New Developments in : Field-Testing Engineered Organisms: Genetic and Ecological Issues

May 1988

NTIS order #PB88-214101 Recommended Citation: U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, New Developments in Biotechnology- Field-Testing Engineered Organisms: Genetic and Ecological Issues, OTA-BA-350 (Wash- ington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, May 1988).

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 88-600522

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402-9325 (order form can be found in the back of this report) Foreword

Since the discovery of recombinant DNA technology in the early 1970s much atten- tion has focused on the potential benefits and risks presented by the new abilities of researchers to manipulate DNA. The importance of ecological issues was heightened in 1982 with the proposal by researchers to field test bacteria engineered to reduce crop losses due to frost damage. Additional pressures have come to bear as a result of developments in the economics of American agriculture and with foreign trade im- balances. In this special report OTA analyzes some of the scientific and public opinion issues surrounding the planned introduction of genetically engineered organisms into the environment. The assessment of New Developments in Biotechnology was requested by the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. The first publication in the series was Ownership of Human Tissues and Cells, and the second was Public Perceptions of Biotechnology. Subsequent studies will examine U.S. investment in biotechnology and issues relevant to the patenting of plants, animals, and microorganisms. This third report in the series illustrates a range of op- tions for congressional action in three major areas of public policy related to this appli- cation of biotechnology:

● the criteria for review of planned introductions for potential risk, ● the administrative mechanisms for applying such review criteria, and ● the research base supporting planned introductions. In gathering information for this study, OTA staff made site visits to the research facilities or proposed field test sites of seven companies developing engineered organ- isms for environmental applications or doing similar research. The site visits were made to California, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Missouri, Hawaii, and Wisconsin. Staff also at- tended and participated in numerous professional meetings devoted to scientific aspects of the issue. OTA was assisted in preparing this study by a panel of advisors and reviewers selected for their expertise and diverse points of view on the issues covered in the assessment. Advisory panelists and reviewers were drawn from industry, academia, medicine, profes- sional societies, environmental organizations, public interest groups, and Federal agen- cies. Written comments were received from 140 individuals on successive drafts of the report. OTA gratefully acknowledges the contribution of each of these individuals. As with all OTA reports, the responsibility for content is OTA’s alone.

JOHN H. GIBBONS u Director

,,. Ill New Developments in Biotechnology Advisory Panel

Bernadine P. Healy, Panel Chair The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Cleveland, OH Timothy B. Atkeson Richard Krasnow Steptoe & Johnson Institute for International Education Washington, DC Washington, DC David Blumenthal Sheldon Krimsky Brigham and Women’s Hospital Corporation Tufts University Boston, MA Medford, MA Hon. Edmund G. Brown, Jr. William E. Marshall Reavis & McGrath Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Los Angeles, CA Johnston, IA Nancy L. Buc Ronald L. Meeusen Weil, Gotshal & Manges Rohm and Haas Co. Washington, DC Spring House, PA Mark F. Cantley Robert B. Nicholas Concertation Unit for Biotechnology in Europe Nash, Railsback & Plesser Brussels, Belgium Washington, DC Alexander M. Capron Eric J. Stanbridge University of Southern California University of California, Irvine Los Angeles, CA Irvine, CA Jerry D. Caulder James M. Tiedje Mycogen Corp. Michigan State University San Diego, CA East Lansing, MI Lawrence I. Gilbert Kunio Toriyama The University of North Carolina ZEN-NOH Chapel Hill, NC Tokyo, Japan Conrad A. Istock Pablo D.T. Valenzuela The University of Arizona Chiron Corp. Tucson, AZ Emeryville, CA Edward L. Korwek Thomas E. Wagner Hogan and Hartson Ohio University Washington, DC Athens, OH Tsune Kosuge University of California, Davis Davis, CA

NOTE: OTA appreciates and is grateful for the valuable assistance and thoughtful critiques provided by the advisory panel members. The panel does not, however, necessarily approve, disapprove, or endorse this report. OTA assumes full responsibility for the report and the accuracy of its contents. iv Field-Testing Engineered Organisms OTA Project Staff

Roger C. Herdman, Assistant Director, OTA Health and Life Sciences Division

Gretchen S. Kolsrud, Biological Applications Program Manager

Gary B. Ellis, Project Director

Luther Val Giddings, Study Director Robyn Y. Nishimi, Analyst Kevin W. O’Connor, Analyst

Support Staff Sharon Kay Oatman, Administrative Assistant Linda S. Rayford, Secretary/Word Processing Specialist Barbara V. Ketchum, Clerical Assistant

Contractors Linda Starke, Editor, Washington, DC Stephanie L. Forbes, Editor, Bowie, MD David A. Andow, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN John M. Boyle, Louis Harris and Associates, Inc., Washington, DC William A. Check, Medical & Scientific Communications, Atlanta, GA Ellen W. Chu, Scientific & Technical Editing, Kirkland, WA David C. Coleman, University of Georgia, Athens, GA C.N. Dahm, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM Andrew P. Dobson, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY James R. Gosz, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM Fred Gould, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC Susan S. Hirano, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Robert E. Hodson, University of Georgia, Athens, GA Conrad A. Istock, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ Kathleen H. Keeler, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE D. Matthew Knain, Louis Harris and Associates, Inc., Washington, DC Richard E. Lenski, University of California, Irvine, CA Bruce R. Levin, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA Simon A. Levin, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Adrianne Massey, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC Elliott A. Norse, Washington, DC Stuart L. Pimm, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN Frances E. Sharples, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN S.S. Snapp, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN P.S. Teng, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN Christen D. Upper, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Gabor Vali, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

Acknowledgment to Other OTA Staff Robert Cook-Deegan, Senior Associate, Biological Applications Program Robert Friedman, Senior Associate, Oceans and Environment Program OTA/National Science Foundation Workshop Environmental Applications of Recombinant DNA Organisms: Genetic Issues, Nov. 21-22, 1985

David T. Kingsbury, Workshop Chair National Science Foundation Washington, DC Deb K. Chatterjee Bruce Levin Environmental Protection Agency University of Massachusetts Gulf Breeze, FL Amherst, MA Ron Chiarello Lois K. Miller IGB Products, Ltd. University of Georgia San Leandro, CA Athens, GA Michael T. Clegg Stephen J. O’Brien University of California, Riverside National Cancer Institute Frederick, MD James Collins Arizona State University Mark Obukowicz Tempe, AZ Monsanto Company St. Louis, MO William R. Engels University of Wisconsin Philip Regal Madison, WI University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN Patrick Flanagan National Science Foundation James A. Shapiro Washington, DC University of Chicago Chicago, IL Garrett Hardin University of California, Santa Barbara James Tiedje Santa Barbara, CA Michigan State University East Lansing, MI Philip Harriman National Science Foundation Richard G. Wiegart Washington, DC University of Georgia Athens, GA W. Frank Harris National Science Foundation Washington, DC

NOTE: OTA appreciates and is grateful for the valuable assistance and thoughtful critiques provided by the workshop participants. The workshop participants do not, however, necessarily approve, disapprove, or endorse this report. OTA assumes full responsibility for the report and the accuracy of its contents. vi Contents

Page Chapter I: Summary, Policy Issues, and Options for Congressional Action ...... 3 Chapter 2: Introduction ...... 33 Chapter 3: The Regulatory Regime and the Role of Public Perception...... 45 Chapter 4: Genetic Considerations ...... 71 Chapter 5: Ecological Considerations ...... 85 Chapter 6: Risk Assessment ...... 109 Appendix A: Pending and Potential Environmental Applications of Genetically Engineered Organisms ...... 125 Appendix B: List of Contractor Documents ...... 134 Appendix C: Acknowledgments ...... 135 Appendix D: Glossary of Acronyms and Terms...... 139 Index ...... 143

vii Chapter 1 Summary, Policy Issues, and options for Congressional Action

“The greatest service which can be rendered any country is, to add a useful plant to its culture.” Thomas Jefferson “The Papers of Thomas Jefferson” (Accession No. 39161), Library of Congress, 1800

“one must learn by doing the thing, for although you think you know it you have no certainty until you try.” Sophocles 496(?)-406 BCE CONTENTS


Anticipated Applications ...... ● ...... 5

Plants ● ...... ● * $ * * . ....**.** ● ...... •~*~. 5 Animals ...... ******.*.**** .. **.***. 6 Micro-organisms ...... 7 The Role of Public Perception and the Regulatory Regime...... 8 The Effects of Public Perception ...... ~. ... .~. ..~... 8 The Existing Regulatory Framework ...... 9 Genetic Considerations...... 11 What Researchers Know About Gene Transfer ...... 11 Predicting Potential Effects ...... 12 Monitoring Gene Transfer ...... 13 Inhibiting Gene Transfer ...... 15 Ecological Considerations ...... 15 Genetically Engineered Organisms and Exotic Species . . 17 Potential Impact on Populations or Communities ...... 18 Potential Impact on Ecosystem Processes ...... 20 Risk Assessment ...... +...... 22 Must All Planned Introductions Be Reviewed? ...... 22 Micro-organisms v. Macro-organisms ...... 24 Implications for Research...... 25 Policy Issues and Options for Congressional Action ...... 25

Box Box Page A. The Pressure: Antibiotic Genes in Bacteria. . . . 14

Figure Figure Page I-1. The Nitrogen Cycle...... 21

Table Page l-1. Some Representative Pending and Potential Environmental Applications of Genetically Engineered Organisms ...... 6 l-2. Agencies Responsible for Approval of Commercial Biotechnology Products...... 9 l-3. Jurisdiction for Review of Planned Introductions ...... 10 l-4. Comparison of Exotic Species and Genetically Engineered Organisms ...... 17 Chapter 1 Summary, Policy Issues, and Options for Congressional Action

The development in the 1970s of techniques for concern about the safety of planned introductions. splicing fragments of DNA from different organ- Although there is some consensus in the scien- isms (recombinant DNA technology) opened up tific community that the likelihood of unique or a new science of and a new serious problems from planned introductions is industry, “molecular” biotechnology. The roots of quite low, this opinion is not held unanimously. this new industry lie in practices of animal hus- Some scientists cite the beneficial introduction of bandry, agriculture, and fermentation that extend thousands of species of naturally occurring mi- back for thousands of years. To these ancient prac- crobes, plants, and animals that have not adversely tices modern biotechnology adds not only recom- affected the environment. Other scientists point binant DNA and cell culture, but also a host of out that a small fraction of such introductions have applications using living organisms to make com- become pests, and suggest that genetic modifica- mercial products. These techniques promise to tions that permit engineered organisms to live in reshape many fields; they are now revolutioniz- habitats new to them may, in some cases, present ing the pharmaceutical industry and medical diag- similar risks. There is also concern among some nosis and treatment. scientists that the genetic information newly ad- ded to existing species may sometimes produce Commercial biotechnology is advancing into undesirable changes in their ecological relation- areas that depend on the introduction of geneti- ships with other species, or, in rare cases, be cally engineered organisms into the environment. directly transmitted to other species. These applications could improve old tools or pro- duce new ones for many fields, including agri- The potential benefits of new culture, forestry, toxic waste cleanup, mining, en- have been widely reported. Thus, this report fo- hanced oil and mineral recovery, and others. In cuses primarily on questions raised by the critics: some cases, such as pest control or toxic waste How do environmental risks from planned intro- management, successful development of biotech - ductions of genetically engineered organisms com- nological tools could reduce or phase out depen- pare to those encountered in the past in agricul- dence on older, more hazardous chemical tech- ture and commerce? How accurately can scientists nologies. It is widely expected that the application predict the consequences of planned introduc- of such biological approaches to many human tions? What genetic and ecological effects are pos- activities will prove more benign to the environ- sible or likely? What scientific and social issues ment than traditional technologies. need to be considered in developing risk assess- ment and mangement procedures? Does the in- Planned introductions of genetically engineered troduction of genetically engineered organisms organisms into the environment, often called de- require new regulatory procedures to protect liberate release, are not, however, without poten- environmental and public health? tial risks, Virtually any organism deliberately in- troduced into a new environment has a small but It is important to recognize several conditions real chance of surviving and multiplying. In some that limit generally (though not absolutely) the dis- small subset of such cases, an undesirable conse- cussions and conclusions contained in this study: quence might follow. The complexity of even sim- ● Time Scale: This study focuses on the near, ple ecosystems makes the precise prediction of or foreseeable future, generally within about such events, and of their consequences, difficult. the next 5 years. This element of uncertainty has led some sci- ● Subject Matten The issues discussed pertain entists, public officials, and private citizens to voice to small-scale field trials more often than to

3 4

large-scale, commercial applications. The de- such completed reviews increases one may ex- gree to which these issues are relevant to pect some generalizable conclusions about the large-scale, commercial applications should safety of different types of introductions, This be revealed by the results of small-scale field should enable a consequent streamlining of the tests. review process. And although almost any cate- ● Definition: In this study, the term “geneti- gory proposed for exemption from review can be cally engineered organism” is used most often shown wanting through a hypothetical scenario, to mean an organism to which genetic mate- it is reasonable to expect that, with experience, rial has been added or deleted via recombi- broader categories will emerge for which less rig- nant DNA techniques. This usage is not, how- orous levels of review could be defended. Cate- ever, absolute, since some regulatory agencies gories that could be examined now, at least for (e.g., EPA) presently define the term more abbreviated review, include: broadly. Some of the genetic or ecological is- ● organisms that could be produced with pre- sues discussed in the study might also apply viously existing methods (e.g., mutagenesis to organisms produced by means not involv- and selection) which, if they were, would not ing recombinant DNA in the strict sense, such be regulated under existing law; as cell fusion. ● an organism substantially identical to one that It is possible that new types of planned intro- has already been reviewed and approved for ductions not now under development, or the field testing; greater scale of some commercial applications, ● organisms not containing any genetic mate- might introduce questions or concerns in addi- rial from a potential ; or tion to those examined in this study. ● organisms whose DNA contains nothing new but marker sequences in non-coding regions. Foremost among OTA’s conclusions is that there are reasons to continue to be cautious, Regulatory agencies can and should move but there is no cause for alarm. Significant areas promptly to establish at least provisional catego- of uncertainty exist, particularly in the realms of ries for different levels of review. They should microbial ecology and population dynamics. Wide- act subsequently to modify and streamline these spread environmental or ecological problems do as experience indicates. This will sometimes be not now seem likely, however, though they could a contentious exercise, but the stakes, in terms emerge in the future. If events develop other than of economic potential and environmental protec- as planned with a particular introduction, it seems tion, are sufficient that there can be no substi- more likely that the introduced organisms might tute for common sense leavened by caution and become prematurely extinct, and consequently appropriate flexibility. To guarantee essential pub- fail to perform as desired. While increased sup- lic confidence, this also means that such decisions port for relevant research, both fundamental and must be accountable, attributable to specific reg- applied, will reduce uncertainties, some ques- ulatory bodies, and sustainable by defensible and tions can be answered only with practical ex- public reasoning. perience. With adequate review none of the small-scale Even though the range and complexity of ap- field tests proposed or probable within the plications of new biotechnologies means that the next several years are likely to result in an type of general models used for evaluating the environmental problem that would be wide- risks from chemicals cannot be transferred eas- spread or difficult to control. Indeed, green- ily, adequate review of planned introductions house or microcosm studies are such inadequate is now possible. A review process that involves predictors of field performance that in many cases critical study of planned introductions by experts realistic small-scale field tests are likely to be with relevant knowledge and experience offers the only way potential risks from commercial confidence of being able to anticipate and pre- scale uses of genetically engineered organisms vent most potential problems. As the number of can be evaluated. Assuming such small-scale field 5 tests fail to identify areas of significant concern, dreamed of precision and speed. In evaluating the there would be no scientific reason not to seek potential risks associated with these new technol- further experience with field tests or applications ogies, the appropriate question is not “How can on a larger scale. we reduce the potential risks to zero?” but "what are the relative risks of the new technologies It is important to note that modifying organisms compared with the risks of the technologies for specific human ends is not new; selective with which they will compete?” Furthermore, breeders of plants and animals have been trans- What are the risks posed by over regulating, ferring genes for millennia, often creating forms or failing to develop fully the new technol- through centuries of selection that differ from ogies? How do we weigh costs and benefits? their original stocks more than the forms pro- How much review is enough? In most cases the duced by recombinant DNA methods. One of the new potential risks will be qualitatively similar distinguishing characteristics of the new technol- to the old risks. Sometimes they will be quantita- ogies is that they allow scientists to do many of tively less. The potential benefits to be derived the same things as before with previously un- are often substantial.


Pending and potential environmental applica- with which they can be studied) have been trans- tions of genetically engineered organisms span an formed to resist crown gall disease (Agracetus, enormous range—enormous in terms of engi- Middleton, WI). Researchers at Monsanto and at neered organisms, the diverse environments into Washington University (St. Louis, MO) have also which they will be introduced, and the functions “vaccinated” tobacco and tomato plants against they are intended to perform (see table 1-1 and tobacco mosaic virus by inserting a single virus app. A). gene into the plant genome. Similar results with the alfalfa mosaic virus suggest that the same Many pending or imminent introductions in- technique may protect many plants against virus- volve minor genetic alterations to modify an ex- caused diseases. isting function in an existing organism. Most in- volve the activity of the product (protein) of a sin- gle structural gene, More than a dozen small-scale Pest resistance is another promising area. The field tests have already taken place. Applications delta-endotoxin gene of the well known and much for others are pending or anticipated in the near used bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (BT), which future, encodes a toxin effective against certain caterpil- lars, has been inserted into tobacco and tomato Plants plants.

To decrease crop losses due to weeds, genes Investigators are pursuing many other applica- have been introduced into several plant species tions, including drought or saline resistant plants. to confer resistance or tolerance to certain her- Recombinant DNA and cell fusion techniques are bicides, including glyphosate (Calgene, Davis, CA; being used to create new crop varieties, improve Monsanto, St. Louis, MO), sulfonylurea (Du Pont, the nutritional qualities of some species, and in- Wilmington, DE), and atrazine (Ciba-Geigy, Greens- crease algal production of substances used in the boro, NC). Depending on the particular herbicide, food industry. Future endeavors might include en- this practice could increase or decrease pollution hancing the ability of certain algae to sequester hazards by stimulating changes in patterns of her- heavy metals from seawater, and introducing bicide use. genes encoding compounds that protect seeds Plants have also been engineered better to re- against insects. Such engineered seed protection sist disease. Tobacco plants (valuable for the ease could improve long-term storage of certain crops. 6

Animals resistance, or (livestock) coat characteristics. The types of alterations being pursued and the con- Most recombinant DNA work on animals focuses fined agricultural settings of most altered animals on altering livestock, poultry, or fish to improve both provide continuity between modern and his- reproductive performance, weight gain, disease torical biotechnology.

Table 1.1 .—Some Representative Pending and Potential Environmental Applications of Genetically Engineered Organisms

MICRO-ORGANISMS PLANTS Bacteria as pesticides. “ice-minus” bacteria to reduce Herbicide resistance or tolerance to: frost damage to agricultural crops. Glyphosate Bacteria carrying Bacillus thuringiensis toxin to reduce Atrazine t loss of corn crops to black cutworm. Sulfonyiurea (chlorosulfuron and sulfometuron) Mycorrhizal fungi to increase plant growth rates by im- imidazolinone proving efficiency of root uptake of nutrients. Bromoxynil Plant symbionts. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria to increase Phosphinotricin nitrogen available to plants, and decrease need for fer- Disease resistance to: tilizers, Crown gall disease (tobacco) Toxic waste disposal. Bacteria engineered to enhance Tobacco mosaic virus (and related viruses) their existing abilities to degrade compounds found in Potato leaf roll virus sludge in waste treatment plants. Pest resistance Bacteria engineered to enhance their abilities to degrade BT-toxin-protected crops, including tobacco (principally compounds in landfills, dumps, runoff deposits, and as research tool) and tomato. contaminated soils. Seeds with enhanced anti-feedant content to reduce Heavy metal recovery. Engineered enhancements possi- losses to insects while in storage. ble to several species of bacteria now used to recover Enhanced tolerance to environmental factors, including: metals from low-grade ores (e.g., copper and cobalt). Salt Pollution control. Possible increased utility of bacteria in Drought purifying water supplies of phosphorus, ammonia, and Temperature other compounds. Heavy metals Viruses as pesticides. insect viruses with narrowed host Nitrogen-fixation enhancements specificity or increased virulence against specific Nonlegumes enhanced to fix nitrogen, independent of agricultural insect pests, including cabbage looper, association with symbiotic bacteria. pine beauty moth, cutworms, and other pests. Engineered marine algae Myxoma virus modified so as to restore its virulence Algae enhanced to increase production of such against rabbits (which became resistant during early bi- compounds as B-carotene and agar, or to enhance ocontrol efforts in Australia). ability to sequester heavy metals (e.g., gold and Viruses as . Vaccines against human diseases cobalt) from seawater. including: Forestry —hepatitis A and B Trees engineered to be resistant to disease or —polio herbicides, to grow faster, or to be more tolerant to —herpes simplex (oral and genital) environmental stresses. — —acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ANIMALS —rabies Livestock and poultry —respiratory syncitial virus Livestock species engineered to enhance weight gain or growth rates, reproductive performance, disease Vaccines against animal diseases including: resistance, or coat characteristics. —swine pseudorabies Livestock animals engineered to function as producers —swine rotavirus for pharmaceutical drugs, especially of mammalian —vesicular stomatitis (cattle) compounds that require post-synthesis modifications –foot and mouth disease (cattle) in the cell. —bovine rotavirus Fish —rabies (cattle, other mammals) Triploid salmon produced by heat shock for use as —sheep foot rot game fish in lakes and streams. —infectious bronchitis virus (chickens) Fish with enhanced growth rates, cold tolerance, or —avian erythroblastosis disease resistance for use in aquaculture. —sindbis virus (sheep, cattle, chickens) Triploid grass carp for use as aquatic weed control Muitivalent vaccines. Vaccines possible for antigenically agents, complex diseases such as: —malaria —sleeping sickness —schistosomiasis SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1988. ?

Other bacteria of medical importance include Salmonella, Streptococcus, and Bacillus. Yeast, Sac- charomyces cerevisiae, and other fermenters such as Lactobacillus have also been important in the evolution of molecular genetics, as have several bacterial and plant viruses. The genetic structure and functioning of these micro-organisms are among the best understood. Microbes are small and easy to handle in the laboratory, and they re- produce rapidly. Enormous numbers can be ex- amined in a short time. But the special qualities of microorganisms also present some unique problems. Because they are microscopic, special techniques are required to monitor their survival or dispersal. Their rapid growth rates under favorable conditions and the ability of some species to exchange genetic mate- rial make transfer of altered genetic material % among some microbes less predictable than among larger organisms. m The ubiquity of microbes (they are literally everywhere; a gram of soil will commonly con- tain a billion microbes) and their key roles in the fundamental ecological processes of energy flow and nutrient cycles have led to some concerns about the potential for disruption of these proc- esses if large-scale introductions of genetically engineered microbes take place. Some scientists, Photo credit” Hideo Yamagishi, Kyoto University however, point to the high degree of functional Electron micrograph of DNA double helix, redundancy among members of microbial com- = “rim” nanometer= one-billionth of a meter. munities, which acts as a buffer against far- -reaching perturbations. They also cite the lack Transferring animal growth hormone genes or of negative consequences in considerable experi- exposing fish embryos to abnormally high tem- ence over the last century, during which large peratures to change chromosome number are numbers of microbes have been introduced into other successful techniques. Genetic engineering the environment for agricultural and pest con- also holds promise for altering insect pests for trol purposes, and for pollution and waste treat- use in integrated pest management schemes which ment, and conclude from these observations that rely on biological as well as chemical controls. problems are not likely. Many promising environmental applications of Micro-organisms engineered micro-organisms are being developed. One bacterial application deletes the gene for a Bacteria, viruses, and fungi offer the molecu- cell membrane protein that acts as a nucleus for lar biologist some of the best candidates for genetic frost formation. The resulting so-called ice-minus engineering. Molecular genetics originated in ex- bacteria, derived from species that normally live periments with certain species of these organisms: on plant surfaces, could help reduce crop losses Of greatest use in this research is the common from frost. In other applications, the BT toxin gene inhabitant of the human gut, Escherichia coli. has been inserted directly into some bacteria. In 8 one case researchers hope the transformed bac- Inc. (Cambridge, MA) is preparing to field test a teria, adapted to live on the surfaces of the roots variety of a naturally occurring bacterium with of corn plants, will help reduce corn crop losses enhanced nitrogen-fixing ability. It is likely that to insect larvae. In another, the transformed bac- the more ambitious goal of transferring nitrogen- teria are killed and treated to produce a particle fixing capacity directly to plants is many years containing BT toxin that can then be applied as from realization. a topical insecticide. Other bacteria are being engi- Viruses, especially those that affect insects, have neered to degrade specific toxic compounds found potential as pesticides as well as vaccines for both in industrial waste or sludge. Many bacteria can animals and humans. Recent efforts have been break down toxic compounds naturally, and there directed toward engineering vaccinia viruses to is the potential of enhancing their ability to con- produce vaccines for hepatitis B, herpes simplex, sume petroleum, solvents, benzene derivatives, , and hookworm as well as vaccines or halogenated hydrocarbons like polychlorinated against such animal diseases as rabies, vesicular biphenyls, polybrominated biphenyls, or dioxin, stomatitis (a disease of cattle), and others. These although these applications are likely to be some are usually produced by using recombinant DNA years away. methods to separate the virus genes that will evoke One important application that has received a immune responses in the infected organisms from great deal of research attention is enhancing or the genes encoding the proteins responsible for transferring the capacity to make atmospheric ni- disease. When the latter are removed, a number trogen biologically usable, or to “fix” nitrogen. If of the problems historically associated with at- managed well, this holds significant potential for tenuated or live virus vaccines in common use reducing the amount of nitrogen fertilizer re- today are eliminated. Multivalent vaccines, which quired in agriculture, thus reducing the costs and could be effective against several diseases at once the problems associated with nitrate contamina- or against complex diseases, are also being de- tion of runoff water. BioTechnica International, veloped.


In many ways, the wide range of organisms and assessment by scientific groups and public potential uses complicates the regulatory picture officials. When proposing to field test genetically for the new industry of modern biotechnology engineered organisms, scientists—whether in aca- because the critical issues differ from applica- demic institutions or industry–must be prepared tion to application. Policy makers need to rely to work with local citizens and officials. Recent on sound scientific review and weigh carefully experience in several communities and an OTA- any potential risks against anticipated benefits of commissioned survey have shown that public each new planned introduction. A flexible re- opinion is ambivalent and can be vocal with re- view process, founded in critical scientific spect to planned introductions of genetically engi- evaluation and adaptable to the requirements neered organisms. In several cases public opin- of particular cases, can serve industry and the ion has thwarted or delayed proposed field tests. public interest well without being unduly bur- In other communities opposition has been mini- densome. mal, and in some cases vocal elements have been supportive. (Ch. 3 includes descriptions of the role of public perception in about a dozen local com- The Effects of Public Perception munities where field tests have been proposed or carried out.) Public perception of the benefits and risks of biotechnology is as likely to influence fu- As in science and technology generally, public ture industry developments as is formal risk interest in the new biotechnologies is high. Al- 9 though people are concerned about the morality Table 1-2.—Agencies Responsible for Approval of and safety of genetic engineering, they believe that Commercial Biotechnology Products research should continue. Most say they believe Biotechnology-. .products Responsible agencies the benefits will ultimately justify the risks. In- Foods/food additives ...... FDA, * FSISa deed, the public claims to be willing to accept rela- Human drugs, medical devices, tively high probabilities of risk to the environment and biologics ...... FDA Animal drugs...... FDA (provided oversight is sufficient) in exchange for Animal biologics...... APHIS the benefits that might accrue from environmental Other contained uses ...... EPA applications of genetically engineered organisms. Plants and animals...... APHIS, C FSIS,a FDAb Pesticide micro-organisms released in the environment , EPA,d APHISC Other uses (micro-organisms): The Existing Regulatory Framework Intergeneric combination . . . . . EPA,d APHIS C Intrageneric combination: Shortly after recombinant DNA technology ap- Pathogenic source organism peared and began to be more widely used during 1. Agricultural use ...... APHIS 2. Nonagricultural use . . . . EPA,d APHISC the 1970s, concerns were raised about its safety. Nonpathogenic source In an unprecedented move, scientists developing organisms ...... EPA Report the new techniques met in 1975 at the Asilomar Nonengineered : 1. Agricultural use . . . . . APHIS Conference Center (Pacific Grove, CA), and agreed 2. Nonagricultural use . . EPA,d APHIS C to control stringently their own research until the Nonengineered safety of the new technology could be assured. nonpathogens ...... EPA Report ● Designates lead agency where jurisdictions may overlap, In 1976, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is- aFSIS, Food Safety end Inspection Service, under the Assistant Secretary Of Agri- sued the first formal guidelines for recombinant culture for Marketing and Inspection Services, is responsible for food use. bFDA IS irrvolvetj when in relation to a food use. DNA research. As research continued, and as sci- CApHIS An/real and plant Heeith Inspection Service, is involved when the micro- organism is plant pest, animal pathogen, or regulated article requiring a permit. entists learned more about the safety of geneti- dEpA requirement WiII only apply to environmental release under a “significant cally engineered organisms, initial fears proved new use rule” that EPA intends to propose. excessive, the guidelines were repeatedly revised, SOURCE: 51 Fed. Reg. 23339. and the controls on recombinant DNA research in the laboratory were relaxed. (table 1-3). It describes the regulatory policies of Some of the safety concerns that have sur- the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the faced over the planned introduction of genet- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the ically engineered organisms are about issues Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as well as quite different from those associated with re- the research policies of the National Institutes of search confined to a laboratory. Numerous eco- Health (NIH) the National Science Foundation logical issues not relevant to laboratory work be- (NSF), EPA, and USDA. The purpose of the Frame- come important when applications move beyond work is to enable the agencies to ‘(operate in an the laboratory and into the environment, Assum- integrated and coordinated fashion [to] cover the ing regulation is appropriate (an assumption chal- full range of plants, animals, and micro-organisms lenged by some), who should regulate planned in- derived by the new genetic engineering tech- troduction experiments? How should regulatory niques. ” agencies assess potential risks? As more and more At present, FDA relies on its existing policies products reach field-test stage, the need to answer for regulating biotechnology products. EPA reg- these questions becomes more pressing. ulates biotechnology under the Federal Insecti- The White House Office of Science and Tech- cide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and nology Policy published the Coordinated Frame- the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). USDA work for the Regulation of Biotechnology in June relies on the Plant Pest Act and related statutes, 1986. This document identifies the agencies re- while the Occupational Safety and Health Admin- sponsible for approving commercial biotechnol- istration has regulatory authority over certain ogy products (table 1-2) and their jurisdictions for aspects of biotechnology that relate to workplace regulating field tests and planned introductions safety. 10

Table 1-3.—Jurisdiction for Review of Planned introductions

Proposed research Responsible agencies Contained research, no release in environment: Federally funded ...... Funding agency,= Nonfederally funded ...... NIH or S&E voluntary review, APHISC Foods/food additives, human drugs, medical devices, biologics, animal drugs: Federally funded ., ...... FDA,b NIH guidelines and review Nonfederally funded ...... FDA,b NIH voluntary review Plants, animals and animal biologics: Federally funded ...... Funding agency=, APHISC Nonfederally funded ...... APHISC, S&E voluntary review Pesticide microorganisms: Genetically engineered: Intergeneric ...... EPAd, APHISC, S&E voluntary review Pathogenic intrageneric...... EPAd, APHISC, S&E voluntary review Intrageneric nonpathogen EPAd, S&E voluntary review Nonengineered: Nonindigenous pathogens ...... EPAd, APHIS Indigenous pathogens ...... EPAd, APHIS Nonindigenous nonpathogen ...... EPAd Other uses (micro-organisms) released in the environment: Genetically engineered: lntergeneric organisms Federally funded ...... Funding agency=, APHISC, EPAd Commercially funded ...... EPA, APHIS, S&E voluntary review Intrageneric organisms Pathogenic source organisms Federally funded ...... Funding agency,= APHIS,C EPAd Commercially funded ...... APHISC, EPAd (if nonagricultural use) Intrageneric combination Nonpathogenic source organisms ...... EPA Report Nonengineered ...... EPA Report*.. APHISC ● Designates lead agency where jurisdictions may overlap. aReview and approval of research protocols conducted by NIH, S&E, or NSF. bApHIS i~~ue~ permits for the importation and domestic $hipment of certain plants and animals, piant pEWtS and animal patho- gens, and for the shipment or release in the environment of regulated articles. CEPA jurisdiction for research on a plot greater thari 10 acres. dEpA ~ev~ews federally funded environmental research only when it is for commercial pUrpOSeS. Abbreviations: NIH = National Institutes of Health; S&E = Department of Agriculture Science and Education, APHIS = Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service; EPA = Environmental Protection Agency SOURCE: 51 Fed. Reg. 23305

Several problems—virtually none of them new efits of existing technologies against the or unique to biotechnology-face regulators, par- potential risks and likely benefits of new tech- ticularly in the area of planned introductions of nologies. genetically engineered organisms: ● Jurisdiction of Federal Agencies Regulat- ● Scope: Should regulation be product-based, ing Biotechnology: Potential conflicts be- or is there a foundation for basing it on the tween overlapping jurisdictions of Federal processes used in producing the products? agencies should be prevented from interfer- ● Definitions: Common definitions of critical ing with appropriate regulation. terms such as deliberate release into the envi- ● Role of State and Local Governments: Lo- ronment, and pathogen, need to be estab- cal zoning and environmental statutes are im- lished. portant determinants of policy that may af- ● Risk Assessment and Management: Deci- fect future tests and applications. sion makers must perform a complex balanc- ● Public Perception: Whatever the scientific ing act—weighing the known risks and ben- and regulatory judgments, public perception 11

will strongly affect the conduct of field tests and others (discussed in ch. 3). As of May 1988, and the final outcome of commercial appli- it had been in use for 23 months, and will soon cations of biotechnology. need to be formally evaluated to determine if there are problems it does not cover adequately. The Coordinated Framework appears to provide means for dealing with most of these problems


The planned introduction of genetically engi- lated species; it is common in many groups neered organisms that can survive and multiply of plants. raises a variety of genetical questions, many of ● Transformation: the incorporation by bac- which are relevant only if there is a reasonable teria of DNA fragments from the immediate probability that the introduced organisms could environment. have a deleterious impact on the environment or ● Plasmids: circles of DNA that are separate public health. The likelihood of such a conse- and replicate independently from the chro- quence depends on the nature of the organism mosome within cells. Some are self-mobiliz- and on the new genetic information it carries. It able, and can transmit themselves between also depends on whether the new genetic mate- compatible cells. Others require the assistance rial in the altered organism remains where it was of mobile plasmids to be transferred. inserted, performing as designed, or is transferred ● Viruses nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) packaged to a new location in a nontarget organism, possi- in a protective protein coat (unlike plasmids). bly performing in an unanticipated manner. It may To reproduce, a virus must infect a cell and therefore be important to consider, where such take over the host cell’s metabolic machinery. occurrence is plausible, the probability that novel Viruses can transfer genetic material between genetic material will spread beyond the engi- species via “transduction” (see glossary), neered organisms at the release site. The migra- ● Transposons (Transposable Elements) and tion of genetic material from one organism to Insertion Sequences: DNA sequences car- another by means other than germ cells is called rying one or more genes, and flanked by in- horizontal transfer. In bacteria, horizontal trans- sertion sequences—short DNA fragments that fer is the transmission of genetic information from are able move to different places within the one contemporaneous bacterial cell to another by cell on the same or a different DNA molecule. whatever means. What are the potential outcomes of such trans- Some of these mechanisms are shared by sev- fer? Are they beneficial, harmful, or of no conse- eral classes of organisms, while others are unique quence? How can the movement of genetic mate- to particular groups. Gene transfer is more likely rial be observed? What techniques or constraints in some groups of bacteria, and less easy to con- can limit the frequency or mitigate any potentially trol or predict than hybridization in plants or ani- adverse consequences of gene transfer? Special mals. Except where indicated, the following dis- considerations exist for each set of organisms. cussion of gene transfer is more relevant to bacteria than to higher organisms. What Researchers Know Much of what investigators know about gene About Gene Transfer transfer comes from laboratory experience. Gene transfer between bacteria, for example, is well Gene transfer between species takes place via studied among laboratory populations. Although a limited number of means, including: the frequency of transfer may be relatively low, ● Hybridization: also known as sexual out- rapid reproduction and large populations mean crossing, in plants and animals. In animals this that genes can be transmitted into some bacterial is generally impossible except with closely re - populations quite rapidly, if coupled with the 12 appropriate selection pressures. Among insects, Some observers maintain that if it is known that evolutionary evidence indicates transfer can oc- the gene in question will not move about, the po- cur via transposable elements and viruses, but tential consequences of gene transfer should not how often is not known. Similarly, it seems that be a concern. Others argue that if the modified some horizontal transmission between disparate organism or gene will cause no problems if it does mammalian families may have taken place in the spread, then estimating the probability of trans- past, but little evidence exists for transfer in re- fer is unnecessary. Both issues must be addressed cent times or at appreciable frequencies. Gene for a balanced evaluation of the potential conse- transfer among plants by mechanisms other than quences of a proposed introduction experiment. hybridization has not been well studied, and if A very low probability of transfer multiplied by it occurs in nature it seems to be quite rare. a moderate probability of hazard if transfer oc- curs produces a different situation than if both The systems of genetic transfer that have been probabilities are very low. Of course, a significant studied were chosen largely for their amenabil- ity to laboratory research. They represent only probability of benefit could also offset all or part of any potential risk. a small sample of what actually occurs in nature. It is clear that with a few exceptions (i.e., between Other observers argue that it should be assumed some closely related animal or insect species, be- that any introduced genetic material will eventu- tween many higher plants, and between some bac- ally be transmitted to nontarget species, and that terial species), significant natural obstacles any consequences should be anticipated. Predict- block most gene flow between species. It is log- ing the consequences and evaluating the risks of ical to assume, and data support the conclusion, deliberate release requires information about in- that natural populations of bacteria (generally less trinsic and extrinsic factors influencing the mag- dense than laboratory populations) experience nitude, frequency, and stability of gene transfer. lower rates of gene transfer than do laboratory At a minimum, an analysis of the magnitude populations. Questions that remain include: of gene transfer in those cases where it might be important must address two questions: ● How extensively do gene transfer mecha- nisms observed in the laboratory operate in How frequently is the genetic material nature? likely to be transferred to nontarget organ- ● What are the genetic and environmental con- isms, especially in comparison to natural back- ditions under which novel information could ground rates? be incorporated into a foreign genome and What is the degree of genetic relationship subsequently expressed? between the original organism and the non- ● How do populations of organisms limit incur- target species? sion of new genetic material? Intrinsic Factors

Predicting Potential Effects Intrinsic factors, which are elements of molecu- lar biology, include characteristics of the host Several questions are posed by the introduction organism such as the gene involved, the vector of a recombinant organism into the environment: for transferring the gene, and the engineered sys- What are the conditions that encourage transfer tem itself. Ideally, the biology and natural history or maintenance of the inserted genes, and how of at least these elements would be well described likely is it that genes could be transferred beyond and understood. The life cycle, natural history, the target site? If transferred, will the new genetic and genetic repertoire of the organism from material be expressed? If transferred and ex- which a gene is deleted or into which a gene pressed, will there be any environmentally sig- is inserted should be well understood, and the nificant consequences, positive or negative? (The gene itself and the mechanisms controlling its last question is considered more fully in the sec- expression in the new host cell should be ex- tion on Ecological Considerations.) amined. Substantial “natural history” needs to be 13 understood before proceeding with planned in- tions will determine whether an engineered troduction experiments. Reviewers should be sen- gene or organism will persist in a population, sitive to the possible expression of novel proper- be expressed, or increase in frequency after ties of the host organism. introduction. Strong selection for a particu- lar trait-e.g., the presence of an antibiotic— Because a vector can shuttle genetic material increases the frequency of a gene or genes between organisms, familiarity with its host range coding for that trait. Selection pressures vary and behavior is critical. Some vectors transfer with each application and depend on the gene genetic material by themselves, but some require involved, how it is regulated and expressed outside help. It is important to establish whether in the host, and its interaction with the envi- the new gene is mobile or immobile in its new ronment. While it can be expected that many host cell. Last, the whole construct of the in= introductions will be selected against, or at troduced gene, new host, and vector material best be selectively neutral, those introductions needs to be considered. The intracellular con- favored by selection are likely to be most suc- figuration of the new gene in the host organ- cessful. ism—where it finally resides in host DNA—is a prime determinant of its potential for move- ment to new hosts. Monitoring Gene Transfer Convenient, economical, and effective methods Extrinsic Factors of tracking engineered organisms or the engi- Extrinsic factors are imposed by the environ- neered gene(s) they contain are being developed. ment. The environment where the engineered These can be divided broadly into selective and organism will be released should be analyzed along biochemical methods. with other environments the organism could en- Selective tracking methods work by marking counter. Factors to be considered include: the host chromosome with antibiotic resistance ● Receptivity of Habitat: Will the engineered genes or nutritional markers that confer a com- host survive to do its job and reproduce once petitive advantage under specific conditions. introduced? Natural variation in crucial envi- When exposed to selection pressure exerted by ronmental factors is great. Soil systems, and the antibiotic, for example, organisms carrying other natural habitats, may not be sufficiently the resistance gene survive and can be easily de- fertile to support the addition of large num- tected, bers of engineered organisms. Engineered Such markers must be carefully screened, how- bacteria will often beat a selective disadvan- ever, because those that confer an unintended tage when competing with natural popu- competitive advantage-or that mutate to confer lations. ● resistance to a whole family of antibiotics-could Potential Nontarget Recipients: The most lead to problems (see box A). On the other hand, likely nontarget recipients of engineered resistance genes are already present in many nat- genetic material are genetically similar organ- urally occurring soil micro-organisms (a valuable isms; the probability of transfer declines with source of new antibiotics), and antibiotic resistance decreasing similarity or relatedness. If the markers have long been used in studies of root engineered gene is already present in the re- ecology with no apparent ill effects. cipient environment, concern about transfer beyond the intended host is reduced. When using nutritional markers the host chro- ● Density: The higher the densities of engi- mosome can be marked with a metabolic gene neered organisms and potential nontarget re- (e.g., one coding for the production of an enzyme) cipients, the more likely gene transfer is, al- not normally found in that organism, Monsanto though in the absence of selection pressure researchers have produced such a system with it will have no consequence. their insertion of genes for metabolizing the sugar ● Selection Pressure: Environmental condi- lactose into the soil bacterium they are studying. 14

Box A.—The Power of Selection Pressure: Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Bacteria The bacterium responsible for gonorrhea, Neis- seria gonorrhea, was once highly vulnerable to penicillin. About 30 years ago, penicillin-resistant strains began appearing. Today, local populations of highly resistant bacteria have become common. These resistant populations are most often cen- tered in places where low doses of ampicillin (a penicillin derivative) are administered continu- ally and indiscriminately as a prophylactic. The resistance is carried on a plasmid that has been transferred between bacterial species; the identi- cal plasmid has also been found in the intestinal bac- terium Escherichia coli. Responding to the decline in effectiveness of penicillin, many physicians have switched to newer, more effective antibiotics. Spectinomycin is an im- portant one that has been used widely to treat sex- ually transmitted diseases among U.S. military per- sonnel in the Republic of Korea since 1981. There have been increasingly frequent reports, however, of disease strains resistant to this antibiotic. Tests have revealed that most of these strains are sus- ceptible to penicillin as well as to some other anti- biotics. The key factor in this story is selection pressure. Indiscriminate and widespread use of one antibiotic exerts strong and consistent selection pressure on the target populations (in this case, bacteria), favor- ing survival of organisms resistant to the antibiotic. Substituting a selection pressure caused by one agent for a similar selection pressure caused by another evokes a similar response to the new agent. [n the meantime, selection pressure caused by the First agent (penicillin) having been released, the re- sponse (which is energetically expensive for the cell to maintain) is likely to be dismantled by selection pressure against energy consumption unnecessary for survival. The spread of antibiotic resistance factors is the sort of adaptive response any population will mani- fest in response to strong selection pressure. In bac- teria, the rapid, worldwide spread of the initial penicillin resistance was enhanced by highly active vectors—a conjugative plasmid and a transposon. Such combinations of intense selection pressure and actively mobile vectors should be avoided whenever possible. Responses to such problems should take advantage of existing, natural selection and capital- ize on it. $OURCE. Office of Technolo&v Assessment, 1988 75

As with antibiotic resistance gene markers, how- DNA vectors even when the most active plant vec- ever, this may not always reveal if or how widely tors are used. Nor is gene transfer a concern in the engineered gene or construct may have trav- organisms engineered by gene deletion, though eled to other organisms. The movement of genes other traits may then be important. does not always correspond completely to the Reducing or eliminating the use of mobile plas- movements of the original host organism. To track the engineered gene itself, a selectable marker mids and transposons could also help minimize gene must remain where it is inserted, close to horizontal transfer. A disarmed transposon with its engineered gene could no longer separate and the gene to be tracked; the two would most likely be transferred together (depending on how closely move independently from the chromosome where they were linked), making it possible to locate the it was inserted. This approach of “crippling the engineered gene by selecting for and isolating any vector” has been successfully used in transferring Bacillus thuringiensis cells with the marker gene. the gene for toxin into another common bacterium, Pseudomonas fluor- Biochemical methods often rely on gene probes escens; it has also been used to make an immo- made with recombinant DNA techniques. A gene bile vector for insect genetic engineering. probe is a segment of DNA whose nucleic acid sequence is complementary to the gene of inter- In another approach, an EPA research group est, or to a portion of it. The probe is labeled with is working to construct a “suicide” bacterium de- radioactivity or marked with a dye that can be signed to persist in the environment only as long easily detected in the laboratory. A gene probe as it is needed. The bacterium contains a plasmid will track a gene even if it is separated from a carrying a gene that functions only in the pres- tightly linked selection marker or in an organism ence of the toxic substance the bacterium is de- that cannot itself be cultured. But to quantify gene signed to clean up; when the toxic substance is transfer would require general tests of all mi- no longer available, the plasmid self-destructs. crobes or DNA in the release environment; proc- The technique is intended to destroy the plasmid essing large numbers of samples would be diffi- DNA before it can transfer to another host. How- cult and expensive. ever, if the host bacterium were killed before the plasmid were degraded, and the plasmid remained Inhibiting Gene Transfer intact with its inserted gene, the plasmid DNA could theoretically reinfect another host. But main- As with detection and tracking, techniques to taining this assembly costs the cell energy, and prevent or reduce horizontal gene transfer are any natural that inactivated the system not yet well developed. Researchers can either would be favored by natural selection. choose or modify the host and/or the vector so As advances in nucleotide chemistry make other that introduced organisms have a low probabil- techniques possible, new ways of immobilizing ity of persisting in the environment, of transfer- vectors and creating restricted and escape-proof ring genetic material, or both. Specific choices and hosts are being explored. Fundamental research modifications will depend on the characteristics might be most productive if directed toward in- of the organisms involved and the purpose for creasing understanding of the ecology of differ- which they are engineered. ent traits. Meanwhile, the genetic implications of Whereas gene transfer may be a legitimate con- introducing any particular organism into the envi- cern in planned introductions of some bacteria, ronment are best considered on an individual it is unlikely to be a general concern with plant basis.


