:z3z|zpTz]zp:: t f-E: i

^rzzrzrizpz zrzpza-jiisz zpzizizirz: zzeziezpzpz*: -(^U— 1 1—I— — •— I ^~ I — T~l— j tztz: m — | — —


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 111. Feed (Mounted Infantry).


«--#•— ! -0 I — — mh e-e— 9 t —

0-0—1-0 9- — 9-e-^ 9-9 9- 9-9-\-Q'—9-9-9-9 ' — 1— 9f-^ -#- -9-9

No. 112. Hat Up, or Litter Down (Mounted Infantry).

= 76. cpiinszzizis: »irrc 5 i:: | HH-hhl--hgtJ:

==fc' C 9—P H ((Jt— -0-0-0— [ 0—

No 113. Forage (Mounted Infantry).

= 76.

:±2:arf== i~eze: ipzzzfz:*. • ! 0— -: 0- -i—t— —— — g£ -0—0-0-0 —


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 114. Parade for Guard.

J =108. 4* ^~t^-W : — i— — i » ——

l— n l^- 4 f=*

No. 115. Fatigue.

J =108.

t-- \-^—m — —b~F~P~l—E-E— t-—j»-f—.•— !—,•-!--• —|-

S^F* —p=p==:»: tzi=zf=tj I i No. 116. Defaulters.


iPfc -ff— I—«-H- :^xz_- lit M£P 35 m


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 117. Sick.

a =?6.

^zprpzpr:H"^z|rpr^:E H--|— I P -a—a- bid =[=- E3£3=

No. 118. School.

J =108. 40- pac :p:p=«: :=^==^ fczz&ctg^

No. 119. Rations.


|:prpzp^!^|^ :pz:p=p:ip===n=f]

No. 120. Parade for Piquet.

J- =76.

ifizpzpz :p=pzp:=iL_: piz! =p=p p=pzpzzfz=p^.-^=f| Jzz±zH :t:zk:t?f t=td-

No. 121. Alarm (for Troops to turn out under Arms).

Q-=/6. —ITp-— ==^^ ?=* ^i^Tp^:B^p^q:pzp:p-r:pip|p-=pipi:znjzp: t= 105

Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 122. Fire Alarm.

= 108. MfA r> yrrr 3rp:^: gPES B= ±jt?

No. 123. Officers Dress for Dinner.

'.=76. ^5t* r: t-M—

No. 124. Officers' Dinner.

q-=76. # itE EiE35E zpizzp Eti5B

E^EEEE P=rz«: PEitrii-fflbpEzS

I^ZZflT t±fzjc±zt£: ! l

106 Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 125. Serjeants' Dinner.

:tz«ip: ?t?:«:

I LU-I— LU-1——

No. 126. Men's Meal (1st Call).

0=76. <0 -A- 3=± 3tqizjizp: h4r—•— -h S3EEE zfaz

No. 127. Men's Meal (2nd Call).

Q-=76. ^L JL HI &=t=pi=t= EES5 in

No. 128. Salute for Guard. (To be used on all occasions when Bugles are required to sound a salute.)

n=76. r^ fcpz#zpL-4^i-tp=pi:|rp^: frffWff CTS1 -•-•---•- tr I —! — 9i • —


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 129. Reveille.» ,'=76. Largo.

i a - - ^—m— -

0=76. Allegretto.

q> =76. Vivace.

I I F- +-u—f—-i——— SlfeE^^-L |_|_. I 1— |— I—i- UnL.' l_lJ

?-J~*T — i i !?~ I -i—-i— "i rzd i — "~Lr"L^' 1 — — — — — ' — ' I

-p-p ftpqi^I— iizzuzpzpzpqzpzzrp:

I. , / I !! ^fci r- -i J i uui—•— 1

:108. Moderato.

^C_q 3=S5=39— v -o — :tz= —— . —


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 129. Reveille—continued.

£2~pZsL TE?Ezt W-

i=132. Presto. zpocpzpzjpr f^pp:?: jki=*:

pOEDIZ,*Ji.KJK L_| B 1 I 6 \—- -I L— I L. « > *=t

-rf=?zpz£= I #-1 I * -I *, i—— —— Z±=tP+ t=t —

No. 130. Rouse.

J = 108.

~\ - i i i i n— i--i—i-n- n-n I - -•—— ' — ,__, d—^ d 4- qr -•- -6- -•- -•- —«- -9- -•- -•-


| | | | i _ ——— ,_,—._ — o — i-*1- —— —— mrr~mFir—~i~n~ ?=5


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 131. Retreat.

d=7G. Oi z|=p=:^=?=px:pzf:*=:H^=1=H=^d=

-| b-2 I I—-|—-j— • *-C—9 9--9-\-

o ._•_. rr\

' ' r-^ 1 — ———1 tt=t±=i=it

pi-P-T-P p z£pzp=jzf± ipSZTeltl- §2 ±d==t4r±Lztzfc

. Z2Zp..p. O 5R- IE_pqcp—— t=pp^=Ld= 4-—h~£rH P—*- -P—l^sS:

pzz^=z[rz=q=-^z:d=z3lr_pzi=pzrzp=p=izz:[] j__j 1—q— g c g m—f— —--j H 1 L=B — — — — g " h — J ^ — —


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 132. Tattoo (1st Post).

d=76. g_«^H_#- ~zy. ndpipn:

I h-mi 1 •-! -I '—™— h" tr^tel =P=i H j

-I I--J- 3S JeE* g—g-g-g - -g— -g-g— ^— — - ^z~

c- '-^ - h l l • g — ——g-[ g-g— —c— g H jH I — ——

a _ _•_ Iff - 1 g-g-'g-g <-« C-H-H-P-M '-g-f-l 1


] u-.': i i i I I— -i— —— ———

_ji_jij._(e_ft_ O O

--P—1-3 P- —Z=I==q +—H—2L-g — =|-i^- c g—g^-g «F I


Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 133. Tattoo (Last Post).

