FREE CUBA A5D RECIPROCAL ÎRADE- in either house. We refer to the report “ meeaetabltis,” M. Gambetta WM naît tea astonishment -it warn— ettmtnal es the IXSlBltUONS 3 * î » (9 vlti»ns ^qm liticau TO TAX COLLECTORS—NO. 4. In the letters of the State Department of Captain W. H. Chase, United States across the tape with a cane, and Mon­ phrase “put up or shut up,” so often used jyKW ORLEANS MUTUAL LNSCRAMCl cf England, under the government of the Engineers. It may be found as document sieur, the fighting editor of a republican to silence braggarts on the race track. State op , COMPANY, ïfr ■ ; lalT o Æ T o T m ^ 173, House of Representatives, Twenty paper, immediately began to enter on his The resources of this State are inade­ Auditor s Office^ republic, it is alleged that Spain always New Orloaua, June 1, 13' had an interest at the court of the Stuarts, fourth Congress, second session. This duel book the names of those imperialists quate to the stupendous task of maintain­ •r-FiCIAL JOURNAL OF NEW ORLEANS Tour attention is called to the fact that the Cerner el Canal and Camp Streets. which being paid with Spanish. g ild ef. engineer was well known as one of the whom he designed to kill, just as an ing the levees of the Mississippi river. legislative provision contained in act No. 3 of fectively defeated all reclamations o; Eng­ mo3t exact and competent officers on this American girl would inscribe her engage­ This is admitted by the managers of the 1374 (known as the lunding bit'), which authorizes FOURTEENTH ARNUAL STATEMENT. lish subjects tor Spanish spoliation, and coast His report is most elaborate, ments at a cotillion party. Now, the Levée Company. The errors ia the sys*1 the receipt of‘warrante in payment of a portion of A picnic barge is being built at Saratoga delinquent taxes and for penalties expires by its allowed Spain to pursue her own vindic­ embraces every fact in connection with American race is not so sensitive as the tern lie in the fact that no more than the own U miration TUESDAY, the thirtieth of June. A Lobby is the cheapest thing a man can tive, rapacious and sanguinary policy to­ the cubic excavation, the character, cost French, otherwise we should have a row nominal sum of three-quarters of a mil­ From and after the first of Ju v delinquen' Ia conformity with their charter, the compas; publish the following statement: ride. ward foreign powers. We have no idea and amount of material entering into the when the Governor is called a usurper, lion a year has been applied to forward a taxes and penalties can can he paid in currency only, and you will so advise the district attorney Premiums daring the year ending December 31, R e p u b l ic a n Bristow Station—In the Treasury Depart- that Spain at this day has effected any construction of the trunk canal, the New Orleans the organ of work that will require close on to two or s her:tf in whose hands you have p.aced tax 1373— men such lodgment in the counsels of our guard locks, the artificial works in the usurpation. Bat ihe genuine Gallic millions to do for a number of years at bills. On fire riaka...... $414.633 55 government, but we fear when our indif­ harbor, with the completion of a gulf obvious in the comments on the Colfax firs’. And of the whole levy, insufficient CHARLES CLINTON. Auditor. On marine risks...... 101 139 33 The people of are eating ripe On river risks...... <2 374 56 ference to the colonial oppression of Spain channel to thirty feet water. These com verdict. This is, iu the opinion of De­ a3 it is, a very large amount remains un­ je3 Tu Th Su t je39 2 p ______{•eachee. Total premiums...... $553 653 9* is compared with the alacrity with which putations have never been controverted. Toequeviiie, “absurd and untenable.” It collected, and nearly all of it was held C. H . ZIMMERMANN, “Othello,” in Hebrew, has been published Leas reserve lor unterm! n- Monroe and Madison came to the rescue They are so minute as to include every makes this the basis of opposition, not to back so long that large sums were paid in Vienna. ated risks, December 31, of the American continent from the en­ cost of machinery and other expenditures, the federal government, which passed the for interest. If the State were prepared 1 3 9 ...... Canal Street. • IJ 9 I 1373...... $125,603 93 The Bulletin announces a concert by the croachments of the Spanish despotism, His estimate, based on the cost of mate­ Ku-Klux law, or to the federal courts with ready funds to pay the Levee Com­ Less return premiums...... 11,776 53—137 332 61 Southern Dramatic Club. we shall be considered the degenerate suc­ rial, labor and the more primitive ma which enforce it, but to the colored pany for the work which it lias honestly Net earned premiums...... 421,276 ♦ cessors of those vigilant men. The cen­ race in Louisiana., It says there is not a done it would not experience any great ESTABLISHED 1844. Reinsurances...... $42,923 92 Genuine English black garnet goods, just chinery for excavation, was as follows: Losses on fire...... $133.070 • 7 tenary of American liberty approaches, Guard locks...... $3*)>,000 white man in Louisiana who is con­ difficulty in obtaining an annulment of opened at Ziminermacn'e, No. lhb Cana1 Trunk of caua:...... 2,655.333 Dosses on marine. 67,172 06 Breakwaters...... 2.333.964 scious of the rights of his race, who Losses on river.... 