Human Leptospirosis in the City of Vassouras, Province of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
WORLD JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Antonio et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and PharmaceuticalSJIF Sciences Impact2171 Factor 7.632 Volume 9, Issue 7, 2171-2182 Research Article ISSN 2278 – 4357 HUMAN LEPTOSPIROSIS IN THE CITY OF VASSOURAS, PROVINCE OF RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL Oswaldo Aparecido Caetano1, Carlos M. S. Dutok2, Cristiane de Souza Siqueira1, Paulo Roberto Blanco Moreira Norberg3, Antonio Neres Norberg3,4* and Margareth Maria de Carvalho Queiroz5 1Professional Master in Environmental Sciences, University of Vassouras, Vassouras, RJ, Brazil. 2Amapá Federal University, Department of Physiological Sciences - Nursing Course Campus Binacional Oiapoque. Leonardo Da Vinci University Center - Uniasselvi. Unifaveni University Center. 3São Carlos Metropolitan School, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 4Uniabeu University Center – Belford Roxo, Brazil. 5Laboratory of Medical and Forensic Entomology, Oswaldo Cruz Institute – (IOC / FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil; Professional Master in Environmental Sciences, University of Vassouras, Vassouras, RJ, Brazil; CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship, Level 1C and FAPERJ Scientist Scholarship. ABSTRACT Article Received on 19 May 2020, Leptospirosis is a widespread systemic acute infectious disease caused Revised on 09 June 2020, by serovars of the bacteria of the Genus Leptospira. The etiologic Accepted on 29 June 2020 DOI: 10.20959/wjpps20207-16659 agent of the disease is mainly transmitted through infected animals’ urine, being domestic and wild animals the reservoir. Humans are accidental hosts within the transmission chain. Some serovars of *Corresponding Author Leptospira can be harmful to humans. The objective of this research Dr. Antonio Neres Norberg Uniabeu University Center – was to estimate the incidence of infection by serovars of the Genus Belford Roxo, Brazil.
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