NOVEMBER 29, 1935 5 Cents the Copy Reich Is I-Lit Will Address Poles Quiet Palestine Riots In
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Temple Beth El Broad & Glenham Sts., City [he Jemish mcrulO Vol. XI, No. 12 PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1935 5 Cents the Copy Reich is I-lit Will Address Poles Quiet Palestine Riots in . Church of Local Youth After Riots Cause Loss of Lives England Pact Against Jews JERUSALEM (JTA) - A squad Municipal Council of Palestine police were this week LONDON (JT A) - Strong criti WAR SA W (JTA) - Quiet was Files Plans for s preading a dragnet over Palestine cism of the German Government's reported as fully restored in all sec in the search for a gang of Jewish anti-J ewish policy and sympathy tions of Poland today, following the Jewish Houses terrorists whose activities have re with the Jewish people of Germany new outbreak of anti-Jewish exces s ulted in the murder of a J ewish is expressed in a resolution adopted ses, in which two Jews lost t heir. TEL AVIV (JTA) - The J)olice sergeant, a clash in which by the Church Assembly of the lives. Several score were wounded l\tunicipal Council met this five .Arabs and one British police Church of England. during the riots and considerable week to fil e lodging plans for man were slain. and a riot in Ha'ifa The resolution fo llows: property was damaged. J ewish popular apartment hous that took a toll of two policemen's "The Assembly desires to express All J ewish members of the Pol es to be built beyond the Yar' li ves and many injurjes, its sympathy with the J ewish peo ish parliament, including Senators kon River. British police, bei ng used exclu ple and those of J ewis h origin in the Rabbi Schorr and Trockenheim, and The Palestine government has sively in t he search, combed J affa sufferings which are being endured Deputies Rubenstein, Sommerstein leased to the munic'ipality, the with a fine tooth comb for a factory by many of their number in Ger and Minzberg, yesterday called in a only all-Jewish city in the believed to be secretly manufactur many and trusts that Chr.istian peo body upon Minister of the Interior world, 700 dunams of land for ing arms, following the arrest of an ple in this and other countries will Ladislow Raczkiewicz and presen building the apart ments. Arab leading a donkey loaded with exert their influence to make it pla in ted him with evidence of the result The new houses are ex pected bomb parts and bullets. to the rulers of Germany that con of anti-Jewish agitation in various to aid in reducing rents, which A wild mob of thousands of Ar tinuance of their present policy will parts of the country. have risen to inordinate levels abs rioted in Haifa at the ftmeral of arouse widespread indignation and as a result of land scarcity. They demand that the life and three Arabs slain in the Gilboa prove a great obstacle to the pro clash, seriously wounding British motion of confidence and good will property of the Jewish population be given the fullest protection, also Constables Ringe and James in an between Germany and other na Rabbi Shubow attack on the police guarding the tions." pointing out to the Minister of the BI SHOP G. G. BENNETT Interior t hat anti-Semitic agitation funeral. The resolution was proposed by The mob then stormed the Central the Bishop of Chichester and sec had spread even to the country's to Lecture at For the tenth successive year the high schools. Haifa Police Station, smashing all onded by the Bishop of Southwark. the windows and wrecking three po The Archbishop of Canterbury, 0 Beth-Israel f;;;~0 ~ !W te ~~~tie c~\!~~s c~1::d Minister Promises Order lice cars. Later the mob overwhelm forced to leave the chair during the ed the police stationed at t he rail discussion of the resolution, de the local Jewish youth organizations Minister Raczkiewicz declared that Rabbi Joseph Shubow, for many will assemble at Temple Emanu-El has issued "strong instructions for way depot and broke the windows clared before he left that, lest his years literary editor of the Boston of a Jewish glass fact:ory. absence be misinterpreted, he was in on Friday evening, December 6 and securing order. I shall not tolerate 13 to discuss the vital question "Jew- any anti-Jewish excesses." The pol Jewish Advocate, and i.n recent One of the prisoners wounded in the fullest sympathy with the reso the battle between the gang and lution. ish Youth Faces the Contemporary ice today received orders for the years director .of the New England World." Bishop Bennett, Auxiliary suppression of all rioters. police at Gilboa was reported by the Among those speaking in favor Branch of the American J ewish (Continued. on Page FourJ of the resolution was Lord Hugh Bishop of the Espicopal Diocese of Rectors of the High Schools are Congress, will be the s peaker, at Cecil. The resolution was opposed by Rhode Island and one of the leaders meeting today to plan concerted of reigious thought in this country, measures against rioters and for the Temple Beth-Israel, N iagara Stre~t Carlisle Davies, an Englishman who and Atlantic A venue, this Friday acts as the German Consul at Ply will be the Opening speaker at the reopening of schools closed down 2000 Expected mouth. The assembly met under the Service on Friday evening, Decem- when the rioting broke out anew night at the annual Thanksgiving presidency of the Archbishop of be~:bbi Goldffian will present the Tuesday. service of the Congregation. York. Bishop. This service wil be followed Deaths occurred in Lwow and Po Rabbi Shubow is known as a bril atHadassah by a reception. The co-chairman of gon near Sosnoweic. Samuel Rosen liant and forceful speaker and is the reception committee are Mrs. berg, a Jewish student at the Uni- throughly acquainted with present Convention Britain Aids Samuel Michaelson and Miss Doro- :e:~!1J's ~!ce1t:er:tin d!~ a:~~~afhr~! conditions in world J ewry. His mes sage will be of tremendous impor thY Nutm~outh Forum days ago upon Jewish students. In (Special to the J ewish Herald) tance not just to the Congregation NEW YORK - More than 1000 Reich. Jews On Friday evening, December 13 Pogon, Abraham Rosenblum, 14, alone but to the entire community delegates and an equal number of t he Youth Forum will be held at died Tuesday of wounds sustained and a cordial invitation is extended observers are expected to attend the, which time five young peopl,e when a bomb was t hrown at the to the public at large to attend. 21st annual convention of Hadassah, to Emigrate will occupy the pulpit and speak synagogue. The service commences promptly the Women's Zionist .Organization of on the theme of the Con- Anti-Jewish attacks took place at 8 o'clock. Participating in the America, and the 12th annual con BERLIN (JTA) _ The British ference. The speakers are Miss Mar- in many parts of the country dur service will be Rabbi Morris Schus vention of Junior Hadassah, to be Cons ulate at Berlin last week an- jorie Denzer of Pembroke, Miss ing the rioting. Enek students in sheim of the Temple, assisted by held jointly at the Cleveland Hotel, nounced measures to facilitate the Norma Gouse of R. I. C. E., Irwin Lodz, burglarized stores in the poor Cantor J oseph Schlossberg and choir Cleveland, Ohio, from Nov. 28 to : :::!~a~i~;e:ft~!tcr:::~afi::sc!fe::~~ __(_Co _n_t;_n_ue_d_on_P_a_g_e _s_;_x)__ _q_u_a rt_e_r_, _a_tt_ac_k_;n_g~th_e_p_r_o_pr_ie_to_r_s. .....;th the participation of Mi ss Bella Dec. 1, it was ann ounced yesterday Goldenberg at the organ. at the national headquarters of Ha• (which ,equiree poBBes,;on of a mh,. dassah, 111 Fifth Avenue, New Yor,k imum of $5,000) despite the short- Kradt"tor Advocates· Rabbi Shubow will also be the lec City. turer at the fourth session of the The proposal that Hadassah enter age of foreign exchange being ex- R f B Study Group which takes place Sat per;enced by the Rekhebank. O the Youth Aliyah (immigration) The announcement states th at ayment onus urday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the movement will be the major consid German Jews who have applied for Temple. He will speak on the s ub eration by the Senior delegates. The Palestine visas as capitalists and jed "C01\11\1UNISM, FACIS!\1 and presentation of t he plan will be ''The best way to s timulate recov iliary, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Maj. J UDAI SM." This is the fourth lec have not yet obtained them because ery would be by the immediate cash Charles M. Hoffman, founder of the made by Mrs. Edward Jacobs, na the German Government has not ture in the series, "THE JEW FA tional president, who spent last payment of the bonus," declared post in 1928. CES CONTEMPORARY LIFE." H;s turned over to Palestine the neces Abraham Kraditor, National Com Cantor Schlossberg Sings summer in Palestine and studied the sary $5,000, will be given the visas wide experience and direct knowl youth immigration problem. •· mander of the J ewish War Veterans Cantor J oseph Schlossberg sang edge of affairs gained as the direc if they produce a certificate from last Sunday afternoon in an address Among the guest-speakers sched the Reichsbank testifying that they selections. tor of the American Jewish Con uled to address the convention are at the dedication of the new home Commander Kraditor warned the gress gives his address the stamp of have paid the money.