The major ecological concern over planned tial for unforeseen or long-term consequences. introductions of genetically engineered organ- Although there are enough uncertainties that isms into the environment stems from the poten- introductions should be approached with cau-


tion, a large body of reassuring data, derived nity, the consequence seems most likely to be a chiefly from agriculture, supports the conclu- transitory disturbance of plant or animal commu- sion that with the appropriate regulatory over- nity structure, evidenced by fluctuation in num- sight, the field tests and introductions planned bers or relative abundance. or probable in the near future are not likely The worst possible ecological impact a to result in serious ecological problems. planned introduction could have would be to The results of most planned introductions are disrupt a fundamental ecosystem process, e.g., likely to be either beneficial, as planned, or neu- the cycling of a mineral or nutrient, or the flow tral. If only because most planned introductions of energy in an ecosystem; such disruptions are likely to be agricultural, any negative conse- are not, however, among the credible conse- quences would most likely involve an agricultural quences of any introduction that seems likely problem, one that might be controlled or mitigated within the next several years. The high degree by crop rotation, introduction of new crop strains, of functional redundancy among species (particu- or other agronomic practice. In those rare circum- larly microbes) involved with such processes (e.g., stances of a negative impact on a natural commu - nutrient cycles or energy flow) and the resilience and buffering in natural ecosystems are persua- sive arguments against the likelihood of such con- sequences. Although predicting ecological consequences of planned introductions is complex, researchers and regulators are addressing the questions raised by such introductions. Five criteria have been laid out for evaluating the likelihood of environmental impact: 1. Potential for Negative Effects If it is known that a recombinant organism will have no neg-

Photo credit: Peter Forde, Advanced Genetic Sciences Advanced Genetic Sciences Researcher Julianne Linde- mann spraying “ice-minus” bacteria on strawberry plants in test plot on April 24, 1987. Protective clothing was required by the California Department of Health Services. Note reporters and onlookers in immediate background where coffee and donuts were consumed without hesitation. 17

ative effects, there is no cause for concern. urally occurring counterparts in only one or a few But predicting ecological effects, their prob- genes. Scientists already have a great deal of ex- ability, and assessing whether they are nega- perience with introductions of new agricultural tive or positive is not always straightforward. crops or cultivars that differ from previously ex- 2. Survival: If a genetically engineered organ- isting varieties by a small number of genes. And ism does not survive, it is unlikely to have while one or a few genes can have a major im- any ecological impact. It is also unlikely to ful- pact on such things as host range or pathogenic- fill the purpose for which it was engineered ity, they more often do not. The USDA’s Plant (unless brief survival was all that was re- protection Office has recorded over 500,000 in- quired). troductions since 1898, mostly from outside the 3. Reproduction: Some applications require United States, including large numbers of plants, not only survival of the recombinant organ- insects, and microbes. Although the proportion ism but its reproduction and maintenance. that has actually become established is not known, Increasing numbers could, in some settings, there have been occasional negative consequences, increase the possibility of unforeseen conse- sometimes severe or far-reaching. Few, however, quences. have been lasting, and fundamental ecosystem 4. Transfer of Genetic Information: Even if processes and ecological relationships remain in- the engineered organism itself dies out, its tact. Serious consequences have almost invaria- environmental effects could continue if the bly been associated with introduced exotics. Ta- crucial genetic material were favored by selec- ble 1-4 summarizes some of the major differences tion and transferred to and functioned in a between planned introductions of genetically engi- native species, as described in the preceding neered organisms and exotics. section. Most ecologists agree that successful introduc- 5. Transportation or Dissemination of the tions of exotic species, almost by definition, usu- Engineered Organism: A recombinant or- ally exert some effect, even though only a small ganism that moves into nontarget environ- fraction of all introductions actually result in the ments in sufficient numbers could interact establishment and maintenance of a breeding pop- in unforeseen ways with other populations ulation. Data for insects suggest that perhaps 41 or members of other communities. percent of the species successfully introduced in Genetically Engineered Organisms and Exotic Species Table 1-4.—Comparison of Exotic Species and Genetically Engineered Organisms Although there is much disagreement, some sci- entists hold that the historical experience pre- Exotic organisma Engineered organismb sented by introduced exotic species, though im- No. of genes introduced 4,000 to >20,000 1 to 10 perfect, offers some useful examples of potential Evolutionary tuning All genes have Organism has several problems to guard against in the planned intro- evolved to work genes it may never together in a have had before. duction of genetically engineered organisms. single package These genes will often impose a Every environment contains organisms that cost or burden have originated and evolved elsewhere and ar- that will make the rived in their new habitats either independently organism less able to compete with or with human assistance, These are called ex- those not carrying otics. Some lessons can certainly be learned from the new genes, experience with exotics, but important differences Relationship of Foreign Familiar, with exist between them and most genetically engi- organism to receiving possible exception neered organisms. environment of new genes a’ ‘Exotic organism’ IS used here to mean one not previously found m the habitat b“Englneered organism’” IS used here 10 mean a sllghtly modlfled (usually, but nof always by Most engineered organisms being studied with recombinant DNA techruques) form of an organism already present In the habitat planned introduction in mind will differ from nat- SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment 1988 18 the United States between 1640 and 1977 have ment, or turned into minor pests, even though they had ● genuine novelties. no known detrimental effects in their original hab- Most anticipated introductions will be slightly itats. But not all species behave invasively when modified forms of resident types. Few are likely introduced into a new habitat, and data on intro- to be forms existing previously in the target envi- ductions are most likely to overestimate impacts, ronment that require supplements, since the need given that organisms not producing an impact are for continual supplementation of existing crops more likely to be overlooked. Experience with ex- (e.g., with fertilizers) is one of the forces impel- otics suggests that introductions most likely to re- ling development of engineered varieties free of Suit in negative consequences include: such requirements. Forms existing elsewhere that ● exotics introduced into an environment they are new to the target environment bear the great- can colonize and where they have no poten- est similarity to exotic organisms, and thus carry tial natural predators or competitors, e.g., a higher risk of leading to problems. These also herbivores such as goats or rabbits intro- promise great benefits, however, as with the in- duced to an island; troduction of predators to control introduced in- ● ecological generalists or species that can sur- sect pests. Few genuine novelties are likely in the vive and flourish on many different foods, foreseeable future. e.g., insects that can lay eggs on a variety of host plants or parasites that include a wide Plant Communities spectrum of species in their host range; and At present, most plant genetic engineering fo- ● exotics introduced into disturbed ecosystems cuses on introducing into crop plants genes that where natural relationships and constraints confer resistance to herbicides or pests, and these have been disrupted. alterations are technically among the easiest to Although no planned introductions actually re- accomplish. The market for herbicides and pesti- flect any of these scenarios, close analogs can be cides is profitable and flexible. Modifying other found in agricultural systems, which are, in an commercially important traits, such as yield com- ecological sense, “disturbed. ” This may make agri- ponents, overall protein production, taste, nutri- cultural systems seem especially susceptible to per- tion, or photosynthetic rates, lies farther in the turbations from unanticipated consequences of future. a planned introduction. However, as noted earlier, A prominent concern is that herbicide-resistance different strategies for managing agricultural sys- genes may spread into weedy relatives of crop tems provide many flexible control and mitigation plants, most likely by sexual reproduction. If the techniques. Furthermore, the better analogy with genes spread to weeds against which the herbi- experience from introduced agricultural varieties cides are targeted, the herbicides become less ef- provides additional reassurance. fective. Such a development would most likely lead to changes in herbicide use patterns or manage- Potential Impact on Populations ment practices. or Communities One considerable genetic engineering effort against a specific pest involves the insertion into Local populations or communities can be af- plants of genes coding for toxins from Bacillus fected by the introduction of organisms (engi- thuringiensis (BT). These bacterial compounds are neered or not) that are: highly effective pesticides against the young lar- ● slightly modified forms of resident types, vae of butterflies, moths, and some beetles. ● forms existing naturally in the target envi- Farmers have applied BT to their fields in large ronment but requiring continual supplements quantities for decades. Rohm & Haas (Philadel- to function, phia, PA) and Monsanto (St. Louis, MO) have al- ● forms existing naturally elsewhere that have ready carried out successful field tests in which not previously reached the target environ- engineered tobacco and tomato plants to which 19

BT toxin genes were added gained protection from will exert lower selection pressures on the insect predation by caterpillars. populations, slowing their evolution of resistance. Yet they would still offer enough protection to The simple presence of large quantities of BT preempt the growth of swarms of herbivorous toxin in the environment is not worrisome because insects that cause the most crop damage. This ap- it is not toxic to humans or animals, and it decom- proach is based on a strong theoretical and ex- poses in a relatively short time. Produced inside perimental foundation, and is well within the ca- crop plant tissues, however, BT toxin is protected pability of existing technologies. from environmental degradation, thus extending its persistence as it provides season-long pest con- Insect Communities trol. However, this might introduce a problem of a different kind: such an approach also lengthens Because they inflict so much damage on agri- the time that less susceptible individuals (e.g., late cultural products, insect communities have be- larvae and adults) of the target species may be come the target of recombinant plants, micro- exposed to the toxin, and thus subjected to selec- organisms, and insect predators engineered to tive forces that can be expected to lead to evolu- check them. Two representative examples are the tion of resistance in those populations. bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescent, which has been altered to enable corn to resist the black cut- How severe this potential problem might be is worm, and a class of viruses that parasitizes cer- unclear. BT accounts for only a minor portion of tain pests. total pesticide use. While forestry and home gar- den use has increased in recent years, its market The black cutworm feeds on the roots of corn share in agricultural use has declined, losing plants, causing significant corn crop losses. It is ground to such promising new compounds as syn- vulnerable to BT toxin. Monsanto scientists have thetic pyrethroids. But if the evolution of resis- used a special vehicle called a transposable ele- tance to BT is judged to present more than just ment to insert the gene for BT toxin into Pseudo- a problem for product longevity, evolutionary bi- monas fluorescent, which lives among corn roots, ology offers several possible solutions. The transposable element has been altered to make it unlikely that the inserted gene can move Because resistance will most quickly evolve in beyond its insertion point or leave its Pseudo- pest populations if the toxin is chronically present, monas host. Preliminary tests suggest that the bac- distribution of the toxin could be strictly limited teria do not move beyond the roots they colonize to the times and places it is needed. This could initially, nor are they likely to persist in a field be done by limiting the expression of the BT toxin from season to season. gene to those plant tissues that pest insects habitu- ally forage on, or by inserting regulatory gene se- Baculoviruses, rod-shaped viruses that are spe- quences that would induce expression of the BT cific pathogens to one or a few closely related in- gene only in response to tissue damage caused sect species, are being developed to target insect by the target pest. With progress in understand- pests, including the cabbage looper and pine saw- ing gene regulation in plants, such measures may fly in the United Kingdom. Initial tests involved soon be practical. inserting a marker DNA sequence into the virus to enable scientists to track it. Researchers hope Another, immediately practical solution is based this work will produce a better understanding— on the observation that pathogens and pests adapt and therefore better control—of the dispersal of more quickly to the defenses of prey species in such altered viruses, as well as of the genetics of a genetically homogeneous community, such as a host specificity. cultivated field, than in a genetically diverse one. Increasing the variation in the genes controlling Microbial Communities defenses against pests should slow the pests’ adapt- ive response. Genetically pest -resistant crop plants Microbes can be and are being altered for many could be mixed, for example, with unprotected uses. Two of the most useful potential applica- plants. A smaller proportion of protected plants tions involve altering root-inhabiting micro- 20

organisms to increase the amount of nitrogen they Several different studies suggest, however, that fix (discussed later in this chapter), and inoculat- even under a long chain of worst-case assump- ing plants with altered bacteria to enable them tions (many of which contradict known facts) the to resist frost damage. alteration of climatic patterns through large-scale agricultural applications of ice minus bacteria is The introduction of ice-minus bacteria has been not likely, Many of these assumptions, however, a source of some controversy among the lay pub- could benefit from being tested by further re- lic (see ch. 3). The cell membrane of some bacte- search, ria contains a protein encoded by a single gene that acts as an efficient nucleus for the formation Potential Impact on Ecosystem of ice crystals on the surfaces of plant leaves or Processes blossoms where the bacteria live. Without such a nucleus, ice crystals do not form until about 9 ‘F Ecosystems are enormously complex and, as a below freezing. Crop losses to frost damage in the rule, not well understood. Associations of plants, United States average about $1.6 billion per year. animals, and micro-organisms interact with one Scientists reasoned that removing the ice-nucleat- another and with their physical environment so ing gene from the bacteria and using them to col- as to regulate the flow of energy through the sys- onize crop plants could confer a measure of frost tem and the cycling of nutrients within it. The resistance on the host plants and eliminate at least major force driving these processes is capture of a portion of the annual crop loss. the sun’s energy by photosynthetic plants and its storage in biologically accessible carbon. Carbon Small-scale field tests of this ice-minus system and all other substances vital to living things cir- present little risk: Ice-minus mutants are present culate within ecosystems in biogeochemical cy- in natural bacterial populations. The different cles. Any major perturbation of these cycles could strains produced by geneticists have precise not only affect living organisms but might disrupt genetic alterations, unlike natural ice-minus bac- the functioning of ecosystem processes. Much evi- teria, in which any of thousands of genetic changes dence, however, suggests that major perturbation can produce the ice-minus trait. Nevertheless, is unlikely. some observers of these fieldtests have been con- All organisms require water, carbon, nitrogen, cerned about a possible worst-case scenario, al- oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur; carbon and ni- beit one that could only apply to large-scale uses trogen are required in the largest amounts, and of ice-minus bacteria. are usually “rate-limiting.” When the biologically available quantity of any of these substances sets Natural precipitation depends on ice nuclei for 1 an upper limit on the living tissue (biomass) that ice or water droplets to condense around and I can be assembled from it and other components, grow big enough to fall as snow or rain. Terres- that substance is said to be limiting. When car- trial and marine plant material turn out to be more bon is limiting, as it often is, it puts an absolute effective than dust particles as ice nuclei, and bac- upper limit on the biomass a habitat can support. teria growing on plant material may account for Plants are the primary carbon producers (fixers) a portion of this difference. If ice-minus bacteria in most ecosystems, and decomposes such as in- were widely applied in agriculture, some claim, sects, nematodes, bacteria, and fungi are the ma- the atmospheric reservoir of ice nuclei might grow jor movers of carbon once it has entered an eco- smaller, changing local or perhaps even global system. weather patterns. Some possible support for this argument comes from Africa’s Sahel desert, where The nitrogen cycle (see figure l-l) is equally im- overgrazing has reduced already sparse vegeta- portant, for plants require nitrogen to grow. Al- tion. In this scenario, the reduction in ice nuclei though elemental nitrogen is not limiting-indeed, due to overgrazing may have contributed, in turn, it makes up nearly 80 percent of the atmosphere to decreasing precipitation, further reducing vege- by volume–biologically accessible forms of it are. tation. Nitrogen fixation, a complex process that trans- 21

Figure 1-1 .-The Nitrogen Cycle

The nitrogen cycle: processes in terrestrial and aquatic systems. The microbially mediated processes include mineralization, vitrification, denitrification, immobilization, and N-fixation.

SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 19S8. forms gaseous nitrogen into biologically accessi- tions of genetically engineered organisms be ble forms, is thus crucial to life on earth. The most ing considered now or likely in the near important nitrogen fixers are rhizobial bacteria, future. those that live closely associated with the roots of certain plants, particularly legumes. Nitrogen Fixation Given the complexity of ecosystem associations, Increasing the availability of nitrogen to eco- interactions, and processes, it is not surprising nomically important plants, thus increasing pro- that introducing a genetically engineered organ- duction per unit cost, would clearly benefit agri- ism into the environment has raised concerns. Per- culure and forestry. But the biochemical turbations of any of the fundamental processes pathways of nitrogen fixation, which appear to sketched above might have significant effects. Eco- be similar in all rhizobial bacteria, are controlled systems, however, by the very complexity that by multigene sequences. Research is under way makes them difficult to understand, are buffered on these control mechanisms and on transferring and often resilient in the face of perturbations. nitrogen fixation genes into plants themselves. While fundamental disruptions of ecosystems should be guarded against, historical experi- The symbiosis between nitrogen-fixing bacte- ence with both accidental and intentional in- ria and their host plants is close. Nearly a cen- troductions suggests that such risks are not tury of experience with rhizobial inoculants dem- likely consequences of any planned introduc- onstrates a lack of negative consequences from 22

introductions of such bacteria and makes this a ring microbes with such degradative powers are safe system to explore with field tests. Indeed, being used increasingly to help cleanup environ- larger changes to patterns of nitrogen distribu- mental contaminants. On the other hand, intro- tion and movement in an ecosystem can gener- ducing a microbe engineered to degrade several ally be achieved by crop rotation than by microbial classes of materials might conceivably lead to a inoculations. —trigger a chain of consequences arising from chemical similarities between some Larger effects may be possible, however, if the toxic wastes and natural compounds. It is most ability to fix nitrogen is transferred to non- likely, however, that bacteria will be engineered leguminous plants. The technical complexity of to deal with specific compounds, rather than di- transferring the large number of genes involved verse classes. However, if bacteria were engi- (about 17) and ensuring their effective control are neered to clear up oil spills or grease deposits in so great that this is not likely within 5 years, and sewers, their potential to attack valuable resources maybe not even in 10. might be of concern. But in most microbial envi- ronments, carbon is severely limiting, and com- Microbes and Toxic Waste petition for it is intense. Competition with natu- Success in enhancing the ability of certain mi- rally occurring microbial populations would likely crobes to degrade toxic compounds, including her- be severe for most engineered microbes. The tech- 1 bicides, pesticides, and industrial wastes, could nical difficulty of producing such constructs make a major contribution toward alleviating to- makes any associated potential problems unlikely day’s severe toxic waste problem. Naturally occur- in the near future.


Most researchers and policymakers agree that management, on the other hand, is the process although there is no general methodology for pre- of weighing policy alternatives to select the most dicting and evaluating the risks of planned intro- appropriate regulatory strategy or action. Risk ductions, a flexible, mechanism for review of those management depends on the scientific findings that might pose some risk has, for the time being of risk assessment, but also takes into account (the next several years), much to recommend it. technical, social, economic, and political concerns. It offers a high likelihood of anticipating poten- It is influenced by public opinion and requires tially significant problems that might arise and value judgments: How acceptable are the poten- of revealing the kinds of planned introductions tial risks of genetically engineered organisms in that will merit the closest scrutiny as well as those the environment relative to their benefits and the that might require little or none. Review proce- costs of controlling them? dures developed for assessing the risks of toxic chemicals have been proposed as models, but it is not clear how applicable these are. With many Must All planned Introductions commercial applications of biotechnology reach- Be Reviewed? ing the field-test stage, however, regulators need Some scientists and public officials hold that clear risk assessment and risk management without an adequate, general database for risk guidelines. assessment of deliberate release experiments, An important element in approaching the cur- safety can best be ensured by comprehensive sci- rent regulatory framework for regulating planned entific review of all proposed releases case-by-case. introductions is to distinguish risk assessment Others believe that some applications pose such from risk management. Risk assessment is the use negligible risks that comprehensive review of of scientific data to estimate or predict the effects every proposed field test would be unnecessary of exposure to hazardous materials or situations; as well as burdensome. It is clear that not all the process may be qualitative or quantitative. Risk planned introductions offer the same potential for 23 undesirable consequences. It should be possi- plants and animals might well be kept separate ble now, or become possible in the near future, from reviews of introductions involving microbes. to sort planned introductions into broad cate- Before assuming that a particular animal or plant gories for which low, medium, or high levels is safe, however, it is important to ask whether of review are appropriate. All proposals for field the engineered trait would have any harmful po- tests will require a certain, minimum level of scru- tential in wild populations, and, if so, whether gene tiny in order to assign them to one of these three flow to related natural populations is possible. The levels. What criteria can be used to determine latter will be tightly dependent on whether or not whether an application is inherently safe? Some the engineered plant or animal is closely related that are relevant include: to and can hybridize with any weedy or other-

● wise problematic species. In addition, animals or The engineered organism duplicates the plants that have been altered in a fundamental phenotype (appearance and function) and metabolic function (e.g., a plant made capable of community relationships of naturally occur- fixing nitrogen) or are partners in mutualisms (in- ring organisms or those produced with con- teractions that benefit all species involved) also ventional methods. require careful scrutiny. ● The engineered organism will not survive and reproduce after release into the environment. Engineered organisms that are derivatives of ● The engineered genetic material will not be pathogens or pests, differing from the pathogen transferred to any other organism. or pest by only one or two gene changes or organ- ● The engineered genetic, physiological, and isms engineered to receive from pathogens or ecological functions will have-no excessive ad- pests those genes that are associated with a de- verse effects on the environment, or the ef- structive or disease process, constitute categories fects will be unambiguously positive. likely to require extensive prior review. Most of As more of the above conditions are met, the these are viruses, bacteria, or fungi whose viru- level of review might be appropriately reduced. lence can sometimes shift via simple genetic More specific questions also need to be consid- changes or in which a single gene can determine ered. Are there certain categories of organism that the difference between a benign and harmful are safer to release than others? Are there par- form. Such potential pathogens and pests are un- ticular genetic alterations that pose fewer risks likely to be exempted from review even though than others? Some that have been suggested for here, too, most genetic changes can be expected abbreviated review include: not to have effects of this sort. Considerable reas- suring experience indicates that many pathogenic ● organisms produced by recombinant DNA organisms can be handled and tested safely (e.g., techniques that are functionally identical to human and animal vaccines). organisms that could be produced by other methods (e.g., mutagenesis and selection, or In another approach, the molecular details of hybridization) and, if so produced, would not a genetically engineered organism could be exam- now be subject to regulation; ined to determine whether it could be exempted ● organisms containing no genetic material de- from review. Such an examination should include rived from any potential pathogen; or but not be limited to these questions: ● any organism identical in function to one that ● Does the introduced organism contain in- has already been reviewed and approved for serted genetic material from a donor of the field testing. same genus, or from a different genus? A Genetically engineered domesticated animals slightly modified organism might be more and crop plants are widely (though not univer- likely to persist in the environment into which sally) considered to be relatively safe for release. it was released, leading to greater potential Given the relative containment of such introduc- for long-term effects. It is also, however, more tions and the relative ease of controlling them, likely to have occurred naturally. review of introductions involving agricultural ● Is the alteration an insertion or a deletion of 24

genetic material? Deletions generally present less potential than insertions for long-term survival of the organism, or reproduction, and horizontal transfer of an introduced gene. ● Does the alteration involve a regulatory or a structural gene(s)? Regulatory genes con- trol the time, rate, and quantity of produc- tion of proteins encoded by structural genes. Changing regulatory sequences could signif- icantly alter an organism’s overall structure or functioning, including its ability to survive and reproduce.

In sum, although the characteristics of engi- neered organisms make certain kinds less likely than others to cause problems, it is not now pos- sible to describe any broad categories that could be completely exempted from review. Coun- terexamples can be provided from existing ex- perience to negate almost any proposed cate- gory for exemption from review. A review procedure that involves the flexible, adapta- ble, case-by-case review of proposed planned introductions deemed to involve significant risk is most prudent at present. Such “case-by- case” language does not imply, however, that each Charles Robert Darwin, 1809-1882. Discoverer of the field test should be reviewed de novo. Experience Principle of Natural Selection. with reviewing proposals for planned introduc- tions is rapidly being accumulated. It is reason- greater problems. On the other hand, the life his- able to expect this experience will provide a data tory and population models now available to re- base to justify establishing or broadening catego- searchers often fit micro-orrganisms better than ries for abbreviated review, eventually to include macro-organisms, making them in some ways eas- some exemptions. ier to study. Although their large size means macro-organ- Micro-Organisms v. Macro-Organisms isms can move more biomass or cycle more nu- trients through an ecosystem per individual than Ecological, genetic, and evolutionary impacts re- micro-organisms can, they are not as numerous. sulting from size differences among organisms The rapid reproductive rates and easy dispersal must be considered in assessing the risks of their release. Particularly from ecological and evolu- of small organisms could allow them to prolifer- ate and spread faster through the environment tionary standpoints, microorganisms present greater uncertainties than do macro-organisms, than large ones. And although micro-organisms play key roles in fundamental ecosystem proc- though it is not clear this means they present esses, functional redundancy among members of greater risks. Although most macro-orrganisms are microbial communities seems to provide a greater large, and thus relatively easy to track, many in- degree of resilience to environmental perturba- sects, weeds, and vertebrates that were intro- duced have been impossible to exterminate. Most tions than macro-organisms enjoy. investigators agree that microbes are more diffi- Evolutionary lability is an important considera- cult to track and control than macro-organisms, tion in biological risk assessment: Any assessment though not all agree this means microbes pose of risks, no matter how thorough, would be inade- 25 quate should the engineered organisms evolve influence natural and managed ecosystems, how traits they did not have when released. The poten- to assess its risks and benefits, and how to man- tial for a population to evolve depends in part age it as a technology, should perhaps be viewed on the numbers of individuals in that population, as part of the cost of developing the technology, but most importantly on the selective forces Research areas that need to be stressed include: involved. Therefore all reviews of planned in- troductions, particularly those involving mi- ● test systems, such as aquatic and terrestrial crobes, should carefully scrutinze the selec- laboratory microcosms, where ecological in- tive forces that will be involved and the likely teractions can be analyzed before actual re- consequences of selection on the introduced lease—although such tests are not sufficient organisms. substitutes for field tests, they provide essen- tial information needed in considering the po- Implications for Research tential consequences of planned intro- ductions; Some of the controversies surrounding the ini- ● the classification and relationships of organ- tial attempts to release genetically engineered isms in natural populations (taxonomy and organisms into the environment have pointed out systematic)) especially the genetic relation- gaps in knowledge about ecological systems. Cur- ships of colonizing species or those organisms rent and proposed small-scale field tests will related to candidates for engineering and undoubtedly begin to fill some of these gaps and planned introductions; contribute to the development of better risk as- ● natural history of organisms planned for sessment protocols, but more than this is needed. genetic alteration and release; Active research cooperation—intellectual, finan- . interactions within natural and managed cial, and political—is vital. microbial communities (microbial ecology and population dynamics); and Taxpayers are investing much to develop sci- . more efficient and convenient monitoring and ence and technology, but relatively little to develop tracking techniques for use in microbial means for ensuring the safe and wise application studies; of such knowledge. Funding for science and tech- nology, and the resulting research, is very uneven Interdisciplinary programs involving microbi- across fields, The National Science Foundation and ologists, geneticists, ecologists, evolutionary and the National Institutes of Health are major sources molecular biologists, epidemiologists, and risk as- for funding in biological research, but the basic sessors managed by universities, industry, and knowledge necessary to assess the performance government agencies are critical to developing the of a technology often remains undeveloped, even scientific foundation for setting adequate risk as the technology is being refined for use. Re- assessment and risk management policies for bio- search on the ways in which biotechnology may technology.


Three policy issues related to the planned in- gress might take to affect the development of in- troduction of genetically engineered organisms formation and trained personnel that will be into the environment were identified during the needed in the future to ensure that planned in- course of this study. The first involves the devel- troductions continue to be carried out safely. opment of scientifically founded criteria for the review of planned introductions of engineered Following each policy issue several options for organisms. The second concerns actions that Con- congressional action are listed, ranging from tak- gress might take to shape or direct regulatory pol- ing no specific steps to taking major action. Some icy toward the review and regulation of planned of the options involve direct legislative action. introductions. The third relates to actions Con- Others are oriented to the actions of the execu- 26 tive branch but involve congressional oversight even if there is no clear need for a new regula- or direction. The order in which options are pre- tory approach, planned introductions of geneti- sented does not imply their priority. Furthermore, cally engineered organisms could benefit from the options are not, for the most part, mutually some review at least for the foreseeable future, exclusive: adopting one does not necessarily pre- even if only to provide public reassurance that clude adopting others in the same category or field tests of engineered organisms are not un- within another category. A careful combination duly hazardous. of options might produce the most desirable Option 2: All proposals to introduce genetically effects. engineered organisms into the environment ISSUE: What criteria should be used to review should receive the maximum possible pre- applications for permission to field test release scrutiny. planned introductions of genetically engi- The advantage of this approach is that it is most neered organisms? likely to ensure that potential hazards associated Scientists do not now agree that there is a clear with field tests of any planned introduction will scientific need for a review process by different be discovered and eliminated. The disadvantage mechanisms or according to different criteria for is that very few planned introductions, at least engineered organisms intended for environmental for the foreseeable future, seem likely to present introduction than are now being applied to nonen- significant hazards. Substantial resources could gineered organisms. be committed to unnecessary review; the person- nel and resources of regulatory agencies would Option 1: An organism engineered for planned be strained or swamped, and significant impedi- introduction into the environment should not ments would be placed in the path of research- require pre-release review simply because it ers attempting to develop products. was produced via recombinant DNA tech- Option 3: Planned introductions should be re- niques. viewed on an adaptable, case-by-case basis, With this approach, planned introductions of according to scientific criteria that are agreed engineered organisms would not be reviewed upon and consistent, and tailored to the spe- according to criteria or mechanisms any differ- cific questions posed by particular applications. ent than would be required for the same intro- Any specific set of criteria is likely to be some- duction if it did not involve an engineered organ- what contentious. This will be especially true of ism. A review process organized in accord with any criteria intended to apply to separate this option would have the advantage of focusing proposals that would be reviewed by different exclusively on the product and its characteristics, agencies. However, the broad outlines of a regu- rather than the process used to produce it. This latory approach that should be generalizable are approach could be most easily adapted to exist- clear: it should be possible to sort all applica- ing regulatory authorities and the mechanisms tions for permission to field test engineered through which they are administered. One dis- organisms into broad categories for which advantage is that some potential problems asso- low, medium, or high levels of prior scrutiny ciated with engineered organisms are different will be appropriate. Assigning an incoming ap- than most of the problems existing regulatory au- plication to a level of review must, of course, be thorities handle, e.g., problems stemming from done on a case-by-case basis. This does not mean the ability of living organisms to grow, reproduce, that all applications for permission to field test or transmit genetic material to nontarget species. will require the same level of scrutiny: they should It is also possible that some engineered organisms not. Nor does it mean that the review of each ap- will raise significant, new questions that regula- plication should begin de novo, without regard tors would overlook, absent special review. How- to past experience with engineered organisms or ever, such problems are not entirely new; some relevant knowledge gleaned from the study of are familiar, already regulated aspects of existing nonengineered organisms. Such background in- practices, especially in agriculture. Nevertheless, formation is essential to expeditious review. 27

As experience accumulates, assuming no un- Option l: Allow regulatory agencies independently toward developments, since the majority of planned to develop and apply criteria for reviewing ap- introductions are not expected to generate prob- plications for permission to field test planned lems, the presumption of low level review might introductions of engineered organisms. be extended to a broader range of proposed field This would permit regulatory agencies to de- tests. Conservative standards that could be use- velop criteria for sorting and evaluating planned ful in sorting proposals into the appropriate re- introductions of engineered organism with exclu- view category might include criteria like the fol- sive attention to applications falling within their lowing: separate jurisdictions (e.g., engineered plants by ● Low Review: USDA or engineered microbes by EPA). The —Product is functionally identical to one al- advantage to this approach is that agencies need ready reviewed and approved for field not consider issues that would be important only testing. to applications under the jurisdiction of another —Product is functionally identical to others agency. The drawback to this approach is that that can be produced with nonrecombinant different agencies might regulate according to dis- DNA techniques. parate standards or criteria, leading to inconsist- —Product will entail lower levels of risk to ent levels of review, regulation, or enforcement. the environment or to public health than Option 2: Direct the regulatory agencies to de- existing products with which it will compete. velop, in coordination with one another, but —Product differs from naturally occurring not by any particular process, specific criteria organisms only by the addition of noncod- for classifying and reviewing applications for ing marker DNA sequences to noncoding permission to field test planned introductions regions of the DNA of the recipient. of engineered organisms. ● Medium Review: —Product is different in some ways, but gen- This was the original intent of the Coordinated erally similar to previously existing prod- Framework established by the Administration on ucts in general use. June 26, 1986 (51 Fed. Reg. 23301). In order for –Product entails substantial probability of this option to function well, however, effective new genetic material being transmitted to leadership is needed from a coordinating author- nontarget organisms in application environ- ity. Under the Coordinated Framework, it was in- ment or beyond. tended that this role be fulfilled by the Biotechnol- —product entails significant probability of ogy Science Coordinating Committee (BSCC). As it altering community into which introduced. is presently constituted, the BSCC lacks the power ● High Review: to impose its decisions upon the regulatory agen- —Product involves the transfer into a new cies, or to eliminate disparities in approach by host organism of disease genes derived from different agencies. Criteria for review that have a pathogenic donor. emerged under this framework to date have not —Product is a genuine novelty with which been entirely consistent among agencies. In addi- there is little or no previous experience that tion, basic tasks, such as the adoption of commonly can serve as a guide to risk assessment and agreed upon definitions for “deliberate release)” management. have not yet been accomplished. –Product entails substantial probability of Option 3: Provide an interagency group with the disrupting community into which intro- power to direct the coordinated development of duced. criteria for classifying and reviewing applica- ISSUE: What administrative mechanisms can tions for permission to field test planned intro- regulatory agencies use to apply such cri- ductions of genetically engineered organisms. teria to the review of applications for per- mission to field test planned introductions This would produce a system similar to that em- of engineered organisms? bodied in the Biotechnology Science Coordinat- 28 ing Committee and outlined in the Coordinated components, the divisions of molecular bio- Framework, except that the coordinating body sciences, biotic systems and resources, informa- would be created by Congress and would have tion science and technology, and others; the Na- specific powers. Such a body, created by Congress, tional Institute of Environmental Health Sciences could be composed of the same or different mem- and the National Institute of General Medical Sci- bers as the BSCC, organized within the Office of ences at NIH; components of the Division of Sci- Science and Technology Policy, or created else- ence and Education at USDA; and at DOE, the Of - where. It would have the authority to direct the fice of Health and Environmental Research in the preparation of review standards to be used by Office of Energy Research. regulatory agencies according to consistent cri- teria, and to standardize regulatory approaches Particular value is likely to be derived from as much as possible among different agencies. It funding earmarked for interdisciplinary studies, could develop such standards independently or or collaborations between scientists in the vari- in conjunction with the relevant agencies. ous disciplines important to understanding and predicting the consequences of environmental ISSUE: Is research supporting the planned in- perturbations. Emphasis should be given to troduction of genetically engineered organ- studies focusing on the single most important isms adequate? factor affecting the fate and consequences of Option 1: Take no action. planned introductions: natural selection, or the selective interactions between competing A significant amount of research is now funded organisms, and the selective pressures on organ- by the Federal Government in areas that contrib- isms due to environmental factors. Other prom- ute to the knowledge base required for sound re- ising areas include basic research in molecular view and regulation. Principal agencies now spon- and developmental biology, studies of gene regu- soring or conducting such research are NSF, NIH, lation, microbial ecology, community interactions USDA, and EPA. Such research will likely continue and processes, and evolutionary and ecological in the absence of additional, targeted appropria- relationships. tions. An example of the type of research likely to be productive is the recent OSTP sponsored The disadvantage of such targeting is that it as- initiative, jointly funded by NSF, USDA, and DOE, sumes the specific areas where the most impor- to fund interdisciplinary, fundamental research tant research should be done can be accurately in several targeted areas of plant science. predicted. The results of research are, by nature, unpredictable; this may be especially true of the Option Z: Establish an interagency task force to interdisciplinary research important to planned in- coordinate interdisciplinary research. troductions. Administrative flexibility and adapt - Whether or not funding is increased, the differ- ability would therefore be important in any such ent agencies funding relevant research (NSF, programs, along with the avoidance of undue USDA, NIH, and DOE) could increase their coordi- specificity in the targeting of funds. nation in the sponsoring of new research initi- atives. The recent collaboration between NSF, DOE, Risk assessment and management are vital areas and USDA in the establishment of an initiative for that will increase in importance with the num- research in plant science might be an appropri- bers of planned introductions. They lack, how- ate model. ever, a strong, vocal constituency to argue for in- creased funds. The primary agency now funding Option 3: Increase research funding to selected such studies is EPA, and much of the sponsored target areas. research is applied in nature. Both EPA and NSF If funding is increased to selected areas, it could could be encouraged to enhance their support for most profitably be directed to the divisions of fund- basic research relevant to biotechnology research ing agencies sponsoring most of the relevant re- assessment. In the absence of a strong, organized, search. These include, at NSF, the Directorate for vocal constituency to help advise on the most Biological, Behavioral, and Social Sciences, and its effective program, progress might be driven by 29 allocating for risk assessment and management ing for established investigators. Other valuable research a fixed proportion of the funding desig- programs could include funds for graduate stu- nated for research in other relevant areas. dent and postdoctoral training. Public education specific to biotechnology is There is an urgent need for scientists who are another important area presently lacking a strong neither molecular biologists nor ecologists, but constituency to argue for improvements. They investigators comfortable with and competent in could be achieved through actions taken by the the techniques and background knowledge of both Science Education divisions of both NSF and USDA. areas, able to use whichever tools are appropri- Specific measures might include brochures and ate to the task. Interdisciplinary training is vitally pamphlets, newsletters, public conferences and important to the production of such investigators. debates, yearbooks and annual reports, and ex- Part of the reason there is not more research now tension service activities. being done to develop methods of predictive ecol- ogy and risk assessment has to do with historical Option 4: Increase personnel education and neglect of these areas by funding agencies, since training. recognition of their importance has been slow to Because they already have similar programs, the emerge, But as funding availability has increased primary agencies to administer any new training in the recent past there has been a relative short- programs would logically be NSF, NIH, and USDA. age of investigators applying for or trained to carry For the near future, the most effective investment out such research. would be in programs to provide mid-career train- Chapter 2


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. *...... **...***.**” 40 40 Chapter 2 Introduction

This report addresses some of the genetic and the role of public opinion in shaping regulatory ecological questions raised by the planned intro- policy. It also describes the experiences of a num- duction of genetically engineered organisms. This ber of the communities in which early field tests introductory chapter provides a context for the have been proposed, completed, or planned, and report’s more technical material by recounting recapitulates some relevant results of an OTA- the historical background of the issue and review- commissioned survey by Louis Harris & Associ- ing the types of planned introductions either pro- ates (26). posed by industry or otherwise likely in the near future. Chapters 4 and 5 summarize and synthesize in- formation on some of the potential consequences Of the many consequences of the commercial of planned introductions of genetically engineered development of biotechnology, the most far- organisms, and the problems that face regulators -reaching will likely result from environmental ap- in estimating the likelihood of such consequences. plications of genetically engineered organisms, if Chapter 6 discusses risk assessment issues, iden- only because their sites of application will often tifying present capabilities and future needs that be agricultural lands and products. Commonly must be met to improve risk assessment. A num- called “deliberate release, ” planned introductions ber of technical contract reports were commis- of these altered organisms may increase agricul- sioned in support of this study; their titles are given tural productivity, aid in the cleanup of toxic in appendix C. wastes, enhance the recovery of minerals from low-grade ores in mining, and provide new appli- The potential benefits of biotechnology in gen- cations or enhancements of many existing proc- eral, and of planned introductions of genetically esses. (The term “planned introduction” will gen- engineered organisms in particular, are widely erally be used in this report; other synonyms recognized and described in other studies (4,14, include: intentional release, deliberate release, free 15). Some sense of this potential may be gleaned release, and environmental application.) from appendix A and table 1-1. This report exam- ines hypothetical negative consequences of such Some observers, however, warn of the poten- applications. In doing so, OTA seeks to establish tial for damage through unanticipated conse- whether there are areas of potential concern that quences of a planned introduction. Although the might be addressed by legislation that would man- probability of something going awry maybe very date the assessment and management of planned small in any individual case, the possibility of sub- introductions. Most of the possible negative im- stantial environmental impact if something should pacts described are more relevant to perturba- go wrong is not trivial (7,16,19). The world’s ex- tions of natural ecosystems than to perturbations perience with unanticipated problems related to of the agricultural systems that will host the the petrochemical and nuclear power industries majority of imminent environmental applications. plus recent concerns about disruption of global As such, negative impacts are not likely to be com- processes by acid precipitation (22), increased lev- mon consequences of planned introductions in els of atmospheric carbon dioxide (2,10,12), and the foreseeable future. other results of chronic environmental alteration suggest such cautionary voices should be listened In focusing primarily on questions of potential to. Yet the real similarities between such analo- risk, this report leaves a number of important is- gies and biotechnology are scant, and fear should sues unexamined: not substitute for reasoned discourse on the po- the economics of research and development tential costs and benefits of a new technology. (R&D) of planned introductions of genetically Chapter 3 outlines the existing mechanism for engineered organisms; regulating planned introductions, and discusses the economics of different regulatory ap-

33 34

preaches; And while the following chapters suggest that the relationship between R&D and regulation; a regulatory system is not strongly grounded in and science if it places primary importance on the the potential for social changes and economic processes used (e.g., recombinant DNA techniques) rearrangements, as well as a broad range of rather than the product produced, it cannot be ethical questions and occupational safety con- shown that such an approach is entirely without siderations. foundation. It is generally agreed that the new techniques will make it possible to do much more Some of these issues are examined in other re- quickly many things that were possible before, ports, and it is not clear that biotechnology raises but only over substantially longer periods. In addi- unique questions in these areas. tion, the new techniques will make it possible to Developing engineered organisms for specific do some things, such as moving genetic material environmental applications is unlikely to be as ex- between very different organisms, that would pre- pensive as developing a broad-spectrum chemi- viously not have been contemplated. It will be the cal pesticide, which may cost as much as $50 challenging task of those who assess and manage million (to which regulatory costs contribute sig- risk to determine if these new techniques will nificantly). But because the introduction of an engi- eventually bring with them any qualitatively new neered organism is likely to be more precise and risks, although it is not now clear that they will. limited than that of a chemical pesticide-indeed, It is also true that environmental applications this is perceived by some as one of the advantages of engineered organisms, by increasing yields or of such engineered organisms—the market over productivity in agriculture, may significantly af- which to amortize the costs of R&D and regula- fect economic or social patterns (something that tion is small. If the costs of regulating engineered is already taking place independently of biotech- organisms are too high, the development of some nology). Pesticide or herbicide use may be redi- applications may be economically unrewarding. rected. Growing ranges and seasons of specific It would be ironic if concerns over the crops may shift. Production of specific crops may potential impacts of planned introductions, increase or decrease. The problems and advan- which may be safer than the competing chem- tages of monoculture and crop diversity may ical technologies they could displace, lead to grow or decline. Some of these questions have such astringent and expensive regulatory ap- been studied (25), but none has been approached preach that economics forced continued reli- from the standpoint of genetically engineered ance on older, less safe technologies% But if organisms in new environmental applications. All risks sufficient to justify restrictive regulation these issues could profit from closer examination are identified, it would be logical to extend re- than is within the scope of this report. straints to existing technologies that entail similar or higher risks.


Agricultural biotechnology can be traced, some modern biotechnology from the early 1970s, when claim, to the earliest domestication of plants and the tools (restriction enzymes) to move specific animals in the Middle East, as long as 10,000 years pieces of DNA within and between organisms with ago (20). Industrial biotechnology is considered precision were discovered. These tools greatly in- by some to follow the prehistoric development creased researchers’ ability to intervene in the of wine making, or the development of brewing hereditary processes of plants, animals, and micro- in the 11th century. Others see biotechnology dat- organisms. Some individuals see this increase as ing from the discovery of the structure of deoxy- both a quantitative and qualitative change, affect- ribonucleic acid (DNA) in 1953. Still others date ing not only the amount of intervention possible, 35

but also the kind of effects that can be produced. production of plants that will resist insect pests, Regardless of the date chosen as the dawn of bio- disease, and drought; make their own fertilizer; technology, the new genetic engineering tech- or use nutrients or energy more efficiently. They niques open possibilities unimagined as recently point to microbes altered to protect crops from as two decades ago. frost damage or insect pests; to metabolize toxic wastes contaminating soil or sludge; or to extract The development of modern biotechnology be- rare minerals or compounds more efficiently. gan, predictably, in research laboratories, where scientists used the techniques to study the struc- Others point out that we know so little about ture, function, and organization of genetic mate- how our environment actually functions, of how rial. As technology improved, it became possible its components interact (or sometimes, even, what to investigate increasingly precise questions about those components are), that it is difficult if not the function of physiological systems and the reg- impossible to produce a comprehensive, quantita- ulation and interactions of biochemical pathways. tive assessment of the potential risks to the envi- Eventually, work with the powerful new tools ronment from a particular introduction. They dis- turned naturally to practical applications, giving pute the lowest risk estimates of the strongest rise to the commercialization of biotechnology, proponents, and claim that the closest analog to a subject examined in an earlier OTA study (23). experience with deliberately introducing geneti- cally engineered organisms into the environment The broad applicability of the new techniques is the introduction of exotic plant or animal spe- is illustrated in the range of industries affected cies into habitats where they were previously un- by the emerging biotechnologies. The pharmaceu- known. Although more such introductions have tical industry felt the earliest large effects, with been beneficial, or neutral, than harmful, the the newly acquired ability to produce significant European starling, gypsy moth, kudzu, Russian amounts of such rare or difficult-to-isolate com- thistle (tumbleweed), and cheat grass are well- pounds as human growth hormone, insulin, and known examples of negative consequences that compounds to dissolve blood clots. Logical exten- can follow when new species are introduced into sions of these technologies may result, eventually, environments lacking natural checks. If planned in the repair of defective genes in living individ- introductions could cause similar problems, then uals to cure or ameliorate human genetic diseases potential ecological effects must be scrutinized (24). The use of monoclinal antibodies (a biotech- closely (see ch. 5). nology which does not involve recombinant DNA) is expected to revolutionize the diagnosis and treat- An examination of the pending and potential ment of some forms of cancer. planned introductions of genetically engineered organisms suggests, however, that in most cases Areas such as specialty chemicals, food addi- engineered organisms are not new to the envi- tives, commodity chemicals, food processing, ronment in which they will be used. Almost in- waste disposal, mining, and energy production will variably, either the same organisms or very close also experience the effects of biotechnology. relatives already exist in the ecosystem where the Molecular biology and microelectronics may one proposed application would take place. The ma- day meet in a powerful fusion and synthesis, jor difference between the existing and introduced thanks to the new techniques. But agriculture is organisms lies in the addition or alteration of a the next area likely to feel dramatic impacts from specific gene or set of genes regulating some aspect biotechnology. Many of these impacts will result of a biochemical pathway. from the planned introductions of organisms (mainly plants and microbes) genetically modified Instead of likening deliberate release to the to serve precise purposes. introduction of organisms into a new environ- ment, a more reasonable comparison might be Some observers of these new applications fore- the entrance of new genes into existing organ- see the environmental use of organisms tailored isms. There is a long history of selective breed- to perform a host of functions. They envision the ing in plants, animals, and microbes, much of it 36 carried out with no specific knowledge of the drastically negative. These reassuring points were ‘ mechanisms of heredity or the nature of the also cited in a recent paper by the National Acad - hereditary material. Selective breeding has pro- emy of Sciences (13). But it remains true that most duced organisms that have surely changed envi- cases of severe environmental trauma seem to ronments and ecosystems, but few that are gen- have been the logical consequences of intentional erally agreed to have been deleterious, much less activities initially felt to have been unrelated to ruinous. Fewer still have been both runaway and their eventual effects.


How can the potential environmental effects the sulfonylureas, and imidazolinones. Some field from planned introductions be anticipated? Per- tests have already been concluded. Other, simi- haps by considering the nature and range of a lar work has transformed different crop plants representative sample of anticipated applications. with genes conferring resistance to one or another Even the cursory review in this chapter of the antibiotic, a genetic tag that makes the engineered pending and potential planned introductions of plants easier to monitor. genetically engineered organisms illustrates that In addition to herbicide resistance genes, dis- most areas of human life will be touched by these ease resistance genes have been used to transform new technologies. (These applications are also re- tobacco plants. The first field tests of plants made ferred to throughout the report in the discussions resistant to crown gall disease were carried out of issues in ecology and genetics that might be in 1986. of concern.) Microbes, plants, and animals all stand to be affected directly. Most of the pending or In a related development, a long known (but in- potentially near-term applications involve minor completely understood) phenomenon has been ex- alterations to enhance an existing capability or ploited to provide protection against some plant function. Those that do impart genuinely new ca- viral infections. Plants inoculated with mild strains pabilities are few in number, but even these are of certain viruses or viroids acquire some protec- fairly simple or straightforward. Most are con- tion from more virulent strains that cause severe trolled by only one structural (i.e., protein- disease. A collaborative effort between research- producing) gene. ers at Washington University in St. Louis, MO, and Monsanto Co. has resulted in this “cross pro- Plants tection” against tobacco mosaic virus being engi- neered into tobacco plants. In that work, a single Applications of genetically altered plants could viral gene encoding a viral coat protein was in- be numerous and early, and among the least con- serted into the plant genome. Preliminary indica- tentious because plant dispersal is comparatively tions suggest that the same process might be use- easy to monitor. The genetic changes being made ful in protecting other plants against a variety of to plants are constrained primarily by technologi- viral diseases. cal difficulties peculiar to plants: the relative pau- Many other genetic manipulations to tailor city of methods for inserting DNA, and the pecu- plants for specific environmental applications are liar requirements for culturing different plant cell being pursued now, or are likely to be pursued lines. Despite these constraints, numerous com- in the future. Tolerance to drought, irrigation panies and researchers are making progress (see water salinity, extremes of temperature, and var- app. A). iation in soil conditions all are subject to differ- Genes have been introduced into numerous ent degrees of genetic control, making them sus- plant species to confer resistance to herbicides ceptible to directed manipulations. Because plants including glyphosate, atrazine, phosphonitricin, engineered for increased tolerance to these fac- 37

Photo credit: Rohm & Haas Co. Manduca sexta (tobacco hornworm) larva at work. The moth will consume 95 percent of its entire life cycle’s food supply while in the larval stage of development. Moth larvae are the most destructive insects to world agriculture and forestry. tors maybe grown in habitats new to them, some of the precautions taken to assess the risks of in- troducing exotic species may apply. Researchers also report substantial progress in the develop- ment of recombinant DNA techniques to alter or improve the nutrient qualities of crop plants (9).

