The London Gazette, 5 October, 1937 6177
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 5 OCTOBER, 1937 6177 NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership consent as from the ist day of October 1937 so far subsisting between us the undersigned Thomas Lee as concerns the said Wilson Edward Cole Parry who of Lilbourne in the county of Northampton Farmer retires from the said firm. All debts due to and and Arthur Weaver of 46 Regent Street in the owing by the said late firm will be received and borough of Rugby Butcher carrying on business as paid respectively by the said Christopher Hugh " LILBOURNE FARMERS MEAT SUPPLY " has Macklin, Wilfred Reginald (van Langenberg and been dissolved by mutual consent as from the twenty- Joseph Christopher Campbell Howe who will continue ninth day of September 1937 so &•* as concerns the to carry on the said practice under the style or said Thomas Lee who retires from the firm. All firm of " Doctors Macklin, van Lagenberg & Howe." debts due to and owing by the said late firm will —Dated this first day of October 1937. be received and paid by the said Arthur Weaver who CHRISTOPHER H. MACKLIN. will continue to carry on the said business under the W. R. VAN LANGENBERG. same style or firm of " Lilbourne Farmers Meat WILSON E. C. PARRY. Supply."—Dated this thirtieth day of September (123) J. C. C. HOWE. 1937- THOMAS LEE. (100) ARTHUR WEAVER. NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned Charles Dent of Co-operative Street Stafford in the NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership county of Stafford and George Alfred Austin of 34 heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned Eccleshall Road Stafford aforesaid carrying on busi- William Herbert Shellard Rees and Ivor Jonathan ness as Plumbers Painters and Decorators at Co- Powell carrying on business as Accountants Auditors operative Street Stafford aforesaid under the style Auctioneers and Valuers at No. i Charlesville Place or firm of C. DENT & CO., has been dissolved as Neath in the county of Glamorgan and also at from the 27th day of September 1937. The said Milford Haven in the county of Pembroke under the George Alfred Austin has retired and the said busi- style or firm of W. HARRY REES & SON has ness will be carried on by the said Charles Dent.— been dissolved by mutual consent as from the 3ist Dated the 29th day of September 1937. day of July 1937.—As witness our hands this 3oth day of September, 1937. C. DENT. (136) G. A. AUSTIN. W. H. SHELLARD REES. (121) IVOR J. POWELL. NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership reviously subsisting between Ernest Charles NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership gvershed and William Marsh in the trade or business heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned of Grocers and Provision Dealers and Wine Spirit George Ernest Nield and Denzil Bridge Nield carry- and Beer Merchants 'and carried on by them at ing on business as Architects and Surveyors at 222, Nos. 115 and 116 St. Georges Road and No. 7 Lewes The Outer Temple, Strand under the style or firm Road Brighton in the county of Sussex was dissolved of G. E. NIELD & SON has been dissolved by by mutual consent as from the 3 ist day of March mutual consent as from the first day of October 1937. All debts due and all liabilities owing in 1937. All debts due to and owing by the said late connection with the said business should be respec- firm will be received and paid by the said Denzil tively paid to and will be discharged by the said Bridge Nield.—Dated this ist day of October 1937. William Marsh.—Dated this ist day of October G. E. NIELD, F.R.I.B.A. 1937- (134) D. BRIDGE NIELD. ERNEST CHARLES EVERSHED. (096) WILLIAM MARSH. NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between Arthur Sweatman of NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership High Street Chipping Sodbury in the parish of Chip- heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned ping Sodbury in the county of Gloucester Baker Benjamin Franklin Babcock Percy Wilfrid Makinson and Confectioner and Harold Sweatman of High and George Williamson carrying on business as Street Chipping Sodbury aforesaid Baker and Con- Cotton Merchants at i, Old Hall Street in the city fectioner carrying on business as Bakers and Con- of Liverpool under the style or firm of B. F. fectioners at High Street, Chipping Sodbury aforesaid BABCOCK & CO. has been dissolved by mutual under the style or firm of SWEATMAN & SONS consent as from the first day of October 1937. All has been dissolved by mutual consent as from the debts due and owing to or by the late firm will be thirtieth day of June 1935. All debts due to and respectively received and paid by the said George owing by the said late firm will be received and Williamson who proposes to form a new partnership paid respectively by the said Arthur Sweatman who under the same firm name.—As witness our hands will continue to carry on the said business under this 29th day of September, 1937. the style or firm of " Sweatman & Sons."—Dated this 28th day of September, 1937. B. F. BABCOCK. PERCY W. MAKINSON. ARTHUR SWEATMAN. (124) ' GEORGE WILLIAMSON. (005) HAROLD SWEATMAN. NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned James Alfred Henry Harper, Leonard Ewen Harper James Albert Bowden Leslie Ainsworth Bowden John and Walter Geoffrey Harper carrying on business as Fauchon Rands and Gordon Everard Bowden carry- Architects at Ruskin Chambers, 191 Corporation ing on business as Architects at 118 Cromwell Road Street, Birmingham in the county of Warwick under Gloucester Road S.W.7, under the style or firm of the style or firm of EWEN HARPER BROTHER J. A. BOWDEN SON & PARTNERS has been dis- & CO. was dissolved as and from the 3Oth day of solved by mutual consent as from the 29th day of September 1937 by mutual consent. Leonard Ewen •September 1937.—As witness our hands this agth Harper F.R.I.B.A. will continue to practise for day of September 1937. commercial and other work under the old firm name J. A. BOWDEN. of " Ewen Harper Brother & Co." at Ruskin Cham- LESLIE A. BOWDEN. bers 191 Corporation Street Birmingham as hereto- JOHN F. RANDS. fore, who will shortly take into partnership his Sons (058) GORDON E. BOWDEN. Bernard Ivan Harper and Dennis Rosslyn Harper. James Alfred Henry Harper (the Senior Partner in the old firm) and his Son Walter Geoffrey Harper will NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership continue to practise from the 3oth September at heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned Union Chambers, Temple Row, Birmingham under Christopher Hugh Macklin, Wilfred Reginald van the style of " J. Alfred Harper & Son."—Dated the Lagenberg,' Wilson Edward Cole Parry and Joseph 3oth day of September 1937. Christopher Campbell Howe, carrying on business as [. A. H. HARPER. General Medical Practitioners at Ampthill and Flit- t,. EWEN HARPER. wick in the county of Bedford under the style or W. GEOFFREY HARPER. firm of " Doctors MACKLIN, VAN LAGENBERG, B. IVAN HARPER. PARRY & HOWE " has been dissolved by mutual (155) D. ROSSLYN HARPER..