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Register of the American Relief Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923

Processed by Hoover Institution Archives Staff; machine-readable finding aid created by Michael C. Conkin Hoover Institution Archives Stanford University Stanford, California 94305-6010 Phone: (650) 723-3563 Fax: (650) 725-3445 Email: [email protected] © 1998 Hoover Institution Archives. All rights reserved.

Register of the American Relief 23001 1 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 Register of the American Relief Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923

Hoover Institution Archives

Stanford University Stanford, California Contact Information Hoover Institution Archives Stanford University Stanford, California 94305-6010 Phone: (650) 723-3563 Fax: (650) 725-3445 Email: [email protected] Processed by: Hoover Institution Archives Staff Date Completed: 1998 Encoded by: Michael C. Conkin © 1998 Hoover Institution Archives. All rights reserved.

Descriptive Summary Title: American Relief Administration. European Operations Records, Date (inclusive): 1919-1923 Collection number: 23001 Creator: American Relief Administration. European Operations Physical Description: 849 manuscript boxes, 17 oversize boxes, 7 oversize folders(347 linear feet) Repository: Hoover Institution Archives Stanford, California 94305-6010 Abstract: Correspondence, memoranda, reports, appeals, financial records, lists, and press summaries, relating to American relief in Europe following , and food and public health problems, economic conditions, and political and social developments, in Europe. American Relief Administration will be abbreviated throughout description as "ARA" Physical Location: Hoover Institution Archives Language: English. Access Microfilm use only. Publication Rights For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Archives. Alternative Form Available Also available on microfilm (980 reels). Preferred Citation [Identification of item], American Relief Administration. European Operations Records, [Box no.], Hoover Institution Archives. Access Points Child welfare--Europe. International relief. Reconstruction (1914-1939)--Europe. World War, 1914-1918.

Register of the American Relief 23001 2 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 World War, 1914-1918--Civilian relief. World War, 1914-1918--Europe. Europe. Europe-Economic conditions--1918-1945. Europe-Politics and government--1918-1945. -Foreign relations. Historical Note (from , An American Epic, Volume III) * "The name 'American Relief Administration' was known to hundreds of millions of people all over Europe... In order to retain the good will already created by this established organization and the continued full functioning of its staff, we decided, with this approval of the President, to set up a volunteer successor under the same name... On July 7, 1919, I sent a cable to our Office, requesting it to take the necessary steps to set up the new American Relief Administration... On July 12, they formed the new American Relief Administration, which was registered as a non-profit corporation, and elected the following officers: Herbert Hoover, Chairman; Directors: Alvin B. Barber, Julius H. Barnes, R. W. Boyden, Edward M Flesh, William A. Glasgow, John W. Hallowell, Howard Heinz, Vernon L. Kellogg, James A. Logan, Edgar Rickard, Alonzo E. Taylor, John B. White, and Theodore F. Whitemarsh ... As a second step in solution of major domestic food problems after the Peace, we had, with the President's approval, determined to continue the Food Administration Grain Corporation to carry out the guarantees... Since the new American Relief Administration would be its largest customer for the surplus arising from the guarantees, I secured the President's approval that it should act as the purchasing, transporting and accounting agency for the new organization... To carry out our relief work we had to assemble for Walter Brown a staff to administer the work in the various countries. I called for volunteers, and a sufficient number of our former staff agreed to make the sacrifice of further service... The task we had undertaken proved far greater than the single problem of children's relief in some twelve countries in Central and Eastern Europe which we had anticipated at the Peace. Originally, they had expected to end their labors with the harvest of 1920, but we were compelled to continue the children's relief in some countries until 1923. We were also compelled to find large amounts of relief for adults in these states and to undertake a huge relief for the great famine in Communist Russia... For an understanding of the financial resources of the new American Relief Administration, I give the amounts secured from various sources during its entire life. The final settlement of our accounts and our liquidation stretched over many years--in fact, until 1937... First, the official American relief agencies operating during the Armistice had on hand, at the moment Peace was signed, supplies in warehouses and cargoes en route amounting to 17,585 tons of food, medical supplies, and clothing valued at $6,625,051. The President authorized me to transfer these supplies to the American Relief Administration to complete their distribution... Second, the residue from the National Security and Defense Fund transferred to the new American Relief Administration by the President amounted to $1,660,573... Third... I have described the system by which the Grain Corporation, in providing supplies to the different countries during the Armistice, added to prices at which supplies were sold a small margin to cover losses and other contingencies. We had contracted with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe that any balance in this fund should be used for general European children's relief, in which they would participate. The amount paid over to the new American Relief Administration from its inception until the end totaled $25,109,989... Fourth, in our official governmental relief activities during the Armistice we had set up a system of monetary remittances for Americans desiring to aid friends and relatives in Europe as an added relief. The system proved very difficult to operate... The American Relief Administration inherited the warehouses which its predecessor had established in many countries in Europe. The new method was to sell "food drafts" to individuals through American banks; the drafts, in denominations of ten to fifty dollars, could be sent by the purchaser to friends in Europe, and the food designated could be obtained from our warehouses. We also devised a "bulk draft" system whereby other American charities could obtain supplies from our warehouses when and where they needed them. The latter procedure freed them from maintaining their own purchasing and transporting facilities. The total amount of all food drafts sold was $24,302,916... Fifth, in 1920, we organized the American Council for the Relief of European Children, which made a public appeal for funds and received a total of $29,556,071. The American Relief Administration received $15,669,899 of this total...

Register of the American Relief 23001 3 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 Sixth, we undertook the relief of intellectuals in Central and Eastern Europe. For these purposes, we raised $2,556,251 outside their own contributions. These funds were partially duplicated by the purchase of food drafts... Seventh, we joined with the Young Men's and Young Women's Christians associations in the organization of the relief of students. Their contributions, outside our own funds, were $273,244... Eighth, in January 1920, it was evident that certain countries--Armenia, Austria, , , and --could not get through the months of April, May, June, and July (prior to the harvest of 1920) without relief for adults... The Grain Corporation had earned a considerable profit from trading with Neutrals during the war... On March 30, 1920, with the support of President Wilson, I secured authorization for the Grain Corporation to sell flour to these countries from its profits, which amounted to $57,782,118... Ninth, on December 22, 1921, being aware that there still remained in the Grain Corporation treasury a part of its profits from trading with Neutrals, we secured authority from Congress to use this money for Russian relief. It amounted to $18,662,180... Tenth, on January 20, 1922, we secured authority from Congress for the War Department to furnish us surplus medical supplies for Russia and Armenia; this amounted to about $5,000,000... Although the American taxpayer was not called upon for taxes to pay for these appropriations from the Grain Corporation or the surplus medical supplies, all of which amounted to $81,444,298, these sums were, in reality, a gift... Eleventh, at the request of the Supreme Council, we undertook to battle the typhus epidemic which was sweeping westward from the old Russian trenches. For this purpose we had obtained anti-typhus equipment from the American, British, French, and German armies, the original cost of which was estimated by American Army officials at $60,000,000. It was not received until after the Peace. The American Army and the American State Department contributed the pay of their staff in this undertaking-amounting to at least $2,000,000... Twelfth, in our operations in Central and Eastern Europe, we undertook purchase, transportation, or organization for other agencies... Thirteenth, we took part in the relief of refugees going from Russia into Poland, Turkey, and Constantinople, for which we received a total contribution of $300,622... Fourteenth, we received gifts in supplies and/or in cash from many of the governments in whose countries we worked... The activities of the American Relief Administration extended from June 30, 1919, to the end of September, 1923. All of this involved chartering a multitude of ships and establishing financial contracts with forty governments and twelve private associations. Out of these transactions there arose a host of claims-amounts due us and claims of foreign governments for spoilage or underdelivery on contracts... It was indeed a tedious business, even involving appeals to the United States Supreme Court by some claimants. The burden of these settlements of the accounts of the official American Government agencies fell upon the new American Relief Administration and the Grain Corporation. We were unable to conclude all the affairs of the Government agencies and receive quittance certificates from the auditors until 1937..." * Herbert Hoover's account picks up at the time when the term of the $100 million appropriation approved by Congress on February 25, 1919, was coming to an end. At Hoover's urging, President Wilson had established an independent American relief organization, the American Relief Administration, to manage those funds, and had appointed Hoover its director general. In June, as the Paris Peace Conference was drawing to a close, Hoover had already organized the delivery of over four million tons of food, clothes, and other relief supplies to twenty-two countries. Determined to see the ARA continue its operations, he informed the New York Office in July of his intention to have the Children's Relief Bureau--a private organization endowed by the ARA in April--become the successor of the official government agency. The new agency was to be named the American Relief Administration European Children's Fund, though the last three words in the title soon fell into disuse. Scope and Contents Note The records of the European Operations of the American Relief Administration deal mainly, as its name indicates, with relief in Europe, while operations in Russia are covered in a separate collection, the American Relief Administration. Russian Operations, processed several years earlier. When it came time for the records of the European Operations to be organized, significant amounts of material relating to Russia were found, processed, and then transferred to the Russian Operations collection. Nevertheless, a few series still contain some documents related to relief activities in Russia and conditions therein. The bulk of the collection deals with the period 1919-1923, when the ARA was officially in existence (and officially so in Russia between 1921 and 1923), but many documents date from the year 1917 and some, like the account settlement and

Register of the American Relief 23001 4 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 liquidation files of various offices, go up to 1938. The records of the American Relief Administration as a whole were originally divided into 15 categories. In order to ensure as much continuity as possible for the researchers who have relied on that initial arrangement, all materials found in a series remained therein, and the names of the series have, for the most part, been retained (though regrouped alphabetically), as well as a good portion of the original folder headings. We also kept as distinct entities the various series in the so-called "computer indexed file." Indeed, there had been an attempt in the 1960s to index all these documents, but the project never came to fruition, and they have now been processed from scratch. We have, however, retained the original distinction within each of those series between a general section and one divided into countries where relief operations took place. As for the original boxes labeled "Miscellany," they, as well as many other boxes unrecorded in the original series description, were brought together in a Miscellany series listed towards the end, before the newly-created oversize and art series. Finally, the photographs found among the manuscript material during processing were added to those previously pulled and organized, which had letter designations. The original series description is reproduced here in order to provide the corresponding new series titles, indicated in brackets in capital letters, along with the new box numbers: 1. Russian Operations [cataloged separately as the American Relief Administration. Russian Operations collection] 2. FR Series (Russian Famine Relief) [transferred to American Relief Administration. Russian Operations, Boxes 412-495] 3. New York Office (Flour, Purchases, Shipping) [NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, Boxes 214-285] 4. Paris Office [PARIS OFFICE, Boxes 286-460, and 3 boxes transferred to American Relief Administration. Russian Operations, Boxes 518-520]. A previous inventory prepared for the original 163 boxes of this series is now obsolete 5. London Office [LONDON OFFICE, Boxes 7-108, and 22 boxes transferred to American Relief Administration. Russian Operations, Boxes 496-517]. A previous inventory prepared for the original 107 boxes of this series is now obsolete 6. New York -Paris Cable File [NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, Boxes 109-180] 7. R Sawtelle File [SAWTELLE FILE, Boxes 478-488] 8. New York -Washington Correspondence [WASHINGTON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, Boxes 466-472] 9. SS Hamburg Cable File [HAMBURG OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, Boxes 1-6] 10. Appreciations [APPRECIATION FILE, Boxes 473-477, and 10 boxes transferred to the American Relief Administration. Russian Operations, Boxes 521-530] 11. New York -London Cable File [NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, Boxes 181-213] 12. New York -Riga, Moscow, Vienna, Warsaw, Hamburg Cable File [RIGA OFFICE FILE, Boxes 461-465; other cities incorporated into NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, Boxes 109-180] 13. Trustees and Executive Committee [TRUSTEES AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FILE, Boxes 489-490] 14. Miscellany [MISCELLANY, Boxes 762-833, and 12 boxes transferred to the American Relief Administration. Russian Operations, Boxes 548-559] 15. Computer-indexed file: American Relief Administration (A) [GENERAL OFFICE FILE, Boxes 491-614, and 7 boxes transferred to the American Relief Administration. Russian Operations,Boxes 531-537] European Children's Fund (AC) [EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, Boxes 615-714, and 10 boxes transferred to the American Relief Administration. Russian Operations,Boxes 538-547] European Relief Council (AR) [EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL, Boxes 727-740] European Technical Advisors (AT) [EUROPEAN TECHNICAL ADVISORS, Boxes 741-744] American Relief Warehouses (AW) [AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, Boxes 719-726] U.S. Food Administration (UF) [UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 745-753] U.S. Grain Corporation (UG) [UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION, Boxes 757-761] U.S. Signal Corps (US) [UNITED STATES. ARMY. SIGNAL CORPS, Boxes 754-755] War Trade Board (WT) [UNITED STATES. WAR TRADE BOARD, Box 756] Supreme Economic Council (S) [ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED POWERS (1914-1920). SUPREME ECONOMIC COUNCIL, Boxes 715-717]

Register of the American Relief 23001 5 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 Supreme War Council and Council of Ten [ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED POWERS (1914-1920). SUPREME WAR COUNCIL, Box 718]

Box No. 1-6. HAMBURG OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1920-1923 Note Available on microfilm reels 1-7 Scope and Content Note Cables, letters, and memoranda, arranged alphabetically by city

Box 1. To Budapest Folder 1 General. Letters and memoranda, largely regarding food shipments, 1920 July-1922 February Note Available on microfilm reel 1

Folder 2 Cables, 1920 March-1921 May Note Available on microfilm reel 1

From Budapest Folder 3 General. Letters and memoranda, 1920 November-1921 January Note Available on microfilm reel 1

Folder 4 Cables, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 1

To Danzig General. Letters and memoranda Folder 5 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 1

Folder 6 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 1

Folder 7 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 2

Cables Folder 8 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 2

Folder 9 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 2

Register of the American Relief 23001 6 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 HAMBURG OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1920-1923

Folder 10 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 2

From Danzig General. Letters and memoranda Folder 11 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 2

Folder 12 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 2

Cables Folder 13 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 2

Folder 14 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 2

Box 2., Folder 1 To Kovno (Kaunas). Letters, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 3

To Libau Folder 2 General. Letter, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 3

Folder 3 Cables, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 3

From Libau Folder 4 General. Letters, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 3

Folder 5 Cables, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 3

To Moscow General. Letters and memoranda Folder 6 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 3

Register of the American Relief 23001 7 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 HAMBURG OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1920-1923

Folder 7 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 3

Folder 8 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 3

Folder 9 Cables, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 3

From Moscow General. Letters and memoranda Folder 10 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 3

Folder 11 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 3

Folder 12 Cables, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 3

To Petrograd Folder 13 General. Letters and memoranda, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 3

Box 3., Folder 1 Cables, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 4

From Petrograd Folder 2 General. Letters and memoranda, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 4

Folder 3 Cables, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 4

To Prague. Cables Folder 4 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 4

Folder 5 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 4

Register of the American Relief 23001 8 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 HAMBURG OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1920-1923

From Prague. Cables Folder 6 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 4

Folder 7 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 4

Box 4. To Reval (Talinn) Folder 1 General. Letters, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 4

Folder 2 Cables, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 4

Folder 3 From Reval (Talinn). Letters, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 4

To Riga General. Letters and memoranda Folder 4 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 4

Folder 5 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 5

Folder 6 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 5

Cables Folder 7 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 5

Folder 8 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 5

From Riga Folder 9 General. Letters and memoranda, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 5

Box 5. Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 6

Register of the American Relief 23001 9 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 HAMBURG OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1920-1923

Folder 1 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 6

1922 Folder 2 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 6

Folder 3 May-December Note Available on microfilm reel 6

Folder 4 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 6

To Vienna. Cables Folder 5 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 6

Folder 6 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 6

Folder 7 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 6

Box 6. From Vienna. Cables Folder 1 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 6

Folder 2 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 6

To Warsaw Folder 3 General. Letters and memoranda, 1920-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 7

Folder 4 Cables, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 7

From Warsaw Folder 5 General. Letters and memoranda, 1920-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 7

Register of the American Relief 23001 10 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 HAMBURG OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1920-1923

Folder 6 Cables, 1920-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 7

Folder 7 To Windau (Ventspils). Cables, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 7

Box No. 7-17. LONDON OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reels 7-25 Scope and Content Note Miscellany records relating to administrative procedures and activities of ARA relief operations in Europe, consisting of accounting records, administrative policies, appeals for charitable funds for Russia, bulletins, correspondence, executive reports, financial documents, minutes of meetings, personal files of Walter Lyman Brown, publicity and propaganda material, purchasing records, receipts from American embassies in Europe, reports, shipping records, statistics for population and child feeding for all countries, and telegraphic service file, arranged alphabetically by physical form

Box 7. Accounting records. Includes reports on examination of accounts, memoranda on accounting standard procedures for all missions, financial reports, receipts and expenditure account for European operations, balance sheets of European accounts, summaries on New York current cash accounts, and general correspondence on accounting Folder 1 General, 1919 August-1923 May Note Available on microfilm reel 7

Folder 2 Warehouse accounts and balance sheets, 1920 February-1921 July Note Available on microfilm reel 7

Folder 3-4 Administrative policies, 1919 July-1922 September. Instructions and guidelines for the officers in the relief work of the ARA in Poland, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, , Finland, and other European countries. Includes one pamphlet titled American Relief Administration: Certificate of Incorporation and a flow chart on the collaboration between the American Relief Organizations and organizations of European countries receiving American aid Note Available on microfilm reels 7 and 8

Folder 5 Appeals for charitable funds for Russia, 1921 February-1923 March. Letters from concerned citizens petitioning funds to aid Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 8

Bulletins. Typescript copies

Register of the American Relief 23001 11 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 6 General. ARA London bulletins, 1920 February-1921 May. Mainly related to operation issues. Designed to keep the field personnel and chief officers informed with current activities, policies, the ways and means of carrying out the programs, the full instructions of handling finance, shipments, accounts, the primary decisions taken at conferences as to the number of children to be fed, the date of closing up of the operations, and the handling of the work as a whole Note Available on microfilm reel 8

Box 8. Daily news summaries Folder 1-2 Received, 1920 December-1921 March Note Available on microfilm reels 8 and 9

Folder 3 Dispatched from London, 1921 January-1921 July Note Available on microfilm reel 9

Folder 4 Press and economic bulletins, 1921 August-1922 January. Summaries and translations from local press and newsprint, mainly about local economic conditions and relief operations. Includes some clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 9

Folder 5 Correspondence regarding relief in Europe in general, 1919 June-1921 February. Includes one pamphlet and some reports Note Available on microfilm reel 9

Folder 6 Executive orders, 1919 August-1922 October. Guidelines and mandates for ARA offices to effectively carry out their relief operations Note Available on microfilm reel 9

Box 9., Folder 1-2 Financial documents, 1919 August-1923 June. Mostly telegrams and some correspondence relating to receipts, refunds, donations, payments of funds, expenses, purchases of supplies, outstanding accounts and claims, expenditure agreement, status of remittance, budget monitoring, and other related financial matters Note Available on microfilm reel 10

Folder 3 Minutes of meetings - New York Office, 1919 November-1923 April. Includes reports, memoranda, and some pamphlets Note Available on microfilm reel 10

Personal files - Brown, Walter Lyman (director of ARA in Europe). Includes names of personnel, personnel appointments, correspondence, letters of employment, referrals, and interoffice memoranda relating to the entire administration that he oversaw and regarding conducts of the relief operations Folder 4 1919 August-1920 February Note Available on microfilm reel 11

Register of the American Relief 23001 12 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1919-1923

Box 10., Folder 1 1920 February-1921 May Note Available on microfilm reel 11

Folder 2 1921 May-1922 March Note Available on microfilm reel 11

Folder 3 1922 March-1922 October Note Available on microfilm reel 12

Publicity and propaganda file. Includes translations of foreign newspaper clippings, reports, correspondence, telegrams, tables, pamphlets, and some photographs Folder 4 1919 June-1920 November Note Available on microfilm reel 12

Box 11., Folder 1 1919 June-1920 November Note Available on microfilm reel 13

Folder 2-3 1920 December-1921 June Note Available on microfilm reel 13

Folder 4-5 1921 July-1922 April Note Available on microfilm reels 13 and 14

Box 12., 1922 April-1923 August Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 14A

Purchasing records General. Correspondence with suppliers on the availability of certain food items, accounting, procedural matters, agreements and negotiations on foodstuff prices, newsprint, supplies, condiments, and payments Folder 3 1919 September-1920 December Note Available on microfilm reel 15

Folder 4 1921 January-1922 May Note Available on microfilm reel 15

Box 13., Folder 1 Motor and office supplies. Correspondence and telegrams relating to requests and purchases of motor equipment, spare parts for motor repair, and various office supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 15A

Register of the American Relief 23001 13 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 2 Receipts from American embassies in Europe, 1922 August-1923 August. Includes a few letters of inquiries Note Available on microfilm reel 15A

Reports. General progress reports on various ARA activities. Includes maps, charts, graphs, surveys, tables, lists, letters, telegrams, pamphlets, and other printed matter General General Folder 3 General - Index to reports Note Available on microfilm reel 15A

Folder 4 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 15A

Folder 5-6 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 16

Box 14., Folder 1 Field reports and data, 1921 July-1923 April. Reports prepared by the district supervisors covering the progress of relief operations in each district. Includes correspondence, letters, telegrams, memoranda, statistical tables, surveys, and lists Note Available on microfilm reel 17

Political and economic. Mainly from Vienna to London but also from other offices. Reports covered the political and economic situations in Vienna, Austria. Also includes reports on the progress of the Childfund, statistics on births and deaths, and number of contagious disease cases Folder 2-3 1920 October-1921 May Note Available on microfilm reels 17 and 18

Folder 4 1921 June-1923 March Note Available on microfilm reel 18

Box 15., Folder 1 Commodities, 1922 January-1923 July Note Available on microfilm reel 18

Folder 2 Crops, 1920 June-1923 February. Correspondence and some statistics related to amount of harvest, crop figures, annual crop yield, and general crop situation in Europe Note Available on microfilm reel 18

Shipping records relating to security measures for parcels and commodities at ports, ports availability, sufficient warehouse spaces for storage, and prevention of pilferage

Register of the American Relief 23001 14 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1919-1923

Cables and telegrams. Includes some letters and memoranda General Folder 3 1921 May-1922 June Note Available on microfilm reel 19

Folder 4 1922 June-September Folder 5 1922 October-1923 September Note Available on microfilm reel 21

Box 16., Folder 1 West Chatala, 1922 February-1923 February Note Available on microfilm reel 21

Correspondence Folder 2-3 General, 1919 August-1923 January. Exchanges between ARA field offices and headquarter office in London regarding general shipping policy and procedures Note Available on microfilm reels 21 and 22

Folder 4-5 Shipments from New York for stocks and storage, 1921 September-1922 April Note Available on microfilm reels 22 and 23

Folder 6 Index of steamers originating in European ports and their departure times, 1919 May-1922 May Note Available on microfilm reel 23

Folder 7 Statement of receipts and expenditures at Danzig on behalf of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 23

Box 17., Folder 1 Statistics for population and child feeding for all countries, 1919 August-1922 September. Figures are generally broken down by different age groups from infants to mothers. Includes tables of rationing from various institutions Note Available on microfilm reel 23

Telegraphic service file Folder 2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 24

Accounts, 1919 October-1922 October Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 24

Folder 4 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 24

Register of the American Relief 23001 15 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1919-1923

United States. Embassy (Great Britain) Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 24

Folder 6 Office of the Military Attaché Note Available on microfilm reel 24

Folder 7 United States. Shipping Board Note Available on microfilm reel 25

Folder 8 Hickey, A. S., 1921 January-1922 October Note Available on microfilm reel 25

Folder 9 Western Union, 1919 August-1922 October Note Available on microfilm reel 25

Box No. 18-45. LONDON OFFICE CABLE AND TELEGRAM FILE, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reels 25-74 Scope and Content Note Cables and telegrams between the London Office and other regional offices in Europe, arranged alphabetically by country and thereunder by code

Box 18., Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 25

Austria - "Vinchild" Vienna to London Folder 2-3 1919 August-1920 October Note Available on microfilm reel 25

Folder 4-5 1920 October-1921 March Note Available on microfilm reel 26

Folder 6 1921 March-August Note Available on microfilm reel 26

Box 19., Folder 1 1921 March-August Note Available on microfilm reel 27

Register of the American Relief 23001 16 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CABLE AND TELEGRAM FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 2-3 1921 August-1922 October Note Available on microfilm reel 27

Folder 4 1922 October-1923 July Note Available on microfilm reel 27

London to Vienna Folder 5-6 1919 August-1920 April Note Available on microfilm reel 28

Box 20., 1920 April-November Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 28

Folder 3-4 1920 November-1921 April Note Available on microfilm reel 29

Folder 5-6 1921 April-1922 February Note Available on microfilm reels 29 and 30

Box 21., Folder 1 1922 February-October Note Available on microfilm reel 30

Baltic States "Green" Folder 2 Kovno to London, 1919 September-1920 May Note Available on microfilm reel 30

Folder 3 Copenhagen (Reval, Riga, Warsaw) to Kovno, 1919 August-1920 May Note Available on microfilm reel 30

Folder 4 Reval (incoming to Reval from all ARA offices including London), 1919 August-1920 June Note Available on microfilm reel 31

Folder 5 "LibRig" - Libau to Riga, 1922 February-June Note Available on microfilm reel 31

Box 22. "Red" Folder 1 Reval to London, 1919 August-1920 May Note Available on microfilm reel 31

Register of the American Relief 23001 17 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CABLE AND TELEGRAM FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 2-3 London to Reval, 1919 August-1920 May Note Available on microfilm reels 31 and 32

Folder 4 "Revallon" - Tallinn (Reval) to London, 1921 August-1922 August Note Available on microfilm reel 32

Folder 5 "RevRig" - Reval to Riga, 1920 December -May 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 32

Folder 6 "RigRev" - Riga to Reval, 1920 December-1922 July Note Available on microfilm reel 32

Box 23., Folder 1 "RigRev" - Riga to Reval, 1920 December-1922 July Note Available on microfilm reel 33

"Rose" Riga to London Folder 2 1919 September-1920 September Note Available on microfilm reel 33

Folder 3 1920 December-1921 October Note Available on microfilm reel 33

Folder 4 1921 October-1922 February Note Available on microfilm reel 34

1922 Folder 5 February-April Note Available on microfilm reel 35

Box 24., Folder 1 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 35

Folder 2 1922 May-1923 July Note Available on microfilm reel 36

London to Riga Folder 3 1919 August-1920 July Note Available on microfilm reel 36

Register of the American Relief 23001 18 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CABLE AND TELEGRAM FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 4 1920 December-1921 November Note Available on microfilm reel 36

Box 25., Folder 1 1921 November-1922 February Note Available on microfilm reel 37

Folder 2-3 1922 February-1923 July Note Available on microfilm reels 37 and 38

Constantinople - "Grey" Folder 4 Incoming, 1921 September-1923 July Note Available on microfilm reel 38

Box 26., Folder 1 Outgoing, 1921 September-1923 July Note Available on microfilm reel 39

Czechoslovakia - "Pink" Prague to London Folder 2-3 1919 August-1920 December Note Available on microfilm reels 39 and 40

Folder 4 1920 December-1922 November Note Available on microfilm reel 40

Box 27., Folder 1 1920 December-1922 November Note Available on microfilm reel 40

London to Prague Folder 2 1919 August-1920 July Note Available on microfilm reel 41

Folder 3 1920 July-1921 April Note Available on microfilm reel 41

Folder 4 1921 April-1923 May Note Available on microfilm reel 42

Box 28. Danzig Folder 1 "Citron Lard" - Incoming, 1919 August-October Note Available on microfilm reel 42

Register of the American Relief 23001 19 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CABLE AND TELEGRAM FILE, 1919-1923

"Purple" Incoming Folder 2-3 1919 October-1921 April Note Available on microfilm reel 43

Folder 4 1921 April-1922 September Note Available on microfilm reel 43

Outgoing Folder 5 1919 October-1920 September Note Available on microfilm reel 44

Box 29., Folder 1 1920 September-1921 June Note Available on microfilm reel 44

Folder 2 1921 June-1922 September Note Available on microfilm reel 45

Folder 3 "Miscellaneous" - Outgoing, 1919 August-1920 January Note Available on microfilm reel 45

Finland - "Silver" Folder 4 Helsingfors to London, 1919 August-1920 May Note Available on microfilm reel 45

Folder 5 London to Helsingfors, 1919 August-1920 May Note Available on microfilm reel 45

France "Blue" Folder 6 Paris to London, 1920 October-1922 September Note Available on microfilm reel 45

Folder 7 London to Paris, 1920 October-1922 August Note Available on microfilm reel 45

Box 30. "Orange" Paris to London Folder 1-3 1919 August-1920 October Note Available on microfilm reels 46 and 47

Register of the American Relief 23001 20 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CABLE AND TELEGRAM FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 4 1920 October-1922 February Note Available on microfilm reel 47

Box 31., Folder 1 1922 February-1923 September Note Available on microfilm reel 48

London to Paris Folder 2 1919 August-1920 April Note Available on microfilm reel 48

Folder 3 1920 April-1921 December Note Available on microfilm reel 49

Box 32., Folder 1 1921 December-1923 September Note Available on microfilm reel 49

Germany "Green" Folder 2 Berlin to London, 1921 March-1922 October Note Available on microfilm reel 50

Folder 3 London to Berlin, 1921 March-1922 October Note Available on microfilm reel 50

Folder 4 "Rouge" - Rotterdam to London, 1919 August-1920 August Note Available on microfilm reel 50

"Violet" Hamburg to London Folder 5 1919 December-1920 April Note Available on microfilm reel 50

Box 33., Folder 1 1920 April-November Note Available on microfilm reel 51

Folder 2-3 1920 November-1921 August Note Available on microfilm reels 51 and 52

Folder 4 1921 August-1922 February Note Available on microfilm reel 52

Register of the American Relief 23001 21 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CABLE AND TELEGRAM FILE, 1919-1923

Box 34., 1922 February-1923 September Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 53

London to Hamburg Folder 3 1919 December-1920 June Note Available on microfilm reel 54

Folder 4 1920 June-1921 January Note Available on microfilm reel 54

Box 35., Folder 1 1921 January-July Note Available on microfilm reel 55

Folder 2 1921 July-1922 March Note Available on microfilm reel 55

Folder 3 1922 March-1923 September Note Available on microfilm reel 56

Hungary - "Yellow" Budapest to London Folder 4 1919 October-1920 August Note Available on microfilm reel 56

Box 36., 1920 August-1922 February Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reels 56 and 57

London to Budapest Folder 3 1919 October-1921 January Note Available on microfilm reel 57

Folder 4-5 1921 January-1922 April Note Available on microfilm reel 58

Box 37. Poland - "White" Warsaw to London Note Available on microfilm reel 58

Folder 1 1919 August-1920 March Note Available on microfilm reel 58

Register of the American Relief 23001 22 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CABLE AND TELEGRAM FILE, 1919-1923

1920 Folder 2 March-July Note Available on microfilm reel 59

Folder 3 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 59

Box 38., Folder 1 1920 December-1921 March Note Available on microfilm reel 60

1921 Folder 2 March-May Note Available on microfilm reel 60

Folder 3 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 61

Folder 4 August-December Note Available on microfilm reel 61

Box 39., Folder 1 1921 December-1922 April Note Available on microfilm reel 62

Folder 2-3 1922 April-1923 July Note Available on microfilm reel 62

London to Warsaw Folder 4 1919 August-1920 April Note Available on microfilm reel 63

Box 40., Folder 1 1920 April-October Note Available on microfilm reel 63

Folder 2 1920 October-1921 February Note Available on microfilm reel 64

1921 Folder 3 February-May Note Available on microfilm reel 64

Register of the American Relief 23001 23 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CABLE AND TELEGRAM FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 4 May-September Note Available on microfilm reel 65

Box 41., Folder 1 1921 September-1922 March Note Available on microfilm reel 65

Folder 2 1921 March-1923 July Note Available on microfilm reel 66

Romania - "Blue" Folder 3 Bucharest to London, 1919 September-November Note Available on microfilm reel 66

Folder 4 London to Bucharest, 1919 August-October Note Available on microfilm reel 66

Russia "Black" Moscow to London Folder 5-6 1922 September-1923 April Note Available on microfilm reels 66 and 67

Folder 7 1923 April-July Note Available on microfilm reel 67

Box 42. London to Moscow Folder 1-2 1921 September-1922 February Note Available on microfilm reels 67 and 68

Folder 3-4 1922 February-May Note Available on microfilm reels 68 and 69

"Bronze" Folder 5 Odessa to London, 1922 March-August Note Available on microfilm reel 69

Folder 6 London to Odessa, 1922 February-July Note Available on microfilm reel 69

Trieste - "Tan"

Register of the American Relief 23001 24 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CABLE AND TELEGRAM FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 7 Incoming, 1919 August-October Note Available on microfilm reel 69

Folder 8 Outgoing, 1919 August-November Note Available on microfilm reel 70

Box 43. Yugoslavia - "Black" Folder 1 Belgrade to London, 1919 August-1920 July Note Available on microfilm reel 70

Folder 2 London to Belgrade, 1919 August-1920 August Note Available on microfilm reel 70

Miscellaneous Incoming Folder 3-4 1919 September-1920 July Note Available on microfilm reel 70

Folder 5-6 1920 July-1921 September Note Available on microfilm reel 71

Box 44., 1922 October-1923 October Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 72

Outgoing Folder 3-4 1919 August-1921 December Note Available on microfilm reel 73

Box 45., Folder 1 1922 January-October Note Available on microfilm reel 74

Folder 2 1922 October-1923 October Note Available on microfilm reel 74

Box No. 46-83. LONDON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reels 75-127 Scope and Content Note General correspondence between the London Office and other offices located mainly in Europe and relating to various relief operations of the ARA, arranged alphabetically by country or city. Includes brochures, clippings, financial records, lists, pamphlets, shipping schedules, statistics, and reports

Register of the American Relief 23001 25 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Box 46. General Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 75

Austria - Vienna Incoming Folder 2 1919 August-1920 February Note Available on microfilm reel 75

1920 Folder 3 February-September Note Available on microfilm reel 76

Box 47., Folder 1 September-December Note Available on microfilm reel 76

Folder 2 1920 December-1921 February Note Available on microfilm reel 76

1921 Folder 3 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 77

Box 48., Folder 1 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 77

Folder 2 June-August Note Available on microfilm reel 77

Folder 3 August-November Note Available on microfilm reel 78

Box 49., Folder 1 August-November Note Available on microfilm reel 78

Folder 2-3 1921 November-1922 March Note Available on microfilm reels 78 and 79

1922 Folder 4 March-May Note Available on microfilm reel 79

Register of the American Relief 23001 26 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Box 50., May-September Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 79

Folder 3 1922 September-1923 July Note Available on microfilm reel 80

Outgoing Folder 4-5 1919 August-1920 November Note Available on microfilm reel 80

Box 51., Folder 1 1920 November-1921 April Note Available on microfilm reel 81

Folder 2 1921 April-1922 February Note Available on microfilm reel 81

Folder 3 1922 February-1923 August Note Available on microfilm reel 82

Baltic States Folder 4-5 - Reval, incoming and outgoing, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 82

Box 52. - Riga Incoming Folder 1 1919 September-1920 July Note Available on microfilm reel 82

1921 Folder 2-3 January-September Note Available on microfilm reel 83

Folder 4 September-December Note Available on microfilm reel 83

Box 53., Folder 1 1921 December-1922 February Note Available on microfilm reel 84


Register of the American Relief 23001 27 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 2 February -March 16 Note Available on microfilm reel 84

Folder 3 March 20 -April 27 Note Available on microfilm reel 84

Folder 4 April 27 -June 15 Note Available on microfilm reel 84

Box 54., June 15 -August 28 Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 85

Folder 3-4 1922 August-1923 July Note Available on microfilm reel 85

Outgoing Folder 5 1919 August-1920 June Note Available on microfilm reel 85

Box 55., Folder 1 1921 January-1922 January Note Available on microfilm reel 86

1922 Folder 2 January 14 -April 21 Note Available on microfilm reel 86

Folder 3 April 21 -September 25 Note Available on microfilm reel 87

Folder 4 1922 September-1923 July Note Available on microfilm reel 87

Box 56., Folder 1 - Kovno, Incoming and outgoing, 1918-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 88

Constantinople Folder 2 Incoming, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 88

Register of the American Relief 23001 28 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 3 Outgoing, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 89

Czechoslovakia - Prague Incoming Folder 4 1919 September-1920 December Note Available on microfilm reel 89

Box 57., Folder 1 1919 September-1920 December Note Available on microfilm reel 89

Folder 2-3 1920 December-1921 June Note Available on microfilm reels 89 and 90

Folder 4-5 1921 June-1922 April Note Available on microfilm reel 90

Box 58., 1922 April-1923 May Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 90

Outgoing Folder 3-4 1919 August-1921 February Note Available on microfilm reel 91

Box 59., Folder 1 1921 February-1922 March Note Available on microfilm reel 91

Folder 2 1922 March-1923 June Note Available on microfilm reel 92

Danzig Incoming Folder 3-4 1919 August-1921 March Note Available on microfilm reel 92

Box 60., Folder 1 1921 April-November Note Available on microfilm reel 93

Folder 2 1921 November-1922 September Note Available on microfilm reel 93

Register of the American Relief 23001 29 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Outgoing Folder 3 1918 September-1921 March Note Available on microfilm reel 94

Box 61., Folder 1 1921 March-October Note Available on microfilm reel 94

Folder 2 1921 October-1922 September Note Available on microfilm reel 95

Finland - Helsingfors Folder 3 Incoming, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 95

Folder 4 Outgoing, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 95

France - Paris Incoming Folder 5 1919 January-1922 September Note Available on microfilm reel 95

Box 62., Folder 1 1919 January-1922 September Note Available on microfilm reel 95

Folder 2 1922 September-1923 October Note Available on microfilm reel 96

Outgoing Folder 3-4 1919 August-1922 May Note Available on microfilm reel 96

Folder 5 1922 May-November Note Available on microfilm reel 97

Box 63., Folder 1 1922 May-November Note Available on microfilm reel 97

Germany - Hamburg Incoming 1920

Register of the American Relief 23001 30 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 2-3 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 97

Folder 4 May-July Note Available on microfilm reel 98

Folder 5 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 98

Box 64., Folder 1 August-October Note Available on microfilm reel 98

Folder 2-3 October-November Note Available on microfilm reels 98 and 99

Folder 4 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 99

Box 65. 1921 Folder 1-2 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 99

Folder 3-4 February-April Note Available on microfilm reel 100

Folder 5 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 100

Box 66., June-September Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 101

Folder 3-4 1921 September-1922 January Note Available on microfilm reel 101

1922 Folder 5 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 102

Box 67., March-May Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reels 102 and 103

Register of the American Relief 23001 31 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 3-4 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 103

Box 68., August-November Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 104

Folder 3-4 1922 November-1923 September Note Available on microfilm reels 104 and 105

Box 69. Outgoing Folder 1-2 1919 December-1920 July Note Available on microfilm reel 105

Folder 3-4 1920 July-December Note Available on microfilm reels 105 and 106

Folder 5 1920 December-1921 February Note Available on microfilm reel 106

Box 70., Folder 1 1921 February-June Note Available on microfilm reel 107

Folder 2 1921 June-1922 January Note Available on microfilm reel 107

1922 Folder 3 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 108

Folder 4 May-October Note Available on microfilm reel 108

Box 71., Folder 1 1922 October-1923 August Note Available on microfilm reel 109

Hungary - Budapest Incoming Folder 2-3 1919 September-1921 March Note Available on microfilm reels 109 and 110

Register of the American Relief 23001 32 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 4 1921 March-1922 February Note Available on microfilm reel 110

Box 72., Folder 1 1921 March-1922 February Note Available on microfilm reel 110

Folder 2-4 Outgoing, 1919 October-1922 February Note Available on microfilm reel 111

Box 73. Poland - Warsaw Incoming Folder 1-2 1919 August-1920 January Note Available on microfilm reel 112

1920 Folder 3-4 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 112

Folder 5 June-November Note Available on microfilm reel 112

Box 74., Folder 1 1920 November-1921 January Note Available on microfilm reel 113

1921 Folder 2 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 113

Folder 3 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 113

Folder 4 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 114

Box 75., Folder 1 May-July Note Available on microfilm reel 114

Folder 2 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 114

Register of the American Relief 23001 33 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 3 August-October Note Available on microfilm reel 115

Folder 4 1921 October-1922 January Note Available on microfilm reel 115

Box 76. 1922 Folder 1 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 115

Folder 2-3 April-August Note Available on microfilm reels 115 and 116

Folder 4-5 1922 August-1923 July Note Available on microfilm reel 116

Box 77. Outgoing Folder 1-2 1919 August-1920 October Note Available on microfilm reels 116 and 117

Folder 3-4 1920 October-1921 March Note Available on microfilm reels 117 and 118

Folder 5-6 1921 March-July Note Available on microfilm reel 118

Box 78., Folder 1 1921 July-1922 March Note Available on microfilm reel 119

Folder 2-3 1922 March-1923 July Note Available on microfilm reel 119

Romania - Bucharest Folder 4 Incoming, 1919 September-October Note Available on microfilm reel 120

Folder 5 Outgoing, 1919 August-November Note Available on microfilm reel 120


Register of the American Relief 23001 34 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 6 Incoming, 1919 September-October Note Available on microfilm reel 120

Folder 7 Outgoing, 1919 August-November Note Available on microfilm reel 120

United States Folder 8 General. Mainly inter-office correspondence from Washington, D.C. and New York Note Available on microfilm reel 120

Folder 9 New York, Incoming and outgoing, 1919 November-1923 April Note Available on microfilm reel 120

Folder 10 Washington, D.C., Outgoing, 1921 August-1922 February Note Available on microfilm reel 120

Box 79. Yugoslavia - Belgrade Folder 1 Incoming, 1919 September-1920 December Note Available on microfilm reel 120

Folder 2 Outgoing, 1919 August-1920 August Note Available on microfilm reel 120

United States Grain Corporation. Exchanges between Mr. Brown at the London Office and the New York Office. Also correspondence with other ARA offices Folder 3 General, 1919 August-1921 April Note Available on microfilm reel 121

Folder 4 Outgoing, 1919 August-1922 October Note Available on microfilm reel 121

Box 80. Miscellany. Outgoing letters to other ARA offices 1922 Folder 1-2 November Note Available on microfilm reels 121 and 121A

Folder 3-4 December Note Available on microfilm reels 121A and 122


Register of the American Relief 23001 35 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 5 January Note Available on microfilm reel 122

Box 81., Folder 1 January Note Available on microfilm reel 123

Folder 2-3 January-March Note Available on microfilm reels 123 and 124

Folder 4 March-May Note Available on microfilm reel 124

Box 82., Folder 1 March-May Note Available on microfilm reel 125

Folder 2-3 May-June Note Available on microfilm reels 125 and 126

Folder 4-5 June-July Note Available on microfilm reel 126

Box 83., Folder 1 July-October Note Available on microfilm reel 127

Box No. 84-108. LONDON OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reels 127-163 Scope and Content Note Agreements, bulletins, cables, charts, circulars, clippings, correspondence, financial records, lists, memoranda, notes, personnel records, proposals, regulations, reports, schedules, speeches, statistics, telegrams, and printed matter, arranged alphabetically by subject

Box 84. American Friends Service Committee General Folder 1 General, 1921 January-1922 March Note Available on microfilm reel 127

Incoming (Berlin to London). Includes some pamphlets, photographs, notes, reports, a list of cities in which the American Child Feeding Fund has operated, and comparison of various forms of milk. Also includes a monthly summary statement of the committee's feeding operation, some memoranda, and telegrams

Register of the American Relief 23001 36 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1919-1921

Folder 2 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 128

Folder 3 1921 February-1922 June Note Available on microfilm reel 128

Outgoing (London to Berlin) Folder 4 1919 December-1922 October Note Available on microfilm reel 128

Folder 5 1921 March-1922 May Note Available on microfilm reel 128

Folder 6 Circular letters providing statistics regarding weekly feeding figures, food rations, and other topics on personnel changes, clothing problems, medical examinations, travel arrangements, and publicity matters Note Available on microfilm reel 129

Box 85., Folder 1 Miscellaneous telegrams, 1919 November-1922 February Note Available on microfilm reel 129

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee General Folder 2-3 1919 October-1920 December Note Available on microfilm reels 129 and 130

Folder 4-5 1921 January-1922 June Note Available on microfilm reel 130

Box 86., 1922 July-1923 July Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 130A and 131

Folder 3 Personnel records of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 1921 September-1922 October. Correspondence relating to issues on salaries, personnel transfering and relocating, referrals, and letters of introduction Note Available on microfilm reel 131

American National Red Cross. Collaborated with the ARA to improve the health of children in the areas of disease prevention and mortality decrease among children in Europe. Includes issues of The Red Cross Bulletin Folder 4-5 Correspondence, 1919 June-1923 March Note Available on microfilm reel 131 and 132

Register of the American Relief 23001 37 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1919-1921

Telegrams Folder 6 Paris to London, 1920 December-1922 July Note Available on microfilm reel 132

Folder 7 London to Paris, 1920 December-1923 April Note Available on microfilm reel 132

Box 87., Folder 1 British relief organizations, 1919-1922. Correspondence, cables, some pamphlets, and newspaper clippings of various local relief organizations in England. These organizations provided relief in specific areas such as clothing or specific population such as children. By supporting and contributing their efforts to ARA, they raised funds and sponsored fund raising events. These organizations include Action Lodge Famine Relief Fund, Babies of the Empire Society, British Red Cross, The Epidemic Commission of the League of Nations, Famine Information Bureau, Friend's Emergency and War Victims Relief Committee, Hungarian Relief Fund, Labour Party Appeal in Aid of Hospitals in Vienna, Lay Muriel Paget's Mission, The Official Committee for Relief in Europe, Save the Children Fund, Tyrolese Relief Fund, University Committee Imperial War Relief Fund, The Vienna Emergency Relief, and Women's International League Note Available on microfilm reel 132

Folder 2 Cod liver oil, 1919 April-1922 October. Includes correspondence, telegrams, and some notes Note Available on microfilm reel 132

Folder 3 Commissary supplies, 1919 September-1923 May. Includes cover letters, correspondence, telegrams, and price lists Note Available on microfilm reel 133

Folder 4 Commonwealth Fund, 1922. Correspondence, cablegrams, and some pamphlets reporting on the distribution of donations for relief in various European countries Note Available on microfilm reel 133

Communications. Telegrams, courier schedules, memoranda, and regulations concerning mail services, courier delivery, and wiring services for cables and telegrams General Folder 5 1919 August-1922 March Note Available on microfilm reel 133

Box 88., Folder 1 1919 August-1922 March Note Available on microfilm reel 134

Folder 2 1922 March-August Note Available on microfilm reel 134

Register of the American Relief 23001 38 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1919-1921

Folder 3 1922 September-1923 September Note Available on microfilm reel 135

Folder 4 Agreements. Correspondence between ARA and local communication offices regarding the use of various communication services for the relief operations Note Available on microfilm reel 135

Box 89. Donations. Mainly about the distribution of funds to the neediest cases of adult individuals or families. Certain funds were specially earmarked for particular countries with specific amount of allocations. Includes letters of appreciation, reports, correspondence, and telegrams Folder 1-2 General, 1919 August-1922 October Note Available on microfilm reels 135 and 136

Reports Folder 3-4 1919 July-1920 April Note Available on microfilm reel 136

Box 90., 1920 May-1923 February Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 137

Folder 3 Dutch arbitration, 1919 March-1920 March. Dispute between the United States Grain Corporation and the Dutch Government on contract issues and shipment matters. Includes one document entitled "Statement of Carrying Charges to the Government" and some correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 137

European Children's Fund. Documents related to collected data on child mortality and childfund rationing for the study on children conditions. Includes reports, charts, statistics and some correspondence Folder 4 Austria, 1919 September-1920 October Note Available on microfilm reel 137

Folder 5 Baltic States, 1919 October-1921 April Note Available on microfilm reel 138

Folder 6 Czechoslovakia, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 138

Folder 7 Hungary, 1919 September-1920 May Note Available on microfilm reel 138

Register of the American Relief 23001 39 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1919-1921

Folder 8 Poland, 1920 July-1922 August Note Available on microfilm reel 138

Folder 9 Yugoslavia, 1919 September-1920 June Note Available on microfilm reel 138

Box 91. Feeding and evacuation of Russian refugees. Includes letters, correspondence, telegrams, and some reports regarding the ARA various activities in assisting the Russian refugees in Constantinople Folder 1 1921 September-1922 July Note Available on microfilm reel 138

Folder 2-3 1922 March-1923 January Note Available on microfilm reels 138 and 139

Folder 4-5 1922 August-1923 September Note Available on microfilm reel 139

Box 92., Folder 1 Foodstuffs, 1920 September-1922 March. Correspondence concerning the quality and safety of food products Note Available on microfilm reel 140

Folder 2 France, 1921 May-October. Reports and correspondence regarding the condition of children in devastated areas Note Available on microfilm reel 140

Folder 3 French Heroe's Lafayette Memorial Fund, 1921 February-July. Letters from the ARA office in Warsaw, Poland, reporting on relief packages delivered to needy families in Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 140

Germany. Correspondence, letters, reports, and telegrams Folder 4-5 1919 September-1920 December Note Available on microfilm reels 140 and 141

Box 93., Folder 1 1921 January-1923 August Note Available on microfilm reel 141

Gifts. Food supplies donated to ARA by individuals, nonprofit groups, private organizations, and governmental agencies Folder 2 General, 1920 December-1921 October Note Available on microfilm reel 141

Register of the American Relief 23001 40 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1919-1921

Folder 3 Government contributions, 1921 March-1922 August. Includes telegrams, memoranda, tables, statistics, and some reports Note Available on microfilm reel 142

Great Britain. Documents related to establishing a Consultative Food Committee to provide a means of consultation on questions of food policy and coordination for bringing producers and consumers into close relation to avoid profiteering. Includes general correspondence and some statistics General Folder 4 1919 May-1920 April Note Available on microfilm reel 142

Folder 5 1920 May-1922 July Note Available on microfilm reel 142

Box 94., Folder 1 Miscellany correspondence with suppliers and vendors, 1920 April-1922 October Note Available on microfilm reel 142

Hoover's American Mission of Relief to Poland. Represented by Mr. Howard and Mr. Durand to restore ruined farmlands in the areas destroyed by the Bolshevik invasions and to form various relief committees to help the affected families and refugees Folder 2 Intelligentsia relief. Acknowledgment letters from families, organizations, and individuals in Poland who received relief packages Note Available on microfilm reel 143

Folder 3 Seed grain relief, 1920 September-October. Agreements and proposals between ARA and the Ministry of Agriculture in Poland to administer the agricultural relief program in Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 143

Insurance. Correspondence and telegrams between offices concerning insurance coverage and rates for damaged goods during transit and protection for storage facilities from fire and war riots General Folder 4 1919 September-1920 December Note Available on microfilm reel 143

Folder 5 1921 January-1922 March Note Available on microfilm reel 143

Box 95., Folder 1 1921 January-1922 March Note Available on microfilm reel 144

Register of the American Relief 23001 41 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1919-1921

Folder 2-3 1922 April-1923 October Note Available on microfilm reel 144

Folder 4 Floater fire insurance on relief supplies, 1922 January-December Note Available on microfilm reel 145

Folder 5 Intelligentsia relief - Hungary, 1921 April-1922 January. Correspondence and telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 145

Folder 6 League of Red Cross Societies, 1919 December-1922 October. Coresspondence and telegrams regarding the details of food deliveries to locations outside of Russia for the feeding of Russian refugee children and other related issues such as cooperation with the ARA in the relief program Note Available on microfilm reel 145

Middle East. Documents appealing for relief, reporting on refugee conditions, and debating on the necessary actions for carrying out operations and requirements in this region Folder 7 General, 1921 September-1922 May Note Available on microfilm reel 145

Folder 8 Smyrna (Turkey), 1922 September-November Note Available on microfilm reel 145

Poland. Ministerstwo Koleji Zelaznych. Biuro Doradcy Technicznego, 1920-1922 Folder 9 Letters, 1920 January-1922 October Note Available on microfilm reel 145

Telegrams Folder 10 "Tie"- 1920 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 145

Folder 11 "Wheel"- 1920 January-November Note Available on microfilm reel 145

Box 96., Folder 1 Miscellaneous, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 146

Register of the American Relief 23001 42 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1919-1921

Folder 2 Polsko-Amerykanski Komitet Pomacy Dzieciom. Documents describing the formation of the P.A.K.P.D. organization. Includes detailed allocation of foodstuff rations for local committees, comparative table of foodstuffs delivered from P.A.K.P.D. warehouses, statistics by regions, lists of names of regional directors and committee members. Also includes some pamphlets and one printed report titled Report of the American Relief Administration European Children's Fund Mission to Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 146

Programs Folder 3 General. Correspondence and telegrams concerning protections and other issues. Includes some tables Note Available on microfilm reel 146

Child feeding. Programs for the local governmental agencies and organizations to continue the relief work as the U.S. withdrew. Includes correspondence, letters, telegrams, tables, and some charts General Folder 4 1919 August-1920 December Note Available on microfilm reel 147

Folder 5 1921 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 147

Folder 6 Consumption tables and statement of food allocations, shipments, and orders Note Available on microfilm reel 147

Box 97. Clothing. A supplement to the food programs, the clothing program furnished clothing outfits to the most needy children between the ages of 4 and 14. Includes written proposals, correspondence, memoranda, tables, and telegrams Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 147

Folder 2 Budapest (Hungary) Note Available on microfilm reel 147

Folder 3 Hamburg (Germany) Note Available on microfilm reel 147

Folder 4 New York (United States) Note Available on microfilm reel 148

Folder 5 Prague (Czechoslovakia) Note Available on microfilm reel 148

Register of the American Relief 23001 43 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1919-1921

Folder 6 Riga (Latvia) Note Available on microfilm reel 148

Folder 7 Vienna (Austria) Note Available on microfilm reel 148

Folder 8 Warsaw (Poland) Note Available on microfilm reel 148

Folder 9 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 149

Box 98., Folder 1 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 149

Student feeding. This program was mainly designed to feed university students in affected countries in Europe. Documents include reports on conditions of students in needs, expenditures, administrative matters, cooperation with local organizations, and some publicity materials Folder 2 General. Correspondence between the Students' Federation and ARA offices Note Available on microfilm reel 150

Folder 3 Drafts and working materials. General policy on the progress of the operation and agreements on cooperation with the Y.M.C.A. and its sub-organization the World's Student Christian Federation. Includes a copy of Herbert Hoover's inaugural speech as President of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, 1920 February Note Available on microfilm reel 150

Folder 4 Relief Committee for Poor and Refugees, 1920 August-October. This committee was formed to provide aid to the refugees in Poland caused by the Bolshevik invasions. Includes reports of the refugee conditions, minutes of meetings, memoranda, and some correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 150

Folder 5 Russian Red Cross Mission in Poland, 1920 September-1921 July. Includes letters of confirmation and acknowledgement, cables, and some reports on administrative matters Note Available on microfilm reel 150

Folder 6 Russian refugees in the Balkan States and the Crimea, 1920 December-1921 August. Documents and correspondence concerning the handling of the great number of Russian refugees and relief efforts to assist them Note Available on microfilm reel 151

Register of the American Relief 23001 44 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1919-1921

Box 99., Folder 1 Societatea Romana Pentru Ajutorul Copiilor, 1919. Invoices and statements Note Available on microfilm reel 151

Folder 2 Stocks, 1920 September-1921 April. Memoranda regarding procedures on stock turnovers and consolidation of warehouse and Childfund stocks Note Available on microfilm reel 151

Folder 3 United States. Department of the Navy, 1921 August-1922 December. Documents relating to the cooperation between the U.S. naval forces stationed in Europe and the ARA in Russia on matters of safe ports, transportation, cargoes, communication, U.S. naval vessels in connection with the work of the ARA, carrying relief workers to the scene of their activities on naval vessels, and general rules for U.S. naval vessels in Soviet ports Note Available on microfilm reel 151

United States Grain Corporation. Resolved shipping problems and handled legal disputes and freight damage claims Folder 4-5 General, 1921 April-1922 October Note Available on microfilm reel 151

Correspondence Folder 6 General, 1920 January-1922 October Note Available on microfilm reel 152

Folder 7 Netherlands, 1919 January-1920 May Note Available on microfilm reel 152

Box 100., Folder 1 Netherlands, 1919 January-1920 May Note Available on microfilm reel 152

Folder 2 Telegrams, 1920 February-1921 April Note Available on microfilm reel 152

Warehouses and food drafts. The object of this project was to add to the total stock of available food supplies in Central and Eastern European countries. Regional warehouses were set up in affected European cities to carry stocks of staple foodstuffs shipped from the United States. The ARA sold food drafts in America to many American families who had family affiliations in Europe in need of food relief in the area. Includes bulletins, correspondence, memoranda, reports, figuring tables for foodstuffs, telegrams, inventory statistics, shipment schedules, pamphlets, and some clippings General General

Register of the American Relief 23001 45 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1919-1921

Folder 3 1919 September-1920 May Note Available on microfilm reel 153

Folder 4 1920 June-1921 August Note Available on microfilm reel 153

Box 101., Folder 1 Liquidation, 1921 March-October Note Available on microfilm reel 154

Folder 2 Negotiations between the ARA and the Italian government cooperating in the shipment of food supplies to Austria. Agreements, correspondence, and some telegrams, 1920 February-1922 September Note Available on microfilm reel 154

Folder 3 Profits, 1920 September-1922 March Note Available on microfilm reel 154

Austria Letters Folder 4-5 Vienna to London, 1920 February-November Note Available on microfilm reels 154 and 155

Box 102., Folder 1 London to Vienna, 1920 January-November Note Available on microfilm reel 155

Folder 2 Vienna to Warsaw, 1919 December-1921 August Note Available on microfilm reel 156

Folder 3 Warsaw to Vienna, 1920 February-1921 August Note Available on microfilm reel 156

Folder 4 Statement of bulk sales, 1920 July-1922 May Note Available on microfilm reel 156

Folder 5 Telegrams (from Vienna to London), 1919 December-1921 April Note Available on microfilm reel 157

Box 103. Czechoslovakia Letters Folder 1-2 Prague to London, 1920 February-November Note Available on microfilm reel 157

Register of the American Relief 23001 46 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1919-1921

Folder 3 London to Prague, 1920 January-November Note Available on microfilm reel 157

Telegrams Folder 4 Czechoslovakia to Slovakia, 1919 December-1921 March Note Available on microfilm reel 158

Folder 5 Prague to Warsaw, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 158

Folder 6 Warsaw to Prague, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 158

Box 104. Germany Folder 1 Berlin Warehouse, 1920 September-1921 January Note Available on microfilm reel 158

Folder 2 Hamburg to London, 1919 December-1921 September Note Available on microfilm reel 158

Folder 3 Hamburg to Warsaw, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 158

Folder 4 Warsaw to Hamburg, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 158

Hungary General General Folder 5 1919 December-1921 January Note Available on microfilm reel 158

Folder 6 1921 March-June Note Available on microfilm reel 159

Folder 7 Recapitulation of food draft reports, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 159

Folder 8 Budapest to London, 1920 February-November Note Available on microfilm reel 159

Register of the American Relief 23001 47 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1919-1921

Box 105., Folder 1 London to Budapest, 1920 February-November Note Available on microfilm reel 159

Poland Letters General Folder 2 Danzig to London, 1920 February-November Note Available on microfilm reel 160

Folder 3 London to Danzig, 1920 January-November Note Available on microfilm reel 160

Folder 4 Danzig to Warsaw, 1920 January-1921 September Note Available on microfilm reel 160

Folder 5 Warsaw to Danzig, 1920 February-1921 August Note Available on microfilm reel 160

Box 106., Warsaw to London, 1920 February-November Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reels 160 and 161

Folder 3 London to Warsaw, 1920 January-November Note Available on microfilm reel 161

Folder 4 American Committee for Aid in the Republic of Poland, 1920 May-December Note Available on microfilm reel 161

