SUTD-MIT INTERN ATIONAL DESIGN CENTRE (IDC) Inn ovation Ready Design Version: September 2015 SUTD-MIT INTERNATIONAL DESIGN CENTRE (IDC) Final Report: SUTD IDC UROP SUMMARY Title: SUTD Smart Bicycle Sharing System Date of 12-Feb-16 Report Submission : Name Email Student ID Lee Jun
[email protected] 1000470 Xiang Tee May
[email protected] 1000414 Ying Pornthip
[email protected] 1000648 Sae- g Chong Tan
[email protected] 1000491 Chang Tat Student(s): Kelly
[email protected] 1000534 Kuo Lee Li
[email protected] 1000663 Zhen Jackie
[email protected] 1000525 Lim Guang Jie Angel
[email protected] 1000692 Chia Chok
[email protected] 1000711 Xin Lin FINAL REPORT: SUTD IDC UROP Chong
[email protected] 1000585 Shi Kai Benjami
[email protected] 1000545 n Hoong Lynette Cheah Faculty Soh Gim Song Mentor: Zhang Meihui Costas Courcoubetis SUTD IDC 20,000 Funding (S$): Start Date: 14-Oct-14 End Date: 12-Feb-16 2 FINAL REPORT: SUTD IDC UROP Contents Describe the research methodologies used for this project and comment on your research findings. Provide pictures for illustration where necessary/available. ....................................................................... 4 In your original IDC UROP proposal, a set of deliverables were proposed. Restate the proposed deliverables and describe how the deliverables were achieved or exceeded. Please provide explanation(s) for deliverables that could not be