9,774 91—269.017 04 '«treet. and it would be well if we could present the contract, since experience has de­ s il v e r w a tc h es, $ :2. $is. Channel, önif.*...... 3 420,000 Expenses, taxes, etc., less in­ Silver watches, warranted good time to civilization and humanity the great does not feel that he is threatened by monstrated there is no money in it to the GOLD WATCHES of beat makers. Total...... $8,619,299 terest account...... 17,431 45 keepers, from 812 up, at Zimmermann's gift of a continent wholly redeemed from this verdict “in his interests, in his contractors. The representatives of the This experienced engineer affirmed the GOLD CHAINS and CHATELAINE CHAINS. Commissions on agency busi­ No. 12b Canal street. the stain of political and social bondage existence, in that of liis wife, of his people, who came here to censure, found ness...... 7,793 37 entire practicability of the canal. He ENGLISH JET GOODS a specialty. And in that crown and carcanet of free mother, his daughter or his sister very soon after arriving that their own jell) Im TliSuTu 2p Rebate paid to the assured.. 39 773 4 ' Harper's Magazine tor July will contain says it depends sciely upon the capacity Semi annual interest on cap­ dom what jewel could shine so resplen (mother-in-law omitted). constituents are as much to biame as a paper Irom James Parton, on “raise NOTICE ital stock— of the ground to bear the guard locks upon Now, De Tocqueville cedes in with its dent as the gem of the Antilles. Free Cuba anybody because no more work has been TO HOLDERS OF BONDS OF THE Five per cent paid hoods of the daily press.” the banks of the river. He- expresses the August, 1373., 25,099 96 But nations are governed in their for inspired knowledge of the American con­ doue on the levees, and having no instruc­ STATE OF LOUISIANA. One reason that the world is not reformed eign policy not by sentiment bat interest unqualified opinion that the mud of the stitution : tions to censure those who sent them con­ Five per cent pay­ Mississippi may be excavated to almost able in Febru­ is because everybody would have the other We, therefore, appeal to the soldier grang- 1. The federal executive has created cluded it was time to return quietly home. All persons holding Louisiana State bonds of any ary, 1374...... 25,000 00— 30,000 O-»—417,914 63 make a beginning, and thinks not of him any depth, and cites the excavation for issue are hereby notified that in conformity with ers of the West who have just made their and sustains the State usurpation. Reserved for unsettled claims...... $3 361 75 8*11. ______the foundation of Fort Jackson which DIED. an act of the General Assembly approved January march to the sea by way of the Fort S t 2. The federal Legislature shelters it' 24,137 4, and more generally known as the funding The company has the following assets: “came frequently under his observation,’ JACKSON—Mrs. ELIZABETH JACKSON, widow Cash...... $49.417 IS The leading editorial of a religious ex Philip canaL Why do yon allow a Span­ self behind a shameful neutrality, and of the . ite Captain William L. Jarksou. bill, the Board of Liquidation, as designated change is headed "Our Hope is in Heaven.’ and he added, “I am left in no doubt as therein, kas been duly organized and has caused Bills receivable for premiums...... 13,077 16 ish despotism to tax all flour and com, and so permits this usurpation. he fanera', will take place from hier late resi' Bonds, city and others...... 135.009 on On the next page is an advertisement of a to the perfect practicability of excavating dence, corner of Soniat and Chestnut streets, S:xth to be prepared consolidated bends of a uniform hog products and live stock imported into 3. The federal judiciary has served as series, equal in amount to sixty per cent of ail Stocks, Gas Company and ethers..... 67.514 51) gift concert. to the depth of thirty feet, and also of es­ D.strict. at hair-past four o'clock, lh:s after­ Pledge and mortgage notes...... '...... 273.736 69 Cuba at an average rate of eighty per cent the instrument of usurpation, since it al noon. The friends of the fami.-es of Jackson, o bonds of the State, having forty years gold? Do you not know that your products tablishing a solid foundation by piling, for lows suc h verdicts as that complained of. to iua and beariEg interest a; the rate of seren Premiums in course of collection. 106,270 62 A piece of iron, weighing COO pounds, fell Roianer and Gubernator are respectfully invited Suspense account...... 3,5?) 73 on the foot of Mr. Richard Ku86, recently: are thereby either kept out of Cuban con­ the support of the walls of masonry neces­ And the remedy for this oppression, it to a’tend the funeral. per cent per annum, and will be prepared on and after the first day cf July, 1374, to exchange said Agency prem.ums for December... 11.013 2» in St. Louis. Everybody felt sympathy for sumption cr that the revenues from this sary for the construction of a lock. ” Thi: is as Gallic as the logic with which it Warrant account...... 6.7?? 63 in our opinion, is a decisive authority. It A CARD. bon ds for a'.! valid outstanding bonds and warrants the man—poor Kuss. taxation really maintains slavery and thus introduced : A degrading submis­ in ihe manner and form provided in said act. Branch office...... 