Folder 5 Magistrat Miasta Stolecznego Warszawy-Wydzial Zaopatrywania Note Available on microfilm reel 161

Folder 6 Panstwowy Urzad Zakupu Artykulow Pierwszej Potrzeby Note Available on microfilm reel 161

Folder 7 Poland. Ministerstwo Aprowizacji Note Available on microfilm reel 161

Folder 8 Poland. Ministerstwo Poczt I Telegrafow Note Available on microfilm reel 161

Register of the American Relief 23001 48 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 LONDON OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1919-1921

Folder 9 Poland. Ministerstwo Pracy I Opieki Spolecznej Note Available on microfilm reel 161

Folder 10 Poland. Ministerstwo Skarbu Note Available on microfilm reel 161

Folder 11 Poland. Ministerstwo Spraw Wojskowych Note Available on microfilm reel 161

Folder 12 Poland. Ministerstwo Spraw Zagraniczych Note Available on microfilm reel 161

Box 107., Folder 1 Statement of bulk deliveries, 1919 November-1922 March Note Available on microfilm reel 161

Folder 2 Telegrams, 1919 December-1922 September Note Available on microfilm reel 162

Folder 3 Yugoslavia, 1920 January-September Note Available on microfilm reel 162

Folder 4 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 162

Folder 5 Young Men's Christian Associations, 1920 January-1922 October. Affiliated with the ARA, it raised money and set up an account with the ARA specifically used for student relief in Europe. Includes correspondence, letters, and telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 162

Box 108., Folder 1 Young Women's Christian Associations, 1920 January-1922 October. Correspondence regarding arrangements for the YWCA volunteers in the relief efforts Note Available on microfilm reel 163

Folder 2 Yugoslavia, 1919 August-1923 April. Correspondence regarding whether child feeding operations in the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes should continue Note Available on microfilm reel 163

Register of the American Relief 23001 49 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Box No. 109-180. NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reels 163-246 Scope and Content Note Cables sent and received by the New York Office, arranged alphabetically by code name of the sender or the recipient

Box 109. General General Folder 1 Index of codes, departure points, and destinations Note Available on microfilm reel 163

Confidential cables Note Available on microfilm reel 163

Folder 2 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 163

Folder 3 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 163

Folder 4 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 163

Folder 5 Flesh cables, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 164

Folder 6 Haskel - Incoming and outgoing, 1920 February-July Note Available on microfilm reel 164

Miscellaneous General Copies Folder 7 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 164

Folder 8 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 164

Folder 9 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 164

Register of the American Relief 23001 50 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 10 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 164

Folder 11 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 164

Box 110. 1 Originals, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 165

Paris to various points, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 165

Copies Note Available on microfilm reel 165

Folder 2 February-May Note Available on microfilm reel 165

Folder 3 June Note Available on microfilm reel 165

Folder 4 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 165

Originals Folder 5 March 18-April 22 Note Available on microfilm reel 166

Box 111., Folder 1 April 23-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 166

May Note Available on microfilm reel 166

Folder 2 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 166

Folder 3 11-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 167

Register of the American Relief 23001 51 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 4 21-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 167

June Note Available on microfilm reel 167

Folder 5 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 167

Box 112., Folder 1 11-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 167

Folder 2 21-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 167

July Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 168

Folder 4 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 168

Folder 5 August Note Available on microfilm reel 168

Box 113. Press cables Note Available on microfilm reel 169

General Folder 1 Incoming, 1922 (Reports on famine situation in Russia) Note Available on microfilm reel 169

Folder 2 Outgoing, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 169

London to New York, 1922 Folder 3 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 169

Register of the American Relief 23001 52 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 4 June-November Note Available on microfilm reel 169

Folder 5 Shipping cables (via Navy Radio) - Incoming, 1919 February-July Note Available on microfilm reel 169

Soviet purchase cables Folder 6 1921 August-December Note Available on microfilm reel 169

1922 Folder 7 January Note Available on microfilm reel 169

Box 114., Folder 1 February Note Available on microfilm reel 170

Folder 2 March Note Available on microfilm reel 170

Folder 3 April-December Note Available on microfilm reel 170

Folder 4 1923 January-August Note Available on microfilm reel 170

United States. Department of State cables (re conditions in Russia) Folder 5 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 170

Folder 6 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 170

Folder 7 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 170

Washington cables - Riga trips, 1921-1922 Folder 8 Incoming Note Available on microfilm reel 170

Register of the American Relief 23001 53 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 9 Outgoing Note Available on microfilm reel 170

Anchor, Paris to Bordeaux, 1919 Folder 10 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 171

Folder 11 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 171

Box 115. Apple London to Rotterdam, 1919 Folder 1 February-April Note Available on microfilm reel 171

Folder 2 May-September Note Available on microfilm reel 171

Rotterdam to London, 1919 Folder 3 February-April Note Available on microfilm reel 171

Folder 4 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 171

Folder 5 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 171

Box 116. Bell Folder 1 Belgrade to Paris, 1919 June-August Note Available on microfilm reel 172

Folder 2 Paris to Belgrade, 1919 June-August Note Available on microfilm reel 172

Berry Folder 3 Constantinople to London, 1919 March-September Note Available on microfilm reel 172

Folder 4 London to Constantinople, 1919 February-September Note Available on microfilm reel 172

Register of the American Relief 23001 54 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Bit Folder 5 Paris to Marseilles, 1919 May Note Available on microfilm reel 172

Folder 6 Marseilles to Paris, 1919 April Note Available on microfilm reel 172

Ble London to Paris, 1919 Folder 7 February-March Note Available on microfilm reel 172

Folder 8 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 172

Folder 9 April Note Available on microfilm reel 172

Box 117., Folder 1 May Note Available on microfilm reel 173

Folder 2 June Note Available on microfilm reel 173

Folder 3 July Note Available on microfilm reel 173

Folder 4 August Note Available on microfilm reel 173

Folder 5 September Note Available on microfilm reel 173

Box 118. Paris to London, 1919 Folder 1 February Note Available on microfilm reel 173

Folder 2 March Note Available on microfilm reel 173

Register of the American Relief 23001 55 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 3 April Note Available on microfilm reel 174

Folder 4 May Note Available on microfilm reel 174

Folder 5 June Note Available on microfilm reel 174

Folder 6 July Note Available on microfilm reel 174

Folder 7 August Note Available on microfilm reel 175

Folder 8 September Note Available on microfilm reel 175

Box 119., Folder 1 Block, Saint Nazaire to London, 1919 April-August Note Available on microfilm reel 175

Bread Constantinople to Paris, 1919 Folder 2 February-March Note Available on microfilm reel 175

Folder 3 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 175

Folder 4 June-August Note Available on microfilm reel 175

Paris to Constantinople, 1919 Folder 5 February-March Note Available on microfilm reel 175

Folder 6 April-August Note Available on microfilm reel 176

Box 120. Cake Paris to Prague, 1919

Register of the American Relief 23001 56 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 1 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 176

Folder 2 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 176

Prague to Paris, 1919 Folder 3 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 176

Folder 4 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 176

Folder 5 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 177

Folder 6 Chain, Bordeaux to Paris, 1919 April-August Note Available on microfilm reel 177

Box 121. Cherry London to New York, 1919 Folder 1 February-March Note Available on microfilm reel 177

Folder 2 April Note Available on microfilm reel 177

Folder 3 May Note Available on microfilm reel 177

Folder 4 June Note Available on microfilm reel 178

Folder 5 July Note Available on microfilm reel 178

Folder 6 August Note Available on microfilm reel 178

Register of the American Relief 23001 57 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 7 September Note Available on microfilm reel 178

Folder 8 October-November Note Available on microfilm reel 178

Box 122. New York to London 1919 Folder 1 February Note Available on microfilm reel 178

Folder 2 March Note Available on microfilm reel 178

Folder 3 April Note Available on microfilm reel 179

May Folder 4 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 179

Folder 5 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 179

June Folder 6 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 179

Box 123., Folder 1 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 180

Folder 2 July Note Available on microfilm reel 180

Folder 3 August Note Available on microfilm reel 180

Folder 4 September-December Note Available on microfilm reel 180

Register of the American Relief 23001 58 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 5 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 180

Folder 6 Chow, Paris to London, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 181

Citron Folder 7 Danzig to London, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 181

Folder 8 London to Danzig, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 181

Box 124. Conloyork General - Constantinople-New York (via London) Folder 1 Copies, 1923 January-October Note Available on microfilm reel 181

Folder 2 Originals, 1923 January-August Note Available on microfilm reel 181

Folder 3 Yorkcon, New York to Constantinople, 1923 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 181

Folder 4 Yorklocon, New York to Constantinople (via London) 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 181

Crab Folder 5 Copenhagen to Paris, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 181

Folder 6 Paris to Copenhagen, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 181

Folder 7 Exchange, New York to Paris, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 181

Folder 8 Fall, Paris to Saint Nazaire, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 182


Register of the American Relief 23001 59 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 9 Berlin to Paris, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 182

Box 125., Folder 1 Paris to Berlin, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 182

Food New York Office Copies Paris to London (via Washington) 1918 Folder 2 November Note Available on microfilm reel 182

December Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 182

Folder 4 16-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 182

Folder 5 21-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 182

1919 January Folder 6 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 183

Box 126., Folder 1 11-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 183

Folder 2 21-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 183

February Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 184

Folder 4 16-28 Note Available on microfilm reel 184

Box 127. Paris to New York

Register of the American Relief 23001 60 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

1919 Folder 1 September-October Note Available on microfilm reel 185

Folder 2 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 185

1920 Folder 3 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 185

Folder 4 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 185

Folder 5 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 185

Folder 6 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 185

Folder 7 September-October Note Available on microfilm reel 185

Folder 8 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 185

Folder 9 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 185

Box 128. Paris to New York (via London), 1919 Folder 1 January Note Available on microfilm reel 186

Folder 2 February Note Available on microfilm reel 186

Folder 3 March Note Available on microfilm reel 186

Register of the American Relief 23001 61 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 4 April Note Available on microfilm reel 186

Folder 5 May Note Available on microfilm reel 186

Folder 6 June Note Available on microfilm reel 186

Folder 7 July Note Available on microfilm reel 187

Folder 8 August Note Available on microfilm reel 187

Box 129. Paris to Washington, 1919 Folder 1 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 187

Folder 2 May Note Available on microfilm reel 187

Folder 3 June Note Available on microfilm reel 188

Folder 4 July Note Available on microfilm reel 188

Folder 5 August Note Available on microfilm reel 188

Box 130. Originals Paris to New York 1919 Folder 1 March Note Available on microfilm reel 188

Folder 2 April Note Available on microfilm reel 189


Register of the American Relief 23001 62 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 189

Folder 4 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 189

June Folder 5 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 189

Folder 6 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 190

Box 131., Folder 1 July Note Available on microfilm reel 190

Folder 2 August Note Available on microfilm reel 190

Folder 3 September Note Available on microfilm reel 190

Folder 4 October Note Available on microfilm reel 190

Folder 5 November Note Available on microfilm reel 190

Folder 6 December Note Available on microfilm reel 190

1920 Folder 7 January Note Available on microfilm reel 191

Folder 8 February Note Available on microfilm reel 191

Folder 9 March Note Available on microfilm reel 191

Register of the American Relief 23001 63 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Box 132., Folder 1 April Note Available on microfilm reel 191

Folder 2 May Note Available on microfilm reel 191

Folder 3 June Note Available on microfilm reel 191

Folder 4 July Note Available on microfilm reel 191

Folder 5 August Note Available on microfilm reel 191

Folder 6 September Note Available on microfilm reel 191

Folder 7 October Note Available on microfilm reel 191

Folder 8 November Note Available on microfilm reel 191

Folder 9 December Note Available on microfilm reel 191

1921 Folder 10 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 192

Folder 11 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 192

Folder 12 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 192

Folder 13 October-December Note Available on microfilm reel 192

Register of the American Relief 23001 64 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 14 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 192

Folder 15 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 192

Box 133. Paris Office New York to Paris 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 192

Folder 1 November Folder 2 December Note Available on microfilm reel 192

1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 192

Folder 3 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 192

Folder 4 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 192

Folder 5 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 192

Folder 6 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 192

Folder 7 September-October Note Available on microfilm reel 192

Folder 8 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 192

Folder 9 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 192

Register of the American Relief 23001 65 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 10 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 193

Folder 11 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 193

Washington to Paris 1918 Folder 12 November Note Available on microfilm reel 193

Folder 13 December Note Available on microfilm reel 193

1919 January Folder 14 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 193

Box 134., Folder 1 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 193

Folder 2 February Note Available on microfilm reel 193

Folder 3 March Note Available on microfilm reel 194

April Note Available on microfilm reel 194

Folder 4 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 194

Folder 5 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 194

Box 135., Folder 1 May Note Available on microfilm reel 194

Register of the American Relief 23001 66 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 2 June Note Available on microfilm reel 194

Folder 3 July Note Available on microfilm reel 195

Folder 4 August Note Available on microfilm reel 195

Washington to Paris (via New York) 1918 Folder 5 November Note Available on microfilm reel 195

Folder 6 December Note Available on microfilm reel 195

1919 Folder 7 January Note Available on microfilm reel 195

Folder 8 February Note Available on microfilm reel 195

Box 136., Folder 1 March Note Available on microfilm reel 195

Folder 2 April Note Available on microfilm reel 195

Folder 3 May Note Available on microfilm reel 196

Folder 4 June Note Available on microfilm reel 196

Folder 5 July Note Available on microfilm reel 196

Register of the American Relief 23001 67 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 6 August Note Available on microfilm reel 196

Folder 7 September Note Available on microfilm reel 196

Folder 8 October Note Available on microfilm reel 196

Fruit New York Office New York to Paris Copies 1919 Folder 9 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 196

Folder 10 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 196

Folder 11 July-November Note Available on microfilm reel 196

Box 137., Folder 1 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 197

Folder 2 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 197

Originals, 1919 Folder 3 February Note Available on microfilm reel 197

Folder 4 March Note Available on microfilm reel 197

Folder 5 April Note Available on microfilm reel 197

Folder 6 May Note Available on microfilm reel 197

Register of the American Relief 23001 68 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 7 June Note Available on microfilm reel 197

Folder 8 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 198

Folder 9 Paris to New York, 1919 June-October Note Available on microfilm reel 198

Box 138. Paris Office New York to Paris, 1919 Folder 1 February-March Note Available on microfilm reel 198

Folder 2 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 198

Paris to New York, 1919 Folder 3 February-March Note Available on microfilm reel 198

Folder 5 June-August Note Available on microfilm reel 198

Gold London to New York Copies 1919 Folder 6 August-October Note Available on microfilm reel 199

Folder 7 November Note Available on microfilm reel 199

Folder 8 December Note Available on microfilm reel 199

Box 139. 1920 Folder 1 January Note Available on microfilm reel 199

Register of the American Relief 23001 69 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 2 February Note Available on microfilm reel 199

Folder 3 March Note Available on microfilm reel 199

Folder 4 April Note Available on microfilm reel 200

Folder 5 May Note Available on microfilm reel 200

Folder 6 June Note Available on microfilm reel 200

Box 140., Folder 1 July Note Available on microfilm reel 200

Folder 2 August Note Available on microfilm reel 200

Folder 3 September Note Available on microfilm reel 201

Folder 4 October Note Available on microfilm reel 201

Folder 5 November Note Available on microfilm reel 201

Folder 6 December Note Available on microfilm reel 201

Box 141. 1921 Folder 1 January Note Available on microfilm reel 201

Folder 2 February Note Available on microfilm reel 202

Register of the American Relief 23001 70 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 3 March Note Available on microfilm reel 202

Folder 4 April Note Available on microfilm reel 202

Folder 5 May Note Available on microfilm reel 202

Folder 6 June Note Available on microfilm reel 202

Folder 7 July Note Available on microfilm reel 202

Folder 8 August Note Available on microfilm reel 202

Folder 9 September Note Available on microfilm reel 203

Box 142., Folder 1 October Note Available on microfilm reel 203

Folder 2 November Note Available on microfilm reel 203

December Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 203

Folder 4 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 203

1922 January Folder 5 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 204

Register of the American Relief 23001 71 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 6 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 204

February Folder 7 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 204

Box 143., Folder 1 16-29 Note Available on microfilm reel 204

March Folder 2 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 205

Folder 3 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 205

Folder 4 April Note Available on microfilm reel 205

Folder 5 May Note Available on microfilm reel 205

Folder 6 June Note Available on microfilm reel 205

Box 144., Folder 1 July Note Available on microfilm reel 206

Folder 2 August Note Available on microfilm reel 206

Folder 3 September Note Available on microfilm reel 206

Folder 4 October Note Available on microfilm reel 206

Folder 5 November Note Available on microfilm reel 206

Register of the American Relief 23001 72 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 6 December Note Available on microfilm reel 207

1923 Folder 7 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 207

Folder 8 July-November Note Available on microfilm reel 207

Box 145. Originals 1919 Folder 1 August Note Available on microfilm reel 207

Folder 2 September Note Available on microfilm reel 207

October Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 207

Folder 4 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 207

November Folder 5 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 207

Folder 6 16-29 Note Available on microfilm reel 208

December Folder 7 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 208

Folder 8 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 208

Box 146. 1920 January

Register of the American Relief 23001 73 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 208

Folder 2 16-27 Note Available on microfilm reel 208

Folder 3 28-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 208

February Folder 4 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 209

Folder 5 16-28 Note Available on microfilm reel 209

March Folder 6 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 209

Box 147., Folder 1 11-19 Note Available on microfilm reel 209

Folder 2 20-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 209

April Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 210

Folder 4 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 210

May Folder 5 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 210

Folder 6 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 210

Box 148. June

Register of the American Relief 23001 74 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 210

Folder 2 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 210

July Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 211

Folder 4 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 211

August Folder 5 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 211

Box 149., Folder 1 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 211

September Folder 2 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 211

Folder 3 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 211

October Folder 4 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 212

Folder 5 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 212

Box 150. November Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 212

Folder 2 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 212

Register of the American Relief 23001 75 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

December Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 212

Folder 4 16-22 Note Available on microfilm reel 212

Folder 5 23-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 213

Box 151. 1921 January Folder 1 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 213

Folder 2 11-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 213

Folder 3 February Note Available on microfilm reel 213

Folder 4 March Note Available on microfilm reel 214

Box 152., Folder 1 April Note Available on microfilm reel 214

Folder 2 May Note Available on microfilm reel 214

Folder 3 June Note Available on microfilm reel 214

Folder 4 July Note Available on microfilm reel 214

Box 153. August Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 215

Register of the American Relief 23001 76 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 2 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 215

September Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 215

Folder 4 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 215

October Folder 5 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 215

Folder 6 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 216

Box 154. November Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 216

Folder 2 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 216

December Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 216

Folder 4 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 216

1922 January Folder 5 1-7 Note Available on microfilm reel 217

Box 155., Folder 1 8-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 217

Folder 2 16-23 Note Available on microfilm reel 217

Register of the American Relief 23001 77 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 3 24-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 217

February Folder 4 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 217

Box 156., Folder 1 11-19 Note Available on microfilm reel 218

Folder 2 20-28 Note Available on microfilm reel 218

March Folder 3 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 218

Folder 4 11-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 218

Box 157., Folder 1 21-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 218

April Folder 2 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 219

Folder 3 11-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 219

Folder 4 21-29 Note Available on microfilm reel 219

Box 158. May Folder 1 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 219

Folder 2 11-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 219

Register of the American Relief 23001 78 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 3 21-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 219

June Folder 4 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 220

Folder 5 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 220

Box 159. July Folder 1 1-9 Note Available on microfilm reel 220

Folder 2 10-19 Note Available on microfilm reel 220

Folder 3 20-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 220

August Folder 4 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 220

Folder 5 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 221

Box 160. September Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 221

Folder 2 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 221

October Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 221

Folder 4 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 221

Register of the American Relief 23001 79 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 5 November Note Available on microfilm reel 222

Box 161., Folder 1 December Note Available on microfilm reel 222

1923 Folder 2 January Note Available on microfilm reel 222

Folder 3 February-March Note Available on microfilm reel 222

Folder 4 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 222

Folder 5 July-October Note Available on microfilm reel 223

New York to London 1919 Folder 6 August-October Note Available on microfilm reel 223

Box 162., Folder 1 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 223

1920 Folder 2 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 223

Folder 3 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 223

Folder 4 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 224

Folder 5 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 224

Register of the American Relief 23001 80 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Box 163., Folder 1 September-October Note Available on microfilm reel 224

Folder 2 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 224

1921 Folder 3 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 225

Folder 4 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 225

Folder 5 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 225

Folder 6 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 225

Box 164., Folder 1 September-October Note Available on microfilm reel 225

Folder 2 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 226

1922 Folder 3 January Note Available on microfilm reel 226

Folder 4 February Note Available on microfilm reel 226

Box 165., Folder 1 March Note Available on microfilm reel 227

Folder 2 April Note Available on microfilm reel 227

Folder 3 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 227

Register of the American Relief 23001 81 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 4 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 228

Folder 5 September-December Note Available on microfilm reel 228

Box 166., Folder 1 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 228

Folder 2 Grain (various points), 1919 January-September Note Available on microfilm reel 229

Grape Hamburg to London, 1919 Folder 3 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 229

Folder 4 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 229

London to Hamburg, 1919 Folder 5 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 229

Folder 6 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 230

Box 167. Grub Bucharest to Paris, 1919 Folder 1 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 230

Folder 2 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 230

Paris to Bucharest, 1919 Folder 3 February-April Note Available on microfilm reel 230

Register of the American Relief 23001 82 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 4 May-October Note Available on microfilm reel 231

Ham Paris to Vienna, 1919 Folder 5 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 231

Box 168., Folder 1 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 232

Vienna to Paris, 1919 Folder 2 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 232

Folder 3 June Note Available on microfilm reel 232

Folder 4 July Note Available on microfilm reel 233

Folder 5 August-September Note Available on microfilm reel 233

Box 169. Hamloyork Folder 1 Hamburg to New York (via London), 1923 January-September Note Available on microfilm reel 233

Folder 2 New York to Hamburg (via London), 1923 January-September Note Available on microfilm reel 233

Hamyork, Hamburg to New York, 1923 April-September Folder 3 Copies Note Available on microfilm reel 233

Folder 4 Originals Note Available on microfilm reel 233

Hash, Paris to various destinations, 1919 Book 1

Register of the American Relief 23001 83 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 5 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 233

Folder 6 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 234

Book 2 Folder 7 February-March Note Available on microfilm reel 234

Folder 8 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 234

Box 170. Hay Folder 1 Paris to Rotterdam, 1919 March-August Note Available on microfilm reel 234

Rotterdam to Paris, 1919 Folder 2 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 234

Folder 3 May Note Available on microfilm reel 235

Folder 4 June Note Available on microfilm reel 235

Folder 5 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 235

Box 171. Jam Folder 1 Danzig to Paris, 1919 February-August Note Available on microfilm reel 235

Folder 2 Paris to Danzig, 1919 February-August Note Available on microfilm reel 236

Folder 3 Koko, Paris to Warsaw, 1919 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 236


Register of the American Relief 23001 84 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Copies Folder 4 Danzig to Warsaw, 1919 February-August Note Available on microfilm reel 236

Warsaw to Danzig, 1919 Folder 5 February-April Note Available on microfilm reel 236

Folder 6 May Note Available on microfilm reel 236

Originals - Warsaw to Danzig, 1919 Folder 7 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 237

Folder 8 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 237

Box 172. Mosloyork, Moscow to New York (via London) Copies Folder 1 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 237

Folder 2 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 237

Originals Folder 3 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 237

1923 Folder 4 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 237

Folder 5 April-July Note Available on microfilm reel 237

Mosyork, Moscow to New York Copies Folder 6 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 238

Register of the American Relief 23001 85 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 7 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 238

Box 173. Originals Folder 1 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 238

Folder 2 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 238

Mud Folder 3 Paris to Tiflis, 1919 June-August Note Available on microfilm reel 238

Folder 4 Tiflis to Paris, 1919 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 238

Orange Folder 5 London to Trieste, 1919 February-September Note Available on microfilm reel 238

Folder 6 Trieste to London, 1919 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 239

Box 174. Peach Folder 1 Copenhagen to London, 1919 February-July Note Available on microfilm reel 239

Folder 2 London to Copenhagen, 1919 February-August Note Available on microfilm reel 239

Pie Paris to Warsaw, 1919 Folder 3 February-April Note Available on microfilm reel 239

Folder 4 May Note Available on microfilm reel 240

Folder 5 June Note Available on microfilm reel 240

Register of the American Relief 23001 86 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 6 July Note Available on microfilm reel 240

Folder 7 August Note Available on microfilm reel 240

Box 175. Warsaw to Paris, 1919 Folder 1 February-March Note Available on microfilm reel 240

Folder 2 April Note Available on microfilm reel 240

Folder 3 May Note Available on microfilm reel 241

Folder 4 June Note Available on microfilm reel 241

Folder 5 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 241

Box 176., Folder 1 Rail, Paris to various points, 1919 April-August Note Available on microfilm reel 241

Folder 2 Railway, Trieste to Paris, 1919 August Note Available on microfilm reel 241

Folder 3 Relief, Trieste to various points, 1919 August Note Available on microfilm reel 241

Rice Folder 4 Libau to Paris, 1919 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 241

Folder 5 Paris to Libau and Revel, 1919 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 242

Rigyork Copies

Register of the American Relief 23001 87 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 6 New York to Riga, 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 242

Riga to New York Folder 7 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 242

Folder 8 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 242

Originals Folder 9 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 242

Folder 10 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 242

Rum Folder 11 Helsingfors to Paris, 1919 April-August Note Available on microfilm reel 242

Folder 12 Paris to Helsingfors, 1919 March-August Note Available on microfilm reel 242

Box 177., Folder 1 Salonica, Salonica to Paris, 1919 March-July Note Available on microfilm reel 242

Spike Folder 2 New York to Warsaw, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 242

Folder 3 Warsaw to New York, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 243

Spud Folder 4 Paris to Saint Nazaire, 1919 June-August Note Available on microfilm reel 243

Folder 5 Saint Nazaire to Paris, 1919 June-July Note Available on microfilm reel 243

Register of the American Relief 23001 88 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Steak Folder 6 Berlin to Paris, 1919 June Note Available on microfilm reel 243

Hamburg and Berlin to Paris, 1919 Folder 7 April Note Available on microfilm reel 243

Folder 8 May Note Available on microfilm reel 243

Box 178., Folder 1 June Note Available on microfilm reel 243

Folder 2 July Note Available on microfilm reel 243

Folder 3 August Note Available on microfilm reel 244

Paris to Hamburg and Coblentz, 1919 Folder 4 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 244

Folder 5 June-July Note Available on microfilm reel 244

Folder 6 Stem, Bordeaux to London, 1919 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 244

Folder 7 Tackle, Saint Nazaire to Paris, 1919 April-August Note Available on microfilm reel 244

Folder 8 Veal, Paris to London, 1919 September-October Note Available on microfilm reel 244

Venloyork General - Vienna to New York (via London) Folder 9 Copies, 1923 January-July Note Available on microfilm reel 244

Register of the American Relief 23001 89 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 10 Originals, 1923 January-July Note Available on microfilm reel 244

Folder 11 Yorkloven, New York to Vienna (via London), 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 244

Folder 12 Yorkven, New York to Vienna, 1923 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 244

Box 179. Viande Copies Folder 1 Paris to Trieste, 1919 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 244

Trieste to Paris, 1919 Folder 2 February-March Note Available on microfilm reel 245

Folder 3 April Note Available on microfilm reel 245

Folder 4 May Note Available on microfilm reel 245

Folder 5 June Note Available on microfilm reel 245

Box 180., Folder 1 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 246

Originals - Paris to Trieste, 1919 Folder 2 February-March Note Available on microfilm reel 246

Folder 3 April Note Available on microfilm reel 246

Warloyork General. Warsaw to New York (via London), 1922-1923 Folder 4 Copies Note Available on microfilm reel 246

Register of the American Relief 23001 90 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CABLE FILE, 1919-1923

Folder 5 Originals Note Available on microfilm reel 246

Folder 6 Yorkwar, New York to Warsaw, 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 246

Folder 7 Yorlowar, New York to Warsaw (via London), 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 246

Folder 8 Welfare, Trieste to Paris, 1919 August Note Available on microfilm reel 246

Yorkcon. See Conloyork Yorklocon. See Conloyork Yorlomos, New York to Moscow (via London) 1922 Folder 9 November Note Available on microfilm reel 246

Folder 10 December Note Available on microfilm reel 246

1923 Folder 11 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 246

Folder 12 March-May Note Available on microfilm reel 246

Folder 13 June-October Note Available on microfilm reel 246

Yorkloven. See Venloyork Yorlowar. See Warloyork Yorkven. See Venloyork Yorkwar. See Warloyork Box No. 181-213. NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reels 247-274 Scope and Content Note Cables,letters, and memoranda, arranged alphabetically by city

Register of the American Relief 23001 91 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Box 181., Folder 1 To Constantinople. Letters and memoranda, largely regarding food shipments, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 247

Folder 2 From Constantinople. Letters and memoranda, 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 247

From Hamburg. Letters and memoranda Folder 3 1922 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 247

1923 Folder 4 January Note Available on microfilm reel 247

Folder 5 March Note Available on microfilm reel 247

Folder 6 April Note Available on microfilm reel 247

Folder 7 May Note Available on microfilm reel 247

Folder 8 June Note Available on microfilm reel 247

Folder 9 July Note Available on microfilm reel 247

Box 182. To London General. Letters and memoranda 1920 Folder 1 August Note Available on microfilm reel 248

Folder 2 September Note Available on microfilm reel 248

Folder 3 October Note Available on microfilm reel 248

Register of the American Relief 23001 92 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 4 November Note Available on microfilm reel 248

Folder 5 December Note Available on microfilm reel 248

1921 Folder 6 January Note Available on microfilm reel 248

Folder 7 February Note Available on microfilm reel 248

Box 183., Folder 1 March Note Available on microfilm reel 249

Folder 2 July Note Available on microfilm reel 249

Folder 3 August Note Available on microfilm reel 249

Folder 4 September Note Available on microfilm reel 249

Box 184., Folder 1 October Note Available on microfilm reel 250

Folder 2 November Note Available on microfilm reel 250

December Note Available on microfilm reel 250

Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 250

Folder 4 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 250

Register of the American Relief 23001 93 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Box 185. 1922 Folder 1 January Note Available on microfilm reel 251

Folder 2 February Note Available on microfilm reel 251

Folder 3 March Note Available on microfilm reel 251

April Folder 4 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 251

Folder 5 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 251

Folder 6 May Note Available on microfilm reel 251

Box 186., Folder 1 August Note Available on microfilm reel 251

September Folder 2 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 251

Folder 3 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 252

October Folder 4 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 252

Folder 5 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 252

Box 187., Folder 1 November Note Available on microfilm reel 252

Register of the American Relief 23001 94 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 2 December Note Available on microfilm reel 252

1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 252

Folder 3 January Note Available on microfilm reel 252

Folder 4 February Note Available on microfilm reel 252

Folder 5 Cables, 1922 January-1923 June Note Available on microfilm reel 252

Folder 6 Miscellany, 1922 September-1923 March. Material withdrawn from general correspondence for reasons of confidentiality Note Available on microfilm reel 252

From London General. Letters and memoranda 1919 Folder 7 August Note Available on microfilm reel 252

Folder 8 September Note Available on microfilm reel 252

Folder 9 October Note Available on microfilm reel 252

Folder 10 November Note Available on microfilm reel 252

Folder 11 December Note Available on microfilm reel 252

1920 Folder 12 January Note Available on microfilm reel 253

Register of the American Relief 23001 95 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Box 188., Folder 1 February Note Available on microfilm reel 253

Folder 2 March Note Available on microfilm reel 253

April Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 253

Folder 4 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 253

May Folder 5 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 253

Box 189., Folder 1 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 254

June Folder 2 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 254

Folder 3 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 254

July Folder 4 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 254

Folder 5 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 254

Box 190. August Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 255

Folder 2 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 255

Register of the American Relief 23001 96 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

September Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 255

Folder 4 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 255

October Folder 5 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 255

Box 191., Folder 1 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 255

November Folder 2 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 255

Folder 3 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 256

December Note Available on microfilm reel 256

Folder 4 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 256

Folder 5 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 256

Box 192. 1921 January Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 256

Folder 2 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 256

February Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 256

Register of the American Relief 23001 97 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 4 16-28 Note Available on microfilm reel 257

Box 193. March Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 257

Folder 2 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 257

April Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 257

Folder 4 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 257

Box 194. May Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 258

Folder 2 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 258

June Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 258

Folder 4 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 258

Box 195. July Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 258

Folder 2 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 259


Register of the American Relief 23001 98 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 259

Box 196., Folder 1 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 259

September Folder 2 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 259

Folder 3 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 260

October Folder 4 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 260

Folder 5 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 260

Box 197. November Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 260

Folder 2 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 260

December Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 261

Folder 4 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 261

Box 198. 1922 January Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 261

Folder 2 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 261

Register of the American Relief 23001 99 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

February Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 261

Folder 4 16-28 Note Available on microfilm reel 262

Box 199. March Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 262

Folder 2 16-24 Note Available on microfilm reel 262

Folder 3 25-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 262

April Folder 4 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 262

Folder 5 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 263

Box 200. May Folder 1 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 263

Folder 2 11-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 263

Folder 3 21-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 263

June Folder 4 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 263

Box 201., Folder 1 11-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 264

Register of the American Relief 23001 100 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 2 21-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 264

July Folder 3 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 264

Folder 4 11-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 264

Folder 5 21-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 264

Box 202. August Folder 1 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 265

Folder 2 11-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 265

Folder 3 21-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 265

September Folder 4 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 265

Folder 5 11-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 265

Box 203., Folder 1 21-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 266

October Folder 2 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 266

Folder 3 11-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 266

Register of the American Relief 23001 101 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 4 21-31 November Folder 5 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 266

Box 204., Folder 1 11-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 267

Folder 2 21-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 267

December Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 267

Folder 4 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 267

1923 January Folder 5 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 267

Folder 6 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 267

Box 205. February Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 268

Folder 2 16-28 Note Available on microfilm reel 268

March Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 268

Folder 4 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 268

Register of the American Relief 23001 102 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 5 April Note Available on microfilm reel 268

Folder 6 May Note Available on microfilm reel 268

Box 206., Folder 1 June Note Available on microfilm reel 268

Folder 2 July Note Available on microfilm reel 268

Folder 3 August Note Available on microfilm reel 269

Folder 4 September Note Available on microfilm reel 269

Folder 5 October Note Available on microfilm reel 269

Folder 6 November Note Available on microfilm reel 269

Folder 7 Miscellany, 1922 April-1923 August. Material withdrawn from general correspondence for reasons of confidentiality Note Available on microfilm reel 269

Box 207. To Moscow. Letters and memoranda 1922 Folder 1 November Note Available on microfilm reel 269

Folder 2 December Note Available on microfilm reel 269

1923 January Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 269

Register of the American Relief 23001 103 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 4 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 270

Folder 5 February Note Available on microfilm reel 270

Box 208., Folder 1 March Note Available on microfilm reel 270

Folder 2 April Note Available on microfilm reel 270

Folder 3 May Note Available on microfilm reel 270

Folder 4 June Note Available on microfilm reel 270

From Moscow General. Letters and memoranda 1922 Folder 5 October Note Available on microfilm reel 270

Folder 6 November Note Available on microfilm reel 270

December Folder 7 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 271

Folder 8 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 271

Box 209. 1923 January Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 271

Folder 2 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 271

Register of the American Relief 23001 104 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

February Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 271

Folder 4 16-18 Note Available on microfilm reel 271

Box 210. March Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 272

Folder 2 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 272

April Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 272

Folder 4 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 272

Box 211. May Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 272

Folder 2 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 273

June Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 273

Folder 4 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 273

Box 212., Folder 1 July Note Available on microfilm reel 273

Register of the American Relief 23001 105 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

Folder 2 Miscellany, 1922 November-1923 July. Includes material withdrawn from general correspondence for reasons of confidentiality Note Available on microfilm reel 273

Folder 3 To Odessa. Letters, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 273

Folder 4 From Odessa. Letters, 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 273

Folder 5 To Paris. Letters, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 273

Folder 6 From Paris. Letters, 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 273

Folder 7 To Petrograd. Letter, 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 273

Folder 8 From Petrograd. Letters, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 273

Folder 9 To Prague. Letters, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 273

Folder 10 From Prague. Letters, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 273

Folder 11 To Riga. Letters, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 273

Folder 12 From Riga. Letters, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 274

Box 213. 1 To Vienna. Letters, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 274

From Vienna. Letters Folder 2 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 274

Register of the American Relief 23001 106 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1919-1923

1923 Folder 3 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 274

Folder 4 April-July Note Available on microfilm reel 274

Folder 5 To Warsaw. Letters, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 274

From Warsaw Folder 6 General. Letters, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 274

Folder 7 Miscellany, 1923. Includes material withdrawn from general correspondence for reasons of confidentiality Note Available on microfilm reel 274

Box No. 214-285. NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924 Note Available on microfilm reels 275-329A Scope and Content Note Cables, certificates, contracts, declarations, invoices, letters, memoranda, orders, and receipts, arranged alphabetically by physical form

Box 214. Correspondence. Bills of lading, cables, certificates, contracts, declarations, letters, memoranda, and receipts, chiefly regarding relief shipments General General Folder 1 A Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 2 B Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 3 C Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 4 D Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Register of the American Relief 23001 107 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 5 F Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 6 H Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 7 I Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 8 J Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 9 K Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 10 L Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 11 M Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 12 N Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 13 O Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 14 P Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 15 R Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 16 T Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 17 U Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Register of the American Relief 23001 108 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 18 V Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 19 W Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 20 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 21 , 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 22 American Relief Administration. Petrograd Office, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 23 Bankers Trust Company, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 24 Brown, W. Gordon, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Box 215., Folder 1 Doe, C. P., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 2 First National Bank, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 3 French-Pancoast Laboratories, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 275

Folder 4 G. L. Douglass, Inc., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 276

Folder 5 Hanover National Bank, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 276

Folder 6 Jackson, R. A., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 276

Register of the American Relief 23001 109 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 7 National City Bank, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 276

Folder 8 National Lutheran Council, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 276

Folder 9 New York Produce Exchange. Bureau of Chemistry, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 276

Folder 10 New York Produce Exchange. Flour Inspection Department, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 276

Box 216., Folder 1 United States. Department of Agriculture, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 276

Folder 2 United States Shipping Board, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 276

Flour producers and suppliers Folder 3 General, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 276

Folder 4 A. M. Tousley Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 276

Folder 5 Acme-Evans Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 276

Folder 6 Allen and Wheeler Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 276

Folder 7 Arkadelphia Milling Co., 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 8 Astoria Flouring Mills Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 9 Atkinson Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Register of the American Relief 23001 110 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 10 Atlantic Seaboard Flour Mills, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 11 Aunt Jemima Mills Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 12 Aviston Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Box 217., Folder 1 B. A. Eckhart Milling Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 2 B. Flink and Sons, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 3 Baldwin Flour Mills Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 4 Blaine-Mackay-Lee Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 5 Blair Milling Co., 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 6 Blake Milling Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 7 Blank and Gottshall, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 8 Blish Milling Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 9 Bogert and Greenbank, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 10 Brey and Sharpless, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Register of the American Relief 23001 111 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 11 Broenniman Export Corp., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Box 218., Folder 1 C. A. Gambrill Manufacturing Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 2 Cake and Krause, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 3 Cavalier Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 4 Centennial Milling Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 5 Charles A. Krause Milling Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 277

Folder 6 Chippewa Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 7 Columbia Milling Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 8 Columbia River Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 9 Commercial Union of America, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 10 Crown Mills, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 11 D. A. Stickell and Sons, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 12 D. D. Fritch Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Register of the American Relief 23001 112 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 13 D. G. Van Dusen and Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 14 E. Catevenis Brothers, 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 15 Eagle Roller Mills, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Box 219., Folder 1 Eastern Selling Associates, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 2 Edgar B. Howard Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 3 Edgar O. Challenger Flour, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 4 Eisenmayer Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 5 El Reno Mill and Elevator Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 6 Elevator Milling Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 7 Ernest Brewer and Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 8 F. C. Ayres Mercantile Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 9 Farmers Cooperative Mill and Elevator Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 10 Farmers Grain and Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Register of the American Relief 23001 113 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 11 Federal Mill and Elevator Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 12 Federal Milling and Refrigerating Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 13 Fishing Flouring Mills Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 14 Foley Milling and Elevator Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 15 Fremont Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 16 Gardner, A. J., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 17 G. B. Hoover and Sons, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Box 220., Folder 1 George P. Plant Milling Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 2 George Q. Moon and Co., 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 3 George Urban Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 4 George W. Van Boskerck and Sons, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 5 Glade Valley Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 6 Great Northen Flour Mills Co., 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Register of the American Relief 23001 114 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 7 Great West Mill and Elevator Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 8 Gross Brothers, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 9 H. H. Daniel Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 10 Hannibal Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 278

Folder 11 Harrison and Co., 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 279

Folder 12 Harry R. Gordon Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 279

Folder 13 Hastings Mills, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 279

Folder 14 Hecker-Jones-Jewell Milling Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 279

Folder 15 Holt and Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 279

Folder 16 Horan, Hubert J., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 279

Folder 17 Hoyland Flour Mills Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 279

Folder 18 Hubbard Milling Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 279

Folder 19 Igleheart Brothers Millers, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 279

Register of the American Relief 23001 115 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Box 221., Folder 1 International Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 279

Folder 2 Ismert-Hincke Milling Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 279

Folder 3 J. A. Walter Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 279

Folder 4 J. E. Herbert Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 279

Folder 5 J. F. Imbs Milling Co., 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 279

Folder 6 Janss, Albert F., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 279

Folder 7 Kansas City Mill Products Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 279

Folder 8 Kansas Flour Mills Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 280

Folder 9 Kaw Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 280

Folder 10 Kehlor Flour Mills Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 280

Folder 11 Kerr Gifford and Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 280

Folder 12 Lange-Hughes Co., 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 280

Folder 13 Larabee Flour Mills Corp., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 280

Register of the American Relief 23001 116 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 14 Lawrenceburg Roller Mills Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 280

Box 222., Folder 1 Leo, A. S., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 280

Folder 2 Lindsborg Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 280

Folder 3 Lindstrom Mill Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 280

Folder 4 Louisville Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 280

Folder 5 Lubetkin Brothers, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 280

Maney Milling Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 280

Folder 6 1921 October-1922 June Note Available on microfilm reel 280

Folder 7 1922 July-1923 March Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 8 Metropolitan Flour, Mill and Grain Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 9 Midland Flour Milling Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 10 Miller Cereal Mills, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 11 Millersburg Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Register of the American Relief 23001 117 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 12 Mills of Albert Lea, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Box 223., Folder 1 Miner-Hillard Milling Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 2 Minneapolis Milling Co., 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 3 Model Mill Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 4 Morris Rosenfeld, Inc., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 5 Morrison Brothers Mills, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 6 Morrow and Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 7 Moses Brothers Mills and Elevator Co., 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 8 North Branch Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 9 North Dakota Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 10 Northern Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 11 Northwestern Elevator and Mill Co., 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 12 Oklahoma City Mill and Elevator Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Register of the American Relief 23001 118 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 13 Omaha Flour Mills Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 14 Osakis Milling Co., 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 15 P. N. Gray and Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 16 Patent Cereals Corp., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 17 Peacock Mill Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 18 Pearl Roller Mill Co., 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 19 Pendleton Roller Mills, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 20 Philetus Smith Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 21 Phoenix Flour Mill, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 22 Plymouth Milling Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Folder 23 Portland Flouring Mills Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 281

Box 224., Folder 1 Post, W. S., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 2 Prange Milling Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Register of the American Relief 23001 119 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 3 Preston-Shaffer Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 4 Puget Sound Flouring Mills Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 5 Quaker City Flour Mills Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 6 Quaker Oats Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 7 Rainey Manufacturing Co., 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 8 Rankin, Earl, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 9 Raymond-Hadley Corp., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 10 Redfield Cooperative Mills, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 11 Roanoke City Mills, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 12 Robert Siglow Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 13 Rosenberg, Jacob, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 14 Rostal, Arthur, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 15 Rubinstein, S., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Register of the American Relief 23001 120 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 16 Russell Miller Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 17 S. W. Hershey Flour Mills, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 18 Samuel Bell and Sons, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Box 225., Folder 1 Samuel Knighton and Son, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 2 Seattle Flour Mills Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 3 Sheffield King Milling Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 4 Snyder Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 5 Spangler's Mills, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 6 Sparks Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 7 Spaulding and Kilthau, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 8 Sperry Flour Company, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 9 Spies Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 10 Spindler, L. G., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Register of the American Relief 23001 121 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 11 Stafford County Flour Mills, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 12 Stanard-Tilton Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 13 Star and Crescent Milling Co., 1921-1992 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 14 Statter and Johnstone, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 15 Steinauer Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 16 Stokes Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 17 Tacoma Grain Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 18 Teichgraeber Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 19 Tennant and Hoyt Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 20 Texas Star Flour Mills, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 21 Thompson Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 22 Tiblow Mills Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Folder 23 Topeka Flour Mills Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 282

Register of the American Relief 23001 122 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Box 226., Folder 1 Valier and Spies Milling Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 2 Viviano, L. A., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 3 W. P. Tanner-Gross and Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 4 W. W. Starr and Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 5 Wade and Bogart, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 6 Wasco Warehouse Milling Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 7 Washburn-Crosby Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 8 Waterloo and Cedar Falls Union Mill Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 9 Watson, Sugrue and Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 10 Weber Flour Mills Corp., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 11 Wells-Abbott-Nieman Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 12 White, Harry E., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 13 Wilfred Wallace and Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Register of the American Relief 23001 123 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 14 Wilkins-Rogers Milling Co., 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 15 Youngsblood, A. P., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 16 Zabriskie, George A., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Box 227. Freight brokers Folder 1 General, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 2 Aetna Service Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 3 Anchor Forwarding Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 4 Ball and Caldwell, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 5 Caldwell and Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 6 Dyson Shipping Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 7 Golden-Van Doorn Shipping Corp., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 8 Parker Commission Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 9 W. L. Richeson Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 10 W. O. Smith and Co., 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Register of the American Relief 23001 124 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Railroad companies Folder 11 General, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 12 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 13 Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 14 Erie Railroad Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 15 Lehigh Valley Railroad Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 16 New York Central Railroad Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 17 Pennsylvania System, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Folder 18 Southern Railway System, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 283

Box 228. Shipping companies Folder 1 General, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Folder 2 A. H. Bull, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Folder 3 American Line, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Folder 4 Baltic American Line, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Folder 5 Cunard Steam Ship Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Register of the American Relief 23001 125 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 6 Export Steamship Corp., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Folder 7 Foreign Transport and Mercantile Corp., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Folder 8 Garland Steamship Corp., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Folder 9 International Mercantile Marine Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Folder 10 Kerr Chartering Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Folder 11 Lykes Brothers Shipping Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Folder 12 Moore and McCormack Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Folder 13 Oriental Navigation Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Folder 14 Susquehanna Steamship Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Folder 15 Transmarine Corporation, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Folder 16 Trosdal, Plant and LaFonta, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Folder 17 United American Lines, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Box 229. Inspection notices, 1922. Includes correspondence Folder 1 January -June Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Register of the American Relief 23001 126 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 2 July -December Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Insurance claims. Includes bills of lading and correspondence Folder 3 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 284

Folder 4 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 285

Folder 5 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 285

Box 230., Folder 1 Memoranda, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 285

Folder 2 Personnel file. Correspondence concerning prospective employees, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 285

Purchase requisitions. Includes claims, correspondence, invoices, and orders Commodity file Folder 3 General, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 285

Folder 4 Automobiles, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 285

Folder 5 Bags, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 285

Folder 6 Beans, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 285

Folder 7 Cartons, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 285

Box 231. Clothing Folder 1 General, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 286

Register of the American Relief 23001 127 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 2 A. M. Hinman Corp., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 286

Folder 3 Abercrombie Corp., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 286

Folder 4 Cannon Manufacturing Corp., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 286

Folder 5 Knickerbocker Supply Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 286

Folder 6 Textile Manufacturers Alliance, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 286

Cocoa Folder 7 General, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 286

Folder 8 Blumenthal Brothers, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 286

Folder 9 Norma Chocolate Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 286

Corn Folder 10 General, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 286

Folder 11 American Hominy Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 286

Folder 12 Edgar O. Challenger Flour, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 286

Folder 13 Miner-Hillard Milling Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 286

Folder 14 Patent Cereals Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 286

Register of the American Relief 23001 128 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Box 232., Folder 1 Drugs, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 286

Folder 2 Hardware, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 286

Flour Folder 3 General, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 4 Acme Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 5 Allen and Wheeler Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 6 American Hominy Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 7 Anchor Forwarding Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 8 Atlantic Seaboard Flour Mills, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 9 Aunt Jemima Mills Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 10 Blake Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 11 Bogert and Greenbank, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 12 Bowersock Mills, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 13 Brey and Sharpless, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Register of the American Relief 23001 129 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 14 Broenniman Export Corp., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 15 Cake and Krause, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 16 Carter, William E., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 17 Christoffers , B., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 18 Columbian Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 19 Crookston Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 20 D. A. Stickell and Sons, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 21 Dawson and Seaver, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Box 233., Folder 1 Dodge City Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 2 Eagle Roller Mills, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 3 Eastern Selling Associates, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 4 Edgar O. Challenger Flour, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 287

Folder 5 Elevator Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Register of the American Relief 23001 130 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 6 Ernest Brewer and Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 7 Evans Milling Co., 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 8 Federal Mill and Elevator Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 9 Foley Mill Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 10 G. B. Hoover and Sons, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 11 Gardner, A. J., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 12 Harrison and Co., 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 13 Harry R. Gordon Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 14 Hecker-Jones-Jewell Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 15 Henry Koper and Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 16 Horan, Hubert J., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 17 Hoyland Flour Mills, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 18 Hubbard Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Register of the American Relief 23001 131 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 19 Igleheart Brothers, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 20 International Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 21 Ismer-Hincke Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 22 Janss, Albert F., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 23 Kansas Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 24 Kaw Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 25 Kehlor Flour Mills Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 26 Lange-Hughes Co., 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 27 Larabee Flour Mills Corp., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 28 Libby, McNeill and Libby, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Folder 29 Lubetkin Brothers, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 288

Box 234., Folder 1 Maney Milling Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 2 Metropolitan Flour, Mill and Grain Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Register of the American Relief 23001 132 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 3 Mid-West Flour Mills Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 4 Miner Hallard Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 5 Niagra Falls Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 6 Parker Commission Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 7 Patent Cereals Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 8 Portland Flouring Mills, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 9 Quaker City Flour Mills Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 10 Roanoke City Mills, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 11 S. W. Hershey Flour Mills, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 12 Samuel Bell and Son, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 13 Samuel Knighton and Son, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 14 Smith, Philetus, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 15 Sparks Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Register of the American Relief 23001 133 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 16 Sperry Flour Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 17 Spies Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 18 Stafford County Mill Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 19 Stanard-Tilton Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 20 Stehman, I. D., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 21 Tenant and Hoyt, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 22 Valier and Spies Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 23 W. F. Tanner-Gross and Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 24 W. W. Starr and Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 25 Wade and Bogart, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Box 235., Folder 1 Wasco Warehouse Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 2 Washburn-Crosby Co, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 3 Waterlop and Cedar Falls Union Mill Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Register of the American Relief 23001 134 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 4 White, Harry E., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 5 Willifred Wallace and Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 6 Youngsblood, A. P., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 7 Zabriskie, George A., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Milk Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 8 General, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 9 A. R. Rodway, Inc., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 10 American Milk Products Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 11 Austin, Nichols and Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 12 Consolidated Dairy Products Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 13 Continental Condensed Milk Co., 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 289

Folder 14 Dairymen's League Cooperative Association, Inc., 1920-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 15 Danish Pride Milk Products Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Register of the American Relief 23001 135 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 16 Detroit Commerce Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 17 Edwards, George T., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 18 Empire State Dairy Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Box 236., Folder 1 F. C. Mansfield Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 2 F. T. Seggermann Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 3 Hughes and Thomason, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 4 Indiana Condensed Milk Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 5 International Milk Products Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 6 L. M. Abrahams Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 7 Lewis County Condensed Milk Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 8 Libby, McNeill and Libby, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 9 McKee, Fulton and Bartel, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 10 Merrell-Soule Sales Corp., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Register of the American Relief 23001 136 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 11 Milk Producers Marketing Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 12 Morey Condensery Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 13 Murphy Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 14 National Dairy Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 15 Northern New York Milk Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 16 Peck and Pratt, Inc., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Rogers Milk Co. Folder 17 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Folder 18 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 290

Box 237., Folder 1 S. W. Bridges and Co., 1920-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 291

Folder 2 Sharpless Condensed Milk Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 291

Folder 3 Sheffield Condensed Milk Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 291

Folder 4 Shefford Cheese Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 291

Folder 5 Sterling Geneen Corp., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 291

Register of the American Relief 23001 137 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 6 Troy Milk Products Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 291

Folder 7 Valecia Evaporated Milk Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 291

Folder 8 Van Camp's Products, Inc., 1921-1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 291

Folder 9 Waddington Condensed Milk Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 291

Folder 10 White House Milk Co., 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 291

Folder 11 Wisconsin Butter and Cheese Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 291

Folder 12 Oils and compounds, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 291

Rice Folder 13 General, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 291

Box 238., Folder 1 Cornell Rice Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 291

Folder 2 Farmers Rice Milling Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 291

Folder 3 Levy Rice Milling Co., 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 291

Folder 4 Louisiana State Rice Milling Co., 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 292

Folder 5 Lykes Brothers, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 292

Register of the American Relief 23001 138 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 6 Shoes, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 292

Folder 7 Soap, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 292

Sugar Folder 8 General, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 292

Folder 9 Farr and Co., 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 292

Folder 10 Federal Sugar Refining Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 292

Folder 11 Horn and Rougan, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 292

Folder 12 Turner Brothers, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 292

Box 239., Folder 1 Tea, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 292

Geographical file, 1920-1923 Folder 2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 292

Folder 3 Constantinople Note Available on microfilm reel 292

London Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 292

Folder 5 Nos. 1-6 Note Available on microfilm reel 292

Register of the American Relief 23001 139 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 6 Nos. 7-21 Note Available on microfilm reel 293

Folder 7 Nos. 80-110 Note Available on microfilm reel 293

Box 240., Folder 1 Nos. 111-120 Note Available on microfilm reel 293

Folder 2 Nos. 121-130 Note Available on microfilm reel 293

Folder 3 Nos. 131-140 Note Available on microfilm reel 293

Moscow Folder 4 Nos. 141-146 Note Available on microfilm reel 293

Folder 5 Nos. 147-151 Note Available on microfilm reel 293

Folder 6 Petrograd Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Smyrna Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 8 Beans Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 9 Clothing Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 10 Cocoa Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Register of the American Relief 23001 140 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Box 241., Folder 1 Corn Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 2 Drugs Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 3 Flour Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 4 Milk Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 5 Rice Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 6 Salt Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 7 Soap Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 8 Sugar Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 9 Vegetable compounds Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Numerical file, 1921-1923 General Folder 10 No. 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 11 No. 2 Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 12 No. 3 Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 13 No. 4 Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Register of the American Relief 23001 141 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 14 No. 5 Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 15 No. 6 Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 16 No. 7 Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 17 No. 8 Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Folder 18 No. 9 Note Available on microfilm reel 294

Box 242., Folder 1 No. 10 Note Available on microfilm reel 295

Folder 2 No. 12 Note Available on microfilm reel 295

Folder 3 No. 13 Note Available on microfilm reel 295

Folder 4 No. 15 Note Available on microfilm reel 295

Folder 5 No. 16 Note Available on microfilm reel 295

Folder 6 No. 17 Note Available on microfilm reel 295

Folder 7 No. 18 Note Available on microfilm reel 295

Folder 8 No. 19 Note Available on microfilm reel 295

Register of the American Relief 23001 142 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 9 No. 20 Note Available on microfilm reel 295

Folder 10 No. 21 Note Available on microfilm reel 295

Folder 11 No. 23 Note Available on microfilm reel 295

Folder 12 No. 24 Note Available on microfilm reel 295

Folder 13 No. 25 Note Available on microfilm reel 295

Folder 14 No. 26 Note Available on microfilm reel 295

Folder 15 No. 28 Note Available on microfilm reel 295

Folder 16 No. 29 Note Available on microfilm reel 295

Box 243., Folder 1 No. 30 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Folder 2 No. 31 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Folder 3 No. 33 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Folder 4 No. 34 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Folder 5 No. 35 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Register of the American Relief 23001 143 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 6 No. 36 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Folder 7 No. 37 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Folder 8 No. 38 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Folder 9 No. 39 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Folder 10 No. 41 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Folder 11 No. 42 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Folder 12 No. 43 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Folder 13 No. 45 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Box 244., Folder 1 No. 46 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Folder 2 No. 47 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Folder 3 No. 49 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Folder 4 No. 50 Note Available on microfilm reel 296

Folder 5-9 No. 51 Note Available on microfilm reels 296 and 297

Register of the American Relief 23001 144 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Box 245., Folder 1 No. 53 Note Available on microfilm reel 297

Folder 2 No. 55 Note Available on microfilm reel 297

Folder 3 No. 56 Note Available on microfilm reel 297

Folder 4 No. 58 Note Available on microfilm reel 297

Folder 5 No. 59 Note Available on microfilm reel 297

Folder 6 No. 60 Note Available on microfilm reel 298

Folder 7 No. 61 Note Available on microfilm reel 298

Folder 8 No. 62 Note Available on microfilm reel 298

Folder 9 No. 64 Note Available on microfilm reel 298

Folder 10 No. 65 Note Available on microfilm reel 298

Folder 11 No. 66 Note Available on microfilm reel 298

Folder 12 No. 67 Note Available on microfilm reel 298

Folder 13 No. 68 Note Available on microfilm reel 298

Register of the American Relief 23001 145 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 14 No. 69 Note Available on microfilm reel 298

Folder 15 No. 70 Note Available on microfilm reel 298

Folder 16 No. 73 Note Available on microfilm reel 298

Folder 17 No. 74 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Box 246., Folder 1 No. 75 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 2 No. 76 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 3 No. 77 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 4 No. 78 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 5 No. 79 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 6 No. 80 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 7 No. 81 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 8 No. 82 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 9 No. 83 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Register of the American Relief 23001 146 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 10 No. 84 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 11 No. 87 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 12 No. 88 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 13 No. 89 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 14 No. 90 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 15 No. 92 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 16 No. 93 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 17 No. 94 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 18 No. 95 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 19 No. 96 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 20 No. 97 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 21 No. 98 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Folder 22 No. 99 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Register of the American Relief 23001 147 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 23 No. 100 Note Available on microfilm reel 299

Box 247., Folder 1 No. 101 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 2 No. 102 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 3 No. 103 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 4 No. 105 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 5 No. 106 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 6 No. 107 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 7 No. 108 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 8 No. 109 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 9 No. 110 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 10 No. 111 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 11 No. 112 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 12 No. 113 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Register of the American Relief 23001 148 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 13 No. 115 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 14 No. 116 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 15 No. 117 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 16 No. 118 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 17 No. 119 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 18 No. 120 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 19 No. 122 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 20 No. 124 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 21 No. 126 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 22 No. 127 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 23 No. 129 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 24 No. 130 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 25 No. 131 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Register of the American Relief 23001 149 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 26 No. 132 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 27 No. 133 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 28 No. 134 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 29 No. 135 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Box 248., Folder 1 No. 137 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 2 No. 138 Note Available on microfilm reel 300

Folder 3 No. 139 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 4 No. 140 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 5 No. 141 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 6 No. 142 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 7 No. 143 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 8 No. 144 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 9 No. 145 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Register of the American Relief 23001 150 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 10 No. 148 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 11 No. 149 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 12 No. 150 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 13 No. 151 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 14 No. 153 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 15 No. 154 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 16 No. 157 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 17 No. 158 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 18 No. 159 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Box 249., Folder 1 No. 162 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 2 No. 163 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 3 No. 164 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 4 No. 165 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Register of the American Relief 23001 151 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 5 No. 168 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 6 No. 169 Note Available on microfilm reel 301