O =76. 'O o =4-— an— _! ^ |_B_|_ ;$e=e:ZZZjZZlZZ^ZZZ EZ-y — —

-f*-»—P 1_- : —| — —uj-_ ^d=!sfc=!st

—p-— zizzz: — u-pi zpzzzf-f 1— r.zszizzzfrpczzEzj-F ^—t~U ^°-"-|z-g-*-b

JL £ :: +

I I . 53, . £ _C_ S— | — H^"—H 1— "— -

rgzzszfzriziLZzpzzzj- :pzzpzp=pzSzz=| zzjzz IE

: i • -I—u—b=** —— — —

112 Part 3.] Routine Calls.

No. 183. Tattoo (Last Post) continued.

acrqc -jE&tpZx-^- "-•- Mil l— j=: t=

-• _ ^. ^_ «^—jS —Q>-—- -G>- —C--«H | f\\ -fSJ-g f\- []


No. 134. Lights Out. O e: ij a ._ =3: 113 Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Bdglers. [I.




It is of the first importance that Serjeant Trumpetere, Buglers, or Drummers should be able to sound correctly the Calls on the Trumpet and Bugle, and understand so much of the principles of music as will enable them to instruct Trum-

peters and Buglers in the system of tuition laid down.

The position of a Trumpeter or Bugler at practice should be

erect (as at " Attention "), shoulders square, head well up, the instrument held with the right hand, nearly horizontal, the

mouthpiece firmly held to the centre of the lips ; but strong " pressure is to be avoided. A strong and good " Embouchure

is thus obtained.

When sitting down for practice, lounging or stooping should

rot be allowed. The first practical effort of the beginner should be directed to the Diamond Diagram.

The Bugle Calls should, as a rule, be played in wk quick time."

The forms of notes are shown in the table of "iNames of the Signs of Duration," &c, and in the " Diamond Diagram " pages 115-116 ' and 117. H —


Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. [!

" Bars." The terms "Bars" and "Time" (or "Measure") "Time." are explained in the " Diamond Diagram," and in the

" Table of Examples of the different Measures," pp. 118-119 and 120.

'Ledger " Short" or " Ledger Lines" are sometimes added Links." co the' notes above and l:elow the stave, and serve to extend the range and number of the notes. 'Sounds." The sounds of the Trumpet and Bugle are obtained from various combinations of the notes shown in the

following Scales (see also page 117) :


~ "-&9-C o^~ ^-e *' Thumpet. &5q- — ©~E D E G E D *Bt>G E~© ~ ZTVC G*BJ>C^ C-Q-~


The notes are all " open," that is, obtained without the aid of "piston," "slides," or "keys." Great

care is therefore required that a beginner be perfect

in the exercises on the first note before he is allowed to practise those on other notes. the key The Bugle is to be used at all times in

of B flat.

Trumpet, but is *TMs note " B(> " can be played on the never used in the Trumpet Calls. 113 Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. [I.

ITFTTT m 03 M S i g

I rft ISTT ° g a

- a g i a U_ E

a a

ii 2 J


Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers.

fe"§-3 '>Jas, n illli yy i la -S 1 a 5 HIT I T\ 5-g = £3 a sz 'a JflT <--, 6 m S

1 1 Lh i <« bo «

% 4." ec Saoi eu 8K 9U0| SB paiapisuoo aq ?snp( <- pajapiSOOO aq 19llfll

m «" 3 at II J9 c. .2 d 1ST TO |s ST ? t>PQ 9 jS 9

43 HPF< J n-. *= 2 z> > f— S3 Iff o 2 c °* S^ ft i C 3 c£ 'a a So &cy | m ^ a to 3 "ITT 1 -J§

SB 3noi s* 813 §QO[ SB •a pajapisnoo eq nenjfl paiaptsnoa eq isnpj al S -J i s 3

II •S s. "3 §5 I i a

•.a 8)

*• 4) •fc o K-3 /> JL B-B £ •S3' lili

«4 i

BB Sao[ SB SB Saoi SB TJ<^ pajapisuoo aq }snpj psjapisuoa aq isnj\[

? B8 S S H-P c3 T3 © 3* S3 A H 117 Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers.

No. Diagram.

* This note Bb can be played on the Trumpet, but It is never used in the Trumpet Calls. — h

118 Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. [I.

No. 4 Diagram.

Examples of the different Measures.

Common Measure (or Time).*


r i i i -mn rn rgnr i I i i-i n *rTT*^nTTn i i i I i 1 i H-H-H-l-H-HH-M- 9®9Oe&9099999&9Q9&999&&«99999999

Three Four Time.

-O -o

-^ I I i I I ————— M i J J -t—M—i-+H —0—0—0—0—0—-wiid tjinj—}-

P I I I I ITTTTT m-n-r -P TiTnTmnT

1 1

l TT T I T I I I I I I I IITTi ) Tn 1=5 - 0«000000000009«e'•00100000 t—Q—

Two Four Time.

All other Tunes are fractional parts or Common Time. ? —-

119 Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglero. [I.

Three Eight Time. =t= =t= :***••-•


=—4-U-U-j-J J j j j^- -•-•-• J=ii •-•->-• • • ^m-4

Six Eight Tinie.

1 -N - s— > • —#


1 1 4-4-1-1 -1-4-4- ^k—M -1— 1 I-h Mil -e^.

Nine Eight Time. 3=3=5 o> 3—•- q=3^39


I I I — «

120 P^it 4.] Instructions foe Trumpeters and Buglers. [I.

Twelve Eight Timft,

For Bugle. Legato. $=* HESStfTf-c ?-/ *^r

When two or more notes are slurred thus, the tongue is used only on the first note of the slur.

Staccato. For Trumpet. 3^=* ^ •—|—m— —jj ^— ±^*t±.

—#- 1- P d—— B -P** ll — 1 — 1 TW\ isifc—l F — , i ? • -m- -a- -•-

When a dot is placed beneath or above a note, it indicates that the note or notes so marked are to be tongued in a smart crisp manner. i —

121 Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. [II.


Each One Note Exercise to be well understood and played before going to the next.

No. 1. No. 2. il m =1=1=

No. 3. No. 4.

— 1 HE i r £1 j—f==T ~\- f

No. 5. No. 6.

$ i n H

No. 7. No. 8.

ffiES -T-rrr: eS fe -•-•-•- -^ ^-•-•-•

No. 9. No. 10. BE m :» ^r 3

No. 11. No. 12. — EE— -t^ —i 1 H I — 1 122

Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. [II.

No. 13. No. 14.

=tt I fesa" 3 3

No. 15. No. 16. H sb -0-0 0-000-0- -0- -0 0- 0- 3 3

No. 17. No. 18.