4.524 21 Louisiana Cotton Factory...... 1.970 93 slaughters the friends of civil and religious is sufficient to justify Congress to enact sion which can only suit souls vile and The Sunday morning’a P.carune baring pub­ Bondholders can present their bonds for exchange Mile. Dejazet, at the age of seventy-six: a bill for immediate construction, with a lished a lengthy article ou the maltreatment of at any time after sale date. The exchange will he Property corner Canai and Camp street* 79.662 7! freedom and of emancipation? Do you corrupt, or a “" which shall inmates of the City Workhoute and particular Other real estate...... 23,552 29 has been advised by her physicians to leave proviso, if demanded, that the Secretary :z:ag the ca3e of one Henry Gallagher, or Desmond effe cted m New Orleans at the office of the Fund­ the stage, but she is very unwilling to not see that Spain sends your wheat prepare by all the means yet open the I thought n my duty ro cal; upon the proprietors ing Commissioners, and in at the office Due by insurance companies...... 7.4*5 76 of War may be authorized to forbid or of tnat paper to rectify the gross misstatements abandon her profession. ground into Spanish flour to supply the overthrow of the usurpation and the end made in said article. The;, were distinctly in of the duly authorized agent of the State. Total...... $774,595 77 Authentic copies of the funding bill will be fur­ food demand in Cuba, and that you are arrest the work should such incapacity of of the black dominion. formed *hat there was not : tie slightest foundation Depreciation...... 97.560 9t Milwaukee wisdom: “When you sec “f truth in any of said .statements, and were nished to interested parties on application to Hon. compelled to pay your part of seventy foundation be presented by the survey o Pretty good for “the French colony in i^en the facts as they really existed. P. G. Desionde, secretary Board of Liquidation Cash market value...... $676,944 83 young couple lato at night on the lake In the evening paper of this date they not on!., million dollars gold aunually, for sugar, location. Any way, the representatives of Louisiana.” Resistance to the federal do not give these facts, but rake the opportunity New Orleans. Louisiana. LIABILITIES. bank chewing and biting and eating each the people have generously bestowed this to f urther run down the efficiency of the ad minis* WILLIAM P. KELLOGG. Capital stock...... $ '04.000 09 cigars and molasses by exporting your laws or nullification of the negro, as tration of the Workhouse. How tar it may be ju Uaterminated risks...... 125,695 93 other, just let ’em alone. They are only work and expenditure upon Louisiana, dicious to send such subjects to the Worihouse Governor of Louisiana and President Board of fooling.” ______products to Europe and importing specie recommended by the Pica-jam many tuay not be the judge, but men are frequent!, Liquidation. Interest on capital stock, due in Febm- A to pay for Cuban products? It is not usual “to look a gift horse in the months ago. The federal government, cared for and cured m that institution wue are A true copy: ary...... 25,099 00 • In the earlj’ days of Baltimore it is re­ udering from delirium tremens. Interest and dividends uncollected...... 11,115 13 The Northwestern and Eastern States mouth,” still less to send him ungracious* of coarse, standing idle and see­ The man referred to was not “thrown’ into P. G. DESLONDE, corded that when a ball was given it was ly back into the stable. The amount of dungeon nor treated in any tn t a considérât- Secretary of State and Secretary Board of Liquida Bills payable...... 1.716 9» are now perfecting a reciprocal treaty ing a massacre of the popular manner, fitting for the condition he was in. He Claim* unsettled...... 3,361 75 customary for gentlemen to call around wages and provisions to be distributed was p'aced in a small cell to p r ie n t his injuria tioa. my22 t jyl and take tea with the parents ef their with Canada. By this you will receive an majority for the crime of having obeyed himself: he was at no fm e withWit au amendant Reserve, two and a half per cent on among our unfortunate laborers is of great Any further particulars can be obtained from the losses...... 10.145 97 partners.______outlet by the St. Lawrence, but as part of ts laws. This invocation to the spirit of city physician and coroner. As for there being the consideration your lakes are thrown consequence to them. We may con­ French violence is read by but few, but any question of veracity between myself, ho.ding BANKS AND BANKING. Total...... $676 914 33 The great Jackson route is the only line scientiously commence the canal without as I do a responsible position underthe city gov­ The above statement is a true and correct tran- open to competing British shipping, and it may bring into trouble those who gn ernment. ana a recently released drunken vagrant rjiHE FRBED.YIEN’S SAVINGS AND running through cars to St. Louis and Chi­ I leave the public to judze. cript from the books of the company. the home market, which yon enjoy at the further delay, and in behalf of our com­ gunning for office, with a charge to shoot cago without change. No change of care JAMES SMITH, TRUST tO.'IPANY, J. TU YES President. East, is given also to the Canadians. Have merce and industry we ask that