Folder 7 No. 170 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 8 No. 172 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 9 No. 173 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 10 No. 175 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 11 No. 176 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 12 No. 177 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 13 No. 178 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 14 No. 179 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 15 No. 180 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 16 No. 181 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 17 No. 182 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Register of the American Relief 23001 152 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 18 No. 183 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 19 No. 184 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 20 No. 185 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 21 No. 187 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 22 No. 189 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 23 No. 190 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Box 250., Folder 1 No. 191 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 2 No. 193 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 3 No. 194 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 4 No. 196 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 5 No. 197 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 6 No. 198 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Folder 7 No. 199 Note Available on microfilm reel 302

Register of the American Relief 23001 153 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 8 No. 200 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 9 No. 201 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 10 No. 203 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 11 No. 204 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 12 No. 205 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 13 No. 206 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 14 No. 207 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Box 251., Folder 1 No. 208 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 2 No. 209 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 3 No. 210 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 4 No. 211 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 5 No. 212 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 6 No. 213 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Register of the American Relief 23001 154 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 7 No. 216 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 8 No. 217 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 9 No. 218 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 10 No. 219 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 11 No. 220 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 12 No. 221 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 13 No. 223 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 14 No. 224 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 15 No. 225 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 16 No. 226 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 17 No. 227 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 18 No. 228 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 19 No. 229 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Register of the American Relief 23001 155 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 20 No. 230 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 21 No. 231 Note Available on microfilm reel 303

Folder 22 No. 232 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 23 No. 233 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 24 No. 235 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Box 252., Folder 1 No. 236 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 2 No. 239 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 3 No. 241 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 4 No. 242 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 5 No. 243 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 6 No. 244 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 7 No. 245 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 8 No. 247 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Register of the American Relief 23001 156 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 9 No. 249 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 10 No. 250 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 11 No. 251 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 12 No. 252 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 13 No. 253 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 14 No. 255 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 15 No. 256 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 16 No. 257 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 17 No. 258 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 18 No. 259 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 19 No. 260 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 20 No. 261 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 21 No. 262 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Register of the American Relief 23001 157 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 22 No. 263 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 23 No. 266 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 24 No. 267 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 25 No. 270 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 26 No. 271 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 27 No. 272 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 28 No. 273 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Folder 29 No. 274 Note Available on microfilm reel 304

Box 253., Folder 1 No. 275 Note Available on microfilm reel 305

Folder 2 No. 276 Note Available on microfilm reel 305

Folder 3 No. 277 Note Available on microfilm reel 305

Folder 4 No. 280 Note Available on microfilm reel 305

Folder 5 No. 283 Note Available on microfilm reel 305

Register of the American Relief 23001 158 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 6 No. 284 Note Available on microfilm reel 305

Folder 7 No. 285 Note Available on microfilm reel 305

Folder 8 No. 286 Note Available on microfilm reel 305

Folder 9 No. 287 Note Available on microfilm reel 305

Folder 10 No. 288 Note Available on microfilm reel 305

Folder 11 No. 291 Note Available on microfilm reel 305

Folder 12 No. 292 Note Available on microfilm reel 305

American Red Cross Folder 13 No. 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 305

Folder 14 No. 2 Note Available on microfilm reel 305

Folder 15 No. 5 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Box 254., Folder 1 No. 6 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 2 No. 8 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 3 No. 9 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Register of the American Relief 23001 159 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 4 No. 11 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 5 No. 13 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 6 No. 16 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 7 No. 48 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 8 No. 49 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 9 No. 50 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Unidentified Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 10 S-98 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 11 S-99 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 12 S-100 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 13 S-102 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 14 S-103 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 15 S-104 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Register of the American Relief 23001 160 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 16 S-105 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 17 S-106 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 18 S-107 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 19 S-108 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 20 S-109 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 21 S-110 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 22 S-111 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 23 S-112 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 24 S-113 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Folder 25 S-114 Note Available on microfilm reel 306

Box 255., Folder 1 S-115 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 2 S-116 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 3 S-117 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Register of the American Relief 23001 161 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 4 S-118 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 5 S-119 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 6 S-120 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 7 S-121 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 8 S-122 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 9 S-123 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 10 S-124 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 11 S-126 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 12 S-127 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 13 S-128 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 14 S-129 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 15 S-130 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 16 S-131 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Register of the American Relief 23001 162 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 17 S-132 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 18 S-133 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 19 S-134 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 20 S-135 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 21 S-136 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 22 S-137 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 23 S-138 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Shipment file, 1921-1923. Bills of lading, cables, contracts, letters, and memoranda American Red Cross Folder 24 No. 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 25 No. 3 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 26 No. 4 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 27 No. 5 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 28 No. 6 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 29 No. 7 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Register of the American Relief 23001 163 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 30 No. 8 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 31 No. 9 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 32 No. 10 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 33 No. 11 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 34 No. 12 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 35 No. 13 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 36 No. 14 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 37 No. 15 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 38 No. 16 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 39 No. 22 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 40 No. 24 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 41 No. 25 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Box 256., Folder 1 No. 28 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Register of the American Relief 23001 164 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 2 No. 37 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Folder 3 No. 44 Note Available on microfilm reel 307

Unidentified Folder 4 S-1 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 5 S-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 6 S-4 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 7 S-7 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 8 S-8 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 9 S-9 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 10 S-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 11 S-12 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 12 S-13 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 13 S-14 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 14 S-17 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Register of the American Relief 23001 165 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 15 S-19 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Box 257., Folder 1 S-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 2 S-21 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 3 S-22 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 4 S-23 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 5 S-25 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 6 S-26 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 7 S-27 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 8 S-29 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 9 S-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 10 S-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 11 S-32 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 12 S-33 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Register of the American Relief 23001 166 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 13 S-34 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 14 S-35 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 15 S-36 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 16 S-38 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 17 S-39 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 18 S-40 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 19 S-41 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 20 S-42 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 21 S-43 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 22 S-44 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 23 S-45 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 24 S-46 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 25 S-47 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Register of the American Relief 23001 167 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 26 S-48 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 27 S-49 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 28 S-50 - S-63 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 29 S-64 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 30 S-65 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 31 S-66 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 32 S-67 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 33 S-68 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Folder 34 S-69 Note Available on microfilm reel 308

Box 258., Folder 1 S-70 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 2 S-71 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 3 S-72 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 4 S-73 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Register of the American Relief 23001 168 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 5 S-75 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 6 S-76 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 7 S-77 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 8 S-78 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 9 S-80 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 10 S-81 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 11 S-82 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 12 S-83 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 13 S-84 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 14 S-85 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 15 S-86 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 16 S-87 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 17 S-88 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Register of the American Relief 23001 169 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 18 S-89 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 19 S-90 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 20 S-91 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 21 S-92 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 22 S-93 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 23 S-94 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 24 S-95 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 25 S-96 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Box 259., Folder 1 S-97 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 2 S-98 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 3 S-99 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 4 S-100 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 5 S-102 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Register of the American Relief 23001 170 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 6 S-104 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 7 S-105 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 8 S-106 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 9 S-107 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 10 S-108 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 11 S-109 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 12 S-110 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 13 S-111 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 14 S-112 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 15 S-113 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 16 S-114 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 17 S-115 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 18 S-116 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Register of the American Relief 23001 171 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 19 S-117 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 20 S-118 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 21 S-119 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 22 S-120 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 23 S-121 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 24 S-122 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 25 S-123 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 26 S-124 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 27 S-125 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 28 S-126 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 29 S-127 Note Available on microfilm reel 309

Folder 30 S-128 Note Available on microfilm reel 310

Folder 31 S-129 Note Available on microfilm reel 310

Register of the American Relief 23001 172 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Folder 32 S-130 Note Available on microfilm reel 310

Folder 33 S-131 Note Available on microfilm reel 310

Folder 34 S-132 Note Available on microfilm reel 310

Folder 35 S-133 Note Available on microfilm reel 310

Folder 36 S-135 Note Available on microfilm reel 310

Folder 37 S-136 Note Available on microfilm reel 310

Folder 38 S-137 Note Available on microfilm reel 310

Box 260., Folder 1 Special services file, 1921-1922. Letters and memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 310

Steamship file, 1919-1924. Bills of lading, contracts, declarations, letters, and memoranda, arranged alphabetically by name of ship Folder 2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 310

Folder 3-19 Ab-Alt Note Available on microfilm reel 310

Box 261., Am-Au Folder 1-19 Note Available on microfilm reels 310 and 311

Folder 20-30 Ba-Bell Note Available on microfilm reel 311

Box 262., Belv-Bu Folder 1-21 Note Available on microfilm reels 311 and 312

Register of the American Relief 23001 173 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Box 263., Ca-Chic Folder 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reels 312 and 313

Box 264., Chil-Cl Folder 1-9 Note Available on microfilm reel 313

Box 265., Cob-Cor Folder 1-14 Note Available on microfilm reel 314

Box 266., Cr-East Folder 1-23 Note Available on microfilm reels 314 and 315

Box 267., Easte-Ele Folder 1-17 Note Available on microfilm reel 315

Box 268., Eli-Gaf Folder 1-19 Note Available on microfilm reel 316

Box 269., Gal-Har Folder 1-20 Note Available on microfilm reels 316 and 317

Box 270., Hau-Ina Folder 1-27 Note Available on microfilm reel 317

Box 271., Ins-Kerk Folder 1-22 Note Available on microfilm reel 318

Box 272., Kerl-Kero Folder 1-6 Note Available on microfilm reel 319

Box 273., Kert-Lap Folder 1-18 Note Available on microfilm reel 320

Box 274., Las-Manc Folder 1-20 Note Available on microfilm reels 320 and 321

Box 275., Manh-Mar Cas Folder 1-9 Note Available on microfilm reels 321 and 322

Register of the American Relief 23001 174 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 NEW YORK OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1919-1924

Box 276., Mar de-Met Folder 1-17 Note Available on microfilm reel 322

Box 277., Mex-Mong Folder 1-13 Note Available on microfilm reel 323

Box 278., Mon-Mount Ca Folder 1-8 Note Available on microfilm reels 323 and 324

Box 279., Mount Cla-Mount Cli Folder 1-6 Note Available on microfilm reel 324

Box 280., Mu-Nob Folder 1-17 Note Available on microfilm reels 325 and 326

Box 281., Noc-Ore Folder 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 326 and 327

Box 282., Ori-Pha Folder 1-21 Note Available on microfilm reels 327 and 328

Box 283., Pho-Ra Folder 1-22 Note Available on microfilm reel 328

Box 284., Re-Sai Folder 1-22 Note Available on microfilm reel 329

Box 285., San-Wi Folder 1-32 Note Available on microfilm reels 329 and 329A

Box No. 286-311. PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE Note Available on microfilm reels 329A-359 Scope and Content Note Articles, bookplate, bulletins, charts, circulars, correspondence, clippings, financial records, forms, histories, insurance records, lists of contributions, maps, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes, organizational records, personnel records, press releases and reports, political reviews and summaries, population records, price lists, printed matter, reports, statements, statistical records, telegrams, and miscellany relating to the general activities of the Paris Office, arranged alphabetically by physical form

Register of the American Relief 23001 175 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

Box 286., General. Includes index to the Paris Office file Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 329A

Folder 3 Bookplate Note Available on microfilm reel 329A

Bulletins, 1919. Includes bulletins on German food and trade conditions by Vernon Kellogg and Alonzo Taylor Folder 4 March-July Note Available on microfilm reel 329A

Folder 5 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 329A

Financial records. Includes cables, charts, correspondence, list of documents, memoranda, press releases, and telegrams General Folder 6-8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 329A

Folder 9 1918 July-1919 February Note Available on microfilm reel 330

Folder 10 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 330

1919 Folder 11 January Note Available on microfilm reel 330

Folder 12 February Note Available on microfilm reel 330

Folder 13 February-May Note Available on microfilm reel 330

Folder 14 March Note Available on microfilm reel 330

Folder 15 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 330

Register of the American Relief 23001 176 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

Folder 16 April Note Available on microfilm reel 330

Box 287., May Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reels 330 and 331

Folder 4-5 June Note Available on microfilm reel 331

Box 288., Folder 1 June-September Note Available on microfilm reel 332

Folder 2 June-December Note Available on microfilm reel 332

Folder 3 July Note Available on microfilm reel 332

Folder 4 August Note Available on microfilm reel 332

Folder 5 September Note Available on microfilm reel 332

Folder 6 1920 January-December Note Available on microfilm reel 332

Accounts Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 332

Folder 8 Crosby, Oscar T. Note Available on microfilm reel 332

Folder 9-10 Hoover, Herbert C. Includes Hoover's personal accounts Note Available on microfilm reel 332

Remittance file General General

Register of the American Relief 23001 177 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

General Folder 11 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 333

1919 Folder 12 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 333

Folder 13 May Note Available on microfilm reel 333

Box 289., Folder 1 June-July Note Available on microfilm reel 333

Folder 2 August-November Note Available on microfilm reel 333

Folder 3 Exchange rates Note Available on microfilm reel 333

Folder 4 Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 333

Folder 5 Bulgaria Note Available on microfilm reel 333

Folder 6 Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 333

Folder 7 Finland Note Available on microfilm reel 334

Folder 8 Germany Note Available on microfilm reel 334

Folder 9 Lithuania Note Available on microfilm reel 334

Folder 10 Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 334

Register of the American Relief 23001 178 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

Box 290., Poland Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 334

Folder 3-7 Romania Note Available on microfilm reels 334 and 335

Folder 8 Serbia Note Available on microfilm reel 335

Folder 9 Turkey Note Available on microfilm reel 335

Folder 10 Yugoslavia Note Available on microfilm reel 335

Folder 11 Circulars and forms Note Available on microfilm reel 335

Folder 12 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 335

Box 291., Historical records Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 336

Folder 3 Insurance records Note Available on microfilm reel 336

Folder 4 List of contributions in dollars for European relief Note Available on microfilm reel 336

Folder 5 List of events relating to the ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 336

Folder 6-7 Maps and charts Note Available on microfilm reel 336

Box 292., Maps and charts Folder 1-4 Note Available on microfilm reel 337

Register of the American Relief 23001 179 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

Box 293., Folder 1 Maps and charts Note Available on microfilm reel 337

Memoranda Folder 2-3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 337

1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 337

Folder 4 February-March Note Available on microfilm reel 337

Folder 5 April Note Available on microfilm reel 337

Folder 6 May Note Available on microfilm reel 337

Folder 7 June Note Available on microfilm reel 337

Folder 8 July Note Available on microfilm reel 337

Folder 9 Minutes of staff meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 337

Organization and policy records. Includes correspondence, excerpts from newspaper articles, instructions, lists of documents, memoranda, notes, statements by Herbert Hoover, and telegrams General Folder 10 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 337

1918 Note Available on microfilm reel 337

Folder 11 August-November Note Available on microfilm reel 337

Register of the American Relief 23001 180 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

Box 294., Folder 1 December Note Available on microfilm reel 338

1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 338

Folder 2 January Note Available on microfilm reel 338

Folder 3 February Note Available on microfilm reel 338

Box 295., Folder 1 March Note Available on microfilm reel 339

Folder 2 April Note Available on microfilm reel 339

Folder 3 May Note Available on microfilm reel 339

Folder 4 June Note Available on microfilm reel 339

Folder 5 July Note Available on microfilm reel 339

Folder 6 August-December Note Available on microfilm reel 339

Folder 7 Dossier Note Available on microfilm reel 339

Personnel records. Includes bulletins, lists, memoranda, and telegrams General Folder 8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 339

Folder 9 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 339

Register of the American Relief 23001 181 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

Folder 10 1918 December-1919 February Note Available on microfilm reel 340

Box 296. 1919 Folder 1 March Note Available on microfilm reel 340

Folder 2 April Note Available on microfilm reel 340

Folder 3 May Note Available on microfilm reel 341

Folder 4 June Note Available on microfilm reel 341

Folder 5 July Note Available on microfilm reel 341

Folder 6 August-September Note Available on microfilm reel 341

Alphabetical files Note Available on microfilm reel 341

Folder 7-8 A-B Note Available on microfilm reel 341

Box 297., Folder 1 B Note Available on microfilm reel 342

Folder 2-4 D-F Note Available on microfilm reel 342

Box 298., G-J Folder 1-4 Note Available on microfilm reel 343

Box 299., K-Mc Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reel 344

Register of the American Relief 23001 182 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

Folder 4-5 M-N Note Available on microfilm reel 344

Box 300., O-P Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reel 345

Folder 4 Q-R Note Available on microfilm reel 345

Folder 5 S Note Available on microfilm reel 345

Box 301., S-Z Folder 1-5 Note Available on microfilm reel 346

Special case files. Includes records of regular army personnel holding temporary positions with the ARA, reserve officers interested in civilian employment, enlisted men who desired to enter the service of the ARA, and others Folder 6 A-C Note Available on microfilm reel 347

Box 302., Folder 1 D-F Note Available on microfilm reel 347

Folder 2 G Note Available on microfilm reel 347

Folder 3 H Note Available on microfilm reel 347

Folder 4 I-L Note Available on microfilm reel 347

Folder 5 Mc-O Note Available on microfilm reel 347

Folder 6 P-R Note Available on microfilm reel 347

Register of the American Relief 23001 183 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

Folder 7 S Note Available on microfilm reel 347

Folder 8 T-Z Note Available on microfilm reel 347

Folder 9 Political information sheets Note Available on microfilm reel 348

Folder 10 Population records Note Available on microfilm reel 348

Press and political reviews General Folder 11 Daily bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 348

Daily newssheets Folder 12 General Note Available on microfilm reel 348

Folder 13 Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 348

Folder 14 Switzerland Note Available on microfilm reel 348

Folder 15 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 348

Box 303., Daily reviews Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reels 348 and 349

Folder 4 Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 349

Folder 5 Finland Note Available on microfilm reel 349

Register of the American Relief 23001 184 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

Folder 6 Germany Note Available on microfilm reel 349

Press releases Folder 7 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 349

Folder 8 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 349

Press reports, 1919 Folder 9 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 349

Box 304., Folder 1 May Note Available on microfilm reel 350

Folder 2 June Note Available on microfilm reel 350

Folder 3 June-August Note Available on microfilm reel 350A

Press summaries Folder 4 1918 November-1919 September Note Available on microfilm reel 350A

1919 Folder 5 January-August Note Available on microfilm reel 350A

Folder 6 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 351

1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 351

Folder 7 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 351

Register of the American Relief 23001 185 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

Folder 8 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 351

Box 305., Folder 1 June-August Note Available on microfilm reel 351

Folder 2 September-December Note Available on microfilm reel 351

Price lists Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 351

Folder 4 1918 December-1919 February Note Available on microfilm reel 351

1919 Folder 5 March Note Available on microfilm reel 352

Folder 6 April Note Available on microfilm reel 352

Folder 7 May Note Available on microfilm reel 352

Box 306., May Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 352

Folder 3 June Note Available on microfilm reel 353

Folder 4 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 353

Folder 5 Publicity file Note Available on microfilm reel 353

Relief operations file

Register of the American Relief 23001 186 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

Folder 6 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 353

Folder 7 Chart Note Available on microfilm reel 353

Folder 8 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 353

Folder 9 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 353

Folder 10 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 353

Folder 11 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 353

Folder 12 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 353

Folder 13 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 353

Folder 14 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 353

Box 307., Folder 1 Statements relating to the food situation in various countries, relief measures undertaken, and food prospect for 1920. Includes statements made by Herbert Hoover Note Available on microfilm reel 354

Folder 2 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 354

Subject file Folder 3 Arrival of allied relief Note Available on microfilm reel 354

Children's relief operations. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE/(Country)/Children's relief operations

Register of the American Relief 23001 187 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

General Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 354

Folder 5 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 354

Folder 6 Articles by A. J. Carlson, M. Farmer Murphy, R. H. Simpson, Alonzo E. Taylor, and Lillian D. Wald Note Available on microfilm reel 354

Folder 7 Bulletin Note Available on microfilm reel 354

Folder 8 Chart Note Available on microfilm reel 354

Folder 9 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 354

Correspondence, 1919 Folder 10 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 354

Folder 11 June-November Note Available on microfilm reel 354

Folder 12 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 354

Folder 13 Instructions for officers involved in children's relief operations Note Available on microfilm reel 354

Memoranda, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 355

Folder 14 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 355

Register of the American Relief 23001 188 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

Box 308., Folder 1 May Note Available on microfilm reel 355

Folder 2 June-October Note Available on microfilm reel 355

Folder 3 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 355

Folder 4 Organizational records Note Available on microfilm reel 355

Folder 5 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 355

Folder 6 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 355

Folder 7 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 355

Folder 8 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 355

Folder 9 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 355

Telegrams, 1919 Folder 10 February-May Note Available on microfilm reel 355

Folder 11 June-December Note Available on microfilm reel 356

Folder 12 Formula for special recipes for children. Includes plan for economical rationing for the children's relief program Note Available on microfilm reel 356

Folder 13 Orders and deliveries Note Available on microfilm reel 356

Register of the American Relief 23001 189 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

Folder 14 Programs and analyses Note Available on microfilm reel 356

Folder 15 Requirements and monthly allocations of food Note Available on microfilm reel 356

Folder 16 Resolution passed by the Medical Conference at Cannes Note Available on microfilm reel 356

Folder 17 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 356

Deliveries and purchases of food Folder 18 General Note Available on microfilm reel 356

Box 309., Folder 1 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 356

Folder 2 1918 December-1919 March Note Available on microfilm reel 356

1919 Folder 3 April Note Available on microfilm reel 356

Folder 4 May-September Note Available on microfilm reel 357

Folder 5 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 357

Folder 6-10 Requirements, programs, and evaluations of relief operations Note Available on microfilm reel 357

Folder 11 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 357


Register of the American Relief 23001 190 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

Folder 12 1918 October-1919 February Note Available on microfilm reel 357

1919 Folder 13 March Note Available on microfilm reel 357

Folder 14 April Note Available on microfilm reel 357

Folder 15 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 357

Box 310. Statistical information file General Folder 1 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 357

Folder 2 1918 December-1919 March Note Available on microfilm reel 358

1919 Folder 3 April Note Available on microfilm reel 358

Folder 4 May Note Available on microfilm reel 358

Folder 5 June Note Available on microfilm reel 358

Folder 6 July Note Available on microfilm reel 358

Folder 7 August-October Note Available on microfilm reel 358

Folder 8 Forms Note Available on microfilm reel 358


Register of the American Relief 23001 191 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE GENERAL FILE, 1918-1924. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE

Folder 9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 358

Folder 10 Commodities Note Available on microfilm reel 358

Folder 11 Countries Note Available on microfilm reel 359

Box 311., Folder 1 Countries Note Available on microfilm reel 359

Folder 2-5 Ports Note Available on microfilm reel 359

Reports Folder 6-7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 359

Folder 8 1918 November-1919 September. Statistical report on the work of the Director General of relief in Europe during the post armistice period, by Frank M. Surface, statistician, ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 359

Folder 9 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 359

Box No. 312-323. PARIS OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1918-1919 Note Available on microfilm reels 360-373 Scope and Content Note Includes articles, charts, clippings, memoranda, messages, notes, press releases, printed matter, reports, statements, and telegrams, arranged alphabetically by name of recipient

Box 312. General Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 360

Folder 2 A Note Available on microfilm reel 360

Register of the American Relief 23001 192 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1918-1919

Folder 3 B-Bell Note Available on microfilm reel 360

Folder 4 Bem-By Note Available on microfilm reel 360

Folder 5 Ca-Chi Note Available on microfilm reel 360

Folder 6 Chu-Cza Note Available on microfilm reel 360

Folder 7 D Note Available on microfilm reel 360

Folder 8 E Note Available on microfilm reel 360

Folder 9 F Note Available on microfilm reel 361

Box 313., Folder 1 G Note Available on microfilm reel 361

Folder 2 Ha-Her Note Available on microfilm reel 361

Folder 3 Hr-Hy Note Available on microfilm reel 361

Folder 4 I Note Available on microfilm reel 361

Folder 5 J Note Available on microfilm reel 361

Folder 6 K Note Available on microfilm reel 362

Register of the American Relief 23001 193 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1918-1919

Folder 7 L Note Available on microfilm reel 362

Box 314., Folder 1 Mc-Mars Note Available on microfilm reel 362

Folder 2 Mart-Mur Note Available on microfilm reel 362

Folder 3 N Note Available on microfilm reel 362

Folder 4 O Note Available on microfilm reel 362

Folder 5 P Note Available on microfilm reel 362

Folder 6 R Note Available on microfilm reel 363

Folder 7 Sa-Sny Note Available on microfilm reel 363

Box 315., Folder 1 So-Sy Note Available on microfilm reel 363

Folder 2 T Note Available on microfilm reel 363

Folder 3 U Note Available on microfilm reel 363

Folder 4 V Note Available on microfilm reel 363

Folder 5 W Note Available on microfilm reel 363

Register of the American Relief 23001 194 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1918-1919

Folder 6 XYZ Note Available on microfilm reel 364

Folder 7 American Friends Service Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 364

Folder 8 Attolico, B. Note Available on microfilm reel 364

Folder 9 Atwood, William G. Note Available on microfilm reel 364

Box 316., Atwood, William G. Folder 1-6 Note Available on microfilm reels 364 and 365

Folder 7 Baker, George B. Note Available on microfilm reel 365

Folder 8 Balfour, Arthur J. Note Available on microfilm reel 365

Folder 9 Baruch, Bernard Note Available on microfilm reel 365

Box 317., Folder 1 Beale, John F. Note Available on microfilm reel 365

Folder 2 Benes, Edouard Note Available on microfilm reel 365

Folder 3 Boret, M. Victor Note Available on microfilm reel 365

Folder 4-5 Brown, Walter L. Note Available on microfilm reels 365 and 366

Folder 6 Caetani, Gilano Note Available on microfilm reel 366

Register of the American Relief 23001 195 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1918-1919

Folder 7 Carlson, A. J. Note Available on microfilm reel 366

Folder 8 Carter, A. C. Note Available on microfilm reel 366

Folder 9 Cecil, Robert Note Available on microfilm reel 366

Folder 10 Cheney, A. S. Note Available on microfilm reel 366

Folder 11 Clemenceau, Georges Note Available on microfilm reel 366

Folder 12 Clementel, Etienne Note Available on microfilm reel 366

Box 318., Folder 1 Clynes, J. R. Note Available on microfilm reel 366

Folder 2 Crespi, Silvio Note Available on microfilm reel 366

Folder 3 Dixon, Gertrude G. Note Available on microfilm reel 367

Folder 4 Dresel, Ellis Loring Note Available on microfilm reel 367

Folder 5 Dulles, Allen W. Note Available on microfilm reel 367

Folder 6 Dulles, John Foster Note Available on microfilm reel 367

Folder 7 Fillioux, R. Note Available on microfilm reel 367

Register of the American Relief 23001 196 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1918-1919

Folder 8 Ginn, L. R. Note Available on microfilm reel 367

Folder 9-11 Goode, William. Includes a report on the economic conditions in Central Europe Note Available on microfilm reels 367 and 368

Box 319., Gorvin, J. H. Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reel 368

Folder 4-5 Gregory, T. T. C. Includes a report on Central Europe after the war Note Available on microfilm reel 369

Folder 6 Harbord, James G. See also PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE/Armenia Note Available on microfilm reel 369

Box 320., Folder 1 Haskell, William N. Note Available on microfilm reel 369

Folder 2 Heldring, E. Note Available on microfilm reel 369

Folder 3 Hlavecek, M. Note Available on microfilm reel 369

Folder 4 Holsti, Rudolph. See PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE/Finland Note Available on microfilm reel 369

Folder 5-9 Hoover, Herbert C. Includes Hoover's letters and memoranda on the financial co-operation between the United States and Europe Note Available on microfilm reels 369 and 370

Box 321., Hoover, Herbert C. Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reel 370

Folder 4 House, Edward M. Note Available on microfilm reel 371

Folder 5 Keynes, J. M. Note Available on microfilm reel 371

Register of the American Relief 23001 197 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1918-1919

Folder 6 Knapp, H. S. Note Available on microfilm reel 371

Folder 7 Lamont, Thomas W. Note Available on microfilm reel 371

Folder 8 Legge, Alexander Note Available on microfilm reel 371

Folder 9 Logan, James A. Note Available on microfilm reel 371

Folder 10 Loucheur, M. Note Available on microfilm reel 371

Folder 11 Lykes, Gibbs Note Available on microfilm reel 371

Folder 12 McCormick, Vance Note Available on microfilm reel 371

Folder 13 McFadden, G. Note Available on microfilm reel 371

Folder 14 McIntosh, J. W. Note Available on microfilm reel 371

Box 322., McIntosh, J. W. Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 372

Folder 3 May, Jules Note Available on microfilm reel 372

Folder 4 May, M. Pierre Note Available on microfilm reel 372

Folder 5 Morgenthau, Henry Note Available on microfilm reel 372

Register of the American Relief 23001 198 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1918-1919

Folder 6 Moseley, G. V. H. Note Available on microfilm reel 372

Folder 7 Orlando, Vittorio Emanuele Note Available on microfilm reel 372

Folder 8 Payot, Charles Note Available on microfilm reel 372

Folder 9 Peaslee, Amos J. Note Available on microfilm reel 372

Folder 10 Poland, W. B. Note Available on microfilm reel 372

Folder 11 Reading, Lord Note Available on microfilm reel 372

Folder 12 Richards, Lewis Note Available on microfilm reel 372

Folder 13 Rickard, Edgar Note Available on microfilm reel 372

Folder 14 Robinson, H. M. Note Available on microfilm reel 372

Folder 15 Seydoux, M. Note Available on microfilm reel 373

Folder 16 Sheldon, L. P. Note Available on microfilm reel 373

Folder 17 Taft, Robert A. Note Available on microfilm reel 373

Box 323., Folder 1 Ven, P. Van den Note Available on microfilm reel 373

Register of the American Relief 23001 199 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1918-1919

Folder 2 Vesnitch, M. R. Note Available on microfilm reel 373

Folder 3 Vilgrain, M. E. Note Available on microfilm reel 373

Folder 4 White, Henry Note Available on microfilm reel 373

Folder 5 Whitlock, Brand Note Available on microfilm reel 373

Folder 6 Wise, E. F. Note Available on microfilm reel 373

Box No. 324-397. PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE Note Available on microfilm reel 373-476 Scope and Content Note Bulletins, clippings, correspondence, dossiers, financial records, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes, organizational records, press releases, printed matter, reports, speeches, telegrams, and miscellany relating to relief operations in various countries and to the economic and political situation therein, arranged alphabetically by physical form

Algeria Box 324., Folder 1 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 373

Folder 2 Report on food supplies for Algeria Note Available on microfilm reel 373

Armenia Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 373

Folder 4 Agreements and contracts between the ARA and the Armenian Republic to carry out relief operations Note Available on microfilm reel 373

Folder 5 Articles Note Available on microfilm reel 373

Register of the American Relief 23001 200 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Correspondence. Includes correspondence from American Food Commission for South Eastern Europe and the American Committee for Relief in the Near East Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 373

Folder 7 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 373

1919 Folder 8 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 373

Folder 9 May Note Available on microfilm reel 374

Folder 10 June Note Available on microfilm reel 374

Folder 11 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 374

Folder 12 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 374

Folder 13 Map Note Available on microfilm reel 374

Memoranda Folder 14 General Note Available on microfilm reel 374

Folder 15 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 374

1919 Folder 16 March-June Note Available on microfilm reel 374

Folder 17 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 374

Register of the American Relief 23001 201 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 18 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 374

Folder 19 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 374

Folder 20 Organizational records Note Available on microfilm reel 374

Folder 21 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 374

Folder 22 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 374

Folder 23 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 374

Reports Folder 24-25 General. Includes final report of the Chief of the Mission to the Near East, J. C. Green. Also includes related correspondence, memoranda, and telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 374

Box 325., Folder 1 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 375

1919 Folder 2 May Note Available on microfilm reel 375

Folder 3 June Note Available on microfilm reel 375

Folder 4 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 375

Folder 5 Speeches. Includes transcripts of parliamentary debates in the House of Commons, Great Britain Note Available on microfilm reel 375

Subject file

Register of the American Relief 23001 202 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 6 Agricultural equipments Note Available on microfilm reel 375

Folder 7 Arrival and delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 375

Folder 8 Economic situation in Georgia Note Available on microfilm reel 375

Telegrams. Includes both incoming and outgoing Box , Folder 9 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 375

Folder 10 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 375

1919 Folder 11 January Note Available on microfilm reel 375

Folder 12 February Note Available on microfilm reel 375

Folder 13 March Note Available on microfilm reel 375

Folder 14 April Note Available on microfilm reel 375

Folder 15 May Note Available on microfilm reel 375

Folder 16 June Note Available on microfilm reel 375

Folder 17 July Note Available on microfilm reel 375

Folder 18 August Note Available on microfilm reel 376

Register of the American Relief 23001 203 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Box 326., Folder 1 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 376

Austria Folder 2-4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 376

Folder 5-6 Undated. Includes a draft of a communiqué submitted by the German Austrian delegation Note Available on microfilm reel 376

Folder 7 Articles. Includes articles written by John M. Oskison Note Available on microfilm reel 376

Folder 8 Charts Note Available on microfilm reel 376

Folder 9 Chronological table of historical events in Austria and summary of efforts to remedy the transportation situation in the old Austro-Hungarian empire Note Available on microfilm reel 376

Folder 10 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 376

Correspondence Folder 11 General Note Available on microfilm reel 376

Folder 12 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 376

Folder 13 1918 November-December. Includes letters to Woodrow Wilson Note Available on microfilm reel 376

1919 Folder 14 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 376

Folder 15 April Note Available on microfilm reel 376

Register of the American Relief 23001 204 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 16 May Note Available on microfilm reel 376

Folder 17 June-July. Includes letters from Woodrow Wilson Note Available on microfilm reel 377

Folder 18 August-November Note Available on microfilm reel 377

Folder 19 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 377

Box 327., Financial records Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reel 377

Folder 4 Insurance records Note Available on microfilm reel 377

Folder 5 Instructions for controlling Austro-Hungarian food traffic on railways of the old Empire Note Available on microfilm reel 377

Folder 6 Inventory of commissary supplies, furniture, office equipments, rugs, property, telegraph and telephone supplies on hand Note Available on microfilm reel 377

Folder 7 List of contracts Note Available on microfilm reel 377

Folder 8-9 List of medical supplies. Includes information on health-related matters and related correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 378

Folder 10 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 378

Memoranda Folder 11 General Note Available on microfilm reel 378

Register of the American Relief 23001 205 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 12 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 378

Folder 13 1918 November-1919 April Note Available on microfilm reel 378

Folder 14 1919 May-November Note Available on microfilm reel 378

Folder 15 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 378

Folder 16 Minutes of meetings. Includes meetings between delegates of associated governments and representatives of German Austria and the city of Vienna, and meeting of Austrian Re-Victualment Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 378

Folder 17 News summaries Note Available on microfilm reel 378

Box 328., Folder 1 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 378

Folder 2 Organizational records Note Available on microfilm reel 378

Folder 3 Pamphlet Note Available on microfilm reel 379

Folder 4 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 379

Folder 5 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 379

Folder 6 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 379

Reports General

Register of the American Relief 23001 206 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 7-9 General. Includes galley proof of a report on the various stages of relief action in Austria and reports by Alexander Lipschütz on the provisioning of the various countries of the former Austro-Hungarian empire with bread grain and on the nutritional situation in Austria-Hungary, together with political, financial, and transportation considerations by Alonzo Taylor Note Available on microfilm reel 379

Folder 10 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 379

Folder 11 1918 Note Available on microfilm reel 379

1919 Folder 12 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 379

Folder 13 June-August Note Available on microfilm reel 379

Folder 14 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 380

Folder 15 Daily reports Note Available on microfilm reel 380

Folder 16 Telegraphic reports Note Available on microfilm reel 380

Folder 17 Sample food cards Note Available on microfilm reel 380

Box 329., Folder 1 Statements. Includes statements addressed to David Lloyd George on probable German-Austrian need for food imports, present food situation, and the outlook for the future Note Available on microfilm reel 380

Folder 2 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 380

Subject file

Register of the American Relief 23001 207 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 3-7 Arrival, delivery, and distribution of food Note Available on microfilm reels 380 and 381

Box 330. Children's relief operations General Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 381

Folder 2 Articles Note Available on microfilm reel 381

Correspondence Folder 3 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 381

1919 Folder 4 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 381

Folder 5 July-October Note Available on microfilm reel 381

Folder 6 1920 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 381

Folder 7 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 381

Folder 8 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 381

Folder 9 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 381

Folder 10 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 381

Reports Folder 11 General. Includes reports prepared by Gardner Richardson and Clare M. Torrey Note Available on microfilm reel 381

Register of the American Relief 23001 208 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 12 Daily reports Note Available on microfilm reel 381

Folder 13 Weekly reports Note Available on microfilm reel 381

Folder 14 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 382

Folder 15 Arrival and delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 382

Folder 16 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 382

Folder 17 Delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 382

Folder 18 Discharge records of officers from service in Europe Note Available on microfilm reel 382

Folder 19 Economic situation Note Available on microfilm reel 382

Foreign missions Folder 20 General Note Available on microfilm reel 382

Folder 21 Great Britain Note Available on microfilm reel 382

Folder 22 Italy Note Available on microfilm reel 382

Folder 23 Objects of art demanded by Italy Note Available on microfilm reel 382

Register of the American Relief 23001 209 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 24 Proposal made by Herbert Hoover for relief of Austria as finally amended and resolution adopted by the Council of Heads of Delegations at a meeting on July 17, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 382

Telegrams. Includes some messages and both incoming and outgoing telegrams Folder 25 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 382

General Folder 26 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 382

Box 331. 1919 Folder 1 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 382

Folder 2 May Note Available on microfilm reel 382

Folder 3-4 June Note Available on microfilm reel 383

Folder 5-6 July Note Available on microfilm reel 383

Box 332., Folder 1 August-December Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 2 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 3 Budapest Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 4 Zagreb Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 5 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Register of the American Relief 23001 210 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 6 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Baltic States. See also Russia General Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 8 Article by Sidney Brooks and A. J. Carlson Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 9 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 10-11 Correspondence. Includes letters to Woodrow Wilson Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 12 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 13 Instructions regarding transportation Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 14 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 15-16 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 17 News items Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 18 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 19 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 384


Register of the American Relief 23001 211 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 20 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 21 1918 December. Consists of a report by Alexander Lipschütz Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 22 1919 March-August. Includes reports on transportation needs by M. E. Gilmore and on the operations of the Baltic Mission by John C. Groome, Chief of the Baltic Mission Note Available on microfilm reel 384

Folder 23 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 385

Subject file Folder 24 Arrival and delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 385

Children's relief operations General Folder 25 General Note Available on microfilm reel 385

Folder 26 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 385

Folder 27 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 385

Folder 28 Dossier Note Available on microfilm reel 385

Folder 29 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 385

Folder 30 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 385

Reports Folder 31 General Note Available on microfilm reel 385

Register of the American Relief 23001 212 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 32 Daily Note Available on microfilm reel 385

Folder 33 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 385

Folder 34 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 385

Folder 35 Delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 385

Box 333. Telegrams. Includes both incoming and outgoing Folder 1 1918 December Note Available on microfilm reel 385

1919 Folder 2 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 385

Folder 3 June Note Available on microfilm reel 386

Folder 4 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 386

Estonia Folder 5-6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 386

Folder 7 Addresses. Includes an address delivered by the Prime Minister, Otto Strandmann, on the policies of the new government Note Available on microfilm reel 386

Folder 8 Agreements between the ARA and the Estonian goverment Note Available on microfilm reel 386

Folder 9 Articles. Includes articles by John C. Miller on food relief and by Colonel Wade on Estonia in general Note Available on microfilm reel 386

Register of the American Relief 23001 213 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 10 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 386

Folder 11 Circulars from ARA to heads of missions Note Available on microfilm reel 386

Correspondence, 1919 Folder 12 General Note Available on microfilm reel 387

Folder 13 February-April Note Available on microfilm reel 387

Folder 14 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 387

Folder 15 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 387

Folder 16 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 387

Folder 17 Instructions regarding transportation and statistics to be collected Note Available on microfilm reel 387

Folder 18 Lists of members of the Constitutional Assembly's finance committee and a list of hospitals and local aid stations in the district of Gdoff Note Available on microfilm reel 387

Folder 19 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 387

Box 334., Memoranda Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reels 387 and 388

Folder 3 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 388

Register of the American Relief 23001 214 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 4 News items Note Available on microfilm reel 388

Folder 5 Notes. Includes notes of an interview of Professor Piip Note Available on microfilm reel 388

Folder 6 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 388

Reports Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 388

Folder 8 Undated. Includes reports on food relief prepared by Sidney Brooks Note Available on microfilm reel 388

Folder 9 1919 April-August Note Available on microfilm reel 388

Folder 10 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 388

Folder 11 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 389

Subject file Children's relief operations General Folder 12 General. Includes a special agreement between the European Children's Fund and the Estonian government Note Available on microfilm reel 389

Folder 13 Articles Note Available on microfilm reel 389

Folder 14 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 389

Folder 15 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 389

Register of the American Relief 23001 215 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 16 Interview of Dr. Miller, an American captain Note Available on microfilm reel 389

Memoranda, 1919 Folder 17 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 389

Folder 18 June-september Note Available on microfilm reel 389

Box 335., Folder 1 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 389

Folder 2 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 389

Folder 3 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 389

Folder 4 Program and delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 389

Folder 5 Discharge orders for officers from the Baltic Mission Note Available on microfilm reel 389

Folder 6 Political and economic situation in Estonia Note Available on microfilm reel 389

Folder 7 Requirements and delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 390

Telegrams. Includes both incoming and outgoing Folder 8 1918 December Note Available on microfilm reel 390

1919 Folder 9 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 390

Register of the American Relief 23001 216 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 10 May Note Available on microfilm reel 390

Folder 11 June Note Available on microfilm reel 390

Folder 12 July Note Available on microfilm reel 390

Folder 13 August Note Available on microfilm reel 390

Folder 14 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 390

Latvia Folder 15 General Note Available on microfilm reel 390

Folder 16 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 390

Folder 17 Address by the Latvian delegation to the Paris Peace Conference Note Available on microfilm reel 390

Folder 18 Agreements between the ARA and the Latvian government Note Available on microfilm reel 390

Folder 19 Articles. Includes articles by George P. Harrington and F. M. Thayer Note Available on microfilm reel 390

Folder 20 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 390

Folder 21 Certificates Note Available on microfilm reel 390

Box 336. Correspondence, 1919 Folder 1-2 General. Includes letters of thanks Note Available on microfilm reel 390

Register of the American Relief 23001 217 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 3 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 391

Folder 4 July-August. Includes requests for help Note Available on microfilm reel 391

Folder 5 Diary Note Available on microfilm reel 391

Folder 6 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 391

Folder 7 Historical records Note Available on microfilm reel 391

Folder 8 List of equipments Note Available on microfilm reel 391

Memoranda, 1919 Folder 9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 391

Folder 10 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 391

Folder 11 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 391

Folder 12 News items Note Available on microfilm reel 392

Folder 13 Note of plea to the Allies to lend Latvia assistance in forming her new army Note Available on microfilm reel 392

Folder 14 Passes Note Available on microfilm reel 392

Folder 15 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 392

Register of the American Relief 23001 218 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 16 Petitions to the American mission Note Available on microfilm reel 392

Folder 17 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 392

Box 337., Folder 1 Receipts Note Available on microfilm reel 392

Reports, 1919 Folder 2-3 General. Includes press reports and reports by the Latvian delegation to the Paris Peace Conference Note Available on microfilm reel 392

Folder 4 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 392

Folder 5 June Note Available on microfilm reel 392

Folder 6 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Folder 7 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Folder 8 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Subject file Children's relief operations General Folder 9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Folder 10 Articles Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Folder 11 Correspondence. Includes letters of thanks Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Register of the American Relief 23001 219 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 12 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Folder 13 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Folder 14 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Folder 15 Program for delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Folder 16 Requirements and delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Telegrams. Includes both incoming and outgoing Folder 17 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 393

1919 Folder 18 January Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Folder 19 February Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Folder 20 March Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Folder 21 April Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Folder 22 May Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Box 338., June Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 393

Register of the American Relief 23001 220 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 3 July Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Folder 4 August Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Folder 5 October Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Folder 6 Transportation records Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Folder 7 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Lithuania Folder 8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Folder 9 Address by Dr. Dovydaity, President of the Council of Ministers, to the American Food Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Folder 10 Agreements with the ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Folder 11 Articles Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Folder 12-13 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Folder 14 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Folder 15 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Folder 16-17 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Register of the American Relief 23001 221 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 18 News items Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Folder 19 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Folder 20 Petitions to the Allies Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Box 339., Folder 1 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Folder 2 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Folder 3 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 394

Subject file Children's relief operations General Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 5 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 6 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 7 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 8 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 9 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Register of the American Relief 23001 222 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 10 Programs and deliveries of food Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 11 Requirements and deliveries of food Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 12 Summary of events Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 13-14 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 15 Transportation records Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 16 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Belgium General Folder 17 General Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 18 Articles Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 19 Charts Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 20 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Correspondence. Includes letters from Woodrow Wilson to Herbert Hoover and to the Commission for Relief in Folder 21 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 395

1919 Folder 22 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Register of the American Relief 23001 223 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 23 May-November Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 24 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 25 Interviews. Includes an interview with the Queen of the Belgians Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Box 340., Memoranda Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 3 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 4 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 5 Passes Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 6 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 7 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 8 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 9 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 10 Arrival and delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 11 Brazil. Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 395


Register of the American Relief 23001 224 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

General Folder 12 General Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 13 Agreement between the Bulgarian government and the United States Grain Corporation regarding delivery of food supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 14 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Correspondence Folder 15 General. Includes correspondence with the United States Grain Corporation and the American Food Mission for Southeastern Europe Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 16 1918 December-1919 May Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 17-18 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 19 Notes. Includes notes on the deplorable sanitary conditions in Bulgaria Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 20 Reports. Includes reports on the economic conditions in Bulgaria, and Bulgarian coal mines Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Telegrams Folder 21 1918 December Note Available on microfilm reel 395

1919 Folder 22 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 395

Folder 23 March-May Note Available on microfilm reel 396

Register of the American Relief 23001 225 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 24 June-October Note Available on microfilm reel 396

Folder 25 Arrival and delivery of food supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 396

Folder 26 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 396

Czechoslovakia Folder 27 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 396

Folder 28 Agreements relating to relief operations and contracts and treaties between the government of Czechoslovakia and the governments of Austria and Poland, and between Czechoslovakia and the ARA, relating to the exchange of commodities Note Available on microfilm reel 396

Box 341., Folder 1 Articles. Includes an article by Eugene Bestaux on France and on the supply of Prague with food Note Available on microfilm reel 396

Folder 2 Chronology of events of Bohemia and Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 396

Folder 3 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 396

Correspondence Folder 4-5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 396

Folder 6 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 397

Folder 7 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 397


Register of the American Relief 23001 226 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 8 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 397

Folder 9 March Note Available on microfilm reel 397

Folder 10 April Note Available on microfilm reel 397

Folder 11 May Note Available on microfilm reel 397

Box 342., Folder 1 June Note Available on microfilm reel 397

Folder 2 July Note Available on microfilm reel 398

Folder 3 August-December Note Available on microfilm reel 398

Folder 4 Financial records. Includes some related correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 398

Folder 5 Historical record of the ARA Mission in Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 398

Folder 6 Interview Note Available on microfilm reel 398

Folder 7 Lists of tank cars and raw materials necessary for the railways Note Available on microfilm reel 398

Folder 8 Map Note Available on microfilm reel 398

Memoranda. Includes telephone messages Folder 9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 398

Register of the American Relief 23001 227 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 10 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 398

Folder 11 1918 December-1919 April Note Available on microfilm reel 398

Folder 12 1919 May-December Note Available on microfilm reel 399

Folder 13 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 399

Box 343., Folder 1 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 399

Folder 2 Petition for food Note Available on microfilm reel 399

Folder 3 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 399

Folder 4 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 399

Reports Folder 5 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 399

Folder 6 1918 December-1919 August Note Available on microfilm reel 399

Folder 7 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 399

Folder 8 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 399

Subject file Folder 9-10 Arrival, delivery, and distribution of food Note Available on microfilm reel 400

Register of the American Relief 23001 228 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Box 344., Arrival, delivery, and distribution of food Folder 1-5 Note Available on microfilm reels 400 and 401

Children's relief operations General Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 401

Folder 7 Articles. Includes articles by Dr. Kramer and Joseph T. Shaw Note Available on microfilm reel 401

Folder 8 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 401

Correspondence Folder 9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 402

Folder 10 1919 March-August Note Available on microfilm reel 402

Box 345., Folder 1 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 402

Folder 2-3 Historical record. Includes letters, publicity material, and progress reports Note Available on microfilm reel 402

Folder 4 Instructions to the United States Grain Corporation agents regarding merchandise paid for by the ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 402

Folder 5 List of American personnel Note Available on microfilm reel 402

Folder 6 Map Note Available on microfilm reel 402

Folder 7 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 402

Register of the American Relief 23001 229 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 8 Organizational records Note Available on microfilm reel 402

Folder 9 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 402

Reports Folder 10 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 402

Folder 11 1919 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 402

Folder 12 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 402

Folder 13 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 402

Folder 14 Telegrams. Includes telephone messages and radiograms Note Available on microfilm reel 402

Folder 15 Distribution of food Note Available on microfilm reel 403

Folder 16 Program for delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 403

Folder 17 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 403

Folder 18 French Mission Note Available on microfilm reel 403

Folder 19 Political and economic situation in Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 403

Folder 20 Proposal for allocation of food Note Available on microfilm reel 403

Register of the American Relief 23001 230 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Box 346. Telegrams Folder 1 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 403

Folder 2 1918 December Note Available on microfilm reel 403

1919 Folder 3 January Note Available on microfilm reel 403

Folder 4 February Note Available on microfilm reel 403

Folder 5 March Note Available on microfilm reel 403

Folder 6 April Note Available on microfilm reel 403

May Folder 7 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 403

Folder 8 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 404

Box 347. June Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 404

Folder 2 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 404

July Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 405

Box 348., Folder 1 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 405

Register of the American Relief 23001 231 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 2 August Note Available on microfilm reel 405

Transportation records Folder 3 General. Conference proceedings Note Available on microfilm reel 406

Railways Folder 4 General. Includes correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes, reports, telegrams, and telephone messages Note Available on microfilm reel 406

Folder 5 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 406

River shipments General Folder 6 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 406

1919 Folder 7 March-May Note Available on microfilm reel 406

Box 349., Folder 1 June Note Available on microfilm reel 406

Folder 2 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 407

Folder 3 Tabulation records of barge movements Note Available on microfilm reel 407

Folder 4 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 407

Danzig General Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 407

Register of the American Relief 23001 232 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 6 Articles. Consists of translations of newspaper articles Note Available on microfilm reel 407

Folder 7 Certificates Note Available on microfilm reel 407

Folder 8 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 407

Folder 9 Contract Note Available on microfilm reel 407

Correspondence Folder 10-11 General Note Available on microfilm reel 407

Folder 12 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 407

1919 Folder 13 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 407

Folder 14 March Note Available on microfilm reel 407

Folder 15 April Note Available on microfilm reel 408

Box 350., Folder 1 May Note Available on microfilm reel 408

Folder 2 June Note Available on microfilm reel 408

Folder 3 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 408

Folder 4 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 408

Register of the American Relief 23001 233 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Memoranda Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 408

Folder 6 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 408

1919 Folder 7 February-April Note Available on microfilm reel 408

Folder 8 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 408

Folder 9 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 408

Folder 10 News items Note Available on microfilm reel 408

Folder 11 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 408

Folder 12 Organizational chart Note Available on microfilm reel 408

Folder 13 Passes Note Available on microfilm reel 408

Folder 14 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 408

Folder 15 Receipts Note Available on microfilm reel 408

Folder 16 Record of conversation Note Available on microfilm reel 408

Register of the American Relief 23001 234 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 17 Reports. Includes a report on the activities of the Danzig Mission prepared by Harlan S. Miller Note Available on microfilm reel 409

Folder 18 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 409

Folder 19 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 409

Telegrams Folder 20 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 409

1919 Folder 21 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 409

Folder 22 March Note Available on microfilm reel 409

Box 351., Folder 1 April Note Available on microfilm reel 409

Folder 2 May Note Available on microfilm reel 409

Folder 3 June Note Available on microfilm reel 409

Folder 4 July Note Available on microfilm reel 410

Folder 5 August-November Note Available on microfilm reel 410

Children's relief operations Folder 6 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 410

Register of the American Relief 23001 235 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 7 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 410

Folder 8 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 410

Folder 9 Import and delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 410

Folder 10 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 410

Finland. See also Baltic States Folder 11 Agreement between the government of Finland and the ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 410

Folder 12 Articles. Includes articles written by T. W. Poindexter and P. J. Valkeapaa Note Available on microfilm reel 410

Folder 13 Certificates Note Available on microfilm reel 410

Folder 14 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 410

Correspondence Folder 15 General Note Available on microfilm reel 410

Box 352., Folder 1 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 410

Folder 2 1918 December Note Available on microfilm reel 410

1919 Folder 3 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 411

Register of the American Relief 23001 236 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 4 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 411

Folder 5 May Note Available on microfilm reel 411

Folder 6 June Note Available on microfilm reel 411

Folder 7 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 411

Folder 8 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 411

Folder 9 Historical record of the ARA Mission to Finland prepared by Ferry K. Heath Note Available on microfilm reel 411

Box 353., Folder 1 List of mail Note Available on microfilm reel 412

Folder 2 Map Note Available on microfilm reel 412

Memoranda Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 412

Folder 4 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 412

Folder 5 1918 December-1919 February Note Available on microfilm reel 412

1919 Folder 6 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 412

Folder 7 May Note Available on microfilm reel 412

Register of the American Relief 23001 237 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 8 June-July Note Available on microfilm reel 412

Folder 9 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 412

Folder 10 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 412

Folder 11 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 412

Folder 12 Petition for food Note Available on microfilm reel 412

Folder 13 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 412

Folder 14 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 412

Folder 15-17 Reports. Includes ARA documents with Note Available on microfilm reels 412 and 413

Herbert Hoover representing the United States and Rudolf Holsti representing Finland Box 354., Folder 1 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 413

Folder 2 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 413

Subject file Folder 3 Arrival and delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 413

Children's relief operations Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 413

Register of the American Relief 23001 238 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 5 Articles Note Available on microfilm reel 413

Folder 6 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 413

Folder 7 Interview Note Available on microfilm reel 413

Folder 8 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 413

Folder 9 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 413

Folder 10 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 413

Folder 11 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 413

Folder 12 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 413

Folder 13 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 414

Folder 14 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 414

Folder 15-16 Estimate, arrival, and delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 414

Folder 17-18 Economic and political situation Note Available on microfilm reel 414

Box 355. Telegrams. Includes both incoming and outgoing Note Available on microfilm reel 414

Register of the American Relief 23001 239 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 1 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 414

Folder 2 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 414

1919 Folder 3 January Note Available on microfilm reel 414

Folder 4 February Note Available on microfilm reel 414

Folder 5 March Note Available on microfilm reel 414

Folder 6 April Note Available on microfilm reel 414

Folder 7 May Note Available on microfilm reel 415

Folder 8 June Note Available on microfilm reel 415

Box 356., Folder 1 July Note Available on microfilm reel 415

Folder 2 August-November Note Available on microfilm reel 415

Folder 3 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 415

Fiume. See Yugoslavia/Rijeka France General Folder 4 Agreement between France and the ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 415


Register of the American Relief 23001 240 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 415

Folder 6 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 415

Folder 7 1918 December Note Available on microfilm reel 415

Folder 8 1919 January-November Note Available on microfilm reel 416

Folder 9 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 416

Folder 10 Instructions to parties representing the United States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 416

Folder 11-12 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 416

Folder 13 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 416

Folder 14 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 416

Folder 15-16 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 416

Bordeaux Correspondence Folder 17 General 1919 Folder 18 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 416

Folder 19 June-July Note Available on microfilm reel 416

Register of the American Relief 23001 241 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Box 357., Memoranda Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 417

Telegrams, 1919 Folder 3 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 417

Folder 4 June Note Available on microfilm reel 417

Folder 5 July Note Available on microfilm reel 417

Le Havre Folder 6 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 417

Folder 7 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 417

Marseilles Folder 8-9 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 417

Folder 10 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 417

Folder 11-12 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 417

Folder 13 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 417

St. Nazaire Correspondence Folder 14 General Note Available on microfilm reel 418

Folder 15 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 418

Register of the American Relief 23001 242 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 16 1919 April-July Note Available on microfilm reel 418

Folder 17 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 418

Folder 18 Lists of vehicles shipped Note Available on microfilm reel 418

Memoranda, 1919 Folder 19 General Note Available on microfilm reel 418

Box 358., Folder 1 April-August Note Available on microfilm reel 418

Telegrams, 1919 Folder 2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 418

Folder 3 February-May Note Available on microfilm reel 418

Folder 4 June Note Available on microfilm reel 418

Folder 5 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 418

Folder 6-7 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 418

Georgia. See also Armenia Folder 8 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 418

Folder 9 Report Note Available on microfilm reel 418

Germany General

Register of the American Relief 23001 243 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 10-13 General Note Available on microfilm reel 419

Folder 14 Articles Note Available on microfilm reel 419

Folder 15 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 419

Folder 16 Charts Note Available on microfilm reel 419

Folder 17 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 419

Correspondence Folder 18 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 419

Folder 19 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 419

1919 Folder 20 January-February. Includes letters asking for help Note Available on microfilm reel 420

Folder 21 March-April. Includes letters addressed to Herbert Hoover from the government of France Note Available on microfilm reel 420

Box 359., Folder 1 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 420

Folder 2 1920-1928 Note Available on microfilm reel 420

Folder 3-4 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 420

Register of the American Relief 23001 244 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 5 Interview with Mr. Turnbull Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Folder 6 List of prices of livestock Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Folder 7 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Memoranda. Includes a memorandum on the political situation in Germany Folder 8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Folder 9 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Folder 10 1918 November Note Available on microfilm reel 421

1919 Folder 11 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Folder 12 April-August Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Folder 13 1927-1928 Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Folder 14 Minutes of meetings. Includes resolutions passed by the Congress of the United States for carrying out relief operations in Europe Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Folder 15 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Folder 16 Passes Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Register of the American Relief 23001 245 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 17 Press bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Folder 18 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Folder 19 Receipts Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Reports Folder 20 General. Includes a report indicating recognition by the German government of complete legal and moral responsibility for all damage and loss during 1914-1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Folder 21 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Folder 22 1916-1917 Note Available on microfilm reel 421

Box 360. 1918 Folder 1 September Note Available on microfilm reel 422

Folder 2 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 422

Folder 3 December Note Available on microfilm reel 422

1919 Folder 4 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 422

Folder 5 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 422

Folder 6 Speech delivered by J. Orth at the extraordinary session of the United Medical Societies on December 18, 1918 Note Available on microfilm reel 422

Register of the American Relief 23001 246 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 7 Statements. Includes statements made by Herbert Hoover on the food situation in Europe and the reasons for carrying out relief operations in Germany Note Available on microfilm reel 422

Folder 8-9 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 423

Box 361., Folder 1 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 423

Subject file Folder 2 Allied army program Note Available on microfilm reel 423

Children's relief operations Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 423

Folder 4 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 423

Folder 5 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 423

Folder 6 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 423

Folder 7-8 Deliveries of food Note Available on microfilm reel 423

Folder 9 Economic conditions in Germany Note Available on microfilm reel 423

Folder 10 German government documents Note Available on microfilm reel 423

Telegrams. Includes both incoming and outgoing Folder 11 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 423

Register of the American Relief 23001 247 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 12 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 423

1919 Folder 13 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 424

Folder 14 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 424

Box 362., Folder 1 June Note Available on microfilm reel 424

Folder 2 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 424

Folder 3 1927-1928 Note Available on microfilm reel 424

Folder 4 Dresden. Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 424

Hamburg General Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 424

Correspondence Folder 6 1918 December Note Available on microfilm reel 424

1919 Folder 7 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 424

Folder 8 May Note Available on microfilm reel 424

Folder 9 June Note Available on microfilm reel 424

Register of the American Relief 23001 248 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 10 July Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 11 August-September Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 12 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 13 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 14 Arrival of food at the port of Hamburg Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 15 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 16 Saxony. Report on state of food supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 17 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Box 363. Great Britain General Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 2 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 3 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 4 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 5 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Register of the American Relief 23001 249 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 6 Price lists Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 7 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 8 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 9 Speeches Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 10 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 11 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 425

