Sacred Latin Poetry, Chiefly Lyrical
^^:fmr/:-A^mm-i>^mm u \-«^"'- ^^v'r',. ,7,;: m^ir^ I i ^- -' P9. SACKED LATIN POETRY. : SACRED LATIN POETRY, CHIEFLY LYRICAL, SELECTED AND ARRANGED FOR USE; titlj |lofcs unb Introiradioii: RICHARD CHENEVIX TRENCH, D.D. ARCHBISHOP OP DXJELTN AXD CHANCELLOR OP THE ORDER OF ST. PATRICK. SECOND EDITION, CORRECTED AND IMPROVED. I^oubon aub Ciunlnibgc MACMILLAN AND CO. 18G4. LOXDOS PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODT: AXD CO. SEW-STEEET SQUARE — PREFACE TO THE FIEST EDITION. rrilE AIM of the present volume Is to offer to members of our English Church a collection of the best sacred Latin poetry, such as they shall be able entirely and heartily to accept and approve a collection, that is, in which they shall not be ever- more liable to be offended, and to have the current of their sympathies checked, by coming upon that, Avhich, however beautiful as poetry, out of higher respects they must reject and condemn—in which, too, they shall not fear that snares are being laid for them, to entangle them unawares in admiration for ought which is inconsistent with their faith and fealty to their own spii'itual mother. Such being the idea of the volume, it is needless to say that all hymns which in any way imply the Eomish doctrine of transubstantiation are excluded. In like manner all are excluded, which involve any creature-worship, or which speak of the Mother of our Lord in any other language than that which Scripture has sanctioned, and our Church adopted. vi PEEFACE. So too all asking of the suffrages of the saints, all addresses to the Cross calculated to encourage super- stition, that is, in which any value is attributed to the material wood, in which it is used otherwise than in the Epistles of St Paul, namely, as a figure of speech by Avhich we ever and only u.nderstand Him that hung upon it ; all these have been equally refused a place.
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