Chapter Nine Army Nuclear Weapons
9 Army Nuclear Weapons Chapter Nine Army Nuclear Weapons The Army1 uses a wide variety of nuclear weapon sys- ish, Dutch, Italian, and West German armies. LANCE tems-medium range PERSHING la and short-range replaced HONEST JOHN in all of these countries, more LANCE surface-to-surface missiles, NIKE-HERCULES than doubling the range and accuracy over the older surface-to-air missiles, 155mm and 8-inch (203mm) artil- missile, and providing greater mobility and reliability. lery, and atomic demolition munitions (nuclear land A new warhead for the LANCE, an enhanced radiation mines). The HONEST JOHN surface-to-surface rocket, version of the W70 (Mod 3) produced in 1981-1983, is although withdrawn from active U.S. use, is nuclear being stored in the U.S. and awaits shipment to armed with some NATO allies. Army nuclear weapons Europe. The HONEST JOHN short-range free-flight are deployed with U.S. combat units throughout the rocket, first deployed in 1954, remains deployed with United States, Europe, in South Korea, and among allied W31 nuclear warheads in the Greek and Turkish military forces. They vary in range from manually armies. No plans are currently known for the replace- emplaced land mines to 460 miles, and in yield from sub ment of HONEST JOHN in the above forces with the (0.01) to 400 kilotons. LANCE, but they will be obsolete in the late 1980s and The PERSHING la is the longest range and highest impossible to support. A nuclear armed LANCE yield Army nuclear weapon currently deployed. One replacement is under development, called the Corps hundred and eighty launchers, with more than 300 mis- Support Weapon System, as part of the Army-Air Force siles, all armed with W50 nuclear warheads, are Joint Tactical Missile System program to investigate deployed in West Germany with the U.S.
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