Folder 12 Proposals and requirements based on a conversation between Herbert Hoover and William Goode relating to British relief operations Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Greece General Folder 13 General Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Folder 14 Articles Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Folder 15 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Telegrams Folder 16 1918 December Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Folder 17 1919 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Register of the American Relief 23001 250 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Salonica Folder General Folder 18 General Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Folder 19-20 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Folder 21-22 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Folder 23 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Folder 24 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Telegrams Folder 25 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Folder 26 1918 December Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Folder 27 1919 January-August Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Folder 28 Children's relief operations Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Folder 29 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Hungary Folder 30-31 General. Includes a typed manuscript on Romanian Hungary, prepared by the War Trade Board Bureau of Research and Statistics Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Folder 32 Articles. Includes articles by John N. Oskison Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Register of the American Relief 23001 251 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 33 Charts Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Box 364., Folder 1 Chronological records Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Folder 2 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 426

Correspondence Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 426

1919 Folder 4 January-June. Includes letters to Woodrow Wilson from Herbert Hoover Note Available on microfilm reel 427

Folder 5 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 427

Folder 6 1921-1930 Note Available on microfilm reel 427

Dossiers, 1919, on the political situation in Hungary. Includes correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, reports, and telegrams from the American Commission to Negotiate Peace, the Inter-Allied Commission, and the Supreme Economic Council Folder 7 March-July Note Available on microfilm reel 427

Folder 8 August-September Note Available on microfilm reel 428

Box 365., Folder 1 Interviews with Count Andrassy and Bela Kuhn Note Available on microfilm reel 428

Folder 2 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 428

Memoranda. Includes memoranda on the political situation in Hungary

Register of the American Relief 23001 252 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 428

Folder 4 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 428

1919 Folder 5 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 428

Folder 6 June-August Note Available on microfilm reel 428

Folder 7 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 428

Folder 8 News summaries Note Available on microfilm reel 428

Folder 9 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 429

Folder 10 Passes Note Available on microfilm reel 429

Folder 11 Petition for food Note Available on microfilm reel 429

Folder 12 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 429

Folder 13 Reports, 1919 January-August Note Available on microfilm reel 429

Folder 14 Statements. Includes a statement drafted by Herbert Hoover and Lord Balfour passed by the Supreme Council, July 25, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 429

Folder 15 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 429

Register of the American Relief 23001 253 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Subject file Children's relief operations Folder 16 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 429

Folder 17 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 429

Folder 18 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 429

Folder 19 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 429

Folder 20 Economic conditions Note Available on microfilm reel 429

Folder 21 Food supply and requirements Note Available on microfilm reel 429

Folder 22 Political situation Note Available on microfilm reel 429

Box 366. Telegrams Folder 1 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 429

1919 Folder 2 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 429

Folder 3 June-July Note Available on microfilm reel 429

Folder 4-5 August Note Available on microfilm reels 429 and 430

Folder 6 September Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Register of the American Relief 23001 254 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 7 Telephone messages Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Transportation records - Railways Folder 8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 9 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 10 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 11 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 12 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 13 India. Report Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Italy. See also Trieste Folder 14 General Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 15 Agreements Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 16 Articles Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 17 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Correspondence Folder 18 General Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Register of the American Relief 23001 255 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 19 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 20 1919 January-September Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 21 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Memoranda Folder 22 General Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 23 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 24 1919 February-July Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 25 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Reports Folder 26 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 27 1918 December Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Box 367., Folder 1 1919 March-July Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 2 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 3 Survey Note Available on microfilm reel 430


Register of the American Relief 23001 256 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 4 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 430

1919 Folder 5 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 6 April-December Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 7 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Japan Folder 8 Articles Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 9 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 10 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Luxemburg Folder 11 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 12 Minutes of the Supreme Economic Council Subcommittee on Germany relating to the fulfillment of the Luxemburg Protocol, 1919 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 13 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Netherlands General Folder 14 Agreements between the Netherlands (and Great Britain, France, and Italy,) and the War Trade Board, relating to relief operations Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Register of the American Relief 23001 257 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 15 Chart Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Correspondence Folder 16 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 17 1919 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 18 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 19 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 20 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Telegrams Folder 21 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 430

Folder 22 1919 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 431

Folder 23 Statistical records. See also Scandinavia Note Available on microfilm reel 431

Rotterdam General Folder 24 General Note Available on microfilm reel 431

Correspondence, 1919 Folder 25-26 General Note Available on microfilm reel 431

Folder 27 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 431

Register of the American Relief 23001 258 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 28 May Note Available on microfilm reel 431

Box 368., Folder 1 June Note Available on microfilm reel 431

Folder 2 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 432

Folder 3 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 432

Folder 4 Forms Note Available on microfilm reel 432

Folder 5 Interviews with Mr. Willink, Mr. Habbow, and Mr. von Braun Note Available on microfilm reel 432

Folder 6 List of prices Note Available on microfilm reel 432

Memoranda Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 432

Folder 8 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 432

Folder 9 1919 June-July. Includes a memorandum of conversation among the German representatives Note Available on microfilm reel 432

Folder 10 Minutes of meetings of the Rotterdam Food Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 432

Folder 11 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 432

Folder 12 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 432

Register of the American Relief 23001 259 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 13 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 432

Telegrams. Includes a few letters and financial records Folder 14 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 432

Folder 15 1918 November-1919 March Note Available on microfilm reel 432

1919 Folder 16 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 432

Folder 17 June Note Available on microfilm reel 433

Folder 18 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 433

Box 369., Folder 1 Children's relief operations Note Available on microfilm reel 433

Folder 2 Delivery of food supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 433

Folder 3 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 433

Folder 4 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 433

Poland Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 433

Folder 6 Agreements between the Polish government and the ARA. Includes contracts between the city of Warsaw and bakeries for supply of bread Note Available on microfilm reel 433

Register of the American Relief 23001 260 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 7 Articles by William R. Grove and Alexander Lipschütz. Also includes translations of newspaper articles Note Available on microfilm reel 433

Folder 8 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 433

Folder 9 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 433

Correspondence Folder 10 General Note Available on microfilm reel 434

Folder 11 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 434

Folder 12 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 434

1919 Folder 13 January Note Available on microfilm reel 434

Folder 14 February Note Available on microfilm reel 434

Folder 15 March Note Available on microfilm reel 434

Box 370., Folder 1 April Note Available on microfilm reel 435

Folder 2 May Note Available on microfilm reel 435

Folder 3 June Note Available on microfilm reel 435

Register of the American Relief 23001 261 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 4 July Note Available on microfilm reel 435

Folder 5 August-September Note Available on microfilm reel 435

Folder 6 Diary of William R. Grove, a member of the ARA Mission to Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 435

Folder 7 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Folder 8 Instructions governing the responsibilities of the ARA and the United States Grain Corporation in Danzig relating to relief transactions in Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Folder 9 Interview with the representative of the Polish Ministry of Labor Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Folder 10 Lists of machinery and materials. Includes price list Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Folder 11 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Memoranda Folder 12 General Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Folder 13 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Folder 1919 Folder 14 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Folder 15 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Register of the American Relief 23001 262 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Box 371., Folder 1 May-November Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Folder 2 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Folder 3 News items Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Folder 4 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Folder 5 Passes Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Folder 6 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Folder 7 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Folder 8 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 436

Reports Folder 9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 437

Folder 10 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 437

1919 Folder 11 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 437

Folder 12 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 437

Folder 13 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 437

Register of the American Relief 23001 263 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 14 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 437

Box 372. Subject file Children's relief operations General Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 437

Folder 2 Bulletin Note Available on microfilm reel 437

Folder 3 Articles by D. F. Duval and Maurice Pate Note Available on microfilm reel 437

Folder 4 Chart Note Available on microfilm reel 437

Correspondence Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Folder 6 1919 January-August Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Folder 7 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Folder 8 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Folder 9 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Folder 10 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Folder 11 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Register of the American Relief 23001 264 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Reports Folder 12 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Folder 13 1918 October Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Folder 14 1919 March-July Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Folder 15 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Folder 16 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Folder 17 Delivery of food supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Folder 18 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Folder 19 Comité Polonais d'Information Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Folder 20 Economic conditions in Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Folder 21 Political situation in Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 438

Public health Folder 22 General Note Available on microfilm reel 439

Folder Correspondence Folder 23 General Note Available on microfilm reel 439

Register of the American Relief 23001 265 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 24 1919 April-1920 January Note Available on microfilm reel 439

Folder 25 Lists of equipment and officers Note Available on microfilm reel 439

Folder 26 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 439

Box 373., Folder 1 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 439

Folder 2 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 439

Folder 3 Report Note Available on microfilm reel 439

Folder 4 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 439

Folder 5 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 439

Folder 6 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 439

Folder 7 Requirements, and arrival and delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 439

Telegrams Folder 8 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 439

Folder 9 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 439

1919 Folder 10 January Note Available on microfilm reel 439

Register of the American Relief 23001 266 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 11 February. Includes a telegram from Vernon Kellogg, dated February 7 Note Available on microfilm reel 440

Folder 12 March Note Available on microfilm reel 440

Folder 13 April Note Available on microfilm reel 440

Folder 14 May Note Available on microfilm reel 440

Folder 15 June Note Available on microfilm reel 440

Box 374., Folder 1 July Note Available on microfilm reel 441

Folder 2 August-September Note Available on microfilm reel 441

Folder 3 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 441

Portugal Folder 4 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 441

Folder 5 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 441

Folder 6 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 441

Folder 7 Report Note Available on microfilm reel 441

Folder 8 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 441

Register of the American Relief 23001 267 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Romania Folder 9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 441

Folder 10 Agreements between Romania and the ARA. Includes contracts between the Ministry of Public Works and the Romanian navigation company Note Available on microfilm reel 441

Folder 11 Articles by Victor Antonesco. Includes translations of newspaper articles Note Available on microfilm reel 441

Folder 12 Brochure Note Available on microfilm reel 441

Folder 13 Chronological record Note Available on microfilm reel 441

Folder 14 Circulars to heads of missions Note Available on microfilm reel 441

Folder 15 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 441

Correspondence. Includes some memoranda, reports, and telegrams. Also includes requests for help Folder 16-19 General Note Available on microfilm reels 441 and 442

Box 375., General. Includes correspondence with the Romanian government Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reel 442

Folder 4 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 442

1919 Folder 5 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 442

Folder 6 March Note Available on microfilm reel 443

Register of the American Relief 23001 268 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 7 April Note Available on microfilm reel 443

Folder 8 May-September Note Available on microfilm reel 443

Box 376., Folder 1 Decree Note Available on microfilm reel 443

Folder 2-3 Financial records. Includes related correspondence, invoices, memoranda, and telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 443

Folder 4 Forms Note Available on microfilm reel 443

Folder 5 Instructions for heads of districts or communes in collecting data for crop reports and instructions for the ARA and the United States Grain Corporation representatives Note Available on microfilm reel 443

Folder 6 Interview with the Bolshevik representative in Romania Note Available on microfilm reel 443

Folder 7 Inventory Note Available on microfilm reel 443

Folder 8 List of prices Note Available on microfilm reel 443

Folder 9 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 443

Memoranda Folder 10-11 General Note Available on microfilm reel 444

Box 377., Folder 1 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 444

Register of the American Relief 23001 269 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

1919 Folder 2 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 444

Folder 3 April Note Available on microfilm reel 444

Folder 4 May Note Available on microfilm reel 444

Folder 5 June-September Note Available on microfilm reel 444

Folder 6 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 444

Folder 7 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 444

Folder 8 Passes Note Available on microfilm reel 444

Folder 9 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 444

Folder 10 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 444

Folder 11 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 444

Folder 12-13 Receipts from canteens Note Available on microfilm reel 445

Folder 14 Remarks Note Available on microfilm reel 445

Reports Folder 15-16 General Note Available on microfilm reel 445

Register of the American Relief 23001 270 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Box 378., Folder 1 General Folder 2 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 446

Folder 3 1919 February-July. Includes a report on the province of Moldavia Note Available on microfilm reel 446

Folder 4 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 446

Folder 5 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 446

Subject file Folder 6 Agriculture Note Available on microfilm reel 446

Children's relief operations Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 446

Folder 8 Article Note Available on microfilm reel 446

Folder 9 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 446

Folder 10-11 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reels 446 and 447

Folder 12 Decree issued by the King of Romania forming the "Prince Mircea" society Note Available on microfilm reel 447

Folder 13 Instructions for field service Note Available on microfilm reel 447

Folder 14-15 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 447

Register of the American Relief 23001 271 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Box 379., Folder 1 Organizational records Note Available on microfilm reel 447

Folder 2 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 447

Folder 3 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 447

Folder 4 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 447

Folder 5 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 447

Folder 6 Clothing allottments for the army Note Available on microfilm reel 447

Folder 7 Maritime service Note Available on microfilm reel 448

Folder 8 Petroleum exports Note Available on microfilm reel 448

Folder 9 Program and distribution of food Note Available on microfilm reel 448

Folder 10 Requirements and delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 448

Telegrams Folder 11 General Note Available on microfilm reel 448

Folder 12 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 448

Folder 13 1918 December Note Available on microfilm reel 448

Register of the American Relief 23001 272 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

1919 Folder 14 January Note Available on microfilm reel 448

Box 380., Folder 1 February Note Available on microfilm reel 449

Folder 2 March Note Available on microfilm reel 449

Folder 3 April Note Available on microfilm reel 449

May Folder 4 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 450

Box 381., Folder 1 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 450

Folder 2-3 June Note Available on microfilm reels 450 and 451

Folder 4 July Note Available on microfilm reel 451

Folder 5 August-October Note Available on microfilm reel 451

Folder 6 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 451

Box 382. Scandinavia General Folder 1 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 451

Folder 2 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 451

Register of the American Relief 23001 273 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 3 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 451

Folder 4 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 451

Telegrams Folder 5 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Folder 6 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Folder 7 1919 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Denmark General Folder 8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Folder 9 Agreements between the War Trade Board and the government of Denmark and various shipping committees and merchants' guilds of Denmark Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Correspondence Folder 10 General Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Folder 11 1918 December-1919 July Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Memoranda Folder 12 General Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Folder 13 1918 November-1919 June. Includes a memorandum relating to the financial settlement between Denmark and Germany Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Register of the American Relief 23001 274 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 14 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Folder 15 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Folder 16 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Folder 17 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Folder 18 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Folder 19 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Telegrams Folder 20 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Folder 21 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 452

1919 Folder 22 January Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Folder 23 February Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Folder 24 March Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Folder 25 April Note Available on microfilm reel 452

Folder 26 May Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Register of the American Relief 23001 275 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 27 June Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 28 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Box 383., Folder 1 Arrival and delivery of food supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Children's relief operations Folder 2 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 3 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 4 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 5 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 6 Import of food Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Norway General Folder 7 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 8 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 9 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Telegrams Folder 10 1918 December Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Register of the American Relief 23001 276 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 11 1919 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 12 Delivery of food supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 13 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Sweden Folder 14 General Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 15 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Memoranda Folder 16 General Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 17 1918 December-1919 October. Includes a memorandum concerning Sweden's requirements from the United States Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 18 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 19 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 20 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 21 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 22 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Silesia. See also Teschen General

Register of the American Relief 23001 277 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 23 General Note Available on microfilm reel 453

Folder 24 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 25 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 26 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 27 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 28 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 29 Requirements for food Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Spain General Folder 30 General Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 31 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 32 List of consular officers of the United States in Spain Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Memoranda Folder 33 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Box 384., Folder 1 1918 December-1919 April Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Register of the American Relief 23001 278 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 2 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 3 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 4 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 5 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 6 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 7 Requirements for food Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 8 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Switzerland Folder 9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 10 Agreements between Switzerland on the one hand, and the governments of Great Britain and France and the War Trade Board on the other, regarding the issue of licenses for the export to Switzerland of specified quantities of breadstuff cereals and feeding stuffs Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 11 Article (translation) Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 12 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 454

Folder 13 Map Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Register of the American Relief 23001 279 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 14 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Folder 15 Remarks made during an interview by Dr. Bourcart, Swiss envoy at Vienna Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Folder 16 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Folder 17 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Folder 18 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Teschen. See also Silesia Folder 19 General Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Folder 20 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Folder 21 Instructions for B. J. B. Colson, British member of the Allied Commission of Control, to supervise the execution of an agreement Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Folder 22 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Folder 23 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Folder 24 Outline with suggestions for project solution of the Teschen question presented by Mr. Dubois to the Inter-Allied Mission of Control for Teschen Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Reports Folder 25 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Register of the American Relief 23001 280 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 26 1919 March. Consists of a report presented to the Inter-Allied Commission on the Teschen Question Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Folder 27 Statement made by the Inter-Allied Commission before the President of Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Folder 28 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Folder 29 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Trieste. See also Austria Folder 30 General Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Folder 31 Articles. Includes an article on Bolshevism by John N. Oskison and some newspaper articles Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Folder 32 Chart Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Folder 33 Circular to heads of missions on agricultural statistics prepared by E. D. Durand Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Correspondence Folder 34 General Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Box 385., Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 455

Folder 2 1918 December-1919 February Note Available on microfilm reel 456

1919 Folder 3 March-May Note Available on microfilm reel 456

Register of the American Relief 23001 281 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 4 June-August Note Available on microfilm reel 456

Folder 5 Financial records. Includes related correspondence, list, memoranda, notes, receipts, reports, statements, telegrams, and vouchers Note Available on microfilm reel 456

Folder 6 Instructions to the President of the temporary Allied Mission to Control the Railway Service from the Adriatic to Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 456

Folder 7 Lists. Includes lists of the belongings of George Veith and of prices of food Note Available on microfilm reel 456

Memoranda Folder 8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 457

Folder 9 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 457

Folder 10 1918 December-1919 February Note Available on microfilm reel 457

1919 Folder 11 March-May Note Available on microfilm reel 457

Folder 12 June-August Note Available on microfilm reel 457

Box 386., Folder 1 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 457

Folder 2 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 457

Folder 3 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 457

Register of the American Relief 23001 282 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 4 Press release issued by Herbert Hoover Note Available on microfilm reel 457

Reports General Folder 5 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 457

Folder 6 1919 January-June. Includes reports on crop conditions Note Available on microfilm reel 457

Folder 7-8 Daily and weekly telegraphic reports to France. Also includes weekly reports on distribution Note Available on microfilm reel 457

Folder 9 Statements, including one outlining the conditions in central Europe and the organization of the ARA as reported to Herbert Hoover by T. T. C. Gregory, ARA Director in Trieste Note Available on microfilm reel 458

Folder 10 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 458

Subject file Children's relief operations Folder 11 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 458

Folder 12 Forms Note Available on microfilm reel 458

Folder 13 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 458

Folder 14 Receipts for food Note Available on microfilm reel 458

Folder 15 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 458

Register of the American Relief 23001 283 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 16 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 458

Folder 17 Delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 458

Foreign missions Folder 18 France Note Available on microfilm reel 458

Folder 19 Great Britain Note Available on microfilm reel 458

Folder 20-21 Italy Note Available on microfilm reel 458

Folder 22-24 United States Note Available on microfilm reel 459

Folder 25 Programs and requirements of food Note Available on microfilm reel 459

Box 387. Telegrams. Includes both incoming and outgoing General Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 459

Folder 2 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 459

1919 Folder 3 January Note Available on microfilm reel 459

Folder 4 February Note Available on microfilm reel 459

Folder 5 March Note Available on microfilm reel 459

Register of the American Relief 23001 284 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 6-7 April Note Available on microfilm reel 460

May Folder 8 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 460

Box 388., Folder 1 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 460

June Folder 2 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 461

Folder 3 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 461

Folder 4 July Note Available on microfilm reel 461

August Folder 5 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 462

Folder 6 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 462

Folder 7 September Note Available on microfilm reel 462

Box 389., Folder 1 Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 462

Folder 2 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 463

Folder 3 Telephone messages Note Available on microfilm reel 463

Register of the American Relief 23001 285 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 4 Transportations records Note Available on microfilm reel 463

Folder 5 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 463

Turkey Correspondence, 1919 Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 464

Folder 7 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 464

Folder 8 April-September Note Available on microfilm reel 464

Box 390., Folder 1 List of prices Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Memoranda, 1919 Folder 2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Folder 3 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Folder 4 Minutes of meetings. Includes minutes of the Commission de Ravitaillement Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Folder 5 Notes. Includes notes for the Inter-Allied Food Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Folder 6 Press release issued by Herbert Hoover Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Reports Folder 7 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Register of the American Relief 23001 286 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 8 1919 April-June. Includes reports from W. Pears, Chief of the British Mission in Constantinople, on the relief situation in Turkey and on the repatriation and relief of Greeks in Turkey Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Folder 9 Statements. Includes a statement to the Paris Peace Conference Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Subject file Folder 10 Arrival of food supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Children's relief operations Folder 11 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Folder 12 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Folder 13 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Telegrams Folder 14 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 465

1919 Folder 15 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Folder 16 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Folder 17 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Ukraine Folder 18 General Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Register of the American Relief 23001 287 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 19 Agreements covering the purchase of food supplies and seeds in the United States by the ARA for the Ukrainian Soviet Republic Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Folder 20 Article from the Svensk Export on Ukrainian and Romanian harvests Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Folder 21 Bulletin Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Correspondence, 1919 Folder 22 General Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Folder 23 February-May. Includes letters to the American Mission Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Memoranda, 1919 Folder 24 General Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Folder 25 March-May Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Folder 26 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Folder 27 Printed matter. Consists of propaganda materials Note Available on microfilm reel 465

Reports. Includes reports on the political and economic conditions and on the food situation in Folder 28 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 466

Folder 29 1919 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 466

Folder 30 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 466

Register of the American Relief 23001 288 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 31 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 466

Yugoslavia General Folder 32 General Note Available on microfilm reel 466

Folder 33 Articles. Includes newspaper articles Note Available on microfilm reel 466

Folder 34 Chart Note Available on microfilm reel 466

Folder 35 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 466

Correspondence Folder 36 General Note Available on microfilm reel 466

Box 391., Folder 1 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 466

Folder 2 1919 January-October Note Available on microfilm reel 466

Folder 3 Decree of the food office of Lubiana Note Available on microfilm reel 466

Folder 4 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 466

Memoranda Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 466

Folder 6 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 466

Register of the American Relief 23001 289 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 7 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 467

1919 Folder 8 January Note Available on microfilm reel 467

Folder 9 February Note Available on microfilm reel 467

Folder 10 March-August Note Available on microfilm reel 467

Folder 11 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 467

Folder 12 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 467

Folder 13 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 467

Folder 14 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 467

Folder 15 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 467

Folder 16 Remarks made by Anton Korosec in the Austrian parliament in the name of the Yugoslav Note Available on microfilm reel 467

parliamentarians Reports. Includes a Herbert Hoover Committee report, and reports on transportation and forest and mineral resources of Yugoslavia General Folder 17 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 467

Folder 18 1918 November-1919 February Note Available on microfilm reel 467

Register of the American Relief 23001 290 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

1919 Folder 19 March-May Note Available on microfilm reel 467

Folder 20 June-August Note Available on microfilm reel 467

Folder 21 Weekly distribution and warehouse reports Note Available on microfilm reel 467

Folder 22 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 467

Folder 23 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 467

Subject file Folder 24 Bureau de Presse Yugoslave Note Available on microfilm reel 468

Children's relief operations Correspondence Folder 25 General Note Available on microfilm reel 468

Folder 26 1919 June-1920 January Note Available on microfilm reel 468

Box 392., Folder 1 Memoranda, 1919 March-July Note Available on microfilm reel 468

Folder 2 Organizational records Note Available on microfilm reel 468

Folder 3 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 468

Folder 4 Reports, 1919 June-1921 April Note Available on microfilm reel 468

Register of the American Relief 23001 291 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 5 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 468

Folder 6 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 468

Folder 7 Communication records Note Available on microfilm reel 468

Folder 8 Requirements and deliveries of food Note Available on microfilm reel 468

Telegrams Folder 9 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 468

Folder 10 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 468

1919 Folder 11 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 468

Folder 12 April-September Note Available on microfilm reel 468

Bosnia-Herzegovina General Folder 13 General Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 14 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 15 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 16 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Children's relief operations

Register of the American Relief 23001 292 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 17 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 18 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 19 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Croatia General Folder 20 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 21 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 22 Reports. Includes reports on the agrarian question in Croatia prepared by C. K. Butler, Chief of the British Mission in Trieste Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 23 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 24 Telegrams. Includes some telephone messages Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 25 Children's relief operations Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Dalmatia Folder 26 General Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Box 393., Folder 1 Agreements between the ARA and the Gravosa Stevadores Union Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 2 Articles Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Register of the American Relief 23001 293 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 3 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 4 Chart Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Correspondence Folder 5-7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 8 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 9 1919 January-August Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 10 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 11 Inventory of furniture Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 12 List of prices Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 13 General Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 14 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 469

Folder 15 1919 January-July Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Folder 16 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Register of the American Relief 23001 294 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 17 Passes Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Folder 18 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Folder 19 Receipts and vouchers Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Reports Folder 20 General. Consists of weekly field reports Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Folder 21 1918 November-1919 June Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Folder 22 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Folder 23 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Subject file Children's relief operations Folder 24 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Folder 25 Forms Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Folder 26 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Folder 27 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Folder 28 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Register of the American Relief 23001 295 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 29 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Folder 30 Requirements and delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Box 394. Telegrams Folder 1 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 470

1919 Folder 2 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 470

Folder 3 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Folder 4 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Montenegro General Correspondence Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Folder 6 1918 October-1919 February Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Folder 7 List of prices Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Folder 8 Map Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Memoranda, 1919 Folder 9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Folder 10 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Register of the American Relief 23001 296 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 11 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Folder 12 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Folder 13 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Reports. Includes reports on the food situation and the revictualling of Montenegro Folder 14 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Folder 15 1919 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Folder 16 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Folder 17 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Folder 18 Children's relief operations Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Folder 19 Requirements for food Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Folder 20 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Rijeka Folder 21 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Memoranda, 1919 Folder 22 General Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Register of the American Relief 23001 297 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 23 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Folder 24 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Serbia Folder 25 General Note Available on microfilm reel 471

Folder 26 Agreements between Serbia and the ARA. Includes agreements between Serbia and others Note Available on microfilm reel 472

Folder 27 Articles by Edwin G. Merrill on his impressions of food conditions in Serbia Note Available on microfilm reel 472

Folder 28 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 472

Correspondence. Includes lists, memoranda, notes, and telegrams Folder 29 General Note Available on microfilm reel 472

Box 395., Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 472

Folder 2 1918 September-December Note Available on microfilm reel 472

Folder 3 1919 January-October Note Available on microfilm reel 472

Folder 4 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 473

Folder 5 Historical records relating to the activities of the ARA mission in Serbia Note Available on microfilm reel 473

Register of the American Relief 23001 298 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 6 Inventory of the mission's equipment Note Available on microfilm reel 473

Folder 7 Lists of the most necessary merchandise for the economic reconstitution of Serbia. Includes list of district and port officials of the Food Ministry Note Available on microfilm reel 473

Memoranda Folder 8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 473

Folder 9 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 473

Folder 10 1918 November-1919 August Note Available on microfilm reel 474

Folder 11 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 474

Folder 12 Organizational records of a Serbian commission to be established in Belgrade and in the United States Note Available on microfilm reel 474

Box 396., Folder 1 Passes Note Available on microfilm reel 474

Folder 2 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 474

Reports. Includes reports on Bulgarian atrocities in Serbia Folder 3 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 474

Folder 4 1918 December-1919 August Note Available on microfilm reel 474

Folder 5 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Register of the American Relief 23001 299 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 6 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Subject file Children's relief operations General Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Folder 8 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Folder 9 Forms Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Folder 10 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Folder 11 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Folder 12 Receipts Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Reports Folder 13 General Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Folder 14 1919 July-1921 August Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Folder 15 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Folder 16 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Folder 17 Delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Register of the American Relief 23001 300 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 18 Deliveries of food supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Folder 19 United States. Legation (Yugoslavia) Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Telegrams Folder 20 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Folder 21 1918 December-1919 March Note Available on microfilm reel 475

Box 397. 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 476

Folder 1 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 476

Folder 2 June Note Available on microfilm reel 476

Folder 3 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 476

Folder 4 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 476

Folder 5 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 476

Slovenia General Folder 6 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 476

Folder 7 Map Note Available on microfilm reel 476

Register of the American Relief 23001 301 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE COUNTRIES FILE, 1918-1930. See also PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE

Folder 8 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 476

Folder 9 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 476

Folder 10 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 476

Folder 11 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 476

Folder 12 Children's relief operations. Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 476

Folder 13 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 476

Box No. 398-408. PARIS OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1918-1920 Note Available on microfilm reels 476-491 Scope and Content Note Agreements, bills of lading, bulletins, correspondence, financial records and freight rates, instructions, lists, logs, memoranda, notes, receipts, reports, schedules, statements, statistical records, telegrams, and miscellany relating to the position and movements of ships, the situation in various harbors, the Allied blockade, and the loading and unloading of cargo in connection with the shipments of food, arranged alphabetically by physical form

Box 398., General. Includes correspondence, memoranda, notes, reports, statements, and Folder 1-6 telegrams Note Available on microfilm reels 476 and 477

Box 399., General Folder 1-4 Note Available on microfilm reel 478

Folder 5 Agreements relating to shipping activities Note Available on microfilm reel 478

Folder 6-7 Bills of lading Note Available on microfilm reel 479

Register of the American Relief 23001 302 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1918-1920

Folder 8 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 479

Correspondence Folder 9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 479

Folder 10 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 479

Folder 11 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 479

Folder 12 1919 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 479

Box 400., Folder 1 1919 June-1920 January Note Available on microfilm reel 479

Folder 2-3 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 480

Folder 4-6 Freight rates Note Available on microfilm reel 480

Folder 7 Instructions to parties representing the United States Grain Corporation in the loading of army supplies on board ships furnished by the Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 480

Folder 8-10 Lists of steamers and boats Note Available on microfilm reels 480 and 481

Box 401., Folder 1 Lists of steamers and boats Note Available on microfilm reel 481

Folder 2 Logs Note Available on microfilm reel 481


Register of the American Relief 23001 303 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1918-1920

Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 481

Folder 4 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 481

Folder 5 1918 December-1919 July Note Available on microfilm reel 481

Folder 6 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 481

Folder 7 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 482

Folder 8 Receipts for supply of food items, materials, and medical supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 482

Reports Folder 9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 482

Folder 10-11 Daily and weekly Note Available on microfilm reel 482

Folder 12 Schedule for destroyers Note Available on microfilm reel 482

Folder 13 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 482

Folder 14-15 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 482

Subject file Blockade Folder 16 General Note Available on microfilm reel 482

Register of the American Relief 23001 304 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1918-1920

Folder 17 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 482

1919 Folder 18 January Note Available on microfilm reel 482

Box 402., Folder 1 February Note Available on microfilm reel 482

Folder 2 March Note Available on microfilm reel 483

Folder 3 April Note Available on microfilm reel 483

Folder 4 May-July Note Available on microfilm reel 483

Folder 5 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 483

Folder 6-7 Cargo arrived and received Note Available on microfilm reel 483

Daily position and situation of ships Folder 8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 484

Folder 9 Adriatic Division Note Available on microfilm reel 484

Folder 10 Near East Division Note Available on microfilm reel 484

Box 403., Northern Division Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 484

Folder 3 Southern Division Note Available on microfilm reel 484

Register of the American Relief 23001 305 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1918-1920

Folder 4 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 484

Folder 5 Damaged cargo Note Available on microfilm reel 484

Folder 6 Demurrage Note Available on microfilm reel 485

Folder 7 Disposal of food Note Available on microfilm reel 485

Box 404. Evacuation Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 485

Folder 2 Weekly Note Available on microfilm reel 485

Folder 3 Facilities Note Available on microfilm reel 485

Harbors Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 485

Description and plans of harbors Folder 5-7 Northern Division Note Available on microfilm reel 485

Folder 8-9 Southern Division Note Available on microfilm reel 486

Box 405., Folder 1 Southern Division Note Available on microfilm reel 486

Folder 2-7 Loading and unloading Note Available on microfilm reels 486 and 487

Register of the American Relief 23001 306 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1918-1920

Folder 8-9 Operations Note Available on microfilm reel 487

Box 406. Ships Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 487

Folder 2 Keralee Note Available on microfilm reel 487

Folder 3 Kickapoo Note Available on microfilm reel 487

Folder 4-5 Lake Fray Note Available on microfilm reel 487 and 488

Folder 6 Lake Tulare Note Available on microfilm reel 488

Folder 7 Lake Wimico Note Available on microfilm reel 488

Folder 8-10 Tonnage Note Available on microfilm reels 488 and 489

Box 407. Telegrams Folder 1 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 489

Folder 2-3 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 489

1919 January Folder 4 1-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 489

Folder 5 21-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 489


Register of the American Relief 23001 307 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1918-1920

Folder 6 1-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 489

Folder 7 11-28 Note Available on microfilm reel 489

Folder 8 March Note Available on microfilm reel 490

April Folder 9 1-12 Note Available on microfilm reel 490

Folder 10 13-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 490

Box 408. May Folder 1 1-12 Note Available on microfilm reel 490

Folder 2 13-23 Note Available on microfilm reel 490

Folder 3 24-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 490

June Folder 4 1-18 Note Available on microfilm reel 490

Folder 5 19-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 491

July Folder 6 1-12 Note Available on microfilm reel 491

Folder 7 13-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 491

Register of the American Relief 23001 308 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SHIPPING RECORDS, 1918-1920

Folder 8 August Note Available on microfilm reel 491

Folder 9 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 491

Box No. 409-460. PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937. Note Available on microfilm reels 492-556 Scope and Content Note Articles, bulletins, charts, clippings, correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes, organizational records, press releases, reports, statements, statistical records, and telegrams, arranged alphabetically by subject

Box 409. Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920). Supreme Economic Council General Folder 1-7 General. Includes index to the lists of Councils and Commissions and documents relating to the American participation in European relief Note Available on microfilm reels 492 and 493

Box 410., General Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 493

Folder 3 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 493

1919 Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 493

Folder 5 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 493

Box 411., March-April Folder 1-4 Note Available on microfilm reel 494

May Folder 5 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 495

Box 412., Folder 1 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 495

Register of the American Relief 23001 309 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Folder 2 May-September Note Available on microfilm reel 495

Folder 3-4 June Note Available on microfilm reel 495

Folder 5 June-July Note Available on microfilm reel 496

Folder 6 June-November Note Available on microfilm reel 496

Box 413., July Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 496

Folder 3 1924-1937 Note Available on microfilm reel 496

Minutes of meetings General Folder 4-5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 497

Box 414., Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 498

Folder 2-3 Blockade Section Note Available on microfilm reel 498

Folder 4 Communications Section Note Available on microfilm reel 498

Box 415., Communications Section Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 499

Folder 3-5 Finance Section Note Available on microfilm reel 499

Box 416. 1-2 Finance Section Note Available on microfilm reel 500

Register of the American Relief 23001 310 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Food Section General Folder 3-7 General Note Available on microfilm reels 500 and 501

Box 417., 1919 January-August Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reel 501

Folder 4 Freight Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 501

Folder 5 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 501

Folder 6-7 Permanent Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 501

Folder 8 Raw materials Section Note Available on microfilm reel 501

Folder 9 Shipping Section Note Available on microfilm reel 501

Folder 10 Statistical Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 501

Box 418. Subcommittee on Germany, 1919 Folder 1-2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 501

Folder 3-5 April-July Note Available on microfilm reel 503

Box 419., Folder 1 April-July Note Available on microfilm reel 504

Folder 2 Organizational records Note Available on microfilm reel 504

Register of the American Relief 23001 311 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Folder 3 Outline of the history of the Supreme Economic Council Note Available on microfilm reel 504

Allied Railway Mission General General Folder 4-9 General Note Available on microfilm reels 504 and 505

Box 420., General Folder 1-4 Note Available on microfilm reels 505, 506, and 507

Box 421., Folder 1 1914-1918 Note Available on microfilm reel 507

Folder 1919 Folder 2-6 January-May Note Available on microfilm reels 507 and 508

Box 422., May-September Folder 1-5 Note Available on microfilm reels 509 and 509A

Folder 6-7 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reels 509A and 510

Box 423., Folder 1 Armenia Note Available on microfilm reel 510

Folder 2 Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 510

Folder 3 Baltic States Note Available on microfilm reel 510

Folder 4-5 Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reels 510 and 511

Box 424., Folder 1 Greece Note Available on microfilm reel 511

Register of the American Relief 23001 312 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Folder 2 Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 511

Folder 3 Italy Note Available on microfilm reel 511

Folder 4-5 Poland Note Available on microfilm reels 511 and 512

Folder 6 Romania Note Available on microfilm reel 512

Box 425. Yugoslavia Folder 1-2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 512A and 513

Folder 3-4 Charts and reports Note Available on microfilm reel 513

Box 426. American Commission to Negotiate Peace General Folder 1-5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 514

Folder 6-7 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 514

Correspondence Folder 8 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 514

Folder 9 1918 December Note Available on microfilm reel 514

Folder 1919 Folder 10 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 514

Box 427., Folder 1 April-May Note Available on microfilm reel 515

Register of the American Relief 23001 313 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Folder 2 June-September Note Available on microfilm reel 515

Folder 3 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 515

Memoranda Folder 4 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 515

Folder 5 1919 January-November Note Available on microfilm reel 515

Folder 6 Messages Note Available on microfilm reel 515

Folder 7-8 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 515

Box 428., Minutes of meetings Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 516

Folder 3 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 516

Folder 4-5 Resolutions adopted by the Supreme Council Note Available on microfilm reel 516

Folder 6 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 516

Box 429., Folder 1 American Food Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 517

Folder 2 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 517

Folder 3 American Peace Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 517

Register of the American Relief 23001 314 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

American Red Cross Folder 4-5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 517

Correspondence Folder 6 1918 December Note Available on microfilm reel 518

Folder 7 1919 January-September Note Available on microfilm reel 518

Folder 8-10 Memoranda. Includes memoranda on the origin and status of the American National Red Cross and its relation to the American Expeditionary Forces in France Note Available on microfilm reel 518

Folder 11 Organizational records Note Available on microfilm reel 518

Folder 12 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 518

Box 430., Folder 1 Reports. Consists of a report on Herbert Hoover's relations with the American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 518

Folder 2 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 518

Folder 3 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 518

Business communication Folder 4-7 General Note Available on microfilm reels 518 and 519

Folder 8 Records of telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 519

Box 431., Folder 1 Clothing and dress Note Available on microfilm reel 520

Register of the American Relief 23001 315 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Coal General Folder 2-3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 520

Folder 4-5 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 520

Folder 6-8 Austria Note Available on microfilm reels 520 and 521

Box 432., Folder 1 Bohemia Note Available on microfilm reel 521

Folder 2 Bulgaria Note Available on microfilm reel 521

Folder 3-6 Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reels 521 and 522

Folder 7 Galatia Note Available on microfilm reel 522

Box 433., Folder 1 Galatia Note Available on microfilm reel 522

Folder 2 Germany Note Available on microfilm reel 522

Folder 3-4 Hungary Note Available on microfilm reels 522 and 523

Folder 5 Italy Note Available on microfilm reel 523

Folder 6 Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 523

Register of the American Relief 23001 316 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Folder 7 Romania Note Available on microfilm reel 523

Folder 8 Teschen Note Available on microfilm reel 523

Folder 9 Upper Silesia Note Available on microfilm reel 523

Folder 10 Yugoslavia Note Available on microfilm reel 523

Coal Mission General Folder 11 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 523

Box 434., Folder 1 1918 December-1919 April Note Available on microfilm reel 524

1919 Folder 2-4 May-June Note Available on microfilm reels 524 and 525

Box 435., June-August Folder 1-4 Note Available on microfilm reels 525 and 526

Folder 5 Contract Note Available on microfilm reel 526

Folder 6 Minutes of meetings. Includes related correspondence and memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 526

Folder 7 Report. Includes a report prepared by A. C. Goodyear, President of the Coal Commission of the Supreme Economic Council for the Territory Included in the Former Empire of Austria-Hungary and Poland, on the production and distribution of coal in Central Europe Note Available on microfilm reel 526

Box 436., Folder 1 Commerce Note Available on microfilm reel 526

Register of the American Relief 23001 317 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Commission for Relief in Belgium Folder 2 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 527

Folder 3 1918 March-December Note Available on microfilm reel 527

1919 Folder 4-5 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 527

Box 437., April-October Folder 1-4 Note Available on microfilm reels 528 and 529

Folder 5 Cotton, cottonseeds Note Available on microfilm reel 529

Box 438., Folder 1 Cotton, cottonseeds Note Available on microfilm reel 529

Folder 2 Europe - Foreign economic relations Note Available on microfilm reel 529

Folder 3 European Technical Advisers Note Available on microfilm reel 529

Folder 4 Fish Note Available on microfilm reel 530

Folder 5-7 Flour - France Note Available on microfilm reel 530

Gold - Germany. See World War, 1914-1918 - Confiscation and contributions - Germany Folder 8 Grains Note Available on microfilm reel 530

Folder 9 Hoover, Herbert Note Available on microfilm reel 530

Register of the American Relief 23001 318 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Inter-Allied Danube River Commission General Folder 10 General Note Available on microfilm reel 530

Folder 11 1918 September-1919 May Note Available on microfilm reel 530

Box 439., 1919 June-August Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 531

Folder 3-4 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reels 531 and 532

Inter-Allied Food Commission General Folder 5 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 532

1919 Folder 6 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 532

Box 440., April-September Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 532

Folder 3 Inventory of furniture Note Available on microfilm reel 532

Folder 4-5 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reels 532 and 533

Folder 6 Reports. Includes a report on conditions in Austria-Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 533

Folder 7 Inter-Allied Inland Waterway Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 533

Folder 8 International relief. Includes a report by A. B. Barber, Chief of distribution, ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 533

Register of the American Relief 23001 319 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Folder 9 International relief - Law and legislation - Europe Note Available on microfilm reel 533

Folder 10 International Rhineland High Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 533

Box 441., Folder 1 Lard Note Available on microfilm reel 534

Folder 2 Livestock Note Available on microfilm reel 534

Folder 3 Magnesite Note Available on microfilm reel 534

Messengers Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 534

Receipts Folder 5 Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 534

Folder 6 Sweden Note Available on microfilm reel 534

Register bills General Folder 7-9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 534

1919 Folder 10 June Note Available on microfilm reel 534

Folder 11 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 534

Box 442., Folder 1 Great Britain Note Available on microfilm reel 535

Register of the American Relief 23001 320 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Folder 2-4 United States Note Available on microfilm reel 535

Folder 5 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 535

Folder 6 Motion pictures Note Available on microfilm reel 535

Passports Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 535

Box 443., Folder 1 A-H. Includes papers relating to Herbert Hoover's passport Note Available on microfilm reel 536

Folder 2 I-N Note Available on microfilm reel 536

Folder 3 P-Z Note Available on microfilm reel 536

Pork General Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 536

Folder 5 1916-1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 537

Folder 6 1918 Note Available on microfilm reel 537

Box 444., 1919 January-June Folder 1-5 Note Available on microfilm reels 537 and 538

Folder 6 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 538

Register of the American Relief 23001 321 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Folder 7 Potatoes Note Available on microfilm reel 538

Box 445., Sugar Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 538

Taylor, Alonzo E. Folder 3 Articles Note Available on microfilm reel 538

Folder 4 Bibliography Note Available on microfilm reel 538

Folder 5 Biographical note Note Available on microfilm reel 538

Folder 6 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 538

Folder 7-9 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reels 538 and 539

Folder 10-12 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 539

Folder 13 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 539

Reports Folder 14 1918 December Note Available on microfilm reel 539

1919 Folder 15-16 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 539

Box 446., Folder 1 April-July Note Available on microfilm reel 539

Register of the American Relief 23001 322 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Folder 2 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 540

Folder 3 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 540

Folder 4 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 540

Folder 5 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 540

Transportation Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 540

Folder 7 Automobile Note Available on microfilm reel 540

Folder 8 Rhine Note Available on microfilm reel 540

Folder 9 Water Note Available on microfilm reel 541

Box 447. United States. Army Folder 1-2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 541

Folder 3-4 Food Note Available on microfilm reel 541

Liquidation Commission Folder 5-6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 542

1919 Folder 7 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 542

Register of the American Relief 23001 323 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Box 448., Folder 1 June-August Note Available on microfilm reel 542

Folder 2 Purchases Note Available on microfilm reel 542

Supplies General Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 543

Folder 4-5 1918 November-1919 April Note Available on microfilm reel 543

1919 Folder 6 May-July Note Available on microfilm reel 543

Box 449., Folder 1 August-September Note Available on microfilm reel 543

Folder 2 Report Note Available on microfilm reel 543

Folder 3 Transport Note Available on microfilm reel 544

United States. Department of State General General Folder 4 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 544

Folder 5 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 544

Folder 6 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 544

Box 450., Folder 1 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 545

Register of the American Relief 23001 324 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Press and political reviews Folder 2-3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 545

Folder 4 Archangel. Includes cities of Nuorteva, Omsk, and Vladivostok Note Available on microfilm reel 545

Folder 5 Athens Note Available on microfilm reel 545

Folder 6 Belgium Note Available on microfilm reel 545

Folder 7 Belgrade Note Available on microfilm reel 545

Folder 8-9 Berlin Note Available on microfilm reel 545

Folder 10 Berne Note Available on microfilm reel 546

Box 451., Berne Folder 1-4 Note Available on microfilm reel 546

Folder 5 Bucharest Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Folder 6 Budapest Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Folder 7 Cairo Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Folder 8 Calcutta Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Folder 9 Christiania Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Register of the American Relief 23001 325 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Folder 10 Coblenz Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Folder 11 Constantinople Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Folder 12 Copenhagen Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Box 452., Folder 1 Copenhagen Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Folder 2 Danzig Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Folder 3 Helsingfors Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Folder 4 Gothenburg Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Folder 5-6 Hague Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Folder 7 Libau Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Folder 8 Lisbon Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Folder 9 London Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Folder 10 New York Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Folder 11 Odessa Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Register of the American Relief 23001 326 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Folder 12 Palma Note Available on microfilm reel 547

Folder 13 Paris Note Available on microfilm reel 548

Folder 14 Posen Note Available on microfilm reel 548

Folder 15 Prague Note Available on microfilm reel 548

Folder 16 Reval Note Available on microfilm reel 548

Box 453., Folder 1 Rotterdam Note Available on microfilm reel 548

Folder 2-3 Rome Note Available on microfilm reel 548

Folder 4 Salonica Note Available on microfilm reel 548

Folder 5 Sofia Note Available on microfilm reel 548

Folder 6-8 Stockholm Note Available on microfilm reel 548

Box 454., Folder 1 Stockholm Note Available on microfilm reel 549

Folder 2 Tiflis Note Available on microfilm reel 549

Folder 3 Trieste Note Available on microfilm reel 549

Register of the American Relief 23001 327 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Folder 4-5 Vienna Note Available on microfilm reel 549

Folder 6 Warsaw Note Available on microfilm reel 549

Folder 7-8 Washington Note Available on microfilm reel 549

Box 455. United States. Food Administration Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 550

Folder 2 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 550

Folder 3 Inventory Note Available on microfilm reel 550

Folder 4 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 550

Folder 5 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 550

Folder 6 Receipt Note Available on microfilm reel 550

Folder 7 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 550

Folder 8 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 550

Folder 9 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 550

United States. Navy Folder 10 Press and political reviews Note Available on microfilm reel 550

Register of the American Relief 23001 328 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Folder 11-12 Supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 550

Folder 13-14 United States. Shipping Board Note Available on microfilm reel 550

Folder 15 United States. War Department Note Available on microfilm reel 551

Box 456., United States. War Trade Board Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 551

United States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 551

Folder 3-4 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 551

Folder 5 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 551

Folder 6 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 551

Folder 7-8 Waterways Note Available on microfilm reel 551

Folder 9 Wheat Note Available on microfilm reel 552

Box 457., Folder 1 Wheat Note Available on microfilm reel 552

World War, 1914-1918 - Armistices Folder 2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 552

Folder 3 Austria-Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 552

Register of the American Relief 23001 329 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Folder 4 Bulgaria Note Available on microfilm reel 552

Folder 5 Germany Note Available on microfilm reel 552

Folder 6 Romania-Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 552

World War, 1914-1918 - Confiscation and contributions - Germany Folder 7-8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 552

Folder 9 Dossier Note Available on microfilm reel 553

Box 458. 1 Dossier Note Available on microfilm reel 553

World War, 1914-1918 - Peace Folder 2-3 General. Includes address, clippings, correspondence, interview, memoranda, note, speech, statement, and telegrams stating Herbert Hoover's views on the Treaty situation Note Available on microfilm reel 553

Treaties Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 553

Folder 5-6 Austria Note Available on microfilm reels 553 and 554

Box 459., Germany Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reels 554A and 555

Folder 3 Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 555

Folder 4 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 555

Register of the American Relief 23001 330 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Folder 5 World War, 1914-1918 - Peace (Berne) Note Available on microfilm reel 555

World War, 1914-1918 - Peace (Brussels) Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 555

Folder 7 Agreements Note Available on microfilm reel 555

Folder 8 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 555

Folder 9-11 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 555

Box 460., Minutes of meetings Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 555

Folder 3 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 555

World War, 1914-1918 - Peace (Spa) Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 555

Folder 5 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 555

Folder 6 Instructions to the delegates at the Spa Conference Note Available on microfilm reel 556

Folder 7 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 556

Folder 8 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 556

Register of the American Relief 23001 331 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Folder 9 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 556

Folder 10 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 556

Folder 11 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 556

Folder 12 Telegram Note Available on microfilm reel 556

World War, 1914-1918 - Peace (Trèves) Folder 13 General Note Available on microfilm reel 556

Folder 14 Agreement Note Available on microfilm reel 556

Folder 15 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 556

Folder 16 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 556

Folder 17 Statement Note Available on microfilm reel 556

World War, 1914-1918 - Peace (Versailles) Folder 18 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 556

Folder 19 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 556

Folder 20 World War, 1914-1918 - Prisoners and prisons Note Available on microfilm reel 556

Folder 21 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 556

Register of the American Relief 23001 332 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PARIS OFFICE SUBJECT FILE, 1914-1937.

Box No. 461-465. RIGA OFFICE FILE, 1920-1923 Note Available on microfilm reels 557-560A Scope and Content Note Accounts, cables, claims, clippings, letters, memoranda, orders, records, receipts, and reports, arranged alphabetically by physical form

Box 461. Accounts and receipts. Includes correspondence Folder 1 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 557

1922 Folder 2 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 557

Folder 3 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 557

Folder 4 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 557

Cables Folder 5 General, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 557

Folder 6 From Danzig, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 557A

Folder 7 From Hamburg, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 557A

Folder 8 From Libau (Liepaja), 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 557A

Folder 9 From Reval (Tallinn), 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 557A

Box 462., Folder 1 From Warsaw, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 558

Register of the American Relief 23001 333 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 RIGA OFFICE FILE, 1920-1923

Folder 2 From Windau (Ventspils), 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 558

Correspondence. Letters and telegrams 1921 Folder 3 January-August Note Available on microfilm reel 558

Folder 4 September-December Note Available on microfilm reel 558

1922 Folder 5 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 558

Folder 6 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 558

Folder 7 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 558

Folder 8 Executive orders, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 558

Box 463. Insurance claims. Includes correspondence General Folder 1 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 558

Folder 2 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 559

Folder 3 H. Ehmcke, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 559

Folder 4 Memoranda, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 559

Folder 5 Newspaper clippings, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 559

Register of the American Relief 23001 334 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 RIGA OFFICE FILE, 1920-1923

Folder 6 Packing lists, 1921-1923. Includes correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 559

Reports Folder 7 General, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 559

Folder 8 Estonia, 1922(?) Note Available on microfilm reel 559

Folder 9 Latvia, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 559

Port operations Folder 10 Libau (Liepaja), 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 559

Folder 11 Reval (Tallinn), 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 559

Folder 12 Riga, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 559

Folder 13 Windau (Ventspils), 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 559

Folder 14 Russia, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 559

Box 464., Folder 1 Shipment orders, 1921-1923. Includes correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 559

Subject file. Consists largely of correspondence Estonian Children's Relief Association Folder 2 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 560

Folder 3 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 560

Register of the American Relief 23001 335 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 RIGA OFFICE FILE, 1920-1923

Folder 4 Finland, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 560

Food supplies Folder 5 Latvia, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 560

Folder 6 Russia, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 560

Folder 7 Gasoline and oil, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 560

Folder 8 Harbor conditions, 1921-1922. Includes records on interruption of navigation Note Available on microfilm reel 560

Box 465., Folder 1 Lithuania, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 560

Oil. See Gasoline Folder 2 Photography, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 560

Folder 3 Publicity, 1922. Typescript stories written about the ARA by Nellie E. Gardner Note Available on microfilm reel 560

Folder 4 Radio, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 560

Folder 5 Railways, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 560

Folder 6 Stevedoring, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 560

Folder 7 Sugar, 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 560

Folder 8 Telegraph service, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 560A

Register of the American Relief 23001 336 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 RIGA OFFICE FILE, 1920-1923

Folder 9 Telephone service, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 560A

Warehouses Folder 10 General, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 560A

Folder 11 Reval (Tallinn), 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 560A

Folder 12 Riga, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 560A

Folder 13 Weight and value records, 1920-1923. Includes correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 560A

Box No. 466-472. WASHINGTON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1921-1928 Note Available on microfilm reels 560A-567 Scope and Content Note Letters sent and received by the Washington Office, arranged chronologically

Box 466. General 1921 Folder 1 March Note Available on microfilm reel 560A

Folder 2 April Note Available on microfilm reel 560A

Folder 3 May Note Available on microfilm reel 561

Folder 4 June Note Available on microfilm reel 561

Folder 5 July Note Available on microfilm reel 561


Register of the American Relief 23001 337 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 WASHINGTON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1921-1928

Folder 6 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 561

Box 467., Folder 1 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 561

September Folder 2 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 562

Folder 3 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 562

October Folder 4 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 562

Folder 5 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 562

Box 468. November Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 562

Folder 2 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 562

December Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 563

Folder 4 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 563

1922 January Folder 5 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 563

Folder 6 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 563

Register of the American Relief 23001 338 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 WASHINGTON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1921-1928

Box 469. February Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 563

Folder 2 16-28 Note Available on microfilm reel 563

March Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 564

Folder 4 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 564

April Folder 5 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 564

Folder 6 16-29 Note Available on microfilm reel 564

May Folder 7 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 564

Folder 8 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 564

Box 470. June Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 564

Folder 2 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 564

July Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 565

Register of the American Relief 23001 339 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 WASHINGTON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1921-1928

Folder 4 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 565

August Folder 5 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 565

Folder 6 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 565

September Folder 7 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 565

Folder 8 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 565

October Folder 9 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 565

Folder 10 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 565

Box 471. November Folder 1 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 565

Folder 2 16-29 Note Available on microfilm reel 565

December Folder 3 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 565

Folder 4 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 566

1923 January

Register of the American Relief 23001 340 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 WASHINGTON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1921-1928

Folder 5 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 566

Folder 6 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 566

February Folder 7 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 566

Folder 8 16-28 Note Available on microfilm reel 566

March Folder 9 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 566

Folder 10 16-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 566

April Folder 11 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 566

Folder 12 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 566

Box 472., Folder 1 May Note Available on microfilm reel 566

Folder 2 June Note Available on microfilm reel 566

Folder 3 July Note Available on microfilm reel 566

Folder 4 August Note Available on microfilm reel 567

Register of the American Relief 23001 341 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 WASHINGTON OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE, 1921-1928

Folder 5 September Note Available on microfilm reel 567

Folder 6 October Note Available on microfilm reel 567

Folder 7 November Note Available on microfilm reel 567

Folder 8 December Note Available on microfilm reel 567

1924 Folder 9 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 567

Folder 10 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 567

Folder 11 1925 Note Available on microfilm reel 567

Folder 12 1926 Note Available on microfilm reel 567

Folder 13 1927 Note Available on microfilm reel 567

Folder 14 1928 Note Available on microfilm reel 567

Folder 15 Insurance agreements, 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 567

Box No. 473-477. APPRECIATION FILE, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 568-572 Scope and Content Note Expressions of gratitude in the form of drawings, letters, and postcards received by the ARA headquarters from Central and East European recipients of assistance, arranged by country, region, age category, or professional association

Register of the American Relief 23001 342 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 APPRECIATION FILE, 1919-1923

Box 473. Austria Folder 1-5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 568

Children Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 568

Box 474., General Folder 1-5 Note Available on microfilm reel 569

Folder 6 European Children Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 569

Folder 7-8 Schools Note Available on microfilm reel 569

Box 475., Folder 1 Schools Note Available on microfilm reel 570

Folder 2-4 Intelligentsia Note Available on microfilm reel 570

Folder 5 Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 570

Folder 6 Estonia Note Available on microfilm reel 570

Folder 7 Great Britain Note Available on microfilm reel 571

Box 476., Hungary Folder 1-5 Note Available on microfilm reel 571

Box 477., Folder 1 Latvia Note Available on microfilm reel 572

Folder 2 Lithuania - Jews Note Available on microfilm reel 572

Register of the American Relief 23001 343 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 APPRECIATION FILE, 1919-1923

Poland General Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 572

Folder 4 American Independence Day celebrations Note Available on microfilm reel 572

Folder 5-7 Government officials Note Available on microfilm reel 572

Folder 8-9 Intelligentsia Note Available on microfilm reel 572

Folder 10 Romania Note Available on microfilm reel 572

Folder 11 United States Note Available on microfilm reel 572

Box No. 478-488. SAWTELLE FILE, 1919-1929 Note Available on microfilm reels 573-583 Scope and Content Note Office files of secretary and treasurer Raymond H. Sawtelle, arranged by physical form

Box 478. Accounting records Folder 1 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 573

Folder 2 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 573

Folder 3 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 573

Folder 4 Audit reports - Missions (Riga, Warsaw, Vienna, Paris), 1923 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 573

Balance sheets General 1923

Register of the American Relief 23001 344 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 SAWTELLE FILE, 1919-1929

Folder 5 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 573

Folder 6 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 573

Folder 7 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 573

Folder 8 October-December Note Available on microfilm reel 573

1924 Folder 9 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 573

Folder 10 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 573

Folder 11 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 573

Folder 12 October-December Note Available on microfilm reel 573

Folder 13 Trial balance Note Available on microfilm reel 573

Box 479., Folder 1 Bland's financial report Note Available on microfilm reel 574

Folder 2 Cargo statements Note Available on microfilm reel 574

Folder 3 Commodity protection sheets Note Available on microfilm reel 574

Folder 4 Comptroller statements Note Available on microfilm reel 574

Register of the American Relief 23001 345 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 SAWTELLE FILE, 1919-1929

Folder 5 Expense sheets - Europe Note Available on microfilm reel 574

Folder 6 Financial transactions sheets Note Available on microfilm reel 574

Food delivery receipts Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 574

Folder 8 Drafts Note Available on microfilm reel 574

Folder 9 Remittance receipts Note Available on microfilm reel 574

Folder 10 Incorporation forms and designations Note Available on microfilm reel 574

Insurance claims forms, 1920-1926 Folder 11 General Note Available on microfilm reel 574

Box 480., Folder 1 Near East cargoes Note Available on microfilm reel 575

Folder 2 Russian personnel Note Available on microfilm reel 575

Folder 3 War risk Note Available on microfilm reel 575

Folder 4 Liabilities contingent files, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 575

Liquidation files, 1922 Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 575

Register of the American Relief 23001 346 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 SAWTELLE FILE, 1919-1929

Folder 6 Armenia. Report Note Available on microfilm reel 575

London office Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 575

Folder 8 Accounting records Note Available on microfilm reel 575

Folder 9 Balance sheets Note Available on microfilm reel 575

Folder 10 McGarrah files Note Available on microfilm reel 575

Box 481., Folder 1 Memoranda. Flesh, Edward Note Available on microfilm reel 575

Minutes of meetings Folder 2 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 576

Folder 3 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 576

Folder 4 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 576

Folder 5 1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 576

Folder 6 1925-1926 Note Available on microfilm reel 576

Folder 7 1928-1929 Note Available on microfilm reel 576

Folder 8 Office records. Moscow Note Available on microfilm reel 576

Register of the American Relief 23001 347 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 SAWTELLE FILE, 1919-1929

Resources and liabilities statements Folder 9 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 576