-0-^0- -0- -0- -0- \J -0-0-0- -0>s#-

No. 19. No. 20. =ss Hlggs -0-0-000-0-0- -0-

No. 21.

No. 22.

=n=^= -I i3=±=1- 1 -0-0- -0- -Q- — ' ! 1 i — i

1 :'o

Part 4.] Instructions for Trpmpeters and Buglers. II.

No. 23. BE5Z -0---0--0-*-0 -0- -#- -«•--•- -0- ^6T-

No. 24.

tq=^z=j=lzqzijzd=q=lzq=q -0-0-0- -0-0-0- -m-9-9-H 3 3 3

No. 25.

SEES qs-q: :q -0- -®- -0- -0-=S33;-0-0- -•- -0-

ffizi=zz1^z:3ES3rzlEE^1=3=^ , fj -0 -0-0- -0- -0 0-0- -0- -0-*-0--0- -0- *-0--03

3^ "^^j~TTJ •f

No. 26.

f—7-i i k—rn—i— - — , | — i— - __i——— h— J \—\ I- M=TE^=^:ti=cti- -i—1— — — O" -0-0-0-0- -0 0- -0-0 ©--0- -0-0-0-

'" —-I r~i I-™v--Fh . -j— I I 1— ' I —HI 1- —M—I—— -t——I——— . I— -•-•-0-0-0-0-0-0- -0-0-0L0-0-0-0- ' -0- -^- 124

Paii; 4 .] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. [II.

Having carefully practised the whole of the One Note Exercises, now go through them again on the next note, which for the Bugle will be "G."

$ -O

and for the Trumpet "E."

3! -O-

Two Note Exercises.

To be practised after having gone over the One Note Exercise on the first two notes of the Bugle.

No. 1.

E €3

No. 2.

s; o- -*3- -€3-

No. 3. E ^EE*EE£E*3^ I , —

125 Part 4.] Instructions for TRDatPETERe and Buglkrs [II.

No. 4. £E=g i- -m- -m-

No. 5.

mi —j — ~n~t a

No. 6. E up zmzzzj -#- 8 -# -•- -*- 3 -«- -#-

No. 7. 3EEgS E -• 1 9- BEE^^Sfe^!No. 8. -C-

No. 9. q^ES SEEESS* -• 9- # -•- -•- 126

Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers.. •, [II*

No. 10. ES3

No. 11. 3 ± -m—•- -•-•-•- m -•- 8 -&-

No. 12.

g=l= -«-••-

No. 13.

BE^E^EE -•-•- 111111111 -#-a -•- * -4-' -m-

No. 14.

r- i 1 — ^=^ i —O- is:

*¥ • 1 :

127 Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. [II.

No. 15.

|— = i— g=lz±=r-*—±z Edit3E

!J-«— <3»- •- •- -•-•-

No. 16.

•—•-•- ==w=3 -«-• -«-•- -•-• -•-• -a-

Having1 carefully practised the above Exercise, again turn back to the One Note Exercise and practise the note " C." M XX 128

Part 4 .] Instructions foe Trumpeters and Buglers. [II.

Three Note Exercises*

To be practised after having gone through the One Note Exercise on the first three notes of the Bugle.

No. 1. No. 2.

2ZE B5 -O—

No. 3. No. 4. E :lx gE^± 1 -o- •

No. 5. No. 6. fe^feEEf fejgj -e»- -0- w

No. 7. No. 8.

=1- :p> O- 0-f-O1 - 5^ ZF±±33=H -«- -«-

No. 9.

On the Slur. H H ^x —

120 Part 4.] Instructions i^or Trumpeters and Buglers. [IT,

No. 10.

On the Slur.

E3* -d

No. 11. e;

. -«-_^ -•-^ -«^/

No. 12.


No. 13. *5=S H 3 i-V -•* "•-

No. 14. fe^feSBE?3 -*4- -fc*- i

No. 15. N—-*4- E :rf^ ^ -• * -o- -•- *•*—^ '^^r . —

130 Part 4.] Instructions for Tromfeters and Buglers. ["

No. 16.

-*A ^ 1 -r—N» -* Ni-

-j -^-^-y--^

No. 17. —?—N»—N»- T—N»—^- 1*3 SdF!

No. 18.

„—psp-r—f-ssa—^ f4= zii5=ii!!!=:*^=:»^a — —•—=q-

No. 19.

<**$—***{- *»*3 -0— i— n 3z=q=:*_zi_*_ li~ - - • ---n-i "• . \V|/ |

1 " £/ -#- -0 -•- -•-

After having well practised the above Exercise, again turn back to the One Note Exercise, and practise it on the note "E." a :q: r

131 Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. [ II.

Pour Note Exercises.

To be practised after having gone through the One Note Exercise on the first four notes of the Bugle.

No. 1. :c3i :q: h e>-

No. 2.

'n 1~ K X3: ±—&-

No.3. :o: ipizzz^zz: E e> £=

No. 4. —p=p: X3: ^o: F^S—© ©- I -©-

No. 5.

1 1— IXX H © !-•- rf?^? -©- -•-•- -#

No. 6. cxzp_|f: xtjzjzb XX ©*- -©•- i 2 ——

132 Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. [IL

No. 7.


No. 8.

'-i~— -— !--•— ' 1 B,P3^.kd— d==t £r -«- -o>-

No. 9.

— — —' —~ m w~i —g^!^ai i__ se^efe^z— -• 1- -«-

No. 10. w—m- dt :#-*^Hrp=3=^

No. 11. £33^ -

:«zz)zqzrti: « v-^V —i=i•-•-«-«-©-^ H


Part 4 .j Instructions foe Trumpeters and Buglers. [II.

No. 12.

Exercise on the Slur.

PS r: -•- -•- 3=E

EEgE^g= ^=q^: +-?—©-^ Z=|— —g^— 331

Having mastered the above Exercises, turn once more to the* One Note Exercise, and again practise on the top note " G."

_Q_ a B

Five Note Exercises.

To be practised after having quite gone through the One Note Exercise on five notes of the Bugle.

No. 1. :q: -Ct. :q: ztx © r

134 Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Bugleks. [n.