it be done down the negro majority at the parish Chif f Warden of the City Workhouse. J. W. Hixcxs, Secretary. to Louisville, and but one change to all New Orleans June 15. U?4. jelo It 2p A NATIONAL SAVINGS BANK Sworn to and subscrioed before me. this ninth yon no statesmen among you? None, without further delav. polls. But it will not affect American Eastern cities. ______Chartered by the United States March, 1163. day of January, A. D. 1374. perhaps, who are in position to represent whites. These, whether they call thern- QUARANTINE. P. CHARLES CUVELLIER, Madame Achilles, who recently died In 13 THIS "A COLONY OF FRENCH ?” NEW ORLEANS BRANCH, your diplomatic interests. But is there elves Democrats, Fusionists, Repub­ Notary Public, Brussels, had been on the stage over half a The polygonal Pic has on one of its PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR No. 149 Gravier street, New Orleans. no one to ask in your behalf why recip­ licans or Conservatives, respect the No. lSii Canal Street, corner of Dryades, century. According to the terms applied numerous faces an article commenting on The semi-annual interest dividend of five per | rocal trade with Canada is proper, while laws, and value the labor and State op Loc:sia!*a, Bank hours from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. no Mr. Barrett, she might have been con­ the situation in France. Instead of hon­ Executive Department cent, due first MONDAY In February, will be paid sidered a rising young actress. duties exclusive of American products industry of the country too much New Orleans, June 13, 1374. Open Saturday Nights to receive deposits from to the stockholders on and after that date. estly acknowledging, as we do, that the Whprha», An act of the Legislature, approved Six to Eight o'clock. from Cuba are not entitled to diplomatic to take Parisian advice or follow D irectors. science oi French government is Chaldee, March 15, 1335, entitled ' An act to establtäh qaar. Six per Cent Interest Allowed. A Brattieboro writer says: “The design attention? Parisian example. These Americans, antine for the protection ef the State,” provides GEOROB URQUHART, M. PATRO, of the Jim Fisk monument, 1 dare say, was and not to be comprehended by plain, un­ C. D. STUBTEVANT, Cashier. The session of Congress approaches its white and colored, have come here to that the Governor of the State shall issue his fe24 lv HENRY BACAS. Assistant cashier H. GALLY, PLACIDE FORSTALL, good enough, but it might have b*en better tutored republicans, the Pic goes into a proclamation, upon the advice of the Board of GEORGE W. BABCOCK, AUGUST REICHaRD close. While we can not expect American govern this State, and they can not follow had it represented Moses in the act of history of the recent scenes in and around Health, declaring any place where there shal. be IJ1HE CITIZENS’ SAVINGS BANK T. BAILEY BLANCHARD, E. MILTE5BERGEB statesmen to make fools of themselves by foreign counsel. Should civil strife again reason to believe a pestilent, contagious or in SCHREIBER, W. B. SCHMIDT, breaking all the commandments.” the Chamber of Deputies. In the course h a strictly legitimate bank for savings, avowing a deep and sincere sympathy for arise these Americans must stay in their fect.ous disease exists, to he an infected place, and CHARLES LAFITTE, J. TUYES. jai7 ly of this narrative, some expressions are modeled upon the plan of popular and successful By the Mobile line the traveler can get the cause of self-government, now strug­ own country for good or evil. The French stating the number of days of onarantine to he MERCHANTS’ MUTUAL employed which seem to share the perfoimed by the vessels, their passengers, offi nstitutions in New York and London, and incor­ Pullman palace cars on Canal street to gling in the paroxysms of conflict against colony ia Louisiana will form a “garde cers and crews, coming from such place or places; porated April 24, 1372, under a special and favor INSURANCE COMPANY especial estimation in which the French able charter granted by the Legislature of the Louisville, Charlotte and Springs, the wosst despotism in the world, we de­ Française composed of foreign residents, and and have two less changes to all points political character is held by average State of Louisiana, with an authorized capital ot or mand, in the name of the West and its who will render great service to the public Whereas. The Board of Health of the State of $200,0*0. North,than by any other route. Americans. The row is said to have Lou.siana has this day officially informed me that NEW ORLEANS. Mississippi way to market, that Western in re-establishing order and preventing the following named ports are infected places, Interest aix per cent per annum. originated in “personal affrays and chal­ Deposits of ten cents and upward received. vu: All ports iu the islands of Cuba, Porto Bico ONIco No. 1 0 4 C anal street. The gberiil of the parish of Orleans sells and Southern Senators shall bring up in pillage,” besides accepting the position Ail deposits ate payable on demand. lenges, duels and other peculiar French and Jamaica, and the port of Demarara, in South at auction this day, at 10:30 A. M., on the executive session the commercial relations of the conquerors of the city. A. M. to 3 P. M.. and on Satur- America, and has recommended that >11 vessels Ooen daily from 9 NINETEENTH ANNUAL STATEMENT. premises, the contents of a jewelry store frivolities.” The Imperialists challenge a urday evening from six to eight o'clock. between Spain and the United States, and New Orleans is not a French colony. leaving any of said ports on and after June 13 party by the name of Gambetta: GRÜNEWALD HALL, and furniture, etc., therein, situated at No. shall demand snch a modification of the It does not take its orders or policy from 1374 shall he detained at quarantine station not When he arrives, each of a band of gotne No. 22 Baronne Street. In conformity with the requirement* ot than 12 Chrtres Btreet, Second District of this tariff between these countries as that rangers who set in their own country less than ten days. charter the company publish the following dozen of these high spirited young knights Now, therefore, I, William P. Kellogg. Governor M. BENNER, j. L. GUBERNATOR, city. ______pf imperial chivalry nanded his card to the STATEMENT. Spanish duties on provisions and live such an example of lawless violence. of the State of Louisiana, issue this my proclama Cashier. President, astonished ex-member of the Public Detense, Premiums received during the year ending May The new twenty-five cent note has made stock shall not exceed the rate imposed accompanied by some of those very ex­ New Orleans is controlled by Americans, tien declaring the aforesaid ports infected places, DIRECTORS. and requiring that all vessels, together with offi' 31,1873, including unearned premiums of ths its appearance. It is plain and simple in by the United States on sugar products, pressive terms of insult and anger, which Germans and others who have taken the JOHNSON ARM3TEONG, THOMAS HASAM, previous year— cers, c:ews, passengers and cargoes, leaving such E. W. BURBANK, J. L. GUBERNATOR, appearance; is broader, but not as long as every Parisian so well understanus how to On fire risk s....,...... $731.996 30 which average about sixteen per cent ad oath of allegiance to the Union and in­ places, or having touched or stopped at any of mhl ly M. BENNER. the one now in general circulation, and the use with emphasis. After this these yo On marine riaka...... 92,630 13 valorem. This wiii leave inundated Lou­ chevaliers hurry off to the nearest restaur­ tend to obey its laws. Let some philan­ them, on and after the fifteenth day of June, 1374, face bears a vignette of Hon. Robert J. ■\TEW ORLEAN** SAVINGS INSTITU- Ob river risks...... 132.563 «4 isiana her present protection of two to ant and cool their valor with absynthe thropise translate this epistle to the shall be subject to a quarantine of not less than i.1 TION, No. 156 Canal street. Trustees—Dr. Walker. three cents on sugar and sugar products, awaiting the response from the republican ten days, or for a longer period, as maybe consid­ W. Newton Mercer, L. F. Generes, George Jonas Total premiums...... $1,907,033 92 orator to their several invitations to the Cadians. It may explain to them that ered necessary by the Board of Health. Thomas A. Adams. Thomas Allen Clarke, Charles Less unearned premiums...... 202.675 00 The trustees of Shakespeare's birthplace while it will give to and Indiana a Bois de Boulogne. But one of these in Louisiana is no longer governed from Given under my hand, and the seal of the State J. Leeds David Urquhart, John G. Gaines, Carl Kuhn, Christian Schneider, Samuel Jamison. Net earned premium* May 31,1373..., $394 413 91 and museum have held their annual meet­ large reduction on flour and hog products. trepid young Hotspurs, determined to get Versailles, and it may tend to keep some hereunto attached, this thirteenth day of June, in Interest Allowed on Deposits. Losses paid— ing. The house and the contents of the the preference over his competitors for the the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and L. F. GENERES, President. On fire risks...... $432 703 33 Discarding all sympathy for republican of them out of the trouble which results Charles Kilshxw, Treasurer. mb23 ly museum have been insured. Ten thousand honor of spitting M. Gambetta, and he seventy-four, and of the independence of the On marine risks...... 47.149 47 institutions, let us have some intelligent supplements the delivery of his card and from opposing the laws of the Union. United States the uinetv-eightlr. people and upward have visited the place On river risks...... 63 542 34 appreciation of republican interests. What compliments to M. Gambetta with a blow WILLIAM P KELLOGG. during the year. ______across the face with a cane. Count St HOTELSA^RESTAUBANTS 1’axe*...... 23.062 92 ALL FOE TANT OF A LITTLE INFORMA­ By the Governor Reinsurances and return say Senators Morton. Carpenter and Croix is the name of the hero of this expioi WILLIAM WEEKS, TION, premium*...... 61,064 63 At a meeting of the British settlers, given Oglesby? The soldier Grangers want to These insults and challenges Lor words Assistant Secretary of State. jelG Q.EORGE McULOSKEY at Richmond, Virginia, recently, one of the The members of the late levee conven­ near from them. spoken in debate are th u 3 characterized Respectfully announces to hi3 friendB and the Total...... $623,266 64 COTTON EXCHANGE CONVENTION. Deduct interest, lea* ex­ speakers said only one river in the State tion took upon themselves a great deal of public generally, that, in connection with the old ■was named after a woman, and that one is by the Pic: The entire proceedings of the Cotton Convention, penses...... 