1922 Folder 10 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 576

Folder 11 June-October Note Available on microfilm reel 576

Box 482., Folder 1 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 576

Subject file Folder 2 Affiliated organizations Note Available on microfilm reel 576

Folder 3 American Child Health Association Note Available on microfilm reel 576

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Folder 4 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 577

Folder 5 1923-1926 Note Available on microfilm reel 577

Folder 6 Armenia Note Available on microfilm reel 577

Folder 7 Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 577

Folder 8 Baptists Note Available on microfilm reel 577

Folder 9 Catholics Note Available on microfilm reel 577

Register of the American Relief 23001 348 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 SAWTELLE FILE, 1919-1929

Folder 10 Commonwealth Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 577

Folder 11 Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 577

Folder 12 Danzig Note Available on microfilm reel 577

Folder 13 Estonia Note Available on microfilm reel 577

European Children's Fund, 1919-1921 General Folder 14 Accounts statements. Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 577

Folder 15 Auditors statements Note Available on microfilm reel 577

Folder 16 Balance sheets Note Available on microfilm reel 577

Folder 17 Cash reports Note Available on microfilm reel 577

Folder 18 Estimates reports Note Available on microfilm reel 577

Folder 19 Expenditure receipts Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Folder 20 Financial report Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Folder 21 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Register of the American Relief 23001 349 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 SAWTELLE FILE, 1919-1929

Folder 22 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Folder 23 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Folder 24 Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Folder 25 Clothing program Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Folder 26 Donations Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Folder 27 Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Folder 28 Serbs, Croats, Slovenes Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Folder 29 Wilson, Woodrow Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Box 483., Folder 1 European Students Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Folder 2 Finland Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Folder 3 Foreign governments. Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Folder 4 Friends Service Committee Folder 5 Germany Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Gray Revolving Fund

Register of the American Relief 23001 350 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 SAWTELLE FILE, 1919-1929

Folder 6 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 578

Folder 7 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 579

Folder 8 Hungary. Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 579

Folder 9 Hyslop & McCallum Note Available on microfilm reel 579

Box 484., Folder 1 Latvia. Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 579

Folder 2 Lithuania. Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 579

Folder 3 Lutherans. National Lutheran Council of America Note Available on microfilm reel 579

Folder 4 Mennonites Note Available on microfilm reel 579

Poland Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 579

Folder 6 Warsaw Office Note Available on microfilm reel 579

Folder 7 President's National Security and Defense Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 579

Folder 8 Publicity Note Available on microfilm reel 579

Folder 9 Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 579

Register of the American Relief 23001 351 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 SAWTELLE FILE, 1919-1929

Box 485., Folder 1 Romania Note Available on microfilm reel 580

Russia, 1920-1923 General Folder 2 Remittances Note Available on microfilm reel 580

Settlement accounts Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 580

Folder 4-5 Appropriation for seed grain Note Available on microfilm reel 580

Folder 6-7 Final settlement Note Available on microfilm reel 580

Folder 8 Government payments Note Available on microfilm reel 580

Box 486. Gold Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 580

Folder 2 Soviet Note Available on microfilm reel 581

Folder 3 Ukrainian Note Available on microfilm reel 581

Russian Food and Clothing Remittance Company Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 581

Folder 5-6 Remittances Note Available on microfilm reel 581

Trial balances Folder 7 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 581

Register of the American Relief 23001 352 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 SAWTELLE FILE, 1919-1929

Folder 8 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 581

Box 487. 1 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 581

Serbia Folder 2 Final settlement Note Available on microfilm reel 581

Folder 3 Freight account Note Available on microfilm reel 582

Folder 4 Smart & Company Note Available on microfilm reel 582

Technical advisers, 1920-1923 Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 582

Folder 6 Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 582

Folder 7 Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 582

Poland Folder 8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 582

Folder 9 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 582

Box 488., Folder 1 Serbia Note Available on microfilm reel 582

Warehouses, 1920-1921 General Folder 2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 582

Register of the American Relief 23001 353 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 SAWTELLE FILE, 1919-1929

Folder 3 Auditors statements Note Available on microfilm reel 582

Folder 4 Banks list Note Available on microfilm reel 582

Folder 5 Bank reconcilement statement Note Available on microfilm reel 582

Folder 6 Circulars Note Available on microfilm reel 582

Folder 7 Commodity inventories Note Available on microfilm reel 582

Food drafts Folder 8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 582

Folder 9 Bids Note Available on microfilm reel 582

Folder 10 Profit statements Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 11 Amalgamation of stocks Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 12 American Bankers Association Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 13 Competitors Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 14 Contents of food packages Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 15 Cost of feeding one child Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Register of the American Relief 23001 354 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 SAWTELLE FILE, 1919-1929

Folder 16 Criticism Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 17 Financial position Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 18 Food conditions in Europe Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 19 Liquidation Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 20 Overhead expenses Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 21 Purchases Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 22 Routine and procedure Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Sales Folder 23 General Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 24 Geographical distribution Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 25 Stocks and supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 26 Surplus files Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 27 Young Men's Christian Associations Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 28 Yugoslavia Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Register of the American Relief 23001 355 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 SAWTELLE FILE, 1919-1929

Box No. 489-490. TRUSTEES AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FILE, 1921-1936 Note Available on microfilm reels 583-585 Scope and Content Note Annual reports, correspondence, legal documents, lists of trustees, officers and members, memoranda, and minutes of meetings relating to the activities of the Trustees and Executive Committee of the ARA, arranged alphabetically by physical form

Box 489. Annual reports of the Executive Committee Folder 1 1922 April 5 Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 2 1923 April 4 Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 3 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 4 Legal documents Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 5 Lists of trustees, officers and members Note Available on microfilm reel 583

Folder 6 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Minutes of meetings General. Includes meetings of trustees, officers and members 1921 Folder 7 October 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Folder 8 November 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Folder 9 1922 June 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Folder 10 1923 April 5 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Register of the American Relief 23001 356 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 TRUSTEES AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FILE, 1921-1936

Executive Committee Folder 11 1921-1923, including material from special meeting of 1922 July 30 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Folder 12 1926 March 16. Includes memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Folder 13 1928 February 1. Includes memoranda, insurance and financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 584

1929 Folder 14 March 19 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Folder 15 May 20 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Folder 16 1930 May 23 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

1933 Folder 17 March 3 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Folder 18 April 28 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Box 490., Folder 1 1935 February 14, including letter from Herbert Hoover regarding collection of material for Hoover War Library Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Folder 2 1936 February 19 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Folder 3 1937 February 4 Officers 1922 Folder 4 March 11 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Register of the American Relief 23001 357 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 TRUSTEES AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FILE, 1921-1936

Folder 5 April 5 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Folder 6 October 24 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Folder 7 December 16 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Folder 8 1923 January 26 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Trustees 1921 Folder 9 June 1. Includes memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Folder 10 September 13 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

1922 Folder 11 February 2 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Folder 12 April 5 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

Folder 13 October 24 Note Available on microfilm reel 584

1923 Folder 14 January 27 Note Available on microfilm reel 585

Folder 15 April 4 Note Available on microfilm reel 585

Folder 16 September 26 Note Available on microfilm reel 585

Register of the American Relief 23001 358 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 TRUSTEES AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FILE, 1921-1936

Folder 17 November 8 Note Available on microfilm reel 585

Folder 18 1924 April 2 Note Available on microfilm reel 585

Folder 19 1925 April 1. Includes balance sheet from 1924 December 31 Note Available on microfilm reel 585

Box No. 491-614. GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937 Note Available on microfilm reels 585-729 Scope and Content Note Acknowledgments, addresses, agreements, appeals, by-laws, cables, correspondence, financial records, fundraising records, histories, liquidation papers, maps, memoranda, minutes of meetings, motion picture file, personnel records, publicity records, reports, shipping records, and statistical records, arranged alphabetically by country or city, and therein by physical form. Includes a Chairman's file related to activities of Herbert Hoover

Box 491. General Folder 1-2 Acknowledgments Note Available on microfilm reel 585

Folder 3 Addresses of ARA offices in Europe Note Available on microfilm reel 585

Agreements General Folder 4 Relating to the General Program, 1919 November 20 Note Available on microfilm reel 585

Folder 5 With different countries and organizations Note Available on microfilm reel 585

Folder 6 Deutscher Zentralausschuss für die Amerika-Hilfe, 1920 January 9 Note Available on microfilm reel 585

Folder 7 Stanford University, 1936 Note Available on microfilm reel 585

Folder 8 United States Grain Corporation, 1919 March 13 Note Available on microfilm reel 585

Register of the American Relief 23001 359 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 9 Appeals Note Available on microfilm reel 586

Folder 10 By-laws Note Available on microfilm reel 586

Box 492. Cables General General General Folder 1 Cable addresses Note Available on microfilm reel 586

Folder 2 Digest of cables Note Available on microfilm reel 586

Folder 3 Commercial Cable Co. against Albert S. Burleson and Newcomb Carlton Note Available on microfilm reel 586

Folder 4-7 Berlin Office Note Available on microfilm reel 586

Folder 8 Bucharest Office Note Available on microfilm reel 586

Folder 9 Budapest Office Note Available on microfilm reel 586

Folder 10 Helsinki Office Note Available on microfilm reel 586

Box 493. London Office Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 587

Incoming Note Available on microfilm reel 587

Folder 2-7 New York Office Note Available on microfilm reel 587

Register of the American Relief 23001 360 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Box 494. 1-3 Paris Office Note Available on microfilm reel 588

Outgoing Folder 4 Moscow Note Available on microfilm reel 588

Folder 5-7 Paris Office Note Available on microfilm reel 588

Folder 8-9 New York Office Note Available on microfilm reel 589

Box 495. New York Office Incoming Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 589

Folder 2-3 London Office Note Available on microfilm reel 589

Folder 4 Paris Office, including cables from Herbert Hoover Note Available on microfilm reel 589

Outgoing Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 589

Folder 6 Hamburg Note Available on microfilm reel 589

Folder 7-9 London Office. Includes summary of cables to London Note Available on microfilm reel 590

Box 496-497. London office Note Available on microfilm reels 590-592

Box 498., London Office Folder 1-4 Note Available on microfilm reel 593

Register of the American Relief 23001 361 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 5-7 Moscow Note Available on microfilm reels 593 and 594

Box 499., Paris Office Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reel 594

Paris Office Folder 4-7 Incoming cables. Mostly from London Office, including cables to Herbert Hoover Note Available on microfilm reels 594 and 595

Box 500. Outgoing Folder 1-2 General. Includes cables from Herbert Hoover to the New York Office Note Available on microfilm reel 595

Folder 3-5 London Office Note Available on microfilm reels 595 and 596

Folder 6 Moscow Note Available on microfilm reel 596

Folder 7-9 New York Office Note Available on microfilm reel 596

Box 501., New York Office Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reel 597

Folder 4 Prague Office Note Available on microfilm reel 597

Folder 5 Riga Office Note Available on microfilm reel 597

Folder 6 Rotterdam Office Note Available on microfilm reel 597

Russian Unit Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 597

Register of the American Relief 23001 362 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 8 Summary of cables to Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 597

Folder 9 Vienna Office Note Available on microfilm reel 598

Folder 10 Warsaw Office Note Available on microfilm reel 598

Codes. Includes cables about codes Folder 11 General Note Available on microfilm reel 598

Folder 12 Bell (France) Note Available on microfilm reel 598

Folder 13 Jointdisco Note Available on microfilm reel 598

Box 502., Folder 1 Jointdisco Note Available on microfilm reel 598

Folder 2 Jowien Note Available on microfilm reel 598

Folder 3 Lordy Note Available on microfilm reel 598

Folder 4 PKKP Note Available on microfilm reel 598

Folder 5 POD Note Available on microfilm reel 598

Folder 6 Tille Note Available on microfilm reel 598

Folder 7 Tordy Note Available on microfilm reel 598

Register of the American Relief 23001 363 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 8 Tursley Note Available on microfilm reel 598

Folder 9 Vinchild (Austria) Note Available on microfilm reel 598

Individuals Folder 10 Brown, L. B. Note Available on microfilm reel 598

Folder 11 Bryant, M. C. Note Available on microfilm reel 598

Folder 12 Gibson, Hugh Note Available on microfilm reel 599

Folder 13 Krueger, J. W. Note Available on microfilm reel 599

Folder 14 Logan, J. A. Note Available on microfilm reel 599

Folder 15 Poland, W. B. Note Available on microfilm reel 599

Folder 16 Rickard, Edgar Note Available on microfilm reel 599

Folder 17 Sherman E. Note Available on microfilm reel 599

Folder 18 Speyer, James Note Available on microfilm reel 599

Folder 19 Tumulti, Joseph P. Note Available on microfilm reel 599

Organizations Folder 20 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 599

Register of the American Relief 23001 364 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

European Children's Fund Folder 21-22 General Note Available on microfilm reel 599

Box 503., Folder 1 Belgrade (Yugoslavia) (black) Note Available on microfilm reel 599

Folder 2 Bucharest (blue) Note Available on microfilm reel 599

Budapest (Hungary) Folder 3 Gold Note Available on microfilm reel 599

Folder 4 Yellow Note Available on microfilm reel 600

Folder 5 Fundraising (war chest) Note Available on microfilm reel 600

Folder 6 Hamburg Note Available on microfilm reel 600

Paris (France) Folder 7 Fruit Note Available on microfilm reel 600

Folder 8 Orange Note Available on microfilm reel 600

Folder 9 Prague (Czechoslovakia) (pink) Note Available on microfilm reel 600

Folder 10 Riga (Latvia) (rose) Note Available on microfilm reel 600

Folder 11 Warsaw (Poland) (white) Note Available on microfilm reel 600

Register of the American Relief 23001 365 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 12 United States. Department of State. Foreign Press Service Note Available on microfilm reel 600

Folder 13 United States. Food Administration Note Available on microfilm reel 600

Folder 14-15 United States. Legation (Czechoslovakia) Note Available on microfilm reel 600

Box 504., United States. Legation (Czechoslovakia) Folder 1-5 Note Available on microfilm reel 601

Folder 6-7 United States. Mission to France Note Available on microfilm reel 602

Folder 8 United States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 602

Box 505. Subjects Folder 1 Agriculture Note Available on microfilm reel 602

Folder 2 American Friends Service Committee. Includes Friends Society and Friends Service Note Available on microfilm reel 602

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 602

Folder 4 Relief in Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 602

Folder 5-6 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reels 602 and 603

American Relief Administration General Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 603

Register of the American Relief 23001 366 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 8 Addresses Note Available on microfilm reel 603

Folder 9 Instructions Note Available on microfilm reel 603

Folder 10 Press release Note Available on microfilm reel 603

Box 506., Folder 1 Program Note Available on microfilm reel 603

Folder 2 Provisional invoices Note Available on microfilm reel 603

Folder 3 Questionnaire Note Available on microfilm reel 603

Reports Folder 4-5 General Note Available on microfilm reels 603 and 604

Folder 6 Clothing delivery Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Folder 7 Commodity Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Folder 8 To Congress Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Folder 9 Financial Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Folder 10 Fiscal Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Folder 11 Medical Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Register of the American Relief 23001 367 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 12 Russian Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Folder 13 Statistical Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Folder 14 Statistical statement Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Folder 15 Achievements Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Folder 16 Appropriations Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Folder 17 Attorney. Includes US Attorney General Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Folder 18 Books Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Finance Credits Folder 19 General Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Folder 20 Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Folder 21 Loans Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Folder 22 Payments Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Folder 23-24 History and policy Note Available on microfilm reel 604

Box 507., History and policy Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reels 604 and 605

Register of the American Relief 23001 368 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 3 Incorporation Note Available on microfilm reel 605

Folder 4 Personnel Note Available on microfilm reel 605

Folder 5-7 Policy Note Available on microfilm reel 605

Folder 8 Power of attorney Note Available on microfilm reel 605

Folder 9 Proxies Note Available on microfilm reel 605

Folder 10 Purchasing Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 605

Folder 11 Antwerp (Belgium) Note Available on microfilm reel 605

Folder 12 Argentina Note Available on microfilm reel 605

Folder 13 Associated Press Note Available on microfilm reel 605

Folder 14 Atwood, Mrs. Note Available on microfilm reel 605

Folder 15 Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 605

Folder 16 Aviation - Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 605

Folder 17 Barber, A. B. Note Available on microfilm reel 605

Register of the American Relief 23001 369 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 18 Beans and peas Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Box 508., Folder 1 Bland, Raymond Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 2 Boyden Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 3 Brooks, Sabina Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 4 Bucharest (Romania) Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 5 Burnett, F. H. Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 6 Cantacuzene, Princess Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 7 Carroll, Philip Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 8 Chambers, Walter M. Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 9 Chatfield, F. H. Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 10 Cheese Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 11 Children debilitated Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Children's relief Folder 12 General Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Register of the American Relief 23001 370 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Feeding Folder 13 General Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 14 Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 15 Baltic states Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 16 Belorussia Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 17 Crimea Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 18 Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 19 Danzig Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 20 Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 21 Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 22 Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 23 Serbia Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 24 Ukraine Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 25 Coe, C. S. Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Register of the American Relief 23001 371 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 26 Commerce Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 27 Commonwealth Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 28 Communications Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 29 Czechoslovak expert account Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 30 Dawson, Conigsby Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 31 Deliveries Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 32 Dickenson, Thomas H. Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 33 Dodge Auto Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 34 European Technical Advisers Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 35 Expert advisers (mostly Serbian) Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 36 Fauntleroy, Cedric E. Note Available on microfilm reel 606

Folder 37 Flesh, Edward Note Available on microfilm reel 607

Folder 38 Fletcher Note Available on microfilm reel 607

Box 509. Flour. See Wheat

Register of the American Relief 23001 372 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Food Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 607

Folder 2 Prices Note Available on microfilm reel 607

Folder 3 Program Note Available on microfilm reel 607

Folder 4 Situation Note Available on microfilm reel 607

Folder 5 Supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 607

Folder 6 Food Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 607

Folder 7 Food Council Note Available on microfilm reel 607

Folder 8 Fuller, Addaline Baker Note Available on microfilm reel 607

Folder 9 Funds Note Available on microfilm reel 607

Folder 10 Galpin, Perrin Note Available on microfilm reel 607

Folder 11-13 Germany Note Available on microfilm reels 607 and 608

Folder 14 Goodrich, James P. Note Available on microfilm reel 608

Folder 15 Goodyear, A. C. Note Available on microfilm reel 608

Register of the American Relief 23001 373 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 16 Goodyear Company Note Available on microfilm reel 608

Folder 17-18 Great Britain. Includes British troops in Armenia Note Available on microfilm reel 608

Box 510., Folder 1 Great Western Sugar Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 608

Folder 2 Gutterson, H. L. Note Available on microfilm reel 608

Folder 3 Hainisch, Vienna Haan Note Available on microfilm reel 608

Folder 4 Hallowell Note Available on microfilm reel 608

Folder 5 Heinz, Howard, Mrs. Note Available on microfilm reel 608

Folder 6 Howard, George F. Note Available on microfilm reel 608

Folder 7 Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Intelligentsia Folder 8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 9 Clothing Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 10 Jackson, Robert Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 11 Japan Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Register of the American Relief 23001 374 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 12 Jewish Committee for Relief in Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 13 Jewish question Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 14 Jewish refugees Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 15 Jews Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 16 Jordan, David Starr Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 17 Kellogg, Vernon Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 18 Lard and lard substitutes Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 19 Locomotives Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 20 Macy, Mr. Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Meat products Folder 21 Beef Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 22 Corned beef Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 23 Mexico Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 24 Milk Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Register of the American Relief 23001 375 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 25 Millerand, Alexandre Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 26 Mitchell, Mowatt M. Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 27 Mullendore, Rickard Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 28 Near East Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 29 Oats Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 30 Oil. Includes olive oil Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 31 Packers Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 32 Passports Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Folder 33 Pearl, Lewis Note Available on microfilm reel 609

Box 511., Folder 1 Peden, E. A. Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 2 Perejaslaw (Ukraine) Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 3 Plates Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 4 Platt, T. E. Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Register of the American Relief 23001 376 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 5 Plaugemill Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 6 Pletnova Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 7 Plotkin, Rubin Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 8 Plushoff, Galina Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 9 Pocahontas Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 10-11 Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 12 Poland, W. B. Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 13 Poland. Kasa Pozyczkaja Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 14 Poland. Komisja Zakupow Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 15 Poland. Konsulat (New York) Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 16 Poland. Legacja (United States) Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 17 Poland. Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 18 Poland. Misja (United States) Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Register of the American Relief 23001 377 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 19 Poland. Narodowy Komitet Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 20 Polanska, Miss Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 21 Polish American Relief Association Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 22 Polish American Society Orphans Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 23 Polish Economic Bulletin Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 24 Polk, F. Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 25 Polmatier, Earl W. Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 26 Poltava (Ukraine) Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 27 Pomeroy Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 28 Poole Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 29 Pope, Thomas L. Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 30 Porter, John Hart Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 31 Portland (Oregon) Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Register of the American Relief 23001 378 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 32 Ports Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 33 Post, E. M. Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 34 Post, Frank S. Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 35 Postal meters Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 36 Posters Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 37 Potash Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 38 Poti (Georgia) Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 39 Pottle, William, Mrs. Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 40 Povarchik, Schmuel Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 41 Potatoes Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 42 Poznan (Poland) Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 43 Prague (Czechoslovakia) Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 44 Prebis, Edward J. Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Register of the American Relief 23001 379 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 45 Press Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 46 Prezdsiak, Victor and Mary Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 47 Prew, Robert J. Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 48 Price, J. F. Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 49 Prices Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 50 Primus warehouse Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 51 Printing Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Prisoners Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 52 General Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 53 Of war Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 54 Pritzkau, John L. Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 55 Proctor Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 56 Produce exchange rules Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Register of the American Relief 23001 380 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 57 Profiteering Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 58 Professionals Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 59 Professors - Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 60 Profits Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 61 Prosser, Jones Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 62 Prosser, Thomas Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 63 Protection Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 64 Protectographs Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 65 Protest Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 66 Protestant European Relief Conference Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Box 512., Folder 1 Prunes Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 2 Prussia Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 3 Prva Brvatska Stedionica Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Register of the American Relief 23001 381 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 4 Publicity Note Available on microfilm reel 610

Folder 5 Pulitzer, Ralph Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 6 Pumpianski, Abram Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 7 Pupin Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 8 Purcell, Raymond C. Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 9 Purchases Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 10 Purington, C. W. and Mrs. Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 11 Purness Whithey Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 12 Puskas, Joseph Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 13 Puzapps Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 14 Quakers Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 15 Quartermaster Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 16 Quigel Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Register of the American Relief 23001 382 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 17 Quinn Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 18 Rates Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 19 Rations Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 20 Rebates Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 21 Refugee Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Refugees Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 22 General Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 23 Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 24 Refunds Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 25 Relief agencies. Includes relief areas Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 26 Requisitions Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 27 Results Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 28 Reval (Estonia) Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Register of the American Relief 23001 383 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 29 Rice Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Box 513., Folder 1 Richardson, Gardner Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 2 Rickard, Edgar Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 3 Riga (Latvia) Note Available on microfilm reel 611

Folder 4 Rindland Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 5 Rockefeller, John D. Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 6 Rockefeller Foundation Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 7 Rogers Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 8 Romania Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 9 Russian relief Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 10 Ryan, J. R. Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 11 Rye Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 12 Sawtelle, Raymond H. Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Register of the American Relief 23001 384 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 13 Serbia Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 14 Shipments Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 15 Shipping Board Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 16 Soviet Union Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 17 Taff, Mrs. Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 18 Taft, R. A. Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 19 Taylor, A. E. Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 20 Telegraph Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 21 Telephone Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 22 Tonnage Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 23 Transfers Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 24 Transportation Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 25 Trieste Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Register of the American Relief 23001 385 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 26 Turkey Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Box 514., Folder 1 United States. Army Note Available on microfilm reel 612

United States. Congress Folder 2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 3 Legislative acts Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 4 United States. Department of State Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 5 United States. Department of the Treasury Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 6 United States. Fuel Administration Note Available on microfilm reel 612

Folder 7 United States. Navy Note Available on microfilm reel 613

Folder 8 United States. War Department Note Available on microfilm reel 613

Folder 9 United States. War Trade Board Note Available on microfilm reel 613

Folder 10 United States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 613

Folder 11 Vienna (Austria) Note Available on microfilm reel 613

Folder 12 Walken, H. C. Note Available on microfilm reel 613

Register of the American Relief 23001 386 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 13 Walker, D. N. Note Available on microfilm reel 613

Folder 14 Warsaw (Poland) Note Available on microfilm reel 613

Folder 15-16 Wheat and flour Note Available on microfilm reel 613

Box 515., Wheat and flour Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reels 613 and 614

Folder 3 Wheat Executive Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 614

Folder 4 Wheat Export Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 614

Folder 5 White, B. Note Available on microfilm reel 614

Folder 6 Whitmarsh, T. F. Note Available on microfilm reel 614

Folder 7 Wilbur, Richard Lyman Note Available on microfilm reel 614

Folder 8 Wilson, Woodrow Note Available on microfilm reel 614

Folder 9 Woolens Note Available on microfilm reel 614

Folder 10 Young, A. A. Note Available on microfilm reel 614

Folder 11 Young, C. C. Note Available on microfilm reel 614

Register of the American Relief 23001 387 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 12 Young Men's Christian Associations Note Available on microfilm reel 614

Folder 13 Young Women's Christian Associations Note Available on microfilm reel 614

Folder 14-17 Yugoslavia Note Available on microfilm reel 614

Box 516., Folder 1 Zipperling, J. G. Note Available on microfilm reel 614A

Folder 2-3 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 614A

Folder 4 Certificate of incorporation Note Available on microfilm reel 614A

Chairman's file Folder 5 General. Includes addresses and directory of Hoover overseas and war service organizations, 1914-1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Appeals Folder 6 For children's relief, n.d. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 7 To the American Express agent, n.d. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 8 To all state chairmen, 1921 January 5 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Articles on Herbert Hoover Folder 9 "A Square Deal for Hoover" by Cleveland A. Newton (former Congressman), n.d. Printed copy Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 10 "Herbert Hoover: An Appreciation," n.d. Typescript Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Register of the American Relief 23001 388 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 11 "Herbert Hoover: Who He Is and What He Has Done," n.d. Printed copy Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 12 "The Real Herbert Hoover." Address of James Francis Burke (General Counsel of the Republican National Committee), n.d. Printed copy Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 13 "How Would Hoover Handle the H.C.L.?" by Thomas H. Dickinson (Director of the Department of History and Records of the ARA), n.d. Typescript Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 14 "Herbert Hoover" by Richard Lymann Wilbur (President of Stanford University), 1920 January 26. Typescript Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 15 "Hoover Overseas and War Service Organizations 1914-1924." Address delivered at the Reunion Dinner, Washington, D.C., 1919 March 3. Printed copy Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 16 Miscellaneous Correspondence Incoming Folder 17-18 General Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 19 Berridge, Ashley Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 20 Bocock, Edgar A. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 21 Bodley, H. S. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 22 Buck, Dudley Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 23 Catholic Church Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Register of the American Relief 23001 389 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 24 Davis, Norman Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 25 Flash, Edward Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 26 Galpin, Perrin Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 27 Guerra, Frank L. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 28 Gutterson, Gerbert L. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 29 Hatfield, Victor M. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 30 Haugen, Gilbert Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 31 Hayes, Ralph Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 32 Logan, James Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 33 Matthew, Margaret L. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 34 McClintock, George N. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 35 Merrit, Ralph Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 36 Outerbridge, E. H. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Register of the American Relief 23001 390 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 37 Rickard, Edgar Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 38 Sawtelle, Raymond H. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 39 Schappers, Joseph Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 40 Szakvary, D. R. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 41 Upperman, Henry Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 42 Wilson, Woodrow Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Box 517. Outgoing Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 2 Baker, George Barr Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 3 Bankers of America Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 4 Barna, Bertalam Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 5 Barnes, Rickard Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 6 Chandler, Walter M. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 7 Capper, Arthur Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Register of the American Relief 23001 391 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 8 Davis, Norman H Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 9 Fisher, H. H. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 10 Flesh, E. M. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 11 Fitzgerald, W. S. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 12 Fordney, J. W. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 13 Hyslop, George K. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 14 Mack, S. E. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 15 McCormick, Medill Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 16 McHugh, John Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 17 Merrill, Charles Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 18 O'Laughlin, John Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 19 Rickard, Edgar Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 20 Riddick, Carl A. Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Register of the American Relief 23001 392 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 21 Stockton, Gilchrist Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 22 Wilson, Woodrow Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 23 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Meetings file Minutes Folder 24 1920 June 23 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 25 1922 October 5 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 26 Notice for a meeting, 1921 April 19 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 27 Proposed resolution for the liquidation meeting, 1937 May 12 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 28 Proxy, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 29 Memoranda to Herbert Hoover Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Open letters Folder 30 On Jewish relief work in Europe, 1919 September 16 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 31 To the publishers of The Literary Digest, , 1920 October 19 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 32 Press release, 1920 October 4 Note Available on microfilm reel 615


Register of the American Relief 23001 393 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 33 Speech before all representatives of the ARA and the United States Grain Corporation in Europe, 1919 May 20 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 34 Speech given by Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Warsaw, Poland, 1919 August 13 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 35 Speech, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1919 September 16 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 36 Speech before the students of Stanford University, 1919 October 2 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 37 Speeches on relief measures, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 38 Inaugural address, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1920 February 17 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 39 Speech, Johns Hopkins University, 1920 February 23 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 40 Unidentified speech, 1921 January 3 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 41 Speech on government ownership, 1924 September 29 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 42 Radio broadcast from Washington, 1924 September 29 Note Available on microfilm reel 615

Folder 43 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 616

Folder 44 Statements, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 616

Register of the American Relief 23001 394 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 45 Constitution Note Available on microfilm reel 616

Correspondence General General Folder 46 Inter-office correspondence, mainly with the New York Office Note Available on microfilm reel 616

Folder 47-48 Letters in reference to sending funds to individuals in Europe (mostly in Poland) Note Available on microfilm reel 616

Box 518., Letters in reference to sending funds to individuals in Europe (mostly in Folder 1-5 Poland) Note Available on microfilm reels 616 and 617

Box 519., Folder 1 Letters in reference to sending funds to individuals in Europe (mostly in Poland) Note Available on microfilm reel 617

Folder 2-3 Personal letters from individuals to ARA officials Note Available on microfilm reels 617 and 618

Folder 4 Recommendation letters Note Available on microfilm reel 618

Folder 5 With banks, churches Note Available on microfilm reel 618

Folder 6 Allen R. Smart and Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 618

Folder 7 American Central Committee for Russian Relief Note Available on microfilm reel 618

Folder 8 American Child Health Association Note Available on microfilm reel 618

Folder 9 American Commission to Negotiate Peace Note Available on microfilm reel 618

Register of the American Relief 23001 395 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 10 American Cotton Oil Company Note Available on microfilm reel 618

Folder 11 American Express Company Note Available on microfilm reel 618

Folder 12 American Federation of Labor Note Available on microfilm reel 618

Folder 13 American Friends Service Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 618

Folder 14 American Methodist Mission, Warsaw, Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 618

Folder 15 American Jewish Committee. Extract from the American Jewish Year Book 1917-1918, and correspondence with the Catholic Church Note Available on microfilm reel 618

Folder 16 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 618

Folder 17 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 618

Box 520., American Red Cross Folder 1-5 Note Available on microfilm reels 618 and 619

Folder 6 American Relief Committee for German Children Note Available on microfilm reel 619

Folder 7 Baltic American Society Note Available on microfilm reel 619

Folder 8 Beale, John Note Available on microfilm reel 619

Folder 9 Bokay, John (President of the Hungarian Central Committee, ARA) Note Available on microfilm reel 619

Register of the American Relief 23001 396 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 10 Causey, W. B. (Technical adviser to Austria) Note Available on microfilm reel 619

Folder 11 Chicago Jewish War Relief Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 619

Folder 12 Commonwealth Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 619

Box 521., Folder 1 Commonwealth Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 619

Folder 2 Crane, Rickard (American minister to Prague) Note Available on microfilm reel 619

Folder 3 Czechoslovakia. Legation (United States) Note Available on microfilm reel 619

Folder 4 Czechoslovakia. Technical Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 5 Deloitte, Plender, Griffiths and Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 6 Egan, Martin (J. P. Morgan and Company) Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 7 Emmet, Rickard S. (United States. Department of Commerce) Note Available on microfilm reel 620

European Children's Fund General Folder 8-9 General. Includes documents on the organization of the European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 10 Budget expenses Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Register of the American Relief 23001 397 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 11 Clothing Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 12 Food. Includes child feeding programs Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 13 Personnel in Europe Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 14 Warehouses Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 15 Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 16 Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 17 Estonia Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 18 Finland Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 19 Germany Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 20 Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 21 Latvia Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 22 Lithuania Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 23 Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Register of the American Relief 23001 398 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 24 Romania Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 25 Russia (non-Bolshevik) Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 26 Yugoslavia Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 27 European Relief Council Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Box 522., Folder 1 European Technical Advisers Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 2 Fawcett, James Waldo Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 3 Federal Reserve Bank of New York Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 4 France. Consulat (New York City) Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 5 Fund for the Relief of Men of Letters and Scientists in Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 6 Gibson, Hugh (United States. Department of State) Note Available on microfilm reel 620

Folder 7 Goodwin, Etta R. (United States. Department of Commerce). Includes correspondence of Suda L. Bane Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 8 Gukovsky (Head of the Russian Commercial Mission in Revel) Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 9 Hibben, John G. (President, Princeton University) Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Register of the American Relief 23001 399 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 10 Ignatz, Seipel (Chancellor of Austria) Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 11 Inter-Allied Commission on the Repatriation of Prisoners of War Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 12 Interallied Commission for Repatriation of Russian Prisoners of War Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 13 Inter-Allied Food Commission, British Delegation Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 14 Lawrence, Richey (United States. Department of Commerce) Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Box `, Folder 15 League of Nations Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 16 League of Red Cross Societies, Geneva, Switzerland. Includes agreement between the International Committee of the Red Cross and the League of Red Cross Societies, 1921 April 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 17 Lenroot, Irvine L. (United States. Senate) Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 18 McHugh, John Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 19 Mitchell, M. M. Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 20 Murphy E. O. Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 21 National Allied Relief Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 22 National Information Bureau Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Register of the American Relief 23001 400 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 23 National Polish Committee of America Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 24 Outlook Company Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 25 P. N. Gray and Company Inc. Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 26 Palmer, Mitchell (United States Attorney Note Available on microfilm reel 621

General) Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 27 Princeton University, New Jersey Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 28 Rickards, John Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 29 Sawtelle, Raymond H. Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 30 Stanford University, California Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 31 Switzerland. Gesandtschaft (United States) Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 32 Taft, Robert A. (Attorney at law) Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 33 Taylor, W. F. (United States. Shipping Board) Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 34 Ukrainian National Committee of the United States Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Register of the American Relief 23001 401 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 35 United States. Army Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 36 United States. Army. American Expeditionary Forces Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 37 United States. Army. Signal Corps Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 38 United States. Congress. House of Representatives Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Box 523., Folder 1 United States. Congress. Senate. Includes Congressional Record issues Note Available on microfilm reel 621

1921 Folder 2 January 3 Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 3 October 27 Note Available on microfilm reel 621

1930 Folder 4 December 10 Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 5 December 17 Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 6 December 18 Note Available on microfilm reel 621

Folder 7 Unites States. Consulate (Prague) Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 8 United States. Consulate (Warsaw) Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 9 United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Entomology Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Register of the American Relief 23001 402 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 10 United States. Department of Commerce Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 11 United States. Department of Health Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 12 United States. Department of Labor Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 13 United States. Department of State Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 14 United States. Department of the Treasury Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 15 United States. Embassy (Belgium) Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 16 United States. Embassy (Germany) Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 17 United States. Embassy (Romania) Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 18 United States. Embassy (Turkey) Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 19 United States. Federal Reserve Board Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 20 United States. Food Administration Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Box 524., Folder 1 United States. Legation (France) Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 2 United Stated. Legation (Serbia) Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Register of the American Relief 23001 403 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 3 United States. Navy. Includes material on naval forces operating in European waters Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 4 United States. Navy. Naval Communication Service Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 5 United States. White House Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 6 Unites States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 7 Viereck, George Sylvester Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 8 Washington Herald, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 622

Folder 9 Watson Thomas E. (United States Senator) Note Available on microfilm reel 623

Folder 10 Wright, Robert Note Available on microfilm reel 623

Folder 11 West, James E. (Chief Scout executive) Note Available on microfilm reel 623

Folder 12 Yugoslavia Note Available on microfilm reel 623

Folder 13-14 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 623

Box 525., Miscellaneous Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 3 Executive order Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Register of the American Relief 23001 404 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Financial records Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Accounts Folder 5 General account of advances of the U.S. Navy, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 6 Accounting records, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Audited accounts Folder 7 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 8 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 9 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 10 Special account in the Guaranty Trust Co., 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 11 Statement of account, Form 2, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Balance sheets Folder 12 1921 December 31 Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 13 1924 June 30 Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 14 1926 June 30 Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 15 1932 October 15 Note Available on microfilm reel 624


Register of the American Relief 23001 405 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 16 Five percent gold bond Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 17 Treasury bond Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 18 Checks Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 19 Dollar voucher Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Estimates Folder 20 Expenses for Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 21 Financial resources and commitments Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 22 Financial position of the ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 23 Liabilities and resources Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 24 Total amount of relief sent abroad Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 25 Fiscal report and audit of the one hundred million dollar appropriation submitted to the President of the United States, 1920 September 25 Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Folder 26 Funds and status report Note Available on microfilm reel 624

Box 526., Inspection requests Folder 1-5 Note Available on microfilm reels 624 and 625

Box 527., Inspection requests Folder 1-4 Note Available on microfilm reel 626

Register of the American Relief 23001 406 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 5 Insurance claims Note Available on microfilm reel 626

Box 528. Lists Folder 1 Documents taken to the Mercantile Safe Deposit Company, New York City, 1920-1927 Note Available on microfilm reel 627

Folder 2 Financial documents turned over by Robert A. Taft, 1919 September 13 Note Available on microfilm reel 627

Folder 3 Government notes, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 627

Folder 4 Notes held at five percent interest by the ARA from various governments in Note Available on microfilm reel 627

Europe Folder 5 Note on financial operations Note Available on microfilm reel 627

Receipts and disbursements Folder 6-7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 627

Folder 8 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 627

Folder 9 United States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 627

Folder 10-11 Remittances Note Available on microfilm reel 627

Folder 12 Requests Note Available on microfilm reel 627

Register of the American Relief 23001 407 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 13 Schedule of steps to be taken regarding the remaining portion of the building at #12, Grosvenor Gardens, New York City, beyond those scheduled on November 15, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 627

Subject file Banks Folder 14 General. Includes minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 627

Box 529., Irving National Bank Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Folder 4 Mechanics and Metals Bank Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Credits Folder 5 Loans to Czechoslovakia, Romania and Serbia Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Folder 6 Value of American Government credits Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Folder 7 Value of United States Grain Corporation credits Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Folder 8 Currency exchange Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Folder 9 Donations for the relief of the intelligentsia, 1920 to 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Folder 10 Exchange bureau Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Indebtedness Folder 11 General Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Folder 12 Treasury certificates Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Register of the American Relief 23001 408 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 13 Inter-Allied debts Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Folder 14 Interest from investments. Includes investment of funds in Liberty Bonds Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Receipts and expenditures Folder 15 Data of the act of Congress, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Folder 16 Scheme of preliminary estimate of Note Available on microfilm reel 628

expenditures out of the hundred million dollar fund Folder 17 Statement of receipts and expenditures Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Folder 18 Summary of expenditures by country for food and clothing, 1918-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Folder 19 Table of direct expenditures for relief (from funds originating in the United States) Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Box 530., Folder 1 Tax exemptions Note Available on microfilm reel 628

United States. Congress House of Representatives Folder 2 H. R. 240 Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Folder 3 H. R. 1 1816 Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Folder 4 H. R. 12954, providing for the sale of five million barrels of flour to foreign governments, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 628


Register of the American Relief 23001 409 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 5 General - $100,000,000 Fund for relief in Europe Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Folder 6 S. 3844 Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Folder 7 Summary of operations under the Director General of ARA, 1918 November-1919 August Note Available on microfilm reel 628

Folder 8-10 Fundraising file. Includes invitations, posters, programs of concerts Note Available on microfilm reels 628 and 629

Histories of relief Folder 11-12 General Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 13 Articles on the ARA, International Year Book,1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 14 Digest of relief policies (from ARA documents), 1918-1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 15 Facts and figures of the ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 16 Outline of contents for projected book to be published by the ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 17 Paris Office administrative summary Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Box 531., Folder 1 Statement on ARA origin and a brief account of its operations, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 2 Summary of operations under the Director General for Relief, November 18, 1918, to August 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Register of the American Relief 23001 410 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 3 Liquidation papers Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Maps General Folder 4 General. Includes list of maps Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 5 Relief activities Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 6 Balkans Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 7 Central Europe - Railroads Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Europe Folder 8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 9 Hunger Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 10 Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 11 Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Memoranda General Folder 12 Committee on Emergency and Conservation in Europe, 1920 May 4 Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 13 Distribution of Central European coal, 1920 October 4 Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 14 Economic meaning of Western Hungary for Austria, 1921 August Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Register of the American Relief 23001 411 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 15 European relief operations under control of Herbert Hoover, 1920 April 15 Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 16 Grain movement in the United States up to December 31, 1918 Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 17 International conference and participation of associated and neutral countries in European relief, 1920 April 23 Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 18 Operations on remittances, 1919 March 21 Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 19 Quaker purchases Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 20 Release of personnel, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 21 Work of the European Children's Fund, 1919 November 20 Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 22 Young Women's Christian Associations in Europe, 1917-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Inter-office memoranda General Folder 23 Baker, George Barr Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 24 Brown, W. L. Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 25 Dickinson, T. H. Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 26 Galpin, Perrin Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Register of the American Relief 23001 412 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 27 Gutterson, H. L. Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 28 Haskell, W. N. Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 29 Hoover, Herbert, including memoranda to Lou Henry Hoover Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 30 Logan, Janes Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 31 Myers, W. J. Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 32 Page, Frank Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 33 Poland, W. B. Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 34 Rickard, Edgar Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 35 Shattuck, E. P. Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 36 Paris Office Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Folder 37 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 629

Box 532. Minutes of meetings. Includes some agendas, memoranda, notices, and proxies General Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 630

Folder 2-4 Notices and invitations Note Available on microfilm reel 630

Register of the American Relief 23001 413 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 5 Reunion records Note Available on microfilm reel 630

Executive Committee Folder 6 1922 December 16. Includes minutes of officers' meeting Note Available on microfilm reel 630

Folder 7 1926 March 16 Note Available on microfilm reel 630

Folder 8 1928 February 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 630

1929 Folder 9 March 19 Note Available on microfilm reel 630

Folder 10 May 20 Note Available on microfilm reel 630

Folder 11 1930 May 23 Note Available on microfilm reel 630

Folder 12 1937 February 4 Note Available on microfilm reel 630

Box 533. Members Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 630

Folder 2 1921 May 24 (informal meeting) Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 3 1921 June 1 (adjourned special meeting) Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 4 1922 April 5 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Register of the American Relief 23001 414 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 5 1923 April 4 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 6 1924 April 2 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 7 1925 April 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 8 1926 March 19 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

1937 (special meetings) Folder 9 April 14 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 10 May 12 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Officers 1921 Folder 11 May 7 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 12 October 5 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

November Folder 13 9 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 14 26 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

1922 Folder 15 March 11 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 16 April 5 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Register of the American Relief 23001 415 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 17 June 14 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 18 October 18 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 19 October 24 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 20 November 3 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

December Folder 21 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 22 4 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

1923 Folder 23 January 26 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 24 February 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 25 Shop Council meeting, 1921 February 14 and March 26 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Staff, 1923 January Folder 26 4 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 27 11 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 28 15 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Register of the American Relief 23001 416 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 29 19 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 30 22 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 31 29 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 32 February 21 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 33 March 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Trustees Folder 34 1921 June 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

1922 Folder 35 February 2 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 36 April 5 (trustees only) Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 37 April 5 (trustees and members) Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 38 June 1 (trustees, officers and members) Note Available on microfilm reel 631

1923 Folder 39 January 27 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 40 April 4 (trustees only) Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Register of the American Relief 23001 417 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 41 April 4 (trustees and members) Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 42 November 8 Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 43 1924 April 2 (annual meeting) Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 44 1925 April 1 (annual meeting) Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 45 1930 May 23 (organizational meeting) Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Box 534. Motion picture file General Folder 1 General. Includes scenario for From New York to Moscow Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 2 Acknowledgments Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 3 Agreement Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 4 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 631

Folder 5-7 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reels 631 and 632

Folder 8 Fire insurance policy Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Folder 9 List of film stored in the vaults at Lloyd's film storage Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Folder 10 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Register of the American Relief 23001 418 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 11 Picture account Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Folder 12 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Folder 13 Receipts Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Folder 14 Schedule of contents Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Folder 15 Confidential Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Folder 16 Of expenditures for ARA account and CRB films Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Folder 17 Agents Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Films Folder 18 General Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Folder 19 Film of Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Folder 20 Purchases of supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Folder 21 Rentals Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Box 535. Personnel file Correspondence Members

Register of the American Relief 23001 419 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 1 Baker, George Barr Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Folder 2 Barber, A. B. Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Folder 3 Brown, Gordon Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Folder 4 Dailey, Arthur T. Note Available on microfilm reel 632

Folder 5-7 Dickinson, Thomas H. Note Available on microfilm reels 632 and 633

Folder 8 Fisher, H. H. Note Available on microfilm reel 633

Folder 9 Gephart, Frank C. Note Available on microfilm reel 633

Folder 10 Goodrich, J. P. Note Available on microfilm reel 633

Folder 11 Gutterson, Herbert L. Note Available on microfilm reel 633

Folder 12 Herter, Christian A. Note Available on microfilm reel 633

Box 536., Folder 1 Hoover, Herbert Note Available on microfilm reel 633

Folder 2 Krueger J. W. Note Available on microfilm reel 633

Folder 3 Logan, James A. Note Available on microfilm reel 634

Register of the American Relief 23001 420 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 4 Page, Frank C. Note Available on microfilm reel 634

Folder 5 Perrin, Galpin Note Available on microfilm reel 634

Folder 6 Poland, W. B. Note Available on microfilm reel 634

Folder 7-8 Rickard, Edgar Note Available on microfilm reel 634

Box 537., Rickard, Edgar Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 634

Folder 3 Sawtelle, Raymond H. Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 4 Taylor, Alonzo E. Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Officers (individuals working in Europe) Folder 5 Brown, Walter Lyman (Director for Europe) Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 6 Burland E. G. (Acting Director in Russia) Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 7 Haskell, W. N. (Director for Russia) Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 8 Mitchell, M. M. (Executive Assistant, Great Britain) Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 9 Quinn, C. J. C. (Chief of Mission, Poland) Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 10 Richardson, Gardner (Chief of Mission, Austria) Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Register of the American Relief 23001 421 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Lists ARA General Folder 11 General. Includes selected list of ARA personnel Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Military Folder 12 General Folder 13 Former officers of the US Army who were assigned to Herbert Hoover in Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Europe Office Folder 14 Department of History and Records Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 15 Department of Motor Transportation Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 16 New York Office Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Europe General Folder 17 General Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 18 Courier service Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 19 Field personnel Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 20 Passport and sailing arrangements Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 21 Subsistence allowances Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 22 Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Register of the American Relief 23001 422 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 23 France Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 24 Great Britain Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 25 Latvia Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 26 Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 27 Romania Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 28 Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Box 538., Folder 1 Missions and port offices in various countries Note Available on microfilm reel 635

United States Folder 2 General. Includes officers, trustees and Executive Committee members Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 3 Directors. Includes names and addresses for telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 4 Executive staff of New York Office, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 5 State heads Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Trustees, officers, and members 1921 Folder 6 October 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Register of the American Relief 23001 423 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 7 November 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 8 1922 June 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 9 1923 April 5 Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 10 1926-1928 (trustees only) Note Available on microfilm reel 635

European Children's Fund Folder 11 American personnel in Europe working for Childfund and warehouses (Belgrade, Budapest, Danzig, Hamburg, London, Prague, Vienna, Warsaw) Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 12 General Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 13 Organizations affiliated with the ARA. Includes American Friends' Service Committee, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, American Mennonite Relief, Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, National Catholic Welfare Council, National Lutheran Council of America, Polish Grey Samaritans, Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Southern Baptist Convention, Volga Relief Society, Young Men's Christian Associations, Young Women's Christian Associations Policy Folder 14 General. Includes policy statement Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Folder 15 Principles of policy (written by Herbert Hoover) Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Publicity file Folder 16 Address by Edgar Rickard before the Current Topic Club, Troy, New York, 1921 February 10 Note Available on microfilm reel 635

Articles General

Register of the American Relief 23001 424 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 17-18 General. Mainly articles from The Saturday Evening Post Note Available on microfilm reel 636

Folder 19 "Relief Administration, American," New International Encyclopedia, n.d. Note Available on microfilm reel 636

Folder 20 "Summary of J. H. Wallis's article on Czechoslovakia in Current History," n.d. Note Available on microfilm reel 636

Folder 21 "The Truth About Wheat War Prices," New York, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 636

Folder 22 "America's Interest in Europe," translation from Hamburgischer Correspondent, 1921 January 6 Note Available on microfilm reel 636

Folder 23 "News Letters of the ARA," 1921 December 21-1922 September 2 Note Available on microfilm reel 636

Box 539., Folder 1 Brooks, Sidney, "American Aid to Europe Through Mr. Hoover," Manchester Guardian, n.d. Note Available on microfilm reel 636

Folder 2 Dickinson, Thomas H., "American Relief Supplies not Used for Army Purposes," n.d. Note Available on microfilm reel 636

Folder 3 Durand E. D., "Grain Situation of South Eastern Europe," 1920 June Note Available on microfilm reel 636

Folder 4 Gardner, Nellie E., "Interview, Mr. Rickard E.," 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 636

Folder 5 Rohrbach, Paul, "The Jews of Poland and West-Russia," n.d. Note Available on microfilm reel 636

Folder 6 Shanahan, John D., "The Wheat and Rye Crop of Europe in 1919" Note Available on microfilm reel 636

Taylor, Alonzo E.

Register of the American Relief 23001 425 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 7 "The Bread Supply of the World," The Saturday Evening Post, 1920 July 10 Note Available on microfilm reel 636

Folder 8 "What the United States Has Done for Europe," The Saturday Evening Post, 1920 July 17 Note Available on microfilm reel 636

Folder 9 "Review of European Conditions," 1921 June 15 Note Available on microfilm reel 636

Folder 10 Broadcasts Note Available on microfilm reel 636

Folder 11-13 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reels 636 and 637

Box 540., Press releases Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 638

Folder 3-5 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reels 638 and 639

Box 541. Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reels 639-641

Box 542. Summaries Folder 1 General press Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Folder 2 Daily press Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Folder 3 Weekly summary of political situation, 1919 March 12-July 4 (ARA confidential bulletins, nos. 1-14) Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Reports General General Folder 4 Clothing distribution, 1921 March Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Register of the American Relief 23001 426 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 5 Commerce - Trade Information Bulletin, 1922 May 15 Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Folder 6 Inspection trip, 1920 February 28 Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Folder 7 Rations, Hamburg, 1920 December Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Annual reports of the Executive Committee Folder 8 1922 April 5 Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Folder 9 1923 April 4 Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Financial reports General Folder 10 General Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Folder 11 Receipts and expenditures Note Available on microfilm reel 642

under the act of Congress approved on February 24, 1919 Folder 12 Controller, 1921 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Folder 13 Fiscal, 1920 September 25 Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Political and economic reports General - European press, 1922 Folder 14 January 30 Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Folder 15 February 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Register of the American Relief 23001 427 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 16 February 3 Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Folder 17 Austria, 1920 October 28 Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Hungary, 1920 October 3. See Austria Folder 18 Latvia and Lithuania, 1921 June 18 Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Folder 19 Upper Silesia, 1921 October Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Folder 20 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Folder 21-22 Statistical report on the work of the Director General of Relief in Europe during the post armistice period, 1918 November 11-1919 September Note Available on microfilm reel 642

Box 543. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Folder 1 1914 October-1926 December Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Folder 2 1927 October 22-23 Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Folder 3 Ashton, Rosalie (American Express Company), London, 1924 March 4 Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Folder 4 Brookhart's visit to Russia, n.d. Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Commonwealth Fund Folder 5 Second annual report of the General Director for the years 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Folder 6 Fourth annual report for the years 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Register of the American Relief 23001 428 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 7 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Folder 8 European Relief Council. Foreword written by Herbert Hoover, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Folder 9 European Technical Advisers Mission to Poland, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Folder 10 General Mills, Inc., 1943 February 2 Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Folder 11 League of Nations Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Folder 12 National Lutheran Council, 1921 November 3 Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Society of Friends Folder 13 Anglo-American Relief Mission, 1920 September-1921 October Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Folder 14 War Victims' Relief Committee, 1915 October-1916 September Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Folder 15 United States Sugar Equalization Board, Inc., 1926 June 30 Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Folder 16 War Work Council. Overseas Committee, 1917-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Folder 17 Young Men's Christian Associations, 1922 November 14-19 Note Available on microfilm reel 643

Box 544. Shipping records Folder 1 General. Includes public ownership speech of Herbert Hoover, 1924 September 29 Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Register of the American Relief 23001 429 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 2 Claim on shipment of films from Helsinki to George B. Baker, New York, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 3 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 4 List of steamers leaving New York Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 5 Memorandum voucher for purchases, and services other than personal, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 6 Report of the ARA Traffic and Transportation Division, 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 7 Scheme of troop transports and cargo transports in service Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Summary of total exports of food shipped overseas from the United States Folder 8 General. Includes value of supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 9 Total sales showing the different phases of operations Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 10 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Statistics file General Folder 11 General Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 12 Review of relief conducted through the ARA and the United States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Statements Deliveries Folder 13 General Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Register of the American Relief 23001 430 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 14 British and French Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 15 Food drafts Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 16 Principal amount of obligations of foreign governments Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 17 Provisional statistical statement Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 18 Receipts and disbursements Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 19 Shipments of flour Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Summaries Folder 20 Deliveries of Congressional funds for relief to various governments Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 21 Distribution of Commonwealth gifts Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 22 Financial and investment position Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 23 Resources and requirements for the European Child Feeding, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 24 Table of advances to allied countries by the United States, Great Britain, and France Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 25 Tabulation lists of the world's production of copper, 1913 Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Register of the American Relief 23001 431 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 26 Coal and oil. Summary of reports, written by H. H. Fisher Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 27 Commodity prices compared with the average for the two years prior to the war, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 28 Comparison of balance sheets (published figures), 1917 Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 29 Comparison of the vital statistics of the city of Copenhagen with those of the city of Prague, 1914-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 30 Distribution of total relief supplied by the ARA, 1918 December-1919 September Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 31 Metric system Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 32 Number of persons fed daily, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 33 Population of certain liberated territories Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 34 World's cotton production, 1913 Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Box 545. Subject file. Acknowledgments, agreements, bulletins, cables, correspondence, drafts, memoranda, printed matter, programs, reports Folder 1 American Baptist Foreign Mission Society Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 2 American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief. Includes minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 3 American Committee for China Famine Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Register of the American Relief 23001 432 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 4 American Committee for Relief in the Near East Note Available on microfilm reel 644

Folder 5 American Commonwealth Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 644

American Friends Service Committee Folder 6-9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 645

Folder 10 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 645

Box 546., American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Folder 1-4 Note Available on microfilm reels 646 and 646A

Folder 5 American Library in Paris Note Available on microfilm reel 646A

Folder 6 American Relief Committee for Hungarian Sufferers Note Available on microfilm reel 647

Box 547., Folder 1 American Yugoslavian Relief Note Available on microfilm reel 647

Folder 2 Anglo-American Friends Relief Mission (Austria and Hungary) Note Available on microfilm reel 647

Folder 3 Archives of the ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 647

Austria. See also Relief for Germany and Austria Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 647

Folder 5 Agreement with Czechoslovakia, 1921 December 29 Note Available on microfilm reel 647

Register of the American Relief 23001 433 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 6 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 647

Folder 7 Contributions Note Available on microfilm reel 647

Folder 8 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 647

Folder 9 Report of Captain Prentiss M. Terry on his trip through the Tyrol upon the occasion of the second anniversary of the American Child Feeding in this section of Austria, 1921 June 24 Note Available on microfilm reel 647

Folder 10 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 647

Folder 11 Austro-Hungarian American Relief Society Note Available on microfilm reel 647

Folder 12 Baltic states Note Available on microfilm reel 647

Folder 13-14 Central Relief Committee for the Distress in Germany and Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Folder 15 Child relief operations Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Folder 16 Churches Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Box 548. Clothing Folder 1 Application form for needy children Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Folder 2 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Register of the American Relief 23001 434 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 3 Scheme of distribution Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Folder 4 Order Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Folder 5 Program. Includes clothing shipped Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Folder 6 Remittance agreement Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Reports Folder 7 Clothing relief, 1921 July 20 Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Folder 8 Cutting and sewing of overcoats and caps for distribution in Autumn 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Folder 9 Distribution of clothing to children in Vienna and lower Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Folder Austria, 1920 October-1921 April Folder 10 Distribution of shoes and stockings, 1922 January 28 Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Folder 11 Table of clothing for the intelligentsia Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Folder 12 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Folder 13 Coal Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Folder 14 Commonwealth Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Folder 15 Corn Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Register of the American Relief 23001 435 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 16 Cured fish Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Czechoslovakia. See Austria/Agreement with Czechoslovakia Danzig. See Poland/Agreement Folder 17 Denmark Note Available on microfilm reel 648

Folder 18-19 Estonia. Includes agreement with General Iudenich, 1920 February 23 Note Available on microfilm reel 649

Box 549. European Children's Fund Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 2 Certificate of incorporation Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 3 Complete report beginning on 1922 June 30 of number of children fed and meals supplied Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 4 Financial dossier Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 5 Food value tables of commodities and average content of ration Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 6 Insurance records Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Programs Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 8 General program Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 9 Suggested program Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Register of the American Relief 23001 436 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 10 Summary of operations Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 11 Tables of number of children for whom supplies were provided (arranged by county) Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 12 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 13 European Relief Council Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 14 Finland Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 15 Flour Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Food General Folder 16 General Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 17 Drafts Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 18 Estimates of food stuff Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 19 Feeding program. Includes sale of drafts Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 20 Program of food deliveries Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 21 Table of persons fed (by country) Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Register of the American Relief 23001 437 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 22 Contributions Note Available on microfilm reel 650

Folder 23 Crop situation in Europe Note Available on microfilm reel 651

Folder 24 Distributions Note Available on microfilm reel 651

Folder 25 Donations Note Available on microfilm reel 651

Box 550., Folder 1 Gifts from the American people Note Available on microfilm reel 651

Folder 2 Grain situation of Southeastern Europe Note Available on microfilm reel 651

Folder 3 Packages Note Available on microfilm reel 651

Folder 4 Prices on sales over hundred million dollars Note Available on microfilm reel 651

Folder 5-7 Purchases of relief supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 651

Folder 8 Quantities Note Available on microfilm reel 651

Folder 9 Rates Note Available on microfilm reel 651

Folder 10 Sales of food and clothing Note Available on microfilm reel 651

Folder 11 Supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 651

France. See United States/Agreements

Register of the American Relief 23001 438 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Germany. See also Relief for Germany and Austria Folder 12 General Note Available on microfilm reel 651

Folder 13 Acknowledgments Note Available on microfilm reel 651

Agreements. See also United States Folder 14 Commission for Relief in Belgium, 1916 Note Available on microfilm reel 651

Folder 15 Russia. Commerce agreement, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 651

Correspondence Folder 16-17 General Note Available on microfilm reel 651

Box 551., Folder 1 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 652

Folder 2 Food drafts Note Available on microfilm reel 652

Folder 3 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 652

Reports on food situation Folder 4 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 652

Folder 5 1923 July Note Available on microfilm reel 652

Great Britain. See United States/Agreements/ France Folder 6 Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 652

Folder 7 Intelligentsia relief in Central Europe Note Available on microfilm reel 652

Register of the American Relief 23001 439 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 8 International Committee for Relief Credits. Includes report by the General Secretary Note Available on microfilm reel 652

Folder 9 International Committee of the Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 652

Folder 10 International Relief Union Note Available on microfilm reel 652

Folder 11 Irish Relief Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 652

Iudenich, General. See Estonia Folder 12 Latvia. Includes report on the work of the ARA Mission to Latvia Note Available on microfilm reel 652

League of Red Cross Societies. See International Committee of the Red Cross Lithuania. See Poland/Agreements Folder 13 Machinery Note Available on microfilm reel 653

Folder 14 Milk Note Available on microfilm reel 653

Folder 15 National Forestry Program Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 653

Folder 16 National Prosperity Bureau Note Available on microfilm reel 653

Folder 17 National Research Council Note Available on microfilm reel 653

Box 552., Folder 1 National Research Council Note Available on microfilm reel 653

Folder 2-5 Near East Relief. Includes joint statement by the European Relief Council and the Near East Relief Note Available on microfilm reels 653 and 654

Register of the American Relief 23001 440 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

People's Industrial Trading Corporation of the United States. See Poland Box 553. Poland Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 654

