Running Head: THE INFLUENCE OF JURISPRUDENTIAL INQUIRY 1 The Influence of Jurisprudential Inquiry Learning Strategies and Logical Thinking Ability towards Learning of Civics in Senior High School (SMA) 1Hernawaty Damanik 2I Nyoman S. Degeng 2Punaji Setyosari 2I Wayan Dasna 1Open University; State University of Malang 2State University of Malang Author Note Hernawaty Damanik is senior lecturer at Open University, Malang, and student of Graduate Program in Education Technology State University of Malang. I Nyoman S. Degeng and Punaji Setyosari are professors at Graduate Program State University of Malang. I Wayan Dasna is senior lecturer at Graduate Program State University of Malang Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
[email protected] THE INFLUENCE OF JURISPRUDENTIAL INQUIRY 2 THE INFLUENCE OF JURISPRUDENTIAL INQUIRY LEARNING STRATEGIES AND LOGICAL THINKING ABILITY TOWARDS LEARNING OF CIVICS SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL (SMA) Abstract Pancasila and Citizenship Education (Civics) is one of many other school subjects emphasizing on value and moral education in order to form multicultural Indonesian citizens who appreciate the culture of plural communities. The learning of PPKn (civics) should be designed and developed through a thorough strategy in accordance with its aims and materials to create students with critical, argumentative, and logical thinking ability. The learning of civics has not been totally carried out on the tract where teachers are dominantly active in the class while students just do memorizing and reading, less of joyfull learning, and become “text-bookish”. One of many other strategies to succeed innovative, constructive, and relevant learning in accordance with the thinking ability of Senior High School students is through jurisprudential inquiry.