Researchers may also explore the possibility of increasing the concentrations of “antifeedants” in Photo credit: Monsanto Co. seeds. Such compounds (e.g., canavanine), toxic Monsanto and Washington University researchers to seed-eating insects, occur naturally in some begin field test of tomato plants carrying BT toxin gene seeds. Their production is under genetic control, in test plot in Jersey County, Illinois, summer of 1987. and concentrations vary in seeds from different Examining experimental plants in foreground are Robert Fraley, Director, Plant Science Technology, plant populations and species. This natural varia- Monsanto Co., and Roger Beachy, Professor of Biology, tion has already been exploited to reduce losses Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. 38

from insects, particularly in some developing organisms (indeed, and many crops, as well) will countries. It would be relatively simple to trans- be restricted to agricultural settings, it will often fer the capacity for producing such compounds make more sense to consider them “contained”, to plants that are not naturally able to protect their rather than as introduced into the environment seeds in this way. Care must be taken, however, in the way that microbes are. Work is also being that such added compounds do not have nega- done to develop cattle or sheep as ‘(factories” for tive consequences for the intended consumer, as such substances as human blood factor IX, and are known with brown sorghum (6). other pharmaceuticals. In the future, scientists maybe able to alter non- leguminous plants to enable them to extract usa- In work that may be relevant, researchers in ble nitrogen from the atmosphere (to ‘(fix” nitro- Michigan and in Washington are developing gen). However, the technical problems associated strains of fish (salmon) that should live longer and with transferring this capability are greater than grow larger than average. The procedure involves those posed by almost any of the other applica- exposing early fish embryos to abnormally high tions so far mentioned. While most of those ap- temperatures. The ensuing shock causes a pecu- plications involve a single gene, or at most a small liar chromosomal abnormality (a doubling of one number of genes, nitrogen fixation involves as of the chromosomal sets, a condition called many as 17 different structural genes with asso- triploidy) that disrupts the fish’s normal sexual ciated regulatory elements. To transfer such a development. The results include infertility as well gene complex from the parent bacterium into a as longevity and increased size. The altered fish plant and ensure its proper function in the new avoid the usual fate of spawning followed by genetic background is a challenging task beyond death. Sterile, triploid grass carp are produced the reach of present techniques. Studies of plant in a similar manner, and being used to control gene regulation are progressing, however. And some aquatic weeds in Florida. Other research- the first plants with symbiotic bacteria engineered ers (primarily in foreign countries) are working to increase their fixation of nitrogen were ready to introduce specific genes into different fish spe- for testing in 1987, and slated for field tests in cies to increase temperature tolerances or growth 1988. rates. Because fish engineered for increased tol- erance to such environmental stresses may thrive Other, more tractable plant applications involve in habitats new to them, some of the precautions the genetic engineering of marine algae to increase taken to assess the risks of introducing exotic spe- their production of food additives (carrageenan, cies may apply. betazarotene, and agar). Someday algae may even be altered to sequester rare minerals or metals found dissolved in sea water, providing an intrig- Microbes uing fusion of the agriculture and mining in- dustries. Genetically engineered microbes present more uncertainties and generate more concern and op- Animals position than engineered plants or animals. Their small size complicates the task of monitoring and Because animals are generally larger than mi- tracking dispersed microbes (5). The genetic pro- crobes, and relatively easy to track, animal appli- miscuity of some microbes also makes horizontal cations of genetic engineering have met with less transfer of genetic material more likely. And mi- controversy. Most biotechnology work aimed at crobes are involved inmost fundamental ecologi- animals is focused on veterinary products for ani- cal processes. But this same involvement, together mals, such as vaccines, or on hormonal supple- with the ubiquity of microbes, makes them the ments like bovine somatotropin. Much of the work choice for many environmental applications of ge- that is directed at altering animal genomes per netically engineered organisms contemplated at se is geared toward altering farm stock to improve present. An enormous amount of past experi- reproductive performance, weight gain, disease ence with microbes introduced for biocontrol resistance, or coat characteristics. Since such or agricultural purposes suggests that most in- 39

productions of engineered micro-organisms developed for hepatitis B, a major Third World are likely to be without noticeable ecological health problem. Other vaccines are being devel- consequence% Although most such introduc- oped for herpes simplex, influenza, hookworm, tions can be expected to be safe, a few instances and AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). of problems with biocontrol microbes used in agri- Animal applications under development include culture suggest the need for some caution (17). vaccines for vesicular stomatitis (cattle), swine pseudorabies, mammalian rabies, and others. Bacteria are being studied for a host of innova- Some of these animal vaccines have undergone tive pesticidal applications. Of great interest is field tests, which have generated varying degrees Bacillus thuringiensis (BT), a bacterium that pro- of controversy (see ch. 3). duces a protein that is toxic to the larvae of many Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths); different A number of different groups in the United strains produce proteins toxic to some other in- States and Europe are working on multivalent vac- sect pests, primarily some flies and beetles. A pro- cines designed to protect against several diseases tein known as the delta-endotoxin is produced by with one vaccination, or against one disease that a gene that has been inserted into a bacterium is antigenically complex (e.g., malaria, sleeping (Pseudomas fluorescens) that lives on the roots sickness, or schistosomiasis). These programs aim of corn plants. Scientists hope this will protect to exploit the large capacity of the vaccinia virus corn crops against losses to the black cutworm, to carry genetic information. This large capacity which can be substantial in infested fields. Other enables the virus to carry several genes encoding researchers have inserted the same BT gene di- different proteins that will each stimulate an im- rectly into plants to exploit its pesticidal proper- mune response. One of the difficulties in devel- ties. In yet another application, the gene has been oping vaccines for antigenically complex diseases inserted into a different bacterium that is then has been the different antigens the disease agents killed and preserved in a novel way to increase express at different stages of their life cycles. the toxin’s persistence. Under normal circum- Traditional vaccines may stimulate an immune re- stances, the ultraviolet-light-sensitive toxin de- sponse that will protect against infection at one grades very quickly in the environment; by pro- stage in the parasite life cycle, but not another. tecting it from ultraviolet light inside the killed Vaccinia-based vaccines may overcome this ob- bacterium, the toxin’s efficacy as a pesticide is ex- stacle. Clinical experience with traditional vaccines tended. against many virulent diseases gives excellent rea- Viruses also offer potential for exploitation as son to suppose that engineered vaccines will be pesticides. In particular, different baculoviruses at least as powerful and safe. (so named for their rod-like shapes) are specific Bacteria are also being genetically altered to for many insect pests. Genetic engineering to en- metabolize specific toxic compounds found in hance their virulence and limit or alter their host waste or industrial sludge. In recently reported ranges promises to increase their usefulness (2 I). work, scientists have tailored metabolic pathways Early applications of viruses that are pathogenic in bacteria to enhance their ability to metabolize: to insect pests of cabbage plants or pine trees are benzene derivatives (18); the halogenated hydro- at or near the field test stage in the United King- carbons (polychlorinated and polybrominated dom, where larvae are serious pests to agricul- byphenyls (PCBs and PBBs), and dioxin); and oil ture and forestry. Research is being carried out spills (3)8). The past 5 years have seen much sig- on similar systems in several universities and in- nificant progress in this area, using enrichment dustrial laboratories in the United States. cultures and naturally occurring bacteria that are Other viral applications involve the production then applied to environmental problems. Many of vaccines for both animals and humans. Sepa- naturally occurring bacteria can degrade complex rate research programs are aimed at tailoring the organic compounds, and some are being har- vaccinia virus to produce vaccines against such nessed to keep closed ecosystems clean, as in the diseases. A recombinant has already been soil bed reactors planned for Biosphere II (1) or 40 in wastewater treatment facilities that must cope reasoned that the gene for this ice-nucleating pro- with activated sludge. tein could be deleted from the bacteria. These altered bacteria—virtually identical to bacteria that “Ice-minus” bacteria, the altered bacteria for can be found in nature-could then replace the which the first field test permission was requested, normal, ice-nucleation positive (INA +) bacteria have received the most publicity. These bacteria living on the leaf surfaces of crop plants, thus pro- are expected to reduce frost damage to crops, a viding some protection to frost-sensitive crops. problem that costs U.S. agriculture an estimated Collaborative work between these groups of re- $1.6 billion annually. Ice-minus bacteria differ searchers has produced early systems designed from unaltered bacteria in that a single gene has to protect such crop plants as potatoes and straw- been deleted, one that normally encodes speci- berries. Successful field tests of both were con- fications for the construction of a protein nor- ducted in 1987. mally found in the cell membrane. This protein acts as a potent nucleator for the formation of An important new marker system called “lac ZY” ice crystals. In the absence of such a nucleator, is being developed to track engineered microbes ice does not commonly form until the tempera- in the environment. Researchers from Monsanto ture drops 5 to 10 “F below freezing. Research- Co. and Clemson University are developing the ers at the University of California at Berkeley, and system through a collaborative effort (11). at Advanced Genetic Sciences in nearby Oakland,


Planned introductions of genetically engineered are difficulties in estimating precisely the poten- organisms span an enormous range in terms of tial environmental hazards, and in assessing the the altered organisms, the diverse environments risks and benefits for any particular application. in which they are to be applied, and the types of But there is also a substantial body of relevant functions they are intended to perform. There experience that can be used as a guide.

CHAPTER 2 REFERENCES 1. Allen, J., and Nelson, M,, Space Biospheres (Ora- 8. Johnston, J.B., and Robinson, S.G., Genetic En@”- cle, AZ: Synergetic Press, Inc., 1986). neering and New Pollution Control Technolo@es 2. Broecker, W. S., “Unpleasant Surprises in the (Park Ridge, NJ: Noyes Publications, 1984).

Greenhouse?” Nature 328:123-6, 1987, 94 Jones, M. G. K., “Plant Genetics: Transformation of 3. Chakrabarty, A.M. (cd.), Biodegradation and De- Cereal Crops by Direct Gene Transfer,” Nature toxification of Environmental Pollutants (Boca Ra- 317:579-580, 1985. ton, FL: CRC Press, Inc., 1982). 10. Mathews, J.T., “Global : Toward a 4. Crocomo, O.J., Sharp, W.R., Evans, D.A., et al. (eds.), Greenhouse Policy,” Issues in Science & Technol- Biotechnology of Plants and Microorganisms (Co- 0~ 3:57-68, 1987. lumbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 1986). 11, Marx, J. L., “Assessing the Risks of Microbial Re- 5. Gillett, J.W. (cd.), Prospects for Physical and Bio- lease,” Science 237:1413-1417, 1987. Io@”cal Containment of Genetically En@”neered 12. Mintzer, I., “A Matter of Degrees: The Potential for Organisms (Ithaca, NY: Ecosystems Research Cen- Controlling the Greenhouse Effect,” Research Re- ter Report 114, March 1987). port #5, World Resources Institute, Washington, 6. Hahn, D. H., Rooney, L.W., and Earp, C. F,, “Tan- DC, April 1987. nins and Phenols of Sorghum,” Cereal Foods World 13. National Academy of Sciences, Introduction of Re- 29:776-779, 1984. combinant DNA-En#”neered Organisms Into the 7. Halvorson, H.O., Pramer, D., and Rogul, M., En@”- Environment: Key Issues (Washington, DC: Na- neered Organisms in the Environment: Scientific tional Academy Press, 1987). Issues (Washington, DC: American Society for 14. National Research Council, Agricultural Biotechnol- Microbiology, 1985). ogy: Strate@”es for National Competitiveness (Wash- —

ington, DC: National Academy Press, 1987). ruses and the Environment, B. Fields, Itl .A. Martin, 15. Olson, S., Biotechnology: ArI lndmtry Comes of Age and D. Kamely (eds. ), Banbury Report No. 22 (JNe\v (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1986). York, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1985). 16. Panem, S. (cd.), BiotechnoZo~:Implications for Pub- 22. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Zic Policy (Washington, DC: The Brookings Institute, Acid Rain and Transported Air Pollutants: Impli- 1985). cations for Public Policy, OTA-O-204 (Washington, 17. Pimentel, D., Gleniston, C., Fast, S., et al., “Envi- DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, June 1984). ronmental Risks of Biological Pest Controls, ” Oikos 23. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, 42:283-290, 1984. Commercial Biotechnology: An International Anal- 18. Ramos, J. L., Wasserfallen, A., Rose, K., et al., ysis (Elnlsford, NY: Pergamon Press, Inc., 1984). “Redesigning Metabolic Routes: Manipulation of 24. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, TOL Plasmid Pathway for Catabolism of Alk~lben - Human Gene Therapy, OTA-BP-BA-32 (Jf’ashington, zoates, ” Science 235(4788):593-596, 1987. DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, December 19. Regal, P. J., “Models of Genetically Engineered 1984). Organisms and Their Ecological Impact ,“ EcoZogV 25. U.S. Congress, Office of Technolo&v Assessment, of Biological Int~asions of North America and Ha- Technology, Public Policy, and the Changing Struc- waii, H.A. Mooney and J.A. Drake (eds. ) (New York, ture of American Agriculture, OTA-F-285 (Wash- NY: Springer-Verlag, 1986). ington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 20. Stubbe, H., Historuy of Genetics from Prehistoric March 1986). Times to the Rediscovery of Mendel’s Laivs (Cam- 26. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, bridge, MA: MIT Press, 1972). New Developments in Biotechnology, 2: public Per- 21. Summers, M. D., and Smith, G. E., “Genetic Engineer- ceptions of Biotechnology, OTA-BP-BA-45 (Wash- ing of the Genome of the Autograph California Nu- ington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, May clear Polyhedrosis Virus, ” Genetically Altered Vi- 1987). ,"~·.pter 3 "~~llbn The Role of PubliCpe.,..~jY:' '," and the Regulatory iJfi,~"lme - "~;:.~··","~;-¥,~-:;A:7;;;~:~'

"In the realm of controlled release, it seems, we need sociology at weiFu~ecology. But the qualifier "good" is essential in each case too."

">.:,~Dixon BiolrechnoJ~ 4:4&11 June iS86 ttPublic opinion, in today's democracies forms an archipelago, not a co~ .." Jean~~''''', How Democracilkf lIeri~, p. 14. Harper &, Row, New Yoi-l, 1913 liThe public does not have to understand what is going on inbtftectmology.... But people need a perception that somebody is in charge and someboCl, illooking out for

their best interests." .. .'.J .';i~J;~" WalTen Hyer Bio~ 4:497, June 1986 <- .. ::> "At this stage of its emerpnce, the biotechnology industry c:;aQ~m·from the pain­ fu experience of the che_~.-y: That a public enthr_bytecbnological ad­ vances can become quick1y .. ~ if they are not honestly ~about both the benefits and potentially ~ aide effects and then given :aa.p.~ opportunity to participate in regulatory ~ makillg." .. .$*...*.....!.@****.*

------Chapter 3 The Role of Public Perception and the Regulatory Regime

Field tests involving the deliberate release of ge- tion on Economic Trends, led by Jeremy Rifkin, netically engineered organisms into the environ- which has filed several biotechnology-related le- ment have resulted in increased public interest gal challenges. Local groups, some in concert with in and scrutiny of the developing biotechnology the Foundation, have become involved in debat- industry. The role of government has likewise in- ing the merits of several proposed field tests. Sci- creased. The United States has developed a Co- entists and their constituent organizations have ordinated Framework for the Regulation of Bio- also participated in the public discussion. Public technology (10); the Organization for Economic knowledge and opinion about issues concerning Cooperation and Development (OECD), represent- science and technology in general and genetic engi- ing 24 nations, has developed proposals outlining neering and biotechnology in particular are likely safety considerations for applications of recom- to shape future debate. binant DNA organisms in industry, agriculture, This chapter reviews the general public’s per- and the environment (24); and several European ceptions as measured by a national survey con- countries have developed laws or regulations ducted by Louis Harris and Associates for OTA, governing genetic engineering (7). the role of public perception in local communi- Activists opposed to environmental applications ties where field tests have been proposed, and of genetically engineered organisms have in- the existing governmental framework for the reg- creased their visibility at the Federal, State, and ulation of biotechnology. local levels. Perhaps best known is the Founda-


In addition to scientific considerations, public As part of a broader survey, OTA commissioned perceptions of the risks and benefits of biotech- Louis Harris & Associates to conduct a survey of nology can play an important role in planned in- public opinion on a number of issues related to troductions of genetically engineered organisms. planned introductions of genetically engineered As one writer has stated, “the public is a mixed organisms. The survey consisted of a national sam- bag of people, each of whom interprets the infor- ple of 1,273 adults telephoned in November 1986. mation generated by a biotechnology company The variance for this survey is less than 3 per- based on a set of personal biases” (20). This, com- cent for the total sample. bined with the general lack of scientific knowl- edge with respect to these introductions and the The results illustrate the complexities and con- natural sense of unease with which the public tradictions characteristic of public attitudes in this views high technology, serves to highlight the need area. As the complete data have been published for sound information on public opinion. separately (30), only a brief description of the points most germane to deliberate release is pre- Such information can provide a basis for un- sented here. derstanding and anticipating public responses to risk factors. It can also identify the quality and The American public is interested in biotech- sources of information the public draws upon, nology and genetic engineering. Two-thirds of the and provide a basis for improving the communi- public (66 percent) feel they understand the mean- cation of risk information among lay people, tech- ing of the term “genetic engineering.” In a related nical experts, and decision makers (25). question 35 percent say they have heard or read

45 46 a fair amount about the subject. However, only in 1)OOO. With lower levels of risk, the degree of 19 percent has heard of any potential risks posed public acceptance increases. But despite a gen- by products of genetic engineering. A much higher eral public willingness to approve the use of ge- share (52 percent) believes it to be at least some- netically engineered organisms in the environment what likely that these products will present some at relatively high levels of risk, a majority says serious danger to humans or the environment. it would not approve an application if the risk were In spite of this, a clear majority (66 percent) thinks unknown. Indeed, significantly fewer say they genetic engineering will bring changes that will would approve if the risk were “unknown but very improve their quality of life. remote” than would approve if the risk were 1 in 1,000 (45 v. 55 percent) (table 3-2). The American public is more positively and con- sistently inclined toward genetic manipulation of If there were no direct risk to humans and only plants, animals, and microbes than toward human very remote risks to the environment, a majority cell manipulation. This may in part reflect a sense would approve the planned introduction of ge- that “we have no business meddling with nature”- netically engineered organisms to produce disease- a feeling strongly expressed by 26 percent of the resistant crops (73 percent), oil-eating bacteria to population (table 3-7). clean up spills (73 percent), frost-resistant crops Not only is there some concern about the moral- (70 percent), more effective pesticides (56 percent), ity of genetically manipulating organisms, there or larger game fish (53 percent) (table 3-3). is also concern about the potential risks that may However, this approval is limited. Although a be posed. Between 52 and 61 percent say they large majority of the public (82 percent) approves think it is at least somewhat likely that untoward of small-scale experimental tests of genetically consequences (antibiotic-resistant diseases, human engineered organisms for environmental appli- birth defects, herbicide-resistant weeds, or endan- cations, 53 percent feel that large-scale experi- gered food supply) could follow. But fewer than mental tests should not be permitted (table 3-4). one in five think any of these developments are very likely (table 3-l). Most Americans also say they would favor or be indifferent to having genetically altered organ- People seem willing to accept relatively high isms tested in their community, assuming there rates of environmental risk in exchange for the was no direct risk to humans and a very remote potential benefits that might be derived from de- potential risk to the local environment (table 3-4). liberate release of genetically engineered organ- isms. A majority (55 percent) would approve an Thus, Americans seem to be pragmatic in judg- application that would significantly increase agri- ing genetic engineering. They are concerned about cultural production even if the risk of losing some the morality and the safety of these new develop- local species of plant or fish were as high as 1 ments, but are willing to greet biotechnology with

Table 3-1 .—Likelihood of Specific Dangers From Use of Genetically Altered Organisms in the Environmenta

Q.: From what you have heard or read, how likely do you think it is that the use of genetically engineered organ- isms in the environment will (READ ITEM) —very likely, somewhat likely, somewhat unlikely, very unlikely? Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Not likely likely unlikely unlikely sure Create antibiotic-resistant diseases ...... 180/0 43 ”/0 21“!0 7% 11 ”/0 Produce birth defects in humans ...... 18 39 24 10 9 Create herbicide resistant weeds ...... 15 41 22 11 11 Endanger the food supply ...... 14 38 29 13 7 Mutate into a deadly disease ...... 13 33 30 14 10 Change rainfall patterns...... 12 30 30 16 12 Increase the rate of plant or animal ...... 11 34 31 15 9 ap8rCent~Q~~ are ~~~~~”t~d as ~~l~hted ~ample estimates The unweighed base from which the sampling variance can be calculated is 1,273. SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1987. 47

Table 3.2.-Acceptable Levels of Risk for an Environmental Application of Genetically Engineered Organismsa

Q.: Suppose that a new genetically engineered organism had been developed which would significantly increase farm production with no direct risk to humans. Would you approve the environmental use of that organism if the risk of losing some local species of plants or fish was (READ ITEM)?b Not Not No Risk level Approve approve. . sure answer Unknown...... 31%0 65% 3% 1% 1 in 100 ...... 40 51 9 0 1 in 1000 ...... 55 37 3 5 1 in 10,000 ...... 65 27 3 5 1 in 100,000 ...... 71 21 3 5 1 in 1,000,000 ...... 74 18 2 5 Unknown, but very remote...... 45 46 9 5 apercentages are preS&ted as Weigtl@d sample estimates. The unweighed base from which the sampling VarianCe can be calculated is 1,273. bApprovals are cumulative, persons who approved at a risk level were not asked to aPPrOve at lower levels of risk. CAs a result of a programming error, those who approved at “lJnknown” risk level were not asked about specific risk levels. Those omitted Were recontacted tO complete the risk section but we were unable to obtain res~onses from 5 Dercent of the samtYe, as a result. Althouah these are treated as “NO answer, ” most of them would be approvals at the first risk level specified. SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1987.

Table 3-3.—Attitudes About Environmental Uses of A plurality (40 percent) feels that government Genetic Engineering Under Remote Risk Conditionsa funding for biological research should be in- creased. Only 10 percent of the public thinks that Q.: If there was no direct risk to humans and only very remote risks to the environment, would you approve government funding for biological research should or disapprove the environmental use of genetical- be cut. ly engineered organisms designed to produce (READ ITEM)? Approve Disapprove Not sure Table 3.4.—Environmental Release on an Experimental Basisa Disease-resistant 73% 230/o 4% crops ...... Q.: Do you think that environmental applications of ge- Bacteria to clean oil netically altered organisms to increase agricultur- 23 4 spills...... 73 al productivity or clean up environmental pollutants 27 3 Frost resistant crops. . . . 70 should be permitted on a small scale, experimen- More effective tal basis, or not? pesticides ...... 56 40 4 Larger game fish ...... 53 43 4 Yes...... 82°/0 apercentages are present~ ss weighted sample esrlrnates. The unweighed base No ...... 13 from which the sampling variance can be calculated is 1,273. Not sure ...... 4 SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1987. Q.: Do you think that commercial firms should be per- mitted to apply genetically altered organisms on a large scale basis, if the risks of environmental danger are judged to be very small, or not? optimism if reasonable precautions are taken by Yes...... 42°/0 No ...... 53 those developing, applying, and approving the new Not sure ...... 5 technologies. Significant groups within the pop- Q.: Suppose your community was selected as the site ulation do, however, depart from these feelings. to test a genetically altered organism—such as bac- Nevertheless, a large majority (82 percent) believes teria that protect strawberries from frost—where there was no direct risk to humans and a very re- that research into genetic engineering should con- mote potential risk to the local environment. Would tinue, and support for this research is found in you be strongly in favor, somewhat in favor, some- all segments of the American public (table 3-5). what opposed, very opposed, or really not care if it was used in your community? This research enjoys majority support even Strongly in favor ...... 14°/0 among those who believe human cell manipula- Somewhat in favor ...... 39 Don’t care...... 14 tions are morally wrong (7 I percent), that genetic Somewhat opposed ...... 21 engineering products will present serious risks Strongly opposed , ...... 11 (73 percent), or that it would be better if we did Not sure ...... 2 percentages are presented ss weighted sample estimates. The unweighed base not know how to alter cells genetically (63 per- from which the sampling variance can be calculated is 1,273. cent) (30). SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1987. 48

Table 3-5.—Opinions About Genetic Research governmental agencies, the public has more con- and Funding fidence in university scientists than in the gov- Q.: Do you think that research into genetic engineer- ernment. when asked whose statements they ing should be continued or should be stopped? would be likely to believe about the safety of a Continued ...... 82°/0 particular application, the majority of Americans Stopped ...... 13 say university scientists (86 percent). Public health Not sure ...... 5 officials score second (82 percent), environmental Q: Do you believe that government funding for biologic research should be increased substantially, in- groups third (71 percent), followed by govern- creased somewhat, remain about the same, mental agencies (69 percent). In the case of con- decreased somewhat, or decreased substantially? flicting statements from governmental agencies Increased substantially ...... 11% and environmental groups, 26 percent would fa- Increased somewhat ...... 29 vor the Federal agency, 63 percent place more Remain about the same ...... 43 Decreased somewhat ...... 6 trust in the environmental group, and 11 percent Decreased substantially ...... 4 are undecided or say it would depend on the spe- Not sure ...... 7 cific circumstances. ~ercentagesare presented as weighted sample estimates.The unweightedbsse from which the sampling variance can recalculatedisl,273. SOURCE: Officeof Technology Assessment, 19S7. In summary, the survey found that while the public is concerned about genetic engineering in the abstract, most people approve nearly every Aside from supporting research, the public rec- specific environmental or therapeutic application ognizes another important government function explored in this poll. The public is sufficiently con- associated with the development of biotechnol- cerned about potential risks to say that strict reg- ogy. A plurality (37 percent) says the government ulation is necessary, yet a majority also agree should decide whether commercial firms should strongly or somewhat that unjustified fears of be permitted to apply genetically engineered these new technologies have seriously impeded organisms on a large-scale, commercial basis. the development of valuable new drugs and ther- Twenty-nine percent claim this decision should apies, and that the risks have been exaggerated be made by an external, scientific body, while only (table 3-7). 5 percent feel voters, taxpayers, or other com- munity-based groups should make the decision. As in other areas of science and technology, the Thirteen percent maintain the company involved public favors the continued development and ap- should make the decision, and 4 percent find a plication of biotechnology because people believe role for industrial trade organizations (table 3-6). the benefits will justify the risks. Strict regulation to avoid unnecessary risk is expected, but some Despite this relative ranking, which gives the risk is clearly acceptable if sufficient benefit is ex- highest degree of approval for decisionmaking to pected in return.

TabLe 3-6.—Who Should Decide?

Q.: Who should be responsible for deciding whether or not commercial firms should be permitted to apply geneti- cally altered organisms on a large scale basis--the company that developed the product, an external scientific body, a government agency, an industrial trade association, or other group? Party affiliation Total Voters Republican Independent Democrat Government agency ...... 37% 380/o 380/o 35% 380/o External scientific body ...... 29 31 32 34 25 Company that developed product ...... 13 12 12 8 16 Public/voters/taxpayers community ...... 5 4 4 4 5 Industrial trade association...... 4 4 3 4 4 Not sure ...... 5 5 4 5 5 All other mentions ...... 8 aPerCentaQ~9 are p~esented gg Welghtti sample estimates. The Unweighed base for the total sample from which the sampling variance can be calculated iS 1,273. SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, ?9S7. 49

Table 3-7.—General Perceptions Concerning Biotechnologya

Q.: I will now read you a few statements. For each, please tell me whether you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly. (READ EACH ITEM) Agree Agree Disagree Disagree strongly somewhat somewhat strongly Not sure a. The potential danger from genetically altered cells and microbes is so great that strict regulations are necessary . . . . 43% 34% 14% 60/0 3%0 b. The risks of genetic engineering have been greatly exaggerated ...... 15 40 27 10 8 c. It would be better if we did not know how to genetically alter cells at all ...... 13 20 34 31 2 d. The unjustified fears of genetic engineering have seriously impeded the development of valuable new drugs and therapies ...... 20 38 26 9 8 e. We have no business meddling with nature ...... 26 20 31 21 2 apercentage~ are Presented as weighted sample estimates. The unweighed sample from which the sampling variance can be calculated is 1,273 SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1987


Companies and researchers must be prepared tion Agency (EPA) for the to work with State and local officials and residents environmental release of a when a field test of a genetically altered plant, genetically altered organ- animal, or micro-organism is proposed. Without ism. The AGS permit was local support, proposed field tests may be delayed also the first to be revoked or canceled. To date, several proposed field tests by EPA. have met with varying degrees of State and local In November 1985, EPA support. Several States have or are currently con- approved the issuance of sidering legislation based on the perception that an experimental use per- additional State protection or coordination is mit to release strains of Pseudomonas syringae needed (see box 3-A). and P. fluorescent from which the gene for the The experiences of 11 communities described ice-nucleation protein had been deleted. The in this section illustrate varying degrees of local altered bacteria (also known as Frostban) was to acceptance of proposed field tests, and varying be applied to 2,400 strawberry plants on an 0.2- degrees of State and local oversight of such ex- acre plot surrounded by a 49-foot vegetation-free periments. zone in northern Salinas Valley, California. Various individuals and nonprofit environ- Monterey and Contra Costa mental organizations sought injunctive relief Counties, California against EPA’s issuance of an experimental use per- mit to AGS. The suit was dismissed in March 1986 “It was only local concern, generated in Mon- terey, that opened up the issue. As with events on the grounds that the plaintiffs (Foundation on in the nuclear industry, public opinion only be- Economic Trends et al.) failed to establish the likeli- comes focused when it is in your backyard, ” hood of success in showing that EPA’s issuance Roger Sherwood, of a permit violated the requirements of the Fed- “The Monterey fallout continues,” eral Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Trends in Biotechnology, July 1986. (FIFRA), the National Environmental Policy Act Advanced Genetic Sciences, Inc. (AGS) of Oak- (NEpA) or the Administrative procedure Act (14). land, California received the first experimental In January 1986, the Monterey County Board use permit issued by the Environmental Protec- of Supervisors held a hearing—receiving testimony 50

BOX 3-A.—State Legislative Activity California In 1984) the California Legislature passed Assembly Concurrent Resolution 170 ’’to promote the bio- technology industry, while at the same time protecting public health and safety and the environment. ” As a result, the Governor’s Task Force on Biotechnology prepared a guide to clarify the regulatory proce- dures for biotechnology (26). A bill (SB 844) introduced into the Senate on March 3, 1987, would require State regulations on the handling of biotechnologically novel organisms, making violators subject to civil and criminal penalties. Illinois Legislation was introduced (HB 1866) in 1987 establishing a 9-member committee to review existing Federal regulations and monitor the release of genetically engineered organisms. The bill was passed by the Legislature, but vetoed for budgetary reasons by Governor James Thompson on October 22, 1987. New Jersey New Jersey State bill S. 1123 (introduced in the 1986 session) would find that “the citizens of the state maintain legitimate concerns about the effect that the release of genetically engineered micro-organisms into the outdoor environment may have on the health, safety and welfare of the public, ” and establish a 9-member commission to regulate the release of genetically engineered micro-organisms in the environ- ment. The bill has been opposed by the Association of Biotechnology Companies (18), which is concerned that such legislation “would put New Jersey on the map as being antagonistic to the emerging biotechnology industry and thereby discouraging companies from locating their high-technology research and manufac- turing jobs within the state” (19). The bill was approved by the Senate but defeated by the State Assembly, North Carolina The North Carolina General Assembly approved the formation of a study commission approved by the Joint Appropriations Committee, in July 1986, to determine whether a State environmental protection agency should be formed. Texas HB 41, introduced during the 1987 legislative session, would have established a commission to review the adequacy of Federal and State laws governing biotechnology, and requiring State notification of re- leases of genetically engineered organisms. The bill was not acted upon. Wisconsin Two members of the Senate Agriculture, Health and Human Services Committee recommended the creation of a legislative council committee, that would consist of legislators and other interested parties, to study how the State should regulate biotechnology. This followed a 1987 report from the Department of Natural Resources that was critical of the Federal Coordinated Framework. In January 1988, a legislative subcommittee approved a proposal that would require experimenters to apply for a State permit prior to releasing any genetically altered organism into the environment. SOLIRCF. Office of ‘rechnolo&\ Assessment, 1988 from EPA, California State Departments of Health jected the test bacteria into approximately 50 fruit Services, Food and Agricuhure, AGS, scientists, trees on the rooftop of its headquarters building the Foundation on Economic Trends, and con- without EPA approval. In March 1986, EPA sus- cerned members of the public. An ordinance ban- pended the AGS experimental use permit and fined ning experiments in Monterey County for 45 days the company $20,000 on the grounds that the was passed by the Supervisors. In February 1986, organism had been released prior to EPA approval it was learned that AGS had 1 year previously in- and that the company had deliberately made false 51 statements on its application. The fine was later Tulelake, an agricultural town near the Califor- reduced to $13)000 with an amended complaint nia/Oregon border, was the proposed test site for that AGS had not provided adequate details about the release of genetically altered P. syringae bac- the testing method. In April 1986, the Monterey Siskiyou teria on a small plot of County supervisors, relying on their zoning au- potatoes. Designed by thority, passed legislation banning experiments Steven Lindow and Nick- within the county for a year, olas Panopoulos, plant pathologists at the Univer- In December 1986, AGS applied to EPA and the sity of California at Berk- California Department of Food and Agriculture eley, the experiment in- for approval to conduct the field test in San Benito volved identifying the County or Contra Costa County (both in Califor- gene responsible for ice nia). In February 1987, the EPA reissued an experi- nucleation, deleting the mental use permit to AGS, and the State Depart- gene, and applying the ment of Food and Agriculture gave its preliminary altered bacterium to the approval. In March, after receiving the approval plants. If successful, the treated potato plants of the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors, might resist frost damage from temperatures as AGS announced its intention to conduct the field low as 23 ‘F. test outside of Brentwood, a town with approxi- mately 6,000 residents. Opponents filed a legal The proposed environmental release of the ice- challenge in April, which was dismissed by a minus bacteria was first approved by the National Sacramento County Superior Court judge. On Institutes of Health (NIH) Recombinant DNA Advi- April 24, 1987, the field test was carried out, even sory Committee (RAC) in April 1983. In Septem- though many of the plants were uprooted by van- ber 1983, the Foundation on Economic Trends dals just hours prior to the test. A second test on joined several other groups and individuals in fil- 17,500 strawberry plants commenced in Decem- ing suit to stop the experiment, The plaintiffs ar- ber 1987. gued that NIH had violated the administrative re- quirements of the NEPA, which requires Federal Local reaction to the AGS proposed field test officials to prepare an environmental impact state- differs from the experience of other communi- ment before approving an action significantly ties (described later) in several respects. The AGS affecting the environment. In May 1984, Judge proposed field test was the first to be approved John Sirica issued an injunction prohibiting the by EPA, and the only one to be suspended by EPA. field test, and barring NIH from approving fur- The proposed test site in Monterey County was ther experiments involving the release of engi- also in a more populous area than the others (a neered organisms until it assessed the environ- situation remedied by the relocation of the pro- mental impacts of such tests, EPA began review posed release site). Finally, disclosure in the me- of the experiment in 1984. In 1986, EPA and the dia alleging that AGS had conducted a limited envi- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) assumed ronmental release on its headquarters rooftop regulatory authority, pursuant to the Federal Gov- opened the company, and the environmental re- ernment’s Coordinated Framework for the Reg- lease issue generally, to closer public scrutiny. ulation of Biotechnology. Local opposition to the proposed field test re- Tulelake, California ceived increased attention in 1986. In early May, field test opponents circulated a petition that gar- “We object to using the Tulelake area as guinea pigs for an experiment that won’t benefit the area nered 450 signatures. The group, “Concerned and could cause public refusal of local farm Citizens of Tulelake,” were present at a May 1986 products. ” public meeting, and then appeared before the Joe Victrene, master, Tulelake Grange, Tulelake City Council and the Siskiyou and Modoc during public hearing, Jan. 10, 1987. County Board of Supervisors seeking local gov- .- —.

52 ernmental action against the experiment. On June ulatory approval processes, and both were linked 2, 1986, the Modoc County Board of Supervisors together in many media stories. While both ex- passed a legally nonbinding resolution opposing periments elicited opposition in their respective the experiment on the grounds that “the questions communities, in Tulelake it focused to a signifi- and fears in the minds of the public could have cant degree on a fear that locally grown crops a serious and immediate adverse effect on the mar- would be boycotted by buyers, damaging the lo- ket for crops from the area.” cal economy. Although opponents of the Monterey County and Tulelake field tests went to county Despite the protest, on May 13, 1986, the EPA authorities to stop the experiments, opponents of approved the experiment and issued an experi- the Tulelake field test also relied on State envi- mental use permit, saying that the environmental ronmental law as the basis for their suit in Sacra- release posed “minimal risk to public health or mento County Superior Court. In both instances, the environment.” In July, the scientists announced experimental plants were vandalized. that they would proceed with the experiment in early August. On August 1, opponents of the test (Californians for Responsible Toxic Management St. Charles County Missouri and the Foundation on Economic Trends) filed suit in Sacramento Superior Court against the Univer- “The Monsanto case is the third product to move through regulatory agencies and is the most con- sity of California-Berkeley Regents and the Cali- troversial because the bacterium produces a poi- fornia Department of Food and Agriculture seek- son which will kill some living things, and which ing an injunction against the experiment until may remain for some time in the soil before environmental impact studies could be done at dying.” State level. On August 4, 1986,2 days prior to the Phillip J. Hilts, Washington Post, Apr. 25, 1986. proposed field test, Sacramento County Superior Monsanto proposed releasing an engineered Court Judge A. Richard Backus granted an 18 day microbial pesticide designed to protect the roots temporary restraining order. Two weeks later, the of corn plants against black cutworm. Although University of California agreed to halt the experi- the company was pre- ment for 1986. pared to proceed with the Local opposition to the Tulelake field test con- release in mid-1984, it held tinued at a public hearing in January 1987, when off until publication of several residents, including the president of the proposed Federal guide- Tulelake Growers Association and the master of lines late in the year. Mon- Tulelake Grange, voiced opposition to the experi- santo then became the ment, fearing crops may be boycotted by buyers. first company to seek EPA On April 29, 1987,3 days after Advanced Genetic approval following pub- Sciences, Inc. began its field test of Frostban in lication of the Federal Gov- Contra Costa County, the University of California ernment’s Proposed Coordinated Framework for scientists planted potato tubers treated with the Regulation of Biotechnology. In April 1986, an EPA ice-minus bacterium on a half-acre site at a univer- scientific committee recommended that the Mon- sity field station near Tulelake. On May 26, 1987, santo field test should be allowed to proceed (5). vandals uprooted approximately half of the plants Local opposition to the Monsanto experiment being studied. Earth First!, an environmental became apparent when the St. Charles City Coun- group, claimed responsibility for the raid, which cil passed a resolution in early 1986 opposing the disrupted attempts to study the yields from the procedure. This opposition ran counter to the plants, but not attempts to study how well the test’s endorsement by the 3-person St. Charles bacteria established themselves on the plants (1. County Commission. In March 1986, the Founda- The Tulelake scenario is similar to that of Mon- tion on Economic Trends petitioned EPA to deny terey County. Both experiments involved proposed Monsanto’s permit application, citing “unresolved releases of P. syringae, both followed similar reg- questions regarding the nature and magnitude of 53 the risks and benefits involved in the Monsanto cally successful, it is already a winner from the proposal.” On May 8, 1986, St. Charles County offi- regulatory point of view .“ The editorial noted that cials delivered a letter to Monsanto threatening regulatory approval was “by the book, ” and that to sue if the company proceeded with the field the release site was situated away from roads or test. The letter cited county code sections pro- people. hibiting storage or processing of anything con- Unlike the proposed releases of genetically sidered harmful or potentially harmful to indi- altered organisms in Monterey County, Tulelake, viduals or the environment and specifying that and St. Charles County, the Agracetus experiment flood plains must be used for agricultural involved the introduction of a genetically altered purposes. plant. Local newspaper accounts of the Agrace- Twelve days later, EPA requested additional in- tus experiment talked of the potential economic formation in support of Monsanto’s application gain to be realized should crops be made resis- for an experimental use permit. Results of the ad- tant to crown gall tumors. ditional tests are pending. Franklin County, North Carolina Middleton, Wisconsin “Ciba-Geigy officials have informed state and lo- “The Agracetus project has not elicited much cal officials of their plans. ‘I think they have done protest, however, even from the Foundation on a responsible job, ’ said Earl R. MacCormac, sci- Economic Trends, a frequent opponent of such ence advisor to Gov. James G. Martin. ‘I feel real tests. ‘We looked at it and it didn’t raise the kind good about it, ’ added Ronald W. Goswick, chair- of fundamental questions the other tests did, ’ said man of the Franklin County Board of Commis- Jeremy Rifkin, the foundation’s president. Mr. Rif- sioners.” kin said that in general genetically modified plants —Monte Basgall, Raleigh, N.C. News & Observer, pose less risk than micro-organisms because they June 18, 1986. can be contained more easily. ’ “ —Andrew Pollock, New York Times, May 30, 1986. The Agricultural Division of Ciba-Geigy Corp., Greensboro, NC, proposed conducting a field test The Agracetus Corp. (a joint venture of Cetus of a tobacco plant that had been genetically altered and W.R. Grace) proposed to insert an altered gene to resist atrazine, a her- for disease resistance against crown gall tumors Fran~lin bicide used to control in 200 tobacco plant weeds in corn, sor- seedlings. The geneti- ghum, and other crops. cally modified plants Certain crops, including were planted in a one- tobacco and soybeans, twentieth-acre plot in are susceptible to atra- Middleton, WI. Tobacco zinc. These crops can was the experimental be injured when planted in some soil types the plant of choice because year after a tolerant crop treated with atrazine it is one of the easiest was grown there, since residual atrazine persists plants to engineer ge- in the soil through the period of crop rotation. / netically. Agracetus re- Dane ceived approval for the Ciba-Geigy applied to USDA for approval of the field test from the NIH’s RAC, USDA, and the Wis- field test. The North Carolina Department of Agri- consin Department of Natural Resources. culture asked that USDA regulate the test because no State guidelines existed for handling such re- On May 30, 1986, Agracetus commenced the search. first authorized planting of a genetically altered crop. The Wisconsin State Journal noted its ap- USDA approved the field test in July 1986. The proval for the experiment, stating that “while it North Carolina legislature subsequently approved remains to be seen if the test will prove scientifi- funding for a study commission to determine 54 whether control of State environmental respon- Pepin County, Wisconsin sibilities needed to be consolidated. “Does this test pose a high risk? No. EPA believes that this field test poses little or no risk for sev- Mississippi and Florida eral reasons. The genetically engineered strains are expected to be no different than the naturally “The Rohm and Haas Company of Philadelphia, occurring strains, except for the enhancement of one of the world’s largest producers of chemicals, a preexisting trait (the ability to fix nitrogen from announced Wednesday that the U.S. Agriculture the air to the soil). This is significant because the Department had approved the world’s first field naturally occurring strains have been the most test of genetically engineered caterpillar-resistant extensively studied microorganisms in agriculture plants.” –Associated Press, Aug. 28, 1986. (they have been studied for nearly 100 years) and have shown no significant adverse effects.” Rohm and Haas developed tobacco plants altered —Environmental Protection Agency, by the addition of a single gene from the bacterium “Note to correspondents” Fact Sheet, Apr. 29, 1987. Bacillus thuringiensis. The altered plants, developed BioTechnica International, Inc. of Cambridge, by a Belgian company for MA, proposed a field test of genetically engineered Rohm & Haas, were de- strains of Rhizobium meliloti, a bacterium involved signed to be resistant to in nitrogen fixation in alfalfa. Rhizobium is a ge- leaf-eating caterpillars. nus of bacteria commonly used in agriculture, with In June 1986, Rohm and various strains being sold Haas announced that it commercially to increase had voluntarily applied to the yields of legume crops. USDA for permission to In its proposal to EPA and field test the tobacco USDA, filed on February plants at company-owned 6, 1987, BioTechnica research farms near Cleveland, MS and Home- noted that about 80 per- stead, FL. USDA issued an opinion letter in Au- cent of the U.S. alfalfa gust 1986 stating that the “genetically engineered acreage and 15 to 25 per- tobacco plants are not plant pests” (51 Fed. Reg. cent of the soybean acreage are inoculated with 32237). nongenetically engineered rhizobia-based prod- Prior to publicly announcing its proposed field ucts. The genetically engineered Rhizobium con- test, Rohm and Haas provided information to ap- verts atmospheric nitrogen at an increased level, propriate Federal, State, and local representatives resulting in increased alfalfa yields of up to 17 for both test sites. This percent in greenhouse studies by BioTechnica. was followed up by two The BioTechnica proposal was the first appli- presentations for the lo- h cation under the Toxic Substances Control Act cal public and media on ~ the day the proposed (TSCA) subject to the EPA biotechnology policy published in the Federal Register on June 26,1986. field tests were an- BioTechnica’s application was filed with EPA in nounced (22). Later, February 1987, presentations were J made to other inter- The proposed field test site is BioTechnica’s ested groups, including Chippewa Agricultural Station near Arkansaw, the Central Mississippi Chapter of the Sierra Club. WI, an unincorporated town in the Waterville According to one member of the Sierra chapter, Township of Pepin County. The area of the pro- the presentation elicited no grave concerns, leav- posed test site is lightly populated and far from ing the impression that the experiment seems valid urban areas. The total population of Pepin County and safe (3). is approximately 7,000, of whom approximately 55

The company produced a brochure designed to provide local residents with information regard- ing the proposed field test. The brochure ad- dresses 21 questions that have been raised dur- ing the course of meetings between BioTechnica officials and local residents (see box 3-B). Another brochure, a nontechnical description of the field test, was also produced. EPA gave tentative approval for the field test in May 1987, but delayed the experiment in or- der to extend the public comment period and to review how the test would be monitored. In July 1987, a hearing sponsored by the Wisconsin Sen- ate Agriculture, Health, and Human Services Com- mittee was held. Although little opposition was

Photo credit: Kevin O’Connor voiced regarding BioTechnica’s proposed test, resi- dents did express concerns about potential future Pepin County, Wisconsin tests (12). In August 1987, BioTechnica announced a postponement of the field test following EPA concerns regarding monitoring of the altered bac-

1)000 reside in Waterville Township. The station, teria. BioTechnica concluded that the altered bac- located about 30 miles from Eau Claire, WI, and teria could not be distinguished from other com- 75 miles from St. Paul, MN, is a 360-acre farm, mon bacteria present in the soil. The company with less than 5 acres of the site designated for plans to develop an alternate monitoring plan, and the field test. expects to obtain final EPA approval in 1988 (15).

BOX 3-B. —Pepin County and Biotechnology: 21 Questions and Answers 1. What is the Chippewa Agricultural Station? The Chippewa Agricultural Station was established in Janu- ary 1987 in Arkansaw (Waterville Township), Pepin County, Wisconsin. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of BioTechnica International, Inc. of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Formed in 1981, BTI is a biotechnology research and development company with commercial operations in agriculture and dental diagnostics. Its stock is traded on the national over-the-counter market. The new agricultural station is BTI’s first expan- sion effort outside its home state and its first agricultural station. The station will be used for conventional farming operations, as well as for agricultural research.

Z. Why did BioTechnica International choose Wisconsin? Wisconsin is the Nation’s leading dairy State, and it is also the number one producer of alfalfa. The State has been receptive to new advances in business and agriculture. Wisconsin has a sound policy for environmental protection which BTI supports. Field tests of biotechnology products have already been successfully conducted within the State. The University of Wisconsin offers outstanding research and academic expertise, and its Biotechnology Center in Madison is a highly effective channel for communications between the academic and industrial communities and public officials. 3. Why was Pepin County, one of the smallest counties in Wisconsin) chosen for BioTechnica Inter- national’s research station? Pepin County was selected for BTI’s first agricultural research station for several outstanding reasons: ● Wisconsin is the nation’s top producer of alfalfa, the plant which will be field tested at the new site. ● The site is close to the University of Wisconsin’s Marshfield Research Station, where BTI is currently conducting field tests of a new conventional silage additive. There is a possibility that this research effort will be moved to Pepin County. — . ——


The area has excellent rainfall. BTI was able to buy the 360-acre site at a very reasonable price. An irrigation system was already in place on the farm. The soil at the farm is a sandy loam and is uniform throughout the 360 acres, almost unheard of benefits for an agricultural research station. The land is exceptionally flat, minimizing runoff. The site is 170 feet above the aquifer, making it virtually impossible for groundwater contamination from the field tests to take place. The site is protected by hills and trees, and is an infrequent host to severe winds and tornados. The site lies within the 110-day corn-maturity zone and Group 2 soybean zone which make it a very favorable crop-growing climate. The Chippewa Agricultural Station is less than 1 mile from the home of the farm’s superintendent. 4. Will the entire research farm be used for this field test? Absolutely not. Less than 5 acres, or slightly more than 1 percent, of the 360 acres will be used in the field test this year. Conventional crops such as alfalfa, soybeans, corn, beans, tobacco, and rapeseed are being considered for planting in the spring and summer of 1987. S. Why is your company planning field tests at the farm? Both laboratory and greenhouse tests have shown that BTI’s genetically engineered Rhizobium meliloti increases alfalfa yields by as much as 20 per- cent. Long before any agricultural product, conventional or genetically engineered, goes to market it must first be field tested to determine if it is effective under the actual growing conditions encountered in the field. 6. What is Rhizobium meliloti anyway? Rhizobia are naturally occurring bacteria that exist in the soil. The rhizobia have a symbiotic relationship with legumes such as alfalfa, soybeans, peas, and beans. Rhizo- bia attach themselves to the plant’s roots and establish root nodules where they live. The plant gives the rhizobia a home and a food source; the rhizobia, in turn, convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form which the plant can use. Rhizobium meliloti is the species that naturally associates with alfalfa. 7. How long have rhizobia been around? Farmers have been aware of this unique relationship and have taken advantage of it in rotational farming for thousands of years. Rhizobia have been commercially avail- able in the U.S. since the 1890s and are widely used today by farmers and home gardeners. The largest producer today of commercial rhizobia inoculants is located in Milwaukee. 8. So what did you do to the rhizobia? Very simply, our scientists “souped up” the bacteria’s ability to supply nitrogen to alfalfa. 9. How did they do that? Through a laborious research process that took several years, our scientists identified the genes that are responsible for supplying nitrogen to plants. Using a surgically precise process called gene splicing, they were able to alter certain genes so that their nitrogen-fixing, or nitrogen-gathering ability was greatly increased. 10. Is this some kind of "Super Bug”? It definitely is an improvement of a naturally occurring bacterium, but by no means can it be considered a dangerous “Super Bug.” Many of the strains now used commercially have been carefully selected by the USDA for improved performance. BTI’s work is a natural outgrowth of such efforts to provide better products to farmers. 11. How do you know it isn’t dangerous? Rhizobia are perhaps the best-studied bacteria in agriculture. They have a specific function in nature and that is to gather nitrogen for leguminous plants. In over 90 years of commercial use, they have never been found to be dangerous to plants, animals, or man, nor have they been known to be threats to the environment. Furthermore, BTI has tested its new strains in the laboratory and has shown them to behave the same as their natural counterparts. 12. Couldn’t a whole field of these new organisms deplete the nitrogen supply? They couldn’t even put a dentin it. First, the atmosphere is about 80 percent nitrogen, with over 33,000 tons of nitrogen above every acre of land and water on earth. Naturally occurring rhizobia in an acre of alfalfa gather from 100 57

to 200 lbs. of nitrogen per year. BTI will be very pleased if its strains do twice as well. Secondly, Mother Nature is full of checks and balances as the nitrogen cycle proves: nitrogen taken from the atmosphere is ultimately returned to the atmosphere. 13. Won’t higher yielding plants drain more nutrients from the soil? Quite the opposite. Some of the gathered nitrogen will leak into the soil and will be available to crops grown in rotation with legumes, That’s why farmers apply less nitrogen fertilizer to corn planted the year after alfalfa or soybeans. Since BTI’s strains will gather more nitrogen, it is expected that they will leave more nitrogen behind, thus fur- ther enriching the soil. 14. Can this improved version hurt cattle and eventually humans? Remember, the only alteration to the rhizobia will be to improve their natural nitrogen-gathering ability. Based on all scientific evidenc we have, there is nothing to indicate that there could be any adverse effects on cattle or man. The nitroge gathering process occurs only in the roots which are not harvested. Cattle don’t eat alfalfa roots. 15. Can this new version affect other plants? No. Rhizobia function only in association with leguminous plants. And, there are certain types of legumes for each rhizobial species. For instance, R. meliloti for al- falfa, R. japonicum for soybeans, etc. BTI’s changes to R. rneliloti will not cause it to affect any other crop species. 16. How far can these little creatures travel on their own? Not very far at all. Their entire range of motility is only about two-tenths of an inch per day, or, about 1 1/2 feet in a 100-day growing season. 17. Can they be blown away by the wind? They live under the soil, so it would take a pretty strong wind to blow them away. The test site is well shielded from the wind. But the R. meliloti die without moisture and when exposed to the ultraviolet light of the sun. So, if they were blown away, their chances of survival would be nil. 18. Suppose a hard rain came along and some of your topsoil washed away with your new strains and got into some streams and lakes. Could they cause a danger to fish and aquatic plants? It is highly unlikely that the new strains could survive for any length of time in the water, since water lacks many of the nutrients Rhizobia need to grow. They aren’t toxic, and the levels of ammonia they produce could not possibly be high enough to have any adverse effect on aquatic plants. l9. It sounds safe, but has it been approved by the government? Before the field testing can begin, our application to field test must be approved by the United States Department of Agriculture and the Environ- mental Protection Agency. In addition, our application will have undergone very close scrutiny by Wiscon- sin’s Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, and by the Department of Natural Re- sources. It goes without saying that BTI welcomes and appreciates the approval of both the county leaders and the citizens of Pepin County. 20. With so many crop surpluses being reported, why aim for yield increase? It is true that there are many crop surpluses in the world today. With this particular field test, we are looking to achieve higher yield increases in the 15-20 percent range. But the value to farmers comes in gains in productivity. If our tests prove successful and we market this new product, farmers will be able to produce the same or more alfalfa on less land at lower unit cost. 21. Once these tests have been ended, will your company pack its bags and move somewhere else? Not very likely. We have invested a good amount of money in the farm, its rehabilitation, its new buildings, and in its equipment. Chippewa employees are all residents of Pepin County, and all of our farm purchases will be made through area merchants whenever possible. We have made the agricultural market a primary objective for BTI’s growth and development as a leader in the biotechnology field. Pepin County and the Chippewa Agricultural Station will play a major part in the long range progress and growth of BioTechnica International, Inc. SO[lR(:E Bm’It?rhmca Inlernat]onal, 1987 -. ——


Bozeman, Montana obedience, ” a characterization he withdrew 2 weeks later. The EPA sent Strobel a notice of warn- “We can sit and talk elm disease, or we can do ing, telling Strobel that for a period of 1 year, any something about it. I choose to do something about application for a proposed test would have to be it .“ –Gary Strobe], Aug. 13, 1987. “cosponsored by the university, a colleague or some other responsible party” (33). A written warning was the most stringent legal option avail- Gary Strobel, a professor of plant pathology at able to EPA under FIFRA penalty provisions (7 Montana State University, injected 14 trees with U.S.C. 136(a)(2)). A Montana State University ad- a fungus that causes Dutch elm disease. Half of ministrative review panel recommended that the the trees had previously been injected with genet- university’s administration issue a formal repri- ically altered bacteria de- mand. In January 1988, NIH decided that Strobel signed to fight the disease. violated no NIH Guidelines in his experiments. The experiment, carried out without Federal Gov- ernment approval and without the knowledge of the university’s biosafety committee, was initiated in June 1987. Two months later, the uninfected trees were dead; the injected trees were still alive. Over- shadowing the scientific data, however, was the publicity aroused by Strobel’s experiment as por- trayed in headlines such as “Genetic Engineering Rules: The Making of a Monster” (34).