No. 2. IQI IS :szs: o

No. 3. ^3^^3X o_ £3=P> -^+r— i i=fc: i

No. 4.

lOZ^ZSI S^^ O •Hg Q~

No. 5. =e ^=tP3: pzp: T* -©>- -•— •- E :t=t: -o--«-

No. 6. M=^5Z :r_pz£3zzp: e; 1—e>- -•—•- -Gh

No. 7. fe *=£=£: B3 -• I 1 £&F

_!§ p_ ^ p. ^rfzr-p: ^^^^^g # g 135 Fart 4.] Instructions cor Tkumi-eters and Buglers [ii

No. 8.

t±±±rtESESE^ i^

p: ijr~^ W o-

No. 9.

__^_^_fi-,_ ^r* T pzpzp: zz:^—:^=z:^^=-i=a «=

iiS-jz^izizaqzzzizzzizz: ZB^ ^zJ=i •HP- -•- -#

No. 10. fey—R^gzz iizztzzz?zz=izzzz?= ^pH=i —

136 Pmi 4.] Instructions foe Trumpeters and Buglers. [II.

No. 10 continued.


-im ^i ^ps

No. 11.


fes &S

S 3S 3 H r o

137 Part 4.'] Instructions fob Thujipetkrs and Buglbbs. [XL

No. 12.

~r ~~\— ! i — -TrT — « L E3=E±:-o -o '— h- -« Q»4--i— *r+-e

1—1 ——l- :p£ :M-^S^: -•-•-•—•-•—•- 33

pcp-np" fl—fl; rvj"H r it EEF=fff^E^^^E?F^r- r> FT r

1—hi—1—1 — 3t±E 3zi: ^1 -•- J-J-J-•- <=*• 188 Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buggers. [III.


Begin the Trumpet Exercises by practising the One Note Exercise (for Bugle) on the note " C," S

and when perfect, then practise the One Note Exercise on the note "E,"


and when this is well done, then practise the Two Note Kxercises.

Two Note Exercises.

No. 1.

;;e2. I. Q-

No. 2. w-i =i=r—rt9 «- t~t~j - h

139 Part 4.j Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. [Ill

No. 3.

^^g^ =P=t

No. 4. ^=3= - . -

No. 5.


No. 6.

- - o-j * - - —_j—_-«-d— — # 4W l J- H« - 1 J "~H

No. 7.

-F3=H- S —i—i- =e I 3

0=5 1— -•-•- •-•- -•- -•- -a-i 3 3 i 1

140 Part 4.] Instructions fob Tkumpeters and Buglebs. [1H.

No. 8. & z3=4=«=»•- «=tn-i —— «—«—•—c

No. 9. e; 3 -«- -•- -•-—•-^•-Jr-*—if

id— —I — —I —#——c—^—3— -•- -«- -«- -•- -•- -•- -•-

; Now play over me One Note Exercise again on the note ' G,"

seb; _^__

and when quite perfect, then practise the Three Note Exercise*

Three Note Exercises.

No. 1. — =£ E :tz^z ~&- <^h o>- - u

141 Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. [HI.

No. 2. zzc B: -4- •—o- -j£=fc1—0—0-

No. a.

e; — :fi •—0-0- -e? 53

No. 4,

o- -** -0-0— -0-0-0- -0-0-

—] —(—t. «= .«- -©-©- «- -00- -0- -0-0- •#>

No. 5. 3-3

#6=3=^=33=^=—i —i- «v ~9--9--m- -0— —0- -Wh

3TP1« iJJ J31 jgUa jtj l -Mi— o — — — — m—*—f«—1-0 1 —m—miI—A— ^3333 -0-3-0- -0- -0-0-0- -0- I • . ct

142 Part 4.1 Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. [III.

No. 6. d==t s: —i —i—i —i —i —— H 9 •-

-H—l- \- es L-0 |_0- I] , 9 J J fj a——| ^J44-i« — lj-0—

• —«-J —•—•— -•- -•- -«- -•-

No. 7.

zZ , F—g_^ p—i- — -t— — =1^=1 -m—hm -•-T-Z)—• •" em- -m- -•-• E^EBEJ •—H—•—•- -o- I3E -e>-

No. 8.

, e m —A—m « «—

fc± mm- m 53ES -m- -•-•- © h

148 Pari 4.J Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. [Ill

=3 I — J I J !— -o • d-« 1EEE3 — -•- -•- -•- -#- o>-

Now practise the One Note Exercise again on the low " G,"

and when quite perfect go on to the Four Note Exercises.

Four Note Exercises.

No. 1.

B 3—,-© •- -•— -djr S PP^H-^ "O"

No. 2.


144 Part 4.] Instructions fok Tucbipi£Ters and Bugle r&. [HI.

No. 3.

-- 1 — - i-TH-l -A r— -1—1

p -& -©- -& If ~w -tr -f -wr

-+ -of Tt jr "^"^ w

No. 4. SEFSES=E •— I— I I - •—— — L —• 1 |_^ L-

0—±9- i^E^EB^E^ I -+ ~X -Q-O r-4--#- -•- ir

No. 5. 14ft Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. [III.

No. 6. Pppfpiflgp

No. 7. S: gg

353 3

^=3=S=: ^ 1 146 Fart 4.] Instructions kob Trumpeters and Buglers. [Ill

No. 8.

J J j 3P1 i ] i j ^

w Now practise the One Note Exercise again on the note C,"

X3; as !

.and when quite perfect go on to the Five Note Exercises.

Five Note Exercises.

No. 1.

^^^ -o- +* No.SMS2.

I h

147 Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. [IIL

No. 3. E mmm *^3>+±S i

-•-• ^§a -• •—d—

^-j^-ji^_^p^ 148 Part 4.] Instructions fob Trumpeters and Buglers. [ttt

"No. 4

v 1 ! * a • • :«[- • V — n

: ^ -t3 -• •- j^^J£E? *=?=?f


-• f r - i i i ' Z± 3^3 £ :z£=t g

' -i l l lit' 1 ! ! ^sr 1Z±<~1 <_ _*_| IZtM • «


Bi <;lkrs. I*1- Part 4."1 Instructions for Trumpeters and L

No. 6. 3=pt e> -• c __o — I- -r-« —

£s-*1 r^^J

pf O 1- 3:

No. 7.


is'- -& V ^=^f fes^Eggg -• i—•

p^p^*-*•-*-3F=¥ 150 Part 4.1 Instructions fob Trumpeters and Bugleks. fill,

Now practise the One Note Exercise on the note " D,"

b; --

and when quite perfect go on to the Six Note Exercises,,

Six Note Exercises.

