The Eastern Africa Coastal Forests Ecoregion
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The Eastern Africa Coastal Forests Ecoregion Strategic Framework for Conservation 2005 – 2025 Strategic Framework for Conservation (2005–2025) The Eastern Afrca Coastal Forests Ecoregon Strategc Framework for Conservaton 2005–2025 The Eastern Africa Coastal Forests Ecoregion Publshed August 2006 Editor: Kimunya Mugo Design and layout: Anthony Mwangi Cover design: Kimunya Mugo Front cover main photo: WWF-EARPO / John SALEHE Front cover other photos: WWF-UK / Brent STIRTON / Getty Images Back cover photo: WWF-EARPO / John SALEHE Photos: John Salehe, David Maingi and Neil Burgess or as credited. © Graphics (2006) WWF-EARPO. All rights reserved. The material and geographic designations in this report do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of WWF concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers and boundaries. WWF Eastern Africa Regional Programme Office ACS Plaza, Lenana Road P.O. Box 62440-00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 20 3877355, 3872630/1 Fax: +254 20 3877389 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Strategic Framework for Conservation (2005–2025) Contents Acknowledgements......................................................................................................... iv Foreword........................................................................................................................... v Lst of abbrevatons and acronyms.............................................................................. v A new approach to coastal forests................................................................................. 1 The unque coastal forests of eastern Afrca................................................................ 3 Biological diversity....................................................................................................... 3 Uses of forest biodiversity........................................................................................... 4 Pressures on forest biodiversity.................................................................................. 5 Conservation opportunities ........................................................................................ 8 Developng an ecoregon strategy................................................................................ 1 1 Defining a 20-year Strategic Framework...................................................................... 13 Ecoregon vson statement........................................................................................... 14 Ecoregon targets........................................................................................................... 15 Targets relating to the state of biodiversity ............................................................... 15 Targets Relating to Pressures on Biodiversity........................................................... 16 Identification of conservation landscapes.................................................................. 17 Kenya......................................................................................................................... 18 Tanzania.................................................................................................................... 22 Mozambique.............................................................................................................. 24 Components of the ecoregon strategy........................................................................ 27 Strategy component 1: Conservation of priority forest landscapes.................................. 28 Strategy component 2: Support for protected areas......................................................... 30 Strategy component 3: Support for sustainable livelihoods.............................................. 30 Strategy component 4: Capacity building......................................................................... 32 Strategy Component 5: Enhancing the enabling policy and legal environment................ 35 Strategy Component 6: Enhancing Knowledge and Monitoring....................................... 37 Regonal acton plan...................................................................................................... 39 Catalysing action across the EACF Ecoregion.......................................................... 39 Funding for regional activities.................................................................................... 39 Fundraising for site-based activities.......................................................................... 39 Natonal acton plans..................................................................................................... 40 Kenya........................................................................................................................ 41 Tanzania.................................................................................................................... 43 Mozambique.............................................................................................................. 4 5 Strategy operatng prncples........................................................................................ 46 Coordnatng and managng mplementaton............................................................. 47 EACFE Programme Techncal Reports........................................................................ 48 EACFE Programme Partcpatng Insttutons............................................................. 49 The Eastern Africa Coastal Forests Ecoregion Acknowledgements The EACFE Programme Regional Task Force would like to acknowledge the authors of and contributors to this document, in particular: • The governments of Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zanzibar. • Members of the EACFE National Task Forces Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania. • John Salehe, Neil Burgess, Jenny Springer, and Peter Sumbi (all of WWF). • Amanda Younge and Winston Mathu (consultants). The support of the following donors for the strategy-development process is gratefully acknowledged: • World Wide Fund for Nature WWF-UK, WWF-Switzerland, WWF-Norway, WWF–Finland, WWF-US, WWF-EARPO and WWF-Tanzania • Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund • The Ford Foundation v Strategic Framework for Conservation (2005–2025) Foreword The geographical region known as the Eastern Africa Coastal Forests Ecoregion (EACFE) takes the form of a mosaic of fragmented forest patches and other habitats stretching along the eastern coast of Africa from Somalia to Mozambique, is a global biodiversity asset, home to thousands of plants and animals that occur nowhere else on earth, including primates, birds, reptiles and amphibians. It also provides important resources for both livelihoods and the cultural activities of local communities. Over time, these forests have become highly threatened and are in dire need of coordinated action to take care of what remains. Because of the many millions of people who live in the region, this must be done in new ways that addresses both conservation and community needs. Through the EACFE programme strategy process, a wide range of stakeholders have come together and established a clear set of priorities, operating principles and strategies to achieve the goals of conservation, management and sustainable use of forests in the region. A strong regional partnership has been established between national governments, NGOs, research institutes and other key stakeholders. With the continued support of the international community, this partnership will strive to ensure that this unique region is conserved, managed and sustainably utilized for the benefit of present and future generations. ……………………………………………………....................... ……………………………………………………....................... Chef Conservator of Forests Drector of Wldlfe and Forests Representatve, EACFE Kenya Representatve, EACFE Mozambque ……………………………………………………....................... ............................................................................................... Drector of Forestry and Beekeepng Dvson Drector, Department of Forests and Commercal Crops Representatve, EACFE Tanzana Representatve, EACFE Zanzbar v The Eastern Africa Coastal Forests Ecoregion Lst of abbrevatons and acronyms CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere CBNRM Community Based Natural Resource Management CEPF Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund CFCU Coastal Forests Conservation Unit CIP Commercial Insects Programme DCCFF Department of Commercial Crops, Fruits and Forestry (Zanzibar) EACFE Eastern Africa Coastal Forests Ecoregion EAME Eastern Africa Marine Ecoregion EAWLS East African Wildlife Society EMCA Environmental Management and Coordination Act of 1999 FBD Forestry and Beekeeping Division FFI Fauna and Flora International FLR Forest Landscape Restoration FSC Forest Stewardship Council FNP Forum para a Natureza em Perigo (the Mozambican arm of South Africa’s Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT] GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global Environment Facility GIS Geographic Information System IBA Important Bird Area ICIPE International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology IGAD Intergovernmental Authority on Development IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature (the World Conservation Union) JBIC Japanese Bank for International Cooperation KEFRI Kenya Forestry Research Institute KFMP Kenya Forestry Master Plan km kilometre km2 Square kilometre KWS Kenya Wildlife Service MKUKUTA Mkakati wa Kukuza Uchumi na Kuondoa Umaskini Tanzania MoU