The 14 trees were located on the Montana State campus. Strobel initiated the field test in June in order to obtain results during the current year’s growing season. When EPA contacted him in July 1987 requesting further information on the test, Strobel notified the agency that the experiment had already begun. In August 1987, Strobel noti- fied his university’s biosafety committee of the details of the field test. Shortly thereafter, the bio- safety committee recommended that the trees be uprooted and burned. EPA and the university president reprimanded Strobel, and Strobel him- self cut down the trees and terminated the ex- periment in early September.

The Montana State experience differed from the others in that the researcher had not obtained permission from either the Federal Government or the university prior to carrying out the experi- ment. At first, Strobel called his action “civil dis- 59

Unhappiness with the Federal regulatory frame-eral funding, $100,000 for the Argentina field test work was voiced by Strobel, and by Montana Statecame from private sources. In January 1987, NIH University President William Teitz, who in repri- announced that the experiment did not violate NIH manding Strobel also complained of the “tangled guidelines. interpretations, definitions, procedures, excep- tions, inclusions, and classifications that dominate Criticism of the Wistar-PAHO experiment was today’s biotechnical research. ” voiced editorially by the New York Times (29) and Los Angeles Times (6) as well as by 134 Argentine Argentina scientists, who alleged violations of ethical, eco- logical, and safety rules (16). The director of the “There is a lesson to be drawn from this which Wistar Institute maintained that media accounts I wish to pass on to my scientific colleagues: ex- ignored the results of the experiment and that treme caution is to be observed in conducting co- the vaccine was both efficient and safe; that Wistar operative programs with organizations and sci- merely provided the vaccine to PAHO, anticipat- entists who have political motives which intrude ing that the health organization would obtain any upon even the most straightforward attempts to necessary governmental approvals in Argentina; conduct scientific research for the benefit of hu- and that representatives of an Argentine scien- inanity. ” —Hilary Koprowski, Director, Wistar Institute tific organization approached Wistar in 1984 pro- posing to conduct the same trial undertaken by The Wistar Institute of Philadelphia produced PAHO. a genetically engineered rabies vaccine, which it provided to the Pan American Health Organiza- tion (PAHO) for field testing in Argentina. In July New Zealand 1986, 20 cattle were inoculated at a PAHO agri- Another overseas test of a genetically engineered culture station in Azul, vaccine (Bacteroides nodosus) involved research- Argentina (approxi- mately 180 miles south of Buenos Aires). In Sep- tember 1986, the Ar- gentine government learned of the field test through a letter written by an Argentine train- ee. The government barred further tests, claiming that the vac- A Los Angeles Times Argentina cine posed a health threat. On November 11, 1986, the New York Times reported that Wistar conducted tests the previous summer with- out obtaining approval from either the Argentine what they intended to or United States governments. In December 1986, do” (6). In November 1986, the Foundation on Eco- NIH sought written assurance from Wistar that nomic Trends announced it would ask USDA and no Federal funds were used to test the rabies vac- other Federal agencies to investigate the New cine in Argentina. Wistar replied that although Zealand experiment and determine whether any the rabies vaccine research program received Fed- United States laws were broken. 60

Great Britain ties into the organism, with along-term goal of de- veloping custom-designed “A cabbage patch somewhere in Britain is the viral insecticides (2). unlikely venue for a world first. Since last month, the patch has been home for a collection of cater- The Oxford researchers pillars that have been infected with a unique virus consulted with the United which does not occur naturally. The experiment Kingdom Advisory Com- may help virologist to engineer safe, artificial mittee on Genetic Manipu- viruses that kill pests before they can destroy lation; the Nature Con- crops. ” servancy Council; the —Steve Conner, New Scientist, Ministry of Agriculture, Oct. 16, 1986. Fisheries and Food; and the Department of the Researchers at the Institute of Virology in Ox- Environment prior to the ford conducted the world’s first release of a ge- environmental release. In netically engineered virus when infected cater- the European Parliament, pillars were released in September 1986. The virus news of the U.K. experi- was engineered to contain a genetic marker so it ment was met with dis- could be tracked. The goal of the experiment was approval by representa- to evaluate survival and dispersal of the virus in tives of the Green Party, the environment. If the experiment is successful, who have opposed environmental release of ge- the researchers plan to introduce other proper- netically altered organisms.


The development of recombinant DNA tech- The NIH Recombinant DNA Advisory Commit- niques during the 1970s raised concerns about tee was the primary Federal entity for reviewing potential hazards posed by the new technologies. and monitoring recombinant DNA research until Recognizing a need to establish consensus, scien- 1984, when its oversight of field tests was chal- tists became involved in discussing recombinant lenged by a lawsuit alleging that NIH had violated DNA technology and its potential risks. The In- provisions of the National Environmental Policy ternational Conference on Recombinant DNA Act (13). This act requires all Federal agencies to Molecules (better known as the Asilomar Confer- prepare an analysis prior to any action that may ence) convened 140 scientists in February 1975 significantly alter the environment. to address self-regulation of research involving recombinant DNA technology until its safety could In 1984, the White House Office of Science and be assured. Recommendations were issued assign- Technology Policy (OSTP) published a Proposed ing risk categories to various recombinant DNA Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of Bio- experiments and containment levels for each (28). technology (11) in order to ensure the safety of biotechnology research and products. This doc- Federal regulation of genetically altered organ- ument proposed policies for Federal agencies re- isms began in 1976, when NIH adopted “Guide- sponsible for reviewing the research and prod- lines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA ucts of biotechnology. It also proposed the Molecules.” These stringent guidelines established establishment of a new, centralized advisory com- containment standards and review procedures to mittee within the Department of Health and Hu- be applied by Institutional Biosafety Committees man Services (DHHS) to coordinate responses to at each institution receiving Federal support for scientific questions raised by applications received research (31). The guidelines were modified and by the various Federal agencies. relaxed several times as more became known about the safety of various organisms and tech- Following a period for public comment, OSTP nologies. decided against establishing a committee within

L . 61

DHHS. Instead, a Biotechnology Science Coordi- Table 3-8.—Agencies Responsible for Approval of nating Committee (BSCC) was formed “to moni- Commercial Biotechnology Products tor the changing scene of biotechnology and serve Biotechnology products Responsible agencies as a means of identifying potential gaps in regula- Foods/food additives ...... FDA*, FSISa tion in a timely fashion, making appropriate rec- Human drugs, medical devices, ommendations for either administrative or legis- and biologics ...... FDA Animal drugs ...... FDA lative action.” (50 Fed. Reg. 47174). In the same Animal biologics...... APHIS notice, OSTP published an index of laws confer- Other contained uses ...... EPA ring authority that could be used to ensure the Plants and animals...... APHIS, b FSIS,= FDAC Pesticide micro-organisms safety of biotechnology-related products. Many released in the environment elements of the Proposed Coordinated Framework All...... EPA,d APHISb Other uses (micro-organisms): were incorporated into the Coordinated Frame- d b Intergenetic combination ...... EPA, APHIS work published by OSTP on June 26, 1986 (51 Intrageneric combination: Fed. Reg. 23301). Pathogenic source organism 1. Agricultural use ...... APHIS 2. Non-agricultural use...... EPA,d APHISb Coordinated Framework for No pathogenic source Regulation of Biotechnology organisms...... EPA Report Nonengineered pathogens: 1. Agricultural use ...... APHIS The Coordinated Framework includes separate 2. Non-agricultural use...... EPA,d APHISb descriptions of the regulatory policies of the Nonengineered nonpathogens . . . . EPA Report “Designates lead agency where jurisdictions may overlap; FDA, Food and Drug FDA, EPA, Occupational Safety and Health Admin- Administration. istration (OSHA), and USDA; and the research aF!jlS, Food Safety and Inspection Service, under the Assistant Secretary of Agricultural for Marketing and Inspection Services is responsible for food use policies of NIH, the National Science Foundation bAPHIS, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, is involved when the micro- organism is plant pest, animal pathogen, or regulated article requiring a permit (NSF), EPA, and USDA. CFDA is involved when in relation to a food use. dEpA requirement will Only apply to environmental release under a “Significant The Coordinated Framework mandates both the new use rule” that EPA intends to propose. agencies responsible for approving commercial SOURCE: 51 Fed. Reg. 23339. biotechnology products (table 3-8) and the juris- diction for biotechnology research proposals (table 3-9). Where jurisdiction overlaps, a lead agency is Fed. Reg. 23313), while TSCA provides EPA author- designated. The goal is to operate in an integrated ity to regulate any organic or inorganic substance and coordinated fashion to cover the full range of a particular molecular identity, including any of plants, animals and micro-organisms derived combination of such substances occurring in by the new genetic engineering techniques. whole or in part as a result of a chemical reaction or occurring in nature. Under FIFRA, all field tests FDA proposed no new procedures for regulat- of genetically altered organisms require an exper- ing biotechnology products, instead relying on ex- imental use permit. TSCA requires a manufacturer isting authority for approving drugs, human bio- to adhere to premanufacturing notice require- logics, animal food additives and drugs, and ments (see box 3-C). medical devices. The FDA review relies on “sci- entific evaluation of products, and not . . . a pri- USDA stated that ‘(agriculture and forestry ori assumptions about certain processes” and “is products developed by biotechnology will not dif- conducted in light of the intended use of the prod- fer fundamentally from conventional products uct on a case-by-case basis” (51 Fed. Reg. at 23309). and the existing regulatory framework is adequate to regulate biotechnology” (51 Fed. Reg. at 23336). EPA addressed regulation of microbial products The USDA policy statement listed nine statutes subject to two Federal statutes: the Federal In- considered most relevant to biotechnology appli- secticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act and the cations (table 3-10). Toxic Substances Control Act. EPA’s review un- der FIFRA places “particular emphasis on small- Of primary interest is USDA’s regulation of scale field testing of genetically engineered, nonin- “plant pests’’-any living stage of any insects, mites, digenous, and pathogenic microbial pesticides” (5 I nematodes, slugs, snails, protozoa, or other inver- . —.— . . . .


Table 3-9.—Jurisdiction for Biotechnology tebrate animals, bacteria, fungi, or parasitic plants Research Proposals or reproductive parts thereof, viruses, or any organisms similar to or allied with any of the for- Proposed research Responsible agencies going, or any infectious substances, which can Contained research, no release in directly or indirectly injure or cause disease or environment: 1. Federally funded...... Funding agencya damage in any plants or parts thereof, or any proc- 2. Non-federally funded ...... NIH or S&E voluntary essed, manufactured, or other products of plants” review, APHISb (7 U.S.C. 150aa(c)). Foods/food additives, human drugs, medical devices USDA subsequently issued a final rule on the biologics, animal drugs: 1. Federally funded...... FDA,C NIH guidelines “introduction of organisms and products altered and review or produced through genetic engineering which 2. Non-federally funded ...... FDA,C NIH voluntary are plant pests or which there is reason to be- review Plants, animals and animal lieve are plant pests” (52 Fed. Reg. 22891). The biologics: rule sets forth procedures for obtaining a permit 1. Federally funded...... Funding agency,a prior to the introduction of organisms and prod- APHIS! 2. Non-federally funded ...... APHIS, b S&E ucts that present actual or potential plant pest voluntary review risks. The final rule also mandates State notifica- Pesticide micro-organisms: tion and review of permits in addition to Federal Genetically engineered: Intergeneric ...... EPA,d APHIS, b S&E review. voluntary review Pathogenic intrageneric ...... EPA,d APHIS, b S&E Because many applications of genetically engi- voluntary review neered organisms in the environment will be agri- Intrageneric nonpathogen ...... EPA, d S&E voluntary cultural, USDA is placed in a dual role of regulat- review Nonengineered: ing the technology while attempting to fulfill its Nonindigenous pathogens . . . . . EPA,d APHIS statutory mandate “to procure, propagate, and dis- Indigenous pathogens ...... EPA,d APHIS tribute among the people new and valuable seeds Nonindigenous nonpathogen . . . EPA Other uses (micro-organisms) and plants” (7 U.S.C. 2201). In addition, instances released in the environment: are likely to arise where microorganisms that are Genetically engineered: not intended for agricultural purposes could still Intergeneric organisms: 1. Federally funded...... Funding agency,a represent a plant pest. The Coordinated Frame- APHIS,b EPAd work addresses this issue, laying out USDA and 2. Commercially funded...... EPA, APHIS, S&E EPA jurisdictional agreements whereby both agen- voluntary review Intrageneric organisms: cies will “perform independent reviews, focusing Pathogenic source organism: on independent objectives” (51 Fed. Reg. 233.59). 1. Federally funded...... Funding agency,a EPA will review pursuant to TSCA or FIFRA, while APHIS,b EPAd 2. Commercially funding ...... APHIS, b EPAd (if non- USDA will review pursuant to the plant pest agricultural use) statute. Intrageneric combination: No pathogenic source Table 3-10.–Statutes Applicable to organisms ...... EPA report USDA-Regulated Biotechnology Nonengineered ...... EPA report, * APHISD Virus-Serum Toxic Act (21 U.S.C. 151-158) “Designates lead agency where jurisdictions may overlap. aReview and approv~ of research protocols conducted by NIH, S&E, or NSF. Federal Plant Pest Act (7 U.S.C. 150aa-150jj) bEPA jurisdiction for research on a plot greater than 10 acres. Plant Quarantine Act (7 U.S.C. 151-164, 166, 167) CApHIS issues permits for the importation and domestic shipment of certain Organic Act (7 U.S.C. 147a) plants and animals, plant pests and animal pathogens, and for the shipment or release in the environment of regulated articles. Federal Noxious Weed Act (7 U.S.C. 2801 et seq.) dEpA reviews federally funded environmental research only when it is for Federal Seed Act (7 U.S.C. 551 et seq.) commercial purposes. Plant Variety Protection Act (7 U.S.C. 2321 et seq.) KEY: APHIS: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service; EPA: Environmental Federal Meat Inspection Act (21 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) Protection Agency; NIH: National Institutes of Health; S&E: United States Department of Agriculture Science and Education. Poultry Products Information Act (21 U.S.C. 451 et seq.) SOURCE: 51 Fed. Reg. 23305. SOURCE: 51 Fed. Reg. 23339. —


Box 3-C.— EPA’s Statutory Mandate: FIFRA and TSCA Under the Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology, the Environmental Protection Agency is addressing certain microbial products under two statutes: the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Roden- ticide Act; and the Toxic Substances Control Act. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) was enacted in 1972 (PL 92-516), bring- ing under one statute various Federal initiatives that had been in effect as far back as 1910. FIFRA regulates the use and safety of approximately 1 billion pounds of pesticide products produced and sold annually in the United States. Approximately 70 percent of the $6 billion worth of such products are herbicides and agricultural chemicals (4). FIFRA mandates the registration of pest control products and defined “economic poisons” with the EPA prior to the production or sale of such product. In order to register a product, an applicant must submit complete data on the product as provided in the statute (7 USC 136a). Any person may apply for an experimental use permit for a pesticide. Such a permit can be issued only if it is determined “that the applicant needs such permit in order to accumulate information necessary to register a pesticide. . .“(7 USC 136c) Civil penalties for violations of FIFRA vary, depending on whether or not the violator is considered to be a private applicator. A private applicator must receive a written warning for a first offense. Subse- quent violations can result in a fine of $1,000 for each violation. Other registrants can be assessed $5,000 for each offense, including the first offense. Toxic Substances Control Act The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) (PL 94-469) was enacted by Congress in 1976. In contrast to other environmental statutes specifically regulating the quality of water, air, or natural resources, TSCA gave EPA broad authority to regulate “chemical substances and mixtures.” Such substances and mixtures include “any organic or inorganic substance of a particular molecular identity, including any combination of such substances occurring in whole or in part as a result of a chemical reaction, or occurring in nature, and any element or uncombined element; statutory exceptions to this definition include pesticides (as de- fined in FIFRA, above), tobacco, special nuclear material, food, food additive, or drug. TSCA, therefore, is not designed only to regulate toxics, but also the large number of chemical substances and mixtures to which human beings and the environment are exposed each year. Under TSCA, the manufacturer of a new chemical must submit to EPA a premanufacture notice (PMN) that describes test data relating to the identity, use, amount, chemical identity, disposal, etc. EPA then has 90 days to consider the notice and decide whether to approve production. TSCA allows EPA to ask for additional data, and to limit or ban production. TSCA’s civil penalties are harsher than those under FIFRA: up to $25,000 for each violation, with each day a violation continues constituting a separate violation. BioTechnica’s proposed field test in Pepin County, Wisconsin (see page 54) represents the first time TSCA has been used to regulate the release of a genetically engineered organism in the environment. Propo- nents of EPA use of TSCA contend that the statute is well-suited for evaluating the risks of field tests on a case-by-case basis. Critics contend that the 90 day review period is too short to determine the risks of a particular experiment, and that the decision-making process within EPA could prevent meaningful, account- able, pre-release screening (17). 64

OSHA stated that its authority under the Oc- nomic Climate for Research and Product cupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. Development. Excessive regulation will et seq.) is sufficient to protect employees in the make it difficult for biotechnology-related re- field of biotechnology, and that no further regu- search projects to move from the controlled lation is necessary. environment of the laboratory to the field. Initially strict regulation of recombinant DNA Challenges Facing Regulators research, through NIH guidelines, was revised and relaxed as increased scientific knowledge The Coordinated Framework noted “that future revealed the safety of various applications. scientific developments will lead to further refine- Decreased regulation of genetically engi- ments” of the regulations (51 Fed. Reg. at 23303). neered organisms in the environment may Several challenges face regulators as they work also be possible if warranted by scientific de- with the new Framework: velopments. If proposed field tests are se- ● Definitions: The Coordinated Framework verely restricted, curtailed, or delayed, re- provided definitions for “intergeneric organ- searchers may conduct research and product ism” (i.e. anew organism) and for “pathogen.” development in other countries that are more The OSTP notice makes clear that “[t]hese defi- hospitable to such technology. nitions are critical . . . for the regulation of ● Assurance That Regulation of One Type of biotechnology because they establish the product Does Not Hinder Development of types of the organisms subject to certain kinds other products: The new Framework pro- of review” (51 Fed. Reg. 23302). NSF, FDA, vides several Federal agencies with jurisdic- and USDA announced that certain definitions tion over a wide range of research and prod- “may be ambiguous” (51 Fed. Reg 44397). In ucts (e.g., food, drugs, pesticides, vaccines, addition, the BSCC “is attempting to define and medical technologies). Some agencies may what constitutes ‘release into the environ- regulate this new technology better than ment’.” Release into the environment, “for the others. Mistakes made in regulating research time being, will have somewhat varying defi- or products could erode public confidence nitions for the regulatory and research re- in the entire Coordinated Framework, which view of the different agencies” (51 Fed. Reg. could in turn lead to inconsistent regulatory 23307). In October 1986, an NIH Committee review of proposed planned introductions of reviewing allegations surrounding an alleged genetically engineered organisms. field test of a pseudorabies vaccine noted that ● Jurisdiction of Federal Agencies Regulat- “we found ambiguities in the NIH Guidelines, ing Biotechnology Agencies need to adjust both in regard to whether the pseudorabies to the integrated Framework, which estab- vaccine used in the field test consisted of ‘re- lishes a lead agency for those instances where combinant DNA molecules,’ and whether the regulatory oversight or review is to be per- field test constituted ‘deliberate release into formed by more than one agency (see tables the environment’” (32). 3-8 and 3-9). Environmental concerns, for ex- ● Risk Assessment and Management: The ample, fall under the direct mandate of EPA. continuing need to protect the environment All Federal agencies, however, must prepare and public health requires a balancing of the an environmental analysis for major actions known risks of existing technologies and the significantly affecting the quality of the hu- potential risks of new technologies against the man environment. benefits derived from these technologies. Be- ● The Legality Applicability and Scope of cause the risks involved inmost proposed re- Current Statutes To Regulate the Release leases of genetically engineered organisms of Genetically Engineered Organisms: The into the environment cannot be measured Coordinated Framework is predicated on the precisely, there will be some uncertainty in use of existing statutes (e.g., TSCA and FIFRA) determiningg the safety of proposed fieldtests. to handle emerging issues in the regulation ● The Need To Promote a Favorable Eco- of biotechnology. The applicability (e.g., use 65 of a conventional chemical statute to regu- approved for general use will feel the weight late genetically engineered organisms) of such of public opinion. Regardless of the scientific statutes may be challenged in court, as may judgments by experts who will develop and the scope and legality of other statutes. In consider these applications, a hostile public addition, each statute relied upon presents or one unconvinced of the value of these de- administrative law issues that could result in velopments will give the biotechnology indus- court cases. try a difficult time in the marketplace. Sev- Promotion v. Regulation: Two Federal eral proposed field tests have already been agencies–NIH and USDA—are charged with the targets of protest in some communities, regulating biotechnology research and devel- although other proposed field tests have met opment while at the same time having statu- with little or no local opposition. tory mandates to promote research and prod- uct development. NIH promotes and funds European and Japanese Regulation much of the nation’s biomedical research pur- suant to the Public Health Act, while at the In addition to action in the United States, sev- same time regulating that research, includ- eral European nations have begun to assess the ing biotechnology research. USDA is man- need for regulatory review of genetically engi- dated to procure, propagate, and distribute neered organisms in the environment. Both the new and valuable seeds and plants; at the European Economic Community (EEC) and sev- same time, it must regulate and potentially eral member nations have considered regulatory curtail new products through the application issues over the last few years. of several statutes designed to eradicate po- The EEC established a biotechnology steering tential problems (e.g., plant pests). committee in February 1984 to coordinate bio- Consistent Penalties for Violators: Because technology policies. In 1986, a meeting was held existing statutes are being used to regulate by member-state officials to discuss the regula- biotechnology, varying penalties can result. tion of releases of genetically engineered organ- For example, the two statutes relied upon by EPA (TSCA and FIFRA) carry different penal- isms in the environment (35). In November 1986, a commission report highlighted the need for col- ties. As a result, penalties could merely re- lective action, and announced that proposals flect the statute employed, not the actual would be developed for Community action on “a) severity of the civil or criminal act. levels of physical and biological containment, ac- The Role of State and Local Governments in Regulating Biotechnology and Environ- cident control, and waste management in indus- trial applications, and, b) authorization of planned mental Release of Genetically Engineered release of genetically engineered organisms in the Organisms: State environmental, authority environment” (8). This initiative occurred as sev- and county zoning and ordinances eral member states were taking steps to regulate have played an important role in several pro- biotechnology: posed field tests and could play an increas- ing role in future tests. Several States are con- ● Denmark enacted legislation in 1986 pre- sidering regulations governing the release of venting the deliberate release of any organ- genetically engineered organisms in the envi- ism that is the product of recombinant DNA ronment. Where Federal and State Govern- technology as well as any organism resulting ments claim subject matter authority over from gene deletion or cell hybridization (23). such releases, the issue of Federal preemp- The Danish law forbids such experiments un- tion of State action could arise. less approval is obtained from the environ- Public perceptions: The environmental ap- ment minister. plications of genetically engineered organisms ● France in 1987, established a 15-member will be affected considerably by public opin- panel of scientists, under the jurisdiction of ion, particularly in communities that host the the Ministry of Agriculture, to review pro- early field tests. Ultimately, any applications posed deliberate release experiments on a 66

case-by-case basis and to consider the need mental protection oversight is adequate, and for future regulation. Notification of any in- that stricter regulations are not needed. tent to use recombinant DNA technology must The Federal Republic of Germany classifies be made to the Ministry of Research and experiments in four categories; releases of Higher Education (23). Field tests involving organisms into the environment fall into the the nitrogen-fixing bacteria Rhizobium began prohibited category, although researchers in March 1987. may apply for an exception. A parliamentary The Netherlands established an advisory commission was formed in 1984 to study the committee on recombinant DNA activities to potential scientific, social, and legal implica- regulate such research. tions of gene technology. The report recom- The United Kingdom developed voluntary mended a 5-year moratorium on environ- guidelines published in April 1986 that en- mental releases of genetically altered viruses courage any person planning a deliberate re- (except for those used as vaccines in human lease of an engineered organism to contact and veterinary medicine) and of micro-orga- the Health and Safety Executive (9). Proposed nisms into which genetically foreign genes regulations would require scientists to notify have been inserted (8). the Executive of any general intention to con- Japan regulates biotechnology through sev- duct experiments involving genetic manipu- eral ministries. Pharmaceutical production lation as well as individual notification forcer- has developed under guidelines developed by tain high risk experiments (27). the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Regula- Sweden established a special commission in tion of agricultural biotechnology is expected 1984 to study whether tighter regulations to become more important as the number of were needed for recombinant DNA research. permits for research and production increase The advisory committee recommended that (21). existing occupational health and environ-


recent poll indicates that a large majority of Where opposition has been minimal, companies Americans (82 percent) approve of small-scale ex- and individual researchers have generally in- perimental tests of genetically engineered organ- formed governmental and citizens’ groups about isms for environmental applications. Most people their scientific goals and objectives, the degree approve of such applications for a variety of pur- of regulatory review of the experiment, safety con- poses, and a majority appear willing to accept rela- siderations, and the economic impact of such ex- tively high levels of risk to the environment in periments on the local economy. exchange for the potential benefits that might be derived from environmental applications of ge- Factors specific to individual cases may affect netically engineered organisms. the degree of public support or opposition to a proposed field test. Genetically altered micro- The experiences of local communities illustrate organisms, for example, have elicited more pub- the varying degrees of local support for fieldtests lic concern than proposed field tests of plants. The of genetically altered plants, animals, and micro- extent of local support or opposition may also de- organisms. In several instances, local opposition pend on the degree to which a proposed field test thwarted or delayed proposed field tests. In other is perceived as a first (e.g., the first release of a communities opposition was minimal. Opponents microorganism, first application under TSCA, first of proposed field tests have relied on State envi- release in a particular State). ronmental laws, local laws (e.g., zoning laws, county ordinances), political pressure (e.g., peti- The development of recombinant DNA tech- tion drives, public meetings), and even physical niques during the 1970s led to self-regulation by sabotage of test sites to achieve their objectives. scientists and, later, regulation by the Federal Gov- 67 ernment, The Coordinated Framework for Regu- termining jurisdiction when regulatory oversight lation of Biotechnology, published by the White or review is to be performed by more than one House Office of Science and Technology in 1986, Federal agency; balancing technology promotion describes a comprehensive Federal regulatory pol- and regulation; establishing consistent penalties icy to ensure the safety of biotechnology research for violators; resolving potential challenges to the and products. Several challenges face regulators legality, applicability, and scope of current stat- as they adjust to the new Framework: defining utes; balancing technology promotion and regu- key terms; balancing risks and benefits of the new lation; establishing consistent penalties for viola- technology; maintaining a favorable economic cli- tons; resolving potential jurisdictional conflicts be- mate for research and product development; as- tween Federal, State, and local governments; and suring that regulation of one type of product does assessing public opinion. not hinder development of other products; de-


1. Anderson, I., New Scientist 14(1563):32, 1987. et al., 637 F. Supp.25 (D.D.C. 1986). 2. Bishop, D., “UK Release of Genetically Marked Vi- 15. Glass, D.J., Director, Patents and Regulatory Affairs, rus, ” ATature 323(6088):496, 1986. BioTechnica International, Inc., Cambridge, MA, 3. Buhner, B., Program Coordinator, Sierra Club, Cen- persona] communication, Sept. 16, 1987. tral Mississippi Chapter, Jackson, MS, personal com- 16. Grigera, P. R., et. al, “Wistar’s Export to Argentina, ” munication, May 6, 1987. Nature 324(6098 ]:610, 1986. 4. Bureau of National Affairs, U.S. Environmental 17. Harlow, R. E., “The EPA and Biotechnology Regula- Laws (YVashington, DC: Bureau of National Affairs, tion: Coping with Regulatory Uncertainty,” The Yale 1986). Law Journal 95:533, 1986. 5. Carpenter, W. D., Vice President, Technology, Mon- 18. Hyer, W .C., Managing Director, Association of Bio- santo Agricultural Co., St. Louis, MO, personal com- technology Companies, Washington, DC, personal munication, June 10, 1987. communication, Mar. 24, 1987. 6. “Cheating at the Outer Edge, ” Los Angeles Times, 19. Hyer, W.C., “On Managing Biotechnology,” iVew Nov. 14, 1986. York Times, Sept. 28, 1986. 7. Commission of the European Communities, Com- 20. Iles, A., “Public Understanding as a Key to Com- munication from the Commission to the Council: mercial Success, ” Biotechnology 5(8):856, 1987. A Community Framework for the Regulation of Bio- 21. McCormick, D., “Japan: Co-ordinated Action,” technology (Brussels, Nov. 4, 1987). Biotechnology 5(12):1279, December 1987. 8. Committee of Inquiry of the loth Bundestag on the 22. Meeusen, R. L., Manager, Agricultural Biotechnol- Opportunities and Risks of Gene Technology, Gene ogy, Rohm & Haas Co., Springhouse, PA, personal Technology: Opportunities and Risks (Bonn, 1987). communication, Apr. 23, 1987. 9. Conzelman, C., and Claveloux D., “Europe Fails To 23. Newmark, P., “Discord and Harmony in Europe, ” Agree on Biotech Rules)” New Scientist 111(1516): Bio/Technology 5(12):1281, December 1987. 19-20, 1986. 24. Organization for Economic Cooperation and De- 10. Executive Office of the President, Office of Science velopment, “Recommendations of OECD’S Council and Technology Policy, “Coordinated Framework Concerning Safety Considerations for Applications for the Regulation of Biotechnology,” Federal Reg- of Recombinant DNA Organisms in Industry, Agri- ister 51:23301, 1986. culture, and the Environment (Paris, 1986). 11, Executive Office of the President, Office of Science 25. Slovic, P., “Perception of Risk,” Science 236:280- and Technology Policy, “Proposed Coordinated 285, 1987. Framework for the Regulation of Biotechnology, ” 26. State of California, Interagency Task Force on Bio- Federal Register 49:50856, 1984. technology, BiotechnoZo~ Permits and Regulations 12. Forster, H., Clerk of the Wisconsin Senate Agricul- (Sacramento, CA, 1986). ture, Health, and Human Services Committee, per- 27. Stewart, A., “U.K. Revises Rules on Gene Engineer- sonal communication, July 30, 1987. ing,” The Scientist 1(26):7, Nov. 30, 1987. 13. Foundation on Economic Trends v. Heckler, 587 28. Tangley, L., “New Biology in a New Era, ” Bioscience F.Supp 753 (D.C. 1984), 756 F.2d 143 (D.C. Cir 1985). 35(5):270, 1985. 14. Foundation on Economic Trends, et al. v. Thomas, 29. “Toying With Genes, and Argentina, ” New York 68

Times, Nov. 12, 1986. search Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules (NIH 30. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Guidelines) in the Conduct of Field Tests of a Pseu - New Developments in Biotechnology, 2: Public Per- dorabies Vaccine at Baylor College of Medicine ceptions of Biotechnology-A Background Paper, and/or Texas A&M University,” Oct. 9, 1986. OTA-BP-BA-45 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government 33. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Printing Office, May 1987). Public Affairs, Environmental News, “EPA Restricts 31. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Further Genetic Experimentation by Montana National Institutes of Health, Guidelines for Re- Professor,” Aug. 27, 1987. search Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules, May 34. U.S. News & world Report, Aug. 31, 1987, p. 10. 1986. 35. Whitehead, C., “Controlling the Risk to Health and 32. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Environment From Biotechnology-What Is the National Institutes of Health, “Report of Commit- European Community Doing?” Trends in Biotech- tee Established to Review Allegations of Violations nology 5(40):123, 1987. of National Institutes of Health Guidelines for Re- Chapter 4

Genetic Considerations

[quote originally printed here not legible in scanned document] . .


What is Known About Horizontal Transfer of Genes? ...... 71 What Genetic Considerations Should Be Evaluated in Planned Introductions?. . . 72 Predicting the Potential Impacts of Horizontal Transfer . . . . 72 Intrinsic Factors ...... + ...... 73 Extrinsic Factors ...... 75 Technologies To Monitor Horizontal Gene Transfer ...... 77 Selective Screening Methods ...... 77 Biochemical Screening Methods...... 78 Technologies To Prevent or Reduce Horizontal Gene Transfer 79 Debilitated Host Organisms ...... 79 Disarmed or Nonmobile Vectors ...... 80 Summary and Conclusions ...... 80 Chapter 4 References...... 81 , . I Figure 1 1 Page

I 4-1. Luminescence From a Tobacco Plant Containing the Firefly Luciferase Geme ...... 78

Table Page Introductions . “.* . ....**.*. 72 4-1. -.- Genetic Factors To Evaluate in Planned Chapter 4 Genetic Considerations

The safety questions raised by the planned in- it is the transmission of genetic material from one troduction of genetically engineered organisms contemporaneous bacterial cell to another, by any are not unique to such organisms. Yet the intro- of several means. OTA assumes that genetic ma- duction of these organisms raises some safety terial introduced into a host in which it does not questions that are quite different from the ques- naturally occur has some finite probability of tions of physical containment on which previous migrating to a nontarget organism. What is that discussions of the safety of recombinant DNA re- probability? How can the movement of the genetic search have focused. And though the intimate in- material be observed? What are the potential con- terplay between the genes of an organism and sequences of horizontal gene transfer? And what the environmental parameters that govern the steps can be taken that would limit the frequency way the genes are expressed makes most separa- or mitigate the potentially adverse consequences tions of genetic and environmental factors diffi- of horizontal transfer? cult, such divisions make the issues easier to ex- An OTA workshop, convened in collaboration amine. This chapter focuses primarily on genetic with the National Science Foundation, examined issues, particularly as they relate to the potential these and other questions surrounding genetic is- for movement of engineered genetic material be- sues in the planned introduction of genetically yond the intended host. Most genetic factors are altered organisms. This chapter summarizes some either important primarily as they relate to this of the factors that could influence the frequency potential, or are more clearly relevant in an eco- of horizontal gene transfer after the planned in- logical context, and are thus discussed in chapter 5. troduction of recombinant organisms and exam- The migration of genetic material, or horizon- ines technologies designed to affect horizontal tal transfer, is the passage of genetic material transfer. Most of this chapter is relevant primar- from one organism to another through a mech- ily to microbes and much less relevant to higher anism not involving specialized reproductive organisms such as plants or animals, unless cells (i.e., nonsexual gene transfer). In bacteria, specified.


Genetic material probably does not often move plants has not been well studied, and no conclu- across large evolutionary distances, between sive data exist to indicate that it occurs in nature. organisms only remotely related. When gene But nonsexual genetic exchange involving the in- transfer does occur, it appears to take place via sertion of bacterial material into plants is well doc- a limited number of mechanisms. Different types umented. Gene transfer has been investigated and of organisms, such as bacteria and plants, share described in invertebrate systems, particularly in- some mechanisms for genetic transfer, while other sects. Evidence from the evolutionary record sug- mechanisms are specific or unique to particular gests that some rare horizontal transmission of organisms (2,14,15). genetic material has occurred between mam- malian species. Although there is no firm evidence The different types and mechanical details of that genes are passing back and forth between gene transfer have been discovered and examined diverse groups of organisms, there are instances primarily in controlled laboratory situations. Gene that warrant further investigation. transfer between bacteria under laboratory con- ditions has been widely described, and there is Although several specific systems of genetic evidence that transfer in natural ecosystems (e.g., transfer have been studied, they probably repre- in soil, in aquatic systems, or on plant surfaces) sent only a subset of what actually occurs in na- does occur (12). Horizontal transfer between ture. In fact, since these systems have been 71 72 selected for intensive research because of their ● What are the genetic and environmental con- ease of handling, the likelihood of producing rapid ditions under which novel information could results, and their accessibility to existing research be incorporated into a foreign genome and methodologies, their role in horizontal gene trans- subsequently expressed? fer in nature maybe overestimated. Indeed, many ● Do populations of organisms limit incursion barriers to gene transfer exist in natural systems. of new genetic material, and if they do, by Thus, many questions remain to be answered what means? about gene transfer outside the laboratory, in- cluding: ● How extensively do the gene transfer mech- anisms observed in the laboratory operate in nature?


The planned introduction of a genetically engi- the same token, a significant probability of bene- neered organism raises three issues of immedi- fit could offset all or part of any potential risk. ate concern. First, if gene transfer does occur, Many factors influence the magnitude, fre- will the new genetic information be maintained quency, stability, and effects of horizontal gene and expressed? Second, what is the potential ex- transfer to nontarget organisms. Identifying these tent of horizontal transfer of manipulated genetic factors is necessary if scientists, corporate ad- material? And third, if the modified organism, or ministrators, and government regulators are to the inserted DNA it contains, moves beyond the evaluate environmental applications of genetically point of introduction, how will it affect the sur- engineered organisms. Table 4-1 lists the minimum rounding populations or communities of plants, factors that must be considered, which are dis- animals, and microbes? This issue, regarding eco- cussed in the next section. logical considerations, is discussed in chapter 5. The first two questions, of horizontal transfer and Predicting the Potential Effects expression, are considered here. of Horizontal Transfer Some commentators have maintained that if the gene in question will not move to other organ- Can generic rules be discovered that would help isms then there is no need to worry about poten- distinguish a condition of low probability of hori- tial consequences of its introduction. others main- tain that if the modified organism or gene of Table 4-1.—Some Genetic Factors To Evaluate in Planned Introductions interest would not cause problems even if it moved, then the exercise of estimating transfer Possible method of probability is unnecessary. Both issues should be manipulation Factor addressed in assessing potential consequences of Organism choice or design Gene Vector a proposed introduction experiment (see ch. 6), Construct although in some cases not enough is known about Host organism the life histories of organisms that could be in- Recipient organism volved to make such hazard estimates possible. Population manipulation Survival of released organisms But a very low probability of transfer multiplied Population density of host by a moderate probability of expression and resul- Other means Presence of potential nontarget organisms Density of potential nontarget organisms tant hazard if transfer occurs is a different situa- Selection pressure tion than if both probabilities are very low. By SOURCE” Office of Technology Assessmnl, 1988 73 zontal gene transfer from one of high probabil- Intrinsic Factors ity? What types of accessible information yield The impact of intrinsic factors on horizontal likely estimates of the magnitudes of horizontal gene transfer cannot be measured by simple gene transfer? These questions are difficult to an- descriptive information about the host, gene, vec- swer with precision. tor, and construct. A number of principles help An analysis of the magnitude of horizontal explain and predict the behavior of genes. Before gene transfer must include at least two com- estimating the frequency of horizontal transfer ponents: in a system, the natural histories of each compo- nent must be understood. The information should Ž an estimate of the frequency of gene trans- include, but not be limited to, how the gene is fer from introduced to nontarget organisms, expressed in different environments, both genetic and and ecological; the behavior of the vector in differ- Ž an estimate of the genetic distance between ent hosts; and the different life stages, if any, of the original organism and the nontarget the host. species. The consideration of both intrinsic and extrin- Host sic factors can help assess the likely extent of hori- zontal gene transfer. Intrinsic factors, which are It is important that the micro-organism, virus, elements of molecular biology, include: fungus, plant, or animal used as the host be well understood, and its life cycle well studied. Per- ● the host organism used in the application haps most important, the mechanism(s) by which (e.g., plant or micro-organism); the organism transfers genetic material in the lab- ● the gene being manipulated (e.g., gene con- oratory should be identified. For instance, one ferring pesticide resistance or ice-nucleating class of bacteria (called gram-negative) usually uses activity); plasmids or phages to facilitate genetic exchange. ● the vector introducing the gene into the host Another class (gram-positive) uses the direct ex- organism (e.g., a plasmid or virus); and change of DNA segments as an important mecha- ● the construct, or final configuration of the nism of gene transfer. new genetic material within the host organ- ism, which will govern expression and sta- Although the bacterium Escherichia coli is well bility of the gene product. understood, less is known about genetic exchange by bacteria outside the laboratory, especially in Extrinsic factors, which are elements of ecology, soil. In some instances, nondebilitated bacteria are include: being developed for planned introductions despite the survival of the released host organism, the paucity of information on host survival, the presence of potential nontarget recipi- genetics, and population structure. Some of these ents of the gene and the evolutionary rela- organisms may survive and function for long tionship between the host and potential non- periods in their new environment (13). Without target organisms, a well-developed natural history of host organ- the population densities of the engineered isms, it is impossible to evaluate the genetic host and the potential nontarget recipients and ecological implications of a planned intro- in the environment, and duction. Substantial experience with past the selection pressures to maintain the new microbial introductions indicates, however, that gene in either population. even when introduced bacteria survive, they do not come to dominate the host community, By influencing the magnitude of horizontal gene transfer, these extrinsic factors become integral The presence of cryptic genetic material (e.g., to any examination of genetic considerations of cryptic plasmids) is a host characteristic that environmental release. merits special consideration. Cryptic genetic ma- - — .-


genetic material could provide the mechanism for an engineered gene to be transferred from the host to a nontarget organism. This possibility makes it important that the life history of the

of bacteria-carrying cryptic plasmids, at least in situations where it is imperative to avoid the pos- sibility of gene transfer. On the other hand, the natural histories of many host organisms are well known. One such host is Pseudomonas fluorescent. Scientists have pro- posed using this bacterium, altered to carry the delta-endotoxin gene from Bacillus thuringiensis, to protect corn roots from the black cutworm. The toxin kills the cutworm that feeds on the corn — rootlets. The P. fluorescent host was chosen be- cause it has been well studied and is easily identi- fied. Since the toxin gene has been inserted into a new host organism, however, the probability and frequency of the gene being transferred out of the engineered Pseudomonas is a valid ques- tion. Do the mechanisms that 13. thuringiensis uses @ 1986 by Sydney Harris, American Scientist Magazine to exchange genetic material differ from those of “There is no problem. Any damage caused by the P. fluorescent? Is the frequency of gene transfer nuclear accident can easily be remedied by genetic different between the two, or do they typically engineering. ” exchange genes with the same or different spe- cies? Do restriction enzyme systems in potential terial appears to have no assigned function and nontarget recipients reduce the probability of is often assumed to be inactive. But its function transfer of intact DNA? Host-related questions may depend on environmentally induced stimuli, such as these may be important in assessing a condition that could make it appear nonfunc- genetic considerations of planned introductions. I tional in the laboratory. A gene on a cryptic plas- I mid, for example, might be expressed only under Gene starvation conditions, a common condition of bac- Ideally, planned introduction experiments would teria in nature but not in the laboratory. involve genes that have a well-understood natu- One species of Yersinia provides an example of ral history as well as host organisms that have differential gene expression. This bacterium car- been studied thoroughly. An extensive natural his- ries a plasmid that produces four or five impor- tory would help determine whether potential new tant gene products only when the organism is interactions between the gene and the environ- growing within its natural environment. Another ment could result from the gene’s presence in a example can be seen in the difference between new host microenvironment. How specific should E. coli in the test tube and in its natural habitat, or could applications for approval of planned in- the gut. Some E. coli plasmids code for adhesion troduction field tests be about gene-environment factors that allow the bacterium to colonize the interactions? Can any novel expression of pheno- gut. These plasmids are expressed only when the type occur? Unfortunately, these questions are bacterium is in the gut. Thus, genetic material that impossible to answer, because they require sci- appears to be cryptic in the laboratory could have entists to predict and quantify the occurrence of important functions in nature. So it is theoreti- rare and idiosyncratic events. Only gradually in- cally possible that a seemingly dormant piece of creasing experience will start to provide answers. 75

Again, the toxin gene of B. thuringiensis is a good struction that decreases the probability of hori- example of a gene from an organism with a well- zontal gene transfer. characterized natural history (l). The naturally The transfer of a deletion—in this case, essen- occurring bacterium and derived materials have tially a missing gene—to a nontarget organism can- been used for decades. They are now available not impart a new capability to the recipient in the in over 410 different products, in 13 formulations same way that acquiring a novel structural gene (e.g., powder, pellet, or solution) to apply the toxin can, as in the case of the B. thuringiensis toxin in garden, agricultural, and forestry settings (6). gene. So even if the altered genetic material is In many areas containers of B. thuringiensis spores transferred beyond the host, it cannot add to the can be purchased at garden stores. Tons of the nontarget recipients the ability to produce a new bacterium have been applied to agricultural and gene product. Deletions can, however, alter the forestry lands. Despite intensive searching, sci- relationships of the host species to other organ- entists have unearthed no evidence to date that isms with which it interacts, a change that could either the endotoxin gene has escaped from the be important under some circumstances. Bacillus and been expressed in other microbes, or that the toxin from this strain (var. kurstaki) Extrinsic Factors has any effect on organisms other than Lepidop- tera and closely related insects. The extrinsic factors that strongly influence the likelihood and magnitude of horizontal gene trans- Vector fer are an integral part of the environment into which the engineered organism is introduced. The Vectors are the means by which genetic mate- expression of the trait, the intended environment, rial is shuttled between organisms. Just as it is and other environments that the engineered necessary to have a well-characterized host and organisms could encounter must be analyzed for gene, it is important to use a vector with well un- their possible impact. derstood characteristics. Important factors include the vector’s ability independently to initiate or sus- Survival tain horizontal gene transfer, its need for outside help to move information, and its degree of mo- A key determinant of potential horizontal trans- bility or the extent of its host range. fer is the ability of the introduced organism to establish and reproduce itself in its new habitat, and to stably express the engineered trait, Un- Construct fortunately, little information exists on the poten- An important factor affecting the probability tial survival, establishment, growth, and subse- that an inserted gene might move from an altered quent genetic transfer ability of engineered host to a nontarget organism is the final configu- organisms placed as competitors to indigenous ration of the new gene in the host—i.e., the DNA organisms in a natural environment (13), though structure at the site of gene insertion. For instance, most evidence suggests survival is most likely to inserting a gene into a chromosome minimizes be diminished. Laboratory conditions are artifi- subsequent gene movement, especially compared cial and differ significantly from those encoun- with inserting it into a plasmid. The source of the tered by organisms in their native habitat. For ex- regulatory sequences controlling expression of the ample, the mean generation time for many inserted material is also important and plays a ma- bacteria in soil is about six months (although this jor role in limiting the field of potential nontarget figure varies widely for different soil organisms recipients. and with the season), compared to one hour or less under laboratory conditions. The time of year Genetically engineered “ice-minus” bacteria also and the local qualities of individual introduction illustrate the importance of construct to the likeli- sites could also affect survival significantly. hood of horizontal gene transfer. This bacterium is created by removing a gene found naturally in In one experiment, naturally occurring P. Pseudomonas, Erwinia, and other bacteria, a con- fluorescent were isolated from corn roots and 76

given genetic markers to allow them to be detected According to laboratory research with bacterial at a later time. The organisms were then reinocu- systems, the rate of transmission seems to be lated onto the corn roots at a moderate density. proportional to the product of the densities of the During the following growing season it was diffi- donors and recipients. cult and in some cases impossible to re-isolate the In the case of micro-organisms, it appears that marked organisms, Thus, a soil system (and per- the numbers of naturally occurring nontarget re- haps other natural habitats) might not contain cipients in the environment (e.g., in soil or water) enough nutrients to allow measurable survival of are low-considerably lower than the concentra- laboratory-adapted microorganisms. Certainly for tions necessary for efficient gene transfer in the genetically engineered micro-organisms (and per- laboratory. For instance, among organisms that haps other organisms), the problem will likely be are well studied, the number of naturally occur- less one of persistence and gene transfer than of ring organisms in fertile soil is normally at least survival to perform the job for which they were an order of magnitude lower than concentrations designed. of bacteria necessary for horizontal transfer in the laboratory. t Potential Nontarget Recipients Density can also be affected by the method used For horizontal gene transfer to take place, a com- to introduce an engineered organism. Addition- patible recipient must be available. The most likely ally, the timing of the planned introduction can recipient is an organism genetically similar to the affect the density of both the engineered organ- engineered host. The probability of transfer gen- ism and potential nontarget recipients. But keep- erally declines as evolutionary relatedness de- ing introduction densities low to avoid gene trans- creases. Restriction enzyme systems that degrade fer may not be consistent with an effective evolutionarily unrelated “foreign” DNA are com- introduction, since high initial density and sur- mon among bacteria. vival may be required for efficacy. Information about the natural history of poten- tial nontarget organisms in the environment, how- Selection Pressure ever, is scarce—less than for laboratory-engineered The probability that new genetic material will organisms. In the case of bacteria for agricultural persist, be expressed, and increase in frequency applications, potential microbial recipients in soil in nontarget populations if transmitted is at least are of interest. Yet only about 10 percent of the as important as the probability of horizontal gene 1 microbial species in soil can even be cultured in transfer itself. Selection pressure is the major de- the laboratory. terminant. A low probability of positive selection I Horizontal transfer of genetic material between —i.e., little likelihood of the persistence of the new higher organisms is less likely than that between material—is usually the desirable outcome. simpler ones. However, gene transfer via sexual Selection pressure is determined by a combi- recombination among these organisms could be nation of factors, including the trait encoded by an important problem. In particular, genetic move- the engineered gene, the potential recipients, and ment via natural sexual transfer from crop plants the value of the trait in the introduction environ- (e.g., engineered to be herbicide resistant) to re- ment. Because environmental conditions are gen- lated weedy species could occur. Such problems erally harsh and stringent (e.g., inadequate nu- are neither new nor unique to engineered plants, trients for growth, and suboptimum temperature however (see ch. 5), and the processes involved conditions), selection pressure is crucial. Under are understood. usual conditions (i.e., the gene product does not confer a selective advantage), even a moderate Density amount of new DNA assimilated by an indigenous Important factors affecting the magnitude of soil or water microorganism may impose enough horizontal gene transfer are the absolute densi- of an energy drain that the organism will be ties of the introduced and recipient organisms. selected against in competition with others that 77 do not carry additional DNA. However, different problems that can occur when genes are horizon- introductions will vary with respect to the im- tally transferred, it is important to realize that portant selection pressures, and they must be intense selection pressure exerted by indiscrimi- evaluated separately. nate and subtherapeutic antibiotic use, especially in foreign countries, was probably the overwhelm- Even a low horizontal transfer rate can estab- ing cause of this phenomenon. The development lish the trait in a new species if assisted by strong of penicillin resistance by gonococcus illustrates selection pressures. Although some individuals the power of selection pressure to overcome such point to the rapid spread of antibiotic resistance seeming obstacles as low rate of transfer. in gonococcus as an example of the widespread