No. 1.

«^B==i= fc==:


$ #^p 1

No. 2. ^Q-\ fv&=^ amnr^g 151 Part 4.] Instructions kor Trumpeters and Buglers. [XXL

No. 3

No. 4. -;b33=«s? iWtTtTE i^LLt^*-*1


No. 6. si *^* ^^fe T* | p ^

152 Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. [IH

No. 6.

r^ m -— — —•— —p-f—e I » f t=Eb£b=E*E£EE

:p>zz=p=p: -• B

•—•—•- •—j—g—P-»- ^r-sj—

-• •- P=P=p: ^?^f fc=£ £^

"Now practise the One Note Exercise again on the note " E," E ZCE

and when quite perfect go on to the Seven Note Exercises.

' Seven Notk Exeucises»

No. 1. T=>^B-2 E I ©•- s S3 £: XX T^ . ^


1 Part 4.] Instructions for Trumpeters and Buglers. 1ll.

No. 2.

B: T*"

T3 <=,- p=3 tEEEEEH= 35 1^1 7=t

No. 3.

• •- ^^gip^i ST" t^- -r

P—»-,_fy= -p-p- ^J— *? « 3;

No. 4.

^ — ttz±=n= P *w w~w I iiiiiijiifelgl —

164 Part 4.] iNSTnncTiONs fob Trumpeters and Boglkrs. [HZ

No. 5. E g Sgigg

T»—rzr. ^P-tJ-kT_L^-H-fftF%

No. 8. S3 gg

ppgf^^If- It

I —j ggu*^ I I i :

- g « m P §— — P p 1 •—P • F =! ^f* 155 Part 4,1 Instructions EOR Trumpeters and Buoler*. [Hi.

No. 7. E ^*-* *m1^

^^=fff^ m W m- $w^mw ^S wmwz»=**f -&* LONDON s Printed fob His Majesty's Stationery Office BY HARRISON AND SONS, Pbinters in Ordinary to His Majesty.

P.13 (»10664) Wt. 8342—776 11,000 6/14 H & S

— —

MILITARY BOOKS published py Authority —continued.

(As to prices in brackets, see top of page 2.)

Kit Plates continued. Engineers. It ->ynl 1. Dismounted. Detail of Shelf and Beddina;, with Marpliing Order ready to put on. Detail of Shelf and Bedding, with Drill Order ready to put on. 1&14. id. (Id.) 2. Dismounted. Full Kit laid out for Inspection in Barrack Kooin. 1314 \d. (Id.) 4. Mounted N. CO. or Driver and Field Troop Sapper. Pull Kit laid out for Inspection in Barrack Room. 1910. Id. (Id.) 5. Mounted. Detail of Shelf and Bedding. 1910. lei (Id.) 6. Driver, with pair of Horses. Field Kit laid out for Inspection on Parade, including Articles carried in Valise on Baggage Wagon. 1899. Id. (Id.) Infantry 1. Kit in Barrack Room. 1905. 2d. (2d.) 2. Kit laid out for inspection. 1905. 2d. (2d.) Highland. 1884. Id. (Id.) Medical Corps. Royal Army. Kit in Barrack Room. 1912. 2d. (2d.) Ordnance Corps. Army. For guidance at Marching Order and Kit Inspections. 2d. (2d.) LAND WARFARE. An Exposition of the Laws and Usages of War on Land, for the g-m

Standing Orders. 1907. Is. (Wd.) (Under rev ision j ; Amendments. 1910, May, Oct. 1911, April 1912. Each lc(. (Id.) Training. 1911. 9d. (9d) Ditto. Territorial. Memorandum on. 2d. (2d.) (Under revision) MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Army. Index to Appendices of Reports from 1859 to 1896. 3d. (3d.) MEDICAL SERVICE, jinny. Regulations. 1906. 6d. (6d.) (Under revision) MEDICAL SERVICE. Strategical and Tactical Employment of the, as

carriod out in «n Army Corps ; with a sories Qf Problems. Translated from the Austrian. 4s. 6d. (3s. id.) MEDICAL SERVICES. Army. Advisory Board for. The Treatment of Venereal Disease and Scabies. First Report. 1904. Is. 6d. (Is. 3d.) Second Report. 1905. 2s. (Is. 6d); Third Report. 1905. Is. (10c/.); Final Report. 1906. 6ti (bd.)

13 (n 10GG1) MILITARY BOOKS, published by Authority—continued.

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ArsTRiA- Hungary. 6d (5(7.) ; Part IV. Russia. 6d (5d) ; Part V. . Gd, (5d); Part "VI. The and . 1911. 6d. (bd.) _ ^EHOMETisB Handbook. 19ii. 6d. (6d) MOBILIZATION Regulations. 1912. 6d (6d) Ditto. Amendments, July 1913. Id. (Id) MUSKETRY REGULATIONS:— Parti. 1909. (Reprinted, willi Amendments. 1912). 6d (Id.) Amend- ; ments, Jan. 1913, March 1914. Each Id. (Id) Part II. Rifle Ranges and Musketry Appliances. 1910. 4d (4d) Amendments, April 1911, to Parts I and II. Id (Id) NIGHT OPEBATIONS. Elementary Tn.ining in. 1911. Id (Id) « UMBER OF TROOPS TO THE YARD in the Principal Battles since 1850. Memo. on. With opinions of Modern Authorities on limits of extension at the present day. 1884. 9d (7d) NURSING IN THE ARMY. Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service. Reprinted from " The British Medical Journal." 1905. Id (Id) NURSING SERVICE. Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military. Regulations for Admission to the. March 1910. Id (Id) OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS:— Regulations. 1912. 2d (2d) (Under revision) Ditto. Appendix III. (In the press)