Agreements Folder 2 Danzig, 1920 June 14 Note Available on microfilm reel 654

Folder 3 Hungary, 1921 February 11 Note Available on microfilm reel 654

Folder 4 Peoples Industrial Trading Corporation of the United States, 1919 October 27 Note Available on microfilm reel 654

Folder 5-6 Correspondence. Includes cables Note Available on microfilm reel 654

Folder 7 Intelligentsia relief program Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 8 Loan program Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 9 Statistical data (in Polish) Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Ports Folder 10 General Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 11 Adriatic ports Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 12 Antwerp (Belgium) Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 13 Baltic Finnish ports Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Register of the American Relief 23001 441 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 14 Bucharest (Romania) Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 15 Danzig Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 16 Emden (Germany) Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 17 Hamburg (Germany) Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 18 Hungerbourg (Estonia) Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 19 Koenigsberg (Germany) Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 20 Libau (Germany) Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 21 Memel (Lithuania) Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 22 Pillau (Germany) Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 23 Riga (Latvia) Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 24 Rotterdam (Holland) Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 25 Stettin (Germany) Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 26 Windau (Latvia) Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Register of the American Relief 23001 442 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 27 Relief for Germany and Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 28 Relief operations Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 29 Rockefeller Foundation Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Box 554. Russia Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Agreement with Germany. See Germany/Agreements Folder 2 Balances in ARA personnel accounts Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Cables Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 4 Riga to London mostly, regarding Russian conditions Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 5 Circular letters #93, #122, #123, #124 Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Correspondence General Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 7 Regarding needs for the Russian Academy of Science Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 8 Regarding wheat prices Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 9 Haskell, W. N., Director of Russian Unit (in Russia) Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Register of the American Relief 23001 443 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 10 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 655

Folder 11 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 656

Folder 12 Organizational chart Note Available on microfilm reel 656

Folder 13 Passports for Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 656

Folder 14 Report of ARA work in the liberated districts in Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 656

Folder 15 Russian Unit Note Available on microfilm reel 656

Folder 16 Russian-American Relief Package Forwarding Company Note Available on microfilm reel 656

Folder 17 Save the Children Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 656

Folder 18 Serbian Child Welfare Association of America Note Available on microfilm reel 656

Box 555., Folder 1 Student Friendship Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 656

Student relief Folder 2-3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 656

Folder 4 Gifts from the American people Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 5 Sugar Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Register of the American Relief 23001 444 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 6 Swiss Relief Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 657

United States Agreements Folder 7 France. Includes agreements between France and Great Britain, 1919 June 28, and between Great Britain and Persia, 1919 August 9 Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 8 Germany. Restrictions of trade, 1919 July 17 Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Gifts Folder 9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 10 Germany Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 11 Participation in European relief Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 12 United States. Congress. Senate Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 13 United States. Department of Agriculture Note Available on microfilm reel 657

United States. Department of Commerce Folder 14 General Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 15 Enclosures Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 16 United States. Department of Labor Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 17 United States. Department of Public Works Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Register of the American Relief 23001 445 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 18 United States. Department of the Treasury Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Box 556., Folder 1 United States. Food Administration Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 2 United States. Tariff Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 3 United States Chamber of Commerce Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 4 United States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 5 Versailles, Treaty of (1919) Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 6 War victims. Includes scheme with numbers of persons fed daily from April 1919 to June 30, 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Warehouses Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 8 Budapest (Hungary) Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 9 Hamburg (Germany) Note Available on microfilm reel 657

Folder 10 London (Great Britain) Note Available on microfilm reel 658

Folder 11 Prague (Czechoslovakia) Note Available on microfilm reel 658

Folder 12 Vienna (Austria) Note Available on microfilm reel 658

Register of the American Relief 23001 446 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 13 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 658

Folder 14 World War, 1914-1918 - Costs. Includes facts and figures Note Available on microfilm reel 658

Folder 15 Young Men's Christian Associations Note Available on microfilm reel 658

Folder 16 Young Women's Christian Associations Note Available on microfilm reel 658

Yugoslavia Folder 17 General Note Available on microfilm reel 658

Correspondence Folder 18 General. Includes cables Note Available on microfilm reel 658

Folder 19 Ministry of Social Politics Note Available on microfilm reel 658

Box 557., Folder 1 Albania. Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 659

Armenia Folder 2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 659

Folder 3 Agreements and contracts Note Available on microfilm reel 659

Folder 4-5 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 659

Folder 6 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 659

Register of the American Relief 23001 447 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 7 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 659

Folder 8 Publicity Note Available on microfilm reel 659

Folder 9 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 659

Box 558. Austria Folder 1 Appeal from chancellor Renner of Austria to Americans, 1919 November 14 Note Available on microfilm reel 659

Folder 2-6 Articles and clippings Note Available on microfilm reels 659 and 660

Box 559., Articles and clippings Folder 1-5 Note Available on microfilm reel 661

Box 560. Cables General Folder 1 1918 Note Available on microfilm reel 662

Folder 2 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 662

Folder 3-5 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 662

Folder 6-7 1921 Note Available on microfilm reels 662 and 663

Box 561., 1921 Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reel 663

Folder 4-5 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 664

Register of the American Relief 23001 448 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Box 562., 1922 Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 665

Folder 3 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 665

Subjects Austria General Folder 4-6 Incoming Note Available on microfilm reels 665 and 666

Box 563., Folder 1 Outgoing Note Available on microfilm reel 666

Folder 2 Clothing Note Available on microfilm reel 666

Folder 3 Intelligentsia Note Available on microfilm reel 666

Folder 4 Mission Note Available on microfilm reel 666

Folder 5 Commonwealth Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 666

Folder 6 United States. Department of State Note Available on microfilm reel 666

Folder 7 United States. Department of the Treasury Note Available on microfilm reel 666

Folder 8 Vienna Note Available on microfilm reel 666

Folder 9 Wheat Note Available on microfilm reel 666

Register of the American Relief 23001 449 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 10 Wheat Export Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 666

Folder 11 Young Men's Christian Associations Note Available on microfilm reel 666

Folder 12 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 666

Correspondence General Folder 13 1918 Note Available on microfilm reel 666

Folder 14 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 667

Box 563A., 1919 Folder 15-16 Note Available on microfilm reels 667 and 667A

Folder 17 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 667A

Box 564., 1920 Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 668

Folder 3-4 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 668

Folder 5 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 668

Folder 6 1923-1928 Note Available on microfilm reel 668

Box 565. Individuals Folder 1 Baker, George Barr (ARA) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Register of the American Relief 23001 450 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 2 Barber, A. B. (ARA) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Folder 3 Bowden, C. G. (ARA, ECF, Budapest) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Folder 4 Brown, Gordon W. (ARA) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Folder 5 Brown, Walter Lyman (ARA, Director for Europe) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Folder 6 Burland, E. G. (ARA, ECF, Mission to Austria) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Folder 7 Carrol, Philip H. (Chief of mission to Kingdom SHS) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Folder 8 Causey, W. B. (President, Allied Railway Mission) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Folder 9 Copus, W. E. (ARA, Russian Department) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Folder 10 Frazier, Arthur Hugh (ARA, ECF, London) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Folder 11 Gephart, F. C. (ARA) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Folder 12 Gregory, T. T. C. (ARA) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Folder 13 Gutterson Herbert L. (ARA, ECF) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Folder 14 Halstead, Albert (American mission, Vienna) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Register of the American Relief 23001 451 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 15 Hartigan, Joseph (United States, Department of the Treasury) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Folder 16 Hoover, Herbert (ARA, Chairman) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Folder 17 Hynes, J. H. (ARA, ECF) Note Available on microfilm reel 669

Folder 18 Logan, James A. (American Embassy, Paris) Note Available on microfilm reel 670

Folder 19 Mowatt, Mitchell M. (Chief of mission to Kingdom SHS) Note Available on microfilm reel 670

Folder 20 Myers, W. J. (ARA, Assistant Secretary) Note Available on microfilm reel 670

Folder 21 Page, Frank C. (ARA, Assistant Secretary) Note Available on microfilm reel 670

Folder 22 Patzauer, Dr. (United States. Department of State) Note Available on microfilm reel 670

Folder 23 Perrin, Galpin (ARA, Secretary) Note Available on microfilm reel 670

Folder 24 Poland W. B. (ARA) Note Available on microfilm reel 670

Folder 25 Prentiss, Terry M. (ARA, Vienna) Note Available on microfilm reel 670

Box 566., Folder 1 Quinn, C. J. C. (ARA, Mission to Poland (1920-1921), Acting Director to Russia (1922) Note Available on microfilm reel 670

Folder 2 Renner, Karl (Chancellor of the Austrian Republic) Note Available on microfilm reel 670

Register of the American Relief 23001 452 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 3-6 Richardson, Gardner (ARA) Note Available on microfilm reel 670

Box 567., Richardson, Gardner (ARA) Folder 1-6 Note Available on microfilm reels 671 and 672

Box 568., Folder 1 Richardson, Gardner (ARA) Note Available on microfilm reel 672

Folder 2 Rickard, Edgar (ARA, Director) Note Available on microfilm reel 672

Folder 3 Ringland, Arthur C. (ARA, ECF) Note Available on microfilm reel 672

Folder 4 Russel, Bell W. (ARA, ECF) Note Available on microfilm reel 672

Folder 5 Sawtelle, Raymond H. (ARA) Note Available on microfilm reel 672

Folder 6 Scapinelli (ARA, Mission to Austria) Note Available on microfilm reel 672

Folder 7 Schober (Prime Minister of Austria) Note Available on microfilm reel 672

Folder 8 Seitz (President of the Austrian Republic) Note Available on microfilm reel 672

Folder 9 Sorieri, L. (ARA, ECF, Mission to Poland) Note Available on microfilm reel 672

Folder 10-13 Stockton, G. B. (Child Welfare Mission, Vienna) Note Available on microfilm reels 672 and 673

Organizations Folder 14 American Clothing Relief for Vienna Note Available on microfilm reel 673

Register of the American Relief 23001 453 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 15 American Foreign Banking Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 673

Box 569., Folder 1 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 673

Folder 2 Austrian League of Nations Union Note Available on microfilm reel 674

Folder 3 Child Welfare Mission to German-Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 674

Folder 4 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 674

Folder 5 International Committee of the Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 674

Folder 6 International Congress of Working Women Note Available on microfilm reel 674

Folder 7 League of Nations Note Available on microfilm reel 674

Folder 8 Near East Relief Note Available on microfilm reel 674

Folder 9 P. N. Gray and Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 674

Folder 10 Schenker and Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 674

Folder 11 United States. Department of State Note Available on microfilm reel 675

Folder 12 United States. Department of the Treasury Note Available on microfilm reel 675

Register of the American Relief 23001 454 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 13 United States. Navy. Naval Forces in the Eastern Mediterranean Note Available on microfilm reel 675

Folder 14 Wheat Export Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 675

Folder 15 World Peace Foundation Note Available on microfilm reel 675

Folder 16 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 675

Box 570. Financial records General Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 675

Banking Institutions in Austria Folder 2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 675

Banking Institutions in Austria (Contd.) Folder 3 Wiener Bank-Verein Note Available on microfilm reel 675

Folder 4 Credits Note Available on microfilm reel 675

Folder 5 Loans Note Available on microfilm reel 675

Folder 6 Charts on exchange rates Note Available on microfilm reel 676

Folder 7 Data on the total possible output and amounts available for export in the various industries Note Available on microfilm reel 676

Folder 8 Food remittances Note Available on microfilm reel 676

Register of the American Relief 23001 455 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 9 Financial program. Includes summaries of the financial situation in Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 676

Folder 10 Obligation of the Republic of Austria to the United States Grain Corporation ($24,066,798.56) Note Available on microfilm reel 676

Folder 11 Receipts Note Available on microfilm reel 676

Folder 12 Liquidation papers Note Available on microfilm reel 676

Folder 13 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 676

Memoranda General Folder 14 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 676

Folder 15 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 676

Folder 16 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 676

Folder 17 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 676

Folder 18 Burland, E. G. Note Available on microfilm reel 676

Folder 19 Hynes, J. H. Note Available on microfilm reel 676

Box 571., Folder 1 Nobel, Dr. Note Available on microfilm reel 676

Register of the American Relief 23001 456 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 2 Prentiss, Terry M. Note Available on microfilm reel 676

Richardson, Gardner Folder 3-4 Incoming Note Available on microfilm reels 676 and 677

Folder 5-6 Outgoing Note Available on microfilm reel 677

Box 572., Folder 1 Rickard, Edgar Note Available on microfilm reel 677

Folder 2 Scapinelli, A. Note Available on microfilm reel 678

Folder 3 Stockton, G. B. Note Available on microfilm reel 678

Folder 4 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 678

Folder 5 Peace treaty with the United States, 1921 August 24 Note Available on microfilm reel 678

Folder 6 Personnel files Note Available on microfilm reel 678

Folder 7 Postcards Note Available on microfilm reel 678

Folder 8-9 Printed matter, 1919-1929. Books, brochures, and pamphlets, concerning relief operations in Austria (in English and German) Note Available on microfilm reel 679

Box 573., Publicity file. Correspondence, memoranda, speeches, interviews, and press Folder 1-2 releases Note Available on microfilm reel 679A

Reports. Includes some correspondence General

Register of the American Relief 23001 457 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

General Folder 3 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 680

Folder 4 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 680

Folder 5 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 680

Folder 6 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 680

Folder 7 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 680

Folder 8 Annual, 1923, 1926 Note Available on microfilm reel 680

Folder 9 Financial, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 680

Folder 10 Monthly, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 680

Political and economic Folder 11 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 680

Folder 12 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 680

Folder 13 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 680

Folder 14 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 680

Weekly. Includes some economic supplements

Register of the American Relief 23001 458 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 15 1920 October-December Note Available on microfilm reel 680

1921 Folder 16 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 680

Box 574., Folder 1 June-December Note Available on microfilm reel 680

Folder 2 1922 January-December Note Available on microfilm reel 681

Folder 3 1923 January Note Available on microfilm reel 681

Folder 4 Clothing, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 681

Folder 5 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 681

Folder 6 Food, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 681

Individuals Folder 7 Goode, William, n.d. Note Available on microfilm reel 681

Folder 8 Nobel, Dr., n.d. Note Available on microfilm reel 681

Folder 9 Simon, Helene, October 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 681

Folder 10 Summaries Note Available on microfilm reel 681

Folder 11 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 681

Register of the American Relief 23001 459 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 12 Shipping records Note Available on microfilm reel 681

Box 575., Folder 1 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 681

Subject file Folder 2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 681

Folder 3 American Child Welfare to Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 681

Folder 4 American Physicians Relief Committee for Vienna Note Available on microfilm reel 681

Folder 5 Auto transportation Note Available on microfilm reel 681

Folder 6 Baltic States Mission Note Available on microfilm reel 682

Folder 7 Bread supply Note Available on microfilm reel 682

Folder 8 British and Italian deliveries to Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 682

Folder 9 Contributions by provinces. Includes list of welfare organizations Note Available on microfilm reel 682

Folder 10 Cost of living in Vienna Note Available on microfilm reel 682

Folder 11 Customs tariff Note Available on microfilm reel 682

Folder 12 Donations Note Available on microfilm reel 682

Register of the American Relief 23001 460 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 13 Emergency relief Note Available on microfilm reel 682

Folder 14 Food situation Note Available on microfilm reel 682

Folder 15 Friend's Mission to Vienna Note Available on microfilm reel 682

Folder 16 German Mission Note Available on microfilm reel 682

Folder 17 Gifts Note Available on microfilm reel 682

Box 576., Folder 1 Industries Note Available on microfilm reel 682

Folder 2-4 Intelligentsia relief Note Available on microfilm reel 682

Folder 5 League of Nations Note Available on microfilm reel 683

Folder 6 Legislative relief for Austria's starving people Note Available on microfilm reel 683

Folder 7 Population Note Available on microfilm reel 683

Folder 8 Ration system in Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 683

Folder 9 Russian Unit Note Available on microfilm reel 683

Folder 10 Salzburg (Austria) Note Available on microfilm reel 683

Register of the American Relief 23001 461 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 11 Share in child relief Note Available on microfilm reel 683

Folder 12 Warehouses Note Available on microfilm reel 683

Folder 13 Warsaw (Poland) Note Available on microfilm reel 683

Box 577. Baltic States. See also Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 684

Folder 2 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 684

Folder 3 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 684

Folder 4 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 684

Correspondence Folder 5 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 684

Folder 6-7 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 684

Folder 8 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 685

Box 578., 1922 Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reel 685

Folder 4 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 686

Folder 5 Daily news summaries, 1922 October-September Note Available on microfilm reel 686

Register of the American Relief 23001 462 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 6-7 Excerpts from the local press Note Available on microfilm reel 686

Box 579-581. Financial records Note Available on microfilm reels 686-689

Receipts and requests Box 582., Receipts and requests Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 690

Folder 3 Remittances Note Available on microfilm reel 690

Folder 4 Map Note Available on microfilm reel 690

Folder 5 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 690

Folder 6-7 Personnel files. Includes applications to ARA offering services Note Available on microfilm reels 690 and 691

Folder 8 Publicity material Note Available on microfilm reel 691

Folder 9 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 691

Box 583. Transportation records Folder 1 Railroad cars Note Available on microfilm reel 691

Folder 2 Steam ships Note Available on microfilm reel 691

Belgium Folder 3 Agreement between Stanford University and Commission for Relief in Belgium, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 691

Register of the American Relief 23001 463 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

August Folder 4 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 691

Folder 5 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 691

Folder 6 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 691

Folder 7 Memorandum Note Available on microfilm reel 691

Folder 8 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 691

Folder 9 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 691

Subject file Folder 10 Commission for Relief in Belgium. Educational Foundation Note Available on microfilm reel 691

Credits of the Folder 11 British Government Note Available on microfilm reel 691

Folder 12 United States Government Note Available on microfilm reel 691

Folder 13 Food situation Note Available on microfilm reel 691

Bulgaria Folder 14 Articles and clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 692

Folder 15 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 692

Register of the American Relief 23001 464 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 16 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 692

Folder 17 Map Note Available on microfilm reel 692

Folder 18 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 692

China Folder 19 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 692

Folder 20 Statement to the press made by Herbert Hoover Note Available on microfilm reel 693

Folder 21 Subject file - Chinese National Association of the Mass Education Movement Note Available on microfilm reel 693

Box 584. Czechoslovakia Folder 1 Agreements and contracts Note Available on microfilm reel 693

Folder 2 Appeal of the Czechoslovak National Republic to the United States, France, Great Britain, and Italy, 1919 February 24 Note Available on microfilm reel 693

Folder 3 Articles and clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 693

Cables Folder 4 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 693

Folder 5 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 694

Box 585., 1920 Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reels 694 and 695

Register of the American Relief 23001 465 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 4 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 695A

Box 586., 1921 Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 696

Folder 3 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 696

Folder 4 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 697

Correspondence Folder 5 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 697

Folder 6 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 697

Box 587., 1920 Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reels 697 and 698

Folder 4 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 698

Box 588., 1921 Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reels 698 and 699

Folder 4 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 699

Folder 5 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 699

Box 589., Folder 1 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 700

Folder 2 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 700

Register of the American Relief 23001 466 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 3 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 700

Folder 4 Personnel files Note Available on microfilm reel 700

Folder 5 Postcards Note Available on microfilm reel 700

Folder 6-8 Printed matter, 1918-1924. Books, brochures, and pamphlets, concerning relief operations in Czechoslovakia (in English and Czech) Note Available on microfilm reels 700 and 701

Box 590., Folder 1 Reports. Includes press and economic summaries Note Available on microfilm reel 701

Folder 2 Telephone conversations Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Folder 3 Shipping records Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Folder 4 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Folder 5 Statistics Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Subject file Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Folder 7 Civil service Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Folder 8 Continental Telegraph System Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Folder 9 Crops Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Register of the American Relief 23001 467 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 10 Czechoslovak and American Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Folder 11 Donations Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Folder 12 Food situation Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Folder 13 Industries Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Box 591., Folder 1 Milk Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Folder 2 Population Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Folder 3 Prague Mission Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Folder 4 Trade Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Transportation Folder 5 Motor cars Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Folder 6 Rail roads Note Available on microfilm reel 702

Folder 7 Young Men's Christian Associations in Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Danzig Folder 8 Agreement (in French) Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Register of the American Relief 23001 468 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 9 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 10 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 11 Memorandum Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Reports Folder 12 General Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 13 Commodity Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Versailles, Treaty of (1919) Folder 14 Extract from Treaty of Versailles relating to Danzig Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 15 Memorandum on Poland - Danzig Convention Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 16 Notes on the present situation, 1920 August 23 Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Box 592. Estonia. See also Baltic States and Finland Folder 1 Acknowledgments Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Agreements Folder 2 ARA. Includes memorandum on the agreement Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 3 Great Britain Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 4 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Register of the American Relief 23001 469 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 5 Clippings and articles Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 6 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 7 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 8 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 9 Personnel file Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 10 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 11 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 12 Shipping records Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Subject file Folder 13 General Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 14 Baltic Mission Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 15 Danish distribution Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 16 Food conditions Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 17 Foreign relations - Germany Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Register of the American Relief 23001 470 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 18 Forestry Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 19 Government Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 20 Labor and public welfare Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 21 Landlaw Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 22 North-Western Army Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 23 Ports on the Baltic sea Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 24 Railroads Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 25 Recognition of the independence of the Estonian State Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 26 Refugees Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 27 Transit-Trade with Russia in 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 28 Treaty between Estonia and Russia, 1920 February 2 Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Finland Folder 29 General Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 30 Agreements Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Register of the American Relief 23001 471 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 31 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 32 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 33 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 34 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 35 Requests Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Subject file Folder 36 Mission to Finland and Baltic States Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 37 Refugees (Russia) Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 38 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Box 593. France Folder 1 Cables. Includes cables to and from Herbert Hoover Note Available on microfilm reel 703

Folder 2 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 704

Folder 3 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 704

Folder 4 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 704

Folder 5 Policy of ARA in France for 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 704

Register of the American Relief 23001 472 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 6 Postcards Note Available on microfilm reel 704

Folder 7 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 704

Reports Folder 8 Monthly, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 704

Folder 9 Quarterly, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 704

Folder 10 Shipping records Note Available on microfilm reel 704

Subject file Folder 11 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 704

Folder 12 Coal Note Available on microfilm reel 704

Folder 13 Food situation Note Available on microfilm reel 704

Folder 14 French Commission in the United States Note Available on microfilm reel 704

Box 594. Germany Folder 1 Agreements with France Note Available on microfilm reel 705

Folder 2-3 Articles and clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 705

Folder 4-5 Cables Note Available on microfilm reels 705 and 706

Register of the American Relief 23001 473 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 6 Commercial treaty with the United States Note Available on microfilm reel 706

Folder 7 Correspondence. Includes correspondence with Herbert Hoover Note Available on microfilm reel 706

Box 595., Folder 1 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 706

Folder 2 Informal diary of the ARA Hamburg Office, 1922 May 3-1923 March 24 Note Available on microfilm reel 706

Folder 3 List of prices for grocery articles, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 706

Folder 4 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 706

Folder 5 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 706

Folder 6-8 Printed matter. Books, brochures, and pamphlets, mostly concerning German relief operations (in English and German) Includes typescript of the book America and Germany, 1918-1925, written by Sidney Brook Note Available on microfilm reels 707 and 707A

Folder 9 Publicity file. Correspondence, flyers, interviews, open letters Note Available on microfilm reel 707A

Reports General Folder 10 General Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 11 By Colonel Caussey Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 12 By Loring Dressel Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Register of the American Relief 23001 474 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 13 To Herbert Hoover Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 14 Commerce Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 15 Commodities Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 16 Food conditions in Germany Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Box 596., Folder 1 Food conditions in territory occupied by the Allies Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 2 Medical situation Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 3 Political and economic situation Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 4 Rations Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 5 Shipping records Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 6 Statistics Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Subject file Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 8 Annuities Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 9 Crops Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Register of the American Relief 23001 475 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 10 Domestic animals Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 11 Exchange rates Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 12 Food situation Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 13 Friends Emergency Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 14 German Central Commission for Relief from Abroad Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 15 Industry. Includes an album describing the situation in the iron industry Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 16 Population Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 17 Railroads Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 18 Transportation Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 19 Versailles, Treaty of (1919). Typescript on the consequences for German agriculture Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Folder 20 Summaries Note Available on microfilm reel 708

Greece Folder 21 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 709

Folder 22 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 709

Register of the American Relief 23001 476 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 23 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 709

Box 597. Hungary Folder 1 Agreements Note Available on microfilm reel 709

Folder 2-3 Articles and clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 709

Folder 4 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 709

Folder 5 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 709

Folder 6 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 709

Folder 7 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 709

Folder 8 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 709

Folder 9 Personnel files Note Available on microfilm reel 709

Folder 10 Publicity material Note Available on microfilm reel 709

Reports General Folder 11 General Note Available on microfilm reel 709

Folder 12 From Dr. Munroe Note Available on microfilm reel 709

Register of the American Relief 23001 477 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 13 Political and economic Note Available on microfilm reel 709

Folder 14 Weekly Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 15 Crop prospects Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 16 Distribution of the food packages Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 17 Refugees Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 18 Summer camps Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Box 598., Folder 1 Shipping records Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 2 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 3 Statistics Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Subject file. Cables, correspondence, memoranda, and reports Folder 4-5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 6 American Relief Committee for Hungarian Sufferers Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 7 Clothing Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 8 Coal Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Register of the American Relief 23001 478 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 9 Contributions Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 10 Donations Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 11 Food situation Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 12 Government Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 13 Population Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 14 Refugees Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 15 Warehouses Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 16 Summaries Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 17 Survey of economic-industrial conditions in Hungary, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Italy Folder 18 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 710

Folder 19 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 711

Folder 20 Map Note Available on microfilm reel 711

Folder 21 Statement Note Available on microfilm reel 711

Register of the American Relief 23001 479 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Japan Folder 22 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 711

Folder 23 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 711

Folder 24 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 711

Box 599. Latvia. See also Baltic States Folder 1 Agreements Note Available on microfilm reel 711

Folder 2 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 711

Folder 3 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 711

Folder 4 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 711

Financial records Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 711

Folder 6 Receipts Note Available on microfilm reel 711

Folder 7 Report Note Available on microfilm reel 711A

Folder 8 Treasury notes Note Available on microfilm reel 711A

Folder 9 Personnel files Note Available on microfilm reel 711A

Register of the American Relief 23001 480 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 10 Postcards Note Available on microfilm reel 711A

Folder 11 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 711A

Folder 12-13 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reels 711A and 712

Folder 14 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 15 Shipping records Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 16 Statistics Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Subject file. Cables, correspondence, memoranda Folder 17 General Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 18 Crops and vegetables Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 19 Economic conditions Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 20 Food situation Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 21 Population Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 22 Trade with Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Box 600. Lithuania. See also Baltic States Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Register of the American Relief 23001 481 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 2 Agreements Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 3 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 4 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 5 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 6 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 7 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 8 Shipping records Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Subject file. Cables, correspondence, memoranda, and reports Folder 9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 10 American food relief in the Baltic States and (old) Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 11 Flour Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 12 Food situation Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 13 Orphans Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 14 Political and economic situation Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Register of the American Relief 23001 482 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 15 Population Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 16 Luxemburg. Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 17 Memel. Article written by Arthur Bullard Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Near East Folder 18 Acknowledgments Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 19 Agreements Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 20 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 21 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 712

Folder 22-23 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 713

Box 601., Folder 1 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 713

Folder 2 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 713

Folder 3 Minutes of the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Near East Relief Committee, 1921 January 7 Note Available on microfilm reel 713

Folder 4 Press excerpts Note Available on microfilm reel 713

Register of the American Relief 23001 483 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 5 Press release Note Available on microfilm reel 713

Folder 6 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 714

Folder 7 Publicity Note Available on microfilm reel 714

Folder 8 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 714

Resume Folder 9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 714

Folder 10 On the situation in Transcaucasia, written by the Allied High Commissioner in Armenia William N. Haskell Note Available on microfilm reel 714

Folder 11 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 714

Folder 12 Statistics Note Available on microfilm reel 714

Subject file Folder 13 General Note Available on microfilm reel 714

Folder 14 American Committee for American and Syrian Relief Note Available on microfilm reel 714

Folder 15 Caucasus branch Note Available on microfilm reel 715

Box 602., Folder 1 Food situation Note Available on microfilm reel 715

Register of the American Relief 23001 484 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 2 Orphans Note Available on microfilm reel 715

Folder 3 Refugees Note Available on microfilm reel 715

Folder 4 Netherlands. Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 715

Norway Folder 5 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 715

Folder 6 List of credits granted by the Norwegian government Note Available on microfilm reel 715

Poland Folder 7 Agreements Note Available on microfilm reel 715

Folder 8 Appeal by the Polish Government, 1919 February Note Available on microfilm reel 715

Folder 9-11 Articles and clippings Note Available on microfilm reels 715 and 716

Box 603., Articles and clippings Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 716

Cables Folder 3 1915-1916 Note Available on microfilm reel 716

Folder 4 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 717

Folder 5 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 717

Register of the American Relief 23001 485 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Box 604., 1920 Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 717

Folder 3-4 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 718

Folder 5 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 718

Folder 6 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 719

Correspondence Folder 7 1915-1916 Note Available on microfilm reel 719

Folder 8 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 719

Box 605., 1920 Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reels 719 and 720

Folder 4-5 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 720

Box 606., 1922 Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reels 720 and 721

Folder 4-5 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 721

Folder 6 1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 721

Folder 7 1925 Note Available on microfilm reel 721

Folder 8 Draft of Polish child-feeding program Note Available on microfilm reel 721

Register of the American Relief 23001 486 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Box 607. Financial records Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 722

Folder 2 Receipts Note Available on microfilm reel 722

Folder 3 Remittances Note Available on microfilm reel 722

Folder 4 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 722

Folder 5 Treasury notes Note Available on microfilm reel 722

Folder 6 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 722

Folder 7 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 722

Folder 8 Personnel file Note Available on microfilm reel 722

Publicity Folder 9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 722

Folder 10 Petitions, proposals, suggestions Note Available on microfilm reel 722

Folder 11 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 722

Folder 12 Press summaries Note Available on microfilm reel 723

Box 608., Press summaries Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 723

Register of the American Relief 23001 487 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Speeches Note Available on microfilm reel 723

Folder 3 Hoover, Herbert Note Available on microfilm reel 723

Folder 4 Paderewski, Ignacy Jan Note Available on microfilm reel 723

Folder 5 Zamorski, Jan Note Available on microfilm reel 723

Reports Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 724

Folder 7 ARA operations to June 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 724

Folder 8-9 Commonwealth Note Available on microfilm reel 724

Box 609., Commonwealth Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 724

Folder 3 Jews in Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Folder 4-5 Political and economic Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Folder 6 Resolution presented by the heads of the American relief organizations in Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Folder 7 Shipping records Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Folder 8 Statement Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Register of the American Relief 23001 488 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 9 Statistics Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Subject file Folder 10-11 General Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Box 610., Folder 1 Agriculture Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Folder 2 American aid for Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Folder 3 American Friends Service Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Folder 4 American Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the United States Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Folder 5 Americans in Poland's Restoration, 1919-1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Folder 6 Citizens' Committee of Warsaw Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Folder 7 Commission for Relief in Belgium Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Folder 8 Committee for the Relief of Prisoners of War Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Folder 9 Cost of leaving Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Folder 10 Donations Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Folder 11 Economic and financial situation Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Register of the American Relief 23001 489 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 12 Flour and sugar Note Available on microfilm reel 725

Folder 13 Food situation Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 14 Grain situation Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 15 Industries Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 16 International Committee for Relief Credits Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 17 Polish Industrial Credit Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 18 Polish Official Purchasing Bureau Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 19 Polish Racial Organizations in the United States Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 20 Population Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 21 Public health Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 22 Refugee Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 23 Relief for Polish cities Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 24 Relief to Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Register of the American Relief 23001 490 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 25 Portugal. Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Box 611. Romania Folder 1 Agreements Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Bulletins Folder 2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 3 Dedicated to Queen , 1926 October 18 Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 4 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 5 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 6 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 7 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 8 Map Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 9 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Folder 10 Shipping records Note Available on microfilm reel 726

Box 612., Folder 1 Sweden. Cable Note Available on microfilm reel 726A

Switzerland Note Available on microfilm reel 726A

Register of the American Relief 23001 491 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 2 Memorandum Note Available on microfilm reel 726A

Folder 3 Release to the ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 726A

Teschen (Silesia) Folder 4 Article about Teschen coal, written by Thomas H. Dickinson Note Available on microfilm reel 726A

Folder 5 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 726A

Folder 6 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 726A

Transcaucasia Folder 7 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 726A

Folder 8 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 726A

Folder 9 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 726A

Folder 10 Map Note Available on microfilm reel 726A

Folder 11 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 726A

Box `, Folder 12 Statistics Note Available on microfilm reel 726A

Folder 13 Subject file - Food conditions Note Available on microfilm reel 726A


Register of the American Relief 23001 492 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 14 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 726A

Folder 15-16 Daily reports on car shipments Note Available on microfilm reels 726A and 727

Turkey Folder 17 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 727

Folder 18 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 727

Folder 19 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 727

Folder 20 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 727

Folder 21 Map Note Available on microfilm reel 727

Folder 22 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 727

Folder 23 Turkish-American Treaty Note Available on microfilm reel 727

Box 613. Yugoslavia Folder 1 Agreements Note Available on microfilm reel 727

Folder 2-4 Cables Note Available on microfilm reels 727 and 728

Folder 5 Contract for sale of supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 728

Folder 6 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 728

Register of the American Relief 23001 493 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Folder 7 List of Yugoslav organizations in the United States Note Available on microfilm reel 728

Folder 8 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 728

Folder 9 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 728

Folder 10 Press release Note Available on microfilm reel 728

Folder 11 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 728

Folder 12 Publicity file Note Available on microfilm reel 728

Box 614., Reports. Includes report blanks Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reels 728 and 729

Subject file. Mostly cables, correspondence, and reports Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 729

Folder 5 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 729

Folder 6 Food situation Note Available on microfilm reel 729

Folder 7 Portorose conference Note Available on microfilm reel 729

Folder 8 Refugees (from Russia) Note Available on microfilm reel 729

Folder 9 Standard Oil Company of New York Note Available on microfilm reel 729

Register of the American Relief 23001 494 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GENERAL OFFICE FILE, 1916-1937

Box No. 615-714. EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938 Note Available on microfilm reels 729-823 Scope and Content Note Accounts, agreements, articles, bills of lading, bulletins, cables, circular letters, clippings, flyers, forms, graphs, instructions, leaflet, letters, maps, memoranda, minutes, news summaries, newsletters, plans, press releases, printed matter, proclamation, receipts, reports, and tables, arranged alphabetically by country and therein by physical form

Box 615. General Folder 1 Agreements, 1919-1933. Includes correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 729

Folder 2-3 Articles and clippings, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 730

Folder 4 Bulletins, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 730

Box 616. Cables 1919 Folder 1 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 730

Folder 2 May Note Available on microfilm reel 730

Folder 3 June Note Available on microfilm reel 730

Folder 4 July Note Available on microfilm reel 731

Folder 5 August Note Available on microfilm reel 731

Folder 6 September Note Available on microfilm reel 731

Box 617., Folder 1 October Note Available on microfilm reel 731

Register of the American Relief 23001 495 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 2 November Note Available on microfilm reel 731

Folder 3 December Note Available on microfilm reel 732

1920 Folder 4 January Note Available on microfilm reel 732

Folder 5 February Note Available on microfilm reel 732

Folder 6 March Note Available on microfilm reel 732

Box 618., Folder 1 April Note Available on microfilm reel 732

Folder 2 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 732

Folder 3 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 732

Folder 4 September-October Note Available on microfilm reel 733

Folder 5 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 733

Box 619. 1921 Folder 1 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 733

Folder 2 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 733

Folder 3 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 733

Register of the American Relief 23001 496 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 4 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 734

Folder 5 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 734

Folder 6 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 734

Box 620. Correspondence 1919 Folder 1 January-October Note Available on microfilm reel 734

Folder 2 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 734

1920 Folder 3 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 735

Folder 4 March Note Available on microfilm reel 735

Folder 5 April Note Available on microfilm reel 735

Folder 6 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 735

Box 621., Folder 1 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 735

1921 Folder 2 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 735

Folder 3 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 736

Register of the American Relief 23001 497 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 4 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 736

Folder 5 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 736

Folder 6 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 736

Folder 7 1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 736

Box 622. Financial records General Folder 1 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 736

Folder 2 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 736

Folder 3-4 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 737

Folder 5 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 737

Folder 6 1923-1938 Note Available on microfilm reel 737

Box 623. Accounting correspondence Folder 1 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 737

Folder 2 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 737

Folder 3-4 Dossiers, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 738

Register of the American Relief 23001 498 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Box 624., Folder 1 Form letters, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 738

Historical file Folder 2 Cables, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 738

Folder 3 Reports, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 739

Box 625. Liquidation file. Cables, correspondence and memoranda Folder 1 General, 1920-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 740

Folder 2 London, 1920-1925 Note Available on microfilm reel 740

Folder 3 Maps, 1922. Includes correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 740

Memoranda. Includes policy directives and interoffice communications Folder 4 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 740

Folder 5 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 740

Box 626., Folder 1 1921-1931 Note Available on microfilm reel 740

Minutes. Includes meeting transcripts and policy documents General Folder 2 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 741

Folder 3 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 741

Folder 4 1921-1938 Note Available on microfilm reel 741

Register of the American Relief 23001 499 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Box 627-629. Bound volumes, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reels 741-742

Box 630., Folder 1 Newsletters, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 742

Organizational file. Cables, correspondence, and memoranda concerning operations and personnel Folder 2 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 742

Folder 3 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 742

Folder 4 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 743

Folder 5 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 743

Box 631. 1923 Folder 1 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 743

Folder 2 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 743

Personal files. Accounts, articles, cables, clippings, correspondence, and reports Folder 3 Baker, George Barr, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 743

Folder 4 Brown, Walter, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 744

Folder 5 Chomel, Marie, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 744

Folder 6 Dawson, Conigsby. Includes articles written by Dawson about relief operations Note Available on microfilm reel 744

Register of the American Relief 23001 500 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 7 Hoover, Herbert, 1919-1933 Note Available on microfilm reel 744

Box 632., Folder 1 Jackson, R. A., 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 744

Pirquet, Clemens, Dr. Folder 2 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 744

Folder 3 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 744

Folder 4 Lange, J. H., 1920-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 744

Folder 5 Leach, Charles, Dr., 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 744

Folder 6 Murphy, Farmer, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 744

Folder 7 Wallis, James H., 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 745

Folder 8 Publicity file. Correspondence, memoranda, press releases, and reports, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 745

Reports Folder 9 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 745

Folder 10 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 745

Box 633., Folder 1 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 745

Register of the American Relief 23001 501 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 2 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 745

Shipping records. Bills of lading, cables, correspondence, and statistics Folder 3 General, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 746

Folder 4 Demurrage, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 746

Statistics. Charts, graphs, reports, and tables. Includes some correspondence Folder 5 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 746

Box 634., Folder 1 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 746

Folder 2-3 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 746

Folder 4-5 1921 Note Available on microfilm reels 746 and 747

Box 635., Folder 1 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 747

Folder 2 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 747

Subject file, 1918-1934. Cables, correspondence, printed matter, statistics, and reports Folder 3 American Allied Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 747

Folder 4 American Child Health Association Note Available on microfilm reel 747

Folder 5 American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief Note Available on microfilm reel 747

American Friends Service Committee

Register of the American Relief 23001 502 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 6 General, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 747

Correspondence Folder 7 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 747

1920 Folder 8 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 748

Box 636., Folder 1 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 748

Folder 2 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 748

Folder 3 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 748

Folder 4 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 748

Folder 5 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 748

Folder 6 American Jewish Relief Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 749

Folder 7 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 749

Folder 8 American Relief Society for the Relief and Alleviation of Distress in Central Europe Note Available on microfilm reel 749

Box 637. Austria Folder 1 Cables, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 749

Register of the American Relief 23001 503 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 2 Correspondence, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 749

Folder 3 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 749

Folder 4 Statistics Note Available on microfilm reel 749

Automobiles Folder 5 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 749

1920 Folder 6 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 750

Box 638., Folder 1 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 750

Folder 2 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 750

Folder 3 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 750

Folder 4 1922-1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 750

Folder 5 Banks Note Available on microfilm reel 750

Folder 6 California Committee for Relief in Serbia and Northern France Note Available on microfilm reel 750

Folder 7 Canada Note Available on microfilm reel 751

Folder 8 Carpatho-Rusyns Note Available on microfilm reel 751

Register of the American Relief 23001 504 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 9 Central Committee, Inc., for the Relief of Distress in Germany and Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 751

Folder 10 Child Welfare. See also individual relief agencies Note Available on microfilm reel 751

Folder 11 The Children's Foundation Note Available on microfilm reel 751

Box 639., Folder 1 Clothing program Note Available on microfilm reel 751

Folder 2 Coal Note Available on microfilm reel 751

Folder 3 Cocoa Note Available on microfilm reel 751

Folder 4 Commodities Note Available on microfilm reel 751

Folder 5 The Commonwealth Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 751

Folder 6 Communications Note Available on microfilm reel 752

Folder 7 Corn Note Available on microfilm reel 752

Folder 8 Cotton Note Available on microfilm reel 752

Folder 9 Cottonseed oil Note Available on microfilm reel 752

Folder 10 Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 752

Register of the American Relief 23001 505 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 11 Donations Note Available on microfilm reel 752

Box 640., Folder 1 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America Note Available on microfilm reel 752

Folder 2 Food values and nutrition Note Available on microfilm reel 752

Folder 3 General Relief Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 752

Folder 4 Georgia Note Available on microfilm reel 752

Folder 5 Gibbons, John, Cardinal Note Available on microfilm reel 753

Folder 6 Gibbs, Philip, Sir Note Available on microfilm reel 753

Folder 7 Gold Note Available on microfilm reel 753

Folder 8 Great Britain Note Available on microfilm reel 753

Folder 9 Guaranty Trust Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 753

Folder 10 Halstead, Albert, Mrs. Note Available on microfilm reel 753

Folder 11 Interchurch World Movement Note Available on microfilm reel 753

Folder 12 International Committee of the Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 753

Register of the American Relief 23001 506 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Box 641., Folder 1 Inter-Racial Council Note Available on microfilm reel 753

Folder 2 Kammerman, Alfred Note Available on microfilm reel 753

Folder 3 Lathrop, Julia C. Note Available on microfilm reel 753

Folder 4 League of Red Cross Societies Note Available on microfilm reel 753

Folder 5 Lithuania Note Available on microfilm reel 753

Folder 6 Medical supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 754

Folder 7 Methodist Episcopal Church Note Available on microfilm reel 754

Milk Folder 8 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 754

1920 Folder 9 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 754

Folder 10 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 754

Folder 11 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 754

Box 642., Folder 1 Morton, Rosalie S. Note Available on microfilm reel 754

National Information Bureau

Register of the American Relief 23001 507 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 2 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 754

Folder 3 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 755

Folder 4 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 755

Folder 5 National Catholic Welfare Council Note Available on microfilm reel 755

National Lutheran Council Folder 6 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 755

Folder 7 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 755

Folder 8 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 755

Folder 9 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 755

Box 643. Poland Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 755

Folder 2 Cables, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 755

Folder 3 Correspondence, 1920-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 755

Folder 4 Rockefeller Foundation Note Available on microfilm reel 755

Folder 5 The Sacramento Bee Note Available on microfilm reel 755

Register of the American Relief 23001 508 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Save the Children Fund Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 756

Box 644., Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 756

Bulletins Folder 2 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 757

Folder 3 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 757

Folder 4 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 757A

Box 645., Folder 1 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 757A

Folder 2 1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 758

Folder 3 1925 Note Available on microfilm reel 758

Folder 4 Cables, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 758

Folder 5 Correspondence, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 758

Folder 6 Memoranda, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 758

Box 646., Folder 1 Szechenyi, Gladys Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Register of the American Relief 23001 509 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 2 The Survey Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Folder 3 Taft, Robert A. Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Folder 4 Whitestone, S. L. Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Folder 5 World's Student Christian Federation Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Armenia Folder 6 Articles, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Cables Folder 7 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Folder 8 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Folder 9 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Folder 10 Correspondence, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Personal files Folder 11 Haskell, William N., 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Folder 12 Hoover, Herbert, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Folder 13 Logan, James A., 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Register of the American Relief 23001 510 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 14 Reports, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Subject file Folder 15 American Committee for the Independence of Armenia Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Folder 16 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Folder 17 Armenian National Union of America Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Folder 18 The Commonwealth Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Folder 19 Flour Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Folder 20 Near East Relief Note Available on microfilm reel 759

Box 647. Austria Acknowledgments. Letters sent to contributors Folder 1 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 760

Folder 2 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 760

Articles and clippings Folder 3 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 760

1920 Folder 4 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 760

Folder 5 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 760

Register of the American Relief 23001 511 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 6 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 760

Folder 7 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 760

Cables Folder 8 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 760

Folder 9 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 760

Box 648. 1921 Folder 1 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 761

Folder 2 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 761

Folder 3 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 761

Folder 4 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 761

Correspondence Folder 5 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 761

1920 Folder 6 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 761

Folder 7 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 761

Folder 8 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 762

Register of the American Relief 23001 512 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Box 649., Folder 1 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 762

Folder 2 1923-1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 762

Financial records Folder 3 General, 1919-1923. Accounts, memoranda, and reports Note Available on microfilm reel 762

Correspondence Folder 4 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 762

Folder 5 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 762

Folder 6 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 762

Folder 7 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 763

Folder 8 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 763

Box 650., Folder 1 Expense accounts, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 763

Receipts Folder 2 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 763

1920 Folder 3 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 763

Folder 4 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 763


Register of the American Relief 23001 513 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 5 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 763

Folder 6 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 763

Folder 7 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 763

Folder 8 Forms and instructions, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 764

Folder 9 Historical file. Account of operations by Gilchrist B. Stockton, 1920 September 15. Typescript Note Available on microfilm reel 764

Box 651., Folder 1 Letters of thanks, 1919-1922. Correspondence from aid recipients and Austrian officials Note Available on microfilm reel 764

Folder 2 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 764

Folder 3 Memoranda, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 764

Personal files. Articles, correspondence, memoranda, reports, and speeches Folder 4 Burland, E. C., 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 764

Folder 5 Pirquet, Clemens, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 764

Folder 6 Rickard, Edgar, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 764

Folder 7 Torrey, Clare M., 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 764

Register of the American Relief 23001 514 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 8 Stonborough, Jerome, Mr. and Mrs., 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 764

Personnel file. Correspondence and memoranda Folder 9 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 764

Folder 10 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 765

Box 652-653. Printed matter, 1919-1924. Books, brochures, and pamphlets, largely concerning Austrian relief operations. In English and German Note Available on microfilm reels 765 and 766

Box 654., Folder 1 Publicity file, 1919-1923. Correspondence, memoranda, and press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 767

Reports. Includes some correspondence General Folder 2 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 767

Folder 3 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 767

Folder 4 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 767

Medical Folder 5 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 767

Folder 6 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 767

Political and economic Folder 7 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 767

Box 655., Folder 1 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 768

Register of the American Relief 23001 515 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 2 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 768

Folder 3 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 768

Progress Folder 4 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 768

1921 Folder 5 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 768

Folder 6 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 768

1922 Folder 7 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 769

Box 656., Folder 1 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 769

Folder 2 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 769

Statistics. Charts, correspondence, memoranda, and tables Folder 3 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 769

Folder 4 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 769

Folder 5 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 769

Folder 6 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 770

Register of the American Relief 23001 516 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Box 657. Subject file, 1919-1924. Cables, correspondence, memoranda, printed matter, and reports Allied deliveries. Material concerning relief operations undertaken in Austria by the American, British, French, and Italian governments Folder 1 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 770

Folder 2 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 770

American Friends Service Committee. Includes material relating to the Society of Friends and the Friends Relief Mission Folder 3 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 770

Folder 4 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 770

Folder 5 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 770

Folder 6 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 770

Folder 7 American Relief Committee for Sufferers in Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 770

Folder 8 Amtliche Übernahmsstelle für Vieh und Fleisch Note Available on microfilm reel 770

Folder 9 Anti-Semitism Note Available on microfilm reel 770

Box 658., Folder 1 Apprentices Note Available on microfilm reel 770

Folder 2 Austrian Home Relief Note Available on microfilm reel 770

Folder 3 Beans Note Available on microfilm reel 770

Register of the American Relief 23001 517 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 4 Beth, Karl Note Available on microfilm reel 770

Folder 5 British Mission to Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 770

Clothing and shoes General Folder 6 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 770

1920 Folder 7 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 770

Folder 8 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 771

1921 Folder 9 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 771

Folder 10 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 771

Folder 11 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 771

Folder 12 Employees, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 771

Box 659., Folder 1 Coal Note Available on microfilm reel 771

Folder 2 Cod liver oil Note Available on microfilm reel 771

Folder 3 The Commonwealth Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 771

Register of the American Relief 23001 518 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 4 Complaints Note Available on microfilm reel 772

Folder 5 Corn Note Available on microfilm reel 772

Folder 6 Cotton Note Available on microfilm reel 772

Folder 7 Decorations and medals Note Available on microfilm reel 772

Folder 8 Exhibitions Note Available on microfilm reel 772

Festivals Folder 9 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 772

Folder 10 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 772

Folder 11 First National Productions, Inc. Note Available on microfilm reel 772

Box 660. Flour Folder 1 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 772

Folder 2 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 773

Folder 3 Gasoline Note Available on microfilm reel 773

Folder 4 German and Austro-Hungarian Relief Society Note Available on microfilm reel 773

Folder 5 Goode, William, Sir. Includes correspondence with Herbert Hoover Note Available on microfilm reel 773

Register of the American Relief 23001 519 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 6 Governmental contributions Note Available on microfilm reel 773

Folder 7 Haimisch, Michael Note Available on microfilm reel 773

Folder 8 Inspections Note Available on microfilm reel 773

Folder 9 Insurance Note Available on microfilm reel 773

Box 661., Folder 1 International Committee of the Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 773

Folder 2-3 Kitchens and feeding places Note Available on microfilm reel 774

Folder 4 Legislation Note Available on microfilm reel 774

Folder 5 Malnutrition Note Available on microfilm reel 774

Folder 6 Medical care Note Available on microfilm reel 774

Milk. Includes material concerning Vienna Children's Milk Relief Folder 7 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 774

1920 Folder 8 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 774

Box 662., Folder 1 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 774


Register of the American Relief 23001 520 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 2 General, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 775

Intelligentsia and students Note Available on microfilm reel 775

Folder 3 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 775

Folder 4 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 775

1922 Folder 5 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 775

Folder 6 April-December Note Available on microfilm reel 775

Provinces Folder 7 Carinthia (Kärnten) Note Available on microfilm reel 775

Folder 8 Lower Austria (Niederösterreich) Note Available on microfilm reel 775

Box 663., Folder 1 Salzburg Note Available on microfilm reel 776

Folder 2 Styria (Steiermark) Note Available on microfilm reel 776

Folder 3 Tyrol Note Available on microfilm reel 776

Folder 4 Upper Austria (Oberösterreich) Note Available on microfilm reel 776

Folder 5 Vorarlberg Note Available on microfilm reel 776

Register of the American Relief 23001 521 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 6 Recreation Note Available on microfilm reel 776

Replogle Fund Folder 7 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 776

Folder 8 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 776

Box 664., Folder 1 Russian intellectuals Note Available on microfilm reel 777

Folder 2 Serbia Note Available on microfilm reel 777

Folder 3 Soap Note Available on microfilm reel 777

Folder 4 Spoilage Note Available on microfilm reel 777

Folder 5 Sugar Note Available on microfilm reel 777

Folder 6 Thefts and fraud Note Available on microfilm reel 777

Folder 7 Transportation Note Available on microfilm reel 777

Folder 8 Trieste Note Available on microfilm reel 777

Folder 9 Vienna Settlement Note Available on microfilm reel 777

Folder 10 World's Student Christian Federation Note Available on microfilm reel 777

Register of the American Relief 23001 522 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Bulgaria Folder 11 Cables, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 777

Folder 12 Memorandum, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 777

Czechoslovakia Folder 13 Agreements, 1920-1921. Includes correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 777

Folder 14 Articles, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 777

Box 665. Cables 1919 Folder 1 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 777

Folder 2 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 778

1920 Folder 3 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 778

Folder 4 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 778

Folder 5 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 778

Folder 6 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 778

Box 666. Correspondence Folder 1 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 779

Register of the American Relief 23001 523 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 2 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 779

Folder 3 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 779

Folder 4 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 779

Folder 5 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 779

Folder 6 Financial records, 1919-1922. Accounts, articles, correspondence, and memorandum Note Available on microfilm reel 779

Historical file. Correspondence, memoranda, printed matter, reports, and statistics Folder 7 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 779

Folder 8 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 779

Folder 9 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 779

Box 667., Folder 1 Instructions, 1920-1921. Cables, circulars, and correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 779

Letters of thanks Folder 2 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 779

Folder 3 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 780

Folder 4 Liquidation file, 1921-1922. Correspondence and memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 780

Register of the American Relief 23001 524 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 5 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 780

Folder 6 Memoranda, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 780

Folder 7 Minutes, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 780

Folder 8 Printed matter, 1920-1921. Pamphlets and serial issue Note Available on microfilm reel 780

Folder 9 Publicity file, 1919-1921. Articles, correspondence, press releases, printed matter, and reports Note Available on microfilm reel 780

Box 668. Purchasing and shipping records General. Bills of lading, reports, and statistics Folder 1 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 781

Folder 2 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 781

Folder 3 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 781

Correspondence Folder 4 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 781

Folder 5 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 781

Folder 6 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 781

Folder 7 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 781

Register of the American Relief 23001 525 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 8 Receipts, 1919-1921. Includes correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 781

Box 669. Reports. Includes some correspondence General Folder 1 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 781

Folder 2 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 781

Folder 3 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 781

Folder 4 Medical, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 781

Statistics. Charts, graphs, reports, and tables. Includes some correspondence Folder 5 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 782

Folder 6 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 782

Folder 7 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 782

Box 670. Subject file, 1919-1924. Cables, correspondence, memoranda, printed matter, and reports Folder 1 Aid recipients Note Available on microfilm reel 782

Folder 2-6 Allocations. Includes information regarding distribution of relief supplies Note Available on microfilm reels 782 and 783

Box 671., Folder 1 American Czechoslovak Board Note Available on microfilm reel 783

Folder 2 American Friends Service Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 783

Register of the American Relief 23001 526 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 3 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 783

Folder 4 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 783

Folder 5 Automobiles Note Available on microfilm reel 783

Folder 6 Beans Note Available on microfilm reel 783

Folder 7 Benes, Edvard Note Available on microfilm reel 783

Folder 8 Biscuits Note Available on microfilm reel 783

Ceskoslovenska Pece o Dite Folder 9-11 General, 1919-1920. Reports and statistics Note Available on microfilm reels 783 and 784

Box 672., Folder 1 Correspondence, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 784

Folder 2-4 Forms Note Available on microfilm reel 784

Clothing Folder 5 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 784

Folder 6 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 785

Folder 7 Coal Note Available on microfilm reel 785

Box 673., Folder 1 The Commonwealth Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 785

Register of the American Relief 23001 527 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 2 Complaints Note Available on microfilm reel 785

Folder 3 Corn Note Available on microfilm reel 785

Folder 4 Czechoslovak National Council of America Note Available on microfilm reel 785

Folder 5 Czechoslovak Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 785

Folder 6 Donations Note Available on microfilm reel 785

Folder 7 Fats Note Available on microfilm reel 785

Folder 8 Governmental contributions Note Available on microfilm reel 785

Folder 9 Inspections Note Available on microfilm reel 786

Folder 10 Insurance Note Available on microfilm reel 786

Folder 11 Intellectuals Note Available on microfilm reel 786

Folder 12 Kleindienst, R. A. Note Available on microfilm reel 786

Folder 13 Klima case Note Available on microfilm reel 786

Box 674., Folder 1 Kohler, Vitezslav Note Available on microfilm reel 786

Register of the American Relief 23001 528 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 2 Legislation Note Available on microfilm reel 786

Folder 3 M. J. Corbett and Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 786

Folder 4-5 Malnutrition Note Available on microfilm reel 786

Folder 6 Milk Note Available on microfilm reel 786

Folder 7 Paget, Muriel, Lady Note Available on microfilm reel 787

Folder 8 Planning Note Available on microfilm reel 787

Folder 9 Rations and recipes Note Available on microfilm reel 787

Box 675. Regions Folder 1 Ruthenia Note Available on microfilm reel 787

Folder 2 Slovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 787

Folder 3 Rice Note Available on microfilm reel 787

Folder 4 Rockefeller Foundation Note Available on microfilm reel 787

Folder 5 Save the Children Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 787

Folder 6 Student feeding Note Available on microfilm reel 787

Register of the American Relief 23001 529 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 7 Vacation colonies Note Available on microfilm reel 787

Folder 8 Young Men's Christian Associations (YMCA) Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Danzig Folder 9 Agreements, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Cables Folder 10 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Folder 11 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Folder 12 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Folder 13 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Correspondence Folder 14 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Folder 15 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Folder 16 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Folder 17 Financial records, 1921. Accounts Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Folder 18 Historical file, 1919-1922. Pamphlets Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Register of the American Relief 23001 530 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 19 Memoranda, 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Folder 20 Publicity file, 1921. Letter and flyer Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Box 676., Shipping records, 1919-1922. Invoices and reports Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Folder 3 Statistics, 1919-1922. Tables Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Subject file, 1920-1923. Correspondence, memoranda, and reports Folder 4 American Dairy Cattle Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Folder 5 American Friends Service Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Folder 6 The Commonwealth Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Folder 7 Insurance Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Folder 8 Denmark. Cables, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Estonia Folder 9 Agreements, 1919-1921. Includes correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Folder 10 Articles, 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Cables Folder 11 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Register of the American Relief 23001 531 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 12 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Folder 13 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 788

Folder 14 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Box 677. Correspondence Folder 1 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Folder 2 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Folder 3 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Folder 4 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Folder 5 Financial records, 1919-1920. Accounts and correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Folder 6 Historical file, 1919-1922. Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Folder 7 Letters of thanks, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Folder 8 Map Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Folder 9 Memoranda, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Folder 10 Receipts, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Register of the American Relief 23001 532 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 11 Reports, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Shipping records. Correspondence and reports Folder 12 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Folder 13 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Folder 14 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Folder 15-16 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Box 678. Statistics. Correspondence, reports, and tables Folder 1 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 789

Folder 2-3 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 4-5 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Subject file, 1919-1926. Correspondence, memoranda, printed matter, and tables Folder 6 Clothing and shoes Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 7 Commissary supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 8 Estonian Children's Relief Association Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 9 Flour Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Register of the American Relief 23001 533 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 10 International Committee of the Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 11 Poultry Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 12 Russian refugees Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Box 679. Finland Folder 1 Articles, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Cables Folder 2 1918 Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 3 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 4 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 5 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 6 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 7 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Correspondence Folder 8 1918 Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 9 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Register of the American Relief 23001 534 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 10 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 11 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 12 Financial records, 1919. Accounts, correspondence, and receipts Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 13 Letters of thanks, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 14 Memoranda, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 15 Reports, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 790

Folder 16 Statistics, 1919-1921. Correspondence, graph, and tables Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Subject file, 1919-1924. Cables, correspondence, memoranda, and reports Folder 17 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 18 Clothing Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 19 Finnish Children's Relief Bureau Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 20 Governmental contributions Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 21 Russian refugees Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Box 680. France Cables

Register of the American Relief 23001 535 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 1 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 2 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 3 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 4 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Correspondence Folder 5 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 6 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 7 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 8 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 9 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 10 1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 11 Financial records, 1919. Accounts Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 12 Memoranda, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Personal files. Cables, correspondence, and memoranda Folder 13 Hoover, Herbert, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Register of the American Relief 23001 536 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 14 Poland, William B., 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Subject file, 1919-1924. Articles, cables, correspondence, and reports Folder 15 Accidents Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 16 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 17 French Heroes Lafayette Memorial Fund, Inc. Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Germany Folder 18 Articles, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Bulletins 1921 Folder 19 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 20 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 791

Folder 21 October-December Note Available on microfilm reel 792

Box 681. 1922 Folder 1 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 792

Folder 2 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 792

Folder 3 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 792

Folder 4 October-December Note Available on microfilm reel 792

Register of the American Relief 23001 537 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 5 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 792

Cables Folder 6 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 792

Folder 7 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 792

Folder 8 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 792

Folder 9 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 792

Folder 10 1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 792

Correspondence Folder 11 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 792