17,775 31—$611,491 33 RATIONS FOR 1375. needless trouble to find out one or two tilling nearly tea columns of the Augusta Chronicle stand, Vo. 83 St. Charles street, he bas fitted up in Elizabeth. He also remarked that the Eiiz’ In a few months the generous contribu­ The latest telegram gives us quite cheer and dentinK. wil! be published without abridge­ ful news of preparations for some lively in important facts about the Levee Company. ment in TO MORROW'S (Wednesday) NEW OR­ elegant manner the Profit...... $192.912 59 j abeth was all mouth. tions of distant sympathy will have been LEANS PRICE CURRENT, together with the cidents of a chivalric character, which may It was at first assumed by the people in weekly Liverpool cotton circular of Mesaro. W. C. NEW SALOON, No. 121 CANAL STREET, The company has the following assets^ exhausted. Its continuance will be spasm serve at least to relieve the dullness of Real estate...... $ 123.371 15 j According to report, one of the Popes the country that this company is a great Watts *. Co., with all the tables. Orders for extra Where the Mead, made so celebrated as “ McCios- odic and precarious. Meanwhile, other French politics and to illustrate a trait and copies with card should be sent to the office. Nos. City bonds...... 307,95-) 99 nieces has declared her intention of having a logic which are utterly incomprehensible monopoly, with no other duty imposed 129 and 131 Gravier street, to-day. jel^ It 2d key's Mead,” when he was in connection with his Bank and railroad stocks...... 21.133 00 claims upon the commiseration of Congress a voice in the bestowal of her own hand, by the rest of the world', but in France are upon it than to make an estimate of the PROCLAMATION. uncle, the late Hugh McCloskey, together with Notes secured by mortgage...... 404.232 30 and has refused to marry Signor Asquini, and the people may intervene, and there considered as tokens of a higher and more amount of money required by it for each cool Soda Water, Coffee, genuine Mineral Waters, Notes secured by pledge...... 153,408 72 chivalric civilization. nephew of a cardinal of that name, who may yet be intense suffering in Louisiana coming year, and then drawing the same FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. Cakes and Pastries, will be served in the best Bills receivable...... 46 673 79 Premium in course of collection...... 191.903 3s has been chosen for her. before the losses sustained by inundation So the candid admission of the R e pu b ­ State of Louisiana, style. from the treasury. This version of the Executive Department. State bonds...... 1,500 09 can be replaced. The colored population lican that, like the Scotch woman and New Orleans, May 19, 1374. A prominent feature of the new place will he the do Gustavo Dore's contribution to the Par­ case has appeared in the country papers Insurance stocks...... j 9;« the metaphysical sermon, we had not “the Whereas, information has reached me that on LADIES' LUNCH ROOM, where they will he waited Stock of Vallette Dry Dock Company. 19,3» 09 isian Academy this year is a painting of must participate principally in this so often of late, and has even been copied presumption” to pretend to understand it the night of Saturday, the second of May, 1374, upon by courteous and gentlemanly attendants. Stock of Levee Steam Cotton Press ... 2.3-90 00 “the great Roman Amphitheatre by moon­ anxiety. Unless the levees be restored, into the city journals that many very well DAVID BABDAND. a merchant of Ascension parish Stock of Marine Dry Dock and Ship has been accepted by others. Manufacturing his own Syrups, Mead, Soda and light; Christian martyrs mangled and bleed­ there must bean immense extent of arable meaning persons actually believed the ab­ was assassinated in the store of Mr. John Burnside Yard Company...... 4.1» ) 00 De Tocqueville has its hands quite full n that parish, and whereas, all efforts to discover Pastry, he can guarantee their excellence, and by ing, gorged lions licking their victims, and lands for which the proprietors will hesi­ surd statements. So, in accordance with Harbor Protection Company...... 1.500 1» at present. It has not only to teach “Xu and arrest his murderer or murderers have failed; prompt attention to the wants of his customers, St. Louis Hotel Association...... 5 »n 00 .angels descending to comfort the dying.” tate to employ labor. We may, then, ap­ the Louisiana fashion of doing things, a Now, therefore. I, William Pitt Kellogg. Governor colonie Française de la Nouvelle Orlean. he hopes to receive a continuance of the liheial Mortgage bonds Turner’s Association. 2,0» *9 prehend starvation or migration, either convention was raised, the members elected of the State of Louisiana, do issue this my procla­ Mortgage bonds Odd Fellows’ Hail.... 5.000 00 A man who was about to be hanged in how to overthrow the Republican major­ favors extended to him in the past. of them serious evils. Just at this crisis and sent all the way to New Orleans mation offering a reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOL Judgment on mortgage notes...... 