Ditto. ( Inns of Court). Id (Id) Special A. O., March 16, 1908. Id (Id) Junior Division. Instruction for the Annual Camps. 1913. 2d (2d) OPERATION ORDERS. A Technical Study by Hans von Kiesling. Trans- lated from the German. Is. 6d (Is. 3d) OPTICAL MANUAL or Handbook of Instructions for the guidance cf Surgeons. Third edition. 1885. Is. 6d (Is. 3d) OPT IOS. Notes on. (id. (5d) ORANGE FREE STATE. Topographical Survey of the, 1905-1911. Report on the. 10s. (7s.) ORDNANCE COLLEGE (and see Artillery College) :— Advanced Classes. Reports on. Various. Each Is. (9d) Dynamics. Notes on. Second edition. 3s. (2s. 5s.) Officers' Mess (Royal Artillery) Management and First Principles of Book- keeping. 3d (3d) Ordnance Oourses. Reports on. Various. Each Is. (9d) Regulations. 1907. 2d. (2d) ORDNANCE CORPS. Army. Standing Orders. 1912. 6d (6d) ORDNANCE MANUAL (WAR). 6d. (6d) ( Under revision) ORDNANCE. SERVICE. Treatise on. Seventh edition. 1908. Witli volume of plates. 7s. 6d (5s. Od); Amendments. June 1909, Dec. 1910, Dec. 1912. Each 3d (Id). Ditto. Dec. 1909, Dec. 1911. Each 2d (2d) ORDNANCE SERVICES. ARMY. Regulations. Part I. 1912. M. (6d); Index. 1912. 2d (2d); Amendments, Jan., Dec. 1913; April 1914. Each Id (Id); Part II. 1908. 9d (9d) (Under revision); Amendments. Jan., Feb., June, Oct., Dec. 1909, March, May, June. July, (let. (two issues) 1910, Feb., June, Oct. 1911, Feb., Dec. 1912, March, June, Oct. 1913.

Eaoh Id (Id) ; Amended Appendix VIII. 2d (2d); Appendix XXIX. July 1911. Examination and Testing of Cordite for Naval Service Id (Id) PATHOLOGICAL SPECIMENS in the Museum of the Army Medical Department, Netlev. Descriptive Catalogue of. Third edition. Vol. 1. By Sir W. Ait ken, M D. 1892. 5s. (3s. 8d) 14 . —

MILITARY BOOKS, publisked by Avih&rity—continued.

(As to prices in brackets, see top of page S.)

PAY DUTIES of Officers Commanding Squadrons, Batteries, Companies, &a. Instructions. Id. (Id.) (Under revision) PHYSICAL TRAINING. Manual of. Is. (lid.) Ditto. Amendments, July 1913. Id. (Id.) PLACE-NAMES OCCURRING ON FOREIGN MAPS. Eules for tbe Transliteration of. 1906. Is. (9d.)

PORTABLE SUB-TARGET (Mark I.), and How. to Use it. 1911. Id. (Id.) Ditto. Amendments. Nov. 1912. Id. (Id.)

POSTAL SERVICES. ARMY. WAR. Manual of. 1913. 3d. (3d.) PROJECTION, #-c. Linear Perspective. A Text-Book for use of the E.M. Academy. Part I.— Text. Part II.—Plates. 1904. 6s. (4s. bd.) PUBLICATIONS (RECENT) OF MILITARY INTEREST. List of, Quarterly. Nos. 1 to 8. 2d. (2d.)eack; Nos. 9 to 17. 4d. (4d.) each. (Continued by The Army Beview). RAILWAY DISTANCES. Ireland. Handbook of. Third edition. 1884. 7s. 6d. (5s. 3d.) RAILWAY MANUAL (WAR). 6d. (bd.) RAILWAYS. MILITARY. RECONNAISSANCE AND SURVEY OF. Notes on, for Officers of B.E. Eailway Companies. 1910. 2s. 3d. (Is. 8d.) RANGE-FINDER. Handbooks:— Infantry, No. 1. (Marindin). 1913. 3d. (3d.) Infantry .No. 2. (Barr and Stroud). 31-5-inclies base. 1913. Is. (lOd.) Watkin. Begulations for instruction in, and practice with. 1882. Is. (9d.)

RANGE FINDING. COAST DEFENCE. Manual of. Part I. 9d. (8d.) RANGES, MINIATURE CARTRIDGE. (Reprinted from The Aemy Beview, January 1914).. 3d. (3d.) RECRUITING FOR THE REGULAR ARMY AND THE SPECIAL EESEBVE. Begulations. 1912. 6d. (6d.) REMOUNT MANUAL (WAR). 1913. 2d. (2d.) REMOUNT REGULATIONS. 1913. 3d. (3d.) REQUISITIONING OF SUPPLIES, TRANSPORT, STORES. ANIMALS, LABOUB, &c, IN THE FIELD. Instructions for the. 1907. Id. (Id.)

: RESERVE (and see Motor Beserve ; Special Beserve) Army Beserve. Class I. Begulations. 1911. Id. (Id.) (Under revision) Ditto. Amendments, June 1913. Id. (Id.) National Beserve. Begulations. 1913. Id. (Id.)

RIFLE RANGES. Care and Construction of. Instructions for. 1908. 3d, (3d.) RIFLE RANGES, TRAINING GROUND, AND MUSKETRY CAMP, PENALLY. (Western Coast Defences). Standing Orders. 1910. 2d.

RIFLES, &c. Cleaning of. Notes on the. 1911. 25for6d. (7d.) RIFLES, SHORT AND CHARGER-LOADING, MAGAZINE, LEE- ENFIELD. Handbook for Serjeant-Instructors of Special Beserve, Officers Training Corps, and Territorial Force in regard to the Care, Inspection, &c, of. 3d. (3d.)

RUSSIAN MILITARY AND NAVAL TERMS. Dictionary of. 190G 3s. 6d. (2s. 6d.)

15 MILITARY BOOKS, 2>ublishedby Authority—continued.

(As to prices in brackets, see top of page 2.) RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR :— Medical and Sanitary Eeports from Officers attached to the Japanese and Kussian Forces in the Field. 1908. 6s. (3s. lOd.) Official History. Part I. Causes of the War. Opening Events up to and including the Battle of the Ya-lu. Second edition. 1909. 1*. b...

(Is. 3d.) ; Part II. From the Battle of the Ya-lu to Liao-yang, exclusive. 1908. 5s. (3s. Sd.) Part 111. The Siege of Port Arthur. 1909.