Folder 12 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 792

Folder 13 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 792

1923 Folder 14 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 793

Folder 15 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 793

Box 682., Folder 1 1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 793

Register of the American Relief 23001 538 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 2 1925 Note Available on microfilm reel 793

Financial records. Accounts, cables, cancelled checks, correspondence, and receipts Folder 3 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 793

Folder 4 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 793

Folder 5 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 793

Folder 6 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 793

Folder 7 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 793

Folder 8 Hamburg Office file, 1919-1923. Accounts, cables, cancelled checks, correspondence, and receipts Note Available on microfilm reel 793

Folder 9-10 Historical file, 1919-1923. Printed reports Note Available on microfilm reels 793 and 794

Box 683., Folder 1 Memoranda, 1919-1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 794

Folder 2 Minutes, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 794

Folder 3-4 Printed matter, 1911-1924. Brochures and pamphlets Note Available on microfilm reel 794

Folder 5 Publicity file, 1919-1920. Advertisements, flyer, and press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 794

Register of the American Relief 23001 539 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 6 Purchase orders, 1923. Includes correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 794

Folder 7 Reports, 1917-1923. Includes medical data Note Available on microfilm reel 794

Folder 8 Shipping records, 1919-1921. Correspondence and reports Note Available on microfilm reel 794

Folder 9 Statistics, 1920-1923. Correspondence, graphs, and tables Note Available on microfilm reel 794

Subject file, 1919-1927. Cables, correspondence, printed matter, and reports Folder 10 Addams, Jane Note Available on microfilm reel 794

Folder 11 The American Committee for Relief of German Children Note Available on microfilm reel 795

Box 684. American Friends Service Committee Folder 1 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 795

1920 Folder 2 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 795

Folder 3 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 795

Folder 4 September-December Note Available on microfilm reel 795

1921 Folder 5 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 795

Folder 6 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 796

Register of the American Relief 23001 540 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 7 September-December Note Available on microfilm reel 796

Folder 8 1922-1925 Note Available on microfilm reel 796

Box 685., Folder 1 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 796

Folder 2 American Relief Committee for German Children Note Available on microfilm reel 796

Folder 3 Cooper, Emilie Note Available on microfilm reel 796

Folder 4-5 Deutscher Zentralausschuss für die Auslandshilfe Note Available on microfilm reel 796

Folder 6 The Fatherland Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 796

Folder 7 Insurance Note Available on microfilm reel 796

Folder 8 Legislation Note Available on microfilm reel 796

Folder 9 Noyes, Pierrepont Note Available on microfilm reel 796

Folder 10 Records Note Available on microfilm reel 796

Folder 11 Riecker, Ludwig Note Available on microfilm reel 796

Folder 12 Rockefeller Foundation Note Available on microfilm reel 796

Register of the American Relief 23001 541 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 13 Russian refugees Note Available on microfilm reel 796

Folder 14 Sanne, Louis Note Available on microfilm reel 797

Box 686., Folder 1 Save the Children Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 797

Folder 2 Student Friendship Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 797

Folder 3 Tuberculosis Note Available on microfilm reel 797

Hungary Folder 4 Acknowledgments, 1919-1922. Letters sent to contributors Note Available on microfilm reel 797

Folder 5 Agreements, 1920-1922. Includes correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 797

Folder 6 Articles, 1920-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 797

Cables Folder 7 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 797

Folder 8 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 797

Folder 9 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 797

Folder 10 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 797


Register of the American Relief 23001 542 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 11 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 798

Folder 12 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 798

Box 687., Folder 1 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 798

Folder 2 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 798

Financial records. Accounts, cables, correspondence, and reports Folder 3 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 798

1920 Folder 4 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 798

Folder 5 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 798

1921 Folder 6 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 798

Box 688., Folder 1 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 799

Folder 2 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 799

Folder 3 September-December Note Available on microfilm reel 799

Folder 4 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 799

Register of the American Relief 23001 543 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 5-6 Historical file, 1920-1922. Book, brochures, and pamphlets Note Available on microfilm reel 799

Folder 7 Instructions, 1919. Circular letters and forms Note Available on microfilm reel 799

Folder 8 Letters of thanks, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 800

Box 689., Folder 1 Liquidation file, 1921-1922. Cables and correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 800

Folder 2 Maps, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 800

Folder 3 Memoranda, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 800

Folder 4 Minutes, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 800

Folder 5 Publicity file, 1919-1922. Press releases and greeting card Note Available on microfilm reel 800

Receipts Folder 6 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 800

Folder 7 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 800

Folder 8 Reports, 1919-1922. Includes correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 800

Shipping records. Cables, correspondence, memoranda, and reports Folder 9 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 800

Folder 10 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 800

Register of the American Relief 23001 544 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 11 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 800

Folder 12 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 800

Box 690., Folder 1 Statistics, 1919-1922. Graphs and tables Note Available on microfilm reel 801

Subject file, 1919-1922. Articles, cables, correspondence, and reports Folder 2 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 801

Folder 3-5 American Relief Committee for Hungarian Sufferers Note Available on microfilm reel 801

Folder 6 Barna, Bertalan Note Available on microfilm reel 801

Folder 7 Black, George C. Note Available on microfilm reel 801

Folder 8 Bokay, John Note Available on microfilm reel 801

Folder 9 Child Welfare Committee for Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 801

Folder 10 Cleveland Committee for Hungarian Sufferers Note Available on microfilm reel 801

Folder 11 Clothing and shoes Note Available on microfilm reel 801

Box 691., Folder 1 Clothing and shoes Note Available on microfilm reel 801

Folder 2 Commission for the Prevention of Tuberculosis in France Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Register of the American Relief 23001 545 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 3 The Commonwealth Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 4 Donations Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 5 Feeding stations Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 6 Festivals Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 7 Flour Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 8 Government contributions Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 9 Gregory, T.T.C. Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 10 Hungarian American Federation Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 11 Hungarian Central Committee of Buffalo Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 12 Hungarian Relief Committee of Summit County Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 13 International Committee of the Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 14 Laurvik, J. Nilsen, Mr. and Mrs. Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 15 Legislation Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Register of the American Relief 23001 546 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 16 Menus Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 17 Plans and programs Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Box 692., Folder 1 Society for the Assistance of the Children's Sanatorium Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 2 Student feeding Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 3 Summer camps Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 4 Verhovay Aid Association Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Italy Folder 5 Cables, 1919-1928 Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 6 Correspondence, 1919-1928 Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 7 Report, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Latvia Folder 8 Agreements, 1919-1921. Includes correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 9 Articles, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Cables Folder 10 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Register of the American Relief 23001 547 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 11 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 802

Folder 12 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 803

Folder 13 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 803

Correspondence Folder 14 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 803

Folder 15 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 803

Folder 16 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 803

Folder 17 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 803

Folder 18 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 803

Box 693., Folder 1 Executive orders, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 803

Folder 2 Financial records, 1919-1924. Accounts, cables, correspondence, and report Note Available on microfilm reel 803

Folder 3 Historical file, 1922. Report Note Available on microfilm reel 803

Folder 4 Letters of thanks, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 803

Folder 5 Libau Office file, 1922. Inventory and personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 803

Register of the American Relief 23001 548 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 6 Memoranda, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 804

Minutes Folder 7 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 804

Folder 8 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 804

Folder 9 Personnel file, 1919-1923. Chart, correspondence, memoranda, and receipts Note Available on microfilm reel 804

Folder 10 Reports, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 804

Box 694. Shipping and storage records. Correspondence, receipts, reports, statements, and tables Folder 1 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 804

1922 Folder 2 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 805

Folder 3 May-August Note Available on microfilm reel 805

Statistics. Correspondence, reports, and tables General Folder 4 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 805

Folder 5 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 805

Folder 6 Medical, 1920-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 805

Subject file, 1919-1924. Articles, cables, correspondence, memoranda, and reports

Register of the American Relief 23001 549 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 7 American Friends Service Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 805

Folder 8 American National Lettish League Note Available on microfilm reel 805

Folder 9 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 805

Folder 10 Baltic Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 805

Box 695., Folder 1 Chandler, William M. Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 2 Clothing and shoes Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 3 Flooding Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 4 Government contributions Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 5 Morison, Samuel Eliot Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 6 Orbison, Thomas J. Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 7 Paget, Muriel, Lady Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 8 Student feeding Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Lithuania Folder 9 Agreements, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Register of the American Relief 23001 550 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 10 Articles, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Cables Folder 11 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 12 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 13 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Correspondence Folder 14 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 15 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 16 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 17 Financial records, 1919-1921. Accounts, reports, and statements Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 18 Letters of thanks, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 19 Memoranda, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 20 Press releases, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 21 Reports, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Register of the American Relief 23001 551 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 22 Shipping and storage records, 1920-1921. Cables, correspondence, receipts, and reports Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 23 Statistics, 1919-1921. Cables, correspondence, and tables Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Box 696. Subject file, 1919-1921. Cables, correspondence, and reports Folder 1 Accidents Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 2 Fundraising Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 3 Student feeding Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Memel Folder 4 Agreements, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 5 Correspondence, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 6 Printed matter, 1921. Brochure Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 7 Statistics, 1921. Table Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Near East Folder 8 Articles, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Cables Folder 9 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 806

Folder 10 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 807

Register of the American Relief 23001 552 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 11 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 807

Folder 12 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 807

Folder 13 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 807

Correspondence Folder 14 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 807

Box 697. 1920 Folder 1 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 807

Folder 2 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 807

Folder 3 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 807

Folder 4 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 807

Folder 5 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 807

Folder 6 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 807

Folder 7 1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 807

Folder 8 Financial records, 1919-1920. Accounts and correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 807

Folder 9 Memoranda, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 807

Register of the American Relief 23001 553 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 10 Press releases, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 808

Folder 11 Shipping records, 1920-1924. Cables and correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 808

Subject file, 1919-1924. Articles, cables, correspondence, memoranda, minutes, and printed matter Folder 12 Armenian refugees Note Available on microfilm reel 808

Box 698., Folder 1 Donations Note Available on microfilm reel 808

Folder 2 Flour Note Available on microfilm reel 808

Folder 3-7 Near East Relief (incorporating the American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief and the American Committee for Relief in the Near East) Note Available on microfilm reels 808 and 809

Box 699., Folder 1 Norway. Correspondence, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 809

Poland Folder 2 Agreements, 1919-1920. Includes correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 809

Articles Folder 3 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 809

Folder 4 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 809

Bulletins Folder 5 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 809

Register of the American Relief 23001 554 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 6 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 809

Folder 7 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 809

Cables Folder 8 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 810

Box 700. 1920 Folder 1 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 810

Folder 2 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 810

Folder 3 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 810

Folder 4 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 811

Folder 5 September-October Note Available on microfilm reel 811

Folder 6 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 811

Box 701., Folder 1 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 811

Folder 2 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 812

Correspondence Folder 3 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 812

Register of the American Relief 23001 555 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 4 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 812

Folder 5 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 812

Folder 6 1922-1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 812

Folder 7 Executive orders, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 812

Folder 8 Financial records, 1920-1924. Accounts, cables, correspondence, and tables Note Available on microfilm reel 812

Folder 9 Forms, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 812

Folder 10 Historical file, 1922. Brochures and pamphlets Note Available on microfilm reel 812

Box 702., Folder 1 Letters of thanks, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 812

Folder 2 Maps, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 812

Folder 3 Memoranda, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 812

Folder 4 Personnel file, 1920-1922. Cables and correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 812

Plans, largely concerning food distribution Folder 5 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 812

1921 Folder 6 January-June Note Available on microfilm reel 813

Register of the American Relief 23001 556 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 7 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 813

Folder 8 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 813

Folder 9 Press releases, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 813

Folder 10 Reports, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 813

Box 703., Folder 1 Shipping records, 1919-1920. Cables and correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 813

Statistics. Cables, charts, correspondence, and tables General 1921 Folder 2 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 813

Folder 3 June Note Available on microfilm reel 813

Folder 4 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 813

Folder 5 September-December Note Available on microfilm reel 814

Folder 6 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 814

Folder 7 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 814

Box 704., Folder 1 Medical Note Available on microfilm reel 814

Register of the American Relief 23001 557 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Subject file, 1919-1924. Articles, cables, correspondence, memoranda, printed matter, and reports Folder 2 American Benevolent Committee for Child Relief in Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 814

Folder 3 American Friends Service Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 814

Folder 4 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 814

Folder 5 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 815

Folder 6 Appeals Note Available on microfilm reel 815

Folder 7 Bisping, Helena de, Baroness Note Available on microfilm reel 815

Folder 8 Carpatho-Rusyns Note Available on microfilm reel 815

Folder 9 Chickering, Martha Note Available on microfilm reel 815

Clothing and shoes Folder 10 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 815

Box 705., Folder 1 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 815

Folder 2 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 815

Folder 3 Complaints and fraud Note Available on microfilm reel 815

Register of the American Relief 23001 558 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 4-5 Continuation of program Note Available on microfilm reel 815

Folder 6 Dermody, Joseph Note Available on microfilm reel 815

Folder 7 Durand, E. Dana Note Available on microfilm reel 816

Folder 8 Fees Note Available on microfilm reel 816

Folder 9 Festivals Note Available on microfilm reel 816

Folder 10 Fundraising Note Available on microfilm reel 816

Box 706., Folder 1 Government contributions and cooperation Note Available on microfilm reel 816

Folder 2 Inspections Note Available on microfilm reel 816

Folder 3 Intelligentsia Note Available on microfilm reel 816

Folder 4 Los Angeles Committee for Foreign Relief Note Available on microfilm reel 816

Folder 5 Milk Note Available on microfilm reel 816

Folder 6 National Allied Relief Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 816

Folder 7 Polish-American Orphans' Relief Association Note Available on microfilm reel 816

Register of the American Relief 23001 559 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 8 Polish Children's Relief Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 816

Folder 9 Polsko-Amerykanski Komitet Pomocy Dzieciom (P.A.K.P.D.) Note Available on microfilm reel 817

Box 707., Folder 1 Prices Note Available on microfilm reel 817

Folder 2 Rations Note Available on microfilm reel 817

Folder 3 Refugees Note Available on microfilm reel 817

Regions Folder 4 Galicia Note Available on microfilm reel 817

Folder 5 Occupied territory. Includes extensive material concerning the Polish-Russian War, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 817

Folder 6 Pinsk Note Available on microfilm reel 817

Folder 7 Upper Silesia Note Available on microfilm reel 817

Folder 8 Save the Children Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 9 Student feeding Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 10 Tobacco Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 11 Toys Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Register of the American Relief 23001 560 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 12 Young Men's Christian Associations (YMCA) Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Box 708. Puerto Rico. Material concerns activities undertaken by the ARA Children's Fund, successor organization to the ECF Folder 1 Financial records, 1933-1937. Accounts, correspondence, and memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 2 Reports, n.d. Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Romania Folder 3 Articles, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 4 Bulletin, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 5 Cables, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 6 Correspondence, 1919-1933 Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 7 Financial records, 1919-1924. Accounts, correspondence, and receipt Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 8 Memoranda, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 9 Press release, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 10 Proclamation, n.d. Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 11 Reports, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Register of the American Relief 23001 561 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 12 Statistics, 1919-1920. Chart and tables Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Box 709. Subject file, 1919-1922. Cables, correspondence, and reports Folder 1 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 2 Medals and decorations Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 3 Orghidan, Constantine Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 4 Stoicesco, Josephine Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Switzerland Folder 5 Articles, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 6 Correspondence, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Subject file, 1919-1923. Correspondence, memoranda, and printed matter Folder 7 Automobile accident Note Available on microfilm reel 818

Folder 8 International Congress of Working Women. Includes extensive material concerning Miriam Shepherd Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Transcaucasia Folder 9 Articles, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Folder 10 Bulletins, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Cables Folder 11 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Register of the American Relief 23001 562 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 12 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Folder 13 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Folder 14 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Correspondence Folder 15 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Folder 16 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Folder 17 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Box 710., Folder 1 Financial records, 1920. Correspondence and table Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Folder 2 Map, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Folder 3 Memoranda, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Folder 4 Press releases, 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Reports Folder 5 General, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Folder 6 Medical, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Register of the American Relief 23001 563 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 7 Statistics, 1919-1920. Reports and table Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Subject file, 1919-1920. Leaflet and printed matter Folder 8 Nutrition Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Folder 9 Procedures Note Available on microfilm reel 819

Folder 10 Union of Workers of the American Committee and Mission Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Trieste Folder 11 Article, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Folder 12 Cables, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Folder 13 Press release, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Folder 14 Statistics, 1919. Cable Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Turkey Cables Folder 15 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Folder 16 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Folder 17 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Folder 18 Constantinople Office file, 1922-1924. Cables, correspondence, and memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Register of the American Relief 23001 564 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Box 711., Folder 1 Correspondence, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Subject file, 1920-1923. Cables and correspondence Folder 2 Bristol Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Folder 3 Greek refugees Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Folder 4 Powell, E. Alexander Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Yugoslavia Folder 5 Agreements, 1920. Includes correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Folder 6 Articles, 1919-1925 Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Cables Folder 7 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Folder 8 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Folder 9 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Correspondence Folder 10 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Folder 11 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 820

Folder 12 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 821

Register of the American Relief 23001 565 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 13 Financial records, 1919-1922. Accounts, cables, and correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 821

Folder 14 Historical file, 1920. Brochure Note Available on microfilm reel 821

Box 712., Folder 1 Letters of thanks, 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 821

Folder 2 Memoranda, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 821

Folder 3 Press releases, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 821

Receipts Folder 4 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 821

Folder 5 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 821

Folder 6 Reports, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 821

Folder 7 Shipping records, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 821

Folder 8 Statistics, 1919-1920. Correspondence, reports, and tables Note Available on microfilm reel 821

Subject file, 1919-1925. Articles, cables, correspondence, memoranda, and reports Folder 9 American Friends Service Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 821

Folder 10 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 821

Register of the American Relief 23001 566 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 11 American Women's Hospitals Note Available on microfilm reel 821

Folder 12 American Yugo-Slav Relief Note Available on microfilm reel 821

Box 713., Folder 1 Carroll, Philip H. Note Available on microfilm reel 822

Folder 2 Casper, L. W. Note Available on microfilm reel 822

Folder 3 Clothing and shoes Note Available on microfilm reel 822

Folder 4 Croatian League of America Note Available on microfilm reel 822

Folder 5 Donations Note Available on microfilm reel 822

Folder 6 Festivals Note Available on microfilm reel 822

Folder 7 Flour Note Available on microfilm reel 822

Folder 8 Gephart, F. C. Note Available on microfilm reel 822

Folder 9 Irones, Rutherford B. Includes extensive material regarding alleged misappropriation of relief funds Note Available on microfilm reel 822

Box 714., Irones, Rutherford B. Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reels 822 and 823

Folder 4 Jugo-Slav Republican Alliance Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Register of the American Relief 23001 567 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN CHILDREN'S FUND, 1911-1938

Folder 5 Jugoslovenskia Narodna Obrana Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 6 S. H. S. Child Welfare Association Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 7 Save the Children Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 8 Serbian Child Welfare Association of America Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 9 Student feeding Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 10 Yeftich, Margaret Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Box No. 715-717. ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED POWERS (1914-1920). SUPREME ECONOMIC COUNCIL, 1917-1924 Note Available on microfilm reels 823-825A Scope and Content Note Articles, addresses, bulletins, clippings, correspondence, financial records, lists, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes, printed matter, remarks, reports, statements, statistical records, and telegrams relating to the activities of the Supreme Economic Council in dealing with economic questions affecting the interests of the Allies during the Armistice period, arranged alphabetically by country or city and therein by physical form

Box 715. General General Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 2 Address delivered by Charles E. Hughes Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 3 Article Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 4 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Register of the American Relief 23001 568 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED POWERS (1914-1920). SUPREME ECONOMIC COUNCIL, 1917-1924

Folder 5 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Correspondence General Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 7 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 8 1918 November-1921 January Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 9 Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920). Reparation Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 10 American Commission to Negotiate Peace Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 11 British Institute of International Affairs Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 12 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 13 Council on Foreign Relations Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 14 J. P. Morgan and Company Note Available on microfilm reel 823

Folder 15 League of Nations Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 16 League to Enforce Peace Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 17 New York Evening Post Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Register of the American Relief 23001 569 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED POWERS (1914-1920). SUPREME ECONOMIC COUNCIL, 1917-1924

Folder 18 Oxford University Press Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 19 P. N. Gray and Company, Inc. Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 20 Williams College, Massachusetts Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 21 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 22 List of documents relating to American participation in European relief Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Memoranda Folder 23 General Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 24 1918 November-1920 December Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 25 1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Minutes of meetings Folder 26 General Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 27 1918-1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 28 News items Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 29 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Register of the American Relief 23001 570 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED POWERS (1914-1920). SUPREME ECONOMIC COUNCIL, 1917-1924

Folder 30 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 31 Remarks by Ogden L. Mills regarding the League of Nations Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Reports Folder 32 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 33 1918-1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 34 Statements. Includes statement regarding the blockade of Germany Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 35 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Telegrams Folder 36 General Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 37 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 38 League of Nations. See also correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 39 Proposals regarding credits to countries by American and British representatives Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Box 716., Folder 1 Requirements and supplies of food Note Available on microfilm reel 824

Folder 2 Albania. Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Armenia Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Register of the American Relief 23001 571 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED POWERS (1914-1920). SUPREME ECONOMIC COUNCIL, 1917-1924

Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 4 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 5 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Austria General Folder 6 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Correspondence General Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 8 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 9 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 10 Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 11 Lists of requirements for food and raw materials and countries where supplies are available Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Memoranda Folder 12 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 13 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Register of the American Relief 23001 572 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED POWERS (1914-1920). SUPREME ECONOMIC COUNCIL, 1917-1924

Folder 14 Petition to the Reparation Commission by the Central Council of Intellectual Workers in Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 15 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 16 Statement made by the unofficial American delegation to the Organization Committee of the Reparation Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 17 Requirements for food Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Baltic States General Folder 18 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 19 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 20 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 21 League of Nations Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Belgium General Folder 22 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 23 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 24 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 25 League of Nations. Includes some letters Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Register of the American Relief 23001 573 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED POWERS (1914-1920). SUPREME ECONOMIC COUNCIL, 1917-1924

Danzig Folder 26 General Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 27 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 28 Egypt. Statement Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 29 France. Note Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Germany Folder 30 Article Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 31 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 32 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Correspondence General Folder 33 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 34 1918-1921. Includes correspondence between Herbert Hoover and John Foster Dulles Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 35 American Commission to Negotiate Peace Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 36 American Peace Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 37 Logan, James A., Jr. Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Register of the American Relief 23001 574 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED POWERS (1914-1920). SUPREME ECONOMIC COUNCIL, 1917-1924

Folder 38 Rickard, Edgar Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 39 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 40 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 41 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 42 Statements. Consists of Herbert Hoover's statement relating to supplies for Germany and the statement made by the representative of the German government to the President of the Inter-Allied Armistice Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 43 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Greece General Folder 44 General Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Correspondence General Folder 45 General Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 46 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Folder 47 League of Friends of Greece in America Note Available on microfilm reel 825

Box 717., Folder 1 Minutes Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Register of the American Relief 23001 575 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED POWERS (1914-1920). SUPREME ECONOMIC COUNCIL, 1917-1924

Folder 2 Report Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 3 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 4 Greek refugees Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Hungary Folder 5 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 6 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 7 News items Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 8 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 9 Norway. Proposal presented by the Norwegian government Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Poland General Correspondence Folder 10 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 11 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 12 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 13 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Register of the American Relief 23001 576 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED POWERS (1914-1920). SUPREME ECONOMIC COUNCIL, 1917-1924

Folder 14 Telegram Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 15 Estimated export from Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 16 Requirements for food and raw materials and countries where supplies are available Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 17 Romania. Letter from the government of Romania Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Russia Correspondence General Folder 18 General Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 19 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 20 Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 21 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 22 Russell Sage Foundation Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 23 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 24 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 25 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 825A


Register of the American Relief 23001 577 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED POWERS (1914-1920). SUPREME ECONOMIC COUNCIL, 1917-1924

Folder 26 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 27 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Telegrams Folder 28 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 29 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Switzerland Folder 30 Article Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Correspondence Folder 31 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 32 League of Nations Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 33 League of Red Cross Societies Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 34 Statement and motion submitted by the Swiss delegation to the Assembly of the League of Nations Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 35 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 36 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Register of the American Relief 23001 578 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED POWERS (1914-1920). SUPREME WAR COUNCIL, 1918-1919.

Box No. 718. ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED POWERS (1914-1920). SUPREME WAR COUNCIL, 1918-1919. Note Available on microfilm reels 825A-826 Scope and Content Note Articles, minutes of meetings, and notes relating to the activities of the Supreme War Council, which dealt with the Armistice and other matters of a military and naval character, arranged alphabetically by physical form. Includes material relating to the activities of the Council of Ten, directing body of the Peace Conference, particularly in relation to the preliminaries of peace

Box 718., Folder 1 Article by Robert Lansing Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Minutes of meetings Folder 2 1918 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

1919 Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 4 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 825A

Folder 5 Notes on conversation held in the office of M. Pichon Note Available on microfilm reel 826

Box No. 719-726. AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 826-836 Scope and Content Note Articles, brochures, charts, circulars, clippings, contracts, correspondence, financial records, forms, insurance records, instructions, lists, maps, memoramda, minutes of meetings, notes, organizational records, passes, petitions, press releases, printed matter, publicity materials, receipts, reports, statements, statistical records, telegrams, and miscellany relating to the uses of warehouses in various countries for handling all food drafts and bulk sale operations, arranged alphabetically by physical form

Box 719. General Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 826

Folder 2 Articles. Includes articles by W. Gordon Brown, R. A. Jackson, and A. E. Taylor on the operation of the food draft plan, purchasing and shipping of warehouse foodstuffs, and principles of food drafts Note Available on microfilm reel 826

Register of the American Relief 23001 579 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924

Folder 3 Brochures Note Available on microfilm reel 826

Folder 4 Charts Note Available on microfilm reel 826

Folder 5 Circular Note Available on microfilm reel 826

Folder 6 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 826

Correspondence General Folder 7-8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 826

Folder 9 1919-1920. Includes Herbert Hoover's letters to bankers Note Available on microfilm reel 827

Folder 10 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 827

Folder 11 American Friends Service Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 827

Folder 12 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 827

Folder 13 Central Committee for the Relief of Distress in Germany and Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 827

Folder 14 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 827

Folder 15 P. N. Gray and Company, Inc. Note Available on microfilm reel 827

Box 720., Folder 1 United States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 827

Register of the American Relief 23001 580 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924

Folder 2-5 Financial records. Includes balance sheets, cancelled checks, price lists, purchase orders, receipts, sales figures, telegrams, and miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Folder 6 Insurance records Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Folder 7 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Memoranda Folder 8 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Folder 9 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Folder 10 1921-1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Folder 11 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Folder 12 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Folder 13 Organizational records Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Folder 14 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Reports General Folder 15 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Folder 16 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Register of the American Relief 23001 581 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924

Folder 17 Wire Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Folder 18 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Folder 19 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Telegrams. Includes cables General Folder 20 General Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Folder 21 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Box 721. 1920 Folder 1 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 828

Folder 2 March-June Note Available on microfilm reel 829

Folder 3 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 829

Folder 4 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 829

Folder 5 1922-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 830

Folder 6 Cables from various governments accepting the proposed plan for relief warehouses Note Available on microfilm reel 830

Folder 7 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 830

Box 722. Austria

Register of the American Relief 23001 582 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924

Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 830

Articles Folder 2 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 830

Folder 3 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 830

Folder 4 Chart Note Available on microfilm reel 830

Folder 5 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 830

Correspondence General Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 830

Folder 7 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 830

Folder 8 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 830

Folder 9 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 830

Folder 10 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 830

Folder 11 Lists. Includes lists of warehouses, prices, and food draft delivery points Note Available on microfilm reel 830

Folder 12 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 830

Register of the American Relief 23001 583 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924

Folder 13 Press release Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 14 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 15 Receipts for food drafts Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 16 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 17 Statement by Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Stonborough on food conditions in Austria, specially in Vienna, and the relief work of the ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 18 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Telegrams Folder 19 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 20 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 21 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 22 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Box 723. Baltic States Folder 1 General. Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Estonia Folder 2 Record of supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Register of the American Relief 23001 584 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924

Folder 3 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Latvia General Correspondence General Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 5 1920-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 6 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 7 Invoices Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 8 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 9 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Deliveries of food General Folder 10 General Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 11-12 Orders Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 13 Receipt Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 14 Record of deliveries in various towns Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 15 Report Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Register of the American Relief 23001 585 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924

Folder 16 Requirements for food Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Folder 17 Belgium. Telegram Note Available on microfilm reel 831

Czechoslovakia General Folder 18-22 General Note Available on microfilm reels 831 and 831A

Folder 23 Clipping Note Available on microfilm reel 831A

Correspondence General Folder 24-25 General Note Available on microfilm reels 831A and 832

Folder 26 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 832

Folder 27 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 832

Folder 28 Invoices Note Available on microfilm reel 832

Box 724., Folder 1 Lists Note Available on microfilm reel 832

Folder 2 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 832

Folder 3 Passes Note Available on microfilm reel 832

Folder 4 Receipt Note Available on microfilm reel 832

Register of the American Relief 23001 586 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924

Reports Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 832

Folder 6 Insurance Note Available on microfilm reel 832

Folder 7 Weekly Note Available on microfilm reel 832

Folder 8 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 833

Folder 9 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 833

Folder 10 Deliveries of food Note Available on microfilm reel 833

Danzig Folder 11 Correspondence - European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 833

Folder 12 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 833

Folder 13 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 833

Folder 14 Finland. Agreement between the government of Finland and the ARA relating to the payment for the import of foodstuffs Note Available on microfilm reel 833

Germany Folder 15-16 General Note Available on microfilm reel 833

Folder 17 Articles and news items Note Available on microfilm reel 833

Register of the American Relief 23001 587 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924

Box 724A., Clippings Folder 18 Note Available on microfilm reel 833

Correspondence General Folder 19-21 General. Includes letters asking for help and acknowledgments of gifts Note Available on microfilm reel 833

Folder 22 1920-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 23 American Friends Service Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 24 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 25 Central Bureau of the Central Society Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 26 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 27 Foreign Relief Committee of the German Society of Pennsylvania Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 28 P. N. Gray and Company, Inc. Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 29 United States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Box 725., Folder 1 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 2 Insurance records Note Available on microfilm reel 834


Register of the American Relief 23001 588 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924

Folder 3 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 4 1920-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 5 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 6 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 7 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 8 Shipping records Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 9 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Telegrams Folder 10 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 11 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 12 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 13 1921-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 14 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Hungary Folder 15 General Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Register of the American Relief 23001 589 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924

Folder 16 Agreement between the ARA and the government of Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 17 Articles from various newspapers (translations) Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Correspondence General Folder 18-19 General. Includes letters from the government of Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 20 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 21 American Express Company Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 22 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 23 Delivery records Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 24 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 834

Folder 25 Insurance records Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 26 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 27 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 28 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Register of the American Relief 23001 590 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924

Folder 29 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 30 Report Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 31 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Telegrams Folder 32 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 33 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Box 726., Folder 1 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 2 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 3 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Poland Folder 4 Articles Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 5 Chart Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Correspondence General Folder 6-7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 8 1920-1924 Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Register of the American Relief 23001 591 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924

Folder 9 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 10 Methodist Mission of America Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 11 Morse, Mr. Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 12 Nuelsen, John L. Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 13 Quayle, Miss Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 14 Sloan, D. A. Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 15 White, L. J. Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 16 Delivery records Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 17 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 18 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Memoranda Folder 19 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 20 1920-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 21 Publicity file Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Register of the American Relief 23001 592 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924

Folder 22 Receipt Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 23 Report Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 24 Statement Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Telegrams Folder 25 General Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 26 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Russia Folder 27 General Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 28 Article and news item (translations) Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 29 Contract between the ARA and Heckman and Company (Viborg, Finland), relating to the use of warehouses and related matters Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Correspondence General Folder 30 General Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 31 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 32 American Friends Service Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 33 Forms (drafts) Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Register of the American Relief 23001 593 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924

Folder 34 Instructions issued by the Finance and Accounting Division of the ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 35 List of persons engaged in service of the foodstuff stores Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 36 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 835

Folder 37 Petition to the ARA from the citizens of Borisov Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Statements Folder 38 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Folder 39 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Telegrams Folder 40 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Folder 41 1920-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Switzerland Folder 42 General Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Correspondence Folder 43-44 General Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Folder 45 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Telegrams Folder 46 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Register of the American Relief 23001 594 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 AMERICAN RELIEF WAREHOUSES, 1919-1924

Folder 47 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Folder 48 Teschen. Invoices Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Yugoslavia Folder 49 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Folder 50 Record of food received in various warehouses Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Folder 51 Telegram Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Folder 52 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Box No. 727-740. EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL, 1920-1934 Note Available on microfilm reel 836-849 Scope and Content Note Articles, clippings, correspondence, financial records, minutes of meetings, pledge certificates, reports, and printed matter relating to operations of the European Relief Council, which coordinated the fundraising efforts of various small organizations in the United States, and to its activities in Europe, arranged alphabetically by physical form

Box 727. General Accounts Folder 1 Daily operations, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Folder 2 Expenditure analysis Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Guaranty Trust Company. Deposits Folder 3 1920 December Note Available on microfilm reel 836

1921 Folder 4 January Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Register of the American Relief 23001 595 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL, 1920-1934

Folder 5 February Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Folder 6 March Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Folder 7 April Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Folder 8 May Note Available on microfilm reel 836

Folder 9 June Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Folder 10 July Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Articles Folder 11 Jewish Relief News Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Folder 12 Literary Digest Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Clippings Folder 13 Collection of funds Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Countries Folder 14 Philippines Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Folder 15-17 United States Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Box 728. Correspondence Folder 1 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Register of the American Relief 23001 596 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL, 1920-1934

American Red Cross 1920 Folder 2 July-October Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Folder 3 November-December Note Available on microfilm reel 837

1921 Folder 4 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Folder 5 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Folder 6 Benedict XV, Pope Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Folder 7 Commonwealth Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Folder 8 Cutler, Ella Goodridge Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Flesh, Edward M. Folder 9 General Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Folder 10 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Folder 11 Knights of Columbus Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Folder 12 Lane, Franklin Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Folder 13 National Catholic Welfare Council Note Available on microfilm reel 837

Register of the American Relief 23001 597 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL, 1920-1934

Folder 14 National Council of the Churches of Christ in America Note Available on microfilm reel 838

Rickard, Edgar Folder 15 General Note Available on microfilm reel 838

Folder 16 Rockefeller Foundation Note Available on microfilm reel 838

Box 729. State Committees Chairmen Folder 1 1920 December Note Available on microfilm reel 838

1921 Folder 2 January Note Available on microfilm reel 838

Folder 3 February Note Available on microfilm reel 838

Folder 4 March Note Available on microfilm reel 838

Folder 5 Governors Note Available on microfilm reel 838

Folder 6 United War Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 838

Folder 7 Young Men's Christian Associations Note Available on microfilm reel 838

Folder 8 Young Women's Christian Associations Note Available on microfilm reel 839

Deposit receipts, 1921 January Folder 9 6-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 839

Register of the American Relief 23001 598 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL, 1920-1934

Folder 10 11-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 839

Folder 11 16-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 839

Folder 12 21-25 Note Available on microfilm reel 839

Folder 13 26-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 839

Box 730. February Folder 1 1-5 Note Available on microfilm reel 839

Folder 2 6-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 839

Folder 3 11-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 840

Folder 4 16-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 840

Folder 5 21-25 Note Available on microfilm reel 840

Box 731., Folder 1 26-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 840

March Folder 2 1-5 Note Available on microfilm reel 840

Folder 3 6-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 841

Register of the American Relief 23001 599 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL, 1920-1934

Folder 4 11-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 841

Folder 5 16-20 Note Available on microfilm reel 841

Folder 6 21-25 Note Available on microfilm reel 841

Folder 7 26-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 841

April Folder 8 1-15 Note Available on microfilm reel 841

Box 732., Folder 1 16-30 Note Available on microfilm reel 842

May Folder 2 1-5 Note Available on microfilm reel 842

Folder 3 6-10 Note Available on microfilm reel 842

Folder 4 11-31 Note Available on microfilm reel 842

Folder 5 June Note Available on microfilm reel 842

Folder 6 Leaflets and brochures Note Available on microfilm reel 842

Folder 7-8 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 842

Folder 9 Pledge certificates Note Available on microfilm reel 842

Register of the American Relief 23001 600 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL, 1920-1934

Folder 10 Posters Note Available on microfilm reel 842

Folder 11 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 843

Box 733., Folder 1 Receipts and tickets Note Available on microfilm reel 843

Reports General Folder 2 Final Note Available on microfilm reel 843

Folder 3-4 Interim Note Available on microfilm reel 843

Folder 5 Preliminary Note Available on microfilm reel 843

Folder 6 Chairman Note Available on microfilm reel 843

Folder 7 Finances Note Available on microfilm reel 843

Subject file American Relief Administration Folder 8 Accounting operations Note Available on microfilm reel 843

Folder 9 European operations Note Available on microfilm reel 843

Folder 10 Food draft Note Available on microfilm reel 843

Folder 11 Organizations endorsed Note Available on microfilm reel 843

Register of the American Relief 23001 601 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL, 1920-1934

Collections of funds Folder 12 General Note Available on microfilm reel 844

Folder 13 Churches Note Available on microfilm reel 844

Folder 14 Hoover, Herbert Note Available on microfilm reel 844

National Collection Folder 15 General Note Available on microfilm reel 844

Folder 16 Circulars Note Available on microfilm reel 844

Box 734. Committees Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 844

Accounting Folder 2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 844

Folder 3 Minutes Note Available on microfilm reel 844

Folder 4 Control Note Available on microfilm reel 844

Folder 5 Finance Note Available on microfilm reel 844

Folder 6 Management Note Available on microfilm reel 844

State Committees General Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 844

Register of the American Relief 23001 602 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL, 1920-1934

Folder 8 Alabama Note Available on microfilm reel 844

Folder 9 California Note Available on microfilm reel 844

Folder 10 Note Available on microfilm reel 844

Massachussetts Folder 11 General Note Available on microfilm reel 844

Folder 12 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 844

Folder 13 New York Note Available on microfilm reel 844

Folder 14 Ohio Note Available on microfilm reel 845

Folder 15 Analysis by individual state Note Available on microfilm reel 845

Box 735., Folder 1 Circulars to chairmen Note Available on microfilm reel 845

Folder 2 Confidential summary Note Available on microfilm reel 845

Literature distributed Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 845

Folder 4 List Note Available on microfilm reel 845

Register of the American Relief 23001 603 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL, 1920-1934

Folder 5 Staff lists Note Available on microfilm reel 845

Folder 6 Commodities Note Available on microfilm reel 845

Corn deliveries, 1921 Folder 7 January-February Note Available on microfilm reel 845

Folder 8 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 845

Box 736., Folder 1 May-June Note Available on microfilm reel 845

Folder 2 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 846

Donors Folder 3 Groups - Polish-Americans Note Available on microfilm reel 846

Individuals Folder 4 Harkness, Anna M. Note Available on microfilm reel 846

Folder 5 Hausschild, Oscar D. Note Available on microfilm reel 846

Folder 6 Pavlova, Anna - Benefit Note Available on microfilm reel 846

performance Folder 7 Sumner, Frederica B. Note Available on microfilm reel 846

European Students Fund General Folder 8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 846

Register of the American Relief 23001 604 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL, 1920-1934

Folder 9 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 846

Folder 10 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 846

Folder 11 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 846

Folder 12 Appeals Note Available on microfilm reel 846

Folder 13 Contributions Note Available on microfilm reel 846

Folder 14 Princeton University campaign Note Available on microfilm reel 846

Folder 15 Young Men's Christian Associations Note Available on microfilm reel 846

Box 737., Folder 1 Flying Squadrons Note Available on microfilm reel 846

History of the European Relief Council General Folder 2-3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 847

Folder 4 "History of the European Relief Council, June 1920-April 1921." Revised copy, 1934 September Note Available on microfilm reel 847

Founding Folder 5 Basic documents Note Available on microfilm reel 847

Folder 6 Minutes Note Available on microfilm reel 847

Register of the American Relief 23001 605 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL, 1920-1934

Folder 7 Origins and policy Note Available on microfilm reel 847

Folder 8 Organizational structure Note Available on microfilm reel 847

Folder 9 Hoover, Herbert. Speeches and statements Note Available on microfilm reel 847

Literary Digest - Donations Folder 10 General Note Available on microfilm reel 847

Folder 11 State totals Note Available on microfilm reel 848

Box 738. Participating organizations Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 848

American Friends Service Committee Folder 2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 848

Folder 3 Wilbur, Thomas K. Note Available on microfilm reel 848

Folder 4 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 848

Folder 5 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 848

Federal Council of the Churches of Christ Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 848

Folder 7 Board of Foreign Missions Note Available on microfilm reel 848

Register of the American Relief 23001 606 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL, 1920-1934

Folder 8 United War Work Campaign Note Available on microfilm reel 848

Folder 9 Young Men's Christian Associations Note Available on microfilm reel 848

Folder 10 Young Women's Christian Associations Note Available on microfilm reel 848

Publicity Folder 11 General Note Available on microfilm reel 848

Folder 12 Christmas cards Note Available on microfilm reel 848

Box 739., Folder 1 Tax exemption Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 2 United States. Congress. Resolutions Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 3 United States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 4 Albania Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Austria Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 6 Brochures Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 7 China Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 8 Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Register of the American Relief 23001 607 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL, 1920-1934

Germany General Correspondence Folder 9 1920 December-1921 February Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 10 1921 March-May Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 11 1921 July-1923 November Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Articles Folder 12 General. Translations, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 13 American Monthly, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 849

German campaign Folder 14 General Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 15 German-American organizations Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 16 Press Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Viereck, George S. Folder 17 Clippings, 1933-1934. Includes press articles on Viereck's Nazi connections Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Correspondence Folder 18 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Box 740. 1921 Folder 1 February-March Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Register of the American Relief 23001 608 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL, 1920-1934

Folder 2 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 3 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 4 1927-1928 Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 5 Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 6 Ireland Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 7 Italy Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 8 Latvia Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 9 Near East Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Poland Folder 10 General Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 11 Funds received Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 12 Quakers Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 13 Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Folder 14 Serbia Note Available on microfilm reel 849

Register of the American Relief 23001 609 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN TECHNICAL ADVISORS, 1919-1922

Box No. 741-744. EUROPEAN TECHNICAL ADVISORS, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reels 850-853 Scope and Content Note Correspondence and financial, political and economic reports of ARA technical specialists active in various countries, arranged by country and therein by subject

Box 741. General Accounting Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Offices Folder 2 New York Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 3 Paris Note Available on microfilm reel 850

American personnel Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 5-8 Barber, Alvin Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 9 Poland, Latham Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 10 Corn bread Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 11 History Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 12 Map file description Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 13 Mission extension Note Available on microfilm reel 850

United States. War Department

Register of the American Relief 23001 610 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN TECHNICAL ADVISORS, 1919-1922

Folder 14 General Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 15 Supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 16 Albania Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Austria Folder 17 Accounting Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 18 Causey, W. B. Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 19 Government agencies Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 20 Live stock Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 21 Mission extension Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 22 Railroads Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 23 Belgium - Brussels conference of experts, 1921 January 21 Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Box 742. Czechoslovakia Folder 1 Accounting Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 2 Automobiles Note Available on microfilm reel 850

Folder 3 Benes, Edvard Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Register of the American Relief 23001 611 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN TECHNICAL ADVISORS, 1919-1922

Coke. See Dynamite Coal Folder 4 Deliveries Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 5 Distribution - Polish-Czechoslovak dispute Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 6 Industry Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 7 Dynamite, coke and oil transfers to Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Food Folder 8 Flour Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 9 Prices Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 10 Shipments Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 11 Germany, Transfer through Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Hutchinson, Lincoln Folder 12 General Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 13 Upper Silesia Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 14 Magnesium Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 15 Masaryk, Jan (Czechoslovak Legation, Washington) Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Register of the American Relief 23001 612 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN TECHNICAL ADVISORS, 1919-1922

Folder 16 Mission extension Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Oil. See Dynamite Folder 17 Rolling stock Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 18 Ryan, W. B. Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Box 743., Folder 1 Georgia Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Poland Folder 2 Accounting Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 3 Agricultural prospects Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 4 Appreciation by Polish government Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 5 Austria, Freight traffic with Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 6 Bialowiez Forest Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 7 Contracts Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Conditions Folder 8 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 9 1920. Includes analysis of Polish-Russian Note Available on microfilm reel 851


Register of the American Relief 23001 613 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN TECHNICAL ADVISORS, 1919-1922

Folder 10 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 11 Economic Council, Hoover's proposal for, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 12 Experts activities, 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 13 Explosives Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 14 Fertilizers Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Food Folder 15 Distribution and rationing Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 16 Productions and import Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 17 Situation, 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 18 Foreign trade and investments Note Available on microfilm reel 851

Folder 19 Germany, Exchange of products with Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Gdansk, Port of Folder 20 General Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Folder 21 Cotton deliveries Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Folder 22 Horses - Transport through German territory Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Register of the American Relief 23001 614 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN TECHNICAL ADVISORS, 1919-1922

Folder 23 Land for soldiers in eastern territories Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Folder 24 Potash production Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Rolling stock Folder 25 General Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Folder 26 Locomotives Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Folder 27 Russian property of, in Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Silesia, Upper Coal Folder 28 Distribution, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Mining Folder 29 General Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Folder 30 Equipment Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Folder 31 Monthly allotment, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Folder 32 Production, 1913 Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Box 744. Economic conditions General Folder 1 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Register of the American Relief 23001 615 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN TECHNICAL ADVISORS, 1919-1922

Folder 2 1922 - Economic prospects Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Folder 3 Relations with Poland in view of Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Folder 4 Export permits to Poznan region Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Folder 5 Industrial region Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Plebiscite Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Folder 7 American perspective Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Folder 8 Proposed frontiers Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Folder 9 Results Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Folder 10 Political conditions Note Available on microfilm reel 852

Propaganda Folder 11 General Note Available on microfilm reel 852

German Folder 12 General Note Available on microfilm reel 852A

Folder 13 Oberschlesischer Hilfsbund Note Available on microfilm reel 852A

Register of the American Relief 23001 616 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN TECHNICAL ADVISORS, 1919-1922

Folder 14 Silk factories Note Available on microfilm reel 852A

Supplies Folder 15 Corn Note Available on microfilm reel 852A

Folder 16 Grain Note Available on microfilm reel 852A

Folder 17 Taxation of experts Note Available on microfilm reel 852A

Folder 18 Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 852A

Yugoslavia Folder 19 Bosnia. Iron mine Note Available on microfilm reel 852A

Serbia General Folder 20 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 852A

1920 Folder 21 January-May Note Available on microfilm reel 852A

Folder 22 April-December Note Available on microfilm reel 852A

Folder 23 1921 January Note Available on microfilm reel 852A

Folder 24 Loan Note Available on microfilm reel 852A

Folder 25 Mission organization Note Available on microfilm reel 852A

Register of the American Relief 23001 617 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 EUROPEAN TECHNICAL ADVISORS, 1919-1922

Transport Folder 26 General Note Available on microfilm reel 852A

Folder 27 Allied Railway Mission Note Available on microfilm reel 853

Box No. 745-753. UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940 Note Available on microfilm reels 853-862 Scope and Content Note Addresses, agreements, announcements, application forms, articles, bulletins, charts, chronological records, clippings, correspondence, financial records, legal documents, lists, maps, memoranda, minutes of meetings, notes, organizational records, press releases, press summary, printed matter, reports, service records, speeches, statements, statistical records, telegrams, and telephone messages relating to the activities of the United States Food Administration, which was set up for reduction of food consumption and elimination of waste, arranged alphabetically by country or city and therein by physical form or subject

Box 745. General Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 853

Folder 2 Address by Julius H. Barnes, United States Wheat Director Note Available on microfilm reel 853

Agreements and contracts between the United States Food Administration, the United States Grain Corporation, and various organizations Folder 3 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 853

Folder 4 1918-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 853

Folder 5-6 Announcements. Includes an announcement relating to the appointment of Julius H. Barnes, President of the United States Grain Corporation, as the United States Wheat Director Note Available on microfilm reel 853

Folder 7 Application forms Note Available on microfilm reel 853

Register of the American Relief 23001 618 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 8 Articles. Includes articles by William C. Edgar on bureaucracy and food control, by Alonzo E. Taylor on the high cost of living, and by James Wilson on the world's wheat supply Note Available on microfilm reel 853

Folder 9 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 853

Folder 10 Charts Note Available on microfilm reel 853

Folder 11 Chronological sketch of the United States Food Administration. Includes directory of members Note Available on microfilm reel 853

Folder 12 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 853

Correspondence General Folder 13 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 853

Folder 14 1917-1918 Note Available on microfilm reel 853

Folder 15 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 853

Folder 16 1920-1940 Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 17 Agricultural Advisory Board Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 18 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 19 American Refiners Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Register of the American Relief 23001 619 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 20 American-Russian Chamber of Commerce Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 21 Armstrong, Keith & Kern Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 22 B. Blix Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 23 Balkan Relief Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 24 Ballou, Sidney Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 25 Batchelder & Snyder Company Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 26 Berryman, D. C. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 27 Boyden, Roland W. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 28 Bundy, Harvey H. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 29 Cornell University Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 30 Cotton, Joseph P. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 31 Delaware. Secretary of State Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 32 District of Columbia. Police Department Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Register of the American Relief 23001 620 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 33 Dorrance & Company, Inc. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 34 Eastern and Western Lumber Company Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 35 Ewart Publishing Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 36 Evening Mail Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 37 Federal Sugar Refining Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 38 Food Purchase Board Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Box 746., Folder 1 Frazier, Lynn J. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 2 Glasgow, William A., Jr. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 3 Hamp Williams Hardware Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 4 Harmon, Colston, Goldsmith & Hoadly Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 5 Harvard University Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 6 Hemphill, Alexander J. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 7 Henderson, Chas B. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Register of the American Relief 23001 621 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 8 Hoover Republican Club of Illinois Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 9 International Sugar Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 10 Institute of American Meat Packers Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 11 Ithaca Trust Company Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 12 Johns Hopkins University Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 13 Jones, Asa T. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 14 Lamborn & Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 15 Lane, Gertrude B. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 16 Leggett, Francis H. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 17 Lucey Manufacturing Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 18 McNary, Charles L. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 19 Milling, Godchaux, Saal & Milling Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 20 Minford , Lueder & Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Register of the American Relief 23001 622 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 21 Munn, John R. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 22 National Copper Bank Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 23 New York (State). Industrial Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 24 Ohio Institute for Public Efficiency Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 25 Oriental Navigation Company Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 26 P. N. Gray & Company, Inc. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 27 Peden Iron & Steel Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 28 Phelan, James D. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 29 Princeton University Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 30 Produce Trading & Navigation Co., Ltd Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 31 Putnam, Putnam & Bell Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 32 Russell's Commercial News, Inc. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 33 Scoville, Robert Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Register of the American Relief 23001 623 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 34 Shattuck, Bangs & Winant Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 35 Shattuck, Edwin P. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 36 Shattuck, Glenn & Ganter Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 37 Snyder, Frederic S. Note Available on microfilm reel 854

Folder 38 Splint, Sarah Field Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 39 Stanford University Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 40 Sufferers Relief Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 41 Super-Concrete Mold Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 42 Taylor, Alonzo E. Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 43 Trumbull, Frank Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 44 Tyler & Tyler Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 45 Union Trust Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 46 United Bakeries Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Register of the American Relief 23001 624 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 47 United States. Department of Commerce Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 48 United States. Department of the Interior Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 49 United States. Department of Justice Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 50 United States. Food Administration. Sugar Distribution Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 51 United States. Navy Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 52 United States. Shipping Board Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 53 United States Steel Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 54 United States Tariff Commission Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 55 University of Maine Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 56 Van Rensselaer, Martha Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 57 Varounis, George St. Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 58 Washburn-Crosby Co. Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 59 Washington Herald Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Register of the American Relief 23001 625 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 60 Washington Post Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 61 Wellman, Peck & Company Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 62 Western Union Telegraph Company Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 63 Williams, Arthur Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Financial records Folder 64 General Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 65 1918-1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Box 747., Folder 1 Legal Documents Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Lists Folder 2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 3 Personnel Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 4 Prices Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 5 Surplus products Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 6 Maps Note Available on microfilm reel 855


Register of the American Relief 23001 626 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 8 1918 Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 9 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 10 1920-1925 Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 11 Memorial tablet to George Harold Powell Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Minutes of meetings Folder 12 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 13 1917-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 14 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 15 Organizational records Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 16 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 855

Folder 17 Press summary Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Folder 18-19 Printed matter. Includes a copy of Food Guide for War Service at Home prepared under the direction of the United States Food Administration, with a preface by Herbert Hoover Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Register of the American Relief 23001 627 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Box 748., Folder 1 Reports. Includes a confidential report prepared by Herbert Hoover for the President of the United States relating to the Chicago packing industries Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Folder 2 Service records Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Folder 3 Speech delivered by Alonzo E. Taylor on the problem of the high cost of living Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Statements. Includes the statements of Julius H. Barnes before the House Committee on Agriculture, and of Joseph P. Cotton, Chief of the United States Food Administration Meat Division, on the price of hogs Folder 4 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Folder 5 1917-1925 Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Statistical records General Folder 6-7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Folder 8 Breadstuffs Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Folder 9 Flour Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Folder 10 Meat Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Folder 11 Population Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Folder 12 Sugar Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Folder 13 Canada and North America Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Register of the American Relief 23001 628 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 14 France Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Folder 15 Great Britain Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Folder 16 Italy Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Folder 17 United States Note Available on microfilm reel 856

Subject file American Relief Administration Folder 18 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 857

Folder 19 Financial record Note Available on microfilm reel 857

Memoranda Folder 20 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 857

Folder 21 1919-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 857

Folder 22 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 857

Folder 23 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 857

Telegrams. Includes both incoming and outgoing 1919 Folder 24 March-April Note Available on microfilm reel 857

Folder 25 May Note Available on microfilm reel 857

Register of the American Relief 23001 629 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 26 June-December Note Available on microfilm reel 857

Folder 27 1920-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 857

European Children's Fund Folder 28-29 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 857

Folder 30 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 857

Folder 31 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 857

Box 749. United States. War Trade Board Folder 1 Agreement with Norway Note Available on microfilm reel 857

Folder 2 Circular to all American missions and consulates in various countries Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 3 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 4 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 5 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 6 Resolution Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 7 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 858

United States. War Department

Register of the American Relief 23001 630 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 8 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 9 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 858

United States Grain Corporation Folder 10 Agreements with dealers, elevators, and brokers, and wheat flour millers Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 11 Announcements of plans for cereal products and flour purchases Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 12 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 13 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 14 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 15 Organizational records Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 16 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 17 Speech given by E. C. Johnson (extract) Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 18 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 19 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 858

United States Sugar Equalization Board

Register of the American Relief 23001 631 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 20 Address of George A. Zabriskie, President of the U. S. Sugar Equalization Board Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 21 Agreements between the United States Sugar Equalization Board and Herbert Hoover. Also includes an agreement with Cuba and with agents of Cuban producers relating to Cuban sugar Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 22 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 23 By-laws Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 24 Certificate of incorporation Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 25 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Correspondence Folder 26 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 27 1918 Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 28 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 858

Folder 29 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 859

Folder 30 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 859

Box 750., Folder 1 1923-1927 Note Available on microfilm reel 859

Register of the American Relief 23001 632 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 2 Executive order Note Available on microfilm reel 859

Financial records. Includes balance sheet, memoranda, reports, schedule, and statements of receipts and payments Folder 3 1917-1918 Note Available on microfilm reel 859

Folder 4 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 859

Folder 5 1920-1926 Note Available on microfilm reel 859

Memoranda Folder 6 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 859

Folder 7 1918-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 859

Minutes of meetings Folder 8 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 859

Folder 9 1919-1926 Note Available on microfilm reel 859

Folder 10 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 859

Folder 11-12 Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 859

Folder 13 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Telegrams Folder 14 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Register of the American Relief 23001 633 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 15 1917 Note Available on microfilm reel 860

1918 Folder 16 January-November Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 17 December Note Available on microfilm reel 860

1919 Folder 18 January Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 19 February Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Box 751., Folder 1 March Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 2 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 3 July-December Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 4 1920-1926 Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 5 Telephone messages Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Armenia Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 7 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 860


Register of the American Relief 23001 634 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 8 Article by Thomas H. Dickinson Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 9 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 10 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 11 Baltic States. Instructions regarding accounting and handling of ships assigned to the mission proceeding to the Baltic States Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Belgium Folder 12 Agreement with the United States relating to the purchase by the Belgian government of materials and supplies to be disposed of by the United States Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Correspondence Folder 13 Blackett, Basil P. Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 14 Commission for Relief in Belgium Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 15 Poland, W. B. Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 16 Rickard, Edgar Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 17 United States. Department of the Treasury Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 18 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 19 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Register of the American Relief 23001 635 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 20 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 860

Folder 21 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 22 Bulgaria. Agreement with the United States Grain Corporation regarding the delivery of food and the terms of payment Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Czechoslovakia General Correspondence Folder 23 Elizabeth McCormick Memorial Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 24 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 25 Masaryk, T. P. Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 26 United States. Department of the Treasury Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 27 United States. War Trade Board Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 28 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Telegrams Folder 29 General, 1918-1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 30 American Relief Administration Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 31 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Register of the American Relief 23001 636 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Anderson, Clayton & Fleming Folder 32 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 33 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 34 Deliveries of food Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 35 Danzig. Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 36 Denmark. Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 37 Estonia Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Finland Folder 38 General. Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 861

American Relief Administration Folder 39 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 40 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 861

France General Folder 41 Article by Thomas H. Dickinson Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Correspondence Folder 42 General Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 43 Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920). Supreme Economic Council Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Register of the American Relief 23001 637 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 44 Flesh, Edward M. Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 45 Ryan, T. R. Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 46 Save the Children Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 47 Swift, John W. Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 48 Whitmarsh, Theodore Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 49 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 50 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Box 752. American Relief Administration Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 2 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 3 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 4 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 5 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Germany General

Register of the American Relief 23001 638 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 6 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Correspondence Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 8 United States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 9 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 10 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 861

American Relief Administration Folder 11 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 12 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 13 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Greece Correspondence Folder 14 Calder, W. H. Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 15 Copic Service Co., Inc. Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 16 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 17 Hungary. Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Register of the American Relief 23001 639 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 18 Italy. Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Luxemburg Correspondence Folder 19 Editors and Readers of the Press of all Nations Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 20 Luxemburg Press Bureau Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 21 Memoranda. Includes a memorandum to Herbert Hoover Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Near East. Telegrams Folder 22 General Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 23 United States. War Trade Board Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 24 Netherlands. Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Norway Folder 25 Agreement between Edgar Rickard of the United States Food Administration and John Baumann of the Norwegian Commission regarding delivery of food Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 26 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Telegrams Folder 27 General Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 28 American Relief Administration Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 29 United States. War Trade Board Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Register of the American Relief 23001 640 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Poland Folder 30 General Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Correspondence Folder 31 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 32 United States. War Trade Board Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 33 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 34 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Folder 35 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 861

Romania General Correspondence Folder 36-37 General. Includes a letter from the Queen of Romania and letters of gratitude Note Available on microfilm reels 861 and 862

Folder 38 Rathbone, Albert Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 39 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 40 Remarks by Lyle S. Powell on the situation in Jasi district Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 41 Reports. Includes reports by William Goode, Alonzo E. Taylor, and W. H. S. Woodroffe Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Register of the American Relief 23001 641 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 42 Statements by the Mayor of Ploesti and by the Prefect of Prahova Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 43 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 862

American Commission to Negotiate Peace Folder 44 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 45 Resolutions Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 46 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 862

American Relief Administration Folder 47 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 48 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 49 Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Box 753., Folder 1 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Russia Folder 2 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 3 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 4 Switzerland. Telegram Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Register of the American Relief 23001 642 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. FOOD ADMINISTRATION, 1917-1940

Folder 5 Trieste. Telegram Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 6 Turkey. Telegram Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Yugoslavia Correspondence, 1920 Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 8 American Relief Administration Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 9 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 10 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 11 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 12 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Box No. 754-755. UNITED STATES. ARMY. SIGNAL CORPS, 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reels 862-864 Scope and Content Note Bulletins, charts and maps, communications file, correspondence, financial records, forms, lists, memoranda, notes, organizational records, personnel records, printed matter, receipts, reports, schedule, statements, and telegrams relating to the coordination and improvement of telephone and telegraphic communications between various missions of the ARA under the auspices of the United States Army Signal Corps, arranged alphabetically by country or city and therein by physical form

Box 754. General Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 2 Bulletins Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Register of the American Relief 23001 643 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. ARMY. SIGNAL CORPS, 1919-1920