6,000 00 Alabama, sang as he stood with the noose ity and defeat the law, but it lias to eon LARS for such information as shall leal to the GEORGE McCLOSKEY, Cash on hand...... 171,417 14 about his neck, “Oh ! the bright angels are cf our laborers, comes a bill passed by to express a sort of concentrated in arrest and conviction of the murderer or murder No. 33 St. Charles street and No. 121 Canal street, duct the government of France by tele- New Orleans, Florida and Havana ■waiting lor me.” Whereupon the local ed­ the House of Representatives appropri­ dignation on the subject. The delegates ers of the said David Barland as aforesaid. Tonro Building. mv23 lm Steamship Company...... 3 000 00 itor fiendishly wrote, "And then the angels ating all of eight million dollars to the graph. But in giving this admonition to were not at ail prepared for the truth, Given under iny hand, and the seal of the State the turbulent regency which it left in hereunto attached, this nineteenth day of May, in rpHE COTTAGE, T»1*1-...... $1.336,299 43 stirred up the lire and looked brighter than construction of a ship canal, entirely and when Mr. Renner dashed it on them the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and charge, there are some things which AT THE LAKE END PONTCHARTRAIN RAILROAD, The above statement is a Just, true and correct ever.” ______.______within the jurisdiction of Louisiana. How the other day it acted like a cold shower seventy-four, and of the independence of the transcript from the books of the company. would suit this latitude fully as well. (Left side, near centre of the wharf), A Little six-year old daughter ol a Rut­ would this large sum be expended? In bath. Had these worthy gentlemen known United States the ninety-eighth. PAUL FOURCHY, President Thus : WILLIAM P. KELLOGG. LOUIS MAYER, Proprietor. G. W. Nott, Secretary. land clergyman watched Barnum s street provisions, materials, implements and before they left Lome that the provision Hard words and insults prove nothing Bv the Governor Family parties accommodated on most seasonable „ . . , SrsriotLomsiixs, > parade with great interest, and finally said animals, but chief j on labor: It is well to made by the State tor building and keep­ P. G. DE3LONDE, rms and in elegant style. je12 3m Parish of ©rleans, city of New Orlean*. I and rather injure than aid a cause. * Sworn to and subscribed before me the ninth day to her papa: “If I wasn't a minister's little consider, -then, that the colored laborers The Republican should not forget that the ing in repair the levees is inadequate for ______Secretary of State. mv20 2p of June, 1873, P. CHARLES CUVELLIER, girl, I could go to the circus, but I suppose empire was for eighteen years the govern­ rjlEGARDEN HOTEL, of Louisiana, who may be discharged, or the purpose, they might have been pre­ CONSOLATION FOR HOT WEATHER Notary Publio. I must set an example to the whole church ment accepted anu ratified by an immense MISSISSIPPI CITY, MISSISSIPPI, At a meeting of the Board sf Directors held on badly fed and paid, in 1S7Ô, upon our im­ majority of the French people. pared to recommend a supplemental plan AT now.” ______periled plantations, will find a fund in­ Under tue management of Colonel J. O. Nixon, th* ninth day of June, 1813, it was resolved 10 de­ Now, if “DeToequeviiie in America" to complete the work. Had they been S . N. MOODY’S. IS NOW OPEN clares CASH DIVIDEND OF FIFTEEN PER CENT The “Slawson boxes” are being removed cidentally provided for them, from which will examine its own columns it will find aware that the much abused Levee Com­ Nix C hampion Shirt* for 89, For the reception of guests. on the net earned participating premiums for ths troin the street cars in Baltimore and con­ they may draw a respectable subsistence pany has already expended several hun­ Board per month $45; per day $2 5U. Children year ending May 31,1873, payable on third Monday that it has not only stigmatized its polit­ Same cut and make as those which have taken the and servants half price. m.vl5 lm In July next. ductors restored. A child was recently run and satisfactory wages. In this point of dred thousand dollars more than they First Premium all over the world. ical opponents with every abusive word Also to pay to tho stockholders, on demand over there and killed by a car without a view we can not withhold our surprise if have received from the treasury they Six all Linen Champion SHIRTS for $13. jgOUDKO’S RESTAURANT, conductor, the driver being at the time in the vocabulary, but it has refused to Seasonable UNDERSHIRTS for 5-* Ctnts. tereat at the rate of tea per cent per s-i-nm any representatives from the sugar or- would perhaps have come here prepared Lake End Pantchartrain Railroad, ' their stock. engaged with a passenger making change acknowledge the obligations of the minor­ Seasonable DRAWERS for T5 cents. „ „ DIRBCT0RB! cotton lands subject to inundation, and to blame some other parties. But as all Seasonable GLOVE' for 25 cents. BILLMAN A. JARY, Proprietors, lor a transfer. ______ity in this republic to submit to a policy Is now open for the season, and, as usual, supplied « “ “"Per0. David McCoard. interested in opening a deep water outlet, these things had been carefully ex­ Summer CRAVATS and TIES for 23 cents. 