4*. 6d. (3s. id.) ; Part IV. Liao-yarg. 1910. 4*. (3*.); Part V. Sha Ho. 1911. 4*. 6d. (3s. bd.) Official History (Naval and Military). Vol. I. To August 24, 1904. With

case of Maps. 1910. 15*. (10*-. 7(7.) ; Vol. TI. Liao-vang, the Sha-ho r Port Arthur. With case of Maps. 1912. 15.?. (10.?. 10d.) Eeports from Brilish Officers attached to the Japanese and Kussian Forces in the Field. In three vols., with twocasesof Maps (nut soldseparately). 21s. (15*.) SALISBURY PLAIN. SOUTHERN COMMAND. Standing Orders applicable to all Troops Encamped on Salisbury Plain, and applicable generally to Troops Quartered at Bulford and Tidworth. 1913. 3d, (3d.) "SAM-BROWNE" BELT, SCABBARD. AND SWORD K»OT. Specification and Drawings. 1899. Id, (Id.) SCHOOLS. Army:—

Annual Eeports on. 1911-12 ; 1912-13. Each Is. (9d.)

Map Eeading. Notes on. 1912. 3d, (3d.) ; Amendments. Id. (Id.) (And see Map Eeading and Field Sketching.) Military and other Terms, and Words which Occur in Orders. Lists of 1912.- 2d. (2d) (Under revision} Physiology. Elementary. Handbook. 1901. Id. (la.) Eegulations. 1911. 4d. (id) School Hygiene. Handbook of. For Teachers. fid. (6d.) Singing in. Eegns. for Teaching. 1911. Id. (Id.) Standing Orders for Inspectors, Examiners, a»d Teachers. 1910. Gd. (bd.) Type Exercises of Extracts from Eegiment*! Orders for the use of Candidates for Third-class Certificates of Education. 1912. 3d. (3d.)

SCOUTS. Training and Use of . Lecture by Col. F. C. Carter. 1905. 2rf. (Sd) SCREWS. Standard Leading. Provision of, for Screw-cutting Lathes. Eeport of Committee. 1905. 1*. (lOd.) SEVASTOPOL. Siege of. 1854-55. 3 vols., with Case of Maps and Plans. Half Mor., £5 4*. Cloth, £4 4*. Or separately: —Vol.1. Engineer Operations. £16*.; Vol. II. Ditto. With Case of Maps and Plans. £2 10*. ; Vol. III. Artillery Opera- tions. 10*. SEWAGE. Practical Treatment of. The latest development of. 1903. 6d. (bd.) SHOE BURYNESS GARRISON. Standing Orders. 1913. Is. 6d (ls.ld.) SIEGE OPERATIONS in the Campaign against France, 1870-71. (Von Tiedemann). Translated. 4*. 6d. (8s. 3d.) SIGNALLING. Training Manual. 1907. [Reprinted, with Amendments tn Mav 1. 1911.] 6d. (Gd.); Amendments. Nov. 1912, May 1913, April

• 1914. Each )d. (Id) SIGNALLING DISC. Directions for Use. 1911. Id. (Id.) SIGNAL SERVICE. THE ARMY. Id. (Id.) SMALL ARMS Text Book. 1909. With Tables. 2*. 6d. (2s Id.) SMALL WARS. Their Principles and Practice. Third Edition. 1906. (Reprintt'}. 1909.) 4*. (3s.)

16 . — —

MILITARY BOOKS, published by Authority—continued.

(As to prices in brackets, see top of page 2.) SOMALILAND. Military Report on. 1907. Vol.1. Geographical, Descrip- tive, and Historical. 2s. (Is. 7d.) Ditto. Operations in, 1901-04. Offtoial History. Vol. I. 3*.

(2s. 4d.) ; Vol. II. 4s. (3s.) SOJTH AFRICAN WAB, 1899-1902:— Medical Arrangements. Is. fid. (5s. Gd) Medical History. An Epidemiological Essay. ("Reprinted from " The Journal of tbe Royal Army Medical Corps."] 3s. 9d (2s. 9d) Railways. 4s. (3s.) Surgical Cases looted. 7s. 6d. (5s. 6d.) Telegraph Operations. 10s. (7s. Id) "Voluntary Organizations in aid ot tne Sick and Wounded. Renort of the Hontral British Red Cross Committee on. 1902. 3s. (2s. 5d.) SPECIAL, RI SERVE :— COMMISSION IN THE SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS. Short Guide to obtaining a; &c. Id. (Id) (Under revision) OFFICERS. Instructions relating to First Appointment, Training, &c. June 1908. Id. (Id.) REGULATIONS FOR OFFICERS OF THE SPECIAL RESERVE OF OFFICERS. AND FOR THE SPECIAL RESERVE. 1911. id. (5d) SCHEME FOR THE PROVISION, ORGANIZATION, AND TRAINING OF THE SPECIAL RESERVE required to supplement the Regular Army, and the Application of the Scheme to the existing Militia

(Special A.O., Dec. 23 , 1907). 2d. (2d) SCHEME FOR THE PROVISION, ORGANIZATION, AND TRAINING of that portion which wiU be drawn from the Territorial Force to supplement the Regular Army on Mobilization being ordered. (Special A.O., Nov. 20, 1908). 2d. (2d.) STAFF COLLEGE Regulations (Camberley). 1905. Reprinted with Amend- ments up to Nov. 30, 1910. \d. (Id) STAFF. General. Duties of. ( Von Schellendorjf.) Fourth Edition. 1905. (Out of print) STATIONS OF UNITS OF THE REGULAR FORCES, MILITIA, SPECIAL RESERVE, AND TERRITORIAL FORCE. Quarterly. 2d. (2d.) STATUTES relating to the War Office and to the Army. 1880. 5s. (3s. 9d)

STATUTORY POWERS of the Secretary of State, Ordnance Branch. 1879. 5s. (3s. 9d) STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS AND GAS AND OIL ENGINES. M anagement of. Notes and Memoranda. 1911. Id. (Id.) SUDAN ALMANAC. 1914. Compiled in the Intelligence Department, Cairo. Is. (9<£) SUDAN. BRITISH FORCE IN THE. Standing Orders. 1914. 9<£ (7d.) SUDAN. The Anglo-Egyptian. A Compendium prepared by Officers ot the Sudan Government: Vol. 1. Geographical, Descriptive, and Historical (with Eighty-two Illustrations). 10s. (7s. 4d.) Vol.11. Routes. 7s. 6d. (5s. 5d) (Not containing Chapter VII., Supple- ment (A) ) Ditto. In Separate Chapters. Is. (lOd) each :

1. and II. , Nil. III. North-Eastern Sudan. IV. Eastern Sudan. V. Central Sudan. VI. South-Eastern Sudan. VII. Bahr-el- Ghazal. VIII. Kordofan. LX. North-Western Sudan. Ditto. Chapter VII Supplement (A). Bahr-el-GhazaL Additional Routes. 1«. (lOd) SUDAN CAMPAIGN. History of the. Two parts, and Maps. 1890. 15s (10a. lid) 17 MILITARY BOOKS, published by Authority—co-atmxi

(As to prices in brackets, see top of page 2.)