Beyond the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that in the environment, either to the host organism could affect the magnitude of horizontal gene or nontarget recipients, should be avoided if pos- transfer in environmental applications, it is im- sible, and carefully evaluated when used. One portant to examine risk management methods that study concluded that “it is essential to choose an- could be used to monitor both the dispersal of tibiotics which are not in use in humans or ani- altered organisms and the movement of genetic mals, since resistance to clinically useful antibi- material. Because proposals to introduce geneti- otics is a major public health problem” (10). The cally engineered organisms are still new, detec- example of penicillin-resistant gonococcus, cited tion or tracking methods are not highly developed. earlier, underscores this point. But even the large- Experience (e.g., with past introductions of rhi- scale introduction into the environment of genes zobial or plant pathogenic bacteria) suggests that for resistance to nontherapeutic antibiotics should although such tracking methods will be needed be carefully evaluated. Some resistance genes in the future, their current level of development could mutate to counter whole families of related presents more inconvenience than danger. antibiotics. The kanamycin resistance gene, for example, could acquire the ability to neutralize An important distinction in monitoring is the newer antibiotics derived from streptomycin. difference between tracking the organism and tracking the gene or construct of interest that the Some individuals, however, argue that the in- organism carries. Improved methods to do both troduction of resistance genesis unlikely to cause have been identified as one of the major unmet problems, especially inland applications. The argu- research needs in this area (see ch. 6). Some track- ment is based on two considerations, both involv- ing technologies are now available. ing micro-organisms. First, many resistance genes are already present in soil micro-organisms. In Selective Screening Methods fact, this background of resistance could hinder tracking efforts, a problem that will almost cer- One tracking method is based on the ability of tainly require the use of multiple selective mar- researchers to mark a host organism’s chromo- kers. Second, studies of root ecology have long some with genetic characteristics, such as antibi- involved the use of antibiotic resistance with no otic resistance genes or nutritional markers, that apparent adverse effects. will confer an advantage to the organism when Technologies using selective methods to track placed under specific conditions in the laboratory. the genetically engineered gene itself are under These selective methods, principally used with development and promising approaches have been micro-organisms, increase the probability that an designed. The antibiotic resistance strategy puts investigator can isolate the test organism from the a resistance marker near the gene of interest. The environment if it has persisted. antibiotic could be used to recover any cells con- While useful in the laboratory, markers that taining the resistance gene. In most cases, the gene could confer an unintended selective advantage of interest—the inserted gene—would travel with 78 the antibiotic resistance marker. So obtaining and Research projects based on the gene probe con- quantifying cells that are antibiotic-resistant would cept are now being funded by the Environmental allow the measuring of horizontal gene transfer Protection Agency. The general applicability of to nontarget species. Another approach avoids the biochemical monitoring appears promising. In the use of antibiotics and employs a metabolic marker case of soil micro-organisms, extracted DNA must such as lac, which brings the capacity for metab- be purified sufficiently to meet laboratory condi- olism of lactose, as a convenient, innocuous, but tions for the test to be accurate. In water applica- effective tracer gene. The km gene is inserted close tions, enormous volumes of water often must be to the gene of interest so that it may serve as a processed to obtain test samples. linked marker. A related biochemical tracking method uses the luciferase gene cloned from fireflies. This gene Biochemical Screening Methods codes for a light-emitting protein, luciferin, and A different approach to the tracking problem has been inserted into plants and cultured plant employs gene probes constructed through recom- cells that now “glow in the dark.” Although the binant DNA technology. A segment of DNA that presence of the luciferase gene can be detected is complementary to the gene, or DNA sequence, through the probe methods just described, it can of interest serves as the probe. The segment is also be detected easily through image intensify- labeled with radioactivity, a specific dye, or other ing video equipment or by contact exposure to tag that can be easily detected in the laboratory. photographic or x-ray film (see figure 4-1) (11). A sensitive method, this gene probe technique may identify both host and nontarget recipients of la- Figure 4-l.— Luminescence From a Tobacco Plant Containing the Firefly Luciferase Gene beled material. Similarly precise identification is also possible with antibody probe analyses derived from monoclinal antibody technology. To apply these methods to bacteria or viruses, the organisms would be isolated from the envi- ronment and their DNA extracted and tested with the specific gene or antibody probe. With plants, leaves and other parts would be obtained and their DNA extracted and tested with the probe in the laboratory. By binding to an organism’s DNA, the probe reveals that the organism carries the gene of interest. Such probes allow the detection of an inserted gene regardless of its position in the host’s or recipient’s genome. In contrast, the selective screening method just discussed becomes useless if the inserted gene becomes separated from a closely linked selection marker. One disadvantage of the gene probe is that it provides no means of discriminating between sam- ples that should be tested and those that should not. Everything that grows out of a sample (e.g., micro-organisms from the soil or a river, or plants from a wide area) must be screened. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, many native micro-orga- nisms cannot be cultured in the laboratory. Thus, these probe methods of tracking will probably be more useful to detect and monitor the presence of host organisms than to quantify horizontal gene SOURCE: D.W. Ow, K.V. Wood, M. DeLuca, J.R. deWet, D.R. Helinski, and S.H, transfer. Howell, Science 234:856-859, 1986. 79

Using the firefly gene as a marker could be a fast, the host organism, however, and its utility is there- easy, and useful method to track genetically engi - fore likely to be limited. neered organisms. It is very energy-intensive for


In addition to the technologies being developed ria and plasmids, have served as the starting point to track host organisms and genes, methods are in developing ways to prevent or reduce horizon- being developed that manipulate intrinsic factors tal gene transfer. so that introduced organisms have: . a lower probability of persisting after intro- Debilitated Host Organisms duction, The degree to which a host organism should . a lower probability of transferring genetic ma- be debilitated will, again, depend on its intended terial, or application. In the case of a bacterium that will ● both. be used to degrade a toxic chemical, it might be Methods to prevent or reduce horizontal gene prudent to use a self-destructing organism, since transfer are straightforward. The genetics and the bacterium only need persist as long as the pol- biochemistry of conjugal transfer have been well lutant is present. On the other hand, if the bac- studied. By mutagenesis or genetic engineering, terium were designed to protect a plant from an the capability for mobilizing DNA for transfer, and insect pest, the organism persistence in the soil the genes specifying the necessary cellular appa- might be desirable (but see ch. 5). ratus for the transfer, can be removed from a plas- One of the earliest attempts to construct a de- mid. The plasmid can be further debilitated so bilitated organism arose from the original ques- that it is only poorly mobilized in the presence tions surrounding the first uses of recombinant of another, potent plasmid. Such disabled plas- DNA technology. Although several studies had mids are not capable of detectable horizontal gene established that the organism initially used in re- transfer, and these disabled plasmids are com- combinant DNA experiments (E. coli K-12) did not monly used at present in genetic engineering in colonize the human intestinal tract (even after in- bacteria. gestion of billions of organisms by volunteers), a Although the application of disabling methods severely crippled strain of E. coli K-12, designated 1776 may be an important component of planned in- x , was developed. This further debilitated troductions of genetically engineered organisms, derivative was, however, quite difficult to work the specific type of organism involved must be with even in the laboratory. With experience, the considered. Even the most active plant vectors, original K-12 strain has proved to be an extremely for example, probably have a lower likelihood of successful and effective form of biological con- horizontal transfer than the least active bacterial tainment. The use of debilitated organisms in field vectors. Furthermore, it appears that genetically tests, however, might compromise the value of altered organisms that derive their utility by be- the test, and therefore may not be a generally ing deprived of a trait (i.e., a deletion) are less likely desirable approach. to be able to produce problems via gene transfer, Another approach sometimes suggested for re- although this might not always be the case (3,9). ducing the chance of gene movement is to engi- Experience in working with recombinant DNA neer restriction systems, common defense systems organisms in the laboratory provides some exam- in naturally occurring bacteria, into a host bac- ples of success in restricting unintended gene terium. Restriction enzymes degrade unprotected movement by disarmament measures, These ap- DNA, so that foreign DNA from a donor is unable proaches, specifically the use of crippled bacte- to infect the host. They are common enough in 80

natural populations of bacteria that they can be reduce or eliminate the use of mobile transfer ele- expected to play a significant role in deterring the ments in engineered organisms. Since some vec- transfer of genes from introduced engineered tors are clearly more mobile than others, using organisms. In addition, such naturally occurring disarmed versions of these vectors, or avoiding restriction systems might be adapted to help in- their use entirely, would reduce the probability hibit transfer of the inserted gene out of the engi- of horizontal gene transfer. neered host, or otherwise limit its function or per- A disarmed vector (a transposable element) was sistence. At present, such systems are not well the approach used in the insertion of the toxin developed, but they hold substantial promise. gene into P. fluorescent. This technique appears to be successful, and the application to field test Disarmed or Nonmobile Vectors the organism is pending. Experiments show that In addition to engineering crippled host organ- it is unlikely that the nonmobile transposon will isms, more stable vectors— those that would have be excised (7,8). I little probability of facilitating genetic movement Finally, an EPA research group is attempting —are being developed. In particular, efforts are to construct a “suicide” bacterium designed to per- focused on obtaining microbial and viral vectors sist in the environment only as long as it is needed. that are “escape-proof.” The organism is a bacterium that contains a vec- The concept of a debilitated host microorganism tor (in this case a plasmid) that will self destruct in the absence of the toxic substance it has been (e.g., E. coli K-12) was also applied to the develop- ment of a vector for that system. Plasmid pBR322 designed to clean up. A better name for this tech- was isolated and has been used as a vector for nique might be “suicide plasmid,” since the main transferring engineered genes in the laboratory. purpose is to destroy the vector DNA before it The plasmid is incapable of self-initiated transfer transfers to another host. Other groups are also and is also poorly mobilizable. It is therefore con- working on different means to similar ends (4). sidered safe; it has a low probability of being trans- However, the demonstrated ability of free DNA ferred to bacteria indigenous to natural habitats, to sometimes maintain its integrity in soil or water including the human gastrointestinal tract. Simi- creates a potential problem. If the cell were killed larly crippled vectors have been developed for use before the plasmid had self-destructed, and the in insects and for mammalian genetic engineering. plasmid with its inserted gene remained intact, Another precaution suggested by the gonococ- it is possible that the plasmid could enter another cal resistance example (see box A in ch. 1) is to cell. I


The planned introduction of genetically engi- applications . . . the cumulative probability of un- neered organisms (chiefly bacteria and plants) desirable effects resulting from repeated appli- stands as the next research step in the anticipated cations or frequent introductions must be con- biotechnological revolution. Although genetically sidered” (5). Another potentially important altered organisms isolated through traditional question about the planned introductions con- genetic methods have been widely used in the cerns the possibility that an introduced organism environment for decades, the prospect of wide- might transmit its novel genetic material to non- spread application of genetically engineered target hosts, resulting in unintended and possi- organisms has heightened the concern of some bly adverse consequences. that increased problems may arise. “The implica- tion for R-DNA-engineered organisms is that large- Most of what is known about horizontal gene scale or sustained applications might have con- movement has been discovered in laboratory sequences different from small-scale or single studies. Little information is available on how the 81 phenomenon occurs in nature. There appear to public and environment from any unintended con- be a limited number of gene transfer mechanisms; sequences of introducing altered organisms. Some research has revealed that different types of introductions merit closer scrutiny than others, organisms share some mechanisms for genetic. and OTA finds that evaluation of proposed ap- transfer. Genetic material is not generally thought plications to introduce into the environment to transfer across large evolutionary distances, genetically engineered organisms which are however, and there are numerous impediments believed to carry some element of risk should to gene transfer, even between closely related proceed on an adaptable, case-by-case basis, species. at least until knowledge has been accumulated to make more general reviews feasible. With an For regulators to assess the potential genetic im- adaptable, case-by-case review of such planned pact of an engineered application, several factors introductions, not only the current spectrum of must be evaluated for their effect on horizontal genetically engineered organisms, but kinds as yet gene transfer: intrinsic factors, such as the host unanticipated should be able to be tested in the organism, gene, vector, and construct, that are environment without unreasonable risks. The cur- elements of the molecular techniques used to cre- rent range of genetically engineered organisms ate the engineered organism; and various extrin- seems to have a low probability of creating prob- sic factors that are elements of ecology, includ- lems, particularly via the horizontal transfer of ing survival, potential nontarget recipients, genetic information to nontarget recipients. How- density, and selection pressure. Several methods ever, this does not mean there are no risks at all. can now be used not only to monitor survival of Careful regulation and enforcement can guard introduced organisms and genes, but also to re- against potential environmental or public health duce or prevent horizontal gene transfer. problems and protect the biotechnology indus- Generic factors that can serve as a framework try from the backlash and loss of credibility and for regulation can be described. Technological ad- confidence that a severe problem could pre- vances exist or are being developed to protect the cipitate.


1. Aronson, A. I., Beckman, W., and Dum, P., “Baciilus to Integrate the Bacillus thurin~”ensis 13elta- Thurin&”ensis and Related Insect Pathogens,” endotoxin Gene Into the Chromosome of Root-col- Microbiological Reviews 50:1-24, 1986. onizing I%eudomonads, ” Gene 51:91-96, 1987. 2. Dixon, B., En~”neered Organisms in the Environ- 8. Obukowicz, M. G., Perlak, F. J., Kusano-Kretzmer, ment.- Scientific Issues, Lay Summary (Washington, K., Mayer, et al., ‘(Tn5 Mediated Integration of the DC: American Society for Microbiology, 1985). Delta -Endotoxin Gene From Bacillus thuringiensis 3. Lindemann, J., Warren, G.J., and Suslow, T.V., “Ice- Into the Chromosome of Root Colonizing Pseu- Nucleating Bacteria, ” Science 231:536, 1986. domonades,” .Journa) of Bacteriology 168:982-989, 4. Molin, S., Klemm, P., Poulsen, L. K., et al., “Condi- 1986. tional Suicide System for Containment of Bacteria 9, Odum, E.P., “Biotechnology and the Biosphere)” Sci- and Plasmids, ” BioTechnolo~ 5:1315-18, 1987. ence 229:1338, 1985. 5. National Academy of Sciences, “Introduction of Re- 10. Omenn, G. S., “Controlled Testing and Monitoring combinant DNA-Engineered Organisms Into the Methods for Micro-organisms,” The Suitability and Environment: Key Issues” (Washington, DC: Na- Applicability of Risk Assessment Methods for Envi- tional Academy Press, 1987). ronmental Applications of Biotechnology, V.T. 6. National Pesticide Information Retrieval Service, Covello, and J.R. Fiksel (eds.) (Washington, DC: Na- ‘(Data Bank Search on Baci]]us thuringiensis Based tional Science Foundation, 1985). Pesticide Products, ” personal communication from 11. Ow, D. W,, Wood, K. V., DeLuca, M., et al., “Tran- James White to L.V. Giddings, OTA, Apr. 16, 1987. sient and Stable Expression of the Firefly Lucifer- 7. Obukowicz, M. G., Perlak, F. J., Bolten, S. L., et al., ase Gene in Plant Cells and Transgenic Plants, ” Sci- “IS050L as a Non-self Transposable Vector Used ence 234:856-859, 1986. 82

12. Shaw, P.D., "Plasmid“Plasmid Ecology, "’’l%nt-A4icrobe Plant-Microbe Inter- 14. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, actions—Molecular and Genetic Perspectives, T. Commercial Biotechnology: An International Anal-Anal· Kosuge and E. W. Nester leds.)(eds.) (New York, NY: Mac- ysis IElmsford,(Elmsford, NY: Pergamon Press, Inc., 1984). Millan Publishing Co., 1986). 15. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, 13.Stotzky,13. Stotzky, G., and Babich, H., “Fate of Genetically- Impacts of Applied Genetics: Micro ~rganisms,-organisms, Engineered Microbes in Natural Environments,’’Re- Plants, and Animals,Am”mals, OTA-HR-132 (Washington, DC: combinant DNA Technical Bulletin 7(4):163.188,7(4):163-188, U.S. Government Printing Office, April 1981). 1984. .i ctiapter is EcologicaIC".tderat;ions ~i~?ff)~:5~;': ' - .. ~~~i~." ~~:f~:----<;

"Ecology could easily provide an endless catalogue ofr8ason,for pever mtel1rerJill biosphere. What we should be doing is to insist on actequateecoJosical input into of release proposals, together with a determination to extend that knowledge by perience accumulates."

"Experts, except for those operating under the banner 01 .. duction of ecological questions into their problems.'~ " '.. , Garret HardL"'1 Filters Against Fony, p. 56 Penguin, New York, 1985

Chapter 5 Ecological Considerations

In 1987, a report by the National Academy of occurred, however, they might be felt at any Sciences stated “an urgent need for the scientific level—from the local population, through the com- community to provide guidance to both investi- munity and ecosystem, to fundamental ecologi- gators and regulators in evaluating planned in- cal processes—although the probability of such troductions of modified organisms from an eco- disruptions decreases as their severity increases. logical perspective” (39). This chapter incorporates A number of ecological questions are explored in such a perspective and focuses on a number of this chapter, including the relevance of experi- ecological issues relevant to the planned introduc- ence with introduced exotic organisms, the types tion of genetically engineered organisms into the of disruptions to natural populations that could environment. take place, and the potential for effects on eco- system processes of energy flow and nutrient cy- The major concern associated with planned in- cling. Review of the data bearing on these ques- troductions stems from the potential for problem- tions suggests that there is some reason to be atic ecological effects that are unintended or un- cautious, but no cause for alarm at the pros- foreseen. With appropriate regulatory oversight, pects of planned introductions of genetically such effects are unlikely to follow from any engineered organisms into the environment. planned introductions in the near future. If they


Studies of biogeography–the distributions of and that it is often important to separate the ef- plants and animals-demonstrate the presence in fects of planned introductions from those of ac- most modern environments of nonnative or ex- cidental introductions. Although no existing data- otic organisms that evolved elsewhere. The num- base provides all the information needed to ber of these exotic species (microbes, plants, and answer questions in this area, there are several animals) is large, as a result both of natural proc- different sources of relevant data. esses of dispersal and deliberate and accidental distribution aided by humans. No good data indi- Introductions of Exotic Species cate what proportion of introduced organisms has created ecological problems, although it is gener- A wide variety of reports have been published ally agreed to be small. Some scientists believe that on invasion or colonization by exotic species (16, experience with exotic species provides an exam- 17,23,37,57). Some of the most quantitative data ple of what might be expected from genetically available deal with insect introductions. One study engineered organisms in planned introductions, reveals an exponential increase in the number of and that “the history of introductions is a history insect species introduced into the area of the 48 of disasters that should not be forgotten lest it contiguous States from 1640 to 1977 (table 5-1) be repeated” (23). Others argue that the best guide (46). NO data are available on the number of po- is the experience with past introductions in agri- tential insect introductions that failed to become culture of organisms produced by hybridization established, but it is assumed to have been far and crossbreeding—a history of far more positive larger than the number that succeeded (46, 56). results, and one in which negative consequences Of the 1,379 species noted as having been suc- have been met with a variety of existing control cessfully introduced, some economic importance and mitigation strategies. They point out that all is assigned to 1,089 of them (79 percent). This per- major crops in the United States are exotic spe- centage is almost certain to be an overestimate cies introduced from other regions of the world, since insects with no economic impact draw scant

85 — -——_—


attention and may inadvertently be excluded from turbed. Most ecologists agree that successful in- the total of successful introductions. The economic troductions, while representing only a small por- significance of those introductions that were noted tion of the total usually have some effect on is further broken down in table 5-1. communities in the” host environment. One-fifth of the introductions studied had some Introductions into natural systems are most beneficial impact; another fifth had no significant often successful where the host system has been impact. Two-fifths (41 percent) of the successful previously disturbed (i.e., by human action or nat- introductions were of insects that turned out to ural catastrophe such as volcanic eruption, severe be minor pests. About one in five introductions storms, or floods) or is a “simple” or “disharmonic” had severe, negative consequences (17 percent). system such as those found on oceanic islands. The majority of these negative effects were un- Introductions with the most serious consequences expected, because no such impacts were known usually involve host systems or organisms that in the introduced species home ranges; the new meet one or more of the following criteria (45): environment apparently lacked constraints that ● Environments lacking potential preda= operated in the original areas, If more had been I known about the life histories of these insects, tors, natural competitors, or similar checks are vulnerable to disruption. Known exam- the kind of effects that followed their introduc- ples of such disruption include herbivores tion to the new environment might have been an- ticipated. (e.g., goats) introduced to islands, or gener- alist organisms that feed or prey from high I One review of the history of plant and animal positions in a food chain, and are thus un- introductions (57) concluded that in nearly 80 per- likely to be checked by predation themselves cent of the cases examined (678 of 854), introduced (e.g., mongooses, rats, or cats). species had “no effect whatsoever on species in ● Ecological generalists, or species that can the resident community, or on the structure and exploit a variety of resources for differing re- function of the community.” Other, more critical quirements during their life cycles, are par- reviews of the same primary data dispute this con- ticularly capable of invading and colonizing. clusion, attributing it to a peculiar interpretation Examples include organisms that can produce and a restricted reading of the data (16,23). Al- offspring by laying eggs in many different though debate continues, the ecological literature substances, and predators or parasites that is replete with examples of communities perturbed can prey upon or parasitize a variety of prey by introductions, or of introductions invading and or hosts. ● I further disrupting environments previously dis- Disturbed communities, or relatively “sim- I ple” or genetically homogeneous communi- ties, are especially vulnerable to any invad- Table 5-1 .—Economic Significance of Insect Species ing species that might exploit available Introduced to the United States, 1640-1977 resources more effectively. Estimated total native insect fauna. . ..104,000 species These principles were abstracted from studies Total insect introductions of natural systems. Although they illustrate situ- (1 percent of native fauna) ...... 1,379 ations that are most likely to result in problems, Beneficial introductions: Deliberate...... 153 and therefore to be avoided where possible, their Accidental ...... 134 applicability to the majority of planned introduc- Total ...... 287 (20.80/o) tions is quite limited.

Economically unimportant introductions 290 (21.030/o) Introductions of Agrcultural Minor pests introduced ...... 566 (41.04°/0) Important pests introduced: Varieties Expected to be pests...... 80 (5.80/o) Not expected to be pests ...... 156 (11.310/0) Most of the introductions of genetically engi- Total ...... 236 (17.1 1 0/0) neered organisms planned for the foreseeable fu- SOURCE. R I Sailer. “Our Immiarant Insect Fauna.” ESA Bu//etin 24:3-11, 1978. ture are intended for agricultural settings. In such 87 systems—with a long history of introductions of of a completely new genome in a novel environ- new crop cultivars, animal varieties in husbandry, ment (see table 5-2). The small number of genes and microbes either for biocontrol of plant path- changed in most planned introductions should not ogens or inocculants for nitrogen fixation—a sig- be overinterpreted as grounds for reassurance, nificant body of experience exists that is more however, because in some cases single gene directly relevant, with better developed control changes are known to have affected the virulence measures available, than is the case for introduc- or host range of a parasite or pathogen (22)28) tions of exotic species. 32,56). Although this is of concern, such changes are not common, and engineered organisms are The Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. no more likely than nonengineered organisms to Department of Agriculture (USDA) maintains a be susceptible to them. Indeed, recombinant DNA Plant Introduction Office that compiles data on techniques enable engineered organisms to be all plant material brought into the United States. changed from parental strains with respect to the Since its inception in 1898, the office has recorded genes controlling only one trait at a time. They over 500 000 different plant samples (species and ) are therefore likely to differ from parental strains varieties). From 1982 to 1986, an average of 8,270 less, and more precisely, than new varieties or new accessions per year were added to USDA cultivars produced by historical methods of records (65). Over 90 percent of these were of hybridization and crossbreeding. This should per- foreign origin, and the majority (over 80 percent) mit a quicker understanding of any such shifts had no measurable environmental or economic in host range or virulence affecting engineered impact, About 10 percent of the introductions organisms than was possible before, permitting have proven to be valuable crops. A small num- in turn the earlier application of mitigation or con- ber have become serious pests, such as Johnson trol measures. grass, water hyacinth, and veronica. Agricultural introductions of plants are suscep- The introduction of selected microbes for agri- tible to a variety of control measures, such as her- cultural purposes has been carried out for nearly bicides, tilling, or crop rotation, in cases where a century (18,31). Substantial literature exists on field performance is not acceptable. A plant is not the ecology of microbial plant pathogens and their likely to escape, and the propensities for hybridi- introduction for biological control purposes (5,24, zation with adjacent weedy species are well 48,62,64,67). Although uncertainties remain, this known (10), easily reviewed, and often subject to experience gives good reason to expect that existing methods of mitigation and control (7,8). planned introductions of genetically engineered microbes can be carried out safely. Genetically engineered agricultural organisms are more likely to differ from parental strains in All this does not mean, however, that there will only one or a few genes, and to be introduced be no problems with planned introductions of ge- into a familiar environment, than they are to re- netically engineered organisms. Indeed, in the long semble introduced exotics, which usually consist term (10 to 50 years), unforeseen ecological con-

Table 5-2.—A Comparison of Genetically Engineered Organisms and Exotic Species

Characteristics Exotic organisma Engineered organismb No. of genes introduced 4,000 to >20,000 1 to 10 Evolutionary tuning All genes have evolved to Organism has several genes it work together in a single may never have had before, package Most likely to impose a cost or burden. Relationship of organism Foreign Familiar, with possible to receiving environment exception of new genes a“Exotic organism“ is used here to mean one new to the habitat. b“Engineered organism” is Used here to mean a slightly modified (usually, but not alwaYs Via recombinant DNA techniques) form of an organism already present in the habitat, SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 19S8. 88

sequences of using recombinant organisms in agri- regulatory approaches or more stringent culture are not only likely, they are probably review. inevitable. But it is crucial to put this into per- In summary, for the majority of planned intro- spective: It is difficult to describe a credible sce- ductions of genetically engineered organisms pres- nario that will lead to a problem that is differ- ently being contemplated, the experience with ent in kind from the problems created by, and new agricultural varieties is a better model of grappled with, in past agricultural practicees. what can be expected than is experience from And while the adequacy of current regulatory introduced exotic species. While there are policies in dealing with existing agricultural prac- grounds for caution, at least in the near term tice may deserve examination, planned introduc- this experience offers more reason to be re- tions of genetically engineered organisms do assured than alarmed. not appear to bring with them such potentially new problems that they require entirely new

I POTENTIAL IMPACTS ON POPULATION OR COMMUNITY i t STRUCTURE OR INTERACTIONS I Much of the concern over planned introductions reached it only at low levels); and of genetically engineered organisms stems from 4. genuine novelties. the difficulty of predicting reliably the conse- Slightly modified’ forms of indigenous organisms quences of any particular ecological perturbation. have a relatively high (but still low) probability In all cases, the ability to predict depends on the of competing effectively with natives and thus of degree to which the organisms and the initial con- perturbing populations of closely related or con- ditions involved are understood, and in some cases specific individuals. Most deliberate releases for this is considerable. But the complexity of eco- the foreseeable future are likely to be of this sort. system processes and the numbers of different Despite some exceptions, it remains true that the species even in simple systems means that there majority of or genetic changes are will always be uncertainties. Nevertheless, labora- more likely to have negative than positive con- tory studies, greenhouse and small scale fieldtests, sequences for the competitive abilities of engi- and historical experience all suggest it is possible neered organism& Thus researchers working to to anticipate the likely consequences of introduc- produce organisms for planned introductions are tions planned for the near future (over the next , generally more concerned about the problems of 5 years). enhancing the competitive abilities of engineered The potential ecological impacts most likely to organisms so that they will survive to perform be noticed early involve effects on indigenous their intended functions. When genetic changes organisms. Such effects are more likely to be seen are directly aimed at enhancing competitive or at the population or community level than at the survival abilities the review process should ex- level of ecosystem process. Engineered organisms plicitly recognize this, analyze the selective forces that might cause such effects may be grouped into involved, and review the potential implications. four categories (29): Organisms existing naturally in the target envi- 1. slightly modified forms of native organisms; ronment, if they require continual supplemental 2. organisms existing naturally in the target envi- support, are even less likely to cause negative ef- ronment but requiring continual supplemen- fects. The need for continual supplementation pro- tal support; vides an effective means of control: stop the sup- 3. organisms that exist naturally elsewhere in plementation, and growth or function of the the environment, but that previously have not introduced organism ceases. It would be logical reached the target environment (or have for planned introductions of this sort to be most 89 common in agricultural settings, but few are an- sides. Fortunately, few planned introductions en- ticipated. Researchers and farmers are trying to visioned in the near future fall into such disputed minimize the need for continual replenishment categories and it is broadly agreed that, for the (e.g., fertilizers for crop plants), not increase it. foreseeable future, most engineered organisms This desire is one of the factors that has driven will not be truly novel. agriculture to exploit biotechnology, in the hope A clearer picture of the potentially negative con- that products can be engineered to be easily man- sequences most likely from planned introductions aged and self-sustaining once introduced. The can be gained from a review of the types of intro- need for continual supplementation might be ex- ductions anticipated indifferent categories of com- ploited, however, to help control certain applica- munities. tions. But it must be realized that natural selec- tion would be continually operating in ways that would decrease the effectiveness of this type of Plant Communities control, favoring genetic variants free of the im- posed limitation. The largest number of modifications to plants planned for introduction in the foreseeable fu- The introduction of organisms that exist natu- ture involves the insertion of genes to provide her- rally elsewhere, but that have not previously bicide resistance. Most of the major companies reached the target environment, presents the working in agricultural biotechnology are mount- highest probability of disrupting a community or ing efforts in this direction, studying crops for constellation of species in a given area. This cate- which herbicides are useful in restricting com- gory bears the most similarity to the introduction petition from weeds. Such crops include tobacco of exotics, and is most likely to result in what have (more valuable, however, as a well understood been called “cascade effects” (discussed in the sec- and malleable experimental system than as an end tion on insect communities). And although most product for agricultural use in and of itself), toma- introductions do not result in such severe effects, toes, corn, rape, soybeans, and cotton. dramatic and far-reaching disruptions of commu- nity structure can take place. Especially here, Introducing herbicide resistance genes into though, perspective is important. Although some plants may bring ecological as well as economic planned introductions are indeed intended to al- benefits by increasing the use of safer herbicides low growth in environments new to the organism, and allowing their more precise administration. appropriate regulatory oversight should minimize Success could lead to significant increases in mar- risks. One example of a beneficial introduction ket share for particular herbicides, some of which, of this kind would be specific insect predators as however, are associated with significant environ- biocontrol measures aimed at severe pests. In the mental disadvantages. past, biocontrol introductions that have been pre- Most of the herbicides to which resistance is ceded by critical review have often been remark- being engineered (e.g., glyphosate or sulfonylurea) ably successful, with negative consequences rare, are environmentally “soft’’ -in other words, they but sometimes substantial (25,44). are not highly toxic to humans or vertebrates. In The effects of genuine novelties are the most many cases they affect only plants, since their tar- difficult to predict because directly relevant ex- get sites are metabolic pathways unique to plants. perience is lacking. One of the chief problems here Some of these herbicides degrade within days or is the lack of agreement on what would consti- weeks to benign end products such as carbon di- tute a genuine novelty. Some contend that insert- oxide and water. Work is also being done on in- ing a gene into an organism that would thus ob- ducing resistance to longer lasting, or more toxic, tain an entirely new function or property, as for herbicides, such as atrazine. Successful research example, Monsanto’s Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) in such programs might well lead to increased use toxin containing pseudomonas, would constitute of some herbicides with less desirable character- a novelty. There is no general agreement on this, istics. The particular cost/benefit estimates will however, worthy arguments being raised by both vary with each herbicide and its qualities. Con-

63-220 0 - 88 - 4 : QL 3 93 sideration of such factors might be more appro- formulations since the first product was licensed priate in reviews for product licensing than in the in 1962 (66). As indicated in chapter 4, it is pres- regulation of field tests, but could be included at ently available in 13 different formulations (e.g., any stage. powder or soluble concentrate) in over 410 differ- ent registered products. Total quantities that have The major concern with herbicide resistance been administered are in the hundreds of thou- genes is that they might spread into related, weedy sands of tons, with ill effects on humans, ver- species, most likely through sexual reproduction tebrates, or nontarget organisms virtually un- (10). The potential drawbacks are obvious: World- known. (For one of the rare citations of a human wide economic losses to weeds are still measured problem associated with BT use, see (47).) in billions of dollars per year. While this is a greater problem outside the United States, it is neither Yet there is still some reason for concern. Large- a new problem nor one unique to genetically engi- scale applications of toxin+ obtaining plants or neered plants. In many cases such existing prob- novel microbial delivery vehicles might promote lems are managed by rotating either crops or her- the evolution of insect resistance to this currently bicides. safe and effective agent by increasing the distri- bution and persistence of the toxin in the envi- Researchers are also trying to insert pest resis- ronment. Delta-endotoxin is extremely effective tance genes directly into plants, which could re- against its target organisms. Evolutionary biolo- duce the need for pesticides. Several companies gists would say it exerts a strong selection pres- are pursuing such applications, but the principles sure. This means that given persistent exposure are exemplified by the efforts of Rohm & Haas. to the toxin, particularly in sublethal concentra- Successful field tests have already taken place (see tions, target organisms could be expected even- ch. 3 and app. A) with tobacco plants engineered tually to evolve tolerance or resistance to delta- to carry the delta-endotoxin gene from BT. endotoxin through natural selection. Different varieties of the toxin (derived from Because the toxin is so unstable, and sporadi- different strains of B. thuringiensis) are poison- cally used, it generally does not persist long ous to the larvae of some herbivorous insects, pri- enough for resistance to evolve. The BT toxin is marily certain Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) a biodegradable protein, sensitive to temperature, and Coleoptera (beetles). The toxin’s action de- moisture, and especially to ultraviolet (UV) light, pends on fundamental biochemical characteris- which causes its rapid decomposition. Biotechnol- tics (pH, membrane permeability, etc.) of the lar- ogy could change this by packaging the toxin in val digestive tract in these insects. As the larvae new vehicles (e.g., the Mycogen product; see app. mature, and their digestive tracts develop, they A) placing it in new locations (e.g., inside host plant become less sensitive to the toxin. Young larvae tissues, as in the Rohm & Haas product) or both are most sensitive. (e.g., the Monsanto product) where it would be The field test showed that the delta-endotoxin protected from degradation. The toxin could per- gene is expressed in engineered tobacco plants. sist in the environment long enough to allow nat- The toxin produced in plant tissues conferred es- ural selection to produce resistant insects. This sentially complete protection against predation by scenario is supported by at least one report of the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta. This cater- evolved resistance to BT toxin (34), in which seeds pillar is a common agricultural pest on a variety stored in silos are dusted with BT. In this setting, of crops, and several companies are working on where the toxin is protected from UV degrada- protecting different crop species by this or a sim- tion, resistance in the insect pest has been ob- ilar technique. served to evolve rapidly, and in more than one instance. There appears to be little, if any, cause to be alarmed at the direct consequences of this com- This problem is less one of product safety, how- pound being present in large quantities in the envi- ever, than of useful product life. The declining ronment. The BT toxin has been used in various agricultural market for BT in recent years, as it 91 has been replaced by promising new compounds variation (at least in the genes controlling pest like the synthetic pyrethroids, makes it unlikely defenses) of the host population would likely lead that loss of BT as an agricultural pesticide would to a slower adaptive response in the pest. lead to an increased reliance on older, more dan- Increasing genetic variation in agricultural pop- gerous chemical pesticides. But a consideration ulations could be accomplished by mixing geneti- of possible responses to a potential problem such cally pest-resistant strains of crop plants with as this is illustrative. strains not so protected. Modeling studies show Because the evolution of resistance is a prod- that as simple a change as planting a mixture of uct of selection pressure created by the chronic 50 percent resistant and 50 percent unprotected presence of the toxin, either when or where it seed in place of 100 percent resistant seed would is not needed (e.g., in roots or stems, in addition substantially extend the time it takes for the pest to the leaves that are eaten), the problem might to mount an adaptive response (32). The same prin- be solved by limiting toxin distribution to the times ciple also applies to other host/pathogen relation- and places it is really needed. One way to do this ships, such as wheat/rust or corn/blight, or in- would be to limit the expression of the BT gene tegrated pest management in general. Indeed, the to only the tissues subject to damage by herbivor- relationship could be extended to planting crops ous insects. The system could be refined further that vary with respect to their tolerance to envi- by making gene expression inducible, so that toxin ronmental factors (drought, cold) in areas where production in the plant tissues is triggered by dam- wide annual fluctuations in these parameters oc- age caused by herbivorous insects (27). This strat- cur. The net effect could well be an increase in egy would require the insertion of precisely con- crop yields or productivity, although most often trolled regulatory sequences along with the BT there is a trade-off between yield and the degree toxin gene, an approach that is beyond the reach of resistance or tolerance. Just as complex com- of current techniques. But with increased under- munities seem best to resist the perturbing effects standing of the mechanisms of gene regulation, of introduced species (17), so might genetically it may be possible in the near future (21). complex agricultural systems better resist many types of potential environmental challenge. A second approach, while not so obvious, em- ploys tactics that can be used effectively and im- Other types of genetic modifications to plants, mediately, though the logistics of this approach such as altering photosynthetic pathways to in- may complicate existing methods of planting and crease efficiency and production rates, or modi- harvesting somewhat. It draws upon studies in fying seed components to resist insect predation game theory of evolutionary stable strategies and loss during storage, may well have environ- (12,13,14,58). Some biologists who have studied mental effects of an unforeseen nature. But much the relationships between pathogens or pests and larger changes in photosynthetic rates or biomass their hosts feel that pathogens or pests may adapt productivity can be achieved more easily by plant- more quickly to the defenses of agricultural crops ing different crops, something that takes place than to those of hosts in the natural environment constantly without review for potential environ- (1,32). The key seems to lie in the differences in mental impacts. It hardly seems logical, therefore, genetic variation in the two populations. Varia- to review engineered plants for such an effect tion is higher in natural than in agricultural pop- when traditional agricultural crops are not sub- ulations, because the latter often involve huge jected to such review. areas of genetically homogeneous host plants. The selection pressures in agricultural systems are Insect Communities more often even and continual, in marked con- trast to the spatial, temporal, and other variables A great deal of research in genetically altered that complicate selection pressures in the natu- plants and microbes focuses on ways to combat ral environment. These even, continual selection insect pests—a major destroyer of both field and pressures are much easier to adapt to. Thus, any- stored crops. Relatively little work is presently be- thing that could be done to increase the genetic ing done with insects per se. Some plant modifi- 92 cations for controlling insects were discussed in specific for different pests, including the cabbage the preceding section. This section describes two looper (a moth larva) and the pine sawfly, both representative modifications to insect-targeted mi- of which threaten agriculture and forestry in the crobes: those intended to reduce crop losses to United Kingdom. the black cutworm, and modifications to viruses During 1986, researchers at the Institute of that parasitize certain insect species. Virology in Oxford concluded a preliminary field Significant corn crop losses each year are at- test of a cabbage-looper virus. To track the re- tributable to one pest species—the black cutworm. leased virus, the researchers inserted specific, This lepidopteran larva feeds on the roots of corn marker DNA sequences into the engineered organ- plants. To combat this pest, researchers are ex- ism. Similar tests are planned for a virus specific ploiting both its sensitivity to the delta-endotoxin for the pine sawfly. from B. thuringiensis and its narrow host range Scientists hope that learning more about the of corn roots. Their work involves engineered ver- genetics of host specificity in such viruses will en- Pseudomonas sions of the common bacterium able them to target viruses precisely to specific fluorescent. pests. But the difficulties of tracking a virus in Some strains of P. fluorescent live in the rhizo- the environment, the possibilities for dispersal, sphere formed by the interaction between corn the ability of viruses to remain infective for long roots and associated filamentous fungi. Scientists periods, and the possibility of mutations disrupting at Monsanto have used a specific transposable ele- the host range of released forms must be consid- ment, Tn5, to insert the delta-endotoxin gene into ered before wholesale applications are under- the chromosome of this bacterium. This transpos- taken. When asked about the degree of risk at- able element is not common in nature (6,41). Mon- tending such work, one researcher responded, santo scientists have disarmed it in two inde- My guess is no problem, but there are a vari- pendent ways to make further movement after ety of constructs possible, and some could have insertion unlikely (41). In addition, frameshift mu- broader effects than desired . . . One can con- tations were inserted to further decrease the pos- sider many scenarios. In the worst case (also the sibility of horizontal gene transfer due to rever- most improbable), the situation could not be cor- sion or complementation. rected (36). Greenhouse tests suggest that if corn seeds are One of the least predictable effects of environ- coated with the altered Pseudomonas, the bac- mental alterations has been termed the “cascade terium will colonize the emerging roots upon ger- effect .“ Such effects are not likely to be common mination. Preliminary results also indicate that consequences of planned introductions, and quite the engineered bacteria do not disperse signifi- unlikely to be associated with small-scale fieldtests. cantly beyond the rhizosphere habitat in which But they are known to have been associated with they are naturally found, nor do they seem to per- some large-scale environmental activities in the sist beyond the end of the corn growing season. past, so a brief description is in order. The term All these factors, coupled with the known, safe ‘(cascade effect” describes a community disrup- record of the BT toxin, suggest that this environ- tion in which a perturbation in numbers (or even mental application is safe enough to be field tested loss) of one species triggers reverberations on a small scale. Such a test would measure sur- throughout the community, These effects could vival, dispersal, and efficacy under realistic field alter predator/prey relationships or significantly conditions, and could be expected to provide use- change community structure even if ecosystem ful lessons for other microbial applications. processes themselves are not altered. Another early microbial application aimed at in- Cascade effects can be both surprising and coun- sect pests uses the host specificity of a class of terintuitive. One example can be found in the case viruses known as baculoviruses. These have rela- of a World Health Organization program to control tively narrow host ranges, usually one or a few insect pests. The program used large-scale appli- closely related insect species. Different viruses are cations of DDT in Borneo to kill house flies. The 93 local lizard population, however, could not dis- altered to prevent plant damage by herbivorous tinguish between flies that died of natural causes, insects (as just discussed), protect crops from frost and were safe to eat, and those that succumbed damage, increase nitrogen available to plants, and, to the spraying program, and therefore were not. eventually, to degrade toxic wastes (covered later Large numbers of geckos ate the flies and died, in this chapter). These introductions may take as did cats that ate the poisoned geckos. The re- place either in limited agricultural settings or in duction in the cat population allowed rat num- broadcast environmental applications. bers to rise, Stored food supplies suffered, and The greater concern over planned microbial in- the increased numbers of rats brought an increase troductions has less to do with a higher probabil- in the numbers of rat pest species. The result: an ity of risk than with greater uncertainty about outbreak of bubonic plague, a public health prob- some factors in microbial ecology and the require- lem that would not normally be expected to re- ments of monitoring or tracking that are pecu- sult from a program of insect eradication (30. liar to microbes. Extensive experience with past Although such chains of events are almost microbial introductions does not suggest that po- wholly irrelevant to considerations of field-test tential problems are worse than those associated safety, they should be kept in mind when the large- with plants or animals. But few of the microbes scale applications that will follow are contem- living in soils can be cultured in the lab, and little plated. It should also be noted that the negative is known about them or their relationships be- consequences of the house-fly eradication pro- yond the broad outlines of morphology and appar- gram resulted from an accumulation in the food ent function. Microbial ecologists do know, how- chain of an enduring, toxic compound. Wide- ever, that there is a high degree of functional spread applications of genetically engineered redundancy among members of microbial com- organisms are generally expected to reduce reli- munities, a redundancy that should act to miti- ance on compounds of this sort. Also, most other gate any general consequences of perturbing a examples of cascade effects involve perturbations particular microbial population, although some of natural, not agricultural systems. Great care limited communities (e.g., degraders of lignin) may must be taken in extrapolating from nature to the be less protected by such redundancy. Further- artificial environments found in agriculture. more, a substantial literature suggests that micro- Nevertheless, large-scale applications of insecti- bial systems are resilient in the face of perturba- cides have sometimes increased the numbers of tions, and that it is often difficult to produce a insect pests when beneficial insects are eliminated measurable impact, even by design, on such pop- along with the pests (35). ulations. Examples of cascade effects resulting from use Developing environmental applications with mi- of a chemical pesticide bear little relation to the crobes affords certain advantages over working problems most likely with planned introductions with plants or animals. Enormous populations of genetically engineered organisms. They do, (numbering in the billions) can be studied over however, illustrate that complex relationships gov- hundreds of generations on a rapid time scale. ern the interplay of organisms in ecosystems— On the other hand, microbes present some unique relationships that might not be comprehended problems. They are microscopic, and the tech- with cursory review, and that are not always im- niques for tracking their movements, distribution, mediately apparent. and numbers are often more involved, or more tedious and expensive, than for plants or animals. Microbial Communities Microbes, particularly those in soil, can be dif- ficult to detect. The most sensitive available tech- Although some concern is raised over possible niques for sampling populations, based on detect- consequences of introducing engineered animals ing microbial DNA, are difficult or impossible to or plants, greater public apprehension is associ- apply if the DNA to be tested is taken from fewer ated with possible uses of engineered microbes than a thousand cells, Smaller numbers—as low (ch. 3). Planned applications include microbes as 100 cells per cubic centimeter—may be assayed 94 if bacterial colonies are cultured from naturally occurring individuals and screened with tech- niques that rely upon resistance to specific an- tibiotics, or other biochemical markers. This as- sumes, however, that the species can be grown in the laboratory. Bacteria can persist in a microbial community at levels undetectable by any existing sampling technique. These levels can rise rapidly under favorable conditions, so the inability to detect a microbe does not mean that it is absent from an environment. Microbial species are enormously abundant—upwards of a thousand different spe- cies may be found per square yard of land sur- face (9). A single species may encompass from 5,000 to 20,000 genetically different strains or va- rieties, varying in their adaptive qualities and eco- logical requirements. Microbes are also ubiquitous, found in every terrestrial environment and habitat in which they have been sought, including such hostile and un- likely sites as hot springs and subterranean aquifers (11,20). Perhaps 90 percent of these spe- cies cannot presently be cultured in the labora- tory, making them difficult to study. Despite such obstacles, the ecological questions raised by the environmental release of genetically engineered Photo credit: Peter Forde, Advanced Genetic Sciences microbes are not intractable, and a great deal of Advanced Genetic Sciences Researcher Julianne relevant historical experience can be studied. Lindemann spraying “ice-minus” bacteria on strawberry plants in test plot on April 24, 1987. Protective clothing Genetic alterations to microbes for specific envi- was required by the California Department of Health ronmental purposes are many and various. This Services. Note reporters and onlookers in immediate background where coffee and donuts were section outlines two not covered elsewhere in this consumed without hesitation. report. The first—the application of “ice-minus” bacteria to crop plants to protect against frost damage–involves what was one of the more con- out such nuclei, water does not generally freeze tentious of the early applications for permission at 32 “F. Rather, it supercools to between 5 and to field test, though for reasons other than the 100 below the “normal” freezing point before the scientific questions involved (see ch. 3). The sec- formation of ice crystals begins to take place. ond, involving the inoculation of crops with en- Agricultural losses to frost damage each year hanced nitrogen-fixing bacteria, has been less con- are variable but significant. Some estimates place troversial. the average annual loss at $1.6 billion in the United The technical details of the ice-minus application States, and $14 billion worldwide (15). Most of this are simple. Some bacteria contain, as a compo- loss results from frosts that take place near har- nent of the cellular membrane, a protein encoded vest time, or near flower-budding time in spring. by a single gene in the bacterial chromosome. This Part of it might be avoidable if some protection protein can act as an efficient nucleus for the for- could be provided against snap frosts, as opposed mation of ice crystals on the surfaces of plant to hard freezes, because hard freezes are uncom- leaves or blossoms where the bacteria live. With- mon during the growing seasons of most crops. 95