8. Z. Reif, L. P. Geseres, and laws “accepted and ratified by an L. C. HANDKERCHIEFS for 25 cents. with every requisite to entertain the public in the “ • /ujEi P- Fourchy. We acknowledge the receipt of tickets of shall offer any impediment to the imme­ cluded from the country papers and very best possible style. mylS 3m £' ?’ J- J- Fernandes, immense majority" of the American peo­ Elastic suspenders for 25 cents. D. A. Chaffraix, J. X Alien, admission to the second complimentary diate construction of the canal. The ob­ others upon which our rural popu­ Excellent English Half HOSE for 25 cents. Charles Lafitte. ______|el* Jv entertainment to be given by the Southern ple. The great difference between the jection that there has been inadequate lation generally relies for information Linen Shirt BOSOMS for 25 cents. iJiKUTONIA INSURANCE COMPANY Dramatic Club at the St. Charles Theatre races so long separated by the English And the finest display of MISCELLANEOUS. survey would come with a bad grace from they came down from the country with on Monday evening next. The drama of channel is made manifest by a single GENTLEMENS FURNISHING GOODS any one who had proposed to intrust the little vials of wrath filled with a specific n y o n e h o l d i n g c l a i m s a g a i n s t ■•Isabelle" and the farce of “Bowled Out," phrase which DeToequeviiie employs to in the Southern country, a; equally astonishing A tue LANE MILL, of this City, must present the NEW ORLEANS. outlet improvement to a single contractor which they were instructed to pour upon low prices. to tae undersigned for payment within TKN will constitute the bill. With the cards explain the causes of thi* Gallic conflict >. We w:.I not be responsible for anv bi'la Office Ne. I l l Gravier Street. who had made no survey at all. But these the heads of a corporation about which SHIRT.' MADS TO ORDER IN THREE DAYS. cortrac.ed for the Lane Mill unless approved bv * comes the information that seats will be for office. This M. Gambetta Lad, it Rtineuiber at they knew nothing except that it was in LEHMAN, ADRsHAM A CO URE FIRE, MARINE AND RIVER RISKS AT reserved for members of the press—a favor surveys have been fully and completely seems, said that while he had responded to 8. N. MOODY'S w Qr.eans, Jnne 3, 1374,______je9 10t LOWEST RATES. that will be readily appreciated by re­ made. There can be no impediment which the demands of a committee of inquiry, he some manner connected with building Champ:on Shirt Emporium, Corner Canal and porters. ______a friend of Louisiana should suggest. The levees. When Mr. Kenner, therefore, de­ P.oyai Ptiefts.______jei4 2*2p would not pay the same respect to the ate a shade, both down from the tOD a n d e rn f™ ’ monstrated that the company which he TOURISTS’ COSTUMES. A s s e t s ...... 8 7 9 $ , 4 5 4 61 Some time since we noticed the fact that reports of the engineer commission and questions of des meeserables—as we believe the bsttom. Light and v e n tS adm^edTr represented had actually done much more A. EIMER BADER, President Master James M. Vance, of this city, had of Major Howell have convinced distant it is pronounced. What is the peculiar CH. ENGSTFELD, Vice President work than was contemplated by those been nominated by the Hon. George L. Representatives that the work is prac­ outrage of this word we can not compre­ We beg leave to cai. the attention of the GEORGE STROMEYER, Secretary. Smith a cadet to the Naval Academy at ticable and should be constructed at who represented the State, and had put Board ef Trustees : hend. It must be something horrible, for LADIES PraStij a2rPa?*r Ç?n5tr ’ aad dealer in^W alf Paner Annapolis. Since then the examination once. But if more undoubted evidence np three or four hundred thousand dollars Henry Abrams, A. Eimer Badet, has taken place, and we find, after reading DeToequeviiie says: TO OCR ASSORTMENT OF ■--- 'uW eF lm SUââeB’ N°' 2 0 CamP Btreet P N. A. Baumgarden, E. F. Del Boudio is desired, and members will not ac­ with a very dim prospect of reimburse­ Ch., M. Frank, the report of the board of examiners, that This word of M. Gambetta has awakened credit the additional studies of Montague, ment, the country gentlemen began to TRAVELING COSTUMES, ( j 00® NEWS FOR BEER DRINKERS. H. R. Gogreve, Hy. Bailer, he waB deficient in algebra. In English revolutionary passions, and if the chamber SigmundStatz, J. H. Keller. who was not subject to the disadvatages had its sessions in Paris instead of at Ver­ look grave; and when he imploringly Which is now most complete. J. Keiffer, Louis Leonhard, étudiés he stood at the head of his class of sailles. it would have been necessary to em­ Theo. LillienthaL C. H. Miller, of being a federal engineer, we have to asked for somebody to come forward and F. Rickert, Frank Roder, twenty-five, and won the favor of the board ploy cannon to protect it against a new in­ D. H. HOLMES, Average dîmn7, ,,ith this k L m take this intolerable burden off his hands Louis Schneider, W. B. Schmidt' by his gentlemanly bearing. He intends to cite a conclusive document, never, to our vasion. Nos. 155 Canal and 15 Bourbon streets. B. Seig, Isaac Seberck. Louis Schwarts, J. M.M^Schwarts, Schwarts. sak e another eflort in September. observation, quoted fully by any advotate But ia consequence of that word at almost any price, they betrayed blank itiiitzp jet lm HUGO REDWITZ', J. R. WildermauA, Weissenbach No. 132 Common (treet. OC25 ly