Folder 3 Charts and maps Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 4 Communications file Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Correspondence General Folder 5 General Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 6 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 7 1919 March-August Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 8 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 9 United States. Food Administration Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 10 United States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 11 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 12 Forms Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 13 Lists of gasoline and oil stations, telephone and telegraphic equipment Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Memoranda Folder 14-15 General Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Register of the American Relief 23001 644 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. ARMY. SIGNAL CORPS, 1919-1920

Folder 16 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 862

Folder 17 1919 February-August Note Available on microfilm reel 863

Folder 18 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 863

Folder 19 Organizational records Note Available on microfilm reel 863

Folder 20 Personnel records Note Available on microfilm reel 863

Folder 21 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 863

Folder 22 Receipts Note Available on microfilm reel 863

Reports Folder 23 General Note Available on microfilm reel 863

Press reports Folder 24 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 863

Folder 25 1920 January-September Note Available on microfilm reel 863

Folder 26 Schedule of despatchers Note Available on microfilm reel 863

Telegrams Folder 27 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 863


Register of the American Relief 23001 645 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES. ARMY. SIGNAL CORPS, 1919-1920

Folder 28 February-May Note Available on microfilm reels 863 or 864

Box 755., Folder 1 June Note Available on microfilm reel 864

Folder 2 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 864

Folder 3 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 864

Folder 4 France. Contract between France and the United States Note Available on microfilm reel 864

Folder 5 Italy. General settlement between Italy and the United States Note Available on microfilm reel 864

Box No. 756. UNITED STATES. WAR TRADE BOARD, 1918-1919. Note Available on microfilm reel 864 Scope and Content Note Incoming and outgoing cables relating to relief operations and methods of payment, and resumption of trade, arranged chronologically

Box 756. Cables. Note Available on microfilm reel 864

Box No. 757-761. UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION, 1918-1928 Note Available on microfilm reel 865-870 Scope and Content Note Addresses, articles, bulletins, clippings, contracts and leases, correspondence, financial records, lists, memoranda, printed matter, press releases, receipts, reports, statements, telegrams, and telephone messages relating to the buying and shipping of all relief supplies distributed by the ARA with the co-operation of the United States Grain Corporation, arranged alphabetically by country or city and therein by physical form

Box 757. General Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 865

Folder 2 Address given by Julius H. Barnes Note Available on microfilm reel 865

Register of the American Relief 23001 646 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION, 1918-1928

Folder 3 Article by Robert A. Taft Note Available on microfilm reel 865

Folder 4 Bulletin Note Available on microfilm reel 865

Folder 5 Clippings Note Available on microfilm reel 865

Folder 6 Contracts and leases Note Available on microfilm reel 865

Correspondence General Folder 7-8 General Note Available on microfilm reel 865

Folder 9 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 865

Folder 10 1918-1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 865

Folder 11 1920-1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 865

Folder 12 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 865

Folder 13 American Relief Warehouses Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 14 Batchelder and Snyder Company Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 15 Danish Pride Milk Products Company Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Register of the American Relief 23001 647 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION, 1918-1928

Folder 16 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 17 Federal Reserve Bank of New York Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 18 Federal Trade Commission of Washington Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 19 Francis Lang Company Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 19 Francis Lang Company Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 20 Greer, F. J. Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 21 Marsh and McLennan Insurance Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 22 Moore, Edward C. Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 23 Murris and Company Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 24 P. N. Gray and Company, Inc. Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 25 Pacat Steamship Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 26 Postal Telegraph-Cable Company Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 27 Schwarzchild, H. M. Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Register of the American Relief 23001 648 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION, 1918-1928

Folder 28 Sinsheimer and Company Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 29 Slawson and Hobbes Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 30 United States. Food Administration Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 31 Wilson and Company Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 32 Young Men's Christian Associations Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 33 Yukon Mill and Grain Company Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Box 758., Financial records Folder 1-4 Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 5 Lists of addresses and Liberty bonds Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Memoranda Folder 6 1917-1918 Note Available on microfilm reel 866

Folder 7 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 867

Folder 8 1920-1928 Note Available on microfilm reel 867

Folder 9-11 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 867

Box 759., Folder 1 Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 868

Register of the American Relief 23001 649 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION, 1918-1928

Folder 2 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 868

Folder 3 Receipts Note Available on microfilm reel 868

Reports Folder 4 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 868

Folder 5 1920-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 868

Folder 6 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 868

Telegrams Folder 7 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 868

Folder 8 1918-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 9 Miscellany relating to purchases and shipments of food Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Box 760. Armenia Correspondence General Folder 1-2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 3 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 4 American New Church Sunday School Association Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 5 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Register of the American Relief 23001 650 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION, 1918-1928

Folder 6 Near East Relief Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 7 P. N. Gray and Company, Inc. Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 8 Wheat Export Company, Inc. Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 9 Wilson, Woodrow Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 10 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Memoranda Folder 11 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 12 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 13 Notes Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 14 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Austria Correspondence General Folder 15 General Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 16 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 17 Barnes, Julius H. Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Register of the American Relief 23001 651 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION, 1918-1928

Folder 18 United States. Food Administration Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 19 United States. Shipping Board Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 20 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 21 Telephone messages Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 22 Belgium. Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Bulgaria Folder 23 Agreement between the government of Bulgaria and the United States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Correspondence General Folder 24 General Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 25 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 26 European's Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Memoranda Folder 27 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 28 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 29 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Register of the American Relief 23001 652 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION, 1918-1928

Czechoslovakia Folder 30 Financial records Folder 31 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Danzig Folder 32 Correspondence - European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 33 Telegram Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 34 Finland. Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 869

France Folder 35 General Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Correspondence General Folder 36-37 General Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 38 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 39 American Commission to Negotiate Peace Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 40 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 41 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 42 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 43 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Register of the American Relief 23001 653 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION, 1918-1928

Germany Correspondence General Folder 44-45 General Note Available on microfilm reel 869

Folder 46 Undated Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 47 1920-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 48 American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 49 Central Committee for the Relief of Distress in Germany and Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 50 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 51 Federal Reserve Bank of New York Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 52 United States. Food Administration Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 53 Wilson and Company Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 54 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 55 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 56 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Register of the American Relief 23001 654 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION, 1918-1928

Folder 57 Telephone messages Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Hungary Correspondence Folder 58-59 General Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 60 American Relief Committee for Hungarian Sufferers Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 61 Hoover Committee for Hungarian Relief Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 62 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Near East Correspondence General Folder 63-64 General Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 65 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 66 Near East Relief Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 67 P. N. Gray and Company, Inc. Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 68 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 69 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 70 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Register of the American Relief 23001 655 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION, 1918-1928

Netherlands Folder 71 Agreement between the government of Netherlands and the United States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 72 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Box 761. Poland Correspondence Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 2 Near East Relief Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Financial records Folder 3 Invoices Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Promissory notes Folder 4 General Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 5 Ships Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 6 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 7 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 8 Romania. Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Russia Folder 9 Agreement between the government of South Russia and A. G. Strattan, agent for the United States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 870


Register of the American Relief 23001 656 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION, 1918-1928

Folder 10 General Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 11 1919-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 12 Financial records Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Transcaucasia Correspondence Folder 13 General Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 14 Near East Relief Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 15 Telegram Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Trieste Folder 16 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 17 Telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 18 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Box No. 762-833. MISCELLANY, 1917-1937 Note Available on microfilm reel 870-947 Scope and Content Note Documents and records collected from various ARA offices and missions relating to relief efforts in Europe, arranged alphabetically by physical form

Box 762. Accounting records General Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Register of the American Relief 23001 657 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 2 "Eurelcon" sale statements. Includes some correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Journal entries and supporting details 1923 Folder 3 January Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 4 February Note Available on microfilm reel 870

Folder 5 March Note Available on microfilm reel 871

Folder 6 April Note Available on microfilm reel 871

Folder 7 May Note Available on microfilm reel 871

Box 763., Folder 1 June Note Available on microfilm reel 871

Folder 2 July Note Available on microfilm reels 871 or 872

Folder 3 August Note Available on microfilm reel 872

Folder 4 September Note Available on microfilm reel 872

Folder 5 October Note Available on microfilm reel 872

Folder 6 November Note Available on microfilm reel 872

Folder 7 December Note Available on microfilm reel 872

Register of the American Relief 23001 658 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

1924 Folder 8 March Note Available on microfilm reel 872

Folder 9 April Note Available on microfilm reel 872

Box 764., Folder 1 May Note Available on microfilm reel 872

Folder 2 June Note Available on microfilm reel 872

Folder 3 July Note Available on microfilm reel 872

Folder 4 October Note Available on microfilm reel 872

Folder 5 November Note Available on microfilm reel 872

Folder 6 1925 December Note Available on microfilm reel 872

Reports of audited accounts and supporting statistical tables General Folder 7 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 872

Folder 8 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 872

Folder 9 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 872

European Relief Council. Includes statement of contributions by states and auditor's preliminary report on accounts Folder 10 1921 May (interim report) Note Available on microfilm reel 872

Register of the American Relief 23001 659 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 11 1922 May (final report) Note Available on microfilm reel 873

Folder 12 Executive Committee. Annual report and minutes of meeting of trustees and members, 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 873

Statements of accounts. Includes statements of payments, accounts receivable, credits, and outstanding balances Folder 13 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 873

Folder 14 American Relief Warehouses Note Available on microfilm reel 873

Folder 15 American Mennonite Relief Note Available on microfilm reel 873

Folder 16 Baptist Relief Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 873

Folder 17 E. T. Colton. Signed statements of expense and student accounts. Includes working papers and sundry correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 873

Folder 18 European Technical Advisers. Austrian expert's account of thirty-four months operation Note Available on microfilm reel 873

Folder 19 National Catholic Welfare Apostolic Delegation Note Available on microfilm reel 873

Box 765., Folder 1 National Lutheran Council of America Note Available on microfilm reel 873

Folder 2-5 W. K. Webster and Company. Statements and analysis of survey fees, claims, outstanding balances, and other accounting matters. Includes letters and correspondence requesting payments Note Available on microfilm reel 874

Register of the American Relief 23001 660 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 6 New York Office. Report on examination of accounts Note Available on microfilm reel 874

Folder 7 Poland Office. Exchange remittance account of the government of Poland and audited statement of final closure, 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 874

United States Grain Corporation Folder 8 Abstract of billings made or to be made against the $100,000,000 fund Note Available on microfilm reel 874

Accounts with Folder 9 Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 874

Folder 10 Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 874

Folder 11 Germany (London Office) Note Available on microfilm reel 874

Folder 12 Hungary (London Office) Note Available on microfilm reel 874

Folder 13 Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 874

Folder 14 United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation. Statement of actual operating costs Note Available on microfilm reel 874

Folder 15 Balance sheet as per the books of July 31, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 874

Folder 16 Congressional fund and appropriations material. Includes some statements on commodities contracted form to date against Congressional Fund, statistics on purchases, and other accounting matter Note Available on microfilm reel 874

Register of the American Relief 23001 661 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 17 Distribution statement of billings made against the $100,000,000 fund for commodities delivered in European relief Note Available on microfilm reel 874

Folder 18 Fiscal report and audit, 1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 874

Folder 19 Statement of estimated net contingent reserve on sales as recorded on books July 31, 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 874

Box 766. Bulletins Folder 1 General correspondence regarding distribution and publication of the ARA bulletin Note Available on microfilm reel 875

American Relief Administration Bulletin, also called A.R.A. Bulletin Folder 2 Preliminary subject index, 1920-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 875

Folder 3 Special personnel bulletin, 1919 March and May Note Available on microfilm reel 875

Statistics. These special issues contain alphabetical lists of the personnel in the Paris Office and various European missions, and a compilation of monthly reports on port operations such as ship arrivals, deliveries, and stocks, 1919 Folder 4 May Note Available on microfilm reel 875

Folder 5 July Note Available on microfilm reel 875

Folder 6 August Note Available on microfilm reel 875

Folder 7 Weekly summary of political information, Nos. 1-14, 1919 March 12 -July 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 875

The New York News Letter of the A.R.A. Folder 8 1921 December-1922 March, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-14 Note Available on microfilm reel 875


Register of the American Relief 23001 662 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 9 April-May, Vol. 1, Nos. 15-25 Note Available on microfilm reel 875

Folder 10 June-August, Vol. 1, Nos 26-37 Note Available on microfilm reel 875

Box 767. Cables General Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 876

Paris to New York Folder 2 No. 1-248 Note Available on microfilm reel 876

Folder 3 No. 771-999 Note Available on microfilm reel 876

Washington to Paris General Folder 4 No. 1-200 Note Available on microfilm reel 876

Folder 5 No. 201-450 Note Available on microfilm reel 876

Folder 6 No. 451-549 Note Available on microfilm reel 876

Box 768. Duplicates Folder 1 No. 1-180 Note Available on microfilm reel 877

Folder 2 No. 181-360 Note Available on microfilm reel 877

Folder 3 No. 361-699 Note Available on microfilm reel 877

Folder 4 No. 700-993 Note Available on microfilm reel 877A

Register of the American Relief 23001 663 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Codes "Cherry" - London to New York Folder 5 No. 1-699 Note Available on microfilm reel 877A

Box 769., Folder 1 No. 1-699 Note Available on microfilm reel 878

Folder 2 No. 700-779 Note Available on microfilm reel 878

Folder 3 "Exchange" - New York to Paris, no. 1-202 Note Available on microfilm reel 878

Folder 4 "Fruit" - New York to Paris, no. 1-323 Note Available on microfilm reel 878

Chairman file. Materials relating to Herbert Hoover Folder 5 Addresses before the Supreme Economic Council Note Available on microfilm reel 878

Folder 6 Cables Note Available on microfilm reel 878

Folder 7 Correspondence on Russian relief Note Available on microfilm reel 878

Folder 8 Letters from various foreign high commissioners Note Available on microfilm reel 878

Folder 9 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 879

Folder 10 Writings - "The American Relief Administration America's Care of Millions of European Children Since the Armistice, First Year to August 1919" Note Available on microfilm reel 879

Box 770., Clippings of newspaper articles of the ARA relief operations and Russian political Folder 1-7 propaganda Note Available on microfilm reel 879

Register of the American Relief 23001 664 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Box 771. Correspondence General General Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 880

Folder 2 London to Riga Note Available on microfilm reel 880

Folder 3 Riga to London Note Available on microfilm reel 880

Folder 4-5 Cover letters Note Available on microfilm reels 880 and 881

Folder 6 RKO Studios Inc. Regarding disposition of ARA films Note Available on microfilm reel 881

Box 772., Folder 1 Drawings and diagrams of railroad plans Note Available on microfilm reel 881

Financial records, 1919-1937 Folder 2 General. Includes memorandum regarding financial arrangements with government, correspondence regarding year-end audit, and other miscellany materials related to financial matter Note Available on microfilm reel 881

Folder 3 Analysis of securities turned over to ARA Children's Fund, Inc. by ARA at cost plus accrued interest to December 31, 1925 exclusive Note Available on microfilm reel 881

Balance sheets and statements of operations Folder 4 1919 May, August-December Note Available on microfilm reel 881

Folder 5 1920 January-December Note Available on microfilm reel 881

Folder 6 1921 March-December Note Available on microfilm reel 881

Register of the American Relief 23001 665 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 7 1922 January-December Note Available on microfilm reel 881

Folder 8 1923 January-December Note Available on microfilm reel 881

Folder 9 1924 January-October, December Note Available on microfilm reel 882

Folder 10 1925 January, March-June, September-December Note Available on microfilm reel 882

Folder 11 1926 April-May, August-December Note Available on microfilm reel 882

Box 773., Folder 1 1927 March-June, August-October, December Note Available on microfilm reel 882

Folder 2 1928 February-May, July, October-December Note Available on microfilm reel 882

Folder 3 1929 Note Available on microfilm reel 882

Folder 4 1930 May and December Note Available on microfilm reel 882

Folder 5 1931 Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Folder 6 1932 Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Folder 7 1933 Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Folder 8 1934 Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Register of the American Relief 23001 666 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 9 1935 Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Folder 10 1936 Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Folder 11 1937 Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Insurance funds file Folder 12 Expiration registers (nos. 208 and 210) Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Folder 13 Figures of securities to be earmarked. Includes some legal documents regarding Norske Lloyd Insurance Company and correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Folder 14 Statement of receipts and expenditures from inception (1920 December 20) to 1930 May 22 inclusive, date of transfer to new trust fund Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Folder 15 Summary of receipts and disbursements and the results from operation of funds, 1919 August-1937 May Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Box 774., Fundraising campaign literature. Includes sample certificates, pamphlets, brochures, Folder 1-2 fliers, postcards, programs of events, and invitations to fundraising dinners Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Histories General General Folder 3 "American Relief Administration Mission to Finland" Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Folder 4 "The American Relief Administration in the Near East." Includes documents of the Director General of Relief in Europe, Herbert Hoover; the Chief of the American Relief Mission at Constantinople, Howard Heinz; the Chief of the American Relief Mission to Armenia and the Allied High Commissioner to Armenia, Colonel William N. Haskell; and an introduction by Thomas H. Dickinson titled "American Relief Operations in Armenia since the Signing of the Armistice" Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Register of the American Relief 23001 667 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Background information and materials Folder 5 Comparative costs of publishing ARA historical publications Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Correspondence within the administration regarding history of the ARA Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Folder 7 Golder, Frank A. Note Available on microfilm reel 883

Folder 8 Emendations to Frank M. Surface's report Note Available on microfilm reel 884

Folder 9 Letters and forms from the Department of Records and History to ARA offices requesting information and data for the compilation of ARA history Note Available on microfilm reel 884

Folder 10 Maps and graphs showing routes of delivery and distribution of relief supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 884

Folder 11 Memoranda from Thomas H. Dickinson Note Available on microfilm reel 884

Folder 12 Office file of the Historical Division Note Available on microfilm reel 884

Folder 13 Proposals for publishing ARA histories. Includes correspondence regarding policies and other administrative issues Note Available on microfilm reel 884

Folder 14 Relief policies of the ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 884

Folder 15 Requests for supporting materials for special bulletin Note Available on microfilm reel 884

Box 775. Galleys Folder 1-4 General Note Available on microfilm reels 884 and 885

Register of the American Relief 23001 668 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Box 776., General Folder 1-5 Note Available on microfilm reels 885 and 886

Box 777., General Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reel 887

Folder 4 "The American Relief Administration" Note Available on microfilm reel 887

Box 778. Mimeographs Folder 1-3 Unnumbered Note Available on microfilm reel 888

Numbered Folder 4 Book 1, nos. 1-60 Note Available on microfilm reel 888

Box 779., Book 2, nos. 61-224 Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 889

Folder 3-4 Book 3, nos. 226-379 Note Available on microfilm reel 889

Folder 5 Book 4, nos. 380-536 Note Available on microfilm reel 889

Box 780., Folder 1 Book 4, nos. 380-536 Note Available on microfilm reel 890

Folder 2 Book 5, nos. 537-679 Note Available on microfilm reel 890

Folder 3 Book 6, nos. 680-748 Note Available on microfilm reel 890

Folder 4 Book 7, nos. 749-884 Note Available on microfilm reel 890

Register of the American Relief 23001 669 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 5 Book 8, nos. 885-956 Note Available on microfilm reel 890

Box 781., Folder 1 Book 9, nos. 957-1034 Note Available on microfilm reel 891

Folder 2 Book 10, nos. 1035-1173 Note Available on microfilm reel 891

Folder 3-4 Book 11, nos. 1174-1265 Note Available on microfilm reel 891

Box 782., Folder 1 Book 12, nos. 1266-1350 Note Available on microfilm reel 891

Folder 2 Book 13, nos. 1351-1417 Note Available on microfilm reel 891

Folder 3 Book 14, nos. 1418-1466 Note Available on microfilm reel 892

Folder 4 Book 15, nos. 1467-1524 Note Available on microfilm reel 892

Box 783., Folder 1 Book 16, nos. 1525-1586 Note Available on microfilm reel 892

Folder 2 Book 17, nos. 1587-1650 Note Available on microfilm reel 892

Folder 3-4 Book 18, nos. 1651- 1794 Note Available on microfilm reel 892

Folder 5 Book 19, nos. 1795-1890 Note Available on microfilm reel 892

Box 784., Folder 1 Book 20, nos. 1891-1971 Note Available on microfilm reel 893

Register of the American Relief 23001 670 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 2-3 Book 21, nos. 1972-2068 Note Available on microfilm reel 893

Folder 4 Book 22, nos. 2069-2196 Note Available on microfilm reel 893

Folder 5 Book 23, nos. 2197-2233 Note Available on microfilm reel 893

Folder 6 Book 24, nos. 2234-2302 Note Available on microfilm reel 893

Box 785., Folder 1 Book 25, nos. 2303-2398 Note Available on microfilm reel 894

Folder 2-3 Book 26, nos. 2399-2466 Note Available on microfilm reel 894

Folder 4-5 Book 27, nos. 2467-2561 Note Available on microfilm reel 894

Folder 6 Book 28, nos. 2562-2664 Note Available on microfilm reel 894

Box 786., Folder 1 Book 28, nos. 2562-2664 Note Available on microfilm reel 894

Folder 2 Book 29, nos. 2665-2744 Note Available on microfilm reel 895

Folder 3 Book 30, nos. 2745-2766 Note Available on microfilm reel 895

Miscellaneous Folder 4 Book 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 895

Folder 5 Book 2 Note Available on microfilm reel 895

Register of the American Relief 23001 671 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Box 787., Folder 1 Book 2 Note Available on microfilm reel 895

Box 788. Bane, Suda L. "Documents of the American Relief Administration European Operations, 1918-1922." These volumes were prepared by Suda L. Bane, librarian of the ARA, under the general supervision of Harold H. Fisher, Chief of the Historical Departments of the ARA. The preliminary work in the preparation of these documents was carried on under the supervision of Thomas H. Dickinson Folder 1 Volume I Note Available on microfilm reel 895

Folder 2 Volume II Note Available on microfilm reel 896

Folder 3 Volume IV Note Available on microfilm reel 896

"Documents of the American Relief Administration Russian Operations, 1921-1923." These ten volumes were prepared by Suda L. Bane, librarian of the ARA, under the general supervision of Harold H. Fisher, Chief of the Historical Department of the ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 896

Folder 4-7 Volume I Note Available on microfilm reel 896

Box 789., Volume II Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 897

Folder 3-5 Volume III Note Available on microfilm reel 897

Folder 6 Volume IV Note Available on microfilm reel 897

Box 790., Volume IV Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reels 897 and 898

Folder 3-4 Volume V Note Available on microfilm reel 898

Register of the American Relief 23001 672 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 5 Volume VI Note Available on microfilm reel 898

Box 791., Volume VI Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 898

Folder 3-5 Volume VII Note Available on microfilm reel 899

Folder 6 Volume VIII Note Available on microfilm reel 899

Box 792., Volume VIII Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 899

Folder 3-5 Volume IX Note Available on microfilm reel 900

Folder 6 Volume X Note Available on microfilm reel 900

Box 793., Volume X Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 900

Folder 3 Brooks, Sidney - "America and Germany." Background materials and correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 901

Dickinson, Thomas H. Folder 4 General. Includes correspondence with Houghton Mifflin Company regarding the publication of Dickinson's history of the ARA Note Available on microfilm reel 901

Folder 5 "The Great Pork Battle" Note Available on microfilm reel 901

"A History of Economic Reconstruction in Europe During the Armistice" (first two volumes were compiled by Thomas H. Dickinson and the last three volumes were written by Thomas H. Dickinson) Folder 6 Book I Note Available on microfilm reel 901

Register of the American Relief 23001 673 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Box 794., Folder 1 Book II, "Fundamentals of Reconstruction" Note Available on microfilm reel 901

Folder 2 Book III, "The Liberated Territories" Note Available on microfilm reel 902

Folder 3 Book IV, "The Ex-Enemy Countries" Note Available on microfilm reel 902

Folder 4 Book V, "After the Signing of Peace" Note Available on microfilm reel 902

Folder 5 Ferriere, Susanne. "The United States in the Relief of Europe 1918-1923: Hoover's Work in Europe Since the Armistice" Note Available on microfilm reel 902

Box 795. Fisher, Harold H. "America and the New Poland" Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 902

Folder 2 Charts and maps Note Available on microfilm reel 902

Correspondence with Folder 3 Baker, George Barr Note Available on microfilm reel 902

Folder 4 Brooks, Sidney Note Available on microfilm reel 902

Folder 5 Meserole, W. H. Note Available on microfilm reel 902

Folder 6 Critics and comments Note Available on microfilm reel 902

Folder 7 Lists of names and organizations to distribute the book. Includes correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 903

Register of the American Relief 23001 674 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 8-9 Notes from universities, libraries, and other recipients acknowledging the gift of the book Note Available on microfilm reel 903

Folder 10 Personal file Note Available on microfilm reel 903

Box 796., Folder 1 Press comments Note Available on microfilm reel 903

Folder 2 Reviews Note Available on microfilm reel 903

Folder 3 Royalty agreements Note Available on microfilm reel 903

Folder 4 Sample of table of contents for proof. Includes correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 904

Folder 5 Statistical information for the book. Includes some correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 904

Folder 6 Typescripts of Chapter XIII, "Integration and Stabilization" Note Available on microfilm reel 904

Box 797. Surface, Frank M. and Raymond L. Bland, "American Food in the World War and Reconstruction Period" Folder 1 General. Includes "Hoover Overseas and War Service Organizations, 1914-1924: Address Register and Directory" and correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 904

Folder 2 Bibliography Note Available on microfilm reel 904

Folder 3 Copyright agreements Note Available on microfilm reel 904

Correspondence Folder 4 1924-1928 Note Available on microfilm reel 904

Register of the American Relief 23001 675 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 5 1929 Note Available on microfilm reel 904

Folder 6 1930 Note Available on microfilm reel 904

Folder 7 1931 Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 8 1932 Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Box 798., Folder 1 Estimate of cost for printing and producing the book Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 2 Index to text. Includes some correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 3-4 Letters of instruction regarding distribution of book. Includes lists of names and letters of acknowledgment from individuals and institutions Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 5 Press reviews and releases Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 6 Miscellaneous typescripts of title pages, prefaces, tables of content, draft of "American Relief Supplies Not Used for Army Purposes," and some correspondence to the editor of the New York Evening Post Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Letters of appreciation and thanks Folder 7 Armenia Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 8 Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 9 Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Register of the American Relief 23001 676 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 10 Estonia Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 11 Finland Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 12 France Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 13 Germany Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 14 Great Britain Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 15 Greece Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 16 Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 17 Italy Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 18 Latvia Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 19 Lithuania Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 20 Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 21 Romania Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 22 Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Register of the American Relief 23001 677 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 23 Turkey Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 24 United States Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Folder 25 Yugoslavia Note Available on microfilm reel 905

Box 799. Minutes of meetings Folder 1 General. Includes minutes of meetings of the European Relief Council, annual members' meetings, Executive Committee and Officers, trustees, and proceedings of the Berlin Conference Note Available on microfilm reel 906

Books of minutes. These are collections of minutes and other articles bound together in a binder Folder 2-3 European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 906

Box 800., New York Office Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 906

Box 801. Office file Folder 1 Certificate of incorporation. Includes some correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 906

Folder 2 Constitution and by-laws of the ARA and the European Children's Fund. Includes some memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 906

Folder 3 Daily strength reports Note Available on microfilm reel 906

Folder 4 Directory of members and their home addresses Note Available on microfilm reel 906

Folder 5 Index of meetings (not complete) Note Available on microfilm reel 906

Register of the American Relief 23001 678 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 6-7 Flesh, Edward M. Carbon copy of letters and memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 907

Folder 8 Form letters Note Available on microfilm reel 907

Folder 9 Legal briefs in the case against the United States Grain Corporation Note Available on microfilm reel 907

Folder 10 Letters of resignation Note Available on microfilm reel 907

Folder 11-12 Lists of personnel, staff, trustees, officers, members, and executive staff Note Available on microfilm reel 907

Folder 13 Memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 907

Folder 14 Roster of membership of ARA Association Note Available on microfilm reel 907

Folder 15 Photograph captions Note Available on microfilm reel 907

Box 802. Press releases Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 907

Unnumbered Folder 2 General Note Available on microfilm reel 907

Folder 3-4 Book I Note Available on microfilm reel 908

Box 803., Folder 1 Book II Note Available on microfilm reel 908

Folder 2-3 Book III Note Available on microfilm reel 908

Register of the American Relief 23001 679 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Box 804., Book IV Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 909

Folder 3-4 Book V Note Available on microfilm reel 909

Box 805. Numbered Folder 1 992-1198 Note Available on microfilm reel 910

Folder 2 1199-1300 Note Available on microfilm reel 910

Folder 3 1301-1500 Note Available on microfilm reel 910

Folder 4 1501-1600 Note Available on microfilm reel 910

Box 806., Folder 1 1601- 1700 Note Available on microfilm reel 911

Folder 2 1701-1800 Note Available on microfilm reel 911

Folder 3 1801-1900 Note Available on microfilm reel 911

Folder 4 1901-2000 Note Available on microfilm reel 911

Box 807., Folder 1 2001-2100 Note Available on microfilm reel 912

Folder 2 2101-2200 Note Available on microfilm reel 912

Folder 3 2201-2230 Note Available on microfilm reel 912

Register of the American Relief 23001 680 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 4 2304-2400 Note Available on microfilm reel 912

Box 808., Folder 1 2401-2500 Note Available on microfilm reel 913

Folder 2 2501-2650 Note Available on microfilm reel 913

Folder 3 2651-2770 Note Available on microfilm reel 913

Folder 4 2771-2806 Note Available on microfilm reel 913

Printed matter related to ARA relief operations General Folder 5-7 General. Includes an inventory of publications Note Available on microfilm reel 913

Box 809., Austria Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 914

Folder 3 Germany Note Available on microfilm reel 914

Folder 4 Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 914

Folder 5-6 Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 914

Folder 7 Bulletin of the Save the Children Fund International Union Note Available on microfilm reel 914

Folder 8-9 The Literary Digest, 1920 October 30-1921 February 12 Note Available on microfilm reels 914 and 915

Register of the American Relief 23001 681 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Box 810., The Literary Digest, 1920 October 30-1921 February 12 Folder 1-3 Note Available on microfilm reel 915

Folder 4-5 Mitteilungen des Generalkommissariates der Amerikanischen Kinderhilfsaktion. Also known as Mitteilungen der American Relief Administration Note Available on microfilm reel 916

Publicity Folder 6 General Note Available on microfilm reel 917

Folder 7 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 917

Folder 8 Correspondence between Marietta Fuller and E. R. Goodwin Note Available on microfilm reel 917

Box 811. Reports Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 917

American Relief Administration European Children's Fund: Germany Folder 2 1919-1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 917

Folder 3 1921-1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 917

Folder 4 1922 Note Available on microfilm reel 917

Folder 5 1923 Note Available on microfilm reel 918

Folder 6 "A Sketch of the Child-Feeding Operations of the A.R.A. Mission to Czecho-slovakia, 1919-1921" Note Available on microfilm reel 918

Folder 7 "Complete Report of Operations American Relief Administration European Children's Fund, March 1919 -June 30, 1922" prepared by Sidney Brooks Note Available on microfilm reel 918

Register of the American Relief 23001 682 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 8 "Food Allocation Plan, 1922 May" Note Available on microfilm reel 918

Folder 9 "American Relief Administration: Petrograd, September 1921 to December 1922" Note Available on microfilm reel 918

Box 812., Folder 1 Requisitions for America Relief Warehouses and European Children's Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 918

Folder 2 Samples of food remittance literature sent by Edgar Rickard to E. G. Burland Note Available on microfilm reel 918

Shipping records Cables (arranged alphabetically by name of ship) General Folder 3-6 General Note Available on microfilm reels 918 and 919

Box 813., Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 919

Folder 2 American Relief Warehouses Note Available on microfilm reel 920

Folder 3 A Note Available on microfilm reel 920

Folder 4 B Note Available on microfilm reel 920

Folder 5 C Note Available on microfilm reel 920

Folder 6 D Note Available on microfilm reel 920

Folder 7 E Note Available on microfilm reel 920

Register of the American Relief 23001 683 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 8 F Note Available on microfilm reel 920

Box 814., Folder 1 G Note Available on microfilm reel 921

Folder 2 H Note Available on microfilm reel 921

Folder 3 I Note Available on microfilm reel 921

Folder 4 J Note Available on microfilm reel 921

Folder 5 K Note Available on microfilm reel 921

Folder 6 L Note Available on microfilm reel 921

Folder 7 M Note Available on microfilm reel 922

Box 815., Folder 1 M Note Available on microfilm reel 922

Folder 2 N Note Available on microfilm reel 922

Folder 3 O Note Available on microfilm reel 922

Folder 4 P Note Available on microfilm reel 922

Folder 5 R Note Available on microfilm reel 923

Register of the American Relief 23001 684 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 6 S Note Available on microfilm reel 923

Folder 7 T Note Available on microfilm reel 923

Folder 8 U Note Available on microfilm reel 923

Folder 9 V Note Available on microfilm reel 923

Box 816., W Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reels 923 and 924

Folder 3 Y Note Available on microfilm reel 924

Folder 4 Z Note Available on microfilm reel 924

Claims, 1921-1923 (arranged alphabetically by name of ship) Folder 5 A-H Note Available on microfilm reel 924

Folder 6 J-P Note Available on microfilm reel 924

Folder 7 Q-W Note Available on microfilm reel 924

Box 817. Subject file ARA Association Folder 1 Lists of names of members Note Available on microfilm reel 925

Folder 2 Seating charts of 23rd and 24th annual reunion and dinner Note Available on microfilm reel 925

Register of the American Relief 23001 685 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 3 Allied and Associated Powers. Supreme Economic Council Note Available on microfilm reel 925

Folder 4 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee - Report, 1914 October-1926 December 31 Note Available on microfilm reel 925

Folder 5 American National Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 925

Folder 6 American Friends Service Committee. Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 925

Folder 7 Austria - "Report on the $125,000 Gift from the Commonwealth Fund for the Austrian Intelligentsia, 1922" Note Available on microfilm reel 925

Folder 8 Baltic States. Includes some shipping statistics Note Available on microfilm reel 925

Folder 9 Cleveland Trust Company Note Available on microfilm reel 925

Folder 10 Commission for Relief in Belgium. Includes accounting records, statements of transactions, payments, account analyses, and some correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 925

Folder 11 Communication and telegraphic service Note Available on microfilm reel 925

Folder 12 "Conference des Preliminaires de Paix" Note Available on microfilm reel 926

Folder 13 Congres International Des Oeuvres De Secours Aux Enfants Des Pays Eprouves Par La Guerre, IIme. Printed matter Note Available on microfilm reel 926

Folder 14 Constructive Relief Conference United Jewish Campaign and American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. Report Note Available on microfilm reel 926

Register of the American Relief 23001 686 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 15 Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 926

Box 818., Folder 1 Danzig. "A Summary Report of the Danzig Port Mission in A.R.A. European Children's Fund, 1919-1922" Note Available on microfilm reel 926

Estonia Folder 2 Data on kitchen inspection Note Available on microfilm reel 926

Folder 3 Official documents. Includes correspondence, maps, and statistical materials concerning railways, post, telegraphs, telephone, and railways for the years 1919-1920 Note Available on microfilm reel 926

Folder 4 Statistics of the Estonian government on agriculture, foodstuffs, tonnage of vessels, factory productions, and various trades and industries. Includes some reports on oil shale distillery, whole sales, and timber trade Note Available on microfilm reel 926

European Children's Fund General Folder 5-6 General Note Available on microfilm reels 926 and 927

Correspondence Folder 7 General Note Available on microfilm reel 927

Folder 8 Donations from the American farmers Note Available on microfilm reel 927

Folder 9 Paderewski, I. J. Note Available on microfilm reel 927

Folder 10 Publicity materials Note Available on microfilm reel 927

Folder 11 Supplies. Includes some invoices Note Available on microfilm reel 927

Register of the American Relief 23001 687 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 12 Lists of name and address of officers who served on the General Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 927

Minutes of meeting Folder 13 General Note Available on microfilm reel 927

Folder 14 Control Committee Note Available on microfilm reel 927

Folder 15 Statistics of child feeding Note Available on microfilm reel 927

Folder 16 Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 927

Box 819. European Relief Council Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 927

Folder 2 Lists of names of state officers of the national collection Note Available on microfilm reel 927

Folder 3 European Technical Advisers Mission. Reports Note Available on microfilm reel 928

Folder 4 Flour - Acme Milling Company. Includes contract of purchase and some correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 928

Germany Folder 5-7 Agreements. Includes government letters Note Available on microfilm reel 928

Folder 8 Correspondence of the Deutscher Zentralausschuss fur die Auslandshilfe E.V. and the Hamburgischer Landesverein vom Roten Kreuz Note Available on microfilm reel 928

Folder 9 Miscellany German-language materials. Includes some news clippings, samples of blank forms, and some fundraising literature Note Available on microfilm reel 928

Register of the American Relief 23001 688 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Hungary Folder 10 General Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Box 820., Folder 1 Letters from the children of Budapest thanking the American Santa Claus ("Savior") for gifts Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Folder 2 Irving National Bank Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Latvia Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Folder 4 Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Folder 5 Legal documents regarding the Frey case and various other lawsuits Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Folder 6 League of Red Cross Societies. The World's Health Monthly Review, Volume VII, no. 3, 1926 March Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Folder 7 National Committee on Wood Utilization - Statement of cash receipts and disbursements from 1931 September 12-1932 December 31 Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Box 821. Near East Emergency Fund Folder 1 Cables and telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Folder 2 Correspondence - American National Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Folder 3 Minutes of meetings Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Register of the American Relief 23001 689 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 4 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Near East Relief General Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Folder 5 Correspondence of Washington Office Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Reports Folder 6 General. Includes one bound volume of The New Near East, 1921 March-December, and a reprint of the senate document No. 192, Report of Near East Relief to the Congress of the United States of America for the Year Ending December 31, 1921 Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Folder 7 Caucasus Branch. "The Provisional Organization and Distribution of Work," 1919 Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Folder 8 Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Constantinople Folder 9-10 General Note Available on microfilm reel 929

Folder 11 Arrivals in the U.S. Note Available on microfilm reel 930

Folder 12 Evacuation Note Available on microfilm reel 930

Folder 13 Ringland, Arthur C. Confidential letters Note Available on microfilm reel 930

Box 822., Folder 1 Greece Note Available on microfilm reel 930

Japan (disaster relief) General

Register of the American Relief 23001 690 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 2 Application for service Note Available on microfilm reel 930

Folder 3 Cables and telegrams Note Available on microfilm reel 930

Correspondence Folder 4 A-M Note Available on microfilm reel 930

Folder 5 N-Z Note Available on microfilm reel 930

Folder 6 Donations Note Available on microfilm reel 930

Folder 7 Histories Note Available on microfilm reel 930

Folder 8 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 931

Folder 9 Brown, Gordon Note Available on microfilm reel 931

Folder 10 Economic consequences of reconstruction Note Available on microfilm reel 931

Folder 11 Government appropriation urged Note Available on microfilm reel 931

Box 823., Folder 1 Minsk. Letters and correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 931

Folder 2 Miscellaneous Note Available on microfilm reel 931

Folder 3 Paris Office. Correspondence Note Available on microfilm reel 931

Register of the American Relief 23001 691 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 4 Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 932

Pomogol Committee Reports. Collection of articles and reports, 1922 Folder 5 Volume I Note Available on microfilm reel 932

Folder 6 Volume II Note Available on microfilm reel 933

Box 824., Folder 1 Sailing of ships and personnel Note Available on microfilm reel 933

Folder 2 Sales Note Available on microfilm reel 933

Folder 3 Salonica Note Available on microfilm reel 933

Folder 4 Sanne, J. L. Note Available on microfilm reel 933

Folder 5 Save the Children Fund Note Available on microfilm reel 933

Folder 6 Scattered goods Note Available on microfilm reel 933

Folder 7 Schwartz, Carl Note Available on microfilm reel 933

Folder 8 Shattuck, Edwin P. Note Available on microfilm reel 933

Folder 9 Sherman, Edwin Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 10 Sherman, Edwin, Mrs. Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Register of the American Relief 23001 692 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 11 Sherman, Robert T. Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 12 Shoes Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 13 Siberia Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 14 Silesia Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 15 Smith, H. M. Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 16 Smulski, John F. Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 17 Snyder, Frederic S. Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 18 Soap Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 19 Spain Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 20 Speculations Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 21 Spens, C. E. Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 22 Splint, Sarah Field Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 23 Statements Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Register of the American Relief 23001 693 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 24 Sternfeld, Emma Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 25 Stevedoring Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 26 Stockings Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 27 Stocks Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 28 Stockton, Gilchrist Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 29 Storage Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 30 Strauss, Lewis L. Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Box 825., Sugar Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 3 Supplies Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 4 Surface, Frank M. Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 5 Sweden Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 6 Swenson, Magnus Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Folder 7 Switzerland Note Available on microfilm reel 934

Register of the American Relief 23001 694 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 8 Syracuse Warchest Note Available on microfilm reel 935

Folder 9 Syria Note Available on microfilm reel 935

Folder 10 Tinned meat Note Available on microfilm reel 935

Folder 11 Travel blankets Note Available on microfilm reel 935

Folder 12 Union Internationale De Secours Aux Enfants Note Available on microfilm reel 935

Folder 13 United States. Department of Agriculture. Includes correspondence regarding grain testing Note Available on microfilm reel 935

Folder 14 United States. Food Administration. Inter-office memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 935

Folder 15 United States. War Department Note Available on microfilm reel 935

Folder 16 United States. War Trade Board Note Available on microfilm reel 935

Box 826. United States Grain Corporation General Correspondence Folder 1 General Note Available on microfilm reel 935

Folder 2 London and Rotterdam Note Available on microfilm reel 935

Folder 3 New York Note Available on microfilm reel 936

Register of the American Relief 23001 695 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 4 Portland Note Available on microfilm reel 936

Folder 5 San Francisco Note Available on microfilm reel 936

Folder 6 Plans, policies and activities Note Available on microfilm reel 936

Box 827., Folder 1 Plans, policies and activities Note Available on microfilm reel 936A

Folder 2 Press releases Note Available on microfilm reel 936A

Reports Folder 3 General Note Available on microfilm reel 937

Fiscal report on European Operations of the American Relief Administration Folder 4 1919 January-August Note Available on microfilm reel 937

Folder 5 1920 October-1922 August Note Available on microfilm reel 937

Folder 6 Milmine, Bodman and Co., Inc. Documents relating to arbitration and claims Note Available on microfilm reel 938

Box 828. Purchasing Commission for Russian Relief. Folder 1-3 General. Includes documents regarding commodities, company bidding, and public announcements of offerings Note Available on microfilm reel 938

Statement of expenditure and activities under Congressional Act Public No. 117-67th Congress (H.R. 9546) for the relief of the Distressed and Starving People of Russia Folder 4 1922 December Note Available on microfilm reel 938

Register of the American Relief 23001 696 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 5 1923 September (Supplement) Note Available on microfilm reel 939

Folder 6 United States Sugar Equalization Board Note Available on microfilm reel 939

Folder 7 Vegetable oil (Philippine Vegetable Oil Co.) Note Available on microfilm reel 939

Box 829. Washington Office Incoming correspondence 1921 Folder 1-2 March-June Note Available on microfilm reel 939

Folder 3 July-August Note Available on microfilm reel 939

Folder 4-5 September-October Note Available on microfilm reel 940

Box 830., November-December Folder 1-2 Note Available on microfilm reel 940

1922 Folder 3 January Note Available on microfilm reel 941

Folder 4 February Note Available on microfilm reel 941

Folder 5 March Note Available on microfilm reel 941

Folder 6-7 April-June Note Available on microfilm reel 942

Box 831., Folder 1 July-September Note Available on microfilm reel 942

Register of the American Relief 23001 697 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 2 October -December Note Available on microfilm reel 942

1923 Folder 3-4 January-April Note Available on microfilm reel 943

Folder 5-6 May-December Note Available on microfilm reel 943

Folder 7 1924 January-December Note Available on microfilm reel 944

Box 832. Outgoing correspondence 1921 Folder 1-2 March-August Note Available on microfilm reel 944

Folder 3-4 September-December Note Available on microfilm reels 944 and 945

1922 Folder 5 January-March Note Available on microfilm reel 945

Folder 6 April-December Note Available on microfilm reel 945

Box 833., Folder 1 1923 January-December Note Available on microfilm reel 946

Folder 2 1924 January-December Note Available on microfilm reel 946

Folder 3 1925-1926 Note Available on microfilm reel 946

Folder 4 Watson, Thomas E. (Senator) Note Available on microfilm reel 946

Register of the American Relief 23001 698 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 MISCELLANY, 1917-1937

Folder 5-7 Miscellany. Includes some correspondence, minutes of meeting, memoranda, agreements, telegrams, pamphlets, printed matter, and samples of food draft application forms Note Available on microfilm reel 947

Box No. 834-848, OVERSIZE FILE, 1909-1928 Oversize folders Note 1-7, and on shelf Available on microfilm reels 948-954 Scope and Content Note Charts, clippings, financial records, inventories, lists, maps, organizational records, petitions for food, receipts, reports, shipping records, statistical records, tables, and miscellany from various countries relating to the activities of the ARA and related organizations, arranged alphabetically by physical form and thereunder by name of office or organization or by geographical location

Box 834. Charts Note Available on microfilm reel 948

General Coal production - Czechoslovakia Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Mines Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Votes and emigres General Polish Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Germany Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Trieste Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Register of the American Relief 23001 699 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 OVERSIZE FILE, 1909-1928

Yugoslavia Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Clippings - Russia Box 835. Financial records. Includes related correspondence and memoranda Note Available on microfilm reel 948

General Note Available on microfilm reel 948

General Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Armenia Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Austria Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Danzig Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Estonia Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Germany - Hamburg Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Great Britain Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Latvia Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Near East Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Register of the American Relief 23001 700 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 OVERSIZE FILE, 1909-1928

Poland Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Russia Note Available on microfilm reel 948

Box 836. American Red Cross. Ledgers Note Available on microfilm reel 949

Box 837. Commission for Relief in Belgium Note Available on microfilm reel 949

European Children's Fund United States. Food Administration United States Grain Corporation Box 838. Floor plan - Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C. Inventories General Danzig Germany Hungary Poland Commission for Relief in Belgium European Children's Fund General Box 839. Danzig - Flour Note Available on microfilm reel 950

Germany General Bacon Beans Condensed milk Corned beef Evaporated milk Flour Lard Milk Lists General Poland Maps. Includes maps indicating coal producing areas, geographical boundaries, railways, and waterways General. Includes maps indicating ARA lines of communication Box Oversize Austria folder 1 Note Available on microfilm reel 950

Register of the American Relief 23001 701 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 OVERSIZE FILE, 1909-1928

Box Oversize Balkans folder 2 Note Available on microfilm reel 950

Baltic States General - Baltic ports Estonia Latvia Lithuania Box Oversize Belgium folder 3 Note Available on microfilm reel 950

Czechoslovakia Europe. Includes maps indicating movement of supplies, relief operations of the ARA, and new nations in Europe Box Oversize Finland - Helsingfors folder 4 Note Available on microfilm reel 950

Germany - Bremerhaven, Elbe, Hamburg, Konigsberg, and Nordenham. Includes maps indicating locations for shipping and warehouse operations Great Britain Box 840. Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 951

Lithuania Netherlands Poland. Includes maps of child feeding, population and the old, new, and provisional boundaries Box On shelf and Poland (on shelf) oversize folder 5 Romania. Map showing allottment of areas to supervising officers Box Oversize Russia. Includes maps indicating medical relief work in all districts from month to folders 6,7 month, 1921 October-1922 August Note Available on microfilm reel 951

Serbia Silesia Teschen Transcacausia Trieste Box 841. Organizational chart - Hamburg (Germany) Note Available on microfilm reel 951

Petitions for food Receipts - Hamburg (Germany) Reports General European Children's Fund Czechoslovakia

Register of the American Relief 23001 702 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 OVERSIZE FILE, 1909-1928

Box 842. Danzig Note Available on microfilm reel 952

Germany - Hamburg Hungary - Budapest. Reports to cover actual cash transactions only Box 843. Shipping records Note Available on microfilm reel 952

General General Czechoslovakia Danzig Germany - Hamburg American Red Cross Box 844. American Red Cross Note Available on microfilm reel 953

Commission for Relief in Belgium United States. Shipping Board Box 845. Statistical records Note Available on microfilm reel 953

General General Austria Germany - Hamburg Hungary Trieste Yugoslavia Child feeding General Czechoslovakia Poland Silesia Box 846. Commission for Relief in Belgium Note Available on microfilm reel 953

European Children's Fund United States. Food Administration General Poland United States Grain Corporation General Armenia Netherlands Tables Hungary Trieste Box 847. Miscellany Note Available on microfilm reel 954

Register of the American Relief 23001 703 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 OVERSIZE FILE, 1909-1928

Arrival and delivery of foodstuff General General. Includes tables France Germany Netherlands Poland Russia Serbia Commission for Relief in Belgium European Children's Fund United States. Food Administration United States Grain Corporation Box 848. Requirements for food - Hungary Note Available on microfilm reel 954

Serbian Technical Advisors - Belgrade files. Include books, maps, and tracings World War, 1914-1918 - Reparation Commission Box No. 849, On MEMORABILIA, 1921 shelf Scope and Content Note ARA children's relief banners, cardboard advertisement for sending food packages to Russia through the ARA, ARA Russian Unit canvas sack, German currency expressing thanks to the Quakers for food relief, and ARA Russian Unit signs

Box 849. Banners, "The Hoover Children's Fund," n.d. Canvas sack - ARA. Russian Unit, n.d. Cardboard advertisement for sending food packages to Russia through the ARA, n.d. German currency expressing thanks to the Quakers for food relief, 1921 Box On shelf Signs - ARA. Russian Unit, n.d. Box No. 850. ARTWORK, 1920-1922.

Box 850. Artwork, 1920-1922. Ten gouache paintings depicting scenes of farming and beginnings of famine, dead lying in the snow, slaughter of livestock, starvation and cannibalism, graves in the snow, and of new life in Russian villages with ARA aid Box No. 851-863. PHOTOGRAPHS, 1921-1924 Scope and Content Note 3066 photographs depicting various activities of the ARA and its affiliate organizations, including child feeding stations, distribution centers for food and clothing, medical aid and material related to ARA publicity. Also included are portrait prints of staff members. Photographs depict activities in Armenia, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, the Soviet Union, and Yugoslavia

Box 851., Folder A 38 prints depicting ARA personnel and associates: A.B. Barber, Walter Lyman Brown, Russell Cobb, Perrin Galpin, A.C. Goodyear, Gregoire, Haak. Haskell, Nathaniel Peter Hill, Jalander, Tracy Kitteridge, J.S. McKnight, Nansen, Garner Richardson, Edgar Rickard, Thomas A. Ryan, W.B. Ryan, E. Sherman, Newman Smith, Gilchrist, Stockton, Magnus Swenson, Robert Taft, Ivan Wahren, A.I. Ward, unidentified Folder B 36 prints depicting ARA offices and groups of personnel Folder C 19 prints depicting ARA operations in Armenia Folder D-E 50 prints depicting ARA operations in Austria Folder F-G 64 prints depicting ARA operations in Czechoslovakia. Includes 17 postcards depicting Czech recruiting posters Folder H 38 prints depicting ARA operations in Finland Folder I 30 prints depicting ARA operations in Germany Folder J 70 prints depicting ARA operations in Hungary

Register of the American Relief 23001 704 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PHOTOGRAPHS, 1921-1924

Folder K 33 prints depicting ARA operations in Latvia Box 852., Folder L 32 prints depicting ARA personnel in Poland Folder M 12 prints depicting public buildings in Poland Folder N 70 prints depicting bridges in Poland Folder O 21 prints depicting miscellaneous buildings in Poland Folder P 14 prints depicting transport operations in Poland Folder Q 5 prints depicting Polish children and 118 prints depicting refugees Folder R 15 prints depicting ARA feeding children Folder S 51 prints depicting ARA kitchens for Polish children Folder T 8 prints depicting groups of Polish children Box 853., Folder U 28 prints depicting Polish children and Grey Samaritans Folder V 13 prints depicting gifts for Polish children Folder W 9 prints depicting Jewish communities in Poland Folder X 24 prints depicting Herbert Hoover's visit to Poland and the statue erected in his honor. Includes prints depicting Hugh Gibson, Stanislaw Haller, Herbert Hoover, Ignace Jan Paderewski, Josef Pilsudski, Monsignore Achille Ratti (later Pius XI), Wincenty Wiyos, and Stanislaw Woyciechowski Folder Y-Z 110 prints depicting ARA operatiuons in Danzig Folder AA 34 miscellaneous prints depicting Poland Folder BB 4 prints depicting ARA operations in Romania Folder CC 14 prints depicting ARA shipping Folder DD 7 prints depicting ARA operations in Trieste Folder EE 43 prints depicting White Army and White Russian refugees in Gallipoli and refugee camps in Turkey Folder FF 29 prints depicting ARA operations in Yugoslavia Folder GG-HH 34 miscellaneous prints Box 854. General General Folder 1 11 prints depicting various vehicles ARA was looking to purchase Folder 2 4 prints depicting markings on crates of U.S. Army surplus Folder 3 5 prints related to publicity for food draft program Folder 4 17 miscellaneous prints Personnel file - Portrait prints of ARA personnel, arranged alphabetically by name Folder 5 A 20 Folder 6 B 100 Folder 7 C 66 Folder 8 D 29 Folder 9 E 8 Folder 10 F 36 Folder 11 G 42 Folder 12 H 74 Folder 13 I-J 24 Folder 14 K 29 Folder 15 L 37 Folder 16 M 64 Box 855., Folder 1 N 17 Folder 2 O 17 Folder 3 P 31 Folder 4 R 42 Folder 5 S 79 Folder 6 T 39 Folder 7 U-V 9 Folder 8 W 55 Folder 9 Y-Z 12 Armenia Folder 10 4 prints depicting starving children Folder 11 Album containing 37 prints depicting work of Near East Relief in Erevan Austria

Register of the American Relief 23001 705 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PHOTOGRAPHS, 1921-1924

Folder 12 20 prints depicting the Jentendorf Camp for women and children Folder 13 25 prints depicting miscellaneous homes and camps Folder 14 7 prints depicting infants and toddlers suffering from malnutrition Box 856., Folder 1 30 prints depicting boys suffering from malnutrition Folder 2 12 prints depicting girls suffering from malnutrition Folder 3 42 prints depicting children's kitchens Folder 4 13 prints depicting child feeding in palaces Folder 5 4 prints depicting child feeding outdoors Folder 6 10 prints depicting feeding in schools, Vienna Folder 7 6 prints depicting children receiving food packages Folder 8 20 miscellaneous prints depicting child feeding Folder 9-10 35 prints depicting child feeding and clothing in Vienna Folder 11 14 prints depicting clinics and hospitals Box 857., Folder 1 5 prints depicting relief for the intelligentsia provided by the Commonwealth Fund Folder 2-3 5 prints depicting student relief Folder 4 18 prints depicting food draft delivery Folder 5 6 prints depicting a May Day party Folder 6 3 prints with expressions of thanks. Includes 1 print of Senator McCormick and Austrian President Hainisch Folder 7 26 prints depicting American and Austrian staff Folder 8 6 prints depicting maps of relief stations Folder 9 1 print depicting the ARA office in Linz Folder 10 13 prints depicting warehouses Folder 11 9 miscellaneous prints of ARA operations in Vienna Folder 12 Album containing 9 prints depicting the children's festival organized for the first anniversary of American Child Feeding in Austria Folder 13 Album containing 20 prints depicting home for tubercular children in Krems Folder 14 Album containing 11 prints depicting ARA activity in the Hofburg, Vienna Box 858. Czechoslovakia Folder 1 42 postcards with expressions of gratitude addressed to Walter Brown Folder 2 12 miscellaneous prints Folder 3 Album containing 29 prints related to relief work in Nové Mesto nad Metuji Estonia Folder 4 4 prints depicting the work of Komitet Russkikh Emigrantov v Estonii Folder 5 3 prints depicting Bolshevik atrocities in Dorpat (Tartu) Finland Folder 6 5 prints depicting school feeding Folder 7 5 prints depicting Finnish military personnel Folder 8 3 prints depicting miscellaneous local scenes France Folder 9 2 prints depicting the drafting department of the ARA office in Paris Folder 10 7 miscellaneous prints Folder Georgia Folder 11 7 prints depicting child feeding in cocoa kitchens, Tblisi Germany Folder 12 18 prints depicting malnutrition and child feeding Folder 13 7 prints depicting child feeding in Leipzig Folder 14 1 print depicting a workers' soup kitchen Folder 15 2 prints depicting food draft warehouses Folder 16 6 prints depicting cases of medical supplies in Coblenz Folder 17 7 portrait prints of German participants at the Brussels Conference of 1919 Folder 18 Album containing 62 prints depicting work of ARA in Hamburg Box 859., Folder 1 Album containing 62 prints depicting work of ARA in Hamburg Hungary Folder 2 8 prints depicting Opening day and May Day festivities Folder 3 31 prints depicting the Inota Mountain Camp Folder 4 11 prints depicting malnourished children, mothers, and babies

Register of the American Relief 23001 706 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 PHOTOGRAPHS, 1921-1924

Folder 5 3 prints and 1 negative depicting school children Folder 6 18 prints depicting feeding kitchens Folder 7 8 prints depicting clinics Folder 8 10 prints depicting maps, locations, and dwellings Folder 9 12 prints depicting visits by various Hungarian dignitaries to ARA feeding stations, including by Governor Horthy Folder 10 1 print depicting Hungarian generals on ARA staff Folder 11 3 prints depicting Hungarian Bolsheviks. Includes 1 portrait print of Bela Kun Folder 12 1 postcard Box 860. Latvia Folder 1 25 miscellaneous prints related to the Baltic states Folder 2-5 10 albums containing 160 prints depicting devastation of World War I Box 861. Poland Folder 1 2 prints depicting a kitchen for the intelligentsia, Sokolow Podlaski Folder 2 2 prints depicting activities of the Rossiiskoe obshchestvo krasnago kresta (Russian Red Cross) in Poland Folder 3 Album containing 58 prints of ARA supply ships docked in Danzig. Includes 1 group print of ARA mission staff Romania Folder 4 7 prints depicting miscellaneous scenes related to malnutrition and disease Soviet Union Folder 5 2 portrait prints of Aleksandr Eiduk Folder 6 1 portrait print of Edward Rickard Folder 7 6 prints depicting a chidren's home in Eniseisk, Siberia Folder 8 5 prints depicting the unloading of supplies in Petrograd Folder 9 3 prints depicting the arrival of a food train in Moscow Folder 10 1 prints related to the "Vera" project for deaf children in Petrograd, 7 prints depicting the American School for the Deaf in West Hartford, Connecticut, and 1 print of Mrs. Earl Folder 11 28 prints depicting the May Day parade in Moscow, 1922 Folder 12 3 prints depicting Russian emigres Folder 13 54 prints depicting refugees from famine areas Folder 14 26 prints depicting refugees in Samara Folder 15 8 prints depicting medical work in the Ukraine Folder 16 7 prints of photographs taken by Nora Meade depicting scenes of the Soviet Union Folder 17 1 print depicting a hanging during the Civil War Folder 18 2 prints depicting Lenin's birthplace Box 862., Folder 1 37 prints depicting various aspects of famine, mounted and prepared for use in newspaper publicity Folder 2-3 Galley proofs and clippings of newspapers using above Box 863. Yugoslavia Folder 1 10 prints depicting child feeding stations Folder 2 3 oversize prints depicting child feeding stations Folder 3-4 33 miscellaneous prints depicting child feeding Folder 5 7 prints depicting ceremonies thanking ARA in Ragusa (Dubrovnik) and Fourth of July celebration in Trieste Miscellany - American Coal Commission Folder 6 29 prints depicting various mining operations in Poland and Czechoslovakia Folder 7 6 oversize prints depicting the Kattowitz Mining Field Box No. 864. NEGATIVES, 1921-1924. Scope and Content Note Thirty-seven negatives of prints described above

Box 864. Negatives. Box No. 864. GLASS PLATES, 1921 Scope and Content Note Nine glass plates depicting members of the ARA staff

Register of the American Relief 23001 707 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923 GLASS PLATES, 1921

Box 864. 1 plate depicting James Edwards 1 plate depicting Helen Johns Kirtland 1 plate depicting Richard McArdle 1 plate depicting Robert Rosenbluth 1 plate depicting Jacob Rosenfeld

Register of the American Relief 23001 708 Administration. European Operations Records, 1919-1923