Protection Agency to approve applications for pre- liminary, small-scale field tests of the bacteria, which were successfully completed in 1987. a Some scientists suggested a worst-case scenario that sounds like a cascade effect (42). According to that scenario (which presupposed large-scale applications, not small-scale field tests), large-scale agricultural applications of ice-minus bacteria might reduce the atmospheric reservoir of ice nuclei. These atmospheric nuclei are critical for precipitation, providing particles around which ice crystals can form so that droplets can grow large enough to fall as snow or rain. Dirt and dust can act as sources of ice nuclei, but vegetable or plant material is a better source (53,54). Another major source for ice nuclei is marine phytoplank - ton, living in the top layers of oceanic waters (50,51). The sources of ice nuclei important to lo- cal precipitation are generally local (52,55), though long-distance dispersion of bacteria is known to be possible, if not common (19), and less likely for good nucleators than nonnucleators. Some scientists asked if reducing atmospheric protection could be afforded by deleting the “ice- concentrations of ice nuclei could affect local rain- nucleating” gene (or an essential part of it) from fall, and perhaps even global weather, reducing the major bacterial strains living on the surfaces or redistributing patterns of precipitation. They of particular plants (potatoes and strawberries, pointed to data suggesting that overgrazing in the in the first fieldtests). These altered bacteria would Sahel may have exacerbated drought conditions then be inoculated on the plant surfaces to be pro- in Sahelian Africa (43,49). Overgrazing reduces tected, in the hope that they would colonize them plant biomass in an ecosystem, thus reducing the and replace the naturally occurring bacteria (des- suitable habitat for ice-nucleating bacteria, and ignated ice plus, or INA +, for ice nucleation reducing the numbers of bacteria. Such a cascade active). effect may have contributed to decreases in rain- fall downwind of deforested areas. Naturally occurring populations of ice-nucleat- ing bacteria contain low numbers of individuals Seeking to assess the likelihood of this scenario, that are ice-minus. The phenotype can be pro- OTA commissioned two analytical studies by duced by any mutation that inactivates the pro- groups taking slightly different approaches to the duction of the critical protein, and thousands of problem (4,60). Both groups made assumptions such mutations are possible. Many could produce to produce a worst case scenario. Both concluded ice-minus bacteria in natural populations. The pri- it is unrealistic to expect any significant negative mary genetic difference between these naturally impact on global climatological patterns from occurring ice-minus bacteria and those produced large-scale agricultural applications of ice-minus with recombinant DNA techniques is that the lat- bacteria. The likelihood of local changes in pre- ter are produced by a specific technique that yields cipitation patterns or densities is perhaps slightly a consistent, precisely characterized, identifiable higher, they concluded, but still extremely low. genetic deletion, Such consistency and identity is Indeed, to put the question in the appropriate not a characteristic of the naturally occurring context, the potential for negative environmental strains. These and other factors led both the Na- consequences from large-scale applications of ice tional Institutes of Health and the Environmental minus bacteria should be compared with the po- 96

tential for such consequences from other strate- inoculations with different varieties of nitrogen- gies for reducing or eliminating INA + bacteria fixing bacteria suggests that far-reaching or neg- in agriculture, such as the use of chemical bac- ative environmental consequences are quite un- tericide. Several significant uncertainties in these likely, though this question is explored in more analyses could be resolved, however, by further detail later in this chapter. research and experimental studies. Some individuals believe other approaches to In another planned introduction of engineered nitrogen fixation may lead even more quickly to microbes, rhizobial bacteria are being studied in practical improvements. This feeling stems partly an effort to increase nitrogen fixation in soil, and from the fact that nitrogen fixation is an energy- thus to decrease reliance on costly fertilizers. Sci- intensive process. Sufficient energy may not be entists at BioTechnica International (Cambridge, available under most conditions to sustain ap- MA) have engineered a strain of Rhizobium preciable increases in nitrogen fixation by micro- meliloti, symbiotic on alfalfa roots, to increase its organisms residing on or around root surfaces. production of nitrogen. This has been accom- It is also true that bacteria that are good modula- plished by increasing the number of promoter se- tors or colonizers of roots also tend not to be the quences that regulate the activity of genes involved most efficient fixers of nitrogen, though there is in nitrogen fixation metabolism, Greenhouse tests tremendous variation among naturally existing suggest possible increases of available nitrogen strains. as high as 17 percent, and though field tests were originally planned for 1987, they were later post- Improving the energy efficiency of these bac- poned until 1988. A long history of agricultural teria is, of course, one object of research. But re-

1 I




i 97 search efforts might profitably be invested in im- hormonal system. The fish fail to mature sexu- proving the ability of nitrogen-fixing microbes to ally and remain sterile throughout their lives. This withstand the stresses encountered in their frees them from the normal cycle of growth, matu- rhizobial environments and in the processes of ration, sexual reproduction (spawning), and death storage and agricultural inoculation, Most bacte- that usually limits their lifespan. Because these ria now marketed as inoculants fare poorly un- fish fail to spawn and die, they are expected to der these conditions, especially in the tropics, with continue to live and grow, eventually reaching rec- the result that most attempted inoculations de- ord sizes. liver only a small fraction of the intended microbes Salmonid fish are among the top predators in to the application site. Research in these areas whatever community they inhabit. So initially it might dramatically improve the success of inocu- may appear that the planned introduction of these lation techniques while effectively exploiting the fish would violate a cardinal principle mentioned existing reservoir of variation among naturally earlier: Do not introduce polyphagous species, par- occurring rhizobial bacteria in different environ- ticularly if they occupy a high position in a food ments (2,3). chain (45). But these fisheries are already man- aged by humans. Even under generous assump- Aquatic Communities tions about the survival of released fingerlings, the resulting adults are unlikely to number more Work on altering aquatic community species is than several hundred among stocked populations being pursued in a number of areas. Potentially that number in the millions (33). Furthermore, the fruitful lines of investigation involve fisheries bi- same property that causes these fish to reach such ology and aquiculture. At least two different re- large sizes prevents them from reproducing. It search groups are exploring methods to enhance is impossible that any environment will ever con- the production of “trophy” salmon in the Great tain these fish except through planned stocking. Lakes region and the Pacific Northwest (see app. Careful monitoring of the fish’s release and growth A). Under a flexible definition of biotechnology, rates should help to avoid or correct serious un- this research may qualify for consideration in this anticipated effects. report, or it may not be considered to differ sig- nificantly from past fisheries practice. Other work with aquatic communities focuses on marine algae, to enhance the rates at which The technique used to try to produce the tro- they produce substances useful in food prepara- phy salmon is called “heat shock.” During an early, tion, such as carrageenan or agar (see app. A). sensitive stage of embryonic development, salmon Some aquatic algae have also been considered as eggs are briefly subjected to unusually high tem- potential agents to extract toxic compounds or peratures (38 degrees Celsius): temperatures high heavy metals from aqueous solution (59). It might enough to disrupt some metabolic processes, but even be possible to exploit algae for mining or not so high as to kill the developing fish embryo. mineral recovery operations. But most of these This environmental insult disrupts normal cell di- applications involve aquatic plants that function vision, causing a spontaneous doubling of the chro- in their environments as primary producers. Ge- mosomal number in each cell of the developing netic alterations to improve or adjust their rates embryo. of activity could well affect other members of Chromosomal doubling triggers a series of phys- aquatic communities. Such possible effects are dis- iological effects, starting with a disruption of the cussed in the following section.


Ecosystems are enormously complex, and to within the numerous populations of any given spe- reach a clear understanding of how they func- cies, and between the great numbers of different tion is commensurately difficult. Their complex- species that form any biological community. It is ity stems from the many and diverse interactions also due to the links between the physiological 98 processes of organisms and the geological proc- the immediate mechanism by which nutrients cy- esses by which minerals are derived, distributed, cle and energy flows through an ecosystem. and moved in the physical world. For example, The major factors driving ecosystem processes the availability of minerals liberated from rocks are the production of energy and the conversion is affected by living things (especially plants or of carbon into biological forms by photosynthe- microbes) as they influence rates of erosion. sis, or carbon fixation. Where carbon is rate- As a way of reducing this daunting complexity limiting, it places an absolute upper limit on the to manageable proportions, some ecologists de- biomass a system can support. Under such cir- vote more study to the distribution and movement cumstances, competition for carbon is intense, as of a small number of vital elements and minerals for example among soil microbes. Plants produce than to the activities and attributes of living crea- most of the biologically accessible forms of carbon. tures. The most important of these vital elements Decomposers-organisms that degrade plant are carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, and sulfur. material—play the major role in moving carbon These elements are “rate-limiting.” In other words, from one reservoir into another (e.g., from one the amount of these elements in biologically acces- plant, through decay, into another). Most decom- sible forms determines the total tissue of living poses are invertebrates (insects, nematodes, and organisms (biomass) that can be assembled in the so on) or microbes (bacteria and fungi), living pri- ecosystem. (Phosphorous and sulfur are covered marily near the soil surface in what is termed the in detail in 9,22.) Carbon and nitrogen are dis- “litter layer” of detritus that accumulates from cussed in this section. above, or just below, in the topsoil. Larger herbi- Ecosystem processes are the vehicles by which vores, or vertebrates, play a smaller role, usually these rate-limiting elements and their different assisted by an intestinal flora of symbiotic mi- molecular forms move, or cycle in ecosystems. crobes. The two major ecosystem processes are nutri- Physical parameters, such as climate, soil qual- ent cycles and energy flow. These processes can ity, and available moisture, affect the distribution be, and sometimes are, considered separately. This of both plants and decomposes. As a result, a report will consider them together, and deal with range of ecosystems—different communities of them primarily in the language of mineral or nu- plants and decomposes, associated with particu- trient cycles. lar ecological qualities–has evolved. Table 5-3 il- lustrates several different terrestrial ecosystems Every time an element is altered from one and presents data indicating the patterns of car- molecular form to another, or exchanged between bon storage and movement in them. different organisms, some chemical bonds are bro- ken and others formed. Each of these actions ei- Nitrogen is the nutrient most often cited as rate- ther consumes or liberates energy. The integra- limiting in terrestrial ecosystems. Although one tion of countless individual events of this sort is form of nitrogen makes up nearly 80 percent of

Table 5-3.—Production and Decomposition in Six Ecosystem Types

Mean Mean Litter NPP biomass Litterfall accumulation Decomposition tons/ha/yr tons/ha tons/ha/yr tons/ha k/yr Tundra 1.5 10 1.5 44 0.03 Boreal forest ...... 7.5 200 7.5 35 0.21 Deciduous forest ...... 11.5 350 11.5 15 0.77 Grassland ...... 7.5 18 7.5 5 1.50 Savannah ...... 9.5 45 9.5 3 3.20 Tropical forest ...... 30.0 30.0 5 6.00 Abbrevlattons: NPP -= net primary productivity, the total amount of living material produced by the organisms in an ecosystem; ha -hectare; yr = year; k = fractional weight loss of litter material (a value of 1 means the rates of production and decomposition are equal). SOURCE: J.R. Gosz, C.N. Dahm, and P.W. Flanagan, “Ecological Impact of Genetically Engineered Organisms on Ecosystems,” contract report prepared for the Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Congress, 19S7. 99

the atmosphere, biologically accessible forms are (legumes), often in small granules or nodules at- more limited. tached to the roots. In essence, they deliver fixed nitrogen directly to the host plant. The biochemi- The nitrogen cycle—illustrated in figure 5-l— cal pathway resulting in nitrogen fixation is large, is the most complex major nutrient cycle because complex, and energetically expensive to operate, the element can exist in so many qualitatively involving at least 17 different structural genes, different molecular forms, Abiotic factors and the with associated regulatory sequences. This genetic actions of living things influence the production package exists in similar form in all rhizobial bac- and persistence of these forms. teria, an evolutionary conservation suggesting that While plants can absorb gaseous nitrogen or ni- the pathway is quite important to the bacteria. trogen dissolved in water through their roots, mi- Scientists trying to enhance nitrogen fixation face crobes provide the major pathway for nitrogen the formidable task of improving the performance incorporation into living material. Specifically, of a genetic sequence that has been refined by rhizobial bacteria are responsible for nitrogen fix- natural selection for billions of years. Neverthe- ation in agriculture. These microbes live in very less, researchers are making the attempt, even close association with the roots of certain plants trying to transfer the complex of nitrogen fixa-

Figure 5-1 .—The Nitrogen Cycle







The nitrogen cycle: processes in terrestrial and aquatic systems. The microbially mediated processes include mineralization, vitrification, denitrification, immobilization, and N-fixation. SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1988. 100 tion genes into plants to enable them to produce f) Increased aquatic vitrification and their own nitrogen without relying on associated denitrification rates and gaseous emis- bacteria. sions to the atmosphere. Some data suggest such consequences are not If the nitrogen-fixing abilities of rhizobial bac- purely hypothetical, that under very special con- teria were enhanced in such a way as to make ditions they might actually be likely (63). Gener- the resultant increase in available nitrogen gen- ally, however, such a concatenation of conse- eral throughout the host environment, rather than restricted to the host plant per se, a variety of quences rests on a series of assumptions. For most of them to occur, the introduced rhizobia would environmental consequences might result. The po- have to move beyond agricultural lands. They tential consequences of such a successful appli- would then have to successfully nodulate, or col- cation are listed here (22), in order of decreasing onize, wild plants, and provide substantially more probability. nitrogen to those wild plants than is already pro- I. a) Increased leaf and shoot production in vided by native rhizobia, This also requires that target plants the host specificity of the introduced rhizobia b) Decreased root growth and biomass would have to change genetically so they could c) Increased decomposition rates in some infect the wild plants, and the introduced bacte- systems ria would have to be successful in modulating the d) Increased ammonification and vitrifica- native plants in competition with native bacteria. tion in soil As cited above, considerable literature and experi- e) Increased competition on nonnitrogen- ence demonstrates the remote likelihood of each fixing plants and alteration of plant com- of these assumptions; to achieve all of them at munity structure, with reverberations once, the probability is exponentially less likely. throughout the associated ecological com- Indeed, a review of these assumptions and poten- munity tial events leads many experts on nitrogen fixa- 2. a) Decreased decomposition rates in some tion to believe it would be difficult to conceive systems of a planned introduction less likely to have neg- b) Increased potential for other element ative consequences than introducing engineered limitations, especially if 2a results varieties of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. c) Altered chemical exchange capacities and Ecosystem processes reflect the sum total of the pH shifts actions of all living things in the system. Individ- 3. a) Decreased mycorrhizal associations (de- uals concerned about planned introductions of pendent on 2b) genetically engineered organisms fear applications b) Shift from carbon-based plant defense to that might affect such fundamental processes as nitrogen-based defense (or from immobile nitrogen or phosphorous cycles. And although to mobile defense compounds) basic changes to an ecosystem process would be c) Altered foliage tissue palatability and her- difficult to accomplish, it might be easier to af- bivory (dependent on 3b) fect changes in rates of flow of some components d) Increased terrestrial denitrification rates through a portion of the process. By the time such and increased emissions of Nitrogen gases effects were noticed, however, a community might (dependent on 1d and 2c) already have been substantially altered. Accord- 4. a) Increased leaching loss of nitrate ing to two researchers in this field, b) Increased eutrophication of drainage water . . . the quality of an environment can change c) Increased algal production in receiving markedly with no significant change in gross measures of the rates of processes. Fish produc- waters tion in two lakes may be the same (as lbs./year) d) Increased carbon enrichment of aquatic when one produces mostly rainbow trout and the sediments other mostly carp, but no human would say that e) Increased anaerobic conditions in aquatic the two lakes are therefore indistinguishable with habitats regard to fish (9). 101

Attempts to detect such changes in ecosystems posers may also be more vulnerable to perturba- have led to the study of so-called indicator spe- tions than most microbial communities, because cies, species more sensitive than other organisms the decomposition of lignin and cellulose (the to environmental changes (40). structural components that make up from 50 to 90 percent of the biomass of higher plants) is car- The use of indicator species requires the iden- ried out by a relatively narrow range of micro- tification of species that are particularly sensitive organisms. A disruption of the population dy- to the environmental parameter of interest—for namics of one species of decompose, in a limited example, the presence of toxic compounds or the community of decomposes made up of only a abundance of specific nutrients. Indicator species small number of species, could conceivably have can give early warning of an impending change, a significant impact on the community. allowing preemptive measures to be taken. With- out such early warnings and preemptive action, In contrast, many other microbially mediated the task of restoring a disrupted ecosystem is dif- processes are carried out by the members of much ficult, expensive, and slow, if even possible (38). larger, more diverse, and therefore more buf- fered, microbial communities. Indeed, no exist- A better understanding of community relation- ing evidence indicates that populations even of ships should make indicator species increasingly microbial degraders are subject to cascade effects useful, especially in risk assessment and manage- following perturbation. Such scenarios are purely ment. Nevertheless, any planned introduction that speculative. In fact, some researchers in this area is likely to alter a fundamental ecosystem proc- feel the introduction of engineered microbes to ess should undergo careful scrutiny. None are help in the degradation of organic pollutants is planned in the foreseeable future. sufficiently distant that it need play no role in cur- Possibly of eventual concern, however, are ap- rent deliberations over the safety of planned in- plications intended to correct existing serious, gen- troductions, although similar introductions of erally recognized environmental problems, such naturally occurring organisms are not at all un- as the presence of toxic chemicals. Naturally occur- common. ring microbes exist that can degrade many differ- Finally, it is important to keep the possible con- ent, complex, toxic compounds—herbicides and sequences of planned introductions of genetically pesticides, industrial solvents, wood preservatives, engineered organisms in perspective. As one plasticizers, dyes, etc. (22,26). Biotechnology re- group of ecologists has concluded, “Our analyses searchers are trying to enhance these natural and remarks to this point may give the impres- degradative abilities in some microbes and intro- sion that we are against the release of any geneti- duce them into others. Success in such efforts cally altered organisms into the environment, This could help significantly in decreasing the toxic is not our view. In fact, we are enthusiastic about waste problem that promises to be so difficult and the prospects offered by biotechnological solutions expensive to resolve (61). to environmental problems ranging from in- Cascade effects might be triggered by the struc- creased productivity of agricultural systems, to tural similarities between naturally occurring the control of pests and pathogens, and the plant materials and some of the complex organic removal of many chemical toxins from the earth’s compounds found among toxic wastes. If degrad- soils and waters. We further expect that many, ers were engineered and introduced without suffi- if not most, environmental applications of biotech- cient constraints upon their specificity, they could nology can be made into safe and productive ven- function as ecological generalists, breaking one tures” (28). Risk assessment and management, of the foremost rules for introducing organisms discussed in chapter 6, are crucial to that under- into new environments. Communities of decom- taking. 102


The major concern of some scientists over the to result in problems because of the low mobility planned introduction of genetically engineered of plants and restricted horizontal gene flow be- organisms stems from the potential for unex- tween them. Animal communities, because of the pected or unforeseen consequences; other sci- greater mobility and higher propensity for gene entists believe that the likelihood of such con- transfer, seem slightly more vulnerable to disrup- sequences is no different, or even lower, for tion, though the probability still seems quite low. engineered organisms than for varieties or culti- Furthermore, most anticipated animal applications vars produced by widely accepted methods. A va- involve livestock, suggesting that the potential for riety of disruptions to local populations or to more disruptions of natural communities is not great. general ecosystem processes could result, but do Most difficult to assess are applications involv- not seem likely to result from any of the planned ing microbes. Microbial mobility is low but dis- introductions now contemplated. Experiences persibility is relatively high, as is the potential for with past introductions of organisms into new gene transfer. Much remains to be learned about environments provide some limited clues to the the composition and relationships among natu- nature of those disruptions, but a much better rally occurring microbial communities (of which analogy for planned introductions of engineered only a small portion of the members can be cul- organisms likely in the near future is that with tured in laboratories) before general methods of new crops or cultivars in agriculture. risk assessment will be available (see ch. 6). But Only a small fraction of introduced organisms a substantial body of experience suggests that have become pests or have significantly affected microbial introductions are not likely to produce their new environments. These species-called problems. colonizing species, or weeds-differ significantly The least likely, but potentially most serious eco- in their adaptive capabilities from most genetically logical impacts involve the disruption of ecosys- engineered organisms intended for planned in- tem processes, such as energy flow and nutrient troductions. For the near future, engineered cycling. Such disruptions could be difficult to re- organisms generally will differ from nonproblem- verse and far-reaching in their effects. They could atic parental strains by only one or a few struc- result as a consequence of engineering microbes tural genes. There are, however, several exam- to increase their capabilities as degraders, e.g., ples of single gene changes affecting the virulence to enhance the decomposition of woody tissues or host range of a parasite or pathogen. Although containing lignin or cellulose, or to help in the engineered organisms are no more likely than cleanup of toxic organic wastes. In the latter case, nonengineered ones to be susceptible to such however, effective control might well be exerted changes, until sufficient experience is gathered caution is indicated. by managing the available supplies of carbon, which are likely to constrain degradation rates. Environmental disruptions stemming from the The potential problems associated with such en- deliberate release of engineered organisms might hanced degraders must be weighed against the take place at any level—from the local population existing, serious problems associated with toxic to ecosystem processes of energy flow or nutri- wastes and the chemical technologies that are their ent cycles. Plant introductions seem least likely source.


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35. McNaughton, S.J., and Wolf, L. L., General Ecolo~ 50. Schnell, R. C., “Ice Nuclei Produced by Laboratory (New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc., Cultured Marine Phytoplankton,” Geophysical Re- 1973). search Letters 2(11):500-502, 1975. 36. Miller, L. K., University of Georgia, personal com- 51. Schnell, R. C., “Ice Nuclei in Seawater, Fog Water, munication, 1985. and Marine Air Off the Coast of Nova Scotia: Sum- 37. Mooney, H. A., and Drake, J.A. (eds.), Ecology of mer 1975, ” Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences Biolo@”cal Invasions of North America and Ha waii, 34(8):1299-1305, 1977. Ecological Studies No. 58 (New York: Springer- 52. Schnell, R. C., “A New Technique for Measuring Verlag, 1986). Atmospheric Ice Nuclei Active at Temperatures 38. Moss, B., “The Art of Lake Restoration, ” IVew Sci- from – 20“C to O“C, With Result s,” Seventh Con- entist 113(1550):41-43, 1987. ference on Inadvertent and Planned Weather Mod- 39. National Academy of Sciences, Introduction of Re- ification, Banff, Alberta, Oct. 9-12, 1978 (Boston, combinant DNA -En@”neered Organisms into the MA: American Meteorological Society, 1979). Environment: Key Issues (Washington, DC: Na- 53. Schnell, R.C., and Vali, G., “Biogenic Ice Nuclei, Part tional Academy of Sciences Press, 1986). I: Terrestrial and Marine Sources)” Journal of the 40. National Research Council, Eco/o@”cal Knowledge Atmospheric Sciences 33:1554-1564, 1976. and Environmental Problem Solving (Washington, 54. Schnell, R. C., Delaney, A. C., and Gillette, D. A., “Ice DC: National Academy of Sciences Press, 1986) and Nuclei Measurements During Wind Erosion Epi- National Research Council, Pesticide Resistance: sodes, ” Proceedings, IX ATucleation Conferences, Strategies and Tactics for Management (Washing- Galway, Ireland, 1977. ton, DC: National Academy of Sciences Press, 1986). 55. Schnell, R. C., Wrobell, B., and Miller, S. W., “Sea- 41. Obukowicz, M. G., Perlak, F.J., Kusano-Kretzmer, sonal Changes and Terrestrial Sources of Atmos- K., et al., “IS50L As A Non-Self Transposable Vec- pheric Ice Nuclei at Boulder, Colorado,” IAMAP- tor Used to Integrate the Bacillus thuringiensis ICCP VII Conference on Cloud PhLvsics, Clermont - Delta-Endotoxin Gene Into the Chromosome of Ferrand, France, 1980. Root-Colonizing Pseudomonads,” Gene 51:91-96, 56. Sharples, F. E,, “Relevance of Lessons From Intro- 1987. ductions of Exotic Species,” Ecological Issues Rele- 42. Odum, E. P., “Biotechnology and the Biosphere, ’’Sci- vant to Environmental Application of Genetical[V ence 229:1338, 1985. En&”neered Organisms, E. Norse (cd.), contract re- 43. Parton, W .J., and Schnell, R. C., “Use of an Ecosys- port prepared for the Office of Technology Assess- tem Model to Study Potential Interactions Between ment, U.S. Congress, 1986. the Atmosphere and the Biosphere,” Proceedings, 57. Simberloff, D., “Predicting Ecological Effects of 1975 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Novel Entities: Evidence From Higher Organisms, ”

San Francisco, 1975. Biotic Crises in Ecological and Evolutionary Time, 44. Pimentel, D., Gleniston, C., Fast, S., et al., “Envi- M.H. Nitecki (cd. ) (New York, NY: Academic Press, ronmental Risks of Biological Pest Controls, Oikos 1981). 42:283-290, 1984. 58. Smith, J. M., The Evolution of Sex (Cambridge: Cam- 45. Pimm, S. L., and Levin, B. R., “Impact on Competi- bridge University Press, 1978). tive Abilities of Specific Genetic Alterations)” Eco- 59. Sutton, C., “Desmids, the Algae With a Taste for logical Issues Relevant to Environmental Applica- Heavy Metal,” New Scientist 113:45, 1987. tion of Genetically En@”neered Orgazu”sms, E. Norse 60. Upper, C, D., Hirano, S. S., and Vali, G., “An Assess- (cd.), contract report prepared for the Office of ment of the Impact of Large-Scale Applications of Technology Assessment, U.S. Congress, 1986. Ice-Minus Bacteria and Other Procedures Designed 46. Sailer, R. I., “Our Immigrant Insect Fauna)” Entomo- to Decrease Population Sizes of Ice-Nucleation- ]ogi”ca] Society of America Bulletin 24(1):3-11, 1978. Active Bacteria on Crops,” contract report prepared 47. Samples, J. R., and Buettner, H., “Corneal Ulcer for the Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Con- Caused by a Biologic Insecticide Bacillus Thurin- gress, 1986. @“ensis,” American Journal of ophthalmology 61. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, 95(2):258-260, 1983. Superfund Strategy, OTA-ITE-252 (Washington, 48. Schippers, B., and Gains, W., Soil-Borne Plant Path- DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, April 1985). ogens (New York, NY: Academic Press, 1979). 62. Vidaver, A. K., “Biological Control of Plant Patho- 49. Schnell, R. C., “Biogenic Ice Nucleus Removal by gens with Prokaryotes,” Ph-~opathogenic ProkaEv- Overgrazing: A Factor in the Sahelian Drought?” otes vol. 2, M.S. Mount and G.E. Lacy (eds. ) (New Final Report to the Rockefeller Foundation, New York, NY: Academic Press, 1983). York, 1975. 63. Vitousek, P. M., Walker, L. R., Whiteaker, L. D., 105

Mueller-Dombois, D., and Matson, P. A., “Biologi- Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, cal Invasion by Mtiyrica Alters Ecosystem De- personal communications, December 1986 through velopment in Hawaii, ” Science 238:802-804, 1987. February 1987. 64. Weller, D. M., ‘(Application of Fluorescent Pseu- 66. White, J., National Pesticide Information Retrieval domonades to Control Root Diseases,” Ecologv and Service, Purdue University, personal communica- Management of Soilborne Plant Pathogens, C.A. tion, Apr. 16, 1987. Parker, A.D. Rovira, K.J. More, et al. (eds.) (St. Paul, 67. Windels, C. E., and Lindow, S. E., Biological Control MN: American Phytopathological Society, 19851. on the PhyZloplane (St. Paul, MN: American Phyto- 65. White, G., Plant Introduction Officer, Agricultural pathological Society, 1985). liThe atomic bomb was the first breach m.,· My concern is that genetic engi.neerinSnGt"

firm drawing up the Whole Rist put DNA? Very low." . Page , .109 .110

● ✎☛✎✎ .111 ...... 111 .112 .112 .113 .115 ,115 .116 .116 .118 .118 .119 ...... 119 .., ,...... 121

Table Page 6-1. Types of U.S. Environmental protection Agency Biotechnology Risk Assessment Projects ● *****.**,** ...... 118 Chapter 6 Risk Assessment

During the 1970s, public concern about the ef- ment recently have become the subject of debate. fects of technology on the environment and hu- Some scientists perceive some risks associated man health heightened. As mounting scientific evi- with intentionally introducing these organisms as dence confirmed that many chemical substances unique. Others believe introducing recombinant produced adverse effects (both acute and chronic) organisms is no different (and probably safer, be- on humans and the environment, the government cause scientists constructed them with precision) established programs to control potential hazards. than introducing nonrecombinant organisms, protocols and procedures—methods for the assess- which has occurred for millennia. ment of risks—were developed to enable regula- Are there unique risks in environmental appli- tors to evaluate potential hazardous substances. cations of genetically engineered products? Is ad- (See ch. 3 for discussion of the regulatory regime ditional information needed to assess the risks ac- and public perceptions of these issues. ) curately? Can existing assessment methods (e.g., Risk assessment of recombinant DNA technol- for other biological risks, or for chemical risks) ogy is not new, nor-is risk assessment of biologi- be applied to the planned introductions of genet- cal products. Nevertheless, questions concerning ically engineered organisms? Are there areas risk assessment of planned introductions of ge- where available baseline data are sufficient? neticall y engineered organisms into the environ-


Risk assessment is the use of scientific data Risk management must also consider the to estimate the effects of exposure to hazard- economic and social costs of regulation. These ous materials or conditions. Derived from a fac- include the burden of paperwork associated with tual base, risk assessment identifies and charac- regulation, and the costs of mitigation and con- terizes the magnitude of potential adverse affects trol technologies that channel resources away —either their quality or quantity. It is a separate from production per se (33). The process of risk and distinct process from risk management. management depends upon the scientific findings of risk assessment, as well as on public opinion. Risk management is the process of weigh- Chapter 3 describes the significant impact of pub- ing alternatives to select the most appropri- lic opinion, in particular local communities, on ate regulatory strategy or action. It integrates environmental applications of biotechnology. A the results of risk assessment with technical, so- separate OTA report surveyed public perceptions cial, economic, and political concerns. Carried out of biotechnology (48). by regulatory agencies under legislative mandates, risk management is a decisionmaking process re- While recognizing that complex interrelation- quiring value judgments that compare potential ships between risk assessment and risk manage- risks and benefits, and determine the reasonable- ment exist, a key to improving the current proc- ness of control costs. Benefits are part of the cal- ess is to distinguish between those aspects of the culus of risk management. For example, risk process that are more or less scientific (risk assess- management of biotechnological products involves ment) and those that are matters of policy or value comparing their benefits and problems against judgments (risk management). In fact, a 1983 re- those associated with products they are designed port by the National Academy of Sciences recom- to replace. mended that regulatory agencies establish and

109 110 maintain clear conceptual distinction between the tific underpinnings of risk assessment. The two processes (33). role of the Federal Government in managing the risks associated with the environmental release The domains of risk assessment and risk man- of genetically engineered organisms, an issue pres- agement of environmental applications of geneti- ently being analyzed by the General Accounting cally engineered organisms are often blurred in Office (15), is beyond the scope of this report. This debates on this controversy. This chapter fo- chapter also does not assess the various domains cuses on risk assessment and, more specifi- of risk management-e.g., the economic and social cally, on the first step in the process of risk benefits that could be derived from planned in- assessment: “risk identification.” To a lesser troductions of genetically engineered organisms. extent, issues of risk management are consid- ered when those issues derive from the scien-


An orderly process for organizing and interpret- relationship between amount of exposure and ing information about the potential health or envi- extent of effects; and ronmental risks of planned introductions of ge- ● risk estimation—estimates, within a range netically engineered organisms must be developed of uncertainty, the overall risk (14,47). and refined. To date, the methods and models pro- posed for risk assessment of biotechnology have At present, standardized protocols do not exist been derived principally from those developed for for predicting either the kinds of risks or the mag- nitudes that could be associated with planned in- chemicals released into the environment (13,14, troductions of genetically engineered organisms 16,17,45). into the environment. Chemical fate models, epi- Some aspects of chemical and physical risk demiological models, and effects models to assess assessment lend themselves well to evaluating aspects of environmental applications are useful, risks associated with living organisms, particularly but not complete. Nevertheless, risk assessment containment and mitigation (17). Other aspects of is not an impossible task and conducting a flex- the models do not apply well to living organisms, ible, case by-case, science-based risk assess- which reproduce and are subject to selection pres- ment (19,36,40) develops and enhances the risk sure, or die out (45). Generally the risk assessment assessment structure Small-scale, experimen- process for planned introductions involves: tal field testing will enhance significantly both the basic scientific database and the ability to ● risk identification—identifies the potential modify existing risk assessment models Some risk, designating its source, mechanism of ac- argue, however, that developing an adequate tion, and potential adverse consequences; assessment structure requires substantial new re- ● risk-source characterization-character- sources beyond those currently obligated for test- izes the potential sources of risk, describing ing and evaluating chemical and other inert haz- types, amounts, timing, and probabilities of ardous substances (16). In either case, risk harmful events; assessment raises questions and illustrates data ● exposure assessment-considers exposure requirements that must be addressed. The impli- risks, estimating intensity, frequency, and du- cations that many of these questions have for a ration of exposure to the risk agent; national research agenda are discussed at the end ● dose-response assessment–analyzes the of this chapter. 111


Identifying and evaluating the array of elements Reproduction. -Many intended applications do to consider for risk assessment of environmental not merely require survival or persistence, but applications of genetically engineered organisms depend on replacement or multiplication of the is one of the issues that must be addressed. Yet organism to achieve the desired endpoint. Repro- duction of an organism leading to an overwhelm- underlying this evaluation is the fundamental ing net increase in number could increase the question of whether or not the entity should be probability of unintended potential effects. regulated strictly as a product, or as a product Horizontal Gene Transfer (see ch. 4).– that is special because it derives from recombi- Horizontal transfer of genetic material could be nant DNA processes. Historical considerations of a concern even if the released engineered organ- risk assessment and regulation indicate that isms die after performing their intended function. process-based decisions are not logically consist- Transportation or Dissemination.—If the ent with assessments of other biological products. organisms move beyond the environment in which they were released and were intended to But are there other important criteria that function, they become a potential agent for inter- should be analyzed? Some argue that there are, acting with other populations or communities. and one of the first attempts to predict or classify This could have unintended and unpredicted con- potential environmental impacts of the introduc- sequences. tion of genetically engineered organisms described Many standards—both positive and negative— five parameters (l): exist to gauge the value of each of these criteria, and in particular the first question. Yet, in assess- Possible Negative Effects.–Before establishing ing risks, uncertainties will always exist because complex risk assessment schemes to address po- the ability to ask questions or pose problems ex- tential problems, this basic question should be ex- ceeds the ability to answer them. The risk man- amined. If there are none, then no cause for con- agement process must be designed to assess the cern exists. value of these and other criteria and, as indicated Survival.—Will the engineered organisms sur- earlier, to weigh the benefits and risks of new vive when introduced? If not, then there is little likelihood that an ecological problem might arise. products against those of old ones. Nevertheless, If, however, the organism intended for release has scientific criteria important to risk assessment been designed to fit a certain role and to survive (especially risk identification) of planned introduc- in the environment, then further assessment is tions applications can be identified, and are dis- required. cussed in the rest of this chapter.


Basic to all arguments about the risks of delib- applications of genetically engineered organisms erate release of any non-native plant or animal could be identified as having negligible risk (e.g., are risk management decisions about the kinds see Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Bio- of hazards that are tolerable or intolerable. It is technology, 51 F.R. 22302). Such applications could clear that some planned introductions warrant be processed through an abbreviated review or greater concern than others (32). An application be exempt from review. with some degree of risk, but with the potential for widespread benefit, would probably be sub- Can categories be identified for which ab- ject to detailed regulatory review. Regulatory re- breviated review or exemption is appropriate? For view should also, however, be flexible, Thus, for example, case-by-case reviews at appropriate lev- effective and efficient regulatory review, certain els of scrutiny of planned introductions for cur- 112 rently accepted agricultural practices that differ be tested carefully to ensure that they are eco- only by the method used to generate a product logically equivalent to existing partners. not presently regulated might be unduly burden- Nevertheless, despite the reservations of some, some. Likewise, applications that are qualitatively introductions of genetically engineered crop plants identical to previously approved products, e.g., or domestic animals are strong candidates for an a new ice-minus bacteria application, pose no un- abbreviated review process in the near future. examined risk and should probably be subject to less review or be exempt. A priori exclusion from review is problematic Pathogens and Pests for many scientists. On the other hand, many sci- Pathogens or pests used for genetically engi- entists argue that applications should be assessed neered products slated for environmental release and classified on the basis of certain criteria, and have the potential to affect the environment ad- categories requiring different levels of review be versely. The degree of risk associated with im- developed (23,32). This section examines risk porting any genes from pathogens to nonpatho- assessment and review considerations for some gens is also of concern. A distinction, however, types of environmental applications. can be made between the genes of a pathogen that are involved in the disease process and those Crop Plants and Domesticated that direct basic structural or metabolic functions. Animals While some would argue that any genes used from such organisms pose problems, others point out Genetically engineered crop plants and domes- that general genes of structure and metabolism ticated animals appear to be the most likely can- are not special in pathogens. didates for the category of minimal risk applica- tions for planned introductions. Two important Pathogenicity is known to involve a number of questions should be considered, however, before genes that must be intact and operate in a con- assuming that either type of release is wholly safe: certed and coordinated fashion in pathogens (12,39). The kind of review that relatives of patho- ● Do the engineered crop plants or domesti- genic species should be subject to is a topic of much cated animals have relatives that occupy sim- discussion. There are two kinds of relatives of ilar ecological niches and are problematic as pathogenic organisms: avirulent strains that dif- weed plants or feral or pest animals? fer from the pathogen by only one or a few genes, ● Are the engineered organisms toxic to non- and nonpathogenic relatives that contain none of target species? the disease-causing genes. The effect of genetic In addition, altering a fundamental metabolic change on these two types of relatives has differ- process in plants or animals (e.g, plants engineered ent potential for undesirable consequences. Non- to fix nitrogen or mobilize a novel insoluble nu- pathogenic relatives probably have little realistic trient) could require special scrutiny. Changing chance of acquiring all of the characteristics nec- metabolic processes can perturb critical energy essary to become pathogenic (39). That is, because and nutrient cycles. For example, augmenting nu- pathogenicity usually requires the concerted ac- trient flows might increase freshwater pollution tion of several genes, a change in one gene would (see ch. 5). not be likely to convert a nonpathogen to a path- ogen. Thus, nonpathogenic relatives could require Finally, changes in mutualistic species of crop less review than pathogenic organisms if all other plants or domesticated animals should probably criteria are equal. be carefully examined. Mutualisms-complex in- teractions in which both species benefit, such as On the other hand, genetic changes can readily pollination by insects–are important to ecosys- convert some avirulent relatives to virulent path- tem function (6). Introductions of genetically engi- ogens (30,39). In these cases, the relatives are neered species that interact as mutualists should avirulent forms of the disease causing species and 773 differ from the pathogen by only one or two tors, such applications could receive a review changes. For example, changes in virulence have less rigorous than one using a pathogen. Fi- been described for viral and fungal pathogens. nally, although the release of any form of patho- Temperate viruses that infect bacteria can become genic organism as a biological control agent is likely virulent with genetic changes at only one or a few to generate controversy, this is an area where a loci (29). Certain fungal pathogens of plants can mathematical and genetic framework exists for evolve (in response to selection pressure) virulence examining the properties of a pathogen before characteristics against new cultivatable varieties release (2)3,22). Furthermore, there is extensive within a few years after the new cultivars have experience with biocontrol agents, especially in been widely planted (50). Finally, avirulent strains the use of soil-borne plant pathogens (42). of a pathogen can recombine within an organism during an infection to produce lethal recom- binant. Recent experiments demonstrated that Molecular Construction of the two avirulent herpes simplex virus type 1 strains Organism could interact in vivo to produce virulent recom- A different approach that could be used to dis- binant resulting in a lethal infection in mice (21). tinguish applications requiring different levels of Changing a pathogen’s environment or intro- review examines the molecular details of the ducing it into a new one could potentially affect altered organism’s genetic construction. Such an virulence expression or host range—thus argu- examination could include, but not be limited to: ing against exempting from review proposed re- ● whether the genetically engineered organism leases using pathogens, pests, or avirulent rela- has been constructed using genetic material tives. Artificial and disturbed environments, in from the same genus (intrageneric) or differ- particular, seem likely settings for such shifts in ent genera (intergeneric); expressed virulence of a pathogen. Legionella ● whether the alteration of the released organ- pneumophila, the causative agent of Legionnaire’s ism involves the insertion or deletion of disease, for example, occurs in natural freshwater genetic material; and habitats, but can also adapt to life in cooling towers ● whether the alteration of the released organ- and other nonnatural aquatic environments from ism involves regulatory (not structural or cod- which it has easier access to humans (43). Simi- ing) sequences. larly, Endothia parasitic (chestnut blight) is an opportunistic fungal pathogen of several tree spe- Because applications involving genetically engi- cies, In its native Asia, the fungus causes little dam- neered micro-organisms have generated much of age, because forest trees have evolved resistance the controversy in this area of biotechnology, con- genes (25). Since its accidental introduction into siderations of these criteria will focus on such ap- North America, the fungus has virtually eliminated plications. the American chestnut tree throughout its geo- graphic range in the Appalachian mountains be- cause these trees previously had not been pressed Intrageneric and Intergeneric by natural selection to evolve resistance. Constructions Thus, the use of pathogens and some related Taxonomic groupings are in a perpetual state avirulent species in environmental applications of flux, with the classification of organisms into could pose special problems. Such releases are species, genera, and sometimes even higher tax- not likely candidates for exemption from review. onomic categories often changing as scientists However, applications transferring general learn more about the phylogeny of all organisms. genes (genes not involved in causing disease) New molecular techniques have changed prior from pathogens to nonpathogens do not pre- interpretations of evolutionary relationships— sent pathogen-specific problems. In the ab- sometimes radically so. Such realignment is true sence of evidence indicating special risk fac- for all organisms, including micro-organisms. 114

The degree of relatedness of the genetic mate- plications could be assumed safe and entirely ex- rial used in genetically engineered organisms has empt from review. Nevertheless, some review generated considerable debate. Are intrageneric requirements are less pertinent to this type of organisms so similar to those that already exist molecular construction than for those involving in nature that laboratory derived intrageneric con- acquisition of new characteristics, and so a modi- structions can be exempt from review? Or are the fied review process could be appropriate. risks of intrageneric and intergeneric construc- tions similar, so that they should be reviewed in Regulatory Genes a similar manner? Regulatory genes control when and how much Because the prospects for competition leading structural gene product a cell makes. The levels to extinction can be greater for closely related spe- of gene product can affect the expression of indi- cies than for distantly related ones (9), some pro- vidual characteristics, as well as the overall de- pose that slightly modified organisms should re- velopment, structure, function, and vigor of an ceive special scrutiny. Others argue that the organism. designation of genera in microorganisms, and in bacteria in particular, is often arbitrary and the Because gene dosage and timing are important concern about any single case should not be on to an organism’s development, gene alterations taxonomic grounds per se, but rather on the abil- in regulatory sequences are important to changes ity or inability to cause harm (12). in structure and function (from an evolutionary and ecological standpoint) (5,20). In one example Intrageneric and perhaps even intraspecific ge- of tetracycline resistance in the bacterium E. coli, netically engineered organisms might be expected changes in a regulatory gene result in a 50-fold to be less affected by any fitness disadvantage aris- difference in the level of resistance to the antibi- ing from changes in the natural balances between otic (11). Such changes can also affect the organ- the genetic components of individuals in any pop- ism’s ability to survive and reproduce in competi- ulation. Hence, they would be more likely to per- tion with related or neighboring organisms (31). sist in the environment than intergeneric recom- binant. Persistence of intergeneric recombinant, Regulatory gene changes in recombinant organ- on the other hand, could be less of an issue than isms could conceivably not only produce differ- for intrageneric recombinant (27). If persistence ent patterns of gene expression, but also enhance is an important criterion, then taxonomic factors persistence in the environment. On the other should be considered. hand, changes in regulatory sequences that alter the metabolic regulation of an organism can re- Gene Deletions duce the organism’s fitness (and thus survivabil- ity or persistence). The deletion of an existing gene from an organ- ism is more likely to arise spontaneously in na- A pertinent argument has been made that less ture than the de novo acquisition of a new char- concern should be focused on the regulatory gene acteristic. This class of molecular alterations than on the trait whose expression is controlled— probably poses the least risk for adverse con- some traits being beneficial, while others have the sequences resulting from survival and repro- potential for harm (19). The situations just de- duction after release of the engineered organ- scribed illustrate this point. Thus, developing a isms. Other considerations, however, such as the strategy to review regulatory gene changes based potential for adverse genetic, physiological, and on the trait controlled, rather than on the molecu- ecological consequences of the particular appli- lar construction of the application, might be cation would have to be assessed before such ap- prudent. 115

IDENTIFYING RISKS: MICRO-ORGANISMS V. MACRO-ORGANISMS A staggering array of genetically engineered Ecological Impacts organisms have been proposed for potential envi- The obvious distinction between micro-organ- ronmental applications (see app. A; 44,46,51). Pub- isms and macro-organisms is their size, and size lic concern over this next step in biotechnology may affect the ecological impact of an introduced appears greater when the release involves micro- organisms. Genetically engineered plants with organism. For example, larger organisms may move farther, move more biomass, and cycle more plant genes have been field tested with little con- nutrients (per individual) through an ecosystem. troversy. Genetically engineered plants with bac- They are also relatively easier to track and recover terial or fungal genes and genetically engineered and, in general, biologists know more about their bacteria, on the other hand, have involved more natural history than they do about micro- controversy and have been held up longer in the organisms. regulatory system or in litigation (10). Is this per- ception of differential risk between micro-orga- Although the introduction of small organisms nisms and macro-organisms realistic? Are there would probably generate less notice than the re- actually different risks to releasing genetically lease of even a few big organisms in the wrong engineered bacteria-, algae, fungi, or viruses place, the small organisms are potentially more (microorganisms) compared with genetically engi- difficult to control. The generally more rapid re- neered plants or animals (macro-organisms)? productive rates of micro-organisms could allow

Photo credit: Peter Forde, Advanced Genetic Sciences

Some of the equipment set up for monitoring survival and dispersal of ice minus bacteria in Advanced Genetic Sciences’ first field test. 116 them to proliferate and spread more rapidly time examining the structure of communities, it through the environment than larger organisms. is still rarely possible to anticipate all the ramifi- Microorganisms are also harder to retrieve and cations of introducing or removing a seemingly exterminate. innocuous species. Chapter 5 discusses cascade effects in microbial communities and among Competition macro-organisms. Competitive interactions between newly intro- duced engineered organisms—either micro- or Genetic Impacts macro-organisms-and native organisms are cru- In addition to considering different ecological cial components of ecological impact assessment. impacts based on the size of the released organ- Competition occurs if the released and indigenous ism, important genetic questions should be ex- organisms limit each other’s abundance in the amined: environment without consuming each other. Com- petition with alien organisms can result in ex- ● can the organisms exchange genetic informa- tinction of native taxa (9,28)53). Among plants, tion through sexual mechanisms; competition-based local extinction appears rela- ● can the organisms exchange genes between tively common (52). Are genetically engineered species via nonsexual mechanisms (e.g., micro-organisms better able than macro-organ- viruses or plasmids, see ch. 4); and isms to compete with natives? ● does either mechanism carry greater risk of adverse environmental consequences with Most data on this subject have focused on micro- macro-organisms or micro-organisms? organisms. Theories of competition do not sug- gest any difference between the effects of macro- The issue of genetic transfer mechanisms is not and microorganisms. Those studies that consid- one of differences between macroganisms and ered competition of micro-organisms also indi- micro-organisms. Instead, it is a question of prob- cated that the principles of competition are univer- lems specific to a particular release application, sal for both types of organisms (22). For example, even for applications that use sex- ual reproduction as the principal mechanism for An important issue affecting the impact of re- genetic exchange, another factor–the mating leased organisms on competitive interactions in system—must be considered. Species that require the environment is that the less that is known two individuals of opposite sexes to establish a about an ecosystem and a species, regardless of breeding population do not as readily colonize dis- its size, the harder it is to describe competitors. tant areas as species in which a single individual This factor is not an actual function of the differ- can establish a breeding population. ent sizes of micro-organisms v. macro-organisms. At present, more pertinent information for micro- Generalizations about potential genetic impacts, organisms exists, Thus, it should be easier to as- however, are best applied to well-studied species sess competitive interactions (and adverse conse- of organisms—small or large. Among wild and quences) for the release of an altered micro- little-known species, there are diverse mating sys- organism. tems in both groups, Plants and some vertebrates are known to exchange genes with members of Cascade Effects other genera, while bacteria in the field might do little recombining of any sort. Thus, a strategy One of the more difficult problems in analyz- to generically assess potential genetic risk on the ing the environmental impact of intentionally in- basis of a distinction between macro-organisms troduced organisms is the possibility of cascade and microorganisms would be inadequate. effects-changes in one species that destabilize relationships between other species, leading to Evolutionary Impacts changes in species far removed from the original disturbance. Cascade effects are the least predict- The risks of evolutionary lability in the delib- able potential consequences of a planned intro- erate release of either micro-organisms or micro- duction. Although ecologists have spent a lot of organisms should be considered. Neither group 117 is perfectly adapted to its environment. Given real Selection Pressure space and finite populations, any organism is likely Selection pressure is the most critical compo- to evolve if presented with an environmental op- nent in estimating the probability of adverse evolu- portunity or challenge (7). An analysis of the envi- tionary consequences. In the face of selection pres- ronmental risks (including genetic and ecological sure, a trait that favors survival and reproduction risks) would be inadequate if the released taxa evolved characteristics that were lacking when (i.e., differential reproductive success) will in- crease in frequency in the population. Traits con- the organisms were introduced. The potential for ferring disadvantages will be selected against. evolution is a function of both population size and, Natural selection appears to operate on micro- most importantly, the selection pressure applied. organisms and macro-organisms by the same Do microorganisms differ from macro-organisms mechanisms. But the larger number of micro- in their potential to evolve? organisms (by as much as six orders of magni- tude) can allow more rapid adaptive responses Number of Organisms since they have shorter generation times and more The number of organisms to be introduced is genetic variation can be screened in a given a key component in the consideration of evolu- amount of time, tionary potentials and impacts. Micro-organisms Some applications are more sensitive to selec- and macro-organisms include diverse types with tion pressure than others, and this difference different potential for invasion and establishment. stems mainly from the various uses of engineered In general, the number and the density of organ- organisms. Again, however, sheer numbers of re- isms involved in a given environmental applica- leased organisms could play an important role. tion will be greater in a release of microorganisms. For example, strong selection that eliminates 99 This difference in numbers makes the probabil- percent of a species will leave behind 10 survivors ity of an evolutionary response higher in an in- of a population of 1,000, and 10,000 survivors of troduction that involves micro-organisms. Other a population of 1 million. The survivors of such things being equal, the evolutionary risks associ- selection would probably be better adapted, and ated with the environmental release of micro- a population of 10)000 is more likely to reproduce organisms will be greater than those for released itself than is one of 10. Thus, larger populations macro-organisms. For example, if mutation occurs 7 (in this case a larger number of released organ- at a rate of one in 10 organisms and if one in 3 isms) increase the probability of evolutionary re- 10 of these mutations has an evolutionary im- sponse to selection pressure. The larger numbers pact, the net probability of an environmental im- 12 of released organisms that would be associated pact is one in 1010. Therefore, a release of 10 9 with microorganism applications could more bacteria in a field trial (e.g., 1 liter of 10 organ- readily evolve in response to environmental selec- isms per milliliter) could result in an evolution- tion pressures than the smaller macro-organism ary impact in that population. However, such a populations. consequence is unlikely to occur among a release of only 1O9 organisms.