SUPPLY MANUAL (WAR). 1909. 6d (6

SURVEYING. Topographical and Geographical. Text Book of. Second edition. 1913. 7s. &d, (5s. 6d) Ditto. 1905. Appendix XI. Tables for the Projection of Graticules for squares on 1° side on scale of 1:250,000, and for squares on i° side on scale of 1:125,000; with other Tables used in Projecting Maps. 4d (4d) Ditto. 1905. Appendix XII. Tables for the Projection of Graticules for

Maps on the scale of 1 : 1,000,000. 1910. 2d (2d) TACTICAL RIDES AND TOURS ON THE GROUND. The Prepara-. tion and Conduct of. Translated from the German. Is. 3d (Is. Id)

TELEGRAPH LINES. FIELD. Instruction in Laying and Maintaining. 6d (ML) TELEGRAPHY AND TELEPHONY. Army. Instruction in. Vol. I

Instruments. 1*. 6d (Is. 4d) ; Vol. II. Lines. Is. (lid) ; Amend- ments. Sept. 1912, to Vols. I. and II. Id (Id); Amendments to Vol. II., Chap. V. Id (Id) TELEPHONES IN THE FIELD. Technical Instructions for the Use of Provisional. 1908. 2d (2d) TELESCOPIC SIGHTS. Handbook. Land Service. 1904. 4d (4d)

TERRITORIAL FORCE. {And see Equipment ; Establishments):— Cadet List. A List of all Cadet Units which had received Official Recognition on 31st December. 1913. tid (6d) Cadet Units in the British Isles. Regulations governing the Formation, Organization, ana Administration of. 1911. Id (Id) Commissions in the. Guide for the Use of Candidates for. 1913. Id (Id) Exemption from Jury Service, id. (§<£) Field Kits. Officers and Men. Id (Id) Hospitals, General, of the. Regulations for. 1912. 2d (2d)

Leaflets : —No. 1. Organization and Principles ; Service ot the Imperial Yeomanry. Id each, or 6^ per dozen, or 3s. per 1^0. Mobilization of a Territorial Infantry Battalion. {Reprinted from Thb Army Review, July 1913.) 3d (3d) Nursing Service. Standing Orders. 1912. Id (Id) Organization and Establishment. Special A.O.. March 18, 19C8. *W. (6d) Regulations for the, and for County Associations. 1912. Gd (7d) Reserve. Regulations. Issued with Special A.O., April 1, 1913. Id (Id) Scheme for the Transfer of the Honourable Artillery Company, the Imperial Yeomanry in Great Britain, and the Volunteer Force, and their Reor-

ganization into the Territorial Force. Special A.O. , March 18, 1908 2d (2d) Service in the. Its Terms and Conditions. Id (Id) Training. Provisional. 2d (2d) Transfer of Units to tha Special A.O., March 20 1908, enclosing the Order in Council dated March 19, 1908. 2d (2d) Uniform. Special A. O., June 12, 1908. Id (Id)

18 ——

MILITARY BOOKS, published by Authority— continued.

(As to prices in brackets, see top of pag-e 2.)

Territorial Force continued. Voluntary Aid : Scheme for the Organization of, in and Wales. Dec. 1910. 2d. (2d.) Ditto. Ditto. Amendments. Id (Id) Ditto, in Scotland. Oct. 191L 2d (2d.) Ditto. Ditto. Amendments, la. (Id.) Training. (Extracts from "Medical Corps, Royal Army. Training. 1911.") 6d. (Id.) TRACTOR TRIALS held by the Experimental Sub-Committee of the Mechani- cal Transport Committee at Aldershot, Sept. and Oct. 1903. Report on. 6d (5d.) TRAINING AND MANOEUVRE REGULATIONS. 1913. 4d. (5d.) TRANSPORT MANUAL. Field Service. 1905. Part I. Provisional. 4d (Ad.) TRANSPORT. MECHANICAL :— Heavy Pontoon Bridge for use by, Provisional. 1914. 2d. (2d.) iiegulations tor the Appointment of Inspectors cf. Id. (Id.)

TRANSPORT. PACK. Notes on. Id. (Id.) TRUMPET AND BUGLE SOUNDS for the Army. With Instructions for the Training of Trumpeters and Buglers. 1911. 9d. (9d.)

TYPHOID (ANTI-) COMMITTEE. Report. 1912. 2». 6d. (Is. lid) TYPHOID (ANTI-) INOCULATION COMMITTEE. Report on Blood Changes following Typhoid Inoculation. 1905. Is. 6d. (Is. 2d.)

URDU-ENGLISH PRIMER. For the use of Colonial Artillery. 1899. 15s. (10s. 2d.) VALISE EQUIPMENT. Instructions for Fitting :— Pattern 1888 with pattern 1894 Pouch opening outwards. 1895. Id. (Id.) Bandolier pattern. 1903. 2d. (2d.) VALPARAISO. The Capture of, in 1891. Is. (lOd.) VENEREAL DISEASE. See Medical Services. VETERINARY CORPS. Army:— Begulations for Admission. 1910. 2d. (2d.) Standing Orders. 1906. 4d (4d.)


FOR THE BRITISH ARMY. 1914. Sold by Harrison tj- Sons, 45, Pall Mall. os. net. WARFARE. See Land Warfare.

SUPPLY MANUAL. Is. 6d. (Is. 4d.) I. Id. (Id.) WATER ; Appendix

WORKS MANUAL. (WAR). 1913. 4d. (4d.) ; Corrections (In the press)

X-RAY APPAEATtJS. Hints regarding the Management, and use of. 3d. (3d.)

YEOMANRY AND MOUNTED RIFLE TRAINING. Parts I. and II. 1912. 6d. ((id.) ZULU WAR OF 1879. Narrative of tb« Field Operations connected with the. 1881. (Reprinted 1907.) 3s. (2s. id.)