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1987 Newspaper Enterprise Association, Inc. 118


Planned introductions of genetically engineered Table 6.1.—Types of U.S. Environmental Protection organisms are the new frontier in biotechnology. Agency Biotechnology Risk Assessment Projects The techniques for exploiting this frontier (e.g., ● Methods for assessing the fate of genetically recombinant DNA technology and plant cell cul- engineered micro-organisms in the soil ture) are well-developed and continue to be re- ● Methods for detecting, identifying, and enumerating genetically engineered bacteria in the soil fined. But specific data and basic, broad-based ● Survival, modification, and effects of genetically information about many areas necessary to de- engineered micro-organisms in aquatic environments velop capabilities for generic risk assessment ● Genetic transfer in aquatic environments ● Fate and effects of genetically engineered micro- and management strategies are lacking. In organisms on ecological processes many instances, much of this information can ● Fate and effects of genetically engineered micro- only be obtained by small= scale, experimental organisms in simulated natural environments field testing. Still, controversies surrounding ini- SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1988, tial applications to release genetically engineered organisms into the environment have illuminated tion for research grant proposals, EPA identified areas where research efforts should focus. ecological risk assessment, ecosystem structure and function, and ecological and toxicological ef- Current Status fects as priority areas (49). Federal law limits the scope of EPA’s biotech- Although nearly all risk assessments—including nology research efforts to those program projects chemical assessments—are and will continue to designed to assist other EPA sectors to perform be plagued by incomplete data (8), some research their missions. Nevertheless, the range of research efforts have begun to yield information that is crit - projects that the Agency funds should provide val- ical to the examination of potential risks associ- uable data and should advance in the field of bio- ated with the planned introduction of genetically technology risk assessment and risk management engineered organisms. As the data compiled from generally. small-scale field trials increase, regulators can de- velop and refine the risk management process. U.S. Department of Agriculture The charge of funding research efforts to enhance risk assessment of environmental applications of Biotechnology research performed by or for genetically engineered organisms falls principally USDA is administered chiefly through the Agri- to three Federal agencies: the Environmental Pro- cultural Research Service and the Cooperative tection Agency (EPA); the U.S. Department of Agri- State Research Service. Direct risk assessment culture (USDA); and the National Science Foun- components of research represent only a small dation (NSF). fraction of the biotechnology projects at either agency (4,47). No clear direction to increase or Environmental Protection Agency promote risk assessment aspects of biotechnol- ogy research at USDA exists (4). Recent reports, EPA funds biotechnology risk assessment re- however, indicate that the Department plans to search through the Office of Research and De- increase the profile and funding in its research velopment. At EPA, all biotechnology research agenda of aspects specific to biotechnology risk projects—intramural and extramural—in- assessment (18). volve risk assessment. Funding in fiscal year 1986 totaled $4.4 million; in fiscal year 1987 it National Science Foundation reached $5.7 million (26). Table 6-1 lists some of the types of projects being funded by EPA to de- From 1 to 13 percent of biotechnology projects velop an adequate scientific database that will al- funded by NSF relate directly to risk assessment low prediction of environmental risks possibly (47). Equally as important as funding for direct associated with the deliberate release of geneti- biotechnology risk assessment, however, is NSF cally engineered organisms. In a recent solicita- funding for research projects to develop the fun- 119 damental scientific database needed for appropri- relationships of natural populations (espe- ate risk strategies. NSF supports projects in sev- cially nontarget microorganisms) should be eral key areas, including microbial ecology, the emphasized. ecology of genes and plasmids, evolutionary biol- ● Natural History. -collecting data on the life ogy, and systematic. Additionally, NSF has issued histories of organisms intended for planned a program solicitation to establish Biological Fa- introductions and the organisms with which cilities Centers and Biological Research Centers they interact is critical, especially for those (35), one of which is to be devoted to biotechnol- with potentially harmful impacts. ogy risk assessment (24). ● Ecology.—the complex interactions of mi- crobes, plants, and animals need to be better Finally, NSF, USDA, and the U.S. Department understood so that improved predictive ca- of Energy have undertaken a joint initiative for pabilities can be developed. Crop ecology, in plant science centers beginning in fiscal year 1988 particular, is important because agricultural (34). Successful initiatives might involve examin- uses will be the majority of early applications. ing responsible application of genetic engineer- ● Test Systems.—aquatic and terrestrial lab- ing to avoid undesirable environmental effects or oratory microcosms and mesocosms look clarifying ecological processes in agroecosystems promising for analyzing ecological processes and (34). prior to planned introduction. They need fur- ther development and refinement. Research Needs For the Future However, although increased investment in Several permits for small-scale field tests of envi- specific research areas is critical, the para- ronmental applications of biotechnology are in the mount need is to develop interdisciplinary re- regulatory approval process or have been been search programs in order to support biotech- approved and conducted (see ch. 3 and app. A). nology risk assessment. Research in such While the information and data gained from these programs should be thoroughly integrated, from experiments will be valuable in designing future hypothesis generation to experimentation and risk assessment and risk management protocols, interpretation of results. Active research coopera- an expansion of basic scientific research to gather tion among microbiologists, geneticists, ecologists, data critical to risk assessment is also necessary. molecular biologists, evolutionary biologists, plant Billions of dollars are being invested throughout pathologists, entomologists, agronomists, and epi- U.S. industrial sectors to comply with various envi- demiologists should be encouraged. The scientific ronmental standards, but comparatively little is data gained through such collaborations would being invested specifically to improve the scien- improve significantly the ability to assess biotech- tific basis for the standards (8). An improvement nology risks (37,38)41). Nevertheless, uncertain- in risk assessment would be a major step in en- ties and questions in risk assessment of planned suring that compliance money is well spent (8). introductions will continue to exist. No amount Important areas of research include: of research funding can answer all questions; ● Taxonomy and Systematics.—gathering tough risk management decisions that weigh ben- data on the classification and evolutionary efits against risks will need to be made.


During the 1970s, public concern about the ef- evaluating risks that might be associated with fects of technology on the environment and hu- planned introductions of genetically engineered man health led to the development of methods organisms into the environment. The related is- to help regulators evaluate and control potential sue of managing risk has also received public at- hazards. More recently, attention has focused on tention. 720

Risk assessment, a process distinct from risk ent levels of review. In either case, future experi- management, uses scientific data to estimate the ence with the impact of various types of genetically effects of exposure to hazardous materials or modified organisms on environmental processes other situations. Derived from a factual base, it should result in a safe, streamlined review proc- can be qualitative or quantitative, Risk manage- ess for some applications, or a lifting of the re- ment, on the other hand, weighs policy alterna- quirement for review. tives to select the most appropriate regulatory strategy or action, This process depends on the Categories that could be considered for abbre- scientific findings of risk assessment, as well as viated review include: crop plants and domesticated the role of the public. It involves the integration animals, and organisms involving nondisease- of scientific, social, economic, technical, and po- associated genes or gene deletions. Applications litical concerns. A key to improving the current in which the genetically engineered product is sub- situation is to distinguish between those aspects stantially identical in its properties to naturally of the process that are scientific (risk assessment) occurring genetic variants; that could be produced and those that are matters of policy decisions (risk with previously existing methods and without be- management). ing subject to regulation under existing law; that are already available and approved for field test- Although risk assessment of recombinant DNA ing; or that contain no new genetic material ex- technology is not a new issue, the specific appli- cept marker sequences in noncoding regions prob- cation of risk assessment to planned introductions ably could warrant abbreviated review or possibly of genetically engineered organisms has become even exemption. a matter of debate. Methods developed in the pre- vious decade for chemical risk assessment have Ecological, genetic, and evolutionary impacts been suggested as models for assessment of risks that could result from planned introductions of that might result from the planned introduction micro-organisms or macro-organisms are impor- of engineered organisms. To date, however, ge- tant in assessing risks of an introduction. In gen- neric risk assessment protocols to analyze the eral, existing knowledge of macro-organisms impacts of genetically engineered organisms (plants or animals) exceeds information available have not been widely agreed upon. for micro-organisms (bacteria, algae, fungi, or Experiences with historical agriculture ap- viruses), so less scrutiny might be required to yield plications are pertinent and provide parallel an evaluation of the risks associated with the re- scientific information for many potential ap- lease of a macro-organism. plications. Small-scale, experimental field test- Controversies surrounding the initial applica- ing is necessary to improve baseline data for tions to release genetically engineered organisms risk assessment. into the environment have illuminated areas At present, some scientists argue that the ex- where fundamental knowledge of many systems pectation of safety can best be met by a scientific is currently lacking. In particular, active research review of proposed releases of genetically engi- cooperation among microbiologists, geneticists, neered organisms into the environment on an agricultural scientists, plant pathologists, entomol- adaptable, case-by-case basis, and that at this time ogists, agronomists, ecologists, and evolutionary a priori exclusion of any application from review biologists should be encouraged. Interdiscipli- is problematic. Other scientists hold that a rigid nary research is critical to developing ade- case-by-case approach could paralyze advances quate risk assessment and risk management in planned introductions of genetically engineered for planned introductions of genetically engi- organisms, and that a proper balance between reg- neered organisms. To dispel speculation, in- ulation and safety would involve each organism creasing the general knowledge base about organ- being assessed and classified (on the basis of sci- isms intended for environmental applications is entific criteria) into categories requiring differ- paramount. 121


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Co-Evolution of Hosts and Parasites,” Ecology and 40. Rissler, J., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Genetics of Host-Parasite Interactions, D. Rollinson Washington, DC, personal communication, July and R.M. Anderson (eds.) (London: Academic Press, 1987. 1985). 41. Roberts, L., “Discovering Microbes With a Taste 30. Massey, A., and Gould, F., “The Genetic Basis of for PCBS,” Science 237:975-977, 1987. Changes in Host Range or Habitat ,“ contract report 42. Schippers, B., and Garns, W. (eds.), Soil-Borne Plant prepared for the Office of Technology Assessment, Pathogens (New York, NY: Academic Press, 1979). U.S. Congress, Washington, DC, March 1987. 43. Selander, R. K., McKinney, R. M., Whittam, T. S., et 31. Moyed, H. S., Nguyen, T. T., and Bertrand, K. P., al., “Genetic Structure of Populations ofLe@”onel/a “Multicopy Tn10 tet Plasmids Confer Sensitivity to pneumophila,” Journal of Bacteriology 163:1021- Induction of tet Gene Expression,” Journal of Bac- 1037, 1985. teriology 155:549-556, 1983. 44. Stern, A. M., “Potential Impacts of Environmental 32. National Academy of Sciences, Committee on the Releases of Biotechnology Products: Assessment Introduction of Genetically Engineered Organisms Regulation and Research Needs Applications,” Envi- into the Environment, “Introduction of Recombi- ronmental Management 10:445-453, 1986,

nant DNA-Engineered Organisms Into the Environ- 45% Suter, G. W., II, “Application of Environmental Risk ment: Key Issues” (Washington, DC: National Acad- Analysis to Engineered Organisms,” Engineered emy Press, 1987). Organisms in the Environment: Scientific Issues, 33. National Research Council (U.S.), Committee on the H.O. Halvorson, D. Pramer, and M. Rogul (eds.) Institutional Means for Assessment of Risks to Pub- (Washington, DC: American Society for Microbiol- lic Health, Risk Assessment in the Federal Govern- ogy, 1985). ment: Managing the Process (Washington, DC: Na- 46. Teich, A. H., Levin, M. A., and Pace, J. H., Biotech- tional Academy Press, 1983). nology and the Environment: Risk & Regulation 34 National Science Foundation, “Interagency Pro- (Washington, DC: American Association for the Ad- gram Announcement: Plant Science Centers Pro- vancement of Science, 1985). gram,” NSF 87-71 (Washington, DC: National Sci- 47. U.S. Congress, General Accounting Office, Biotech- ence Foundation, 1987). nology: Analuysis of Federally Funded Research, 35. National Science Foundation, “Program Solicitation: GAO/RCED-86-187, Washington, DC, 1986. The Biological Centers Program,;’ Catalog of Fed- 48. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, eral Domestic Assistance Number 47.051, Biologi- Public Perceptions of Biotechnology, OTA-BP-BA- cal, Behavioral, and Social Sciences, 1987. 45 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Of- 36. Raines, L., Industrial Biotechnology Association, fice, May 1987). Washington, DC, personal communication, May 49. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Solicita- 1987. tion for Research Grant Proposals, ” EPA/600/8- 37 Regal, P.J., “Safe and Effective Biotechnology: 86/028, September 1986. Mobilizing Scientific Expertise,” Applications of Bio- 50. Van der Plank, J. E., Disease Resistance in Plants technology: Environmental and Policy Issues, J.R. (San Francisco, CA: Freeman, 1968). Fowle, III (cd.) (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1987). 51. Vidaver, A. K., “Plant-Associated Agricultural Ap- 38 Regal, P.J., Klug, M., Sayler, G., et al., “Basic Re- plications of Genetically Engineered Microorgan- search Needs in Microbial Ecology for the Era of isms: Projections and Constraints, ” Recombinant Genetic Engineering,” Executive Report of the DNA Technical Bulletin 8:97-102, 1985. April-May 1986 Workshop for the National Science 52. Wagner, R, H., Environment and Man, 3d ed. (New Foundation, Scottsdale, AZ, 1987. York, NY: W.W. Norton & Co., 1978). 39 Riley, M., State University of New York at Stony 53. Wilson, E. O., The Insect Societies (Cambridge, MA: Brook, Stony Brook, NY, personal communication, Belknap Press, 1971). June 1987, October 1987. Appendixes Appendix A Pending and Potential Planned Introductions of Genetically Engineered Organisms

The information contained in this appendix is dated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grouped according to the organism receiving the trans- caused delay. The first field test began on April 24, ferred genetic material, or, in the case of deletions, 1987, near Brentwood, in Contra Costa County, CA. the organism from which genetic material is deleted. The bacteria were topically applied to 2,400 straw- Within any given entry, pending applications (those berry plants to test the degree of frost resistance con- at or near the field test stage) are described first. In ferred upon strawberry plants in the 0.2-acre plot, as some cases, material on likely or possible applications well as to monitor such risk assessment parameters follows. This information was compiled from publicly as survival and dispersal. The manipulations involved available materials, and was last updated in early 1988. do not impart any new genetic information; rather, they delete existing information. Comparable strains of bacteria occur naturally, the results of random mu- tation. Potential for ultimate survival or spread of test Microbes strains has been judged low. There is no likelihood of Bacteria novel characters being transmitted to nontarget spe- cies. EPA announced approval of the application for Killed Bacteria as pesticide (Mycogen, San Diego, an experimental use permit in February 1987. CA).—Mycogen scientists cloned the delta-endotoxin A similar experiment was first proposed in 1982 by gene from Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) and inserted it Steven Lindow and Nickolas Panopoulos of the Univer- into a strain of Pseudomonas via plasmid-mediated sity of California at Berkeley to delete the gene for the transformation. The Pseudomonas is cultured to pro- ice-nucleation protein from strains of P. syringae and duce large amounts of the delta-endotoxin, a protein Erwinia herbicola and field test them for increased that is toxic to lepidoptera larvae. The bacteria are then frost resistance of host plant substrates (especially killed, their cell walls fixed, and the resulting ‘poison potato plants). EPA and the Recombinant DNA Advi- capsule’ is administered as a topical insecticide. Using sory Committee of the National Institutes of Health both the killed and fixed bacteria as a delivery vehicle in- approved the proposal. Local opposition and legal chal- creases the longevity of the toxin in the environment. lenges by the Foundation on Economic Trends made In other applications the protein is rapidly degraded a Fall 1986 test impossible. The field test commenced by sunlight and other environmental action. Using on 29 April 1987, near Tulelake, CA, with the planting killed bacteria also eliminates most containment prob- in a half-acre plot of 2,000 inoculated tubers and 2,000 lems. Small-scale field trials were conducted in test controls. plots near Orlando, FL. "Ice plus” (Snomax Technologies, Oakland, CA).– Toa Gosei Chemical, in Japan, has an active research Naturally occurring strains of spray-dried P. syringae program aimed at producing similar killed BT agents. (produced by Kodak Bioproducts Division for AGS), They are screening natural strains of B. thuringiensis containing high concentrations of the ice-nucleation to identify varieties that will target specific pests (e.g., protein, are mixed with water and sprayed from snow- diamond back moth, fabricius, etc.) and cloning the making guns at ski resorts. This procedure is from 20 toxin genes into Escherichia coli and B. subtilis to en- to 80 percent more efficient than water alone, and has hance production (37). been tested on ski slopes in Colorado, Michigan, Min- “Ice Minus” (Advanced Genetic Sciences (AGS), Oak- nesota, New York, and Vermont. The 1986-87 season land, CA).–AGS researchers have produced strains of saw large-scale use in a number of resorts (a major Pseudomonas syringae and P. fluorescent from which delay until recently has been in production facility the gene for the ice-nucleation protein has been availability and capacity. Use has been approved 011 deleted. AGS had hoped to field test in early 1986, but U.S. Forest Service lands. It is also possible that the legal challenges, local opposition, and controversy over bacterium might be used in a variety of ice-making unauthorized facilities for pathogenicity tests man- applications in the Arctic.

125 126

AGS claims they have also developed a recombinant- Agent Orange), trichloroethylene (a solvent that is the DNA form of the bacterium that is up to 1,000 times most common ground water contaminant), and pen- as effective as the wild-type strain. There are no im- tachlorophenol (PCP, a common wood-treatment mediate plans to use this in any environmental appli- chemical). cations. Many naturally occurring bacteria have the ability Engineered Microbial Pesticide (Monsanto, St. to degrade a variety of chemicals found in toxic waste. Louis, MO).—Monsanto scientists have cloned the delta- These abilities could be enhanced both by classical endotoxin gene from B. thuringiensis and used trans- selection and genetic engineering. Species of Achro- posable elements to install it in the chromosomes of mobacter are able to degrade carbofuran, a pesticide strains of P. fluorescent, a microbe that colonizes the against corn rootworm and other crop pests. Flavobac- surfaces of corn plant roots. In its host, the inserted terium species are known to degrade coumaphos, a gene is expressed and the gene product retains its tox- pesticide used against livestock pests. An atrazine re- icity. Monsanto plans to inoculate seed corn with the sistance gene has been isolated from cyanobacteria, engineered bacteria in the hope that they will colo- or blue-green algae. Such bacteria maybe engineered nize the roots of the developing plant. The insectici- for environmental cleanup programs, such as degrad- dal activity of the protein toxin should then protect ing toxic material remaining in storage tanks where the plant from the corn-root cutworm. Monsanto’s pro- farmers dump pesticide or herbicide wastes, posed field test would involve planting 27,000 coated The EPA lab at Gulf Breeze has developed a “suicide” seeds on a l-acre test plot for each of two consecutive plasmid to ensure that a gene encoding a 3-chloroben- years. zoic acid-degrading enzyme will be destroyed when While data on the behavior of transposable elements it has served its purpose. The plasmid contains four in other systems (notably Drosophila) suggest caution elements: the gene for the degradative enzyme, a pro- is warranted, potential problems associated with hori- moter, a methylase gene, and a restriction enzyme- zontal gene transmission seem to have been preempted encoding gene. In the presence of 3-chlorobenzoic acid, in this case. Monsanto scientists inserted the delta- the promoter induces production of both the degrada - endotoxin gene into the Pseudomonas chromosome tive enzyme and the methylase, which protects the with a disarmed transposable element-one from degradative gene from the action of the restriction en- which the transposase gene (necessary for element mo- zyme. When the acid has been completely degraded, bility) was deleted. Insertion was affected with the aid methylase production is suppressed, and the restric- of a “helper” transposable element, from which one tion enzyme digests the degradative gene. Scientists of the long terminal repeats necessary for insertion believe this type of scheme should be applicable to was deleted (25,26,27). many other metabolic pathways, though there are no Monsanto has submitted to EPA a proposal for an imminent plans to field test such microbes. Experimental Use Permit for field testing. EPA has Toxic Waste Disposal or Heavy Metal Recovery asked for data from additional toxicity protocols, which (Mining). -Bacteria might be engineered to enhance are now being performed. their abilities to extract or concentrate heavy metal Toxic Waste Disposal.-Bacteria maybe engineered contaminants from land fills or mine tailings. The bac- to enhance or receive capabilities to metabolize or se- teria would promote the efficient recovery of minerals, quester specific toxic wastes, including polychlorinated minimize existing pollution, and leave reclaimed land biphenyls (PCBS)) polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), di- usable for agriculture. A number of existing mining oxin, oil spills, phenol, pesticides, herbicides, and heavy operations use bacteria to aid in the recovery proc- metals. A host of bacteria capable of metabolizing ess, such as cobalt extraction with Thiobacillus fer- different substrates are known (17). One such bac- rooxidans. Other potential targets include lead, cad- terium is a strain of Pseudomonas (developed by mium, and copper, Ananda Chakrabarty) that has been given the capabil- Researchers at the EPA laboratory in Gulf Breeze, ity (Plasmid-qmediated) to metabolize several compon- FL, are developing bacterial strains resistant to mer- ents of crude oil. This may enhance the possibilities cury, with the intention of using them to reduce pollu- to control oil spills biologically. It differs from estab- tion problems in mercury contaminated environments. lished techniques by combining several different car- It may also be possible to alter some species of algae bon degradative pathways into one organism. Exist- to enhance or impart toxic waste disposal ability (see ing methods generally use a mixture of naturally section on Plants: Engineered Algae), occurring bacteria each with the capacity to metabo- Pollution Control.-Phosphorus removal, ammonia lize a different crude ail component, EPA researchers oxidation, and flocculation are three significant prob- in Gulf Breeze, FL, have developed systems capable lems facing municipal water purification systems. Bac- of degrading jet fuel, 2)4,5-T (the active ingredient in teria could be engineered to aid each of these tasks. 127

Miscellaneous—Ecogen (Princeton, NJ) is using both A similar test to measure viral persistence in a given classical and biotechnological approaches to develop ecosystem involved a baculovirus (Autographa califor- a variety of novel pesticides. “Plasmid curing” has nica nuclear polyhedrosis virus) pathogenic to cater- produced some new BT toxin vehicles, and recombi- pillars of the mottled willow moth, Spodoptera exigua. nant DNA techniques are being used to investigate po- This test was carried out by Institute of Virology sci- tential pesticide uses of B. subtilis toxin genes. entists at an undisclosed United Kingdom site during After normal drilling operations, as much as 50 per- the summer of 1986 (3), In both cases, the scientists cent of the oil may remain in wells, due to capillary anticipate inserting genes to increase the virulence of forces and chemical adhesion (8). Engineered bacte- the viral pathogen. The gene for the BT delta-endotoxin ria may help extract that remaining oil. is a likely candidate. Microbes may be tapped to aid in biomass energy Genetics Institute (Cambridge, MA) is pursuing re- production, as with yeast engineered to enhance their search aimed at inserting an insect toxin gene into a ability (generally in contained facilities) to produce nuclear polyhedrosis virus. The engineered virus is ethanol for fuel. Scientists at the University of Florida targeted at A. californica, an alfalfa pest, as well as and elsewhere are currently studying this possibility. Heliothis species, pests of various crop plants includ- Bacteria may also be engineered to enhance their ing cotton, soybeans, and rice. Similar work on related function in food production processes (28). viruses is under way at Tottori University, in Japan. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Viruses Organization (CSIRO) researchers in Australia are ex- ploring genetic engineering techniques as a means of Viruses as Pesticides.—By manipulating the orga- restoring the virulence of the myxoma virus. Origi- nization and expression of baculovirus genomes, re- nally introduced to control pest populations of intro- searchers hope to increase baculovirus utility as pes- duced rabbits, attenuated forms of the initially viru- ticides with specific applications. Commenting on lent virus evolved at the same time rabbits developed potential risks, one researcher has said ‘(My guess is increased resistance. Although the original virus no problem but there are a variety of constructs pos- devasted rabbit populations, the subsequent coevolu- sible, and some could have broader effects than de- tion between host and pathogen has led rabbit num- sired. . . . One can consider many scenarios. In the bers to once again increase. Scientists are attempting worst case (also the most improbable) the situation to add a bacterial toxin to the viral genome to increase could not be corrected. . . . In the course of our studies its potency (42). already we have developed what we consider im- Viruses in Engineered Vaccines.--On 23 July 1986, proved methods of assessing risks of genetically engi- the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced neering viral pesticide products. . . . Our methods of approval of “Recombivax HB”, ” a genetically engi- assessing viral gene expression in nontarget hosts are neered vaccine for hepatitis B, a disease carried by extremely sensitive” (19). work is being done in this as many as 200 million people worldwide, 700,000 in area by at least three academic groups (in Florida, the United States alone. Based on the hepatitis B cell Texas, and Georgia) and two commercial companies surface antigen, the vaccine was developed by Chiron (Genetics Institute, Cambridge, MA, and MicroGeneSys, (Emeryville, CA) and marketed by Merck & Co. It has West Haven, CT). been shown to produce the same high level of immu- Researchers at the Institute of Virology in Oxford, nity in clinical trials as Merck’s blood-plasma-based vac- England, are pursuing several similar applications. The cine, but without the potential worries associated with first involves a baculovirus that is pathogenic to the contamination of donated blood by the AIDS (acquired pine beauty moth, Panolis flammea, a pest of lodge- immunodeficiency syndrome) virus. Several Japanese pole pine (and other species), especially in northern groups are working on an engineered hepatitis B vac- Scotland. Field tested viruses contain special marker cine, as are researchers at the Pasteur Institute, Paris; nucleotide sequences, to aid in tracking distribution at Merck, Sharp, & Dohme in West Germany; and at and dispersal. Although approval has been obtained Smith Kline Biological, Belgium (29). from the appropriate regulatory bodies (the Advisory A cooperative group at the Japan Polio Research In- Committee on Genetic Manipulation of the Health and stitute and the University of Tokyo Medical School has Safety Executive, and the Forestry Commission) as well recently announced the construction of an attenuated as the Nature Conservancy Council, delays made test- polio virus vaccine that retains high immunogenicity. ing impossible in 1986. Field tests took place during Additional competitors are emerging (40). Japanese re- 1987. (British regulation is largely voluntary, and some- search is also focussed on engineered herpes simplex what more flexible than at present in the United States.) viruses as vaccines against several human diseases. 128

Chiron is also working on the development of vac- Scientists at Baylor University and at Texas A&M cines against hepatitis A, AIDS, malaria, and oral and field tested a vaccine for swine pseudorabies in 1984. genital herpes. In October 1986, Chiron announced An investigation by the National Institutes of Health’s a joint venture (the Biocine Company) with Ciba-Geigy (NIH) Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee found to produce genetically engineered vaccines. the researchers remiss for not having consulted the Researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and local Institutional Biosafety Committees, and concluded Infectious Disease (NIAID) and elsewhere have inserted that ambiguities in the NIH guidelines contributed to into the vaccinia virus (used originally for smallpox confusion in the case. The vaccine was developed by vaccinations) genes responsible for antigen production Novagene, Inc. (Houston) and is now commercially in a number of diseases—herpes simplex, influenza, available through TechAmerica Group, Inc. (Omaha, hepatitis B, rabies, and respiratory syncitial virus, all NB). in humans; and vesicular stomatitis in cattle, horses, In 1986, researchers from Oregon State University, and pigs. Vaccinia virus is particularly valuable as a at the invitation of collaborators in New Zealand, field vector because it needs no refrigeration; it is cheap, tested an engineered vaccinia virus in that country. easy to administer, has a large capacity for foreign The research was designed to study immunogenicity, DNA; and it has proved safe and effective in over 200 pathogenicity, and transmissibility of a model vaccinia years of use. An early case of inadvertent release in- virus in sheep, calves, and chickens. The engineered volved the accidental vaccination of laboratory re- vaccine contained structural genes for proteins from searchers during a test in mice of a vaccine for vesicu- sindbis virus, a single-stranded RNA virus (31). The re- lar stomatitis (13). searchers found the tests successful. A vaccine for malaria is being pursued by several Scientists from the Wistar Institute (Philadelphia) de- research programs, including groups at New York veloped, and collaborators from the Pan American University, Chiron, NIAID (working with vaccinia sys- Health Organization field tested, an engineered vac- tems), and a collaborative effort by Smith, Kline & cinia virus vaccine against rabies in Argentina in 1986 French and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Re- (see ch. 3). search. Preliminary human trials began on 17 March Vaccines (especially those using vaccinia virus) may 1986, with a vaccine developed by the latter. Early be engineered to carry simultaneously the antigenic reports of results were disappointing. determinants for a series of diseases, related or not Peter J. Hotez and colleagues at Rockefeller Univer- (20,30). These vaccines must be monitored carefully, sity are developing a vaccine against hookworm, two to avoid the possibility of recombination producing species of which (Necator americanus and Ancy- newly virulent viral forms (12). clostoma duodenale) cause a substantial public health In the face of antigenically complex systems, such problem worldwide. The antigenic determinant for the as malaria or sleeping sickness, engineered multiva- vaccine is the histolytic proteolytic enzyme (HP), which lent vaccines may be the only way to provide general attaches the hookworm to the wall of the small intes- protection. Work is under way to produce such engi- tine. Synthetic antigen in the vaccine stimulates the neered vaccines (4 I), but estimates place successful host to produce antibodies to the enzyme. Research- completion 10 or more years in the future. However, ers used phage lambda gt11 to clone the gene for HP preliminary successes with previously refractory dis- necessary for large-scale production. eases, such as schistosomiasis (27), may mean that sin- Australian scientists at CSIRO, working with Biotech- gle antigen approaches might be fruitful against sys- nology Australia and Arthur Webster, two Australian tems once thought amenable only to multivalent biotechnology companies, have developed a vaccine vaccines. for sheep foot rot, caused by Bacteroides nodosus. The gene from this bacterium, encoding the production of the cell surface filaments crucial to infection, was trans- Plants ferred to P. aeruginosa. Inoculating sheep with the Herbicide Resistance altered P. aeruginosa bacterium stimulates the desired immune response. Glyphosate. —Scientists at Calgene (Davis, CA) have Different groups in the European Economic Com- inserted the aroA gene from Sahnonella typhimurium munity are pursuing engineered vaccines for the into tobacco to confer tolerance to the herbicide chicken pathogen, infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), foot glyphosate (e.g., Monsanto’s Roundup”). A disarmed and mouth disease, bovine and swine rotavirus, bo- plasmid from Agrobacterium rhizogenes served as the vine leukemia, avian erythroblastosis, swine pseudora - vector (7). While this gene transfer imparts a new char- bies, and rabies. acteristic to strains of an existing plant species, the 129 chance that these characteristics might spread seem in corn. Approaches based on cell culture and selec- to be very low, if not zero. The U.S. Department of tive breeding are closest to commercialization. Agriculture (USDA) approved Calgene’s applications Calgene (Davis, CA) scientists have isolated a gene to field test the altered tobacco plants. conferring tolerance to bromoxynil, a herbicide made Calgene has patented the aroA gene under the name by Rhone-Poulenc Agrochimie, France. Several strat- GlyphoTol and plans to file applications soon to test egies are being explored to introduce the gene into similarly transformed tomato and cotton plants. Corn, sunflower plant cells and other plant tissues. USDA soybean, rape, and some trees are targets of similar has approved field tests scheduled for 1988 of tobacco efforts. Calgene has also been working on transform- plants engineered to be tolerant of this herbicide. ing oil rape (Brassica napus) with a bacterial antibiotic In January 1987, scientists at Plant Genetic Systems, resistance gene. Belgium, reported the genetic engineering of tomatoes, Researchers at Monsanto have used the Ti plasmid potatoes, and tobacco plants “totally resistant” to the from A. tumefaciens to insert genes for glyphosate re- broad spectrum herbicide “Basta@, ” produced by sistance into tobacco, tomato, and petunia cells from Hoechst AG, Frankfurt am Main, West Germany. The which resistant plants have been regenerated (34). Field active ingredient in the herbicide, phosphinotricin, in- tests were conducted in the summer of 1987. hibits the plant enzyme glutamine synthetase. Phos- Atrazine (Ciba-Geigy).-The herbicide atrazine, man- phinotricin can be inactivated by acetylation. The gene ufactured primarily by Ciba-Geigy and marketed as for an acetylating enzyme has been isolated from a AAtrex, is degraded very slowly in the environment. strain of streptomyces and inserted into target plants, An effective herbicide, annual sales of AAtrex amount protecting them from doses of Basta as high as 10 to nearly $250 million, making it the second best sell- times those used normally for weed killing (23). ing herbicide after Roundup@. Atrazine is commonly used on corn, which is naturally resistant. But because Disease Resistance it persists in soil, it can contaminate runoff and re- duce yields in sensitive crops that are planted in rota- Crown Gall Resistant Tobacco (Agracetus, Middle- tion with atrazine-treated corn, a problem termed ton, WI).—Agracetus scientists used a disarmed Ti plas - “carry-over.” Several crops are likely candidates for mid to transform tobacco with a gene conferring re- the induction of atrazine resistance. According to one sistance to crown gall disease. NIH approved the estimate, atrazine resistance in the prominent varieties company’s application for small-scale field testing in of soybeans would allow sales of the herbicide to dou- 1986, and USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection ble or triple (2 I). Field tests of engineered atrazine re- Service (APHIS) reviewed the same proposal and cer- sistance in tobacco were carried out by Ciba-Geigy in tified it as involving “no plant pest risk. ” Field testing North Carolina in 1986. began on 30 May 1986, in Middletown, WI. Agracetus The gene for atrazine resistance was transferred by is pursuing similar ends in corn and soybeans. cross-breeding from bird’s rape (Brassica campestris) Agracetus scientists have also transformed cotton to oil rape, or canola (B. napus), which was field tested plants (Gossypium hirsutum) with an antibiotic resis- on 30,000 acres in Canada in 1984. tance gene coding for neomycin phosphotransferase Sulfonylurea (Du Pont).-Genes for resistance or tol- (38). erance to the sulfonylureas, such as chlorsulfuron Engineered Viral Cross Protection (Monsanto/ (Glean, used on grains, especially wheat and barley) Washington University St. Louis, MO).—Researchers and Oust @ (a broad spectrum herbicide), are the tar- at Washington University, in collaboration With Mon - gets of research aimed at producing transgenic plants. santo, have engineered cross protection against TMV Soil residues of these herbicides can damage crops in tobacco plants. Resistance to TMV infection was con- grown in rotation, such as sunflowers or soybeans. ferred by inserting the TMV coat protein gene into Engineering resistance into rotation crops would pro- the tobacco plant genome via the Ti plasmid from A. tect them and expand the market for these herbicides. tumefaciens (l). Similar results have been achieved Work on this possibility has so far involved the pro- with tomato mosaic virus and alfalfa mosaic virus, sug- duction of plants transformed with resistance genes gesting that many plants can be engineered to produce introduced into tobacco cells produced in tissue cul- viral disease resistance. A field test of tomatoes engi- ture. Du Pont, collaborating with Northrup King, field neered to be resistant to tobacco mosaic virus was ap- tested resistant tobacco in 1987. proved by USDA and begun on a one-third-acre plot Miscellaneous.—Researchers at Molecular Genetics near Jerseville, IL, on 2 June 1987. (Minnetonka, MN) are pursuing the induction of resis- Miscellaneous (Rothamstead Experimental Station, tance to imidazolinone (made by American Cyanamid) Harpenden, United Kingdom) .-Researchers have used 130 cell fusion to produce a potato variety resistant to the crease problems of and erosion due to potato leaf roll virus. The parental strains are a do- (in the Sonora, Great Basin, Negev, mestic potato and a wild, South American potato. Bri- and Sahel, for example). tain’s Advisory Committee on Genetic Manipulation ap- proved a field test for the summer of 1987. Also Nitrogen Fixation Enhancements approved were field tests to be carried out at the Plant Breeding Institute (Cambridge) of potatoes carrying The promise of using genetic engineering techniques two added bacterial enzymes, as models for possible to enhance the nitrogen fixation in some plants, and future improvement efforts. to bestow it on others, has been highly publicized, Sym- biotic bacteria in nodules on the roots of nitrogen-fixing Pest Resistance plants extract gaseous nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert it to chemical forms accessible to plants. BT Toxin Protected Crops. -In 1985, the Belgian The biochemical pathways in bacteria that perform company Plant Genetic Systems acheived the first in- this function usually involve 16 or 17 structural genes troduction of the delta-endotoxin gene from B. thurin- and their associated regulatory sequences, usually re- giensis into a plant. ferred to as the nif (nitrogen fixing) genes. Rohm & Haas, collaborating with Plant Genetic Sys- BioTechnica International (Cambridge, MA) has pro- tems, has since used the Ti plasmid to insert the delta- duced two potentially commercial strains of Rhizobium endotoxin gene into tobacco plants, providing protec- meliloti, a bacterium that forms nodular colonies on tion primarily against the tobacco hornworm, Man- the roots of alfalfa plants. The strains have been engi- duca sexta. Field testing was successfully completed neered to enhance their nitrogen-fixing ability through in 1986 in Dade County, FL, and Bolivar County, MS. the insertion, via disarmed plasmid vectors, of addi- Hybrid seed is expected to reach the market in the tional copies of their own regulatory genes. The com- 1990s. pany hopes that 1988 field tests will demonstrate a Monsanto researchers have recently used the Ti plas- 15- to 20-percent increase in nitrogen-fixing ability. mid from A. tumefaciens to insert the BT toxin gene British scientists at the Rothamstead Experimental into tomato plants, to provide protection against lepi- Station have inserted a marker sequence into a strain dopterous pests. Field tests were carried out in the of Rhizobium for a summer 1987 field test to monitor summer of 1987 (11). the extent of gene transfer between rhizobial strains Miscellaneous.—Plant geneticists in England (a col- in soil. laboration between Agricultural Genetics Company Much of the research aimed at imparting nitrogen- and the Plant Breeding Institute, both in Cambridge) fixing ability to plants that do not have it naturally is have used A. tumefaciens vectors to insert into tobacco focused on transferring the nif genes into the plant. plants a gene coding for a protein that is a natural in- Formidable technical problems are involved in trans- hibitor of insect trypsin, a digestive enzyme. The spec- ferring so much genetic material and ensuring its trum of insect resistance thus conferred is much proper expression. Substantial progress with this more broader than that of BT-toxin-based applications (24). generally applicable approach may be 5 to 10 years Seeds might be engineered to produce or increase their away. natural production of other “antifeedants,” such as canavanine, thus reducing losses of stored seeds or Engineered Algae grain to insect pests. Other researchers at the Plant Breeding Institute Donald Cheney and colleagues (Northeastern Univer- have begun 1987-88 field tests of potatoes into which sity, Boston, MA) are using protoplasm fusion techniques a kanamycin resistance gene has been inserted, with to tailor marine algae (especially Dunaliel/a salina) to an A. tumefaciens-derived vector, to aid in risk assess- increase the efficiency of production of beta-carotene, ment and agronomic studies of transgenic forms of agar, and other algal byproducts, and George Melville a well established cultivar. (Australian National University, Canberra, and West- farmers Algal Biotechnology Pty., Ltd., Perth) are using Tolerance to Environmental Factors recombinant DNA techniques to achieve the same goal. Michael T. Henzl and Benjamin Greene, at New Mex- Plants can be engineered to increase their tolerances ico State University, have described the ability of the to such limiting environmental factors as salinity, common alga, Chlorella vulgaris, to sequester gold. Sim- drought, or sensitivity to heavy metal toxicity. This arti- ilar abilities to sequester other heavy metals are known ficial expansion of ecological niches could be exploited in other alga (36). Genetic manipulation may one day to bring marginal lands into agricultural use or to de- be able to enhance such abilities. 131

Miscellaneous with triploid fingerlings in the expectation that more trophy fish will result. Triploid fish, with their dis- Researchers at Michigan Technological University rupted reproductive cycles, contain no new genetic are exploring the use of Agrobacterium vectors to im- material, and cannot produce offspring. One researcher part new qualities to larch trees. The objective is to has suggested that future stocking programs should induce disease and herbicide resistance, making this use such triploids to eliminate reproductive competi- rapid growing, genetically malleable conifer more val- tion with and potentially negative impacts on the gene uable for reforestation programs. pools of wild salmon (16). Fungi are being explored, both by classical methods Triploid grass carp, also produced by heat shock, (David Sands, Montana Sate University) and cell fusion are being studied for use as aquatic weed control techniques (Gary Harman, Cornell) as herbicides tar- agents in southern riverways and irrigation systems, geted against Canada thistle and spotted knapweed and especially in California and Florida (39). as antidisease agents, respectively. In the latter case, Miscellaneous. -Other work on salmon aims at en- cell fusion methods were used to produce hybrid hancing growth hormone production, either by intro- strains of the soil fungus Trichocderma harzianum that ducing foreign structural genes or enhancing the func- will be applied via inoculation on the seeds of peas and tion of existing regulatory genes. Work with striped cucumbers. Field tests at the New York State Agricul- bass and trout is attempting to increase their cold tol- tural Experiment Station Vegetable Research Farm erance by inserting a gene derived from winter floun- near Geneva, NY, will test the ability of the inoculated der. One researcher has stated that within 5 years it strains to protect against diseases such as damping off should be possible “to routinely introduce genetic traits and root rot, caused by other fungi. The Environmental into cultured and wild fish species” (35). A number of Protection Agency approved the field tests on 8 Sep- different laboratories, most outside the United States, tember 1986. are pursuing work of this sort (15). Japanese scientists have used cell fusion techniques to produce a hybrid between red and Chinese cabbage, Livestock called "Bio-Hakuran. ” The new plant displays many characteristics that are intermediate, but it contains The technology exists to genetically alter farm ani- a full chromosomal complement from each parent— mals to improve reproductive performance, weight

18 and 20, respectively, for a total of 38. Researchers gain, disease resistance, or coat characteristics (USDA) are developing the hybrid cabbage as a new truck crop. Beltsville; University of Washington; University of Genetic engineering may be able to improve the nu- Pennsylvania; CSIRO, Australia)(5). Fertilized embryos tritional value of some plants by increasing their con- from rabbits, sheep, goats, cattle, and pigs have already tent of seed storage proteins and other components— been successfully transformed with human growth for example, lysine in corn. Engineering may increase hormone genes (10,18). Scientists in Australia are work- forage crop efficiency by enhancing digestibility. Plants ing on moving sheep growth hormone genes between might also be engineered to function as producers of different varieties of sheep (9). pharmaceuticals or specialty chemicals, such as par- A significant body of research is being directed ticular oils or storage lipids (14). Gene engineering of towards engineering livestock animals to function as oil-seed crops for quality and quantity of oils is be- new pharmaceutical sources (6), although aspects of ing done by USDA, Sungene, Calgene, Unilever, and the isolation and purification of such products remain BioTechnica, Canada. to be worked out (4).

Animals Poultry

Fish Researchers in the Poultry Research Laboratory, in East Lansing, MI, have succeeded in transforming de- Heat-Shocked Salmon.–Supported partly by the veloping chick embryos with the avian leukosis virus American Tackle Manufacturers Association, fisheries and with chick syncitial reticuloendotheliosis virus, researchers in Washington and Michigan are using both common disease-causing organisms in poultry heat shock to induce triploidy in developing salmon (32,33). The demonstration of the retroviral vector de- embryos (Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch), and king, or rived from avian leukosis virus may make it possible Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)). The chromo- to inoculate chickens against the virus, as well as to somal abnormalities induced by heat shock disrupt nor- insert other genes of interest, such as those regulat- mal reproductive cycles, including the spawning runs ing growth or egg production rates or conferring re- that lead to death. Plans are to stock Lake Michigan sistance to other diseases. 132

Miscellaneous 15. Maclean, N., Penman, D., and Zhu, A., “Introduc- tion of Novel Genes in Fish, ” Biotechnology Genetic engineering techniques hold promise for 5(3):257-261, 1987. altering insect pests to serve as tools in pest control 16. Mathews, B. E., “50-Pound Kings for Michigan?” or eradication. Sterile male blowflies can be produced Michigan Out@f-Doors May 1986. by mutagenesis and selection, These altered flies, ex- 17. McCormick, D., “One Bug’s Meat. . ..“Bio!Technol- pected to help eradicate the pests, were field tested O@ 3:429-435, 1985. over 1985-86 on Flinders Island, Australia, by a group 18. Miller, C., “Growth Hormone Genes Bring Super- of Australian scientists (22). Efforts to control tephritid pigs and Supersheep Closer to Market,” Genetic pests with engineered medflies are under way at the Engineering News 7(5):7, 1987. University of Hawaii. 19. Miller, L. K., University of Georgia faculty member, personal communication, 1985. Appendix A References 20. Moss, B., “Use of Vaccinia Virus Vectors for the Development of Live Vaccines,” GeneticaZ]y Altered 1. Abel, P. P., Nelson, R. S., De, B., Hoffman, N., et al., Viruses and the Environment, Banbury Report No. “Delay of Disease Development in Transgenic 22, B. Fields, M.A. Martin, and D. Kamely (eds.) Plants That Express the Tobacco Mosaic Virus Coat (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY, 1985). Protein Gene,” Science 232(4751):738-743, 1986. 21. Netzer, W.J., “Engineering Herbicide Tolerance: 2. Balloul, J. M., Sondermeyer, P., Dreyer, D., et al., When Is It Worthwhile? ’’l?ioflechnology 2(11)939- “Molecular Cloning of a Protective Antigen of Schis- 944, 1984. tosomes,” JVature 326:149-53, 1987. 22. New Scientist, Sept. 12, 1985, p. 25. 3. Bishop, D. H. L., “UK release of Genetically Marked 23. Newmark, P., “Plant Genetic Systems Gets Basta Virus)” Nature 323:496, 1986. Resistance,” BioA’echnology 5:321, 1987. 4. Cartwright, T., “Isolation and Purification of Prod- 24. Newmark, P., “Trypsin Inhibitor Confers Pest Re- ucts from Animal Cells,” Trends in Biotechnology sistance,” Biotechnology 5:426, 1987. 5(1):25-30, 1987. 25. Obukowicz, M. G., Perlak, F.J., Kusano-Kretzmer, 5. Church, R. B., “Embryo Manipulation and Gene K., et al., “Integration of the Delta -Endotoxin Gene Transfer in Domestic Animals,” Trends in Biotech - of Bacillus Thurin@”ensis Into the Chromosome of nolo~ 5(1):13-19, 1987. Root-Colonizing Strains of Pseudomonades Using 6. Clark, A.J., Simons, P., Wilmut, I., et al., “Pharma- Tn5,” Gene 45:327-331, 1986. ceuticals from Transgenic Livestock, ” Trends in 26. Obukowicz, M. G., Perlak, F.J., Kusano-Kretzmer, Biotechnology 5(1):20-24, 1987. K., et al,, “Tn5-Mediated Integration of the Delta- 7. Comai, L., Facciotti, D., Hiatt, W. R., et al., “Expres- Endotoxin Gene from Bacillus Thurin&”ensis into sion in Plants of a Mutant AroA Gene From the Chromosome of Root-Colonizing Pseudomon- SahnoneMi Typhimurium Confers Tolerance to ades,” Journal of Bacteriology 168(2):982-989, 1986. Glyphosate, ” Nature 317:741-744, 1985. 27. Obukowicz, M. G., Perlak, F. J., Bolten, S. L., et al., 8. Donaldson, E. C., and Grula, E. A., “There Are Bugs “IS50L as a Non-Self Transposable Vector Used to in My Oil Well)” Chemtech 15(10):602-604, 1985. Integrate the BacilZus Thurin@”ensis Delta-Endo- 9. “Gene Engineers Fashion Giant Sheep,” New Sci- toxin Gene into the Chromosome of Root-Coloniz- entist 111(1516):22 July, 1986. ing Pseudomonads, ” Gene, in press. 10. Hammer, R. E., Pursel, V.G., Rexroad, C. E., Jr., et 28. Palca, J., ‘(Genetic Manipulation: Living Outside Reg- al., “Production of Transgenic Rabbits, Sheep and ulation,” Nature 324:202, 1986. Pigs by Microinjection, ’’Nature 315:680-683, 1985. 29. “Parisians Put New Hepatitis B Vaccine to Test,” 11. Jacob, M., “Researchers Making Strides in the New Scientist 114(1558):24, Apr. 30, 1987. Genetic Transformation of Plant Species, ”Genetic 30. Perkus, M. E,, et al., “Recombinant Vaccinia Virus: Engineering News 7(7):34-35, 1987. Immunization Against Multiple Pathogens,” Science 12. Javier, R. T., Sedarti, F., and Stevens, J. G., “Two 229(4717):981-984, 1985. Avirulent Herpes Simplex Viruses Generate Lethal 31, Rice, C. M., Franke, C. A., Strauss, J. H., et al., “Ex- Recombinant, In Vivo,’’Science 234:746-748, 1986. pression of Sindbis Virus Structural Proteins via 13. Jones, L., Ristow, S., Yilma, T., et al., “Accidental Recombinant Vaccinia Virus: Synthesis, Process- Human Vaccination with Vaccinia Virus Express- ing, and Incorporation Into Mature Sindbis ing Nucleoprotein Gene, ” Nature 319:543, 1986. Virions,” Journal of Virology 56(1):227-239, 1985. 14. Knauf, V. C., “The Application of Genetic Engineer- 32, Saher, D. W., Smith, E.J., Hughes, S. H., et al., “Gene ing to Oilseed Crops,” Trends in Biotechnology 5:40- Insertion Into the Chicken Germ Line by Retro- 47, 1987. viruses,” Poultry Science 65:1445-1458, 1986. 133

33. Salter, D. W., Smith, E.J., Hughes, S. H., et al., “Trans- 38. Umbeck, P., Johnson, G., Barton, K., et al., “Genet- genic Chickens: Insertion of Retroviral Genes Into ically Transformed Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum the Chicken Germ Line, ” Virolo&V 157: in press. L.) Plants)” Biotechnology 5(3):263-266, 1987. 34. Shah, D. M., et al., “Engineering Herbicide Toler- 39. U.S. Department of Agricultural Research Service, ance in Transgenic Plants, ” Science 233:478-481, “Putting the Bite on Water Weeds, ” Agricultural 1986. Research 35(5):6-10, 1987. 35. Smith, E. T., Durham, A., Terry, E., et al., “How 40. Van Brunt, J., “Hepatitis B Vaccine ItIakers Multi- Genetics May Multiply the Bounty of the Sea, ’’13usi- ply,” Biotechnology 5(2):103-4, 1987. ness Week, Dec. 16, 1985. 41. Walsh, B., “Human Trials Begin for Malaria tTac- 36. Sutton, C., “Desmids, The Algae With a Taste for cine,” Science 235:1319-1320, 1987. Heavy Metal,” ~ew Scientist 113:45, 1987. 42. “. . . While in Australia, Gene Scientists Fight Back,” 37. Tokyo Nikkei Biotechnology (in Japanese), Nov. 17, New Scientist 114(1556):13, April 16, 1987. 1986, p. 6. Appendix B List of Contractor Documents

For this report, OTA commissioned eight papers on Organisms. Including: various topics concerning the planned introduction of —Sharples, F. E., Relevance of Lessons From In- genetically engineered organisms. One was published troductions of Exotic Species. as New Developments in Biotechnology, 2—Background —Pimm, S. L., and Levin, B. R., Impact on Competi- Paper: Public Perceptions of Biotechnology. The tive Abilities of Specific Genetic Alterations. manuscripts of the remaining seven contract docu- –Keeler, K., and Dobson, A. P., The Big and Small ments are available in two volumes from the National of It: Are There Different Risks to Releasing Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Genetically Engineered Macro-organisms and Springfield, VA, 22161 (703) 487-4650. Micro-organisms? —Lenski, R. E., and Istock, C. A., Are There Spe- vol. 1 cific Genetic Modifications That Are Inherently ● Andow, D. A., Snapp, S. S., and Teng, P. S., 1986, So Safe As To Need No Review? Potential Environmental Impacts of Widespread ● Coleman, D. C., and Hodson, R. E., 1987, An Eco- Releases of Non Ice Nucleating Bacteria in Agri- systems Approach to Potential Perturbations of culture. Energy Flow and Nutrient Cycles Associated With ● Upper, C. D., Hirano, S. S., and Vali, G., 1986, An Environmental Applications of Genetically Engi- Assessment of the Impact of Large-Scale Applica- neered Organisms. tions of Ice-Minus Bacteria and Other Procedures ● Gosz, J. R., Dahm, C. N., and Flanagan, P. W., 1987, Designed to Decrease Population Sizes of Ice Ecological Impact of Genetically Engineered Or- Nucleation Active Bacteria on Crops. ganisms on Ecosystems. ● Massey, A., and Gould, F., 1987, The Genetic Basis vol. 2 of Changes in Host Range or Habitat. ● Norse, E., 1986, Ecological Issues Relevant to Envi- ronmental Application of Genetically Engineered

134 Appendix c Acknowledgments

OTA would like to thank the members of the advisory panel and working group who commented on drafts of this report, the contractors who provided material for this assessment, and the many individuals and organiza- tions that supplied information for the study. In addition, OTA acknowledges the following individuals for their comments on drafts of this report:

Edward A. Adelberg Winston J. Brill Robert K. Colwell Yale University School of Medicine Agracetus University of California New Haven, CT Middleton, WI Berkeley, CA Brian P. Ager Susan S. Brown Lyman B. Crittenden Advisory Committee on Genetic Pioneer Hi-Bred International U.S. Department of Agriculture, Manipulation Johnstown, IA Agricultural Research Service London, England East Lansing, MI William Buhner Martin Alexander Sierra Club Phil J. Dale Cornell University Jackson, MI Plant Breeding Institute Ithaca, NY Cambridge, England Diana Burgwyn Wyatt W. Anderson The Wistar Institute Bernard D. Davis University of Georgia Philadelphia, PA Harvard Medical School Boston, MA Athens, GA Terry L. Burkoth David Andrews Zoecon Corp. Peter R. Day McCutchen, Doyle, Brown & Palo Alto, CA Plant Breeding Institute Enerson Cambridge, England Guy L. Bush San Francisco, CA Michigan State University Allen J. Dines Charles F. Aquadro East Lansing, MI Agracetus Corp. Middleton, WI Cornell University Kate Capps Ithaca, NY Ohio State University Press Michael Dover Tamar Barkay Columbus, OH Peterborough, NH Environmental Protection Agency Will D. Carpenter Jack Doyle Gulf Breeze, FL Monsanto Co. Environmental Policy Institute Doug Barnett St. Louis, MO Washington, DC U.S. Department of Agriculture, Donald P. Cheney John Duesing APHIS Northeastern University Ciba-Geigy Corp. Beltsville, MD Boston, MA Research Triangle Park, NC John Bedbrook Charles Eby Advanced Genetic Sciences Robert Clark Ciba-Geigy Corp. Monsanto Co. Oakland, CA Greensboro, NC Washington, DC Fred Betz John J. Cohrssen Albert H. Ellingboe U.S. Environmental Protection University of Wisconsin Agency Council on Environmental Quality Madison, WI Washington, DC Washington, DC Joseph O. Falkinham, III Wm. Hugh Bollinger Michael C. Coil Attorney at Law Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Native Plants Inc. Bozeman, MT State University Salt Lake City, UT Blacksburg, VA Rita R. Colwell Al Borquin University of Maryland Neal Fitzpatrick Ecogen, Inc. The Audubon Naturalist Society Richland, WA College Park, MD Chevy Chase, MD

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Arnold S. Foudin Alan Goldhammer Arthur Kelman U.S. Department of Agriculture Industrial Biotechnology University of Wisconsin Hyattsville, MD Association Madison, WI Washington, DC Gary D. Franc Jamie Kenworthy San Luis Valley Research Center Robert M. Goodman Michigan Strategic Fund Colorado State University Calgene, Inc. Lansing, MI Center, CO Davis, CA Andrew Kimbrell Judith Freeman Michael Gough Foundation on Economic Trends Department of Agriculture Bethesda, MD Washington, DC Olympia, WA R. Scott Greer Lloyd Kunimoto Nicholas M. Frey Genetics Institute Calgene, Inc. Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc Cambridge, MA Davis, CA Johnston, IA Harlyn O. Halvorson Jan Kurtz The Hon. Brian Fresh Brandeis University Scientific Advisory Board Maryland House of Delegates Waltham, MA U.S. Environmental Protection Annapolis, MD Agency Pat Helm Washington, DC Clifford Gabriel Embassy of New Zealand Board on Basic Biology Washington, DC Dan Laster National Research Council U.S. Department of Agriculture Anne K. Hollander Washington, DC Agriculture Research Service Conservation Foundation East Lansing, MI Don Garling Washington, DC Michigan State University Timothy D. Leathers Dennis E. Hruby East Lansing, MI U.S. Department of Agriculture Oregon State University Agriculture Research Service William J. Gartland Corvallis, OR Peoria, IL National Institutes of Health Donald F. Husnik Bethesda, MD Morris A. Levin U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Environmental Protection Sarah L. Gibbons Washington, DC Agency McCutchen, Doyle, Brown & Washington, DC Enerson Warren C. Hyer, Jr San Francisco, CA Association of Biotechnology Steven E. Lindow Companies University of California David Glass Washington, DC Berkeley, CA Biotechnica International, Inc. LaMar J. Johnson Cambridge, MA Frances Mann Idaho National Engineering U.S. Environmental Protection James Glosser Laboratory Agency U.S. Department of Agriculture, Idaho Falls, ID Washington, DC APHIS Washington, DC Daniel Jones Amy Mathews U.S. Department of Agriculture Ecological Society of America Ray A. Goldberg Office of Agricultural Washington, DC Graduate School of Business Biotechnology Administration Washington, DC Lynne McAnelly Harvard University Department of Agriculture Boston, MA Rosamond Katz Austin, TX U.S. General Accounting Office Rebecca Goldburg Washington, DC Terry C. McIntyre Environmental Defense Fund University of Waterloo New York, NY Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 737

John F. McKeogh Jeremy Rifkin Gary A. Strobe] Rohm & Haas Co. Foundation on Economic Trends Montana State University Philadelphia, PA Washington, DC Bozeman, MO Margaret G. Mellon Monica Riley Trevor Suslow National Wildlife Federation State University of New York Advanced Genetic Science Washington, DC Stony Brook, NY Oakland, CA Elizabeth Milewski Jane Rissler Glenn W. Suter, 11 U.S. Environmental protection U.S. Environmental Protection Oak Ridge National Laboratory Agency Agency Oak Ridge, TN Washington, DC Washington, DC Aladar A. Szalay David W. Miller Sarah Robinson Boyce Thompson Institute of Plant Genetics Institute U.S. Department of Justice Research Cambridge, MA Washington, DC Cornell University Ithaca, NY Henry Miller Edward Lee Rogers, Esq. U.S. Food and Drug Washington, DC Bernard Talbot Administration National Institutes of Health Marvin Rogul Bethesda, MD Rockville, MD University of Maryland Larry Wr. Moore Baltimore, MD Sue A. Tolin Virginia polytechnic Institute and Oregon State University Toichi Sakata . Corvallis, OR State University Embassy of Japan Blacksburg, VA Phyllis Moses Washington, DC Jeff Tryens Board on Agriculture Douglas J. Sarojak National Research Council National Center for Policy Advanced Genetic Sciences Washington, DC Alternatives Oakland, CA Washington, DC Neil Nelson Russell C. Schnell Peter M. Vitousek Forgene, Inc. University of Colorado Rhinelander, WI Stanford University Boulder, CO Stanford, CA Nanette Newell Ramon J. Seidler Synertech Group, Inc. E. Blair Wardenburg U.S. Environmental Protection Arlington, VA Research Triangle Park, NC Agency David Pimentel Corvallis, OR Lidia S. Watrud Monsanto Agricultural Products Cornell University Frances E. Sharples Ithaca, NY co. Oak Ridge National Laboratory St. Louis, MO David Pramer Oak Ridge, TN Edward Wedman Waksman Institute of Microbiology Gary Stacey School of Veterinary Medicine Rutgers University University of Tennessee Piscataway, NJ Oregon State University Knoxville, TN Corvallis, OR Robert Rabin William W.M. Steiner National Science Foundation George A. White U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, DC Agriculture Research Service Plant Introduction Office, ARS Columbia, MO Isaac Rabino Beltsville, MD Empire State College Guenther Stotzky New York, NY James White New York University National Pesticide Information Lisa J. Raines New York, NY Retrieval Service Industrial Biotechnology Harlee Strauss Purdue University Association Gradient Corp. Lafayette, IN Washington, DC Cambridge, MA 138

Louise A. Williams Narendra Yadav Doug Yarrow Assembly Office of Research E.I., du Pont de Nemours & Co., Embassy of Great Britain Sacramento, CA Inc. Washington, DC Wilmington, DE William H. Wunner The Wistar Institute Philadelphia, PA Appendix D Glossary of Acronyms and Terms

Glossary of Acronyms Glossary of Terms

AGS —Advanced Genetic Sciences, Inc. Aerobic Growth or activity that requires the presence APHIS—Animal and Plant Health Inspection Serv- of free oxygen. ice, U.S. Department of Agriculture Algorithm: A step-by-step procedure for solving a BSCC —Biological Sciences Coordinating Committee problem or modeling a process. BT —Bacillus thuringiensis Allele: one of several possible alternate forms of a par- CSIRO—Commonweahh Scientific Industrial Re- ticular gene (e.g., blue and brown are alleles of the search Organization, Australia gene for eye color), DHHS —U.S. Department of Health and Human Anaerobic: Growth or activity that does not require Services free oxygen. DNA —Deoxyribonucleic acid Anticodon: A triplet of nucleotides on transfer RNA DOE —Department of Energy molecules that binds to the complementary codon EPA —Environmental Protection Agency on messenger RNA during the polypeptide - FDA —Food and Drug Administration producing (translation) process. The amino acid car- FIFRA —Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenti- ried by the transfer RNA is inserted into the grow- cide Act ing polypeptide chain. See codon. FSIS —Food Safety Inspection Service, U.S. De- Bacteriophage A virus whose host is a bacterial cell; partment of Agriculture also called phage. HP —Histo]ytic proteolytic enzyme Baculovirus: A virus of the family Bacloviridae found IBV —Infectious bronchitis virus only in invertebrates, and presently being pursued INA —Ice nucleation active as a potential biocontrol agent. (See app. A.) NAS —National Academy of Sciences Chloroplast(s): Those structures within plant cells NEPA —National Environmental Policy Act where photosynthesis occurs; contain small circu- NIAID —National Institute of Allergies and Infec- lar DNA molecules that replicate independently. tious Diseases Chromosome(s): The physical structure(s) within a nif —Nitrogen fixation cell’s nucleus, composed of DNA-protein complex, NIH –National Institutes of Health and containing the hereditary material—i.e., genes; NSF —National Science Foundation in bacteria, the DNA molecule in a single, closed OSHA -Occupational Safety and Health Adminis- circle (no associated protein) comprising a cell’s tration genome. OSTP —Office of Science and Technology Policy Codon: A series of three adjacent nucleotides in a DNA OTA —Office of Technology Assessment molecule that directs (“codes for”) the insertion of PAHO —Pan American Health Organization a specific amino acid into a growing protein chain. PBB —Poly-brominated biphenyls Conjugation The reproductive process by which DNA PCB —Poly-chlorinated biphenyls is transferred between bacteria during cell-to-cell PL —Public Law contact. PMN —Premanufacture Notice Conjugation tube The bridge-like structure by which RAC —Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee, cell-to-cell contact is maintained during conjugation. National Institutes of Health Conjugative plasmid: A plasmid capable of initiating R&D —Research and development and directing the process of conjugation. (Compare RNA —Ribonucleic acid nonconjugative plasmid,) S&E —Science and Education Division, U.S. De- Convergent evolution: The evolution of similar struc- partment of Agriculture tures or similar life strategies in unrelated species TMV —Tobacco mosaic virus because of adaptation in response to similar selec- TSCA —Toxic Substances Control Act tion pressures (e.g., in similar ecological habitats). UK —United Kingdom Cryptic plasmid A plasmid of undetermined function. U.S.C. —United States Code Cultivar Often used to refer to plant strains. See USDA —United States Department of Agriculture strain. UV —Ultra-violet Cytoplasm: The substance within a cell external

139 140

to the nuclear membrane; pertaining to or contained cell), the factor is capable of mobilizing transfer of in the cytoplasm. the bacterial chromosome to an F – cell. Disarmed transposon: A transposon altered in a man- Gamete: A mature reproductive cell (haploid set of ner rendering it incapable of movement, most often chromosomes) capable of fusing with a similar cell by deletion of the transposase gene, which encodes of opposite sex to yield a zygote; also called a sex cell. the enzyme necessary for excision. (Compare Gene: The fundamental unit of heredity; an ordered transposon.) sequence of nucleotide base pairs to which a spe- DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): The molecule that is the cific product or function can be assigned. repository of genetic information in all organisms Gene family A group of related genes exhibiting a high (with the exception of a small number of viruses degree of homology in function and nucleotide base in which the hereditary material is ribonucleic sequence. acid—RNA). The information coded by DNA de- Gene pool: The sum total of genes in a breeding pop- termines the structure and function of an organism. ulation. Dominant: An allele or characteristic whose expres- Gene probe: A molecule of known structure and/or sion prevails over alternatives for a given trait. (Com- function used to locate and identify a specific re- pare recessive.) gion or nucleotide sequence of a genome; usually Endogenous: Developing or originating within the a piece of complementary DNA that has been la- organism, or arising from causes within the beled with a tracer substance, such as a dye or radio- organism. active label. Endotoxin: Poison produced by some gram-negative Genetic code: The manner in which DNA or RNA rep- bacteria, present in the cellular membrane, and re- resents, through chemical subunits, information leased only upon cell rupture; composed of com- that is translated into protein. The genetic code is plex lipopolysaccharide (fat-like molecule + sugar read in groups of three nucleotides called codons, molecule) and more heat-stable than protein ex- each of which specifies a single amino acid. See also otoxins. (Compare exotoxin.) codon, nucleotide. Episome: A DNA molecule that may exist either as an Genetic variance: The fraction of the phenotypic var- integrated part of a chromosomal DNA molecule iance due to differences in the genetic constitution of the host or as an independently replicating DNA of individuals in a population. (Compare phenotypic molecule (plasmid) free of the host chromosome. variance. ) Epistasis: The interaction of genes at different loci re- Genome: The genetic content encoded in a haploid sulting in the masking of a character. organism’s genes; in eukaryotes, a haploid set of Epizootic: A disease affecting many animals of one chromosomes. kind at the same time; analogous to the term epi- Genotype: The sum total of genetic information con- demic in human populations. tained in an organism; the genetic constitution of Eukaryote: An organism with membrane-bound, an organism with respect to one or a few loci un- structurally discrete nuclei and well-developed or- der consideration. (Compare phenotype.) ganelles. Eukaryotes include all organisms except Germ line: The earliest, primitive stage of develop- viruses, bacteria, and blue-green algae. (Compare ment; pertaining to tissues or cell lineages produc- prokaryote.) ing gametes. (Compare somatic. ) Exotic Describing a species not originating in the place Gram-negative/positive: A classification of bacteria where it is found; a nonnative, introduced species. based on differential staining utilizing the Gram- Exotoxin: A poison excreted by some gram-negative Wiegert procedure. Primarily as a result of an or gram-positive organisms; composed of protein. organism’s cell membrane structure, gram-negative (Compare endotoxin.) organisms stain red and gram-positive organisms Extrachromosomal DNA DNA not associated with the stain purple. chromosome(s) (e.g., plasmid DNA or organelle High copy number plasmid: A plasmid present in (mitochondria or chloroplast) DNA). multiple copies within a single host bacterium. Copy Feral: Pertaining to organisms in the wild. number (single, low, and high) is dependent on both F factor: See fertility factor. plasmid and host cell factors. Fertility factor: An episome capable of transferring Homologous sequence: Nucleic acid segments hav- a copy of itself from its host bacterial cell (an F + ing an identical or nearly identical linear order of cell) to a bacterial cell not harboring an F factor (an nucleotide base pairs. F – cell). When the F factor is integrated into the Homology Degree of relatedness in appearance, func- host chromosome (the resulting cell is called an Hfr tion, or structure. 141

Horizontal transfer: The passage of genetic material karyotic cells where energy is produced and stored; from one organism to another via nonsexual mech- contains small circular DNA molecules that repli- anisms. cate independently. Host: In the context of recombinant DNA technology, Natural selection: The process of differential repro- the organism used for growth and reproduction of ductive success by which genes in a population in- virus, plasmid, or other foreign DNA source. crease or decrease in frequency with the passage Hybridization: A procedure in which single-stranded of generations, depending on their contribution to nucleic acid segments are allowed to bind to homolo- the survival of offspring in which they are carried; gous sequences, forming hybrid double-stranded arguably the most important of the several mecha- helices; also, a process (e.g., in plants, producing nisms by which evolution takes place, discovered offspring resulting from a cross between two ge- by Darwin and first described in 1858-59. netically unlike entities); the formation of new cells Nonconjugative plasmid: A plasmid incapable of ini- resulting from fusion of whole cells or cell parts tiating or directing the process of conjugation. (Com- of different genotypes. pare conjugative plasmid.) Ice-minus (ice–): A bacterium lacking a functional Nontransferable plasmid: See nonconjugativeplasmid. gene coding for a protein that promotes the forma- Nucleic acid: A macromolecule composed of se- tion of ice crystals by providing a physical nucleus quences of nucleotide bases; DNA or RNA. around which ice crystallizes. The gene has been Nucleotide (base): The unit of nucleic acids. The deleted from strains of Pseudomonas syringae Pseu- molecules consist of one of four bases—adenine, domonas fluorescent, and Erwinia herbicola, the guanine, cytosine, or thymine/uracil (DNA/RNA) at- organisms around which debate recently has tached to a phosphate-sugar group. The sugar group focused. is deoxyribose in DNA; in RNA it is ribose. Iceplus (ice+): A bacterium with an intact, functional Nucleus The membrane-enclosed structure in eukary - ice-nucleating gene. otes that contains the chromosomes. Introgression: The entry or introduction of a gene Organelle: A structure in the cytoplasm of a cell that or genes from one population into another (most is specialized in its ultrastructure and biochemical often in nature via sexual reproduction, or hybridi- composition to serve a particular function (e.g., zation). mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplast). IS (insertion sequence): One of a class of different P element: A transposable DNA sequence present in nucleotide sequences found in bacteria that are the fruit fly, Drosophila. (Compare transposon.) capable of spontaneous movement from one chro- pathogenic: Able to cause disease; often utilized to mosomal location to another. Chromosomal mate- express inactivation or lethality. rial may be mobilized during IS movement; move- Phage: See bacteriophage. ment may result in mutation at the original and/or Phenotype: The observable characteristics of an new site(s) of insertion. (Compare transposable organism produced by the interaction of the geno- element. ) type and the environment. (Compare genotype.) Line: See strain and cultivar. Phenotypic variance: The variation among genetically Locus (pi. loci): The physical location on a chromo- identical individual organisms in external appear- some occupied by a particular gene or its alleles. ance caused by the interaction of environment with LTR (long terminal repeat): One of a class of nucleo- the genotype during development. (Compare genetic tide sequences (300-1200 base pairs in length) asso- variance.) ciated with tumor viruses and cellular oncogenes Phylogenetic: Referring to genetic similarities be- that promote gene activity and are similar to trans- tween different organisms as a result of descent posons. (Compare transposable element.) from a common ancestor in evolutionary history. Meiosis The process by which chromosomes are Plasmid: An extrachromosomal, circular piece of DNA duplicated then divided during the formation of found in the cytoplasm and capable of replicating haploid cells (gametes). and segregating independently of the host chromo- Mendelian: Referring to a trait that is controlled by some. (Compare conjugative; cryptic; high copy a single gene, and that shows a simple dominant/ number; nonconjugative; nontransferrable plasmid.) recessive pattern of inheritance. P1eiotropy: The production of diverse phenotypic ef- Mendelian genetics: Classical method of observing in- fects produced by a mutation in a single gene. heritance of a trait (s) in the offspring of crosses be- Polymerase An enzyme that assembles a number of tween individuals differing in that trait(s); results similar or identical subunits into a macromolecule in accordance with Mendel’s laws. (e.g., DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase). Mitochondrion/dria: Those structures within eu- Primary producer: AI-I organism (plant or micro- 142

organism) that uses photosynthesis to convert so- tions that are genetically distinct from one another lar energy into chemical energy that can be used yet very closely related, and often difficult or im- by nonphotosynthetic organisms (e.g., humans). possible to distinguish by morphological or other Prokaryote: An organism lacking organelles and criteria. whose DNA is not enclosed within membrane- Somatic; Pertaining to all diploid cells of an organism bound, structurally discrete nuclei. Bacteria, vi- except the germ line. (Compare germ line.) ruses, and blue-green algae are prokaryotes. (Com- Species: Taxonomic category subordinate to a genus pare eukaryote.) composed of individuals with common character- Recessive: An allele or characteristic whose expres- istics that distinguish them from other groups of sion occurs only in the absence of a dominant trait. the same taxonomic level; in sexually reproducing (Compare dominant.) organisms, a group of interbreeding natural popu- Recombinant DNA Hybrid DNA sequences assembled lations that are genetically distinct from other such in vitro from different sources; or hybrid DNA se- groups. quences from the same source assembled in vitro Strain: A pure culture of organisms within a species, in a novel configuration. characterized by one or more particular physical Recombination: The formation of a new association or genetic properties. See cultivar. of genetic material; usually applied to the process Toxin: See endotoxin and exotoxin. of meiosis, during a stage of which the genetic ma- Transduction: The transfer of genetic material from terial packaged into gametes is mixed and recon- one cell to another by means of a virus or bacteri- stituted in any of an enormous number of possible ophage. combinations. Transformation: Introduction and assimilation of Replicon: A genetic element possessing sequences DNA from one organism into another via uptake specifying the initiation and control of the process of naked DNA. by which DNA is precisely duplicated. Transposable element: A class of DNA sequences ca- Retrovirus: A family of viruses whose genetic mate- pable of insertion into a genome at numerous posi- rial is RNA and is further characterized by the pres- tions, and of moving from one area of a genome ence of reverse transcriptase in the virion; also to another area or another genome. called tumor virus. Transposase: Enzyme that assists movement of DNA Reverse transcripts= An enzyme capable of direct- during the process of transposition. ing the production of a single-strand DNA copy from Transposon: A type of transposable element incapa- an RNA template. ble of autonomous existence, often shuttling genetic Rhizosphere: A region of the soil closely surround- material back and forth between cell chromosomes, ing plant roots that is affected by root excretions. between smaller replicons, and between chromo- RNA (ribonucleic acid): A molecule existing in three somes and replicons. forms–messenger RNA, transfer RNA, and ribo- Triplet: Three consecutive bases along a nucleic acid somal RNA—responsible for translating the genetic chain. See codon, anticodon. information encoded in DNA into a protein prod- Vector: A DNA molecule used to introduce foreign uct; the hereditary material of some viruses. DNA into host cells. Selective advantage: An organism’s increased prob- Vertical transfer: The passage of genetic material ability of reproduction and producing offspring, from one organism to another through the germ conferred by its genetic characteristics. line, i.e., sexual mechanisms; in bacteria, through Selective pressure: The influence of factors extrin- genome replication and cell division. sic to an organism (i.e., environmental factors) on Virus: Any of a large group of organisms containing its ability to compete with other organisms for re- genetic material but unable to reproduce outside productive success. a host cell. Sibling species: Independent, reproductive popula- Index Index

“AAtrex” (Ciba-Geigy), 129 Benefits Administrative Procedure Act, 49 consideration of, in risk management, 22, 109 Advanced Genetic Sciences, Inc. (AGS), ice-minus bacte- derived from planned releases, 3, 33, 34, 86, 96, 101, ria research by, 40, 49-51, 125 102 Agracetus Corp. (Middleton, Wisconsin), plant disease re- Biocine Co., 128 sistance research by, 5, 53, 129 “Bio-Hakuran, ” 131 Agricultural Genetics Co. (UK), 130 Biomass energy, engineered microbes’ aid in producing, , Agriculture 127 applications of genetically engineered organisms to, 5, Biosphere II, 39 6, 7-8, 16-19, 20, 21-22, 33, 35, 49-57, 60, 86-88, BioTechnica, Canada, 131 89-92, 94-95, 96, 125-130 BioTechnica International, Inc. (BTI) Massachusetts BT use in, 5, 7-8, 18-19, 39, 54, 74, 75, 90, 125, 130 field test information brochure developed by, 55-5? Agrobacterium rhizogenes, 128 nitrogen-fixing research by, 8, 54-55, 63, 96, 130 Alfalfa mosaic virus, “vaccination” of plants against, 5, Biotechnology, Australia, 128 36, 54, 96 Biotechnology Science Coordinating Committee (BSCC), Algae 27-28, 61 genetic engineering of marine, for mining or mineral Bolivar County (Mississippi), 130 recovery, 38, 97, 126, 130 Borneo, “cascade effect” in, 92-93 impacts of planned introductions on local communities Bozeman, Montana, planned introduction in, 58-59 of, 97 Brentwood, California, “ice-minus” field test near, 51, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). See 125 Department of Agriculture, U.S. (USDA) Animals applications of engineered organisms involving, 6-7, 38, 59, 131 Calgene, Inc. (Davis, California), herbicide resistance engineered vaccines for, 128 work by, 5, 128, 129, 131 gene transfer’s likelihood among, 11, 12, 71, 112 California see also Fish; Livestock; Poultry biotechnological field tests in, 49-52, 125 Antibiotics, bacterial resistance to, 13, 14, 77 heat-shocked fish in, 131 Applications, anticipated near-term, of genetically engi- State biotechnology-related legislative activity in, 50 neered organisms, 3, 5-8, 36-40, 86-87, 91, 93, 94- California, University of-Berkeley, “ice-minus” bacteria 95, 96, 97, 125-32 research by, 40, 51, 125 Aquatic life, See Algae; Fish Canada, 129 Argentina, biotechnology-related field testing in, 59, 128 Carbon cycle, 20, 98 Asilomar Conference (California), 9, 60 “Cascade effects,” 92-93, 95, 101, 116 Atrazine, developing plant resistance to, 5, 36, 53-54, 89, Chakrabarty, Ananda, 126 129 Cheney, Donald, 130 Australia, biotechnology research in, 127, 128, 130, 131, Chiron (Emeryville, California), 127, 128 132 Chlorella vulgaris, 130 Australian National University, 130 Ciba-Geigy Corp. (Greensboro, North Carolina) Autographa California, 127 genetically altered vaccine production by, 128 herbicide resistance research by, 5, 53-54 Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) Clemson University (South Carolina), lac ZY marker sys- delta-endotoxin gene insertion into plants, 5, 7-8, 18- tem research at, 40 19, 39, 54, 90, 92, 125, 126, 130 Cleveland, Mississippi, planned introduction near, 54 inhibiting gene transfer while transferring toxin gene Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Orga- of, 15, 74, 80 nization (CSIRO), 127, 128 toxin gene’s insertion into Pseudomonas fluorescent Congress, U. S., policy issues and options for possible ac- for pest control, 15, 19, 39, 74, 80, 125, 126, 130 tion by, 25-29 Backus, Richard A., 52 Construct Bacteria. See Micro-organisms; Viruses; individual importance of understanding, 13, 75 bacteria risk assessment and, 113-114 Bacteroides nodosus, 128 Contra Costa County, California, biotechnological field- Baculoviruses. See Viruses test in, 51, 125 “Basta” (Hoechst), 129 Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of Biotech- Baylor University, 128 nology, 9-11, 45, 51, 52, 60, 61-65, 111 Beltsville, Maryland, 131 Cornell University 131

145 146

Corn plants E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. (Wilmington, Dela- biotechnological protection of, 19, 39, 52-53, 74, 75, ware), 5, 129 89, 92, 129 Endothia parasitic, 113 see also Agriculture; Crops; Plants Energy flow, in ecosystem processes, 96, 98-99 Courts. See Litigation Environment Crops consequences of planned introductions on, 3, 4-5, 7, increasing genetic variation in, 91 15-22, 33, 85-102, 112-116 protection, creation, and nutritional improvement of, see also Ecological considerations; Ecosystems; Pollu- by modifying organisms, 5, 7-8, 18-19, 20, 21-22, tion; Risks 35, 37, 89-92, 94-95, 96, 125-130 Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. (EPA), 9, 15, 61, risk assessments for genetically engineered, 23, 112 78, 118, 119 see also Agriculture; Plants; individual names of biotechnology research application permits regulation Crown gall disease, developing plant resistance to, 5, 36, by, 49-51, 52, 53, 54-55, 58, 61, 62, 95, 125, 126, 53, 129 131 Erwinia, “ice-minus” creation from, 75 Dade County, Florida, 130 Escherichia coli, genetic engineering research using, 7, Data 73 on exotic species survival, 17-18, 85-86, 87 Ethics, public opinion on biotechnology’s, 9, 46 gene transfer agricultural, 15-16, 87 European Economic Community (EEC), 65, 128 requirements for risk assessment, 23-24, 110, 118-119 European Parliament, reaction to UK biological release Degradation in, 60 of toxic compounds by microbial action, 22, 33, 35, 39- Evolutionary lability, as consideration in biological risk 40, 97, 98, 101, 126, 130 assessment, 19, 24-25, 90-91 see also Pollution Exotic species, experience with, and relationship to ge- Delta-endotoxin gene. See Bacillus thuringiensis netically engineered organisms, 17-18, 35, 37, 85- Denmark, planned introduction legislation in, 65 86, 87, 88 Density, of engineered organisms and gene transfer, 13, Extrinsic factors 76 influencing the magnitude, frequency, and stability of Department of Agriculture, U.S. (USDA), 9, 51, 59, 61- gene transfer, 13, 75-77 62, 87, 118, 119 see also Ecological considerations; Gene transfer Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), 129 field test regulation by, 51, 53-54, 62, 129, 131 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Department of Energy, U.S. (DOE), 119 (FIFRA)) 9, 49, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. (DHHS), Fish 60, 61 genetic engineering to improve, 6, 7, 38, 97, 131 Du Pont. See E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. impacts of planned introductions on local communities Dutch elm disease, 58-59 of, 97-98 see also Animals Earth First! 52 Flinders Island, Australia, 132 Ecogen, Inc. (Princeton, New Jersey), 126 Florida Ecological considerations genetic engineering of fish in, 38, 131 of planned introduction of genetically engineered planned introduction in, 54, 125 organisms, 3, 4-5, 15, 24, 33, 85-102, 110, 112-114, Florida, University of, 126, 127 115-116 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 9, 61, 127 see also Ecosystems; Environment; Genetic considera- Forest Service, U. S., 125 tions; Risks Foundation on Economic Trends (Washington, DC), bio- Economics technological introductions opposition by, 45, 49, of crop loss to frost damage, 20, 40, 94 50, 51, 52, 59, 125 of engineered organism development, 34 France, planned introduction regulation in, 66 of exotic insect species (US.), 86 Franklin County, North Carolina, planned introduction of gene insertion for pesticide-resistance, 89-90 in, 53-54 see also Funding Funding Ecosystems biotechnology risk assessment, 118-119 complexity of, and planned introduction’s conse- congressional policy options related to research, 25, quences, 3, 13, 20-22, 93, 97-101 28-29 likelihood of planned introductions disrupting, 16, 18, public opinion on Federal Government biotechnologi- 20-22, 33, 86, 97-101, 112-114 cal, 47, 48 “rate-limiting” elements role in, 98-100 see also Economics 147

Genera) Accounting Office, U.S. (GAO], 110 Industry Genetic considerations development of molecular biotechnolo~}~ as an, 3 of planned introduction of genetically engineered effects of biotechnological developments on, 35 organisms, 11-15, 71-81, 116 Insects in risk assessments, 23, 111, 112-114 genetically engineered to serve as pest controls, 132 see also Ecological considerations; Gene transfer impacts of planned introductions on local communities Genetics Institute (Cambridge, Massachusetts), 127 of, 19, 85-86, 91-93 Gene transfer see also Pesticides consideration of, in risk assessments, 111-112 Institute of Virology (Oxford, England), 60, 92, 127 mechanisms and frequency of, 11-12, 71-77 Integrated pest management (1PM), 7, 91 monitoring, of genetically altered microbes, 13-15, 38, International Conference on Recombinant DNA 39, 40, 55, 60, 77-79, 130 Molecules. See Asilomar Conference potential recipients of, 13, 76 Intrinsic factors predicting potential effects of, 12-13, 72-77 influencing the magnitude, frequency, and stability of preventing or reducing, 15, 79-80 gene transfer, 12-13, 73-75 see also Genetic considerations manipulation of, to prevent gene transfer, 79-80 Geneva, New York, 131 see also Gene transfer Germany, Federal Republic of, biotechnology regulation in, 66 Japan “Glean” (du Pont), 129 biotechnology regulation in, 66 Glyphosate, developing plant resistance to, 5, 36, 89, biotechnology research in, 125, 127-128 128.129 Japan Polio Research Institute, 127 “GlyphoTol” (Calgene), 129 Jerseville, Illinois, field test near, 129 Great Britain. See United Kingdom Greene, Benjamin, 130 Kodak Bioproducts, 125 Green Party, 60 Korea, Republic of, 14 Guidelines biotechnological application, 45 Lactobacillus, molecular genetic research using, 7 NIH biotechnological, 58-59, 60, 64, 128 Lac ZY gene, 13, 40, 78 Texas biotechnical, 128 Lake Michigan, heat-shocked fish stocking of, 131 see also Regulation; Standards Legionella pneumophila, 113 Gulf Breeze, Florida, 126 Legislation, 9 local biotechnology-related, 50, 51, 53-54 see also Regulation; individual statutes Harman, Gary, 131 Life history. See History, natural Hawaii, University of, 132 ( Lindow, Steven, 51, 125 ‘ Heat shock,” 38, 97, 131 Litigation, biotechnology-related, 45, 49, 51, 52 Heavy metal recovery. See Mining Livestock Henzl, Michael ‘I’., 130 bioengineered to produce and store pharmaceuticals, Herbicides, developing plant resistance to, 5, 18-19, 36, 38, 131 53-54, 89-90, 128-129 genetic engineering to improve, 6, 59, 131 History see also Animals of living organism modification, 3, 5, 7, 34-36, 87, 94 Los Angeles Times, 59 natural, of host organisms, 12-13, 73 Louis Harris & Associates, 33, 45 Hoechst AG (West Germany), 129 Luciferase gene, 78-79 Homestead, Florida, planned introduction near, 54 Horizontal transfer. See Gene transfer Manduca sexta, 90, 130 Hotez, Peter J., 128 Markers. See Gene transfer; Monitoring Melville, George, 130 “Ice-minus” bacteria Merck & Co., 127 construct importance illustration using, 75 Merck, Sharp, & Dohme West Germany), 127 formation and use of, 7, 20, 40, 94-96 Michigan, genetic research on fish in, 38, 131 research, 125 Michigan Technological University, 131 “Ice-plus” bacteria, 95, 125 MicroGeneSys, 127 Illinois Micro-organisms field test in, 129 anticipated applications of genetic engineering involv- State biotechnology-related legislative activity in, 50 ing, 7-8, 38-40, 86-87, 93-96 Imidazolinones, developing plant resistance to, 36, 129 impacts of planned introductions on local communities Impacts of planned release. See Benefits; Ecological con- of, 19-20, 93-96 siderations; Genetic considerations; Risks see also viruses; individual micro-organisms 148

Middleton, Wisconsin, planned introduction in, 53, 129 Office of Science and Technology Policy, White House Mining, genetically engineered organisms application to, (OSTP), Coordinated Framework by, 9, 60-61 33, 35, 38, 97, 126, 130 Oil, engineered bacteria extraction of, 127 Mississippi, planned introduction in, 54 Oregon State University, 59, 128 Missouri, planned introduction in, 52 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Develop- Models ment (OECD), safety guideline proposals for bio- genetic variation/resistance, 91 technological applications developed by, 45 life history and population, 24 Orlando, Florida, field trials near, 125 risk assessment, 110 “Oust” (du Pont), 129 Molecular Genetics (Minnetonka, Minnesota), 129 Monitoring, genetically altered microbes, 13-15, 38, 39, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), 59, 128 40, 55, 77-79, 130 Panolis flammea, 127 Monsanto Agricultural Products Co. (St. Louis, Missouri) Panopoulos, Nickolas, 51, 125 lac ZY marker system developed by, 13, 40, 78 Pathogens, risk assessment of genetically engineered plant disease resistance research by, 5,18-19, 36, 52- products using, 23, 112 53, 92, 126, 129, 130 Pepin County, Wisconsin, planned introduction in, 54-55, Montana, planned introduction in, 58-59 63 Montana State University, 58-59, 131 Personnel, training interdisciplinary scientific, 29 Monterey County, California, biotechnological field test Pesticides in, 49-51 bacteria and viruses use in, 5, 8, 15, 19, 39, 52-53, 54, Mutualisms, 112 74, 75, 89-90, 125, 130 BT toxin gene’s use in, 5, 8, 18-19, 39, 54, 74, 75, 125, 130 National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 36, 109 viruses as, 8, 19, 39, 60, 92, 127 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 49, 51, 60 Phosphonitricin, developing plant resistance to, 36 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Plant Breeding Institute (United Kingdom), 130 (NIAID), 128 Plant Genetic Systems (Belgium), 129, 130 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Plant Pest Act, 9, 62 biological research funding by, 25 biotechnological release approval by, 51, 53, 58-59, 95 Plants guidelines for DNA research by, 9, 58-59, 60, 64, 128 applications of engineered organisms involving, 5, 36- Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC) of, 51, 38, 86-88, 89-91, 93, 94-95, 96, 97, 125-130, 131 53, 60, 128 bioengineered to produce pharmaceuticals, 131 genetic engineering to increase tolerances to limiting National Science Foundation, (NSF), 71 environmental factors, 130 research funding by, 118-119 gene transfer’s likelihood among, 11, 12, 71, 87-88 research policies of, 9, 25, 64 impacts of planned introductions on local communities Natural history. See History, natural Nature Conservancy Council, 60, 127 of, 18-19, 89-91 see also Agriculture; Crops; individual species Neisseria gonorrhea, 14 Netherlands, biotechnology research regulation in, 66 Policy New Jersey, State biotechnology -related-activity in, 50 issues and options for possible congressional action, New Mexico State University, 130 25-29 regulatory agencies planned introduction, 9-11, 64-65 New York State Agricultural Experiment Station Vegeta- Pollution, control using genetically engineered products, ble Research Farm, 131 5, 7, 8, 33, 35, 39-40, 89, 101, 126-127, 130 New York Times, 59 Populations New York University, 128 New Zealand, biotechnical field testing in, 59, 128 decompose, 98, 101 Nitrogen planned introductions’ impact on local, 18-20, 86, 88- cycle, 20-21, 98, 100 97, 116 fixation, 8, 19-20, 21-22, 38, 54-55, 96, 99-100, 130 size of, and risk assessment, 117 Poultry North Carolina engineered vaccines for, 128 planned introduction in, 53-54, 129 genetic engineering to improve, 6, 59, 131 State biotechnology-related legislative activity in, 50, 53-54 see also Animals Northeastern University (Boston, MA), 130 Poultry Research Laboratory (Michigan), 131 Northrup King, 129 Pseudomonas fluorescent Novagene, Inc., 128 BT toxin gene’s insertion into, 15, 19, 39, 74, 80, 92, 126 Nutrient cycles, 20-22, 98 ‘(ice-minus” research using, 49, 125 survival of, 75-76 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Pseudomonas syringae, “ice-minus” research using, 49, (OSHA), 9, 64 51, 52, 125 749

Public Health Act, 6.5 Rockefeller University, 128 Public opinion Rohm & Haas Co., plant disease resistance research by, attitudes, on biotechnological development, 3, 4, 8-9, 18-19, 54, 90, 130 10-11, 45-48, 65 Rothamstead Experimental Station (United Kingdom), role of local, in proposed field tests, 49-60, 65 129-130 “Roundup” [Monsanto), 128, 129 “Rate-limiting” elements, 98-100 “Recombivax HB, ” 127 Saccharomyces cerivisiae, 7 Regulation St. Charles County, Missouri, planned introduction in, congressional policy options relating to planned intro- 52-53 ductions, 25, 27-28 Salinas Valley, California, “ice-minus” field test in, 49-51 degree of scrutiny in biotechnological, 4, 22, 61 Salmonella typhimorium, 7, 128 existing framework for planned introduction, 9-11, Sands, David, 131 60-66 Screening jurisdictional authority regarding, 65 for gene transfer discovery, 13-15, 77-79 public opinion on biotechnological, 48 see also Monitoring relationship between development and stringency of, Seeds, protection of, by biotechnological techniques, 37- 34 38, 91, 130 see also Guidelines; Regulator. agencies; Review Selection Regulatory agencies human use of, in breeding, 5, 35-36 biotechnological policies of, 9-11, 64-65 pressure and resistance evolution, 19, 24-25, 90-91 congressional policy options relating to administrative probability of, and gene transfer, 13, 14, 17, 76-77, mechanisms and powers of, 25, 27-28 117 review categories establishment by, 4, 111-114, 119 Sierra Club, 54 see also Regulation; Review: individual agencies Sirica, John, 51 Research Small-scale field tests congressional policy options concerning support of public opinion and actual experiences with, 49-60 planned introduction, 25, 28-29 see also locations of individual tests coordinated interdisciplinary, 25, 28, 118-119 Smith Kline Biological (Belgium), 127 future needs in, 4, 119 Smith, Kline, & French, 128 “ice-minus” bacteria, 7, 20, 40, 94-96 Snomax Technologies (Oakland, California), 125 nitrogen fixation, 8, 21-22, 54-55, 96, 99-100 Soybeans, inoculation with bacteria for increased yields public opinion on biotechnological, 47-48 of, 54, 89 vector immobilization, 15, 80 Spodoptera exigua, 127 Review Standards. See Guidelines; Regulation approaches to establishing categories for, 4, 23-24, Streptococcus, 7 111-114, 119 Strobe], Gary, 58-59 congressional policy options relating to planned intro- “Suicide” bacterium, 15, 80, 126 ductions, 25, 26-27 Sulfonyhrea, developing plant resistance to, 5, 36, 89, flexibility of, 8, 22, 111-112 129 molecular details and level of, 23-24, 113-114 Sungene, 131 Rhizobium meliloti, nitrogen fixing properties of, 21-22, Sweden, biotechnology regulation in, 66 54-55, 66, 96, 99-100, 130 Rhome-Poulenc Agrochimie (France), 129 Taxonomic groupings, for risk assessment, 23, 113-1l4, Rifkin, Jeremy, 45 119 Risk assessment TechAmerica Group, Inc. (Omaha, Nebraska), 128 criteria to consider in, 4, 22, 27, 110 Technologies for genetically engineered organisms planned introduc- development of recombinant DNA, 3, 34-35 tion, 4-5, 22-25, 109-114 gene transfer monitoring, 13-15, 77-79, 80 Risk management, 22, 109-110 Teitz, William, 59 Risks Texas, State biotechnology-related legislative activity in, environmental, from planned release, 3, 4-5, 7, 15-22, 50 33, 86, 97-101, 102, 112-114 Texas A&M University, 128 genetic, from planned release, 12-15, 72-77, 111-113, Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, 126 116 Tn5, 92 of macro-organisms as compared to micro-organisms, Toa Gosei Chemical (Japan), 12.5 23, 24-25, 115-117 Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), “vaccinating” plants public opinion concerning biotechnological, 3, 4, 8-9, against, 5, 129 10-11, 46-47, 48, 49 Tobacco plants, biotechnical herbicide and disease resis- see also Ecological considerations; Genetic consider- tance research using, 5, 18-19, 36, 53-54, 89, 90, ations 129 150

Tokyo, University of, 127 Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, 128 Tomato plants, biotechnological herbicide and disease Washington (State), genetic research on fish in, 38 protection for, 5, 18-19, 89, 130 Washington, University of, 131 Tottori University (Japan), 127 Washington University (St. Louis, Missouri), plant dis- Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 9, 54, 61, 62, 63, ease resistance research by, 5, 36, 129 64, 65 Waterville Township, Wisconsin, planned introduction Toxic wastes, microbial degradation of, 22, 33, 35, 39- near, 54-55 40, 97, 98, 101, 126, 130 Webster, Arthur, 128 Tracking. See Monitoring; Screening Westfarmers Algal Biotechnology Pty. Ltd. (Australia), Training, interdisciplinary scientific personnel, 29 130 Tulelake, California, “ice-minus” field test in, 51-52, 125 West Germany, biotechnology regulation in, 66 White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Ultraviolet (UV) light, degradation of BT toxin by, 90 (OSTP), Coordinated Framework by, 9, 60-61 Unilever, 131 Wisconsin United Kingdom (UK) planned introduction in, 53, 54-55, 63 biotechnology regulation in, 66 State biotechnology-related legislative activity in, 50 planned release in, 60, 92, 127, 129-130 Wisconsin State Journal, 53 virus resistance research in, 129-130 Wistar Institute (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), biotechnical research by, 59, 128 Vaccine World Health Organization (WHO), ‘(cascade effect” trig- FDA approval of genetically engineered, 127 gered from spraying program by, 92-93 inadvertent release of genetically engineered, 128 recombinant DNA developed multivalent, 8, 39, 128 Yeast viruses used as, 5, 8, 18-19, 36, 39, 59, 127-128 engineered for ethanol production enhancement, 127 Vectors, importance of understanding, 13, 15, 75 molecular genetic research using, 7 Viruses Yersinia, gene expression of, 74 vaccination of plants against, 5, 18-19, 36 as pesticides, 8, 19, 39, 60, 92, 127 as vaccines, 5, 8, 18-19, 36, 39, 59, 127-128 "Frankly, I think we'll regret introducing these organisms into the environment.>)

Drawing by Lorenz; c 1987 The New Yorker Magazine, Inc